Hazmat by NFPA

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The document discusses the acknowledgements and scope of a hazardous materials awareness training course.

First responders should follow their local emergency response plan, organization's standard operating procedures, and the North American Emergency Response Guidebook.

Techniques to isolate an area include using vehicles to block roads, roping off or barricading entrances, notifying law enforcement to divert traffic, closing facility doors, and using public address systems.


“Hazardous Materials Awareness”

NFPA Objective 2-1

The preparation of this course was made possible
through the assistance, cooperation, and
dedication of many people. The Washington State
Patrol / Fire Services Bureau. Washington State
Association of Fire Chiefs and Washington State
Association of Fire Chiefs Hazardous Materials
Division to thank all of the following persons and
organizations for their roles in the development of
this course
 1998 Revisions
– Washington State Association of Fire Chiefs,
Hazardous Materials Division
 Sgt. Roy Glass, Washington State Patrol
 Edward B. Lawson, MAFB Fire Dept.
 Edward Bonollo, Union Gap Fire Dept.
 Phil Philbin, Auburn Fire Dept.
 Dave Sauerbrey, Vancouver Fire Dept
This course is designed to provide the
student with the basic skills necessary to
safely and effectively manage the initial
activities of an emergency involving the
uncontrolled release of dangerous
This class focuses on those individuals in
local jurisdictions who are most likely to
witness or discover a hazardous substance
release, and who are expected by their
employer to initiate an emergency response
sequence by notifying the proper authorities
of the release, taking no further action
 This class is best suited for:
– Emergency prehospital care personnel
– Emergency telecommunications officers
– Firefighters
– Law enforcement officers
– Private industry workers
– Public works personnel
Course Goal
 The goal of this training shall be to provide
first responders with the knowledge and
skills necessary to safely respond to and
assess the hazards involved in a chemical
emergency and to make necessary
Course Goal
 Successful completion of this training
should provide the student with the
necessary skills to objectively demonstrate
competency in the following areas:
 An understanding of the potential outcomes
associated with an emergency created when
hazardous materials are present
 The ability to recognize the presence of
hazardous materials in an emergency
 The ability to identify the hazardous
materials, if possible
 An understanding of the role of the first
responder awareness individual in the
employer’s emergency response plan including
site security and control and the North
American Emergency Response Guidebook
 The ability to realize the need for additional
resources, and to make appropriate
notifications to the communications center
Course Introduction
 Welcome

 Your Instructor(s) are…..

– Name, title, background & experience

 And you are…..

– Name, title, background & experience
– Expectations
Course Introduction
 Class Logistics
– Start & Finish times
– Class fees
– Length of class periods & breaks
– Tests
– Accreditation & certification
– Class critiques
– Rest rooms
– Meals
Safety Keypoints
 Always consider the possibility of multiple
hazard categories in each hazard class.
 Approach all hazardous materials incidents
from upwind, upgrade, and upstream,
positioning vehicles and apparatus headed
away from the incident scene.
Safety Keypoints
 In a hazardous materials incident you may
have to delay attending to the injured in
order to save the lives of many others
 First operational priority: Isolate the hazard
area and deny entry
Safety Keypoints
 Only those emergency personnel in the
proper level of compatible protective
clothing and positive pressure self-
contained breathing apparatus “who are
actively performing emergency operations”
are to operate within the inner perimeter
Safety Keypoints
 Minimum safety perimeter for citizens =
1,000 feet beyond the inner perimeter
boundaries in open areas
 To avoid inhalation hazards, self-contained
positive pressure breathing apparatus must
be properly worn, used, and maintained
Safety Keypoints
 Never eat, smoke, or drink at or around
hazardous materials incident scenes until
you decontaminate and wash your hands,
face, and hair thoroughly
 Consult protective clothing compatibility
data to ensure available protective clothing
is compatible with the hazardous materials
involved in the incident
Safety Keypoints

Think SAFETY with every

breath you take
 First Responders at the Awareness Level
are expected to:
– Recognize the presence of hazardous materials
– Protect themselves
– Call for trained personnel
– Secure the area

NFPA Objective 2-1.2

Course Goal
 The goal of this training at the Awareness
Level is to provide first responders with the
knowledge and skills necessary to perform
the following tasks safely:

NFPA Objective 2-1.3

Implement Actions
 Consistent with local emergency response
plans, the organizations standard operating
procedures, and the current edition of the
North American Emergency Response
Guidebook by completing the following

NFPA Objective 2-1.3

Implement Actions
 Initiate protective actions consistent with local
emergency response plans, the organization’s
standard operating procedures, and the NAERG.

 Initiate the notification process

NFPA Objective 2-1.3

First Responder Awareness

Awareness Overview
Hazardous Materials
 “Any substance that poses an unreasonable
risk to life, the environment, or property
when not properly contained.”
Identifying the Problem
 Increasing number of incidents.
 Increased hazardous materials legislation in
response to public concern.
 Resolution responsibility of many agencies.
 Previous emergency response training
stresses taking immediate action.
Basic Safety Guidelines
 “Proper safety precautions must be taken to
reduce risks as much as possible.”
 Reduce risk through training
 Responders must be aware of multiple hazards
 Don’t rush in!!!
 Positive attitude toward safety is an important
part of your protective equipment
NAERG Safety Guidelines
 When approaching a hazardous materials
– Approach cautiously
– Secure the scene
– Identify the hazards
– Assess the situation
– Obtain help
– Decide on site entry
Purpose of Intervention
 To favorably change the sequence of
natural events in order to minimize the
harm to the public, the environment,
property and equipment that would occur
by natural stabilization.
Risk/Benefit Analysis
 The benefit (reducing naturally occurring
harm) should exceed the risk (harm
attributed to intervention).
Risk/Benefit Analysis
 Low
– Protecting environment, property or equipment.
 Moderate
– Attempt rescue of person(s) with low
probability of survival.
 High
– Attempt rescue of person(s) with high
probability of survival.
Decision Algorithm
Wh a t a re th e o u tc o m e s
o f n a tu ra l s ta b iliz a tio n ?

Ca n I fa v o ra b ly c h a n g e th e o u tc o m e s o f Do n o th in g e x c e p t
n a tu ra l s ta b iliz a tio n b y m y in te rv e n tio n ? p ro te c t e x p o s u re s .


Do n o th in g
Do e s th e b e n e fit fro m m y in te rv e n tio n
e x c e e d th e ris k in v o lv e d ? NO e x c e p t p ro te c t
e x p o s u re s .

Fe e d ba c k
Lo o p

En g a g e in inte rv e n tio n o p e ra tio n s a s

lo n g a s th e b e n e fit e x c e e d s the ris k!
Legislative Mandates for
29 CFR 1910.120
Code of Federal Regulations

WAC 296-62-300
Washington Administrative Rule

"Hazardous Waste Operations

and Emergency Response"
OSHA Response Levels
 First Responder (Awareness level)
 First Responder (Operations level)
 Hazardous Materials Technician
 Hazardous Materials Specialist
 On-Scene Incident Commander
First Responder Awareness
 Witness or discover a release.
 Trained to initiate an emergency response
sequence by notifying the proper authorities
of the release.
 Take no further action beyond notifying the
proper authorities of the release.
First Responder Operations
 Respond to releases as part of initial response to the
 Protect nearby persons, property or the environment
from the effects of the release.
 Trained to respond in a defensive fashion without
actually trying to stop the release.
 Function is to contain the release from a safe
distance, keep it from spreading, and prevent
Hazardous Materials
 Respond to releases for the purpose of
stopping the release.
 Trained to respond in an offensive fashion
to actually try to stop the release.
 Approach the point of the release in order to
plug, patch, or otherwise stop the release.
Hazardous Materials
 Respond with and provide support to
hazardous material technicians.
 Their duties require a more directed or
specific knowledge of the various substances
they may be called upon to contain.
 Act as site liaison with Federal, state, local
and other government authorities in regards
to site activities.
On Scene Incident
 Individuals who will assume control of the
incident scene beyond the first responder
Awareness level.
 This level requires at least Operations-level
training, as well as training specific to a
hazardous materials incident commander as
outlined in the federal regulation.
NFPA 472, 1997 Edition
Standard for Professional Competence of
Responders to Hazardous Materials Incidents
Consensus standards
– Based on input from the fire service, private
industry, manufacturers and governmental agencies
– Voluntary compliance
 Unless adopted at the state of local level
 “Standard of care” issues
NFPA 472, 1997 Edition
 Competence required of responders to
hazardous materials incidents.
– First Responder Awareness
– First Responder Operations
– Hazardous Materials Technician
– Hazardous Materials Specialist
– On-Scene Incident Commander
NFPA 472, 1997 Edition
– Private Sector Employees
– Hazardous Materials Branch Officer
– Hazardous Materials Branch Safety Officer
– Technician with a Tank Car Specialty
– Technician with a Cargo Tank Specialty
– Technician with an Intermodal Tank Specialty
NFPA 473, 1997 Edition
 Applies to all organizations that have EMS
responsibilities when responding to
hazardous materials incidents.
– Level 1 HazMat/EMS
– Level 2 HazMat/EMS
Emergency Response
 Pre-emergency planning & coordination with outside parties
 Personnel roles, lines of authority, training & communication
 Emergency recognition & prevention
 Safe distances & places of refuge
 Site security & control
 Evacuation routes & procedures
 Decontamination
 Emergency medical treatment & first aid
 Emergency alerting & response procedures
 Critique of response & follow-up
 Personal protective clothing & emergency equipment
Emergency Response
 Local agencies may use the local
emergency response plan, such as a city or
county plan, in lieu of having their own
individual agency plan, as long as it
contains all of the federally required plan
Standard Operating
 Local agencies that choose to use the local
emergency response plan instead of
developing their own individual agency
plan should, as a minimum, develop the
federally mandated plan elements into
standard operating procedures.
Analyzing the Incident
Module I
 Given various facility and/or transportation
scenarios, with and without hazardous
materials present, identify those scenarios
where hazardous materials are present.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1

Analyze The Incident
 To determine both the hazardous materials
present and the basic response information
by completing the following tasks:
– Detect the presence of hazardous materials
Analyze The Incident

– Survey a hazardous materials incident, from a

safe location, to identify the name, UN/NA
identification number, or the type of placard
– Collect hazard information from the current
edition of the North American Emergency
Response Guidebook (NAERG)
Hazardous Materials
(Dangerous Goods in Canada)

 Definition: Any substance that poses an

unreasonable risk to the health and safety of
persons and/or the environment if it is not
properly controlled during handling, storage,
manufacturing, processing, packaging, use,
disposal, or transportation.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.1

Hazardous Material

 Definition: United States Department of

Transportation (DOT) term that covers all
hazard classes and divisions.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.1

Hazardous Substance
 Definition: EPA term for chemicals that, if
released into the environment above a certain
amount, must be reported, and depending on
the threat to the environment, federal
involvement handling the incident can be

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.1

Extremely Hazardous

 Definition: EPA term for chemicals that must

be reported to the appropriate authorities if
released above the threshold reporting

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.1

Toxic Chemicals

 Definition: EPA term for chemicals whose total

emissions or release must be reported annually by
owners and operators of certain facilities that
manufacture, process, or otherwise use a listed
toxic chemical.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.1

Hazardous Wastes

 Definition: EPA term for chemicals that are

regulated under the Resource,
Conservation, and Recovery Act.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.1

Hazardous Chemicals

 Definition: OSHA term that denotes any

chemical that would be a risk to employees
if exposed in the work place.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.1

Dangerous Goods

 Definition: In Canadian transportation,

hazardous materials are called dangerous

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.1

Identification Methods

 DOT Hazard Classes and Divisions with

examples, primary hazards of each class,
and their associated placards and labels.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Hazard Classes and Divisions
 DOT has classified hazardous materials
according to their primary hazard and
assigned standardized symbols to identify
the classes.
– NOTE: Materials are grouped by their major
hazardous characteristic and many will have
other hazards as well.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 1 (Explosives)
 Major Hazard: Explosion

 Any substance or article, including a

device, that is designed to function by
explosion (i.e...... an extremely rapid release
of gas and heat) or that, by chemical
reaction with itself, is able to function by
NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

 DOT has divided Class 1 hazards into 6


NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 1.1
 Mass explosion that affects
almost the entire load
– Black powder
– Dynamite
– T-N-T
– Blasting caps
– Nitroglycerin

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 1.2

 Projection hazard but

not a mass explosion
– Aerial flares
– Detonation cord
– Power device

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 1.3

 Fire hazard and either a

minor blast or minor
projection hazard
– Liquid-fueled rocket
– Propellant explosives

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 1.4

 Presents a minor
explosion hazard
– Practice ammunition
– Signal cartridges

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 1.5

 Very insensitive
explosives with mass
explosion hazard
– Prilled ammonium
nitrate fertilizer
– Blasting agents

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 1.6

 Extremely insensitive
– Does not have a mass
explosion hazard.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 2
Compressed Gases
 Major Hazard: BLEVE
 Sub Hazards
– Flammable
– Oxidizer
– Poisonous
– Corrosive
 Divided into 3 divisions
NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2
Class 2.1 Flammable Gases

 A material that is a gas at 68 degrees F or

less at 14.7 psi or has a boiling point of 68
degrees or less at 14.7 psi.
– Ignitable at 14.7 psi in a mixture of 13%
or less by volume
– Has a flammable range of at least 12%
regardless of the lower limit.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Placard (Flammable)

 Red background
 White frame FLAMMABLE

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 2.2 Nonflammable,
Nonpoisonous Gases
 Any material or mixture that exerts an
absolute pressure of 41 psia at 68 degrees F.

 Compressed gases, including liquefied gas,

pressurized cryogenic gas, and compressed
gas in solution.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Placard (Non-Flammable)

 Green background
 White cylinder GAS

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Placard (Oxygen)

 Yellow background
 Flaming “O” OXYGEN

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 2.3 Poisonous Gas

 Vaporize easily and very dangerous to life,

even in small amounts.
 Known to be so toxic to humans as to pose
a hazard to health during transportation.
 Presumed to be toxic because of laboratory

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

(Lethal Concentration, 50%)
 Concentration of a material, expressed as
parts per million which kills half of the lab
animals in a given length of time.

 Significant in determining the toxicity of a

material; the lower the value, the more toxic
the substance.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Examples of Class 2.3 Gases
 Anhydrous hydrogen fluoride
 Arsine
 Chlorine
 Methyl bromide
 Cyanide gas
 Hydrocyanic acid
 Diphosgene
– 2.4 Gases (Canadian)
NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2
Placards (Poison Gas)

 White background
 Skull & crossbones

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 3 Flammable Liquids

 Major Hazard: Burns readily

 Flammable and combustible liquids

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Flammable Liquids

 Any liquid having a flash point (FP) of not

more than 141 degrees F.
– Three divisions
 3.1 - FP < 0 degrees F
 3.2 - FP 0 to < 73 degrees F
 3.3 - FP 73 to < 141 degrees F

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Combustible Liquid
 Any liquid that does not meet the definition
of any other hazard class and has a flash
point above 141 degrees F and below 200
degrees F.
– NOTE: A flammable liquid with a flash point
at or above 100 degrees that does not meet the
definition of any other hazard class except 9,
may be reclassified as combustible.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 3 Placards

 Flammable:
– Red background, white
flame with the word
– Flame pictograph

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 3 Placards

 Combustible:
– Red background, white
flame with the word COMBUSTIBLE
– UN class number

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 4 (Flammable Solids)

 Major Hazard: Rapid combustion with a

liberation of mass quantities of smoke
– Divided into 3 divisions

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

4.1 Flammable Solids

 Three types
– Wetted explosives
– Self-reactive
materials F LAMMAB LE
– Readily combustible

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Wetted Explosives

 Explosives wetted with sufficient water,

alcohol, or a plasticizer to suppress explosive

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Self Reactive Materials

 Materials that are liable to undergo, at

normal or elevated temperatures, a strongly
exothermic decomposition.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Readily Combustible Solids

 Solids that may cause a fire through friction

and metal powders that can be ignited.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

4.2 Spontaneously
Combustible Materials

 Self-heating material - a
material that, when in
contact with air and COMBUSTIBLE
without an energy supply,
is liable to self-heat.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Pyrophoric Materials

 A liquid or solid that, even in small

quantities and without an external ignition
source, can ignite within 5 minutes after
coming in contact with air.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Dangerous When Wet
 Material that, by contact
with water is liable to
become spontaneously
flammable or to give off DANGEROUS WET
flammable or toxic gas
at a rate of greater than
1 l/kg. 4

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 5 (Oxidizers)

 2 Divisions
 Major Hazard 5.1: Supports combustion
and intensifies fire.
 Major Hazard 5.2: Unstable/reactive

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

5.1 Oxidizers

 Materials that may,

generally by yielding
oxygen, cause or enhance OXIDIZER
the combustion of other
NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2
5.2 Organic Peroxides
 Any organic compound containing oxygen in
the bivalent O-O structure that may be
considered a derivative of hydrogen peroxide,
where one or more of the hydrogen atoms have
been replaced by organic radicals.

 Organic peroxides have been further broken

down into types a-g (worst to least hazardous).
NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2
Placard Organic Peroxides

 Yellow background
 Flaming “O” with words ORGANIC
“Organic Peroxide” PEROXIDE

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2
Class 6 Poisons

 Major Hazard: Toxicity, Infectious

 2 Divisions
– NOTE: Poisonous gases are Class 2 Division 3

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

6.1 Poisonous Materials

 A material, other than a gas, that is either known

to be so toxic to humans as to afford a hazard to
health during transportation, or in the absence of
adequate data on human toxicity, is presumed to
be toxic to humans, including irritating materials
that cause irritation.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

6.1 Placard

 White background
 Skull and crossbones Poison

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

6.2 Infectious Substances

 A viable microorganism, or its toxin, that

causes disease in humans or animals.
 Infectious substance and etiologic agents
are the same.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 6 Poisons

 Class 6 materials are divided into 3

packaging groups (PG).
– PG I or II, other than PG I inhalation hazard

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 7 Radioactive
 Major Hazard:
Radioactive poisonous

 Definition: Materials
having a specific
activity greater than
0.002 microcurie per

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 8 Corrosives

 Major Hazard: burns/emulsification skin damage.

 Definition - A liquid or solid that causes visible

or irreversible alterations in human skin tissue at
the site of contact, or a liquid that has a severe
corrosion rate on steel or aluminum.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 8 Placard

 White top
 Black bottom
 Test tubes CORROSIVE
 Hand and steel bar

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 9 Miscellaneous
Hazardous Materials

 A material that presents a

hazard during transport,
but that is not included in
another hazard class

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Class 9
 Division 9.1 - Miscellaneous Dangerous
Goods (Canada)
 Division 9.2 - Environmentally Hazardous
Substances (Canada)
 Division 9.3 - Dangerous Wastes (Canada)

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Other Regulated Materials

 A material that presents a limited hazard

during transportation due to its
– Form
– Quantity
– Packaging
– No placard

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Forbidden Materials

 Materials prohibited from being offered or

accepted for transportation. Does not apply
if the materials are diluted, stabilized, or
incorporated in devices. There is no placard
for these items since they aren't transported.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

System Limitations

 Dangerous placard
 2,205 lbs or 1,000 kg. limitation
 Visibility
 Unclassified materials and exemptions

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.2

Table 1 Hazard Classes &
 1.1 Explosives 1.1
 1.2 Explosive 1.2
 1.3 Explosives 1.3
 2.3 Poison Gas
 4.3 Dangerous When Wet
 5.2 (Organic Peroxide Organic Peroxide
Type B, Liquid or solid,
temperature controlled)
 6.1 (PG inhalation hazard, Poison Inhalation Hazard
Zone A & B)
 7.0 (Radioactive, Yellow Label III) Radioactive 1
Table 2 Hazard Classes &
 1.4 Explosives 1.4
 1.5 Explosives 1.5
 1.6 Explosives 1.6
 2.1 Flammable Gas
 2.2 Non-Flammable Gas
 3.0 (flammable Liquid) Flammable Liquid
 3.0 (combustible liquid) Combustible Liquid
 4.1 Flammable Solid
 4.2 Spontaneously Combustible
 5.1 Oxidizer
Table 2 Hazard Classes &
 5.2 (other than organic peroxide, Type B) Organic Peroxide
 6.1 (PG I & II, other than, Poison
PG I inhalation hazard)
 6.1 (PG III) Keep Away From Food
 6.2 (None)
 8.0 Corrosive
 9.0 Class 9
 ORM-D (None)
Hazardous Materials Incidents
Versus Other Emergencies
 Potential for doing great harm since effects are
far reaching and severe.
 Responders must be specially trained and
 Often have long term effects to the
environment, people, and property.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.4

Typical Locations & Occupancies
Containing Hazardous Materials

 Warehouses  Laboratories
 Tank farms  Truck terminals
 Weapons depots  Flight line areas
 Hospitals  Maintenance facilities

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.5

Front of Pool Supply

Liquefied Petroleum Gas

Storage Area
NFPA Objective 2-2.1.5
Pre-Incident Planning
 People developing pre-incident plans should
seek assistance from facility
managers in identifying
hazardous materials
locations and record
them on the plan in
a way that will be useful
to the first arriving responders.
NFPA Objective 2-2.1.5

 Hazardous materials that are manufactured,

stored, processed, or used at a particular site
are NOT subject to regulations affecting
transported materials.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.5

Typical Container Shapes
That May Indicate
Hazardous Materials

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

Radioactive Container Shapes
 Protective overpacks
– Cylindrical configuration
– Boxlike configuration

 Casks
– Rigid metal packaging
– Reinforcing rings and cooling fins

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

Radioactive Container Shapes

Wooden Boxes

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

Steel Drums
Radioactive Cask

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

Pressurized Container Shapes
 Cylinders
 MC-331 tank trailer
 Pressure tank car
 Tube trailers, tube modules, high pressure
tube cars

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

Pressurized Containers
Compressed Gas

Tube Module

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

MC 331
Bolted Manway Large Hemishpere Ends

Cage Around Piping

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

Pressure Tank Car
Expansion Dome
No visible Fittings

4,000 - 45,000
100 to 600 psi

Flammable/Nonflammable Gases Poison Gases

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

High Pressure Tube Trailer

Permanently Attached Horizontal Cylinders

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

Cryogenic Containers
 Tank-within-a-tank or “Thermos bottle”
 Absence of top fittings on most containers

– MC - 338
– Cryogenic tank car

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

MC 338
Ends Normally Flat

Loading Sometimes
Loading/Unloading Located Here
Station at Rear
NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6
Cryogenic Liquid Tank Car
Low Pressure Liquids
(25 psig or lower)

Refrigerated to -155 degrees and below

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6
Corrosive Containers

 Carboys
– Glass or plastic bottles
– Encased in a protective box
 MC - 312
– Long thin tank with stiffener rings
– Working platform on top

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

Corrosive Containers

Carboy in Wooden Box

Carboy in Polystyrene

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

MC 312
Rounded Ends Exterior Stiffner Rings Small Diameter
“Cigar Shape”

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

Flammable Liquid Containers
 Drums
 Jerricans
 MC - 306
 Non-pressure tank car

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

Flammable Liquid Containers

Wooden Barrel
NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6
MC 306

Oval Cross Section

Longitudinal Rollover Protection

Valving and Unloading

Controls Under Tank

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

Non-Pressure Tank Car
Also called “General Service” Older cars have
or “Low Pressure” expansion domes
No Expansion Dome
Visible Fittings

4,000 - 45,000


NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

Dry Bulk Containers
 Pneumatic hopper trailer
– “V” shaped bottom
– Rounded sides and sloping ends

 Pneumatically unloaded hopper car

– “V” shaped bottom
– Flat or rounded sides

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

Dry Bulk Carriers
Compressor Unit

Large Sloping “V” Shaped Bottom

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.6

Facility & Transportation
Markings & Colors
May Indicate Hazardous Materials

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.7

UN/NA ID Numbers
 UN Class numbers
(bottom of placard)
 Hazard class or ID number GAS
on placard or orange panel
 Symbols and colors
 Name of material 1026
NFPA Objective 2-2.1.7
Military Hazardous Materials
Marking System

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.7

Class 1, Division 1

 Materials that present a

mass denotation hazard

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.7

Class 1, Division 2

 Presents an explosion with

fragmentation hazard

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.7

Class 1, Division 3

 Materials with a
mass fire hazard

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.7

Class 1, Division 4

 Materials that present

a moderate fire hazard

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.7

Special Warnings
 Chemical hazards

Highly Toxic Harassing Agents White Phosphorus

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.7

Special Warnings

Wear Protective
Apply No Water
Breathing Apparatus
NFPA Objective 2-2.1.7
Special Hazard
Communication Markings

 Hazardous Materials Information System

 PCB Labels

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.7

Pipeline Markers

 Pipeline markers are

usually metal signs
placed adjacent to a
hazardous materials
pipeline right of way.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.7

Pipeline Markers
 Ownership of Line
– Name of carrier
– Phone number
 Signal Word
– Caution
– Warning
– Danger
 Transported Commodity
NFPA Objective 2-2.1.7
NFPA 704 Markings 2 1

 Suggested method for identifying

hazardous materials
 Scale of 0-4 (4 being the worst hazard)
 Used only for facilities when mandated
by local ordinances

NFPA Objective 2-

NFPA 704
Colors and Their Meanings
1. Blue = Health
2. Red = Flammability
3. Yellow = Reactivity 1 3
4. White = Special _
NFPA Objective 2-
4 - Too Dangerous to Enter --
Vapor or Liquid

3 - Extremely Dangerous --

Use Full Protective Clothing

2 - Hazardous --
Use Breathing Apparatus

1 - Slightly Hazardous
0 - Like Ordinary Material
NFPA Objective 2-
4 - Extremely Flammable

3 - Ignites at Normal


2 - Ignites When Moderately


1 - Must Be Preheated
to Burn

0 - Will Not Burn

NFPA Objective 2-
4 - May Detonate -- Evacuate Area
if Materials are Exposed to Fire

3 - Strong Shock or Heat May
Detonate -- Use Monitors From
Behind Explosion Resistant

1 2 - Violent Chemical Change

Possible -- Use Hose Streams
From Distance

1 - Unstable if Heated--
Use Normal Precautions

NFPA Objective 2- 0 - Normally Stable


W - Avoid Use of Water

OX - Oxidizer

W ALK - Used by some to Indicate

Alkaline Materials

ACID - Used by Some to Indicate

Acidic Materials

NFPA Objective 2-

Location of NFPA 704 Markers

2 3

NFPA Objective 2-

Material Safety Data Sheets
 Why they are necessary
– Federal Law
– Right to know
– Mandatory local communication on hazard
 OSHA requirements
– Central location
– With facility manager/employer

NFPA Objective 2-

MSDS (Basic Information)

 Manufactures name and location

 Name and family of chemical
 Hazardous ingredients
 Physical data
 Fire and explosion data

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.10

MSDS (Basic Information)

 Health Hazard Data

 Spill or Leak Procedures
 Special Protection Information
 Special Precautions
Material Safety Data Sheets

 MSDS Entries
– General Information
– Hazardous ingredients statement
– Physical data
– Fire and explosion data
– Spill and leak control procedures

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.10
Material Safety Data Sheets
 Special Protection Information
 Special Precautions (Other as necessary)
 Health and Reactivity Hazard Data
– Including Toxicology Information
– Signs and Symptoms of Exposure
– Emergency Care
– Chemical Incompatibilities and its
decomposition products!
MSDS Sample Information

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.10

Shipping Papers

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.10

Shipping Paper Entries

 Proper shipping name

 Hazard class or division

 Product Identification Number

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.10

NFPA Objective 2-
Titles of Shipping Papers

 Highway - Bill of lading/freight bill

 Rail - Waybill and consist
 Water - Dangerous cargo manifest
 Air - Air bill with shippers certification
for restricted articles

NFPA Objective 2-

Location of Shipping Papers,
Responsible Person
 Highway - cab of vehicle - Driver
 Rail- Engine or caboose - with conductor or
 Water - Wheelhouse or pipelike container on
a barge - Captain or master
 Air - Cockpit/flightdeck or attached to
package - pilot
NFPA Objective 2-
NFPA Objective 2-
Identification Clues

 Examples of clues (other than occupancy/

location, container shape, markings/colors,
placards/labels, MSDS, and shipping papers)
that use the senses of sight, sound and odor
to indicate hazardous materials.

NFPA Objective 2-1.11

Using Senses to Detect
Hazardous Materials
 Odor
 Sight
 Sound
 Informal Methods

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.11

Limitations of Using Senses

 Odor
 Sight
 Sound
 Risk of Injury

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.12

Targets for Criminal or
Terrorist Activity

– Places of public assembly

– Public buildings
– Mass transit system
– Places of high economic impact
– Telecommunications activities
– Places of historical or symbolic significance

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.13

Indications of Terrorist or
Criminal Activity

– Equipment that is not relevant to a location

– Intentional releases of hazardous materials
– Unexplained illness or death
– Unusual odors or tastes
– Irritations
– Unusual security measures

NFPA Objective 2-2.1.14

Given Examples
 Facility and transportation situations
involving hazardous materials, the first
responder at the awareness level shall
identify the hazardous material(s) in each
situation by name, UN/NA identification
number, or type placard applied.

NFPA Objective 2-2.2.1

Difficulties in Determining
Specific Names

 Facilities
– Labels or placards missing
– Label or placard shows no product identifier
– Mixed loads
– Error in placarding or labeling
– Shipping papers are not accessible
– Facility Manager or MSDS’s not available
NFPA Objective 2-2.2.1
Names Sources for
ID# or Placards
 North American Emergency Response

 Shipping Papers

NFPA Objective 2-2.2.2

Sources in Facilities


 Markings on containers

 Emergency planning documents

NFPA Objective 2-2.2.3

Implementing The Planned
Module II
 Identify the basic precautions to be taken by
the awareness level responder to protect
themselves and others in a hazardous
materials incident. IAW the Emergency
Response Plan (ERP) or SOP’s.
Basic Precautions
 Isolate the hazard area
– Evacuate those in danger
– Deny entry

 If evacuation is not possible

– Provide in-place protection
– Keep away from doors and windows

NFPA Objective 2-4.1.3

Basic Precautions

 Basic precautions to be taken by the awareness

level responder are to protect themselves and
others in a hazardous materials incident IAW
the Local Emergency Response Plan or SOP’s.

NFPA Objective 2-4.1.4

Providing Medical Care
 Precautions necessary when providing
emergency medical care to victims of
hazardous materials.
 Victim may be contaminated
– No PPE
– Understanding your limitations will prevent
you from becoming a victim.

NFPA Objective 2-4.3.1

Typical Ignition Sources
 Heated sources
 Frictional heat
 Radiant heat
 Smoking materials
 Lighting open flames
 Spontaneous ignition
 Static Electricity
 Chemical Reactions
NFPA Objective 2-
Ways Hazardous Materials
are Harmful

 Thermal  Corrosive

 Mechanical  Asphyxiation
 Poisonous  Radiation

NFPA Objective 2-

General Routes of Entry

 Contact
 Absorption
 Inhalation
 Ingestion

NFPA Objective 2-

Routes of Entry
for Human Exposure

Contact &
Absorption Ingestion

NFPA Objective 2-

 Given the name, UN/NAeidentification number or
type placard, a current copy of the North American
Emergency Response Guidebook a local response
plan and standard operating procedures, and a
facility or transportation scenario including
hazardous materials, collect hazard information,
initiate protective actions, and the notification
Yellow Pages Orange Pages
ID Number Guide Numbers

Green Pages Blue Pages

Initial Isolation Chemical Name
NFPA Objective 2-2.3.1
Determine The Appropriate
Guidebook Page

 Four digit ID# (yellow pages)

 Spelling of the product (blue pages)
 Placards (table of placards)
 Dealing with an unknown
– Use Guide #111

NFPA Objective 2-2.3.1

General Types of Hazards

 Found on Each Guide Page

– Fire and Explosion
– Health hazard
– “P” polymerization hazard

NFPA Objective 2-2.3.2

Response Information
 Emergency actions from numbered guide

 Protective clothing

 Initial isolation and protective action


NFPA Objective 2-4.1.4

Protective Clothing
 Recommended clothing in the North
American Emergency Response Guidebook

– Street clothing
– Structural fire fighter protective clothing
– Positive pressure SCBA
– Chemical-protective clothing

NFPA Objective 2-

Protective Actions
 North American Emergency Response
Guidebook definitions

– Isolate hazard area and deny entry

– Evacuate the area
– Sheltering in-place

NFPA Objective 2-

Initial Isolation Zone and Protective Action Zone


Downwind Distance


NFPA Objective 2-

 Difference between small and large spills as
found in the table of isolation distances
– Small spill
– Large spill

 Circumstances under which different

distances are used

NFPA Objective 2-

Small Spill Large Spill

NFPA Objective 2-

Difference Between Orange &
Green Pages
 Isolation distance in the Orange pages
– Used to protect from immediate hazards
– Materials not highlighted

 Protective action distance in the Green pages

– Used for materials that present a toxic hazard.
– Highlighted materials only.

NFPA Objective 2-

Location of Emergency
Response Plans
 Local Emergency Response Plan and the
Standard Operating Instructions

– Applicable to each jurisdiction

– Kept with the responsible agency

NFPA Objective 2-4.1.1

Role of the Awareness Level
First Responder

 Guidelines are found in:

– The local emergency response plan.
– The organization’s standard operating
– North American Emergency Response

NFPA Objective 2-4.1.2

Techniques Used
 Techniques used to isolate the hazard area
and deny entry
– Use a vehicle to block a road
– Rope-off or barricade entrance to area
– Notify law enforcement to divert traffic
– Close doors to facility
– Use public address system

NFPA Objective 2-4.1.5

Involving Criminal or
Terrorist Activity

– Communicate the suspicion during notification

– Isolate potentially exposed people

– Document the initial observation

NFPA Objective 2-4.1.6

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