Ghost Towns

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Quick Check Ghost Towns

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Instructions: Read each question carefully and choose the best answer.

1. Which of the following is not 4. What caused people to leave

a reason for people to leave a town in an African desert?
a town?
A Whales became hard to find.
A running out of resources B Gold became hard to find.
B no longer finding work C Diamonds became hard
C natural disasters to find.
D too many resources D Silver became hard to find.
2. What do all ghost towns have 5. What is a resource?
in common?
A a rare, precious stone that
A They are filled with animals. is prized for its beauty
B They are lonely places. B a dangerous and powerful
type of energy
C They are dangerous
for people. C a distant or isolated place
D They are too cold to survive. D a supply of something
valuable or very useful
3. What is the main idea
of this book? 6. Which of these events happened
first in the history of a town
A Ghost towns are empty places in Japan?
where people once lived.
B Ghost towns are haunted A Harmful radiation filled
places with many ghosts. the air.

C Ghost towns are places with B Huge waves hit a nuclear

many people and animals. power plant.

D Ghost towns are old places C Thousands of people had

that have been empty to move away.
for centuries. D A large earthquake occurred
off the coast of Japan.

Quick Check continued on following page

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Quick Check (continued) Ghost Towns

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7. What caused a town in Argentina 10. Read this sentence: In 1908,

to become a ghost town? a diamond was found in a desert
in Africa. What is a diamond?
A a huge flood
B an earthquake A a rare and precious stone
C a fire B a supply of something
D a volcanic eruption
C a large, destructive
8. Which of the following is ocean wave
a fact about ghost towns?
D a new place for people to live
A They are all created 11. Extended Response: Choose two
the same way.
ghost towns from the book. Do
B They are all created you think they will ever become
by natural disasters. regular towns again? Why or why
C They are created in not? Give specific examples to
many different ways. support your answer.
D They are all spooky and
haunted by ghosts.
9. What caused a village in Italy
to become a ghost town?
A a drought
B earthquakes and landslides
C an underground fire
D a loss of gold

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Quick Check Answer Sheet Ghost Towns
Main Comprehension Skill: Cause and Effect

1. D Main Idea and Details

2. B Compare and Contrast

3. A Main Idea and Details

4. C Cause and Effect

5. D Vocabulary

6. D Sequence Events

7. A Cause and Effect

8. C Fact or Opinion

9. B Cause and Effect

10. A Vocabulary

11. Answers will vary but should

include specific examples from
the book of two ghosts towns
and sound reasoning.

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