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Math DLP GR34 Q2 W1

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Lesson Plans for Multi-grade Classes

Grades 3 and 4
Subject: MATHEMATICS Quarter: TWO Week: ONE

Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4

Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of multiplication Demonstrates understanding of factors and
and division of whole numbers including money multiples and addition and subtraction of

Performance Is able to apply multiplication and division of Is able to apply knowledge and factors and
Standards whole numbers including money in mathematical multiples, and addition and subtraction of
problems and real life situations. fractions in mathematical problems and real-life

Learning Visualizes multiplication of the numbers 1 to 10 Identifies factors of a given number up to 100
Competencies by 6, 7, 8 and 9. M3NS-IIa-41.2 (M4NS-IIa-64)

Day 1
Objective/s To visualize multiplication of the numbers 1 to 10
by 6, 7, 8 and 9. To identify factors of a given number up to 100

Subject Matter Visualizing multiplication of the numbers 1 to 10

by 6, 7, 8 and 9. Identifying factors of a given number up to 100
Learning Materials TM, TG, BOW, (others) Math DLL TM, TG, BOW, (others) Math DLL
Procedure Grouping Structures (tick boxes):
 Whole Class
Use these letter icons to Describe the parts of the lesson (for example  Ability Groups
show methodology and the introduction), where you may address all  Friendship Groups
assessment activities. grade levels as one group.  Other (specify)
 Mixed Ability Groups  Combination of Structures
Direct Teaching
 Grade Groups

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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities

Reciting the multiplication table

Grade III: Table 1 to 5 Grade IV: Table 6 to 10

 Basaen ti istorya ken sungbatan dagiti Provide the pupils with activity sheets.
saludsod. ( Nakasurat ti Manila Paper wenno
tarpapel) Work by pairs and perform the tasks.

Adda krayola ni Carla. Adda 2 a nalabbaga, Procedure:

2 a duyaw, 2 nga asul, 2 a berde, 2 nga
immubi, ken 2 a kahel a krayola. Mano ngarud 1. List down two numbers that give a product of
amin ti krayola na? 24, 40, 54

Tarataren: 20, 48, 36

Mano amin ti krayola ni Carla? 2. Write the numbers inside the box.
 Dagitoy amin ti krayola ni Carla ( Ipakita
dagiti krayola)
Damagen dagiti sumaganad:
 Mano amin ti grupo iti krayola?
 Mano a krayola iti kada grupo? 24 40 54

 Mano amin iti krayola?

Ilawlawag iti klase nga adda iti innem a grupo
iti krayola
20 48 36

 Adda iti 2 a krayola kada grupo

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 +
2 = 12

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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
Saludsuden: Mano a grupo a sagadua iti
The teacher will teach the pupils on how
to write the multiplication sentence on the board.
Ngarud, 6 a grupo a saga dua ket 6 x 2 =
 Repeated Addition Sentence: 2 + 2 + 2 + 2
+ 2 + 2=
 Multiplication Sentence: 6 X 2 = 12
 The teacher will show another set of pictures
or image of 3 mangoes each.

 Mano amin ti grupo iti mangga?

 Mano a mangga ti adda kada grupo?
 Manu amin ti mangga?
 On the board, write the repeated addition
sentence and multiplication sentence of the
given sets.

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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
Performing the Activities: Process the first activity
Divide the class into 4 groups. Let each
group complete the activity given to them. Given the following numbers as product, how
Encourage pupils to use other objects to visualize will you know which numbers have more than
multiplication of the numbers 6 and 7. ( See two factors and those with only 2 factors?
appendix 1-4 )
7 12 13 18 19 24 29 36

1. What are the factors of 7?
2. What are the factors of 12?
3. What are the factors of 13?
4. What are the factors of 18?
5. What are the factors of 19?
6. What are the factors of 24?
7. What are the factors of 29?
8. What are the factors of 36?
9. How many factors does 7 have?
10. How many factors does 12 have?
11. How many factors does 13 have?
12. How many factors does 18 have?
13. How many factors does 19 have?
14. How many factors does 24 have?
15. How many factors does 29 have?
16. How many factors does 36 have?

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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
Presentation of output Performing the Activity

Processing the Activities: Group 1: Factor Hunting

 Anya ti inaramid ti grupo yo tapno ma
visualize ti multiplication iti numero a 6 Group 2: List Me
ken 7?
(See appendix 6 -7)
 Group 1? Group 2? Group 3? Group 4?
 Kasano a maiyasping ti repeated addition
iti multiplication sentence?
 Anya iti multiplier? multiplicand?
 Ti panagpaadu ket isu iti repeated a
Tapno maala ti product iti panagdagup,
imultiply ti mutiplicand iti multiplier na.

Pagannurutan: Kumpletuen ti multiplication
sentences tapno maala ti umno a sungbat.
Start here:
= 1
3 =
= = 7
4 7 6= =
5 =
= =

Paaduen: Isurat ti sungbat.

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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
1.) 6 2.) 7 3.) 6 4.) 6
5.) 7
x 4 x 5 x 3 x 7
x 8

Presentation of Output

Processing the activity/output that leads to the


A. Copy and complete the table in your

Numbers Factors Number of


Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the factor of 31?
a. 1x31 c. 31÷1
b. 31÷31 d.31x31

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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
2. The factor of 32 is________.
a. 6x4 c. 8x4
b. 7x4 d. 9x4
3. All are factors of 40 except one. What is
a.10x4 c. 8x5
b. 20x2 d. 20x 20
4. 4. Give all the factors of 48.

5. How many factors does 50 have including


Day 2
Objective/s To visualize and state basic multiplication facts
for numbers up to 10 M3NS-IIa-41.3) To identify the multiples of a given number up to
100 (M4NS-IIa-65I)
Subject Matter
Visualizing and stating basic multiplication facts Identifying the multiples of a given number up
for numbers up to 10 to 100

Learning Materials TM, TG, BOW, (others) Math DLL TM, TG, BOW, (others) Math DLL
Procedure Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities

Relay on factors and giving of product using relay cards printed with different factors and products

Grade III and Grade IV pupils take turn in giving the factor and product by raising the number

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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4

Give the product. Use flash cards with Activity 1
facts 1 to 5. 1. Draw the following expressions:
2. Write the number of objects below the set
 Ited ti multiplication sentence dagiti Group 1
sumaganad: One set of two
Two sets of two
1. 3 nga batug ti saga 2
Three sets of two
2. 2 nga batug ti saga 6 Four sets of two
Five sets of two
3. 4 nga batug ti saga 5
4. 6 nga batug ti saga 7
5. 9 nga batug ti saga 4
Group 2
One set of five
Two sets of five
1. Answer the basic facts in multiplication using Three sets of five
Four sets of five
window cards or worksheet or written on a
Five sets of five
Manila paper,
* Call pupils to give the products.
I-grupo dagiti equation babaen iti pannakaurnus
iti multiplication table.

Performing the activity ( See Appendix 2 ) Process the first activity
Activity 1 Problem:
 Pagannurutan:
1. Dagiti numero iti umuna a column ket Alice watered her orchids every 4 days,
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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
multipliers ken dagiti numero iti umuna a and her violets every 7 days. At the same rate,
row ket multiplicands. when does Alice water her orchids and violets at
the same day?
2. Isurat dagiti sungbat kabatug iti
multipliers. Comprehension check up
 After the group have finished their work, the
Answering the problem using Direct Intruction
teacher will call some pupils to answer the
activity. Watering the Orchids - Multiple of 4
 Call some pupils to recite the product of Watering the Violets - Multiple of 7
multiplication table 1 to 10. ( See appendix 2
Identifying multiples using DI

Acivity 2
Usaren ti numero a 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 ken 9. Pilien
ti dua a numero ken ited ti product na.
Mangaramid ti 5 a number sentence ken
usaren ti product na mangrugi kabassitan
inggana kaaduan. Work with your seatmate.
( 5 minutes )

1.) ______________________________

2.) ______________________________

3.) ______________________________

4. )______________________________

5.) ______________________________

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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4

Activity 3

Usaren ti numero 3, 4, 5,6 ken 8, pilien ti dua a

numero ken sapulen ti product na. Agaramid ti 5
a number sentence ken urnusen ti product na
mangrugi kaaduan agpatingga ti kabassitan.

1.) ______________________________

2.) ______________________________

3.) ______________________________

4. )______________________________

5.) ______________________________

Process the activity Activity
 Kasano a maiyasping ti repeated addition
it multiplication sentence? Group 1

 Anya iti multiplier? multiplicand? Catch Me

 Ti panagpaadu ket isu iti repeated a
Group 2
Connect Me
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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
Tapno maala ti product iti panagdagup, ( See appendix 4 )
imultiply ti mutiplicand iti multiplier na.
“Spot the Products” Presentation of Output
1. Tunggal maysa ket maikkan ti kopya iti
activity sheet. Processing the activity/output that leads to
the generalization
2. Timbukelan iti umno a sungbat iti
multiplication facts.
3. Ti sungbat ket mabalin agpababa,
patallikud, patakder, paidda ken pakuros.
3 6 9 1 0 0
5 5 4 5 0 9
2 9 0 1 8 1
1 8 4 0 9 8
0 7 2 1 2 0

6x 8x3 7x
6 4

9x 5x 10 x10
5 4

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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4

A. Complete the series of multiples of each

1.) 7, ___, ___, ___

2.) 6, ___, ___, ___
3.) 14, ___, ___, ___
4.) 11, ___, ___, ___
5.) 19, ___, ___, ___

B. Identify the multiple of each number by


1.) 5, ( 30, 51, 62, 75, 22 )

2.) 9, ( 45, 40, 35, 38, 36 )
3.) 15, ( 35, 40, 60, 65, 45 )
4.) 21, ( 41, 44, 63, 84, 86 )
5.) 17, ( 35, 41, 51, 68, 87)

Day 3
Learning To visualize multiplication of the numbers 1 to 10
Competency/ies by 6, 7, 8 and 9. M3NS-IIa-41.2 To identify factors and multiples of a given
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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
To visualize and state basic multiplication facts number up to 100
for numbers up to 10 M3NS-IIa-41.3)
Subject Matter Visualizing multiplication of the numbers 1 to 10
by 6, 7, 8 and 9. M3NS-IIa-41.2 Identifying factors and multiples of a given
Visualizing and stating basic multiplication facts number up to 100
for numbers up to 10 M3NS-IIa-41.3)
Learning Materials TM, TG, BOW, (others) Math DLL TM, TG, BOW, (others) Math DLL
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activites
Drill on the basic multiplication facts

A. Complete the factor table
I. Aramiden dagiti Sumaganad:
1. Gimmatang ni Lito iti 4 a supot iti banana List of factors
Number Pairs of from smallest
kendi para ti papremyo ni Maestra. No ti nagyan
factors to the biggest
iti maysa a supot ket 9 a banana kendi, mano
Ex. 18 (1x18) (2x9) 1, 2, 3, 6, 9
amin ti banana kendi?
Repeated Addition:_______________________
Multiplication Sentence:_________________
2. Kasangay ni Noli inton bigat. Gimmatang ni
nanang na iti prizes para iti paay-ayamna.
Gimmatang isuna iti siam (9) a supot iti
nadumaduma a kendi. No ti karga iti maysa a
supot ket 7, mano amin ti kendi?
Repeated Addition: ___________________
Multiplication Sentence: _______________
II. Idrowing dagiti sumaganad a number
sentence. B. Identify the factors of each number from
set. Write them on the blank.
1.) Tallo a grupo a saga uppat
2.) Duwa a grupo a saga lima 1.) 14 ( 3, 4, 7, 2, 1, 14 ) __, __, __,
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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
3.) Innem a grupo a saga pito
2.) 16 ( 3, 5, 2, 7, 8, 4, 16, 9, 1)
4.) Uppat a grupo a saga uppat ___, ___, ___, ___, ___
5.) Pito a grupo a saga tallo
3.) 28 ( 6, 5, 9, 1, 7, 3, 4, 28 )
III. Ammuen ti nakadulin a mensahe. Sungbatan ___, ___, ___, ___,
dagiti number sentences. Dagiti sungbat ket 4.) 40 ( 12, 3, 10, 9, 4, 20, 5, 7, 8,
mangted iti letra tapno matakwatan ti mensahe. 1
Isurat ti letra iti uneg iti kahon. 2, 30, 20, 40)
___, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___
2 5 4 6 3 8 7 1 5.) 56 ( 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 2, 28, 14,
9 10
x9 x9 x9 x9 x9 x9 x9 x9 8, 56, 11, 12, 1 )
x9 ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___,

I- 18 H- 81 V - 54 C. Complete the multiple table

M- 72 A- 63 O- 36 Number First five multiple
T- 9 L- 45 E- 27 7

□ □□□□ □ 18
□□□ 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 D. Identify the multiple of the given number
III. Pilien ti letra iti umno a sungbat. from the set
1.) 9 ( 43, 64, 56, 54, 60, 29 )
1. Ti 5 x 9 =45, ania ti pang-awag iti numero 45? 2.) 8 ( 43, 60, 56, 54, 60, 29 )
3.) 14 ( 24, 30, 34, 40, 42, 44 )
a. addends b. product c. quotient d. 4.) 11 ( 51, 77, 31, 91, 61, 101 )
difference 5.) 3 ( 43, 53, 23, 48, 13, 22 )
2. Ti 8 x 7= 56, ania ti pang-awag iti numero 7?
a. addends b. products c. multiplier d.
3. Ania ti product iti 5 ken 8?________
4. Ania dagiti factors iti 63?

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Grade Level Grade 3 Grade 4
a. 7 ken 6 b. 7 ken 7 c. 7 ken 9 d. 7
ken 10
5. Isurat ti product iti 8x 8= ___________


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