Refers to standards of right and wrong based on the Bible and the true teachings of Jesus Christ the
Old testament prophets and the New testament apostles.
Can also be defined as the systematic study of the way of life set forth by Jesus Christ applied to the
Daily demands and decisions of a personal and social life.
Ethics centre on what one ought to do or not to do as guided in the teaching and the way of life of our
Lord Jesus Christ.
Etymology ethics comes from the Greek word Ethikos that refers to standard, rule, and norm by which
people us as social and rational beings distinguish what is right and what's wrong.
1. Behavior; this comprises of one's visible conduct actions lifestyle inclusive of how one works talks
dress up etc.
Attitudes encompasses are structured posterior type mindset and opinions of a moral phenomena ,
they involve our subjective feelings and thoughts although the patterns.
"Think so we leave"
They are more qualities of standards which one approved hornet valued and considered non-
negotiable by person or society.
Values I got it jealously and are often rewarded punished for when violated.
Values are held in people's heart of hearts and like attitudes they are invisible but act behind curtains
to dictate a person's behaviour.
Gentleman ship
integrity etc.
In the sermon on the mountain ( matthew chapter 5 to 7) we find many of the values approved Our
Lord Jesus Christ for the people fit for the kingdom of God.
It is purposed towards transforming character by dealing with four dimensions of our actions;
Actions themselves
1. Deep of an iceberg
2. Building a foundation
5. You can take a village to a city but you may not remove a village from an individual.
There are many fake ways of life but Christ is the way.
II) that glorifies God ( a life that bears abundant fruits for the glory of God.
III) Life that glorifies God or life that is obedient to God and lived in personal relationship with God.
2)Work ethics refers to putting forth our best efforts and to work with our whole Heart and souls at
whatever we do ( Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 10 second Timothy chapter 2 verse 15)
It is to work with a sense of responsibility and accountability to God who is our ultimate boss.
It encompasses being excellent stewards of the gifts talents and resources God has given us.
Work ethic commands that all our work flows with excellence and out of a place of gentleness to God.
(a) Emotional Quotient (EQ); this is the ability to manage and control
Ability to comprehend Divine revealed mysteries of God with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Leaving a life which is aligned with God's character of love Holiness truth and justice.
In John 3 and 4 we have classic examples of people who were religious but did not fathom the deep
spiritual things of God.
Ability to stand out from the average ordinary man in the things which defeat him morally.
Understanding and applying the metaphor of one's body being the Temple of the Holy Spirit.
Working on factors that destroy our biological age (abnormal aging) like; poor eating habits, work
without resting, drug abuse for hygiene, obesity.
Being aware and protecting self organs self destruct destructive behavior and lifestyle diseases like
hypertension, diabetes, cancer, bone and muscle weakness.
5) provision of guidance through day by day ethical dilemmas, like greatest sin and lesser sin,
situational problems, politics and Christianity, employment in brewery, marrying non-believer,
premarital pregnancy and abortion.
Philosophy and human generated ideologies eg;
However, many of those foundations can be shaky and inconsistent, the Bible in Matthew 7:24 to 27
counsels us to construct our lives on a farm foundation. Christian ethics simply does that, being
constructed on the following foundations;
CHRISTIAN ETHICS ethics thrives on a systematic study of Jesus Christ's way of life.
Jesus lived absolutely holy and righteous life which is worth emulating.
Christian ethics is not a philosophical thing; it is the way of life of Christ as foreshadowed in Micah.
(II) Christian ethics is established in the teaching and things of Jesus Christ.
It applies this teachings to the manifold problems and decisions of human existence.
a) the Beatitudes; Matthew 5: 1 to 12 the Beatitudes depicts on beautiful and blessed life that must
be persuaded by people who belong or desire to belong to the kingdom of God.
True happiness is in those Beatitudes which include; but you have spirit (5:3), mourning (5:4),
meekness (5:5), Hungarian and testing for righteousness (5:6) mercy (5:7) purity in heart (5:8),
peace-making (5:9), righteousness sufferers(5:10) the resilient for Christ (5:11 and 12)
(b) The Golden rule Matthew 7:12, this is a golden saying in which our Lord Jesus Christ urges us to
seek the highest good for others, the same way we want them to do good for us. Those who want
mercy show Mercy and those who want to be given must give. Thus we ought to put on other
people's shoes if we are tempted to harm them.
(c) The great commandment Mark 12:30 to 31 Jesus instructs us towards a duo, vertical and
horizontal relationship.
On one hand (vertical) to love God "with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind
and with all your strength"
On the other hand, (horizontal) we must love our neighbour as we love ourselves.
This love does not mean exclude our enemies but extends Goodwill to all people.
It is exemplified in Jesus Christ's death on an accursed cross for sinners (John 3:16) and
consummates or is implied in charitable deeds by those who follow and love Jesus Christ.
According to Jesus Christ, love is what fulfils all the love and Prophets of the Old testament.
(d) The rest of the salmon of the mountain and the four Gospels.
In the sermon the mountain (Matthew 5:7) Jesus and encapsulates the Holiness, righteousness,
Justice, love and grace of a personal moral God whom he reviews and embodies in his own
Therefore, pertaining to Jesus being the foundation of ethics, Christian ethics is geared towards
disciplining, mentoring, nurturing and grooming Learners towards the good of becoming like Jesus
Christ (forming a Christ-like character).
Christian ethics shapes the behaviour, values and attitudes of Learners in the bid to raise people who
live life which is pursuant to doing God's will ideally.
NB Trinity implies that God is one but he exists in three persons or offices but not in three separate
individuals or separate gods.
First, the holy character of God determines human contact it's the yardstick or standard for all
human behavior, values, and attitudes.
Human beings must be holy because the Lord our God is Holy;
Leviticus 19:2
Matthew 5:48
God's holiness is the highest good (summum bonum) that only humanity must aim at.
All principles of human conduct and action which are discussed by Christian ethics aim at realizing
that God of holiness.
Second, Christian ethics is constructed on the wil and purpose design of God for the universe.
The Bible comes that God reviews his will and purposes for humanity.
Therefore, humanity is exorted to concern all its life, desires, ambitions, and affairs with his will and
Humanity must relentlessly pursue righteousness (Matthew 5:6) and the values of God's Kingdom (
rule in all creation)
Like our Lord Jesus Christ, our character, life, values, attitudes and general conduct must manifest
the purpose, will, and values of God's Kingdom.
1 Timothy 3:16 to 17
Christian ethics is founded on the Mosaic law and the prophets of the Old testament in which God
revealed himself and Jesus Christ fulfilled in the New testament Matthew 5:17.
Both new and the Old testament work together to provide a foundation for human behavior, values
and attitude.
The inherent link between the New testament and the Old testament is that old is considered to be
preparatory to what happens in the new.
The Old testament presents God's plan and promises whereas New testament affirms the fulfillment
of those promises.
Thus, as St Augustine put it forth ,the Old testament is revealed in the New and the New is
conceaded in the Old.
JOHN 14:16, 26
GALATIANS 5:16, 22 TO 23
In the Trinity the holy spirit is the person who affects and powers Christlike character in us.
This character is figuratively known as the fruit of the Spirit ( Galatians 5:22-23)
The antidote to this beautiful character is the fruit of the flesh (Galatians 5:19 to 21)
Our lives must believed in the holy spirit so as to do God's Will and not to satisfy the flesh ( Galatians
The Holy Spirit facilitates, regeneration, creating in us and new God-powered life which is after God's
He satisfies, moulds, beautifies us so we can be more and more like Jesus Christ day by day.
NB: The international labor organization (ILO) estimates that more than 40
million people are indulged in different forms of human trafficking
We need to know that evil actions that evil actions bring evils bring evil
Any kind of careless lifestyle displeases God.
Such choices and decisions make us susceptible to disease and
premature death.
1.0 Definition
i.) State of being male or female. This embraces the totality of what a full man
or woman is.
Question: What defines a complete man or woman?
When we hear statements such as “man up” what do we make of them?
NB: There may be stereotype definitions or perception of a man or
Physically, Psychologically. Emotionally, socially, e.t.c.
There are also stereotype roles generalized or perceived to belong to
particular genders: Can you think of any?
ii.) Sexual intercourse
A physical, mental, and sometimes spiritual and emotional intimate union
between persons.
Unwelcome sexual advance, demand for sexual favors, remarks or conduct of a
sexual and coercive nature.
Sexual harassment includes the following range of behaviours:-
Sexual jokes
Offensive phone calls or social media comments
Display of obscene pornographic photographs, pictures, posters, reading
literature or objects.
Sexual propositions or persistent unwelcome requests for dates
Obscene gesture towards some uninterested person
Persistent staring
Physical contact such as patting, pinching, pecking or touching in a
sexual way.
Unnecessary familiarity such as deliberately brushing against a person or
putting an arm around another person’s body at work.
Uncalled for remarks or insinuations about a person’s sex or private life.
Suggestive comments about a person’s body or appearance.
Leering, wolf-whistles, cat calls, obscene or indecent exposure.
Sexual assault and rape
Girl watching and evaluation
Sexual saturated humor
Cases of harassment
i.) Power ego
People especially men, may harass to show power
Harassment centers on the idea that a person in power has the right to
impose his sexuality on another regardless of that other person’s wishes.
Therefore harassment is inherently violent and seeks to insert the
dominance of the attacker.
ii.) Masculine Patronage
Another issue related to power ego is masculine maintenance: When
some men feel threatened, they use sexual harassment as a tool to
reinforce or assert male dominance.
iii.) Uncontrolled attraction: Some harassers have fatal attraction towards
other people but fail to control their sexual urge. This also goes hand in
hand with feeling of entitlement to every available beauty.
iv.) Objectification of people of other gender: Some people see women or men
merely as play things or objects of sex. They vulgarize other people’s
bodies, seeing them as sexual pleasure tools to satisfy their sexual appetite.
v.) Misunderstanding: Sexual harassment may arise from misunderstanding,
misjudging or misinterpretation of gestures of love, remarks, motives or
intentions e.g a girls smiles at a boy and the boy interprets the smile as a
sexually inviting gesture.
Some of the misunderstood gestures include:-
Words of endearment e.g darling
Gifts of appreciation
Consistent care about you
A girl or boy sitting closer to you or sleeping on your bed.
Think about this: When a woman calls you sweetheart, is she saying it loosely
or is she expressing feelings for you?
vi.) Ignorance
A perplexing fact about sexual harassment is that some perpetrators may
be completely unaware that they are actually harassing you.
Also a few targeted victims may also not be aware of what is actually is
happening. At least they may be confused.
Sexism refers to attitudes or actions that discriminate against women or men
on the grounds of gender.
i.) In the face of totalitarian claims by secular governments, Christians must
witness to the ultimate rule of God by refusing the absolute allegiance
demanded by the state.
ii.) Example should be derived from the world-wide Christian martyrs of the
early church who accepted to die because of their acknowledgement of the
leadership of Christ and refusal to participate in the political religion which
absolutised the Roman state.
iii.) However, believers must acknowledge and affirm the positive role
government towards promoting God’s kingdom.
iv.) Believers must submit to government and co-operate with it in regard to its
involvement in liberating God’s people as it was in the time of Exodus.
v.) Political leaders must be reminded constantly that all power comes from
God and belongs to God. Matthew 26:64, John 19:11
Political power is delegated power. Political governments are human agents
to whom God delegates His power in the form of authority or office
(Genesis 1:26-28)
Psalm 8:5-8. Some of the delegates of God’s power include priests, judges,
rulers, apostles and elders.
vi.) Believers must also remind rulers of the purpose of God’s delegated power.
The purpose of God’s delegated power. The purpose of power is threefold :-
a) To promote good
b) To resist evil
c) To carry out God’s will as God’s representatives
vii.) Believers must not see political power as sinful per se. Although in Acton’s
famous dictum it is purported that power corrupts. It is also true that
powerlessness or unwillingness to use legitimate power can also corrupt.
viii.) We must be careful never to pervert power by puffing it in the hands of
sinful people. Sinful people given power can bring about widespread
destruction, pain and immorality. Micah 2:1-2, James 5 :1-6
ix.) We must emphasize that power is servant hood :-
Mark 10:42-45, John 10:17-18, Romans 1:16, 1 Cor 1:18
x.) Therefore all forms of power including political power must find their true
place in a life of love lived in the power of Jesus Christ (John 13:1, Phil 2:5-
Definition: May be understood in 3 ways:-
a) The production of actual objects e.g computers, cars (ARTEFATS)
b) Involvement in the processes of getting things done e.g oil mining,
producing medicine, purifying water, preserving milk or food, e.t.c.
c) Specialized knowledge about things people do or produce (TECHNICAL
NB: Today technology is more central than ever to social, political and
economic life. It may now be thought of as an aspect of cultural life. It is
expanding at an accelerating pace, prompting expensive research programs
and leaving people to play a catch up game with it all the time.
Biblical Understanding of technology
Biblically, technology is the human response to the divine mandate,
responsibility to open up the potential of the creation. (Gen 1:26-28)
From the earliest times, human beings have made tools and used them.
The use of technology from Biblical times can be traced in activities such as
i. Technology has evolved through different eras such as :-
Bronze age
Iron age
Industrial age
Enlightenment age
Modern age
Post-modern age
Computer age , e.t.c
ii. Before the modern world era, technology, along with science, was not a
major social institution in its own right.
iii. Rather it was embodied in and integrated with Christian doctrine,
perspectives and practice.
E.g Isaac Newton emphasized that all diligent world labor must bring glory
to God through discovering his wisdom. According to Newton, technology
cannot be divorced from God’s revelation because it is a manifestation of
God’s wisdom as revealed in His creation.
iv. However, since the Victorian times, technology has been divorced from
Christian perception, making it solidly responsible for human progress.
i. Using technology in a way that does not reflect the rubric of God’s
character and attitude to the world.
God sustains creation out of love in faithfulness and justice. Technology is
expected to be aligned with that character.
ii. Promoting anti-social and in human technologies and using technology as a
destructive weapon against human relationships, e.g the making of sex dolls
and other sex technologies to demean marriage, human organ harvesting
and trafficking.
iii. Making technology an object of transferred trust in a way comparable to
relying on chariots and spears. (Isaiah 31:1-3) and the story of the tower of
Babel (Genesis 11:1-9)
In cases such as that of the tower of Babel, technology is idolatrous in
intention. It is a typical case of misdirected and idolatrous technology.
iv. When technology is not geared or purposed towards Glorifying God as the
Bible admonishes us to do all things whole heartedly as unto the Lord.
(Colossians 3:23)
v. Directing technology away from the eschatological goal of being
transformed from the destructive to the social useful e.g in Micah 4:3,
swords are to be transformed to pruning hooks. That is the Biblically
commendable goal.
vi. Creating and promoting a death culture. Through technology, death is made
cheap and faster through
War mongering
Euthanasia and suicide
Lethal injections
Mustering show killing poisons
Production of biological and chemical weapons, e.t.c.
vii. Using technology as a tool of neo colonialism by creating a new form of
dependency and control of the weak by the powerful e.g the powerful
restrict the weak from producing vaccines and other life essentials to
continue their dominance.
viii. Sexual exposure made rampant. Access to pornography is made easy via
internet and the readily available gadgets e.g. smart phones, computers, &
ix. Forgery, fraud, and cyber-crime is made easy too.
x. Too much tinkering with divine order and design e.g through genetic
engineering, private parts tinkering, e.t.c.
xi. Over rating and creating a god in technology by taking it to be :-
A means of utopian redemption
A dominant controlling force to all areas of life
A means of explaining social changes
As being omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.
Technology has been presumed by some people to revolutionize the world
in a way that renders God unnecessary! Such people hold the Utopian view
that technology will totally
Abolish or eliminate scarcity
Remove all human conflict and suffering
Increase crop yields (green revolution)
Produce space weaponry to create a defensive shield
i.) Technological pessimism
Due to its rampant abuse, some people are skeptic and blind to see the myriad
of its functions and usefulness. It must be noted, however that the world at
large lives in the salience of three features namely:-
a) Creation
b) Fall (broken covenant of sin)
c) Redemption
Many things were created good, fell by sin, and made redemption
necessary. Abuse if something must not make us neglect or ignore the
aspect of technology which can facilitate our cultural divine mandate to
improve on our work.
ii.) Technological Utopianism and over optimism
There are however, those who have made idolatry out of technology, thinking
of it as being all powerful and sufficient to solve all human powerful and
These have to be reminded that God alone is sovereign and technology useful
as it is cannot save from sin, give eternal life or remove all pain and suffering.
iii.) The neutrality of technology
There is a view that technology is neutral or amoral. It can be used or abused,
depending on the user.
It must be noted that technology is the product of purposive human activity.
Humans can choose to use technology for the purposes of creation-care and
human benefit within the limits of the demands for justice and love.
Stewardship refers to delegated or entrusted responsibility to keep,
manage and take care of another person’s wealth, property or resources in
a responsible, careful, transparent and accountable manner.
A steward acts on behalf of his master to ensure that what he is entrusted
with is kept or used well in a way that honors and is profitable to the