Bible Commentary Series On The Gospel of Matthew

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Bible Commentary Series on the Gospel of

Series Overview

This series explores the Gospel of Matthew through 28 episodes, emphasizing key themes and
teachings. Each episode incorporates commentary from both Eastern Orthodox and Oriental
Church Fathers to deepen understanding and application of the Scriptures.

Episode Breakdown
1. The Birth and Early Life of Jesus (Episodes 1-3)

Episode 1: The Genealogy and Birth of Christ (Matthew 1:1-25)

 Theme: Christ’s divine lineage and fulfillment of prophecy.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 1:1-25
 Church Fathers:
o St. John Chrysostom: Highlights Christ's rightful place in Jewish history.
o St. Cyril of Alexandria: Discusses the significance of the Virgin Birth.
o St. Ambrose of Milan: Reflects on the meaning of the names in the genealogy.
o St. Augustine: Emphasizes the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies.
o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Sees the incarnation as a profound mystery.
 Application & Visuals: Family trees, nativity scenes.

Episode 2: The Visit of the Magi (Matthew 2:1-12)

 Theme: Recognition of Christ by the Gentiles.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12
 Church Fathers:
o St. Gregory of Nyssa: Reflects on the Magi as seekers of truth.
o St. John Chrysostom: Highlights the symbolism of the gifts.
o St. Athanasius: Discusses the significance of worshiping Christ.
o St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Emphasizes the acknowledgment of Christ's kingship.
o St. Ignatius of Antioch: Views the Magi as models for all believers.
 Application & Visuals: Imagery of the Magi's journey.

Episode 3: Flight to Egypt and Return (Matthew 2:13-23)

 Theme: God’s protection over His Son.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 2:13-23
 Church Fathers:
o St. John Chrysostom: Discusses divine intervention in the life of Christ.
o St. Augustine: Reflects on the implications of the Holy Family's flight.
o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Highlights the fulfillment of prophecy in their return.
o St. Basil the Great: Speaks on God's providence.
o St. Cyril of Alexandria: Discusses the significance of Egypt in salvation history.
 Application & Visuals: Depictions of the Holy Family's journey.

2. The Ministry of John the Baptist (Episodes 4-5)

Episode 4: John’s Ministry and Baptism (Matthew 3:1-12)

 Theme: Preparation for Christ’s coming.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 3:1-12
 Church Fathers:
o St. John Chrysostom: Emphasizes the call to repentance.
o St. Basil the Great: Reflects on the importance of baptism.
o St. Gregory of Nyssa: Discusses the transformative power of repentance.
o St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Highlights the necessity of preparing the way for Christ.
o St. Ambrose of Milan: Speaks on the relationship between baptism and new life.
 Application & Visuals: Scenes of baptism and repentance.

Episode 5: The Baptism of Jesus (Matthew 3:13-17)

 Theme: The revelation of the Trinity.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 3:13-17
 Church Fathers:
o St. Athanasius: Discusses the significance of Christ's baptism for humanity.
o St. John Chrysostom: Emphasizes the manifestation of the Trinity.
o St. Gregory of Nazianzus: Reflects on the Holy Spirit’s role in the event.
o St. Cyril of Alexandria: Teaches about the importance of baptism in the life of
o St. Ignatius of Antioch: Views baptism as a pivotal moment in Christian
 Application & Visuals: Visual representations of the baptism.

3. The Temptation of Christ (Episodes 6-7)

Episode 6: Jesus’ Temptation (Matthew 4:1-11)

 Theme: Christ’s victory over temptation.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11
 Church Fathers:
o St. Augustine: Reflects on the nature of temptation.
o St. John Chrysostom: Teaches about Christ's strength in facing evil.
o St. Gregory of Nyssa: Discusses the significance of Christ’s fasting.
o St. Basil the Great: Highlights the importance of Scripture in resisting
o St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Emphasizes the example of Christ as a model for
 Application & Visuals: Illustrate temptation and spiritual resilience.

Episode 7: The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry (Matthew 4:12-25)

 Theme: Call to discipleship.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 4:12-25
 Church Fathers:
o St. John Chrysostom: Highlights the immediate response of the disciples.
o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Discusses the importance of following Christ.
o St. Basil the Great: Reflects on the call to leave everything behind.
o St. Gregory of Nazianzus: Teaches about the mission of the apostles.
o St. Ignatius of Antioch: Views discipleship as a path to holiness.
 Application & Visuals: Depictions of calling and discipleship.

4. The Sermon on the Mount (Episodes 8-12)

Episode 8: Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12)

 Theme: Kingdom values.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 5:1-12
 Church Fathers:
o St. Augustine: On the radical nature of the Beatitudes.
o St. John Chrysostom: Emphasizes the transformative power of these teachings.
o St. Basil the Great: Discusses the implications of being blessed.
o St. Gregory of Nyssa: Reflects on the moral and spiritual lessons.
o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Sees the Beatitudes as a call to deeper faith.
 Application & Visuals: Artistic representations of the Beatitudes.

Episode 9: Salt and Light (Matthew 5:13-16)

 Theme: Christian witness.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 5:13-16
 Church Fathers:
o St. Gregory of Nyssa: Discusses the role of Christians in society.
o St. John Chrysostom: Emphasizes the call to influence the world positively.
o St. Basil the Great: Teaches about living as a witness to Christ.
o St. Augustine: Reflects on the meaning of being salt and light.
o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Encourages believers to embody Christ’s light.
 Application & Visuals: Visuals of light and salt in daily life.

Episode 10: Christ Fulfills the Law (Matthew 5:17-20)

 Theme: Understanding the Law.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 5:17-20
 Church Fathers:
o St. Irenaeus: Discusses the continuity of God’s revelation.
o St. Augustine: Teaches about the deeper meaning of the Law.
o St. John Chrysostom: Emphasizes the fulfillment of the Law in Christ.
o St. Gregory of Nyssa: Discusses the relationship between Law and grace.
o St. Cyril of Alexandria: Reflects on Christ’s teaching authority.
 Application & Visuals: Illustrate the relationship between Law and grace.

Episode 11: Teachings on Anger, Lust, and Divorce (Matthew 5:21-32)

 Theme: Internal righteousness.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 5:21-32
 Church Fathers:
o St. John Chrysostom: Emphasizes the heart’s intent over mere actions.
o St. Gregory of Nyssa: Discusses purity in thought and action.
o St. Basil the Great: Reflects on the sanctity of marriage.
o St. Augustine: Teaches about the seriousness of sin in the heart.
o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Encourages purity in all aspects of life.
 Application & Visuals: Depict scenarios of moral choices.

4. The Sermon on the Mount (Episodes 8-12)

Episode 12: Love for Enemies and the Golden Rule (Matthew 5:38-48)

 Theme: Radical love and forgiveness.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 5:38-48

 Church Fathers:

o St. Clement of Alexandria: Discusses the challenges of loving enemies.

o St. Basil the Great: Teaches about the necessity of love in the Christian life.

o St. John Chrysostom: Emphasizes the transformative power of loving one’s enemies.

o St. Augustine: Reflects on the radical nature of Christ’s command.

o St. Gregory of Nazianzus: Highlights the importance of mercy in the life of believers.

 Application & Visuals: Show acts of love and reconciliation.

5. Miracles and Teachings (Episodes 13-17)

Episode 13: Healing Miracles (Matthew 8:1-17)

 Theme: Christ’s compassion and authority.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 8:1-17

 Church Fathers:

o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Highlights the healing nature of Christ.

o St. John Chrysostom: Discusses faith and healing.

o St. Basil the Great: Reflects on the significance of Jesus’ miracles.

o St. Gregory of Nyssa: Teaches about the interplay between faith and healing.

o St. Cyril of Alexandria: Emphasizes Christ’s authority over sickness.

 Application & Visuals: Visuals of healing miracles.

Episode 14: Calming the Storm (Matthew 8:23-27)

 Theme: Trust in Christ amidst chaos.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 8:23-27

 Church Fathers:

o St. Gregory of Nyssa: Discusses faith in divine providence.

o St. John Chrysostom: Reflects on the disciples' fear and Christ’s calm.

o St. Basil the Great: Teaches about reliance on God during trials.

o St. Augustine: Emphasizes the peace that comes from faith.

o St. Cyril of Alexandria: Highlights Christ’s power over nature.

 Application & Visuals: Scenes of nature and tranquility.

Episode 15: The Faith of the Centurion (Matthew 8:5-13)

 Theme: Faith beyond boundaries.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 8:5-13

 Church Fathers:

o St. John Chrysostom: Highlights the power of faith in action.

o St. Augustine: Discusses humility and trust in God’s authority.

o St. Gregory of Nazianzus: Reflects on the Centurion’s remarkable faith.

o St. Basil the Great: Teaches about the inclusivity of Christ’s ministry.

o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Views the Centurion as a model of faith.

 Application & Visuals: Illustrate the Centurion’s faith.

Episode 16: The Calling of Matthew (Matthew 9:9-13)

 Theme: Jesus calls the marginalized.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 9:9-13

 Church Fathers:

o St. Ambrose: Discusses Jesus’ outreach to sinners.

o St. John Chrysostom: Emphasizes repentance and inclusion.

o St. Basil the Great: Reflects on the transformative power of grace.

o St. Augustine: Teaches about the significance of Matthew’s calling.

o St. Gregory of Nyssa: Discusses God’s desire for all to be saved.

 Application & Visuals: Visuals of acceptance and grace.

Episode 17: Jesus Heals a Woman and Raises a Girl (Matthew 9:18-26)

 Theme: Hope and restoration.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 9:18-26

 Church Fathers:

o St. Gregory of Nazianzus: Reflects on the power of faith in desperate situations.

o St. John Chrysostom: Discusses the significance of the healing.

o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Emphasizes Christ’s compassion.

o St. Basil the Great: Teaches about the hope offered through Christ.

o St. Augustine: Discusses the importance of faith in miracles.

 Application & Visuals: Illustrate restoration and hope.

6. Teachings on Discipleship and the Kingdom (Episodes 18-22)

Episode 18: Teachings on Humility and Forgiveness (Matthew 18:1-35)

 Theme: Childlike faith and mercy.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 18:1-35

 Church Fathers:
o St. Augustine: On the importance of humility in the Christian life.

o St. John Chrysostom: Discusses the need for mercy and forgiveness.

o St. Basil the Great: Reflects on the relationship between humility and grace.

o St. Gregory of Nyssa: Teaches about the heart of a child in faith.

o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Encourages believers to embody humility.

 Application & Visuals: Depict interactions emphasizing forgiveness.

Episode 19: The Lost Sheep (Matthew 18:10-14)

 Theme: God’s love for the lost.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 18:10-14

 Church Fathers:

o St. John Chrysostom: Emphasizes God’s concern for each individual.

o St. Augustine: Reflects on the joy of recovery in God’s eyes.

o St. Gregory of Nazianzus: Discusses the depth of God’s love for humanity.

o St. Basil the Great: Teaches about pastoral care and responsibility.

o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Highlights the imagery of the shepherd.

 Application & Visuals: Illustrate God’s search for the lost.

Episode 20: The Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35)

 Theme: The importance of forgiveness.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 18:21-35

 Church Fathers:

o St. John Chrysostom: Discusses the consequences of unforgiveness.

o St. Augustine: Reflects on the depth of God’s forgiveness toward us.

o St. Gregory of Nazianzus: Teaches about the necessity of forgiving others.

o St. Basil the Great: Emphasizes mercy in relationships.

o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Encourages a spirit of reconciliation.

 Application & Visuals: Scenarios depicting forgiveness in action.

Episode 21: The Rich Young Ruler (Matthew 19:16-30)

 Theme: The challenge of wealth.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 19:16-30

 Church Fathers:

o St. John Chrysostom: Discusses the dangers of attachment to wealth.

o St. Augustine: Reflects on the spiritual implications of materialism.

o St. Basil the Great: Teaches about the call to radical generosity.

o St. Gregory of Nyssa: Emphasizes the eternal value of spiritual wealth.

o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Encourages prioritizing God over possessions.

 Application & Visuals: Illustrate the struggle with materialism.

Episode 22: Jesus Blesses the Children (Matthew 19:13-15)

 Theme: The value of children in the kingdom of God.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 19:13-15

 Church Fathers:

o St. John Chrysostom: Highlights the significance of children in faith.

o St. Augustine: Reflects on the purity and innocence of children.

o St. Basil the Great: Teaches about the responsibility of nurturing faith in children.

o St. Gregory of Nyssa: Emphasizes the need for childlike faith.

o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Celebrates the place of children in God’s kingdom.

 Application & Visuals: Scenes of children being blessed.

7. The Passion and Resurrection of Christ (Episodes 23-28)

Episode 23: The Triumphal Entry (Matthew 21:1-11)

 Theme: Jesus as King.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 21:1-11

 Church Fathers:

o St. John Chrysostom: Discusses the significance of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.

o St. Augustine: Reflects on the fulfillment of prophecy.

o St. Gregory of Nyssa: Teaches about the humble nature of Christ’s kingship.

o St. Cyril of Alexandria: Highlights the importance of public acknowledgment of Christ.

o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Celebrates the joy of the people in receiving their King.

 Application & Visuals: Depict the celebratory atmosphere of the entry.

Episode 24: The Cleansing of the Temple (Matthew 21:12-17)

 Theme: Righteous anger and holiness.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 21:12-17

 Church Fathers:

o St. John Chrysostom: Emphasizes the importance of reverence in worship.

o St. Augustine: Discusses the need for purity in God’s house.

o St. Basil the Great: Reflects on the moral responsibilities of worship.

o St. Gregory of Nazianzus: Teaches about the prophetic actions of Jesus.

o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Discusses the temple as a symbol of spiritual integrity.

 Application & Visuals: Scenes of the temple and worship.

Episode 25: The Last Supper (Matthew 26:17-30)

 Theme: Establishing the New Covenant.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 26:17-30

 Church Fathers:

o St. John Chrysostom: Discusses the significance of the Eucharist.

o St. Augustine: Reflects on the communal aspect of the Last Supper.

o St. Basil the Great: Teaches about the sacrificial nature of Christ’s offering.

o St. Gregory of Nyssa: Emphasizes the transformative power of communion.

o St. Cyril of Alexandria: Highlights the institution of the Lord's Supper.

 Application & Visuals: Visuals of the Last Supper.

Episode 26: The Crucifixion (Matthew 27:27-50)

 Theme: The depths of Christ’s sacrifice.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 27:27-50

 Church Fathers:

o St. John Chrysostom: Discusses the love displayed in Christ’s suffering.

o St. Augustine: Reflects on the meaning of redemption through the cross.

o St. Basil the Great: Teaches about the significance of Christ's death.

o St. Gregory of Nazianzus: Emphasizes the mystery of the cross.

o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Highlights the victory over sin through Christ’s sacrifice.
 Application & Visuals: Powerful imagery of the crucifixion.

Episode 27: The Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-10)

 Theme: Victory over death.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10

 Church Fathers:

o St. John Chrysostom: Celebrates the triumph of the resurrection.

o St. Augustine: Reflects on the hope offered through Christ’s resurrection.

o St. Basil the Great: Teaches about the implications of the resurrection for believers.

o St. Gregory of Nyssa: Emphasizes the transformative power of the resurrection.

o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Celebrates the joy and hope of the risen Christ.

 Application & Visuals: Scenes of the empty tomb and resurrection joy.

Episode 28: The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20)

 Theme: The call to discipleship and mission.

 Focus Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20

 Church Fathers:

o St. John Chrysostom: Discusses the urgency of the Great Commission.

o St. Augustine: Reflects on the responsibility of believers to spread the Gospel.

o St. Basil the Great: Teaches about the mission of the Church.

o St. Gregory of Nazianzus: Emphasizes the importance of teaching all nations.

o St. Ephrem the Syrian: Encourages believers to embrace their mission.

 Application & Visuals: Illustrate the call to evangelism.


This series provides a rich exploration of the Gospel of Matthew, drawing on the insights of early Church
Fathers to deepen understanding and application of Christ’s teachings. Each episode encourages
reflection and engagement with the text, fostering a deeper relationship with Scripture and with Christ.

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