Recent Advances in Stored Grain Pest Management: A Review: Kale PR, Pawar VS and Shendge SN
Recent Advances in Stored Grain Pest Management: A Review: Kale PR, Pawar VS and Shendge SN
Recent Advances in Stored Grain Pest Management: A Review: Kale PR, Pawar VS and Shendge SN
Keywords: stored grain, pest, insect, plant volatile organic compounds (PVOC), nanoparticles,
Human beings have three essential needs such as food, water and shelter. With a global
population growth rate of 1.5 percent delivering food grains to the people is the most pressing
challenge. The production of cereals and other food grains at present is about 67-80 percent of
the human food supply and faces the increased demand. Grain production has been
continuously increasing as well. However, incorrect storage leads to significant grain loss.
Grain losses due to storage are 10 to 20 percent of total production and caused by insufficient
storage capacity, insect and pest infestations and other factors (Phillips and Throne, 2010) [27].
India loses 12- 16 million metric tonnes of food grains per year as per the world bank report.
Grain is important for humans because it is ingested on a daily basis and it has a significant
impact on the economy. As a result food grain production is a critical component of economic
and social growth. For that reason grain scientists from several countries are attempting to
develop sophisticated scientific grain storage techniques and facilities. A grain that has been
properly kept is identical to a grain that has been produced. Every year, India produces roughly
259.32 million tonnes of food grains. Farmers store roughly 60-70 percent of food grains for
their own usage. Farmers in India prefer to store food grains in traditional ways, using various
storage structures created from locally available materials. While large farmers store food
grains in government run storage facilities such as the Food Corporation of India (Mobolade et
al., 2019) [21].
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) predicted that the world may face a huge scarcity of
food if the total world food production is not increased by 70 percent by the year 2050.
Despite the fact that accessible land resources may be sufficient to feed the worlds future
population, the FAO warns that the majority of this potential land is suited for only a few
Corresponding Author
Kale PR
crops, not necessarily the most in demand and is concentrated in a few nations. Food grains
Ph.D. Research Scholar, College and pulses are mostly consumed and stored food products, especially in the tropical and sub-
of Food Technology, VNMKV, tropical regions.
Parbhani, Maharashtra, India
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Unfortunately more than 70 percent of the produced grains Stored grain pest management approaches
are stored in villages by using traditional structures such as Traditional practices
earthen pots, silos, gunny bags, steel drums and baskets, Traditional age-old practises include storage of red gram
which leads to loss of food grains and pulses particularly in (Cajanus cajan) grains with common salt, which are then
less developed countries (Mobolade et al., 2019; Kesavan and packed in jute gunny bags and then stored. This method gave
Swaminathan, 2008) [21, 16]. protection for 6-8 months from insects. Azadirachta indica
Postharvest losses of food grains and pulses are caused by a leaves are most commonly used in traditional storage
variety of reasons, with insect damage posing the greatest practices all over India. Use of lime and camphor are also
hazard. It has been reported that there are several losses of common in storage of paddy in gunny bags. The use of neem
approximately 5–30 percent of the due to insect infestation of (Azadirachta indica) oil in the seed storage treatment employs
stored food grains out of worlds total agricultural production. mixing 20 ml oil of for 1 kg of pulse seeds and use of neem
This large range of estimates is due to a variety of factors, seed kernel extract for a dip treatment to the jute gunny bags
including geographical zones, climatic conditions and the with before storage is also employed. Storage of grains with
principal crops farmed. In addition, there is no reliable way sweet flag (Acorus calamus) powder prevented insect
for calculating the losses. By directly devouring the kernels, infestation for 6 months as the strong odour emitted from
insects can cause significant harm to grains and pulses. Insect sweet flag acted as a repellant against all the storage pests
accumulation can causes both qualitative and quantitative (Karthikeyan et al., 2009) [13].
losses of food commodity and make the grain unfit for human To safeguard stored grains from insect infestation, farmers
consumption. Due to change in environment of the storage may rely on a variety of indigenous traditional knowledge.
chamber by insect infestation which could provide favorable Several crop-specific storage strategies have been developed
conditions for the growth of storage fungi that cause further around the world to preserve the quality and quantity of food
losses (Prusky, 2011; Rajashekar, 2012) [28, 30]. until it is consumed or transported to another location.
Major primary stored grain pests include rice weevil Farmers created a variety of traditional structures for storing
(Sitophilus oryzae), granary weevil (Sitophilus granaries), food grains using locally available raw materials such as
lesser grain borer (Rhyzopertha dominica), Khapra beetle bamboo, straw, wooden planks, mud, bricks and cow dung.
(Trogoderma granarium) and the pulse beetle Plant components or plant extracts were also commonly used
(Callosobruchus chinensis). There are also many secondary as natural pesticides (Suleiman and Rugumamu, 2017) [40].
pests that causes damage to stored grain such as rusty grain
beetle, saw toothed grain beetle and mites (Rajashekar, 2012) Conventional practices
. Postharvest technology have long been responsible for
Improper storage procedures could result in the worldwide preventing insect pests from causing damage to food crops
loss of a large number of food grains and pulses. As a result, around the world. Synthetic pesticides were established as the
farmers are forced to sell their produce early after harvest most successful and reliable means of managing store insects
with low profits in expectation of grain losses owing to pest over the world with the start of the chemical era. In many
infestation. Food grain losses are caused by a variety of developing nations, synthetic fumigants are widely and solely
variables, including environmental considerations, the type of utilised to successfully destroy all phases of insect pest
storage structure utilized, length and purpose of storage, growth within storage facilities (Isman, 2006; Fields & White,
method of storing grains etc. The environmental factors may 2002) [12, 8].
involve temperature, moisture content of grains, pH and Methyl bromide and phosphine were used as a chemical
humidity etc. The biological factors such as insects, pests, fumigants to protect stored grain pests all over the world.
microorganisms and rodents may causes qualitative and Methyl bromide, on the other hand, was discovered to be
quantitative losses during storage. So, there are various recent hazardous to the stratospheric ozone layer and was recognised
advances in stored grains insect and pest management were as an ozone-depleting compound in 1993, after which it was
developed. phased out in accordance with the Montreal Protocol. It
results in a paradigm shift in phosphine usage not only in
Losses due to stored grain pests terms of quantity but also in terms of its application to a wide
According to current estimates, insect pests cause a 25 percent range of stored products other than food grains including
loss in rice and maize, a 5% loss in wheat and a 15% loss in spices, cocoa beans, dried fruit, nuts and even fresh fruits.
pulses in India. More than 20,000 species of field and storage Synthetic pesticides on the other hand have a number of
pests are responsible for the destruction of almost one-third of drawbacks including damage to humans, ozone depletion,
the worlds food production worth more than $100 billion per toxicity to non-target organisms, product adulteration,
year. India being a tropical country suffers around 20– unpredictable supplies and unavailability during important
30percent damage to stored grains and grain products due to periods. Furthermore, the cost of insecticides often puts a
insect pests which is only around 5–10percent in the strain on the finances of small-scale farmers. An alternate
temperate zone. Food grain production in India was reported strategy that can effectively reduce the usage of chemical
to be 250 million tons in the year 2010-2011, in which nearly insecticides is urgently needed. In this context, some recent
20–25percent food grains are damaged by stored grain insect advancements in stored grain pest management have been
pests. According to a World Bank research, 12-16 million established (Norman, 2005; Horn et al., 2005) [24, 11].
tonnes of food grains are lost owing to storage pests, which
could feed one-third of the world population if prevented. Use of Plant volatile organic compounds (PVOC) in stored
Therefore, there is a need to develop effective, economical grain pest management
and environmentally sustainable methods for control and The plants may contain organic bioactive compounds provide
management of stored grain pest (Rajashekar et al., 2010; an odor that is typically volatile in nature and hence termed as
Sharon et al., 2014) [31, 36]. plant volatile organic compounds (PVOC). Farmers all over
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the world have traditionally utilised these substances against insect-pests at every stages of their life cycle and preventing
stored grain pests. Toxicity, repellency, antifeedant or feeding the damage caused by other stages. L-menthol is an active
deterrent, fumigant, growth inhibitor and suppression of component extracted from the essential oil of Mentha arvensi
reproductive behaviour and loss of fecundity and fertility are L. (Lamiaceae) and the essential oil of cardamom (Elletaria
only some of the ways phytochemicals affect insects. Plant cardamomum) L. (Zingiberaceae), Cinnamomum zeylanicum
volatile organic compounds are essential oils consist of Blume (Lauraceae), Sygium aromaticum L. (Myrtaceae),
alkanes, alcohols, aldehydes and terpenoids especially Eucalyptus spp. and Azadirectica indica A. juss (Meliaceae)
monoterpenoids and extracts from many plant (Rajashekar, found to have ovicidal effect on the eggs of T. castaneum
2012) [30]. (Hong et al., 2018; Mondal et al., 2009) [10, 22].
Insect growth, development and metamorphosis are all known
to be influenced by phytochemicals. These have an Use of Nanotechnology for stored grain pest management
irreversible effect on the insect physiology and behaviour, In last years consumer awareness of the health hazard from
resulting in weight loss in larvae, pupae and adults as well as residual toxicity and insect resistance to the pesticides has led
longer larval and pupal periods. Following larval treatment, the researchers to look for alternative approaches. From these
various plant extracts inhibited percentage pupation. Plant- alternatives the inert dusts such as clay, rock phosphate, sand,
derived botanicals were also discovered to stop eggs and ashes, diatomaceous earth as well as synthetic silica have
immature stages from developing inside grain kernels. been used as insecticides in modern storages. Insects normally
Aqueous extracts of common cocklebur Xanthium strumarium used a range of lipids on their cuticle to protect the water
(L.) (Asteraceae) leaf was also reported to show several barrier on their body and avoid death due to dehydration. A
insecticidal properties including repellency, inhibition of mechanism used by the nanoparticles that becomes absorbed
fecundity and adult emergence of the insects, toxic effect and into the cuticle lipids by physisorption thus causing insect
grains protection against C. chinensis (Roy et al., 2014; Tatun death exclusively by physical ways (Barik et al., 2008) [4].
et al., 2014) [32, 42]. Nanoemulsions are type emulsions in which size of particle is
PVOC may act as a growth inhibitors, oviposition deterrents, uniform and extremely small ranges from 20-200 nm.
antifeedants or feeding deterrents, repellents and Nanopesticides would be a modern way to control insect pests
chemosterilants against the stored grain pest. Oviposition and also decreasing the negative effects of synthetic
deterrents means chemicals which prevent or avoid insect insecticides on the environment. PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) is a
from egg laying. Oviposition deterrents have a lot of potential water-soluble polymer derived from petroleum that has
for preventing insect infestations and can be used as a first distinctive qualities such transparency, gloss, antielectrostatic
line of defence against pest insects. PVOC has been properties, chemical resistance and toughness. Because of its
implicated in the prevention of egg laying and the water solubility, reactivity and fast biodegradability, it can be
development of several insect pest families from laid eggs on used in agricultural and water treatment applications. This
stored grains, according to many specialists. The oviposition strategy will be useful to control the stored product insects in
rate of numerous insects was discovered to be affected by 1, 8 the storages (Kitherian, 2017; Wakeil et al., 2017) [17, 45].
cineole, which was extracted from essential oils and their
volatile component of diverse Lamiaceae plants. Use of garlic Types of nanoformulations
oil as an oviposition deterrent is also common against the There are many forms of nanoparticles used against stored
stored grain pest management (Sousa et al., 2015; grain pests silver nanoparticles like AgNO3, silica like
Subramanyam et al., 2012) [37, 39]. diatomaceous earth, synthetic silica (SiO2), sands, Silica
Antifeedants often known as "feeding deterrents," are Aerogel Aluminium oxide (Al2O3), Zinc oxide (ZnO), Copper
chemical chemicals that interfere with an insect's feeding oxide (Cu2O), Titanium dioxide (TiO2). The metal
habit by rendering the treated meal unpleasant or unpalatable. nanoparticles are utilized for making such formulations and
Antifeedant is a type of insecticide that aims to eradicate these can be used as insecticides. Chemical techniques are
insects without disrupting the natural balance of the used to fabricate nanostructured materials oftenly. The
environment. Antifeedants don't kill the target insect; instead scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is used to know about
they make them available to their natural predators. It's target nanoparticles and this is very important. The unique
possible that the negative consequences will be acted upon. type nanomaterial is prepared from silica is nanosilica. In
The discovery of azadirachtin and neem seed extracts as recent projects, it is used as a catalyst and nanopesticide.
effective feeding deterrents opens the door to natural Nanoparticles could be used in novel insecticide compositions
pesticides (Casida, 2012) [6]. to combat a variety of insect species (Barik et al., 2008; Zahir
Repellents are chemical that protect plants or stored grain et al., 2012; Yousef et al., 2019) [4, 48, 47].
products from insect damage by making them unappealing,
unpalatable or unpleasant to insect pests. The ar-turmerone Using nanoparticles against major stored grain insect
isolated from Curcuma longa (Zingiberaceae) rhizomes were pests
reported to show effective repellent activity against S. Nanotechnology is a gaining importance for formulation and
zeamais. Chemosterilants are chemical compounds that delivery of insecticide active components as well as
prevent insects from reproducing. It has proven to be an increasing and offering new active ingredients for controlling
important aspect of integrated pest management programs. many of stored grain insect pests throughout the world.
The asarone isolated from the rhizomes of A. calamus and 1,
3, 7-trimethylxanthine isolate from seed extract possessed Essential oils-nanoparticles
insect chemosterilant properties (Tavares et al., 2013) [43]. Nanoemulsions were found to be useful for the formulations
Many plant volatiles may have ovicidal property means that of pesticides. Nanoparticles may reduces the expected volume
potential to kill eggs especially the eggs of insects and mites of application and slow down the quick release kinetics.
etc. This property of plants helps in the management of Using nanoparticles for coating the imidacloprid (IMI)
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increases its toxic effect. Their results showed that both et al., 2015; Athanassiou et al., 2004) [33, 2].
nanoparticles (silica and silver) were effective on larvae and
adults up to 100 percent mortality. Amorphous silica nano Silicon dioxide nanoparticles
particles have 100 percent mortality against T. castaneum. Its The use of nanoparticles for insect control has grown in
adult activity of insecticidal polyethylene glycol-covered popularity. Surface functionalized silica nanoparticles were
nanoparticles loaded with garlic essential oil was examined. shown to be extremely harmful to S. oryzae adults.
T. castaneum mortality was found to be 80percent, almost Amorphous SNP was discovered to be quite beneficial,
certainly due to the slow and steady release of dynamic producing S. oryzae mortality of over 90%. Two silicon
components from nanoparticles (Zahir et al., 2012; Sahayaraj dioxide nanoparticles of Aerosil and Nanosav caused more
et al., 2016; Debnath et al., 2012) [48, 34, 7]. mortality and toxicity to R. dominica and T. confusum adults.
The T. confusum was more tolerant than R. dominica (Ziaee
Silver nanoparticles and Ganji, 2016) [49].
Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) were prepared by using various
natural products like Azadirachta indica, Glycine max and Nanosilica (nanobiopesticide)
Camellia sinensis. The ethanolic leaf extract of Annona Amorphous nanosilica is one of the potential new compounds
squamosa was examined against S. oryzae. Silver that could help store product insects be managed effectively
nanoparticles (Ag NPs) were tested for their entomotoxic and safely. These nanosilicas may be absorbed into the
effects on S. oryzae. The insecticidal effect of nanostructured cuticular lipid stuffs by physisorption, resulting in the
alumina against S. oryzae and R. dominicae in stores who said complete death of the insects. To protect humans surface
that after 3 days of continuous exposure to nanostructured charged modified hydrophobic nanosilica (3-5 nm) could be
alumina-treated wheat, a considerable mortality was used to successfully to manage a range of insect infestations.
documented. S. oryzae could be controlled using aqueous Nanoparticles have a larger surface area and circulate easily in
extracts of E. prostrate leaves that generated Ag NPs (Tripathi lepidopteran insects, hence they are classified unique harness
et al., 2009; Stadler et al., 2010) [44, 38]. compounds that will be expelled from the insect body within
24 hours. In the insect hemolymph, particles smaller than the
Aluminum and zinc oxides micron order would be less harmful. Using hydrophobic silica
In the laboratory two nanomaterials such as aluminum and nanoparticles significantly reduced the seed damage potential
zinc oxides were tested against adults of S. oryzae. Their of C. maculatus as compared to the control. The insecticidal
result shows that aluminum nanoparticles (Al2O3) were more efficiency of silica is expected to improve if the particles are
effective than zinc nanoparticles (ZnO) against S. oryzae. By finely separated (Lawry, 2001; Arumugam et al., 2016) [19, 1].
increasing the time of exposure and concentration, the
mortality (percent) will be increased. They found that Mode of action of nanoparticles
aluminium oxide nanoparticles were highly efficient against The method is based on the fact that insects utilise a variety of
S. oryzae, reducing insect loss and having a significant cuticular lipids to maintain their water barrier intact and hence
oviposition deterrent impact. They also found that zinc oxide avoid death due to dehydration. Several research have shown
(ZnO) nanoparticles were highly effective in reducing S. that nanomaterials like nanosilica or silver nanoparticles as
oryzae infestation. Mortality of S. oryzae reached to 86 well as aluminium nanoparticles, could be used as pesticides
percent by using Aluminium nanoparticles as well as to 65 in insect management programmes. Physisorptio absorbs
percent of S. oryzae by applying Zinc nanoparticals. When nano-silica into the cuticular lipids of insects. If
compared to nanoparticles of Titanium oxide, Al2O3 had the nanoencapsulation is released, the following stages would be
strongest deterrent impact on S. oryzae and S. zeamais (TiO2) followed by diffusion, biodegradation, dissolution and
(Keratum et al., 2015; Salem et al., 2015) [15, 35]. osmotic pressure with an exact pH. Insect control operations
that use nanoparticles must be focused toward the launch of
Diatomaceous earths speedier and environmentally friendly insecticides in the next
DE is the byproduct of microscopic plants (diatoms) that once years. Manufacturers are focused on nanoscale insecticide
flourished in the oceans. DE's insecticidal activity is attributed formulations for injecting into the target host through
to the diatom remnants' razor sharp edges. DEs with smaller nanoencapsulation (Bhattacharyya, 2009; Patil, 2009) [5, 26].
particle sizes are more hazardous than DEs with bigger
particle sizes. Other factors affecting DEs insecticidal Inert dusts, sands and silica aerogel
efficiency included active surface and oil adsorption ability, Inspection by using inert grains dusts are also used to kill
SiO2 content, moisture content and so on. The DE comes into insects. These are not reacting chemically and kill insects by
contact with the insects as they crawl through the treated grain physical contact. Insect coated with inert dusts shows loss of
and dustbins and the sharp edges puncture the insects water and death occurs very quickly. These insects are killed
exoskeleton. The body fluids were absorbed by the powdery by dessication and with the decrease in relative humidity its
DE causing death from dehydration. Several diatomaceous effectiveness is increased. Traditional pesticides included
earth formulations have been tested against a variety of sands and soil components. Sands create a protective layer on
stored-product insects with positive results. If it has a high top of the seed that has been preserved. Diatomaceous earth
amorphous silica concentration and a consistent size (DE), which is made up of fossilised diatom remnants was
distribution, it plays an important role. It caused 100 percent also employed to safeguard food grains. It is mainly
mortality by spraying amorphous silica nanoparticles on composed of opaline silica which shows very toxicity
Corcyra cephalonica. Nano-DE powerfully killed the eggs of mammals. Besides natural DE arttficially modified CaDE are
T. confusum more than T. castaneum after 120 storage days. also being made which have shown insecticidal, repellent and
The efficiency of Nano-DE on infestation (percent) of T. ovicidal activity against Callasobruchus maculates. Similarly,
confusum were more efficient than on T. castaneum (Sabbour a non-hygroscopic powder containing sodium silicate is used
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control insects (Banks and Field, 1995; Quarles, 1992) [3, 29]. Amos, 1974; Loshiavo, 1976) [46, 20].
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