Answers On The Study On The 144 000 of Revelation

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A. THE 144 000 AND THE GREAT MULTITUDE (chapter 7)

The following facts ought to be noted;
1. The sum total of the saved is a great multitude
2. In Revelation chapter 7 God distinguishes the 144 000 from the Great
Multitude (GM).
3. This is because the 144 000 are a special group of believers in the End
Time like the 12 disciples were distinguished from the other disciples
of the Christ erstwhile.
4. The 144 000 are the first fruits to God and the Lamb; and, as if to
assure the troubled prophet(John), God shows him the fact that there
are many OTHERS saved besides – the great multitude.
5. How the 144 000 fit into the Great Multitude and vice versa*
It’s a matter of simple algebra;
∞ ± x = ∞ thus
GM ± 144 000 = GM
6. Why the great multitude is being spoken as having passed
through “great tribulation”?
 All believers in Christ pass through persecution -3 Ti 3.12
 The Saviour assures that “in the world ye shall have tribulation”
–John 16.33
 “We must through MUCH tribulation enter into the kingdom of
God” –Acts 14.22
7. Actually all the saved pass through some tribulation of some sort that
it could be said of the great multitude that it comprises of the people
of God that have passed through different tribulations of varying
intensity; the sum of which could be spoken of as the “great
tribulation” of life of the believers.
1. Who could not learn this song?
o The answer is found on verse 3 – those around God’s throne
a. The 4 beasts(a preferable translation reads ‘four living
creatures’ see Ezekiel 10.14)
b. The 24 Elders
c. The innumerable company of angels –Rev 5.11
2. Why couldn’t they learn the song?
o It is the song of Moses they sing -15.2-4
a. Song of Moses(the type) – Exodus 15
b. It was sung by those that escaped Egyptian bondage - Ex
c. And passed through the Red Sea – Ex 14
d. Song of Moses(in the antitype) –Revelation 15.3-4
e. Sung by those that have “gotten victory over the
beast(the papacy), and over his image(apostate protestant
[America]), and over his mark(the Sunday law), and over
the number of his name(666)” -15.2
f. And stand on as it were the Sea of Glass mingled with
fire -15.2
o It is the song of their unique experience such as sets them apart
from the great multitude
1. Why should the 144 000 be a literal number and the 12 tribes
o We acknowledge that the names of the 12 tribes of Israel in
Revelation are from the literal names of the sons of

JUDAH 29 v.35
REUBEN 29 v. 32
GAD 30 v. 11
ASHER 30 v. 12
NAPHTALI 30 v. 8
MANASSEH 48 v. 20
SIMEON 29 v. 33
LEVI 29 v. 34
ISSACHAR 30 v. 18
ZEBULUN 30 v. 20
JOSEPH 30 v. 24
BENJAMIN 35 v. 18
o The only exception is Manasseh, the son of Joseph, who
replaced Dan. The reason is on Genesis 49.17
o That gentiles could, by accepting the faith of Abraham and the
promise of Christ, become part of Israel and even numbered in
the lineage of Christ is evident even in the Old Testament:
a. the case of Ruth –Ruth 4.13-21
b. the gentiles in general –Isaiah 56.6-8 etc
o In the New Testament the evidence is even overwhelming:
a. Christ called Nathanael an “Israelite indeed” for being a
diligent student of scriptures as he sat under the tree
habitually to understand the oracles of the first advent of
Christ; the promised of Abraham. John 1.47,48; Gal 3.16
b. The mission of Christ was to create a new creature
out of believers; that new creature the apostle Paul calls
the “Israel of God.” 2 Cor. 5.17;Gal 6.15,16
c. The new covenant with God is made to the house of
Israel which is clearly the church of God Hebrews 8.8-10
d. The Scriptures make it clear that those who are born of
Abraham and Jacob are verily not Israelites if they do
not believe in Christ. Romans 9.6
e. In fact before Christ, the bible states that, we were
“aliens from the commonwealth of Israel” but that now
Christ has brought us home. Ephesians 2.11-13
f. Gentiles were and are grafted into the vine and become
part of the Israel of God by Christ. Romans 11.13-27
o It suffices to conclude therefore that the 144 000,in the literal
sense of the number, also comprises the people who were not
of Israel by birth but for the faith they profess in Christ; having
ascertained that what makes one an Israelite is far from
genetics but spiritual connection to Christ.
o And, as if to attempt a more direct answer to the question, the
144 000 is indeed a literal number. It is curved out of the 12
tribes of Israel God who are believers in Christ. The names are
literal names of the sons of Jacob/Israel. It therefore comprises
of Isreal by genetics and Israel through adoption of
Christ/converted gentiles. It is through this spiritual connection
to Christ that makes the interpretation of the 12 tribes of Israel
of Revelation more of “spiritual” than literal. (Fox, what
wonderful mercy of God! What a beauty in the plan of
Redemption that converted Gentile turns into a new creature in
Christ and is numbered in the Israel of God! Hallelujah!!!)

*this is meant to clarify that the great multitude which no man could number with
or without the 144 000 still is a great multitude. John records that he first heard the
number (and later saw the 144 000) and turned and saw a great multitude. This is
meant to enforce the fact that the sum of all the saved of earth, the innumerable
great multitude, has all characteristics of passing through “great tribulation”
whether at individual level of its constituents or overall. In fact an aerial view of
the throne of God as given to us on Revelation chapter 5 would be thus, with the
inclusion of the 144 000: 1. The 4 living creatures after the throne, 2. The 24
Elders, 3. The 144 000, 4. The great multitude. This sight would present such an
awesome spectacle to the puzzled gaze of the prophet as to call forth the synoptic
answer “these are they that came out of great tribulation.” For in them some came
from the tribulation of the dark ages, some from the great tribulation of the End
Time (both the little and great time of trouble), and the various
tribulations/persecutions which saints ought to experience before glory.

p.s: it is the prayer of the writer that this short discussion will help to clarify some
of the issues that were thought pertinent to be addressed and ought to comprise the
general knowledge of the believer awaiting the 2nd Advent of our Dear Lovely
Jesus the Christ. May all COMSDAC strive to be among that number in the
glorious city of God. If time allowed we would organize a more comprehensive
study on the subject as so far more light has been shed since the time of the

[Prepared by pat k lamba for the Bible Study Committee 06/03/13]

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