Visitor Center BOQ
Visitor Center BOQ
Visitor Center BOQ
Industrial steel structural framing system with foundation "150mm slab on grade, 400mm below columns, and as per
design" similar to the existing including columns, beams, decking, bracing rods, and all necessary requirement to com
Roof Cladding: Sandwich panel 50 mm "Rockwool" with Rain gutter and down spot
Water proofing on roof and gutter
Aluminum double glazed Skylight with all necessary supports and insulation
Flooring: SPC tiles and SPC skirting on top of fiber cement board 18mm fire and water resistant
Flooring (Wet areas): Hard vinyl tiles on top of fiber cement board 18mm fire and water resistant
Briefing Room Flooring: Carpet flooring and wooden skirting matching the door frame color on top of fiber cement b
fire and water resistant
Bike workshop & Storage: Epoxy flooring on top of smooth finished concrete grade slab
Ceiling: 12.5mm fire rated gypsum board with paint system to the dry areas and moister resistant paint to the wet area
External WPC floor decking, including steps and ramps around the visitor center
Concrete steps, ramps & decking's for the center entrance
Interlock tiles with 100mm subbase layer for the service/parking area
External Walls Partition: WPC panels fixed on 9mm cement board, with 100mm fiberglass blanket 10kg/m3, 7.5mm
gypsum board and 5 layers water base paint system
External Walls Partition: 7.5 cement lap siding cement board painted (Gray color) firmly fixed on 6mm cement board
fiberglass blanket 10kg/m3, 7.5mm & fire rated gypsum board and 5 layers water base paint system
Internal walls partitions: 12.5mm fire rated gypsum board to the dry areas and cement board to the wet areas with 5 p
both sides
Hard vinyl tiles for the toilets, Storage & BOH areas
Aluminum double glazed curtain walls, Thermal break, Air tight and Heat/dust filtration limited to 05%
Aluminum double glazed curtain walls, Thermal break, Air tight and Heat/dust filtration limited to 05%
Aluminum double glazed curtain walls, Thermal break, Air tight and Heat/dust filtration limited to 05%
Single layer 12mm glass partition with frosting film for briefing room
Single layer 12mm glass partition with frosting film for bike workshop
Aluminum double glazed Stackable folding door and all necessary requirements and supports for the installation
External doors: Aluminum double glazed, thermal break, double action swing door with fixed glass panel 600 mm on
to the existing
External single steel doors: 1Hr fire rated steel door with door closer, door stoper and ironmongeries
Internal single wooden door: wooden swing door with door closer, door stoper and ironmongeries
Internal double glass door: 12mm single layer double action swing glass door
Internal single glass door: 12mm single layer double action swing glass door with 600mm top fixed panel
Suspended waive decorative (sheets/fabric/GRP/FG) below skylight panels
Suspended wooden rafters to the ceiling above the juice bar
Internal decorative cladding panels: SPC wooden panels (Strip/Plane)
Decorative wooden cladding for the columns and beams
High quality PVC/HDPE fabric for out door shad including all foundations, columns, accessories, hocks, dowels and
(matching the existing) for the external shaded out door gathering
Pawder coated cubeler steel handrails to the ramps and entrance steps
12mm single layer glass handrail with the required channel and supports to the outdoor decking area
Toilet cubicle partitions 2000mm height
Urion cubicals
Toilet WC floor mounted with shattaf and wall mounted toilet roll holder
Vanity counter with washbasin and tab
Mirror - length equal to the vanity and ceiling Hight
Mirror light
Sanitary waste bin
Power out let for shaver
Horizontal water heater above ceiling level
Extraction Fan - ceiling type
Soap dispenser
Paper Towel Dispenser
Hand dryer
Big waste bin
Bathroom toilet brush
Electrical DB: Alfanar/Eletra or equivalent brand with, Spare breaker in each MDB.
Light and Extractions Switch
Provision for Wi-Fi dongle
External wall mounted lights
General Power Outlet including two UK Plug Sockets and 2 USB Ports
Ceiling light: 10" LED down light for service area
Ceiling light: Spot light for common areas
Cassette type AC unit, design BTU as per area calculation (cooling/heating) and fresh air for toilets
Bike Racks
Reception Desk
Wooden Chairs
Dining Tables (Outdoor)
Dining Chairs (Outdoor)
Cafe Tables (Indoor)
Cafe Chairs (Indoor)
L-Shaped Kitchen Counter
Examination Bed
Office Tables
Office Chairs
U-Shaped Outdoor Sofa Seating
Planter Bed
Fire extinguisher abc powder
General Notes
All aluminum glazing to be:
Double glazed
Thermal break
Heat & dust filtration limited to 05%
Air tight
AC cooling to reach 22 degree after one hour operation in summer peek time
Over all look and feel to match the renders
All units design & fabrication to be demountable & relocatable
All general requirements like build waste removal and skips , Welfare facilities for labours, Generators and power for
cabins and offices, logistics, etc.… are under your responsibilities.
The documents forming this RFP are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another. If there is any ambiguity or
the documents (drawings / BOQ and 3Ds), the most stringent of the conditions should apply
Details Unit Qty Rate Amount