Implementing Failover Clustering
Implementing Failover Clustering
Implementing Failover Clustering
What is availability?
Failover clustering improvements in Windows
Server 2012 R2
Failover clustering improvements in Windows Server 2016
Failover cluster components
What are failover and failback?
Failover cluster networks
Failover cluster storage
What is quorum?
Quorum modes in Windows Server 2016 failover clustering
What are CSVs?
What is availability?
Cluster storage
Node 1 Node 2
A dedicated network
connects the failover
cluster nodes
Network Description
Public network Clients use this network to connect to the
clustered service
Private network Nodes use this network to communicate with
each other
Public-and-private Required to communicate with external
network storage systems
• To implement a CSV:
1. Create and format volumes on shared storage
2. Add the disks to failover cluster storage
3. Add the storage to the CSV
CSV improvements
• Clustered services:
• Are services or applications that are made highly
available by installing them on a failover cluster
• Are active on one node but can be moved to another
• Resources:
• Are the components that make up a clustered service
• Are moved to another node when one node fails
• Can run on only one node at a time
• Include components such as shared disks, names, and
IP addresses
Clustering server roles process
Site A Site B
Synchronous and asynchronous replication
• In synchronous replication, the host receives a write complete
response from the primary storage after the data is written
successfully to both storage locations
• In asynchronous replication, the host receives a write complete
response from the primary storage after the data is written
successfully on the primary storage
Site A Site B
Data Data storage
complete Primary
Site-aware failover clusters
• No witness:
• Is not recommended
• Is used for manual failover (disaster recovery site)
Considerations for deploying a stretch cluster
Review Questions
Real-world Issues and Scenarios
Best Practice
• Common Issues and Troubleshooting Tips