Morning Report: March 4, 2021

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March 4th, 2021

Name : Mr. B
Gender : Male
Age : 54 years old
Date of birth : August 13th, 1967
Address : Jl. Wijaya Kusuma 9 No 41 Mayangan,
RM Number : 313180
Time of assessment : March 3th, 2021 (10.28 am)
Time of assessment: March 3th, 2021 (10.30 am)

MOI: The patient's fell from 3 meters high bamboo ladder

Primary Survey Assessment Stabilitation
A Gurgling (-), snoring (-) Airway patent
Spontaneous breathing, 24 tpm,
B Breathing problem (+) NRM mask 15 lpm
symmetry +/+, sonor +/+, vesicular +/+
Strong pulse and regular 100 bpm; CRT
C Circulation problem (-)
<2 seconds; SpO2 97%, temp 36,6⁰C
Respond to painful stimuli, round
D Disability problem (+) 30° head-up position
pupils, isokor 3mm/3mm, light reflex +/+
Elastic bandage and splint attached Maintain stabilization with
E Exposure problem (+)
on right leg elastic bandage and splint
Time of assessment: March 3th, 2021 (11.15 am)
Secondary Survey
B1 Spontaneous breathing, 20 tpm, symmetry +/+, sonor +/+, vesicular +/+
Blood pressure 170/60 mmHg, strong pulse and regular 100 bpm; CRT <2 seconds;
SpO2 100%, temp 36,6⁰C
B3 GCS E2V2M5, round and isochoric pupil, light reflex +/+
B4 Urinate with urinary catheter
B5 Tenderness (-), bowel movement (+), bruises (-)
Elastic bandage and splint attached on right leg
L: Splint and elastic bandage on right leg
B6 F: pain (difficult to evaluate), a. tibialis posterior pulsation (+), a. dorsalis pedis
pulsation (+)
M: difficult to evaluate
Chief Complain Unconcious and deformity on right thigh
Current Medical On 02/03/2021 morning, the patient fell from 3 meters high bamboo ladder
History on his way to go down after painted his house’s roof tile while holding a
basket of paint on his left hand. His neighbor found him unconcious at 8am
with the patient’s nose bleed and vomitting more than 5 times. Then, the
patient’s family brought him to hospital in Probolinggo. In the hospital in
Probolinggo, the patient have received some treatments, there are
bandaging his thigh with elastic bandage and inserting urinary catheter. The
patient referred to RSDS on 03/03/2021 at 10.30 am.
Allergy (-)
Medication Glibenclamide
Past medical history Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus
Last oral intake 06.30am (02/03/2021)
Event leading up to Fell from 3 meters high bamboo ladder
Generalis Head Shape : Normocephali
Status Eye : Light reflex (+/+), PBI, Ø 3 mm/3 mm
Mouth : Sianosis (-)
Ear : Secrete (-), bleeding (-)
Nose : Secrete (-), epistaxis (-)
Thorax Inspection: Retraction (-), symmetrical chest wall shape (+),deformity (-)
Palpation: the movement of the right and left chest wall is symmetrical,
crepitation (-)
Percussion: Pulmo : sonor (+/+)
Cor : left border ICS 5 midclavicula line sinistra
Auscultation: Pulmo : vesikuler +/+, rhonki -/-, wheezing -/-
Cor : S1S2 single, reguler, murmur (-), gallop (-)
Abdomen Inspection: Flat, tenderness (-), bruises (-)
Auskultation: BU (+) Normal
Percussion: Timpany (+)
Palpation: Soepel (+), defans muscular (-)
Extremitie Warm extremities, oedema (-)
Local Status Oculi Look : Racoon eye (-/-), anemic (-/-), icteric (-/-), round and isochoric
Region pupil 3mm/3mm, hematoma on superior palpebra dextra
Feel : Difficult to evaluate
Move : Difficult to evaluate
Right Look : Covered by splint and elastic bandage
Lower Feel : Pain (Difficult to evaluate), a. tibialis posterior pulsation (+), a.
Limb dorsalis pedis pulsation (+)
Region Move : Difficult to evaluate
Diagnostic Planning
• Head CT-Scan
• AP/Lateral Cervical Spine X-Ray
• AP Pelvic X-Ray
• AP Femur X-Ray Dextra
Moderate Brain Injury + ICH + SDH + CF Intertrochanter
Femur Dextra
Therapy Planning
• EDH and ICH Evaluation
• Pro ORIF
• Inf PZ 20 tpm loading 500 cc
• Inj Omeprazole 2x1 amp
• Inj Ondansentron 2x8 mg
• Inj Ketorolac 3x1 amp
Thank You

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