The document discusses the concept of Kaizen, which is a Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement. It defines Kaizen as "change for better" and explains that it focuses on making many small incremental changes to processes. The document outlines the key principles of Kaizen, including that it uses the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model and aims for continuous, step-by-step improvement involving everyone. Examples are given of applying Kaizen in industries and healthcare to significantly reduce costs, errors and waste while improving productivity, throughput and quality.
The document discusses the concept of Kaizen, which is a Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement. It defines Kaizen as "change for better" and explains that it focuses on making many small incremental changes to processes. The document outlines the key principles of Kaizen, including that it uses the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model and aims for continuous, step-by-step improvement involving everyone. Examples are given of applying Kaizen in industries and healthcare to significantly reduce costs, errors and waste while improving productivity, throughput and quality.
The document discusses the concept of Kaizen, which is a Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement. It defines Kaizen as "change for better" and explains that it focuses on making many small incremental changes to processes. The document outlines the key principles of Kaizen, including that it uses the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model and aims for continuous, step-by-step improvement involving everyone. Examples are given of applying Kaizen in industries and healthcare to significantly reduce costs, errors and waste while improving productivity, throughput and quality.
The document discusses the concept of Kaizen, which is a Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement. It defines Kaizen as "change for better" and explains that it focuses on making many small incremental changes to processes. The document outlines the key principles of Kaizen, including that it uses the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model and aims for continuous, step-by-step improvement involving everyone. Examples are given of applying Kaizen in industries and healthcare to significantly reduce costs, errors and waste while improving productivity, throughput and quality.
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M.P.H. BAGAIMANA BELAJAR KAIZEN • Kaizen is very nonlinear subject • Meloncat atau melewati satu topik ke topik yang lainnya adalah hal yang biasa tergantung interest dan level pengalaman individu terhadap kaizen BAB. I APA ITU KAIZEN • The word KAIZEN in translated from Japanese in a number ways, most simply as “change for the better”
• Breaking down the word: KAI means “change”
ZEN means “good” KAIZEN KAIZEN • Ada yang mengatakan sesungguhnya kata kaizen berasal dari China • Di jepang pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh toyota KAIZEN • Di barat Kaizen diperkenalkan oleh Masaaki Imai pada tahun 1986 dalam bukunya “ KAIZEN: The Key to Japan’s Competitive Succes” • Imai menulis dengan sederhana, KAIZEN means improvement” dan “Kaizen is everybody’s business” WHAT IS KAIZEN • Kaizen does not mean change, it means “change for better” • Kaizen start with small changes, often smallest posible • Kaizen follows Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) and scientific method. • Not punish people continuous improvement What is kaizen • Kaizen is one of two pillars of the lean management system • Kaizen is verry different than the old, mostly failed, suggestion box model faster, more tranparent, more collaborative • People real defferentiator or advantage for an organization What is Kaizen • Kaizen is about changing the way things are. If you assume that things are all right the way they are, you can do Kaizen. So change something ( TaiiChi Ohno, the creator Toyota production System) Kaizen, PDSA, and Scientific Method for Improvement • Interative learning • A succesfull change leads to a new starting point for continuous improvement • Improvement • Problem solving model based on the scientific method PDSA • Plan: initiating a change by understanding the current situation and root cause of problem, starting hypothesis • Do: Carrying out a small-scale test, or pilot, of the change • Study: testing the change and its hypothesis: gathering data, observing the changes and outcomes PDSA • Act (or Adjust): Based on thos results, deciding to accept, adopt, and spread the change, or making adjusment (or tryingsomething defferent) Type of Kazen • Three level Kaizen: • 1. large project • 2. mid-sized project • 3. smaller project, daily lean Large project • Project sedikit tapi nilai besar • Large issue • Mayor improvement • High cost • High risk • Top management • Tool PDSA, Simple thingking Large project • Building • Tower baru • Penerapan Elecctronic medical record • Alat canggih • dll mid-sized project • Departemen • Medium issues • Team • Tool: PDSA, VSM, kanban, RCA dll Smaller project • Daily lean • Project/Problem banyak tapi kecil kecil • Small issue • Individual • Tool: kartu ide visual intermezo • intermezo LEAN PADA INDUSTRI (validated industry average), 5 thn DIRECT LABOR/PRODUCTIFITY IMPROVE 45-75 % COST REDUCED 25-55 % THROUGPUT/FLOW INCREASED 60-90 % QUALITY (DEFECT/SCRAP) REDUCED 50-90 % INVENTORY REDUCED 60-90 % SPACE REDUCED 35-50 % LEAD TIME REDUCED 50-90 % LEAN DI RUMAH SAKIT MENINGKATKAN REVENUE PD DEPT BEDAH $808.000 PERTAHUN (OHIO HEALTH) MENURUNKAN LOS 29% DAN MENGHINDARI BIAYA KONSTRUKSI $1,25 MILLION PD EMERGENCY ROOM ( SOUTH DACOTA) SAVED $7.5 MILLION IN PATIENT CARE (MINNESOTA) RS PELNI EFISIENSI 29 % DALAM 1 THN (WWCR DG DIR) LEAN DI RUMAH SAKIT REDUCED TURNAROUND TIME LABORATORIUM KLINIK 60% (NEBRASKA) REDUCED CYCLE TIME CSSD 70% (KINGDOM GENERAL HOSPITAL, ONTARIO) MENURUNKAN ANGKA KEMATIAN DI ICU YG BERHUBUNGAN DG CENTRAL LINE ASSOSIATED BLOOD STREAM INFECTION 95% (ALLEGHRNY HOSPITAL, PENNSYLVANIA) MENURUNKAN WAITING TIME BEDAH ORTOPEDI (WINCOSIN) VIRGINIA MASON MEDICAL CENTER category Change (2 thn) inventory Down 53% productivity Up 36% Floor space Down 41% Lead time Down 64 % People distance Down 44% Product distance Down 72 % Setup time Down 82%