Advances of Machine Learning in Materials Science: Ideas and Techniques

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V ol ume 19 / Issue 1 / 1 3501 / 2024

Advances of machine learning in materials science:

Ideas and techniques
Sue Sin Chong1,*, Yi Sheng Ng1,*, Hui-Qiong Wang1,2,†, Jin-Cheng Zheng1,2,‡

1 Department of New Energy Science and Engineering, Xiamen University Malaysia, Sepang 43900, Malaysia
2 Engineering Research Center of Micro-nano Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, Ministry of Education;
Fujian Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials and Applications, CI Center for OSED,
and Department of Physics, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
*These two authors contributed equally.

Corresponding authors. E-mail: †[email protected], ‡[email protected]

Received July 27, 2022; accepted June 18, 2023
© The Authors 2023


In this big data era, the use of large dataset in conjunction with machine
learning (ML) has been increasingly popular in both industry and
academia. In recent times, the field of materials science is also undergoing
a big data revolution, with large database and repositories appearing
everywhere. Traditionally, materials science is a trial-and-error field, in
both the computational and experimental departments. With the advent
of machine learning-based techniques, there has been a paradigm shift:
materials can now be screened quickly using ML models and even gener-
ated based on materials with similar properties; ML has also quietly infil-
trated many sub-disciplinary under materials science. However, ML
remains relatively new to the field and is expanding its wing quickly.
There are a plethora of readily-available big data architectures and abun-
dance of ML models and software; The call to integrate all these elements
in a comprehensive research procedure is becoming an important direction
of material science research. In this review, we attempt to provide an intro-
duction and reference of ML to materials scientists, covering as much as
possible the commonly used methods and applications, and discussing the
future possibilities.
Keywords machine learning, materials science

Contents 4 Development trend of machine learning for

materials science 6
4.1 From numerical analysis to feature
1 Introduction 2
engineering 6
2 Basics on machine learning 2
4.2 From feature engineering to representation
3 Recent progress in machine learning 3 learning 7
3.1 Classical machine learning application areas 3 4.3 From representation learning to inverse
3.2 On quantum machine learning 5 design 8
3.3 Theory, explainable AI and verification 5 5 Databases in material science 9
3.4 Stack optimizations for deep learning 6 6 Machine learning descriptors for material science 10

arXiv: 2307.14032

6.1 Pair-wise descriptor 11 enriched by the efficient high-throughput ML-aided

6.2 Local descriptor 11 simulation/data generation and data-driven discovery [5,
6.3 Graph-based descriptor 13 6]. In experiments and materials synthesis, the advances
6.4 Topological descriptor 13 in ML have helped researchers to efficiently analyze the
6.5 Reciprocal space-based descriptor 14 data and identify hidden features within the large
6.6 Reduction of descriptor dimension 15 dataset [7–9].
7 Machine learning algorithms for material science 16 Discovery of new internal logics, patterns, or rules
7.1 Currently utilized algorithms 16 [10–13], and the study of complex systems, including
7.1.1 Kernel-based linear algorithms 17 nanostructures [14–29], alloys [30–35], superlattices [22,
36–38], surfaces [39–41], and interfaces [40, 42–46], as
7.1.2 Neural network 17
well as from materials to devices [47–48], are typical
7.1.3 Decision tree and ensembles 18
research topics in materials science. These areas could be
7.1.4 Unsupervised clustering 19
addressed according to user specifications [49–50] by
7.1.5 Generative models (GAN and VAE) 20
leveraging ML and big data statistical methods [51],
7.1.6 Transfer learning 20 which have advanced to a stage where users can utilize
7.2 Emerging ML methods 21 them to achieve large and complicated objectives with
7.2.1 Explainable AI (XAI) methods 21 complex models. By breaking down broad objectives into
7.2.2 Few-shot learning (FSL) 23 smaller tasks, corresponding ML algorithms and objectives
8 Machine learning tasks for material science 23 that are suitable can be identified and applied.
8.1 Potentials, functionals, and parameters There are numerous comprehensive surveys on ML in
generation 23 material science [52–60]. In this review, we focus on the
8.2 Screening of materials 23 application of ML in material science, discussing the
8.3 Novel material generation 24 recent advances in ML, illustrating the basic principles
8.4 Imaging data analysis 24 of applying ML in materials science, and summarizing
8.5 Natural language processing of material the current applications and briefly introducing the ML
science literature 24 algorithms involved.
9 Perspectives on the integration of machine
learning in materials science 25 2 Basics on machine learning
9.1 Perspectives from machine learning
viewpoint 25
ML has a long history [61–67]. However, it has only
9.1.1 More deep integrations 25 returned to the spotlight recently due to the compounding
9.1.2 Systematic generalization 25 ability it has gained from the surge in big data and
9.1.3 Huge computational models 26 improving data infrastructure and computing power.
9.2 Perspectives from material science viewpoint 26 Stemmed from statistical learning, ML has gained huge
9.2.1 Theoretical and computational successes and popularity in many other tasks and has far-
materials science 26 reaching influences in many fields, including physics,
9.2.2 Experimental materials science 26 chemistry and material science. In this section, the basic
9.2.3 Coupling of data-driven discovery with ideas and concepts in ML and essential milestones in its
traditional techniques 27 illustrious history are covered.
10 Conclusion 27 ML can be broadly defined as computational methods
Declarations 27 using experience (available past information) to improve
Acknowledgements 27 future performance or to make accurate predictions [68].
References and notes 27 Typical ML methods involve three parts: the inputs
(previously obtained data), outputs (predictions), and
algorithms. The sample size (sample complexity) and
1 Introduction the time & space complexity of algorithms are crucial
for ML [68]. Therefore, the ML techniques are different
Commonly recognized as the fourth paradigm of science from conventional methods such as experimental
[1–4], machine learning (ML) has played a crucial role in measurements or computer simulations, but are related
the development of the data-driven scientific process, to data analysis and statistics. In more general terms,
shaping the changes in experimental methodology, from ML techniques are data-driven methods, which combines
measurement to data analysis, assisting the proving of the fundamental concepts of computer science with ideas
mathematical theorem, and finding new discoveries in from statistics, probability, and optimization. ML can be
areas that were once deemed impossible. In the field of integrated with other disciplines, resulting in multi-disci-
computational material science, the methods have been pline techiques such as quantum ML or physics-informed

13501-2 Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024)

Fig. 1 List of the conventional machine learning tasks and the problems tackled [68].

neural networks, materials science-based learning. theory, the overall implementation and architecture, and
In ML, the “standard” or conventional learning tasks the massive surge in data and data infrastructures. This
have been extensively studied, which include classifica- section covers the advancement of ideas from various
tion, regression, ranking, clustering, and dimensionality areas of applications of Artificial Intelligence – Natural
reduction or manifold learning [68]. The problems Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision (CV),
related to the above tasks are listed in Fig. 1. The definitions Reinforcement Learning (RL), Explainability Artificial
and terminology commonly used in ML for different Intellignce (XAI), etc.
learning stages are listed in Fig. 2. The typical stages of
a learning process are also shown in Fig. 3, which can be 3.1 Classical machine learning application areas
briefly described as follows: with a given collection of
labeled examples, one can firstly divide the data/ In the field of natural language processing and under-
samples into three groups, namely, training samples, standing, ML models have made huge progress with
validation data and test samples, then the relevant Attention Transformer networks [69] and pre-training
features associated to the desired properties are chosen, techniques. SuperGLUE [70] is a natural language
which are next used to train the pre-determined learning understanding benchmark consisting of many tasks,
algorithm. This is done by adjusting the hyperparameters which requires in-depth understanding of short proses
Θ in order to ensure that the hypothesis Θ0 has the best and sentences. With superhuman performances at Super-
performance on the validation sample. Typical learning GLUE benchmarks, it has been demonstrated that ML
scenarios include supervised learning, unsupervised is able to model both understanding of natural language
learning, semi-supervised learning, transductive inference, and generation of relevant natural language in context.
on-line learning, reinforcement learning, active learning, The technique that has led to this leap in performance is
and more other complex learning scenarios. Different pre-training [71], which refers to “training a model with
from traditional data analysis, ML is fundamentally one task to help it form parameters that can be used in
about generalization [68]. Spectacularly, the neural other tasks”. Prompt learning is a form of ML that
network-based ML is able to approximate functions in a works with large models, to learn knowledge from a
very high dimension with unprecedented efficiency and language model simply by prompting the learnt model
accuracy [2], and therefore it can be used for complex with various types of prompts. BERT-like models have
tasks in a wide-range of applications. also been extended to process data from realms outside
natural language, like Programming Languages, e.g.,
CodeBERT [72], and Images [73], and had been very
3 Recent progress in machine learning successful in these realms too. Table 1 lists works relevant
to several main ideas in machine learning for Natural
Recently, the ML community has seen breakthroughs in Language Processing (NLP).
many traditional AI tasks and classical challenging Unsupervised learning has made strides in computer
scientific tasks. This leap of improvement is being vision tasks, with models being able to identify subject
powered by both the new grounds in the underlying in video, or identify poses of objects from point cloud in

Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024) 13501-3

Fig. 3 Illustration of the typical stages of a learning

process [68].

actions to maximize task goals. Most notably, models

like AlphaGo [116] and AlphaHoldem [117] have been
able to navigate extra large search spaces with Monte
Carlo search tree methods on latent representation of
state space and action. Classical methods like
State–Action–Reward–State–Action (SARSA) [118], Q-
learning [119], TD-learning explores action space with a
reward function, and learns a matching of state space to
action, a policy or the q-value of the actions. In 2012,
apprenticeship learning [120] initiated by Abbeel,
proposes to define the architecture such that agent is
able to learn directly from observations of a task being
completed, instead of specifying the steps of a task.
There is also a trend to integrate reinforcement learning
Fig. 2 List of typical machine learning terminologies [68]. with meta-learning in order to train multi-tasks agents
to perform a variety of tasks [121, 122]. Table 3 lists
works relevant to several main ideas in ML for Rein-
a video without labels. In the area of unsupervised learning forcement Learning (RL).
for time-series data, ML models are able to effectively Many human teaching or learning techniques have
identify features from time-series data for both classifica- been the source of inspiration for advancement of this
tion and prediction. Recently, there has been many work thrust. With the emergence of effective sampling techniques
that extends the use of transformers to the characterization amongst others, the Efficient Zero [140] models have
and prediction of extra-long timeseries sequences, been able to progress by accumulating experiences
Informer [99], Longformer [100]. Table 2 lists works relevant through randomly playing against itself repeatedly,
to several main ideas in ML for Computer Vision (CV). which improves the ability of game-playing models.
Reinforcement learning is the training of agents to Reinforcement learning has not only made breakthroughs
make a sequence of reward-optimal decisions in an envi- in all-information open games; recently there has also
ronment, often modelled as maximizing reward expectation been breakthrough in multi-player partial information
in a partial Markov Decision Process (MDP). In rein- games like Texas Hold’em and Alpha Hold’em [117]. For
forcement learning thrust, there is a huge improvement multi-agent reinforcement learning, the common bench-
in the ability of state-of-the-art models to effectively mark task StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge (SMAC)
navigate extra large search space to search for sequential [141] can now be effectively completed by reinforcement

Table 1 Natural language processing (NLP) ideas, techniques and models.

Ideas & technique Relevant development and models

Pre-training Ref. [71], Ref. [74], BLIP [75], Pretrained transformers [76], Ref. [77]
Fine-tuning Ref. [78], Ref. [79]
Bidirectional encoder BERT [80], Albert [81], Robustly optimized BERT pre-training approach (RoBERTa) [82],
CodeBERT [72], BeiT [73]
Transformer Ref. [69], Ref. [83], Ref. [84], Transfomer memory as search index [85]
Attention prompt Ref. [86], AutoPrompt [87], OpenPrompt [88]
Learning extra huge models Open pretrained transfomer (OPT 175B) [89], Jurassic-1 [90], Generative pre-trained transformer 3
(GPT-3) [91], CLD-3 [92]
End-to-end model Word2Vec [93], Global vectors for word representation (GLoVE) [94], Context2Vec [95],
Structure2Vec [96], Driver2Vec [97], wav2Vec [98]

13501-4 Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024)

Table 2 Computer vision (CV) ideas, techniques and references.

Ideas & techniques Relevant literature

Visual models Visual transformer [101], Flamingo (LM) [102]
Image-text processing CoCa [103], FuseDream [104], CLIP [105]
Convolutional neural network DEtection transformer (DETR)[106], LiT [107], Ref. [108]
Image rendering Dall-E [109], Review [110], Neural radiance field (NeRF) [111]
Point cloud reconstruction PointNorm [112], Ref. [113], Residual MLP [114], Learning on point cloud [115]

Table 3 Reinforcement learning (RL) ideas, techniques and references.

Ideas & techniques Relevant literature

Types of RL Q-learning [119], SARSA [118], Temporal difference (TD)-learning [123]
RL algorithm Self-training [124], Deep Q-learning (DQN) [125], Deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG)
[126], Offline [127]
Apprenticeship learning efficient RL SayCan[128], Q-attention [129], Imitation learning [130] Replay with compression [131],
Decision transformer [132]
Evolving curriculum Adversarially compounding complexity by editing levels (ACCEL) [133], Paired open-ended
trailblazer (POET) [134], Autonomous driving scene render (READ) [135]
Bandit problem Bandit learning [136], Batched bandit [137], Dueling bandit [138], Upper confidence bound
(UCB) [139]

learning models, which effectively decomposes the coop- more effectively simulated in the primitive sense using
eration task into role-learning by large neural networks quantum ML algorithm. The hybrid ML coupled with
[142] amongst many other techniques [143, 144]. This is quantum material science is potentially an important
a breakthrough for multi-agent reinforcement learning. stepping stone for material scientists and computer
scientists alike to innovate and research more efficiently.
3.2 On quantum machine learning
3.3 Theory, explainable AI and verification
Quantum ML is one of the big next steps of ML [145].
While error-correction still limits our ability to build a In classical computer science, the very hard case of
fully quantum computer, it is possible to innovate with Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), a classical NP
hybrid algorithms that uses quantum sub-algorithms or problem, has been solved with very satisfactory result
components to speed-up, robustify ML or simply to based on neural networks, which either blend with pre-
expand the theoretical boundaries of ML with 2 norm training of a solver of a mini-TSP or a reinforcement
probabilities. In quantum computing, we can compute learning-based [149] strategy selector combined with
the similarity between feature vectors with state overlaps heuristic. Other prominent NP problems like Maximum
(denoted by bra and ket) instead of kernels via inner Independent Set (MIS) or Satisfiability Modulo Test
product. Consider a simple quantum ML scenario below: (SMT) have also been solved satisfactorily with ML-
guided heuristic search [150]. This demonstrates that
K (x, x′ ) = ⟨ϕ(x), ϕ (x′ )⟩ → QKE (x, x′ ) ML models have been able to push through boundaries
= ⟨ϕ(x) | ϕ (x′ )⟩ . (3.1) that have been set forth by traditional theoretical
computer science. This breakthrough has been made
The feature space in quantum ML can be obtained by
possible by effective latent representation learning of
state preparation. For instance,
essential features of the problem itself and the solver.
ϕ : [x1 ; x2 ] → (x1 |0⟩ + x2 |1⟩) ⊗ (x1 |0⟩ + x2 |1⟩) . (3.2) Explainability XAI techniques like Integrated Gradients
(IG) [151], Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explana-
The corresponding circuit is denoted by tions (LIME)[152], Shapley Additive Explanations
SxAB (|0⟩A ⊗ |0⟩B ) = SxA |0⟩A ⊗ SxB |0⟩B . (3.3) (SHAP)[153], SimplEx [154] and various others have
gained much attention. LIME attempts to identify hot
We can have quantum kernel estimation [see Eq. (1)] areas in the image responsible for features that result in
[146], or quantum feature spaces [147] in hybrid ML the prediction. SimplEx [154] is an explainability technique
algorithms or intermediate scale hybrid machines [148]. that attempts to explain a prediction with linear combi-
This offers a new insight to the types of kernels and nations of samples drawn from the corpus of training
linear algebra that we can use to improve ML in the data; the technique returns a combination of training
classical sense. Quantum physics or chemistry can be samples that has contributed to the predictions. There

Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024) 13501-5

are also efforts to incorporate explainability by adding a methods and has become deeply integrated with many
layer at the end of neural networks for capturing scientific and humanities [166] fields. Application-wise,
explainability information. Explainable Graph Neural ML models have been trusted to make more and more
Network NN) techniques that apply specifically to crucial decisions for the well-functioning of society. For
Graph Neural Networks are broadly classified into instance, in the criminal justice setting [167], ML models
several classes: Gradients/features based Guided Back- have been used to set bail for defendants; in the finance
propagation (BP) [155], Perturbation Based GNN sector, models can help make decisions [168]; in the
Explainer [156], SubgraphX [157], Decomposition Based, energy sector, they predict power generation efficiency
Surrogates GraphLIME [158] and Generation [159]. for wind power stations. While neural network might
These GNN XAI techniques are well-suited for explaining still be a black box and can be hard to verify at times,
feature importance for predictions at either the node its effectiveness as a predictor and sometimes generator
level, edge level or graph level. has already been relied upon by many societal sectors
Verification is important for protecting neural for greater efficiency and effectiveness.
network models against adversarial behaviours; adversary
behaviours can be characterized by ill-intent shifts of
planes of separation in the model so that it is more 4 Development trend of machine learning
likely to err on otherwise correctly classified samples or for materials science
corrupting input samples with noise or otherwise. Neural
network robustness verification techniques like Rectified ML has helped material scientist achieve their study
Linear Unit-Plex (ReLUPlex) [160] and alpha-beta aims in a wide variety of tasks, most prominently as a
CROWN [161] have also made huge progress. It is a screening tool in the design of a large variety of materi-
numerical bounds back-propagation technique where the als, which include energy materials, semiconductors,
score boundaries for each class are back-propagated polymer design, catalyst, high entropy alloy, etc. The
throughout the network to determine the overlap trend of going from processing a single dataset to
between class scores. Specifically, in the non-linear achieving a specific aim to learning a latent representation
portions of the neural network, the ReLU activation of the underlying structure, which can later be finetuned
functions were bounded with linear functions. Safety- to perform specific tasks, such as predicting the energeti-
critical applications have also been secured with neural cally stable structure across datasets, is rather promi-
network verification techniques, and the Airborne Collision nent.
Avoidance System for Unmanned Aircraft (ACAS Xu)
[162] is an ensemble of 45 neural networks whose 4.1 From numerical analysis to feature engineering
purpose is to give anti-collision advice to flying planes,
and utilize ReLUplex methods to make their advice Traditionally, ML has been used as an advanced numerical
robust. regression tool to analyse experimental data in material
science and many other fields [169, 170]. The remarkable
3.4 Stack optimizations for deep learning ability of ML to interpolate data has allowed scientists
to explain phenomena and verify hypotheses effectively.
Graphical Processing Units (GPU) are processors capable Traditional material science ML practitioners often
of parallel processing instructions. Standard GPU deep concern themselves with explicit feature engineering of
learning speedup techniques include convolutional layer specific materials [171]. Bhadeshia [171] has outlined
reuse, featuremap reuse and filter reuse, and memory four categories of models in material science; traditionally
access is a common bottleneck [163]. The basic idea is ML models are “models used to express data, reveal
that functions that are computed many times should be patterns, or for implementation in control algorithm”.
optimized on all levels, from high to low, including the The classical works that involve material property
instruction set level. The entire software stack, compiler prediction mostly fall into the fourth category. Figure 4
technologies, and code generation have been optimized illustrates the feature engineering process for material
for deep learning computations on GPU. Deep learning science, which encompasses four stages: feature extrac-
GPU is known for its high energy usage; reducing energy tion; feature analysis; correlation and importance analy-
usage is an essential objective for GPU optimization sis; and feature selection [172].
research [164]. The requirement for the scale of hardware In material space, there are many degrees of freedoms,
architecture for ML is also loosening up, as engineers are such as the atomic coordinates, coordination numbers,
packing engineering insights from large systems into interatomic distances, and the position of the various
smaller and energy-conserving systems, TensorFlow Lite species. Often, they are impractical to be used as the
Micro [165]. direct inputs to the algorithms, as they are not invariant
ML theory and practice have made massive progress under translation and rotation. In feature extraction [see
in recent years. It is now transforming the scientific Fig. 4(a)], we seek to convert them into descriptors,

13501-6 Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024)

Fig. 4 Feature engineering for ML applications. (a) Feature extraction process. Starting from material space, one can
extract information from material space into chemical structures then to descriptors space. (b) Typical ML feature analysis
methods. “FEWD” refers to Filter method, Embedded method, Wrapper method, and Deep learning. (c) Correlation and
importance analysis of selected features. The feature correlations is visualized in the diagram on the left. Diagram on the
right is normalized version of left diagram, where the colors indicate the relative correlation of every other feature for prediction
of the row/column feature. (d) Various feature subsets obtained from feature engineering analysis. One can construct
features with linearly independent combination of subsets, in other words, subsets of features are basis. Reproduced with
permission from Ref. [172].

which extract the underlying symmetry and distinguish those dimensions. Moreover, the task of sifting through
systems that are truly different and not just a product a vast dataset is laborious and hard to manage for indi-
of translations and/or rotations. viduals. Furthermore, with the ever-expanding computing
After the features are extracted, they undergo a series power, the dimensionality of the features that is compu-
of analysis to fine tune and reduce the dimensionality of tationally feasible also rapidly scales up, allowing the
the descriptors space. The four commonly used methods, consideration of more factors, which ultimately improves
shown in Fig. 4(b), are the filter method, embedded the accuracy of the prediction while also widening the
method, wrapper method, and deep learning method. coverage of material types screened. Thus, there is a
With the analysis process completed, a mapping, as push towards representation learning, an automation of
illustrated in Fig. 4(c), which relates the importance and feature engineering of a large material dataset [173],
correlations among the selected features, can be used to which better captures the internal latent features [174].
visualize their dependence. In turn, this aids the process This trend encouraged a deeper integration in both
of feature selection, in which many suitable subsets of development trends in ML and material science, coupled
features [see Fig. 4(d)] are chosen to proceed to the next with a concise selection of ML tools, which require an
stage – fed into the ML algorithm and compared to intuitive understanding of mathematical and theoretical
obtain the best performing minimal subset. computer science ideas behind these tools.
In representation learning, the features are automatically
4.2 From feature engineering to representation learning discovered and extracted from the raw data, and thus
complicated patterns that are hidden from the human
While explicit feature engineering is a practical and user but are highly relevant could boost the accuracy
valuable task, it often restricts the type of task that ML and effieciency of the ML model, which is highly dependent
can perform and does not fully use its ability to learn a on the quality of the selected features. Therefore, repre-
generalized representation or sound separation of sentation learning excels in applications where the data
features and ability to interpolate or extrapolate along dimensionality is high and features extraction is difficult,

Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024) 13501-7

Fig. 5 Infographic of End-to-End Model. End-to-End models take multi-modal dataset as inputs, and encodes them into
vectors for the surrogate model. The surrogate model then learns the latent representation, which makes the internal
patterns of these datasets indexable. One is then able to decode the latent representation into an output form of our choice,
which includes property predictions, generated novel materials and co-pilot simulation engines.

such as speech recognition and signal processing, object managed to obtain latent features after performing
recognition, and natural language processing [175]. unsupervised ML methods. The raw experimental data
Neural networks can be packed into layers or attention are fed into an autoencoder that includes the encoder
blocks that can be integrated into a single neural and decoder, which uses the input data as the output
network. Effective embedding of information that is a data, while information is passed through a bottleneck
dimensional reduction tool reduces the complexity of the layer, as illustrated in Fig. 6.
model, when upended upon the training pipeline, brings
us to end-to-end learning. Figure 5 shows a simplified 4.3 From representation learning to inverse design
pipeline for material science end-to-end model, where
datasets are turned into vectors by the encoder to use as After learning the representations that are critical in
the input for the surrogate model, which attempts to influencing the functionality of the materials, we ought
identify the latent representation that can be decoded to to think: could we use them inversely, to generate novel
generate predictions. and maybe better materials? This question had been
Representation learning has been applied in materials sought in 1999 by Franceschetti and Zunger [177], where
science. By using the raw experimental X-ray absorption they successfully searched for the alloy of fixed elements
near edge structure (XANES) spectra, Routh et al. [176] with targeted electronic structure, using Monte Carlo

Fig. 6 Schematic of the representation learning methods used in the structural characterization of catalysts, where the
autoencoder, which includes the encoder and decoder, is used, with the input and output data being the same. Reproduced
with permission from Ref. [176].

13501-8 Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024)

Fig. 7 Depending on the degree of freedom (DOF) involved, the machine learning methodologies of the photonic design
vary. The analytical methods that are suitable for DOF of order unity are replaced by the discriminative model of ML. As
DOF increases, generative model is leveraged to bring down the dimensionality. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [178].

method only. This limited yet profound results show us different scale and granularity with ML model as an aide.
the vast usefulness of solving the inverse problem. Now, An example is shown in Fig. 7, where both discriminative
armed with the computation power and advancement in and generative models are used jointly to design photon-
ML, we are in a better position to answer this question. ics. When the dimensionality of the photonic structures
Generative models like Variational Autoencoders (VAE) involved is very low, at the order of 1, analytical methods
and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) have been are well-suited. However, as the dimensionality increases,
applied in the inverse design of molecules and solid-state the analytical methods are no longer feasible, and the
crystal. ML methods are required. On its own, discriminative
By combining the power of representation learning models are suitable at slightly larger parameters space,
and generative models into a single extensive model, but when the degree of freedom scales up considerably,
that is the joining of neural networks from several parts generative model can be employed to reduce the dimen-
of the workflow into a single network, many benefits can sionality.
be reaped. First of all, the ability of an extensive
network to counter noise levels in the training dataset,
resulting in better predictions or better-generated solu- 5 Databases in material science
tions. Secondly, the latent representation learnt from
each part of the pipeline is more consistent with the Data is prevalent in material science; data which originates
final goal of experimentation or design. Thirdly, the from every aspect and process of material science
absence of human error-prone non-ML intervention research endeavour have varying types, accuracy and
helps experimenters focus on the overall goal and archi- genre. Table 4 lists the typical data types and database
tecture. that are used in ML models. A material science task
By using discriminative models, generative models, often includes processing a combination of data types
and rapid simulation, whether standalone or in combina- listed.
tion, one can construct sophisticated models that tackle The broad spectrum of data types and multi-modules
problems ranging from predicting density functional of input data dictates that material science models need
theory (DFT) properties to inverse device design with to learn to integrate multi-modal data to produce mean-
confidence. One can also explore material design at ingful research results. This trend also means that the

Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024) 13501-9

Table 4 Typical material science databases.

Data type Database

Computational data OQMD: Materials properties calculated from DFT [179,180], Materials project [181], Joint automated
repository for various integrated simulations (JARVIS) [182], AFLOW [183], MatCloud [184], MPDS [185],
NOMAD [186], C2DB [187], 2DMatPedia [188]
Crystallographic data ICSD [189], Crystallography open database (COD) [190], The NIST surface structure database (SSD4) [41],
Aspherical electron scattering factors [191], AlphaFold [192]
Imaging/spectra data MatBench [193], TEMImageNet [194], Single-atom library [195]
Other types Knowledge graph, e.g., propnet [196]

Table 5 Machine learning libraries. All descriptions were adapted from the references therein.

Library Library Description

General deep Deepmind Jax [201] Open ML codebase by Deepmind. With its updated version of Autograd, JAX can
learning libraries automatically differentiate native Python and NumPy code.
(APIs) Keras [202] Free open source Python library for developing and evaluating deep learning models.
PyTorch [203] PyTorch is an open source machine learning framework based on the Torch library.
TensorFlow [204] Created by the Google Brain team, TensorFlow is an open source library for numerical
computation and large-scale machine learning.
Useful libraries for HuggingFace [205] Open NLP Library with Trained Models, API and Dataset Loaders.
machine learning OpenRefine [206] OpenRefine is an open-source desktop application for data cleanup and transformation to
tasks other formats, an activity commonly known as data wrangling.
PyTorch Geometric PyG (PyTorch Geometric) is a library built upon PyTorch to easily write and train Graph
[207] Neural Networks (GNNs) for a wide range of applications related to structured data.
PyTorch lightning PyTorch lightning is the deep learning framework for professional AI researchers and
[208] machine learning engineers who need maximal flexibility without sacrificing performance at
VectorFlow [209] Optimized for sparse data in single machine environment.
Weights & Biases W&B for experiment tracking, dataset versioning, and collaborating on ML projects.
Tools that might be Dscribe [211] Provides popular feature transformations (“descriptors”) for atomistic materials simulations,
useful to material including Coulomb matrix, Ewald sum matrix, sine matrix, Many-body tensor representation
science (MBTR), Atom-centered symmetry funsction (ACSF) and Smooth overlap of atomic
positions (SOAP).
Open graph The open graph benchmark (OGB) is a collection of realistic, large-scale, and diverse
database [212] benchmark datasets for machine learning on graphs. OGB datasets are automatically
downloaded, processed, and split using the OGB Data Loader.
RDKit [213] Opensource library for converting molecules to SMILES string.
Spektral [214] Spektral is a Python library for graph deep learning, based on the Keras API and
TensorFlow 2.

material science community needs to embrace the software calculation data with well-tested and scalable database
and statistical revolution that will propel the field norms (like schema) and eases or speedup data batch
forward. processing. The basis for quantum chemistry libraries is
In order to use computer systems to process material standardized; typical ones include Gaussian Orbital
information, material-related nomenclatures have to Basis (GTO), Plane Wave Basis (PW), and Numerically
adapt to computer processing norms, like string. Both Tabulated Atom-centered Orbitals (NAO). Table 5 lists
atomic and structure of molecules should be evident by softwares which might be useful. The first portion lists
parsing strings, e.g. Simplified molecular-input line-entry general deep learning libraries (APIs), second portion
(SMILES), BigSMILES [197], Self-referencing embedded lists useful libraries for machine learning tasks, third
strings (SELFIES) [198], Physical Information File (PIF) portion lists tools that might be useful to material
[199]. Material Science datasets are often implemented science.
in neural network data loaders like Deep Graph Library
[200]. The ML community’s Datasets have codebases
that organize information that eases software engineers 6 Machine learning descriptors for
to call and process with a library. Most quantum chemistry material science
software is softwareengineering based Application
Programming Interface (API) to share and process The material science datasets are often comprised of
Quantum Chemistrydata; it is written to store quantum atomistic information with the coordinates of atoms, the

13501-10 Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024)

Fig. 8 (a) The mathematical description of the Weyl and Coulomb matrices. (b) The construction of the PRDF sums,
where atoms covered by the yellow strip covering the radius (r, r + dr) are considered. (b) Reproduced with permission from
Ref. [221].

charges on the atoms, and their compositions. To approach for fast and accurate prediction of molecular
capture the spatially invariant information, the local atomization energy. The same eigenvalue-based method
environment on atomic scale is oftenly extracted, such has also been used in a number of recent studies [218,
as the list of neighbouring atoms and their relative 219]. The downsides of this method are the inabilility to
spatial positions. They are then compactified and propa- differentiate enantiometer [220] and the loss of informa-
gated as descriptors in the form of a vector, in a neural tion, as the dimensions are reduced from N2 to N, which
network which maps this information to their properties can sometimes be an advantage [219].
that are of interests: total energy, mass density, bulk As described, the Coulomb matrices methods are only
moduli, etc. In general, a good descriptor needs to have viable for finite system. To extend the pairwise descriptor
the following qualities: to infinite periodic system, Faber et al. [220] proposed
i) Invariant under spatial transformation (arbitrary three different methods: Ewald sum matrices, Sine
translations, rotations, and reflections) matrices, and Extended coulomb-like matrix, and their
ii) Invariant under permutation/exchange of atoms of results show that Sine matrix is the most efficient and
identical species, i.e., only a unique representation for outputs the smallest error.
each arrangement of atoms. Another alternative, the partial radial distribution
iii) Computationally cheap and easy to implement. function (PRDF) was proposed by Schütt et al. [221]
iv) Minor deviation under small perturbations in the and used in their work to perform fast prediction of
atomic structure. density of states at Fermi level for different types of
Clearly, the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms do not solids. The pairwise distances dαβ between two atoms
satisfy the points i) and ii), even though it is the easiest type are considered, in the following equation for PRDF:
imaginable method. There are many different descriptors
1 ∑
Nα ∑Nβ
that have been tried and tested in material science, ( ) ( )
gαβ (r) = θ dαi βj − r θ r + dr − dαi βj ,
which we will attempt to briefly summarize in this Nα Vr i=1 j=1
section, but it is by no means exhaustive. For further
information and use examples on descriptors, the reader
is recommended to the articles of Li et al. [215] and where θ (x) is the step function, Vr is the volume of the
Schmidt et al. [216]. primitive cell, while Nα and Nβ are the number of atoms
of types α and β . Only the atoms in the primitive cell
6.1 Pair-wise descriptor are considered as the shell center, i.e., the atoms αi, see
Fig. 8(b). This function is invariant under translation,
Pair-wise descriptor is a type of descriptor that considers rotation, and different choice of the unit cell.
each and every possible pair of atoms in the system.
Examples include Z-matrices, Weyl matrices, and more 6.2 Local descriptor
recently, the Coulomb matrices [216]. A figure briefly
describing the Weyl matrices and Coulomb matrices are The most intuitive methods to describe a system of
shown in Fig. 8(a). In the work of Rupp et al. [217], atoms that also take into the geometrical aspect into
Coulomb matrices were constructed for a set of organic account is the neighbour-based or local descriptor, as the
molecules that are numerically extracted and sorted electron density is only weakly affected by distant atoms.
descendingly, then the Euclidean difference between the By considering the neighbouring atoms of a selected
vectors of eigenvalues are computed and defined as the atom within a pre-determined cutoff radius, we can store
distance between two molecules (with different dimensions the information about their bonds, such as the bond
accounted for by adding trailing zeroes to vectors). distance and angle.
Using this as the sole descriptor, they developed a ML Behler and Parinello [222] proposed the use of two

Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024) 13501-11

symmetry functions, the radial symmetry function G1i ∑

j1 ∑
j2 ∑
j1 ( )∗
and angular symmetry function G2i : Bj1 ,j2 ,j3 = cjm′ m
m′1 ,m1 =−j1 m′2 ,m2 =−j2 m′ ,m=−j


e−η(Rij −Rs ) fc (Rij ) ,
G1i = (6.2) · Cjjm
1 m1 j2 m2
Cjjm ′
1 m j2 m
j1 j2
′ cm′ m cm′ m ,
1 2
1 2 1 2

all where the Cjjm 1 m1 j2 m2
’s are the ordinary Clebsch–Gordan
G2i =21−ζ (1 + λcosθijk ) coefficients of the SO(4) group.
j,k̸=i The Smooth Overlap of Atomic Positions (SOAP)
−η (Rij
2 2 2
) descriptor [226] uses the atomic density defined in Eq.
×e +Rik +Rjk
fc (Rij ) fc (Rik ) fc (Rjk ) ,
(5), but with the Dirac Delta function replaced by the
(6.3) Gaussians, expanded in terms of spherical harmonics:
where Rij is the distance between atom i and j, θijk is ( ) [ ( )]
the angle between the three atoms i, j, k . There are four exp −α|r − ri | = 4π exp −α r2 + ri2
free parameters in total, λ(= + 1, −1), η, ζ , and the ∑

implicit Rc in fc , defined as · hl (2αrri ) Ylm (rb) Ylm (rbi ) ,
 [ ( ) ] lm
 πRij (6.8)
fc (Rij ) = 0.5 × cos +1 for Rij ≤ Rc ;
 Rc
0 for Rij > Rc . where hl’s are the modified spherical Bessel functions of
the first kind and Ylm is the spherical harmonics. A simi-
(6.4) ∫ ∫ ( ) n
larity kernel k (ρ, ρ′ ) ≡ dR b ρ (r) ρ′ Rr b dr was intro-
The symmetry functions capture the local environment
duced to compare two different atomic environments,
of an atoms, are invariant to permutation, translation,
where n = 2 is used in their study. The normalized
rotation, and changes in coordination number. They
kernel or SOAP kernel
have been used in reproducing potential energy surface
(PES) at DFT accuracy. This formalism was extended ( )ξ

k (ρ, ρ )
and studied in extensive details in Behler [223], where K (ρ, ρ′ ) = √ , (6.9)
the set of symmetry functions are coined the “Atom- k (ρ, ρ) k (ρ′ , ρ′ )
centered Symmetry Functions (ACSFs)”. A further
generalization was done by Seko et al. [224], which where ξ is any positive integer, chosen to control the
included basis functions other than the Gaussian in sensitivity, goes into the PES of the form
Eq. (2), such as Neumann functions and Bessel functions. ∑
N ( )
They also introduced the use of the Least Absolute ε (q) = αk K q, q (k) , (6.10)
Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) technique to k=1
optimize the basis set and find the sparsest representation
to speed up computation. This was successfully used to where the q (k) is the training set configurations. The
reproduce almost DFT-accuracy phonon dispersion and SOAP descriptor is now widely adopted, especially in
specific heat for hcp Mg. A more recent work to reduce the machine-learning of potentials [227–230].
the undesirable scaling in ASCF has also been discussed Based on the SOAP approach, Artrith et al. [216]
[225]. introduced another descriptor for machine-learnt poten-
Another approach using bispectrum, a three-point tials, which does not scale with the number of chemical
correlation function, was introduced by Bartók et al. species, a feature that SOAP lacks. This is carried out
[226]. In this approach, they first construct local atomic by taking the union of a set of invariant coordinates
density function for each atom i, as which maps the atomic structure and another one that
∑ maps the chemical composition, which are both
ρi (r) = δ (r) + δ (r − rij ) fc (|rij |) , (6.5) described by the radial and angular distribution func-
where the δ (r)’s are the Dirac Delta function. This ∑
atomic density is then projected onto the surface of a 4D RDFi (r) = a ϕα (r) , 0 ≤ r ≤ Rc ,
c(2) (6.11)
sphere, by expanding the atomic density using 4D spherical

harmonics, Um ′ m (index i omitted):

′ j
ADFi (r) = a ϕα (θ) , 0 ≤ θ ≤ π,
c(3) (6.12)
cj m′ m = ⟨Um ′ m |ρ⟩, (6.6) α

and the bispectrum is then built from these coefficients, where Rc is the cutoff radius and the ϕα is a complete
defined as basis set, which in their work is the Chebyshev polynomials

13501-12 Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024)

Fig. 9 (a) Structure graph for 2,3,4-trimethylhexane and (b) the related adjacency and distance matrix. Reproduced with
permission from Ref. [231]. (c) The Universal fragment descriptors. The crystal structure is analysed for atomic neighbours
via Voronoi tessellation with the infinite periodicity taken into account. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [232].

of the first kind. when multiplied together gives the Galvez matrix
M ≡ A · D. The information about the atomic/elemental
6.3 Graph-based descriptor reference property q (could be Mendeleev group and
period number, number of valence electron, electronic
By converting the atoms and bonds in a molecule into affinity, covalent radii, etc.) is then incorporated in the
vertices and edges, we can turn the molecule into a pair of descriptors for a particular property q ,
graph as depicted in Fig. 9(a). The information about

n−1 ∑
the edges and the edge distance between vertices can TE = |qi − qj | Mij , (6.13)
then be encoded into the adjacency and distance matrices i=1 j=i+1
[231], shown in Fig. 9(b). This graph-theoretic approach
is known as structure graph, which has been devised ∑
Tbond = |qi − qj | Mij , (6.14)
long ago in 1863. Despite the simplicity and apparent
loss of 3D information, structure graphs have seen
widespread uses in comparing the structure of molecules. where the former runs over all pairs of atoms while the
The generalization of structure graph to periodic latter only considers bonded pairs of atoms.
systems is the Universal Fragment Descriptor (UFD) Xie et al. [233] proposed a framework, the generalized
[232], which uses the Voronoi tessellation [see Fig. 9(c)] crystal graph convolutional neural networks (CGCNN)
to determine the connectivity of atoms, in the following which introduced another graph-based descriptor that is
two steps: inspired by the UFD. Their construction of the crystal
i) The crystal is partitioned into atom-centered graph is illustrated in Fig. 10, where the connectivity
Vornoi–Dirichlet polyhedral; determination is the same as in UFD, but they used the
ii) Atoms that share a perpendicular-bisecting Voronoi one-hot encoding to encode the atom and bond properties
face with interatomic distance smaller than the Cordero in two separate feature vectors: node feature vectors and
covalent radii (with 0.25 Å tolerance) is determined to edge feature vectors. They are the descriptors, which are
be connected. Periodic atoms are considered. then sent through convolutional layer, which further
which defines the graph. Subgraphs are also extracts critical features while reducing the dimensions.
constructed corresponding to the individual fragments, Convolutional neural network is discussed in Section 7.
which include linear paths connecting at most 4 atoms
and circular fragments, representing the coordination 6.4 Topological descriptor
polyhedral of an atom. Then, an adjacency matrix A is
constructed based on the determined connectivity, along Topology famously does not differentiate between a
with a reciprocal distance matrix (Dij = 1/rij 2 , which
) donut and a coffee mug, as they both have a hole. This

Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024) 13501-13

Fig. 11 (a) Left to right: 0-, 1-, 2-, 3-simplex. (b) An

Fig. 10 Crystal graph construction proposed used in the
example of a simplicial complex, with five vertices: a, b, c, d,
generalized crystal graph convolutional neural networks.
and e, six 1-simplices: A, B, C, D, E, and F, and one 2-
Reproduced with permission from Ref. [233].
simplex T. The Betti numbers for this complex are
β0 = β1 = 1. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [238].
is because in topology, most of the geometrical features
are stripped away, leaving only quantities that are
enclosed by the 1-simplices A, B, C, and F, giving β1 = 1.
invariant under continuous deformation. This seemingly Note that the face of the triangle is filled, thus it is not
bizarre concept has had deep impacts in physics and was counted as a hole.
the main theme of the works that won the 2014 Nobel To generate simplicial complex from the crystal data,
Prize. A branch of topology, persistence homology, we use the Vietoris–Rips (VR) filtration process, giving
measures the topological features which persist across VR complex. This is carried out by increasing a filtration
different scales or granularity, and encodes them into parameter, commonly the Euclidean distance cutoff
diagrams. This idea has already been used to classify between points, where points that are within cutoff
and describe proteins [234, 235], and used as ML distance of each other are connected. The filtration
descriptor for crystalline [236] and armophous solids parameter used in the crystal descriptor is the radius
[237]. However, it has not been widely used due to its measured from each atom, d , which is increased from 0
mathematically complicated nature, and the lack of to 8 Å. As d increases, the simplicial complex also
physical and chemical intuition also further hinders the undergoes changes, where the Betti numbers of “holes”
ability to interpret the results [216]. Here, we will change. This can be quantitatively plotted using persis-
attempt to provide a simplified and non-rigorous tence barcodes for each of the Betti numbers, as can be
overview of persistent homology and the crystal topological seen in Fig. 12, where each barcode represents each of
descriptor of Jiang et al. [236]. For a rigorous and the “hole” for each Betti number. As d reaches 4 Å, all
detailed introduction to persistent homology, Ref. [238] the Betti 0 barcodes except one suddenly terminate,
is recommended along with other works cited in this indicating that the points are now all connected as the
paragraph, especially Ref. [235]. Na atoms are separated by 4 Å. There is no Betti 1
The basic building blocks of persistent homology are barcode because the distances between any two Na
the simplices (see Fig. 11): a 0-simplex is a point, a 1- atoms are the same, reflecting the structure symmetry.
simplex is two connected points, a 2-simplex is a filled To embed different elemental compositions, atom-wise
triangle, and a 3-simplex is a filled tetrahedron. A face chemical information is used, where a chosen atom is
can be a point, a line, or a 2D surface, depending on the surrounded by atoms of a chosen type, such as in Figs.
number of points. A simplicial complex K is a collection 12(a) and (b), where the selected Na atom is surrounded
of simplices which satisfies two conditions: by only Na atoms and Cl atoms, respectively. The birth,
i) Faces of a simplex in K are also in K . death, and the persistent length of the Betti barcodes
ii) Any intersection of two simplices in K is a face of are then encoded in a vector known as ASPH feature
both the simplices. vector.
In a simplicial complex, holes are considered as voids
that are bounded by simplices of different dimensions. In 6.5 Reciprocal space-based descriptor
dimension 0, a connected component is counted as a
hole; in dimension 1, a hole is a loop bounded by 1- The reciprocal space is linked to the real space by the
simplices or edges; in dimension 2, hole is bounded by 2- means of Fourier transform and can be mapped using X-
simplices or triangles. The number of i-dimensional holes ray diffraction (XRD) into 2D diffraction pattern [see
or voids in a simplicial complex is basically described by Fig. 13(a)], either experimentally or computationally. 2D
the i-th Betti numbers, βi (K), e.g., β0 is the number of XRD data has first been applied as descriptor by Ziletti
connected components, β1 is the number of loops, and β2 et al. [239] to automatically classify crystal structures.
is the number of cavities. An example is shown in Fig. In their work, they rotated the crystal 45o clockwise and
11(b), where there are five 0-simplices or vertices, forming counterclockwise about a chosen axis and superimposed
six 1-simplices, and one 2-simplices. Since all the points the obtained XRD patterns. This is then carried out for
are connected, β0 = 1; there is a square-shaped hole the other two axes, with different colours of the RGB

13501-14 Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024)

Fig. 12 Persistence barcode plot for the selected Na atom inside a NaCl crystal, surrounded by only (a) Na atoms and (b)
Cl atoms. (c) Construction of crystal topological descriptor, taking into account different chemical environmen t. Reproduced
with permission from Ref. [236].

palette chosen for the patterns obtained from the rotation generate the XRD computationally. They successfully
of different axis [e.g., red for x-axis, green for y-axis, and distinguished solid-state lithium-ion conductors with this
blue for z-axis, see Fig. 13(b)]. The final obtained descriptor using unsupervised learning.
pattern is then used as the descriptor, fed into a convo-
lutional network, similar to image-based object recogni- 6.6 Reduction of descriptor dimension
tion. The benefits of the XRD descriptor are that the
dimension is independent of the system size and very In materials science, there are many possible combinations
robust to defects [compare Fig. 13(b) and Fig. 13(c)]. of various properties that can be used as descriptors. It
The more conventional XRD is the 1D XRD, shown is often difficult to select and fine-tune the descriptor
in Fig. 13(d) for different crystals, which is obtained space manually. This is a common problem in the field
based on Bragg’s law, mapping the 3D structures into of ML, and several methods have been developed to
1D fingerprints. 1D XRD based descriptor has been used tackle this issue: principal component analysis (PCA)
to classify crystal structure [240] and predict their prop- [242, 243], least absolute shrinkage and selection operator
erties [241]. In the latter, the group used modified XRD, (LASSO) [244], and sure independence screening and
where only the anions sublattice is considerd with the sparsifying operator (SISSO) [245]. However, they
cations removed, and the pymatgen package is used to mainly work for models that are linear, hence not

Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024) 13501-15

Fig. 13 (a) Experimental XRD method, where X-ray plane wave incidents on a crystal, resulting in diffraction fingerprints.
(b, c) XRD-based image descriptor for a crystal where each RGB colour corresponds to rotation about the x, y, z axes. The
robustness of the descriptor against defects can be observed by comparing (b) to (c). (d) Examples of 1D XRD. (a–c) Reproduced
with permission from Ref. [239], (d) Reproduced with permission from Ref. [241].

Table 6 List of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms used by various tools or framework developed in materials science.

ML algorithms Tool
Support vector machine (SVM) Refs. [260, 261, 262, 246]
Kernel ridge regression (KRR) Refs. [237, 263, 247, 264]
Deep neural network VampNet [257], DTNN [265], ElemNet [266],
IrNet [267], PhysNet [268], DeepMolNet [269],
SIPFENN [270], SpookyNet [250]
Convolutional neural network (CNN) SchNet [271], Refs. [239, 240, 272, 273]
Graph neural network (GNN) CGCNN [274], MEGNet [275], GATGNN [276],
OrbNet [277], DimeNET [278], ALIGNN [279], MXMNet [280],
GraphVAMPNet [281], GdyNets [282], NequIP [283],
PaiNN [284], CCCGN [285, 286], FFiNet [287]
Generative adversarial networks (GAN) Ref. [288], CrystalGAN [246], MatGAN [289]
Variational auto encoder (VAE) FTCP [290], CDVAE [291], Refs. [292, 263]
Random forest/ decision tree Refs. [236, 293, 294, 251, 295, 296]
Unsupervised clustering Refs. [241, 282, 252, 297, 298]
Roost [299], AtomSets [288], XenonPy.MDL [289],
Transfer learning
TDL [290], Refs. [256, 291, 292, 300, 301]

directly applicable for neural network-based models them together by the ML algorithms used. We then
[239]. briefly describe the commonly used algorithms and also
introduces some of the emerging algorithms, which could
further unlock the potential of materials science ML
7 Machine learning algorithms for applications.
material science
7.1 Currently utilized algorithms
In this section, we collate the recently developed ML-
based tools and frameworks in materials science, grouping Table 6 enumerates the ML algorithms used in relatively

13501-16 Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024)

Fig. 14 (a) Neural network (NN) with 3 layers: input, hidden, and output. (b) Deep NN with 3 hidden layers. Reproduced
with permission from Ref. [257].

recent developed tools or framework in materials science. structure, and regression models to predict the band
It can be seen that the convolutional and graph neural gaps of binary compounds, using the polynomial kernel
networks are the popular algorithms, with transfer learning [Eq. (7.2)] with d = 2 and θ = 1.
also picking up pace. We will briefly introduce the algo- Wu et al. [247] used KRR to assist in non-adiabatic
rithms, drawing examples from the materials science molecular dynamics (NA-MD) simulations, particularly
implementation. in the prediction of excitation energy and interpolate
nonadiabatic coupling. KRR was chosen over neural
7.1.1 Kernel-based linear algorithms networks because of the fewer hyperparameters KRR
possessed, and KRR requires only the use of simple
Support vector machine (SVM) and kernel ridge regression matrix operation to find the global minimum. By only
(KRR) are kernel-based ML algorithms, which utilize providing a small fraction (4%) of sampled points, KKR
kernel functions K(x, x′ ) that allow high-dimensional gives a reliable estimate while saving MD computational
feature to be used implicitly, without actually computing effort of over an order of magnitude.
the feature coordinates explicitly, hence speeding up
computation. Furthermore, it allows non-linear problem 7.1.2 Neural network
to be solved using linear algorithms by mapping the
problem into a higher-dimensional space. Examples of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs, shortened to NNs) is
commonly used kernel functions include a type of ML architecture that aims to mimic the neural
Linear kernel: structure of the brain. In NNs, there are 3 types of
layers consists of interconnected nodes: input layer,
K (x, x′ ) = (xi · xj + θ) ; (7.1) hidden layer(s), and output layer, as shown in Fig. 14(a).
The input layer receives the input raw data, which is
Polynomial kernel:
then propagated to the hidden layer(s), where the nodes
K (x, x′ ) = (xi · xj + θ) ; are functions of the backward-connected nodes and each
connection is weighted. The function of a hidden layer
Gaussian kernel/radial basis function (RBF): node m with x being the node values of previous layer,
( ) takes the form:
−||x − x || ( )
K (x, x′ ) = exp
i j
, (7.3) ∑n
hm = σ b + ωi · xi , (7.4)
where x is the input data, while θ and σ are adjustable
parameters. SVM is used for both classification and where σ (z) is known as the activation function, where a
regression problem, denoted as SVC and SVR, respec- common choice is the sigmoid function σ (z) = 1/(1 + e−z )
tively. On the other hand, KKR is used only for regression and b is bias term, and the ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit)
problems and it is very similar to SVR, except for the function, simply defined as σ (z) = max(0, z). After the
different loss functions. hidden layer(s), the information is then passed toward
Applications of both types of SVM are demonstrated to the output layer, which is another function of the
in the work of Lu et al. [246]. Using atomic parameters nodes of the final hidden layer. The outputs are
such as electronegativity, atomic radius, atomic mass, measured against true value using a pre-defined cost
valence, and functions of these parameters, they function, with the simplest example for regression problem
constructed classifier for the formability of perovskite being the sum of squared error

Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024) 13501-17

Fig. 15 The CNN architecture used in the work of Ziletti et al. [239]. (a) A kernel or learnable filter is applied all over the
image, taking scalar product between the filter and the image data at every point, resulting in an activation map. This
process is repeated in (b), which is then coarse grained in (c), reducing the dimension. The map is then transferred to regular
NNs hidden layers (d) before it is used to classify the crystal structure (e). Reproduced with permission from Ref. [239].

J (ω) =
(yi − ybi ) , Ziletti et al. [239] used CNN architecture, as depicted in
n i=1 2 Fig. 15. The convolution layers capture elements that
are discriminative and discard unimportant details.
where yi and ybi are the true and predicted values respec- Graph NNs is specifically designed for input data that
tively, and the sum is taken over the whole training set are structured as graph, which contains nodes and edges,
with n being the size of the training set. The weights are and can handle inputs of different sizes. There are
then optimized iteratively using the backpropagation several differrent types of graphs NNs, such as graph
method, which is a function of the gradient of the cost convolutional network (GCNNs), graph attention
function. For a detailed discussion, the book [248] is network, and Message Passing Neural Network.
Deep NNs are NNs with more than one hidden layer 7.1.3 Decision tree and ensembles
[see Fig. 14(b)]. By having more hidden layers, the
model is better positioned to capture the nonlinearities Decision tree is a supervised method for solving both
in the data. However, having too many hidden layers classification and regression problems, which resembles a
can cause the convergence or learning to be slow and tree. A typical decision tree is shown in Fig. 16(a),
difficult, because the gradients used in backpropagation where each internal node represents a feature or
will tend to become vanishingly small. To overcome this attribute, each branch contains a decision rule, and each
issue, residual block has been devised [249], which intro- leaf node is a class label or a numerical value, depending
duces shortcut between layers. on the type of problem solved. The number of node
SpookyNet [250] is a DNN-based model built to layers a decision tree contains is known as depth, which
construct force fields that explicitly include nonlocal needs to be tuned. An important metric used in measuring
effects. In their DNN architecture, the generalized the performance of a decision tree in classification is the
sigmoid linear unit (SiLU) activation function is used, information gain, which is defined as the difference of
which is given by silu (x) = 1+αx e−βx
, where both α and β the information entropy between the parent and child
are learneable parameters. They noted that a smooth node; while for regression problem, the variance reduction
activation function is crucial for the prediction of potential is the performance evaluation metric for a decision tree.
energies, as discontinuities in the atomic forces would be Decision tree is advantageous when it comes to inter-
introduced otherwise. They introduced a loss function pretability, but it suffers from overfitting, especially
that has 3 components: energy, forces, and dipole when the tree is too deep and complex. It can also be
moments, which is minimized by optimizing the weights overly-sensitive to data changes.
using mini-batch gradient descent. They also incorporated Random forest is an algorithm that combines multiple
residual block which allowed them to use a large number decision tree, with each of them trained on randomized
of hidden layers. subsets of samples, where both training data and
Convolutional NNs (CNNs) is primarily used in image features are chosen random with replacement in a
pattern recognition, and is different from deep NNs by process known as bootstrapping. The final decision is
having a few extra layers, which are the convolutional then made by aggregating the results from each decision
and pooling layers. The extra layers filter and convolute tree and taking the majority vote for classification or the
the data to capture crucial features in the data and also average for regression. The steps taken above are collec-
reduce the input dimension, which scales quickly with tively known as bagging, which help ensure that the
resolution in image recognition problems. The work of random forest algorithm is less sensitive to changes in

13501-18 Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024)

Fig. 16 (a) An example of a decision tree, where each square represents internal node or feature, each arrow represents
branch or decision rule, and the green circles are leafs representing class labels or numerical values. (b) Dendogram obtained
via agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) where the dashed line indicates the optimal clustering. (a) Reproduced with
permission from Ref. [258], (b) Reproduced with permission from Ref. [241].

the dataset and more robust to overfitting. randomly, and each data point is assigned to a cluster
Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GDBT) is another centroid that is closest in Euclidean distance to the data
method that uses ensembles of decision trees but in point. The centroids are then moved to a new location
sequence rather than in parallel. GBDT works by adding that is the arithmetic mean of the assigned data points.
decision trees iteratively, with each one attempts to This repeats until convergence, i.e., there is no more
improve upon the errors of the previous tree. The final movement among the centroids. The number K determines
output from the trees ensembles is then taken by using the number of classes in the data, which can be known
weighted average of the decision trees outputs. before hand if the dataset has clear distinction, e.g.,
Random forest models are used in the work of Zheng metal vs. non-metal, or can be optimized using the
et al. [251], which predicts the atomic environment elbow method, which has an associated cost function J
labels from the X-ray absorption near-edge structure that is optimized by the best choice of K. Despite its
(XANES). Using the random forest classifier of scikit- popularity, K-Means clustering has some limitations,
learn package, they found that 50 trees ensemble gave such as sensitivity to outliers, dependence on the
the best performance, even better than other classifiers, centroids position initialization, ineffective for dataset
such as CNN and SVC. On the other hand, GBDT has with uneven distribution, and predetermined number of
been used for regression in the topology-based formation clusters.
energy predictor [236]. Also using the scikit-learn pack- Several alternatives have been: proposed which
age, they added a tree to their model one at a time and improves upon the limitations of K-Means clustering.
used bootstrapping to reduce overfitting. This topology- Agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC), used in
based model is able to achieve a high accuracy in cross- the work of Zhang et al. [241], is initialized by using
validation, with mean absolute error of only 61 meV/ each data point as a single cluster, then iteratively
atom, outperforming previous works that uses Voronoi merged the clusters of the closest points until one big
tessellations and Coulomb matrix method. cluster is left. Then, a dendogram or a bottom-up hier-
archical tree diagram, as show in Fig. 16(b), which can
7.1.4 Unsupervised clustering be cut at a desired precision, as indicated in the figure
via a dashed line, where 7 groups are obtained. To verify
K-Means clustering is a popular unsupervised classification the results, they performed spectral clustering, which
algorithm which aims to group similar data points splits the samples into chosen K groups, based on the
together in K different clusters. K numbers of points eigenvalues of the similarity matrix constructed from the
that are known as cluster centroids are initialized data. This process is recursively applied bisectionally,

Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024) 13501-19

Fig. 17 The architectures of the two generative models, Generative adversarial networks (GAN) and Variational auto
encoders (VAE). Reproduced with permission from Ref. [259].

and they obtained similar clusters as the AHC. There is proposed a two-step VAE-based generator is shown in
also the mean-shift algorithm, utilized in Ref. [252]. Fig. 18(b). In the first step, the materials data is passed
to a convolutional autoencoder, which contains 4 convo-
7.1.5 Generative models (GAN and VAE) lutional layers, outputting a compressed intermediate
vector, which is then fed to a decoder that aims to maps
Generative models attempt to learn the underlying the vector back to the input. The intermediate vector is
distribution of a training dataset, and use that to generate fed into the VAE in 2nd step to learn about the latent
new samples that resemble the original data. Two popular materials space. To generate completely novel poly-
types of generative models are Generative Adversarial morphs, the materials space around known stable structure
Networks (GAN) and Variational Autoencoders (VAE). is sampled using random Gaussian distributed vectors
As can be seen from Fig. 17, there are two different and the resulting latent vectors are decoded in a series
neural networks in both of the models: GAN contains a of steps to output new stable structures. The model is
discriminator and generator network, while VAE has a able to recover 25 out of 31 known structures that are
decoder and encoder network. In GAN, random noise is not included in the training, and 47 new valid compositions
injected into the generator network and subsequently are discovered that have eluded genetic algorithms.
outputs a sample that is then fed to the discriminator
network, which is then classified as real or generated 7.1.6 Transfer learning
sample. The networks are trained together until the
generated samples are able to convince the discriminator In materials science, high quality data for a specific type
that the samples are real and not generated. On the of materials is usually scarce, which severely impedes the
other hand, VAE tries to learn the latent representations applications of ML in generating high quality predictions
from the training data and generate new samples based [255]. Transfer learning (TL) is a method that can be
on them using probabilistic approach. applied to overcome this data scarcity issue. In transfer
A variant of GAN, Wasserstein GAN, has been learning, the parameters of a model that has been pre-
applied in the work of Kim et al. [253], which generate trained on a large data set but with different task/
Mg–Mn–O ternary materials which can potentially be purpose, are used to initialize training on another data-
used as potential photoanode materials. The overview of scarce task, such as the parameters of the models used
their GAN architecture is shown in Fig. 18(a), which for predicting formation energy is later used to train
after training, takes in random Gaussian noise vector Z another task of predicting band gaps.
and encoded composition vector, and spits out new Chang et al. [256] combined pairwise transfer learning
unseen crystals. The new crystals are then passed to a and mixture of experts (MoEs) framework in their model.
critic and a classifier, where the former computes the In pairwise transfer learning, a model is pre-trained on a
Wasserstein distance that measures the dissimilarity source task (task designed for the large dataset) and a
between the generated and true data distributions, subset of the pre-trained model parameters is used to
which are used to improve the realism of the generated produce generalizable features of an atomic structure,
materials, while the latter ensure that the generated defined as a feature extractor. This extractor extracts a
materials meet the composition condition. Using this feature vector from an atomic structure, which can be
model, they found 23 previously unknown new crystals used to predict a scalar property after passing thorugh a
with suitable stability and band gap. neural network. On the other hand, MoE contains multiple
An example of inverse design using VAE was demon- neural network models that specialize in different
strated in the work of Noh et al. [254], where their regions of the input space, known as “experts”, and each

13501-20 Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024)

Fig. 18 (a) Composition-conditioned crystal GAN, designed to generate crystals that can be applied in photodiode.
(b) Simplified VAE architecture used in the inverse design of VxOy materials. (a) Reproduced with permission from Ref.
[253], (b) Reproduced with permission from Ref. [254].

of them are activated and controlled by a gating func- or more of these features [304]: sparsity, simulatability,
tion. The outputs of the “experts” are then aggregated and modularity. A model that has limited number of
through an aggregation function. Using this architecture, nonzero parameters is known as sparse, and this can be
the authors have performed many downstream, data- obtained by the LASSO method, whereas if a model can
scarce tasks, such as predicting band gap, poisson ratio, be easily comprehend and mentally simulate by the
2D materials exfoliation energy, and experimental human user is simulatable, such as decision trees-based
formation energies. model. A modular model is a model that combines
several modules which can be interpreted independently.
7.2 Emerging ML methods In the field of materials science, the understanding of
the physical and chemical intuition is paramount as it
7.2.1 Explainable AI (XAI) methods opens the door to understanding hidden connection and
physics, and improve the efficiency of future studies by
The DNNs-based approaches discussed have proved to providing insights from previous work. The importance
be of great help in assisting and speeding up materials and implementation of XAI in materials ML tools (refer
research, but their black-box nature has made under- to Table 6) have been discussed in the review of Oviedo
standing and explaining the results difficult, which has et al. [58] and Zhong et al. [302]. Zhong et al. [302]
also plagued the general ML community [302]. In presented an overview of DNNs-based XAI as shown in
systems that trust, fairness, and moral are highly critical, Fig. 19(a), which highlight two fundamental motivations
such as in healthcare, finance, and autonomous driving, for XAI, which is the need for explaining how the results
the decisions made by AI cannot be blindly trusted are obtained from the input (model processing), and
without understanding the motivation and reasoning what information is contained in the network (model
behind the choice. Furthermore, when the black box representations). The design of an intrinsically explainable
returns results that are erroneous and puzzling, it can be DNNs will prove important in answering the questions
difficult to diagnose and correct without knowing what posed, but is itself a highly difficult task. In the follow-
exactly went wrong. To overcome these issues, the XAI ing, we will illustrate some of the materials science XAI
techniques were introduced, which try to explain the implementation, which is still in its infancy.
reasonings and connections behind a prediction or classi- Kondo et al. [305] used heat maps to highlight the
fication. feature importance, particularly in identifying the positive
There are many post-hoc (i.e., applied after model and negative features that affect ionic conductivity in
fitting) XAI methods proposed for the general ML ceramics, using scanning electron microscope (SEM)
community [303], including gradient-based attribution images. Their CNN-based model used feature visualization
(Gradients, Integrated gradients, and DeepLIFT), method that is very similar to the deconvolution method
deconvolution-based methods (Guided backpropagation, used in CAM and Grad-CAM. By defining mask map,
Deconvolution, Class activation maps (CAM), Grad- they obtained masked SEM images [see Fig. 19(b)] that
CAM), model-agnostic techniques (Shapley additive show features that determine low and high ionic conduc-
explanations (SHAP), local interpretable model-agnostic tivities.
explanations (LIME), Ancors). A recent implementation of XAI for crystals is the
Another type of XAI is the use of models that are CrysXPP [306] which is built upon an auto-encoder-
inherently interpretable or explainable, which have one based architure, CrysAE, that containing deep encoding

Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024) 13501-21

Fig. 19 (a) Overview of explainable DNNs approaches. (b) Feature visualization in the form of heat map used in determining
the ionic conductivity from SEM images. (a) Reproduced with permission from Ref. [302], (b) Reproduced with permission
from Ref. [305].

module which is capable of capturing the important LASSO to improve the sparsity of the features. An
structural and composition information in crystal graph. example of the explainable results obtained is shown in
The information learnt is then transferred to the GCNN Fig. 20(b), where features that affect the band gap of
contained within CrysXPP [shown in Fig. 20(a)], which GaP crystal are weighted and compared.
takes in feature selected from crystal graph. The feature Compositionally restricted attention-based network
selector contains trainable weights that selects weighted (CrabNet) [307, 308] is an example of explainable DNN
subset of important features, which is fine-tuned with in materials science that is based on the Transformer-

Fig. 20 (a) The architecture of CrysXPP, which is capable of producing explainable results, as seen in (b) the bar chart
of features affecting the band gap of GaP crystal. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [306].

13501-22 Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024)

based self-attention mechanism [69], a type of algorithm

initially intended for NLP, but has exploded in popularity
recently. Briefly, the transformer self-attention mechanism
allows the model to focus on the different parts of the
input and relate them with weights to encode a repre-
sentation. In this way, the dependencies between the
elements are better captured, even when some of the
elements are present in very small amount, e.g., dopants,
which even in small quantity can have tremendous effect
on the properties of the materials.

7.2.2 Few-shot learning (FSL)

As mentioned above, high-quality data in materials Fig. 21 High-throughput screening with learnt interatomic
science which are complete with proper labels are scarce. potential embedding from Ref. [330]. With the integration of
This issue is exarcebated when we look at experimental active learning and DFT in the screening pipeline, the
data, which unlike computationally-produced data, is throughput efficiency or the quality of the output obtained
plagued with issues stemming from the different experi- from calculation can be improved. Reproduced with permission
from Ref. [330].
mental equipments and variable environments. There-
fore, the few-shot learning (FSL), which specifically
targets situation where data is limited, has enticed currently popular GGA on the Jacob’s ladder of Perdew
materials scientists, especially the experimentalists. [315] is desirable. The techniques of ML have been
There are several approaches to FSL, as discussed in started to be utilized in the generation of new XC func-
Refs. [309, 310], such as metric-based, optimization- tionals [316–320], with the aim of improving the calculated
based, and model-based approach. FSL is still a relatively accuracy while maintaining the efficiency. Transferability
young and unrefined method, but it has already remains a huge challenge, which will need a huge and
attracted a lot of attentions. FSL has been implemented diverse dataset to achieve.
in the prediction of molecular properties [311, 312], clas- The potentials and force fields used in molecular
sification of space group from electron backscatter dynamics (MD) are critical in determining the reliability
diffraction (EBSD) data [313], and segmenting electron and accuracy of the output [321]. MD that does not
microscopy data [314]. involve first-principles approach but rather fixed potentials
are in general less accurate the ab initio MD (AIMD),
but they can be applied on a large system and long time
8 Machine learning tasks for material scale, where AIMD is too costly. As such, one would
science hope that the standard MD can bring about results similar
to AIMD. Developed in 2017, DeePMD [322] accurately
This section will discuss the coverage of materials reproduced the water model obtained from DFT. The
science tasks that ML tools have been utilized to assists same team developed an open-source tool for the on-the-
in tackling. The common ML tasks in material science fly generation of MD potentials, known as DP-GEN
often coincide with the traditional ML tasks, which have [323], available on available on URL:
been extensively studied and optimized. The tasks of modeling/dpgen. In 2020, the team won the ACM
inference of material property given structural and Gordon Bell Prize for the DeePMD work, as it can be
compositional data, generative modelling from a latent scaled efficiently on the best HPC. Similar works have
representation of desired properties, and the generation also been carried out by other teams [324, 325].
of DFT functionals, are analogous to the tasks that ML Another material modeling technique is the Density
has traditionally performed well, including object classi- Functional Tight Binding (DFTB) method, which is less
fication, image and text generation using text cues, and computational expensive than DFT-based first principles
natural language processing (NLP). calculations. Efforts have been carried out on applying
ML to obtain the TB parameters [252, 326].
8.1 Potentials, functionals, and parameters generation
8.2 Screening of materials
Traditionally, the XC functionals used in DFT are
generated through mathematical approaches, guided by There are many methods to compress design space. To
empirical data, such as the Perdew–Zunger exchange, name few, one could train a model that predicts material
with the exact XC functional remains elusive. The property given material information or performs ML
search for an improved XC functional above the guided simulation of new materials to predict material

Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024) 13501-23

Fig. 22 Schematics of generative adversarial network. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [332].

behaviour under certain circumstances. High-throughput 8.4 Imaging data analysis

screening eliminates most potential materials without
actually performing actual experiments to verify their There are many imaging methods to capture the structure
property and provide experimentalists with a minimal and fingerprints of a material experimentally at the
set of candidate materials to try out. Pivoting to a atomic level, such as X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier
generative model perspective, one could also specify Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Atomic Force
material properties and generate stable materials that Microscopy (AFM), Transmission Electron Microscopy
are likely to fit the specified property [327–329]. (TEM), and many others. Typically, they require laborious
human interpretation to understand the meaning of the
There are many properties that are of interests,
signals and whether they are due to noises and errors.
including band gaps, bulk and shear moduli, crystal
This can be remedied with the help of ML, and thus far
structures, conductivity, and topological states, as
ML has been applied to:
discussed in details in Ref. [216]. These properties are
• Identify symmetry and space group from XRD
usually computed via DFT, which could be computa-
tionally expensive depending on the system setup. Properly
• Discover hidden atomic scale knowledge from XRD
setup and trained ML models can produce DFT-level
accuracy properties predictions, while at far lower • Identify functional group in gaseous organic
computational time. Isayev et al. [232] managed to molecule [335];
obtain prediction at 0.1 s for each structure, which • Analyze patterns and feature in AFM images,
amounts to 28 million structure in a day, as pictured in including domain wall and grain boundaries [336];
Fig. 21. However, a well-trained and fully-transferable • Quantify nanoscale forces in dynamic AFM [337];
ML model requires the existence of high-quality large • Perform structural analysis and reconstruction in
database and heavy computational power to optimize TEM [338];
the model. • Identify chemistry and processing history from
microstructure image [298];
8.3 Novel material generation • Characterize and analyze mechanical behaviour in
microstructure image [339].
The latent representations of common desired properties
are of high interests among the community [331]. Based 8.5 Natural language processing of material
on the learnt latent representation, we can generate science literature
structure with similar desired properties at will. This is
often carried out using the generative models, such as Nature language processing (NLP) refers to the ability
GAN and VAE, as demonstrated in the work of Dong et of computer algorithm to understand spoken and written
al. [332] and Pathak et al. [333]. language. This technology has seen explosive develop-

13501-24 Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024)

ment, with the recent GPT-3 [340] and now GPT-4 [341] (crystal structures). These discoveries can hugely impact
models making strides not just academically, but used in physics and chemistry theory [346], experiments and
just about everywhere. The trained AI models are able research methods. Physics-informed neural networks
to hold realistic conversation with humans, take stan- [347] can both improve neural network performance and
dardized exams [342], write codes in various programming physics research efficiency.
language, and so on. Increasingly, it could be more and more about the
Most of the published results on materials science are mapping of descriptors. We can imagine that with the
not stored in a centralized database, which hinders the emergence of more sophisticated models, it is possible to
overall effort of ML applications. The NLP techniques advance a particular segment of study in material
can help this by scraping information from published science, such as polymer design, by completing a well-
literatures, such as the materials structure and proper- defined sophisticated task with a model/model of
ties. Tshitoyan et al. [343] demonstrated that an unsu- computation, where the lack of relevant databases will
pervised learning modethat can capture complicated limit its advancement. Tracing the development of
underlying knowledge from the literature and recommend computer science, sophisticated models which perform
materials for functional applications before their actual generic tasks in material science well will again be inte-
discovery. NLP also can help hypothesis formation and grated into a giant multi-purpose model much like a
provide knowledge on the current trends in the field generic processing chip, to which we can prompt for
[344]. NLP methods can also serve as an efficient knowledge insights which was previously only gained by human
extractor from vast amount of material science literature, experimentation at a much slower rate. ML models will
making the literature review process more efficient and bring material scientists closer to the many possibilities
thorough for researchers [345]. already inherent in big data itself, allowing us to explore
and exploit the possibilities with greater efficiency. The
task material scientist will be able to complete with the
9 Perspectives on the integration of help of machine learning will become more integrated
machine learning in materials science and sophisticated, from the screening of material to the
design of material as a complete task. Then with the
In the following we will list perspectives on the integration design of material as an atomic/primitivetransaction, we
of machine learning in materials science with materal will be able to come out with new science on top of the
science point of view and with machine learning point of material design as a whole.
view, respectively.
9.1.2 Systematic generalization
9.1 Perspectives from machine learning viewpoint
In our stride towards autonomous general intelligence
As ML techniques and ideals become ever more preva- (AGI), researchers have drawn many parallels and inspi-
lent, we believe algorithmic templates and ML ideas will rations from neuro-sciences [348] and how humans learn
eventually become either the target modes of computation and teach each other to develop models which better
or the mode of guidelines which decides the permutation generalizes to novel situations and objects well. We
to which areas of material science garner attention and expect a body of material science knowledge and ideas
gain resources. Machine translation has evolved from a to become generalized and accessible to other fields,
rule-based coupled with statistical model to a very data- conveyed by advanced models in the future, where we
driven approach, and researchers are discussing the can generalize or verbalize properties of imagined materials
translation task with less and less reference to a specific or predict performance of material in novel situations
source and target languages, pivoting towards advancing with high accuracy with its formal deduction process
mode of computation for the task as a whole. generated by models. We can also observe the interac-
tion, cooperation or contradiction between bodies of
9.1.1 More deep integrations materials science knowledge for novel materials and
circumstances, and perform research on the intersection
We might also observe the trend of attempting to learn of bodies of knowledge with more depth and rigor. ML
descriptors for parts of complex systems with ML models can also learn to identify potential directions for
models to be either more computationally efficient or exploration, come up with a comprehensive experimenta-
more human interpretable or editable. Instead of scientists tion plan and collaborate with human researchers as a
attempting to describe a system with equations from navigation co-pilot. The novel direction identified will be
first principles, ML models can help scientists discover a novel and comprehensive because models can learn from
better set of descriptors for systems across all datasets. passive observations of a large material science literature,
For example, descriptors could be descriptors for input its publication trend [349] and insight analysis of
data (atomistic information/reaction space) or labels researchers.

Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024) 13501-25

9.1.3 Huge computational models 9.2 Perspectives from material science viewpoint

With the development of reaction environment models, Currently, one of the biggest challenges is the availability
one might also reasonably expect reinforcement learning of high-quality data. The increasing number of research
game-play learning to learn an agent policy for a mate- groups adapting the open data approach and the growing
rial, i.e., to first learn a material behaviour that is desirable availability of internet of things (IoT) devices will solve
for a particular purpose, followed by an automatic this problem, albeit gradually. We have also discussed
search/generation of material which suits the specifica- several possible methods to overcome the issues, which is
tion. In general, the compounding of learning methods the advancement of small training sample ML algo-
to get a solution for an even more vaguely defined objective rithms, such as transfer learning and few-shot learning
but more analyzable process for that solution results in a algorithms will also be one of the possible solutions to
human-verifiable solution for large or vague problems. this issue.
Moreover, the increasing synthesizability or explainability
of the solution to vague problems will help material 9.2.1 Theoretical and computational materials science
scientists navigate methods for solving huge overarch-
The various computational techniques in materials
ing/generic problems with more finesse, evolution of
science, such as DFT, molecular dynamics in its various
subject through large models [350].
forms of molecular dynamics (MD), monte-carlo meth-
Model of computation might become the common ods, and density functional tight binding method, has
language of material scientists and researchers from started to benefit from the application of ML and will
other fields. Task definition might become the lingua continue to do so in a dramatic manner.
franca or the leading cause of concern for ML practitioners As of now, the Kohn–Sham DFT remains a reliable
in material science. This broader definition of material and popular method for determining various material
science might then, in turn, propel the advancement of properties. However, the accuracy of DFT calculations
machine learning. In general, the barrier to entry to heavily relies on the quality of the approximations
both advanced material science and advanced ML will employed, such as the exchange-correlation (XC) func-
be lowered, allowing more experts from other fields or tional. The search for improved approximations, including
individuals to contribute their efforts and ideas to the exact functionals, using ML has only recently
development of both fields. commenced. Another area for improvement in DFT is
Mechanisms in quantum ML will become readily- reducing computational costs. Recently, ML-refined
available to be integrated with quantum physics, chemistry numerical techniques have emerged that offer faster
and subsequently material science. As classical-quantum speeds compared to their traditional counterparts
hybrid infrastructure and architectures [351] become [353–355]. It is hoped that these advancements can even-
more available, quantum learning for material science tually be applied to accelerate DFT computations.
might incorporate mechanisms of both quantum The integration of ML into MD, exemplified by methods
computing and quantum analysis of materials as primi- like DeePMD, has demonstrated the potential to achieve
tives. This trend is expected to speed up the inter-disci- DFT-level accuracy while maintaining the computational
plinary mixing of these fields from both engineering and efficiency of classical MD. This breakthrough opens up
theoretical grounds. new possibilities for conducting accurate calculations in
ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) on extremely large
The resulting phenomenon is the emergence of an ever
systems (with over 100 million atoms) or over very long
more integrated huge ML model, a Super Deep-Learning
timescales (beyond 1 nanosecond) [333, 355]. By
Model, which will tackle most if not all of the most
enabling adequate sampling of phase space, these
fundamental underlying problems in material science; it
advancements enable more comprehensive investigations
will integrate fundamental engineering ideas from across various applications, including (electro-)catalysis,
computer science with domain-invariants of material sensors, fabrication, drug interactions, and more.
science, which is designed to perform well for various
tasks on both super-computing facilities, quantum or
9.2.2 Experimental materials science
otherwise, and on limited resources devices, [352] scalable
yet robust. Moreover, by integrating the best training The availability of a vast number of predicted materials
and privacy practices from ML software and hardware with desired properties is highly advantageous for exper-
development experience, future material scientists can imentalists. With a large number of possible candidates,
quickly expect robust material science downstream the experimentalist can focus on the materials that can
models running smoothly and reliably as an application be synthesized and tested on available facilities and
on widely available and portable devices like a cell- equipments. Additionally, the automated learning of the
phone. fabrication parameters and conditions are on the rise

13501-26 Sue Sin Chong, et al., Front. Phys. 19(1), 13501 (2024)

recently [356–359]. The advancement of MD will also this review also covered the tasks or issues in materials
enable comprehensive simulations of fabrication process scicence that has been tackled with the use of machine
and finds out the best experimental conditions for learning. We also discussed our vision for the future of
successful synthesizes of new materials [360, 361]. materials science as the field matures with the integration
Furthermore, the analysis of the data, a highly time- of machine learning, which will be drastically different
consuming and laborious task is being increasingly from what we know today.
supported by ML algorithms. The implementation of on-
the-fly accurate inference mechanism of experimental Declarations The authors declare that they have no competing
data will increase the producitivity and efficiency of interests and there are no conflicts.
fabrication process, enabling experimentalists to determine
if the samples have been fabricated successfully and Acknowledgements This research was supported by the Ministry
move on to the next attempt quickly. of Higher Education Malaysia through the Fundamental Research
Grant Scheme (No. FRGS/1/2021/STG05/XMU/01/1).

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