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High Strength Structural Bolt Assemblies, Steel and Alloy Steel, Heat Treated, 144ksi Minimum Tensile Strength, Inch Dimensions

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: F3148 − 17a

Standard Specification for

High Strength Structural Bolt Assemblies, Steel and Alloy
Steel, Heat Treated, 144ksi Minimum Tensile Strength, Inch
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F3148; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 1.4.2 Torque-and-Angle Fixed-Spline Structural Bolting

1.1 This specification covers chemical, dimensional, physi- Assembly2— a fastener assembly comprised of a torque-and-
cal and mechanical requirements for quenched and tempered angle fixed-spline bolt with a suitable nut and at least one
bolts manufactured from steel and alloy steel, in inch dimen- washer, installed and tightened using a special electric wrench
sions. The bolts are available as structural bolting assemblies and socket system which has an inner socket that engages the
which include a fixed spline bolt, a suitable nut and at least one fixed-spline end of the bolt and with an outer socket that
washer covered by reference herein. engages and turns the nut, in two separate and distinct
operations, the first is a controlled torque application and the
1.2 Intended Use: second is a specified angle.
1.2.1 Bolts manufactured under this specification, and struc- 1.4.3 Combined Method—A tightening method comprised
tural bolting assemblies supplied under this specification, are of two steps, the first tightening step using a torque regulating
intended for use in structural connections covered in the tool and the second tightening step in which a specified turn is
Specification for Structural Joints Using High-Strength Bolts applied to the turned part of the assembly. Also known as the
and installed using the torque-and-angle or part turn/combined ‘part turn method’.
installation method.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
1.2.2 Structural bolting assemblies in this specification are
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
furnished in nominal diameters from 1⁄2 to 1-1⁄4 in. inclusive.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
1.3 Classification: priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
1.3.1 Structural bolting assemblies are designated as Grade bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
144. 1.6 ASTM International takes no position respecting the
1.3.2 Bolts are designated by type denoting raw material validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any
chemical composition. item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are
Type 1 - 144ksi - carbon steel, carbon boron steel, alloy steel or alloy steel expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
with boron addition
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are
Type 3 - 144ksi - weathering steel
entirely their own responsibility.
1.4 Terms used in the specification are defined in Terminol-
ogy F1789. 1.7 This international standard was developed in accor-
1.4.1 Torque-and-Angle Fixed-Spline Structural Bolt—bolt dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
that includes an integral fixed-spline end which extends beyond ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
the threaded portion of the bolt and is used as a component of Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
a torque-and-angle fixed-spline structural bolting assembly. mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F16 on
Fasteners and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F16.02 on Steel Bolts, The torque-and-angle fixed-spline structural bolting system has a patent
Nuts, Rivets and Washers. application pending. Interested parties are invited to submit information regarding
Current edition approved May 15, 2017. Published June 2017. Originally the identification of an alternative(s) to this patent-pending item to the ASTM
approved in 2015. Last previous edition approved in 2017 as F3148–17. DOI: International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a
10.1520/F3148-17A meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

F3148 − 17a
2. Referenced Documents 2.2 ASME Standards:4
2.1 ASTM Standards:3 B 1.1 Unified Screw Threads
A563 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts B 18.2.6 Fasteners for Use in Structural Applications
A751 Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemi- B 18.18 Quality Assurance for Fasteners
cal Analysis of Steel Products 2.3 RCSC:5
B695 Specification for Coatings of Zinc Mechanically De- Specification for Structural Joints Using High-Strength
posited on Iron and Steel Bolts
E709 Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing
E1444/E1444M Practice for Magnetic Particle Testing 3. Ordering Information
F436/F436M Specification for Hardened Steel Washers Inch 3.1 Orders for structural bolting assemblies under this
and Metric Dimensions specification shall include:
F606/F606M Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical 3.2 Mandatory ordering information:
Properties of Externally and Internally Threaded 3.2.1 ASTM F3148 designation and revision,
Fasteners, Washers, Direct Tension Indicators, and Rivets 3.2.2 Quantity—Number of assemblies,
F788 Specification for Surface Discontinuities of Bolts, 3.2.3 Grade 144,
Screws, and Studs, Inch and Metric Series 3.2.4 Size—Including nominal diameter and bolt length,
F1136/F1136M Specification for Zinc/Aluminum Corrosion 3.2.5 Type—Type 1 or Type 3. When Type is not specified
Protective Coatings for Fasteners either Type 1 or Type 3 may be furnished at the supplier’s
F1470 Practice for Fastener Sampling for Specified Me- option.
chanical Properties and Performance Inspection 3.2.6 Coatings or finishes—If other than plain finish, specify
F1789 Terminology for F16 Mechanical Fasteners the coating process or finish required, see Table 1.
F2328 Test Method for Determining Decarburization and
Carburization in Hardened and Tempered Threaded Steel 3.3 Additional ordering information when specified by pur-
Bolts, Screws, Studs, and Nuts chaser;
F2833 Specification for Corrosion Protective Fastener Coat- 3.3.1 Test reports, see Section 15.
ings with Zinc Rich Base Coat and Aluminum Organic/ 3.3.2 Additional details of other assembly components.
Inorganic Type 3.3.3 Rotational capacity testing of assemblies per Annex
G101 Guide for Estimating the Atmospheric Corrosion Re- A1.
sistance of Low-Alloy Steels 3.3.4 Observation or inspection requirements. See 14.2.

Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASME
International Headquarters, Two Park Ave., New York, NY 10016-5990, http://
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or Research Council on Structural Connections (RCSC) http://
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM www.boltcouncil.org/
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website.

TABLE 1 Permitted CoatingsG

B695A,F F1136/F1136MD,F F2833E,F
Bolt Class 55 Grade 3 Grade 1
Nut Class 55 Grade 5 Grade 1
Washer Class 55 Grade 3 Grade 1
Bolt Pitch Bolt Pitch Bolt Pitch
Nut Pitch Dia. OS After Nut Pitch Dia. OS After Nut Pitch Dia. OS After
Overtap CoatingC OvertapB CoatingC OvertapB CoatingC
in. in. in. in. in. in.
⁄ -13 UNC
12 0.018 0.012 0.009 0.006 0.009 0.006
⁄ -11 UNC
58 0.020 0.013 0.010 0.007 0.010 0.007
3⁄4-10 UNC 0.020 0.013 0.010 0.007 0.010 0.007
7⁄8-9 UNC 0.022 0.015 0.011 0.008 0.011 0.008
1-8 UNC 0.024 0.016 0.012 0.008 0.012 0.008
1 1⁄8-7 UNC 0.024 0.016 0.012 0.008 0.012 0.008
1 1⁄4-7 UNC 0.024 0.016 0.012 0.008 0.012 0.008
Supplementary nut lubrication to A563 S1, S2 or S3 is required for mechanically deposited zinc coatings.
Nut overtap shall not exceed this amount unless agreed upon between the purchaser and user. If a larger overtap is used or required, coated structural bolt assembles
shall pass the RC test requirements per F3148, Annex A1 as proof of assembly, ductility and thread strength.
Bolt pitch oversize limit in case of dispute. Material within the plain gage limits which meets the coating thickness requirements and assembles freely need not be
measured to this tolerance.
Grade 5 of this coating meets the supplementary lubrication requirements of A563 S1.
Grade 1 of this coating meets the supplementary lubrication requirements of A563 S1.
Nuts overtapped for coating shall be proof load tested to a minimum of 175 000 psi.
Other finishes – specify other protective finish, if required.
OS= Oversize

F3148 − 17a
3.3.5 Country of origin. 6.2 Type 3 bolts shall be weathering steel and shall conform
3.3.6 Supplementary requirements. to the chemical compositions A or B specified in Table 3.
NOTE 1—A typical description follows: 1000 pieces 3⁄4-10 × 3 in.
Optionally, the chemical composition may have a Corrosion
ASTM F3148-15, Grade 144, Type 1, each with one hardened ASTM Index of 6 or greater, as calculated from the Heat Analysis, and
F436/F436M Type 1 washer, and one A563 Grade DH heavy hex nut. as described in Guide G101 Guide for Estimating the Atmo-
spheric Corrosion Resistance of Low-Alloy Steels.
4. Dimensions
6.3 Product analysis made on finished bolts representing
4.1 Head and Body: each lot shall conform to the product analysis requirements
4.1.1 Bolts shall be round head conforming to the dimen- specified in Table 3, Footnote A.
sions specified in Table 2.
6.4 Heats to which bismuth, selenium, tellurium, or lead has
4.1.2 The thread length shall not be changed except as
been intentionally added shall not be permitted.
provided in Supplementary Requirement S1. Other dimensions
shall not be changed. 6.5 Chemical analysis shall be performed in accordance
4.2 Threads: with Test Methods, Practices, and TerminologyA751.
4.2.1 Uncoated bolt threads shall be as specified in Table 2.
4.2.2 Coated bolt threads shall be as specified in Table 2 7. Materials and Manufacture
before coating. 7.1 Structural bolting assemblies shall be certified, supplied
4.3 The gauging limit for coated bolts shall be verified and installed as matched sets. These assemblies shall be
during manufacture. In case of dispute, a calibrated thread ring capable of developing a minimum predetermined initial and
gauge of the same size as the oversize limit in Table 1 (Class final tension when installed using an appropriate fixed spline-
X tolerance, gauge tolerance plus) shall be used to verify drive installation tool. See Appendix X1.
conformance. The gauge shall assemble with hand effort 7.2 Production Method:
following application of light machine oil to prevent galling 7.2.1 Bolts shall be cold formed, warm formed, hot formed,
and damage to the gauge. These inspections, when performed hot forged, machined, or any combination thereof.
to resolve controversy, shall be conducted at the frequency
specified in the quality assurance provisions of ASME B 18.18. 7.3 Heat Treatment:
7.3.1 All Bolts shall be quenched in oil from the austenitiz-
NOTE 2—It is the intent of this specification that coated nuts and bolts ing temperature.
assemble freely when ordered together. It is recognized that the batch
nature of coating processes and the cumulative effect of coating thickness 7.3.2 All Bolts shall be tempered by reheating to not less
may create intermittent assembly problems. than 800°F/427°C.
7.4 Threads shall be rolled or cut.
5. Product Marking
7.5 Coatings and Other Finishes:
5.1 At a minimum all assemblies shall be marked as
required in Table 2. Marking shall be on the bolt head and shall 7.5.1 Coatings, including supplementary lubrication and nut
be raised or depressed, at the manufacturer’s option. The oversize requirements are provided in Table 1.
marking shall be visible after coating. 7.5.2 When coated assemblies are required, the purchaser
shall specify the coating process and any additional special
5.2 Grade/Type marking, the manufacturer’s mark, and the requirements.
private label distributor’s mark (if used), shall be in separate
7.5.3 Threaded components of assemblies (bolts and nuts)
and distinct locations.
shall be coated by the same process, limited to one process per
item with no mixed processes in a component lot.
6. Chemical Composition
7.5.4 Nut and washer components of the assemblies shall be
6.1 Type 1 bolts shall be carbon steel, carbon boron steel, in accordance with Table 2.
alloy steel or alloy steel with Boron addition at the manufac-
turer’s option, conforming to the chemical composition speci- 7.6 Secondary Processing:
fied in Table 3. 7.6.1 Lot control and full traceability shall be maintained
throughout all outside or secondary processes.
7.6.2 Lots to which secondary processing has been per-
formed by any party after sale from the manufacturer must be
TABLE 2 Dimensions, Threads, Marking, and Matching traceable using a lot number which differs from the manufac-
Components turer’s original lot number.
Type 1 Type 3 7.6.3 If processing that can affect mechanical or perfor-
Round Head Dimensions,
ASMEA B18.2.6 B18.2.6 mance properties is performed after initial testing, the bolts or
Thread Fit, ASME B1.1 UNC 2A B1.1 UNC 2A assemblies, or both, shall be retested for all specified mechani-
Grade Marking 144 144 cal properties and performance requirements affected by the
Nut A563 DH A563 DH3
Flat Washer F436/F436M – 1 F436/F436M – 3 processing.
All dimensions except spline geometry 7.6.4 When the secondary process is heat treatment, the
bolts shall be tested for all specified mechanical properties.

F3148 − 17a
TABLE 3 Chemical RequirementsA
Type 1 Type 3
Heat Analysis Carbon Steel with or Alloy Steel with or Composition Composition Based on Corrosion
without without
Boron Boron A B IndexB

Carbon 0.30 – 0.52 0.30 – 0.48 0.33 – 0.40 0.38 – 0.48 0.30 – 0.52
Manganese 0.60 min 0.60 min 0.90 – 1.20 0.70 – 0.90 0.60 min
Phosphorus, max 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035
Sulfur, max 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040
Silicon 0.15 – 0.30 { 0.15 – 0.30 0.30 – 0.50 {
Boron, max 0.003 0.003 { { {

Copper { { 0.25 – 0.45 0.20 – 0.40 0.20 – 0.60B

Nickel { { 0.25 – 0.45 0.50 – 0.80 0.20B,C min
Chromium { { 0.45 – 0.65 0.50 – 0.75 0.45B min
Molybdenum { { { 0.06 max 0.15B,C min

Individual product analysis that is outside the specified range is permitted provided it is within 10% of the value required of the heat analysis.
Type 3 bolts conforming to composition A or B, or type 3 bolts which have a copper minimum Heat Analysis of 0.20% and a Corrosion Index of 6 or higher as calculated
from the Heat Analysis as described in Guide G101 Predictive method shall be accepted
Either Nickel or Molybdenum must be present in the amount specified.

7.6.5 Secondary processing, including lubrication, by any 8.6.1 The minimum number of tests required from each lot
party other than that which certified the assembly lot shall not or each assembly lot shall be in accordance with F1470 and
be permitted unless under the direction of the manufacturer or ASME B18.18. These tests and sample numbers are for final
responsible party. inspection only and shall be in addition to the manufacturer’s
7.7 Lubrication: established internal quality control system and in-process
7.7.1 Assemblies shall have at least one component lubri- inspection procedures.
cated by the responsible party to meet the assembly lot tension NOTE 3—The purpose of a lot inspection and control program is to
requirements. ensure that each lot conforms to this specification and that lot integrity is
maintained to the point of use. It is essential that secondary processors,
distributors, and users maintain lot identification and integrity until
8. Testing and Lot Control installation.
8.1 Testing Responsibility: NOTE 4—8.6.1 is intended to identify a statistically large number of
8.1.1 Each lot shall be tested by the responsible party prior non-conformances but does not assure 100% freedom from non-
conforming product.
to shipment in accordance with the lot control and identifica-
tion quality assurance plan in 8.2 through 8.5. 9. Test Methods
8.2 Bolts shall be processed in accordance with a lot control 9.1 Tensile strength, proof load, surface discontinuities,
and identification quality assurance plan. The manufacturer, hardness, micro-hardness, carburization/decarburization, coat-
secondary processors, and distributors shall identify and main- ing thickness, magnetic particle, rotational capacity, and as-
tain the integrity of each production lot from raw material sembly tension testing, as applicable, shall be in accordance
through all processing operations to final packing and ship- with Table 4.
ment. Each lot shall be assigned a unique lot identification 9.2 Tensile strength shall be determined using the F606/
number, each lot shall be tested, and the lot inspection test F606M Wedge or Axial Tension Testing of Full Size Product
reports retained. Method or the Machined Test Specimens Method depending on
8.3 Secondary processing shall be in accordance with a lot size and nominal length as specified in 10.1.
control and identification plan. 9.3 Proof load shall be determined using F606/F606M
8.4 A lot shall be a quantity of uniquely identified bolts of Method 1, Length Measurement, or Method 2, Yield Strength,
the same nominal size and length produced consecutively at the at the option of the manufacturer.
initial operation from a single mill heat of material and 9.4 Magnetic Particle Inspection shall be conducted in
processed at one time, by the same process, in the same manner accordance with Table 4 and Section 11.
so that statistical sampling is valid.
9.5 Carburization/Decarburization Inspection shall be con-
8.5 Fastener tension testing and rotational capacity testing ducted in accordance with Table 4 and Section 12.
require that the responsible party maintain assembly lot trace-
9.6 Assembly torque and angle tension tests shall be
ability. A unique assembly lot number shall be created for each
performed in accordance with Table 5 and Section 13.
change in assembly component lot number, such as nuts or
washers. 10. Mechanical Properties
8.6 Number of Tests: 10.1 Tensile Properties:

F3148 − 17a
TABLE 4 Number of Tests and Test Method or Criteria
Sample Size Test Method Notes
Tensile Strength F1470 F606/F606M Wedge or axial full size. Machined. See
Proof Load F1470 F606/F606M Method 1 or 2 optional. See 8.2.
Hardness F1470 F606/F606M
Dimensions and Thread Fit ASME B18.18 ASME B18.2.6 and B1.1 2A

Surface Discontinuities F1470 F788

Coating Weight/Thickness F1470B Product Specification
Guide E709 or Practice E1444/
E1444M. Sample based on quantity per
Magnetic Particle F1470 F788 heat number, per heat treatment pro-
cess. At least one sampling per heat
number, per heat treatment process

Carburization/Decarburization At least 1 F2328

Fastener Tension F1470 Section 11
Rotational CapacityA F1470 Annex A1 Minimum of 2 sample size
Fasteners assemblies shall be rotational capacity tested when specified on the inquiry and order.
Use F1470 for sampling if sample requirements are not in the coating specification.

TABLE 5 Assembly Tension Test Minimum Tension, lbf

Bolt Diameter (in.) ⁄
12 ⁄
58 ⁄
34 ⁄
78 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄ 4
Initial Minimum 7000 11000 16000 22000 29000 36000 46000
Final Minimum 16000 25000 37000 51000 67000 84000 107000

10.1.1 Except as permitted in 10.1.2 and 10.1.3, diameters 1 10.1.5 When the length of the bolt makes full-size testing
in. and smaller having a nominal length of 21⁄4 D and longer, impractical, machined specimens shall be tested and shall
and sizes over 1 in. having a nominal length of 3D and longer, conform to the requirements specified in Table 7. When bolts
shall be wedge tested full size to F606/F606M and shall are tested by both full-size and machined specimen methods,
conform to the minimum wedge tensile load and proof load or the full-size test shall take precedence.
alternative proof load specified in Table 6. 10.2 Hardness:
10.1.2 Sizes 1 in. and smaller having a nominal length 10.2.1 Bolts shall conform to the hardness in Table 8. For
shorter than 21⁄4 D down to 2D, inclusive, that cannot be wedge lots on which both hardness and tension tests are performed,
tensile tested, shall be axially tension tested full size to acceptance based on tensile requirements shall take precedence
F606/F606M and shall conform to the minimum tensile load in the event of low hardness readings
and proof load specified in Table 6.
10.1.3 Sizes 1 in. and smaller having a nominal length 11. Magnetic Particle Inspection
shorter than 2D and sizes larger than 1 in. with nominal lengths 11.1 Magnetic particle testing shall be performed in accor-
shorter than 3D that cannot be axially tensile tested shall be dance with Guide E709 or Practice E1444/E1444M. Guide
qualified on hardness. E709 shall be used for referee purposes.
10.1.4 Fracture on full-size tests shall be in the threads of
the bolt without fracture in the body or at the junction of the 11.2 The lot, as represented by the samples, shall be free
head and body. from nonconforming bolts, as defined in Specification F788.
See Note 5.
TABLE 6 Tensile Strength Requirements for Bolts Tested Full 11.3 If any nonconforming bolt is found during the manu-
Size facturer’s sample examination the lot shall be 100% magnetic
Nominal Stress AreaA Tensile min Proof LoadB Proof LoadC particle inspected and all nonconforming bolts shall be re-
Size, min min moved and scrapped or destroyed.
in. in.2 lbf lbf lbf
1⁄2-13 UNC 0.142 20450 15350 16350 11.4 Eddy current or liquid penetrant inspection shall be an
5⁄8-11 UNC 0.226 32550 24400 26000
3⁄4-10 UNC
acceptable substitute for 100% magnetic particle inspection.
0.334 48100 36100 38400
7⁄8-9 UNC 0.462 66550 49900 53150 On completion of the eddy current or liquid penetrant inspec-
1-8 UNC 0.606 87250 65450 69700 tion the lot shall be reexamined by the magnetic particle
11⁄8-7 UNC 0.763 109900 82400 87750
11⁄4-7 UNC 0.969 139550 104650 111450
Above values based on 144000psi 108000psi 115000psi TABLE 7 Tensile Strength Requirements for Specimens
A Machined from Bolts
The stress area is calculated as follows:
AS = 0.7854 [D-(0.9743/P)]2 Tensile min. Tensile max. Yield min. Elongation Reduction of
Where AS = Stress Area, D = Nominal Bolt Size, and P = thread pitch in 4D, min. Area, min.
Proof load length measurement % %
Alternative Proof load Yield Strength Method 144000 psi { 115000 psi 14 35

F3148 − 17a
TABLE 8 Hardness Requirements for Bolts test report shall record the torque required at minimum initial
Brinell HB Rockwell HRC tension in Table 5, and the additional rotation angle required
Min Max Min Max from initial tension to exceed the final tension requirement in
293 326 31 35
Table 5.
NOTE 6—Detailed installation instructions are routinely prepared by the
manufacturer or responsible party, or both, supplying assemblies to this
method in the original sample quantity. In case of controversy, standard.
the magnetic particle test shall take precedence.
14. Other Quality Assurance Requirements
NOTE 5—Magnetic particle indications themselves shall not be cause
for rejection. If in the opinion of the quality assurance representative the 14.1 Workmanship:
indications may be cause for rejection the samples shall be examined by 14.1.1 The allowable limits, inspection, and evaluation of
microscopic examination or removal by surface grinding to determine if
the indicated discontinuities are within the specified limits.
surface discontinuities shall be in accordance with Specifica-
tion F788.
12. Carburization/Decarburazation 14.2 Special Inspection:
12.1 This test is intended to evaluate the presence or 14.2.1 If observation or inspection is required by the
absence of carburization and decarburization as determined by purchaser, it shall be specified in the inquiry and order. Such
the difference in micro-hardness near the surface and core. observation or inspection requirements shall be specific and
agreed upon by all parties.
12.2 Carburization—Bolts shall show no evidence of a
14.2.2 The purchaser’s representative shall have free entry
carburized surface when evaluated to Test Method F2328.
to all parts of the manufacturer’s or subcontractor’s works, or
12.3 Decarburization—Hardness value differences shall not supplier’s place of business that concern the manufacture or
exceed the requirements set forth for decarburization in Test supply of the material ordered.
Method F2328 for Class 2. 14.2.3 The manufacturer or supplier shall afford the pur-
chaser’s representative all reasonable facilities to satisfy them
13. Assembly Quality Assurance that the material is being furnished in accordance with this
13.1 General Requirements: specification.
13.1.1 The manufacturer or responsible party, or both shall 14.2.4 All tests and inspections required by the purchaser’s
develop a manufacturing, testing, and quality control plan that representative shall be made before shipment, and conducted
assures assemblies meet the initial and final tension require- so as not to interfere unnecessarily with the operation.
ments of this standard when used with the intended installation 14.3 Rejection and Rehearing:
tool(s). 14.3.1 Disposition of nonconforming bolts shall be in ac-
13.1.2 The manufacturer or responsible party, or both shall cordance with the Practice F1470 section titled “Disposition of
develop a manufacturing, testing, and quality control plan that Nonconforming Lots.”
assures installation tool(s) will meet the initial and final tension
requirements of this standard when used with assemblies 15. Test Reports
produced to this standard.
13.1.3 The test plan shall include an initial and final tension 15.1 When specified by the purchaser, the responsible party
test, and shall use torque, tension and angle signature analysis shall furnish a test report that includes the following, as
to measure fastener assembly performance. applicable:
13.2 Initial and Final Tension Test: 15.2 General Information:
13.2.1 The tension test shall demonstrate that the initial 15.2.1 Lot number,
installation torque will achieve at least the minimum initial 15.2.2 Purchase order number, job number, sequence num-
tension in Table 5, and from that initial tension, with the ber or other special identifiers, if specified,
additional required degrees of turn, the assemblies will achieve 15.2.3 Mailing address of responsible party,
at least the minimum final tension required in Table 5. 15.2.4 Title and signature of the individual assigned test
13.2.2 Test assemblies shall consist of one bolt, one nut and report responsibility,
at least one washer. 15.2.5 Date and standard, including revision number,
13.2.3 Test shall be conducted at an ambient temperature 15.3 Results—Report results of all required tests,
between 50° and 90° F (10 and 32°C). 15.3.1 Heat analysis, heat number, and calculated Corrosion
13.2.4 The measuring equipment shall be calibrated per the Index for Type 3 material if not from composition A or B,
measuring equipment manufacturer’s recommendation or the 15.3.2 Results of hardness, tensile, and proof load tests,
control plan if more restrictive, but not less than once per year. 15.3.3 Results of magnetic particle inspection,
13.2.5 The Assembly lot sample size shall be in accordance 15.3.4 Results of carburization and decarburization tests,
with F1470, “Assembly tension test”, or greater if required by 15.3.5 Results of rotational capacity tests; if required,
the test plan. 15.3.6 Results of fastener assembly testing,
13.2.6 The assembly lot shall have a test report from the 15.3.7 Results of tests and inspections performed on match-
manufacturer or responsible party, or both to verify confor- ing nut and washer components used in assemblies,
mance to the initial tension and final tension requirements. The 15.3.8 Results of coating thickness; if required, and

F3148 − 17a
15.3.9 Results of inspection for surface discontinuities and 16.2 Package Marking:
visual inspection for head bursts. 16.2.1 Each shipping unit shall include and be plainly
15.4 Statements: marked with the following information:
15.4.1 Statement of conformance with dimensional and ASTM designation, Grade and Type.
thread fit requirements; Size,
15.4.2 Statement certifying that steel heats having the ele- Name of the manufacturer or responsible party,
ments listed in 6.4 intentionally added was not used. Number of pieces, Lot number,
16. Packaging and Package Marking Coating type and class or grade, as applicable,
16.1 Packaging: Purchase order number or other distinguishing
16.1.1 Packaging shall be to the manufacturer’s standard information, when required by the customer, and
packaging practice or as agreed between the purchaser and Country of origin, when required by the customer.
16.1.2 When special packaging or labeling is required, the 17. Keywords
requirements shall be defined at the time of the inquiry and 17.1 144 ksi; alloy steel; alternate design fasteners; angle;
again at the time of order. bolts; carbon steel; combined method; fasteners; fixed spline;
16.1.3 Bolts shall be packaged as assemblies or as matched inch; part turn; spline end; steel; structural; structural bolts;
sets. torque; torque angle; torque and angle; weathering steel


The following requirements shall be applied when specified by the purchaser on the inquiry and
order. Details of these requirements shall be agreed upon in writing between the manufacturer and

S1 Bolts Threaded Full Length: S2.3 Supplemental lubricants are not permitted on assem-
See Note S1.1. blies except when applied by the responsible party, see 7.6.5.
S1.1 Bolts with nominal lengths equal to or shorter than four S2.4 Lubricant specified by the purchaser or required by the
times the nominal bolt diameter may be threaded full length. responsible party shall be applied to all of the same compo-
These bolts need not have a shoulder. nents within the lot.
S1.2 Bolts shall be marked in accordance with Table 2,
except that the symbol shall include a “T”, for example S3 Rotational Capacity Testing:
S1.3 The distance from the under-head bearing surface to the S3.1 When specified on the inquiry and order, rotational
first complete (full form) thread, as measured with a GO thread capacity testing in accordance with Annex A1 shall be per-
ring gauge, assembled by hand as far as the thread will permit, formed by the responsible party.
shall not exceed the length of 2-1⁄2 threads for bolt sizes 1 in. S3.2 Rotational capacity tests may be specified on plain or
and smaller, and 3-1⁄2 threads for bolt sizes larger than 1 in. coated assemblies.
NOTE S1.1— Many structural connection designs require the shear S3.3 Rotational capacity tests shall include sets of at least
strength of a full body fastener. Increased thread lengths may place one bolt, one nut and one washer. Sampling shall be to Practice
reduced diameters in shear planes reducing connection strength. F1470 except the minimum sample size in all cases shall be
S2 Lubricant: two assemblies.
S3.4 Assembly lot rotational capacity test reports and prod-
S2.1 Additional lubrication requirements shall be as agreed
uct labeling to maintain assembly lot traceability is required.
in writing between the user and responsible party.
S2.2 Lubrication requirements may include lubricated seal- S3.5 Components shall be packed together to prevent com-
ers used with coating systems, colored lubricants, or specified mingling with other lots.
K factors. It may also include lubricants applied to the internal
threads and a single nut bearing surface.

F3148 − 17a


(Mandatory Information)

A1.1 Scope

A1.1.1 This annex details rotational capacity (RC) tests A1.4.2.3 Sampling shall be to F1470 unless otherwise
intended to evaluate the presence of lubricant, the efficiency of agreed upon between the supplier and purchaser, except that
lubricant and the compatibility of assemblies. The test serves the minimum sample size in all cases shall be two (2).
as a quality control measure against excessively overtapped
nuts or material with insufficient strength or ductility, and A1.5 Test Method 1 – Long Bolt Test Procedure
generally assures the assembly of elements (bolt, nut, and A1.5.1 Equipment Required:
washer) will function together as a unit to achieve required A1.5.1.1 Calibrated tension measuring device appropriate
preloads. When tested to meet the requirements of this annex, for the bolts to be tested.
assemblies shall be purchased and installed as matched sets. A1.5.1.2 Calibrated torque wrench and spud wrenches.
A1.1.2 This test is intended primarily for galvanized A1.5.1.3 Appropriate bushings and spacers.
assemblies, but may be specified for other coatings and plain A1.5.2 Procedure-Bolts that fit in a tension measuring
assemblies. device:
A1.1.3 When specified in contract documents this test may A1.5.2.1 Install the bolt and any spacers needed in the
also be used for field-testing. tension measuring device so that the bolt stick-out thread is
flush with the nut to a maximum of three threads stick-out. This
NOTE A1.1—The RC test applies to matched assembly lots that contain will typically provide three to five threads within the grip.
one bolt, one nut and one or more washers. It is the intent of this annex
that assemblies be packaged together in the same shipping container to
A1.5.2.2 Tighten the fastener assembly to the tensions listed
maintain lot integrity. These test methods are intended for use with 144 ksi in Table A1.1 (-0/+2 KIPS).
bolts mated to the recommended nuts and washers. Research has not been A1.5.2.3 Match-mark the bolt, nut and face plate of the
done on all diameters and coatings, therefore some of the requirements in tension measuring device.
this test are extrapolated. The purchaser and supplier should consider any A1.5.2.4 Tighten the fastener assembly to at least the
additional investigation necessary to establish appropriate RC testing
guidelines minimum tension in Table A1.2 and record both the tension
and torque. The torque shall be read with the nut in motion.
A1.2. Referenced Documents The maximum torque is listed in Table A1.2.
A1.2.1 ASTM Standards:3 A1.5.2.5 The torque value from A1.5.2.4 shall not exceed
F1789 Terminology for F16 Mechanical Fasteners 0.25 PD,
F1470 Practice for Fastener Sampling for Specified Me- where:
chanical Properties and Performance Inspection D = Dia. (in.)/12 = bolt diameter in ft
A1.3. Terminology P = tension in pounds
A1.3.1 Terms used in this specification are defined in A1.5.2.6 Further tighten the nut to the rotation listed in
Terminology F1789, unless otherwise defined herein. Table A1.3. The rotation is measured from the initial marking
in step A1.5.2.3.
A1.4 Testing A1.5.2.7 Record the tension at the completion of the rota-
A1.4.1 Testing Requirement: tion in Table A1.3. The tension shall equal or exceed 1.15 × the
A1.4.1.1 Assemblies shall be tested in an assembled joint or minimum tension in Table A1.2. The minimum required values
tension measuring device in accordance with Test Method 1 or are listed in Table A1.4.
Test Method 2, and shall not show signs of failure when A1.5.2.8 Loosen and remove the nut. There shall be no
subjected to the nut rotation in Table A1.3 for Test Method 1 or signs of thread shear failure, stripping, or torsional failure. The
Table A1.6 and Table A1.7 for Test Method 2. The test shall be nut shall turn on the bolt threads to the position it was in during
performed by the responsible party as noted in A1.4.2 prior to the test. The nut does not need to run the full length of the
shipment, but after zinc coating, lubrication or any secondary threads. Inability to turn the nut by hand is considered thread
processing of components. failure. Broken bolts fail the test.
A1.4.2 Testing Responsibility: TABLE A1.1 Tension Requirement by Diameter
A1.4.2.1 Each lot shall be tested by the manufacturer or
Bolt ⁄ in.
12 ⁄ in.
58 ⁄ in.
34 ⁄ in.
78 1 in. 11⁄8 in. 11⁄4 in.
responsible party prior to shipment. Dia.
A1.4.2.2 When bolts are furnished by a source other than (in.)
the manufacturer, the responsible party shall assure RC tests Initial 2 3 4 5 6 8 10
have been performed and the bolts meet the requirements of (kips)
this annex.

F3148 − 17a
TABLE A1.2 Maximum Permitted Torque at Minimum Design TABLE A1.5 Maximum Torque Values
Tension Bolt ⁄ in.
12 ⁄ in.
58 ⁄ in.
34 ⁄ in.
78 1 in. 11⁄8 in. 11⁄4 in.
Bolt ⁄ in.
12 ⁄ in.
58 ⁄ in.
34 ⁄ in.
78 1 in. 11⁄8 in. 11⁄4 in. Dia.
Dia. (in.)
(in.) Torque 180 370 630 1020 1540 2160 3050
Tension 15 24 35 49 64 80 102 (ft. lbs.)
Maximum 156 312 546 893 1333 1875 2656
(ft. lbs.) A1.7.2.3 Match-mark the nut, bolt and plate
Minimum A490 design tension in the RCSC Specification for Structural Joints A1.7.2.4 Tighten the bolt by rotating the nut as required in
Using High-Strength Bolts. 75% of minimum specified tensile strength.
Table A1.6. Prevent the bolt from rotating. Take a torque
reading at the required rotation with the nut in motion.
TABLE A1.3 Required Rotation
A1.7.2.5 The torque measurement taken in A1.7.2.4 should
not exceed the values listed in Table A1.5. Assemblies that
Bolt Length Up to 4D > 4D to 8D > 8D to 12D
Required Rotation 240 360 420 exceed the listed torque have failed the test. These torque
values are based on the assumed tension of 1.15 × minimum
installation tension
TABLE A1.4 Minimum Tension at Full Rotation A1.7.2.6 Further tighten the bolt by rotating the nut as
Bolt ⁄ in.
12 ⁄ in.
58 ⁄ in.
34 ⁄ in.
78 1 in. 11⁄8 in. 11⁄4 in. required in Table A1.7. Prevent the bolt from rotating. Assem-
Dia. blies that strip or fracture prior to this rotation fail the test.
Tension 17 28 40 56 74 92 117
A1.7.2.7 Loosen and remove the nut. There shall be no
(kips) signs of thread shear failure, stripping, or torsional failure. The
nut shall turn on the bolt threads to the position it was in during
the test. The nut does not need to run the full length of the
threads. Inability to turn the nut by hand is considered thread
A1.6 Long Bolt Acceptance Criteria
failure. Broken bolts fail the test.
A1.6.1 The assembly lot passes the RC test if all samples
meet the requirements of A1.5.2.5, A1.5.2.7, and A1.5.2.8 after A1.8 Short Bolt Acceptance
full rotation. A1.8.1 The assembly lot passes the RC test if all samples
A1.6.2 The lot shall be considered nonconforming if the meet the requirements of A1.7.2.5, A1.7.2.6, and A1.7.2.7 after
assembly fails to pass any one of the following requirements: full rotation.
A1.6.2.1 Over the maximum allowable torque in Table A1.8.2 The assembly lot shall be considered as noncon-
A1.2. forming if the assembly fails to pass any one of the following
A1.6.2.2 Inability of the assembly to reach the rotation specified requirements:
required in Table A1.3. A1.8.2.1 Over the maximum allowable torque in Table
A1.6.2.3 Inability to remove the nut after installing to the A1.5.
rotation specified in Table A1.3. A1.8.2.2 Failure to achieve the required rotation in Table
A1.6.2.4 Failure to provide the tension required in Table A1.7.
A1.4 after full rotation. A1.8.2.3 Inability to remove the nut after installing to the
A1.6.2.5 Shear failure of the threads as determined by rotation in Table A1.7.
visual examination of bolt and nut threads following removal. A1.8.2.4 Shear failure of the threads as determined by
A1.6.2.6 Torsional or torsional/tension failure of the bolt. visual examination of bolt and nut threads following removal.
Elongation of the bolt, in the threads between the nut and bolt A1.8.2.5 Torsional or torsional/tension failure of the bolt.
head, is to be expected at the required rotation and is not to be Elongation of the bolt, in the threads between the nut and bolt
classified as a failure. head, is to be expected at the required rotation and is not to be
classified as a failure.
A1.7 Test Method 2 – Short Bolt Test Procedure
A1.7.1 Equipment Required: A1.9 Test Reports
A1.7.1.1 Steel plate. A1.9.1 The responsible party shall furnish the purchaser a
A1.7.1.2 Calibrated torque wrench and spud wrenches. test report that includes the following:
A1.7.1.3 Bushings and Spacers. A1.9.1.1 Results of rotational capacity tests. This shall
A1.7.2 Procedure-Bolts too Short to Fit in a Tension Mea- include the test method used Method 1 (Tension Measuring
suring Device: Device) or Method 2 (Solid Plate).
A1.7.2.1 Install the bolt and any spacers needed in the steel A1.9.1.2 Assembly and assembly component lot numbers.
plate so that the bolt thread is flush with the nut to a maximum
of three threads stick-out. This will typically provide three to TABLE A1.6 Required Rotation
five threads within the grip.
Bolt Length Up to 4D > 4D to 8D
A1.7.2.2 Using a torque not to exceed 20% of that permitted Required Rotation 120 180
in Table A1.5, tighten the assembly in the steel plate.

F3148 − 17a
TABLE A1.7 Required Rotation from Initial Tension A1.9.1.3 Mail address of responsible party.
Bolt Length Up to 4D > 4D to 8D A1.9.1.4 Title and signature of the individual assigned test
Required Rotation 90 120
report responsibility.




(Nonmandatory Information)

X1.1 Scope capable of installing bolts to initial tension using torque, and
X1.1.1 This appendix details one possible installation pro- final tension using angle.
cedure for torque{and{angle tensioning of fixed-spline F3148 X1.1.3 This appendix is intended for field pre{installation
assemblies. Manufacturers or responsible parties, or both, may verification testing of assemblies and installation tools for use
provide alternative procedures for tensioning these assemblies. in pretensioned or slip{critical connections. For other connec-
X1.1.2 Test and installation tools shall be capable of ten- tion or installation requirements please contact the supplier for
sioning fixed{spline bolts from a single side, and shall be a detailed procedure.


X2.1 Number of Tests installed against the washer, at least flush with the first thread
X2.1.1 The number of tests from each assembly lot shall be of the bolt. Additional washers shall not be used in lieu of
no fewer than three (3). suitable spacers.
X2.4.2 Following the manufacturer’s recommended
X2.2 Tension Measuring Device
practice, install the assembly using torque with a tool capable
X2.2.1 A tension measuring device shall be used to measure of engaging the nut and bolt spline. The assembly shall meet
tension. Calibration of the device shall be at least annually by the minimum initial tension in Table X2.1.
the device manufacturer or a NIST accredited agency. The
calibration date shall be clearly identifiable and a calibration X2.4.3 Following the manufacturer’s recommended
certificate shall be made available if requested. The device practice, from the initial tension condition, install the assembly
shall have bushings that accept round heads, and plates and to final tension, using the degree of angle specified in Table
solid spacers specific to the bolt diameter and length being X2.2, with a tool capable of engaging the nut and bolt spline.
tested. The assembly shall meet the minimum final tension in Table
X2.3 Required Testing X2.4.4 Repeat the test in section X2.4.1 through X2.4.3 for
X2.3.1 Each assembly lot to be used in the work shall be each additional test assembly. Each assembly test must meet
tested in a tension measuring device to verify the torque-and- the minimum tension requirement for initial and final tension.
angle installation method can develop tensions that equal or NOTE X2.1—Acceptable tolerance on Table X2.2 angle of rotation is
exceed those specified in Table X2.1. -0 /+ 45 degrees.
NOTE X2.2—Where the surface of the bolt head or nut is not
X2.4 Test Procedure perpendicular to the bolt axis, the required final installation angle should
be determined by testing.
X2.4.1 Install the assembly (bolt, nut, and washer) in a
NOTE X2.3—Rotations beyond the tightening angle tolerance may be an
tension measuring device using the appropriate plate, bushing indication that the assembly was not properly initial tightened. Please
and spacer(s) for the diameter and length of bolt. The bolt head consult with supplier.
shall not be captured during testing. The washer shall be NOTE X2.4—Lengths over 8D may require additional rotation. Please
installed against the plate or spacer(s). The nut shall be consult with supplier.

TABLE X2.1 Assembly Tension Test Minimum Tension, lbf

Bolt Diameter (in.) ⁄
12 ⁄
58 ⁄
34 ⁄
78 1 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄ 4
Initial Minimum 7000 11000 16000 22000 29000 36000 46000
Final Minimum 16000 25000 37000 51000 67000 84000 107000

F3148 − 17a
TABLE X2.2 Angle Tightening Rotation
Bolt Length Required Diameter in.
RotationA ⁄
12 ⁄
58 ⁄
34 ⁄
78 1 11⁄8 1 1⁄ 4
Up to 4D 90° Up to 2 Up to 21⁄2 Up to 3 Up to 31⁄2 Up to 4 Up to 41⁄2 Up to 5
>4D to 8D 120° 21⁄4 to 4 23⁄4 to 5 31⁄4 to 6 33⁄4 to 7 41⁄4 to 8 43⁄4 to 9 51⁄4 to 10
See X3.3.


X3.1 Torque and Angle Installation Procedure rotate the nut and hold the bolt spline from a single side. The
X3.1.1 Align bolt holes to permit insertion of the bolts tool shall shut off when the minimum degree of nut rotation in
without undue damage to the threads. Table X2.2 is achieved, within a tolerance of -0 /+ 45 degrees.
X3.1.2 Install a bolt in each hole. Install a washer against X3.3.2 Repeat the angle tightening process for each bolt in
the steel over the threaded end of the bolt. Install the nut the connection, using the same systematic tightening pattern
against the washer to a finger tight condition. used for the initial tightening process.
X3.4 Inspection
X3.2 Initial Tightening
X3.4.1 Inspection after initial tightening
X3.2.1 Start with the most rigid point of the connection. X3.4.1.1 Perform routine observation of the initial tighten-
Perform initial tightening using torque with a tool capable of ing process to verify proper techniques are followed as
engaging the nut and bolt spline. The tool shall rotate the nut described in X3.2.
and hold the bolt spline from a single side. The tool shall shut X3.4.1.2 Verify that the plies in the connection have been
off when a calibrated torque value is reached that is sufficient pulled into firm contact.
to achieve the minimum initial tension in Table X2.1. X3.4.1.3 Verify that the proper length of bolt was used. The
X3.2.2 Repeat the initial tightening process for each addi- face of the nut shall be at least flush with the first thread of the
tional bolt in the connection as described in X3.2.1. If gaps in bolt and the stick-out should be checked to ensure the nut does
the steel remain, systematically perform initial tightening of not hit the thread run-out.
each bolt in the same pattern until the plies are in firm contact. X3.4.2 Inspection after angle tightening.
Initial tightening shall be controlled by the installation tool so X3.4.2.1 Perform routine observation of the final angle
that over-tightening does not occur. tightening process to verify proper techniques are followed as
described in X3.3.
X3.3 Angle Tightening
NOTE X3.1—If routine observation is not possible, match marking for
X3.3.1 With bolts in the initial tight condition from X3.2, final installation may be required during the angle tightening process. This
install the assembly to final tension using angle with a tool step of visual inspection should be included in the scope of work or
capable of engaging the nut and bolt spline. The tool shall contract documents to avoid disputes.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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