Sustainable Land Management Practices Off Farm Work Participation and Vulnerability Among Farmers in Ghana Is There A Nexus

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Sustainable land management practices, off-farm work participation and

vulnerability among farmers in Ghana: Is there a nexus?

Article in International Soil and Water Conservation Research · October 2018

DOI: 10.1016/j.iswcr.2018.10.002


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2 authors:

Gazali Issahaku Awal Abdul-Rahaman

University for Development Studies University for Development Studies


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Original Research Article

Sustainable land management practices, off-farm work participation

and vulnerability among farmers in Ghana: Is there a nexus?
Gazali Issahaku n, Awal Abdul-Rahaman
Department of Food Economics and Consumption Studies, University of Kiel, Johanna-Mestorf-Str. 5, 24118 Kiel, Germany

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Addressing issues of agricultural sustainability and vulnerability to poverty under climate change are
Received 10 July 2018 major challenges to development in the 21st century. Accounting for the trade-off and synergies between
Received in revised form off-farm work participation and sustainable land management on one hand, and vulnerability to poverty
23 October 2018
on the other hand, will therefore be useful to policy. In this study, we use recent farm household data
Accepted 23 October 2018
from Ghana to examine the effect of off-farm work participation on intensity of adoption of sustainable
land management (SLM) practices and impact of off-farm work participation on vulnerability to poverty.
Keywords: We employed a bivariate Tobit model to examine the determinants of SLM adoption intensity, and en-
Sustainable land management dogenous switching probit model to assess the impact of off-farm work participation on vulnerability to
Adoption intensity
poverty. The results reveal that participation in off-farm is positively and significantly associated with
adoption intensity of bunds, and organic manure. The results also show that off-farm work participation
Bivariate Tobit
Endogenous switching probit significantly reduces household vulnerability to poverty by 13%. Based on these findings, we conclude
that rural development through non-farm work opportunities can lead to positive synergies between
sustainable agricultural production, off-farm employment and poverty alleviation.
& 2018 International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation and China Water and
Power Press. Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license (

1. Introduction due to failures associated with the financial or labor markets

(Abdulai & Delgado, 1999; Abidoye & Odusola, 2015). To minimize
Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), especially crop pro- some of these cash or financial constraints, a lot of farm house-
duction, is highly dependent on rainfall patterns. Recent evidence holds engage in off-farm work during off-farm or farming season.
indicates that global climate change is likely to increase the in- Even though several studies have been conducted on adoption
cidence of natural hazards, as well as variability of rainfall, tem- of SLM practices in SSA (e.g. Faltermeier & Abdulai, 2009; Asfaw,
perature and other climatic parameters (IPCC, 2014). Addressing Battista, & Lipper, 2016; Kassie et al., 2017), few studies have ad-
both poverty and vulnerability to climate change are two of the dressed adoption intensity of SLM practices and the synergies or
major challenges to sustainable development in the 21st century trade-off between SLM and off-farm work. Fewer even account for
(Tol, 2017). Poverty contributes to vulnerability, and vulnerability to the linkage between SLM adoption and vulnerability to poverty.
Meanwhile, an increasing number of farm households rely on in-
climate change can also lead to outcomes that perpetuate poverty
come from non-farm sources to supplement what is earned from
(Eriksen & O’brien, 2007). This is confirmed by the findings that
their own production (Babatunde & Qaim, 2010; Owusu, Abdulai,
more than 60% of the rural population in developing countries
& Abdul-Rahman, 2011, Woldeyohanes, Heckelei, & Surry, 2017).
depend on marginal and less fertile lands (Barbier & Hochard, 2017).
While there exist substantial literature on determinants and
As part of the measures to improve farm output of smallholder
impacts of off-farm income and food security in SSA (Barrett,
farmers, a lot of emphasis is being placed on intensification of Reardon, & Webb, 2001; Owusu et al., 2011; Woldeyohanes et al.,
smallholder agriculture through the use of new technologies in- 2017; Zereyesus, Embaye, Tsiboe, & Amanor-Boadu, 2017), few of
cluding the use of improved and drought tolerant varieties, as well such studies have discussed the effect of participation in off-farm
as adoption of sustainable land management (SLM) practices. work and adoption of SLM practices on vulnerability to poverty.
However, smallholder farmers are often cash constrained, partly The link between SLM adoption intensity and participation in
off-farm work on vulnerability to poverty, are issues of interest
Corresponding author.
that have not received much attention in the empirical literature.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (G. Issahaku), This is even more important in areas facing threats of land de-
[email protected] (A. Abdul-Rahaman). gradation and climate risks. A number of studies have linked
2095-6339/& 2018 International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation and China Water and Power Press. Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. This
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article as: Issahaku, G., & Abdul-Rahaman, A. International Soil and Water Conservation Research (2018),
2 G. Issahaku, A. Abdul-Rahaman / International Soil and Water Conservation Research ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎

adoption of stone and soil bunds and organic manure to improved implying a labor-loss effect, the findings by Ma
farm productivity and household welfare (e.g. Abdulai & Huffman, et al. (2017) in China, found positive effect of off-farm work par-
2014; Zougmore, Jalloh, & Tioro, 2014). Experimental evidence in ticipation. Although the study by Pfeiffer et al. (2009) in Mexico
Burkina Faso shows that during dry periods, crops on plots with found positive effect of off-farm work on input demand, the im-
stone bunds and Zai techniques can produce two to three times pact of off-farm income on agricultural output was negative. The
higher than those on control plots (Kaboré & Reij, 2004). Despite study by Babatunde (2015) in Nigeria however showed positive
these observed benefits of SLM practices, there are instances effects of off-farm income on both input demand and farm output.
where adoption results in exposing farm households to vulner- Few studies in Ghana have examined the determinants and
ability to poverty (World Bank, 2009). impacts off-farm work participation by rural households (Abdulai
This study thus contributes to the literature by examining the & Delgado, 1999; Owusu et al., 2011; Zereyesus et al., 2017) with
relationship between smallholder participation in off-farm work different foci. For instance, the study by Abdulai and Delgado
and adoption intensity of SLM practices, and assessing the effect of (1999) focused on the joint determinants of husbands and wives
participation in off-farm work and adoption of SLM practices on participation in off-farm employment, while that of Owusu et al.
households’ vulnerability to expected poverty. We employ survey (2011) and Zereyesus et al. (2017) concentrated on impact of off-
data from Ghana and use recent developments in the impact as- farm work participation on farm productivity, consumption and
sessment literature to address the issues set out to be achieved in
poverty. The current study focuses on the effect of off-farm work
the present study. As noted by Morduch (1994), households’ de-
participation on adoption of sustainable land management prac-
pendence on weather dependent agriculture, poorly developed
tices and vulnerability to poverty. It also examines the extent to
financial systems and weak social insurance, often result in sto-
which adoption of sustainable land management practices is as-
chastic poverty, an important component of vulnerability. The area
sociated with vulnerability to poverty in Ghana.
selected for this study (Sudan and Guinea Savannah agro-ecolo-
gical zones of Ghana) is characterized by unfavorable biophysical
environment with frequent failure and uneven distribution of
rainfall, poor soil quality and land degradation (Wossen, Berger, 3. Conceptual framework
Swamikanu, & Ramilan, 2014), and high poverty incidence
(44–70% from GLSS6) (GSS, 2015; Zereyesus et al., 2017). The model presented here is inspired by economic theory of
The rest of this paper proceeds as follows. In Section 2, the farm households involved mainly in food crop production, but can
literature linking non-farm sector to economic growth, agri- allocate part of their time to off-farm activities to earn extra cash
cultural technology adoption and poverty alleviation in SSA income. The time allocation model presented here is as specified
countries is reviewed and discussed. In Section 3, we present the in Abdulai and Delgado (1999) and Pfeiffer et al. (2009). The model
conceptual framework and estimation strategy used in the analy- assumes that a farm household maximizes utility by allocating
sis. Data and descriptive statistics are presented in Section 4, while total time to three main activities: farm production, off-farm work
the empirical results are presented in Section 5. Section 6 con- and leisure; and that household produced goods (e.g. food crops)
cludes with the key findings and policy implications of the study. and market purchased ones, are perfect substitutes.
Based on these assumptions, the household simplified utility
function can be stated as:
2. Literature review
Umax = U ( C , N; X c ), (1)
Although food crop production is the main source of livelihood
where C refers to quantity of goods consumed by the household. N
for majority of rural households in SSA, many of these households
denotes leisure time; while X c is a vector of household, farm and
also engage in various off-farm activities, motivated by various push
other environmental characteristics. The household time con-
and pull factors (Barrett et al., 2001). A number of studies has
straint T , can be expressed as T = Tf + Tn + Ni , where Tf and Tn are
contributed to the understanding of the role off-farm income plays
respectively, time allocated to farm and off-farm activities; Ni is
in reducing poverty, enhancing investment, and promoting market
the household's leisure time. Since a household's off-farm work
participation among rural households (e.g., Owusu et al., 2011;
time might be zero in a particular year, a non-negativity constraint
Woldeyohanes et al., 2017). While Davis et al. (2007) put the global
is imposed on the off-farm work participation, such that is Tn ≥ 0 .
share of off-farm income at 58% of average total income, the study
Also, the household's expenditure budget constraint can be
by Jolliffe (2004) found that up to 74% of rural population in 2004
expressed as:
were engaged in off-farm activities. While literature on some stu-
dies indicate that off-farm income provides farmers with liquid PcC = PqQ c − PzZ − wrN + wnTn + E, (2)
capital for purchase of yield enhancing inputs (e.g. Mathenge &
Tschirley, 2015; Ma, Abdulai, & Ma, 2017), others argue that en- where Pc and C refer to the prices and quantities of goods and
gagement in off-farm work undermines adoption of modern tech- services consumed by the household; Pq and Q c denote the price
nologies by reducing time allocated to farm activities, which and quantity of farm produce; Pz and Z represent the price and
eventually leads to loss of productivity (Taylor, De Braw, & Rozelle, quantity vectors of production inputs, as well as cost of sustainable
2003; Woldeyohanes et al., 2017). land management practices (stone/soil bunds, organic manure).
Although majority of the findings agree on the effect of off- The cost of SLM is captured as part of PzZ in Eq. (2). Also, wr and N
farm work on enhancing household consumption and reducing represent the market wage and the amount of leisure respectively;
poverty (e.g. Owusu et al., 2011; Mishra, Mottaleb, & Mohanty, while wn and Tn represent off-farm wage and the amount of time
2015; Zereyesus et al., 2017), the literature reveals mixed findings allocated to off-farm work. E captures income from non-labor
about the effect of off-farm work on investment, agricultural sources, such as remittances, transfers or non-farm assets of the
output, technology adoption, input demand or market participa- household. The household's production technology constraint,
tion (Mathenge & Tschirley, 2015; Ma et al., 2017; Pfeiffer, López- which determines the quantity of farm produce Q can be captured
Feldman, & Taylor, 2009; Woldeyohanes et al., 2017). For example, as Q (Zi , Tf ; X c ), where Q, Z and Tf are as already defined, and X c
while Mathenge and Tschirley (2015) observed negative effect of refers to socioeconomic characteristics. The Lagrangian of the
off-farm work on fertilizer demand among farmers in Ethiopia, household's maximizing problem can therefore be stated as:

Please cite this article as: Issahaku, G., & Abdul-Rahaman, A. International Soil and Water Conservation Research (2018),
G. Issahaku, A. Abdul-Rahaman / International Soil and Water Conservation Research ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎ 3

( ) {
L = U C , N; X c + λ1 PqiQ i Z , Tf , X c − PzZ − wrN + wnTn + E − PcC
( ) } Huffman, 2014; Zougmore et al., 2014). Combined with organic
manure use, bunding has been found to be sustainable land and
+ λ2{T * − Tf − Tn − N} , (3) soil management strategy on marginal lands exposed to the risk of
where λ1 and λ2 denote the Lagrangian multipliers associated with degradation and climate change effects (e.g. Zougmore et al., 2014;
liquidity and time allocation constraints, respectively. The first- Faltermeier & Abdulai, 2009).
order conditions for maximizing utility subject to time and budget Eq. (9)–(11) show that input and output prices, as well as off-
constraints, result in the following optimal choices for the allo- farm wage rate tend to influence profits and demand for inputs, as
cation of labor for farm work and off-farm work as: well as farm output. Based on above theoretical concepts, we ar-
gue that households’ participation in off-farm work may exert
∂L ∂Q ∂Z
positive or negative impact on adoption of SLM practices ( ∂w </>0),
= λ1Pq − λ2 = 0 Tf ≥0
∂Tf ∂Tf (4) making the relationship an empirical issue, and relevant from
development policy perspective.
= λ1wn − λ2≤0 Tn≥0
∂Tn (5) 3.1. Empirical model specification and estimation
We rearrange Eqs. (4) and (5) to get return to farm and off-farm
SLM practices and off-farm work participation are assumed to
work as
have trade-offs and synergetic effects on household vulnerability
λ2 ∂Q to poverty. We start with the effect of off-farm work participation
wn ≤ = Pq ,
λ1 ∂Tf (6) and adoption of SLM. We later present the effect of off-farm work
participation and SLM on vulnerability to poverty. Formally, we
∂U ∂U
where λ1 = ∂C
and λ2 = ∂N
refer to the marginal rate of substitution assume a latent variable M * that is unobserved, but can be re-
between consumption of goods and leisure, while the term Pq ∂∂TQ presented by an observed variable, M which denotes a household's
decision to adopt SLM practice or not. Thus, adoption of SLM is
refers to marginal value product of farm labor. It is worthy to note
observed if M *>0, which implies M = 1, otherwise M = 0, in which
in Eq. (6) that if wn < λ2 = Pq ∂∂TQ , it implies that potential wage rate
1 f case SLM is not observed. Letting j denote household and s the
from off-farm work is less than the marginal value of an in- specific SLM practice, the latent variable can be related to off-farm
dividual's leisure or on-farm work including time spent on adop- work participation, other household and farm characteristics
tion of SLM practices. This implies the allocation of time between through a structural model specified as:
farm and off-farm activities is sub-optimal (Abdulai & Delgado,
Mjs = ∝j F + γsY js + ∅s Zjs + εjs
1999; Pfeiffer et al., 2009). On the other hand, if wn = λ2 = Pq ∂∂TQ , the
λ j (12)
1 f
off-farm wage rate is equal to the marginal value of the marginal Where Mjs = 1 if household adopts SLM practice s, 0 otherwise;
product of farm labor and therefore a positive time allocation for s ¼ bund construction, organic manure; F refers to off-farm work
off-farm work may be observed. participation, Y denotes farm and environmental characteristics,
We can employ the above derivation of off-farm work and re- while Zjs represents household characteristics. We employ the
late it to adoption of SLM practices, as well as the impact of off- Tobit specification in the analysis, given the censored nature of our
farm work participation on vulnerability to poverty, through the SLM data (farmer stated expenditures per hectare per year in-
Lagrangian duality theory (Nicholson & Snyder, 2008, p. 36). Thus, curred on bunds and organic manure during the previous two
the farm household production problem can be specified as a production seasons).1
profit maximizing problem with optimal solution specified as:
3.2. Intensity of adoption of SLM
( )
π = Max PqiQ i − PzZ − wrN + wnTn + E , s. tQ = Q Tf , Z; X c , ( ) (7)

where π represents the farm's profit. Given this specification, the A number of studies has employed different methods to
maximum profit as function of input and output prices, wages determine adoption intensity of agricultural technologies (Nkegbe
from off-farm work, as well as other household characteristics can & Shankar, 2014; Pedzisa, Rugube, Winter-Nelson, Baylis, & Maz-
be specified as: vimavi, 2016). Depending on how adoption intensity is measured,
(share of land, number of components of the technology adopted,
π = π Pqi, Pz , wn; X c , ) (8) or expenditure), some studies have employed the Poisson and
negative binomial (e.g. Nkegbe & Shankar, 2014) or the Tobit
A direct application of the Hotelling's lemma to Eq. (8) results models (e.g. Rakshandrah & Abdulai, 2015) to assess adoption in-
in the following reduced-form specifications for farm output tensity. In this study, given the fact that we have data on stated
supply, input demand and off-farm labor supply functions: expenditures on the SLM practices of interest (bunds and organic
∂π manures), we find the bivariate Tobit more appropriate for in-
( )
= Q = Q i Pqi, Pz , wn; X c (output supply)
vestigating adoption intensity. This approach will also enable us to
examine the effect of off-farm-work participation on SLM adoption
intensity, as well as assess possible complementarity or trade-off
= − Z = Z Pqi, Pz , wn; X c (input demand) ) (10)
in the adoption of bunds and organic manure. Thus, the latent
variable M *js is linked to the observed Mjs as:
∂π ⎧ * *
⎪ Mjs = M js if M js > 0
= Tn = Tn(Pqi, Pz , wn; X c )(off − farm labor supply) ⎨
∂wn (11) ⎪
⎩ Mjs = 0 if M *js ≤ 0 (13)
As indicated earlier, Z contains variables which relate to sus-
tainable land management practices. Specifically, the construction This indicates that a farmer adopts SLM practice s if M *js>0. The
of stone/soil bunds by farmers in the northern savannah zone of
Ghana, as a land/soil conservation measure has received attention 1
In the case of stone bunds some farmers received support from government/
from local government and international agencies (Abdulai & NGO's. We concentrated on self-initiated and implemented bunds.

Please cite this article as: Issahaku, G., & Abdul-Rahaman, A. International Soil and Water Conservation Research (2018),
4 G. Issahaku, A. Abdul-Rahaman / International Soil and Water Conservation Research ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎

specification in Eq. (12) assumes that off-farm work participation of the two error terms in the two specifications, such that
( F ) is exogenous. However, as noted earlier, off-farm work parti- corr ( εh, ωh) = ρεω . Consequently, any standard regression technique
cipation and credit constraint variables can be related to SLM such as linear probability (LP) probit /logit model applied to esti-
practice adoption by simultaneity through both income and labor- mate Eq. (14) produces biased results when ρεω ≠0. Thus, rigorous
loss effects thus making them potentially endogenous (Babatunde assessment of the effect of off-farm work participation on vul-
& Qaim, 2010; Taylor et al., 2003). In addressing the potential nerability to poverty should take into account the endogeneity of
endogeneity, we employ the control function approach suggested the off-farm work variable.
by Wooldridge (2015). In doing so, we incorporate the observed Some studies involving two binary outcomes have employed
values of off-farm work participation and credit constraint Heckman two-stage selection method to account for observed and
and their corresponding residuals from the first-stage regression unobserved heterogeneity between the participants and non-
into the bivariate tobit model, using distance to the nearest district participants (e.g. Kunstashula, Chabala, & Mulenga, 2014).
capital as instrument, to ensure consistent estimation of these However, Lokshin and Sajaia (2011) indicate that, the two-stage
variables. We test for the exogeneity of these variables using a approach generates residuals that are heteroskedastic and requires
simple t-test (Wooldridge, 2015). cumbersome adjustments to achieve consistent standard errors.
Some studies have employed recursive bivariate probit model
3.3. Impact of off-farm work participation on vulnerability to poverty (RBP) to overcome this shortcoming (e.g. Ma et al., 2017). However,
given our interest in estimating average treatment effects of off-
The effect of off-farm work participation on vulnerability to farm work participation on vulnerability to poverty, this study
poverty can be specified as follows: employs an endogenous switching probit (ESP) model in our
empirical analysis (Ayuya et al., 2016). The ESP model estimates
the off-farm work participation Eq. (16) and the vulnerability
Eqs. (17a and 17b) simultaneously, using full information max-
Vh, t = δFh + αZh + εh, (14)
imum likelihood (FIML) approach (Lokshin & Sajaia, 2011).
The ESP approach relies on the assumption of joint normality of
error terms in the off-farm work participation (Eq. (16)) and out-
where Fh denotes the household's decision to participate in off- come (vulnerability) equations. The vulnerability status can be
farm work or not, and Zh household and farm characteristics specified in two regimes as follows:
which affect household vulnerability to poverty ( Vh, t ).
We followed the literature and determined vulnerability using
* = VhP, t = αPZ + εhP, t , VhP, t = I V hp
V hp hP (
* >0 , if,Fh = 1 ) (17a)
expected poverty (VEP)2 approach (Chaudhuri, Jalan, & Suryhadi,
2002; Christiaensen & Subbarao, 2005). By this approach, a
household is considered vulnerable to consumption poverty in the * = VhN, t = + αNZ + εhN, t , VhP, t = I V hN
V hN hN (
* >0 if Fh = 0 ) (17b)
next period if:
where Vhp * and VhN * are latent variables of the observed vulner-
⎧ ^ ⎫
⎪ lnz − lnC ⎪ ability status, VhP , t and VhN , t for participants and non-participants in
Vh, t = prob lnCh, t + i ≤ lnz Zh, Fh ) = Φ⎨ h
⎬, off-farm work, respectively; ZhN and ZhP are vectors of exogenous
⎪ ⎪
⎩ σ^h ⎭ (15) variables influencing household vulnerability to poverty. The
^ parameters αP , αN and ∂ are to be estimated; and the error terms
where z is the poverty line, Ch is the expected consumption and σ^h εhP , εhN and ωh are assumed to be jointly and normally distributed
its standard deviation which refers to the expected variations in with a mean-zero vector and correlation matrix Ω :
consumption due to shocks. Φ refers to the cumulative density of
the standard normal distribution. The concept of vulnerability to ⎛1 ρ ρP ⎞
⎜ N

expected poverty defines vulnerability as the probability of Ω=⎜ 1 ρPN ⎟
household consumption falling below the poverty line z in the ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 1 ⎠ (18)
future, regardless of its current poverty status (Chaudhuri et al.,
2002). A household with a probability of 50% or more of falling where ρN refers to corr (εhN , ωh ), ρP also indicates corr (εhN , ωh), while
into consumption poverty in the future is considered vulnerable to ρPN is the correlation between εhN and εhP (Lokshin & Sajaia, 2011).
poverty. A significant advantage in the use of the ESP model is the
From Eq. (14), participation in off-farm work appears to be possibility to derive the counterfactual cases of vulnerability for
exogenous. However, off-farm work participation is potentially households participating in off-farm work. This enables us to es-
endogenous since the decision to participate in off-farm work is timate average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) (vulnerability
self-determined. Consequently, we specify that in a latent variable status of participants in off-farm work).
model as: The effect of off-farm work participation on vulnerability
⎧ F * = ∂X + ω given individual household and farm characteristics Zh can be
⎪ h h h stated as:
⎨ Fh* = Fh = 1 if Fh*>0

⎩ Fh* = 0 if ∂Xh + ωh≤0 (16)
ATT = E( V
hP, t
Zh, Fh = 1 − E( V
hN , t
Zh,Fh = 1) = pr ( V
hP, t

where Xh is a vector of variables that determine household's

= 1 Zh,Fh = 1 − E( V
hN , t
= 1 Zh,Fh = 1) (19)
participation in off-farm work. If the same unobservable factors where VhP , t is the expected vulnerability of off-farm work partici-
(e.g., farmers’ innate ability and skill) influence the error terms εh pants, and VhN , t is the expected vulnerability outcome in the
in the off-farm work participation equation, and ωh in the vul- counterfactual case; while Fh indicates household's off-farm work
nerability equation, selection bias occurs, resulting in a correlation participation status. To improve identification of the model,
Lokshin and Sajaia (2011) suggest the use of exclusion restriction
The three stage feasible GLS approach is described in detail in Chaudhuri where Xh in Eq. (16) contain at least one variable not featured
et al. (2002) and Christiaensen and Subbarao (2005). in Zh in Eqs. (17a) and (17b). We used distance to the nearest

Please cite this article as: Issahaku, G., & Abdul-Rahaman, A. International Soil and Water Conservation Research (2018),
G. Issahaku, A. Abdul-Rahaman / International Soil and Water Conservation Research ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎ 5

Table 1
Description and summary statistics of the variables.

Variable Variable Description Mean Std. Dev.

Consumptiona Per capita household consumption expenditure (GHS) 1295.72 2017.36

Bunds Practices bunding (soil/stone) ¼ 1, 0 otherwise 0.25 0.43
Organic Applies organic manure ¼ 1, 0 otherwise 0.37 0.48
Expend-Bunds Expenditure on bunds (soil and stone) (GHS) 80.38 264.37
Expend-Organic Expenditure on organic manure (GHS) 46.05 140.88
Fertilizer Farmer applied chemical fertilizer ¼ 1, 0 otherwise 0.29 0.45
Off-farm Farmer is engaged in off-farm activity¼ 1, 0 otherwise 0.38 0.49
Vulnerability Expected consumption poverty incidence ¼ 1, 0 otherwise 0.67 0.47
Farm size Total Farm size of household in ha 1.96 1.49
Education Years of formal education of household head 5.49 5.02
Hh_size Number of people in a household 5.95 3.08
Age Age of farmer in years 39.64 13.83
Gender Household head is male ¼ 1, female ¼ 0 0.84 0.36
Dep_ratio Dependency ratio: the ratio of nonworking household members to working members 0.642 0.70
Livestock Livestock ownership in tropical livestock units 1.84 4.78
Machinery Farmers owns farm machinery ¼ 1, 0 otherwise 0.17 0.38
Credit_constraint Farmer is credit constrained ¼ 1, 0 otherwise 0.39 0.49
Aid Household received government support ¼ 1, otherwise, 0 0.25 0.431
Group-membership Farmer belongs to a farmer group ¼ 1, 0 otherwise 0.31 0.46
Tenure-security Household has full usufruct right over plot ¼ 1, 0 otherwise
Extension Number of extension visits 1.13 1.49
Distance-Farm Distance to farm (km) 2.25 3.05
Proximity-town Distance of household to nearest district capital (km) 2.75 6.22
Sudan Savannah Sudan Savannah ¼ 1, 0 otherwise 0.42 0.46
Guinea Savannah Guinea Savannah ¼ 1, 0 otherwise 0.58 0.49
Rfcondition Farmer prediction of rainfall condition in the next 5 years (0–1) 0.64 0.48

Exchange rate is US dollar 1 ¼ GHS 4.26 at the time of the survey.
This computed using total HH expenditure (excluding expenses on SLM) and household size.

district capital (Proximity) as instrument to identify the ESP degradation activities, as well as adverse climate effects, farmers
model and further diagnostic test revealed its validity (see also stated the expenditure they made in the last cropping season
Table A1). in respect of the specific activities. For instance the average ex-
penses made in respect of bunds construction and organic manure
use per hectare were about GHS 80 and GHS 46, respectively
4. Data, survey sample and descriptive statistics (see Table 1). In addition, the average per capita consumption
expenditure is GHS 1295, while 38% of households engage in cash-
The data used in this study were obtained from a survey con- earning off-farm work. We capture off-farm (non-farm) income to
ducted in 25 communities across five districts in Ghana. Multi- include the portion of farm household income obtained outside
stage sampling procedure was employed in the survey. First, three main farm activity (petty trading, craftwork, or salaries and pen-
regions (Upper East region UER, Northern region (NR) and Brong- sions), and aid income3 earned by farm households. In all more
Ahafo region (BAR)) that are among the most vulnerable in terms than 38% of households in the study are engaged in various forms
climate change effects, were purposively selected based on of off-farm activities. The share of these households in different
agroecology. A total of five districts were selected across three off-farm activities are reported in Fig. 1. Petty trading appear to be
regions (UER-Sudan Savannah [Bongo and Talensi districts], the most popular off-farm activity in the study area while very few
NR-Guinea Savannah [Tolon and Kumbungu districts], and BAR – respondents engaged in more than one off-farm activity. For the
Transitional zone [Techiman-South district], respectively). In ad- purpose of this study and due to the limited sample size, we
dition to agroecology, we considered some SLM-related programs captured off-farm work participation as a dummy variable in our
or projects that have been implemented or are being implemented empirical analyses, instead of the categories presented in Fig. 1.
in these districts (eg. AGRA Soil Heath Project, National Soil Fer- Table 1 presents descriptive statistics for the main variables of
tility Action Plan, or National Climate Change Policy for Ghana). interest for this study. As shown in the table, on average, the
Most of these projects aim at reducing land degradation, im- household head is 40 years, with about 5.5 years of formal edu-
proving soil fertility and enhancing farmers’ ability to cope with cation, and cultivating an average of 2.0 ha farm size. About 30% of
climate change. In the last 60 years, rainy season temperature in farm households have implemented stone or soil bunds while 46%
Northern Ghana increased around 2 °C; while the likelihood of used organic manures as forms of SLM practices.
rainfall in April decreased by 70% (Kunstmann & Yung, 2005). We constructed a proxy measure of rainfall anomaly (Rfcondition),
Overall, our sample consists of 476 farm households (147, 203 and based on farmers’ prediction of rainfall variability. A few studies have
126 from UER, NR and BAR, respectively). We later dropped the indicated contrasting effects of precipitation variation on crop yields
subsample from BAR given the fact only few farmers in that region in SSA. For instance the study by Ward, Florax, and Flores-Lagunes
practice the SLM practices considered in this study. We took into (2014) indicates that precipitation variability within the season has a
account the land size and farmer population of the Guinea Sa- positive effect on aggregate cereal yield in Sub-Sahara Africa. How-
vannah and put greater weight on the sub-sample from the NR. ever, Rowhani, Lobell, Linderman, and Ramankutty (2011) report that
We captured information on household production activities
and off-farm work participation, consumption expenditures and 3
Some limited number of poor households receive income from a government
farmers’ SLM activities. In addition to stating the sustainable land assisted program dubbed Livelihood Empowerment against Poverty (LEAP). Less
management practices adopted to protect farm lands from than ten households in our sample received such assistance.

Please cite this article as: Issahaku, G., & Abdul-Rahaman, A. International Soil and Water Conservation Research (2018),
6 G. Issahaku, A. Abdul-Rahaman / International Soil and Water Conservation Research ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎

on adoption intensity of organic manure, but negative and insig-

nificant on bunds. This implies households with larger farm sizes
are likely to increase their expenditure on organic manure, but not
on bund construction. The estimate for expected rainfall condition
22 (RFcondition) is positive and significant, indicating that farmers’
([PERCENTAGE]) prediction of increased variability of rainfall influences their in-
53 Pe y trading
tensity of adoption of SLM practices, a finding that is in line with
([PERCENTAGE]) Salary work that of Rowhani et al. (2011) in Tanzania. In addition, the estimate
33 for tenure security is positive in the pooled sample and that of
Other NF Guinea Savannah agro-ecological zone. This finding is consistent
with economic intuition and empirical evidence elsewhere, that
([PERCENTAGE]) having longer usufruct right or longer tenure security over a parcel
of farm land increases farmers’ propensity to invest on it and
adopt improved technologies (e.g. Abdulai et al., 2011).
The estimate for machinery is positive and significant in all
equations for the pooled and disaggregated samples except bunds
Fig. 1. Share of households in different off-farm employment activities. in the Sudan savannah. This indicates that ownership of machinery
influences adoption intensity of SLM practices. Group member-
precipitation variability within growing season has a negative effect ship, an indicator of social networks, is also found to positively and
on rice, maize and sorghum yields in Tanzania. significantly influence intensity of adoption of SLM practices.
Extension access plays important role in the adoption intensity of
organic manure, relative to bunds construction. This means that
extension efforts are channeled to the application of yield en-
5. Results and discussions
hancing technologies compared to soil conservation practices in
the study area.
5.1. Intensity of adoption of sustainable land management practices

5.2. Determinants of off-farm work participation and vulnerability to

Table 2 presents the results of determinants of adoption in-
tensity of sustainable land management practices (expenditure on
bunds and organic manure). Adoption intensity was estimated
Table 4 reports the estimation results for the impact of off-farm
using a bivariate Tobit model, while controlling for endogeneity of
work participation on households’ vulnerability to poverty. The
off-farm work participation and credit constraint using a control
residual terms, credit_resid and SLM_resid are not significant in the
function approach. From Table 2, the test statistics indicate posi-
off-farm work participation equation for participants and non-
tive correlation between the expenditure on bunds and that of
participants respectively, indicating the exogeneity of these
organic manure. The likelihood ratio of joint significance of ρi is
variables (Wooldridge, 2015). The LR test of joint significance of
significant, supporting the relevance of the bivariate Tobit model
correlation of the error terms rejects the null hypothesis that there
in this analysis. The estimated correlation coefficient, ρ12 is posi-
is no selection bias with respect to off-farm work participation
tive and significant ( ρ12 = 0.54 for full sample, 0.49 for Guinea
among households, justifying the use of the ESP-model. Specifi-
Savannah and 0.61 for Sudan Savannah), implying that there exist
cally, in the case of ρN , unobserved factors that influence their
some complementarity in adoption of the two SLM practices for
non-participation in off-farm work also increases their probability
the entire sample and for both agroecological zones.
of being vulnerable to future poverty.
The estimate of residual term (Off-resid), derived from the first
We turn to the determinants of off-farm work participation
stage regression in the CF approach is not significant, indicating
(column 2) reported in Table 4. The estimate of bunds is positive
the absence of simultaneity bias and consistent estimation of off-
and significant implying a positive association between SLM and
farm work participation effect on adoption intensity of sustainable off-farm work participation confirming income effect indicated
land management practices (Wooldridge, 2015). The residual term earlier. As shown in Table 4, famers with better education are
(credit-resid) is also insignificant in all models. Proximity to the more likely to participate in off-farm work, as revealed by
district capital strongly influences the likelihood of participation in the positive and significant estimate of the education variable.
off-farm work as well as access to bank/formal credit in the first Livestock ownership tend to positively and significantly influence
stage regressions of the CF approach (Table A1). This variable was farmers’ decision to participate in off-farm work. This finding
excluded in the bivariate Tobit models. contrasts with that of Rakshandrah and Abdulai (2015) in Parki-
On the effect of off-farm work participation on intensity of stan. However, this observation is possible if livestock rearing is
bunds and organic manure adoption, the results show that off- extensive, as is largely the case in many parts of Ghana. In that
farm work participation is positive and statistically significant in case, keeping livestock is less labor intensive and farmers can still
the pooled sample and insignificant in Sudan savanna sub-sample. participate in off-farm work.
However, off-farm participation has a positive and significant ef- Credit constraint variable is positive and statistically significant,
fect on organic manure adoption but insignificant in the case of implying that farmers who are credit constrained are more likely
bunds construction, suggesting that income from off-farm parti- to participate in off-farm work, a finding that is in line with pre-
cipation is mostly invested in organic manure application. This vious findings (see Ma et al., 2017; Owusu et al., 2011). Finally,
results confirms that off-farm work participation can relax the proximity to district capital (instrument) is negative and sig-
cash constraints of farm households and enable them to adopt nificant, suggesting that an increase in distance to district capital
SLM practices, including soil/stone bunds and organic manure. reduces the probability of participating in off-farm work.
Turning to the effects of other covariates on adoption intensity,
Table 2 reveals that education contributes positively and sig- 5.3. Determinants of vulnerability to poverty
nificantly to the adoption of bunds and organic manure in both GS
and SS sub-samples. Farm size has a positive and significant effect The third and fourth columns of Table 4 present the determinants

Please cite this article as: Issahaku, G., & Abdul-Rahaman, A. International Soil and Water Conservation Research (2018),
G. Issahaku, A. Abdul-Rahaman / International Soil and Water Conservation Research ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎ 7

Table 2
Results of bivariate Tobit model for Bunds and organic manure expenditures.

Full-sample Guinea Savannah Sudan Savannah

Bunds Organic Manure Bunds Organic Manure Bunds Organic Manure

Offfarm 2.561** (0.872) 1.080** (0.391) 0.416 (1.494) 1.296** (0.691) 1.429 (1.179) 0.276 (0.578)
Credit-constraint -0.013 (1.817) -2.698*** (0.846) -0.409 (2.109) -3.088*** (0.962) -1.779 (3.197) -3.068* (1.647)
Gender -3.448 *** (0.865) -1.428*** (0.413) -4.668** (1.975) -1.063 (0.964) -0.203 (1.154) -0.105 (0.621)
Age 0.020 (0.022) 0.001 (0.010) -0.012 (0.029) 0.006 (0.013) -0.016 (0.039) -0.021 (0.021)
Education 0.039 (0.066) 0.011 (0.030) 0.198** (0.080) 0.069* (0.036) 0.519*** (0.133) 0.233*** (0.063)
Fertilizer 1.257** (0.595) -0.036 (0.277) 1.498 ** (0.632) 0.170 (0.283) 0.401 (1.846) -1.898 (1.075)
HH_size 0.295*** (0.081) -0.006 (0.039) 0.336** (0.087) -0.017 (0.041) 0.163 (0.201) 0.003 (0.111)
Farm size -0.713*** (0.237) 0.176*** (0.098) -0.352 (0.250) 0.244** (0.102) -0.470 (0.532) -0.328 (0.281)
Livestock 0.004 (0.048) 0.015 (0.020) -0.084 (0.066) 0.047 (0.030) 0.104* (0.057) 0.029 (0.034)
RFconditon 1.140 *** (0.201) 0.671*** (0.094) 1.259*** (0.214) 0.714*** (0.096) 0.267 (1.809) -0.230 (0.995)
Tenure security 2.173 (1.579) 1.368* (0.734) 4.111* (2.153) 2.241** (0.917) -0.248 (2.180) 0.806 (1.187)
Distance-farm -0.269 (0.169) -0.062 (0.072) 0.691** (0.254) 0.091 (0.114) -0.748*** (0.244) -0.230 (0.111)
Group-member 0.051** (0.018) 0.037*** (0.009) 0.101*** (0.029) 0.054*** (0.014) 0.050** (0.025) 0.033** (0.012)
Extension 0.214 (0.178) 0.342*** (0.084) 0.126 (0.202) 0.249** (0.093) 0.262 (0.328) 0.617*** (0.172)
Machinery 1.937*** (0.693) 0.588*** (0.113) 2.696*** (0.806) 0.724* (0.381) 0.701 (1.254) 2.147*** (0.650)
Off_resid -2.950 (2.178) -1.162 (0.992) -5.759 (3.356) -0.895 (1.493) -5.698 (4.800) -1.224 (2.533)
credit_resid -0.873 (1.759) 0.258 (0.829) 1.435 (2.065) 0.224 (0.957) -2.046 (2.811) 0.782 (1.483)
Constant -7.074** (2.562) -1.834 (1.175) -6.429 (4.167) -4.523** (1.886) 1.948 (4.599) 4.026 (2.457)
No. obs 350/845 203/568 147/277
r 5.506*** (0.524) 3.298*** (0.230) 5.636*** (0.361) 2.957*** (0.127) 5.506*** (0.524) 3.297*** (0.230)
Corr. ( ρ12 ) 0.615*** (0.063) 0.486*** ( 0.048) 0.615*** (0.063)
Log-likehood -2591.88 -1739.318 -775.207
LR-test ρ12 = 0 144.64 [0.000] 73.63*** [0.000] 53.38 [0.000]

***, **, * represent 1%, 5%, and 10% significance level, respectively. Values in parentheses are standard errors. Values in square brackets are p-values.

Table 3 Table 4
Differences in means of the characteristics of off-farm work participants and non- Switch-Probit Model Off-farm participation and vulnerability to poverty.
Variable Off-farm Participants Non-
Variable Participants Non-participants Diff (t-value) participation ¼ 1 participants
Coefficient (SE) Coefficient (SE) Coefficients (SE)
Mean Mean
SLMa 0.298* (0.166) 0.113 (0.227) -0.435 (0.386)
Consumption 1372.467 1247.371 125.095 (0.66) Gender -0.682*** (0.192) -1.861*** -0.199 (0.262)
Consumption risk 6.877 6.555 0.322*** (4.120) (0.360)
Vulnerability 0.598 0.726 -0.128** (-2.93) Age -0.005 (0.005) -0.036 (0.043) -0.054** (0.023)
Bunds 0.185 0.284 -0.100** (-2.46) Education 0.060*** (0.018) -0.007 (-0.013) -0.118*** (0.022)
Organic 0.293 0.410 -0.117** (-2.60) Credit constraint 0.339** (0.138) 0.005 (0.034) 0.407** (0.158)
Farm size 1.990 2.001 -0.020 (-0.14) HH_size 0.013 (0.030) 0.114 (0.130) 0.124** (0.042)
Dependency ratio 0.585 0.680 -0.095 (-1.44) Livestock 0.392*** (0.074) -0.215 (0.144) -0.403***
Education 6.945 4.568 2.377*** (5.17) (0.094)
Household size 5.820 5.990 0.170 (0.594) Rfcondition 0.015 (0.167) -0.512* (0.289) -0.239 (0.168)
Age 38.640 40.44 -1.800 (-1.38) Tenure-security -0.544** (0.265) -0.557 (0.464) 0.174 (0.300)
Gender 0.788 0.877 0.090** (2.60) Machinery 0.451** (-0.177) -0 .095 (0.396) -0.356 (0.262)
Livestock 4.628 2.027 2.601*** (4.27) G. Savannah 0.119 (0.183) 0.534* (0.312) 0.951*** (0.222)
Machinery 0.174 0.171 0.003 (0.07) Credit_resid -0.750 (0.608)
Credit_constraint 0.342 0.435 -0.093** (-2.01) SLM_resid -0.194 (0.527)
Aid 0.196 0.277 -0.081** (-2.02) Proximity_town -0.121*** (0.017)
Rfcondition 0.680 0.620 -0.056 (-1.35) Constant 1.430*** (0.467) 1.096 (1.274) 0.019 (0.637)
Proximity-town 3.814 6.680 2.87*** (6.24) ρP , ρN -0.339 (0.248) -0.95*** (0.074)
No. Obser 350
***, **, * represent 1%, 5%, and 10% significance level, respectively. Values in par- Wald test ( ρ = 0) 22.20 *** [0.000]
entheses are t-values
χ 2 test of Over id 0.212 [0.14]
Log likelihood -255.448 *** [0.000]

of vulnerability to poverty for off-farm work participants and non- ***, **, * represent 1%, 5%, and 10% significance level, respectively. Values in par-
entheses are standard errors
participants. The finding on the effect of SLM practice adoption4 on G. Savannah indicates whether the farm is in the Guinea Savannah zone or not.
vulnerability is mixed, although not significant. According to the Sudan Savannah is the base outcome
World Bank report on SLM in Niger, lower opportunity costs for labor a
SLM is a dummy variable equal to one if the farmer adopts bunds or organic
in many rural settings, may promote land management investments manure or both.
that have relatively low returns to labor, and therefore increase
vulnerability to poverty (World Bank, 2009). An FAO study also in-
dicates that initial labor demands of some SLM practices result in temporary decline in yields, which can lead to increased vulnerability
(Food & Agriculture Organization FAO, 2015).
Bunds and organic manure were combined into a single binary variable in the Among the socioeconomic characteristics the estimate for
ESP model since the estimation procedure used does not permit the use of indicator household size is positive and significant, suggesting that larger
terms. The two terms are also found to be correlated from the bivariate Tobit family size is associated with increasing probability of household

Please cite this article as: Issahaku, G., & Abdul-Rahaman, A. International Soil and Water Conservation Research (2018),
8 G. Issahaku, A. Abdul-Rahaman / International Soil and Water Conservation Research ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎

Table 5 from two agro-ecological zones in Ghana. The study also examined
Treatment effects of off-farm participation on vulnerability to poverty. the impact of off-farm work participation on vulnerability to
Variable Off-farm work participation ATT [%] t-value poverty. With regards to adoption intensity, we employed a bi-
variate Tobit model to examine the determinants of adoption in-
Participant Non-participant tensity. In the second objective, we used an endogenous switching
Vulnerability (overall) 0.620 0.716 - 0.096*** - 9.87 probit (ESP) model to assess the impact of off-farm work partici-
[- 13.40] pation on the probability of being vulnerable to poverty.
Vulnerability by SLM The results show that participation in off-farm work significantly
By Bunds construction 0.653 0.864 - 0.211*** - 12.6
increase adoption intensity of bunds and organic manure in the
By organic manure 0.685 0.867 - 0.181*** - 12.86 pooled sample and Savannah agroecological zone sub-sample,
application [20.9] probably due to the income effect of off-farm work participation.
*** Farmers’ perceived probability of drought occurrence, extension ac-
represents 1% significance level.
cess, education of household head and group membership, as well as
being vulnerable, particularly for nonparticipants in off-farm work. farm machinery ownership were the main drivers of adoption in-
The effect of household head education on vulnerability is nega- tensity. On the impact of off-farm work participation on vulnerability,
tive and significant indicating that higher education of the the results show that opportunity to earn off-farm wage can sig-
household head decreases the likelihood of the household being nificantly reduce average vulnerability to poverty. A disaggregation of
vulnerable to poverty, a finding that is in line with human capital the off-farm work participation impacts based on SLM practice
theory and education (Huffman, 2001), as well as recent studies on adoption reveal significant reduction in expected vulnerability due to
vulnerability in Asia (Imai, Gaiha, & Thapa, 2015). Interestingly, the participation among farmers engaged in bunds construction and
estimate on coefficient of variation of rainfall, an indication of organic manure use. As noted by Zougmore et al. (2014), although
climate shock, is negative and statistically significant in the case of stone bunds combined with other climate smart agricultural prac-
off-farm work participants, implying that farmers’ probability of
tices can be used by smallholder farmers to maintain food produc-
being vulnerable may decrease with rainfall variability. This
tion and contribute to environmental sustainability, incentives are
situation is possible if rainfall variability also increases farmers’
required to enhance farmers’ adoption of these practices.
probability of being engaged in off-farm work, which is the case in
Thus, through the positive effect of off-farm work participation
this study. Rainfall variability has been reported by FAO (2015) to
have a significant effect on consumption variance, an important on intensity of adoption of sustainable land management prac-
component of vulnerability to poverty. tices, the ultimate welfare objective of reducing in vulnerability to
poverty can be achieved. Therefore, policy efforts that seek to
5.4. Impact of off-farm work participation on vulnerability improve rural development through non-farm income opportu-
nities can lead to positive synergies between sustainable agri-
Even though significant differences in vulnerability between cultural production and off-farm employment, with the ultimate
participants and non-participants can be observed in Table 3, these goal of reducing vulnerability to poverty.
differences do not take into account selectivity bias due to ob-
servable and unobservable factors. Thus, we present in Table 5 the
expected conditional vulnerability estimates. The results show
that participants have a 62% probability of being vulnerable, while A. Appendix
non-participants have 71.3%, representing 13.4% reduction in vul-
nerability due to participation in off-farm work. These estimates of See Table A1
vulnerability are a bit higher than that observed by Novignon,
Novignon, Mussa, and Chiwaula (2012) using the Ghana Living
Standards Survey (GLSS 5), probably because our study con- Table A1
centrated on smallholder crop farmers in the Savannah zone who First-stage regression results of determinants of off-farm work participation and
have been identified to be among the poorest in Ghana credit constraints.
(GSS, 2015). Even though current poverty is different from vul-
Variable Off-farm work Credit-Constraint
nerability, the level of poverty today contributes significantly to
future poverty (Ligon & Schechter, 2003). Gender 1.361 *** (0.325) 1.328 *** (0.287)
The impact on vulnerability was disaggregated based on SLM Age 0.003 (0.008)  0.004 (0.006)
practice adoption. The results indicate that participants who also Education 0.078 *** (0.022)  0.022 (0.018)
Fertilizer 0.881 *** (0.212) 0.042 (0.164)
adopted bunds had 65.3% likelihood of being vulnerable, compared
HH_size 0.009 (0.028)  0.058 ** (0.024)
to 86.4% if they had not participated in off-farm work, resulting in a Farm size  0.120 * (0.072) 0.128 ** (0.062)
decrease of 24.4% vulnerability of falling back or remaining in pov- Livestock  0.049 *** (0.012) 0.032 ** (0.013)
erty. In addition, off-farm work participants who also use organic RFconditon  0.105 (0.070) 0.178 *** (0.055)
Drainage 0.442 ** (0.192) 0.379 ** (0.153)
manure can reduce their vulnerability likelihood by 21%.
Group_member  0.018 ** (0.006)  0.011 * (0.006)
Extension  0.032 (0.067) 0.128 ** (0.052)
Tenure-security  0.180 (0.552)  0.826 * (0.428)
6. Conclusions and recommendations Machinary 0.594 ** (0.278) 0.313 (0.206)
Proximity_town 0.633 *** (0.050) 0.267 *** (0.024)
Constant  2.385 *** (0.745)  1.468 ** (0.589)
In this study, we examined the impact of off-farm work parti-
cipation on intensity of adoption of sustainable land management ***, **, * represent 1%, 5%, and 10% significance level, respectively. Values in par-
practices, namely bunds and organic manure, using survey data entheses are standard errors.

Please cite this article as: Issahaku, G., & Abdul-Rahaman, A. International Soil and Water Conservation Research (2018),
G. Issahaku, A. Abdul-Rahaman / International Soil and Water Conservation Research ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎ 9

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Please cite this article as: Issahaku, G., & Abdul-Rahaman, A. International Soil and Water Conservation Research (2018),
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