BNHS SHS Alpas Sample Expi 2022 2023 2

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Title (Inverted Pyramid Format)

Last Name1, Last name2, Last name3
Bataan National High School – Senior High School
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

Abstract – An abstract is a short summary of your (published or unpublished) research paper, usually
about a paragraph (c. 6-7 sentences, 150-250 words) long. A well-written abstract lets readers get the gist or
essence of your paper or article quickly, in order to decide whether to read the full paper, prepares readers to
follow the detailed information, analyses, and arguments in your full paper and helps readers remember key
points from your paper. The typical kinds of information found in most abstracts are: the context or background
information for your research; the general topic under study; the specific topic of your research the central
questions or statement of the problem your research addresses; what’s already known about this question,
what previous research has done or shown; the main reason(s), the exigency, the rationale, the goals for your
research—Why is it important to address these questions? Are you, for example, examining a new topic? Why
is that topic worth examining? Are you filling a gap in previous research? Applying new methods to take a
fresh look at existing ideas or data? Resolving a dispute within the literature in your field? . . .; your research
and/or analytical methods; your main findings, results, or arguments; and the significance or implications of
your findings or arguments.
Keywords – emotional intelligence, leadership styles, working environment

INTRODUCTION visionary, coaching, affiliative, democratic,

A plethora of studies have agreed on leadership pacesetting and commanding (Goleman, 2000) [3].
as a prime enabler of an institution’s both success His study included a correlational analysis
and failure. Given the crucial role it plays in any between each of the styles and how they impacted
organization, many theorists come up with the company climate. He argued that each style,
different suppositions on its definitions, or tool as he described, suits a particular
principles, styles and practices and what situation; hence, an effective leader must be
circumstance should these aspects be best flexible enough to switch his styles depending on
applied on. One of which is Carlyle’s Great Man the circumstance at hand.
Theory which believes that a leader is one who In the Department of Education (DepEd),
creates an impact to the society rather than the aspiring leaders such as school heads and head
society shapes him (Spector, 2014) [1]. Thus, it teachers (HTs) undergo scrupulous examinations
argues that a leader with strong leadership and assessments prior installation in adherence to
capability rises to the top and influences others its mandate of delivering quality education.
around them. Education, experience, training and eligibility, as
Goleman, (2000) [2], in his practical stated in DepEd Order No. 39, s. 2007, among
understanding of the roles of leaders, similarly others are the bases from which the applicants
believes that leaders in order to impact others are assessed (DO 39, S, 2007) [4]. Upon
must recognize personal emotions and know how assumption of post, some of HTs’ duties include
these affect the emotions of other people. From a observation of classes, assisting the principal in
research done on 3, 781 executives in 2000, he planning programs and activities, coordinating
extracted six styles of leadership namely with district and division supervisors and
1 | [email protected]

implementing school policies and regulations. conflict management skills was put forward.
With these mentioned, dealing with people is also Garcia and Maniago (2018) revealed from their
imperative in the nature of their work. empirical analyses that EI improves with age
Despite the meticulous procedure HTs must increasing from early adolescence and early
undertake, this does not necessarily mean that adulthood [7]. This finding was observed from the
leaders are already well-versed with their duties leaders in select higher education institutions
and responsibilities. There is still a need for (HEIs) in Central Luzon. These leaders were
further seminars and trainings that will capacitate grouped according to classification of institution,
them for a job that puts high importance on sex, civil status, highest educational attainment,
clienteles’ satisfaction. number of years in the present
Anchored to Goleman's leadership styles, position/designation, and religious affiliation and
Saxena et al. (2017) identified factors that the result showed that there is no significant
contribute to the appropriateness of practices difference in the EI of these leaders. An interesting
among medical education leaders [5]. It is found result from this study is that EI slightly correlated
out that leader’s hierarchical level relates to his to practice of CMS among these middle managers.
preferred style. As leaders reach a higher level, the This result is in agreement to Jordan and Troth
more varied the styles get. Particularly, the (2011) whose study showed that individuals with
analyses showed that senior leaders are drawn high EI often do not monopolize the task of solving
more to pace-setting and commanding styles, conflicts in the organization rather encourage
whereas junior and middle-level leaders used collaborative work among members [8].
democratic and coaching, respectively. The study These studies not only amplify the call for
suggested the inclusion of learning of different intensive trainings among leaders, but they also
leadership styles in leadership development necessitate scholastic discourse to bring about
especially for leaders at the beginning levels. studies that may analyze its many aspects and
Likewise, Abubakari (2017) explored the nature changing nature.
of these leadership styles in selected polytechnics Focusing on DepEd, Republic Act 9155 (2006)
in Ghana. He discovered that leaders tend to use or the Governance for Basic Education Act of 2001
coaching, pacesetting, democratic, and affiliative Section 6.1 states that school heads shall form a
styles [6]. It is also asserted that the realization of team with the school teachers/learning facilitators
strategic goals entails the right combination of to deliver quality educational programs, projects
styles in belief that the members will then be and services [9]. Hence, HTs as part of the team
propelled to work conscientiously. As an upshot of are faced with a challenge to contribute to the
the study, these leaders are urged to undergo Organization Development (OD) Framework of
trainings on the right fusion of the leadership DepEd basic education.
styles for them to yield positive influence over the To instill love for work in a workplace, a leader
workers. must foster a healthy working environment by
In the Philippine setting, the correlation properly dealing with people’s sentiments and
between the emotional intelligence (EI) and emotions. Nowadays, teachers often see their
2 | [email protected]

worksites as a source of stress and pressure. This styles of the HTs in the Division of Bataan using
negative perception of work is apparent in the Goleman’s Leadership Style Model and Emotional
study of (Alson, 2019) [10]. Working conditions Intelligence Theory. It intended to conduct an in-
were described as hazardous resulting from depth analysis on leadership styles employed by
superfluous monitoring, contradictory the HTs to deal with their clients in the
instructions and demands for production from the educational setting. As an outcome, the findings
administration which inflicted stress among the will be utilized as a basis for enhancement of
teachers. Teachers were also troubled by scarcity leadership training program.
of materials and resources. These dilemmas OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
affected their productivity to a point of The general objective of this study was to
exhaustion; hence, the source of personal stress. determine the prevalent leadership style/s of the
Sometimes, overt manifestations of these HTs in the Division of Bataan using Goleman’s
problems came in a form of emotional outburst. Leadership Style Model and Emotional Intelligence
Education is among the many fields and Theory.
disciplines where stress is commonplace. Most It likewise intended to describe the perceptions
often than not, poor leadership skills perpetuate of the HTs on leadership as well as identify the
these issues and concerns of teachers. Leaders dominant strategies employed in handling people’s
are veered towards production of tasks and emotions, ensuring healthy working environment
outputs overlooking the well-being of their and changing environment.

With the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, This sought to answer the following questions:
education has been shifted in a massive scale. 1. What is/ are the prevalent leadership style/s of
This stemmed to uncertainties and apprehensions the HTs based on Goleman’s Leadership Style
among teachers, parents and learners. Teaching Model?
and learning processes underwent revisitation and 2. What are the perceptions and strategies of the
remodification to fit the difficult situation. HTs on leadership specifically in handling people’s
Therefore, leaders initiating walk-throughs with personal emotions in the organization to ensure a
the school body is a pivotal step so that teachers healthy working environment?
may feel motivated and guided. HYPOTHESIS/ES OF THE STUDY

These premises only attest that leadership is The following are the hypotheses formulated for
an integral aspect of any organizational ladder. the study:
Hence, seminars and trainings among leaders 1.
must be made purposive and meaningful. More
importantly, it must be based on current needs MATERIALS AND METHOD
assessment to optimize the efficiency and Methodology and Design
effectiveness of leadership. Quantitative and qualitative methodologies
To address the aforementioned gaps, this study were employed to attain the objectives of the
is pursued to determine the prevalent leadership
3 | [email protected]

study. According to Oberiri (2017), quantitative divided into two parts. The first part included a
research, 5-point Likert scale tool adopted from the work
is concerned with quantifying and evaluating of Litwin and Stringer used to gauge leadership
variables in order to obtain results using styles (Goleman, 2000) [12]. Specifically, it
statistical tools to analyse numerical data to provided 36 statements in which the HTs
answer questions such as who, how much, what, assigned corresponding points based on their
where, when, how many, and how. Creswell experiences as a leader. Thus, the validity and
(2015) also describe qualitative research as a reliability of this questionnaire have already
method that studies issues by capturing the been established.
points of view of the respondents through open- The second part consisted of structured
ended questions in semi-structured or in-depth interview questions conceptualized based on
interviews. According to Mc Combes (2022), the major themes of Goleman’s leadership
descriptive research aims to describe a framework. These four questions aimed to
population, situation, or phenomena correctly and solicit a comprehensive understanding of the
systematically. It can answer questions about head teachers’ dominant leadership style.
where, when, and how, but not why. These statements and questions were encoded
Participants/ Subjects in a Google survey administration application
The study targeted 30 HTs in the Division of for rapid and convenient data collection.
Bataan as the respondents of this study which The study also included an online, structured
were non-randomly selected using convenience interview to yield qualitative data. The
sampling technique. As defined, this is a type generated data from the interview resulted to
of non-probability sampling that involves the an in-depth understanding of the leadership
sample being drawn from that part of styles which underwent a deductive thematic
population close to hand (Salkind, 2010) [11]. analysis through the assistance of
Thus, the first 30 HTs who were accessible QDAMineLite. This is a computer-assisted
and who willingly responded to the online qualitative analysis software which was used to
survey were considered to be the sample of this identify codes relevant to the predetermined
study. Moreover, familiarity was used by the themes adopted from Goleman’s framework.
researchers to easily obtain the data needed for Data Collection Procedure
the completion of the study. Since the study was conducted in the time of
The HTs were chosen as respondents of this the COVID-19 crisis, data collection procedure
study due to the heavy load of work of the transpired through online platforms. An
school principals during the conduct of the electronic letter was first sent to the HTs for the
study. purpose of informed consent. Afterwards, the
Instrument data from the respondents were obtained
The main instrument used to gather pertinent through Facebook messenger and Google
data for the study is a questionnaire which was survey administration application. The points
indicated in the first part of the questionnaire
4 | [email protected]

were computed through percentage frequency Through the help of research and benchmarking
distribution. While the answers from the commercial systems, our team set out a
interview questions were subjected to a list of aspects that we wanted to include in our
deductive thematic analysis. The leadership- final design.
style codes evident in the answers of the Illustration of Prototype
respondents were analyzed based on its Provide a brief specification of the design.
relevance to the pre-established themes
specified in Goleman’s leadership style model. Below are the illustrations of the prototype:
Ethical Considerations
Through concerted efforts, each step of the Budgetary Requirements
research process was ensured to pass the Below is the list of the materials, the quantity, and
ethical standards set by Bryman and Bell the cost.
(Anwar, 2016) [13]. With strict observation of Materials Quantity Cost

respect, concern for dignity and welfare, an

informed consent was sought from the
respondents prior to the data collection. In line
Table 1. Frequency Distribution and Ranking
with this, the respondents were made fully
Goleman's Leadership Styles Frequency Percentage Rank
aware of all the aspects of the undertaking
including the confidentiality of the obtained VISIONARY 1 3% 5
data as well as their anonymity. Respect for AFFILIATIVE 14 46.67% 1
intellectual property was observed as the DEMOCRATIC 10 33.33% 2
authors of works cited were properly PACESETTING 7 23.33% 3
acknowledged. Objectivity in the treatment of
COACHING 6 20% 4

data was ensured through the use of a

statistical treatment and QDAMine lite.

Matrix of the Experiment

Procedure Schedule Participants/
Persons Involved

Existing Design Benchmarking

There are various hydroponics systems currently
on the market ranging in size and cost.
Table 3 summarizes the variety of systems. Each
of these commercial systems will be used to
complete a benchmarking analysis.
Rationale for Design Specifications

5 | [email protected]

Table 1 shows the percentage distribution and emotions of other people” (Heather Craig, 2020)
rank of HTs in the Division of Bataan in terms of [14].
their prevalent leadership styles based on Another leadership style which puts high
Goleman's Leadership Model. As presented, regard for emotional aspect of the team is
affiliative ranked first as the most prevalent visionary. Being the top two in the rank, 10 HTs
among the leadership styles of the HTs in Bataan projected themselves as visionary leaders. As
while commanding ranked sixth being the least described, these leaders incite collaboration in the
prevalent. From the table, 14 head teachers workforce so as to achieve organizational goals
employ affiliative style contributing to 46.67% of (Zeaman, n.d.) [15]. This is also a people-and-goal-
the total population, 10 HTS or 33.33% have oriented style since it encompasses the leader’s
Democratic leadership style, seven among them skill to handle various emotions in an attempt to
use the 3rd in rank which is the Pacesetting style unify the team towards a smooth and systematic
constituting 23.33%. On the fourth rank is the work system.
coaching style that 6 or 20% of HTs apply as
leaders. However, only one HT uses the visionary Table 2. Qualitative Data on Prevalent
leadership style and none from them use the Leadership Styles
commanding style. Evidently, the total number of Questions
Based on Leadership
responses is 38 compared to the 30-total number Goleman’s
Style-related Leadership
of respondents. This is due to the reason that few Emotional related
Codes Style
Leadership Themes
of the HTs garnered more than one prevalent
leadership style based on the data gathered. The head
From the results, it can be inferred that HTs teachers
accomplish lead by
prefer collaborative technique in resolving
PERCEPTIO goals, example.
emotional conflicts within the organization. Thus, N ON maximize When they
LEADERSH efforts, lead a set goals,
as it was further explained in Goleman’s
IP team by they aim at
leadership model, these leaders put high priority What are example, accomplishi
in harmonizing the relationships in the the direct people ng it by
perceptions towards the maximizing
organization by giving high regard for one’s value of the head organizationa their efforts,

and sense of belongingness. teachers on l goals, a to direct the

leadership? vision put teachers
According to Goleman’s leadership model, they
into action towards the
are called affiliative leaders. They ensure the organization
al goals.
inclusion of every member and consider each
STYLE TO team The head Affiliative
valuable in the team; hence manifesting their ENSURE members teachers
relatively high emotional intelligence. By HEALTHY first, people's prioritize
WORKING suggestions, their
definition, emotional intelligence refers to “the
ENVIRONM empowering teachers’
ability to recognize and understand personal ENT team players, suggestions
How do the build trust, to make the
emotions and know how these influence the
head ensure help, teachers feel

6 | [email protected]

teachers Evidently, the collated answers of the HTs

ensure a show they are
healthy fairness, essential
generally leaned towards Affiliative leadership
working maintain and style with only one category belonging to Visionary
environmen respect respected.

In can be further understood that HTs of
L Bataan perceive leadership as a task of leading
people to attain desired organizational results
COMPETEN listen to The head (Casali, 2015) [16]. They often identify themselves
CIES concerns, teachers
as experts in the field.
What are talk to both make time
the parties, to balance Affiliative also emerged dominant in the
strategies manage the responses of the HTs in ensuring a healthy
used by the emotions, situations Affiliative
head show and handle
working environment. Thus, these leaders
teachers in compassion, teachers’ manifest high priority and value for the people in
handling proper emotions
the team.
people’s communicati with
personal on compassion. With regard to dealing with emotions of
emotions in
members, they are particular with maintaining
organizatio relationships built, hence communication and
showing of empathy are their strategies. Lastly,
the HTs choose to motivate their members during
To ensure
WORKS stressful circumstances.
that they
stay calm, promote a The qualitative result further validates the
flexibility to healthy
ENVIRONM previous findings in the first part of the
stress, environment
ENT instrument where both revealed that the HTs in
positivity, , the head
How do the
adaptability teachers try Affiliative the Division of Bataan are Affiliative leaders.
to changes, to be
encourage, naturally
deal with
inspire, bring calm, The study focused on determining the prevalent
hope flexible,
changing leadership style of the HTs in the Division of
positive and
inspiring. Bataan. This study adopted a standardized
t on the
work floor? questionnaire to describe the prevalent leadership
style of HTs based on Goleman’s Affiliative,

Table 2 reveals the summary of result of the Visionary, Pacesetting, Commanding, Democratic

deductive thematic analysis for qualitative data. and Coaching leadership styles. Furthermore, the

As shown in the table, the responses of the HTs study utilized an existing leadership framework to

were codified in conformity with the categories validate the previous quantitative results. From

and themes indicated in Goleman’s framework on the combined results garnered, it can be

leadership styles. concluded that the most prevalent leadership style

of HTs is Affiliative.

7 | [email protected]

The study revealed that the HTs in Bataan have enhancement programs will be made objective and
a vision for their organization and involve their will be propelled by the actual needs of the
members in attaining it. It also established that organization.
the HTs treat their teachers as their priority This study may also be conducted across other
through constant communication and divisions. In addition, aside from leadership
empathizing with them during emotional styles, another study may be conducted to
circumstances. It was further found that the HTs determine the best practices of the HTs in Bataan.
in Bataan view themselves as the source of It is also encouraged to include a larger sample or
motivation of their fellow teachers. As a whole, it the total population of the HTs in Bataan to obtain
is then concluded that they put prime importance a more rigorous result. This study may also serve
on building positive relationships between and as premise to compare the leadership styles of the
among the team. HTs in the Division of Bataan with the Division of
The HTs served as respondents of this study Balanga.
given the bulk of the tasks faced by the school
heads during its undertaking. In light of this, REFERENCES
another study focusing on school heads’ (PDF) Goleman’s Leadership styles at different
leadership styles may also be tackled. hierarchical levels in medical education. (n.d.).
In addition, it is highly recommended that the Alson, J. (2019). Stress Among Public School
results of this study be used as basis for the Teachers. Journal of Research Initiatives, 4(2),
enhancement of the leadership training programs 3.
for educational leaders in Bataan. Affiliative Anwar, M. (2016). What does It Mean to be Ethical
leadership style can only be employed effectively in Research? What should It Mean? Jurnal
when leaders know how to understand and value Bisnis Dan Manajemen, 16(1), 22–28.
the team’s differing emotions. Thus, workshops
and trainings may give light on this particular Casali, D. “Folletto.” (2015). The Six Styles of
matter. Leadership · Intense Minimalism.
Revisitation of the plans and objectives in
spearheading seminars/webinars may be done in six-styles-of-leadership/
order to assess the training needs of the school Creswell, JW. (2014). Research Design:
leaders. Educational leaders may be informed Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
about these six leadership styles by Goleman and Approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA:
when to best use each of them. Moreover, an Sage
extension of this study may concentrate on the DBA/PhD, A.-R. A. (2017). The Nature of
perceptions of the teachers towards the Leadership Styles of Leaders in Selected
leaderships of their HTs so as to confirm whether Polytechnics in Ghana. In IOSR Journal of
the personal views of HTs of themselves are Business and Management (Vol. 19, Issue 06,
congruous to the perceptions of their members pp. 36–46).
towards them. In this sense, leadership training 1906023646
8 | [email protected]

Garcia, C. C., & Maniago, J. D. (2018). Emotional

intelligence and conflict management styles
of Filipino middle managers in select higher
education institutions. In Asian Journal of
Interdisciplinary Research (Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp.
Goleman, D. (2000a). Organisationsadfærd:
Leadership that gets results. Harvard
Business Review On Point, 4487(4487), 16.
McCombes, S. (2022). Descriptive research design
definition, methods & examples. Scribbr.
Oberiri, A. D. (2017). Quantitative research
methods: A synopsis approach. Kuwait
Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business
and Management Review6(11), 40–47.

9 | [email protected]

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