Classifying Emotions and Engagement in Online Learning Based On A Single Facial Expression Recognition Neural Networ

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Classifying Emotions and Engagement in Online

Learning Based on a Single Facial Expression
Recognition Neural Network
Andrey V. Savchenko , Lyudmila V. Savchenko, and Ilya Makarov

Abstract—In this article, behaviour of students in the e-learning environment is analyzed. The novel pipeline is proposed based on video
facial processing. At first, face detection, tracking and clustering techniques are applied to extract the sequences of faces of each student.
Next, a single efficient neural network is used to extract emotional features in each frame. This network is pre-trained on face identification
and fine-tuned for facial expression recognition on static images from AffectNet using a specially developed robust optimization technique.
It is shown that the resulting facial features can be used for fast simultaneous prediction of students’ engagement levels (from disengaged
to highly engaged), individual emotions (happy, sad, etc.,) and group-level affect (positive, neutral or negative). This model can be used for
real-time video processing even on a mobile device of each student without the need for sending their facial video to the remote server or
teacher’s PC. In addition, the possibility to prepare a summary of a lesson is demonstrated by saving short clips of different emotions and
engagement of all students. The experimental study on the datasets from EmotiW (Emotion Recognition in the Wild) challenges showed
that the proposed network significantly outperforms existing single models.

Index Terms—Online learning, e-learning, video-based facial expression recognition, engagement prediction, group-level emotion recognition,
mobile devices

1 INTRODUCTION interactive feedback when most students become disen-

tangled and/or noisy. While delivering an offline lecture, a
is an explosive growth of education and electronic
learning (e-learning) technologies due to the impact of
the COVID-19 pandemic [1]. A lot of new Massive Open
teacher can use student’s individual of group-level emotions
to slow down or modify the presentation [5], but the presence
of small facial videos of each student cannot help a teacher
Online Courses (MOOCs) have been recently appeared [2].
during an online lecture when the number of listeners is rela-
Moreover, many universities and educational institutions
tively high [6]. Although there exist some studies of the
all over the world have moved many classes to an online
mobile-based formative assessment of the student’s engage-
format. There exist many essential factors for an effective e-
ment [7], it seems that only automatic detection of students
learning environment, such as different elements related to
engagement is the most appropriate solution [8].
assessing the value of e-learning and the need for sufficient
It is important to emphasize that engagement is not the
tools available at the university for remote teaching [3].
only factor that is essential for an e-learning environment.
One of the key challenges in online learning is a difficulty
For example, the dynamics of the emotional state of each stu-
for a teacher to control the engagement of students in an
dent play an important role in the learning process [9]. Analy-
online lecture similarly to traditional offline education [4].
sis of the group-level affect may be important to find the
Indeed, all the microphones except the educator’s one should
difficult or weird parts of the lecture [10]. It is known that all
be muted during a lecture so that it is impossible to provide
these tasks are connected to each other, because engagement
and affect are linked to increased learning gain and produc-
 Andrey V. Savchenko and Lyudmila V. Savchenko are with the Laboratory
tivity [6]. Moreover, the authors of the article [5] demon-
of Algorithms and Technologies for Network Analysis, HSE University,
603155 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. E-mail: {avsavchenko, lsavchenko} strated that facial expressions of the students are significantly
 Ilya Makarov is with the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (AIRI), correlated to their comprehension towards the lecture.
105064 Moscow, Russia, and also with the Big Data Research Center, Most of the above-mentioned tasks were considered in
National University of Science and Technology MISIS, 119991 Moscow,
Russia. E-mail: [email protected]. several sub-challenges of Emotion Recognition in the Wild
(EmotiW) contests. Their winners proposed rather accurate
Manuscript received 6 December 2021; revised 28 April 2022; accepted 29
June 2022. Date of publication 4 July 2022; date of current version 15 techniques that are typically based on large ensembles of
November 2022. deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) [11], [12] and
The publication was supported by the grant for research centers in the field of multi-modal features of audio, faces and body pose [13],
AI provided by the Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Feder-
ation (ACRF) in accordance with the agreement on the provision of subsidies [14], [15]. As a result, they cannot be used in many practical
(identifier of the agreement 0D730321P5Q0002) and the agreement with HSE applications with requirements to real-time processing in a
University No. 70-2021-00139. low-resource environment. Moreover, to guarantee the pri-
(Corresponding author: Andrey V. Savchenko.)
Recommended for acceptance by M. Mahoor.
vacy of a student, it is preferable to process the facial videos
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TAFFC.2022.3188390 directly on his or her personal (often, mobile) device [16].
1949-3045 © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See ht_tps:// for more information.

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Thus, the aim of this article is a development of fast and user’s messages provide better efficiency than the single-
accurate technique for classifying emotions and engage- modal ones. Similar features have been used in [21] for offline
ment that can be implemented in online learning software learning and videos of classroom environments. It is known
at laptops without powerful GPUs (graphics processing that facial emotions, which are a form of non-verbal commu-
units) and/or mobile devices of students and teachers. The nication, can be used to estimate the learning affect of a stu-
main contribution consists of the following: dent and enhance the current e-learning platforms [22].
Hence, in this article, it was decided to deal only with an anal-
 Lightweight FER (facial expression recognition) ysis of facial modality.
models based on EfficientNet and MobileNet archi- The FER models are typically pre-trained on single images
tectures for emotional features extraction from facial from a rather large dataset, such as AffectNet [23]. Excellent
images. It is proposed to borrow the idea of robust results have been recently obtained by using supervised
data mining [17] to modify the softmax loss function learning (SL) and self-supervised learning (SSL) [24] of Effi-
for the training of this model to predict emotions on cientNets [25], visual transformers and attentional selective
static images. fusion [26], relation-aware transformers (TransFER) [27] and
 Efficient neural network model for simultaneous the lightweight models with careful pre-training on the face
engagement detection and recognition of individual- recognition datasets [28]. Very accurate EmotionGCN
and group-level emotions in facial videos. Light- explores emotional dependencies between facial expressions
weight CNN from the previous item extracts unified and valence-arousal by training the graph convolutional net-
emotional features of each frame on the learner’s works in the multi-task learning framework [29].
device. The features of several frames are aggregated The progress in the video-based FER is mainly measured
into a video descriptor using statistical (STAT) on various versions of the AFEW dataset from EmotiW
functions (mean, standard deviation, etc.) [18]. The 2013-2019 challenges [20]. One of the best single models is
resulting models let us reach the state-of-the-art obtained via the noisy student training using body lan-
results in several emotion recognition and engage- guage [30], while the old method with the STAT aggrega-
ment detection tasks. tion of features extracted by three CNNs (VGG13, VGG16
 A novel technological framework for real-time and ResNet) [18] is still one of the best ensemble-based
video-based classification of emotions and engage- techniques. The best validation accuracy is achieved by
ment in online learning by using only facial modal- the attention cross-modal feature fusion mechanisms that
ity. The engagement and individual emotions of highlight important emotion feature by exploring feature
each student are predicted on the device of each stu- concatenation and factorized bi-linear pooling (FBP) [31].
dent. Obtained emotional feature vectors may be However, the latter model has slightly lower accuracy on
sent to the teacher’s device to classify the emotions the testing set when compared to bi-modality fusion [32] of
of the whole group of students. If the faces of some audio and video features extracted by four different CNNs.
students in the online video conferencing tool Predicted emotions can be used not only for understand-
(Zoom, MS Teams, Google Meet, etc.) are turned on, ing the behaviour of each learner but also for visual summa-
it is proposed to additionally cluster these faces and rization of classroom videos [19] or classification of the
summarize their emotions and engagement during group-level emotions on videos. The latter task has become
the whole lesson into short video clips [19]. This studied since the appearance of the VGAF dataset [10].
helps the lecturers to understand their own weak- Rather high accuracy is achieved by activity recognition
ness and to change it [5]. The sources of training and and K-injection networks [33], [34]. The winner of the Emo-
testing code using Tensorflow 2 and Pytorch frame- tiW 2020 Audio-video group emotion recognition sub-chal-
works together with demo Android application and lenge developed an ensemble of hybrid networks for audio,
several models are made publicly-available1. facial emotion, video, environmental object statistics and
The remaining part of this article is structured as follows. fighting detector streams [14].
Section 2 contains a brief survey of related articles. The
details of the proposed framework are given in Section 3. 2.2 Automatic Engagement Detection in E-Learning
Section 4 provides experimental results of our models on Systems
EngageWild [8], AFEW (Acted Facial Expression In The Parental involvement, interaction, and students’ engagement
Wild) [20] and VGAF (Video-level Group AFfect) [10] data- are the key factors that may influence online learning
sets from EmotiW challenges. Finally, concluding comments effects [1]. Though most e-learning techniques are focused on
and future work are discussed in Section 5. improving the learners’ interaction, the algorithms of behav-
ioural analysis and engagement detection have become
recently studied in educational data mining [35]. Researchers
do not have a consistent understanding of the definition of
2.1 Video-Based Emotion Recognition learning engagement and regard it as a multidimensional
Recognition of students’ emotions may have a great impact concept [36]. In this article, a special type of the student’s
on the quality of many e-learning systems. The authors of the persistent effort to accomplish the learning task [8] is con-
review [9] claimed that the multi-modal emotion recognition sidered, namely, the emotional engagement. It focuses on
based on a fusion of facial expressions, body gestures and the extent of positive and negative reactions, feeling of
interest towards a particular theme and enjoying learning
1. about it [36].

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A survey [6] considered the dependencies of existing which enforces a distance margin between the features of
methods on learners’ participation and classified them into distant category pairs and adjacent category pairs [44]. The
automatic, semi-automatic (engagement tracing) and man- anti-overfitting strategy with training on the overlapped
ual categories. The most popular one is still the latter cate- segments of inputs videos was proposed in [45]. Solution of
gory. It includes self-reports, observational checklists and the winners [46] used the facial behaviour features extracted
rating scales, and typically requires a great deal of time and by OpenFace and ResNet-50 model pre-trained on face
effort from observers [36]. As a result, the recent research identification on the large VGGFace2 dataset [47]. These
focus has shifted to the automatic engagement detection results were improved in the 2020 challenge by using an
that infers the social cues of engagement/disengagement attention-based GRU and multi-rate video processing [13].
from facial expressions, body movements and gaze pat-
tern [8]. Particular attention is paid to the FER-based meth-
ods due to simplicity of their usage [6]. Indeed, the FER and
engagement prediction tasks are strongly correlated [5]. For 3.1 Proposed Approach
example, a lecturer use students’ facial expressions as valu- Most of the techniques mentioned in the previous section
able sources of feedback. Moreover, the emotions of the lec- used complex ensemble models and various sets of features
turers kept the students motivated and interested during to boost their performance. Unfortunately, every single
the lectures [37]. model for one feature set reported in these articles cannot
One of the first techniques that applied machine learning compete with the final solutions. Thus, in this article, the
and FER to predict student’s engagement, was proposed novel technological framework (Fig. 1) is proposed to ana-
in [38]. Their experiments with support vector machines lyse the behaviour of students at online lectures.
(SVM) with Gabor features and regression for expression Here each student may launch an application on his or
outputs from the Computer Expression Recognition Tool- her device to provide the results of behaviour analysis with-
box proved that the automated engagement detectors per- out the need to share the facial video. As a result, the high
form with comparable accuracy to humans. Traditional level of data privacy may be achieved because the video of
computer vision for FER was used in [36], where the adap- a face is not required to be sent to the remote server or
tive weighted histograms of eight-bit gray codes calculated teacher’s PC. In this case, the largest facial region is located
by Local Gray Code Patterns (LGCP) were classified by in each t-th video frame in the unit “Face detection 1” by
SVM. The authors of the latter article introduced two data- using any fast technique, such as MTCNN (multi-task
sets for learning engagement detection based on facial and CNN). Next, the emotional features xðtÞ of an extracted face
mouse movement data, but they are not publicly available. are obtained in the unit “Emotional feature extraction
Nowadays, the progress of deep learning caused the wide- 2” [48] using the proposed lightweight CNN trained to clas-
spread use of CNNs. For example, the Mean Engagement sify emotions on static images. The details about the train-
Score was proposed in [4] by analyzing the results from facial ing of this neural network will be provided in the next
landmark detection, emotional recognition and the weights subsections. Finally, the features of several sequential
from a special survey. The non-contact engagement predic- frames with duration 5-10 seconds are aggregated using
tion in unconstrained environments is applied not only in STAT functions to classify engagement level and individual
e-learning but in other interactive tasks, such as gaming [39]. emotions in the units “Engagement prediction 3” and
The framework of learning engagement assessment [2] timely “Emotion recognition 4”, respectively. Predicted engage-
acquired the emotional changes of the learners using a special ment level (from disengaged to highly engaged) and indi-
CNN trained based on domain adaptation, which is suitable vidual emotions (happy, angry, sad, neutral, etc.) for each
for the MOOC scenario. time frame at the output of units 3 and 4 together with the
The rapid growth of studies in engagement prediction emotional features at the output of unit 2 are sent to the
has begun from the introduction of the EngageWild data- teacher’s PC. As the models in first four units are very effi-
set [8] in EmotiW 2018-2020 challenges. This dataset con- cient, the inference can be launched even on any low-
tains facial videos with corresponding engagement labels of resource environment, such as a mobile device of the learn-
the user’s, while they are watching educational videos such ers [16], [28].
as the ones in MOOCs. The gaze, head pose and action unit The most difficult processing is implemented on the
intensities features from the OpenFace library [40] were teacher’s device in units 5-13. These steps may run in offline
concatenated into the Gaze-AU-Pose (GAP) descriptor [41]. mode after obtaining the recording of the whole lecture in
Its classification using the GRU (gated recurrent unit) net- the online video conferencing tool. This video is fed into the
works leads to MSE (mean square error) on the validation “Face detection 5”, which works similarly to the first unit
set, which is 0.03 lower when compared to the baseline solu- on the student’s device, but can return several (K  1) faces
tion for the OpenFace features [8]. The usage of the dilated of learners who agreed to transfer their videos. It is still pos-
Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN) classifier [42] for sible that several extracted facial images have very low reso-
similar OpenFace features led to slightly lower MSE 0.0655. lution for accurate emotion recognition [49]. In this article,
The best results on the testing set in the 2018 challenge were the simplest solution is implemented, so that the faces with
obtained by additional LBP-TOP facial descriptor and C3D size lower than a predefined threshold (64x64 pixels) are
action features [43]. ignored. Next, the emotional feature vector xk ðtÞ of every
The authors of the latter approach improved it for the k-th face are obtained in “Emotional feature extraction 6”,
EmotiW 2019 challenge by using the classical bootstrap which may use either the same CNN as in unit 2 or more
aggregation and designing a rank loss as a regularization complex architecture if the processing is implemented on a

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Fig. 1. Proposed pipeline.

rather powerful PC. The identity features xk ðtÞ are about how students are concentrated, affected and inspired
extracted in unit 7 by using appropriate face recognition during the e-lesson. Finally, a short GIF with different emo-
CNN [28], [47], [50]. The latter features are used to track tions and engagement during a lesson can be sent to a
and group the facial regions of the same students in the unit learner of his or her relatives to increase the parental
“Face tracking & clustering 8”. The emotional features xk ðtÞ involvement [1]. Moreover, these clips together with the
at the output of unit 8 of the same track are combined to charts of predicted students’ emotions, group affect and
solve the down-stream tasks in units 9, 10 and 11. The unit engagement depending on time are stored in the unit
“Group affect prediction 9” first aggregates emotional fea- “Lecture analysis 13” which can help the online educators
tures of faces from the same frame into single frame features to detect their online learners’ engagement status pre-
of the whole group of students. Next, all frame features dur- cisely [6] and to better organize his or her materials. It is
ing 5-10 seconds of a video are combined into a single also possible to highlight the time points with either high or
descriptor which can be fed into an appropriate classifier. very low engagement to find the weird or difficult parts of
The ‘Engagement prediction 10” and “Emotion recognition the lecture. Such data let track the efficiency of lessons and
11” work identically to units 3 and 4, but repeat the process- increase conversion of online courses.
ing for every k-th face and each group of frames.
Finally, the emotions and engagement of individual stu- 3.2 Robust Optimization of the FER Network
dents can be summarized into short videos clips and visual- In this subsection, let us describe the procedure to train the
ized in the unit “Summarization 12”. For example, it is FER network that extracts robust emotional features from
possible to take the time points where the strong emotion is either static photos or video frames. At first, a lightweight
predicted. The typical results for several real conferences or CNN is trained for face identification on a very large data-
lessons are presented in Fig. 2. Another opportunity is the set [47]. Next, this network is fine-tuned on any emotional
grouping of different emotions based on Russel’s 2D space dataset with static facial photos [23]. As existing emotional
of affect [51] that can give the teacher an initial impression datasets are typically highly imbalanced, the weighted

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optimization procedure is shown in Algorithm 1. It modifies

the Adam optimizer [52] in the notation from the classical
book [11]. In addition to parameters of Adam [52], namely,
learning rate h and exponential decay rates for moment esti-
mates r1 (default value 0.9) and r2 (0.999 by default), the
parameter  is added to control the level of uncertainty.

Algorithm 1. Adam-Based Robust Optimization of FER

Neural Network
Require: Weights u of a CNN pre-trained on face recognition
task, training set fðXm ; ym Þg of facial images with emo-
tional labels
Ensure: Weights u that optimize the robust loss (3)
1: Initialize accumulators s :¼ 0; r :¼ 0 and time step t ¼ 1
2: for epoch 2 f1; . . . ; NumEpochsg do
3: for batch 2 f1; . . . ; NumBatchesg do
4: Sample mini-batch of M examples fðXm ; ym Þg
5: for m 2 f1; . . . ; Mg do
6: Feed image Xm into a CNN with weights u and obtain
the ym -th output pð1Þ
m :¼ softmaxðzym ðXm ; uÞÞ
7: end for
8: Compute P gradient using backprop
g1 :¼  m1 M ð1Þ
m¼1 ðwym  rlog pm Þ
Fig. 2. Sample frames from the summarized conference presentation 9: Compute weights u :¼ u þ gg1 =jjgg1 jj
(a),(b) and lesson (c),(d). The faces of children are partially hidden.
10: for m 2 f1; . . . ; Mg do
11: Feed image Xm into a CNN with weights u and obtain
categorical cross-entropy (softmax) loss is optimized [23], the ym -th output pð2Þ
m :¼ softmaxðzym ðXm ; u ÞÞ
[28]: 12: end for
Lu ðX; yÞ ¼ log ðwy  softmaxðzy ðX; uÞÞÞ; (1) 13: Compute P gradient using backprop
g2 :¼  m1 M ð2Þ
m¼1 ðwym  rlog pm Þ
where u is the vector of weights of a neural network, X is the 14: Assign t :¼ t þ 1
training image, y 2 f1; . . . ; Cg is its emotional label, zy ðX; uÞ 15: Assign s :¼ r1  s þ ð1  r1 Þ  g2
16: Assign r :¼ r2  r þ ð1  r2 Þ  g2  g2
is the y-th output of the penultimate (logits) layer of the
hss =ð1þrt1 Þ
CNN with input X, and softmax is the softmax activation 17: Update weights u :¼ u  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
dþ r =ð1þrt2 Þ
function. 18: end for
Here the class weights are defined inverse proportional 19: end for
to the total numberNy of training examples of the y-th class 20: return learned weights u
wy ¼ max : (2)
c2f1;...;Cg Ny
3.3 Training Details of the Facial Processing Model
To improve the quality of trained emotional models, it is Let us summarize the whole training procedure of the FER
proposed to use robust data mining [17] and formulate the models in this article. Several lightweight architectures
optimization task as follows: were trained, namely, MobileNet v1, EfficientNet-B0 and
EfficientNet-B2 [25]. They were trained in two stages with
min max LuþDDu ðX; yÞ: (3) (1) pre-training on face recognition; and (2) fine-tuning on
u jjD
D ujj < 
emotion classification. The details of the training procedure
It is known that the gradient vector gives the direction of for the first stage were described in the previous articles [28],
maximum increase of a function. Hence, robust optimiza- [50]. It is important to emphasize that the CNNs were
tion task (3) can be simplified as follows: trained on the cropped faces without any margins, so that
most parts of the background, hairs, etc. is not presented.
min LuþrL
~ u ðX; yÞ; (4) As a result, the face recognition accuracy may slightly
degrade, but the learned facial features are more suitable
where rL~ u is defined as the L2 normalized gradient of the for emotional analytic.
loss function: The second training stage was implemented as follows. A
highly imbalanced training set of 287,651 images was uti-
~ u¼ 1 lized from the AffectNet dataset [23] annotated with C ¼ 8
rL rLu : (5)
jjrLu jj basic expressions (Anger, Contempt, Disgust, Fear, Happi-
ness, Neutral, Sadness, and Surprise). The official validation
The optimization task (4) is solved by using a modification set of 4,000 images (500 per class) was used for testing pur-
of any stochastic gradient descent method. The complete poses. The faces were cropped with the bounding boxes

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Fig. 3. Visualization of children emotions predicted by EfficientNet-B2.

provided by the authors of the AffectNet. The impact of

additional pre-processing was examined, in which the
cropped facial images were rotated to align them based on
the position of the eyes similarly to [29] but without data
The last layer of the network pre-trained on VGGFace2
was replaced by the new head (fully-connected layer with
C outputs and softmax activation), so that the penultimate
layer with D neurons can be considered as an extractor of
facial features. The model was trained totally of 8 epochs by
the Adam-based robust optimizer (Algorithm 1). In particu-
lar, the learning rate was set to 0.001 at the first three epochs
and fit only the weights of the last layer of pre-trained
CNN. Finally, the whole network was trained with a learn-
ing rate of 0.0001 at the last five epochs. The uncertainty
parameter  is equal to 0.05 in all experiments.
Though the AffectNet contains mainly photos of adults,
the resulting FER models can classify emotions even for
young children. For example, Fig. 3 contains the predicted
emotional classes and easily interpreted GradCAM visuali-
zation of the CNN’s decision.
It is known that many existing articles [29], [53] report
the performance of their methods only for 7 basic emotions Fig. 4. The proposed model based on EfficientNet features.
(without Contempt), for each there exist 283,901 training
and 3500 validation images. Hence, two options to compare first unit combines the result of several statistical functions
the proposed models with existing results for 7 emotional (minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation) calcu-
states (without Contempt) were studied. The first option is lated for each feature of all video frames. The L2 -normalized
to train the CNN on the complete training set with 8 classes descriptor is classified to predict the emotion of each stu-
but to use only 7 predictions from the last Softmax layer for dent. The standard deviation of frame-wise emotional fea-
3500 validation images so that the output that corresponds tures of each face is used to predict the engagement level.
to the Contempt class is simply ignored. The second option Finally, the mean and standard deviation of emotional fea-
is to re-train the model with 7 outputs on the reduced train- tures of all faces at each frame is concatenated and aggre-
ing set. This approach leads to better accuracy than the for- gated in a single video descriptor, and the overall affect of
mer one, though the usage of the universal 8-class model is the whole group is recognized.
desirable if the contempt emotion may be used in future.
The obtained CNNs were applied for the extraction of
facial emotion features for video processing. In particular,
the last Softmax layer was removed, and the outputs of D 4.1 Emotional Feature Extraction
neurons at the penultimate layer were used as a D-dimen- In this subsection, emotion recognition is studied for on
sional feature vector in further experiments. The proposed static images for the AffectNet dataset. The results on the
complete multi-task model for recognizing the emotions validation sets for the proposed FER models compared to
and engagement of students in a video is shown in Fig. 4. It the state-of-the-art results are shown in Table 1. Bold font
explores the known link between a facial expression and the indicates the best score for experiments with 8 emotions
level of comprehension which helps the teachers to improve (Anger, Contempt, Disgust, Fear, Happiness, Neutral, Sad-
their style accordingly and keeps the students interested ness and Surprise) and 7 basic emotional categories (the
and enthusiastic during the virtual lectures [5]. same without Contempt).
Here, two EfficientNets [25] are applied to extract facial As one can notice, the best EfficientNet-B2 model impro-
identity and emotional features, respectively. The second ves the previously-known state-of-the-art accuracy [55] for
CNN is obtained by fine-tuning the first CNN on a large complete validation set from 62.09% to 63.025%. It is slightly
FER dataset. Two statistical modules (STAT encoding) are (0.1%) less accurate than EmotionGCN [29] for 7 classes,
used to aggregate the features of all faces in a video. The though the network architecture was not modified, and the

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Accuracy for the AffectNet Validation Set Ablation Study of the Proposed Models, AffectNet Dataset

Accuracy, % Accuracy, %
Model 8 classes 7 classes Model Pre-train set 8 classes 7 classes
Baseline (AlexNet) [23] 58.0 - MobileNet-v1 ImageNet 56.88 60.4
Deep Attentive Center Loss [53] - 65.20 EfficientNet-B0 ImageNet 57.55 60.8
Distilled student [54] 61.60 65.40 EfficientNet-B2 ImageNet 60.28 64.3
EfficientNet-B2 (SL + SSL in-panting-pl) [24] 61.32 - SENet-50 VGGFace2 58.70 62.31
EfficientNet-B0 (SL + SSL in-panting-pl) [24] 61.72 - Our MobileNet-v1, 8 classes VGGFace2 60.25 63.21
DAN [55] 62.09 65.69 Our MobileNet-v1, 7 classes VGGFace2 - 64.71
TransFER [27] - 66.23 Our EfficientNet-B0, 8 classes VGGFace2 61.32 64.57
EmotionGCN [29] - 66.46 Our EfficientNet-B0, 7 classes VGGFace2 - 65.74
Our MobileNet-v1 60.20 64.71 Our EfficientNet-B2, 8 classes VGGFace2 63.03 66.29
Our EfficientNet-B0 61.32 65.74 Our EfficientNet-B2, 7 classes VGGFace2 - 66.34
Our EfficientNet-B2 63.03 66.34

TABLE 2 Ablation Study of Optimizers, AffectNet Dataset
Class-Level Accuracy of Emotion Recognition
on Statis Photos, AffectNet Dataset 8-class accuracy, % 7-class accuracy, %
CNN Adam Robust (3)-(5) Adam Robust (3)-(5)
Emotion MobileNet-v1 EfficientNet-B0 EfficientNet-B2
MobileNet-v1 59.87 60.25 64.54 64.71
Anger 62.8 61.4 54.2 EfficientNet-B0 60.94 61.32 65.46 65.74
Contempt 48.0 60.4 66.0 EfficientNet-B2 62.11 63.03 65.89 66.34
Disgust 51.8 50.0 65.4
Fear 66.8 66.2 63.8
Happiness 81.8 78.0 74.6 videos with an average duration of 5 minutes. Each video is
Neutral 58.6 53.4 54.6
associated with one of 4 engagement levels 0, 0.33, 0.66 and 1
Sadness 61.8 59.4 65.4
Surprise 56.0 61.8 60.2 representing engagement mapped to disengaged, barely
engaged, engaged and highly engaged.
The frame images were extracted from the video using
training process was straightforward. The accuracy of Mobile- the FFmpeg tool, and the facial regions were found in each
Net and EfficientNet-B0 is lower, but still comparable with the frame using the MTCNN detector. If no faces were detected,
best-known results reported for this dataset. It is important to the frame was ignored. Next, the developed emotional mod-
emphasize that though the average accuracy of the deepest els were used to extract features of the largest facial region.
EfficientNet-B2 model is greater, the class accuracy for every The final descriptor of the whole video was computed as a
type of emotions is sometimes lower when compared to Effi- standard deviation of frame-wise facial features similar to
cientNet-B0 and MobileNet (Table 2), so that all our models the baseline [20]. We tried to use other STAT features
may be useful in different down-stream tasks. (mean, max, min) but did not observe the improvements in
The detailed ablation study of experiments for AffectNet the MSE (mean squared error) measured on the validation
is presented in Tables 3 and 4. In the latter table, the greatest set. The obtained video descriptor was fed into ridge regres-
8-class and 7-class accuracy for each row (model) are sion from the MORD package because the initial engage-
marked by bold. ment prediction task may be formulated as an ordinal
Here two datasets for pre-training were examined, regression. The results of the best attempts compared to the
namely, (1) conventional ImageNet; and (2) VGGFace2 [47] results of the participants of the EmotiW challenge on the
to learn the facial embeddings suitable for face recognition. official training and validation set are shown in Table 5.
The official models pre-trained on ImageNet were taken It is important to emphasize that the best results are typi-
from Tensorflow 2 and PyTorch Image Models (timm) for cally achieved by ensemble models that use several differ-
the former approach. The latter technique was implemented ent audio and video features. Hence, the best results of
as described in Section 3.3. As one can notice, such a pre- single models are presented here to frankly compare the
training leads to much better FER’s accuracy, even though methods that use only one CNN. Nevertheless, the MSE
facial identity features should not depend on the emotional 0.0563 for EfficientNet-B0 features is the best one when com-
state [28]. Moreover, Table 4 demonstrates that the robust pared to any existing method. The confusion matrix of the
optimization (Algorithm 1) makes it possible to increase the best ordinal regression is shown in Fig. 5. Its MSE is lower
accuracy. It is especially noticeable for the best EfficientNet- than the best single model [13] up to 0.01 (15% relative
B2 model which established a new state-of-the-art result for improvement).
complete validation set with 8 classes. However, this point should be clarified. The participants
of the Emotion Engagement in the Wild challenge verified
4.2 Engagement Prediction that achieving better results on the validation set does not
In this subsection, the results on the EngageWild [8] are lead to excellent quality on the testing set. For example,
reported. This dataset contains 147 training and 48 validation the winner of the first challenge (EmotiW 2018) has high

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MSE for the EngageWild Validation Set Ablation Study of the Proposed Models, EngageWild Dataset

Model MSE Validation MSE

Attention+multi-rate+hybrid [13] 0.0609 Our CNN Classifier Original split Our split
Ensemble 4 models for 2 behavior features [45] 0.0572 RF 0.0844 0.0511
GAP+LBP-TOP [41] 0.0569 LinearSVR 0.0895 0.0588
Baseline (OpenFace+LSTM) [20] 0.10 SVR RBF 0.0759 0.0526
LGCP [36] 0.0884 Ridge regression 0.0722 0.0547
Bootstrap (OpenPose+LSTM) [44] 0.0717 MobileNet v1 GRU (frame only) 0.0981 0.0680
Single GAP [41] 0.0671 GRU (frame+std) 0.0970 0.0585
model Dilated-TCN for action units [42] 0.0655 Attention (frame only) 0.0977 0.0618
VGG [13] 0.0653 Attention (frame+std) 0.0882 0.0530
Our MobileNet, ridge regression 0.0722 RF 0.0738 0.0540
Our EfficientNet, ridge regression 0.0563 LinearSVR 0.0758 0.0560
SVR RBF 0.0778 0.0543
Ridge regression 0.0563 0.0593
validation MSE of 0.0717 [43]. Thus, many researchers [44], EfficientNet-B0 GRU (frame only) 0.0970 0.0668
[45] tuned the hyper-parameters of their models on different GRU (frame+std) 0.0761 0.0445
Attention (frame only) 0.0882 0.0626
splits of videos from the united training and validation sets
Attention (frame+std) 0.0682 0.0494
provided by the authors of EngageWild dataset [8]. Hence,
in the ablation study two splits of the dataset were used: (1) RF 0.0882 0.0635
LinearSVR 0.0897 0.0599
the official split; and (2) the new random split with balanced
SVR RBF 0.0868 0.0592
training/validation sets, which have the same size as the sets Ridge regression 0.0702 0.0642
from the original split. In addition to ridge ordinal regres- EfficientNet-B2 GRU (frame only) 0.1065 0.0777
sion, regression models from scikit-learn were tested, GRU (frame+std) 0.0850 0.0672
namely, random forest (RF), support vector regression (SVR) Attention (frame only) 0.0997 0.0715
with linear and RBF (radial basis function) kernels. More- Attention (frame+std) 0.0914 0.0652
over, several sequence models were implemented: (1) one
GRU with 128 units and one fully connected output layer,
and (2) single frame-level attention [56] with one dense out- However, our stratified split leads to approximately equal
put layer. These sequence models were applied to two MSEs. Moreover, sequence models have significantly better
inputs, namely, initial features of each frame extracted by results. For example, the lowest MSE for the EfficientNet-B0
developed emotional CNN, and their concatenation with a features was obtained by using frame-wise attention. As a
single descriptor (component-wise standard deviation of result, we decided to train the models for the demo applica-
frame-wise features) used in the regression models. The tion using the new split which seems to be more consistent
results are presented in Table 6. Bold font indicates the low- with existing studies of regression techniques.
est MSE for each split and the architecture of the CNN. Remarkably, EfficientNet-B0 with less number of param-
Here the new split causes more explainable results. For eters has slightly better performance when compared to
example, a simple ridge regression has 0.01-0.02 lower EfficientNet-B2, though the latter has much higher emotion
MSE than more widely used RF/SVR for the original split. recognition accuracy for static images (Table 3). It is impor-
tant to mention that concatenation of the frame features
with the standard deviation of features from the whole
video works much better in most cases except the most sim-
ple MobileNet and GRU network.

4.3 Video-Based Emotion Recognition

The video-based emotion recognition is studied on two data-
sets from the EmotiW challenge [20]. First, the AFEW dataset
with 773 train and 383 validation samples was examined. It
contains audio-video short clips collected from movies and
TV serials with spontaneous expressions, various poses, and
illuminations. They are labelled using a semi-automatic
approach. The task is to assign a single emotion label to the
video clip from the six universal emotions (Anger, Disgust,
Fear, Happiness, Sad, and Surprise) and Neutral.
The pre-processing of all video clips from the previous
subsection was used. However, the point-wise mean, max,
min and standard deviation of their frame descriptors were
concatenated [57]. Thus, the dimensionality of the video
Fig. 5. Confusion matrix for engagement prediction, ridge ordinal regres- descriptor is 4-times greater than the dimensionality D of
sion, EfficientNet-B0 features. the face emotional embeddings. If the face was not found in

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Accuracy for the AFEW Validation Set Accuracy for the VGAF Validation Set

Model Accuracy, % Model Accuracy, %

Ensemble, Bi-modality fusion of 4 CNNs [32] 54.3 Ensemble, VGAFNet (face + holistic + audio) [10] 61.61
audio+ VGG13+VGG16+ResNet [18] 59.42 audio+ K-injection networks [34] 66.19
video 5 FBP models [31] 65.5 video Fusion of 14 models [58] 71.93
LBP-TOP (baseline) [20] 38.90 Hybrid Networks [14] 74.28
Frame attention network (FAN) [56] 51.18 VGAFNet (faces) [10] 60.18
Single Noisy student with iterative training [30] 55.17 DenseNet-121 (Hybrid Networks) [14] 64.75
model Our MobileNet-v1 55.35 Self-attention K-injection network [34] 65.01
Our EfficientNet-B0 59.27 Single Slowfast [58] 68.57
Our EfficientNet-B2 59.00 model Our MobileNet-v1 68.92
Our EfficientNet-B0 66.80
Our EfficientNet-B2 70.23

the training video, it was ignored, but the validation videos

with missed faces were associated with zero descriptors [28]. of people, video quality, etc. The training set provided by
The L2 -normalized descriptors were classified using Line- the challenge’s organizers contains 2661 clips, while 766
arSVC from scikit-learn with regularization parameters videos are available for validation. The task is to classify
found using cross-validation on the training set. The classifi- each video into 3 classes - positive, neutral and negative.
cation accuracy is presented in Table 7. The greatest accu- As the frame in this dataset usually contains several
racy for ensemble and single models are marked by bold. facial regions, the mean and standard deviation of the facial
Here the proposed models are up to 5% more accurate emotion embeddings in each frame were concatenated to
when compared to other single models. Even the MobileNet obtain its features. The final descriptor of the whole video
is 0.1% more accurate than the best-known technique with was computed as a concatenation of the mean and standard
the ResNet that was iteratively trained as a noisy stu- deviation of frame features. The missing faces in all videos
dent [30]. The confusion matrix (Fig. 6) of the best Efficient- were processed similarly to the previous experiments with
Net model demonstrates that though many emotions are the AFEW dataset: the empty videos were removed from
predicted accurately, the accuracy for at least Disgust and the training set, but associated with zero descriptors to com-
Fear categories should be improved. Though the best pare the validation accuracy with existing models [28]. The
ensembles [31] are still much more accurate, our approach video descriptors obtained by the proposed CNNs are clas-
is much faster and can be implemented for real-time proc- sified by SVC with RBF kernel. The main results are pre-
essing of a student’s emotions even on his or her mobile sented in Table 8.
device. The proposed approach leads again to the best results
The video group emotion recognition task was studied against single models. The best EfficientNet-B2 improves
by using the VGAF dataset [10] that contains group videos the best-known Slowfast video analysis [58] up to 1.7%. Its
downloaded from YouTube with creative commons license. confusion matrix is presented in Fig. 7. One can notice the
The data has a lot of variations in terms of context, number natural behaviour of this classifier, namely, the worst accu-
racy for the Neutral category, which is typically misclassi-
fied as either positive or negative affect. Even MobileNet is
0.35% more accurate than the usage of Slowfast. Though the
large ensembles of the winners of this challenge [14] are
more accurate, the proposed models are still competitive
with even the fusion of 14 deep CNNs applied to various
audio and video features [58].

Fig. 6. Confusion matrix for video-based individual emotion recognition, Fig. 7. Confusion matrix for video-based group-level emotion recogni-
EfficientNet-B0 features. tion, EfficientNet-B2 features.

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5 CONCLUSION estimate the overall emotion of the whole group. In this

case, analysis of facial regions is the most preferable for
Though there exist many accurate engagement detection
emotion recognition in online lessons because it leads to a
and emotion classification techniques [31], [41], their usage
much higher emotion classification accuracy when com-
in online learning is still very limited because most students
pared to the performance of existing single models.
do not want to share their facial videos due to privacy con-
In future, it is necessary to use extra video data to improve
cerns. It is especially difficult to get permission for facial
the quality of engagement prediction engine, which is lim-
analysis of children. In order to deal with this issue, the
ited now due to the usage of a small training set. Second, as
novel framework (Fig. 1) was proposed in this article for
the resolution of detected faces can still be low, we are going
video-based analysis of the learners’ emotional engagement.
to study the known low-resolution FER techniques [49] to
This framework can be integrated into existing e-learning
improve the quality of engagement detection and emotion
tools for fast and accurate assessment of students’ emotions
recognition by modifying the proposed models that were
and comprehension. We believe, the main users of this
trained on 224x224 and 300x300 facial images. Third, it may
framework will be the managers and technical specialists of
be important to predict arousal and valence [51], [59] in addi-
online platforms or online specialities/degrees who have to
tion to facial expressions to give the teacher additional infor-
analyze the success of their courses and find the key factors
mation about the attitude of each student. Another research
to improve the quality of online courses, reduce the cus-
direction is the improvement of face clustering by applying
tomer churn, etc. The students need only to turn on their
text detection and recognition techniques to obtain the name
cameras and teachers have to record the video of their webi-
of each participant of the video conference and group facial
nars. To save the learner’s privacy, the facial videos may be
regions that are located close to the detected name. Finally, it
processed even on his or her mobile device. The teacher
is necessary to examine the potential of the proposed tech-
receives only the averaged predicted engagement and emo-
nique and emotional features in other tasks of e-learning,
tional scores of the whole group. The developed neural
such as online proctoring.
models require facial images to have resolution 224x224 or
300x300, so that the quality of any frontal camera is appro-
priate. Moreover, our preliminary experiments demonstrate REFERENCES
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Andrey V. Savchenko received the BS degree in Ilya Makarov received the PhD degree in com-
applied mathematics and informatics from Nizhny puter science from the University of Ljubljana,
Novgorod State Technical University, Nizhny Nov- Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since 2011 up to 2022, he
gorod, Russia, in 2006, the PhD degree in mathe- was a full-time lecturer with HSE University,
matical modelling and computer science from the School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence.
State University Higher School of Economics, He is senior research fellow with AIRI, HSE Uni-
Moscow, Russia, in 2010, and the DrSc degree in versity – Nizhniy Novgorod, and researcher with
system analysis and information processing from Samsung-PDMI Joint AI Center, St. Petersburg
Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University, in Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics,
2016. Since 2008, he has been with the HSE Uni- Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg,
versity, Nizhny Novgorod, where he is currently a Russia. His educational career in data science
full professor with the Department of Information Systems and Technolo- covers positions of program director of BigData Academy MADE from
gies. He is also a leading research fellow with the Laboratory of Algo- VK, senior lecturer with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology,
rithms and Technologies for Network Analysis, HSE University. He has and machine learning engineer and head of Data Science Tech Master
authored or co-authored one monograph and more than 50 articles. His program in NLP, National University of Science and Technology MISIS.
current research interests include statistical pattern recognition, image
classification, and biometrics.
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Lyudmila V. Savchenko received the PhD
degree in system analysis and information proc-
essing from Voronezh State Technical University,
in 2017, and the specialist degree in applied
mathematics and informatics from Nizhny Nov-
gorod State Technical University, Nizhny Nov-
gorod, Russia, in 2008. Since 2018, she has
been with the HSE University, Nizhny Novgorod,
where she is currently an associate professor
with the Department of Information Systems and
Technologies. She is also a senior research fel-
low with the Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Network
Analysis, HSE University. Her current research interests include speech
processing and e-learning systems.

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