Maximal Debt
Maximal Debt
Maximal Debt
AUG 161973
Thesis Approved:
Chapter Page
I. INTRODUCTION • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0
• • • • • 1
Chapter Page
Bim.IOGRAPHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 64
APPENDIX •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Table Page
I. Maximum Oxygen Debts • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 36
II. Means and Standard Deviations of Variables Measured
in This Study • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... 51
III. Intercorrelation Matrix ot Variables. • • • • • • • 55
IV. Raw Data • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e e e • e • 0 e e G 68
Figure Page
1. o2 Intakes During Recovery.. . .. .. . . . . . .. . • e • 45
2. Time Taken for o 2 Consumption to Return to 20 Per Cent
15 Per Cent, and Ten Per Cent Above Resting. • • • . ' • • 47
3, Rate of o2 Consumption at Ten2 Per Cent, 15 Per Cent, and
20 Per Cent Above Resting O Consumption • • • • • .• e 48
4. o2 Debt Repaid at Ten Per Cent, 15 Per Cent, and 20 Per
Cent Above Resting o2 Consumption • • • • • • • • . ' • . . 49
4rbid., Po 9.
5Ibid., po 26.
the oxygen debt should be only about four liters. 9 This value is sup-
ported by experiments on dog skeletal rrru.scle. The largest debts in
the animal experiments were equivalent to four 0r:.fiite:'litar, oxygen •debt
in a 70 kg. man.
At face value, the calculation of oxygen debt appears to be
a simple procedure: one need merely total the net recovery
oxygen. Yet, most interesting, and confusing, is the wide
variation in maxirrru.m oxygen debt values. Karpovich dubiously
noted a 22.8 liter oxygen debt which had been reported by
Krestovnikoff. Winton and Bayliss report that from 15 to 20
liter debts may be incurred. Margaria defends, biochemically,
a maxirrru.m debt of approximately eight litersG Such wide
variation in oxygen debt values suggests errors in method
of measurement. Generally higher debts will be incurred
after all-out effort of short duration.lo
Calculating the oxygen debt leaves room for variation and
error since recovery may have many meanings. Recovery values within
50 ml. of resting values may be accepted by some as evidence of com-
plete recovery. Other researchers may establish a 25 ml. variation
before adjudging recovery to be complete. If the post-work oxygen
consumption values remain elevated for many hours, the oxygen debt
calculated would greatly increase. 11
We know that during vigorous exercise, the blood circulation
quickens, blood and lymph stream through the rrru.scles supplying the
cells w\th oxygen and nutrition and removing waste products. The
heart's activity is accelerated, exercising and strengthening its
own fibers, while it is pumping the blood. The work of all rrru.scles
Treadmill Test, 2) Balke and Cooper's Fifteen and Twelve Minute Running
Tests, 3) Astrand's Bicycle Ergometer Test, and 4) Step Tests (Harvard
Step Test and Tuttle Pulse-Ratio)o The general public is most con-
cerned with this type of testing because it is an evaluation of an
individual's ability to function in normal day to day living.
This study is concerned with an anaerobic test that will push the
individual to complete exhaustion and to his maximal oxygen debt
capacityo The oxygen debt test is the only way we have of measuring
an individual's ability to perform under very strenuous emergency type
conditions. There has been no widespread demand for a test of maximal
oxygen debt in the past, and as a result, very few have been developedo
For example, there have been only two field tests reported in the lit-
erature to dateo Both of these tests involved the subjects running up
a short flight of stairs. Margaria16 developed a test in 1966, and
Costill17 and his associates followed with a similar test in 1969.
The main method of examining;maximal oxygen debt capacity of an
individual has therefore been by laboratory procedureso There have
been two paramount problems facing researchers that have been doing
maximal oxygen dept work in laboratories. The first problem has been
that .there is no uniform method for eliciting maximal oxygen debt.
Hermansen18 described the second obstacle when he stated that the
range of variability of anaerobic work has not been determined because
there has been no accepted test procedure to measure this capacity&
Because the measuring of oxygen debt capacity is so important in
evaluating an individual's ability to perform strenuous exercise, the
purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate a procedure to both
elicit and measure maximal oxygen debt.
The purpose of_ .this study was to develop and evaluate a procedure
for eliciting and measuring maximal oxygen debt~
. Description of Instruments
maximal oxygen debt work. The first problem has been that there is no
uniform method for eliciting maximal oxygen debt. The second obstacle
is that the range of variability of anaerobic work has not been deter-
mined because there has been no accepted test procedure to measure this
capacity. Because the measuring of oxygen debt capacity is so important
in evaluating an individual's ability to perform strenuous exercise, the
purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate a procedure to both
elicit and measure maximal oxygen debt.
researchers have been working since that time to prove or discount the
importance of oxygen debt in assessing work capacity.
A. V. Hill and H. Lupton were two of the first pioneers in the
study of oxygen debt and the accumulation of lactic acid in the rrru.scles.
In one of their earliest studies they discussed the following important
Lqctic acid is a very important ingredient in the economy of the
rrru.scle. Its oxidation provides the power required to do external work,
and it appears to be derived from the glycogen stored. When a man~s
rrru.scles are exercised at a constant speed, the lactic acid content of
the active rrru.scle increases gradually from its resting minimum~ The
rise in lactic acid content increases the rate of oxidation, and i f the
oxygen supply is adequate, a steady state is reached in which the rate
of lactic acid production is balanced by the rate of its oxidative
removal. Therefore, its concentration remains constant in the muscle
fatigue. While the fibers are recovering from fatigue and regaining
irritability in an atmosphere of pure oxygen, their content of lactic
acid was greatly reduced.
An experiment to investigate the production and removal of lactic
acid, the amount and payment of oxygen debt in man was conducted by
Margaria, Edwards, and Dill. 4 They summarized their findings as follows:
1. The removal of lactic acid from the blood during recovery
is an exponential function of time, its speed of disap-
pearance is proportional to the concentration of the
lactic acid at that moment.
2. No extra lactic acid appears in the blood up to a rate
of work corresponding to about two-thirds of the maximum
metabolic rate, after which the lactic acid increases ·
3. The removal of lactic acid in the body is a very slow
process, only one-half is removed in fifteen minutes.
4. The alactacid oxygen debt is approximately a linear
function of the oxygen intake in exercise. It is sup-
posed to be related to the oxidation of substances
(ordinary fuel) furnishing the energy for the resynthe-
sis of phosphogen split down during muscular contrac-
5. The lactacid oxygen debt starts coming into play only
when there may be reasons to believe that the work is
carried on in anaerobic condition. Its amount, rela-
tively to the total amount of oxygen debt, increases
particularly rapidly at the maximum rates of work.
6. The speed of payment of the-alactacid oxygen debt and
the speed of disappearance of lactic acid from the blood
vary with the oxygen tension in the inspired air.
7. The disappearance of lactic acid from the blood at the
beginning of recovery after strenuous exercise shows a
lag which does not seem to be fully explained either by
delay in the diffusion of lactic acid from muscles to
5Ibid., P• 715.
physical educators, coaches, and athletes who are involved with work
that produces oxygen debt. The following studies indicate that anaerobic
capacity can be increased through training.
Robinson designed a study to see how metabolic adaptations would
be affected by training. He used nine previously untrained college
men and trained them for middle distance running for a period of 28
weeks. 14 Timed races on the track were held each week and showed con-
sistent improvement in the running ability of the men. The subjects
also ran on the treadmill at an exhausting pace for three to five
minutes duration. This was repeated at intervals of two to three weeks
during the training period. The results indicated that the average
maximal oxygen consumption increased gradually and blood lactic acid
increased gradually at the completion of training.
In another study related to training effects, Robinson and Harmon15
tried to determine the results of training upon the lactic acid mechan-
ism in work. The training consisted of a supervised running program
with four workouts per week on the track. The subjects were tested in
the laboratory before training started and at regular intervals during
the training period on the treadmill. During the training period each
time a subj~ct was able to complete five minutes of the exhausting run
the grade or speed or both were increased for the next testing period.
An attempt was made to keep the work severe enough to exhaust him in
reached its maxinru.m, and he was then forced to run the remainder of the
race with a high concentration of lactic acid in his nru.scles.
Matthews and his co-workers 23 conducted an experiment on aerobic
and anaerobic work efficiency. Oxygen consumption was determined for
seven subjects who rode a bicycle ergometer under three different paces
(steady pace, light-heavy pace, and heavy-light pace). The steady pace
was found to be significantly better.
They found that the rate of ventilation was extremely high during severe
work and remained elevated during the first few minutes of recovery.
The authors concluded that the oxygen cost of breathing during recovery
might influence the measurement of oxygen debt.
In discussing the important concepts of the "energy release
processes," Knuttgen stated that:
It was generally accepted that the immediate source of
energy for muscle contraction was adenosinetriphosphate (ATP).
As ATP served as a linking system in the transfer of energy,
the degradation of ATP to adenosine diphosphate and inorganic
phosphate must be followed by the resynthesis of ATP in order
for energy consuming activity to continue. Creative phosphate
(CP) act as a high-energy phosphate reservoir. If ATP and
accompanying CP were the sole sources of energy for muscular
contraction there would be severe limitations on the length
of time that muscular contraction would continue. Therefore,
the necessity for the related processes of glycolytic and
oxidation phosphocreatine. The breakdown of glycogen to
pyruvic acid was referred to as glycolytic phosphorylation.
One mole of either glycogen or glucose breaking down to pyruvic
acid was responsible for the resynthesis of ATP. It should
also be emphasized that in exercise both c~ bohydrate and
free fatty acids served as energy sources.
According to Knuttgen every person has what could be termed an
"Anaerobic Capacity." This consists of the energy that could be re-
leased without the availability and/or involvement of an appropriate
quantity of oxygen. Because of this so-called anaerobic capacity, a
(a) Can perform physical activity while suspending lung
ventilation or,
(b) Can perform a level of activity which demands oxygen
importance, due to the fact that several factors are believed to affect
the resting oxygen uptake, and consequently the oxygen debt. In spite
of this, Hermansen claims, oxygen debt has been measured to determine
whether the classical concept of oxygen debt could be used to distinguish
between groups which are supposed to have different abilities to perform
short exhaustive exercise.
Hermansen compared well-trained subjects by looking at their oxygen
debt values. These results indicated that the classical concept of
oxygen debt may be used to describe a person's ability to perform ex-
haustive exercise of short duration. His measurements on the swimmers
also indicated that the oxygen debt may be increased during a training
Cowan and Solandt33 attempted to solve the problem of the duration
of the recovery period following strenuous nru.scular work. The work
they used was performed on a bicycle ergometer. After a preliminary
period of 15 minutes pedaling, an eight minute respiratory metabolism
was taken. The subject then stepped off the ergometer and ran, in
place, as fast as possible for 30 seconds. The subject then resumed
his seat on the bicycle and continued pedaling at the former rate. The
post-exercise collection was started at the beginning of the mild bi-
cycle exercise and was continued for one and one-half hours after the
The duration of the recovery period following the running was
complete in 20 to 45 minutes using a steady state of mjJ_d exercise as
a base line. Recovery to the basal state, after similar exercise, takes
at least 90 minutes.
Selection of Subjects
The initial step was to select a test or exercise that would pro-
duce the largest oxygen debt. The various alternatives in the labora-
tory were to work with the bicycle ergometer or with the treadmill.
The treadmill was chosen because previous research1 has shown that
running elicits a greater oxygen debt than any other type of exercise.
For this reason' the researcher decided to utilize the treadmill. The
problem then was narrowed down to what kind of a treadmill test would
Kenneth Cooper, M. D., Aerobics (New York: M. Evans and Co.,
1968), P• 29.
'"> I
E.. Johnson, L. Brouha, and R. C. Darling, "A Test of Physical
Fitness for Strenuous Exertion," Rev. Canad. Biol., 1 (June, 1942), pp.
491-503. ~ ~
The first part was a warm up which involved walking at 3.5 mph at 15 per
cent grade for five minutes. The second part required the subject to
a greater maximum oxygen debt (X = 6.90). Therefore, this test and pro-
cedure was selected as the one to be used in this study.
electrodes, the E & M Telemetry Receiver was adjusted for the best pos-
sible physiograph reading of the EKG signal. The physiograph was set
to have a 0.5 centimeter per second paper speed with the time and event
marker recording each second. Resting heart rates were recorded on the
physiograph through telemetry with the subject sitting down.
The maximum oxygen debt test was conducted in three steps. The
first step was to measure the subject's resting (sitting position) oxy-
gen consumption before the all-out run by having the subject breathe
into the Tissot Tank for three minutes. Samples were>taken from the
Tissot Taruc in two liter rubber anasthesia bags, which were analyzed
for oxygen and carbon dioxide per cent in the Palmo-Analyzer. Calcu-
lation of resting oxygen consumption was then made by following the pro-
cedures outlined in Consolazio's text.4
The second phase consisted of the subject jogging at a speed of
seven mph at a grade of three per cent for five minutes. At the end
of the jog, the subjects' heart rates showed that they were near crest-
Immediately after the completion of the jog, the subject performed
an all-out run, running as long as possible at ten mph at seven per cent
grade. During the changing of the grade and speed, the subject stepped
off the treadmill. This change took from ten to 15 seconds of time.
Because motivation of the subjects to produce their maximum effort
was very important, the researcher used monetary rewards along with
verbal encouragement. The subjects with the longest runs on the tread-
mill during the all-out run were rewarded monetarily. The best time
received five dollars and the rewards decreased one dollar for each
Hugh G. Welch, John A. Faulkner, Jack K. Barclay, and George
Brooks, · 11 ventilatory Responses During Recovery From Muscular Work and
Its Relation With Oxygen Debt," Medicine and Science in Sports, Vol. 2,
Spring, 1970, P• 15
2Donald K. Matthews, Measurement in Physical Education, W. B.
Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1968, p. 25.
apparently is more reliable than any previous method that has been re-
ported. Matthews also stated that a test could be reliable without
being valid, and that validity coefficients may be interpreted as:
"fair to good'' from • 70 to • 79, "very good 11 - -~~~O to •85, "excellent"
above • 85. 3 Smithells notes that quite a number of "acceptable"
validity coefficients may appear in the range of .70 to .79, as their
worth is dependent upon the complexity of the variables involved (the
administrator, time of day, nearness of last meal, nervousness, and
This study was undertaken with the assumption that logical validity
would be used because the test was an oxygen debt test. The fact was
accepted that the oxygen debt is that excessive amount of oxygen con-
sumed during recovery over and above what would have been used under
normal resting conditions. Axry measure that was taken of the excessive
recovery. Then the amount of oxygen which would have been normally con-
sumed during the sa:me period i f the subject had remained at rest is sul:>-
tracted to give the amount of oxygen debt.
02 *
Intake .4
L/min •
f6 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Time in Minutes
Figure 1. o2 Intakes During Recovery
As can be seen by the graph, the oxygen consumption came down steadily
from the first measurement to the last. The first samples were taken
after 15 minutes of recovery and mean oxygen intake at that point was
.53 liters per minute. The largest drop in oxygen consumption occurred
during the first 25 minutes as might be expected. The oxygen intake
after 20 minutes was .47 liters per minute and after 25 minutes it had
dropped to .39 liters per minute. From that point it decreased slowly
and uniformly as can be seen by the graph down to .27 liters per minute
after 70 minutes of recovery. The .27 is below the mean resting oxygen
consumption (.295) for all of the subjects. However, by looking at
these three subjects individually it was found that their mean resting
oxygen consumption was • 265. Even though they were back down below t.he
mean resting level of the population, they had not returned to their
individual resting levels.
These data do not add anything to our argument particularly, ex-
cept that it is typical of the data that other similar studies have
found. Henry and DeMoor8 have shown the same trends on a graph in
their study on alactacid and lactacid components of the oxygen debt.
Figure 2 shows the relationship between time of recovery and oxy-
gen consumption rates at 20 per cent, 15 per cent, and ten per cent
above resting oxygen consumption. As can be seen from the graph, when
the three measurements were plotted, a straight line relationship was
found. This would indicate that choosing a percentage above resting
oxygen consumption is a valid procedure for measuring debt repayment.
Since the relationship is in a straight line, the oxygen consumption
rate could be projected all the way back to resting i f so desired. The
oxygen consumption was back to within 20 per cent of resting after 36
minutes of recovery. It took five more minutes for the oxygen con-
sumption to go on down to 15 per cent above resting (41 minutes). The
last calculated reading on the graph shows that oxygen consumption was
back to within ten per cent of the resting level after 46 minutes.
Assuming that the straight line relationship would continue and the
oxygen consumption would drop at the same rate, two more readings were
projected. According to the pattern established, the mean oxygen con-
sumption would have been back down to five per cent above resting after
51 minutes and back down to resting after 56 minutes.
Per Cent
10 ~ '
------- Projected
Consumption 5 ''
0 ''
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Time of Recovery in Minutes
Figure 2. Time Taken for o2 Consumption to Return to 20 Per Cent, 15
Per Cent and Ten·Per Cent Above Resting
* ___R~~~ing L _____
5% lo% 15%
Per Cent Above Resting o2 Consumption
Figure 3. Rate of o2 Consumption at ~en Per Cent, 15 Per Cent and 20
Per Cent Above Resting O · Consumption
revealed a straight line relationship. The line was extended s.o that the
am"unt: of debt repayment could be projected to resting. The 6.6 liters
would have been repaid when the oxygen consumption returned to five per
cent above resting. A debt repayment of 7.2 liters was projected when
the line was extended back to the level of resting oxygen consumption.
This debt repayment (7.20 liters) was very close to the maximal oxygen
debt reported by Cureton9 (7.23 liters) when he tested a group of top
athletes. He also reported debt repayments of 7.37 liters for a group
of non athletes from the same study, so it would appear that the debts
obtained in this study are in line with previous research.
7 .......
- - - , - - Projected
Liters .......
of 6 ....... ----Actual
Repaid 5
0 5 10 15 20
Per Cent Above Resting o2 Consumption
Figure 4. o2 Debt Repaid at Ten ~er Cent, 15 Per Cent, and 20 Per
Cent Above Resting O Consumption
sumption had returned to 20 per cent, 15 per cent and ten per cent above
resting. The 30 minute recovery debt was used because this is an
arbitrary time commonly used in many laboratories today. These cor-
relations are mentioned here because they lend more support to the
logical validity of the test. All three correlations were high and
would fall in the excellent range. Oxygen debt repaid when the rate
of oxygen consumption was back to within 20 per cent of resting had a
correlation of .875 with debt repaid after 30 minutes of recovery. The
correlations went up slightly at the 15 per cent level (.879) and still
higher at ten per cent above resting oxygen consumption (.890) •.
Oxygen Consumption at
20 Per Cent Above Resting
(Liters per Minute) .364 .048
Oxygen Consumption at
15 Per Cent Above Resting
(Liters per Minute) .336 .040
Oxygen Consumption at
Ten Per Cent Above Resting
(Liters per Minute) .317 .040
Recovery Time in Minutes 46.62 1.3.6526
run (X = 206 bpm). All of these mean scores tend to lend support to
the fact that the testing procedure was a good one for eliciting maxi-
ma1 oxygen debt. Johnson and his associates feel that whatever exer-
cise is used to assess work capacity, the exercise must put the cardio-
vascular system under considerable stress. The work should be of such
intensity that about one-third of all subjects stop from exhaustion
· t es. 11 The mean time of work on this test was one
wi·thin minu
minute and 52 seconds. The mean heart rate of 182 after the jog was
an indication that the subject was near crest load and about to start
anaerobic work. The purpose of the jog was to serve as a warm up and
bring the subject to near anaerobic stage. We know that anaerobic work
starts when the pulse rate is at or near 180 bpm. The mean heart rate
of 182 after the jog would indicate that the subjects were sufficiently
warmed up and ready to start anaerobic work.
The mean resting heart rate was 75 bpm. The range of the maximal
heart rates after the all-out run (192-228) and the mean maximal heart
rate (206) indicated that the test required maximal effort from the
Several means related to the rate of oxygen consumption were also
calculated. The oxygen consumption was found to be .364 liters per
minute when the consumption rate had returned to within 20 per cent of
the resting rate. Oxygen consumption was also compared at 15 per cent
and ten per cent above the resting rate and the mean rates were .336
liters and .317 liters per minute respectively. Oxygen consumption was
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Summary of Results
The reliability of the test was found to be .837, which would in-
dicate that the procedures were satisfactorily reliable. The reliability
check was made by the.test-retest method using the first 20 subjects
that took the test. This procedure apparently is more reliable than
any previous method that has been reported.
This study was undertaken with the assumption that logical validity
would be used because the test was any oxygen debt test. The fact was
accepted that oxygen debt is that excessive amount of oxygen consumed
during recovery. A measure that was taken of the excessive oxygen
consumption was considered to be a measure of oxygen debt. Because of
the problems associated with measuring debt repayment all the way back
down to resting, an arbitrary cut off point of ten per cent above resting
was chosen for the baseline in this study. To illustrate the validity
of the test, time of recovery was compared graphically with oxygen in-
take and percentages above resting oxygen consumption. The data in this
graph are typical of the data that have been reported in previous
research, and therefore, document the fact that the procedures used in
this study are valid. other graphs were presented to show the relation-
ship between time of recovery and oxygen consumption, the rate of oxygen
consumption at ten per cent, 15 per cent, and 20 per cent above resting,
and oxygen debt repaid when the oxygen consumption rate had returned to
within 20 per cent, 15 per cent and ten per cent of resting oxygen con-
sumption. These variables all had a straight line relationship which
lends support to the procedure of setting an arbitrary base line at a
certain per cent above resting. The straight line trend makes it pos-
sible to project what would have happened if the measurement had been
The means from the subjects' raw scores on the various measure-
ments taken pointed out that the test was strenuous enough to elicit
maximum oxygen debt. The means of the heart rates after the jog (182)
and the all-out run (206) were particularly meaningful~ The heart rate
of 182 after the jog indicated that the subjects were warmed up and
ready to go into anaerobic work. We know that when the heart rate is
above 180 bpm the subject is doing anaerobic work. The mean of 206
after the all-out run would indicate that the subjects gave an all-out
A correlation matrix was presented to show the relationship between
the various measures takene There were 28 correlations that were sig-
nificant at the .01 level of significance. Some of the highest correla-
tions were between maximal oxygen debt and the rate of oxygen consumption
after 30 minutes recovery (. 71), 45 minutes recovery (. 68), and 60 min-
utes recovery (.53). Recovery time also produced a significant correla-
tion of .70 with maximal oxygen debt. Other relevant correlations in-
cluded a negative (0.66) with time on the treadmill run and the heart
rate after the jog, a ( .42) between oxygen consumption after 30 minutes
recovery and oxygen consumption after it had returned to within 15 per
cent of resting (.42), and at ten per cent above resting (.49). All
of these correlations tend to lend support to the assumption that it
is logical to arbitrarily set a base line of ten per cent above resting
as a cut-off point when working with maximal oxygen debt.
minutes:.· · Immediately after the completion of the jog, the subject per-
formed an all-out run at ten miles per hour and seven per cent grade.
During the changing of the grade and speed the subject stepped off of
the treadmill. The subjects• expired air was collected and analyzed
during recovery until the oxygen consumption rate returned to within
( .837) 0
after a mild exercise as the base line, such as Cowan and Solandt did
in 1937.
Subject Maximum Time on Resting H,R, After Max, H,R, Resting Carbon Resting True Oxygen True ~en R,Q, Rest:i,ng R,Qa2
Number Oxygen Treadmill Heart Treadmill After Carbon Dioxide Oxygen at Rest With · With
Debt Run (Min, Rate Jog for Treadmill Dioxide With o2 Consumption (Liters) Consumption · Consumption
(Liters) & Sec,) (bpm) 5 Min, Run (Liters) Consumption (Liters) at 101, Above . at 101, Above
(bpm) (bpm) at 101, Above Resting Resting
Resting (Liters)
1 8.80 2:ll 80 188 200 2,64 2,71 ,232 2.45 2,98 1,5 ,89
2 8,28 3:33 72 180 204 2,34 2.19 ;286 3,41 3,0 .68 ,72
3 9,37 1:28 72 192 232 3,02 2.71 ,330 2.80 3,97 1,05 .68
4 4,29 1:15 72 184 212 2,ll 2,19 ,301 3,04 3,05 ,70 ,74
5 8,73 3:20 76 176 212 2,11 2,19 .292 2,86 3.40 ,89 ,59
6 4,09 1:15 68 184 196 2,71 2,34 .265 3,15 3,01 ,71 .75
7 8,37 1:35 84 180 204 2.26 2.26 .331 2.55 3.42 .60 .64
8 2,53 1:32 60 180 208 2,34 1.73 ,278 2.60 2.15 ,87 ,76
9 8,36 1:31 80 180 212. 2,34 1,89 ,377 3,25 2.76 ,70 ,67
10 5,18 0:53 68 196 208 1,58 1,73 · ,308 2.15 2,13 ,73 ,78
11 6.22 2:23 72 180 · 212 2,81 3.09 ,236 3,71 4,4 ,75 ,76
12 4,59 2:02 76 184 204 2.26 1,66 ,301 2,35 2,3 ,95 .67
13 2.42 1:41 92 184 208 2.19 2.19 ,356 1,75 3,17 1.25 .70
14 3,94 1:32 68 168 208 2.11 l.73 .274 1,50 2,17 1,35 ,81
15 6,87 1:20 80 188 216 2.56 2.26 .270 · 2,39 2.95 1.01 ,77
16 5,85 1:52 56 176 200 2,79 2,26 .264 3,14 3.1 .87 ,72
17 3,95 1:-29 72 184 210 2.64 1.96 ,317 3,45 2,90 ,76 .66
18 5,98 1:12 60 176 196 2,56 2.19 .306 2.82 3,00 ,91 .72
19 5.75 0:.38 76 192 228 1.96 2.19 ,322 2.04 3,5 1,00 .64
20 5,46 3:0.3 92 J.60 192 2,79 1.96 •.361 2,55 . 2.9 1,5 .64
Subject MaxillR1m Time on Resting H.R. After Max. H.R. Resting Carbon Resting True Oxygen True O:xy§en R.Q. Resting R.Q.
Number Oxygen Treadmill Heart Treadmill After Carbon Dioxid Oxygen at Rest With O . With cl-
Debt Run (Min. Rate Jog for Treadmill Dioxide With O~ Consumption (Liters) Co~ion Con~ion
(Liters) & Sec.) (bpm) 5 Min. Run (Liters) Con~ion {Liters) at l Above at l Above
{bpm) (bpm) at l Above Resting Resting
Resting (Liters)
21 7.10 l:03 6o 192 204 2.49 2.ll .307 2.92 3.2 .85 .66
22 9.23 2:43 84 176 200 2.56 . 2.19 -- - . -- . -.285 2.33 .3.0 -1.l - --~-74 ___
23 8•.33 1:51 80 192 220 2.64 2.71 .248 2.95 3.21 .87 .89
24 4.78 2:17 92 204 224 2.19 1.96 .250 1.95 2.75 1.13 .69
25 1.29 1:26 72 192 200 2.56 2.ll .320 1.72 2.4 1.4 .85
26 2.53 2:08 6o 176 208 2.64 1.89 .31 2.84 2.97 .90 .62
27 4.52 1140 64 180 204 1.96 2.26 .240 2.50 2.89 .80· .79
28 5.48 1:.34 72 180 200 2.79 2.49 .313 2.85 3.80 .95 .64
29 5.70 l:35 6o 192 204 3.09 1.96 .272 3.5 3.0 .86 .64
.30 3.80 1152 80 176 192 2.19 1.66 .284 2.02 2.33 1.56 .70
31 8.05 1104 88 192 220 2.64 1.89 .332 2.25 3.04 1.1 .61
32 2.57 1:31 80 188 216 2.79 2.79 .328 4.43 4.27 .64 .64
33 7.09 1:13 100 192 204 2.87 2.56 .347 .3.21 3.46 .85 .74
34 3.80 2:15 80 180 204 2.26 1.96 .351 2.62 2.96 .86 .65
35 8.49 5:10 68 148 208 3.02 2.34 .280 2.39 4.87 1.21 .51
36 8.31 1145 72 i88 200 2.26 2.41 .310 2_.40 3.05 .90 .79
37 3.70 2:44 64 168 196 2.56 2.04 .262 2.60 2.52 .92 .80
38 5.59 1:30 72 180 200 2.49 2.19 ,343 3,0 3,5 ,80 .62
39 5,23 2:08 92 172 200 2,26 2,56 .320 2.19 3.3 1.1 .76
40 3,95 1:56 88 180 212 2,41 2,56 ,313 2,85 3.61 ,81 .69