Dwnload Full Visual Anatomy and Physiology 2nd Edition Martini Solutions Manual PDF
Dwnload Full Visual Anatomy and Physiology 2nd Edition Martini Solutions Manual PDF
Dwnload Full Visual Anatomy and Physiology 2nd Edition Martini Solutions Manual PDF
Chemical Level of Organization
Teaching Strategies
1. Encouraging Student Talk
a. Show students a picture of someone doing a belly flop in a calm swimming pool
(numerous such open-access pictures can be found online). Ask students to think
about why this is not an ideal method for getting into a pool full of water. Instruct
students to work in pairs to create a labeled diagram of the water molecules on the
surface of the pool just before the belly flop. Tell students to label the names of
any chemical bonds or charges in their drawing. Select a few random pairs to
share/describe their diagrams, resisting the chance to immediately correct any inaccu-
racies in the diagrams. Numerous misconceptions (see Misconceptions section to
follow) might be present in the diagrams that you can address as the topics arise during
lectures on chemical annotation and molecular bonds. Have students return to this
exercise after instruction, looking to see whether water molecules are appropriately
drawn, covalent and hydrogen bonds are labeled, and partial charges on oxygen and
hydrogen atoms are indicated.
2. Lecture Ideas & Points to Emphasize
a. In support of the crucial roles that careful observation and inference play in science,
you can point out that Mendeleev, the author of the best-accepted periodic table in the
1860s, lacked a comprehensive structural model of the atom, commonplace today, but
still saw and ordered the periodicities.
b. Even though a single hydrogen bond possesses only about 1/100 of the bonding energy
of a covalent bond, the total energy of all the hydrogen bonds within a single molecule
or between molecules can be quite significant. H bonds maintain the 3-D shape of
large molecules and supramolecular ensembles such as proteins and nucleic acids.
It is the H bonds that are disrupted when pH drops or temperature rises during
denaturation reactions.
c. It is important to illustrate that H bonds occur between separate molecules (or distant
regions of a large molecule) whose atoms are joined by covalent bonds. A board
10 INSTRUCTOR’S MANUAL FOR VISUAL ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY, 2e Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
drawing of several water molecules, with both the polar covalent bonds and the H
bonds clearly labeled, will emphasize this point.
d. The information in Module 2.7 is not necessarily obvious or intuitive for students.
However, chemical annotation will become an important part of the communication
skills students apply throughout A&P courses. Further, students will need to under-
stand chemical annotation for applied purposes in health science fields. The new
figure in Module 2.7 translated a text-only table regarding chemical annotation into
visual representations. This makes it much easier to look at the written annotations
and directly compare them to the appearance of the chemicals themselves.
e. It is hard to overemphasize the significance of enzymes. In the first case, it is the first
form of molecular recognition they will encounter in the course. The lock-and-key fit
between enzyme and substrate molecule is what confers specificity on the catalyzed
reaction. Later examples include hormone receptors, channels, carriers, pumps, 2nd
messengers, cell adhesion molecules, and neurotransmission. Enzymes make life
possible, exploiting a chemical trick to accelerate chemical reactions at mild
temperature. Living things would not survive in the chemist’s boiling cauldron!
f. When presenting the different classes of reactions, anticipate their roles in metabo-
lism (catabolic vs. anabolic). Also, link each with an important physiological
example such as dissociation/association applied to the chemistry of carbonic acid
dissociation/association. This connects to buffering reactions as well.
3. Making Learning Active
a. You might perform a “jigsaw” activity on organic molecules to use peer teaching,
rather than a traditional lecture, for this subject. A couple of days prior to class,
randomly assign each student either carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, or nucleic acids.
Instruct students to perform some research on the monomers, polymers, physiological
functions, and common examples/variations for their organic molecule. To extend the
content, you could also ask students to identify and describe a disease directly related
to their type of molecule. On the class day, students would check in briefly with other
students who had their same type of molecule and then divide into heterogeneous
groups to sit with students assigned different types of molecules. Even in large class-
rooms, these logistics are relatively easy to arrange. Sheets of paper taped to the walls
can tell students where to congregate to start class, and then heterogeneous groups can
be formed by counting off students in the homogeneous groups. In the heterogeneous
“jigsaw” groups, students share the information they researched and take notes on the
molecules presented by their peers. The instructor can then administer some brief
discussion/quiz questions to enforce student accountability for learning the material
and address any misconceptions that arose.
4. Analogies
a. Anthropomorphize molecules by describing them as both “greedy” and “lazy.” They
want their outer energy level complete and will look around for someone else’s excess
electrons. However, they are lazy; they won’t take on more than half the number of
electrons required to fill the level. In those cases, they would just as soon give up the
electrons in the outer energy level but will be left with one less energy level. A few
molecules are lucky enough to come equipped with completed outer energy levels,
and so can be standoffish. The noble gases do not interact with anyone!
Likewise, if atoms can’t agree on who is going to give up an electron to make an ionic
bond, they may form even stronger covalent bonds by simply sharing the electron in
their outer shells. Some atoms express electronegativity when in a compound. This
means that bonding electrons spend more time in their neighborhood, conferring a par-