Phase II Study of Pomegranate Juice For Men With Rising Prostate-Specific Antigen Following Surgery or Radiation For Prostate Cancer
Phase II Study of Pomegranate Juice For Men With Rising Prostate-Specific Antigen Following Surgery or Radiation For Prostate Cancer
Phase II Study of Pomegranate Juice For Men With Rising Prostate-Specific Antigen Following Surgery or Radiation For Prostate Cancer
Abstract Purpose: Phytochemicals in plants may have cancer preventive benefits through antioxidation
and via gene-nutrient interactions. We sought to determine the effects of pomegranate juice
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate is currently the most common several years. Prostate cancer 5-year survival rates have
malignancy in men in the United States comprising 29% of all increased from 67% for the period of 1974 to 1976 to 92%
cancers. This year an estimated 232,090 men will be newly for the period of 1989 to 1995 (2). However, prostate cancer
diagnosed with prostate cancer (1). There has been a trend remains the second most common cause of cancer death in
toward improved survival in prostate cancer over the past men in the United States, accounting for 11% of all cancer
deaths. This year an estimated 30,350 men will die of prostate
cancer (1).
Primary management of prostate cancer for the majority of
Authors’Affiliations: Departments of 1Urology, 2Medicine, 3Physiologic Science, patients consists of either radical surgery or radiation therapy.
and 4Biomathematics, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California at Although this is adequate for permanent disease control in
Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California and 5Technion Faculty of Medicine, Rambam many patients, a significant number of patients relapse and
Medical Center, Bat-Galim, Haifa, Israel
Received 10/21/05; revised 3/29/06; accepted 5/2/06.
ultimately develop metastatic disease. Radical prostatectomy is
Grant support: Lynda and Stewart Resnick Revocable Trust and grants currently the most commonly used therapy for curative intent
P50CA92131 and 1R01CA100938 (W. Aronson and R.J. Barnard). Lynda and (3). However, approximately one third of prostate cancer
Stewart Resnick own the POM Wonderful Co., which provided the juice for the patients with clinically confined cancer that are treated with
radical prostatectomy will develop a biochemical recurrence
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page
charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance (4, 5). Pound et al. (6) reviewed 1,997 patients that underwent
with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. radical prostatectomy for clinically localized prostate cancer
Requests for reprints: Allan J. Pantuck, Department of Urology, David Geffen and determined that 15% of patients had biochemical
School of Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles, 66-118 Center for recurrence. Thirty-four percent of patients with biochemical
Health Sciences, Box 951738, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1738. Phone: 310-206-
2436; Fax: 310-206-4082; E-mail: apantuck@
recurrence developed distant metastases with only 15 years of
F 2006 American Association for Cancer Research. total follow-up, median time to development of metastases was
doi:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-05-2290 8 years from the time of initial prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
elevation, and median time to death from the development of formation and growth in animals (17). Recently, there have
metastases was 5 years (6). been several reports on the antiproliferative, apoptotic,
There are limited treatment options for patients who have angiogenic, and inhibition of nuclear factor-nB (NF-nB)
undergone primary therapy with curative intent and who have activity and xenograft growth by pomegranate polyphenols
progressive elevation of their PSA without documented (18 – 22). Although these data on pomegranate polyphenols
evidence of metastatic disease. Early initiation of hormonal and NF-nB are quite preliminary and many mechanistic
ablation is associated with significant morbidity and effect on questions remain to be elucidated, it is consistent with a
quality of life, including fatigue, hot flashes, loss of libido, much larger body of literature that supports the concept that
decreased muscle mass, and osteoporosis with long-term use. plant polyphenols, including red wine resveratrol (23), green
Strategies to delay clinical prostate cancer progression and tea catechins (24), and soy isoflavones (25), are capable of
prolong the interval from treatment failure to hormonal decreasing proliferation and stimulating apoptosis via inhibi-
ablation would be of paramount importance. A combination tion of NF-nB activity. Finally, pomegranate phytochemicals
of epidemiologic and basic science evidence strongly suggests inhibited the in vitro proliferation of three prostate cancer cell
that diet and plant-derived phytochemicals may play an lines, LNCaP, PC3, and DU145, and showed in vivo
important role in prostate cancer prevention or treatment. inhibition of xenograft growth in athymic mice (20).
Multiple genetic and epigenetic factors have been implicated To study the possible therapeutic effects of pomegranate juice
The study was conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki In vitro apoptosis assay. Experiments were carried out in 96-well
and its amendments. The study protocol was approved by the tissue culture plates at a density of 10 103 cells per well. Cells were
University of California at Los Angeles Medical Institutional Review prepared and plated for 24 hours as mentioned above. Using the Cell
Board and the Institutional Scientific Peer Review Committee of the Death Detection ELISA Plus (Roche Applied Science, Indianapolis, IN),
Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center. All patients gave written apoptosis was measured at the end of 2 days of treatment with 10%
informed consent before participation. fetal bovine serum or 10% experimental sera. This apoptosis assay is
The study sponsors played no role in the study design, collection, based on a quantitative sandwich enzyme immunoassay principle using
analysis, or interpretation of data or in the writing of this report. mouse monoclonal antibodies directed against DNA and histones and
Calculation of PSADT. The linear spline method with a knot at t = 0 allows the specific determination of mononucleosomes and oligonu-
(baseline) was used to estimate the PSADT before and after baseline cleosomes in the cytoplasm fraction of lysates. Background using
for each subject. The model is y = a + bt + ku(t), where y = log(PSA) incubation buffer and ABTS solution was subtracted from the
and u(t) = 0 if t < 0; otherwise, u(t) = t. PSADT is estimated: before absorbance measurements (405-490 nm). The results are expressed in
treatment, DT1 = log 2 / b; after baseline, DT2 = log 2 / (b + k). microunits of mononucleosomes and oligonucleosomes. Cell culture
Sample size and statistical considerations. The study was designed as and apoptosis assay were run in triplicates.
a two-stage optimal flexible design (27), phase II trial with the following Serum lipid peroxidation. Oxidative stress both in the basal state and
assumptions: the ineffectiveness cutoff was chosen equal to 5%; in an induced oxidative stress system [with the free radicals generator
the targeted desirable response rate cutoff equal to 20%. Hence, the 2,2-azobis(2-amidino-propane) dihydrochloride (AAPH)] was deter-
hypotheses of interest were H0: r0.05 against HA: r0.20, where r is the mined by measurement of serum lipid peroxidation in the patient’s
intermediate (5 – 7) in 94% of patients, whereas 6% had Gleason rank sum test, P = 0.0001). Due to the large number of patients
4 cancers. All patients were clinical or pathologic N0 and M0, that continued to have stable disease at 18 months of
and 63% were clinically or pathologically staged with treatment, the protocol was amended to permit patients to
organ-confined disease, whereas 37% had locally advanced continue treatment until meeting disease progression criteria.
cancers extending into the periprostatic or seminal vesicle tissues. At 33 months, 3 additional patients were able to be included
At study entry, median PSA for the cohort was 1.05 ng/mL for analysis, as their PSA values had increased to the point that
(average, 2.23 F 2.58 ng/mL). they developed positive PSA slopes, allowing their PSADT to be
In stage I, 24 patients were treated of whom 2 patients were estimated. At 33 months, the estimate of the average PSADT
objective responders, with PSA declines of 85% and 50%. In the before intervention was 15.6 F 10.8 months (median, 11.5
first responder, the PSA rose to a maximal value at 6 months on months), whereas the average posttreatment PSADT was 54.7 F
study, followed by the 85% decrease in PSA level, which did 102 months (median, 28.7 months; P < 0.001). During the
not return to its peak until 21 months. The second responder study, 83% of patients achieved an improvement in PSADT
continues to maintain a 57% reduction in peak PSA at (i.e., either prestudy PSADT > 0 and poststudy PSADT < 0 or
33 months on study. In addition to these 2 subjects, 6 of the poststudy PSADT > prestudy PSADT) after intervention (signed
first 24 patients progressed by PSA criteria. Of the 46 patients rank sum test; P < 0.0001). Baseline T stage showed some
analyzed from both stages, 16 (35%) achieved a decrease in correlation with the change of PSADT, but this did not reach
Fig. 2. Percent change in the growth of human prostate cancer cells (LNCaP)
using culture medium supplemented with individual serum, comparing proliferation
observed using posttreatment versus baseline patient serum. Compared with
baseline, at 9 months, there was an average 12% reduction in the growth of LNCaP
(signed rank sum test, P = 0.0048).
fruits and vegetables that men eat and their risk of developing speculate on the potential mechanisms of action of pome-
prostate cancer at 4.8 years (31). Several large, prospective, granate polyphenols on the growth dynamics observed in the
randomized, placebo-controlled experimental studies to study in vivo prostate cancer assays. The lack of any observed effect
dietary prevention of prostate cancer are ongoing, including on serum androgen levels suggests that the effect is not
the Selenium and Vitamin E Chemoprevention Trial sponsored primarily hormonal in nature. Further, there is no reason to
by the NIH, and a study of selenium in men with high- believe that polyphenols artifactually affect circulating serum
grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia organized by the PSA measurement. This is supported by a separate pharmaco-
Southwest Oncology Group. Although much focus has been kinetic study (data not shown), in which there was no
on identifying primary chemopreventive agents that might relationship between circulating ellagic acid and PSA when
delay or prevent cancer from developing de novo, there is no both were serially and simultaneously measured after pome-
a priori reason to assume that such an agent would be as granate juice consumption. Chief, however, among the
effective in the treatment of established cancer or vice versa. potentially explanatory hypotheses is the role of inflammation
Unfortunately, as of yet, there have been no comparably in cancer and the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of
sized clinical intervention studies of dietary treatments for pomegranate polyphenols. Chronic inflammation has been
established prostate cancer, although several small, PSA-based linked to the incidence of many cancers, including that of the
phase II studies have been reported. These studies include prostate (37). Studies investigating samples of human tissues
foods, such as soy protein (32, 33), mushroom extract (34), have shown that epithelial cell proliferation is increased by
and multi-ingredient dietary antioxidant nutritional supple- inflammation (38). An increased risk of cancer is associated
ments (35, 36). Although with few exceptions (33, 36) PSA with inflammatory mechanisms, as f15% of all cancers can be
kinetics were unaffected by the dietary treatment studied, related to chronic inflammation (38). Epidemiologic studies
these studies have tended to feature small cohorts of patients, have found an increased risk for prostate cancer in men who
treated for short periods of time, and without placebo control have a prior history of sexually transmitted disease or prostatitis
comparison. (39). Inflammation in the microenvironment of the prostate
In the current study, in addition to the significant prolon- cancer cell may stimulate the multistep process of carcinogen-
gation of PSADT, pomegranate juice intake was associated esis by up-regulating the production of proinflammatory
with antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects in our explor- cytokines and their signaling pathways. In fact, proliferative
atory bioassays. It should be recognized that the clinical inflammatory atrophy has recently been proposed as a
relevance of these unvalidated assays is as yet unclear. However, precursor to prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and prostate
although the specific factors mediating these effects will be a cancer (40).
subject of future studies in a prospective randomized trial Inflammation can result in persistent oxidative stress in
comparing pomegranate juice with placebo, it is interesting to cancer cells and the reactive oxygen species may lend cancer
cells a survival advantage (41 – 43). Mild levels of oxidative apoptosis and showed in vivo inhibition of xenograft growth
stress stimulate cancer cell proliferation (42) and increase in athymic mice (20). Also in PC3, Malik et al. (52) showed
mutation rates through DNA damage and/or epigenetic inhibition of cell growth by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-
changes (44). De Marzo et al. (40) have shown the loss of diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay and induction of apoptosis
glutathione S-transferase P1 as an early event in prostate as determined by DNA fragmentation, induction of Bax and
tumors that sets the stage for stimulation of growth by oxygen Bak, and down-regulation of Bcl-XL and Bcl-2. Likewise, we
radicals. Oxidative stress has also been shown to increase cancer have presented preclinical in vitro studies6 that have shown
cell proliferation by increasing the sensitivity of growth factor 59% to 75% growth inhibition, delayed progression into S
receptors and by altering transcription factor activity. Inflam- phase, and generation of low levels of apoptosis in the PC3
matory cells, such as macrophages and mast cells, release prostate cancer cell line, whereas s.c. and orthotopic in vivo
angiogenic factors and cytokines like tumor necrosis factor-a, studies of LAPC-9 tumors in severe combined immunodeficient
interleukin-1, and vascular endothelial growth factor, which mice have shown 52% growth inhibition tumors 70%
signal cell growth and proliferation. Additionally, cytokines reduction in PSA.7
regulate signaling pathways that control proliferation, apopto- Although a plethora of assays are available to measure
sis, differentiation, and metastasis. oxidative stress and antioxidant status (53, 54), currently no
Oxidative stress is thought to be a factor associated with standard methods are available for estimating oxidative stress,
From a practical standpoint, the prevention of disease and the need for confirmatory prospective studies using a
progression to a metastatic state, where the risk of cancer blinded control arm.
related mortality is increased, is also a desirable outcome. This
objective can be achieved by eliminating the disease but also Conclusions
by slowing the growth of the tumor. It remains controversial
whether modulation of PSA levels represents an equally valid We report the first clinical trial of pomegranate juice in
clinical end point. Although the Food and Drug Administration patients with recurrent prostate cancer. This study shows
has not yet accepted a PSA end point to support drug approval, statistically significant effects on PSADT coupled with
evaluation of additional data and further discussions of PSA corresponding effects on prostate cancer in vitro cell growth
end points are planned in future workshops and Oncologic and apoptosis. These proposed benefits, however, are in assays
Drugs Advisory Committee meetings. PSADT, however, is that are as yet unvalidated, and further research is needed to
increasingly being seen by some as an important surrogate prove the validity of these tests and to determine whether
biomarker for prostate cancer mortality. Recently, it was improvements in such biomarkers (including PSADT) are likely
shown that a posttreatment PSADT of <3 months seems to to serve as surrogates for clinical benefit. The present results,
be a surrogate end point for prostate cancer-specific mortality therefore, are being further tested in a randomized, double-
(60). Freedland et al. recently published the outcomes of blind, three-arm, placebo-controlled study, in which the ability
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