UDTA Lec Notes 2
UDTA Lec Notes 2
UDTA Lec Notes 2
a. Cinnamon
b. !Saffron
c. Vanilla
d. Cardamom
Q2: In a standard set of playing cards, which is the only king without a moustache??
a. Diamonds
b. !Hearts
c. Spades
d. Clubs
Q3: A doctor with a PhD is a doctor of what??
a. Phrenology
b. !Philosophy
c. Physical Therapy
d. Psychology
Q4: Which essential condiment is also known as Japanese horseradish??
a. Mentsuyu
b. !Wasabi
c. Karashi
d. Ponzu
Q5: What is the name given to Indian food cooked over charcoal in a clay oven??
a. Tiki masala
b. !Tandoori
c. Pani puri
d. Biryani
Q6: What country saw a world record 315 million voters turn out for elections on May 20, 1991??
a. Soviet Union
b. Poland
c. !India
d. United States of America
Q7: On average, Americans consume 100 pounds of what per second??
a. Donuts
b. Potatoes
c. !Chocolate
d. Cocaine
Q8: When was Nintendo founded??
a. !South America
b. Europe
c. Hawaii
d. Asia
Q10: What is the full title of the Prime Minister of the UK??
a. Duke of Cambridge
b. !First Lord of the Treasury
c. Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition
d. Manager of the Crown Estate