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Ergosterol Biosynthesis Inhibitors Become Fungicidal when Combined with Calcineurin Inhibitors against Candida albicans , Candida glabrata,

and Candida krusei

Chiatogu Onyewu, Jill R. Blankenship, Maurizio Del Poeta and Joseph Heitman Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2003, 47(3):956. DOI: 10.1128/AAC.47.3.956-964.2003. Downloaded from http://aac.asm.org/ on May 3, 2012 by guest

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ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY, Mar. 2003, p. 956964 0066-4804/03/$08.00 0 DOI: 10.1128/AAC.47.3.956964.2003 Copyright 2003, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

Vol. 47, No. 3

Ergosterol Biosynthesis Inhibitors Become Fungicidal when Combined with Calcineurin Inhibitors against Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, and Candida krusei
Chiatogu Onyewu,1 Jill R. Blankenship,2 Maurizio Del Poeta,3,4 and Joseph Heitman1,2,5,6*
Departments of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology,2 Medicine,5 and Pharmacology and Cancer Biology,1 Howard Hughes Medical Institute,6 Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710, and Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,3 and Microbiology and Immunology,4 Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina 29425
Received 9 September 2002/Returned for modication 14 November 2002/Accepted 16 December 2002

Azoles target the ergosterol biosynthetic enzyme lanosterol 14 -demethylase and are a widely applied class of antifungal agents because of their broad therapeutic window, wide spectrum of activity, and low toxicity. Unfortunately, azoles are generally fungistatic and resistance to uconazole is emerging in several fungal pathogens. We recently established that the protein phosphatase calcineurin allows survival of Candida albicans during the membrane stress exerted by azoles. The calcineurin inhibitors cyclosporine A (CsA) and tacrolimus (FK506) are dramatically synergistic with azoles, resulting in potent fungicidal activity, and mutant strains lacking calcineurin are markedly hypersensitive to azoles. Here we establish that drugs targeting other enzymes in the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway (terbinane and fenpropimorph) also exhibit dramatic synergistic antifungal activity against wild-type C. albicans when used in conjunction with CsA and FK506. Similarly, C. albicans mutant strains lacking calcineurin B are markedly hypersensitive to terbinane and fenpropimorph. The FK506 binding protein FKBP12 is required for FK506 synergism with ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors, and a calcineurin mutation that confers FK506 resistance abolishes drug synergism. Additionally, we provide evidence of drug synergy between the nonimmunosuppressive FK506 analog L-685,818 and fenpropimorph or terbinane against wild-type C. albicans. These drug combinations also exert synergistic effects against two other Candida species, C. glabrata and C. krusei, which are known for intrinsic or rapidly acquired resistance to azoles. These studies demonstrate that the activity of non-azole antifungal agents that target ergosterol biosynthesis can be enhanced by inhibition of the calcineurin signaling pathway, extending their spectrum of action and providing an alternative approach by which to overcome antifungal drug resistance.

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Infections caused by Candida species are the most prevalent fungal infections of humans and are a serious concern for patients with compromised immune systems. Candida albicans is the causative agent of most candidiasis, but other Candida species, including C. glabrata and C. krusei, are emerging as serious nosocomial threats to patient populations (28, 32). Candida subspecies are a normal component of human ora and reside on mucosal surfaces. In immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts, Candida spp. can cause supercial mucosal infections such as vaginitis, thrush, and esophagitis. However, immunocompromised patients are also susceptible to severe systemic infections. Risk factors include human immunodeciency virus (HIV) infection, solid-organ transplants, abdominal surgery, indwelling catheters, late-onset diabetes, and broad-spectrum antibiotic use (4, 29). Compared to bacterial infections, few drugs are available with which to treat fungal infections. This is largely attributable to the eukaryotic nature of fungal cells and the difculty in identifying unique targets not shared with human hosts. Most therapies designed to treat fungal infections target the ergo* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, 322 Carl Building, Box 3546, Research Dr., Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710. Phone: (919) 684-2824. Fax: (919) 684-5458. E-mail: [email protected]. 956

sterol biosynthetic pathway or its nal product, ergosterol, a sterol cell membrane component that is unique to fungi (Fig. 1). The most commonly used drug in both the treatment and prevention of candidiasis is uconazole, a member of the azole family of drugs that targets the essential enzyme Erg11, lanosterol 14 -demethylase, in the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway (Fig. 1) (38, 39). The standard therapy for the treatment of uconazole-resistant fungal infections is amphotericin B, which binds ergosterol and permeabilizes the plasma membrane. These treatments are extremely effective against C. albicans, but resistant Candida strains and species are emerging and new treatments for systemic infections need to be developed (37; reviewed in reference 42). A particular difculty with azole treatment is the inherent resistance, or rapid development of resistance, found in several non-C. albicans Candida species, such as C. glabrata and C. krusei (2, 10, 28, 31, 32, 34, 40, 41, 43). Therefore, there exists a clear demand for more effective treatment of infections caused by these emerging fungal pathogens. Several classes of drugs have been developed that target enzymes other than Erg11 in the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway. Morpholines and allylamines inhibit specic ergosterol biosynthetic enzymes. For example, terbinane is in the allylamine class of drugs and targets the enzyme squalene epoxidase (Erg1) (Fig. 1) (14). Terbinane, available in both oral

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tifungal properties. Here we show that both terbinane and fenpropimorph exhibit a potent fungicidal synergism with calcineurin inhibitors in C. albicans, and we present evidence that L-685,818, a nonimmunosuppressive analog of FK506, can also participate in this drug synergy. Additionally, we establish that the molecular basis of synergism with FK506 involves inhibition of calcineurin by the FKBP12-FK506 complex. Importantly, we also illustrate that these synergistic drug combinations are effective against C. glabrata and C. krusei in vitro, which we previously demonstrated to be largely insensitive to the synergism between azoles and calcineurin inhibitors (8).
MATERIALS AND METHODS Strains and media. The strains used in this study are listed in Table 1. All of the strains were grown on YPD medium containing 2% (vol/vol) glucose, 2% (wt/vol) Bacto Peptone (Difco Laboratories), and 1% (wt/vol) yeast extract (Difco). YPD agar plates also contained 2% (wt/vol) Bacto Agar (Difco). The top agar used in these assays was 0.7% Bacto Agar (Difco) in water. Disk diffusion halo assays. Strains were inoculated into liquid YPD medium and grown overnight at 37C. The cells were then pelleted, washed three times with distilled water, and counted with a hemocytometer. Approximately 2 107 cells were inoculated into 8 ml of top agar at 42C. This cell suspension was then spread onto warmed 150-mm-diameter YPD plates and allowed to dry. Terbinane (Novartis) dissolved in 100% ethanol, fenpropimorph (Crescent) dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide, CsA (Novartis) dissolved in 90% ethanol and 10% Tween 20, FK506 (Fujisawa) dissolved in 90% ethanol and 10% Tween 20, L-685,818 (Merck) dissolved in 90% ethanol and 10% Tween 20, or solvent controls were pipetted onto 6-mm-diameter BBL disks (Becton Dickinson & Co.). These disks were then placed on the solidied top agar surface, and the strains were grown at 37C for 24 to 48 h. Serial-dilution assays. Strains were inoculated and grown overnight in liquid YPD medium. Cells were pelleted, washed three times with distilled water, and counted with a hemocytometer. Suspensions containing 2.5 104 cells per 5 l were made for each strain. Fivefold serial dilutions were prepared, and 5 l of each dilution was spotted onto YPD solid medium containing CsA at 100 g/ml, FK506 at 1 g/ml, or no drug. The strains were grown at 37C for 24 h. Antifungal drug activity testing by NCCLS criteria. MIC assays were performed as previously described (8). Briey, in vitro testing was performed in RPMI 1640 medium with L-glutamine and without sodium bicarbonate. The nal drug concentrations tested were fenpropimorph at 12.5 to 0.01 g/ml (11 dilutions), terbinane at 12.5 to 0.01 g/ml (11 dilutions), CsA at 3.12 to 0.04 g/ml (7 dilutions), and FK506 at 3.12 to 0.04 g/ml (7 dilutions). Plates were incubated at 30C without shaking, and readings were performed following a 48-h incubation. Each plate was shaken for 5 min with an Easy-Shaker EAS 2/4 (SLT Lab Instruments), and the optical density at 600 nm of each well was read by a microtiter plate reader (Thermomax; Molecular Devices, Menlo Park, Calif.). The MIC of each drug in combination or alone was dened as the lowest drug concentration that resulted in a 100% decrease in absorbance (MIC100) compared with that of the control (no drug). The absence of a trailing effect enabled the use of the MIC100 as an end point instead of the standard MIC80. Minimum fungicidal concentrations (MFCs) were determined by plating 100 l from each well with growth inhibition onto YPD plates, which were incubated at 30C for

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FIG. 1. Linear model of the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway adapted from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Signicant intermediates are in boldface, and inhibitors are shown on the right. Commonly used drugs in the allylamine, azole, and morpholine classes are listed beneath the class names. CoA, coenzyme A.

and topical forms as Lamisil, is used in the treatment of tinea pedis and onychomycosis but has not been effective as monotherapy for systemic infections. Fenpropimorph is a morpholine that targets two enzymes in the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway, sterol C8-C7 isomerase (Erg2) and sterol reductase (Erg24), and is used as a fungicide in agriculture (Fig. 1) (24). Fenpropimorph, like many other morpholines, mainly targets Erg2 but has been shown to inhibit Erg24 as well at higher concentrations (16). Amorolne is currently the only morpholine in clinical use and is only available in topical forms, primarily for the treatment of onychomycosis. Recent results have indicated that Erg24 is required for virulence of C. albicans in a murine model of infection (16). However, to date, no drugs of the morpholine class have been developed for oral therapy in humans. One drawback of azole drugs is that they are fungistatic rather than fungicidal. This characteristic probably contributes to the development of resistance seen in clinical isolates from immunocompromised patients. Since the cells are allowed to persist and immune function is not sufcient to clear residual fungal cells, a positive selection for drug-resistant mutants is established. A fungicidal drug with low toxicity would be the ideal treatment for these patients, but such therapy does not exist. It has recently been shown, however, that the calcineurin inhibitors cyclosporine A (CsA) and FK506 exhibit a potent fungicidal synergism with the azole class of drugs against C. albicans (8, 20, 22, 23). These results stimulated our interest in determining whether additional drugs targeting the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway also exhibit fungicidal synergism with calcineurin inhibitors, thus improving and expanding their an-

TABLE 1. Strains used in this study

Strain Species Genotypea Reference or sourceb

SC5314 DAY364 MCC85 NJ51-2 KPC8 YAG171 YAG237 DUMC111.10/MMRL361 MMRL70

a b

C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C.

albicans albicans albicans albicans albicans albicans albicans glabrata krusei

WT cnb1/cnb1 cnb1/cnb1 CNB1 erg24/erg24 erg6/erg6 rbp1/rbp1 CNB1-1/CNB1 WT WT

9 8 8 16 15 7 8 DUMC DUMC

WT, wild type. DUMC, Duke University Medical Center Stock Center.




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FIG. 2. Fenpropimorph (Fenp) and terbinane (Terb) exhibit a synergistic effect when combined with FK506 or CsA. (A) Disk diffusion halo assays demonstrate enhanced inhibition of C. albicans when terbinane or fenpropimorph is combined with calcineurin inhibitors. Wild-type (SC5314), cnb1/cnb1 mutant (DAY364), cnb1/cnb1 CNB1 reconstituted (MCC85), rbp1/rbp1 mutant (YAG171), and CNB1-1/ CNB1 mutant (YAG237) strains were grown in YPD medium overnight. For each strain, 2 107 cells were resuspended in top agar and poured onto YPD solid medium. Disks containing combinations of 1 g of fenpropimorph, 10 g of terbinane, 2 g of FK506, 50 (CsA50) or 100 (CsA100) g of CsA, 5 l of 100% ethanol (ETOH), and 5 l of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), as indicated, were placed over the solidied top agar. Cells were incubated for 24 to 48 h at 37C. The calcineurin inhibitors alone did not inhibit the growth of any of these strains (data not shown). (B) Microscopic observation at 4 magnication of C. albicans wild-type, cnb1/cnb1 mutant, and cnb1/cnb1 CNB1 mutant strains exposed to fenpropimorph alone and in combination with FK506 or CsA illustrates the signicant enhancement of halo clearing that results when calcineurin inhibitors are combined with ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors.

72 h. The lowest concentration that yielded three or fewer colonies was recorded as the MFC. Fractional inhibitory concentrations (FICs) and FIC indices ( FIC) were determined as described previously (8). Drug activity was classied as synergistic ( FIC, 0.5), additive ( FIC, 1), or antagonistic ( FIC, 4).

RESULTS Fenpropimorph and terbinane are synergistic with calcineurin inhibitors. Fungicidal synergism between azoles and calcineurin inhibitors has previously been demonstrated in C. albicans (8, 20, 22, 23). We hypothesized that this synergy might also exist between calcineurin inhibitors and other antifungal drugs that inhibit ergosterol biosynthesis in C. albicans. To determine whether synergism between calcineurin inhibitors and fenpropimorph or terbinane occurs, we employed

disk diffusion halo assays. Wild-type C. albicans strain SC5314 was grown in the presence or absence of FK506 or CsA with either fenpropimorph or terbinane (Fig. 2). Fenpropimorph or terbinane alone exhibited only modest growth inhibition. As previously demonstrated by Cruz et al. (8), neither FK506 nor CsA alone exhibited any in vitro growth inhibition of the Candida strains used in our study (see Fig. 5; data not shown). Wild-type growth was inhibited by fenpropimorph, but the halo produced was turbid, indicating fungistatic growth inhibition (Fig. 2). However, when fenpropimorph was combined with FK506 or CsA, the halo produced was completely clear, an indication of potential fungicidal activity (Fig. 2). To examine whether calcineurin is the target of the observed synergy with FK506 or CsA, a cnb1/cnb1 calcineurin B mutant strain (DAY364) and a cnb1/cnb1 CNB1 reconstituted calcineurin mutant strain (MCC85) were also tested (Table 1). When the calcineurin-decient (cnb1/cnb1) strain was grown in the pres-

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TABLE 2. Synergism between ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors and calcineurin inhibitors is FKBP12 and calcineurin dependent
Genotype (C. albicans strain) MIC100 alone ( g/ml)a CsA FK506 F T CsA/F MIC100 combineda,b CsA/T FK506/F FK506/T CsA/F FIC indexa CsA/T FK506/F FK506/T

Wild type (SC5314) cnb1/cnb1 (DAY364) cnb1/cnb1 CNB1 (MCC85) CNB1-1/CNB1 (YAG237) rbp1/rbp1 (YAG171)
a b

3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12

3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12

3.12 0.01 0.78 3.12 3.12

10.5 0.39 12.5 12.5 12.5

1.56/0.04 0.04/ 0.01 0.78/0.04 1.56/0.19 0.19/0.78

0.78/3.12 0.04/0.39 0.19/3.12 0.78/3.12 0.39/1.56

0.04/ 0.01 0.04/ 0.01 0.04/ 0.01 3.12/3.12 3.12/3.12

0.09/0.39 0.04/0.39 0.04/0.78 3.12/ 12.5 3.12/ 12.5

0.26 1.003 0.17 0.31 0.28

0.24 1.003 0.15 0.25 0.12

0.004 1.003 0.009 2.0 2.0

0.03 1.003 0.03 2.0 2.0

F, fenpropimorph; T, terbinane. Combined MICs, expressed as [drug 1]/[drug 2] are the minimum concentrations of drugs 1 and 2 required to inhibit cell growth when the two drugs were used in combination.

ence of fenpropimorph alone, we observed a larger halo with clearing that was comparable to that of the wild-type strain exposed to FK506 or CsA in combination with fenpropimorph (Fig. 2). The inhibition prole of the cnb1/cnb1 CNB1 strain resembled that of the wild type for all drug combinations in the fenpropimorph assay. Thus, inhibition of calcineurin underlies the synergistic drug interaction. We found terbinane to be less potent than fenpropimorph, but it also displayed synergism with CsA and FK506. Growth inhibition of the wild-type strain was enhanced, and a clear halo resulted when FK506 or CsA was added to terbinane. However, the halos produced were signicantly smaller than those produced by fenpropimorph, even at a 10-fold higher concentration of terbinane (Fig. 2). As with fenpropimorph, the cnb1/cnb1 mutants were hypersensitive to terbinane, mimicking the effect observed when wild-type cells were exposed to terbinane in combination with FK506 or CsA. The terbinane hypersensitivity phenotype of the cnb1/cnb1 mutant was complemented by reintroduction of the wild-type CNB1 gene into the cnb1/cnb1 CNB1 reconstituted strain, restoring the wild-type level of drug sensitivity (Fig. 2). As shown in Fig. 2B, increased magnication of our disk diffusion assays demonstrated that C. albicans cells and microcolonies were present in the turbid halos produced when the wild-type and reconstituted mutant strains were exposed to fenpropimorph alone. However, no cells or microcolonies were observed in the clear halos that resulted from combining fenpropimorph with FK506 or CsA. There was no observable difference in halo clearing in the cnb1/cnb1 mutant strain exposed to the various drug combinations. For each of the Candida strains used in our study, the halo clearing depicted in Fig. 2B is generally applicable to the turbid and clear halos described in all other experiments. Fenpropimorph and terbinane are fungicidal in combination with calcineurin inhibitors. We next examined the effects of calcineurin inhibitors in conjunction with fenpropimorph or terbinane by using standard NCCLS in vitro susceptibility testing methods. The MICs measured supported the results of the halo assays and conrmed the presence of a synergistic interaction between these drug combinations (Table 2). For wild-type C. albicans, the MIC of fenpropimorph decreased more than 300-fold when the drug was combined with FK506 and was reduced approximately 100-fold when the drug was combined with CsA. The calculated FIC index of fenpropimorph was 0.004 with FK506 and 0.26 with CsA, denoting a synergistic relationship between fenpropimorph and both calcineurin inhibitors.

Although less potent than fenpropimorph, terbinane also exhibited a synergistic relationship when combined with FK506 or CsA. For wild-type C. albicans cells, the MIC of terbinane declined 30-fold when the drug was combined with FK506 and 4-fold when it was combined with CsA. These values resulted in FIC indices of 0.03 with FK506 and 0.24 with CsA, also indicating a synergistic interaction (Table 2). MFC analysis was also performed, and the resulting values were very similar to the MIC data (Table 3). The results of the MFC calculations conrmed that the inhibitory concentrations of these drug combinations were fungicidal (Table 3). Synergy between calcineurin inhibitors and fenpropimorph or terbinane is calcineurin dependent. We used FK506-resistant C. albicans strains (Table 1) to demonstrate that the loss of calcineurin activity, and not a secondary effect of CsA and FK506, underlies their synergy with ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors. The CNB1-1/CNB1 strain contains a two-aminoacid insertion that perturbs the FKBP12-FK506 binding site of the calcineurin B subunit, while the rbp1/rbp1 mutant lacks the FK506 binding protein FKBP12 (7, 8). FKBP12 is required for FK506 activity against calcineurin. FK506 must rst complex with FKBP12 in order to bind and inhibit calcineurin, whereas CsA acts by rst binding to cyclophilin A (6, 11, 1719, 25). The CNB1-1/CNB1 mutation prevents FKBP12-FK506 binding to calcineurin but has no effect on cyclophilin A-CsA binding (8). The CNB1-1/CNB1 and rbp1/rbp1 mutant strains were modestly inhibited by fenpropimorph or terbinane alone, and addition of FK506 had no further effect on growth inhibition, as determined by halo assay and the MICs and FICs based on NCCLS criteria (Fig. 2A and Table 2). When the CNB1-1/ CNB1 and rbp1/rbp1 mutants were exposed to CsA in combination with fenpropimorph or terbinane, enhanced inhibition with halo clearing comparable to that of wild-type cells under the same conditions was observed (Fig. 2A). These ndings demonstrate that FK506 synergy with fenpropimorph and terbinane is mediated via FKBP12-dependent inhibition of calcineurin. erg24/erg24 mutants are hypersensitive to calcineurin inhibition. Although the morpholine drugs target both Erg2 and Erg24, it has previously been demonstrated that Erg2 is the major target of fenpropimorph in C. albicans (16). To investigate the synergistic potential of calcineurin inhibitors in combination with morpholine drugs that primarily target Erg24, an Erg24-decient (erg24/erg24) mutant (Table 1) was tested for sensitivity to CsA and FK506. The erg24/erg24 mutants grew more slowly than the wild type, even in the absence of a drug, and showed hypersensitivity to both CsA and FK506 compared

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TABLE 3. Fenpropimorph and terbinane are potently fungicidal in combination with the calcineurin inhibitors CsA and FK506
Genotype (C. albicans strain) MFC alone ( g/ml)a CsA FK506 F T CsA/F MFC combineda,b CsA/T FK506/F FK506/F FIC indexa CsA/F CsA/T FK506/F FK506/F

Wild type (SC5314) cnb1/cnb1 (DAY364) cnb1/cnb1 CNB1 (MCC85) CNB1-1/CNB1 (YAG237) rbp1/rbp1 (YAG171)
a b

3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12

3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12

3.12 0.01 0.78 3.12 3.12

12.5 0.39 12.5 12.5 12.5

1.56/0.04 0.04/ 0.01 0.78/0.04 1.56/0.39 0.39/1.56

0.78/3.12 0.04/0.39 0.19/3.12 1.56/6.52 0.78/3.12

0.04/ 0.01 0.04/ 0.01 0.04/ 0.01 3.12/3.12 3.12/3.12

0.09/0.39 0.04/0.39 0.04/0.78 3.12/ 12.5 3.12/ 12.5

0.26 1.003 0.17 0.26 0.56

0.24 1.003 0.15 0.49 0.25

0.004 1.003 0.009 2.0 2.0

0.03 1.003 0.03 2.0 2.0

F, fenpropimorph; T, terbinane. Combined MFCs, expressed as [drug 1]/[drug 2], are the minimum concentrations of drugs 1 and 2 that resulted in a fungicidal inhibition prole when the two drugs were used in combination.

to the wild type (Fig. 3). As a positive control, the erg24/erg24 mutant was compared to a C. albicans Erg6-decient (erg6/ erg6) mutant strain previously found to be hypersensitive to CsA and FK506 (8, 15). The ERG6 gene encodes an enzyme responsible for methylating zymosterol and converting it to ergosterol (Fig. 1). The erg24/erg24 mutant was as sensitive to both calcineurin inhibitors as the erg6/erg6 mutant (Fig. 3). On the basis of these ndings, morpholines or other drugs that target Erg24 could potentially exhibit synergistic activity with calcineurin inhibitors. Fenpropimorph and terbinane are synergistic with calcineurin inhibitors against C. krusei and C. glabrata. Two non-C. albicans Candida species that are emerging pathogens in the immunosuppressed patient population, C. glabrata and C. krusei, are inherently resistant or rapidly acquire resistance to azoles. We have recently shown that these species are also largely insensitive to the synergism between azoles and calcineurin inhibitors that is potently fungicidal against the related pathogen C. albicans (8). We employed halo assays to determine whether the resistance prole of C. glabrata and C. krusei could be expanded to include terbinane and fenpropimorph and found that these species demonstrate a speciesspecic sensitivity to these antifungal agents that is enhanced by the addition of calcineurin inhibitors (Fig. 4). Two independently isolated C. glabrata strains (DUMC111.10 and MMRL361) were sensitive to the synergism between terbinane and calcineurin inhibitors but showed limited sensitivity to fenpropimorph alone or in combination with calcineurin inhibitors (Fig. 4 and data not shown). Treatment with terbinane alone was ineffective against C. glabrata, but clear

halos were produced when either FK506 or CsA was added to terbinane (Fig. 4). C. krusei, however, showed sensitivity to both fenpropimorph and terbinane in combination with FK506. Although fenpropimorph alone showed a striking growth inhibition halo around C. krusei, this halo was turbid compared to the clear halo produced by the combination of FK506 and fenpropimorph (Fig. 4). Terbinane alone had a modest effect on the growth of C. krusei. Addition of CsA to either terbinane or fenpropimorph only produced small, turbid halos indicating minimal interaction with terbinane and potential antagonism with fenpropimorph in C. krusei (Fig. 4). The nonimmunosuppressive FK506 analog L-685,818 enhances growth inhibition when combined with fenpropimorph or terbinane. We tested the nonimmunosuppressive FK506 analog L-685,818 for the ability to enhance growth inhibition of C. albicans when combined with fenpropimorph or terbinane. L-685,818 differs from FK506 on the exposed surface of the drug in complex with FKBP12. Substitution of an allyl group with an ethyl group at C21 and the presence of a hydroxyl group at C18 prevent the resulting human FKBP12L-685,818 complex from binding mammalian calcineurin. In contrast, the yeast FKBP12L-685,818 complex can bind and inhibit calcineurin because of additional protein-protein contacts provided by yeast FKBP12 that mitigate the deleterious effects of the C18 hydroxyl group. As a consequence, L-685,818 binds to yeast FKBP12 and inhibits fungal growth while sparing calcineurin-dependent immune function in the mammalian host (3, 30, 35). Neither FK506 nor L-685,818 alone inhibited the growth of wild-type C. albicans in vitro (Fig. 5). As demonstrated earlier, fenpropimorph or terbinane alone produced

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FIG. 3. erg24/erg24 mutants are hypersensitive to CsA and FK506. C. albicans wild-type (SC5314), erg6/erg6 homozygous mutant (KPC8), and erg24/erg24 homozygous mutant (NJ51-2) strains were grown in YPD medium overnight. Fivefold serial dilutions of each strain were prepared and spotted onto YPD solid medium containing CsA (100 g/ml), FK506 (1 g/ml), or no drug ( ). Cells were incubated for 24 h at 37C.

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FIG. 4. C. glabrata and C. krusei isolates are sensitive to the synergism between calcineurin inhibitors and non-azole ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors. C. glabrata shows sensitivity to the synergism between terbinane (Terb) and CsA or FK506, whereas fenpropimorph (Fenp) only has a slight effect in combination with FK506. C. krusei is sensitive to both fenpropimorph and terbinane in combination with FK506 but demonstrates little synergy with 50 (CsA50) or 100 (CsA100) g of CsA. C. glabrata strain DUMC111.10 and C. krusei strain MMRL70 were grown overnight in YPD medium. The treatment of cells and the drug disk concentrations were the same as in the experiment described in Fig. 2. Cells were incubated for 24 to 48 h at 37C. The calcineurin inhibitors alone did not inhibit the growth of these strains (data not shown). DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; ETOH, ethanol.

turbid halos of inhibition around wild-type C. albicans (Fig. 2 and 5). When wild-type cells were exposed to fenpropimorph or terbinane in combination with L-685,818, enhanced halo clearing was observed (Fig. 5). Although the halo size and

clearing effect produced by the addition of L-685,818 was less dramatic than that of FK506, this analog exhibited in vitro potential as a nonimmunosuppressive alternative to FK506. L-685,818 and similar analogs may prove to be more practical for the clinical application of the drug synergy between calcineurin inhibitors and fenpropimorph or terbinane. DISCUSSION Candida species cause serious systemic disease in the immunocompromised patient population. Current drug treatments are largely effective, but resistant strains and intrinsically resistant species are emerging. Our ndings suggest options for expanding the utility of existing antifungal drug classes. In C. albicans, it has previously been shown that calcineurin activity is required for survival during membrane perturbation with azoles (8). Therefore, cells exposed to calcineurin inhibitors exhibit increased sensitivity to antifungals that target cell membrane integrity. Here, we explored the synergism between calcineurin inhibitors and fenpropimorph, which is used exclusively in agriculture as a fungicide, and terbinane, which is used clinically to treat dermatophyte infections. We demonstrated that fenpropimorph and terbinane exhibit synergistic fungicidal activity with calcineurin inhibitors against C. albicans, C. glabrata, and C. krusei in vitro. The degree of this drug synergy varied among the different Candida species, but we observed signicant enhancement of growth inhibition with at least one drug combination for each species. In addition to our laboratory wild-type C. albicans strain, six recently obtained C. albicans clinical isolates were tested by halo assay for evidence of synergism (data not shown). The six strains varied in the extent to which they were inhibited by the different drug combinations, but all demonstrated synergistic inhibition when exposed to calcineurin inhibitors and either

FIG. 5. L-685,818 demonstrates synergy with fenpropimorph (Fenp) and terbinane (Terb) against wild-type C. albicans. Although less potent than FK506, the nonimmunosuppressive FK506 analog L-685,818 demonstrates drug synergy with fenpropimorph and terbinane against wild-type C. albicans in halo assays. Wild-type C. albicans (SC5314) cells were grown overnight in YPD medium and treated the same as in the experiment described in Fig. 2. As indicated, disks containing 2 g of FK506, 4 g of L-685,818, 2 g of fenpropimorph, and 10 g of terbinane were placed over the solidied top agar. Cells were incubated for 24 to 48 h at 37C.




terbinane or fenpropimorph. Although there was an overall difference in the inhibitory proles of terbinane and fenpropimorph, both drugs exhibited improved antifungal activity when combined with CsA or FK506. Our results suggest that antifungal drug classes previously relegated to agricultural purposes or reserved for treatment of supercial infections might be resurrected for treatment of human systemic infections by the prospect of enhanced efcacy through combination therapy. While variability may occur among the different Candida strains and species in response to these drug combinations, it is exciting that the fungicidal potential of normally fungistatic drugs can be revealed. In a study by Marchetti and colleagues, the combination of uconazole and CsA was found to be effective in treating aortic valve endocarditis in a rat model of C. albicans infection, thus illustrating the potential therapeutic benet of drug synergy (22). Such ndings serve as evidence of the utility of a combinatorial treatment approach to combating fungal disease. Furthermore, recent studies have revealed the efcacy of azoles in treating cutaneous leishmaniasis (1). If the synergistic relationship of combinatorial treatment with calcineurin inhibitors exhibited in pathogenic yeast is also applicable to parasites, many antifungal agents may nd even broader therapeutic applications. Azoles have been a predominant therapy for Candida infections for more than 20 years, but given the emergence of azole-resistant C. albicans strains and Candida species, there is a need for more antifungal drug options. Terbinane acts upstream of the azole target Erg11 and fenpropimorph acts downstream of Erg11 in the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway (Fig. 1). Like uconazole, terbinane and fenpropimorph have demonstrated synergy with both calcineurin inhibitors. Our in vitro studies have also shown that the combination of terbinane or fenpropimorph and FK506 can signicantly inhibit both C. glabrata and C. krusei. It is possible that this synergism may provide relief from the nephrotoxicity that results from amphotericin B therapy, the typical alternative to using azoles to treat these resistant species. Since Erg2 is the primary target of morpholine drugs, our analysis of the inhibition prole of fenpropimorph in combination with FK506 or CsA established Erg2 as a good target for the development of antifungal drugs that participate in this synergy. However, we sought to investigate the practicality of specically targeting Erg24, the secondary target of fenpropimorph. We independently conrmed the ndings of Jia et al. (16) that erg24/erg24 mutants are hypersensitive to terbinane and surprisingly found that these mutants were also rather sensitive to fenpropimorph compared to the wild-type strain (data not shown). Erg2 functions downstream of Erg24. Thus, if Erg24 is mutated or inhibited, why does blocking Erg2 activity have any effect on erg24/erg24 mutants? Although the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway is commonly depicted as a linear set of reactions (Fig. 1), this pathway is an intricate network of enzymes and enzyme product interactions. Either the Erg2 enzyme functions in the absence of Erg24, or fenpropimorph has additional targets other than Erg2 and Erg24. Therefore, inhibiting the ERG24 gene product may also increase the sensitivity of C. albicans to a variety of ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors. These results serve as evidence that the Erg24 enzyme is a practical target for antifungal drug combinations. With amorolne only available as topical therapy and

no other morpholines in clinical use, our data demonstrate the therapeutic potential of the development of systemically active morpholines as an alternative to azoles and amphotericin B therapy. Nonimmunosuppressive analogs of FK506 and CsA also exhibit drug synergy with ergosterol inhibitors and could extend the utility and efcacy of this therapeutic approach (8). The immunocompromised population, including premature neonates, diabetics, HIV-positive patients, and individuals receiving organ transplants or chemotherapy, along with immunocompetent individuals with urinary catheters, indwelling vascular devices, or access sites for hemodialysis are particularly at risk for candidemia and subsequent systemic infection (5, 21, 29, 33, 36). Therefore, administration of calcineurin inhibitors to these already immunosuppressed or hospitalized immunocompetent patients may actually compromise their recovery. The nonimmunosuppressive FK506 analog L-685,818 exploits subtle structural differences between the yeast and mammalian FKBP12 and calcineurin molecules, resulting in growth inhibition of yeast cells and maintenance of host immune function (35). Our experiments demonstrate that L-685,818 enhances growth inhibition of C. albicans when combined with fenpropimorph or terbinane in in vitro halo assays (Fig. 5). Increased amounts of this analog may be required to mimic the potent inhibitory effect of FK506 against wild-type C. albicans. However, L-685,818 shows great promise as a nonimmunosuppressive alternative to drug combinations involving FK506. Immunocompromised patients are substantially more susceptible to opportunistic fungal infections, but our ndings also have important implications for the many immunocompetent adult and pediatric patients with nondisseminated Candida infections. C. albicans is found in the natural ora of the mouth, vaginal tract, and gut. Mucocutaneous candidiasis can result in signicant morbidity for burn victims, women with recurring vaginitis, bedridden individuals, postoperative surgical patients, and neonates (5, 12, 21). A pulsed therapy using FK506, CsA, or analogs of either in which a patient is transiently immunosuppressed while receiving an appropriate ergosterol inhibitor might be a practical therapeutic approach for these individuals. Long-term adverse health risks would be less likely given the patients immunocompetency and the brevity of immunosuppression. Additionally, with the advent of topical FK506 for treatment of atopic dermatitis (27), therapeutic options for supercial fungal infections might be expanded and improved. For example, the topical forms of terbinane and amorolne may show improved efcacy against mucocutaneous candidiasis or dermatophytic infections when combined with topical FK506 or CsA. As drug-resistant microorganisms continue to emerge and the number of patients susceptible to these infections rises, the demand for more effective antimicrobial agents multiplies. In order to combat the growing problem, we must be innovative in our approaches to drug design and vigilant in monitoring current therapies whose properties can be exploited for novel therapeutic purposes. This concept was demonstrated in recent studies in which an antiprotease-based highly active antiretroviral therapy regimen exhibited an anticandidal effect in HIVpositive patients (26). It was also exhibited in a clinical study of immunosuppressed patients infected with Cryptococcus neofor-

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VOL. 47, 2003



mans, where the use of FK506 as a primary immunosuppressant appeared to protect against C. neoformans infection of the central nervous system (13). These examples illustrate the benet of evaluating current drugs for the ability to serve in new or alternative clinical roles. Ultimately, improvement in drug design and available therapy options for fungal infections is of key importance now and in the future. Most exciting, however, is the potential to tailor antifungal drug regimens to the specic requirements of individual patient populations.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS C.O. and J.R.B. contributed equally to this work. We are grateful to Norman Lees for providing strains and Ted White and Martin Bard for scientic discussions of the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway. We thank Deborah Fox and Christina Hull for comments on and careful reading of the manuscript. Terbinane was generously provided by Neil Ryder at Novartis, FK506 was generously provided by Fujisawa, and L-685,818 was generously provided by Ken Bartizal at Merck. This study was supported by RO1 grant AI50438 and PO1 grant AI44975 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to the Duke Mycology Research Unit and also in part by MUCU 21363. Joseph Heitman is an associate investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and a Burroughs Wellcome scholar in molecular pathogenic mycology. Maurizio Del Poeta is a Burroughs Wellcome investigator in pathogenesis of infectious diseases.
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