Answers in REED Module 4

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Charline Villa Lara P.


My own 7 ways to build good relationship with my family

1. Encourage support.

2. Giving respect to the opinions to the member of the family.

3. Having a good communication with them.

4. Appreciation for each member of the family.

5. Teamwork and family relationships.

6. Spend time together.

7. Encourage my family members to share their thoughts and feelings.

Essential questions:

1. What are the seven sacraments?

Anointing of the sick
Holy orders

2. What is the meaning of the sacraments?

Sacraments are means which God uses to show His grace and help us achieve salvation. The
word sacrament means “a sign of the sacred”, which is fitting as they are all outwards signs
from God to us. Not only are they signs, they’re also celebrations of a continued journey and
relationship with God, teachings to help live out His world and ceremonies to show devotion to
Assessment Task 1: EXPLANATION

1. The Sacrament of Baptism clearly means that we will always be reminded that we are God’s
sons and daughters. As we have been joined outside in Roman Catholic and we will be able to
recognize the meaning of becoming one as Christians. Throughout our lives, the essence of the
Holy Spirit obtained during Baptism with us. We may not communicate profoundly with this
presence at times, but the Holy Spirit will still remain with us by receiving the Holy Sacrament of

2. The Sacrament of Confirmation is a period of development, learning, sharing, fellowship and

serving in spirit. As you prepare to receive this special sacrament, you as a person will discover
what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. An individual becomes spiritual adolescent,
through this sacrament that is, they develop in the manner in which they interact with God and
in conveying his message.

3. The Sacrament of Eucharist is a sacrament that gives expression to our faith. Sacraments are
a sign of our intimate unity with God. Through Jesus’ purest sacrifices, the Eucharist is
portrayed as a prime example of goodness, reality, beauty, source, and summit of a Christian
life. We believe that in this way, our spirit would have lesser sin because of the merciful body
and blood of our God.

4. The Sacrament of Penance means that we confess our sins throughout the instrument of our
God, the priest. This sacrament will be always a reminder to us that we will be all forgiven by
our God, for the sins that we have made and still he accept us wholeheartedly. We may have
big sins but the love of God is beyond greater.

5. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is the sacrament which helps unite those who are
suffering and ask for the saving and healing power to Jesus. People receive forgiveness for their
sins and comfort in their pain by this sacrament; they are healed in spirit; and they also witness
the restoration of their physical health. This sacrament brings strength, courage and peace to
the person who is ill, so that they can fight through their illness and see God’s healing.
6. The Sacrament of Marriage celebrates the commitment of a couple to share their lives
together and to show their love and faith to God through their marriage. The husband and wife
themselves are the primary symbol in the sacrament. This sacrament shows how they commit
their love to be as one in front of our God and to serve and adore God in their whole lives.

7. The Sacrament of Holy Orders means that we will be guided through them. The sacrament
that a man goes through in order to become a bishop, priest, or deacon is the Holy Orders. They
are the instrument of God in giving us an advice and God’s words to us. Without it, there would
be no deacons, priests, or bishops to spread the word of God or grant any of the other
Assessment Task 2: ILLUSTRATION


Through baptism, since we are baptized in the name of

the Lord, son and the Holy Spirit, our relationship with
God is renewed. In Galatians 3:27, which states, "For all
of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed
yourselves with Christ," baptism binds us to Jesus Christ.
As His adopted children, baptism permanently relates us
to Lord. It is never possible to erase this relation or
connection. Baptism is aimed at gaining in Christ the
fullness of life, that is, towards a total profession of
faith, a complete incorporation into the redemption
scheme, and integration into the communion of the
BAPTISM Eucharist.

It is connected to our relationship with God because

Confirmation gives grace and the strength of the Holy
Spirit on a baptized person to bring about a closer
union with the Church and a determination to witness
to Christ and the faith.

Confirmation, practised by many Christian religions, is

a sacrament, ceremony or rite of passage. The word
means to enhance or deepen one's bond with God.

The Eucharist is called the "sacrament of love"

because it is associated with one another's love. It
is connected to our relationship with God because
it is God the Father's love that He has given us His
only son. It is also Jesus' love to be crucified on the
cross. By this, all who unites with Jesus will become
with Him one body.

The Sacrament of Penance connected to our
relationship with God because it allows us to
reconcile ourselves with the Church, wounded by
our sins. We show our repentance in action by
doing penance to make our relationship with God
and our fellow men more strong, as we have
harmed these unions by sin. The act of penance or
fulfilment imposed by the priest allows the penitent
to transcend selfishness, to wish to live a holy life
PENANCE more strongly, to be closer to Jesus, and to show
Jesus' love and compassion to others.

This sacrament connects our relationship with God

because as a son’s and daughters with God it gives
us confidence, faith towards God and strengthens
us against temptation of discouragement. As we
pray to God for us to be save from our battles with
illness. This sacrament serves as a channel for
special graces from God that comfort and heal,
ANOINTING OF physically, mentally and spiritually.

This sacrament is connected to our relationship with

God because Marriage is a relationship between a
man, a woman, and God through a vow. As each
wife fulfills their God-given roles as husband and
wife, they are more blessed and strengthened in
their marriage. The more like Christ the husband
becomes, the more worthy he is of treating his wife
as Christ does his church.

With this gift of God, He covered our aloneness,

providing us with the hope of companionship and
the joy of connected intimacy with Him and with
MARRIAGE one another.
In this Sacrament, we can connect to God in the
way of we will be guided and we will be blessed
in our everyday living through his instrument
which is the priests, deacons and bishops. The
sacrament of Holy Orders is a major sign of
God's love in the Church. Priests, deacons, and
bishops are dedicated members of the Church
that show us God's love through the Eucharist
HOLY ORDERS and the other sacraments.
Assessment Task 3: PORTFOLIO




Submitted By:

Charline Villa Lara P. Fajardo


Submitted To:

Mr. Paul James Dagatan

REED Instructor
The Sacrament of Baptism

The Sacrament by which we become Christians is Baptism and what makes important of it
is, it frees us from Original Sin, makes us God's children, Holy Spirit temples and members
of the Church. Baptism also helps us with a new life as God's adopted children. We
become sharers of the Holy Spirit's divine life and temples. We are now made righteous by
God and live in a state of grace, which is, because of his gracious and caring initiative, we
live in union with God.

Baptism illustrates the fact that the gracious gift of God to us is to be a Christian. Baptism
reminds us that the Lord takes the initiative in reaching out to us.

The Sacrament of Confirmation

The Sacrament of Confirmation is important because it allows a baptized person to
confirm at baptism the promises made on their behalf. Confirmation is a special mark on
our souls and character, which can never be removed.

It is also an indicator of full membership in the Christian community. It confers the gifts of
the Holy Spirit (wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety, and fear of
the Lord). This Sacrament leads us into a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, a
strong relationship with the Catholic Church, and gives us the willingness to play a larger,
more mature part in the mission of the Church to daily live the Christian faith and testify to
Christ everywhere.

The Sacrament of Eucharist

The Sacrament of Eucharist is very important especially in the act of worship. As we Roman
Catholics believe that the bread and wine that is offered is the actual body and blood of
Christ and another form of sacrifice. Receiving the Eucharist is one of the most important
things we can do as a catholic. Eucharist leads us more united with Christ. The Eucharist is
Jesus' genuine presence; it is a presence intensified and heightened. It is an opportunity to
have a close and intimate talk with Jesus, who is completely available for a warm and
personal exchange.
The Sacrament of Penance
The Sacrament of Penance is important because it helps us a Roman Catholics to put things
right with God and to realize that they we have been forgiven. This Sacrament helps us to
overcome selfishness, to live a holy life more strongly, to be closer to Jesus, and to show to
others the love and compassion of Jesus. This Sacrament helps us to reconcile with God,
reconcile with the Church, and have peace and serenity of conscience and spiritual
consolation, and an increase of spiritual strength.

The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick

The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is important because Offers determination, courage
and peace to the person who is sick so that they can fight through their sickness and see
God's healing. It pours out consolation and hope. It provides an opportunity for the
forgiveness of our sins even when the sick person is too ill to receive the sacrament of
Reconciliation. This Sacrament leads us into courage, resilience, and harmony. No matter
what happens, it allows us and to the sick person to believe in God. It gives grace to unite
our pain with Christ's passion.

The Sacrament of Marriage

The Sacrament of Marriage is important because it encompasses their whole life as they
travel together on their journey through ups and downs of their marriage. The couple
shows something of God's unconditional love through their eternal, faithful and exclusive
giving to each other, symbolized in sexual intercourse. Their life becomes sacramental to
the extent that the couple cooperates in their life with the action of God and sees
themselves in their marriage, as living “in Christ” and Christ living and acting in their
relationship, attitudes and actions.

The Sacrament of Holy Orders

The Sacrament of Holy orders is important because our bishops and priests receive their
power from that succession. Without it, there would be no Deacons, priests, or bishops to
spread the word of God or grant any of the other sacraments. It also helps us be more
effective members of the church.. Without our priests, bishops or deacons to serve the
faithful, we would have no Eucharist, no confession, no Anointing of the Sick and no
confirmation and would therefore be unable to continue our Sacramental celebration.

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