YEAR 2022-2023: Evaluation Instrument
YEAR 2022-2023: Evaluation Instrument
YEAR 2022-2023: Evaluation Instrument
The estimated time to complete this evaluation is 40 minutes
Consultations between colleagues are not allowed, nor is it possible to take out written media,
stereos and cell phones during the course of the evaluation.
The exam must be done with a black or blue pen.
Avoid erasures and erasures, analyze before answering each question.
FR-AC-02-1 12 05-06-2023
Reading (2 POINTS)
1. Read the text about Taylor Wilson and write who or what the underlined pronouns refer
to. (0.20 E/O)
Taylor Wilson looks like any twenty-one-year-old. He wears jeans and Converse sneakers and lives with
his parents in Reno. But Taylor is not like most other twenty-one-year-olds. When he was fourteen years
old, he built a nuclear fusion reactor in his parents’ garage… and made it work. At first, his parents were
afraid of his experiments, so they asked for advice from university professors. They asked Taylor lots of
questions and decided that he knew what he was doing. Seeing that he was safety-conscious, they allowed
him to carry on with his experiments. His next challenge was getting hold of the equipment he needed. He
bought some of it at antiques stores and borrowed some from local hospitals. When he was still a
teenager, he won the Thiel Fellowship – a very generous grant which funds bright young people, as long
as 1) they don’t go to college. So Taylor didn’t go to college and has no plans to do so in future. Instead,
he plans to cure cancer (because his grandmother died from 2) it. Taylor dedicates this research to her
memory because 3) she always supported his exploration of science. He is also interested in building
electric cars and would like to create a business producing 4) them. Other goals include traveling and
playing major-league baseball. His extraordinary life has not always been easy. Reading his own
biography was very difficult for him; 5) it made him realize that fame had affected him in negative ways.
But he has learned to be humble and now accepts that he is not good at everything. When asked about the
things he is not good at, he laughs and lists them: foreign languages, sports, and asking girls for their
phone numbers
2. Read the text again and underline the answers to the questions. (0.20 E/O)
Vocabulary (1 POINTS)
3.- Use the correct form of the verbs and phrases from the box to complete the sentences. (0.20 E/O)
a. Fiona was upset because she with her boyfriend last week.
b. She was feeling because her friend bought her a gift.
c. We used to be good friends, but we when we went to different middle
d. I heard John was feeling . I hope he’s better now.
e. ! Justin and Fernanda are engaged. Can you believe it?
Grammar (3 POINTS)
a. You don’t need/ought to worry about the number or “friends” you have in social networks.
c. My little cousin is typical of the new generation —he was able to/had better use a tablet before he
learned to write.
e. My mom says she had better/is allowed to learn about Twitter, since my sisters and I all use it.
5.- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. (0.20 E/O)
e. There was no guarantee that Adriana ________________(pass) her driving test, but she did.
a. as/do/be/I/my/parents/my/long/best/As/will/proud
b. will/Paula/keep/until/writing/she/novel/her/finishes
b. English/as/I’m/soon/an/exam/going/possible/to/take/as
a. firefighter/train/I/am/a/After/leave/going to/school/I/as
b. having/We/brother/college/party/before/a/to/goes/are/my
Listening (1 point)
7. Listen to five short extracts in which people talk about something they needed help with.
Choose from the list (A–H) what each speaker needed help with. Use the letters only once. There
are four extra letters which you do not need to use. (0.20 E/O)
Which of these
activities would you
prefer to do? Why?