BT512 - Microbial Biotechnology Manual New
BT512 - Microbial Biotechnology Manual New
BT512 - Microbial Biotechnology Manual New
approximately 10,000 to 100,000 unidentified species are yet to be studied. A single spoonful of
soil can have 100 million bacteria. A scraping of your gums can yield 1 million bacteria per cm2
(a cm2 is about the size of your little fingernail). The bacteria in and on human bodies make up about
Most of the currently known species of bacteria have been identified using traditional
microbiological techniques such as the gram staining, morphology, and metabolic reactions.
Bacteria rarely live alone and tend to form communities with other bacteria. This is true for both
The first requirement for physically isolating a bacterium is that it should be culturable in
the laboratory. This requires prior knowledge of optimum temperature for bacterial growth,
Streaking on an agar plate involves the successive dilutions of desired organisms until the cells
are at a density low enough to give rise to recognizable individual colonies spatially separated
from each other. In the pour plate method, samples are diluted sufficiently before adding cool
molten agar. The inoculated mixture is then carefully poured into a petri plate. The isolated cells
give rise to individual colonies growing onto the agar plate. This technique can be a little tricky
because if the melted agar will be too hot, it kills all the bacteria. However, if the melted agar is
too cold, a big lump will form in the Petri dish. The streaking method yields individual colonies
on the surface of the agar. This technique is much faster and easier to master.
E. coli readily grows aerobically on tryptic soy agar (TSA). However, E. coli has a tan
appearance at all temperatures and is a rapidly dividing microbe that forms large colonies. The
ability to isolate and visualize the individual colonies on the plate is highly dependent upon
appropriate incubation conditions. The plate should be incubated at room temperature for 48 hrs.
Escherichia coli can then be identified based on colony size and pigment.
Streaking Procedure
There are several ways of streaking in order to achieve desired isolation. Quadrant method of
1. Label the petri plate with the date, section, and name of the organism to be cultured.
Use Aseptic technique to obtain a loop-full of organisms from tryptic soy broth (TSB)
tube. Make sure that the broth is mixed properly so that the organisms are uniformly
3. The next step can be performed by keeping the plate on the lab bench or holding it in hand.
Lightly drag the loop back and forth across the solid surface of the agar. (Refer to Figure
• Drag the loop with light hands as strong exertion will result in greater bacterial deposit.
• The general idea is to decrease the bacterial concentration with each swipe.
• Four to five zigzags seem to work well.
4. Pass the metal loop through the flame of a Bunsen burner in order to sterilize it. In case of
6. Touch the loop on the agar surface against the far end of the first streak. Repeat by dragging
• Faint indentations of the streaking line on the agar surface will be clearly visible.
8. Using a sterile loop, repeat the procedure on the third streak. Slowly drag the loop in a
zigzag manner from the last streak towards the center of the plate.
9. Sterilize the metal loop again with the help of a Bunsen burner. Cover the plate again.
10. Place the streaked petri plates in the incubator at 37 Degree Celsius for about 24 hours.
• It is essential that the loop is sterilized every time before streaking, by passing it through
the flame of a Bunsen burner
• The plate should not be uncovered for a long time as it greatly increases the chances of
from a mixed population by using highly selective procedures is called Screening. Important things
Choice of source: - Samples for screening are taken from soil, water, and milk.
Choice of substrate: - Relevant nutrients and growth factors should be supplied for growth of
desired microorganisms.
Primary Screening
It’s a process for detection and isolation of microorganisms of interest. It determines which
microbe is able to produce a particular compound of interest but it doesn’t provide any idea about
The dyes sensitive to pH alterations can be used for detecting microorganisms that are
capable of producing organic acids. These dyes undergo color changes with the
alteration in pH. Dyes such as Neutral red, Bromothymol blue are added to poorly buffered
nutrient agar media. Colonies are sub-cultured to make stock culture. Incorporation of
CaCO3 in nutrient media is also used to screen organic acid producing microbes due to
microorganisms. It does not give information about sensitivity of antibiotics against other
microorganisms. Dilutions of the soil sample are prepared and then introduced into the
culture plates so that they can give rise to at least 300 to 400 colonies per plate. Colonies
showing antibiotic activity are indicated by zone of inhibition around the colony. Such
colonies are sub cultured and purified by streaking before making stock cultures. The
purified cultures are then tested to find the Microbial Inhibition Spectrum.
Figure: A flow sheet showing steps in screening of microorganisms
Secondary Screening
that have real commercial value. The microorganism having poor applicability in fermentation
processes are discarded. This screening provides information about whether the product formed
chromatographic techniques. Secondary screening also shows whether the product possesses
physical properties such as UV light absorption or fluorescence or unique chemical properties that
Streptomyces isolates are streaked as narrow bands on nutrient agar plates which are
incubated later on. Test organisms are then streaked from the edge of the plates without touching
streptomyceal isolate and are then incubated. At the end of incubation, growth inhibitory zones for
each organism are measured in mm. Such organisms are passed through further testing by growing
the culture in sterilized liquid media and then incubating it at a constant temperature in a
mechanical shaker.
2. Take 3 test tubes and add 9 ml of distilled water in each test tube. Cotton plug the test tubes and
sterilize in an autoclave.
3. Add one gram of sample in first test tube, mix well and then transfer one ml from the first test tube to
the second test tube to prepare 10-2 dilution. Then take one ml from the second test tube and add the
third test tube to prepare 10-3 dilution.
4. Take 200 µL from 10-3 dilution and spread it on starch agar plates (Nutrient agar medium containing
1% starch, pH 7.0).
Beer and wine are produced by fermenting glucose in the presence of yeast. Yeast contains
enzymes that catalyze the breakdown of glucose to ethanol and carbon dioxide. The active enzyme
found in yeast that is responsible for catalyzing the fermentation process is known as zymase.
• Eye protection
• Conical flask (100 cm3
• Boiling tube
• Measuring cylinder (50 cm3
• Access to a balance (1 decimal place)
• Cotton wool
• Sticky labels
• Warm water 30–40 °C (note 1)
• Glucose, 5 g
• Yeast (as fast acting as possible), 1 g
• Limewater
Apparatus notes
A source of warm water is required. Larger conical flasks can be used, but this dilutes the
carbon dioxide concentration, and makes testing for carbon dioxide with limewater more difficult.
2. Add 1 g of yeast to the solution and loosely close the mouth of the flask with the help of a cotton
3. Wait for about an hour so that the fermentation reaction can occur.
4. Remove the cotton plug and transfer the liberated gas into the tube containing limewater. Gas will
be invisible so; care needs to be taken while shifting. Avoid pouring any liquid in the collecting
tube while transferring the gas. Confirmatory test can be performed to ensure that the gas evolved
5. Cover the flask containing the fermented solution again with the cotton plug.
6. Transfer the fermented solution into the distillation flask connected with the distillation
7. Collect the vapor fraction liberated between 77–82 °C. (Ethanol boils at 78 °C.) The obtained
vapors will be converted into a liquid while passing through the condenser. This fraction should
burn easily compared with the non-flammable original solution. Collect the liquid ethanol in the
receiving flask. The ethanol must be poured away immediately. It must not be kept or used.
Figure: Distillation apparatus and working
Practical No: 3 Lab-Scale Production of Bacterial Enzymes
The term Fermentation comes from Latin word “fervere” which means “to boil”. So, the
word “Fermentation” highlights the physical state of boiling or bubbling. Fermentation may be
Fermentation is a process of mass culturing of cells for the sake of desired product e.g.,
Types of fermentation
There are three types of fermentation on the basis of Moisture (H₂O) content in medium.
2. Submerged fermentation
3. Surface fermentation (Organism is allowed to grow on the surface of a liquid medium without
agitation. After an appropriate incubation period, the culture filtrate is separated from the cell mass
In solid-state fermentation, the microorganisms grow on a moist solid with little or no ‘free’
Examples of this type of fermentation are seen in mushroom cultivation, bread-making, cocoa
processing, manufacturing of some traditional foods, e.g., miso (soy paste), soy sauce, tempeh
(soybean cake) and gari (cassava), which are now produced by large scale industrial operations.
1. Cheap
2. Environment friendly
3. High yield
2. Difficult to scale up
Materials Required
Beaker, Stirrer, 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask, cylinder, wheat bran, Zn SO4.7H2O, FeSO4.7H2O, Cu
1. Add ten grams of solid substrate such as wheat bran in 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask.
2. Moisten the substrate with 10 ml of suitable diluent (containing mg/L: Zn SO4.7H2O, 6.2; FeSO4.7H2O,
6.8; CuSO4.7H2O, 0.8; Distilled water, 1000 ml).
3. Cover the mouth of a flask with the help of a cotton plug and sterilize it in an autoclave at 121°C, 15
psi for about 15 minutes.
7. After the period of incubation, add 100 ml of distilled water to each flask containing fermented bran.
8. Place the flask in an incubator shaker at 160 rpm for one hour.
9. After one hour, filter the contents of the flasks and use the filtrate for the estimation of the target
Bioleaching is a simple and effective technology for metal extraction from low- grade ores
and mineral concentrates. Metal recovery from sulfide minerals is based on the activity of
chemolithotrophic bacteria such as Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and T. thiooxidans, which convert insoluble
metal sulfides into soluble metal sulfates. Non-sulfide ores and minerals can be treated with
heterotrophic bacteria and fungi. In these cases, metal extraction is due to the production of organic
acids and complex chelating compounds that are later on excreted in the environment. At present
bioleaching is used essentially for recovery of copper, uranium and gold, and the main techniques
employed are heap, dump and in situ leaching. Bioleaching has also some potential for metal
recovery and detoxification of industrial waste products, sewage sludge and soil contaminated with
heavy metals.
The bacteria which are frequently used in bioleaching belong to the genus Thiobacillus. These
are Gram-negative, non-spore forming rods which grow in the presence of aerobic conditions.
Most thiobacilli are chemolithoautotrophic species which use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
as their carbon source for the synthesis of new cellular material. The energy is derived from the
oxidation of reduced or partially reduced sulfur compounds including sulfides, elemental sulfur
having the ability to oxidize ferrous ions. These bacteria can tolerate low pH values and higher
concentrations of uranium, molybdenum and silver as compared to T.ferrooxidans, but are more
sensitive to copper and unable to oxidize sulfur or sulfur compounds. Therefore, L.ferrooxidans
cannot attack mineral sulfides by itself. This can only be done with the help of T. ferrooxidans or
Thermophilic bacteria
grow on pyrite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite at temperatures in the range of 50 Degree Celsius.
Ferrous iron is used as an energy source however, growth is observed only in the presence of
yeast extract.
Heterotrophic microorganisms
Heterotrophic bacteria and fungi, which require organic supplements for their growth and
energy, may contribute to metal leaching. As in the case of manganese leaching, metal
solubilization may be due to the enzymatic reduction of highly oxidized metal compounds or cam
be affected by the production of organic acids and compounds with at least two hydrophilic
reactive groups. These compounds are excreted into the culture medium and dissolve heavy metals
by direct displacement of metal ions from the ore matrix and formation of soluble metal complexes
and chelates. The heterotrophic microorganisms do not gain any benefit from metal leaching.
Among the bacteria, members of the genus Bacillus are most effective in metal solubilization.
Among fungi, the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium are the most important ones.
Bioleaching Mechanisms
In principle, metals can be released from sulfide minerals by direct or indirect bacterial
In direct bacterial leaching, there is physical contact between the bacterial cell and the mineral
sulfide surface. The desired oxidation to sulfate takes place via several enzyme catalyzed reactions.
In this process, pyrite is oxidized to iron (III) sulfates as shown in the below reactions:
The direct bacterial oxidation of pyrite is best summarized by the following reaction:
Indirect Leaching
In indirect bioleaching, the bacteria generate a lixiviant which chemically oxidizes the sulfide
mineral. In an acidic environment, this lixiviant is usually ferric iron, and metal solubilization can
To keep enough iron in solution, the chemical oxidation of metal sulfides must occur in an
acidic environment ideally with pH below 5. The ferrous iron generated in this reaction can be reoxidized
to ferric iron by T.ferrooxidans or L.ferrooxidans and thus, is ready to take part in the
oxidation process again. In indirect leaching the bacteria do not need to be in direct contact with
the mineral surface. They only have a catalytic function as they accelerate the reoxidation of
ferrous iron which takes place very slowly in the absence of bacteria.
Percolator leaching
In the simplest case, the percolator consists of a glass tube and a sieve plate filled with ore
particles at the bottom. The ore packing is irrigated or flooded with a nutrient medium inoculated
with bacteria. The leach liquor trickling through the column is pumped up by compressed sterile
air to the top of the column for recirculation. Simultaneously, the stream of air takes care of the
aeration of the system. To monitor the course of the leaching process, liquid samples are taken at
intervals and the ongoing stage of leaching process is determined on the basis of pH measurements,
microbiological investigations and chemical analysis of the metals that have been passed into
Submerged leaching
Submerged leaching uses fine grained material (particle size<100µm) which is suspended
in the leaching liquid and kept in a state of motion by continuous shaking or stirring. Higher rates
of aeration and an accurate monitoring of various parameters favor the growth and activity of the
bacteria so that the reaction times can be considerably shortened and the metal extraction can be
increased substantially. Suspension leaching can be carried out in Erlenmeyer flasks or, in a more
sophisticated manner, in a bioreactor. Besides mechanically stirred systems, an air-lift reactor has
been proven to be suitable for the treatment of ore concentrates, industrial waste products and
biodesulfurization of coal.
Column leaching
Column leaching operates on the principle of percolator leaching and is often used as a
model for heap or dump size leaching processes. Depending on their size, the columns may be of
glass, plastic, lined concrete, or steel. Their holding capacities can range from several kilograms
to a few tons. Most column systems have devices for taking samples or special installed
instruments for measuring temperature, pH, humidity, oxygen or carbon dioxide levels. This gives
information about what has to be expected in heap or dump leaching and how the leaching
Required Chemicals
Required Materials
Erlenmeyer flasks, test tubes, aerating assembly, magnetic stirrer, incubator, Perkin-Elmer
• Dissolve the components given in Table in 700ml of distilled water to make Solution A.
Table. Composition of solution A
1. Prepare 20% pulp using distilled water and pyrite concentrate as a solid sample.
2. Inoculate the pulp with a suitable (5% V/V) bacterial solution (Acidithiobacillus
3. Perform the bioleaching experiment in 250ml Erlenmeyer flasks. Take three flasks and
label them A, B and C. Add 220ml of the inoculated pulp to each flask.
4. Connect the flasks with air flow assembly and aerate the pulps through air bubbling at the
5. Agitate the mixture continuously with the help of a magnetic stirrer while maintaining the
6. Maintain the pH at 2.0. The pH tends to decrease while performing the test as the bacteria
55ml/flask/day. Add distilled water to compensate for the discarded solution and raise the
8. Perform partial re-inoculation using 1% V/V bacterial solution after every three days to
9. Take small samples from all three replacement leach solutions separately and confirm the
10. Collect the metal residues from the flask. Let them dry and weigh them.
microorganisms and essential nutrients into an injection well. When favorable environmental
conditions are present in the reservoir, the added microbes tend to grow exponentially and their
metabolic products mobilize the residual oil. The injected microorganisms can produce many
metabolic products during the process which may have many useful applications in EOR. The
growth of the microorganisms and their corresponding effects depend on several factors such as:
(i) Pressure, porosity, permeability, temperature, pH, dissolved solids, salinity of the reservoir
MEOR is believed to be able to extract up to 50% of the residual oil left in a reservoir after
the primary and secondary recovery processes have been exhausted. In general, this additional
recovery is accomplished by the modification of chemical and physical properties of the reservoir
rocks and crude oil by the production of metabolites and microbial proliferation during the process.
MEOR can, therefore, fulfil fundamental impediments of efficient oil recovery, such as high crude
oil viscosity, low permeability of the reservoir, and high oil-water IFTs (inter-facial tension). High
interfacial tension creates capillary forces that are sufficiently high to retain the oil within the pores
Mixed microbial populations (principally bacteria and archaea) are commonly used as
mixtures or formulations containing metabolic products (e.g., solvents, acids or gases) to increase
recovery and prolong the life span of the oil wells. Ideally, metabolic products are produced by the
bacteria. For example, solvents such as acetone, butanol and propane-2-diol are produced by
bacteria of the genera Clostridium, Zymomonas and Klebsiella. Methane and hydrogen gas are
light crude oil in the well and thus, facilitating its recovery. Among distinct microorganisms used
in MEOR, Clostridium is the most suitable because of its highly resistant endospores that promote
survival during unfavorable conditions. Some bacilli strains are also effective as they can lead to
the in situ production of biosurfactants which are favorable for the MEOR. Nutrients, commonly
• The injected bacteria, nutrients and/or other natural products can be produced using
inexpensive and easy to obtain raw substrates or even waste materials, and they are not
• It is an economically attractive alternative for use in mature oil fields prior to their
• No major alteration of the existing field facilities and infrastructure is required to apply the
process, making it cheaper and easier to implement than another EOR method.
The process is primarily suited for carbonate oil reservoirs where some EOR technologies
• The benefits of bacterial activity within the reservoir are amplified with time, whereas the
• Microbial processes can be stimulated in situ within the reservoir, thus minimizing or
• It is a complex process because the desired bacterial activities depend on the physical and
• The majority of MEOR field projects are conducted on stripper wells, which renders
• It is a slower process than chemical or thermal EOR, and usually takes weeks or even
• MEOR is hard to control once implemented in the field, and it is difficult to predict its
• The cultivation of microorganisms in the laboratory that can grow and/or produce the
desired metabolic products (e.g., biosurfactants) under reservoir conditions has been
proven to be difficult.
Figure: Procedure of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery
Required Chemicals
Molasses, KCl, K2HPO4, (NH4)2 SO4, Na2HPO4, NaCl, Yeast extract, NH4Cl, MgSO4, Tracers,
Required Materials
Take MIS oil as a crude oil sample and measure its physical specifications in the laboratory.
For microorganisms playing a part in oil refining, media enriched with nitrogen has been
proven to be a driving force. For isolating the microorganisms from such oil samples, yeast is often
added to the growth medium. Prepare the culture medium using the following recipe:
Table: Composition of medium for isolation of microbes associated with oil recovery
1.Take 4 test tubes and add 20ml of microbial cultivation media in each of them.
3. The growth media and the crude oil sample will create two distinguishable phases in the test
tubes. Place the test tubes in the incubator at 45°C for a period of one month to promote microbial
4. After one month, transfer the viscous residues settled at the bottom of the tubes to the Agar
medium as they will be rich in microorganisms. Carefully perform linear streaking on the agar
5. Place the inoculated plates in the incubator again at 45°C for 2 to 3 days.
6. Observe the distinct colonies having different colors and shapes. Identify the bacterial strains.
Practical No. 6
Acetic acid bacteria (AAB) are a group of microorganisms that fall under the family Acetobacteraceae,
encompassing various genera and species. Within this family, certain genera such as Acetobacter,
Gluconacetobacter, Gluconobacter, and Komagataeibacter are particularly noteworthy for their
significant role in vinegar production. These genera possess exceptional abilities in the oxidation of
ethanol to acetic acid, as well as remarkable resistance to the acetic acid released during the fermentation
Vinegar production relies heavily on the metabolic activities of these specific AAB species. When ethanol,
a primary component of fermented liquids, comes into contact with the acetic acid bacteria, these
microorganisms initiate a process known as aerobic fermentation. In this process, they convert the
ethanol into acetic acid through the enzymatic action of alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde
dehydrogenase, resulting in the characteristic sour taste and pungent aroma associated with vinegar.
The selected AAB species possess key traits that make them particularly well-suited for vinegar
production. Their exceptional capacity to efficiently oxidize ethanol to acetic acid allows for a rapid and
efficient conversion process. Furthermore, these species demonstrate remarkable tolerance to high
concentrations of acetic acid, which is released as a byproduct of their metabolic activity. This high
resistance enables them to thrive in the acidic environment created during vinegar fermentation,
maintaining their enzymatic activity and ensuring the continued production of acetic acid.
Materials required:
Ripened grapes, Aseptic crushing equipment, Bottles for incubation, Glucose solid GYC medium (10%
glucose, 1.0% yeast extract, 2.0% calcium carbonate, 1.5% agar, pH 6.8), Pimaricin antibiotic, Sterile stock
solution of Pimaricin, Plates for spreading dilutions, Bromocresol green, Distilled water, Phenolphthalein
indicator, 0.5N NaOH solution, Titration equipment, Indole test reagents, Voges Proskauer test reagents,
Catalase test reagents
Yoghurt is a food product that is created through the process of bacterial fermentation of milk.
The specific bacteria responsible for yoghurt production are referred to as yoghurt cultures,
which mainly consist of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. However, other
types of lactic acid bacteria can also be utilized. These bacteria have the ability to ferment lactose,
a sugar present in milk, and convert it into lactic acid. The lactic acid produced by these bacteria
interacts with the milk protein, resulting in the unique texture and tangy flavor of yoghurt.
Yoghurt contains various components such as water, fat, protein, sugar, and minerals (ash). Due
to its composition, yoghurt can contribute to the improvement of the gut's microflora. It can be
produced using different types of milk, including goat, cow, sheep, horse, water buffalo, as well
as skimmed milk, non-fat milk, and even plant-based alternatives like soymilk.
Lactic acid bacteria are well-known and widely used in the food industry, particularly for yoghurt
production. These bacteria are characterized by their positive Gram reaction, varying from rod
to cocci shaped structures. They have a tolerance to acidic environments and do not produce
spores. However, their most notable characteristic is their ability to produce lactic acid, which is
essential for the fermentation process involved in yoghurt production.
Sterile bottles for collecting milk samples, Pour plate technique materials (agar plates, petri dishes, sterile
pipettes, incubator), Phenotypic identification tools for lactic acid bacteria (microscope, staining reagents,
culture media), Sterile glass bottles, Water bath, Pasteurization equipment, Starter cultures containing
lactic acid bacteria, Thermo-controlled water bath, Cold storage facility (refrigerator)
1. Collect two samples of raw milk from both cow and goat from the market. Use sterile bottles to ensure
cleanliness and prevent contamination during collection.
2. Isolate the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from the collected raw milk samples using the pour plate
technique. This involves plating the milk samples on agar plates and incubating them to allow bacterial
growth. After incubation, visually identify and distinguish the LAB colonies based on their
3. Screen and select the LAB colonies based on their ability to produce diacetyl (a flavor compound) and
lactic acid. Perform tests or observations to assess the production of these substances by the selected
4. Take sterile glass bottles and pour 100 mL of raw cow milk samples into each bottle. Pasteurize the
milk by heating it in a water bath at 85°C for 30 minutes. Then, cool the milk to a temperature of 37°C.
5. Inoculate the pasteurized cow milk samples with 1.0 mL of the selected starter cultures. These starter
cultures contain a concentrated amount of LAB, with an inoculum size of 106 colony-forming units
per milliliter (CFU/mL).
6. After inoculation, thoroughly mix the contents of the bottles to ensure even distribution of the starter
cultures. Place the bottles in a thermostatically controlled water bath set at a temperature of 42°C.
7. Incubate the milk samples in the water bath for 4-6 hours to allow fermentation to occur. Once the
incubation period is complete, cool the yoghurt samples to 4°C and store them in cold storage
(refrigerator) for future use.