Air_Pollution_Handbook (1)
Air_Pollution_Handbook (1)
Air_Pollution_Handbook (1)
This publication was written by Laura Hyesung Yang, Jiwon Kim, and Dha Hyun Ahn
(Yonsei University), with substantive inputs from Sangmin Nam, Minkyung Hong
(UNESCAP), and Jhoon Kim (Yonsei University). The authors appreciate Yeora Chae
(KEI), Ho-Jin Lim (KNU), and Chang-Keun Song (UNIST) for their review of the
draft and valuable comments.
This publication was prepared to support the International Day of Clean Air for blue
skies, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Korea and designated by the UN
General Assembly Resolution 74/212.
Introduction 12
Chapter 1
Current Air Pollution Situation and Trend 16
1. Trend of Global Death Rate Attributable to Air Pollution 16
2. Annual Death Rate Attributable to Air Pollution by Regions/Countries 16
3. Global Air Pollution Exposure Level 18
Chapter 2
What are the Most Common Air Pollutants? 22
1. Types of Pollutants: Primary and Secondary Air Pollutants 22
2. Main Pollutants and Their Properties 23
Chapter 3
Factors Responsible for Air Pollution: What Causes Air Pollution? 42
1. Natural Sources 42
2. Mobile Sources 44
3. Stationary Sources 46
4. Area Sources 48
Chapter 4
Effects of Air Pollution. What Are the Consequences? 52
1. Effects on Health 52
2. Effects on Agriculture 55
3. Effects on Environment 56
4. Effects on Economy 58
5. Long-term Effects on the Planet 59
6. Effects on Sustainable Development Goals 61
Chapter 5
What is Indoor Air Pollution? 68
1. Indoor Air Pollutants and Typical Sources 68
2. Effects of Indoor Air Pollution 69
3. Intervention to Indoor Air Pollution 70
Chapter 6
How is Air Pollution Assessed, Monitored, Managed, 74
and Controlled?
1. Communication of Air Pollution Level with the Public 74
2. Example of AQI 75
3. Ambient Air Pollutants: Analysis and Measurement 78
4. Air Pollution Monitoring and Surveillance 79
5. Air Quality Management System and Process 83
6. WHO Air Quality Guidelines 84
Chapter 7
What Actions are Required? 88
1. Key Actions by Sectors 88
2. Key Actions by Stakeholders 92
Chapter 8
What are Regional and Global Cooperation Mechanisms? 98
1. Regional Cooperation Mechanisms 98
2. Global Cooperation Mechanisms 101
Chapter 9
Resources 104
1. Policy-related Reports 104
2. Health-related Reports 105
3. Climate-related Reports 105
4. Useful Websites 106
References 110
1.1. Age-Standardized Global Death Rate from Air Pollution per 100,000
Population since 1990.
1.2A. Age-Standardized Death Attributable to Ambient and Indoor Air
Pollution (death rate per 100,000 population) as of 2018.
1.2B. Age-Standardized Death Attributable to Ambient and Indoor Air
Pollution (death rate per 100,000 population) shown in global map
as of 2017.
1.2C. Age-standardized Number of Death (per 100,000 individual) in 1990
versus 2017.
1.3. Population-weighted Mean Exposure to PM2.5 Concentration in a
Spatial Map, 2016.
1.4. Proportion of Population Exposed to PM2.5 Concentration Level
Exceeding WHO’s Guideline as of 2016.
2.1. Global PM2.5 Composition.
4.1. Global Number of Deaths Categorized and Ranked by Risk Factor as
of 2017 as Provided by Global Burden of Diseases from IHME.
4.2. Observed Change in Surface Temperature between 1901 and 2012.
4.3. Radiative Forcing of Different Air Pollutants.
4.4. Air Pollution and SDGs.
5.1. Household Air Pollution and Its Health Effects.
8.1. EANET Monitoring Sites.
4.1. Air Pollutants and Their Respective Health Complications 6.1. US EPA
Air Quality Index
6.2. WHO Air Quality Guidelines
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in December 2019
adopted the Resolution 74/212 that designates September 7 as the
International Day of Clean Air for blue skies to raise awareness at all
levels – individual, community, corporate, and government – that clean
air is vital for health, productivity, the economy, and the environment.
The Resolution underlines the importance and necessity to promote
and facilitate actions to improve air quality. To this end, it stresses the
need to strengthen international cooperation at the global, regional,
and subregional levels in various areas related to improving air quality,
including the collection and utilization of data, joint research and
development, as well as the sharing of best practices.
The International Day of Clean Air for blue skies was advocated by
the Republic of Korea. The Resolution to hold the International Day
of Clean Air for blue skies is a follow-up of the previous resolutions
that were adopted by the United Nations Environment Assembly in
its Resolution 3/8 of December 6, 2017, World Health Assembly in its
Resolution 68.8 of May 26, 2015, and the United Nations Economic and
Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in its Resolution
75/4 of May 31, 2019 that emphasize the significance of addressing the
health impact of air pollution and strengthening international cooperation
to tackle air pollution challenges.
Chapter 1
Current Air Pollution Situation
and Trend
Figure 1.1. Age-Standardized Global Death Rate from Air Pollution per 100,000 Population
since 1990. [Data Source: IHME, Global Burden of Disease (2017), Graph Source:
Ritchie, H. (2017)]
By region, Africa exhibits the highest deaths per 100,000 people from
the ambient and household air pollution, combined with 180.9 deaths
annually, followed by South-East Asia with 165.8 deaths. Europe and the
Americas experience much fewer deaths from air pollution with 29.7 and
36.3 deaths per 100,000 people respectively.
Chapter 1
Current Air Pollution Situation and Trend
Figure 1.2A. Age-Standardized Death Attributable to Ambient and Indoor Air Pollution
(death rate per 100,000 population) as of 2016. (Data Source: WHO, 2018)
Figure 1.2B. Age-Standardized Death Attributable to Ambient and Indoor Air Pollution
(death rate per 100,000 population) shown on global map as of 2017. [Data
Source: IHME, Global Burden of Disease, Graph Source: Ritchie, H. (2017)]
country is placed on the line, this indicates no change in the death rate
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
between two time periods. If the country is placed above the line, the
country experienced a decrease in mortality rate in 2017 as compared
to the past. More specifically, at the country level, middle-to-high
income countries like Australia, China, Germany, and the United States
experienced a smaller number of deaths in 2017 than in 1990. On the
other hand, there were more deaths in developing countries like India,
Nepal, and South America during the same period.
Figure 1.2C. Age-standardized Number of Death (per 100,000 individual) in 1990 versus
2017. [Data Source: IHME, Global Burden of Disease, Graph Source: Ritchie, H.
95% of the world population is currently exposed to PM2.5 higher than 10
/m3, which is the recommended standard by the WHO to reduce deaths
attributable to air pollution by 15%. 95% of the world population not only
includes people in Asia and Africa but also people in Europe and South
Chapter 1
Current Air Pollution Situation and Trend
Figure 1.3. Population-weighted Mean Exposure to PM2.5 Concentration in a Spatial Map,
2016. [Data Source: World Bank (2016), Graph Source: Ritchie, H. (2017)]
Chapter 2
What are the Most Common
Air Pollutants?
1 Types of Pollutants: Primary and Secondary Air Pollutants
2 Main Pollutants and Their Properties
and nitric oxide (NO). Secondary air pollutants are air pollutants that
are generated in the atmosphere through a series of chemical reactions.
Examples include particulate matter (PM), ozone (O3), nitric acid (HNO3),
sulfate (SO42-), sulfuric acid (H2SO4). Pollutants such as PM and nitrogen
dioxide (NO2) are both primary and secondary pollutants.
2 Main Pollutants and Their Properties
Ammonia (NH3)
Chapter 2
ammonium sulfate, and ammonium nitrate) with a diameter that is
smaller than 2.5 (PM2.5). It is an often-overlooked important ingredient
of smog, which is a deadly combination of smoke and fog. This makes
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
can lead to ammonia poisoning. Also, secondary PM generated from
NH3 can cause asthma, bronchitis, and heart complications.
Chapter 2
Group. The ECE formed an expert group on
Ammonia Abatement to guide for reducing
ammonia through good agricultural practice.
Such initiative started to help meet the
Read the Framework Code for Good Agricultural Practice for Reducing
Ammonia Emission:
Sources of Carbon Monoxide. Incomplete combustion generates
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Ground-level Ozone (O3)
Chapter 2
as a shield through absorbing ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which is
detrimental to people’s health. However, the ground-level O3 in the
troposphere is harmful as it readily reacts with other molecules in the
atmosphere and hurts people’s health and ecosystem. The ground-level
concentration peaks in the middle to late afternoon of a day when the
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
the photosynthesis process. Such detrimental effects on individual
plants can lead to the biodiversity of the ecosystem. Additionally,
ground-level O3 can disturb plants’ uptake of atmospheric carbon or a
process known as “carbon fixation,” which is a method of converting
inorganic carbon to organic carbon that can act as a building block for
essential activities.
Chapter 2
in O3, it tightens the airway muscle, which can lead to immediate
difficulty in breathing and make people wheeze and cough. For people
with underlying lung diseases, ground-level O3 can trigger aggravated
asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which can
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Chapter 2
Source: UNICEF/Mungunkhishig Batbaatar
children who are exposed to NO2 for a long time can have smaller lungs
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Source: US EPA
pollutants. The primary PM consists of a mixture of organic, inorganic
salts, mineral dust, and black carbon. The common constituents of
the secondary PM include organic and inorganic compounds (e.g.
sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, and chloride), with varying compositions,
depending on whether it is in an urban or rural location. PM can be
classified as PM10 and PM2.5 depending on the size. PM10 are particles,
with diameters smaller or equal to 10 micrometers, and PM2.5 are fine
particles, with diameters smaller or equal to 2.5 micrometers. As PM2.5
Chapter 2
penetrates through the lung more effectively than PM10, they pose a
greater threat to public health. The global population-weighted PM2.5
is composed about 30% from inorganic compounds, mainly of sulfate-
nitrate-ammonium (SNA), 32% of organic mass, and 38% from
Figure 2.1. Global PM2.5 Composition. [Source: Modified from Figure 2. PM2.5 Mass (inner
circle, m-3) and Composition Mass Fraction (filled colours) in Graydon Snider et
al. (2016). Variation in Global Chemical Composition of PM2.5: Emerging Results
from SPARTAN.]
Sources of Particulate Matter. There are both natural and
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Source: UNEP
Impact of Particulate Matter on Health. PM2.5 can cause airway
damage. Once inhaled, PM2.5 deposits pulmonary alveoli and enters
the lung cells. Then it induces oxidative stress onto the cell, impairing
or even killing the cell. This can lead to inflammation of the airway
and a decline in lung functionality. Also, chronic exposure to PM2.5
puts excessive oxidative stress on lung cells that can increase the
susceptibility to lung infection, leading to the development of asthma,
chronic bronchitis, and COPD. Prolonged exposure can ultimately
Chapter 2
increase the risk of lung cancer. Indeed, PM was categorized as a
carcinogen for lung cancer by the WHO’s International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2013. Moreover, PM 2.5 can exert
oxidative stress on the central nervous system, particularly the
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Source: UNEP
easily at room temperature, excluding CO, CO2, and CH4. NMVOCs
have a distinctive odor depending on the sources like the smell of
gasoline, alcohol, or fresh paint. NMVOCs are also a key material
needed for the O3 formation along with NOx and they contribute to the
formation of secondary PM.
Chapter 2
anthropogenic. As terrestrial vegetation is the single greatest source
of NMVOCs globally, trees constantly emit VOCs (i.e. isoprene and
terpenes) during the process of photosynthesis. Anthropogenic sources
include paint, adhesives, carpets, cosmetics, fragrances, deodorants,
Source: UNEP
Sulfur Oxides (SOx)
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Source: UNEP
Impact of Sulfur Oxides on the Ecosystem. Exposure to a high
concentration of SO2 is detrimental to vegetation. SO2 first enters the
foliage through the stomata, a gas exchange site for plants. The plant
rapidly absorbs SO2 through stomata and the accumulation of sulfite
(SO32-) takes place. This sulfite compound then interferes with the
plant’s essential metabolic processes causing injury to the plant. Also,
SO2 is known to decrease the photosynthesis rate of plants, hindering
the growth of the plant. Similar to NO2, SO2 is an important ingredient
Chapter 2
in acid rain. In the atmosphere, SO2 goes through a chemical reaction
and forms sulfuric acid which forms acidic precipitation. Furthermore,
SO 2 forms sulfate particles that can form a hazy environment,
obscuring one’s visibility.
Chapter 3
Factors Responsible for Air Pollution:
What Causes Air Pollution?
1 Natural Sources
2 Mobile Sources
3 Stationary Sources
4 Area Sources
1 Natural Sources
Source: UN News
Chapter 3
Emission of Natural Sources.
CO: The oxidation process of CH4 and NMVOC takes place in the
atmosphere, and they form CO in the atmosphere. Also, volcanic
NMVOCs: NMVOCs play an important role in photochemistry as
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
2 Mobile Sources
Chapter 3
Factors Responsible for Air Pollution: What Causes Air Pollution?
Source: UN Photo/Nasim Fekrat
sources releases NOX to the atmosphere. In the urban city, mobile and
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
OX: Mobile sources are responsible for SOX emission as it requires the
combustion of fuel for mobile objects to operate. In particular, diesel
combustion emits more SOX than gasoline (< 300ppm) by containing
more sulfur content (0.1%).
3 Stationary Sources
Chapter 3
Source: UN
GHGs: According to the IPCC, the industry (e.g. burning of fossil fuels
at facilities), production of electricity and heat (e.g. coal, natural gas,
and oil burning), and other energy production processes (e.g. refining,
processing, and transporting of energy) combined accounted for 56%
of the global greenhouse gas emission in 2010. The production of
electricity and heat is the single largest contributor to GHGs emissions
by accounting for 25%.
NOX. Fuel NOX is caused when nitrogen in fuel is burnt and thermal
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
4 Area Sources
the local air quality. Area sources of air pollution can be exemplified
by road traffic, household or building heating, agricultural activities.
Air pollution can also be generated from daily lives such as solvent use,
pesticide use, domestic heating, and cooking.
Chapter 3
cooking and burning fuel at household/building that entails combustion
at high-temperature also releases CO.
NOX: Area sources of NOX include road traffic and residential oil and
gas combustion used for heating and cooking appliances. Also, in
the areas where N fertilizer is heavily used for agricultural purposes,
the soil emits significant NOX to the atmosphere. For instance, in the
California Central Valley region where substantial agriculture activity
takes place, agriculture is the major source of NOX.
can be also formed by sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium, which are
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
SOX: SOX is emitted from household fuel combustion for heating and
cooking as commonly used fuel contains sulfur.
Chapter 4
Effects of Air Pollution.
What Are the Consequences?
1 Effects on Health
2 Effects on Agriculture
3 Effects on Environment
4 Effects on Economy
5 Long-term Effects on the Planet
6 Effects on Sustainable Development Goals
1 Effects on Health
Figure 4.1. Global Number of Deaths Categorized and Ranked by Risk Factor as of 2017 as
Provided by Global Burden of Diseases from IHME.
(Graph Source: Ritchie, 2018)
4.2 million premature deaths, together accounting for 7 million deaths
every year globally. Low-income and middle-income countries are more
heavily affected by air pollution by accounting for 90% of 4.2 million
deaths (outdoor air pollution). As children with developing lungs, people
with pre-existing health complications, and the elderly are more heavily
affected by air pollution than other populations, more care is needed to
protect those groups of people in the event of high air pollution. The
WHO also summarizes how much the proportion of each disease is
attributable to outdoor air pollution.
Chapter 4
Effects of Air Pollution. What Are the Consequences?
Source: WHO
Specifically, exposure to air pollutants is known to increase admission
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
to hospitals and the mortality rate. Depending on the exposure level and
the type of air pollutant, varying short-term (e.g. nausea, skin irritation) to
long-term (e.g. cancer) health complications can arise.
Organ Health Complication
Nose irritation, throat irritation, eye
SO2, NO2 Lung inflammation: coughing,
wheezing, mucous secretion
For asthmatic individuals:
bronchoconstriction, dyspnea
Lung inflammation
Reduction in lung functionality
PM, O3
Lung cancer
Worse lung inflammation for individuals
with pre-existing lung diseases
PM Blood coagulation
2 Effects on Agriculture
Food security and crop productivity are strongly linked, and previous
studies have shown that air pollutants like ground-level O3 and PM can
impact crop productivity, but in different ways.
Chapter 4
The level of negative effect on crop productivity is greater for countries
with high levels of ground-level O3 than those with lower levels of
ground-level O3 by requiring more stringent measures to O3 precursors to
minimize its impact.
competing effects of PM on the light. As PM can absorb and scatter light,
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
3 Effects on Environment
Acid rain. Acid rain is defined as acidic precipitation (e.g. snow, rain,
or fog). It can create an acidic environment that can ultimately become
uninhabitable for plants, animals, and fish. Acid rain can also influence
the urban environment by making erosion of buildings or sculptures. The
cause of the acid rain is air pollutants such as SOX and NOX, which are
emitted from the burning of fossil fuel or vehicle emission. It is crucial to
control the SOX and NOX emission to tackle the acid rain problem.
can induce soil acidification and the subsequent run-off to the water
system can cause eutrophication.
Chapter 4
Haze. Haze is a phenomenon in which the opacity of the atmosphere
increases when fine solid/aqueous particles suspended in the atmosphere
scatter or absorb light, which can be either white or brown. It is caused by
anthropogenic activities generating air pollutants such as transportation
4 Effects on Economy
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Market Costs Associated with Air Pollution. There are three major
market costs linked to air pollution, namely health spending, labor
productivity, and crop yield. Exacerbated air pollution conditions will
increase hospital admission, which will increase health expenditure and
decrease labor productivity. Air pollutants such as O3 decrease the crop
yield, which all have adverse impacts on the economy. The OECD expects
the combined market cost from health spending, labor productivity, and
crop yield to take up 1.0% of global GDP by 2060 compared to 0.3% in
2015 due to the globally increased air pollution trend.
will increase to 2.2 trillion USD by 2060, compared to 280 billion USD
in 2015. The second factor is an increase in premature deaths caused by
air pollution. The WTP is much higher for premature death as compared
to the morbidity since the global WTP for premature death is expected
to reach 18-25 trillion USD by 2060 as compared to 3.2 trillion USD in
2015. Such a six-fold to eightfold increase in WTP between those two-
time frames is attributed to a projected increase in premature deaths. The
OECD report used the value of statistical life (VSL) metric to calculate
the WTP and adjusted each country by its income to calculate the global
average WTP. More details about WTP related to air pollution can be
found in the OECD report.
Chapter 4
Effects on Climate Change. The UNFCCC defines the climate change
as the “change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human
activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is
Figure 4.2. Observed Change in Surface Temperature between 1901 and 2012. [Graphic
Source: IPCC (2013) WG1AR5 Figure SPM.1]
The GHGs trap the terrestrial radiation from leaving the atmosphere,
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
6 Effects on Sustainable Development Goals
Chapter 4
change by putting air, food, and
water in danger and posing a threat
Air pollution threatens human to human health.
health by causing respiratory
infection and cardiovascular
Air Pollution
disease. It leads to the increased
population morbidity and mortality,
more so in urban areas.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), consisting of 17
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
goals and 169 targets, are closely interconnected – an action in one area
will influence outcomes in others. Although there is no headline Goal
on air pollution in the SDGs, air pollution is closely linked to each one
of them in terms of its causes and effects. For example, air pollution is
derived from excess use of energy (7) and development of industry (9)
and transport (11), which ultimately damages our ecosystem and brings
harmful impacts on education (4), food (2), and health (3). It is important
to enhance cooperation mechanisms between the air pollution and SDGs
frameworks to tackle air pollution and achieve sustainable development
on air pollution to familiarize with measures to counter or mitigate air
pollution. Such awareness should be increased particularly among poorer
groups and young people.
Chapter 4
Impacts on the Environment. Despite many existing studies on
air pollution, more qualitative insights on air pollution and its broader
environment linkages are necessary. Mongolia is both a contributor and
Box 4.1. Mongolia Voluntary National Report 2019
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
The Mongolia Voluntary National Report 2019 features the air pollution
issue as “a complicated and multifaceted global problem that would benefit
from cross-sectoral coordination and multi-stakeholder partnerships
through a sustainable development lens” to create effective solutions. Air
pollution is an increasingly urgent development challenge in Mongolia
that influences public health and productivity, while incurring a significant
amount of costs for the economy.
Chapter 4 Effects of Air Pollution. What Are the Consequences?
Source: Mongolia Voluntary National Report 2019
Chapter 5
What is Indoor Air Pollution?
Emission of Indoor Air Pollution. The combustion of solid fuels
emits CO, NOX, SOX, PM, and harmful NMVOCs such as aldehydes
and benzene. The burning of tobacco also emits CO, NOX, air toxic like
nicotine, and other harmful NMVOCs. Moreover, building materials,
furnishings, and personal products, consumer products, and adhesives
release unhealthy NMVOC (e.g. formaldehyde), which discharges at a
higher level for newer products. Construction and building products such
as tiles, pipe insulation, and concrete also contain asbestos fibers. Lastly,
construction materials like concrete and stone and soil release radon,
which is a radioactive particle that penetrates through people’s lungs.
Chapter 5
What is Indoor Air Pollution?
Source: WHO/Ajay Pillarisetti
Health Effect. Smoke from the burning of solid fuels and biomass
in households poses a serious threat to people’s health, especially for
developing countries that use less efficient fuels. According to WHO,
about 3.8 million people die prematurely from indoor air pollution
generated by inefficient fuel usage (e.g. solid fuels, kerosene, coal, and
biomass burning). For children under 5 years old, indoor air pollution is
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Pneumonia: 27%
Stroke: 18%
Ischaemic heart disease: 27%
COPD: 20%
Lung cancer: 8%
countries is the most effective measure to reduce indoor air pollution as
indoor air pollution from the usage of solid fuel is intricately related to
poverty. The implementation of the following interventions at a personal
level could be difficult for low-income families calling for a need for
intervention at policy-level.
Chapter 5
/m3 for using dung. Just by substituting for cleaner fuel decreased the
exposure by 10 orders of magnitude. Compared to LPG and kerosene,
substitution with electricity requires the building of infrastructure, so for
developing countries, LPG and kerosene are more viable options for fuel
having more windows can allow such air exchange of indoor and outdoor
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Chapter 6
How is Air Pollution Assessed,
Monitored, Managed, and Controlled?
Overview of Air Quality Index. The Air Quality Index (AQI) is one
of dimensionless values that exhibits the air pollution level of the day.
AQI is used to communicating with the public about daily air quality so
that people can make the most prudent decision about outdoor activity. It
allows countries to have different names for AQI and ways of calculating
AQI depending on their ambient air quality standards in each country.
For instance, the AQI index for Canada, Singapore, and the Republic
of Korea is called the “Air Quality Health Index (AQHI),” “Pollutant
Standards Index (PSI),” and the “Comprehensive Air-Quality Index
(CAI)” respectively. The commonality of these different AQIs is that they
are calculated from different air pollutants that are associated with health
complications, which are called “target pollutants” in this Handbook.
Target Pollutants and Values. AQI concerns air pollutants that pose
a threat to public health. The target pollutants in AQI can differ in each
country depending on the type of pollutants that are being regulated by
national ambient air quality standards. Commonly, countries use SO2, O3,
NO2, CO, PM10, and PM2.5 to calculate AQI. Depending on the country,
the range of AQI can vary. It is common that the higher AQI value is
indicative of a higher level of air pollution.
and “unhealthy for everyone” as AQI value increases. Such categorization
Chapter 6
is possible as pollutants that determine AQI have direct health
implications. Acute exposure to PM can cause respiratory inflammation,
heart complication, and, ultimately, lung cancer. O3 is linked to asthma
and various lung complications. NO2 is associated with a reduction in
The World Health Organization (WHO) lists five different ways to restrict
breathing polluted air:
1. Limit walking on busy streets during rush hour – and if you have a
young child with you, try to lift them up above the level of vehicle
2. Limit spending time at specific hotspots of traffic such as cars stopped
at traffic lights
3. When you’re doing physical activity outdoors, try exercising in less
polluted areas
4. Limit the use of cars in highly polluted days
5. Don’t burn waste as the smoke results in damage to our health
Source: WHO
2 Example of AQI
the common equation, and the highest AQI amongst five pollutants are
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
0 to 50 None
for Sensitive Sensitive groups should reduce
Groups prolonged or heavy exertion
Box 6.2. How is AQI Calculated?
Chapter 6
Adopted from the US EPA Technical Report on AQI (2018)
1. Truncate the concentration of the pollutant of interest (ozone: 3 decimal places,
PM2.5: 1 decimal place, PM10: integer, CO: 1 decimal place, SO2: integer, NO2:
4. AQI equal to 126 corresponds to USG (unhealthy for sensitive group), orange code.
3 Ambient Air Pollutants: Analysis and Measurement
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
4 Air Pollution Monitoring and Surveillance
Chapter 6
Importance of Air Pollution Monitoring and Surveillance. Air
pollution monitoring refers to the process of measuring ambient air
pollution data for a consistent time. Well-established ambient air quality
Source: UNEP
Cost-effective monitoring device developed by EPA to track down the sources of air pollutants
near the industrial area. (Source: US EPA)
Three Types of Operational Monitoring Stations. The operational
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
and the meteorological conditions have to be favorable for aircraft to be
Chapter 6
Source: UN ©JAXA
with a limited characterization of gases. However, recent technology
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Space-based Monitoring System.
Chapter 6
The satellite sensing has wide geographical coverage by monitoring
air pollutants that travel across the boundary from local to regional to
a global scale. However, it is weaker in characterizing air pollutants’
composition in fine detail as compared to the ground-based monitoring
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Source: US EPA
reasoning is based on the consensus of globally credible experts across
Chapter 6
different disciplines, which gives the highest credibility. WHO AQG can
be particularly useful for setting air quality standards for countries that
lack the infrastructure needed to go through their health and scientific
investigations into air pollution’s impact on public health. It should be
Chapter 7
What Actions are Required?
Source: UN
sector emission. Fifthly, technology to control individual vehicles such as
requiring vehicles to install control devices can enhance the quality of air.
Lastly, air pollution emission can be lessened by promoting more efficient
alternative fuels like biofuels and electricity through economic incentives.
Chapter 7
Box 7.1. Beijing Vehicle Emission Control
Source: UNEP
installing hoods can improve the circulation of air from inside to outside
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
that can prevent air pollutants accumulating indoor. Fifthly, the kitchen can
be physically separated from the rest of the households to prevent family
members from being exposed to high levels of air pollution.
Box. 7.2. Twenty-Five Clean Air Measures for Asia and the Pacific
The Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), UNEP, and the Asia Pacific Clean
Air Partnership in 2019 published the report called “Air Pollution in Asia and
the Pacific: Science-based Solutions.” It outlines the following twenty-five
clean air measures for achieving safe air quality levels for 1 billion people by
2030 in the region:
1. Strengthen emission standards for road
2. Regularly maintain and inspect vehicles
3. Mainstream electric vehicles
4. Provide better mobility options
5. Control dust from construction and roads
6. Reduce emissions from international shipping
7. Improve post-combustion control
8. Strengthen industrial process emissions
9. Introduce efficient brick kilns technology
10. Control volatile organic compounds from oil and gas production
11. Improve solvent use and refinery controls
12. Use environmentally-friendly refrigerants
13. Provide clean cooking and heating options
14. Strictly enforce bans on household waste burning
15. Provide incentives for improved energy efficiency in households
16. Increase renewable electricity generation
17. Improve energy efficiency for industry
18. Recover coal mining gas
19. Improve livestock manure management
20. Strengthen management of nitrogen fertilizer application
21. Better management of agricultural crop residues
22. Prevent forest and peatland fires
23. Promote more efficient rice production practices
24. Stop biogas leakage from wastewater treatment
25. Improve solid waste management
Energy Sector. The major source of air pollution in the energy sector
is the combustion of fossil fuel used in power generation. There are a
number of ways to reduce air pollution emission from power plants.
Firstly, control technologies such as departiculating, desulfurization,
and denitrification can be retrofitted to existing power plants. These
Chapter 7
technologies help reduce the emission before released to the ambient air.
The government’s economic subsidies could aid in the installation of
these control devices. Secondly, since coal-fired power plants emit more
in ammonia emission, which is essential for the agricultural sector, can be
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Citizens. There are several day-to-day life choices that people can
make to help improve air quality. First of all, it is important to conserve
energy at home, work, and in vehicles. People can refrain from excessive
heating or cooling and set to a moderate temperature. Secondly, people can
use alternatives to driving such as using public transportation like buses
and subways, riding bikes or walking, or doing a carpool if other modes
of transportation are not available. Thirdly, using eco-friendly products
(i.e. paints, cleaning products, personal care products) can help reduce the
release of VOCs to the atmosphere. Fourthly, if one possesses a car, boat,
or other devices with engines, keeping regular inspection to check the
status of the car and maintenance can help implement necessary control
devices that help reduce vehicle emission. Fifthly, people can refrain
from burning biomass at home, including burning wood at a fireplace and
burning waste or leaves in the backyard. Sixthly, they can buy energy-
efficient equipment and products for buildings and households. Seventhly,
asking or petitioning local officials for data on local air quality, as well as
controlling highly polluting facilities, can bring about changes. Eighthly,
it is an efficient way to organize trash clean-up and tree planning activities
as a community and refrain from overly consuming products. Finally,
fueling the vehicle at times of lower temperature (i.e. evening instead of
noon) can be helpful.
Chapter 7
Box 7.3. Public Opinion Matters
strengthening the national ambient air quality standards and management
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
system to fully protect the public’s health from air pollution. Updating
the policy with the newest findings is also vital. The second way is to
set up a detailed emission inventory of key targeted pollutants for each
sector and implement a well-organized monitoring system to track the
emission. These measures can help identify the major sources of emission
and be controlled if necessary. Thirdly, the government can implement
comprehensive air quality monitoring and measuring systems at local,
regional, and national levels. This system data can be used to inform the
public, annual air quality assessment report, and health assessment studies
to protect people from the adverse effects of air pollution. Fourthly, the
government can develop control strategies at different geographical
scales from local, regional to a national scale, and strengthen cooperation
among these three scales to best to tackle the air pollution problem. The
promotion of cooperation with neighboring countries and across the
globe is also an essential step to mitigate the transboundary impacts of air
pollution. Moreover, the government can invest more money in renewable
energy that emits less air pollutants. Lastly, interdisciplinary research and
education opportunities should be promoted by the government.
Box 7.4. China’s Plan to Reduce Air Pollution
China launched a bold plan to reduce air pollution in 2013 and reduced
PM2.5 and SO2 by 42% and 68% respectively in 74 major cities by 2018.
Chapter 7
An evaluation report by the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment
summarized the impacts of policy measures on air pollution as follows:
Source: China Air Quality Improvement Report: 2013-2018, Ministry of Ecology and
Environment, China, 2019
Box 7.5. The Republic of Korea’s Comprehensive Management Plan on PM
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Read in full:
Chapter 8
What are Regional and Global
Cooperation Mechanisms?
Box 8.1. Eight Protocols of the CLRTAP Convention
Chapter 8
Established solvent management plans for activities (Annex VI)
Introduced flexibility to include new Parties (e.g. Eastern and South-East Europe,
the Caucasus and Central Asia)
The 1998 Aarhus Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs):
The ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Read in full:
on- transboundary-haze-pollution-reprint-2019/
Chapter 8
What are Regional and Global Cooperation Mechanisms?
Figure 8.1. EANET Monitoring Sites (Source: EANET)
various international forums. The UN Environment Assembly Resolution
Air Pollution: An Introduction to Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions
Chapter 9
1 Policy-related Reports
2 Health-related Reports
3 Climate-related Reports
4 Useful Websites
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