(Evidence-Based Medicine) Donald A. Molony, Jonathan C. Craig, Giovanni Strippoli - Evidence-Based Nephrology, 2 Volume Set-Wiley-Blackwell (2022)
(Evidence-Based Medicine) Donald A. Molony, Jonathan C. Craig, Giovanni Strippoli - Evidence-Based Nephrology, 2 Volume Set-Wiley-Blackwell (2022)
(Evidence-Based Medicine) Donald A. Molony, Jonathan C. Craig, Giovanni Strippoli - Evidence-Based Nephrology, 2 Volume Set-Wiley-Blackwell (2022)
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Evidence-Based Nephrology
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Evidence-Based Nephrology
Second Edition
Edited by
Donald A. Molony, MD
Professor of Medicine
Distinguished Teaching Professor of the University of Texas System
Division of Renal Diseases and Hypertension AND
Center for Clinical Research and Evidence-based Medicine
McGovern Medical School University of Texas, Houston, TX, USA
Edition History
Blackwell Publishing Ltd (1e, 2009)
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Preface ix
List of Contributors xi
Part 1 Epidemiology 1
22 Hypertension 331
27 Pregnancy 444
37 Nutritional Disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease: Pathophysiology, Detection, and Treatment 617
Index 681
Preface ix
List of Contributors xi
Part 6 Hemodialysis 1
47 Solutions 127
52 Symptoms 194
57 The Impact of Deceased Donor Quality and Outcomes after Kidney Transplantation 257
64 Anemia 379
66 Hemodialysis 412
72 Fatigue 488
73 Depression 499
74 Pain 517
76 Pruritus 551
Index 590
The synthesis of the totality of evidence in kidney disease methods assist the summarizing and interpreting of evi-
was the original challenge we undertook when we con- dence in key areas of decision-making, which is useful to
ceived of the first edition of this evidence-based nephrol- patients, healthcare providers, and policy-makers.
ogy (EBN) textbook, thereby providing students of Using these methods, organizations including the
nephrology and practicing clinicians with a single conveni- Cochrane Kidney and Transplant group and several guide-
ent source of clinical evidence that had been passed line agencies have committed on a large scale to summa-
through an evidence-based filter. More than 12 years have rize the evidence and provide timely updates of established
passed since the first edition, and so it is timely to revisit and emerging new evidence, making research findings
the challenge in the form of a second edition. The reasons more manageable and reliable for end users. Much of this
for a second edition are principally three: the scale of new work has been included in this edition of the textbook. We
available data is substantial, newer methods of research hope this will allow the end-user to both access best evi-
synthesis have been developed, and there is a renewed dence from this diversity of resources as summarized by
focus on consumer engagement in general, including in chapter authors and to become more familiar with how the
the evaluation and management of kidney disease. newer techniques and resources contribute to a practice
that is informed by best evidence.
Scale of new data
Compared to the time of the first edition, the amount of Consumer engagement
new data is impressive. There are today more than 15 000 Recently, there has been increasing recognition of the criti-
randomized controlled trials in nephrology published in cal importance of engaging the end-users in research to
approximately 30 000 reports, 11 300 more than in 2009, ensure relevance and uptake. In particular there have been
resulting in more confidence and precision around the esti- large-scale efforts to engage patients in all stages of
mates of intervention effects and new evidence in areas research, including the evidence synthesis process and the
that were previously mostly evidence-free. These trials dissemination of findings. For example, the Cochrane
have also been summarized in systematic reviews, with Kidney and Transplant group now has a patient editor,
over 6500 additional reviews in Medline since the first edi- whose role includes translating scientific outputs into plain
tion. Much of this new evidence is incorporated in three language summaries to simplify the “medical jargon” and
new sections of this textbook and multiple either new or make evidence easily accessible to people without a medi-
entirely updated chapters. cal background, as well as prioritizing review topics. The
Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology (SONG) initiative
Novel methods was launched in 2014 to establish the core outcomes to be
Methods to assess the methodological quality of both sys- reported in all trials in chronic kidney disease, based on a
tematic reviews and other study designs, including nonran- consensus among patients, caregivers, health profession-
domized (case-control or cohort studies) and diagnostic test als, and policy-makers. This initiative has emphasized
studies, have developed since the first edition. In addition, patient-centered research and improved clinical outcomes
the number of syntheses of cohort studies has increased in nephrology, ensuring that the outcomes measured and
and the technique of network meta-analysis for comparing reported in clinical trials and other forms of research are
more than two interventions both directly (head to head) relevant and meaningful to patients and increase the
and indirectly (via a common comparator) has become acceptability, transparency, and generalizability of the
more developed and is commonly encountered. These results in this population. New studies assessing these
List of Contributors
Raymond T. Krediet
Christoph Licht
Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine
Division of Nephrology and Cell Biology Program
Amsterdam UMC
Research Institute
University of Amsterdam
The Hospital for Sick Children
The Netherlands
Toronto, ON
Mark Lambie Canada and
Renal Research Group, Faculty of Medicine and Applied Department of Paediatrics
Clinical Sciences University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
Keele University Canada
UK Wai H. Lim
Department of Renal Medicine
Nicholas G. Larkins Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Department of Nephrology, Perth Children’s Hospital Perth
Nedlands Australia and
Western Australia School of Medicine
Australia and Discipline of Internal Medicine
School of Paediatrics and Child Health University of Western Australia
University of Western Australia Perth
Nedlands, Western Australia, Australia
Hamidu M. Liman
Nelson Leung Division of Nephrology
Division of Nephrology, Hematology Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital
Department of Internal Medicine Sokoto
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN Nigeria
Kathleen D. Liu
Asaf Lebel Division of Nephrology, Departments of Medicine and
Division of Nephrology and Cell Biology Program Anesthesia
Research Institute University of California
The Hospital for Sick Children San Francisco, CA
Toronto, ON, Canada USA
Qi Qian
Marinella Ruospo
Division of Nephrology and Hypertension
Sydney School of Public Health
Department of Medicine
University of Sydney, NSW
Mayo Clinic School of Medicine
Part 1
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Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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4 An Introduction to the Epidemiology of Chronic Kidney Disease
Figure 1.1 Conceptual paradigm for chronic kidney disease. CKD, chronic kidney disease; GFR, glomerular filtration rate.
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CKD and Outcome 5
High and
GFR stages, description, and range
(mL/min per 1.73 m2)
G2 Mild
G4 Severe 15–29
Figure 1.2 Cross-classification of glomerular filtration rate and albumin to creatinine ratio stages with respect to risk of clinical
outcomes. CKD, chronic kidney disease; GFR, glomerular filtration rate.
these conditions. This specific question was addressed in equation [24]. CKD-EPI has a number of advantages over
two large meta-analyses which demonstrated that the its predecessor, the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease
higher observed risk of cardiovascular mortality in indi- (MDRD) equation [25, 26]. These include a more diverse
viduals with reduced eGFR and/or increased ACR was derivation cohort which included people with and without
evident in those with and without diabetes and hyperten- kidney disease, less bias in the upper range of GFR ( 60 ml/
sion [19, 20]. The underlying mechanism driving poor min/1.73 m2), and superior risk discrimination for hard
cardiovascular outcomes in people with CKD is multifac- outcomes [27]. A significant limitation of the CKD-EPI
torial and continues to be an area of intensive research cohort was the under-representation of individuals over
efforts. Despite consistent evidence of higher cardiovas- the age of 70 years. An alternative GFR estimating equa-
cular risk, patients with CKD are often underinvestigated tion for this demographic was developed by the Berlin
and undertreated. One of the reasons for this is the under- Initiative Study (BIS) investigators [28].
representation of patients with kidney disease, particu- There is a trade-off in the use of any GFR estimating
larly advanced disease, in clinical trials. It is not known if equation: the widespread ease of their use versus the
interventions which have been shown to improve out- uncertainty in estimation. Some of this uncertainty is due
comes in people without kidney disease will have the to inherent variability in the regression models that gener-
same benefits and adverse effect profiles in people with ated the estimates, most notably at the higher range of
CKD. This knowledge gap needs to be urgently addressed. GFR where the models tend to perform less well. More
The strength of evidence for cardiovascular risk predic- importantly, creatinine generation can vary widely between
tion is expanded upon in Chapter 5. individuals due to differences in muscle mass and dietary
protein intake [29]. Several alternative filtration markers
have been studied, but none have managed to replace cre-
Progression to ESKD
atinine as the marker of choice in routine clinical practice.
The risk of ESKD is dramatically increased in the setting of One such alternative is cystatin C, a 13 kDa protein that is
reduced eGFR and/or high-grade albuminuria. In the produced by all nucleated cells and freely filtered at the
general population, this increased risk becomes apparent glomerulus. Although cystatin C is a better predictor of
below an eGFR of 75 ml/min/1.73 m2 and increases in measured GFR than creatinine [30], the adjustment of cre-
exponential fashion at the lower end of eGFR [21]. In CKD atinine for body composition using the variables age, sex,
cohorts, each 15 ml/min/1.73 m2 reduction in eGFR below and race largely overcomes this deficit [31]. Where the two
45 ml/min/1.73 m2 confers an approximate sixfold higher markers differ is with respect to risk stratification. GFR
risk of ESKD [22]. Similar to cardiovascular and mortality estimated from cystatin C is a stronger and more consistent
outcomes, the risk relationship between albuminuria and predictor of clinical outcomes compared to GFR estimated
ESKD appears to be more linear. The consistency of the from creatinine [32]. It should be noted that cystatin C
associations between eGFR, ACR, and ESKD risk facilitated also has “non-GFR” determinants, including adiposity
the creation of the Kidney Failure Risk Equation, which and inflammation, themselves recognized as risk factors
calculates the probability of progressing to ESKD at spe- for adverse clinical outcomes such as cardiovascular dis-
cific time points based on an individual’s age, sex, eGFR, ease [33, 34].
and ACR [23]. Risk prediction models and risk factors
for disease progression are comprehensively evaluated in
Chapter 5.
Risk Factors for CKD
GFR Estimating Equations and Risk Hypertension
Indirect quantification of GFR, via clearance of an exoge- Hypertension is estimated to affect 1.13 billion adults glob-
nous filtration marker, is the gold standard for measure- ally, with an age-standardized prevalence of 24.1% in men
ment of GFR but is rarely performed in practice outside of and 20.1% in women [35]. Hypertension is highly prevalent
specific clinical indications. The large-scale population among individuals with CKD, especially in more advanced
studies described above would not have been feasible with- stages of disease. The kidney is a vulnerable organ to the
out a method for calculating an estimate of GFR. A num- effects of sustained elevations in blood pressure (BP), and
ber of GFR estimating equations have been developed and hypertension is a risk factor for both incident CKD and
validated for use in clinical and research settings. In con- progression to ESKD [36, 37]. In the CKD population, the
temporary practice, the most widely used is the Chronic relationship between BP and cardiovascular outcomes and
Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) mortality tends to be J-shaped, suggesting higher risk of
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Prevalence of CK 7
adverse outcomes with high and low BP [38–40]. This find- decrease in urine output over a specified time interval [55].
ing could be explained by underlying cardiac disease in AKI is associated with increased risk of morbidity and
individuals with low BP, which may be subclinical and not mortality, particularly from cardiovascular disease [56, 57].
optimally captured in studies [41]. Blood pressure is a Severe AKI necessitating temporary dialysis is a risk factor
dynamic measure of health, and what we consider as the for long-term development of ESKD [58]. On the other end
mean or “usual” BP may not be telling the whole story [42]. of the spectrum, apparently “mild” injury has been associ-
Variability in ambulatory BP recordings is a strong predic- ated with increased risk of developing CKD, especially if
tor of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, inde- recovery is slow and even if kidney function ultimately
pendent of the mean BP [43]. Similarly, large variability in returns to its baseline value after the event [59, 60]. In some
visit-to-visit BP has been identified as a risk factor for patients the relationship between AKI and CKD is bi-
adverse CKD outcomes [44]. Impaired stabilization of BP directional [61]. A diminished GFR and albuminuria are
during postural change has recently been highlighted as a cardinal risk factors for AKI [62–64], which in turn may
potential contributor to adverse outcomes [45, 46] and is contribute to progression of underlying CKD [65]. The
also associated with CKD [47, 48]. These studies illustrate importance of AKI as a risk factor for CKD progression,
the complexity of the relationship between changes in and methods to identify those at risk of progression after
blood pressure and their effects on the kidney. Our under- an AKI event, are discussed in detail in Chapter 3.
standing of hypertension in CKD is further hampered by
the under-representation of CKD patients in large clinical
trials, such that optimal management of hypertension in Prevalence of CKD
patients with kidney disease continues to be debated.
Several studies have provided estimates of CKD prevalence
from different jurisdictions around the world, with
Diabetes Mellitus
estimates between 8% and 16% [66]. In the United States,
Diabetes continues to be a major contributor to CKD and prevalence data come from a series of national surveys
associated outcomes. While the rates of diabetes-related called the National Health and Nutrition Examination
complications including ESKD have reduced over time in Survey (NHANES), a stratified cluster probability sample
relative terms, the prevalence of diabetes has continued to of US adults. The application of survey weights provides
increase such that the absolute rates of complications are representative estimates of disease prevalence. Data from
expected to continue to rise [49, 50]. The risk of kidney NHANES suggest an overall prevalence of CKD in the
disease attributable to diabetes in large population studies United States of 13%, with the majority of individuals
is subject to misclassification. Individuals with diabetes with CKD having mild to moderate reductions in eGFR
tend to have a higher prevalence of other CKD risk factors (30–59 ml/min/1.73 m2) and less than 1% having more
such as obesity and hypertension. As such, in the absence severe disease [67]. European prevalence data from various
of a tissue diagnosis the cause of their kidney disease can- cohorts were recently published from the European CKD
not be definitively ascribed to diabetes. This limitation Burden Consortium [68]. In keeping with US data, the
has historically hampered efforts to understand mecha- investigators documented an overall high prevalence of
nisms in diabetic kidney disease and has motivated initia- CKD. This group also found substantial heterogeneity in
tives like the Kidney Precision Medicine Project [51]. The the methodology of included studies, for example different
landscape of diabetic kidney disease could change dra- definitions of CKD using eGFR, ACR, or both, varying
matically with the advent of sodium-glucose cotrans- sample response rates, use or nonuse of a sampling frame,
porter type 2 (SGLT2) inhibition as a therapeutic target. and lack of standardization of assays for creatinine [69].
Clinical trials of SGLT2 inhibitors have demonstrated This heterogeneity poses a significant challenge when
improvements not only in glycemic control, but also in seeking to understand the true prevalence of CKD and is
cardiovascular and renal endpoints [52, 53]. These effects discussed further in Chapter 2.
may be mediated through beneficial changes in blood An important, but perhaps under-appreciated, source
pressure, glomerular hemodynamics, body weight, and of bias in prevalence studies is misclassification of CKD
uric acid [54]. stage based on a single measurement of eGFR or ACR.
While it is understandable from a feasibility perspective
that large population studies would not perform a second
Acute Kidney Injury
test of eGFR and ACR after 3 months to fulfill the chro-
AKI may be defined as a transient reduction in kidney nicity criterion of the KDIGO definition, recent studies
function, detected clinically by a change in creatinine or a have demonstrated the potentially large degree of
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8 An Introduction to the Epidemiology of Chronic Kidney Disease
in developed countries with an appropriate data infra- to care, and choice of therapies are fundamentally differ-
structure and access to nephrology care, including renal ent. The subsequent chapters in this part expand on
replacement therapy. This data cannot be extrapolated to these and other important issues, as we strive to meet
the majority of the world’s population in developing the current and future challenges of kidney disease
countries where susceptibility to kidney disease, access around the globe.
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creatinine is better than from cystatin C for evaluating Preventive Project). Eur. Heart J. 31: 85–91.
risk factors associated with chronic kidney disease. 47 Franceschini, N., Rose, K.M., Astor, B.C. et al. (2010).
Kidney Int. 83: 1169–1176. Orthostatic hypotension and incident chronic kidney
34 Mathisen, U.D., Melsom, T., Ingebretsen, O.C. et al. disease: the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.
(2011). Estimated GFR associates with cardiovascular risk Hypertension 56: 1054–1059.
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12 An Introduction to the Epidemiology of Chronic Kidney Disease
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Table 2.1 Types of passive surveillance for CKD.
Death Mortality rate Deaths attributed to Population Local and national Resource Attributing deaths to Coverage and validity of death
registries Age-and CKD/ESRD covered by death level efficient CKD/ESRD certificates
sex-specific registration International Explore Disaggregation by area/
mortality rate comparisons (SMRs) geographical populations
SMR variations
Dialysis Incidence of Patients with ESRD Population with Patients with Resource Not representative of Coverage of RRT
registries and ESRD starting RRT because access to dialysis coverage for ESRD efficient burden of CKD Access to care
transplant Age-specific of ESRD (requiring and Explore (untreated ESRD) Competing mortality
registries incidence of dialysis for 90 days or transplantation geographical Obtaining patient-level
ESRD more) variations data
Standardized Limited data on
incidence of treatment and patient
ESRD outcomes
Hospital Prevalence of Patients diagnosed Patients who are Patients who seek or Availability of Not representative of Classification based on eGFR
records CKD and/or with CKD and/or in hospital care are referred to kidney (bio) true population and/or ICD 10
(admissions ESRD ESRD hospital care markers prevalence/incidence of Influence of AKI on results
data) Availability of CKD Creatinine calibration and
treatment and Completeness of method used
patient information Referral patterns from primary
outcome data care
Competing mortality
Primary care Incidence and Patients diagnosed Patients in People who are Detection of Not representation of selection bias due to self-
records prevalence of with CKD (from outpatient/ screened/attend early stages of true population presentation or volunteer of
CKD and/or kidney function primary care checkups or present CKD prevalence/incidence of community population
ESRD measures) for outpatient care CKD (rather among Classification based on eGFR
those who regularly get and ICD 10
renal function tests) Single measurement or
Completeness of multiple measure for diagnosis
information of CKD
Influence of AKI on results
Laboratory calibration issues
AKI, acute kidney injury; CKD, chronic kidney disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; ICD 10, International Classification of Diseases-10; RRT,
renal replacement therapy; SMR, standardized mortality rate.
laboratory test results are available in parallel to clinical the prevalence of reduced eGFR to monitor CKD at popu-
data. Outputs such as attributable deaths from CKD, and lation level, examples include the National Health and
prevalence or incidence of CKD can be derived. However, Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) [25] and the
there are important limitations to these datasets which Health Survey for England [26]. Although the single time
mostly surround data quality, coverage, and comprehen- point measurement in a survey participant does not meet
siveness. These limitations will vary substantially both criteria for CKD per se, as chronicity is not demonstrated,
between different types of electronic health records and conclusions can still be drawn about CKD prevalence,
between different health systems. Specifically, variation in assuming the methods used (at different points or in differ-
access to healthcare in some settings may lead to major ent regions if comparing populations) remain the same
issues with the representativeness of any estimates of dis- and survey nonresponse is appropriately dealt with.
ease burden, therefore the interpretation and generaliza-
bility of the conclusions derived from these data sets Registries of Patients Receiving RRT
requires a clear understanding of the context and ascer- Many health systems will use incidence of RRT as a meas-
tainment methods within each system. ure of CKD burden. However, there are two important
Active surveillance systems, such as national surveys or limitations in using this measure. First, it is based on the
outreach testing in high-risk populations, are often more assumption that all patients with ESRD can access dialysis
resource intensive than passive surveillance systems. With or transplantation. Across the world there are inequalities
an active system the accuracy of the diagnosis of CKD may in accessing care [27] and even in Europe substantial vari-
be improved and a wider range of patient factors, treat- ations exists [28]. Furthermore, health system incentives
ment, and health outcomes may potentially be explored. may influence the numbers starting RRT. Second, in an
However, with the exception of population-based surveys, attempt to capture those receiving RRT due to CKD rather
these data will not provide a measure of the population than AKI many registries only collect data on patients who
prevalence of CKD (Table 2.2). have received dialysis for a minimum duration, for exam-
In reality, most comprehensive health systems will ple 90 days. This means that all those patients who started
undertake a variety of surveillance approaches using dif- dialysis because of ESRD but died within a 90-day window
ferent data sources. Typically these might include death are not included in these estimates, potentially leading to
certification data, a dialysis and transplant registry, elec- an underestimate of disease burden.
tronic health record-based surveillance and targeted out-
reach in high-risk groups. Indeed unexpected differences CKD Outreach Screening
in estimates of disease burden or outcomes from these dif- Although the use of outreach approaches to detect CKD in
ferent sources may in turn provide key information about populations has the advantage that it can be combined
population coverage and patient care pathways within or with initiatives to improve the awareness of CKD, esti-
between regions. mates of disease burden from this type of work will be criti-
cally dependent on who presents for testing and hence
potentially misleading. This bias may drive estimates
Challenges of Surveillance for CKD
higher or lower, for example it may be that the more health-
Surveillance approaches have different challenges and lim- conscious members of the population are captured (“the
itations. Understanding these is key to the interpretation of worried well”), who are less likely to have kidney prob-
surveillance outputs as well as finding methods to mitigate lems. Alternatively, those who have risk factors for, or fam-
these problems. Any form of CKD surveillance should pro- ily members with, CKD, might seek the opportunity for
vide meaningful data as to whether burden of disease is kidney function testing that may otherwise be difficult to
increasing, decreasing, or stable in a population and many access. Hence, any estimate of disease burden that does not
outputs can also be used to detect differences between include a representative sample of the source population of
populations. interest (best ensured by random sampling) needs to be
treated with caution and may not provide useful insight
Cross-sectional Surveys of eGFR into the true prevalence of CKD or trends over time in dis-
Even an imperfect surveillance method, which misclassi- ease burden.
fies an individual as to whether they have CKD, might still
be useful to detect meaningful differences in CKD preva- Routine Health Records
lence between populations or changes of CKD prevalence Passive systems utilizing available data can have many of
over time within a population. This is the basis of a number similar problems to active approaches, in that the interpre-
of single time point, or snapshot, approaches quantifying tation of the data is dependent on the source population,
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Table 2.2 Types of active surveillance for CKD.
Active surveillance indicators Numerator Denominator Generalizability Potential strengths Potential limitations Potential biases
National surveys Prevalence Participants Random/ Population targeted Representative of true Requires sampling Nonresponse bias
(population-based of CKD diagnosed with stratified sample by survey population incidence and frame, or
studies) and/or CKD (from of population prevalence of CKD in enumeration of
ESRD kidney function targeted by population targeted by population
measures) survey survey Obtaining resources
and Implementation
of fieldwork
Clinic/hospital- Prevalence Participants Hospital/clinic Self-presenting or Completeness of kidney Not representation of Selection bias due to
based surveys of CKD diagnosed with population population eligible (bio)markers true population self-presentation or
(testing of patients and/or CKD (from attending clinic for attending Completeness of treatment prevalence/incidence healthcare access
not routinely tested) ESRD kidney function hospital clinic and patient outcomes data of CKD Nonresponse bias
Outreach testing Prevalence Participants Selected Prevalence of CKD Completeness of kidney Not representation of Selection bias due to
of CKD diagnosed with reporting in selected (bio)markers true population self-presentation or
and/or CKD (from populations, populations Completeness of treatment prevalence/incidence volunteer of community
ESRD kidney function often volunteers and patient outcomes data of CKD population
Occupational or Prevalence Participants Random Generalization Less prone to nonresponse Identifying Selection bias restricts
workplace-based of CKD diagnosed with sample/stratifies within population bias appropriate generalizability, especially
surveys and/or CKD (from or whole of survey comparator if particular occupational
ESRD kidney function workforce population groups do not attend
i.e. in these cases the population that attended the respec- utputs from Estimates of CKD
tive clinical service. In the context of CKD there is also the Burden from Around the World
issue that diagnosis is often based on blood and urine tests
which the treating clinician must actively order, and there As discussed above, the population burden of CKD can be
may be reasons why certain groups of people are more/less estimated using a range of approaches. The corresponding
often tested. For example, a particular group of patients range of estimates will be of more or less valuable depend-
may have differing access to care, e.g. because of lack of ing on the purpose for which the data are sought (provision
insurance or because they are too unwell to attend routine of basic medical services, RRT planning, etiological insight,
appointments. Furthermore, a patient may receive a kid- or an understanding of secular or regional trends) as well
ney function test as the clinician worries about the poten- as the access the population has to specific healthcare
tial of AKI as the patient is acutely unwell, when a kidney resources.
function test may not otherwise be done, a situation that
would lead to an underestimate of kidney function in the
tested population. Therefore, surveillance for CKD using RRT Registries
hospital or primary care records should use results from
RRT incidence and prevalence are widely reported as part
steady state routine testing, i.e. when the patient was not
of nephrology society or health service-led registry initia-
acutely unwell. Furthermore, any changes in prevalence or
tives and the number of registries capturing these data
incidence over time may be driven by differences in the
worldwide is steadily increasing. Most of these registries
way people were tested and/or managed rather than
were initially developed to describe variation in provision
changes in disease burden. For example, changes in patient
and outcomes of dialysis but the same datasets can provide
pathway may explain apparent changes in prevalence, e.g.
a surrogate for the incidence of treated stage 5 CKD in
a particular group of patients may now be referred to sec-
some populations, specifically in those countries where
ondary care when they were previously managed else-
RRT is freely available.
where or vice versa.
Although RRT prevalence is a widely cited figure for
health service planning and resource calculations, this
Measurement Error figure reflects not only CKD burden but is also a func-
With all approaches based on the testing of renal bio- tion of the survival of those undergoing dialysis or
markers, it is also important to consider the issues sur- receiving kidney transplantation (a key metric, but one
rounding laboratory calibration and external quality which varies substantially between different regions of
assurance which can be the source of substantial meas- the world). Where available, RRT incidence is likely a
urement error. Compounding the problem with bio- more useful estimate of the burden of ESRD in a popula-
marker measurement error is the fact that the various tion. However, individuals receiving of conservative
estimating equations for the eGFR have generally been care for kidney failure, an increasing number of the
validated in US and European populations and whether elderly in high income countries, and of course those
the same relationship between serum creatinine (or cys- who have no prospect of receiving any kind of RRT, i.e.
tatin C) and kidney function exists in all populations and the majority of the ESRD population in lower-income
in other settings remains unclear. For example, although countries, will inevitably be excluded from such
there is a correction factor for African-Americans in both estimates.
the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) and Figure 2.1 summarizes reported RRT incidence from
CKD-Epi eGFR formulae, evidence suggests these correc- a number of international registries. The highest num-
tion factors cannot be applied with certainty to Sub- bers of patients starting RRT per million population are
Saharan African populations [29]. Finally, although again in the Americas (Mexico and the United States) and
less important if examining CKD within a region, when East Asia (Taiwan, Thailand, and Japan). Importantly
attempting to compare the burden of CKD between dif- although numbers appear to be stabilizing in a number
ferent areas it should be recognized that the distribution of high-income settings there continue to be dramatic
of healthy kidney function in many populations remains year-on-year increases in numbers starting RRT in
unknown. Therefore, whether the threshold GFR of middle-income settings such as Mexico and Thailand.
60 ml/min/1.73 m2 as an indicator of future adverse renal These numbers may represent improved ascertainment,
(and cardiovascular) outcomes is appropriate in non- true increases in incidence, or both, but of note,
European/North American settings is not established, i.e. Thailand recently introduced an insurance system by
is there a role for different GFR thresholds for CKD in which free peritoneal dialysis is made available to those
different populations? who require it.
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Outputs from Estimates of CKD Burden from Around the Worl 19
Figure 2.1 Global incidence of renal replacement therapy. Most recent data from publicly available renal registries [30–41], various
years. Crude rates per million population. See text for limitations.
Testing of High-Risk Populations the primary care population, for example when used as
part of audit and/or quality improvement programs. There
Evidence from high-income countries suggests that most
is evidence that these programs can in turn lead to improved
people with CKD can be identified by testing those with
care processes [44]. Although electronic diagnostic coding
risk factors, specifically diabetes, hypertension, those with
of CKD is generally poor in health systems where it is not
a family history and older age groups. For example, in the
incentivized (see reference [45] vs. reference [46]), esti-
Norwegian population almost 60% of those with an
mates of the burden of CKD can also be obtained by inter-
eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 can be captured by testing
rogating laboratory records. Coverage is often high,
those with diabetes, hypertension, or a family history of
particularly among high-risk groups, because kidney func-
these conditions [17] and this proportion increases to
tion testing is required for appropriate treatment in those
around 90% if everyone in older age groups is also tested.
at risk (e.g. hypertension drug management, choice of dia-
A number of initiatives aimed at quantifying the burden
betes drug) and care (many older people receive multiple
of CKD have used a similar risk stratification approach to
renal function tests as part of other investigations), hence a
invite individuals for testing (Table 2.3).
high proportion of patients with reduced eGFR are
Although these approaches are efficient at identification
detected. Furthermore, this type of data is useful for dem-
of those with low eGFR and established risk factors such as
onstrating the chronicity of impaired eGFR or proteinuria.
diabetes, the utility of this approach has not been validated
Some examples are shown in Table 2.4.
in all populations. For example, those with nonproteinuric
CKD living in agricultural communities in low- and
middle-income countries would typically not be identified Population Representative Data
using this type of screening.
Population-based surveys provide the gold-standard for
assessing the prevalence of CKD. Although often challeng-
Health Systems Data
ing to conduct, studies of representative samples with high
Health systems that utilize electronic health records have response rates will provide the best estimates of the burden
access to a useful source of data on the burden of CKD in of disease.
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20 The Surveillance and Burden of Chronic Kidney Disease
KEEP USA 18 years + 17% 29% Over 90% of those with [25]
First-degree relative with (urinalysis) eGFR < 60 were unaware that they
diabetes, hypertension, or might have abnormal kidney
kidney disease function
Personal history of
hypertension or diabetes
KEEP Mexico 18 years + Mexico Mexico City 19% [42]
Mexico First-degree relative with City 7% (ACR > 30 mg/g)
diabetes, hypertension, or Jalisco Jalisco State 31%
kidney disease State 10% (urinalysis)
Personal history of
hypertension or diabetes
Hiperdia Brazil Diabetes and 24.6% 36.6% [43]
Programme hypertension
ACR, albumin creatinine ratio; CKD, chronic kidney disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate.
Table 2.4 Studies using electronic health records to estimate As discussed above, there are a number of other chal-
CKD burden.
lenges that arise when comparing these data, including
laboratory biomarker quality assurance, validation of
Country Coverage Reference
GFR estimating equations in different groups as well as a
poor understanding of the population distribution of
Australia Melbourne [47]
healthy GFR across different regions and ethnicities.
Canada Alberta [48]
Despite these shortcomings this type of cross-sectional
Singapore Singhealth system [49]
survey probably provides the greatest insight into the bur-
UK National (~9% of English and [46] den of CKD, particularly in lower-income settings where
Welsh population)
access to health services, routine laboratory testing, and
Grampian, Scotland [50] especially RRT is incomplete. There have recently been
United States Ohio (Cleveland clinic) [45] international initiatives aimed at conducting simplified
National (Veterans Affairs [51] population-based studies using standardized protocols
Administration) with adequately refenced laboratory procedures [54]. It is
CKD, chronic kidney disease. only using this type of population-representative epide-
miological approach that the burden of impaired kidney
Population-based surveys have been conducted around function (as well as information on specific causes of
the world in attempts to establish the national or regional CKD) can be robustly captured and compared between
prevalence of eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73 m2, with or without regions and internationally. Furthermore, these types of
also testing for urinary albumin. Often cross-sectional in study are likely to be key to understanding changes in the
nature and nested within epidemiological studies of other burden of kidney disease over time as well as providing
noncommunicable diseases, a key issue when interpreting the potential to gain insight into previously unappreci-
these studies is whether chronicity (i.e. kidney abnormali- ated risk-factors for disease.
ties present for more than 3 months) has been established. Examples of population-based studies examining the
This is important as evidence suggests that between a quar- prevalence of low eGFR (as a surrogate for CKD) are illus-
ter and one-third of those with a single measure of trated in Figure 2.2. The highest population prevalence of
eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 (albeit those with values only an eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 has been reported in stud-
just below the threshold) will have a value above this ies conducted in Cameroon, Iran, Japan, and the coun-
threshold on retesting [52, 53]. Similarly, variation in the tries of Central America. Whether these high rates reflect
underlying age structure of the population between studies the age structure of the population, the burden of known
will mean data are not easily comparable across regions CKD risk factors such as diabetes or HIV infection, or
without standardization to a reference population. reflect specific regional endemic nephropathies is often
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Summary and Conclusion 21
Figure 2.2 Crude prevalence of eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.7 m2 reported from a range of studies around the world since the year 2000.
Includes representative population-based studies aimed at capturing prevalence of CKD across the age range (includes studies that
included minimum age as high as 40 years old). eGFR calculated from the CKD-Epi (or MDRD equation where CKD-Epi not provided,
and with local correction factors in some cases). Studies only included where external creatinine validation was reported (e.g. IDMS
referenced standards) and prevalence standardized to the local age structure where reported. Estimates based on a single measure of
eGFR only (see text). Source: [26, 52, 55–85].
not fully characterized. However, it is also important to approaches may be useful. The Global Burden of Disease
recognize that even country-level figures can often project combines data from a huge range of data sources.
obscure important regional/local differences in CKD There are a number of challenges when undertaking this
prevalence. For example, in Nicaragua age-standardized kind of quantification but nonetheless the results are
rates of eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 reach 18% amongst informative. Estimates from this work report a global preva-
rural males but are less than half that in urban centers in lence of CKD of 3.7% (ranging from 3.4% in low-income
the same region [55]. regions to 5.3% in high-income regions) [86]. More concern-
As might be expected given the issues discussed in this ing perhaps is the increase in burden of kidney disease over
chapter prevalence of impaired kidney function at a popula- the last 25 years. Much of this increase originates from aging
tion level will not necessarily be reflected in high rates of but increasing rates of diabetes and other causes of CKD are
RRT. However, substantively different RRT rates are reported also a substantial contributor in a number of low- and
in settings with similar CKD prevalence even where there is middle-income settings. Globally, CKD now ranks 22nd
unrestricted access to RRT [56], suggesting there are impor- (from 30th in 1990) of all diseases and accounts for 1.5%
tant modifiable factors in the natural history of disease. (from 0.9% in 1990) of all disability adjusted life years lost.
alongside any limitations and the health systems context. ways or interventions by characterizing changes over
However, understanding the burden of CKD has an time. Furthermore, inter-regional comparisons may pro-
important role in health service planning as well as in vide insight into important health inequalities along with
quantifying benefits from the introduction of care path- the risk-factors and causes of some kidney diseases.
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Reference 25
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Pathophysiology of CKD Progressio 27
defined using eGFR criteria alone or also by the presence of Kidney failure (ESRD)
albuminuria [9, 10]. The majority of patients with CKD have
earlier stages of disease, with a much lower prevalence of <10 10–29 30–299 ≥300
kidney failure reported in the adult population. Among
older individuals, in whom multimorbidity can be common, eGFR
> 105 Ref Ref 7.8 18
the reported prevalence of CKD is as high as 40% worldwide
(approximately 25% in the United States), the majority of eGFR
Ref Ref 11 20
whom would be classified as having stage G3a CKD by eGFR
criteria (i.e. 45–59 ml/min/1.73 m2) [11]. The aging popula- eGFR
75–90 Ref Ref 3.8 48
tion and increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease, dia-
betes, and other noncommunicable diseases are anticipated eGFR
Ref Ref 7.4 67
to further increase the global burden of CKD and its associ- 60–75
ated morbidity and mortality [8]. Primary and secondary eGFR
prevention approaches are desirable so that modifiable risk 45–60 5.2 22 40 147
factors can be addressed to delay development or progres-
sion to kidney failure, and to prevent associated complica- 30–45 56 74 294 763
tions such as cardiovascular events.
There is substantial variability across the stages of CKD 433 1044 1056 2286
in risk of progression to kidney failure, and a significant
amount of research has aimed to characterize the factors Figure 3.1 Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes
that contribute to this risk. The current international (KDIGO) CKD Clinical Practice Guideline heat map for risk of
CKD staging system [5] categorizes patients according to kidney failure. eGFR is reported in units of ml/min/1.73 m2 and
both eGFR and albuminuria thresholds based on risk ACR in mg/g (multiply by 0.113 to convert to mg/mmol). Values
in the cells represent adjusted relative risks. ACR, albumin-to-
relationships, although some have suggested that age- creatinine ratio; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; eGFR, estimated
and gender-specific eGFR criteria may be more appropri- glomerular filtration rate. Source: Levey et al. [13]. © 2011
ate, particularly when compared to eGFR alone [12]. Elsevier.
Albuminuria was added to the previously accepted eGFR-
based classification system following studies demonstrat- cause [15]. These maladaptive changes are believed to con-
ing its association with increased risk of CKD progression tribute to a final common pathway of scarring, further
and mortality independent of eGFR [13]. Kidney Disease nephron loss, and progressive kidney damage that can ulti-
Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) has developed a mately lead to kidney failure [16]. Hemodynamic factors,
visual “heat map” to identify patients at progressively activation of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system,
increased risk for kidney failure at different levels of and inflammatory responses leading to tubulointerstitial
eGFR and albuminuria (Figure 3.1) [5]. Declining eGFR fibrosis are major pathophysiological mechanisms that
in combination with increasing albuminuria may better have been identified in this process.
predict progression to kidney failure than either one Both systemic and glomerular hypertension have been
alone [14]. However, while CKD staging can identify identified as common mediators of CKD progression. The
patients at increased risk of progressing to kidney failure, afferent and efferent arterioles can moderate glomerular
risk for progression on an individual level can vary greatly perfusion and pressure independently from systemic
even within these CKD stages. This suggests that other blood pressure. However, in the remnant kidney model in
factors beyond eGFR and albuminuria contribute to the rats, reduced nephron mass results in progressive hyper-
risk of kidney failure, and identification of variables that perfusion, glomerular hypertrophy, and glomerulosclero-
provide incremental prognostic value could lead to sis [17]. Micropuncture studies suggest that single nephron
improved risk stratification approaches. hyperfiltration in response to renal ablation leads to glo-
merulosclerosis [18], and animal and human studies sug-
gest that interventions such as renin-angiotensin system
Pathophysiology of CKD Progression inhibitors that decrease glomerular pressure can amelio-
rate sclerosis, reduce albuminuria, and slow progression
Although CKD may result from a wide variety of causes, of CKD [19].
once it is established, common pathological findings of Tubulointerstitial fibrosis is a second common pathophys-
vascular injury, glomerulosclerosis, and tubulointerstitial iological process associated with CKD progression [20, 21].
fibrosis have been described, regardless of the inciting While it has been traditionally viewed as a consequence of
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28 Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease: An Evidence-based Approach to Risk Stratification
nephron ischemia in CKD [15], more recent mechanistic The CKD-EPI equation has been shown to more accu-
studies suggest that inflammatory stimuli in response to rately estimate GFR than the MDRD study equation, espe-
injury may play an important effect in fibrotic processes in cially at higher GFR. A meta-analysis of data from
the kidney, moderated via macrophage signaling, cytokines, 1.1 million adults from 21 general population, high-risk,
eicosanoids, and anti-angiogenic factors [22]. These factors and CKD cohorts demonstrated that although the general
may lead to decreased peritubular capillary density and pattern of the eGFR and kidney failure risk relationship
phenotypic transition of interstitial and parenchymal epi- was similar for both equations, eGFR computed by the
thelial cells into myofibroblasts, which in turn leads to CKD-EPI equation predicted risk of kidney failure more
interstitial fibrosis and glomerulosclerosis, and progressive accurately than the MDRD study equation when eGFR was
loss of kidney function [23]. used for classification into six categories (90, 60–89, 45–59,
30–44, 15–29, and 15 ml/min/1.73 m2) [24] by both equa-
tions. In the general population cohorts, 25.0% of patients
rognostic Factors for Progression
P were reclassified by the CKD-EPI equation, mostly to a
to Kidney Failure higher eGFR category, with overall reclassification leading
to lower risks of kidney failure in patients reclassified into
Several commonly ascertained measures have been identi- higher eGFR categories and higher risks of kidney failure
fied as risk factors or risk modifiers of progression of CKD in patients reclassified into lower eGFR categories. The
to kidney failure. The evidence for these laboratory (eGFR exception was the MDRD eGFR category of 15–19 ml/
and albuminuria), demographic (age, sex, and race), and min/1.73 m2, where no significant difference in risk was
clinical variables (acute kidney injury, blood pressure, dia- observed between patients reclassified into the higher
betes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease) is reviewed here eGFR category using CKD-EPI and those not reclassified.
and summarized in Table 3.1.
Change in eGFR
A progressive decline in GFR can be viewed as an intermedi-
There is high certainty evidence that reduced eGFR is associ- ary on the pathway to kidney failure, and existing evidence
ated with kidney failure in people with an established diag- suggests with high certainty that a patient’s past trajectory of
nosis of CKD, as well as in the general population and those decline in eGFR provides additional prognostic information
with cardiovascular disease and a high risk of CKD. This about the risk of kidney failure, over and above the most
finding has been demonstrated when serum creatinine val- recent eGFR available. In a meta-analysis of 232 250 patients
ues, standardized to isotope dilution mass spectrometry- from 11 CKD cohorts, where the risk of kidney failure over
traceable methods, are used to estimate glomerular filtration 2 years of follow-up was 1.4%, a decline in eGFR of 6 ml/
rate (GFR) using either the Modification of Diet in Renal min/1.73 m2 per year over the previous 3 years (i.e. a decline
Disease (MDRD) study equation or the CKD Epidemiology of 18 ml/min/1.73 m2 versus no decline) was associated with
Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation. The first phase of col- approximately double the adjusted relative risk of kidney
laborative meta-analysis published by the CKD-PC [4] exam- failure compared to no decline, whereas a current eGFR of
ined the risk of kidney failure in a total of 21 688 patients 30 versus 50 ml/min/1.73 m2 (i.e. a difference of 20 ml/
from 14 cohorts with CKD, in which the incidence rate of min/1.73 m2) was associated with 20-fold higher relative risk
kidney failure varied markedly from 13.6 to 115.3 per 1000 of kidney failure [33]. These findings thus demonstrate that
person-years. In adjusted analyses, each decrease in MDRD despite the prognostic value of a change in eGFR, current
eGFR by 15 ml/min/1.73 m2 below a threshold of 45 ml/ eGFR is associated more strongly with future risk of kidney
min/1.73 m2 was associated with a sixfold increase in hazard failure than the magnitude of past eGFR decline, especially
of kidney failure. In meta-analysis of cohorts drawn from the when eGFR falls below 30 ml/min/1.73 m2.
general population, with a higher mean eGFR (range
72–144 ml/min/1.73 m2) and the absolute risk for end-stage
kidney disease (ESKD) of 0.31 events per 1000 person-years,
the risk of kidney failure was not related to MDRD eGFR at Proteinuria can be measured in several ways, including
values between 75 and 105 ml/min/1.73 m2, but was expo- urinary dipstick, albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) or
nentially higher at lower levels of eGFR. At MDRD eGFRs protein-to-creatinine ratio (PCR) on a spot urine sample, or
averaging 60, 45, and 15 ml/min/1.73 m2, and adjusted haz- quantification from a 24-hour urine collection. Regardless
ard ratios for kidney failure were 4, 29, and 454, respectively, of the method of assessment, there is high certainty
compared with an eGFR of 95 ml/min/1.73 m2 [2]. evidence that increasing proteinuria confers a higher risk
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Prognostic Factors for Progression to Kidney Failur 29
Definition of Certainty of
Prognostic factors prognostic factor Evidence source Summary of findingsa evidence (GRADE)b
Table 3.1 (Continued)
Definition of Certainty of
Prognostic factors prognostic factor Evidence source Summary of findingsa evidence (GRADE)b
−/±: 5.1
+: 1.2
++: 44.6
+++: 140.8
Relative risk:Adjusted relative risk of kidney
failure by ACR category (reference <30 mg/g):
ACR 30–299 mg/g: HR 2.87 (95% CI 1.91–4.34)
ACR 300–999 mg/g: HR 7.96 (95% CI 6.27–10.09)
ACR 1000 mg/g: HR 14.61 (95% CI 11.16–19.13)
Pooled relative risk for kidney in continuous
analyses with an eightfold increase in ACR: HR 2.92
(95% CI 1.96–4.35); I2 92.2%, P < 0.001
Adjusted relative risk of kidney failure by dipstick
category (reference −/±)e:
+: HR 2.92 (2.08–4.10)
++: HR 7.70 (4.52–13.10)
+++: HR 15.01 (8.36–26.95)
Table 3.1 (Continued)
Definition of Certainty of
Prognostic factors prognostic factor Evidence source Summary of findingsa evidence (GRADE)b
Table 3.1 (Continued)
Definition of Certainty of
Prognostic factors prognostic factor Evidence source Summary of findingsa evidence (GRADE)b
ACR, albumin-to-creatinine ratio; AKI, acute kidney injury; BP, blood pressure; CI, confidence interval; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CKD-EPI,
CKD Epidemiology Collaboration; CVD, cardiovascular disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; HR, hazard ratio; KRT, kidney
replacement therapy; MDRD, Modification of Diet in Renal Disease.
The majority of the CKD-PC studies defined kidney failure as initiation of kidney replacement therapy (dialysis or kidney transplantation) or
death due to kidney disease other than acute kidney injury [4, 24, 25, 27–31], whereas two studies defined kidney failure as initiation of kidney
replacement therapy alone [26, 32].
GRADE assessment of the certainty of evidence: High: We are very confident that the true prognosis (probability of future events) lies close to
that of the estimate. Moderate: We are moderately confident that the true prognosis (probability of future events) is likely close to that of the
estimate, but there is a possibility that it is substantially different. Low: Our confidence in the estimate is limited: the true prognosis
(probability of future events) may be substantially different from the estimate. Very low: We have very little confidence in the estimate: the true
prognosis (probability of future events) is likely to be substantially different from the estimate.
PCR was not reported in this table as the results were similar to ACR.
Values that were only provided in figures and were approximated using graph digitizing software.
Results are from a single study, Kaiser Permanente Northwest.
CKD-PC includes three cohort types based on source population, general population cohorts, high-risk cohorts selecting subjects at high
cardiovascular risk (such as hypertension or diabetes), and CKD cohorts specifically enrolling subjects with CKD. Where not otherwise
specified results refer to overall estimates within all three of these cohorts.
of developing kidney failure independently of eGFR and increased risk of kidney failure and mortality in CKD
other clinical variables. In a collaborative meta-analysis that cohorts [4]. In one cohort study that stratified by eGFR,
included 12 CKD cohorts and 21 321 patients reporting on patients with heavier albuminuria within each eGFR cate-
ESKD outcomes, more severe proteinuria when measured gory had significantly increased adjusted rates of both kid-
by dipstick, ACR, or PCR was independently associated with ney failure and mortality compared to those with lesser or
an increased risk of kidney failure [4]. Among included no albuminuria [34]. In fact, those with heavy albuminuria
studies, the unadjusted incidence rate for kidney failure was but without overtly abnormal eGFR appeared to have
as high as 200 events per 1000 person-years in those with worse clinical outcomes than those with moderately
greatest degree of albuminuria, compared to rates of less reduced eGFR and no albuminuria. Increasing severity of
than 10 per 1000 person-years for those with no albuminu- albuminuria may predict a more rapid rate of decline in
ria [4]. Similarly, the pooled relative risk of developing kid- kidney function, regardless of baseline eGFR [35].
ney failure increased significantly with higher categories of These findings highlight the importance of considering
albuminuria, even after adjusting for age, comorbidities, the influence of albuminuria in addition to other clinical
and eGFR. Although there was significant heterogeneity factors, such as eGFR, when assessing risk of CKD progres-
between studies, the point estimates of association did not sion, and have contributed to interest in using albuminuria
vary significantly between studies with the exception of one as a surrogate for progression to kidney failure [36, 37]. The
outlier that demonstrated a more strongly positive associa- most recent international clinical practice guidelines for
tion between increasing ACR and kidney failure [33]. CKD management acknowledge albuminuria as a valid
In the meta-analysis by Astor et al., both lower eGFR and and important independent predictor of kidney, cardiovas-
higher albuminuria were independently associated with an cular, and mortality outcomes, resulting in a modification
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Prognostic Factors for Progression to Kidney Failur 33
of the previous eGFR-based CKD staging system to a risk- kidney function [42, 43]. A multivariable model developed
based one that considers both severity of eGFR decline and with 9973 participants with AKI and externally validated
albuminuria [5]. These guidelines refer specifically to use of in a cohort with 2761 participants from Canada included
albuminuria (i.e. ACR) rather than the proteinuria, as albu- age, sex, AKI stage, prehospitalization serum creatinine
min is the primary component of urinary protein in most level, albuminuria, and discharge serum creatinine in the
conditions, and the epidemiologic data supporting the asso- final risk index [44]. This model achieved a c-statistic of
ciation between proteinuria and outcomes is strongest for 0.81 and was well calibrated for predicting advanced CKD
urinary albumin quantification. after hospital discharge. However, the clinical impact of
using this model to guide care remains to be evaluated.
Whether interventions to prevent AKI or enhance recovery
Acute Kidney Injury
from AKI reduce the risk of progressive CKD and ESKD
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a potentially avoidable compli- remains uncertain.
cation that may occur in hospital or the community. There is
moderate certainty evidence that patients who have survived
AKI have an increased adjusted risk of subsequent progres-
sion of CKD and kidney failure compared to those without Age does not appear to uniformly influence the risk of
an episode of AKI [34]. In a large cohort study of nearly one developing kidney failure independent of the effect of
million individuals from Canada, an episode of AKI was baseline kidney function and albuminuria. In an individual-
associated with higher risk of long-term sustained doubling level meta-analysis of 46 cohorts and approximately two
of serum creatinine or ESKD, with the largest increases in million patients, the adjusted incidence rate of kidney fail-
risk seen in individuals with higher eGFR and lesser degrees ure at a given level of eGFR was lowest for persons over age
of proteinuria at baseline [38]. This illustrated that an epi- 75 years compared with those in younger age categories
sode of AKI provides extra prognostic information for pro- (e.g. 9.8 vs. 28.2 per 1000 person-years for ages >75 years
gression of CKD in addition to that provided by eGFR and and 55–64 years, respectively, at an eGFR of 45 ml/
proteinuria. Pathophysiologic processes that are believed to min/1.73 m2) [27]. However, once eGFR declined to 15 ml/
contribute to the transition from acute injury to chronic min/1.73 m2, the adjusted risk of kidney failure was similar
damage include a failure of differentiation and persistently across age categories. Among the 13 CKD cohorts in this
high signaling activity of regenerating cells in the tubuloint- meta-analysis, similar findings of lower adjusted incidence
erstitium, with inflammation, capillary rarefaction, and rates of kidney failure among the oldest age group were
fibroblast proliferation ultimately contributing to progres- reported, although the absolute risk of kidney failure
sion of CKD [39]. appeared to increase steeply for individuals’ 75 years of
In a systematic review and meta-analysis of 13 cohort age with an eGFR below 25 ml/min/1.73 m2 to reach risk
studies, including over one million patients with follow-up estimates comparable to other age groups. Overall, a trend
ranging from 6 to 75 months, the pooled incidence of kid- toward lower risk of kidney failure was identified among
ney failure was 8.6 events per 100 person-years, and was older individuals, although the absolute and relative risks
threefold higher for those with AKI than without AKI. The were not significantly different across age categories.
magnitude of the association between AKI and kidney fail- Kidney function generally declines with advancing age,
ure varied substantially between the studies included in this the significance of which (and the extent to which it is con-
systematic review; however, the definitions for AKI were sidered pathological) has been debated [45]. In the meta-
heterogeneous between studies and all studies reported analysis described above, low eGFR was independently
higher risks among patients with AKI. Furthermore, the associated with mortality regardless of age, although the
risk of kidney failure increased in a graded manner with relative mortality risk was attenuated with increasing
greater severity of AKI. More recently AKI has also been age [27]. Findings from previous studies suggest that
associated with a later risk of developing CKD even in elderly individuals are less likely to progress to kidney fail-
patients with recovery of kidney function to normal lev- ure than they are to die from other causes [46], although
els [40], and a longer duration of AKI has also been associ- these risks may vary depending on how kidney failure is
ated with a higher risk of developing CKD [41]. defined, an individuals’ baseline kidney function, and
Among patients who have had an episode of AKI, whether the kidney failure is treated with KRT. In the sys-
cohort studies have identified several factors that are asso- tematic review by Hallan et al., kidney failure was defined
ciated with high risks of developing advanced CKD (eGFR as initiation of dialysis, transplantation, or death as a result
<30 ml/min/1.73 m2), including older age, lower baseline of kidney disease. However, this definition may fail to iden-
eGFR, more severe AKI, and incomplete recovery of tify those whose who do not start dialysis for kidney failure
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34 Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease: An Evidence-based Approach to Risk Stratification
and those who die from a nonkidney-related cause. One kidney failure among the cohorts and racial groups. It is
large cohort study suggested that whereas the absolute and worth noting that in this study, most Black patients were
relative risks of “treated” kidney failure (i.e. receipt of dial- from US cohorts, most Asian patients were from East Asian
ysis or kidney transplantation) are higher in younger com- cohorts, and few cohorts included multiple racial groups.
pared to older people at a given eGFR, the rates of The absolute risk of kidney failure appeared to be high-
“untreated” kidney failure (progression to eGFR <15 ml/ est among Black patients in the general population cohorts
min/1.73 m2 without renal replacement therapy) were sig- of this meta-analysis (adjusted incidence rate 2.36 vs.
nificantly higher in older individuals [47]. This suggests 0.46 in White patients and 0.27 in Asians, per 1000 person-
that kidney disease does progress in older adults and that years) [29]. Unadjusted incidence rates in the CKD cohorts
the incidence of kidney failure in this population may be were similar. Genetic factors, including apolipoprotein L1
higher than what has been assumed when kidney failure is (APOL1) gene polymorphisms, contribute in large part to
defined only by receipt of KRT. These findings have impli- the significantly increased rates of kidney failure among
cations for clinical practice and decision making for adults Black patients; APOL1 mutations, found exclusively in
of all ages with CKD, including perception and communi- individuals of African descent, have been associated with
cation of risk, and evaluation of treatment options. earlier onset of CKD, increased albuminuria, and a more
rapid decline in eGFR [50–52]. Whereas findings from
other studies support differences in rates of kidney out-
comes across racial groups and nationalities [53–56], race
Although females have a higher prevalence of CKD than may also predict rate of eGFR decline and development of
males, observational studies from the United Kingdom and CKD in persons without known kidney disease. In one US
North America suggest that females have a lower risk of population-based study, Black Americans and Hispanics
kidney failure than males [48]. Moderate certainty evi- with normal kidney function experienced more rapid rates
dence from a meta-analysis of 13 CKD cohorts from of eGFR decline than White Americans and had higher
Europe, North and South America, Asia, and Australasia, rates of incident CKD [57]. Consistent findings of a rela-
including 38 612 patients, have confirmed this finding, and tionship between eGFR and renal outcomes regardless of
also found no differences by sex in the relative risk of kid- race support the use of internationally adopted practice
ney failure associated with a greater degree of albuminuria guidelines that stage CKD according to eGFR and albumi-
or reduced eGFR [28, 49]. It is not yet clear the extent to nuria without defining specific thresholds for racial
which biological differences related to sex versus societal groups [5]. However, to address modifiable risk factors and
and social norms related to gender influence the higher impact care delivery across populations with variable risk,
incidence of KRT in men than in women. it is important to consider the reasons for such baseline dif-
ferences, including contributions of socio-cultural, envi-
ronmental, and genetic influences [58].
Moderate certainty evidence suggests that a patient’s race
does not independently influence his or her relative risk of
developing kidney failure for a given eGFR, despite varia- As a cause and consequence of CKD [59], hypertension is a
tions in baseline risk across racial groups. Pooled data from target of treatment in CKD, and there is moderate quality
a meta-analysis of 45 cohorts indicate that the relative risk of evidence that patients with CKD and hypertension have a
kidney failure and mortality increases similarly among the higher incidence of progression to kidney failure and
three studied races (i.e. Asian, Black, and White) across a death. A large cohort study of 300 000 adults within the
range of eGFR and/or albuminuria, with greatest risk at low general population found that there were graded increases
eGFR and high albuminuria [29]. The majority of cohorts in in the risk of kidney failure with increasing blood pressure
this meta-analysis were from the general population, and this relationship was independent of existing kidney
although a similar relationship was observed among the 13 disease [60]. These results are further supported by a large
CKD cohorts (n = 36 295, 3% of the study population). For US cohort study of 332 544 men that found increasing risk
example, compared to a reference eGFR of 50 ml/ of developing kidney failure with increasing severity of
min/1.73 m2, Asian, White, and Black patients at an eGFR of hypertension, with up to a 20 times greater risk among
30 ml/min/1.73 m2 had an approximately 2.5- to 3.5-times men with stage 4 hypertension in comparison to those with
increased risk of developing kidney failure after adjusting optimal blood pressure [60, 61]. Similarly, an increased risk
for measured confounders. This is despite differences in of kidney failure has also been associated with hyperten-
clinical and demographic characteristics and absolute risk of sion in women [62].
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Prognostic Factors for Progression to Kidney Failur 35
Among patients with CKD, the relationship between tory of cardiovascular disease. Findings indicated that dia-
hypertension and kidney failure is not uniform and varies betic patients had a higher relative risk of kidney failure
based on eGFR and ACR levels. A meta-analysis of 13 CKD when the references were set to an eGFR of 50 ml/
cohorts, comprising 21 072 patients with hypertension and min/1.73 m2 and an ACR of 20 mg/g in nondiabetic patients.
17 088 without hypertension, found an incidence of 19.5% However, this relationship did not extend across low eGFR
(3327 kidney failure events) among those with hypertension and high ACR levels, with no significant difference in the
and 12.3% (2597 kidney failure events) in the nonhyperten- relative risk of kidney failure by diabetes status across the
sive patients [30]. Hypertensive patients, characterized by full range of eGFR values (hazard ratio [HR] 0.79, 95% con-
systolic blood pressure 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pres- fidence interval [CI] 0.56–1.13, P value 0.19) and ACR val-
sure 90 mmHg, had a higher risk of kidney failure at an ues (HR 1.08, 95% CI 0.95–1.23, P value 0.22). There is low
eGFR of 50 ml/min/1.73 m2 and ACR of 100 mg/g. However, certainty in this evidence due to the variability observed
the effect of hypertensive status was attenuated at lower between studies.
eGFR and higher ACR levels, such that lower eGFR and While the aforementioned reviews did not specifically
increasing ACR levels corresponded with increasing risk of compare treated versus untreated diabetes, there is also
developing kidney failure [30] among patients both with and evidence that patients with poor glycemic control are at
without hypertension. No significant interaction was found greater risk of progression to kidney failure. A Canadian
when antihypertensive medication use was incorporated population-based cohort study found that among patients
into the analysis. with diabetes and an eGFR of 30–59 ml/min/1.73 m2, the
However, there is evidence for a protective effect on pro- risk of progression to kidney failure increased with increas-
gression to kidney failure based on the type of antihyper- ing HbA1c [66]. Such patients with an HbA1c between 7%
tensive treatment regimen. An individual patient-level to 9% and higher than 9% had increased relative risks of
meta-analysis of 11 randomized controlled trials (1946 22% and 152%, respectively, of developing kidney failure
patients) compared antihypertensive treatments with or compared to those with an HbA1c level <7%. This risk of
without angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors kidney failure with increasing HbA1C diminished at eGFR
and showed that patients with CKD who had proteinuria levels of 15–29 ml/min/1.73 m2.
and were treated with ACE inhibitors were at significantly Overall, individuals with diabetes and CKD have a higher
decreased risk of developing kidney failure (7.4%) in com- risk of kidney failure in comparison to those without dia-
parison to patients who received other antihypertensive betes at normal eGFR and ACR levels, and this risk is
regimens (11.6%) [63]. heightened among patients with poor glycemic control.
Taken together, this evidence suggests that hypertension However, diabetic status provides less additional prognos-
increases the risk of kidney failure in the general popula- tic value for kidney failure at lower eGFR and higher ACR
tion and CKD patients, but the relative prognostic impor- levels.
tance of hypertension for progression to kidney failure
tends to diminish at later stages of CKD.
Cardiovascular Disease
Many studies have shown that CKD is associated with the
Diabetes Mellitus
development of cardiovascular disease, and traditional car-
Diabetes is a common cause of CKD, and individuals with diovascular risk factors are also highly prevalent in patients
diabetes are at greater risk of kidney failure and mortal- with CKD [3, 67]. Some studies have shown that the risk of
ity [64, 65]. Evidence from a large meta-analysis of over cardiovascular events and mortality is a prominent com-
100 000 patients reported that patients with advanced (i.e. peting event in CKD and may exceed the risk of kidney fail-
stage G4) CKD and diabetes mellitus had a 30% higher ure in many patients. A meta-analysis of 28 cohorts across
event rate of kidney failure compared to those with 30 countries included 185 024 patients with advanced CKD
advanced (i.e. stage G4) CKD without diabetes [32]. (i.e. CKD G4+) and found an overall incidence of 12.1%
A second meta-analysis including 38 612 patients from 13 (22 301 events) for kidney failure requiring KRT [32].
CKD cohorts investigated the association of diabetes Adjusted meta-analyses suggested no increased risk of kid-
(defined as fasting glucose of at least 7.0 mmol/l, nonfasting ney failure requiring KRT among those with a history of
glucose of at least 11.1 mmol/l or HbA1c of at least 6.5%, use cardiovascular disease at cohort entry (defined by previous
of glucose-lowering drugs, or self-reported) with risks of diagnosis of myocardial infarction, percutaneous coronary
developing kidney failure [31]. These analyses were intervention, bypass grafting, heart failure, or stroke).
adjusted for other cardiovascular risk factors, including However, when time-varying cardiovascular events were
blood pressure, total cholesterol, body mass index, and his- added to the model, they were significantly associated with
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36 Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease: An Evidence-based Approach to Risk Stratification
increased risk of both progression to kidney failure (HR in these geographic regions. These findings provide strong
2.28, 95% CI 2.02–2.57) and mortality (HR 2.87, 95% CI evidence that estimates of the absolute risk of kidney fail-
2.57–3.20). The certainty of this evidence is low due to het- ure can be achieved with a level of accuracy considered
erogeneity between the study cohorts and imprecision of helpful for use in clinical decision-making, using demo-
pooled estimates. graphic and commonly ordered laboratory tests for patients
with a broad range of CKD stages.
Shroeder et al. have also developed and externally vali-
isk Prediction Models for Kidney
R dated a pragmatic prediction model for the 5-year risk of
Failure progression to KRT among patients with stage G3 or G4
CKD [69]. The development and validation cohorts were
The best ways to assess patient prognosis use prediction composed of patients with CKD from two geographically
models that combine multiple risk factors to provide esti- distinct cohorts of patients from a large health mainte-
mates of a patient’s absolute risk of an outcome. Risk pre- nance organization in the United States. The final model
diction models have been developed and tested in other included eight predictors: age, sex, eGFR, hemoglobin,
clinical settings to inform clinical decision making. To be proteinuria/albuminuria, systolic blood pressure, anti-
certain that a risk prediction model provides reliable prog- hypertensive medication use, and diabetes and its com-
nostic information, it should undergo validation, ideally in plications. This multivariable model had excellent
a separate group of patients from those in whom the mod- discrimination, with a c-statistic of 0.95, and maintained
els were derived, to demonstrate the model’s ability to dis- very good calibration in the external validation cohort,
criminate between patients who will have an event and with the exception of slightly lower observed than pre-
those who will not. Furthermore, the model should deliver dicted risk in the highest-risk quintile. These findings
predictions of absolute risk that are well calibrated to provide further evidence that a combination of demo-
observed risks [68]. Three multivariable risk prediction graphic, clinical, and laboratory variables that are rou-
models to predict progression to kidney failure have been tinely collected in primary care can provide accurate
developed and externally validated in cohorts with CKD estimates of the risk of kidney failure for patients across
(Table 3.2) [49, 69, 70]. a broad range of stages of CKD.
In 2011 Tangri et al. reported the derivation and perfor- Multivariable models have also been developed using
mance of kidney failure risk equations (KFREs) to estimate data from over 260 000 individuals with eGFR <30 ml/
2- and 5-year absolute risks of treated kidney failure, min/1.73 m2 from 30 countries included in the
defined by the need for dialysis or a pre-emptive kidney CKD-PC [70]. These models included nine prognostic fac-
transplant [49]. The models were derived in a cohort of tors (age, sex, race, eGFR, ACR, systolic blood pressure,
over 3000 patients with CKD (eGFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2) smoking status, diabetes mellitus, and history of cardiovas-
cared for by nephrologists in Toronto, Canada, and exter- cular disease) and were developed to predict 2- and 4-year
nally validated in a separate cohort of almost 5000 patients risks of competing outcomes of CKD, including kidney
receiving similar care in nephrology clinics in British failure requiring KRT, a nonfatal cardiovascular event, and
Columbia, Canada. The most accurate model included death. Discrimination of the model for risk of kidney fail-
eight variables (age, sex, eGFR, albuminuria, serum cal- ure at 2 years was very good, and when compared to the
cium, serum phosphate, serum bicarbonate, and serum original four-variable KFRE developed by Tangri et al.
albumin) and achieved a c-statistic of 0.92 in the develop- showed similar discrimination (c-statistic 0.81 vs. 0.82),
ment cohort and 0.84 in the validation cohort. Prediction with good calibration when used for risk stratification into
model discrimination and calibration was also very good risk categories of <20%, 20–40%, and >40% predicted risk
for a simpler, four-variable model including age, sex, eGFR, of kidney failure. These findings provide evidence that
and albuminuria (Table 3.2). The generalizability of pre- multivariable risk models can also aid with risk stratifica-
dictions based on the KFREs have since been demonstrated tion for kidney failure in patients with advanced (G4) stage
through external validation of the original four-and eight- CKD and can be used to provide estimates of this risk in
variable equations in 31 cohorts from North America, relation to competing risks of other relevant clinical out-
Europe, Asia, and Oceania [71], including cohorts with comes of cardiovascular events and mortality before or
patients not under the care of a nephrologist. The four- after initiation of KRT.
variable risk equation maintained very good discrimina- Since publication of the original KFRE, several studies
tion and calibration in North American cohorts, although have examined strategies for model updating, with the
recalibration was required among non-North American addition of new or repeated measures in attempts to
cohorts to account for the lower incidence of kidney failure improve risk prediction for kidney failure. Tangri et al.
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Table 3.2 Summary of findings: validated multivariable risk prediction models for kidney failure.
Model (author) Cohort descriptions Prognostic variables Predictive performance Tools for use
Kidney failure risk equations Derivation cohort of 3 449 Eight-variable model; age, sex, Eight-variable model; c-statistic A risk calculator is available
(Tangri et al.) [49] patients with CKD stages 3–5 eGFR, albuminuria, age, sex, 0.92; (95% CI 0.90–0.93) in the online at www.kidneyfailurerisk.
from 2001 to 2008 at Sunnybrook eGFR, albuminuria, serum derivation cohort and 0.84 (95% com, for use with an app for
Hospital, University of Toronto calcium, serum phosphate, CI, 0.82–0.86) in the validation handheld electronic devices at
Health network, Toronto Canada. serum bicarbonate, and serum cohort. https://qxmd.com/calculate/
11% developed kidney failure albumin calculator, and as excel risk
over 5 years Four-variable model; c-statistic calculator provided in the
Four-variable model; age, sex, 0.91 (95% CI 0.89–0.93) in supplementary material of the
Validation cohort of 4 942 eGFR, albuminuria derivation cohort and 0.85, 0.83, original publication
patients with CKD stages 3–5 and 0.83 at 1, 3, and 5 years,
from 2001 to 2008 from the respectively, in the external
British Columbia CKD Registry. validation cohort
24% developed kidney failure
over 5 years
An integer-based risk score is
Kaiser Permanente risk of renal Derivation cohort of 22 460 Age, sex, eGFR, proteinuria or Derivation cohort: c-statistic 0.96 available in the original
replacement therapy (RRT) patients in the Kaiser albuminuria, hemoglobin, (0.95–0.97), R2 = 79.7% (78.6– publication
model (Schroeder et al.) [69] Permanente Northwest health diabetes, systolic blood pressure, 80.8) at 5 years
maintenance organization with anti-hypertensive medication,
stage G3 or G4 CKD from 2002 to and diabetes with number of Validation cohort: c-statistic 0.95
2008. 4.7% developed kidney complications (0.94–0.97), R2 = 81.2%
failure over 5 years (79.6–82.6)
Validation cohort of 16 553
patients in Kaiser Permanent
Colorado from 2006 to 2008. 2.6%
developed kidney failure over
5 years.
A risk calculator is available
CKD Prognosis Consortium 264 296 patients with eGFR Age, sex, race, eGFR, systolic c-statistic 0.814 (within cohort online through KDIGO at https://
models (Grams et al.) [70] <30 ml/min/1.73 m2 from 29 blood pressure, history of range in c-static of 0.680–0.972). kdigo.org/equation
cohorts and 30 countries cardiovascular disease, diabetes,
included in the CKD Prognosis albuminuria, smoking history.
Consortium. 4-year risk of kidney
failure ranged from <0.5% to 28%
across cohorts.
CI, confidence interval; CKD, chronic kidney disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate.
Note: In all risk prediction models, kidney failure is defined as initiation of dialysis or kidney transplantation.
assessed a dynamic risk prediction strategy using time- (the Diabetic Nephropathy Classification Score of the
varying laboratory data in a cohort study of patients Renal Pathology Society) to the KFRE did not significantly
with CKD [72]. A latest-available-measurement predictive improve risk prediction of kidney failure [74].
model with eGFR as a time-dependent predictor incremen-
tally improved risk prediction for kidney failure compared
to a static measurement model with only a single eGFR linical Application and Impact
(integrated discrimination improvement 0.73%, 95% CI of Kidney Failure Risk
0.56–0.90%), providing evidence that incorporating addi- Prediction Models
tional eGFR measurements over time can improve risk pre-
diction. There is no good evidence that addition of other Several potential clinical uses for prognostic information on
biomarkers can significantly improve upon the existing kidney failure risk have been proposed, which may include
KFREs for predicting risk of kidney failure in CKD popula- the use of this information by patients and family members,
tions. In one cohort study of patients with CKD who under- primary care clinicians, specialists, health system payers
went duplex ultrasonography testing, adding renal resistive and policy makers. However, there is little evidence guiding
indices did not improve risk prediction for kidney failure their application and assessing their impact in the clinical
beyond the four- and eight-variable KFRE [73] models. In setting. Three studies have reported on patient or provider
another cohort study of patients with CKD who had under- perspectives and experiences on the potential impact of
gone a kidney biopsy confirming diabetic nephropathy, the implementation of kidney failure risk prediction models in
addition of a score based on pathological biopsy features clinical care (Table 3.3) [75–77].
Table 3.3 Summary of findings: clinical implementation and impact of risk prediction models for kidney failure.
Chiu Quantitative 111 nephrologists across Canada To determine 80% of respondents were not satisfied with
2015 [75] (surveys) perspectives on the their current ability to predict kidney
importance of predicting failure, cardiovascular outcomes, and death,
kidney failure, risk and most indicated that they would use
thresholds that would validated risk scores to predict clinical
influence CKD treatment outcomes. Risk prediction over a 1-to 5-year
plans, and experiences time frame was felt to be important for
using existing risk clinical decision making, such as guiding
prediction tools. referral for arteriovenous fistula creation.
Hingwala Quantitative Patients referred for nephrology To describe the 34% of referrals were classified as low risk
2017 [76] (quasi- assessment in Manitoba, Canada incorporation of the and referred back to their family physician.
experimental) from 1 January 2013 to 31 KFRE in a triage system The median wait time for nephrology
December 2013 for general nephrology consultation improved from 230 days to
referrals. Patients with a 58 days post triage.
5-year kidney failure risk
of 3% were booked with
nephrology either
urgently (risk 10%) or
nonurgently (risk
3–10%); those with a risk
of <3% were referred
back to their family
Smekal Qualitative Adult patients with non-dialysis To explore perceived Perceived challenges to implementing a
2018 [77] (focus groups, CKD and their family members benefits and challenges risk-based CKD care approach included lack
interviews, (n = 12 across two focus groups), of implementing a of capacity to manage low-risk patients
open-ended and healthcare providers (nurses, KFRE-based approach to outside of the CKD clinic setting and more
survey nephrologists [n = 16 interviews; determine eligibility for fragmented care. Perceived benefits
responses) n = 40 survey respondents]) from multidisciplinary CKD included targeted care for CKD patients at
a multidisciplinary CKD clinic in care. highest risk of progression and improved
Alberta, Canada program efficiency.
Chiu et al. surveyed 111 Canadian nephrologists about the potential efficiency gains and focused allocation of
their views on and experiences with CKD risk prediction resources in providing targeted CKD care for those at high-
tools [75]. Approximately 80% were dissatisfied with their est risk of kidney failure.
current ability to predict risk of kidney failure, cardiovascu- These studies have primarily examined perceptions and
lar events, and death among CKD patients, and the majority experiences surrounding implementation of the KFRE to
indicated that they would use validated risk scores if such inform risk-informed nephrology care in the Canadian
tools accurately predicted risk and influenced their manage- context. However, the broader clinical impact of using risk
ment to improve clinical outcomes. Furthermore, this sur- prediction models in practice remains uncertain. Although
vey was able to characterize nephrologist consensus on risk the use of kidney failure risk estimates have been proposed
thresholds at which treatment decisions should be made, to inform several clinical decisions in CKD manage-
such as arteriovenous fistula planning when a patient’s ment [78], successful strategies for their implementation in
1-year predicted kidney failure risk exceeded 30–50%. clinical practice, utility in clinical decision making, and
Two studies have evaluated the impact of the KFRE in subsequent impact on patient-, provider-, and system-level
clinical nephrology practice, including in the triage of outcomes [79, 80] has yet to be comprehensively evaluated.
nephrology CKD referrals [76] and determining eligibility Such data will contribute to the generation of an important
for multidisciplinary CKD clinic care [77]. Hingwala et al. evidence base for the effectiveness of kidney failure risk
applied a KFRE-based threshold of 3% kidney failure risk prediction models in the care of people with CKD.
over 5 years to triage referrals to specialist nephrology
assessment. Approximately one-third of referrals were
considered low risk and consequently were referred back C
to their family doctor with CKD care recommendations
provided in a standard “low risk letter.” In the post-triage High-quality evidence has established substantial variability
period, the median wait time for nephrology assessment in the risk of progression of CKD, and that demographic,
decreased from 230 to 58 days, suggesting that this approach clinical, and laboratory variables can provide independent
may help improve access to nephrology care for patients at prognostic value for the prediction of kidney failure. eGFR
highest risk of progression to kidney failure. Smekal et al. and albuminuria are well characterized, strong risk factors for
sought the perspectives of patients with CKD, their fami- progression of CKD to kidney failure, with high certainty evi-
lies, and nephrology healthcare providers on the use of the dence supporting the use of these variables in combination to
KFRE to determine patient eligibility for multidisciplinary assess CKD prognosis. Validated multivariable models that
CKD clinic care (2-year kidney failure risk 10%) or gen- incorporate these and other readily available demographic
eral nephrology care (2-year kidney failure risk <10%). In and clinical risk factors are now available for use as kidney
focus groups, interviews, and open-ended survey responses, failure risk stratification tools in clinical practice (Figure 3.2).
participants expressed concern about the lack of capacity Whether implementation of these risk prediction models in
to manage lower risk CKD patients in the community clinical care improves patient outcomes and experiences in
and loss of services for patients previously followed in the CKD care remains uncertain, and further research in the area
multidisciplinary setting. However, they also recognized of clinical application and impact is needed.
Factors Multivariable Prediction Models:
Figure 3.2 Phases in evidence generation to establish risk prediction models for CKD progression in clinical practice. CKD, chronic
kidney disease; CKD-PC, Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; KFRE, kidney failure
risk equation.
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40 Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease: An Evidence-based Approach to Risk Stratification
List of Abbreviations
Matsushita, K., van der Velde, M., Astor, B.C. et al. (2010).
1 9 Coresh, J., Astor, B.C., Greene, T. et al. (2003). Prevalence
Association of estimated glomerular filtration rate and of chronic kidney disease and decreased kidney function
albuminuria with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in in the adult US population: Third National Health and
general population cohorts: a collaborative meta-analysis. Nutrition Examination Survey. Am. J. Kidney Dis. 41 (1):
Lancet (London, England) 375 (9731): 2073–2081. 1–12.
2 Gansevoort, R.T., Matsushita, K., van der Velde, M. et al. 10 Murphy, D., McCulloch, C.E., Lin, F. et al. (2016). Trends
(2011). Lower estimated GFR and higher albuminuria are in prevalence of chronic kidney disease in the United
associated with adverse kidney outcomes. A collaborative States. Ann. Intern. Med. 165 (7): 473–481.
meta-analysis of general and high-risk population cohorts. 11 Stevens, L.A., Viswanathan, G., and Weiner, D.E. (2010).
Kidney Int. 80 (1): 93–104. Chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease in the
3 van der Velde, M., Matsushita, K., Coresh, J. et al. (2011). elderly population: current prevalence, future projections,
Lower estimated glomerular filtration rate and higher and clinical significance. Adv. Chronic Kidney Dis. 17 (4):
albuminuria are associated with all-cause and 293–301.
cardiovascular mortality. A collaborative meta-analysis of 12 Poggio, E.D. and Rule, A.D. (2007). Can we do better than
high-risk population cohorts. Kidney Int. 79 (12): a single estimated GFR threshold when screening for
1341–1352. chronic kidney disease? Kidney Int. 72 (5): 534–536.
4 Astor, B.C., Matsushita, K., Gansevoort, R.T. et al. (2011). 13 Levey, A.S., de Jong, P.E., Coresh, J. et al. (2011). The
Lower estimated glomerular filtration rate and higher definition, classification, and prognosis of chronic kidney
albuminuria are associated with mortality and end-stage disease: a KDIGO controversies conference report. Kidney
renal disease. A collaborative meta-analysis of kidney Int. 80 (1): 17–28.
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42 Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease: An Evidence-based Approach to Risk Stratification
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. point-of-care screening and treatment for CKD among a
Benjamin Franklin rural adult Canadian indigenous population revealed an
incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of $23 700 per
quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) compared to usual
I ntroduction care [7]. Findings from a systematic review show the cost-
effectiveness ratios for proteinuria screening to be $14 063–
Screening is performed to differentiate healthy people from $160 018 QALY for the general population, $5298–$54 943
those in the early stages of disease who are not experienc- QALY for diabetics, and $23 028–$73 939 QALY for hyper-
ing symptoms or exhibiting signs of illness. This might be tensives [8]. However, the cost-benefit ratios of screening
justified when effective early interventions are available have not been adequately studied in developing countries
that lead to better outcomes, for example screening for where such assessments are largely needed.
motor neuron disease would do more harm than good,
given the lack of effective interventions and risk of overdi-
Who Should be Screened for CKD?
agnosis, false-positive results, and associated anxiety [1].
This chapter aims to discuss the utility of a screening pro- Most countries do not have a coordinated approach to CKD
gram for chronic kidney disease (CKD) with regard to asso- screening, leading to so-called “opportunistic screening.”
ciated outcomes and costs. Several researchers have used World Kidney Day as a plat-
CKD is highly prevalent in many countries and access to form to increase awareness of the importance of CKD screen-
treatment is often limited [2, 3]. CKD tends to be an asymp- ing [9–12]. Because screening techniques are not
tomatic condition that goes undetected until its later stages standardized, data on CKD prevalence often are unreliable,
when most kidney function has been lost [4]. The asympto- even within a single country or region [10, 13]. Even in coun-
matic nature of kidney disease is one of the main reasons tries with national programs for early detection of CKD,
why several patients in developing countries often present treatment plans often are unclear and access to healthcare
late for kidney care when dialysis is urgently needed [5]. resources may be limited [14]. Large-scale, population-based
Late presentation, which is associated with increased mor- screening programs should include follow-up protocols and
tality, [6] may be due to late referral; however, a lack of successful care referrals for individuals who test positive to
access to healthcare plays a major role in many low-income ensure appropriate diagnosis, treatment, and counseling.
countries. Screening for CKD and early detection to slow A major problem with screening for CKD revolves
disease progression is thus important in these settings, around who to screen: the general population or only at-
given the high costs associated with treatment. The find- risk populations such as those with diabetes, hyperten-
ings of one study that assessed the cost utility of one-off, sion, family history of CKD, and other patient groups at
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Existing CKD Early Detection and Prevention Program 45
increased risk for CKD, such as those with HIV. This harm will increase disproportionately. Therefore, it is
conundrum has generated much debate [15]. Those in important to choose the right frequency for any screening
favor of general population screening argue that early program [27].
identification is clinically and scientifically relevant to A successful detection method is a test with high valid-
reduce the burden of CKD [16, 17], while others use the ity (i.e. specificity and sensitivity). Such a test should also
same argument to support screening among at-risk popu- be highly reliable (i.e. consistently yield the same results
lations only [4, 8, 18–21]. In a population-based study of when repeated under the same conditions) [28].
dipstick screening, Boulware et al. [22] reported an unfa- Albuminuria is an early and sensitive marker of CKD,
vorable ICER for screening individuals with neither whether it is estimated via a 24-hour measurement (gold
hypertension nor diabetes ($282 818 QALY), but more standard) or dipstick assessment of spot urine. Screening
favorable ratios for screening individuals age 60 and older for CKD relies on quick and simple methods to assess kid-
($53 372 QALY) and those with hypertension ($18 621 ney function, such as testing urine for protein (albumin)
QALY). The authors concluded that routine proteinuria and/or measuring serum creatinine. Although a CKD
screening is only cost-effective for high-risk populations diagnosis is confirmed based on two abnormal results
or when performed very infrequently (i.e. every with a repeat test conducted after a 3-month period [29],
10 years) [22]. Those supporting targeted screening even for the purpose of screening and early disease detection,
suggest that harms may be associated with mass screen- one abnormal result is considered a positive test. The
ing due to false-positive results and unnecessary testing CKD prevalence rates reported from screening tests thus
and treatment. Overall, there is insufficient evidence that depend on the assessment methods utilized, with a poten-
providing early treatment for patients without risk factors tial to under-report or over-report identified cases of
who are identified via screening yields benefits [19]. The CKD [16, 30, 31]. For instance, in a large study in Japan,
American College of Physicians (ACP) recommends Uchida et al. [32] showed that a significant proportion of
against screening for asymptomatic adults without risk CKD might be under-reported if only dipstick proteinuria
factors for CKD, as well as adults who are receiving renin- is used to assess kidney function, and strongly recom-
angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) blockade therapy mended that both urinalysis and serum creatinine meas-
due to low-quality evidence [23]. Due to insufficient evi- urement be used in CKD screening. Among 538 846
dence, Kidney Disease – Improving Global Outcomes people, 14.4% had an eGFR below 60 ml/min/1.73 m2,
(KDIGO) did not comment on the benefit of screening for 5.2% had proteinuria, and 18.1% had CKD, 71.4% of whom
early detection of disease versus the harm of “disease had nonproteinuric CKD (47.9% had diabetes mellitus
labeling” [24]. As one analysis suggested, screening for and 66.8% had hypertension). In contrast, a single assess-
CKD may be cost-effective for at-risk patients (i.e. indi- ment of serum creatinine level in the third National
viduals with diabetes and hypertension) and populations Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III)
with higher incidences of CKD and rapid rates of progres- was reported as misleading due to age, gender, and ethnic
sion (e.g. HIV-positive patients and relatives of CKD variability [33].
patients) [8, 25].
●● To perform a review of the literature of the population- of the CKD staging system, has been instrumental in
based epidemiology of CKD. e stimating the scale of CKD prevalence in the United
●● To describe such studies in terms of design, scope, popu- States at 13.1% (95% CI 12.0–14.1%) [37]. If well executed,
lation, CKD outcomes, and relevant findings. surveys can provide precise data for estimating CKD prev-
●● To identify areas for further work. alence. However, they can be associated with limitations
related to (i) cross-sectional data collection, which typi-
We conducted an extensive literature review by per- cally entails a single measurement of kidney function
forming a broad and intensive search for population- instead of repeat testing to establish CKD diagnosis, (ii)
based studies of CKD published between 2000 and 2018. the vast financial and human resources required to per-
We searched several databases (i.e. PubMed, Cinahl, form large scale surveys [38], and/or (iii) the methods
Embase, and Cochrane) using the following keywords: used to estimate CKD, such as eGFR equations, calibra-
population-based, community, screening, chronic kidney tions, and standardized assays of serum creatinine and
disease, CKD, chronic kidney failure, CKF, end-stage albuminuria [39].
renal disease, ESRD, end-stage kidney disease, ESKD, Another approach to quantifying CKD burden is to ana-
early detection, prevention, management, risk factors, lyze data stored in administrative databases, which often
epidemiology, albuminuria, microalbuminuria, and pro- hold records on a large number of individuals that cannot
teinuria. Only studies that examined CKD and/or albumi- easily be surveyed. These databases often can be repur-
nuria in a community setting and were published in posed to provide information on CKD burden in the pop-
English were retrieved. To be included, a study had to: ulation. For instance, Go and colleagues used data from
●● include a measure of prevalence for CKD and/or albumi- the Kaiser Permanente renal registry, a sizeable health
nuria in a general population plan laboratory database in the United States, to estimate
●● be based on data collected from adults aged 18 years and the morbidity (cardiovascular events, hospitalization)
older who were recruited from a community-based pop- and mortality associated with CKD [40]. They reported an
ulation sample inverse and graded relationship between a decrease in
●● present sufficient detailed methodology and results, as kidney function and increased risk of death, cardiovascu-
well as ethical approval from the relevant authorities lar events, and hospitalization using large population
●● be the original and/or most recent publication if multi- data [40]. This technique has the advantage of obtaining
ple studies based on data from the same population exist data on a large segment of the population over long peri-
ods of time while requiring relatively fewer resources
To inform efforts for the prevention, detection, and than prospective studies. However, some known disad-
treatment of CKD, it is vital to have high-quality evidence vantages of this approach are (i) the accuracy of the data,
that yields accurate estimates of the disease burden in the since they typically are collected for purposes other than
population. The most recent systematic review and meta- research, (ii) the representativeness of the target popula-
analysis estimate the global prevalence (44 countries) of tion, because most data in administrative databases are
CKD to be 13.4% (95% confidence interval [CI] 11.7– from people with access to healthcare, making generaliz-
15.1%) [35]. Another systematic review and meta-analysis ability to the whole population challenging, (iii) the lack
estimates worldwide CKD prevalence to be 10.4% among of well-established health systems that collect data using
men (95% CI 9.3–11.9%) and 11.8% among women (95% rigorous methods in many parts of the world, and (iv) the
CI 11.2–12.6%) [36]. These estimates of global CKD bur- observational nature of these study designs and the poten-
den in the low double-digits were calculated by combin- tial for biases. Of note, data obtained from surveys can be
ing CKD prevalence data published in the literature. stored and later linked to other databases or analyzed
There are several methods to obtain population-level epi- in retrospective studies to answer different research
demiological data on CKD burden, and each has its ben- questions.
efits and drawbacks. The most commonly used are health The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) studies have
examination surveys [37]. When coupled with a repre- revealed additional insights about the burden of CKD. The
sentative random sample of the national population, GBD studies are systematic, scientific efforts using Bayesian
these cross-sectional studies can provide insights into the inferences and sophisticated statistical modeling to quan-
true prevalence of disease and associated risk factors. tify the burden of all major diseases, including CKD [41,
Moreover, periodic health examination surveys can be 42]. The GBD studies involve more than 3000 collaborators
used as surveillance tools to monitor disease trends over and cover more than 195 countries from 1990 to date. In
time. For example, the NHANES, one of the earliest the GBD studies, CKD’s ranking among the hierarchical
attempts to quantify CKD burden since the introduction causes of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) rose from
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Existing CKD Early Detection and Prevention Program 47
30 to 22 between 1990 and 2016 [43]. In addition, the GBD than 50% of countries tested for CKD in patients with
studies predicted an estimated 28.8% increase in CKD cardiovascular disease who were taking chronic nephro-
prevalence from 2006 to 2016; importantly, more than half toxic medications and with a family history of CKD. Elderly
of the increase was attributed to diabetes (+30.1%) and populations (age 65 years) also were tested for CKD in
hypertension (+34.7%) [44]. Although GBD studies are more than half of the countries in the high and upper-
currently at the forefront of global efforts to estimate dis- middle income groups, but not in the lower-middle (47%)
ease burden, they have several limitations, including cod- and low (41%) income groups. Overall, CKD testing rates
ing practices, sampling measurement, and case definition followed the economic development classification, with
errors involved in obtaining and merging this voluminous the highest rates in higher income countries and lowest
data from a wide array of sources [41, 42]. Finally, prospec- rates in low-income countries (Figure 4.2).
tive registries that collect data for surveillance and moni-
toring purposes are important sources for estimating CKD
CKD Detection Program
burden. Although end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) regis-
tries on disease incidence and prevalence are well estab- The GKHA also evaluated the presence of an active CKD
lished in many developing countries, predialysis CKD detection program based on national policies and/or guide-
registries are almost nonexistent. In the Global Kidney lines. Overall, less than a third of countries reported having
Health Atlas (GKHA) survey, only nine out of 125 coun- a CKD detection program. Most of the programs were in
tries surveyed reported viable CKD registries [45]. high-income countries (32%), followed by upper-middle
(27%) and lower-middle (22%) income countries. Among
the responding low-income countries, only one reported
National Capacity for CKD Screening
an active CKD detection program (Figure 4.3). The major-
The GKHA project evaluated national capacities to detect ity of countries with CKD detection programs implemented
CKD in both primary and secondary care settings them through active screening during routine health
(Figure 4.1), including several CKD screening-related encounters (68%) or through specific screening processes
anthropometric and laboratory measurements that are (57%), while 54% reported a reactive approach in their pro-
necessary to identify CKD risk factors or kidney damage. gram implementation (Figure 4.3). These findings indicate
Interestingly, less than half of low-income countries did that there is no single program implementation approach.
not have the capacity to routinely test for serum glucose, Moreover, many countries reported more than a single
serum creatinine urinalysis (qualitative and quantitative), method in their program implementation.
and urine portions in primary care settings. Moreover, From what has been presented so far, it can be inferred
none of the low-income countries reported the capacity to that many studies have been performed worldwide on
automatically report eGFR or test for urine proteins in pri- the prevalence of CKD at both the national and commu-
mary care settings. Similarly, lower-middle income coun- nity levels. Many of these studies are based on the initial
tries reported limited capacity to measure HbA1c and observation by the NHANES III that up to 11% of the US
serum creatinine with and without eGFR, and to perform population may have CKD. Prevalence of albuminuria/
urinalysis (qualitative and quantitative) and measure proteinuria in the results ranges from 0.6% to 29.7% in
urine proteins. While less than half of upper-middle general population studies, and from 2.7% to 45.4% in
income countries had these capacities, the majority of studies of high-risk individuals. Overall, there is a graded
high-income countries reported the availability of these effect in terms of the number and size of the studies
services (Figure 4.1). As expected, CKD-related health ser- observed, from high-income countries to low-income
vices were more available in secondary care settings; how- countries. These significant variations may undermine
ever, capacities for automated eGFR reporting and developing countries’ abilities to develop screening pro-
proteinuria assessment were limited compared to the grams tailored to their contexts. Recent findings from
other services, especially in low income countries. the GKHA that many countries have insufficient capac-
ity for detecting and monitoring CKD in both primary
and secondary care settings is concerning. Any discus-
CKD Testing for High-risk Populations
sion of CKD screening programs implies resource avail-
The GKHA evaluated routine testing for CKD among sev- ability and testing capabilities. Currently, the two pillars
eral high-risk populations (Figure 4.2). Across countries in of CKD detection are estimated GFR from serum creati-
all income groups, CKD testing was almost universal for nine and urine proteins, and capacities to perform these
patients with hypertension and diabetes (94–100%), but measurements are significantly limited in many parts of
minimal for high-risk ethnic populations (<30%). More the world.
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Primary care
Low income 94 41 0 29 0 41 6 0
Lower-middle income 94 76 30 55 15 55 30 15
Upper-middle income 100 94 45 87 42 71 42 35
High income 97 97 76 71 68 87 71 58
Secondary care
Figure 4.1 Capacity for identification and management of chronic kidney disease in primary and secondary care settings, by World Bank income group. HbA1C, glycated
hemoglobin; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; UACR, urine albumin-creatinine ratio; UPCR, urine protein-creatinine ratio. Source: Data sourced from [46].
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Review of Current Guideline Recommendations for CKD Screenin 49
Low income
Lower-middle income
Upper-middle income
High income 100%
Family history of CKD Diabetes mellitus
Figure 4.2 Chronic kidney disease testing for high-risk populations, by World Bank income group. CKD, chronic kidney disease.
Source: Data sourced from [46].
Figure 4.3 Existence of CKD detection programs, by World Bank income group and implementation method. Source: Data sourced
from [46].
Nature of
Organization organization Date Population Recommendation statement Strength and evidence of recommendation
US Preventive Government/ 2012 Asymptomatic adults without No recommendation Grade I (insufficient evidence): The
Services Task Force Generalist diagnosed CKD evidence is insufficient to assess the
balance of benefits and harms of routine
screening for CKD in asymptomatic adults.
Evidence is lacking, of poor quality, or
conflicting, and the balance of benefits and
harms cannot be determined.
American College Generalist 2013 Asymptomatic adults without risk ACP recommends against screening for chronic Grade: Weak recommendation, low-quality
of Physicians factors for CKD kidney disease in asymptomatic adults without evidence
risk factors for chronic kidney disease
American Academy Generalist 2014 Endorsed recommendation made by the
of Family American College of Physicians
National Institute Generalist 2014; People prescribed nephrotoxic drugs 1.1.27 Monitor eGFR at least annually for Strong
of Health and Care updated people prescribed drugs known to be
Excellence (NICE), 2015 nephrotoxic, such as calcineurin inhibitors (for
UK example, cyclosporin, or tacrolimus), lithium
and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) (2008, amended 2014)
People with risk factors for CKD 1.1.28 Offer testing for CKD using eGFR Strong
creatinine and ACR to people with any of the
following risk factors: diabetes, hypertension,
acute kidney injury, cardiovascular disease
(ischemic heart disease, chronic heart failure,
peripheral vascular disease, or cerebral vascular
disease), structural renal tract disease, recurrent
renal calculi or prostatic hypertrophy, and
multisystem diseases with potential kidney
involvement, e.g. systemic lupus
erythematosus, family history of end-stage
kidney disease (GFR category G5), or
hereditary kidney disease, opportunistic
detection of hematuria
Asymptomatic adults 1.1.29 Do not use age, gender or ethnicity as Strong
risk markers to test people for CKD. In the
absence of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, or
hypertension, do not use obesity alone as a risk
marker to test people for CKD [2008, amended
Nature of
Organization organization Date Population Recommendation statement Strength and evidence of recommendation
American Society Renal 2013 Asymptomatic adults Strongly recommends regular screening for
of Nephrology organization kidney disease, regardless of an individual’s
risk factors
National Kidney Renal 2002 Individuals at risk for CKD Guideline 3: Individuals at increased risk of Opinion
Foundation/Kidney organization CKD:
Disease Outcomes Some individuals without kidney damage and
Quality Initiative with normal or elevated GFR are at increased
risk for development of CKD.
All individuals should be assessed, as part of
routine health encounters, to determine
whether they are at increased risk of developing
chronic kidney disease, based on clinical and
sociodemographic factors.
Individuals at increased risk of developing CKD
should undergo testing for markers of kidney
damage and to estimate the level of GFR.
Individuals found to have CKD should be
evaluated and treated as specified in Guideline
Individuals at increased risk but found not to
have CKD should be advised to follow a
program of risk factor reduction, if appropriate,
and undergo repeat periodic evaluation.
2013 Individuals at risk for CKD The commentary work group endorses the Opinion
recommendations from the original guideline
for screening among individuals at high risk for
CKD despite the absence of this specific
recommendation in the KDIGO guideline, and
as such is in agreement with the
recommendation of the ACP to screen
asymptomatic adults only if they are at high
risk for CKD.
Kidney Disease Renal 2013 Screening of CKD was beyond the scope of the
Improving Global organization CKD Work Group and no specific
Outcomes recommendations were made.
KHA-CARI Renal 2013 Diabetes, hypertension, or We recommend that screening for CKD be 1B
Guidelines organization established cardiovascular disease. targeted and performed in individuals at
increased risk of developing CKD, including
those with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and
established CVD
UK Renal Renal 2011 At-risk for CKD Guideline 1.4 – CKD: Detection and monitoring 1B
Association organization of CKD: We recommend that patients who are
at increased risk for developing CKD should be
offered screening tests to detect CKD.
KD, chronic kidney disease; ACP, American College of Physicians; NICE, National Institute of Health and Care Excellence; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ACR, albumin to
creatinine ratio; KDIGO, Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes; KHA-CARI, Kidney Health Australia – Caring for Australasians with Renal Impairment; CVD, cardiovascular disease.
Summary Screening
Study Study population Screening method measure Comparator Perspective frequency
Proteinuria-based screening
Boersma General Dutch population aged Microalbuminuria (UAE 30–300 mg/day) Cost/LYG No screening Healthcare One-off
et al. [62] 28–75 years payer
Boulware US adults aged 50–75 years Proteinuria (dipstick) Cost/QALY Usual care Societal Annual
et al. [22]
Hoerger US adults aged 50–90 years Microalbuminuria (ACR 30–299 mg/g) Cost/QALY No screening and Healthcare 1-, 2-, 5-, 10-year
et al. [63] usual care payer intervals
Howard Hypertensive and diabetic Proteinuria (dipstick followed by spot Cost/QALY Usual care Healthcare Annual
et al. [64] Australian adults aged 50–69 years UPCR; 0.20 mg/mg confirmatory test) payer
Kessler et al. [65] Swiss adults aged 50–90 years Microalbuminuria (ACR 30–299 mg/g) Cost/QALY No screening and usual Healthcare 1-, 2-, 5-, 10-year
care payer intervals
Kondo et al. [17] Japanese adults aged 40–74 years Proteinuria (dipstick) Cost/QALY No screening Societal Annual
Palmer et al. [66] US hypertensive, type 2 diabetics Microalbuminuria (UAE 20–199 mg/min) Cost/QALY No screening Healthcare Annual
Siegel et al. [67] US insulin-dependent diabetics Proteinuria (dipstick 300 mg/min) Cost/LYG Usual care Healthcare Biannual
(aged 15 years at diagnosis) payer
eGFR-based screening
Kondo et al. [17] Japanese adults aged 40–74 years eGFR (<50 ml/min/1.73 m2 and Cost/QALY No screening Societal Annual
hypertension, diabetes, or hyperlipidemia)
Manns et al. [59] Canadian healthcare system eGFR (<60 ml/min/1.73 m2) Cost/QALY Usual care Healthcare One-off
ACR, albumin-creatinine ratio; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; LYG, life-year gained; QALY, quality-adjusted life-year; UAE, urinary albumin excretion; UPCR, urinary protein-
creatinine ratio. Source: Adapted with permission from Komenda et al. [8].
data from high-income countries in North America (the both, is cost-effective [23, 33]. Screening also is a cost-
United States and Canada), Europe (Netherlands, effective strategy for certain high-risk ethnic groups, such
Switzerland), Asia (Japan), and Australia. The majority of as African Americans and indigenous people of Canada,
studies took a healthcare perspective while two studies who are at increased risk of kidney failure and its numer-
adopted a broader social perspective. Screening frequency ous complications [31]. The cost-effectiveness of a screen-
varied from annual to biannual, to several year intervals, ing program for proteinuria among US adults with
and some evaluated on–off scenarios. The majority of hypertension and diabetes has been clearly demonstrated
included studies determined cost ratios by measuring cost in terms of reducing death and slowing the progression of
to QALYs; however, two studies used cost to LYG as the kidney disease by using an ACEi or ARB [59].
summary measure (Table 4.2). Proteinuria-based studies Overall, the cost-effectiveness ratio of screening versus
yielded a wide range of cost ratios ranging from $14 000 to the usual care (no screening) is unfavorable for the general
more than $160 000 per QALY among the general popula- population ($282 818 per QALY saved). Just 0.0022 QALYs
tion, from $5000 to more than $50 000 per QALY among per person are gained by preventing of one new case of
people with diabetes, and from $23 000 to more than ESKD and seven deaths per one million persons per year.
$70 000 among hypertensive populations (Figure 4.4). In For individuals with hypertension, the cost-effectiveness
eGFR-based studies, the cost ratio was around $100 000 per ratio of screening versus no screening is considered highly
QALY for the general population in two studies and $20 000 favorable ($18 621 per QALY-saved) [22], with 0.03 QALYs
per QALY for diabetes patients in a single study (Figure 4.4). per person gained through the prevention of 14 new cases
Although population-based screening offers potential of ESKD and 104 deaths per 1 million persons per year. For
benefits such as early identification and treatment of persons with diabetes, the cost-effectiveness ratio of screen-
affected patients, it also has drawbacks, such as identifica- ing versus no screening is overwhelmingly positive ($217
tion of patients with mild disease who may not need addi- per QALY saved), with a gain of 0.10 QALYS per person
tional treatment [59]. Findings show that screening for due to the prevention of approximately 84 new cases of
moderately increased albumin excretion (microalbuminu- ESKD and 541 deaths per 1 million persons per year [22].
ria), which is a marker of early-stage CKD, is cost-effective The results of a similar study carried out among members
for patients with diabetes or hypertension [22, 36, 68]. of the Canadian indigenous community demonstrate that
Early detection, appropriate risk stratification, and subse- screening and treatment for CKD is highly cost-effective,
quent treatment of CKD may delay or prevent many with a cost-effectiveness ratio of $23 700 per QALY saved.
associated complications, with concomitant increase in The cost-effectiveness ratio of CKD screening is even more
cost [7, 69]. profound in the most remote communities accessible only
Mass screening of the general population for CKD is not by air travel, at $7790 per QALY saved [7]. Integrating addi-
recommended because it is not cost-effective for low-risk tional benefits of screening and treatment into the existing
groups [23, 41]. In contrast, targeted screening of high-risk framework may improve the cost-effectiveness of the given
individuals, such as those with diabetes or hypertension or screening intervention [7, 22]. In previous studies,
$54,973 [65]
$5,298 [64]
$73,939 [63]
$23,028 [22]
Figure 4.4 Tornado plot comparing reported incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) of CKD screening in selected
populations.$80 000 ICER selected based on 1–3 times gross domestic product per capita threshold for most G8 (Group of 8)
countries. Source: Adapted with permission from [8] © 2014 Elsevier.
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56 Screening for Chronic Kidney Disease
researchers have considered the impact of albuminuria elucidated the key variables that might improve cost-
screening on the reduction of cardiovascular events and effectiveness, including adherence to ACEi or ARB ther-
found screening to be cost-effective, even for the general apy, the incidence of proteinuria, sensitivity, and specificity
population [62, 70]. Some potential benefits of screening of testing, the effectiveness of ACEi or ARB therapies in
include the reduction of cardiovascular events among slowing the progression toward ESKD or preventing death,
patients with diabetes through the use of blood pressure and decreased frequency of screening [22, 60, 68].
lowering medication, and the potential for increased utili-
zation of statins in newly identified CKD cases [71–73]. In
addition, newer therapies such as sodium-glucose cotrans- Summary
porter 2 inhibitors can provide benefits for patients with
type 2 diabetes and high cardiovascular risk [74]. Screening the general population for early CKD is not cost-
Multiple factors could influence the efficacy of these effective and therefore is unwarranted. Selective screening
treatment modalities, such as prevailing usage rates for should be directed toward high-risk groups (older persons
each pharmacotherapy, the underlying prevalence of and persons with hypertension and diabetes, and some eth-
untreated diabetes in screened communities, and ancillary nic groups such as African Americans and indigenous pop-
effects of screening programs such as community educa- ulations of Canada, the United States, and Australia).
tion, increased awareness, and lifestyle interventions [7]. Adherence to ACEi or ARB pharmacotherapy in prevent-
Overall, the effectiveness of CKD screening and treatment ing death or progression toward ESKD and the frequency
could be better measured in a cluster randomized trial that of screening play prominent roles in the cost-effectiveness
can better capture multiple concurrent effects and their of screening members of the general population.
influences on patient outcomes [7]. Direct and indirect cost Decision makers often are pressured to adopt policies
savings associated with screening are primarily achieved that are not necessarily economically sound. However, in a
through the prevention of new (and expensive) ESKD healthcare environment characterized by scarce resources
cases [64]. Years of life saved through the death prevention and competing demands, it is essential to consider how to
effects of ACEi and ARB therapies are augmented by the maximize value. Economic evaluations introduce an
prevention of ESKD cases and their associated high mor- evidence-based perspective to these decisions. In the case
tality [22, 60]. A lack of cost-effectiveness arises when the of CKD, the most recent evidence indicates that CKD
prevalence and incidence of proteinuria are very low (lead- screening is warranted only for high-risk patients, espe-
ing to few preventable cases of ESKD), and also when the cially those with diabetes and hypertension, to prevent
risk of death is very low [64]. Physicians must consider associated cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. More
many factors when making decisions regarding early research is needed to evaluate the armamentarium availa-
disease detection. Numerous studies [22, 60, 64] have ble for CKD screening and its cost-effectiveness.
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Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Conventional Biomarker 61
toward ESRD and is therefore the best indicator of global risk factor for CKD progression, as one study using dip-
kidney function [12–15]. This observation suggests that the stick urinalysis concluded that proteinuria was the most
loss of a critical number of nephrons provokes a vicious predictive biomarker of ESRD risk over a 10-year
cycle of further nephron loss. The natural history of CKD period [25]. In many glomerular diseases, changes in pro-
has been described with large variability depending on defi- teinuria have also been associated with changes in renal
nitions, the population being studied, as well as the health- prognosis, though these associations have not always
care environment [16, 17]. Using estimated GFR (eGFR) as been consistent. As with eGFR, the prognostic role of pro-
a marker of progression to ESRD, the African American teinuria/albuminuria is well established and it should be
Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension (AASK) was considered as a potent biomarker of CKD progression. As
able to identify three distinct patterns of CKD progression: depicted in Figure 5.1, the 2012 Kidney Disease Improving
(i) stable/increasing eGFR (less than 2 ml/min/1.73 m2 Global Outcome (KDIGO) color-coded prognosis chart
decrease per year), (ii) rapid decrease in eGFR (a loss of includes only eGFR and degree of albuminuria in risk
more than 4 ml/min/1.73 m2 per year), and (iii) alternating assessment [26, 27].
combinations of the previously mentioned categories. The
most common pattern found in patients with CKD was a
stable/increasing eGFR, with 58% of patients falling under
this category [18]. The fact that only a minority of patients Hypertension is common in both adults and children with
will develop ESRD further supports a need for risk stratifi- CKD [28, 29]. Among patients with CKD, those with higher
cation development in order to appropriately allocate treat- blood pressure have significantly faster GFR decline and
ment decisions. Almost all models that attempt to predict the presence of hypertension has consistently been associ-
renal functional decline include an assessment of eGFR as ated with rapid progression [17, 29–32]. This finding has
a critical factor. led to recommendations regarding more intensive manage-
ment of hypertension in patients with CKD [33]. While
blood pressure appears to impart a deleterious effect on
CKD progression in a continuous fashion without a spe-
Proteinuria is another index of kidney disease severity in cific “threshold” value, for convenience most prediction
CKD patients, as it often results from glomerular models that include blood pressure as a factor simply
injury [11]. In several longitudinal studies of patients dichotomize blood pressure to hypertensive or not.
with CKD, higher baseline proteinuria was indicative of a
rapid decline in GFR [16–22] In a similar manner, base-
Serum Bicarbonate/Metabolic Acidosis
line urinary albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) in patients
with diabetic nephropathy was found to be a strong indi- Metabolic acidosis is another common consequence of
cator of ESRD [23, 24]. Proteinuria itself may pose as a CKD and often causes impaired renal acid clearance [34].
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62 Risk Prediction in Chronic Kidney Disease
A1 A2 A3
Normal to
Guide to Frequency of Monitoring Moderately Severely
(number of times per year) by increased increased
GFR and Albuminuria Category
<30 mg/g 30–300 mg/g >300 mg/g
<3 mg/mmol 3–30 mg/mmol >30 mg/mmol
Mildly to moderately
G3a decreased 45–59 1 2 3
Moderately to
G3b severely decreased 30–44 2 3 3
Figure 5.1 Prognosis of CKD dependent on eGFR and degree of albuminuria, with recommended frequency of follow-up. Green,
low risk (if no other markers of kidney disease, no CKD); yellow, moderately increased risk; orange, high risk; red, very high risk.
Source: KDIGO [26]. © 2013 KDIGO
The majority of relevant studies have indicated that lower Uric Acid
serum bicarbonate levels, even within normal range, are
Another biomarker which has been used to predict CKD
independently associated with CKD progression [7, 35–40].
progression is serum uric acid level [53–56]. An evalua-
Bicarbonate supplementation as a treatment for metabolic
tion of children and adolescents in the Chronic Kidney
acidosis, either as oral sodium bicarbonate or a diet rich in
Disease in Children Study (CKiD) cohort revealed that
fruits and vegetables, has been shown to decrease the rate of
hyperuricemia is associated with a more rapid renal
GFR decline in multiple small single-center studies [38–40].
decline [56]. Compared to subjects with the lowest uric
Recent studies have shown that metabolic acidosis has addi-
acid levels, those with intermediate and frankly elevated
tional end organ effects including impacts on cognition and
uric acid experienced a more rapid decline in eGFR. Uric
endothelial function; new nonalkali treatments for meta-
acid levels remained significantly associated with pro-
bolic acidosis are currently under development [35, 41–44].
gression even when controlling for other risk factors
such as hypertension, proteinuria, initial GFR, and glo-
Serum Phosphate and FGF23
merular etiology, all of which were also significant in
Various studies have indicated that elevated serum phos- multivariate analysis. A 2018 meta-analysis of adults
phate levels are independently associated with renal injury with CKD analyzed several randomized controlled trials
in CKD [7, 45, 46]. However, this has been contradicted by (RCTs) done to evaluate the effects of uric acid lowering
a large study including 10 672 CKD patients, which found therapy on the disease progression [53]. The analysis
no association between higher serum phosphate and risk included a total of 832 subjects with CKD randomized to
of progression toward ESRD [47]. Though not a conven- uric acid lowering treatments versus placebo. Active
tional biomarker in clinical practice, phosphatonin fibro- treatment conferred a 3.88 ml/min/1.73m2 (1.26–6.49 ml/
blast growth factor 23 (FGF23), a hormone involved in min/1.73m2) mean difference in eGFR. Additionally, risk
calcium and phosphate regulation, has also been suggested of worsened kidney function or ESRD or death was sig-
as an independent predictor of CKD progression [48, 49]. nificantly reduced with uricosuric pharmacotherapy.
Elevated levels of FGF23 in CKD patients were indepen- These data suggest that elevated uric acid represents a
dently associated with progression to ESRD, as well as car- risk prediction tool and potentially a therapeutic target to
diovascular events [50–52]. slow CKD progression.
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CKD Risk Score 63
ovel Biomarkers of CKD and associated mortality [67]. To assess this asso-
ciation, one study looked at 343 AKI patients with a pread-
Recently, a number of novel biomarkers have emerged as mission eGFR greater than 45 ml/min/1.73 m2 who
potentially new clinically-relevant risk prediction tools, survived for at least 30 days after discharge without dialy-
but more research is needed to determine their full impact sis. The authors concluded that those who required dialysis
on CKD progression. For example, although levels of neu- for their AKI during hospital admission had a 28-fold
trophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) have been increase in the risk of developing CKD stage 4 or 5, and had
found to be overexpressed in patients with AKI [57] and more than double the risk of mortality when compared to
are highest in CKD patients [58], the Chronic Renal those who did not need dialysis [68].
Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) study found that while uri- Due to increasing evidence indicating the high likeli-
nary NGAL levels were independently associated with hood of CKD development in post-AKI patients, there are
ESRD, they did not significantly improve prediction of ongoing efforts to develop a risk prediction model to iden-
CKD progression over predictions using only eGFR tify which of these patients are at the highest risk. Using a
decline and proteinuria [59]. The glycoprotein kidney cohort of 5351 patients diagnosed with an AKI, risk pre-
injury molecule-1 (KIM-1) is usually only present in the diction models were developed that utilized variables of
urine of patients with AKI or CKD [60]. One study found age, serum albumin, diabetes, baseline eGFR, mean
that serum KIM-1 levels increased with CKD progression serum creatinine, and severity of AKI as assessed by the
and were independently associated with ESRD [61]. RIFLE score (risk, injury, failure, loss, and end-stage kid-
Through the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, it ney disease) or need for dialysis, non-African American
was also determined that doubling of urinary KIM-1 lev- ethnicity, and time spent at risk. External validation was
els was associated with an eGFR decrease greater than performed using 11 589 patients admitted for pneumonia
3 ml/min/1.73 m2 per year [62]. Elevated levels of soluble or myocardial infarction (MI), and yielded good predic-
urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) tion accuracy (area under the receiver operating charac-
have also been observed in patients with renal disease, teristics [AUROC] value = 0.81–0.82) [69]. Further
specifically glomerulosclerosis [11]. One study investigat- investigations are required that specifically include study
ing suPAR determined that higher baseline levels were populations with a higher proportion of women before
independently associated with CKD. Despite this, 30% of clinical implementation.
patients with a normal eGFR (>90 ml/min/1.73 m2) were
also found to have increased baseline suPAR levels, indi-
cating that elevation may be a result of other biological CKD Risk Scores
processes, such as inflammation [63]. Lastly, the kidney-
specific glycoprotein uromoduliun (UMOD) is known to Clinical prediction rules or models (sometimes called clini-
have gene variants associated with eGFR decline and is cal decision tools) are tools that are created to assist clini-
associated with the development of CKD. One genome- cians in patient-level decisions [70–72]. Designed by
wide association study using data from 3203 Icelandic multivariate analysis, these scoring models complement
CKD patients discovered a variant adjacent to the UMOD clinical decision making by suggesting diagnostic or thera-
gene on chromosome 16p12 had an association with CKD peutic actions or providing prognostication of some clini-
and increasing creatinine levels [64, 65]. However, cal outcome. The goal of validated models is to improve
another study found that among 879 individuals of the individual patient outcomes and the cost-effectiveness of
Heart and Soul Study, UMOD single-nucleotide polymor- care [71]. Development of a clinical prediction model
phism variants influenced UMOD levels, but not CKD involves multiple steps, including (i) identification of
development [66]. important predictor variable (listed above in the case of
CKD), (ii) assigning relative weights to each factor to create
a combined score, (iii) assessing the score’s predictive abil-
he Role of AKI in Predicting
T ity, including calibration and discrimination, and then (iv)
Future CKD validation of the model using both internal and external
Historically, clinicians assumed that patients who com- Calibration is the agreement between the predicted prob-
pletely recovered from acute kidney injury (AKI) would ability of the outcome of interest and the observed fre-
regain baseline renal function. However, recent studies quency. It is usually plotted graphically as the observed
have contradicted this by demonstrating that a previous outcome frequency against the mean predicted outcome
history of AKI is indeed associated with an increased risk probability (or risk). Goodness of fit for calibration can
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64 Risk Prediction in Chronic Kidney Disease
then be statistically tested. Discrimination refers to a mod- Table 5.3 Hazard ratios and goodness of fit for sequential
el’s ability to distinguish individuals who have the model models in the development data set for three, four, and eight-
variable kidney failure risk equations (KFREs).
outcome from those who remain event free, usually
reported as the area under the receiver operating character-
Three- Four- Eight-
istic (ROC) curve (logistic regression c-statistic.) Models
variable variable variable
usually perform well within the data sample they are devel- Variable model model model
oped, as is often demonstrated using internal validation.
External validation, therefore, is advocated to ascertain Baseline GFR, per 0.54 0.57 0.61
utility of the model in clinical practice. Several techniques 5 ml/min/1.73 m2
of external validation are available [70, 73]. For a more Age, per 10 years 0.75 0.8 0.82
comprehensive review, Moons and colleagues provide an Male sex 1.46 1.26 1.16
in-depth analysis of clinical decision models in a two- Log spot urine ACR a
1.60 1.42
article series [70, 71]. Serum albumin, per 0.84
Investigation of risk factors/biomarkers used in predict- 0.5 g/dl
ing the development and/or progression of CKD has Serum phosphate, per 1.27
resulted in the discovery of a relatively small number of 1.0 mg/dl
risk factors common to different forms of CKD. These risk Serum bicarbonate, 0.92
factors are currently routinely being used to guide routine per 1.0 mEq/l
clinical practice, for example the revised KDIGO risk clas- Serum calcium, per 0.81
sification system uses GFR and albuminuria to categorize mg/dl
patients into CKD stages [26, 74]. This has led to the devel- c-statistics 0.89 0.91 0.92
opment of renal risk scores, which have the potential to be Akaike Information 4834 4520 4432
used in predicting the development and progression of Criterionb
CKD. Progress has already been made in developing a P value <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
variety of risk scores to facilitate more accurate risk pre- a
Hazard ratio for ACR represents a 1.0 higher ACR on the natural
diction, applying to those with and without CKD. We will
log scale. For the average patient with 20 mg/g of albuminuria, this
now review several models that have been developed to represents an increase to 55 mg/g.
predict risk. b
Null values for c-statistic and Akaike Information Criterion are 0.50
and 5569, respectively. Higher values for c-statistic and lower values
for Akaike Information Criterion indicate better models.
Source: Tangri et al. [7]. © 2011 American Medical Association.
The Kidney Failure Risk Equations
1 AASK 1
.8 CRISIS .8
Observed risk
Observed risk
.6 Hongkong-CKD .6
.4 NRHP-URU .4
.2 SCREAM .2
0 0
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1
Predicted risk Predicted risk
(a) (b)
Figure 5.2 Calibration of the predicted versus observed 2-year risk of ESRD for (a) the kidney failure risk equation (KFRE) and (b) the
MCMC model. Points represent groups of participants with <20% predicted KFRE risk, 20–40% predicted KFRE risk, and >40%
predicted KFRE risk. Source: From Grams et al. 2018 [76].
eGFR-based Criteria
Figure 5.3 Traditional paradigm whereby eGFR values are used to determine intensity of care and inclusion of specialists in
patients with CKD. Source: From Tangri N et al. 2017 [77].
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66 Risk Prediction in Chronic Kidney Disease
intervals, whereas those who are at a lower risk can be healthcare system [81]. In the United States, the opposite
followed on an annual basis [80]. The KDIGO recom- may be happening with unacceptably late nephrology
mended frequency of follow-up is depicted in Figure 5.4. referral.
A1 A2 A3
Normal to
Moderately Severely
increased increased
Mildly to moderately
G3a decreased 45–59 Monitor Monitor Refer
Moderately to
G3b severely decreased 30–44 Monitor Monitor Refer
Figure 5.4 KDIGO recommendations about referral to nephrology care in CKD. referral decision making by GFR and albuminuria.
aReferring clinicians may wish to discuss with their nephrology service depending on local arrangements regarding monitoring or
referring. Source: KDIGO [26] © 2013 KDIGO.
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Reference 67
ESRD calculated by the KFREs was more effective than outcomes using data from 440 526 participants in the UK
eGFR-based cutoffs in predicting the need for AVF inser- Biobank [96]. Their simple prediction model, created in
tion and dialysis [84]. 2019, uses different eGFR to predict CVD. The most suc-
cessful model used cystatin C-based eGFR.
Predicting Cardiovascular Disease in CKD Patients
CKD substantially increases the risk of CVD in patients, P
but it is also itself a consequence of CVD. One study found and Cardiovascular Risk
that amongst hospitalized patients with congestive heart
failure (CHF), the prevalence of late-stage CKD was 60.4% Proteinuria/albuminuria predicts not only renal progres-
and it was 51.7% for those with MI [85]. When accompany- sion but is an ominous marker of other outcomes as well,
ing heart disease, CKD also increased the risk of mortality most notably cardiovascular events. Multiple analyses
and ESRD in patients [86]. This may be a result of the have since established that ACR predicts all-cause mortal-
shared risk factors of CVD and CKD, which include ath- ity and cardiovascular death independent from baseline
erosclerosis, obesity, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, CKD and other covariates [97–101]. Early studies revealed
diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and smoking. Renal ath- a link between degree of microalbuminuria and poor out-
erosclerosis has been found in 39% of patients undergoing comes in patients with type 2 diabetes [102]. Analysis of
elective coronary angiography [87]. Framingham participants revealed that proteinuria pre-
dicted poor outcome in the general population as
well [103]. Hillege analyzed a Dutch cohort of 40 548
eGFR and Cardiovascular Risk adults and found a dose–response relationship between
urinary ACR and both CV and non-CV mortality [98].
In the United States, individuals with CKD experience a
10-fold increased risk of vascular disease compared to
those without kidney disease [88, 89]. This finding may be F
uture Considerations
due to significant overlap of risk factors between CKD and
CVD [90–92]. The excess CV mortality appears to begin Although some disagreement on the validity of various risk
early in the advancing CKD process and increases with factors discussed in this chapter still remains, a relatively
worsened eGFR [76, 93]. Current CVD risk prediction small group of risk factors appear to be common to most cur-
models have proven to be unreliable when patients have rent studies. As a result, much progress has been made in
concurrent CKD [94]. Bansal et al. developed a prediction developing risk scores based on these select variables in their
tool that has shown promise in assessing 5-year mortality ability to aid in predicting the progression of CKD, and with
risk in patients with CKD but not ESRD (c-statistic 0.72, the development of risk prediction models. Future studies
95% CI 0.68–0.74). Their model incorporates age, sex, race, should focus on a more critical review of the aforementioned
eGFR, urine ACR, smoking status, diabetes mellitus, and biomarkers and genetic factors utilized in risk score develop-
history of CHF or stroke. While this model has been exter- ment, although the costs of measuring such markers is likely
nally validated in 789 participants (c-statistic 0.69, 95% CI to be much higher than simple risk factors used at the pre-
0.64–0.74), patients with CKD stages 4–5 were underrepre- sent time. Accurate risk scores can align risk and resources,
sented in the validation study and therefore further investi- while allowing for personalized care for patients with CKD.
gation of this demographic is required prior to successful Therefore, it is imperative to implement these risk scores
clinical implementation [95]. Researchers from Glasgow into routine clinical practice, in turn helping patients and
evaluated the effects of eGFR and proteinuria on CVD clinicians navigate the transition from CKD to dialysis.
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Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Definitions and Theoretical Framewor 73
South Africa, Senegal, Congo 5497 8.6 (1.3–16.0) 1202 7.6 (6.1–9.1)
India, Bangladesh 1000 13.1 (1.0–15.2) 12 752 6.8 (3.7–9.9)
Iran 17 911 17.9 (7.4–28.5) 20 867 11.7 (4.5–18.9)
Chile 0 – 27 894 12.1 (11.7–12.5)
China, Taiwan, Mongolia 570 187 13.2 (12.1–14.3) 62 062 10.7 (6.6–13.5)
Japan, South Korea, Oceania 654 832 13.7 (10.8–16.7) 298 000 11.7 (5.3–18.1)
Australia 12 107 14.7 (11.7–17.7) 896 941 8.1 (4.5–11.8)
USA, Canada 20 352 15.5 (11.7–19.2) 1 319 003 14.4 (8.5–20.3)
Europe 821 902 18.4 (11.6–25.2) 2 169 183 11.9 (9.9–13.8)
Global 13.4 (11.7–15.1) 10.6 (9.2–12.2)
Source: Reproduced from Hill et al. [10]. © 2016 Hill et al. Licensed Under CCBY 4.0. This is an open access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited.
Nonetheless, the observed differences can also be explained Mexico City show that CKD is strikingly frequent among
by true variations in the prevalence of kidney disease population with diabetes [16]. A prospective analysis of a
among regions. Remarkably, the global prevalence of CKD large cohort in this population recently reported that
appears to be higher than that of diabetes, which has been adults (35–84 years) with diabetes had a 20-fold higher
reported to be about 8.8% [11], underscoring the relevance risk of dying from kidney disease compared with those
of CKD to global health. without diabetes [17]. This excess risk is most likely due
Another study that pooled data from 33 reports with to suboptimal management of diabetes: those with diabe-
gender-and age-specific prevalence of CKD in represent- tes had a mean glycated hemoglobin of 9.0% and poor gly-
ative population samples estimated that nearly 500 mil- cemic control was associated with increased mortality
lion individuals have CKD, of which almost 80% live in risk [18].
low-middle-income countries (LMICs) [12]. Importantly, The etiology and epidemiological determinants of kid-
the age-standardized prevalence of CKD was higher in ney diseases in areas like Africa, Asia, and Latin America
men and women from LMICs when compared to men and differ from what is observed in Europe and North
women from high-income countries. Despite the observed America and even within regions can vary substan-
disparities between developed and developing countries, tially [14]. As shown in Table 6.2, apart from diabetes
the epidemiological trends of CKD in LMICs, including and hypertension, communicable diseases such as HIV,
the causes of kidney disease and their distribution across malaria, and schistosomiasis may be important contribu-
the population, are either unknown or poorly character- tors to the burden of CKD in sub-Saharan Africa, even
ized [13, 14]. There are reasons to believe that the causes though evidence of their attributable fractions is limited
of CKD are widely heterogeneous in LMICs. As a result of or absent [19, 20].
an accelerated demographic transition and urbanization,
most of these countries have experienced an unprece-
dented upsurge in noncommunicable diseases [15]. A efinitions and Theoretical
sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet are intertwined in Framework
densely crowded cities with limited public health and
heathcare infrastructure, resulting in high rates of under- According to the WHO, social determinants of health
diagnosed and suboptimally treated hypertension and (SDH) are defined as “the conditions in which people
diabetes. These populations are enormously vulnerable are born, grow, live, work and age” [21]. SDH are
for adverse kidney outcomes. For instance, reports from mostly responsible for health inequities, “the unfair and
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74 Chronic Kidney Disease in Disadvantaged Populations
Table 6.2 Environmental factors associated with CKD. groups” [9]. Even though the definition of minority
groups largely derives from sociodemographic phenom-
Factor Description ena (i.e. the definition of a minority is relative to a major-
ity in a population), [24] the concept of ethnicity is
Heavy metals Lead: particularly important in LMIC;
contained in paint, gasoline, adulterated closely related with genetic ancestry and, subsequently,
gasoline, contaminated food and water, soil, with a complex cluster of social and biological factors.
mines, garages The definition of “disadvantaged populations” can there-
Cadmium: sources include tobacco, batteries, fore be ambiguous, as a myriad of factors can predispose
fuel, industrial waste, certain South-Eastern
Asian medicinal herbs or foods
individuals and populations to kidney disease. Three
Arsenic: fish contamination, fuel, cereals main factors, however, can be identified as underlying
treated with ethyl mercury as pesticide and sometimes overlapping causes of disadvantage: (i)
Uranium: contaminated food or water socioeconomic factors that affect health behavior and
access to care, (ii) biological factors that predispose to
Other toxins Aristolochic acid associated with chronic
tubulointerstitial nephritis and urothelial adverse kidney outcomes, and (iii) environmental fac-
cancer; the causal agent of Balkan endemic tors, e.g. labor conditions and exposures to nephrotoxic
nephropathy agents. These factors are not necessarily a direct cause of
Exposure to other chemicals used for kidney disease but may act as mediators on the causal
consumer activities or medical treatment; pathway (Figure 6.1).
industrial chemicals; occupational chemicals
apart from heavy metals (e.g. methylene
chloride, trichloroethylene, toluene); most
associated with acute disease and/or
Socioeconomic Factors
accentuated progression of underlying Socioeconomic status (SES) usually encompasses educa-
tion, occupation, and income as proxies for measurement
Occupational Mesoamerican nephropathy affecting of social and economic wellbeing. Lower SES has con-
exposures agricultural workers; most likely mechanism sistently been associated with increased morbidity and
consists in repeated subclinical episodes of
AKI due to dehydration during work shifts; all-cause mortality [25]. Frequently, access to health –
uric acid crystalluria might be involved in frequently measured as insurance status – and risk
kidney damage; several other potential behaviors have been suggested as the mechanisms
synergistic factors (e.g. NSAIDs, fructose- explaining the link between SES and health. However, it
high beverages, alcohol consumption,
pesticides) has become clear that those factors do not fully account
Sri Lanka, India, and Pakistan: for the associations observed, and other more complex
contamination of water/food by unknown factors such as social isolation and adversity may be
agent (industrial chemicals, agrochemicals, involved [22]. This is not different for CKD, where the
heavy metals suggested) incidence and prevalence of CKD and the progression of
Medications NSAIDs (linked with AKI, but not yet with disease varies by SES, being higher at lower SES lev-
CKD); mis-regulated alternative or novel els [26, 27]. For instance, low income or education below
therapies or medications (usually high school level have been associated with the presence
counterfeit); herbal remedies
of albuminuria in the United States [28]. In the Chronic
Infections Related to poor hygiene conditions in LMICs; Renal Insufficiency Cohort, lower income and education
parasites (e.g. schistosomiasis, malaria, were associated with lower estimated glomerular filtra-
leptospirosis, tuberculosis, etc.); enteric and
diarrheal diseases; HIV-associated
tion rate (eGFR) [29]. Progression of CKD into ESKD is
nephropathy; hepatitis B and C viruses more likely among individuals with low income and edu-
cation [30–32]. Additionally, those with ESKD who have
less education or are unemployed are less likely to receive
avoidable differences in health status seen within and a transplant [33, 34] and more likely to experience dialy-
between countries” [21]. Therefore SDH, and the result- sis complications such as peritonitis [35, 36] or graft
ing disparities in health, are key components of what is rejection if they receive a transplant [37]. Irrespective of
considered a “disadvantaged population” [22, 23]. the mediating factors in the association between SES and
However, the definition most widely accepted for “disad- CKD, it is clear that a low SES confers a greater risk of
vantaged population” is not restricted to those at a greater developing CKD and having poor outcomes, and there-
risk of kidney disease due to SDH, and further includes fore such segments of the population can be considered
“ethnic, socio-economically deprived, and other minority disadvantaged.
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Definitions and Theoretical Framewor 75
- Occupation
- Heavy metals and
- Herbal remedies
Socioeconomic Risk factors: Outcomes
factors Access to care - CVD
Health behaviour: - DM & HTN
- Education - Diagnosis - ESKD
- Lifestyle - Chronic
- Income - Management - Catastrophic
- Psychosocial infections; viral,
- Cultural - Referral expenditure
- Health literacy bacterial,
factors - Access to RRT - QoL
- Geography - Premature
Biological factors:
- Age & sex
- Maternal-fetal
- Genetics
- Others
Figure 6.1 Theoretical model: interaction of socioeconomic, environmental, and biological factors and their impact on health
behavior, risk factors, and direct causes of CKD, access to care, and outcomes. CKD, chronic kidney disease; CVD, DM, ESKD, end-stage
kidney disease; HTN, QoL,
Certainty of evidence
Region Cause or type of CKD Comments (GRADE)
AKI, acute kidney injury; CKD, chronic kidney disease; MeN, NSAID,
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Challenges in the Diagnosis of CKD Among Disadvantaged Population 77
It was recently discovered that two coding variants of gain after birth is associated with childhood and adult-
the Apolipoprotein L1 (APOL1) gene on chromosome hood obesity [77–79], a well-known risk factor for diabe-
22q13 were associated with higher rates of focal segmental tes, hypertension, and kidney disease. Likewise, low
glomerulosclerosis (odds ratio 10.5) and hypertension- birth weight, prematurity, and small size for gestational
attributed ESKD (odds ratio 7.3) [63, 64]. Interestingly, age have been associated with reduced nephron mass
these two variants are common in individuals of recent and an increased risk of developing CKD and hyperten-
African ancestry, mostly absent in European populations, sion in adult life [80]. The global impact of these risk fac-
and appear to be protective against African sleeping sick- tors is substantial. In LMICs, a total of 43.3 million
ness as Apolipoprotein L-1 has an active lytic role in trypa- deliveries were either premature or small for gestational
nosomes. Moreover, it has been proposed that these age in 2010 [81], thus giving them a higher risk of devel-
variants may be involved in the development of HIV- oping noncommunicable diseases including kidney dis-
associated nephropathy [41], sickle cell kidney disease [65], ease [67]. Albeit a reduced nephron number may not be
and severe lupus nephritis [66]. sufficient to develop CKD in adult life, the interaction of
Understanding the role of APOL1 is paramount for such predisposition with high-risk genetic variants, envi-
assessing the burden of CKD among African Americans ronmental factors, and other stressors (e.g. episodes of
and, globally, in populations with African ancestry. It is acute kidney injury) may become relevant in a fraction of
estimated that about five million African Americans cases. A life course approach that assesses the interaction
possess at least two APOL1 nephropathy variants, which between genetics, perinatal, childhood, and adulthood
puts these populations at a higher risk of developing exposures is likely to better inform our understanding of
CKD. APOL1-associated kidney disease could poten- the development of CKD in disadvantaged popula-
tially account for up to 40% of the total burden observed tions [14, 44].
in African Americans [57]. The interaction of APOL1 There are important gaps to be addressed in the under-
with environmental – potentially modifiable – risk fac- standing of biological factors and kidney disease [38].
tors and other genes represents a major area of interest First, education and awareness of clinicians, researchers,
for research that will allow a more detailed phenotyping and patients is still limited. This is particularly relevant in
of kidney disease, particularly in those individuals with terms of translation of research findings into therapeu-
poor response to therapies for blood pressure control tics, as well understanding the attributable fraction of
and proteinuria reduction. The example of APOL1 genetics to the overall burden of kidney disease. Second,
underscores the important role that genetic factors may the majority of genetic research is carried out in popula-
have in the burden of kidney disease and its clustering tions of European ancestry, even though indigenous and
in specific populations. Research on interactions other disadvantaged populations have shown higher rates
between genes and environment is still at an early stage, of kidney disease. This lack of diversity substantially hin-
although it is an area of great interest for CKD hotspots. ders the generalizability of genetic findings, raises the
Some examples include Sri Lanka nephropathy and a issue of potentially misclassifying benign variants as
single-nucleotide polymorphism in the SCL13A3 gene, pathogenic [82], and limits the understanding of kidney
which appears to predispose to CKD [47]. Likewise, a disease among disadvantaged populations. An improved
gene in 3q25 could explain the familial clustering of the knowledge of genetic and developmental determinants of
Balkan endemic nephropathy [53]. Further studies are, kidney disease and their interaction with environmental
however, still required to replicate and confirm such factors may provide important insights into renal patho-
associations. physiology, which in turn could facilitate the develop-
In addition to genetic and lifestyle factors as determi- ment of more effective prevention strategies and pave the
nants of noncommunicable diseases, the “developmental way for novel therapeutics.
origins of disease” has emerged as a comprehensive
pathophysiological model of disease risk, which may be
of particular relevance to the kidney [67]. This model hallenges in the Diagnosis of CKD
proposes that individuals at greatest risk of kidney dis- Among Disadvantaged Populations
ease [68, 69] – as well as diabetes, [70, 71] hyperten-
sion, [72] and cardiovascular disease [73, 74] – are those There are several challenges which need to be systemati-
who experienced adverse physiological conditions such cally addressed in the context of CKD in disadvantaged
as maternal malnutrition [75, 76] during gestation, populations. These include lack of awareness, strategies for
resulting in low birth weight and underdevelopment of screening, workforce capacity, and availability of labora-
fetal kidneys. Furthermore, consequent rapid weight tory tests.
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78 Chronic Kidney Disease in Disadvantaged Populations
isolated tropical communities in which samples can be were offered hemodialysis (73%), with only a small propor-
damaged by heat), and cost savings for patients through tion having access to peritoneal dialysis (1%) or transplan-
reductions in clinic visits. tation (<1%). The remaining 25% received conservative
management due to unaffordability of dialysis or ongoing
viral infection which precluded their access to hemodialy-
Other Challenges
sis. Moreover, only 5% of those who initiated hemodialysis
There are several additional challenges associated with were able to afford treatment for longer than 3 months [96].
diagnosing CKD in disadvantaged populations, including A similar scenario has been described in India, where less
diversity in the underlying causes of kidney disease and a than 10% of patients requiring RRT receive it and of those
lack of consensus on diagnostic criteria for specific >70% die within the first 12 weeks due to inability to afford
diseases, i.e. mesoamerican nephropathy and other cases sustained treatment [97, 98]. Likewise, in Asian countries
of unknown etiology. The limited availability of reliable without funded renal programs, around 90% of patients
and validated measures of kidney function is compounded with ESKD die within months of diagnosis due to a lack of
by a paucity of adequately trained health professionals, access [60]. As the costs of dialysis rise to US$20000–
particularly in under-resourced communities. 100 000 per year [99], for a great proportion of individuals
from disadvantaged communities RRT becomes prohibi-
tively expensive.
hallenges and Opportunities
C A systematic review and meta-analysis that pooled data
in Treatment from 123 countries and included 93% of the worldwide
population estimated that, in 2010, 2.618 million individu-
Given the high costs associated with provision of RRT, the als received RRT, of which 2.050 million (78%) received
main focus of therapeutic interventions should be on CKD dialysis and the remainder a transplant [8]. It was conserv-
prevention, slowing disease progression, and avoiding atively estimated that the number of patients needing RRT
complications. was 4.902 million, but it could be closer 9.701 million.
Thus, between half (2.284 million, 47%) and up to three-
quarters (7.083 million, 73%) of individuals requiring RRT
Early Prevention Programs
worldwide did not receive it, which translated to at least
These programs are centered on early and aggressive man- 2.284 million premature deaths. Notably, an alarming dis-
agement of risk factors, and have been shown to be cost- parity between the need for and the receipt of RRT was
effective for cardinal risk factors such as diabetes and found in terms of income level. Of all those receiving RRT
hypertension [95]. Interventions may include early detec- in 2010, 92.8% resided in high-income or high-middle
tion using low-cost tools such as albuminuria testing, and income countries. This represents a striking 70-fold preva-
the use of renoprotective agents such as renin angiotensin lence gradient [6]. By contrast, only 7.2% resided in low-
aldosterone system blockers. income countries where 96% of the patients requiring RRT
did not receive it. This proportion decreases to 88% in
LMICs and 58% in high-middle income countries, which
Access to Optimal Care for CKD
suggests that access to RRT is socially graded. The projec-
Limited access to primary care and specialist nephrology tions from this meta-analysis estimated that by 2030 the
care is a common problem in LMICs. There is scope for number of individuals requiring RRT will more than dou-
international training programs to enhance capacity in ble to a total of 5.439 million, with the greatest increase in
CKD care in these countries, for example the fellowship Asia and Africa, the regions where the population is
opportunities provided by the International Society of expected to grow the most.
Nephrology. In addition, efforts should be made to widen Unhealthy aging has been largely documented as the
the availability and affordability of medications with result of gains in economic development and increases in
proven benefit for CKD patients, such as antihypertensives life expectancy in the developing world and is arguably the
and lipid-lowering medications. demographic reason pushing the expected increase in the
demand of RRT. This is of relevance in those disadvan-
taged populations in which unhealthy behaviors have
Availability of RRT
increased the prevalence of risk factors for CKD such as
ESKD in disadvantaged populations has an unduly poor hypertension and diabetes. Countries must prepare their
outcome. A retrospective study in Nigeria that included health systems to face the challenge ahead and meet the
760 patients with incident ESKD showed that the majority demands of RRT in the present and foreseeable future.
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80 Chronic Kidney Disease in Disadvantaged Populations
RRT rationing resulting from limited facilities and unique genetic, environmental, and socioeconomic fac-
resources in low and middle-income countries is complex. tors. Implementation of effective prevention programs
Key areas of opportunity in regard to RRT include estab- and improvements in quality of care for the diverse causes
lishing registries of dialysis and transplantation in all of kidney disease in each population is required. Such
countries. Likewise, identifying patients who need RRT programs must be tailored to local requirements so that
but do not receive it is important. Open sharing of method- they can meet the epidemiological, cultural, and societal
ology, sampling frameworks, and innovative strategies needs of the communities they serve, and ultimately
between countries could potentially facilitate this work in translate into better clinical outcomes. Identifying the
countries without a registry. major risk factors in each community is paramount to
maximize the efficacy of any intervention. Similarly, pri-
oritizing low-cost interventions, such as albuminuria test-
Health Literacy
ing followed by treatment with blockers of the
Limited health literacy affects 25% of the population with renin-angiotensin system or bicarbonate supplementa-
CKD and this percentage is likely higher in disadvantaged tion for metabolic acidosis, may have a significant impact
populations and has been associated with adverse out- on CKD prevention and disease progression. Only by
comes in CKD populations [100]. A recent meta-analysis tracking these outcomes can the implementation of prac-
that examined 13 studies found that limited health literacy tical interventions be appropriately evaluated. Inequity in
was significantly associated with hospitalizations, emer- health is at the very core of the observed disparities in
gency department use, missed dialysis sessions, cardiovas- CKD burden among disadvantaged populations. It is a
cular events, and mortality [101]. moral imperative to solve the existing disparities, espe-
cially given the evidence that, in some cases, the lack of
access to RRT is due to inefficient allocation of available
onclusion resources rather than a lack of them [102]. The WHO has
established sustainable development goals for universal
CKD in disadvantaged populations is increasingly recog- health coverage. It is paramount that efforts from global
nized in low-, middle- and high-income countries and is health organizations are championed by researchers and
due in part to rising incidence and prevalence of hyper- clinicians at every level to achieve an improvement in
tension and diabetes in those populations, as well as CKD care worldwide.
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I ntroduction the Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, and End-stage (RIFLE) clas-
sification system for AKI (Table 7.1) [1]. A major goal was
Acute kidney injury (AKI), previously known as acute to ensure that studies in the literature were comparable:
renal failure, refers to a sudden reduction in kidney func- because of differences in the definition of acute renal fail-
tion. This acute reduction in kidney function typically ure used in prior studies (e.g. ranging from a 0.5 mg/dl rise
manifests as a fall in urine output and/or a rise in blood in creatinine to the need for renal replacement therapy
urea nitrogen and creatinine, two blood biomarkers that [RRT]), the incidence and outcomes of AKI varied widely.
are filtered and excreted by the kidney and are readily That is, AKI defined as a 0.5 mg/dl increase in creatinine
measured in the clinical laboratory. While initial descrip- was much more common and associated with better out-
tions of AKI focused on the most severe forms of disease, comes than AKI defined as the need for RRT.
over the past 15 years there has been a growing recognition Importantly, the RIFLE criteria defined three levels of
that small changes in serum creatinine are associated with decreased kidney function (risk, injury, failure; Table 7.1)
adverse outcomes, including longer hospital length of stay along with loss of kidney function (persistent AKI, defined
and death. Thus, a major focus of the field for the past as the need for RRT for 4 weeks) and end-stage renal dis-
15 years has been the development of consensus defini- ease. The rationale for defining different levels of disease
tions and approaches to defining AKI. These have been severity was that earlier AKI recognition might allow for
important to moving the field forward because they have earlier treatment (including supportive care and nephro-
allowed comparison of studies across settings and disease toxin avoidance, for example), recognizing that there is an
subtypes. inherent tradeoff between sensitivity and specificity that
In this chapter, we will review the consensus definitions may occur when small changes in serum creatinine are
for AKI, along with recent work to develop consensus used to define AKI. In addition, the RIFLE criteria defined
regarding acute kidney disease (AKD) that does not meet AKI using changes in either serum creatinine or urine out-
the technical definition of AKI and recovery from AKI. We put, with the rationale that these are both markers of
will also review common settings in which AKI may occur decreased kidney function. However, it should be noted
and the epidemiology of the disease, along with the poten- that studies prior to the development of the RIFLE criteria
tial role of novel biomarkers in disease recognition and almost universally used serum creatinine, not urine out-
classification. put, to define acute renal failure. In addition, at the time
the RIFLE criteria were published, the literature on the
predictive value of graded reductions in urine output for
verview/Definition adverse outcomes was limited, with no data to support the
concept that the urine output criteria proposed were in any
In 2004, the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI), a con- way “equivalent” to the creatinine-based AKI criteria.
sensus group of intensivists and nephrologists, proposed Subsequent studies have suggested that AKI defined by
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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88 Overview/Definition, Classification, and Epidemiology of Acute Kidney Disease
Urine output
(common to all
Stage three) Creatinine (KDIGO) Creatinine (AKIN) RIFLE category Creatinine (RIFLE)
1 <0.5 ml/kg/h for 1.5–1.9 times baseline 1.5–2 times baseline or Risk 1.5 increase in SCr within
6–12 h over 7 days or 0.3 mg/ 0.3 mg/dl absolute increase 7 days, sustained for 24 h
dl absolute increase within 48 h
over 48 h
2 <0.5 ml/kg/h for 2.0–2.9 times baseline >2–3 times baseline Injury 2 increase in SCr
12 h
3 <0.3 ml/kg/h for 3.0 times baseline, or >3.0 times baseline, or Failure 3.0 increase in SCr or
24 h or anuria increase to 4.0 mg/dl increase to 4.0 mg/dl (with increase to 4.0 mg/dl (with
for 12 h or initiation of RRT an increase of 0.5 mg/dl) or an increase of 0.5 mg/dl) or
initiation of RRT initiation of RRT
Urine output criteria are common to all three. The ADQI RIFLE definition incorporated three categories of injury and two outcomes that varied
by severity. Outcomes were eliminated from the subsequent Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) and KDIGO definitions. The AKIN definition
incorporated smaller changes in SCr and the KDIGO definition added more definitive time frames to the definition.
urine output criteria is much more common than AKI Network (AKIN) [6]. These studies included a large retro-
defined by creatinine criteria. Isolated AKI by urine output spective study by Chertow et al. [7], which demonstrated
criteria is generally associated with a significant increase in that a 0.3–0.4 mg/dl increase in serum creatinine was asso-
the risk of death compared to those with no AKI, but gen- ciated with a 1.7-fold higher odds of death in multivariable
erally lower risk compared to those with isolated AKI by analysis adjusting for age, gender, chronic kidney disease,
creatinine criteria; those with AKI by both urine output and diagnosis codes. Thus, a 0.3 mg/dl increase in serum
and creatinine criteria have the greatest risk of death [2–5]. creatinine over 48 hours was added to the definition of
However, despite these caveats, creating consensus criteria mild (Stage 1) AKI (see Table 7.1). Importantly, both “loss”
for both changes in serum creatinine and urine output to and “end-stage kidney disease” were recognized to be out-
define AKI was a critical step to moving the field forward. comes of AKI and dropped from the definition.
Finally, the RIFLE criteria recognized that relative changes In 2012, Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes
in serum creatinine are important, that is, in someone with (KDIGO) comprehensively reviewed the field of AKI to
normal kidney function (e.g. baseline creatinine of 0.8 mg/ develop a series of consensus guidelines focused on AKI
dl), an increase in serum creatinine to 1.6 mg/dl represents diagnosis and treatment [8]. As part of these guidelines,
a larger change in renal function than a rise of the same the RIFLE and AKIN criteria were combined into the
absolute magnitude in an individual with underlying KDIGO definition (Table 7.1). In addition, the concept of
chronic kidney disease (e.g. a rise from 4.0 to 4.8 mg/dl). AKD was introduced. This comprises AKI, along with a
Therefore, inherent in the RIFLE criteria is knowledge of a decrease in eGFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2, decrease in glo-
baseline creatinine. In the absence of a baseline creatinine, merular filtration rate (GFR) by 35% or increase in
the RIFLE criteria proposed the use of a creatinine that serum creatinine (SCr) by >50% for less than 3 months.
represents an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) Subsequently, a staging system for AKD analogous to that
of 75 ml/min/1.73 m2 by the Modification of Diet in Renal for AKI has been proposed, though this definition has not
Disease (MDRD) estimating equation (also referred to as been as well validated [9]. Along the same lines, criteria
MDRD-75). to define and stage kidney recovery have yet to be well
Following a number of studies suggesting that small standardized and are, when creatinine is used as the
absolute changes in serum creatinine are also associated measure of kidney function, potentially confounded by
with an increased risk of adverse outcomes, the RIFLE cri- changes in nutritional status and muscle mass (see below
teria were modified slightly by the Acute Kidney Injury for additional discussion).
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Classification of AK 89
Intrarenal causes
Vascular Renal artery stenosis
Microvascular Thrombotic microangiopathies, cholesterol emboli
Glomerular Rapidly progressive (crescentic) glomerulonephritis
Immune complex diseases: IgA nephropathy, post-infectious, lupus, mixed
cryoglobuminemia with MPGN
Pauci-immune glomerulonephritis: ANCA-associated and ANCA-negative
Some causes of nephrotic range proteinuria may associate with AKI: in particular light-chain
cast nephropathy
Tubulointerstitium Acute interstitial nephritis: medications, infection, lymphoproliferative disease
Pigment nephropathy: rhabdomyolysis (myoglobin), massive hemolysis (hemoglobin)
Crystal nephropathy: uric acid (tumor lysis), acyclovir, sulfonamides, protease inhibitors
(indinavir, atazanavir), methotrexate, ethylene glycol, acute phosphate nephropathy, oxalate
Myeloma-associated AKI (cast nephropathy)
Acute tubular necrosis: ischemia (shock), medications
Sepsis-associated AKI
Bladder outlet Benign prostatic hypertrophy, strictures, blood clots
Ureteral Bilateral obstruction (or unilateral with one kidney): stones, malignancy, retroperitoneal
Renal pelvis Papillary necrosis (NSAIDs), stones
Etiologies of AKI can be broadly divided into prerenal, intrarenal, and postrenal causes and then further subdivided.
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90 Overview/Definition, Classification, and Epidemiology of Acute Kidney Disease
sepsis. At present, the classification of AKI is based pre- Limitations of SCr to Define AKI
dominantly on history/clinical context and may be sup-
ported by laboratory testing. The laboratory studies will With regards to defining AKI itself, in individuals with lim-
depend on the suspected etiology of AKI and may include ited muscle mass (e.g. older adults, those with end-stage
a serologic workup for vasculitis or a peripheral blood liver disease), SCr may overestimate eGFR because it is a
smear to assess for hemolysis if thrombotic microangiopa- breakdown product of creatine derived from muscle.
thy is suspected. Urinalysis and urine microscopy may be Across the world, SCr measurements are now harmonized
helpful. In particular, the presence of casts in the urine to IDMS standard materials, so there is not much variation
may provide insight into the cause of AKI (Table 7.3). in the laboratory measurement of serum creatinine.
However, casts are not required for these diagnoses. However, at high levels, chromogens, both endogenous
Urinalysis scores which quantify the number of renal tubu- and exogenous (e.g. bilirubin, uric acid, ascorbic acid, some
lar epithelial cells or cast elements per microscopic fields cephalosporins, and ketones), may interfere with the cre-
have been repeatedly shown to be specific for AKI and cor- atinine assay [8]. Thus, there has been tremendous interest
relate with AKI severity (in this case, with acute tubular in identifying other endogenous filtration markers (e.g.
necrosis as the etiology of AKI) [11–13]. Widespread functional markers) that are not associated with muscle
acceptance has been hampered by the lack of large-scale mass to define chronic kidney disease (e.g. cystatin C [17]).
validation and the relatively modest sensitivity for urine However, changes in markers including cystatin C have
microscopy for detecting AKI [11, 14–16]. Table 7.4 sum- not been as well-studied in the context of AKI, so there is
marizes several of the published urinalysis risk scores. no consensus regarding absolute biomarker levels or
changes in biomarker levels that could be used to define
Table 7.3 Overview of urine cast types with typical AKI. Finally, there is growing interest in other filtration
associations. markers, including proenkephalin [18], but more studies
are needed.
Waxy Chronic kidney disease
Hyaline Prerenal azotemia
Granular Acute tubular necrosis Biomarkers of AKI/AKD
Dark/muddy brown Acute tubular necrosis
While there have been numerous publications on the role
White blood cells Interstitial nephritis
of novel biomarkers in the risk stratification, diagnosis,
Red blood cells Glomerulonephritis
prognosis, and long-term outcomes of AKI, to date there
has not been the formal inclusion of these novel tests into
Table 7.4 Review of urine microscopy scoring systems for the diagnostic criteria and none have gained wide clinical
diagnosis of AKI due to acute tubular necrosis. acceptance. Regardless, these investigations have helped to
focus the ideal characteristics of a novel biomarker specific
Study Scoring system for AKI/AKD. Such biomarkers should (i) be organ specific
and allow differentiation between the traditional causes of
Chawla Grade 1: No casts or RTE AKI (intrarenal, prerenal, and postrenal), (ii) detect AKI
et al. [11] Grade 2: At least 1 cast or RTE but <10% of LPF early in the course and predict the course/future implica-
Grade 3: Many casts or RTEs (between 10% and tions of AKD, (iii) identify the source/nature of AKI, (iv) be
90% of LPF)
site-specific and able to inform pathologic changes in vari-
Grade 4: Sheet of muddy brown casts and RTEs
in >90% of LPF ous segments of renal tubules and correlate with the histol-
Perazella 0 points: No casts or RTE seen
ogy on kidney biopsies, and (v) be easily and reliably
et al. [12] 1 point each: 1–5 casts per LPF or 1–5 RTEs per measured in a noninvasive, rapid manner, which implies
HPF that the marker is stable in its matrix and relatively inex-
2 points each: 6 casts per LPF or 6 RTEs per pensive to measure.
HPF The concept of functional versus damage markers of kid-
Bagshaw 0 points: No casts or RTE seen ney injury is similar to diagnostic models from other
et al. [14] 1 point each: 1 casts or 1 RTEs per HPF aspects of medical care. It is common to see functional bio-
2 points each: 2–4 casts or RTEs per HPF markers (e.g. electrocardiograms or imaged-based stress
3 points each: 5 casts or 5 RTEs per HPF tests) paired with damage biomarkers (creatine kinase, tro-
RTE, renal tubule epithelial cells; LPF, low power field; HPF, high ponins). An ADQI consensus statement recommended
power field. that the combination of functional and damage biomarkers
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Biomarkers of AKI/AK 91
would be helpful to define AKI. (Figure 7.1) [19]. By strat- The incidence and duration of these outcomes were simi-
ifying patients across these two domains, a novel cohort lar in the NGAL-positive/creatinine-negative and NGAL-
with “subclinical AKI” can be identified: those with a negative/creatinine-positive cohorts. This concept of
change in damage biomarkers in the absence of change in damage biomarker positive/functional biomarker nega-
functional biomarkers [20, 21]. This group of patients, tive patients being at increased risk for adverse outcomes
who would not be detected by creatinine or urine output- has been validated in other cohorts [22, 23].
based KDIGO criteria, appears to have the same risk for In 2014, the combination of urine tissue inhibitor of
severe AKI and adverse outcomes (e.g. inpatient mortal- metalloproteinase-2 and insulin-like growth factor bind-
ity) as patients who have a change in functional markers ing protein-7 (TIMP2*IGFBP7) became the first novel AKI
in the absence of change in damage biomarkers (more biomarker approved by the Food and Drug Administration
traditionally thought of as having prerenal azotemia). In a (FDA). The intended use of TIMP-2*IGFBP7 is to assess
pooled, prospective observational cohort of 2322 subjects the risk of developing KDIGO Stage 2 AKI over the next
(1452 with cardiac surgery and 870 with critical illness), 12 hours in high-risk critically ill patients [24, 25]. Some
Haase et al. designated subjects as neutrophil gelatinase studies have shown improved outcomes when supportive
associated lipocalin (NGAL)-positive or NGAL-negative care bundles are applied to patients identified by high lev-
and creatinine-positive or creatinine-negative. They dem- els of TIMP-2*IGFBP7 [26, 27], but TIMP-2*IGFBP7 has
onstrated that individuals who were NGAL-positive/ not yet gained widespread acceptance. In other parts of
creatinine-negative needed RRT more than 16 times more the world (e.g. Europe and Japan, respectively), urinary
frequently than those who were NGAL-negative/ NGAL and liver-fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP)
creatinine-negative (odds ratio 16.4, 95% confidence can be measured in clinical practice as measures of
interval 3.6–76.9) [20]. NGAL-positive/creatinine- AKI, though clear thresholds for AKI have not been
negative patients were also in ICU and hospital longer developed.
and more likely to experience inpatient mortality com- As previously mentioned, there has been extensive inves-
pared to NGAL-negative/creatinine-negative subjects. tigation into several biomarkers of kidney injury in several
No Functional
Change /
Creatinine No Functional Damage
Negative Changes or without loss of
damage function
Change / Loss of function
Creatinine Damage with
Positive loss of function
Figure 7.1 The Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative recommended criteria for defining acute kidney injury (AKI) in terms of changes in
biomarkers of kidney function (SCr) and biomarkers of kidney damage/injury. This paradigm allows for the combination of injury
biomarkers with SCr and has proven useful in the discrimination of patients with AKI and resulted in the concept of “subclinical AKI.”
Source: Adapted from [19].
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92 Overview/Definition, Classification, and Epidemiology of Acute Kidney Disease
clinical settings, including after cardiac surgery, critical ill- Stage 3 and the need for RRT [33–35]. As a functional bio-
ness/ICU admission, or admission to the emergency marker of proximal tubule and loop of Henle function, the
department. In each of these settings biomarkers have FST has outperformed several damage biomarkers when
been examined to determine their association with a vari- compared directly [33, 36]. With the renal angina index,
ety of short and long-term outcomes, including but not patient demographics and other risk factors (comorbidi-
limited to the early detection of AKI, the temporal nature ties, procedure/medication exposure) are combined with
of the AKI (transient versus persistent), the detection of small changes in serum creatinine and/or urine output and
severe (e.g. dialysis requiring) AKI, and inpatient mortal- the presence of volume overload to identify patients where
ity. It should not be surprising that a single biomarker has damage biomarkers should be measured and may identify
not been associated with all of these outcomes across mul- those with early AKI or at high risk of AKI [37]. Multiple
tiple settings, given the biological heterogeneity that under- novel risk scores (some of which include AKI biomarkers)
lies the diverse etiologies of AKI. However, this does not have also been proposed [38, 39]. However, to date no
diminish the importance of their performance for individ- single risk score (or biomarker) has been universally
ual endpoints in specific clinical settings. Table 7.5 sum- validated.
marizes the current state of the ability of biomarkers to In addition to this explosion of more traditional risk
detect clinical endpoints related to AKI in a variety of set- scores, there is increasing interest in developing complex
tings. We anticipate continued investigation of these bio- risk assessment models which can utilize all of the infor-
markers as well as novel tests over the course of the next mation that is available in the medical record to identify
decade. patients at risk for AKI [40–43]. The appeal of such risk
assessment models is that they can incorporate the most
up-to-date data to evaluate changes in risk. While such
pidemiology of AKI: Identification
E electronic biomarkers of AKI represent a potential future
of High-risk Patients option, they will require wide-scale validation prior to
becoming part of the standard of care. In the near future,
In terms of identification of high-risk patients, both electronic risk scores and biochemical biomarkers (in par-
chronic kidney disease and the presence of proteinuria/ ticular, damage biomarkers) are likely to be incorporated in
albuminuria (as dip-stick, protein to creatinine ratio AKI/AKD definitions.
or albumin to creatinine ratio) have been strongly
implicated as risk factors for AKI [29–31]. However, in
particular in the perioperative setting, preoperative risk
stratification, while helpful, does not necessarily robustly pidemiology of AKI: Incidence and
predict postoperative AKI because AKI typically is due to Outcomes
a complicated operative course in a high-risk patient. For
example, in a classic analysis, using data from more than The exact incidence and outcomes of AKI will vary
33 000 patients at the Cleveland Clinic, a scoring system depending on the definition used and clinical setting. For
to identify those at high risk of dialysis requiring AKI was example, more severe AKI requiring dialysis in sicker
developed, with a robust area under the curve of 0.81 and patients (e.g. ICU patients) is associated with a greater
0.82 in the test and validation datasets, respectively [32]. risk of death than stage 1 KDIGO AKI in all hospitalized
However, given the very large size of the low risk group, patients. Although AKI has long been recognized to asso-
more dialysis events occurred in the lower risk groups ciate with a high risk of short-term adverse outcomes
than the highest risk group. Thus, while such scores may such as death, more recently it has become clear that AKI
be useful for preoperative risk assessment and for enrich- is associated with an increased risk of a number of long-
ment of populations for clinical trials, they are of some- term adverse outcomes [44, 45], including de novo
what limited utility because they typically do not chronic kidney disease/chronic kidney disease progres-
incorporate risk based on the ongoing clinical course/cur- sion, cardiovascular disease, and death. Again, these
rent situation. associations are likely graded, with greater risk associated
Thus, there has been significant interest in risk stratifica- with more severe AKI. That said, even fully recovered
tion to identify patients who may benefit from novel/dam- AKI (based on serum creatinine) appears to be associated
age biomarker assessment. For example, the urine output with an increased risk of adverse outcomes, including
following a protocolized intravenous dose of furosemide in chronic kidney disease and death [46]. Thus, in AKI sur-
the setting of stage 1 or 2 AKI (furosemide stress test, FST) vivors, clinicians should be aware of the increased risk of
has been shown to reliably predict AKI progression to long-term adverse outcomes.
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Table 7.5 Biomarker performance in detecting AKI from multicenter studies at a variety of clinical timepoints.
Blood NGAL − + + + − ? − ? ?
Blood CysC + + − ? + + + ? ?
Urine CysC N/A − − − + + + + +
Proenkephalin ? ? ? ? + + + ? ?
NGAL, neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin; CysC, cystatin C; IL-18, interleukin-18; KIM-1, kidney injury molecule-1; L-FABP, liver fatty acid binding protein; TIMP-2 IGFBP-7, tissue
injury metalloprotease 2 insulin-like growth factor binding protein-7.
+, data published displays the ability to detect this aspect of AKI.
−, data published does not display the ability to detect this aspect of AKI.
?, no large multicenter data published on this biomarker/aspect of AKI.
N/A, not applicable either because (a) biomarkers of tubular injury have no role in preoperative risk screening or (b) serum creatinine is intrinsic to the definitions of AKI being tested.
Source: Adapted and expanded from Koyner and Parikh et al. [28]
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Glomerular filtration rate, proteinuria, and the incidence M.M. (2016). Development of a multicenter ward-based
and consequences of acute kidney injury: a cohort study. AKI prediction model. Clin. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 11 (11):
Lancet 376 (9758): 2096–2103. 1935–1943.
32 Thakar, C.V., Arrigain, S., Worley, S. et al. (2005). A 42 Koyner, J.L., Carey, K.A., Edelson, D.P., and Churpek,
clinical score to predict acute renal failure after cardiac M.M. (2018). The development of a machine learning
surgery. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol.: JASN. 16 (1): 162–168. inpatient acute kidney injury prediction model. Crit. Care
33 Matsuura, R., Komaru, Y., Miyamoto, Y. et al. (2018). Med. 46 (7): 1070–1077.
Response to different furosemide doses predicts AKI 43 Wilson, F.P. and Greenberg, J.H. (2018). Acute kidney
progression in ICU patients with elevated plasma NGAL injury in real time: prediction, alerts, and clinical
levels. Ann. Intensive Care 8 (1): 8. decision support. Nephron: 140(2):116–119.
34 Lumlertgul, N., Peerapornratana, S., Trakarnvanich, T. 44 Chawla, L.S., Eggers, P.W., Star, R.A., and Kimmel, P.L.
et al. (2018). Early versus standard initiation of renal (2014). Acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease as
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responsive acute kidney injury patients (the FST trial). 58–66.
Crit. Care 22 (1): 101. 45 Chawla, L.S. and Kimmel, P.L. (2012). Acute kidney
35 Chawla, L.S., Davison, D.L., Brasha-Mitchell, E. et al. injury and chronic kidney disease: an integrated clinical
(2013). Development and standardization of a furosemide syndrome. Kidney Int. 82 (5): 516–524.
stress test to predict the severity of acute kidney injury. 46 Bucaloiu, I.D., Kirchner, H.L., Norfolk, E.R. et al. (2012).
Crit. Care 17 (5): R207. Increased risk of death and de novo chronic kidney
36 Koyner, J.L., Davison, D.L., Brasha-Mitchell, E. et al. disease following reversible acute kidney injury. Kidney
(2015). Furosemide stress test and biomarkers for the Int. 81 (5): 477–485.
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Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Introductio 97
of intravascular crystalloid or colloid. Treatment must, by leg raise (PLR) has been shown to be predictive of a response
necessity, be directed at the underlying pathophysiology to a fluid challenge. In this maneuver, the patient is passively
that has triggered the compensatory physiologic response moved from a 45-degree semi-recumbent position to supine
common to all etiologies. Therefore, an evidence-based with legs raised and held to 45 degrees for one minute.
approach to the treatment of prerenal azotemia requires a Baseline measurement (e.g., cardiac output) is obtained
review of the available data on several subgroups of patients before the maneuver and repeated afterward. In a prospec-
and cannot take a “one size fits all” approach. tive, observational study, Duus, et al investigated the repro-
ducibility of PLR vs fluid bolus using non-invasive cardiac
output monitor (NICOM) for assessment of fluid respon-
siveness in spontaneously breathing ED patients. They
Many causes of prerenal failure are clinically obvious. With enrolled 109 patients and each patient received two PLR and
reliance on history, physical examination, and certain labora- two boluses. PLR was strongly correlated with fluid respon-
tory findings, patients with true volume depletion are often siveness as measured by NICOM, whereas the boluses were
easily identified and can be treated with aggressive volume less strongly correlated. In addition, PLR technique was
repletion. Such patients demonstrate orthostatic hypoten- more reproducible than the fluid bolus technique [5].
sion, tachycardia, dry mucous membranes, low urinary out- POCUS has also been used increasingly in recent years. One
put, and poor skin turgor. Other patients require a more such use to assess volume status is IVC measurements. In a
careful evaluation for fluid responsiveness. Accurate predic- systematic review and meta-analysis, Orso, et al reviewed 26
tors of fluid responsiveness are essential in the management studies that investigated the role of IVC collapsibility or dis-
of hemodynamic instability. For those who are fluid respon- tensibility or IVC diameter in critically ill patients (both ven-
sive, they guide fluid replacement. For those who are not, tilated and non-ventilated). Ultimately, they found that
they guide vasopressor and inotrope use and help avoid the ultrasound evaluation of the diameter of the IVC and its res-
detrimental effects of excess fluid. Pulse pressure variation piratory variations was not a reliable method to predict fluid
(PPV) may be measured in the mechanically ventilated responsiveness [6]. Although much has been made of the
patient and is derived from the arterial waveform. It is utility of urinary indices in AKI (vide infra), they are unneces-
defined as the maximum pulse pressure in a respiratory sary in such situations, and patients promptly respond to vol-
cycle minus the minimum pulse pressure divided by the ume resuscitation.
mean of these two values [PPV = 100 x (PPmax – PPmin)/
PPmean] In a systematic review to determine the ability of
dynamic changes in arterial waveform-derived variables,
such as PPV, to predict fluid responsiveness and compare Although physicians often rely on central venous pressure
these with static indices of fluid responsiveness, dynamic (CVP) and pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) to
changes of arterial waveform-derived variables during guide fluid administration to determine whether or not a
mechanical ventilation were highly accurate in predicting patient has true volume depletion, there is little evidence that
volume responsiveness in critically ill patients when com- such measurements are clinically useful. There are no trials
pared with traditional static indices of volume responsive- that have assessed the utility of these measurements specifi-
ness, such as CVP [4]. In non-ventilated patients, the passive cally for determining the reversibility of prerenal failure.
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98 Prerenal Failure and Obstructive Disease
The CVP and PAOP are frequently used as means of deter- Urinalysis
mining cardiac preload and volume status. However, their use
Urinalysis is often used to differentiate various causes of AKI.
has been criticized because of poor ability to predict which
In prerenal failure, the urine is concentrated and the urinary
patients will have improvement in their hemodynamic status
sediment is bland. Bland urinary sediment, however, does
when given fluid resuscitation [7]. As reviewed by Michard
not allow for discrimination between true and effective vol-
and Teboul, in three of five trials assessing the ability of CVP
ume depletion. Furthermore, patients with prerenal failure
to predict fluid responsiveness in critically ill patients, defined
can have abnormal sediment if they have a pre-existing renal
as an improvement in either stroke volume or cardiac output,
disorder, bilirubin in the urine (causing granular casts), or
there was no significant difference in the baseline CVP meas-
microscopic hematuria and bacteruria from an indwelling
urements between responders and nonresponders. The two
bladder catheter. The utility of the urinalysis in differentiat-
remaining studies reported lower baseline values of CVP in
ing prerenal failure from AKI has been called further into
responders; however, the marked overlap of individual CVP
question by the results of two recent systematic reviews on
levels did not allow for the identification of a discriminatory
the urinary findings in sepsis-related AKI (human and exper-
cutoff value. Likewise, baseline PAOP was not significantly
imental animal studies). These systematic reviews demon-
lower in responders versus nonresponders in seven of nine
strated substantial heterogeneity between studies and
studies. Three studies reported a significant difference in the
suggested that the scientific basis for the use of urinary
baseline PAOP between the groups, being higher in respond-
microscopy in septic AKI and, by extension, to differentiating
ers in a single study and lower in responders in two studies.
ATN from prerenal failure is weak [14, 15].
However, in none of the studies could a cutoff PAOP value be
On the other hand, Varghese, et al, showed in a recent
found that predicted the hemodynamic response to volume
prospective study that serial microscopic examinations of
expansion. In normal subjects, Kumar and associates demon-
the urinary sediment revealed diagnostic findings of ATI
strated a lack of correlation between initial CVP and PAOP
otherwise not identified in a single examination [16]. This
values, and both end diastolic volume and stroke volume [8].
study used two different urinary cast scores developed by
Furthermore, changes in both parameters following 3 l of
Chawla and Parazella, each of which has been previously
saline infusion did not correlate with changes in end diastolic
validated to predict renal outcomes in AKI [17] and [18].
volume and cardiac performance.
With Chawla’s cast scoring index, there was a 99.8% inter-
In addition, numerous randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
observer agreement among three nephrologists who inde-
and meta-analyses assessing the benefit of pulmonary artery
pendently scored 30 patients with AKI due to ATI. In
catheters (PAC) in a variety of clinical circumstances have been
addition, the ROC AUC curve for the scoring index to pre-
reported [9–11]. In a meta-analysis of 13 RCTs, the use of PAC
dict renal recovery was 0.79, indicating that the scoring
neither increased overall mortality and hospital days nor con-
index may be useful in predicting renal outcomes.
ferred any benefit [12]. Likewise, in an RCT of 676 patients with
Parazella’s scoring system was significantly associated with
shock mainly from sepsis, ARDS, or both, early use of PAC did
increased risk of worsening AKI (adjusted relative risk: 7.3;
not significantly affect mortality or morbidity, including the
95% confidence interval: 4.5 to 9.7 for worsening with score
need for dialysis [13]. Therefore, in critically ill patients with
of > or =3 versus score of 0) and was more predictive than
multiple reasons for prerenal failure (sepsis, capillary leak with
AKI Network stage at the time of consultation.
third spacing, positive pressure ventilation, hypoalbuminemia,
cardiac dysfunction, and liver disease), measurement of CVP
and/or PAOP does not improve outcome and has poor predic-
Urinary Indices
tive value for improvement in renal function.
The measurement of urinary sodium (UNa) and calculation
of the fractional excretion of sodium (FeNa%) has been rou-
Urine Output
tinely recommended as a means to differentiate oliguric pre-
The development of oliguria (urine output of less than 400 ml/ renal failure from oliguric ATN, as shown in Table 8.2. In the
day) does not ensure the presence of prerenal failure. It occurs sentinel study reported by Miller et al., a UNa concentration
in both prerenal failure states and numerous other causes of of less than 20 mEq/l had an 80% sensitivity and specificity
AKI, including ATN, obstructive nephropathy, glomerulone- for differentiating prerenal failure from ATN in the face of
phritis, and atheroembolic disease. Despite the compensatory oliguria [19]. The FeNa% performed even better, with sensi-
mechanisms invoked in response to decreased renal perfusion tivity and specificity of 98% and 95%, respectively. The utility
that increase salt and water retention by the kidneys in prere- of either measurement was significantly less in the absence
nal failure states, higher urine outputs can ensue in the face of of oliguria. However, there are numerous exceptions to the
underlying chronic kidney disease, salt wasting states such as general rule [20–22]. Both UNa and FeNa% can be low, sug-
adrenal insufficiency and cerebral salt wasting, concomitant gestive of prerenal failure with AKI from rhabdomyolysis,
use of diuretics, osmotic diuresis, and the presence of nonreab- radiocontrast nephropathy, acute glomerulonephritis,
sorbed anions, such as ketones and bicarbonate in the urine. multiple myeloma, amphotericin B toxicity, and early
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Introductio 99
Urine Na (mEq/l)
<20 18/30 (60%) 0/24 (0%) 2/13 (6%)
20–40 12/30 (40%) 14/24 (59%) 11/31 (35%)
>40 0/30 (0%) 10/24 (41%) 18/31 (59%)
<1 27/30 (90%) 1/24 (4%) 4/31 (12%)
obstructive nephropathy. Thus, the finding of renal sodium prerenal failure is due to true or effective volume depletion,
avidity does not allow one to discriminate between true and while concern is great for the potential harm of indiscrimi-
effective volume depletion nor reliably predict reversibility nant fluid administration in the face of acute lung injury or
with volume administration. frank ARDS. There is also debate on what type of fluid, col-
Despite these limitations, a recent study demonstrates a loid versus crystalloid, is best for volume resuscitation in
potential role for FENa% in patients with cirrhosis. In a pro- such patients. Although not specifically done to address
spective analysis of 200 patients with decompensated cirrho- prerenal failure, review of recent clinical trials in these
sis with AKI, Gowda, et al evaluated the diagnostic utility of areas can provide some type of general guideline.
FeNa% and fractional excretion of urea nitrogen (FEUN%) for
differentiating AKI phenotypes (i.e., prerenal, ATN, and Goal-directed Hemodynamic Management
HRS). After determining the optimal cutoffs, they validated and Fluid Therapy
their findings in an independent cohort of 50 patients. The
AUC for FENa% was 86.6% and for FEUN% was 60.3% for Previous observational nonrandomized studies have shown
ATN vs non-ATN. The AUC for FENa% to differentiate that patients who survived critical illness had higher values
between HRS and non-HRS was 74.5%. FEUN% could not dif- for cardiac index and oxygen delivery than those who died
ferentiate HRS vs non-HRS satisfactorily (60.4%). FENa% and and that those values were higher than normal physiologic
FEUN% were unable to differentiate between prerenal and levels [26, 27]. Two studies of surgical patients showed sig-
HRS (AUC < 70). Thus, among cirrhotics, FENa% at admis- nificant decreases in mortality associated with therapy
sion can be used to differentiate ATN from prerenal and HRS. directed at increasing hemodynamic parameters to supra-
The use of diuretics can increase urinary sodium loss even physiologic values, whereas no benefit was seen in patients
in the face of prerenal failure, thus negating the utility of the with sepsis and mixed groups of critically ill patients [28–
FeNa%. Since the (FeUN%) is primarily dependent on pas- 31]. Subsequently, two RCTs assessed the benefit of goal-
sive forces, it is less influenced by the administration of diu- directed hemodynamic therapy in critically ill patients. In
retics and may be useful in the evaluation of AKI. A group of one trial of 100 patients randomized to dobutamine or pla-
102 patients with AKI was divided into three subgroups: pre- cebo there were no differences in mean arterial pressure
renal failure, prerenal failure treated with diuretics, and (MAP) or oxygen consumption despite higher cardiac index
ATN. The FeNa% was low in 92% of the prerenal failure and oxygen delivery in the treatment group [32]. In fact, the
group and 48% of prerenal failure patients receiving diuret- treatment group had a significantly higher mortality rate
ics. Both groups had similar and significantly lower FeUN% than the placebo group. In another trial of 762 patients ran-
values than the ATN patients [23]. domized into one of three intervention groups, hemody-
namic therapy aimed at achieving supranormal values for
cardiac index or normal values for mixed venous oxygena-
tion saturation did not reduce morbidity or mortality [33].
In the patient with clinically obvious volume depletion, ade- In 2001, Rivers et al reported the results of a nRCT on
quate fluid resuscitation can be achieved by the administra- early goal-directed therapy (EGDT) in the treatment of
tion of crystalloids, such as normal saline or lactated Ringers severe sepsis and septic shock [34]. Patients with severe
solution. Such patients often show remarkable improve- sepsis or septic shock were randomly assigned upon emer-
ment in their renal function over a short period of time. gency center arrival to either 6 hours of EGDT or standard
In the complex or critically ill patient, the situation is therapy prior to admission to the ICU. Active intervention
more challenging. In this population, it is difficult to accu- aimed at achieving a central venous oxygen saturation of
rately determine intravascular volume and whether the 70% included saline boluses targeted to a CVP level of
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100 Prerenal Failure and Obstructive Disease
8–12 mmHg, vasopressor agents to maintain a MAP greater significantly lower for crystalloids compared with HES
than 65 mmHg, transfusion to a hematocrit of 30%, and (relative risk 0.91; p = .009 and 0.9; p = .005, respectively).
dobutamine. Although the patients assigned to active These findings suggest that crystalloids are less effective than
intervention received more fluid and blood products in the colloids at hemodynamic stabilization in this population
initial 24-hour period, they experienced a significantly [41]. In a recent Cochrane review assessing the effect of using
reduced rate of organ failure and death. colloids vs crystalloids in critically ill patients on mortality
Subsequently, the ARDS Clinical Trials Network assessed and need for blood transfusion or renal replacement therapy
optimal fluid management in patients in the ICU with acute (RRT), using various colloids vs crystalloids appeared to
lung injury [4]. In this RCT, 1000 patients were assigned to make little or no difference to mortality. Starches probably
either a conservative or liberal strategy of fluid manage- slightly increase the need for blood transfusion and RRT [42].
ment using explicit protocols applied for 7 days. The mean
cumulative fluid balances in the conservative versus liberal High- chloride Versus Balanced Fluids
groups were −136 and 6992 ml, respectively. Although there
was no difference in mortality, the conservative group had Recent attention has shifted toward the potential negative
significantly reduced ventilator and ICU days, and improved effects of chloride in intravenous fluids on patient out-
oxygenation. Importantly, conservative fluid management comes. The concentration of chloride in human plasma is
did not increase the need for renal replacement therapy approximately 100 meq/l. In 0.9% saline, it is much higher
(RRT). Three independent multicenter RCTs evaluated at 154 meq/l. In Ringer’s lactate (LR), it is still somewhat
EGDT [24]. All three trials confirmed that there was no sur- elevated at 109 meq/l, and in Plasma-Lyte, it is more physi-
vival benefit compared to usual resuscitation. In a patient ologic at 98 meq/l.
level meta-analysis from these trial, EGDT did not result in Two recent studies from a single center investigated
better outcomes than usual care and was associated with whether fluid resuscitation of noncritically ill (SALT-ED)
higher hospitalization costs across a broad range of patient and critically ill (SMART) patients with balanced crystalloid
and hospital characteristics [25]. vs isotonic crystalloid in the emergency department resulted
in earlier hospital discharge. The primary outcome was
hospital-free days (days alive after discharge before day 28)
Crystalloid Versus Colloid Fluids
and the secondary outcome included a composite of major
The putative superiority of colloid over crystalloid fluids in adverse kidney events within 30 days. The type of crystalloid
the resuscitation of the critically ill patient has been a source (balanced vs isotonic) administered in the emergency depart-
of considerable controversy. Aggressive hydration with crys- ment was assigned to each patient on the basis of calendar
talloid solutions such as normal saline can worsen intersti- month, with the entire emergency department crossing over
tial edema and pulmonary function. Colloidal solutions, between balanced crystalloids (mostly lactated ringers) and
such as various starches and human albumin, might appear saline monthly during the 16-month trial. Results showed
to be attractive alternatives, but there is little solid evidence that the number of hospital-free days did not differ between
of their superiority in clinical trials. Systematic reviews of the balanced crystalloids and saline groups (median, 25 days
RCTs comparing crystalloids with colloids have yielded con- in each group; adjusted odds ratio with balanced crystalloids,
flicting results. Some trials have found an increased mortal- 0.98; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.92 to 1.04; P = 0.41).
ity rate associated with the administration of human However, balanced crystalloids resulted in a lower incidence
albumin and hydroxyethylstarch, while others have not [35– of major adverse kidney events within 30 days than saline
38]. More recently, a large, randomized, controlled prospec- (4.7% vs. 5.6%; adjusted odds ratio, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.70 to 0.95;
tive trial of albumin versus saline in almost 7000 critically ill P = 0.01) [43]. In the SMART trial, critically patients were
patients found no benefit of one over the other [39]. assigned to receive saline or balanced crystalloids in a rand-
Specifically, there was no demonstrable effect on mortality, omized fashion. The primary outcome was a major adverse
renal function, or the frequency of RRT. Of note, patients kidney event within 30 days—a composite of death from any
with cirrhosis were excluded from this trial, and limited data cause, new renal replacement therapy, or persistent renal
suggest that albumin is useful to prevent AKI in cirrhotic dysfunction—or 30 days, whichever occurred first. Among
patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis [40]. the 7942 patients in the balanced-crystalloids group, 1139
In a systematic review and meta-analysis that evaluated (14.3%) had a major adverse kidney event, as compared with
hemodynamic response to crystalloids/colloids in critically 1211 of 7860 patients (15.4%) in the saline group (marginal
ill adults, central venous pressure was significantly lower odds ratio, 0.91; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.84 to 0.99;
with crystalloids vs. albumin (mean difference [MD]: −3.5 conditional odds ratio, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.82 to 0.99; P = 0.04).
mm Hg; p = .03) or gelatin (MD: −9.2 mm Hg; p = .02). In-hospital mortality at 30 days was 10.3% in the balanced-
Compared with the albumin group, cardiac index was crystalloids group and 11.1% in the saline group (P = 0.06).
significantly lower in the crystalloid group (MD: −0.6 L/ The incidence of new renal-replacement therapy was 2.5%
min/m2, p < .001). All mortality and 90-day mortality were and 2.9%, respectively (P = 0.08), and the incidence of
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Summar 101
endpoints were patients’ global assessment of symptoms n = 573), OVERTURE (Omapatrilat Versus Enalapril
and the change in serum creatinine level from baseline to 72 Randomized Trial of Utility in Reducing Events trial;
hours. At the conclusion, the were no significant differences n = 5770), and PARADIGM-HF (Prospective Comparison of
in patients’ global assessment of symptoms or in the change ARNI With ACEI to Determine Impact on Global Mortality
in renal function when diuretic therapy was administered by and Morbidity in Heart Failure; n = 8399). The composite
bolus as compared with continuous infusion or at a high outcome of death or HHF was reduced numerically in
dose as compared with a low dose. However, the high-dose patients receiving combined neprilysin/RAAS inhibition in
strategy was associated with a greater diuresis [47]. With all 3 trials, with a pooled HR of 0.86 (95% CI, 0.76–0.97;
regard to diuretic dosing regimen, Grodin, et al compared P = 0.013). Combined neprilysin/RAAS inhibition compared
the diuretic effect of a urine output-guided diuretic adjust- with ACE inhibitor alone was associated with more hypoten-
ment and standard therapy for the management of cardiore- sion but less renal dysfunction and hyperkalemia in all 3 trials.
nal syndrome in acute decompensated heart failure. They [54]. In a subset analysis of PARADIGM-HF, treatment with
showed that compared with a standard diuretic regimen, sacubitril/valsartan resulted a slower rate of decrease in
patients who received stepwise intensification of diuretic eGFR compared with enalapril, including in patients with
therapy had greater net fluid and weight loss without being CKD, despite a modest increased in albuminuria [55]. The
associated with renal compromise [48]. Another strategy to recently published HARP-III trial, investigated the effects of
guide dosing is to follow urine sodium concentrations. An sacubitril/valsartan on kidney function and cardiac biomark-
intravenous loop diuretic dose that produces a spot urine ers in patients with moderate to severe chronic kidney dis-
sodium <50 mmol/l at 2 hours is inadequate and should ease (GFR 20-60 ml/min/1.73 m2). Over 12 months,
generally be doubled until a maximal dose is reached (not sacubitril/valsartan had similar effects on kidney function
clearly defined but often up to a bolus dose of 200 to 300 mg and albuminuria when compared with irbesartan, but had
of furosemide equivalents) and urine sodium remeasured. the additional effect of lowering blood pressure and cardiac
Once an adequate natriuretic response is achieved, the dose biomarkers. Addition of sacubitril to a patient on RAAS inhi-
can be repeated every 6 to 12 h to achieve the goal net nega- bition could further reduce cardiovascular risk in patients
tive sodium balance [49]. Addition of low-dose dopamine or with CKD, without further worsening the CKD [56]. Data on
low-dose nesiritide to diuretic therapy in patients hospital- the safety and efficacy of Mineralocorticoid receptor antago-
ized with acute decompensated heart failure and renal dys- nists (MRAs in heart failure with advanced CKD are limited.
function were studied in the Renal Optimization Strategies In the EMPHASIS-HF trial (Eplerenone in Mild Patients
Evaluation (ROSE) trial, which showed that neither had a Hospitalization and Survival Study in Heart Failure), the
significant effect on 72-hour cumulative urine volume or effect of eplerenone on the primary composite of end point
change in cystatin C level when compared to placebo [50]. on HHF or cardiovascular death was similar in patients
dichotomized at an eGFR <60 mL/min per 1.73 m2 [57a].
ACE Inhibitors and ARBs
Natriuretic Peptides
The strength of evidence of ACE inhibitors in HF with pre-
dialytic CKD is not established given the lack of inclusion of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is produced by the myocardial
these patients in RCTs for HF. Both CONSENSUS ventricles in response to increased stress. BNP results in arterial
(Cooperative North Scandinavian Enalapril Survival Study) and venous vasodilation, increased sodium excretion, and sup-
and SOLVD (Study of Left Ventricular Dysfunction) trial pression of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system.
demonstrated the benefits of enalapril for HF symptoms and Nesiritide, a synthetic BNP, was assessed in heart failure
hospitalization reduction. The enalapril group in SOLVD patients in the Vasodilation in the Management of Acute
showed a 33% higher likelihood of a serum creatinine rise of Congestive Heart Failure trial [57]. Compared to intrave-
>0.5 mg/dL, but no data on progression of CKD, ESKD, or nous nitroglycerine, nesiritide significantly lowered PAOP
doubling of creatinine were reported [51] A post hoc analysis at 1 hour, although there was no difference in the degree of
of SOLVD with HF and CKD demonstrated a mortality ben- dyspnea. Nesiritide was equally effective in patients with
efit even in subjects with higher degrees of CKD [52]. In a or without renal dysfunction (Cr > 2.0 mg/dl) [58].
propensity score analysis of 1665 patients with HF (EF <45%) In another trial nesiritide was given to patients with
and CKD (eGFR <60 mL/min per 1.73 m2), treatment with recent increases in baseline Cr associated with congestive
an ACE inhibitor or ARB was associated with significant heart failure exacerbation (mean Cr increase from 1.5 to
reductions in all-cause mortality (HR, 0.68 [95% CI, 0.74– 1.8 mg/dl) [59]. Compared to placebo, nesiritide resulted in
0.996]; P = 0.04) [53]. A recent meta-analysis of data from 3 no changes in urine output, sodium excretion, GFR, or
trials in HFrEF that compared combined neprilysin/RAAS effective renal plasma flow. This finding suggests that nesi-
inhibition with RAAS inhibition alone. The trials were the ritide is ineffective in cardiorenal syndrome.
IMPRESS (Inhibition of Metallo Protease by Omapatrilat in a Additionally, the use of nesiritide in congestive heart
Randomized Exercise and Symptoms Study of Heart Failure; failure may be associated with an increased risk of acute
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Summar 103
renal dysfunction and mortality. In a meta-analysis of five depending on the etiology of the obstruction. Patients may
randomized trials including 1269 patients, the use of nesir- have very dilute urine due to the presence of an acquired
itide was significantly associated with the development of form of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus [65].
acute renal dysfunction (an increase of Cr of 0.5 mg/dl) Ultrasonography is the most useful test for the presence
[60]. Furthermore, in three RCTs that reported mortality of obstruction. Although hydronephrosis is usually dem-
rates, the use of nesiritide was associated with a hazard onstrated, there are circumstances when hydronephrosis is
ratio for death of 1.8 (P = 0.057) [61]. not seen despite urinary tract obstruction: (i) early in the
course of obstruction (12–24 hours) when the collecting
Ultrafiltration system is relatively noncompliant; (ii) in the face of severe
volume depletion when glomerular filtration is severely
The CARRESS-HF (Cardiorenal Rescue Study in Acute
depressed; and (iii) when the collecting system is encased
Decompensated Heart Failure) trial did not show a differ-
by retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy or fibrosis [66, 67].
ence in weight loss with ultrafiltration vs a stepped pharma-
Conversely, the finding of hydronephrosis on ultrasound
cologic therapy algorithm in patients hospitalized for acute
does not prove the presence of obstruction, since it is also seen
decompensated heart failure and worsened renal function.
in high urinary flow states such as diuretic use and diabetes
However, ultrafiltration was associated with increased cre-
insipidus, pregnancy, previous obstruction, and congenital
atinine level at 96 hours [62].
megaureter. In a series of 192 patients with AKI, hydronephro-
A recent Cochrane review looking at the benefits and harms
sis unrelated to obstruction was noted in 11% of patients [68].
of pharmacological interventions for heart failure in patients
Although ultrasound is the preferred imagining modality for
with heart failure and CKD concluded that it is uncertain
initial assessment of obstruction, its use has been supplanted
whether these therapies, including nesiritide, make any differ-
by noncontrast helical computed tomography (CT) scan in the
ence to death, hospitalizations, or adverse effects including
evaluation of flank pain and nephrolithiasis. In a single-center
worsening kidney function, hyperkalemia, or hypotension [63].
study of 864 patients evaluated for flank pain, 34 underwent
both helical CT scan and ultrasound [69]. Compared to helical
Obstructive Nephropathy
CT, ultrasound was found to have sensitivity and specificity for
Urinary tract obstruction should always be considered in renal stones of 81% and 100%, respectively, although the sensi-
the differential diagnosis of AKI. Regardless of cause, tivity for ureteric stones was only 46%. In the same study, the
obstruction of urinary flow leads to renal impairment, sensitivity and specificity for the detection of hydronephrosis
which early in the course of the condition is reversible if were 93% and 100%, respectively.
the obstruction is alleviated. Tubular function is initially In another study, 181 consecutive patients with acute
affected; however, prolonged obstruction leads to tubular flank pain underwent a combination of helical CT, ultra-
damage and parenchymal atrophy. sound, and unenhanced radiography [70]. When compared
Clinical manifestations of urinary tract obstruction vary with the diagnostic accuracy for ureterolithiasis of com-
depending on the location, duration, and degree of obstruc- bined ultrasound and unenhanced radiography, helical CT
tion. In patients with complete bilateral obstruction or had greater sensitivity (92% vs. 77%).
with an obstructed solitary kidney, anuria (<50 ml urine Treatment of obstruction and its timing is dependent on the
output in 24 hours) can be the presenting feature, whereas etiology. Patients with small stones (>5 mm) can be managed
in patients with partial obstruction, the urinary output can conservatively with aggressive hydration and pain control in
vary from oliguria to polyuria. Although pain is more likely the absence of infection. Bladder catheterization should be
to be associated with acute blockage, obstruction may be performed if there is reason to suspect that bladder outlet
totally asymptomatic and occur without overt clinical obstruction is present; possible clues to this diagnosis include
manifestations or suggestive laboratory findings. Therefore, suprapubic pain, a palpable bladder, or an older man with
obstructive nephropathy should always be considered as a unexplained renal failure. Measurement of a urinary postvoid
cause of renal failure when another obvious prerenal fail- residual is often advocated in the detection of outlet obstruc-
ure or intrinsic renal cause is not identified. The location of tion but has not been subjected to any rigorous evaluation.
obstruction is anatomically divided into upper and lower Nor is there a standard method of measurement or definition.
urinary tract at or below the level of the bladder. Common Up to one-third of patients with bladder outlet obstruction
causes of lower urinary tract obstruction include urethral demonstrated by urodynamic testing do not have an elevated
strictures, prostatic hypertrophy, and neurogenic bladder. postvoid residual [71]. Upper tract obstruction is relieved with
Diagnosis of urinary tract obstruction can be difficult. either percutaneous nephrostomy tubes or ureteral stenting,
Anuria, flank pain with a palpable mass, or a palpable depending on cause, availability, and local expertise.
bladder are obvious clues. Hyperkalemia with a nonanion The duration and severity of obstruction are the major
gap metabolic acidosis is suggestive of a renal tubular aci- determinants for the recovery of renal function after its
dosis associated with obstruction [64]. The urinary sedi- correction. The longer the duration of obstruction, the less
ment may be bland or demonstrate crystals or hematuria, likely are the chances for complete renal recovery. There are
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104 Prerenal Failure and Obstructive Disease
few published data on the relationship between duration and treatment of postobstructive diuresis, there is very little in
obstruction and renal recovery rates. The variability is likely the medical literature that describes its clinical course or out-
related to the severity and cause of obstruction, the presence come other than case reports and case series. Patients with
of underlying chronic kidney disease, and concurrent infec- relief of complete obstruction are considered at risk for devel-
tion. Case reports, however, have documented renal recov- oping postobstructive diuresis. It has been recommended for
ery after correction of obstruction lasting 12 months [72]. patients without pulmonary edema, congestive heart failure,
or altered consciousness that urine losses be replaced by oral
intake. Intravenous fluids are given only if the patients
Postobstructive Diuresis
develop orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, hyponatremia,
Postobstructive diuresis occurs when there is correction of or a urine output of more than 200 ml/h [74]. In high-risk
complete bilateral obstruction or complete obstruction of a patients with altered sensorium, congestive heart failure, or
solitary kidney. It involves the production of a large volume pulmonary edema, replacement of half the hourly urine
of urine that results from a defect in urine-concentrating output with half-normal saline has been recommended. If
ability, impaired reabsorption of urinary sodium, and solute the patient is hyponatremic, normal saline should be used
diuresis from the retained urea and intravenous administra- instead. None of these recommendations has been evaluated
tion of sodium-containing solutions [73]. Although numer- with rigorous clinical trial. They are considered to be prudent
ous textbooks discuss the proposed pathogenesis and and reasonable based on clinical experience.
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Hepatorenal Syndrome
Adrià Juanola1, Andres Cardenas1, and Pere Ginès1,2
Institut de Malalties Digestives i Metabòliques, Hospital Clínic, University of Barcelona, Spain
Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi-Sunyer (IDIBAPS) y Ciber de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas (CIBEREHD), Barcelona, Spain
Renal failure is a common complication in patients with in patients with advanced cirrhosis and ascites; however, it
cirrhosis that accounts for major morbidity and mortal- occasionally occurs in patients with alcoholic hepatitis or
ity [1]. The definition of acute kidney injury (AKI) is based acute liver failure [1–4]. Although advances in medical
on small changes or a percentage increase serum creati- therapy of HRS are highly promising, liver transplantation
nine from baseline (Table 9.1). A frequent cause of AKI is remains the treatment of choice in suitable candidates.
hepatorenal syndrome (HRS), which is characterized by Several controlled and uncontrolled studies demonstrate
renal vasoconstriction and a low glomerular filtration rate that the use of splanchnic vasoconstrictors, such as terli-
(GFR) with minimal renal histologic abnormalities. pressin, midodrine, octreotide, and/or norepinephrine, in
However, establishing the diagnosis of HRS may be diffi- combination with albumin as a plasma expander are effec-
cult because there are no specific diagnostic tests or mark- tive in reducing serum creatinine and increasing GFR to
ers for this syndrome. In addition, patients with liver within normal limits. HRS can be effectively prevented in
disease may develop other types of renal impairment such the setting of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis with intra-
as those related to volume depletion, acute tubular necro- venous albumin [5, 6]. This chapter will review the patho-
sis, drug toxicity and/or glomerular diseases. HRS develops genesis, clinical features, therapy, and prevention of HRS.
●● Increase in serum creatinine 0.3 mg/dl (26.5 μmol/l) within
48 h; or HRS represents the end stage of a circulatory dysfunction
●● A percentage increase in serum creatinine of 50% which is
that occurs late in the natural history of patients with cir-
known, or presumed, to have occurred within the prior 7 days rhosis. The main characteristic of HRS is the presence of
Staging: renal vasoconstriction, which leads to a functional prere-
●● Stage 1A: An increase in serum creatinine 0.3 mg/dl nal AKI. This vasoconstriction is a consequence of a con-
(26.5 μmol/l) or an increase in serum creatinine of 1.5-fold to tinuous process where several underlying mechanisms
2-fold from baseline to a value lower than 1.5 mg/dl
(133 μmol/l) from baseline to diagnosis of AKI. interact, including changes in systemic arterial circulation,
●● Stage 1B: An increase in serum creatinine 0.3 mg/dl
increased portal pressure, impaired cardiac function, and
(26.5 μmol/l) or an increase in serum creatinine of 1.5-fold to activation of systemic and renal vasoconstrictor factors
2-fold from baseline to a value 1.5 mg/dl (133 μmol/l) from (Figure 9.1) [7].
baseline to diagnosis of AKI.
●● Stage 2: An increase in serum creatinine greater than twofold
to threefold from baseline.
●● Stage 3: An increase of serum creatinine greater than threefold
rterial Vasodilation
from baseline or serum creatinine 4.0 mg/dl (353.6 μmol/l)
with an acute increase 0.3 mg/dl (26.5 μmol/l) or initiation of Portal hypertension, due to an abnormal liver architecture
renal replacement therapy. and increased intrahepatic resistance of blood flow, causes
Source: Based on Angeli et al. [2]. the release of nitric oxide and other vasodilator substances
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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108 Hepatorenal Syndrome
Sinusoidal portal hypertension
Bacterial substances (NO, CO,
DAMPs translocation endocannabinoids)
(HMGB1, HSPs and (PAMPs)
hyaluronic acid)
Activation of Splanchnic function
immune cells arterial impairment
Proinflammatory cytokines
(IL-6, TNFα and VCAM) vasodilatation
Reduced effective
arterial volume
Activation of endogenous
vasoconstrictor systems
Sodium and water retention
Renal vasoconstriction
Figure 9.1 Patients with advanced cirrhosis have a marked splanchnic arterial vasodilation triggered by portal hypertension.
Splanchnic vasodilation leads to a decreased systemic vascular resistance with the development of effective arterial hypovolemia. The
activation of vasoconstrictor systems leads to a marked renal vasoconstriction, low glomerular filtration rate, and development of
hepatorenal syndrome. In this advanced stage there is a reduced cardiac output and decreased effective arterial blood volume.
Systemic inflammation is altered as well. Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and damage-associated molecular patterns
(DAMPs) of bacterial translocation may lead to a marked inflammatory response. AVP, arginine vasopressin; CO, carbon monoxide;
HMGB1, high-mobility group box 1; HSPs, heat shock proteins; NO, nitric oxide; RAAS, renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system; SNS,
sympathetic nervous system; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; VCAM, vascular cell adhesion protein.
(i.e. carbon monoxide and endogenous cannabinoids), may trigger renal vasoconstriction [6, 14]. At this stage, the
responsible for splanchnic vasodilatation [8]. Plasma vol- stimulation of the RAAS, SNS, and AVP is so intense that
ume accumulates in the splanchnic bed, causing a com- their vasoconstrictor effects cannot be overcome, and HRS
pensatory response due to a fall in central (effective) blood develops.
volume. This activates the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone
system (RAAS), the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), Reduced Cardiac Output
and arginine vasopressin (AVP), accounting for sodium
and water retention and, in advanced stages, renal vaso- Circulatory dysfunction in cirrhosis has been the classic
constriction [9–11]. The ongoing action of vasoconstrictor defining pathophysiological alteration that leads to HRS;
factors acting on the kidney eventually leads to HRS. This however, evidence suggests that a reduction in cardiac
occurs because although in the early stages of cirrhosis output may play a role as well [15]. As discussed above, a
renal blood flow may be kept within normal limits due to complex interplay between the splanchnic, systemic, and
the effect of local renal vasodilators, with time circulating renal circulation comes into play once portal hyperten-
vasoconstrictors overcome the effect of renal vasodilators, sion is established. In the initial stages of cirrhosis in the
leading to severe renal vasoconstriction and reduction in process of progressive vasodilation, cardiac output (CO)
GFR [12, 13]. In some patients precipitating factors such as increases to maintain systemic hemodynamic homeostasis.
bacterial infections worsen circulatory dysfunction and However, with progression to decompensated cirrhosis the
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Diagnostic Approac 109
progressive effects of splanchnic vasodilatation cannot be area, leading to a further vasodilation of the splanchnic
overcome by increasing CO. Moreover, in patients with circulation (Figure 9.1) [26, 27].
ascites or HRS, CO may be normal or even reduced, which Bacterial infections, particularly SBP, are one of the lead-
is the extreme expression of the circulatory dysfunction [1, ing triggers of HRS. Patients who develop HRS associated
16, 17]. A consequent decrease in effective arterial blood with SBP have higher levels of IL-6 and TNFα compared
volume may occur, thereby reducing renal perfusion and with those patients with SBP who do not develop HRS [24].
possibly contributing to the development of HRS. In fact, Moreover, a recent study suggested that HRS
the development of HRS occurs in the setting of a reduc- is characterized by an elevated systemic inflammatory
tion in CO and the progression of circulatory and renal dys- response with higher serum levels of proinflammatory
function in cirrhosis is not only due to splanchnic cytokines, particularly IL-6, TNF-α, and VCAM, compared
vasodilation but also due to a drop in CO. [18–20] In a to pre-renal AKI [28].
study of 23 patients with SBP, eight patients who developed
renal failure had a significantly reduced cardiac output
compared to those that did not develop renal failure [18]. R
enal Vasoconstriction
In a second study, 66 patients with cirrhosis and ascites
were longitudinally followed. Twenty-seven (41%) devel- Marked renal vasoconstriction in individuals with HRS
oped HRS, and in all cases CO at the time of HRS was sig- causes reduced perfusion of the renal cortex and this is evi-
nificantly decreased compared to the CO in the same denced by methods such renal arteriography, duplex
patients measured before the occurrence of HRS [19]. The Doppler ultrasonography, and paraaminohippuric acid
third study, which included 24 patients with decompen- excretion among others [29–35]. Renal vasoconstriction is
sated cirrhosis, showed that in patients with a cardiac mainly due to the activation of systemic and local vasocon-
index (CI) below 1.5 l/min/m2, GFR and renal blood flow strictor factors and the suppression of renal vasodilators.
were lower and serum creatinine was higher. Moreover, the Increased angiotensin II as a result of activation of the
number of patients that developed HRS was higher in the RAAS causes renal vasoconstriction [19, 36, 37]. Infections
group with low CI [20]. These studies support the concept such as SBP which can trigger HRS are associated with sig-
that HRS occurs in the setting of worsening circulatory nificant activation of the RAAS. The SNS also plays a role
function, with a significant decrease in CO in the setting of and plasma levels of noradrenaline are greatly increased in
marked splanchnic vasodilation [18–20]. The exact patho- patients with HRS compared to those of patients with cir-
genic mechanisms that cause this decrease in cardiac out- rhosis without HRS. In addition, noradrenaline levels cor-
put are not completely understood. relate inversely with GFR [38]. Other vasoconstrictor
factors such as endothelin and cysteinyl leukotrienes may
also play a pathogenic role [39, 40]. A reduced production
ystemic Inflammation of endogenous renal vasodilators such prostaglandins has
been suggested as playing a pathogenic role in many
Recent evidence indicates that cirrhosis is associated with patients with cirrhosis and ascites. This is supported by
increased systemic inflammation and that the grade of the observation that patients with cirrhosis who receive
inflammation is higher with more severe liver, circulatory, NSAIDs, which inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, can
and renal dysfunction [21]. Patients with cirrhosis may develop AKI resembling HRS [41].
have elevated white blood cell count, activated circulating
neutrophils and monocytes, plasma C-reactive protein (C-
RP), pro-inflammatory cytokines, and systemic oxidative D
iagnostic Approach
stress. The highest levels of inflammatory cytokines in
patients with decompensated cirrhosis are seen in those Patients with cirrhosis may develop AKI for a variety of
with acute on chronic liver failure (ACLF), in which AKI reasons aside from HRS. Other forms of AKI include those
frequently occurs [22–25]. related to hypovolemia and shock, the use of nephrotoxic
The main mechanism of systemic inflammation is the drugs, and intrinsic renal diseases. AKI occurs in 20–50%
translocation of bacteria and/or pathogen-associated molec- of patients with cirrhosis admitted to hospital for compli-
ular patterns (PAMPs) from intestinal lumen to systemic cations of the disease. However, HRS appears in about
circulation. Bacterial translocation induces an inflammatory 10–20% of hospitalized patients with cirrhosis and
response, with increased production of proinflammatory ascites [3]. The probability of developing HRS in patient
cytokines (particularly interleukin 6 and tumor necrosis with cirrhosis and ascites is 18% at 1 year and 39% at 5 years
factor-α) and vasoactive factors (i.e. NO) in the splanchnic of follow-up [42].
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110 Hepatorenal Syndrome
The initial management of patients with a rising serum nine production because of reduced muscle mass a low
creatinine depends on the cause. Therefore, the most serum creatinine level may result in an overestimation of the
important step in treating renal failure in a patient with GFR [50–52]. A drawback of this cutoff was that it identified
cirrhosis is to identify its etiology. However, even in the patients with a severely reduced GFR (<30 ml per minute)
absence of a definitive recognized cause of AKI, the man- and underestimated the prevalence of this clinical problem.
agement should be immediately started according to the Accordingly, the definition of renal failure in patients with
initial stage (Table 9.1). Irrespective of the stage, diuretics cirrhosis was modified [2]. AKI is now defined as either an
should be discontinued. Similarly, beta-blockers should be absolute increase in serum creatinine of more than or equal
temporarily stopped [43]. Other precipitating factors of to 0.3 mg/dl ( 26.4 lmol/l) in less than 48 hours, or by a per-
AKI should be identified and treated, including screening centage increase in serum creatinine of more or equal to 50%
and treatment of infection, volume expansion with albu- (1.5-fold from baseline) in less than 7 days. A new staging
min when appropriate, Box 9.1 and discontinuation of all system (1A, 1B, 2, and 3) was also introduced, mainly based
nephrotoxic drugs [2]. Volume replacement should be used on the percentage increase of serum creatinine from base-
in accordance with the cause and the severity of fluid loss. line at the time of the first fulfillment of the criteria together
Patients with diarrhea or excessive diuresis should be with the value of [53, 54]. This definition has the advantage
treated with crystalloids, while those with acute gastroin- of detecting earlier phases of kidney dysfunction with the
testinal bleeding should be given packed red blood cells to goal of implementing early therapy. Minor increases in
maintain hemoglobin level between 7 and 9 g/dl [44]. In serum creatinine detected with the AKI definition are inde-
case of no obvious cause, 20% or 25% albumin solution at pendently associated with increased mortality for hospital-
the dose of 1 g of albumin/kg of body weight (with a maxi- ized patients with cirrhosis [55].
mum of 100 g of albumin) for two consecutive days should Several studies have shown that the new AKI criteria and
be given. An algorithm for diagnosis and management of its stages are prognostic as AKI is associated with increased
AKI in cirrhosis is depicted in Figure 9.2. length of hospital stay and mortality [54, 56, 57]. The defi-
nition of the new ICA-AKI criteria also led to changes in
the diagnostic criteria of HRS-AKI (Table 9.2). Traditionally
linical Features HRS was classified into two entities according to severity
and progression of kidney failure: type-1 HRS and type-2
Individuals with HRS for the most part exhibit clinical fea- HRS [49]. In type 1, patients had a rapid increase of serum
tures of advanced cirrhosis, and most have high Model for creatinine to a level >2.5 mg/dl in <2 weeks and type 2 was
End-stage Liver Disease (MELD) and Child–Pugh scores, characterized with lower serum creatinine levels usually
along with low arterial blood pressure and marked urinary ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 mg/dl. The main change that was
sodium retention (urine sodium, 10 mEq/l) [42, 46]. The made to the classical diagnostic criteria of HRS was the
MELD score is a mathematically derived score calculated removal of the cutoff value of serum creatinine [2, 45] to
from serum bilirubin, serum creatinine, and the interna- allow an earlier diagnosis of HRS-AKI. Therefore, the cur-
tional normalized ratio for prothrombin time used for organ rently HRS-AKI, includes patients with classical type-1
allocation by liver transplant centers [47]. An updated HRS criteria (serum creatinine 2.5 mg/dl), but also those
MELD score including the serum sodium as a variable patients presenting with lower values of serum creatinine
(MELD-Na) has been implemented in the United States and that fulfill the remaining HRS-AKI criteria and that would
other countries. This is mainly due to the fact that serum not have been included in the classical definition of type-1
sodium is a strong prognostic factor in patients with HRS. On the other hand, the term type-2 HRS is not
advanced liver disease and ascites. In fact, hypervolemic included in the current concept of HRS-AKI because is not
hyponatremia (serum sodium, 130 mEq/l) is commonly an acute impairment but rather a chronic impairment of
present in patients with HRS due to increased solute-free kidney function. Therefore, type-2 HRS is currently consid-
water retention because of elevated levels of AVP [48]. ered a form of chronic kidney disease (HRS-CKD) that is
characteristic of cirrhosis [2, 45, 58].
KI and HRS-AKI Criteria U
rinary Biomarkers
Renal impairment in patients with cirrhosis was previously Differentiating HRS and ATN is quite challenging given that
defined by a serum creatinine value 1.5 mg/dl [49]. both conditions are common in hospitalized or critically ill
However, because patients with cirrhosis have a low creati- patients with cirrhosis. The routine urine biomarkers for
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Urinary Biomarker 111
• Close monitoring
• Remove risk factors (nephrotoxic • Remove risk factors (nephrotoxic
drugs, vasodilators, NSAIDs and drugs, vasodilators, NSAIDs and
diuretics) diuretics)
No Yes
Figure 9.2 An algorithm for diagnosis and management of acute kidney injury (AKI) in cirrhosis. AKI-HRS, AKI-hepatorenal syndrome;
ICA-AKI, International Club of Ascites-AKI. aReturn of serum creatinine levels to <0.3 mg/dl from baseline. bIntravenous noradrenaline
can be used if terlipressin is not available. The combination of midodrine, octreotide, and albumin is much less effective than
terlipressin or noradrenaline plus albumin. Source: Modified with permission from Angeli et al. [45].
ATN (urine sodium, fractional excretion of sodium or urine Table 9.2 New diagnostic criteria of acute kidney injury
osmolality) are not very useful in patients with cirrhosis (AKI)-HRS.
because these can be modified by diuretics and also urinary
sodium in advanced cirrhosis may be markedly low owing to ●● Cirrhosis with ascites
increased sodium retention [51]. Currently, there are no ●● Diagnosis of AKI according to International Club of Ascites-
Acute Kidney Injury (ICA-AKI) criteria
objective tools with high accuracy for differential diagnosis
●● No response after two consecutive days of diuretic withdrawal
of AKI, particularly between ATN and HRS-AKI. In this set- and plasma volume expansion with albumin
ting, urine biomarkers seem to be very useful in the differen- ●● Absence of shock
tial diagnosis and distinguishing structural from functional ●● No current or recent use of nephrotoxic drugs (NSAIDs,
causes of AKI. The most promising biomarkers are urinary aminoglycosides or iodinated contrast media)
neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (uNGAL), fol- ●● No signs of structural kidney injury. Structural kidney injury is
lowed by interleukin-18 (IL-18), albumin, and Liver fatty indicated by proteinuria (>500 mg/d), microhaematuria (>50
red blood cells per high-power field), and/or abnormal renal
acid-binding protein (L-FABP) [59–63]. ultrasonography
The utility of biomarkers in the field of cirrhosis may be
particularly relevant in the differential diagnosis of the Source: Based on Angeli et al. [2].
type of AKI, especially in distinguishing ATN from prere-
nal AKI or HRS. The urinary concentration of biomarkers prerenal-AKI. uNGAL may help identifying the cause of
which are upregulated in the setting of tubular injury are AKI in patients with cirrhosis, especially in differentiating
increased in patients with ATN compared to patients with ATN from HRS [63, 64]. Patients with hypovolemia and
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112 Hepatorenal Syndrome
AKI have low uNGAL levels. The values in patients with receive plasma expansion when ruling out other causes
HRS are in between those of patients with hypovolemia of renal failure, but the routine use of central pressure
and AKI and the markedly elevated levels observed among monitoring has yet to be established. Given that patients
patients with ATN. Moreover, studies suggest that elevated are frequently malnourished and require a sodium-
uNGAL is predictive of early mortality in patients with restricted diet, a nutritionist should be a part of the team
AKI [61]. IL-18 has also been evaluated in patients with taking care of the patient. Finally, probably the most
cirrhosis, with higher urinary IL-18 levels in patients with important aspect of providing care to patients with HRS
ATN as compared to non-ATN AKI [62]. Moreover, urinary is assessment of candidacy for liver transplantation. In
IL-18 has also been shown to have a relatively good ability suitable candidates for liver transplantation, all efforts
to predict need for renal replacement therapy (RRT) and should be made to improve renal function to obtain a
mortality during hospitalization [61]. Plasma levels of better outcome after transplantation. Current available
cystatin C seem to be also predictive of AKI in patients therapies for HRS-AKI include the use of splanchnic
with cirrhosis but there are scarce studies. Other urine bio- vasoconstrictors and albumin and transjugular intrahe-
markers, including albumin and liver fatty acid binding patic portosystemic shunt (TIPS).
protein have also demonstrated that they have the ability to
distinguish ATN from non-ATN in patients with cirrhosis
and AKI [59, 62]. P
harmacological Therapy
Patients meeting the current definition of HRS-AKI stage > 1A should be Moderate Strong
treated with vasoconstrictors and albumin
and improve effective arterial blood volume, which in turn than nonresponders. In two meta-analyses, the use of terli-
suppresses the endogenous vasoconstrictor factors respon- pressin was associated with a significant improvement in
sible for HRS. Vasoconstrictor drugs used in HRS include short-term survival [80, 83].
terlipressin, noradrenaline, and the combination of Albumin infusion along with terlipressin is always rec-
midodrine and octreotide. Albumin is used concomitantly ommended. The combination of albumin and terlipressin
with these vasoconstrictors as a means of improving effec- is more effective than terlipressin alone [78]. The dose of
tive arterial blood volume and therefore further suppress- albumin in HRS treatment has not been well established,
ing endogenous vasoconstrictor factors (RAAS and SNS) but in most studies 20–40 g/d are given. However, the
responsible for the intense renal vasoconstriction and dose of albumin administered is determined by the level
reduced cardiac contractility in HRS [65–76]. of central venous pressure. Aside from an increase in sys-
Pharmacological treatment recommentdations are sum- temic vascular resistance and cardiac output, albumin
marized in Box 9.1. has nononcotic effects including antioxidative and anti-
inflammatory properties [84–87].
Diarrhea and abdominal cramps are common adverse
Vasoconstrictors (Table 9.3)
effects of terlipressin (up to 10%). Other more serious
Terlipressin adverse events are uncommon (<5%), including ischemic
Terlipressin is the most commonly used drug for HRS in and cardiovascular events. Although rare, patients can
countries in which it is available. It is a synthetic analog of develop angina, intestinal, digital or glossal ischemia, car-
vasopressin and several studies and at least six randomized diac arrhythmias, or severe hypertension. Patients with
controlled trials have proven the efficacy of terlipressin established ischemic heart disease and peripheral vascular
plus albumin in the treatment of HRS [65–68, 73, 76, 78]. disease should not be treated with terlipressin.
According to a recent meta-analysis, reversal of HRS occurs
in approximately 35–50% of patients with terlipressin plus Norepinephrine, Midodrine, and Octreotide
albumin vs. 11–14% of patients treated with placebo [79]. The use of vasoconstrictors other than terlipressin is an
Also, an improvement in renal function was observed in alternative in countries where terlipressin is not available.
48% of patients with terlipressin plus albumin against 24% Noradrenaline is an (alfa)-adrenergic and (beta)-adrenergic
of patients receiving placebo [79, 80]. Terlipressin plus receptor agonist with vasoconstrictor effect activity on
albumin seems to confer a survival benefit against placebo, splanchnic circulation that can also improve renal perfu-
but there are some conflicting results [80, 81]. sion. It has been evaluated in four randomized controlled
In the initial studies, terlipressin was administered by trials compared to terlipressin [69–72]. A meta-analysis
repeated intravenous boluses (starting dose of 0.5–1 mg compared terlipressin plus albumin with noradrenaline
every 4–6 hours, increasing to a maximum of 2 mg every plus albumin and found no difference in the reversal of
4–6 hours in case of a reduction of baseline serum creati- HRS, 30-day mortality and recurrence of HRS [80].
nine <25%) but a randomized trial compared the efficacy Although data is limited due to the low number of patients
and safety of terlipressin given by continuous intravenous included in the studies (n = 78), noradrenaline seems to be
infusion (dose 2 mg/d up to 12 mg/d) against intravenous as effective as terlipressin in the management of HRS and
boluses [82]. The study showed similar response rates represents a good alternative treatment [80], however the
between both groups. Moreover, mean effective dose of ter- quality of evidence supporting the use of noradrenaline is
lipressin was lower in the continuous infusion group, and low according to a meta-analysis [80]. Noradrenaline must
that was associated with a lower rate of adverse events. The be administered under continuous monitoring and in some
dose of terlipressin should be increased in a stepwise man- countries it cannot be used outside intensive care units.
ner if serum creatinine does not decrease by at least 25% Midodrine, a selective (alfa)-1-adrenergic receptor agonist,
with respect to the pretreatment value after 3 days of treat- and octreotide, a somatostatin analog, have been evaluated in
ment. Treatment with terlipressin plus albumin should be the management of HRS; there are no placebo-controlled tri-
continued until serum creatinine is <1.5 mg/dl or close to als and only nonrandomized observational cohort studies in
the baseline value before HRS-AKI. In patients with no very small series of patients demonstrate a mild improve-
response or only partial response the treatment should be ment in renal function and GFR with suppression of renin,
discontinued within 2 weeks. Recent studies showed that aldosterone, norepinephrine, and vasopressin to normal or
55.5% of patients with HRS had a complete response to ter- near-normal levels [88, 89]. However, this data was not con-
lipressin plus albumin, defined as a reduction of serum cre- firmed in a recent randomized control trial, where midodrine
atinine by >50% to a final value of <1.5 mg/dl [76, 82]. and octreotide plus albumin were compared to terlipressin
Patients who respond to treatment have a better survival plus albumin, and significant higher response rates were
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Table 9.3 Studies evaluating vasoconstrictors in patients with HRS.
Reversal HRS Reversal HRS in Treatment related severe Median survival, control
Study (reference) Study design (%)a Recurrenceb control group side effectsc (%) Median survival (days) group (days)
found in the terlipressin group (70.4% vs. 28.6%) [76]. serum creatinine is a strong variable in the mathematical
Therefore, terlipressin is clearly more effective than the com- model [47]. The presence of HRS-AKI at the time of liver
bination of midodrine and octreotide. transplantation has a negative impact on survival after the
operation. Patients with HRS who undergo transplantation
have more complications, spend more days in the intensive
Aim of Pharmacological Therapy care unit, and have a higher in-hospital mortality rate than
transplanted patients without prior HRS [94].
The most important objective when treating HRS-AKI is Although liver transplantation is the treatment of
to reverse renal failure to provide a successful bridge to choice, renal function does not completely recover in all
liver transplant so that suitable candidates can undergo patients [94, 95]. The reason for this is not known.
transplantation with less morbidity and side effects to Simultaneous liver-kidney (SLK) has been considered
post-transplant medications and have similar outcomes for patients with HRS. Recent recommendations for SLK
as patients without HRS-AKI. As mentioned above, in the United States include patients with AKI with an
response to therapy is considered when there is marked estimated GFR of 25 ml/min/1.73 m2 for 6 weeks or a
reduction of the high serum creatinine levels, at least period of dialysis 6 weeks, patients with an eGFR
below 1.5 mg/dl, which is usually associated with of < 45 ml/min/1.73 m2 for >90 days (stage 3B, 4, or 5
increased urine output and improvement of hypona- CKD), or patients with comorbidities and presence of
tremia [45]. Studies suggest that response to treatment metabolic diseases [96]. European guidelines suggest
with vasoconstrictors and albumin correlates with an that patients with end-stage liver disease who have a
increase in mean arterial pressure (MAP). One study GFR of <30 ml/min/1.73 m2 or type 1 HRS requiring
showed that patients who experienced a significant RRT of >8–12 weeks and patients with renal biopsy sam-
increase in MAP during terlipressin treatment had a ples revealing >30% fibrosis and glomerulosclerosis
higher probability of recovering kidney function [90]. should receive simultaneous liver and kidney trans-
Another study also reported that responders to terlipres- plant [45]. SLK is also indicated in patients with cirrho-
sin had a higher increase in MAP at the end of treatment sis and sustained AKI irrespective of its type, including
compared with nonresponders. The improvement of kid- HRS-AKI when refractory to drug therapy if requiring
ney function in patients with HRS treated with vasocon- RRT for 4 weeks, or if the estimated GFR is 35 ml/
strictors tightly correlates with the rise in MAP. Therefore, min/1.73 m2 or measured GFR 25 ml/min/1.73 m2 for
a goal-directed approach to the treatment of HRS based 4 weeks [45]. Beyond these two conditions, in a candi-
on targeting a rise in MAP during vasoconstrictor therapy date with high priority for liver transplantation due to a
may lead to better outcomes [90–92]. Nevertheless, pro- high MELD score, the option of SLK may be considered
spective studies evaluating this approach are needed in the presence of risk factors for underlying undiag-
before integrating it into practice. Recurrence of HRS in nosed CKD (diabetes, hypertension, abnormal renal
responders, after the end of the treatment, has been imaging, and proteinuria >2 g/d) [45].
reported in up to 20% of cases. Re-treatment is usually
effective, but in some cases continuous recurrence occurs.
Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt
Patients who respond to treatment with terlipressin plus
albumin show a better survival than nonresponders to Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) is
treatment. a nonsurgical intervention performed percutaneously
that creates a connection (by means of a prosthetic
shunt) within the liver between the portal and hepatic
vein, thereby reducing portal pressure. This method has
onpharmacological Therapy been used as an alternative therapy to surgical shunts for
cirrhotic patients bleeding from esophageal or gastric
Liver Transplantation
varices who are refractory to endoscopic and medical
Liver transplantation is the best available effective therapy treatment. The rationale for using TIPS in HRS is based
for patients with HRS-AKI since it cures liver failure and on the fact that reduction of portal pressure improves cir-
portal hypertension. Since patients with HRS-AKI have a culatory function and suppresses RAAS and SNS activity.
poor prognosis, this group of patients should be given higher Four uncontrolled studies indicate that TIPS may improve
priority for transplantation [93]. In fact, the implementation renal function and GFR as well as reduce the activity of
of the MELD score in many countries has placed these RAAS and SNS in patients with cirrhosis and HRS.
patients at a higher priority level for liver transplant because Improvement in renal function observed in these uncontrolled
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116 Hepatorenal Syndrome
Hepatorenal Syndrome
Evaluate for liver transplantation
Figure 9.3 Treatment algorithm of AKI-HRS depending on whether the patient can undergo liver transplantation.
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I ntroduction centers in the United States. Ischemic ATN was the pre-
sumed etiology for 50% of all patients with renal failure,
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is defined as a rapid deteriora- while an additional ~12% were attributed to unresolved
tion in kidney function resulting in a reduction in glomeru- prerenal factors and ~25% to nephrotoxic ATN [5]. It is
lar filtration rate (GFR) and a failure of the kidneys to important to note that the diagnosis of ATN is often
excrete nitrogenous waste products and to maintain fluid, inferred based upon clinical characteristics, since kidney
electrolyte, and acid-base balance [1]. The two most com- biopsies are not routinely performed in patients with AKI.
mon etiologies of AKI are prerenal azotemia, caused by While several classes of agents have been investigated,
reversible renal hypoperfusion, and acute tubular necrosis thus far no specific pharmacologic strategies have proven
(ATN) [2–6]. ATN results from intrinsic parenchymal dam- effective for preventing or treating ATN. Therefore, it is
age mediated by endothelial and epithelial cell injury, intra- essential that clinicians focus on preventative measures
tubular obstruction, and immunologic and inflammatory such as maintaining adequate systemic perfusion and lim-
processes. ATN is a histopathologic and pathophysiologic iting nephrotoxin exposure, especially in those deemed to
entity that can stem from a variety of distinct renal insults, be at highest risk.
often seen in combination, and these can be divided broadly
into ischemic (prolonged volume depletion, hypotension),
septic, and nephrotoxic (medications, radiocontrast dye,
rhabdomyolysis) categories [2]. Ischemic ATN is seen most
commonly and occurs on a continuum beginning with pre-
renal azotemia [1, 5]. When prerenal insults are severe or
prolonged they may give rise to tubular damage [1].
Histology reveals dilation of proximal tubular lumens, flat-
tening of the tubular epithelium, simplification and loss of
brush border, and vacuolization (Figure 10.1) [7]. These his-
tological changes are reflected in the urinalysis, which typi-
cally reveals the presence of cellular debris and “muddy
brown casts” which consist of sloughed and necrotic epi-
thelial cells (Figure 10.2) [8].
ATN is common, however the incidence and outcomes
vary significantly depending on the definition used and
the patient population studied [2]. The landmark Program Figure 10.1 High-power image demonstrating flattened
epithelium with loss of the brush border and cells becoming
to Improve Care in Acute Renal Disease (PICARD) study disconnected from the basement membrane as seen in acute
was an observational study of a cohort of 618 patients with tubular necrosis. Source: Image courtesy of Helen P. Cathro,
AKI in the intensive care units (ICUs) of five academic University of Virginia Health System, Division of Renal Pathology.
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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124 Acute Tubular Necrosis
microscopy, ATN typically manifests as dilation of proxi- response, driven by a combination of improper tubule
mal tubular lumens, flattening of the tubular epithelium, repair, vascular dropout, hypoxia, and persistent activation
simplification and loss of brush border, and vacuolization of the immune system may lead to fibrosis and CKD [24].
(see Figure 10.1) [7]. Downstream, distal tubular casts and
obstruction may be present and result from the binding of Tubular Factors
desquamated tubular cells and debris to Tamm-Horsfall The abrupt fall in GFR seen in ATN has traditionally been
protein [23]. Interstitial edema with mild to moderate leu- attributed to an interplay between tubular and hemody-
kocyte infiltration can be seen. Morphologic changes may namic abnormalities [26]. Ischemic insults to the kidney
be subtle, and frankly necrotic cells may not be present preferentially cause cell damage and death of tubular epi-
even in those with marked functional impairment [2, thelial cells, leading to decreased kidney function. These
9–11]. For this reason, many clinicians and pathologists cells are especially susceptible to ischemic injury because
prefer the term “acute tubular injury” (ATI) to “ATN” [11]. of their high demand for oxygen and ATP to drive transport
functions, along with their location in an environment of
very low oxygen tension [27]. Cells in the S3 segment of the
Ischemic ATN
PT and the thick ascending limb of Henle are most prone
Phases of Ischemic ATN to ischemic injury due to a combination of low medullary
Much remains to be discovered about the complex biology blood flow and countercurrent diffusion of oxygen causing
of ATN. Current research suggests that the course of lower partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) [28].
ischemic ATN progresses across five phases: prerenal, ini- Renal ischemia leads to a loss of cytoskeletal integrity
tiation, extension, maintenance, and repair. During the and cell polarity, with shedding of both necrotic and viable
prerenal phase, alterations in renal blood flow (RBF) lead PT brush border cells into the tubule lumens [2]. This is
to a decrease in intraglomerular pressure, however a vari- thought to be driven, in part, by redistribution of sodium/
ety of cellular and vascular adaptations are able to main- potassium ATPase and integrins from the basolateral to the
tain renal epithelial integrity [24]. These alterations may be apical membrane [29–31]. Additional biochemical path-
the result of volume depletion (vomiting, diarrhea, use of ways that have been implicated in severe cell injury and
diuretics), hypotension (shock), cirrhosis (splanchnic vaso- ATN include (i) depletion of ATP; (ii) increased tissue con-
dilation), heart failure (primarily through venous conges- centrations of reactive oxygen species; (iii) intracellular
tion and increased intra-abdominal pressure), selective acidosis; (iv) increased concentrations of cytosolic calcium;
renal ischemia (renal artery stenosis, cross-clamping of the (v) increased activity of phospholipases; (vi) release of pro-
renal artery during surgery for renal cell carcinoma), or teases from the tubular cell brush border; (vii) mitochon-
drugs that cause afferent arteriolar constriction (NSAIDs, drial injury; and (viii) cell apoptosis [2, 26, 32, 33]. As cells
calcineurin inhibitors) or efferent arteriolar dilation (ACE desquamate and enter the lumen, backleak of filtrate may
inhibitors, ARBs) [1, 25]. The initiation phase of ischemic occur into the vascular space across the damaged tubular
ATN occurs when hypoperfusion is sufficiently severe or epithelium, potentially contributing to further decline in
prolonged to deplete adenosine triphosphate (ATP), lead- GFR, especially when intratubular pressure is increased
ing to tubular cell injury and a continued decline in due to intratubular obstruction [26, 34].
GFR [24]. The subsequent extension phase is characterized
by (i) vascular endothelial damage, which contributes to Renal Blood Supply
severely reduced blood flow, persistent hypoxia, microvas- In ATN, RBF can decrease by as much as 30–50%, with a
cular obstruction, coagulopathy, and further injury to disproportionate decrease in medullary blood flow relative
tubular epithelial cells; and (ii) a pronounced inflamma- to total RBF contributing to pronounced medullary
tory response mediated by an influx of leukocytes and the ischemia [2, 35–38]. A variety of mechanisms have been
release of chemokines and cytokines that enhance the proposed to explain this and include (i) increased vasocon-
inflammatory cascade [24]. During the maintenance phase, striction in response to endothelin, adenosine, angiotensin
GFR nadirs as cells undergo migration, apoptosis, and pro- II, thromboxane A2, leukotrienes, and sympathetic nerve
liferation in an attempt to reestablish cellular and tubular activity; (ii) decreased vasodilation in response to nitric
integrity. Blood flow returns toward normal. Finally, dur- oxide, prostaglandin E2, acetylcholine, and bradykinin; (iii)
ing the recovery phase, GFR begins to improve as cellular structural damage to endothelial and vascular smooth
differentiation and repair occur. It is in this phase that epi- muscle cells; and (iv) increased leukocyte-endothelial
thelial polarity is reestablished and cellular and organ adhesion, vascular obstruction, leukocyte activation, and
function is restored [1, 24]. Incomplete recovery and/or inflammation from release of chemokines and
conversion from a physiological to a pathological repair cytokines [32]. In addition, the combination of continued
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126 Acute Tubular Necrosis
filtration and impaired tubular reabsorptive function leads Table 10.1 Mechanisms of nephrotoxin-induced acute tubular
to increased sodium chloride delivery to the macular densa, necrosis.
ultimately activating tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF)
and causing afferent arteriolar constriction with resultant Mechanism of injury Toxin
further decline in GFR [32, 39].
Exogenous toxins
Altered Afferent vasoconstriction:
Septic ATN intraglomerular NSAIDs
hemodynamics Calcineurin inhibitors
Sepsis is a frequent cause of AKI in hospitalized patients [15, (prolonged prerenal
injury predisposing to Iodinated radiocontrast agents
16, 20, 21]. While previously thought to induce ATN through
decreased renal perfusion and systemic hypotension, more
Efferent vasodilation:
recent data suggest that septic ATN may be associated with ACE inhibitors
systemic vasodilation, high-output cardiac failure, and ARBs
increased RBF (“hyperdynamic sepsis”). In one study of
Direct tubular toxicity Antimicrobials:
ewes treated with Escherichia coli infusion to induce sepsis,
Aminoglycosides, outdated
RBF was found to be significantly increased. Importantly, tetracyclines, vancomycin
recovery from sepsis was associated with relative renal vaso- Amphotericin B
constriction and return in RBF back to control levels [40]. In Cidofovir, tenofovir
a follow-up study, sepsis induced by E. coli was again associ- Pentamidine
ated with increased RBF, along with oliguria and reduced
GFR. Infusion of angiotensin II restored arterial pressure, Antineoplastic agents:
decreased RBF, and led to a significant increase in urine out- Cisplatin
put and normalization of creatinine [41]. One possible Ifosfamide
explanation for these findings is that kidney injury in this
state may occur due to preferential dilation of the efferent Recreational drugs:
arteriole, leading to a decrease in intraglomerular pressure Synthetic cannabinoids
and drop in GFR [42].
Nephrotoxic ATN Calcineurin inhibitors
Nephrotoxic ATN may be associated with exposure to a Iodinated radiocontrast agents
variety of exogenous and endogenous toxins, some of
Sucrose-containing IVIG formulations
which are shown in Table 10.1. Exogenous toxins include
medications that impair renal autoregulation and predis-
pose patients to prolonged prerenal ischemia and subse- Intratubular Acyclovir, indinavir, methotrexate,
obstruction sulfonamides
quent ATN (NSAIDs, ACE inhibitors, ARBs), as well as
drugs that are directly toxic to renal tubules, including Endogenous toxins
many antimicrobial, iodinated radiocontrast, and antineo- Intratubular pigments Rhabdomyolysis (may be precipitated
plastic agents. Other exogenous toxins, such as acyclovir by medications [statins, haloperidol]
and methotrexate, may cause ATN through intratubular and drugs of abuse [cocaine, alcohol])
crystal precipitation and obstruction. ATN secondary to
Hemolysis (may be precipitated by
the production of endogenous toxins may occur in patients
quinine, quinidine, sulfonamides)
with rhabdomyolysis or, less commonly, hemolysis. In
Intratubular Multiple myeloma (cast nephropathy)
these cases, AKI is caused by the release of heme pigment
obstruction by proteins
from myoglobin and hemoglobin, respectively, ultimately
Intratubular Uric acid (tumor lysis syndrome)
leading to (i) tubular obstruction; (ii) direct proximal precipitation
tubular cell injury; and (iii) vasoconstriction with reduced
medullary blood flow [43, 44]. Additionally, endogenous ACE, angiotensin-converting-enzyme; ARB, angiotensin-receptor
production of abnormal paraproteins (as in multiple mye- blocker; ATN, acute tubular necrosis; IVIG, intravenous
immunoglobulin; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
loma) and uric acid (as in tumor lysis syndrome) may Source: Adapted by permission from Rosner MH, Okusa MD (2008).
injure renal tubules through precipitation and intratubu- Drug-associated acute kidney injury in the intensive care unit.
lar obstruction [45]. Clinical Nephrotoxins, 29–41. © 2008, Springer Nature.
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Diagnosi 127
iagnosis Urine Microscopy
The histologic changes of ATN are reflected in the urinaly-
History and Physical Examination sis, which classically reveals the presence of cellular debris
Determining the etiology of AKI begins with a careful eval- and “muddy brown casts” consisting of sloughed and
uation of the patient’s history and physical examination. necrotic epithelial cells. Perazella and colleagues demon-
For example, a history of vomiting, diarrhea, or hypoten- strated the high value of urine microscopy for the diagnosis
sion, combined with physical examination findings of vol- of ATN using a urinary sediment score. In patients with a
ume depletion, may point toward prerenal AKI or ischemic high pretest probability of ATN, the presence of any casts
ATN. Recent exposure to nephrotoxic medications or iodi- or renal tubular epithelial (RTE) cells (score 2) resulted in
nated radiocontrast dye may suggest nephrotoxic ATN. A very high positive predictive value (100%) and low negative
careful and thorough history of drug and other potential predictive value (44%) for a final diagnosis of ATN [8]. In a
nephrotoxin exposure is critical. subsequent study, the same group determined that a uri-
nary sediment score may be useful to predict worsening of
kidney injury due to ATN during hospitalization [53]. A
Urine Sodium Concentration and Fractional
subsequent systematic review assessing the utility of urine
Excretion of Sodium
microscopy for differentiating prerenal AKI and ATN in
Fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) is a measure of the hospitalized patients determined that the presence and
extraction of sodium and water from the glomerular fil- number of RTE cells and RTE cell casts and/or granular
trate; it is the ratio of the sodium filtration rate to the over- casts in the urine sediment may be useful in predicting
all GFR as estimated by the renal filtration of creatinine: more severe kidney damage as reflected by nonrecovery of
AKI or need for dialysis [54].
urine sodium plasma creatinine 100
colleagues used a propensity score-matched cohort method inform our evidence-based recommendations for the pre-
to retrospectively evaluate the risk of death after reversible, vention of ATN. An exhaustive list of the various com-
hospital-associated AKI in patients with normal pre- pounds and strategies that have been reported is beyond
hospital kidney function. Of patients alive at 90 days, 1610 the scope of this chapter. Thus, representative examples
patients with reversible AKI were matched with 3652 con- are discussed and other compounds and strategies are
trols. At a median follow-up of just over 3 years, the risk of listed in Tables 10.2 and 10.3.
death associated with reversible AKI was significant (haz-
ard ratio, 1.50) in Cox proportional hazard models.
Avoiding Nephrotoxic Medications and
Adjustment for the development of CKD during follow-up
Mitigating Risk of ATN
attenuated but did eliminate this increased risk (hazard
ratio 1.18). Based on this data, investigators concluded that Aminoglycosides
a resolved episode of hospital-associated AKI has impor- Aminoglycosides remain important therapies for the man-
tant implications for the longitudinal surveillance of agement of life-threatening gram-negative infections [48].
patients [68]. Nephrotoxicity represents the major dose-limiting toxicity
of these drugs, occurring in approximately 10–25% of
patients [119–123]. Toxicity is mediated primarily by dam-
Loss of Renal Reserve as a Predictor and
age to PT cells, impairing tubular reabsorption and com-
Consequence of ATN
promising cell viability [124].
Renal functional reserve (RFR) can be used to measure the More than 60 trials have been conducted to evaluate the
capacity of the kidney to increase GFR under conditions of benefits of altering the dosing schedule of aminoglyco-
physiologic stress and may serve as a functional marker sides, with the goal of limiting uptake by PT cells. Blaser
that assesses susceptibility to injury. One method of meas- and König evaluated the results of 24 randomized clinical
uring RFR is to measure changes in GFR in response to a trials including 3181 patients comparing once-daily versus
high-protein meal. In a recent study, preoperative RFR was multiple-daily dosing regimens for amikacin, netilmicin,
lower in patients who experienced AKI and predicted AKI and gentamicin. Analysis revealed superior results for
with an AUC of 0.83. Patients with preoperative RFRs not once-daily regimens with respect to clinical and bacterio-
greater than 15 ml/min/1.73m2, despite normal resting logical efficacy. While nephrotoxicity occurred less fre-
GFRs, were 11.8 times more likely to experience AKI [69]. quently with once-daily dosing (4.5% vs. 5.5%), results did
Thus, measurement of RFR preoperatively may identify not reach statistical significance [72]. In another meta-
patients who are likely to benefit from preventive measures analysis of similar size, Barza et al. demonstrated a reduc-
or to select for use of biomarkers for early detection. In a tion in nephrotoxicity with once-daily dosing, but no
follow-up to this study, AKI patients displayed a significant difference in patient mortality [73]. Hatala et al. evaluated
decrease in RFR (from 14.4 to 9.1 ml/min/1.73 m2) and 13 studies and revealed a trend toward reduced nephrotox-
patients without AKI but with positive postoperative cell- icity with once-daily dosing that did not reach statistical
cycle arrest biomarkers also experienced a similar decrease significance, while Ferriols-Lisart and Alós-Almiñana ana-
of RFR (from 26.7 to 19.7 ml/min/1.73m2). In contrast, lyzed 18 studies including 2317 patients and demonstrated
patients with neither clinical AKI nor positive biomarkers a reduction in summary odds of nephrotoxicity with once-
had no such decrease of RFR. Thus, AKI, and even AKI daily aminoglycoside dosing [74, 75]. Two additional meta-
defined by biomarkers (but not elevations in SCr), is associ- analyses by Munckhof et al. and Ali and Goetz failed to
ated with persistent falls in RFR and highlights the long- show a significant difference in the rates of kidney
term deleterious effects of this occurrence [70]. Further injury [71, 76].
studies are needed in this area. The cumulative conclusions of these analyses indicate
that once-daily dosing strategies generally lead to less AKI
when compared with multiple-dose strategies, though the
Prevention benefits of this approach are modest [125].
Certainty Strength of
Risk setting Select key studies Results of studies Recommendation of evidence recommendation
Aminoglycosides Ali and Goetz [71] (M) No significant difference in the incidence of nephrotoxicity We suggest that, in patients with normal Moderate Strong
with SDD vs. MDD kidney function in steady state,
Blaser and König [72] Trend toward decreased nephrotoxicity with SDD vs. MDD aminoglycosides be administered in a single
(M) (4.5% vs. 5.5%); did not reach statistical significance daily dose rather than multiple daily doses.
We also recommend that, for patients with
Barza et al. [73] (M) Reduced risk of nephrotoxicity with SDD vs. MDD CKD stage 3b and later, aminoglycosides be
Ferriols-Lisart and Reduced summary odds of nephrotoxicity with SDD vs. avoided unless there are no other
Alós-Almiñana [74] (M) MDD alternatives.
Hatala et al. [75] (M) Trend toward decreased nephrotoxicity with SDD vs.
MDD; did not reach statistical significance
Munckhof et al. [76] No significant difference in the incidence of nephrotoxicity
(M) with SDD vs. MDD
Amphotericin B Anderson [77] (M) Supplementing dietary sodium chloride intake with We recommend the administration of a Moderate Strong
150 mEq intravenously or orally before or at time of drug saline load (1 l of 0.9% sodium chloride IV)
administration “will likely prevent much of the observed prior to amphotericin B administration.
nephrotoxicity” associated with amphotericin B
Llanos et al. [78] (RCT) Creatinine clearance decreased in patients pretreated with
dextrose in water, but remained unchanged in patients
pretreated with 0.9% saline
Botero Aguirre and Significantly lower risk of nephrotoxicity with liposomal We suggest using lipid formulations of Moderate Strong
Restrepo Hamid [79] amphotericin B vs. conventional amphotericin B amphotericin B rather than conventional
(Cochrane systematic deoxycholate formulations of amphotericin B except in
review) circumstances were the efficacy of
conventional formulations may be greater.
Vancomycin + Chen et al. [80] (M) Increased risk of AKI with concurrent use of We recommend using piperacillin- Moderate Strong
piperacillin- vancomycin + piperacillin-tazobactam vs. tazobactam cautiously in those patients
tazobactam vancomycin + other β-lactam receiving vancomycin. Use should be
Giuliano et al. [81] (M) Increased risk of AKI with vancomycin + piperacillin- limited to those who have appropriate
tazobactam vs. vancomycin ± other β-lactam indications. Alternative antibiotics should
be considered whenever possible.
Hammond et al. [82] Increased risk of AKI with concomitant
(M) vancomycin + piperacillin-tazobactam vs. vancomycin
without piperacillin-tazobactam
Luther et al. [83] (M) Increased odds of AKI with vancomycin + piperacillin-
tazobactam vs. vancomycin monotherapy,
vancomycin +cefepime or carbapenem, and piperacillin-
monotherapy; NNH = 11
Mellen et al. [84] (M) Increase in the incidence of nephrotoxicity with
vancomycin + piperacillin-tazobactam vs. vancomycin
alone or in combination with cefepime or meropenem
Certainty Strength of
Risk setting Select key studies Results of studies Recommendation of evidence recommendation
Surgery (all Zacharias et al. [97] Investigated preventative strategies including dopamine We do not recommend the routine use of Very low Weak
types) (Cochrane systematic and its analogues, diuretics, CCBs, ACE inhibitors, NAC, these interventions for the prevention of
review) ANP, and erythropoietin; no group showed a significant AKI/ATN in the perioperative setting.
change in mortality or kidney injury in treatment groups
vs. controls
Cardiac surgery Lamy et al. [98] (RCT) Lower rate of AKI at 30 d with off-pump vs. on-pump We suggest that off-pump coronary artery Low Weak
CABG; no difference in renal failure requiring RRT or bypass graft surgery not be selected solely
death; increased risk of early revascularization for the purpose of reducing perioperative
Nigwekar et al. [99] (M) Reduction in overall AKI (OR, 0.57) and AKI requiring
RRT (OR, 0.55) with off-pump vs. on-pump CABG; limited
by lack of uniform definition for AKI and heterogeneity
Seabra et al. [100] (M) Significant 40% lower odds of postoperative AKI and a
nonsignificant 33% lower odds of need for RRT compared
with off-pump vs. on-pump CABG
For a more detailed discussion of the prevention and treatment of CIN, please see Chapter 11 on contrast-induced nephropathy.
ACE, angiotensin-converting-enzyme; AKI, acute kidney injury; ANP, atrial natriuretic peptide; ARF, acute renal failure; ATN, acute tubular necrosis; BIC, sodium bicarbonate; BIC/MAN,
sodium bicarbonate + mannitol; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CCB, calcium channel blocker; CIN, contrast-induced nephropathy; CK, creatine kinase; CKD, chronic kidney disease;
eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate, IV, intravenous, IVF, intravenous fluid; LVEDP, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure; M, meta-analysis; MDD, multiple daily dosing; NAC,
N-acetylcysteine; NNH, number needed to harm; NS, normal saline; OR, odds ratio; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RR, relative risk; RRT, renal
replacement therapy; SCr, serum creatinine; SDD, single daily dosing; STEMI, ST elevation myocardial infarction.
Dopamine Bellomo et al. [101] No significant difference in renal function, need for RRT, ICU In the absence of convincing High Strong
(RCT) or hospital length of stay, or mortality in critically ill patients evidence of benefit, and in
with early renal dysfunction receiving low-dose dopamine light of potential risks, we do
(2 mcg/kg/min) vs. placebo not recommend the routine
Friedrich et al. [ 102] Increased urine output and improvement in SCr on day 1 with use of dopamine for
(M) low-dose dopamine ( 5 mcg/kg/min); no sustained prevention of AKI.
improvement in renal function, decrease in need for RRT, or
decrease in mortality (did not separate prophylactic from
therapeutic trials)
Kellum and No significant benefit of low-dose dopamine (<5 mcg/kg/min)
Decker [103] (M) for prevention of AKI
Fenoldopam Bove et al. [104] Similar rates of AKI with the use of fenoldopam vs. dopamine In the absence of high-quality Low Weak
(RCT) in high-risk patients following induction of anesthesia for adequately powered trials and
cardiac surgery consistent data demonstrating
Gillies et al. [105] (M) Reduction in risk of AKI in patients receiving fenoldopam vs. improvement in patient-
placebo; no difference in mortality or need for RRT; high risk of centered outcomes, and in
bias in 5/6 studies light of the risk of
hypotension, we suggest not
Landoni et al. [106] Lower risk of AKI in fenoldopam-treated patients vs. placebo or using fenoldopam to prevent
(M) other therapy (primarily low-dose dopamine); no significant ischemic ATN.
increase in complications; heterogeneous populations; 6 studies
lacked placebo controls
Morelli et al. [107] Lower rate of AKI (increase in SCr above 1.7 mg/dl) in patients
(RCT) treated with prophylactic fenoldopam vs. placebo; no significant
difference in rate of severe acute renal failure (SCr >3.4 mg/dl)
Loop diuretics Bove et al. [108] (M) Significant improvement in survival in patients treated with We do not recommend the Moderate Strong
preventative furosemide bolus(es) vs. any comparator (standard routine use of loop diuretics
care, 0.9% saline, 0.9% saline ± mannitol, or furosemide for the prevention of ATN.
Hager et al. [109] No significant difference in post-operative decline in creatinine
(RCT) clearance between low-dose furosemide (1 mg/h) and placebo
groups; increased incidence of hypokalemia with use of
Ho et al. [110] (M) No significant difference in in-hospital mortality or need for
Ho et al. [111] (M) RRT with the use of furosemide to prevent acute renal failure
Natriuretic peptides Nigwekar et al. [113] Decreased need for RRT but no difference in mortality in In the absence of high-quality Low Weak
(Cochrane systematic patients receiving prophylactic low-dose ANP compared to adequately powered trials, and
review) high-dose ANP or controls; authors acknowledged paucity of in light of the risk of
high-quality, adequately powered data hypotension, we suggest not
Nigwekar et al. [114] Natriuretic peptide administration (ANP, BMP, urodilantin) was using natriuretic peptides to
(M) associated with a reduction in need for RRT and a prevent ischemic ATN.
nonsignificant trend toward reduction in 30 days or in-hospital
mortality; most studies were small and lacked adequate power
to reach statistical significance on their own
Remote ischemic Menting et al. [115] RIPC by cuff inflation made little or no difference in SCr In the absence of clear benefit, High Strong
preconditioning (Cochrane systematic (postoperative days 1–3), need for dialysis, length of hospital we do not recommend the
review) stay, or all-cause mortality compared with no RIPC prior to routine use of RIPC for the
surgery (renal transplant excluded) prevention of ischemic ATN.
Statinsa Billings et al. [116] No reduction in the risk of AKI (0.3 mg/dl increase in SCr In the absence of clear benefit, High Strong
(RCT) within 48 hours) in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with we do not recommend the
use of high-dose atorvastatin vs. placebo; increased AKI among routine use of statins for the
statin-naïve CKD patients prevention of ischemic ATN.
Park et al. [117] Acute perioperative atorvastatin use not associated with lower
(RCT) incidence of AKI (AKIN criteria) or improved clinical outcomes
after valvular heart surgery compared with placebo
Prowle et al. Short-term perioperative atorvastatin use not associated with
(RCT) [118] reduction in AKI (RIFLE R or greater) or smaller increases in
urinary NGAL
For a discussion of statin administration as it pertains to the use of iodinated radiocontrast dye, please see Chapter 11 on contrast-induced nephropathy.
AKI, acute kidney injury; AKIN, Acute Kidney Injury Network; ANP, atrial natriuretic peptide; ATN, acute tubular necrosis; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; CKD, chronic kidney disease; ICU,
intensive care unit; NGAL, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin; M, meta-analysis; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RIFLE, Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss of kidney function, and End-stage
kidney disease criteria; RIPC, remote ischemic preconditioning; RRT, renal replacement therapy; SCr, serum creatinine concentration.
reatment An association between positive fluid balance and mor-
tality has been demonstrated in patients with established
Many drug classes and strategies have been studied as AKI [142, 145]. In a secondary analysis of AKI patients
potential treatments for established ATN, and several rep- from a multicenter, prospective cohort study in 10 Italian
resentative examples are outlined in Table 10.4. ICUs, higher mean fluid balance was associated with
Unfortunately, the results of these investigations have been greater mortality, and diuretic use was associated with
largely disappointing. Because no single effective treat- better survival in this population (adjusted HR,
ment for ATN has been identified, the mainstays of therapy 0.25) [145]. Using data from the FACTT, 306 AKI patients
remain appreciation of AKI risk, early detection of injury, were identified and included in a post hoc analysis. Grams
initiation of appropriate supportive care, and avoidance of et al. showed that post-AKI fluid balance was significantly
further harm [154]. Treatment priorities must include (i) associated with 60-day mortality in both crude and
discontinuation of nephrotoxic medications whenever pos- adjusted analysis, and that higher post-AKI furosemide
sible; (ii) optimization of hemodynamics and RBF; (iii) doses had a protective effect on mortality but no signifi-
attention to volume management with caution to avoid cant effect after adjustment for post-AKI fluid bal-
both hypovolemia and fluid overload; (iv) correction of ance [142]. While the data does not support the routine
electrolyte and acid-base derangements; and (v) timely ini- use of diuretics in euvolemic patients with established
tiation of RRT in appropriately selected patients. ATN (who may develop volume depletion and subsequent
worsening of ischemic kidney injury), diuretics and/or
RRT may be considered in those with evidence of volume
Discontinuation of Nephrotoxic Medications overload. For a review of relevant studies investigating
All patients with established ATN require a thorough the role of loop diuretics in the treatment of ATN, see
review of their medications. Nephrotoxic drugs (NSAIDs, Table 10.4.
ACE inhibitors, ARBs, aminoglycosides) and agents such
as iodinated radiocontrast dye should be avoided or Correction of Electrolyte and Acid-Base
stopped, if possible. Additionally, medication doses should Disturbances and Timely Initiation of RRT
be adjusted to account for reduced renal clearance.
Metabolic derangements seen in established ATN include
hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, hyperphosphatemia, and
Optimization of Hemodynamics and RBF and
acidemia, and these may range in severity from mild to life-
Volume Management
threatening. Rapid rises in serum potassium concentra-
Early measures to treat established ATN must include opti- tion, as may occur in the presence of oliguria and tissue
mization of cardiac output and maintenance of hemody- breakdown (rhabdomyolysis, tumor lysis syndrome), are
namics to ensure adequate systemic perfusion and RBF; especially worrisome. In these cases, emergency treatment
the specific approach will vary based on patient factors and may be required.
the clinical scenario (hypovolemic shock, tumor lysis syn- Despite extensive research, debate continues regarding
drome, heart failure) [2]. the optimal timing, modality, and dosing of RRT in ATN.
Close attention must be paid to volume status. While vol- The KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for AKI suggests
ume depletion should be corrected when present, there is a initiation of RRT emergently when life-threatening
growing body of evidence documenting poorer patient out- changes in fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance exist. In
comes with excessive fluid administration. In the Fluid and the absence of emergent indications, KDIGO suggests that
Catheter Treatment Trial (FACTT), a conservative fluid clinicians consider the broader clinical context, the pres-
strategy (achieved through the protocolized use of furo- ence of conditions that can be modified with RRT, and
semide to target low central venous pressure or pulmonary trends in laboratory results when making the decision to
capillary wedge pressure) was associated with decreased start RRT (recommendations not graded) [125].
ICU length of stay and decreased length of mechanical
ventilation in patients with acute lung injury without an
increase in nonpulmonary-organ failures or need for dialy- C
sis [155]. Additionally, a positive fluid balance at 72 hours
post-admission has been shown to be associated with ATN is a common clinical problem associated with
increased mortality, and some data suggest that a positive increased risk of CKD and mortality. Unfortunately, while
fluid balance as early as 12 hours may be associated with several classes of agents have been investigated, thus far no
increased risk of death [156–159]. specific pharmacologic strategies have proven effective for
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Table 10.4 Select agents investigated for the treatment of established acute tubular necrosis.
Alkaline Pickkers et al. [138] (RCT) No significant improvement in short-term (7 days) creatinine clearance In the absence of data Moderate Strong
phosphatase with human recombinant AP (vs. placebo) in critically ill patients with demonstrating
sepsis-associated AKI consistent
improvement in
Pickkers et al. [139] (RCT) Significant (P = 0.02) difference in favor of AP relative to controls for the
primary endpoint (progress in renal outcome variables as measured by
outcomes, we suggest
ECC and requirement and duration of RRT) at 28 days; ECC 50 ± 27 to
not using alkaline
108 ± 73 ml/min (mean ± SEM) in AP group vs. 40 ± 37 to 65 ± 30 ml/min
phosphatase for the
for placebo (P = 0.01); reductions in RRT requirement and duration did
treatment of AKI.
not reach statistical significance
Dopamine Friedrich et al. [102] (M) Increased urine output and improvement in SCr on day 1 with low-dose In the absence of High Strong
dopamine ( 5 mcg/kg/min); no sustained improvement in renal convincing evidence
function, decrease in need for RRT, or decrease in mortality (did not of benefit, and in
separate prophylactic from therapeutic trials) light of potential
risks, we do not
Kellum and Decker [103] No significant benefit of low-dose dopamine (<5 mcg/kg/min) for
recommend the use
(M) treatment of AKI
of dopamine for the
Lauschke et al. [140] (RCT) Increase in renal vascular resistance with low-dose dopamine (2 mcg/kg/ treatment of AKI.
min) in patients with ARF (vs. decrease in renal vascular resistance
without ARF); concern for worsening of renal perfusion in dopamine-
treated patients
Loop diuretics Cantarovich et al. [141] No difference in survival or rate of renal recovery with high dose We suggest not using Moderate Weak
(RCT) furosemide (25 mg/kg/d IV or 35 mg/kg/d PO) vs. placebo; increased diuretics to treat AKI,
UOP in furosemide group without reduction in number of treatments or except in the
time on dialysis management of
volume overload.
Grams et al. [142](RTC, Higher post-AKI fluid balance associated with increased 60-day
post hoc analysis) mortality; higher post-AKI furosemide associated with improved survival
(no significant effect after adjustment for post-AKI fluid balance)
Mehta et al. [143] Increased risk of death and nonrecovery renal function with use of
(retrospective cohort study) furosemide, bumetanide, metolazone, and/or hydrodiuril vs. no diuretics
Shilliday et al. [144] (RCT) Randomized to receive torsemide, furosemide, or placebo in addition to
dopamine and mannitol; no decrease in rate of renal recovery, need for
RRT, or death with diuretics despite increased UOP
Teixeira et al. [145] Higher MFB in nonsurviving AKI patients vs. surviving AKI patients;
(prospective cohort study, higher MFB independently associated with 28-day mortality; diuretic use
secondary analysis) associated with better survival in patients with higher MFB and lower MUV
Uchino et al. [146] No significant difference in patient mortality associated with the use of
(prospective cohort study) diuretics (almost exclusively furosemide) vs. no diuretics in critically ill
ICU patients
Fenoldopam Brienza et al. [147] (RCT) Randomized to receive fenoldopam (0.1 mcg/kg/min) or dopamine; In the absence of data Low Weak
lower SCr in fenoldopam group after 4-day infusion (change from demonstrating
baseline, −0.041 vs. -0.09 mg/dl, P = 0.02); no decrease in need for RRT consistent improvement
in patient-centered
Bove et al. [148] (RCT) No difference in need for RRT or 30-day mortality with fenoldopam vs. outcomes, and in light
placebo; significantly more hypotension in fenoldopam group (26% vs. of the risk of
15%, P = 0.001); stopped early for futility hypotension, we
Tumlin et al. [149] (RCT) Trend toward lower 21-day mortality and decreased need for RRT with suggest not using
fenoldopam vs. placebo, but not statistically significant (underpowered, fenoldopam for the
11% absolute risk reduction) treatment of established
ischemic ATN.
Insulin-like Hirschberg et al. [150] In patients with sepsis and hypotension or hemodynamic shock, no In the absence of data Moderate Strong
growth factor-1 (RCT) differences noted in changes in GFR, urine output, need for RRT, or from high-quality
mortality with IGF-1 vs. placebo (mean treatment period 10.6 days) trials demonstrating
improvement in
outcomes, we do not
recommend the
routine use of IGF-1
for the treatment of
established AKI.
Natriuretic Allgren et al. [151] (RCT) No significant difference in overall dialysis-free survival at 21 days with In the absence of data Moderate Weak
peptides anaritide (0.2 mcg/kg/min) vs. placebo; improved dialysis-free survival in demonstrating
subgroup with oliguria receiving anaritide; increased incidence of consistent benefit in
hypotension in anaritide group (46% vs. 18%, P = 0.001) patient-centered
outcomes, and in
Lewis et al. [152] (RCT) No statistically significant difference in dialysis-free survival or mortality with light of the risk of
anaritide (0.2 mcg/kg/min) vs. placebo; greater incidence of hypotension hypotension, we
(SBP <90) in the anaritide-treated group (95% vs. 55%, P < 0.001) suggest not using
Nigwekar et al. [110] No difference in mortality with either low-or high-dose ANP; low-dose ANP to treat ATN.
(Cochrane systematic ANP associated with reduction in need for RRT; high-dose ANP
review) associated with more adverse events (hypotension, arrhythmias); authors
acknowledge paucity of high-quality, adequately powered data
Swärd et al. [153] (RCT) 61 postoperative patients with heart failure and AKI (not ischemic ATN)
randomized to h-ANP (50 ng/kg/min) or placebo; decreased need for
RRT and improved dialysis-free survival in h-ANP group vs. placebo; no
significant difference in incidence of hypotension
AKI, acute kidney injury; ANP, atrial natriuretic peptide; AP, alkaline phosphatase; ARF, acute renal failure; ATN, acute tubular necrosis; ECC, endogenous creatinine clearance; GFR,
glomerular filtration rate; h-ANP, human atrial natriuretic peptide; ICU, intensive care unit; IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor-1; IV, intravenous; M, meta-analysis; MFB, mean fluid balance;
MUV, mean urine volume; PO by mouth, RCT, randomized controlled trial; RRT, renal replacement therapy; SEM; standard error of the mean; SBP, systolic blood pressure; UOP, urine output.
preventing or treating this condition. Thus, the approach to kidney injury, and aggressive supportive care, including
ATN centers on identifying patients at increased risk, mini- the maintenance of adequate hemodynamics and manage-
mizing ischemic and toxic exposures, early detection of ment of electrolyte and acid-base derangements.
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Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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146 Iodinated Contrast and Acute Kidney Injury
The resulting mismatch in oxygen supply and demand in an variables, as well as the criteria employed to define the
anatomical portion of the kidney with low baseline oxygen development of AKI. Weisbord et al. demonstrated that
reserve leads to ischemia of tubular epithelial cells [2, 3]. CA-AKI, defined by an increase in serum creatinine of
Further epithelial cell injury results from both the direct 25%, developed in 13.2%, 8.5%, and 6.5% of patients fol-
toxicity of the filtered iodinated contrast and the generation lowing nonemergent noncoronary angiography, coronary
of injurious reactive oxygen species [4–9]. After being fil- angiography, and contrast-enhanced computed tomogra-
tered at the glomerulus, iodinated contrast enters the tubu- phy, respectively [20]. In a study of 1111 hospitalized
lar lumen where it has been shown to have cytotoxic effects patients by Shema et al., CA-AKI, defined as an increase in
that result in tubular epithelial cell necrosis [6–8, 10]. serum creatinine of 0.5 mg/dl within 1–5 days, was identi-
Contrast administration also leads to increased production fied in 44% of diabetic patients with underlying kidney dis-
of oxygen free radicals in the kidney that further contribute ease [21]. D’Elia et al. demonstrated that 33% of patients
to epithelial and endothelial cell injury [11–17]. The cumu- with CKD developed CA-AKI, defined based on an increase
lative result of these effects is acute tubular necrosis and an in serum creatinine of 1.0 mg/dl following angiogra-
abrupt decline in kidney function. phy [22]. Hence, the incidence is highly dependent upon
the definition used, the characteristics of the patient popu-
lation, and the nature of the procedure for which radiocon-
Nomenclature and Definition trast is administered.
Over the past decade, a series of studies have questioned
Historically, AKI following the administration of iodinated the relationship between intravascular radiocontrast
contrast media was referred to as contrast nephropathy or administration and CA-AKI, demonstrating comparable
contrast-induced nephropathy. More recently, the Kidney rates of AKI between patients who underwent radiographic
Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) organiza- procedures without contrast and patients who underwent
tion proposed the term contrast-induced AKI [18, 19]. contrast-enhanced procedures [23–31] (Table 11.1). Bruce
However, in many patients, other factors along with con- et al. investigated the incidence of AKI, defined by an
trast administration likely contribute to the observed decline increase in serum creatinine 0.5 mg/dl or decrease in esti-
in kidney function. Consequently, contrast-associated AKI mated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) 25%, among
(CA-AKI) may be a more appropriate term. CA-AKI has 11 588 patients who underwent computed tomography
commonly been defined by an increment in serum creati- either with (n = 5790) or without (n = 7484) intravenous
nine of 0.5 mg/dl or 25% within 48–72 hours of contrast (IV) contrast [23]. Among those with CKD, the incidence of
administration. While this definition is highly sensitive, it AKI following computed tomography without contrast
has poor specificity for contrast-induced damage as multi- (8.8%) was comparable to the incidence following com-
ple other factors, including fluid shifts, medications, and puted tomography with IV contrast (9.7% with iso-osmolal
atheroembolic disease can cause an increase in serum cre- iodixanol and 9.9% with low-osmolal iohexol). Several sub-
atinine, with or without underlying kidney injury, inde- sequent studies demonstrated similar findings [26, 28,
pendent of the effect of contrast. Nonetheless, this 32–34]. McDonald and colleagues conducted a meta-
continues to be among the most commonly used defini- analysis comprising 13 studies with nearly 26 000 patients
tions of this condition. In keeping with efforts to establish a and reported a nonstatistically significant lower risk for
unifying definition of AKI that is independent of etiology, AKI following IV contrast-enhanced procedures compared
CA-AKI has also been defined based on an increase in to unenhanced procedures (relative risk 0.79, 95% confi-
serum creatinine of 0.3 mg/dl within 48 hours [18]. dence interval [CI] 0.62–1.02) [35]. While the majority of
However, this definition also has poor specificity. In light of such studies examined patients undergoing computed
the issues associated with defining a condition based on tomography, others have broadened the study population.
nominal increments in a biological parameter (i.e. serum In a study of hospitalized patients, Wilhelm-Leen et al.
creatinine) that is not specific for kidney injury, efforts to demonstrated a lower risk for AKI among hospitalized
identify other biomarkers that better define and more accu- patients who received intravascular contrast as part of any
rately predict the prognosis of CA-AKI are needed. type of procedure during their hospitalization compared
with patients who did not receive contrast (5.1% vs. 5.6%,
adjusted odds ratio [OR] 0.93, 95% CI 0.88–0.97) [26]. Caspi
Incidence et al. demonstrated a similar incidence of AKI in a cohort of
2025 patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarc-
The reported incidence of CA-AKI has varied across studies tion treated with percutaneous intervention compared with
due to differences in patient characteristics and procedural 1025 patients treated with fibrinolysis (10.3% vs. 12.1%,
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Risk Factor 147
Authors Type of procedure AKI with contrast (%) AKI without contrast (%) OR/RR (95% CI)
P = 0.38) [25]. In analyses that included propensity score conditions that augment the risk for CA-AKI are those
matching, AKI rates remained comparable in patients who that impair the capacity of the kidneys to effectively
were and were not treated with percutaneous intervention counteract the pathophysiological processes that lead to
(8.6% vs. 10.9%, P = 0.12). the development of CA-AKI. Pre-procedural kidney
While collectively these studies suggest that the adminis- impairment is the most potent patient-related risk factor
tration of intravascular contrast does not increase the risk for for CA-AKI, with lower levels of kidney function corre-
AKI, most are retrospective in design and have limited capac- sponding with higher degrees of risk [43]. In a study of
ity to adjust for the effects of unmeasured confounding. 378 hospitalized patients undergoing nonrenal angiogra-
Specifically, patients at higher baseline risk for CA-AKI were phy, D’Elia et al. demonstrated a markedly higher inci-
likely to have selectively undergone radiological tests without dence of CA-AKI among those defined as azotemic
intravascular contrast. Without understanding and account- (blood urea nitrogen 30 mg/dl and serum creatinine
ing for the factors that might influence provider decision 1.5 mg/dl) compared to nonazotemic patients (33% vs.
making regarding the use of contrast, the reported relation- 2%). Pre-existing azotemia was the only significant risk
ships are likely to be confounded by differences in baseline factor for CA-AKI in this study [22]. McCullough et al.
characteristics between those who did and those who did not documented a strong association of baseline kidney dis-
receive contrast. This is best illustrated by the fact that certain ease with risk of CA-AKI in a large population of patients
of these studies demonstrated lower rates of AKI among undergoing angiography [38]. The findings from a trial
patients who were administered intravascular contrast com- by Rudnick et al. that compared different contrast agents
pared to those who did not receive contrast [26]. As contrast suggest that diabetes, while not an independent risk fac-
media are not nephroprotective, this observation strongly tor for CA-AKI, substantially amplifies the risk in those
implies differential use of contrast based on clinicians’ per- patients with existing CKD [44]. Intravascular volume
ceptions of patients’ baseline risk for AKI. Accordingly, it is depletion, either absolute (e.g. GI losses) or effective (e.g.
inappropriate to conclude based on these studies that the risk heart failure, liver failure), also increases the risk for CA-
for AKI is independent of contrast administration in patients AKI [45, 46]. Similarly, the consumption of selective or
undergoing radiographic/angiographic procedures. nonselective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medica-
tions, which inhibit vasodilatory prostaglandins in the
kidney, may also increase the risk for CA-AKI [47]. Other
patient-related factors that have been linked with CA-
Risk Factors AKI include increasing age, hypertension, anemia, and
proteinuria; however, the independent associations of
these factors with CA-AKI remain unproven as each
Risk factors for CA-AKI are categorized as patient-related is strongly linked with the presence and severity of
and procedure-related (Table 11.2). Patient-related CKD [48–51].
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148 Iodinated Contrast and Acute Kidney Injury
Shema et al. [21] 1 111 ↑ Serum creatinine 50% or ↓ eGFR 25% 3.9 (1.2–12.0)
CA-AKI, contrast-associated acute kidney injury; CI, confidence interval; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; OR, odds ratio.
Solomon and colleagues reported that the development of the treatment of acute myocardial infarction in 15 093
CA-AKI was associated with a more than threefold increased patients with CKD and 42 191 without CKD [73]. In analy-
risk of death, stroke, myocardial infarction, and/or end- ses accounting for the appropriateness of coronary angiog-
stage kidney disease at 1 year following angiography [64]. raphy, those with CKD were around half as likely to
Goldenberg et al. reported that patients with transient CA- undergo this procedure than patients without CKD (OR
AKI manifested a larger decrement in kidney function 0.47, 95% CI 0.40–0.52), and patients with CKD who did
2 years following angiography compared with patients who undergo coronary angiography were also less likely to pro-
did not experience CA-AKI (∆eGFR −20 ± 11 ml/ ceed to revascularization (55% vs. 62%, P < 0.0001). Concern
min/1.73 m2 vs. −6 ± 16 ml/min/1.73 m2, P = 0.02), a finding for the risk of CA-AKI was a hypothesized explanation for
consistent with other types of AKI [61]. James et al. demon- the underutilization of angiography and revascularization
strated more rapid deterioration of kidney function over in subjects with CKD.
3 months following angiography among patients who had Renalism has also been documented among patients
developed CA-AKI compared to those without this condi- with CKD presenting with ST elevation myocardial infarc-
tion (decrement in eGFR 0.8 ml/min/1.73 m2/yr vs. 0.2 ml/ tion (STEMI). Nauta et al. found that rates of percutaneous
min/1.73 m2/yr) [66]. coronary revascularization were lower in patients with
STEMI and stage 4 CKD compared to those with STEMI
but without CKD [72]. The findings of these studies docu-
Potential Clinical Implications of Data
menting renalism are particularly relevant considering
Associating CA-AKI with Adverse Outcomes
data from multiple studies demonstrating improved sur-
While consistent in demonstrating associations of CA- vival among patients with CKD who undergo coronary
AKI with serious, adverse short-and long-term outcomes, angiography and revascularization in the setting of acute
these and similar past studies have not established coronary syndrome [74]. A study by Wright et al. of 1786
whether the associations are causal. CA-AKI, defined by patients with CKD demonstrated that initial invasive coro-
small increments in serum creatinine, may simply be a nary care was associated with 35% and 50% relative reduc-
marker of a population of patients with more significant tions in in-hospital mortality compared with conservative
vascular disease and propensity for hemodynamic insta- medical therapy in patients with ST elevation myocardial
bility that places them at heightened risk for serious infarction and non-ST elevation myocardial infarction,
events. This fact is particularly pertinent given research respectively [75]. In a more recent study of patients with
documenting the underutilization of clinically indicated, non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome, James et al.
potentially life-saving contrast-enhanced procedures in found that among those with stage 3 CKD, early perfor-
patients with CKD [69–72]. This practice is referred to as mance of coronary angiography was associated with
“renalism” and is likely driven by providers’ fear of pre- lower long-term mortality (risk ratio 0.66, 95% CI 0.52–
cipitating CA-AKI. 0.85) compared with conservative management, without
Chertow et al. compared the use of invasive coronary a corresponding increase in risk for the development
care, including coronary angiography, percutaneous coro- of end-stage kidney disease (risk ratio 0.88, 95% CI
nary intervention, and coronary artery bypass surgery, for 0.42–1.86) [76].
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150 Iodinated Contrast and Acute Kidney Injury
Collectively, these studies suggest that patients with were referred to as “low-osmolal” contrast. Compared with
CKD are less likely to undergo contrast-enhanced proce- high-osmolal contrast, the low-osmolal agents were associ-
dures than those without CKD and that this practice may ated with lower rates of CA-AKI. The Iohexol Cooperative
be resulting in an increase in serious adverse outcomes. It Study was a clinical trial of 1196 patients undergoing coro-
is hypothesized that the underutilization of contrast- nary angiography that demonstrated a lower incidence of
enhanced procedures in those with CKD is due to provider CA-AKI with low-osmolal iohexol compared with high-
fear of causing CA-AKI. The importance of these observa- osmolal diatrizoate (3.2% vs. 7.1%, P = 0.002) [44]. A meta-
tions is underscored by the absence of data establishing a analysis by Barrett and Carlisle that included results from
causal link between CA-AKI and adverse downstream this trial documented a lower risk of CA-AKI with low-
events. Efforts to examine whether CA-AKI causes adverse osmolal contrast compared to high-osmolal contrast (OR
outcomes or simply serves as a marker of patients more 0.61, 95% CI 0.48–0.77) [56]. Among patients with impaired
likely to experience such events are essential. Until research kidney function, low-osmolal contrast was associated with
answers this question, an important focus is ensuring that an even lower risk of CA-AKI compared with high-osmolal
patients at risk for CA-AKI undergo indicated procedures, agents (OR 0.5, 95% CI 0.36–0.68).
albeit with the implementation of evidence-based care to The development of a third-generation contrast agent,
prevent this iatrogenic condition. iodixanol, a nonionic dimer that was iso-osmolal to
plasma, led to comparisons with low-osmolal media.
Initial trials suggested lower rates of CA-AKI with iodix-
Prevention anol compared with certain low-osmolal agents (i.e.
iohexol, ioxaglate), while other studies demonstrated
Overview similar risk for CA-AKI [77–84]. Clinical practice guide-
lines from the American College of Cardiology/American
CA-AKI is potentially preventable as the principal risk fac- Heart Association cite a lack of sound data to support the
tors are well known and the timing of contrast administra- preferential use of iodixanol compared with low-osmolal
tion is frequently known in advance, which facilitates the contrast agents [85]. Similarly, the European Society of
timely implementation of preventive care in patients most Urogenital Radiology supports use of iso-or low-osmolal
likely to benefit. Identifying patients at heightened risk for contrast in patients at elevated risk of CA-AKI [86].
CA-AKI allows for the consideration of alternative imaging
procedures that do not necessitate intravascular contrast,
but that provide comparable diagnostic information. For Renal Replacement Therapies
at-risk patients who require procedures with intravascular Iodinated contrast media remain largely in the extracellular
contrast, evidence-based prevention should be imple- space, have low protein binding, and are highly water solu-
mented to reduce the risk for kidney damage. ble. Hence, they can be efficiently removed from the circula-
Research on preventive strategies for CA-AKI has tion by renal replacement therapies. Lee et al. randomized
focused on comparing different contrast agents, using 82 patients with advanced CKD undergoing coronary angi-
renal replacement therapy to filter iodinated contrast from ography to receive prophylactic hemodialysis or not, in addi-
the vasculature prior to glomerular filtration, administer- tion to IV saline and demonstrated a smaller decrement in
ing pharmacologic agents to oppose the nephrotoxic creatinine clearance and lower likelihood of requiring
actions of contrast, and expanding the intravascular space chronic hemodialysis in those who received prophylactic
and enhancing urine volume with IV fluids to mitigate the dialysis [87]. Unlike this study, most other trials of prophy-
adverse hemodynamic and tubular effects of contrast in lactic hemodialysis either failed to demonstrate a benefit or
the kidney. reported a higher risk for CA-AKI associated with prophy-
lactic hemodialysis [88–93]. Continuous renal replacement
therapy (CRRT) also removes iodinated contrast from the
Selection of Contrast Agent
vascular space, and there have been two randomized clinical
Iodinated contrast media are commonly categorized based trials of continuous veno-venous hemofiltration that have
on their osmolality. First-generation contrast agents were suggested benefit [94, 95]. Both of these studies utilized
ionic derivatives of tri-iodobenzoic acid with osmolalities change in serum creatinine relative to baseline as their pri-
of approximately 1500 to over 2000 mOsm/kg; accordingly, mary outcome, an endpoint confounded by the lowering of
they were termed “high-osmolal” contrast media. Second- serum creatinine by the intervention itself. As such, prophy-
generation agents were nonionic monomers or ionic lactic renal replacement therapy as either intermittent
dimers with lower osmolalities (600–1000 mOsm/kg) and hemodialysis or CRRT is not indicated to prevent CA-AKI.
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Preventio 151
bicarbonate was associated with a lower incidence of CA- to the standard treatment group, who received IV isotonic
AKI compared with IV isotonic saline (1.6% vs. 13.6%, saline at 1.5 ml/kg/h during and for 4 hours after the
P = 0.02) [160]. A proliferation of clinical trials followed procedure, the experimental group received IV isotonic
with discordant results [59, 60, 161–168]. Multiple system- saline based on the measured left ventricular end-diastolic
atic reviews and meta-analyses reported results that were pressure (i.e. 5, 3, or 1.5 ml/kg/h for left ventricular
as disparate as the component clinical trials [162, 168–177]. end-diastolic pressure measurements of <13, 13–18, and
More recently, Solomon et al. compared IV isotonic sodium >18 mmHg, respectively). CA-AKI occurred less com-
bicarbonate to IV isotonic saline in 391 patients with eGFR monly in the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure-guided
<45 ml/min/1.73 m2 undergoing angiography and found group (6.7% vs. 16.3%, relative risk 0.41, 95% CI 0.22–0.79,
no differences in the incidence of a primary composite out- P = 0.005) compared with the standard IV saline group.
come of 6-month death, need for dialysis, or sustained 20% The overall rate of pulmonary compromise related to IV
decrease in eGFR (14.9% vs. 16.3%, P = 0.78) [178]. This fluid administration was very low [181]. A similar study by
study also documented no difference in the incidence of Qian et al. demonstrated a lower incidence of CA-AKI in
CA-AKI between the study arms. The largest trial compar- patients who received IV saline administered based on cen-
ing the efficacy of sodium bicarbonate to saline was the tral venous pressure measurements compared with patients
PRESERVE trial, which randomized 4993 high risk patients who received standard IV saline treatment [182]. The over-
to receive IV isotonic sodium bicarbonate (n = 2511) or IV all rate of acute heart failure during IV fluid administration
isotonic sodium chloride (n = 2482) prior to, during, and was very low and comparable across patient groups (3.8%
following angiography [155]. Compared with IV saline, IV vs. 3.0%, P = 0.5).
sodium bicarbonate use was not associated with a decreased
risk for 90-day death, need for dialysis, or persistent impair-
Limitations of Clinical Trials on Preventive
ment in kidney function (OR 0.93, 95% CI 0.72–1.22) or in
the risk for CA-AKI (OR 1.16, 95% CI 0.96–1.41) [155]. A
subsequent subgroup analysis of the PRESERVE trial Many of the clinical trials investigating preventive inter-
found no benefit of IV sodium bicarbonate compared with ventions for CA-AKI had important methodological limi-
IV sodium chloride among study participants who under- tations. Most importantly, the vast majority of trials used
went percutaneous coronary intervention [179]. small increments in serum creatinine as their primary
A series of small studies examined the efficacy of induc- outcome, based on observational data associating such
ing a very high urine flow (>300 ml/h) with saline and biochemical perturbations with serious, adverse events.
furosemide using a device that permits accurate matching That such correlations exist is not in dispute, but it is
of urine flow and IV saline administration for the preven- essential to recognize that for these serum creatinine
tion of CA-AKI. A recent meta-analysis by Shah et al. that changes to truly be considered a “surrogate” for serious
comprised three clinical trials and 586 patients demon- adverse clinical events, they “must track with the
strated a reduction in CA-AKI, major adverse clinical frequency of the end point (i.e. serious clinical events)
events, and need for renal replacement therapy with this both as an epidemiologic marker and as a therapeutic
device compared with standard preventive care comprised responder” [183]. Definitive evidence that the changes in
principally of conventional isotonic IV fluid administra- serum creatinine that define CA-AKI track with changes
tion [180]. However, as pointed out by the authors, these in subsequent clinical outcomes is lacking. Thus, although
findings were based on small, underpowered studies and CA-AKI remains defined by small changes in serum
require confirmation in larger, adequately powered clinical creatinine, definitive clinical trials require the use of
trials. more meaningful outcomes.
While heart failure is recognized as a risk factor for The use of small changes in serum creatinine as the sur-
CA-AKI, there are data that the administration of IV fluids rogate primary endpoint has resulted in multiple clinical
to patients with heart failure is both effective and safe. The trials that are susceptible to type 1 error with inflated event
Prevention of Contrast Renal Injury with Different rates, small sample sizes, and inadequate statistical power
Hydration Strategies (POSEIDON) trial randomized 396 to discern effects of the interventions on key patient-
patients who were undergoing coronary angiography and centered outcomes. Clinical trials focused upon far more
compared a standard regimen of IV isotonic saline (3 ml/kg serious patient-centered outcomes (e.g. death, need for
for 1 hour prior to and 1.5 ml/kg/h during and for 4 hours dialysis) as the primary study outcome require markedly
following the procedure) with a strategy of IV isotonic larger samples sizes, as was demonstrated with the
saline based on the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure PRESERVE trial [155]. As such, all trials of treatments to
value at the beginning of angiography [181]. As compared prevent CA-AKI need to use clinically significant events as
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154 Iodinated Contrast and Acute Kidney Injury
their primary outcome until there is sound evidence that contrast administration. While a meta-analysis by Wu
prevention of small changes in serum creatinine also et al. that comprised 14 studies demonstrated a higher risk
diminishes these “hard” outcomes. for CA-AKI among patients receiving angiotensin con-
verting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor block-
ers at the time of angiography compared with patients not
Current Recommendations for Prevention
receiving these medications, that authors acknowledged
Identifying patients at high risk for CA-AKI and determin- this finding was based on low-level evidence from small
ing if alternative imaging procedures that can avoid intra- observational studies [184]. Furthermore, the initiation or
vascular iodinated contrast with comparable diagnostic discontinuation of these agents at the time of contrast
yield are available should be the initial step in efforts to administration may confound the interpretation of small
prevent this condition. For most patients who require pro- changes in serum creatinine. Assessing for the develop-
cedures with the use of intravascular contrast, all modifi- ment of CA-AKI by monitoring serum creatinine
able risk factors should be addressed. Nephrotoxic 48–96 hours following contrast administration is impor-
medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory med- tant to identify the development of this condition and to
ications should be discontinued prior to contrast adminis- provide supportive care to attenuate the risk for further
tration and held until CA-AKI has been ruled out. The renal parenchymal damage.
lowest required dose of either low or iso-osmolal contrast
should be used. Isotonic IV sodium chloride should be
administered prior to, during, and after the procedure, Conclusion
particularly for patients with lower eGFR values and those
undergoing angiography [155]. While IV isotonic sodium AKI remains a common iatrogenic event following proce-
bicarbonate is an acceptable alternative, it offers no advan- dures that involve the intravascular administration of iodi-
tage over IV isotonic saline and poses a small risk for com- nated contrast. The pathophysiology of and risk factors for
pounding errors as there is currently no commercially CA-AKI have been demonstrated in past studies, as have
available “off-the-shelf” form. For hospitalized patients, the associations of this condition with serious, adverse
isotonic IV saline can be administered at a rate of 1 ml/ short- and long-term outcomes. Such associations, which
kg/h for 12 hours preceding, during, and for 12 hours fol- have not been confirmed to be causal, have likely led to the
lowing the procedure if the timing of the procedure per- underutilization of clinically indicated diagnostic and ther-
mits. An alternative regimen, particularly for outpatients apeutic contrast-enhanced procedures in patients with
and those undergoing more urgent procedures, includes CKD. Patients with clear clinical indications for procedures
IV isotonic saline at a rate of 3 ml/kg/h over 1–2 hours that require intravascular contrast should undergo such
prior to and 6 ml/kg infused over 2–6 hours following con- procedures, albeit with the implementation of evidence-
trast administration. IV isotonic saline should be adminis- based preventive care. The cornerstone of prevention pres-
tered to patients with nondecompensated heart failure ently is the peri-procedural IV administration of isotonic
with careful monitoring of patients’ respiratory status. crystalloid, preferably sodium chloride. Well-designed,
There is no current role for the use of pharmacological adequately powered studies that utilize clinically relevant
agents for the prevention of CA-AKI. Similarly, studies to primary outcomes and that enroll high-risk patients are
date do not support the discontinuation of diuretics or needed to expand our understanding of the clinical impli-
blockers of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone axis prior to cations and prevention of this iatrogenic condition.
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Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
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164 Miscellaneous Etiologies of Acute Kidney Injury
usually 3 weeks after the initiation of the offending drug can be seen, usually detected more reliably with Hansel’s
in 80% of individuals, with an average of 10 days (although stain than with Wright’s stain [23]. However, the diagnos-
can range from 1 day to more than a year). NSAIDs have a tic utility of testing for urine eosinophils has recently been
slightly longer latency of 2–3 months. The temporal rela- invalidated and is no longer recommended. In a retrospec-
tionship between the initiation of a new drug and the tive study of 566 patients who had urine eosinophil testing
development of kidney injury may also aid in making the and a kidney biopsy within a week of each other, 91 patients
diagnosis. Disease manifestations develop within 3 weeks had evidence of AIN on pathology. Urine eosinophils at 1%
of initiation of the offending drug in about 80% of patients, and 5% cutoff had sensitivities of 30.8% and 19.8% and spe-
with an average latency of onset of 10 days (range 1 day to cificities of 68.2% and 91.2%, respectively [24]. Urine chem-
>1 year) [8]. The duration of onset may be longer when istries are not useful in distinguishing AIN from other
associated with NSAIDs, with a mean latent period of etiologies of AKI. Fractional excretion of sodium can either
2–3 months [15]. When AIN is associated with a systemic be above or below 1% [25].
disease, the clinical features of the respective diseases Other laboratory abnormalities that may be present
may be present (Table 12.2). include metabolic acidosis secondary to renal tubular aci-
dosis, low specific gravity due to a concentrating defect,
glycosuria, or phosphaturia secondary to Fanconi syn-
Laboratory Diagnosis
drome. Mild proteinuria is common, but sometimes it may
Urinalysis in patients suspected to have AIN often show be in the nephrotic range. Though heavy proteinuria has
hematuria and/or sterile pyuria, but these are nonspecific been reported with AIN from various drugs, it is classically
findings. The presence of white blood cell (WBC) casts is associated with NSAIDs. Concomitant minimal change
more specific, although they can also be seen in pyelone- glomerulopathy may be seen in NSAID-associated AIN,
phritis and certain proliferative glomerulonephritis. although the exact incidence is unclear. One paper noted
Eosinophiluria (urine eosinophils >1% of the urine WBCs) that 70% of patients with NSAID-associated AIN had
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Table 12.2 Causes of AIN and characteristic clinical and laboratory features.
Inciting agent
[reference(s)] Clinical features Laboratory findings Clinical course
All drugs other than Fever (45%) Hematuria (53%) Mean 10-day exposure prior to onset
methicillin [2, 8, 9] Rash (42%) Pyuria (50%) Temporary dialysis required in 32–50%
Arthralgia (12%) Mild proteinuria (58%) CKD remains in 36–40%
Flank pain (45%) Eosinophilia (40%)
Oliguria (40%)
Macroscopic hematuria (17%)
New or worsened hypertension (20%)
Methicillin [2, 8] Hypersensitivity symptoms common: Hematuria (90%) Mean duration of impaired kidney function,
Fever (85%) Pyuria (95%, often w/WBC casts) 1.5 months
Rash (25%) Mild proteinuria (80%) Temporary dialysis required in 17%
Arthralgias (10%) • Eosinophilia (80%) CKD remains in only 10%
Oliguria (25%) Eosinophiluria (almost all patients)
Macroscopic hematuria (80%)
NSAIDs [2, 8–10] Hypersensitivity symptoms uncommon: Nephrotic-range proteinuria (38%) Mean exposure 2–3 months before
Fever, rash, or arthralgias (10%) Hematuria (38%) presentation
Macroscopic hematuria (7%) Pyuria (40%) Temporary dialysis required in 20–38%
New or worsened hypertension (17%) Eosinophilia (40%) CKD remains in 56%
Kidney biopsy may also show minimal
change disease
Allopurinol [10] Hypersensitivity symptoms very common and Eosinophilia fairly common Mortality may be as high as 25%
robust Hepatitis common Rate of kidney recovery unknown
Signs of vasculitis possible Kidney biopsy may reveal immune complex
Often occurs in setting of renal insufficiency deposition at TBM
from accumulation of the inciting metabolite,
Rifampin [16] Hypersensitivity symptoms common and Eosinophilia (7%) Usually occurs 24 hours after dose with
robust Coombs-positive hemolysis (25%) current intermittent dosing or after previous
Fever (45%) Thrombocytopenia (50%) continuous exposure (up to 1 year prior)
Nausea or vomiting (72%) Hemoglobinuria (17%) Dialysis required in almost all cases
Abdominal pain (40%) Hepatitis (25%) CKD remains in only 3%
Rash uncommon Antirifampin antibodies (almost all
Flank pain (17%) patients)
Oligo-anuria (96%) Kidney biopsy rarely shows immune complex
deposition at TBM
Inciting agent
[reference(s)] Clinical features Laboratory findings Clinical course
PPI [17] Fever (<50%) Pyuria Median time from exposure to diagnosis exceeds
Rash (<10%) Hematuria 6 months
Eosinophilia (33%) White and red cell cast Absolute risk for CKD is increased (3.3%)
Fatigue and nausea (39%) Biopsy: interstitial infiltrates with or without
Weakness (22%) tubulitis
Checkpoint Systemic manifestations (pneumonitis, vasculitis, Eosinophilia Usually occur 3–12 months after starting
inhibitors [9] colitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, myocarditis, Kidney biopsy may show AIN and/or treatment.
enteritis, neuropathy) occur with varying glomerulonephritis and membranous GN Treatment of choice is prednisone and stopping
frequency CPI
CPI is restarted after improvement in SCr
Leptospirosis [18] Preceding exposure to animal excrement Cholestatic hepatitis (93%) Nephropathy occurs in 40% of cases of
Fever (93%) Hemolytic anemia (72%) leptospirosis
Jaundice (93%) Thrombocytopenia (81%) Mortality of 26%
Hepatomegaly (76%) Hypokalemia (renal wasting) (38%) Temporary dialysis required in 74%
Gingival/GI bleeding, purpura (79%) Hyponatremia (79%) Persistent tubular transport defects may
Macroscopic hematuria (26%) Rhabdomyolysis (62%) remain in 29%
Conjunctival suffusion (12%) Positive blood/urine cultures or serology CKD remains in only 10.3%
Altered mental status (50%) Kidney biopsy reveals inflammation
Hypotension (62%) predominating at proximal tubules early;
Oligoanuria (95%) interstitial hemorrhage possible
Rhabdomyolysis (62%)
BK nephropathy [14] Usually occurs in kidney allografts 1 year after Decoy cells (tubular cells with enlarged Acute or gradual deterioration in kidney
transplant in setting of aggressive nucleus, intranuclear inclusions) in urine function
immunosuppression sediment, 100% sensitivity/71% specificity Decreases 5-year kidney allograft survival from
May occur in other immunosuppressed states also Viremia by PCR 100% sensitive/88% specific 76% to 46%
(e.g. HIV) Kidney biopsy reveals SV40 stain positive Often resolves with decrease in
Fever uncommon intranuclear inclusion bodies immunosuppression
Macroscopic hematuria rare
TINU [20] 3 : 1 female predominance Eosinophilia (17%) Uveitis precedes renal disease in 21%, is
Median age of onset, 15 years Elevated serum IgG (83%) concurrent in 15%, and follows it in 65%
Eye pain or redness (32%) Kidney biopsy shows granulomas in 13%; Complete renal recovery often occurs
Fever (53%) unlike sarcoidosis, uveitis is not spontaneously within 1 year
Weight loss (47%) granulomatous Uveitis recurs in 54%, but recurrence of AIN is
Abdominal or flank pain (28%)
CKD is rare
Arthralgias or myalgias (17%)
Rash (1%)
IgG4 disease [21] Pancreatitis Elevated IgG4 levels Good response to corticosteroids but recurrence
Sclerosing cholangitis Biopsy shows lymphoplasmocytic infiltrates is common.
Autoimmune hypophysitis of IgG4-plasma cells, storiform fibrosis, tissue
Sialadenitis eosinophilia and obliterative phlebitis
Interstitial lung disease
Retro-peritoneal and mediastinal fibrosis
DRESS syndrome [22] Fever Leukocytosis with eosinophilia (90%) or High mortality rates up to 10% from fulminant
Lymphadenopathy mononucleosis (40%) hepatitis
Rash that can progress to Exfoliative dermatitis Anemia Supportive treatment including glucocorticoids
Hepatitis Thrombocytopenia
Pneumonitis Elevated liver enzymes
CKD, chronic kidney disease; CPI, checkpoint inhibitor; DRESS, drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms; GI, gastrointestinal; IgG, immunoglobulin G; PPI, proton pump
inhibitors; SCr, serum creatinine; SV40, simian virus 40; TBM, tubular basement membrane.
Particularly distinctive features are noted in bold. The percentages are estimates of the prevalence of the associated finding for each etiology.
Given the polymorphic nature of the disease and the mul- Figure 12.1 Acute interstitial nephritis (AIN), drug-induced,
with hematoxylin and eosin stain. Note the presence of
tiple potential causative agents, AIN does not have a uni- interstitial edema and predominantly mononuclear
form course or response to treatment. In the prototype, inflammatory cells separating the normally adjacent tubules (a).
methicillin-induced AIN, the prognosis was excellent, A few eosinophils (arrows) and a plasma cell (arrowhead) can be
with complete recovery of kidney function noted in 90% seen on higher power (b). Source: Courtesy of Rosa Davila MD,
Washington University School of Medicine.
of patients after a mean period of 1.5 months after cessa-
tion of the drug exposure [2]. In nonmethicillin, drug-
induced AIN, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an expected Due to the heterogeneity of AIN and severity of the ill-
sequela in 36–40% of cases [2]. The prevalence of CKD is ness, most studies that guide therapy in AIN are retrospec-
even higher (56%) with NSAID-induced AIN [27]. In one tive and there is a dearth of randomized controlled trials to
series consisting of seven cases of infection-associated define therapeutic strategies. Clearly, the most important
AIN, all had complete renal recovery. However, in this therapeutic maneuver is prompt removal of the inciting
case series the inciting infections were readily treatable or agent. Corticosteroids have been used in the treatment of
self-limited [13, 27]. Indeed, the prognosis for AIN may hypersensitivity, although the benefits of its use remain
depend on the promptness of elimination of the inciting controversial. Clarkson et al. studied 60 patients with AIN
agent, with those etiologies associated with milder symp- (92% drug-induced), 60% of whom were treated with corti-
toms and therefore delayed diagnosis (e.g. NSAIDs, costeroids, and found no difference in serum creatinine at
chronic infections, sarcoidosis) having worse prognosis 1 year between those who received and did not receive cor-
than those with more acute and dramatic presentations ticosteroids [28]. In contrast, Gonzales et al. reported that
(e.g. methicillin, rifampin, acute bacterial, or viral infec- use of steroids was beneficial, especially when started
tions) (Table 12.2). early, being associated with a lower final serum creatinine
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Introductio 169
and less need for renal replacement therapy (RRT) [29]. In preexisting CKD, and histology with intense and diffuse
a single center, retrospective analysis from 1993 to interstitial infiltrate, granuloma formation, or significant
2011 which studied 133 patients with biopsy proven AIN fibrosis and tubular atrophy. If corticosteroids are consid-
(70% drug-induced AIN), 49% of patients with drug- ered, then they should be given early, as this is associated
induced AIN achieved complete recovery after initiation of with improvement in kidney function [33]. A frequently
corticosteroids. An additional 39% of patients had partial used regimen is oral prednisone, 1 mg/kg, with the dura-
recovery and 12% had no recovery. Correlates for poor tion of therapy guided by the improvement in kidney func-
recovery included longer duration of exposure to the drug tion, usually 3 weeks. The presence of conditions that can
and time to initiation of steroids [5]. A more recent, large, be exacerbated by corticosteroid therapy (e.g. slow-healing
single-center retrospective study from London included wounds, brittle diabetes, or active infection) should dis-
187 eligible patients with AIN out of 3983 native kidney suade the clinician from this option. Furthermore, studies
biopsies, and 158 patients were treated with steroids. It was have suggested that corticosteroids do not alter the course
concluded that steroid-treated patients had higher eGFR at of NSAID-induced AIN [28], but if poor prognostic factors
all follow-up intervals up to 24 months. Fewer patients are present, treatment can still be considered. Other immu-
were dependent on RRT at the end of 6 months and nosuppressants should be reserved for cases that are not
24 months (3.2% and 5.1%) when compared to patients not responsive to withdrawal of the inciting agent alone when
treated with steroids (20.6% and 24.1%, respectively) [30]. corticosteroid resistance or dependence occurs.
An attempt to match steroid-treated with untreated
patients showed greater improvement in renal outcomes,
Atheroembolic Renal Disease
although this was not statistically significant. Based on
their results, the authors suggested a regimen of predniso- Definition, Prevalence, and Pathogenesis
lone at 1 mg/kg with a maximum dose of 60 mg daily, with Atheroembolic renal disease causes progressive AKI and
rapid weaning over 8–12 weeks to prevent worsening of acute kidney disease (AKD) resulting from inflammation
kidney function. However, one must be careful in extrapo- in the renal microvasculature caused by cholesterol crys-
lating this data to all patients with AIN, since this study tals and lipid debris. The dislodged atheromatous plaques
only looked at patients with biopsy proven AIN and may can travel through the bloodstream and affect any organ,
not have included those who had improvement in renal including the kidneys, skin, brain, and gastrointestinal sys-
function after prompt withdrawal of the offending agent at tem. Atheroembolism often occurs after an inciting event
the onset of kidney injury. (like cardiac catheterization, vascular surgeries, etc.) or use
One retrospective series described the use of mycopheno- of systemic anticoagulation but may occur spontaneously.
late mofetil in eight cases of steroid-dependent AIN, defined The first description of atheroembolic disease was by
as worsening kidney function with steroid withdrawal, Panum in 1883, but the nature of cholesterol embolization
even after a 6-month course of corticosteroids. Only two of was described by Flory in 1945 [34].
the eight cases were thought to be drug-induced, with the The disease is often under recognized. From various
remaining cases being idiopathic or associated with systemic autopsy studies, the incidence was about 1% but increased
diseases such as sarcoidosis or collagen vascular disease. to 4.0–6.5% in people 60 years or older [35]. There is usually
Treatment with mycophenolate mofetil resulted in a stabili- an inciting event leading to plaque destabilization and dis-
zation or slight improvement in kidney function (mean cre- tal showering of lipid debris. Plaque destabilization may
atinine decreased from 2.3 to 1.6 mg/dl); however, an average occur from vessel wall trauma from vascular surgery or
of 2 years of therapy was required [31]. More recently a case endovascular procedures of which coronary angiography is
report demonstrated benefit of antithymocyte globulin in a the most common iatrogenic procedure causing atheroem-
patient on RRT as the result of steroid refractory AIN who bolism. Although less common as an inciting factor, sys-
achieved independence from hemodialysis following temic anticoagulation and thrombolytics are thought to
treatment [32]. prevent protective thrombus formation over ulcerated
Given these data, a reasonable treatment strategy would plaques, thereby increasing risk of atheroembolism.
be to reserve corticosteroids for patients with idiopathic In atheroembolism, the cholesterol-containing debris
AIN, systemic diseases for which corticosteroids have a lodge in small arterioles, inciting thrombus formation, and
proven role (e.g. sarcoidosis, Sjögren’s syndrome, vascu- causing distal ischemia and infarction. Within 5 days there
litides), or cases with characteristics associated with worse may be recanalization of the thrombus, but an inflamma-
renal prognosis. The latter includes delayed onset of kid- tory foreign body arteritis ensues. Because the cholesterol
ney recovery after removal of the inciting agent (>1 week), is not soluble and it is never successfully cleared by phago-
prolonged exposure to the offending agent (>2–3 weeks), cytes, inflammation persists and leads to progressive
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170 Miscellaneous Etiologies of Acute Kidney Injury
fibrosis and later obliteration of the lumen of the small ves- Table 12.3 Clinical findings in patients with renal
sel. With involvement of multiple arterioles, the result is atheroembolic disease and frequency of occurrence.
persistent, patchy ischemia of several nephrons, instigating
progressive renal insufficiency. Frequency of
Clinical finding occurrence (%)
Clinical Features and Laboratory Findings Figure 12.3 Myeloma cast nephropathy, with hematoxylin and
eosin stain. There is a characteristic eosinophilic, “corrugated
Cast nephropathy is suspected when patients present with paper” appearance of this cast that is adherent to the wall of the
rapidly declining kidney function in the setting of FLCs tubule. There is resulting tubular cell toxicity and inflammation,
with an interstitial infiltrate and cells engulfing the cast at its
detected by plasma or urine immunofixation or by serum point of adherence (arrow). Source: Courtesy of Helen Liapis, MD,
FLC measurement. IMWG recommends a 24-hour urine Washington University School of Medicine.
protein electrophoresis and a serum FLC assay. In the set-
ting of reduced kidney function, the serum FLC may be
Newer chemotherapeutic agents have increased overall
elevated, but not in a clonal pattern. If a clonal serum FLC
survival in MM. Renal protective chemotherapy with tha-
is >500 mg/l, quantitative urinary albumin excretion
lidomide or bortezomib aims at rapidly decreasing FLC
should be assessed. In glomerular causes of AKI, the pre-
concentrations. Bortezomib-based regimens have been
dominant urinary protein is albumin; but when albumin
associated with improved kidney function and are the
10% of total urinary protein, the diagnosis is likely to be
treatment of choice [54, 56, 57]. A Cochrane meta-analysis
cast nephropathy and kidney biopsy can be avoided. If
with 16 studies and 5626 patients suggested better survival
quantitative urinary light chains are <1 g/day, an alternate
rates and longer time without progression with bortezomib.
diagnosis should be considered and a kidney biopsy may be
Metabolized by liver, it can be safely administered to
patients with kidney failure. Thalidomide and lenalido-
The definite diagnosis is obtained from kidney biopsy. On
mide are also targeted chemotherapy for MM. In one study
light microscopy, cast nephropathy is manifested by the
of 133 patients, renal recovery was noted in 77%, 55%, and
presence of large lamellated eosinophilic casts in the distal
43% of patients treated with bortezomib, thalidomide, and
convoluted and collecting tubules. Features of interstitial
lenalidomide, respectively [57]. In a multivariate analysis,
inflammation and nephritis are also seen (Figure 12.3). The
bortezomib had superior results with respect to probability
casts are comprised primarily of monoclonal light chains
of response as well as the median response time compared
but also contain albumin, THP, fibrin, and polyclonal light
to the other two agents. A retrospective cohort study ana-
lyzing autologous stem cell transplant and renal recovery
showed that 14 out of 15 patients with advanced kidney
failure, who received transplant remained dialysis depend-
Course and Treatment
ent despite hematological recovery; however, it is impor-
Treatment of cast nephropathy includes general measures tant to note that having kidney failure did not exclude them
and disease-specific treatments. General measures include from this curative therapy [58].
adequate volume expansion, correction of hypercalcemia The idea that therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE)
and hyperuricemia, discontinuation of potential nephro- would be effective in removal of FLC stems from the fact
toxic medications, such as NSAIDs and angiotensin con- that FLC have small molecular masses. Trials evaluating
verting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI), and angiotensin receptor the role of TPE in cast nephropathy were performed
blockers (ARBs), loop diuretics, and avoidance of iodinated before the advent of newer bortezomib-based regimens.
intravascular contrast. Burnette et al. analyzed 14 patients from 2004 to 2010 who
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Pathophysiolog 173
received TPE and bortezomib, and showed full renal causing hyperuricemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphos-
recovery in 43% of patients in 6 months [59]. Given the phatemia, and hypocalcemia. Multiorgan failure, includ-
lack of sufficient data from current literature, the role of ing AKI, life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias, seizures,
TPE in cast nephropathy remains nebulous and cannot be and death, is known to occur. The Cairo–Bishop diagnos-
recommended. Two recent trials – EuLite and tic criteria for laboratory and clinical TLS are shown in
MYRE – evaluated the role of high-cut-off hemodialysis Table 12.4.
(HCO-HD) along with concomitant chemotherapy in the TLS is most commonly described in malignancies with
treatment of biopsy confirmed cast nephropathy [60, 61]. large tumor burden: non-Hodgkin lymphoma, especially
In both trials, the primary outcome of dialysis independ- Burkitt’s lymphoma, acute and chronic leukemias, and
ence at 30 days was not significantly different between the MM [67–69]. Certain solid organ tumors like germ cell
HCO-HD arm versus the control groups. In the MYRE tumors, neuroblastoma, breast, and small cell lung cancer,
study, dialysis independence at 6 months was superior to especially when associated with widespread metastasis,
conventional treatment alone (35% vs. 57%, P = 0.04) [61, also predispose to TLS. Although previously described with
62]. It should be noted that there was a higher incidence chemotherapy, other forms of treatment, including corti-
of death due to infections in the HCO-HD arm in the costeroids, tamoxifen, radiotherapy, and newer targeted
MYRE study, but 11% of patients in the HCO-HD arm therapy with biologicals, can also cause TLS. Elevated
compared to 4% in the conventional HD arm had infec- serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is an additional risk
tion at baseline. There was no difference in infectious factor predisposing to TLS [70].
complications in the EuLite trial. HCO-HD is not FDA
approved for treatment of cast nephropathy in the United
States. The IMWG recommends that HCO-HD can be Pathophysiology
considered as an adjunct to bortezomib-based chemo-
therapy in patients with MM and severe kidney impair- Uric acid is the end product of the metabolism of purine
ment (grade B evidence) [63]. nucleotides in humans and higher primates. Uric acid is
freely filtered by the glomerulus, but in contrast to previous
studies, recent data suggest that our understanding of the
AKI Secondary to Bisphosphonate Therapy
tubular handling of uric acid is incomplete [71]. Uric acid
Intravenous bisphosphonates are widely used in the treat- is actively reabsorbed and secreted at the proximal tubule
ment of hypercalcemia of malignancy. Both zoledronate via complicated interplay among various transport path-
and pamidronate have been associated with AKI. Acute ways involving urate transporter 1 (URAT1), glucose trans-
tubular injury and collapsing focal segmental glomerulo- porter 9 (GLUT9), and organic anion transporters (OATs),
sclerosis have been described [64]. The 2015 European among others [71]. Uric acid crystallization occurs when
Myeloma network guidelines [65] recommend measuring concentration in the tubules exceeds the solubility, and this
creatinine clearance, serum electrolytes, and urine albu- usually occurs in setting of low urine volume and acidic
min in all patients receiving bisphosphonates (grade 1A).
These drugs should be avoided if CrCl <30 mg/dl (grade Table 12.4 Cairo–Bishop definition of tumor lysis
1A). Dose reduction is necessary for zoledronate with no syndrome [66].
change in infusion time (grade1A) whereas pamidronate
should be given over a 4-hour infusion (grade 1C). Laboratory tumor Two or more occurring within 3 days
lysis syndrome before or 7 days after chemotherapy
Clodronate can be used as alternative in patients with CrCl
(LTLS) ●● Uric acid 8 mg/dl or 25% increase
>12 ml/min (Grade 2C). To prevent hypocalcemia, calcium
from baseline
and vitamin D supplementation should be administered. ●● Potassium 6 mEq/dl or 25% increase
(Grade 1A). from baseline
●● Phosphorus 4.5 mg/dl or 25%
increase from baseline
Tumor Lysis Syndrome ●● Calcium 7mg/dl or 25% decrease
pH. Hyperphosphatemia results when tumor cells with recombinant uricase enzyme that converts uric acid into
high metabolic rates and turnover die, releasing high levels allantoin, which is 5–10 times more soluble in urine than
of intracellular phosphorus into bloodstream, overwhelm- uric acid. The dosing approved by FDA is 0.2 mg/kg in a
ing the kidney’s capacity to eliminate it. In spontaneous 30-minute intravenous infusion once daily for up to
TLS, severe hyperphosphatemia is less likely, since the sur- 5 days [74, 75]. Rasburicase does not require renal dosing.
viving tumor cells, with their high metabolic rate, rapidly It can cause methemoglobinemia and hemolysis in patients
recycle released phosphate. Phosphorus binds with cal- with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency hence
cium cations, causing hypocalcemia, and calcium phos- all patients should be checked for enzyme activity prior to
phate complexes can precipitate in the kidney and other starting rasburicase [76].
tissues. Patients can develop signs and symptoms of hypoc- Most patients with AKI will not require dialysis and
alcemia, including tetany and seizures. AKI in TLS is thus will recover kidney function, although patient and renal
thought to be secondary to uric acid and calcium phos- prognosis may be worse with spontaneous TLS. Before
phate crystal nephropathy. In addition to the crystalline the availability of rasburicase, hemodialysis was often ini-
pathway, vasoconstriction and inflammation also play a tiated early in order to rapidly reduce uric acid levels,
role in the pathogenesis of AKI. with a 50% reduction occurring after 6 hours of hemodi-
alysis (clearance of 70–145 ml/min) [77]. Rasburicase
results in more prompt reduction of uric acid and elimi-
Management nates this indication for RRT. However, when significant
hyperphosphatemia is present, early RRT may still be
The management of TLS can be divided into preventative required along with noncalcium-based phosphate binders
and therapeutic measures. Patients who are at high risk to prevent further phosphate precipitation and/or hypoc-
for TLS should be closely monitored for electrolyte abnor- alcemia. Treatment of hypocalcemia with intravenous
malities and metabolic acidosis. General measures such calcium without first lowering the phosphorus should
as avoidance of nephrotoxic drugs including NSAIDs and be reserved for symptomatic patients or those with
radiocontrast is necessary. Volume expansion with the EKG changes as calcium administration in the setting of
use of crystalloids to maintain a urine output of 2 ml/ hyperphosphatemia can cause calcium phosphate precip-
kg/h [72] helps ensure adequate glomerular filtration and itation. Even though phosphorus clearance is high
high tubular flow rates, thereby enhancing excretion of (approximately 50–90 ml/min) with intermittent hemodi-
uric acid, phosphorus, and potassium, and minimizing alysis (IHD), the short duration of IHD (usually 4 hours/
the risk of uric acid and calcium phosphate precipitation. day) is not sufficient to achieve negative phosphorus bal-
Even though uric acid is soluble in alkaline urine, urine ance. The longer duration of treatment offered by con-
alkalization can decrease the solubility of calcium phos- tinuous or prolonged intermittent RRT is more effective
phate and increase the risk for calcium phosphate for phosphorus clearance and should be considered for
nephropathy. Ideally this should be initiated 2 days prior patients with TLS [78].
to the initiation of chemotherapy. Also, alkalosis leads to
increased binding of calcium to albumin, reducing ion-
Crystalline Nephropathies
ized calcium, and hence routine alkalization of urine is
not recommended [69, 72]. Definition, Etiology, and Pathogenesis
Allopurinol (which gets converted to oxypurinol in vivo) Crystalline nephropathies describe the kidney injury that
is a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme xanthine oxidase. results from the intratubular precipitation of substances.
Oxypurinol competes with purines and decreases their Uric acid nephropathy was discussed earlier and this
conversion to uric acid. Hence it is most effective in the section will focus on other crystalline nephropathies.
prevention of hyperuricemia [73]. However, the drug also Intratubular crystal formation and deposition of a sub-
inhibits the conversion of xanthine to uric acid, hence stance is promoted by three mechanisms: (i) high concen-
there is a risk of formation of xanthine crystal in the renal trations of the offending agent in the tubular fluid; (ii)
tubules [70]. A large study including 1172 adults and chil- prolonged intratubular transit time; and (iii) decreased
dren, treated with intravenous allopurinol, was found to solubility [79]. The first two mechanisms occur in the set-
decrease uric acid level in 57% of adults when used for ting of decreased effective circulating volume, which
treatment and by 93% when used prophylactically [73]. results in proximal tubular sodium and water reabsorption,
Febuxostat is a newer xanthine oxidase inhibitor that is resulting in high concentration of the offending agent in
metabolized in the liver and hence can be used safely in the distal tubule along with decreased distal flow rates.
patients with kidney insufficiency [70]. Rasburicase is a Underlying CKD is an important risk factor for the crystalline
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Managemen 175
nephropathies. In CKD, the amount of compound excreted and hence does not rule out crystal nephropathy. Conversely,
per remaining functioning nephron is increased, raising the presence of crystals does not prove their pathogenic role
the likelihood of intratubular precipitation. The third because calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, and uric acid
mechanism, decreased solubility, is often dependent on the crystalluria may be seen in normal individuals. Furthermore,
distal tubular fluid pH. Compounds with pKa < 7, such as crystalluria has been found in patients without AKI in fre-
uric acid, calcium oxalate, sulfonamides, methotrexate, quencies varying from 100% of healthy individuals receiv-
and triamterene, tend to precipitate in acidic urine, ing a single 100-mg dose of triamterene and ascorbic acid
whereas compounds with pKa > 7, such as indinavir and (for urinary acidification) to 17% of all patients taking
calcium phosphate, tend to precipitate in alkaline urine. indinavir [90].
Once crystals are formed in the tubular lumen, the tubular Ultrasound may reveal bilaterally enlarged and echo-
epithelial cells attempt to phagocytose and digest the crys- genic kidneys and can identify concomitant macroscopic
tals with proteolytic enzymes, resulting in direct cellular lithiasis. Kidney biopsy is sometimes required to make a
toxicity and necrosis. Crystal-induced toxicity can also lead definitive diagnosis. Light microscopy may reveal crystal-
to significant peritubular inflammation, sometimes mim- line deposits (usually in the distal tubules), with a sur-
icking AIN [80, 81]. rounding interstitial infiltrate that may contain giant cells
Inadequate dose reduction for the level of kidney func- as part of a foreign body reaction. Evidence of ATN can
tion is frequent, leading to increased drug exposure. The also be present, secondary to direct tubular cell toxicity.
clinical contexts in which the more common crystalline Polarized microscopy may demonstrate birefringence,
nephropathies occur are summarized in Table 12.5. Besides depending on the offending agent (Figure 12.5a,b). A sum-
TLS, other causes of crystalline nephropathy include cal- mary of the characteristic laboratory findings is outlined in
cium oxalate, acyclovir, sulfonamides, methotrexate, indi- Table 12.5.
navir, and triamterene. Ethylene glycol intoxication is
discussed separately due to its unique pathogenic mecha-
Course and Management
nisms and treatment strategies.
In most cases of crystalline nephropathy, the renal progno-
sis is excellent if further exposure to the precipitating sub-
Clinical Features
stance can be avoided. In drug-related crystalline
Extensive crystal deposition results in pain from distention nephropathies, recovery of kidney function is expected to
of the renal capsule and is similar in nature to the pain due occur within days to weeks after cessation or dose reduc-
to nephrolithiasis. Oliguria is uncommon unless there is tion of the offending drug. An exception is the use of
bilateral obstruction. In certain cases (especially with indi- phosphate-containing colonoscopy preparation, causing
navir and sulfonamides), macroscopic lithiasis and its phosphate nephropathy. Although there was likely selec-
characteristic presenting symptoms can exist alone or con- tion bias for more severe cases, the largest series character-
comitantly with intratubular crystal nephropathy [88, 90]. izing this disease found that none of 21 affected patients
Precipitation of calcium with phosphates and oxalates can returned to their previous level of kidney function and four
lead to symptomatic hypocalcemia, leading to paresthesia, progressed to require chronic dialysis [82].
tetany, and lethargy. High levels of acyclovir seen in AKI The mainstay in preventing crystalline nephropathy is
can lead to hallucinations, delirium, and myoclonus. avoidance of the two most frequent predisposing factors:
Methotrexate can cause stroke-like symptoms (not dose- volume depletion and drug overdosing relative to the
related) as well as nausea, rash, and mucositis (usually level of kidney function. Establishing a brisk urine output
dose-related). (e.g. 100–150 ml/h or greater) in high-risk patients is
extremely important. For substances with pKa < 7 (e.g.
uric acid, calcium oxalate, sulfonamides, methotrexate,
Laboratory Findings
triamterene) urinary alkalization by administering intra-
Urinalysis and microscopic examination of the urine sedi- venous isotonic bicarbonate solutions or oral citrate can
ment are often nonspecific, generally revealing hematuria, be considered. Urine pH should be periodically followed
pyuria, and mild proteinuria. Although the offending sub- to ensure an appropriate level of alkalization to achieve
stances have unique crystal morphologies on urine micros- pH > 7.15. Excess alkalization of urine can lead to precipi-
copy, finding urine crystals may not be independently tation of calcium phosphate crystals and should be
diagnostic. Urine microscopic images of some crystals are avoided. Acetazolamide may be added if a metabolic alka-
shown in Figure 12.4a–e. Absence of crystals on urine losis ensues. Attempting to acidify the urine to increase
microscopy can occur when there is tubular obstruction the solubility of weakly basic compounds is dangerous
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Table 12.5 Causes of crystalline nephropathy, their distinctive clinical and laboratory features, and strategies for prevention and treatment.
Inciting agent
[reference] Clinical context Laboratory findings Prevention and treatment Disease course
Phosphate [82] TLS, especially post treatment form Crystalluria with weakly birefringent, long Prevention Incidence of CKD
Phosphasoda bowel prep with risk prisms, often in rosettes Forced diuresisa higher in cases caused
increased by ACEi/diuretic use, Hyperphosphatemia out of proportion to Noncalcium-based phosphate binders by phosphasoda
advanced age, CKD, and/or female kidney insufficiency Treatment
gender Hypocalcemia Forced diuresisa
●● Rhabdomyolysis (rare) Hyperkalemia out of proportion to kidney Noncalcium-based phosphate binders
Avoid treatment of hypocalcemia unless
High LDH in TLS, rhabdomyolysis, and symptomatic or ECG changes present
Consider early initiation of RRT,
Kidney biopsy: von Kossa-positive crystals especially CRRT
Uric acid [83, 84] TLS, especially spontaneous form Crystalluria with brownish, strongly Prevention Full renal recovery
Rhabdomyolysis (rare) birefringent, rhomboid plates, rosettes, or Forced diuresisa expected in the absence
HGPRT deficiency (rare) needles Allopurinol or rasburicase of other insults; higher
UA >15 mg/dl (peaking 2–3 days after mortality in
Treatment spontaneous TLS
initiation of treatment in TLS)
Urine UA/urine Cr >1 (<0.75 suggests
alternative diagnosis) RRT (if rasburicase not available)
Hyperkalemia out of proportion to kidney
Elevated LDH in TLS and rhabdomyolysis
Oxalate [85, 86] EG poisoning Crystalluria with birefringent monohydrate Prevention Full renal recovery
High-dose i.v. ascorbic acid–xylitol– needles or dihydrate envelope shapes Forced diuresisa occurred in 6/9
sorbitol infusions (rare) appearing >4 h after EG ingestion Consider urine alkalinization patients; duration and
Primary hyperoxaluria (rare) Hypocalcemia severity of AKI is
Fomepizole for high-risk EG ingestionb predicted by severity of
In EG poisoning, osmolal gap >10 mOsm/l (ethanol is second line)
and detectable serum and urine EG early with acidosis at presentation
i.v. thiamine, magnesium, and pyridoxine
subsequent development of severe anion gap in alcoholic patients
Kidney biopsy: silver nitrate/rubeanic acid
stain-positive crystals Forced diuresisa
Consider urine alkalinization
Avoid treatment of hypocalcemia unless
symptomatic or ECG changes present
Fomepizole (ethanol is second line) if EG
level >20 mg/dl
Early initiation of RRT, especially if EG
>50 mg/dl and renal insufficiency or
acidosis present
Methotrexate [89] 2–4% develop AKI with high-dose i.v. Crystalluria with amorphous yellow casts Prevention Median time to renal
therapy; increased risk in older High serum methotrexate level Forced diuresisa recovery to 2–3 weeks
patients and with concomitant use of Anemia, leukopenia, or thrombocytopenia Urinary alkalinization to pH 8
NSAID or other highly protein- possible
bound drugs which increase free Treatment
methotrexate levels Forced diuresisa
Urinary alkalinization to pH 8
Leucovorin rescue ± thymidine for
extrarenal toxicity until methotrexate
level <0.05 μmol/l
Consider carboxypeptidase G2 (>98% fall
in levels by 15 minutes) vs. daily 6-hour
high-flux hemodialysis (clears drug in
5.5 days)
Sulfonamides [90] Usually with high-dose therapy Crystalluria with variable shapes from shocks Treatment Full renal recovery is
More common with sulfadiazine of wheat to spheres Forced diuresisa prompt, sometimes
(1.9–7.5% incidence in AIDS Positive lignin test (orange urine upon mixing Urine alkalinization to pH > 7.1 within hours, but
patients) with 10% hydrochloric acid) median 6 days
Dose reduction usually sufficient
Low serum albumin may increase Densities in parenchyma and in collection Urologic consultation if macroscopic
risk from higher free drug levels system on ultrasound are common obstruction present (not uncommon)
Triamterene [79] Rare; must distinguish from the Crystalluria with birefringent orange casts Treatment Full renal recovery is
much more common AIN, or AKI and spheres Forced diuresisa expected
with concomitant NSAID use Hyperkalemia out of proportion to renal Urine alkalinization to pH > 7.5
insufficiency May require urologic consultation for the
more common triamterene stone if
CRRT, continuous renal replacement therapy; CT, computerized tomography; ECG, electrocardiogram; EG, ethylene glycol; HGPRT, hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase; i.v.,
intravenous; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; TLS, tumor lysis syndrome; TMP-SMX, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole; UA, uric acid.
Forced diuresis refers to aggressive hydration with judicious use of diuretics to achieve and maintain brisk urine flow rate.
Patients at high risk for organ dysfunction in EG poisoning are those with serum EG of >20 mg/dl, OR with known recent ingestion of EG with osmolal gap >10 mOsm/l, OR strong
suspicion of recent ingestion and two of the following: pH <7.3, HCO3 < 20 mEq/l, osmolal gap >10 mOsm/l, and urinary oxalate crystals [85].
(d) (e)
Figure 12.4 (a)–(e) Crystals on urine microscopy. (a) Calcium oxalate crystals may appear in the monohydrate (dumbbell shaped) and
dihydrate (envelope shaped) form as shown here (brightfield illumination, original magnification 400×). (b) Uric acid crystals can be
seen in various forms. The rhombic and rosette forms are shown in 4B:1 and the barrel-shaped forms are shown in 4B:2 (brightfield
illumination, magnification 400×). Source: Images (a), 4B:1 and 4B:2: courtesy of Jay Seltzer MD, St. Louis Kidney Consultants, St. Louis,
MO. (c) Acyclovir crystals are typically needle shaped, as shown here (brightfield illumination, magnification 400×). (D) Sulfadiazine
crystals can appear as striated shells or “shocks of wheat” (brightfield illumination, magnification 400×). Source: Images (c) and (d):
courtesy of José Antonio Tesser Poloni, Urinalysis Section – Carlos Franco Voegeli Clinical Analysis Laboratory, Santa Casa de
Misericórdia de Porto Alegre, Brazil. (e) Indinavir crystals are shown here as rectangular plates with irregular borders and occasional
tapering (brightfield illumination, magnification 400×).
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Ethylene Glycol Poisonin 179
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182 Miscellaneous Etiologies of Acute Kidney Injury
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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186 Renal Replacement Therapy in Acute Kidney Injury
of kidney function in AKI and multiorgan failure does not and micronutrients, alterations in drug pharmacokinetics
permit the body’s adaptive responses seen in those with (PK), and dialysis-induced hypothermia to name a few
progressive chronic kidney disease. (Table 13.1).
Intermittent RRT is usually preferred in patients who are
hemodynamically more stable and able to tolerate greater
fluctuations in fluid and metabolic status. IHD also pro-
RRT utilizes an extracorporeal circuit containing an artifi- vides greater minute-to-minute small solute clearance,
cial membrane (hemodialysis [HD] or hemofiltration) or which makes it far more effective in situations where life-
the patient’s own peritoneal membrane (peritoneal dialysis) threatening issues require emergent correction such as
(see Table 13.1). Hemodialysis refers to the removal of sol- severe hyperkalemia with marked conduction abnormali-
ute and water across a semipermeable membrane by estab- ties (i.e. complete heart block), acute poisonings, or pro-
lishing and maintaining a concentration gradient between found metabolic acidemia. Intermittent RRT also allows
the blood flowing through the filter and the countercurrent more active physical therapy and rehabilitation by provid-
flow of an electrolyte containing dialysate solution across ing time off from therapy.
the other side of the membrane (principle of diffusion) [21]. Hybrid therapies are variations of RRT that are usually
In hemofiltration, water and dissolved solutes are trans- provided daily for 6–18 hours. They offer some advantages
ferred across a semipermeable membrane by means of a of both intermittent and CRRT, and are often employed
transmembrane pressure gradient (principle of convec- during the transition period from CRRT to intermittent
tion) [21]. Hemodiafiltration incorporates the removal of RRT. There are multiple terminologies in the literature for
solute and water across a semipermeable membrane by hybrid therapies, with the most common being SLED and
both a concentration and transmembrane pressure gradient PIRRT [22].
(diffusion and convection) [21]. PD uses the patient’s peri- Acute PD requires the insertion of a peritoneal dialysis
toneum as a membrane across which fluids, electrolytes, catheter. It has theoretical advantages in that hemodynamic
and small molecules are exchanged by diffusion. disturbances are rare and anticoagulation is not required.
Further characterization of RRT is based on the dura- PD provides continuous clearance, but fluid removal rate
tion. As such, there are continuous and intermittent forms and degree of solute clearance cannot be controlled as tightly
of RRT. CRRT includes continuous veno-venous hemofil- as with IHD or CRRT. In addition, the risks of respiratory
tration (CVVH), continuous veno-venous hemodialysis compromise from increased intra-abdominal pressure,
(CVVHD), continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration pleural-peritoneal leak and intra-abdominal infection make
(CVVHDF), and PD; intermittent techniques include IHD it generally less suitable in the acute setting in adults, how-
and newer “hybrid” therapies, such PIRRT, which has also ever acute PD remains a commonly used option in neonates
been called sustained low-efficiency dialysis (SLED) and resource-limited settings. In patients with abdominal
(Figure 13.1). pathology, PD is usually contraindicated.
CRRT can be delivered as CVVH, CVVHD, or CVVHDF.
Historically, diffusion, the clearance mode in hemodialysis,
Choice of Modality
favors the removal of solutes with a lower molecular weight
In clinical practice, the choice of modality depends on the (MW) whereas convection (which underlies the process of
characteristics of the patient, availability of machines, and hemofiltration) is more efficient at removing both low-and
expertise of the clinical team [20]. Intermittent modalities higher MW substances as it permits the transfer of mole-
are generally associated with greater fluctuations in meta- cules that can be accommodated by the size of the mem-
bolic and fluid status and an increased risk of intradialytic brane pore. Indeed, there is some evidence that clearance of
hemodynamic compromise (i.e. hypotension) whereas vancomycin (with MW approximately 1500 Da) can be
CRRT provides more sustained fluid removal and solute improved with hemofiltration [23]. There is debate about
clearance, and is associated with less fluctuation whether there is a clinical benefit afforded by hemofiltra-
(Figure 13.1 and Table 13.1). As such, CRRT is recom- tion in the setting of AKI [24]. The potential benefit of
mended for patients who do not tolerate fluctuations in removing a wider spectrum of solutes that are too large to
fluid status or shifts in osmotically active molecules such be removed by hemodialysis (for instance inflammatory
as those patients with hemodynamic instability or acute cytokines), would make hemofiltration an attractive ther-
brain injury [20]. The potential drawbacks of CRRT apy for certain types of AKI, for instance sepsis-associated
include greater restriction of mobility, continuous expo- AKI. However, small studies demonstrate that this differ-
sure to the extracorporeal circuit, need for anticoagula- ence in middle- or large-molecule clearance is low with
tion, often unrecognized losses of amino acids, vitamins, modern high-flux membranes [25, 26]. Additionally, as
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Table 13.1 Characteristics of different RRT modalities used in AKI.
Hybrid RRT
ICP, intracerebral pressure; RRT, renal replacement therapy; SLED, slow extended dialysis; EDD, extended daily dialysis; PIRRT, prolonged intermittent renal replacement therapy.
Source: Adapted from Bagshaw et al. [20].
Randomized controlled Number of CRRT Mortality of CRRT Number of control Mortality of control Unadjusted odds of death in
trial patients group (%) patients group (%) control group (95% CI)
RRT, renal replacement therapy; CRRT, continuous renal replacement therapy; IHD, intermittent hemodialysis; PD, peritoneal dialysis; SLED,
sustained low-efficiency dialysis; CI, confidence interval; NA, not available.
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Indications for Acute Renal Replacement Therap 189
patients despite marked hemodynamic instability, with lit- clearances were equivalent but less heparin was needed
tle crossover between treatment groups. However, in the and acidosis was corrected faster in patients treated with
Hemodiafe study, IHD delivery was tailored to minimize PIRRT [47]. In another RCT in 60 patients comparing
risk of hemodynamic compromise – specifically, initial CVVHDF to 6–8 hours of PIRRT, there was no difference in
blood flow was limited to 250 ml/min, dialysate flow to ICU or 30-day mortality, but survivors in the PIRRT group
500 ml/min (both limiting speed of small solute clearance), had higher renal recovery rates and a shorter length of stay
dialysate sodium concentration was increased to 150 mEq/l in ICU [39]. Finally, a systematic review and meta-analysis
(high dialysate sodium concentration is known to mini- including seven RCTs and 10 observational studies con-
mize risk of intradialytic hypotension), and dialysate tem- cluded that PIRRT was associated with similar outcomes to
perature was decreased to 35.0°C to increase peripheral CRRT [48].
vascular resistance and vascular refilling. Mean IHD treat- There is a limited number of studies comparing PD to
ment duration was 5.2 hours and mean net fluid removal CRRT in adults. Two studies reported better results with
during each IHD session was only 2.2 l [33]. In the United CRRT but the clearance delivered by PD was low [49, 50].
States and many other countries, such optimized, tailored, One RCT found that CVVH was superior to PD in infection-
and gentle IHD treatment is less common and challenging associated AKI but the predominance of malaria as the
to deliver in those with AKI-D, making it difficult to extrap- cause of AKI limits the study’s generalizability [38].
olate these results to daily practice. In summary, an understanding of the benefits and
The single-center CONVINT (Contininous versus inter- drawbacks of the different types of RRT is essential.
mittent renal replacement therapy Trial) trial was a pro- Current data do not show superiority of any specific
spective RCT comparing daily IHD with CVVH in 252 modality of renal support in patients with AKI. Rather
critically ill patients [35]. Survival rates at 14 days after RRT than viewing these modalities as competing, we recom-
were 39.5% (IHD) versus 43.9% (CVVH) (P = 0.50). All- mend viewing them as complementary therapies.
cause hospital and 30-day mortality rates were not different Modality selection for an individual patient requires a
between the two groups (all P > 0.5). No differences were consideration of the clinical characteristics of patients,
observed in days on RRT, vasopressor days, days on ventila- the goals of RRT on a given day, provider expertise, and
tor, or length of stay in hospital [35]. locally available technology and staffing resources.
The propensity for hemodynamic instability and intra- Importantly, guidelines do endorse the use of CRRT in
dialytic hypotension during IHD has led to the suggestion those with (or at risk for) increased intracranial pressure
that CRRT may be associated with an increased likelihood as data does indicate that IHD causes a greater increase in
for recovery of renal function [40–42]. However, multiple intracerebral pressure (ICP) during the session compared
meta-analyses comparing outcomes between these modali- to CRRT [51, 52]. Finally, as complimentary therapies,
ties of RRT have not found any convincing differences in the choice of modality may need to be adjusted during the
any relevant patient-centered outcomes [36, 37, 43–46]. course of critical illness as a given patient’s clinical status
One meta-analysis included both randomized and nonran- and renal support needs evolve.
domized studies and concluded that weaknesses in the
quality of the studies significantly limited meaningful
comparisons between modalities [43]. Based on weighting I ndications for Acute Renal
of the studies using an a priori assessment of study quality Replacement Therapy
and comparability of severity of illness between treatment
arms, the authors suggested that CRRT might be associated RRT for AKI (AKI-D) is initiated in approximately 15–20%
with a lower relative mortality risk. Subsequent meta- of all critically ill patients [1]. The incidence of AKI-D in
analyses differed in their criteria for including studies, noncritically ill hospitalized patients is less well estab-
resulting in minor differences in the calculated odds ratios lished and is widely variable across hospital settings and
(ORs) for mortality, but there were no differences in mor- populations. Acute RRT for symptomatic hyperkalemia (or
tality associated with use of IHD or CRRT [36, 37, 44, 45]. other severe electrolyte disorders), severe acidemia, symp-
The most recent systematic review including 21 RCTs and tomatic uremia, marked fluid overload leading to severe
prospective cohort studies also concluded that RRT modal- hypoxic acute respiratory failure, and toxic ingestions
ity was not associated with in-hospital mortality or dialysis remain classic indications. However, there is wide diver-
dependence [46]. gence between providers about the severity of a given
Studies comparing other types of RRT are limited. derangement (i.e. degree of hyperkalemia, blood urea
In a small trial of 39 patients randomized to either CVVH nitrogen [BUN], pH, or fluid overload) that prompts dialy-
or 12-hour PIRRT, cardiovascular tolerability and urea sis initiation [53].
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190 Renal Replacement Therapy in Acute Kidney Injury
they developed KDIGO stage 3 AKI based on creatinine or Limitations of both the AKIKI and IDEAL-ICU trial
urine output criteria [58, 59]. AKIKI did require that sub- designs should be noted. Both trials excluded patients in
jects have a clinical diagnosis of acute tubular necrosis whom there were objective criteria for earlier initiation of
(ATN), while IDEAL-ICU did not [58, 59]. Furthermore, renal support, such as severe volume overload, hyper-
both trials required patients to be critically ill – IDEAL- kalemia, and metabolic acidosis. While some have criticized
ICU requiring septic shock (i.e. on vasopressors) and both trials for significant use of intermittent RRT, it should
AKIKI requiring shock on vasopressors and/or invasive be noted that utilization was equivalent in both treatment
mechanical ventilation [58, 59]. Both randomized patients arms, that this represented usual care in the health systems
who had stage 3 AKI to early versus delayed dialysis with where the trials were conducted, and that prior trials, such
those in the early group starting dialysis within 6 hours as the Hemodiafe trial [33], demonstrated no improvement
(AKIKI) or 12 hours (IDEAL-ICU) of reaching stage 3 in mortality associated with CRRT. The studies also did not
AKI [58, 59]. Those in the late groups started RRT when address the question of whether a strategy of even earlier
they developed either a prespecified end point (i.e. hyper- initiation of therapy would provide a survival benefit.
kalemia, severe acidemia, progressive fluid overload, or
advancing hypoxemia) or if patients remained oligo-anuric
Early/Preemptive RRT: Theoretical Rationale
without signs of renal recovery at 48 (IDEAL-ICU) [59] or
72 hours (AKIKI) [58]. As Liborio et al. [56] demonstrated, hyperkalemia, aci-
AKIKI enrolled 619 patients and found no difference in demia, and fluid overload remain the primary life-
the primary outcome of death at 60 days (48.5% in the early threatening complications of AKI. Thus, it has long been
group vs. 49.7% in the delayed group, P = 0.79) [58]. postulated that dialysis initiation prior to development of
Furthermore, although while almost all patients in the life-threatening AKI complications may improve ICU and
early group received dialysis, only 50% of patients in the AKI outcomes. Over the last 10 years, while imperfect,
delayed group required initiation of dialysis [58]. IDEAL- data have emerged that add fuel to this debate: namely, is
ICU enrolled 488 patients but was stopped after the second survival improved when early or preemptive RRT is started
interim analysis based on the assessment of the safety in an effort to prevent the development of emergent,
board that it was futile to continue the study because com- immediately life-threatening indications for dialysis?
pletion of enrollment was unlikely to change the results of Earlier RRT initiation may allow for prevention of fluid
the trial significantly [59]. In the final analyses of the overload or improved fluid management, minimizing risk
IDEAL-ICU study, 90-day mortality was 58% in the early of hyperkalemia, and/or improved acid-base and azotemia
group and 54% in the delayed group (P = 0.38) [59]. Similar control [18, 60]. Mitigating and minimizing these AKI
to the AKIKI study, not all subjects in the IDEAL-ICU trial complications may have an important impact on nonrenal
received RRT, with 97% in the early group receiving RRT organ function such as improved pulmonary function,
while only 62% in the delayed group got RRT [59]. Of the faster liberation from mechanical ventilation, and
remaining 38% of the delayed group who did not start RRT, improved vascular and cardiac function.
75% recovered renal function without requiring RRT (70 of It is widely accepted in the critical care literature that
the total 242 patients in the delayed group) [59]. fluid overload portends poor ICU prognosis and associates
In both trials, AKIKI and IDEAL ICU, mortality was low- with organ dysfunction and impairment of organ and
est in those patients who were randomized to delayed RRT patient recovery through a variety of putative mechanisms.
but never received it due to recovery of renal function, and This association is independent of kidney functional status
mortality was highest in patients who were randomized to and more pronounced in patients with AKI, where fluid
delayed RRT and actually started RRT. For clinicians man- overload is consistently associated with mortality and lower
aging patients with AKI, this constitutes a major challenge renal recovery rates [61–64]. Studies by Bouchard et al. [63]
because at any point in time it is difficult to predict whether and Vaara et al. [64] demonstrated that the presence of fluid
renal function will recover in the following 48 hours or not. overload at the time of acute RRT initiation for AKI doubles
While these two trials found no evidence of a survival ben- the risk of death. Additionally, both studies showed a dose-
efit associated with earlier initiation of RRT, they also iden- response relationship whereby a higher percentage of fluid
tify a need for better risk-stratification tools to differentiate overload led to progressive increase risk of death [63, 64].
between patients whose renal function will recover sponta- When defining early versus delayed acute RRT on the basis
neously, so that RRT can be avoided, and patients who will of time from ICU admission to RRT initiation (within 2 or
have progressive AKI, so that RRT can be timely started >2 days from ICU admission), in a retrospective review of
before the onset of fluid overload and serious metabolic the SOAP (Sepsis Occurrence in Acutely Ill Patients Study)
derangements. study, Payen et al. showed improved survival in the early
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192 Renal Replacement Therapy in Acute Kidney Injury
RRT initiation group and that the delayed group had higher [BUN >100 mg/dl, potassium >6 mEq/l, magnesium
cumulative fluid balance at the time of RRT initiation [65]. >8 mEq/l, severe oliguria, or diuretic-resistant organ
In patients with AKI due to ATN requiring acute RRT, a edema]) [69]. As a single-center study, the total number
higher degree of fluid overload at RRT initiation was associ- enrolled was lower than either AKIKI or IDEAL-ICU,
ated with worse kidney recovery (RRT-dependence) at with ELAIN enrolling 231 subjects, 112 in the early group
1 year [61]. Similary, Woodward et al. showed that in criti- and 119 in the delayed group [69]. The primary outcome
cally ill patients with AKI requiring CRRT, fluid overload was 90-day mortality, which was 39.3% in the early group
>10% at the time of CRRT initiation was independently and 54.7% in the delayed group (P = 0.03), with a hazard
associated with major adverse kidney events (composite of ratio for death of 0.66 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.45–
mortality, RRT-dependence or inability to recover 50% of 0.97) for the early group [69]. However, in ELAIN, the
baseline eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate) if not median time difference from meeting full eligibility crite-
on RRT) evaluated up to 90 days after discharge [66]. ria to RRT initiation was only 21 hours (95% CI
However, it should be recognized that while these observa- 18–24 hours) [69]. At a minimum, this begs the question
tional data are hypothesis-generating, there have been no as to whether a 15% absolute risk reduction for death in
randomized trials demonstrating that early initiation of the early RRT arm of the study can realistically be plausi-
RRT to optimize fluid overload decreases mortality or pro- ble with such a short time difference between early versus
motes organ recovery. late RRT initiation strategy.
Injury (STAART-AKI), is still enrolling but does bear some without dialysis. Chawla et al. showed that failure to
of these same study design limitations. However, in gen- respond to a formal furosemide stress test (FST) predicted
eral, the inclusion criteria for STAART-AKI starts with stage 3 AKI and the need for acute RRT (area under the
stage 2 AKI, requires equipoise by the healthcare team in receiver operating characteristic curve, 0.87 and 0.86,
regards to RRT need, and does not mandate initiation of respectively) [73]. In a pilot trial that randomized FST non-
RRT solely by stage 3 AKI criteria. responders to early versus conventional RRT initiation,
Lumlertgul et al. demonstrated that in ICU patients with
AKI, those who responded to the FST had a very low rate of
Timing of Dialysis: Summary
acute RRT needs (only 6/44 responders required RRT) [74].
Unfortunately, data remain inconclusive to clearly guide Renal biomarkers may prove useful to predict RRT needs.
clinical decisions at the bedside. Recognizing this limita- Urine tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2 and insulin-
tion, the KDIGO AKI criteria suggest that clinicians should like growth factor-binding protein 7 (TIMP-2*IGFBP-7)
“consider the broader clinical context, the presence of con- can risk-stratify those at high risk for progression to severe
ditions that can be modified with RRT, and the trends of forms of AKI, with higher values (>2.0) strongly associated
laboratory tests. . . when making a decision to start with development of stage 3 AKI [75–77]. Research is
RRT” [54]. However, one should keep in mind that these needed to determine if TIMP-2*IGFBP-7 results or trends
guidelines predate the publication of AKIKI, ELAIN, and over time can discriminate patients who will and will not
IDEAL-ICU trials. While KDIGO AKI guideline review require RRT, as well as hard outcomes such as death or
and revisions are ongoing, it would seem that these more RRT-dependence.
recent studies do not argue substantially to change from
the recommendation to “consider the broader clinical con-
text of the individual patient” when weighing whether or ose of Renal Replacement
not to timely initiate acute RRT. Therapy in AKI
In 2017, Feng et al. published a meta-analysis of nine
RCTs on the timing of dialysis, which included the AKIKI The goal of RRT for AKI management is to optimize solute
trial but not IDEAL-ICU, that found no statistical differ- control and fluid balance according to the specific needs of
ence between trials [70]. More recently, Pasin et al. reported the patient. It is important to recognize that the dose of
a metanalysis including ELAIN, AKIKI, and IDEAL-ICU RRT is a dynamic metric that should be individualized
that concluded that early initiation of RRT in critically ill according to the clinical context of the patient, but should
patients with AKI does not provide a clinically relevant also adhere to best evidence-based practice once the patient
advantage when compared with late RRT initiation [71]. achieves a steady-state of solute and volume control.
Importantly, this study also points out the heterogeneity in
the “early” and “late” initiation of RRT definitions and the
Intermittent Hemodialysis Dose in AKI
need for specific studies in special populations such as sep-
sis or post cardiac surgery as well as the examination of There are limited data regarding the “adequate” per treat-
performance and quality metrics of different RRT modali- ment dose of IHD in AKI. Paganini et al. retrospectively
ties in future interventional studies. evaluated mortality in relation to the delivered dose of HD
The Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) recom- in critically ill patients with AKI [78]. Among patients at
mends a similar, individualized approach to RRT initiation either the low or high spectrum of severity of illness, HD
whereby the demands on renal function and renal capacity dose had no impact on patient outcome. However, in
are weighed with RRT initiated when significant discord- patients with an intermediate severity of illness score, the
ance is seen between renal capacity/capability and delivery of HD dose in excess of the 50th percentile (Kt/V
demands on kidney function [18]. Critically ill patients approximately 1) was associated with lower mortality risk
have high “renal demands,” frequently with significant than the delivery of lower doses of HD [78]. While these
burdens attributable to disease-related acidemia, fluid data are consistent with evidence relating dose of IHD to
management, small solutes and electrolytes, and medica- outcomes in patients with end-stage kidney disease receiv-
tion and toxin clearance. However, admittedly it remains ing maintenance hemodialysis, it should be recognized
difficult to determine which patients may benefit from that these observational data cannot differentiate between
early application of RRT versus a more patient, deliberate the dose of HD per se and patient-specific factors that lim-
strategy with close observation [72]. Additionally, it ited the delivered dose of therapy as the mediator of the
remains challenging to predict which patients will need increased mortality associated with the lower delivered
acute RRT and which are destined recover renal function dose of HD.
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194 Renal Replacement Therapy in Acute Kidney Injury
In a study evaluating the effect of treatment frequency of modalities of CRRT (Table 13.3). There is no consensus in
IHD on outcomes among patients with AKI, Schiffl et al. relation to which patient’s weight to use (admission weight,
alternately assigned 160 critically ill patients with ATN to ideal weight, or current weight) but we tend to use current
daily or alternate-day IHD and found that patients who weight to account for the acute changes in volume of distri-
received daily IHD had both lower mortality 14 days after bution from fluid expansion (during critical illness and
discontinuation of RRT (28% vs. 46%, P = 0.01) and shorter resuscitation for shock) and systemic inflammation.
duration of AKI (9 ± 2 vs. 16 ± 6 days, P = 0.001) [79]. There are more data regarding the appropriate dosing of
However, it is important to note that the dose of IHD deliv- CRRT in the literature (Table 13.4). Early work by Ronco
ered to the alternate-day treatment group was low (mean et al. randomized 435 patients to one of three CVVH doses,
delivered Kt/Vurea 0.94 ± 0.11). This resulted in a markedly defined by ultrafiltration rates of 20, 35, and 45 ml/kg/h [2].
elevated time-averaged BUN concentration, which may Mortality was markedly lower in the intermediate- and
have been the reason that this group had a higher incidence high-dose arms (43% and 42%, respectively) compared to
of complications, including gastrointestinal bleeding, altera- the low-dose arm (59%, P < 0.001). The absence of a sur-
tions in mental status, and sepsis [79]. In addition, the vival benefit of high-dose therapy compared to the inter-
alternate-day IHD group had more episodes of intradialytic mediate dose argued against a linear relationship between
hypotension when compared to the daily IHD group: 25 ± 5 dose and outcome. However, it is also possible that a sur-
vs. 5 ± 2, respectively. Nonetheless, while this study demon- vival benefit from high-dose CRRT was blunted by a com-
strated that increasing the delivered dose of IHD from a very peting mortality that was CRRT-dose dependent (i.e.
low dose by increasing the frequency of treatment improves inadequate antimicrobial drug dosing). Similarly, Saudan
survival, one cannot conclude that increasing the frequency et al. reported an overall improved mortality when dialysate
of a more “adequate” alternate-day or a thrice-weekly sched- (CVVHDF) was added to a fixed dose of CVVH thereby
ule to daily therapy would improve survival. increasing the total CRRT dose [86]. In this study, a total of
When examining data related to dose of IHD for AKI, it 102 patients were randomized to receive CVVH with a
is important to recognize that several studies have estab- mean ultrafiltration rate of 25 ± 5 ml/kg/h, and 104 patients
lished that there is a significant discrepancy between pre- were randomized to CVVHDF with a mean ultrafiltration
scribed and successfully delivered dose, therefore more rate of 24 ± 6 ml/kg/h and a mean dialysate flow rate of
frequent monitoring of the delivered dose of IHD with pre- 18 ± 5 ml/kg/h. The addition of diffusive clearance was
and post-BUN is recommended [79–81]. associated with an increase in 28-day survival from 39% to
In summary, when evaluating the dose of IHD, both the 59% (P = 0.03) and increased 90-day survival from 34% to
dose per treatment (Kt/Vurea) and the treatment frequency 59% (P = 0.0005). In contrast, Bouman et al. did not observe
need to be considered. Special considerations in critically ill improvement in mortality with higher doses of CRRT (20
patients with AKI should be noted, such as different urea vs. 48 ml/kg/h) [85]. However, the overall study mortality
generation rates and urea volume of distribution due to vol- of less than 30% suggests that the enrolled patients were
ume overload. The KDIGO consensus guidelines recom- not fully representative of most critically ill patients
mend a delivered Kt/Vurea of 3.9 per week when using IHD with AKI requiring RRT. Finally, Tolwani et al. reported no
for the management of AKI [54]. However, this recommen- difference in outcomes in 200 patients randomized to
dation is based on the arithmetic sum of a Kt/Vurea of 1.3 per
individual HD treatment (assuming three HD sessions per
week and supported by the average weekly Kt/Vurea dose Table 13.3 Total effluent dose according to the different
modalities of CRRT.
delivered in the less-intensive arm of the ATN trial [82]) but
not on urea kinetic modeling [83]. Therefore, a more precise
CRRT modality Total effluent dose (ml/h)
recommendation is that in the absence of specific medical
indications (e.g. severe hyperkalemia, acute drug intoxica- CVVH or Pre-filter replacement fluid rate (ml/h) + post-
tions, volume overload, etc.) in patients with AKI, there is no CVVHF filter replacement fluid rate (ml/h) + fluid
additional benefit to providing HD more frequently than removal rate (ml/h)
every other day, with a delivered single-pool Kt/Vurea of >1.2 CVVHD Dialysate rate (ml/h) + fluid removal rate (ml/h)
per treatment (urea-reduction ratio [URR] >0.67) [84]. CVVHDF Pre-filter replacement fluid rate (ml/h) + post-
filter replacement fluid rate (ml/h) + fluid
removal rate (ml/h) + dialysate rate (ml/h)
CRRT Dose for AKI
CVVH or CVVHF, continuous veno-venous hemofiltration; CVVHD,
In the case of CRRT, the total effluent rate (ml/kg/h) is continuous veno-venous hemodialysis; CVVHDF, continuous
used to determine the dose according to the different veno-venous hemodiafiltration.
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Dose of Renal Replacement Therapy in AK 195
Table 13.4 Interventional studies examining higher vs. standard intensity dose of RRT.
Ronco [2] 425 CVVH 75% post surgical, 12% septic 59% vs. 43% vs.
20 vs. 35 vs. 45 ml/kg/h 42% (P < 0.002)
Bouman [85] 106 CRRT 58% post cardiac surgery, 31.2% vs. 25.7% No difference
20 vs. 48 ml/kg/h 100% respiratory failure, (P = ns)
100% inotrope or pressors
Saudan [86] 206 CVVHF 60% septic 61% vs. 41%
25 ml/kg/h vs. (P = 0.03)
42 ml/kg/h
Tolwani [87] 200 CVVHDF 54% septic, 77.5% respiratory 44% vs. 51%
20 vs. 35 ml/kg/h failure (P = ns)
Palevsky 1124 CVVHDF 63% septic, 80.6% respiratory 51.5% vs. 53.6% No difference
(ATN) [82] 20 vs. 35 ml/kg/h failure (P = 0.47)
3/wk HD vs. 6/wk HD
Bellomo 1508 CVVHDF 49.4% septic, 73.9% 44.7% vs. 44.7% No difference
(RENAL) [88] 25 vs. 40 ml/kg/h respiratory failure (P = 0.99)
Joannes-Boyau [89] 140 SVHF 35 vs. HVHF 70 ml/kg/h 100% septic, 97% respiratory 59.2% vs. 62.1% No difference
failure (P = 0.94)
Combes [90] 224 HVHF 80 ml/kg/h + CVVHDF Post cardiac surgery with 36% vs. 36% No difference
vs. SOC with CVVHDF if needed severe shock (P = ns)
CVVH or CVVHF, continuous veno-venous hemofiltration; CVVHDF, continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration; HVHF, high-volume
hemofiltration; IHD, intermittent hemodialysis; SOC, standard of care; SVHF, standard-volume hemofiltration. P = ns, nonsignificant.
CVVHDF at 20 vs. 35 ml/kg/h of total effluent dose [87]. therapy (OR 1.09, 95% CI 0.86–1.40, P = 0.47). There was
Survival to ICU discharge or 30 days, whichever was ear- also no difference in the duration of RRT, recovery of kid-
lier, was 49% in the patients randomized to the higher dose ney function, or the course of nonrenal organ failure [82].
group, compared to 56% of patients randomized to the The RENAL study randomized 1508 critically ill
lower dose group. patients with AKI to a higher intensity CVVHDF (n = 721,
Subsequently, two large multicenter studies evaluated total effluent dose of 40 ml/kg/h) vs. a lower intensity
dosing of RRT in AKI: the VA/NIH Acute Renal Failure CVVHDF (n = 743, total effluent dose of 25 ml/kg/h)
Trial Network (ATN) study [82] and the Randomized without an option for IHD/PIRRT as initial RRT modal-
Evaluation of Normal versus Augmented Level (RENAL) ity [88]. There was no difference in the primary end-point
Replacement Therapy study [88]. The ATN study utilized a of 90-day mortality (44.7% in each group, P = 0.99). In
strategy that included both HD in hemodynamically stable addition, no differences in 28-day mortality, RRT-
patients and either CVVHDF or SLED/PIRRT in hemody- dependence, total days of RRT, or nonrenal organ failure
namically unstable patients [82]. In the intensive manage- were found [88]. A post hoc study of extended follow-up
ment strategy, HD and SLED/PIRRT were provided daily (median of 43.9 months) did not reveal a difference in
(except Sunday), and CVVHDF was provided with a total mortality or RRT-dependence between these two inten-
effluent dose of 35 ml/kg/h; in the less-intensive strategy, sity strategies of CRRT dosing [91].
HD and SLED/PIRRT were provided every other day Joannes-Boyau et al. conducted a multicenter rand-
(except Sunday), and CVVHDF was dosed at 20 ml/kg/h. In omized trial including 137 critically ill patients with septic
both treatment arms, the target delivered single-pool shock and AKI to evaluate even higher doses of continuous
Kt/Vurea for HD and SLED/PIRRT was 1.2–1.4 per treat- hemofiltration [89]. The study tested standard-volume
ment, with an actual delivered dose during HD of hemofiltration (SVHF, n = 71, 35 ml/kg/h) vs. high-volume
1.32 ± 0.36. Sixty-day all-cause mortality was 53.6% in the hemofiltration (HVHF, n = 66, 70 ml/kg/h) for a 96-hour
563 patients randomized to intensive therapy, compared to period based on the hypothesis that HVHF may improve
51.5% in the 561 patients randomized to the less-intensive hemodynamics and mortality in critically ill septic patients
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196 Renal Replacement Therapy in Acute Kidney Injury
by improving removal of sepsis-related pro-inflammatory changes, and procedures, imagining studies or surgery
cytokines, but the results showed no difference in the pri- that require temporarily stopping CRRT). Based on the
mary end-point of 28-day mortality (SVHF 59.2% vs. HVHF research in CRRT dose, for most critically ill AKI patients,
62.1%, P = 0.94). There was also no difference in secondary an effective delivered dose 20–25 ml/kg/h is recommended
outcomes that included 60-day and 90-day mortality, dura- [11, 54, 94]. However, to account for this CRRT down time,
tion of mechanical ventilation, duration of RRT, kidney it is reasonable to prescribe 25–30 ml/kg/h of total effluent
recovery, and length of hospital stay [89]. A subsequent dose for CRRT. Finally, it is critical to recognize that the
metanalysis by Clark et al., including four randomized tri- effluent dose of CRRT should be individualized according
als, concluded that insufficient evidence exists of a thera- to the specific needs of the critically ill patient, who may
peutic benefit for routine use of HVHF for critically ill benefit from higher intensity CRRT in specific scenarios
septic patients with AKI [92]. In a more recent study, such as severe metabolic acidosis, severe hyperkalemia, or
Combes et al. conducted a multicenter randomized trial severe hypercatabolic states that require higher intensity
including patients with post-cardiac surgery severe shock solute control. Therefore, it is fundamental to develop a
to test early HVHF (n = 112, 80 ml/kg/h × 48 hours, fol- systematic way of iterative assessment and adjustment
lowed by standard-dose CVVHDF until resolution of shock of RRT goals according to the clinical status of the
and recovery of kidney function) vs. standard of care patient [95].
with delayed CVVHDF only for persistent/severe AKI
(n = 112) [90]. Again, there was no difference in 30-day
mortality between groups (36% for both groups). There was
also no difference in the secondary outcomes of 60-day and Dosing of dialysis in PIRRT is less well established. It
90-day mortality, ventilator-free days, kidney recovery, and remains unclear which index is best to guide dose in PIRRT
length of hospitalization [90]. However, it is important to (URR, Kt/Vurea, effluent flow) [96]. As with IHD and CRRT,
note that 43% of the subjects in the standard of care arm PIRRT therapy should be individualized to patients needs to
did not receive any RRT. In addition, patients in the HVHF accomplish the specified daily RRT goal (correction of
arm had more frequent hypophosphatemia, metabolic hyperkalemia, acidemia control, fluid removal). Similarly,
alkalosis, and thrombocytopenia [90]. there are no data to support prolonged exposure to high-
In summary, although some small single-center studies dose PIRRT. One option to determine a PIRRT prescription
have suggested that increased intensity of RRT is associ- when transitioning from a CRRT device is to first decide on
ated with improved outcomes, this approach is not sup- the effluent dose that one would use for that given patient on
ported by data generated from large multicenter studies. CRRT (i.e. 25 ml/kg/h, 35 ml/kg/h, etc.), then calculate the
Differences between study results most likely reflect differ- total daily effluent needs for the patient based on that CRRT
ences among study designs (delivered RRT dose, timing of dose (i.e. 30 ml/kg/h × 80 kg = 2400 ml/h × 24 h = 72 000 ml/
RRT initiation, etc.) and study populations (acuity of criti- day = 72 l/day). Finally, divide total effluent needs by the
cal illness, presence of sepsis, etc.). Wang et al. conducted a number of hours that PIRRT is planned to give hourly efflu-
meta-analysis of seven randomized clinical trials address- ent flow rates on PIRRT (72 l/day/10 h = 7.2 l/h = 120 ml/
ing higher versus standard intensity dose of RRT and con- min) [22]. If using a standard HD device, customizing the
cluded that higher intensity RRT does not affect mortality PIRRT prescription to achieve a Kt/Vurea of ~0.7–0.9 per
outcomes [93]. However, the authors highlighted that treatment for a total of six treatments per week can provide
more participants assigned to higher intensity RRT a weekly Kt/Vurea of 3.0–3.5 based on urea kinetic mode-
remained dependent on RRT at 28 days (29.7% for the ling [83], which is above RRT dosing thresholds although
higher intensity group vs. 24.9% for the standard intensity data are still limited to provide more conclusive recommen-
group, relative risk of 1.15, 95% CI 1.00–1.33, P = 0.05) [93]. dations with the use of PIRRT.
Nonetheless, one should note that kidney recovery (RRT- It is important to remember that PIRRT will have widely
dependence) was a secondary outcome in all the interven- variable impacts on drug dosing of dialyzable drugs, espe-
tional studies included in this meta-analysis and there may cially important for antimicrobial agents. Duration of
be ascertainment bias of the outcome as higher intensity PIRRT, flow rates in PIRRT, and fluid removal during
RRT lowers solute burden and thus possibly reduces solute- PIRRT will all impact a given drug’s pharmacokinetics
driven urine output, which is one of the cornerstone met- (PK). There are expanding PK data for many antimicrobi-
rics of kidney recovery examination. als during PIRRT; however, these data are generally based
As seen with IHD, there is usually a discrepancy between on small PK studies and require that PIRRT be operated
prescribed versus true delivered CRRT dose due to CRRT under the exact operating characteristics that are described
down time (circuit failures, CRRT therapy fluid bag in the published research protocol.
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RRT Circuit Consideration 197
RRT Circuit Considerations group and only 9% of the shorter catheter group. Mean
CRRT circuit life was prolonged by 6.5 hours (24 vs
When prescribing and managing acute RRT in AKI, there 17.5 hours, P = 0.001) and dialysis delivery was more effec-
are many factors beyond the RRT modality, timing of RRT tive (91% of dialysis dose delivered vs 81%, I = 0.001) in the
initiation, and RRT dose to consider and that do often longer catheter group [97]. There were no differences in
affect whether RRT application proves successful at achiev- complication rates, including rates of atrial fibrillation. RA
ing the specified daily goal. These circuit-based factors (or caval atrial junction) insertion is safe with current soft
include dialysis vascular access, use of convective versus catheter materials and design and there is a very low rate of
diffusive clearance, type of membrane, circuit anticoagula- vascular or atrial erosions due to dialysis catheters [97].
tion (especially for CRRT), medication dosing, and many Our and other centers’ experience mirror the results of the
others. We will conclude by addressing some of these top- Morgan study. As a result, we recommend use of catheters
ics briefly. that are placed as far distally as possible, with a goal that
the tip be at the caval atrial junction or in the right atrium
when using the IJ insertion site. Catheters placed in the
Dialysis Vascular Access
right IJ vein are preferred as they have a straighter intravas-
Hemodialysis vascular access is of paramount importance cular course and are associated with fewer complications;
when providing acute RRT for AKI. Insertion is often the however we differ from KDIGO in that we favor properly
rate-limiting step to RRT initiation and poorly functioning positioned left IJ vein catheters over catheters in the femo-
vascular access is often the foil of the acute RRT procedure. ral veins.
Given that a well-functioning vascular access is vital for The KDIGO preference of femoral over left IJ sites is
RRT circuit function and, ultimately, being able to achieve based on older trials where left IJ catheters were unques-
the goal-based acute RRT, care must be taken to select the tionably too short [54]. For example, the Cathedia study
optimal site, appropriate catheter size and length, depth group found comparable small solute clearance and similar
and angle of insertion. If the nephrologist is not the proce- catheter and dialysis circuit function comparing IJ venous
duralist for catheter insertion, at a minimum the providers (primarily right) to femoral venous access [98]. However,
should discuss and agree on these points prior to the proce- this study did not specify catheter length or size and 100%
dure to improve the odds of a well-functioning access on of IJ catheters were less than 20 cm in length (usually
initial insertion. 16 cm) and no comment was made regarding ultimate
Data to guide catheter insertion remains limited. KDIGO catheter tip position. This suggests that the performance of
recommends a nontunneled temporary dialysis catheter the IJ catheters may have been worse than had they used a
for RRT in AKI [54]. However, there are cases where AKI longer catheter. Furthermore, in this study, 30% of cathe-
recovery is delayed in whom a tunneled longer-term dialy- ters in the IJ group were placed on the left side, where they
sis catheter may be appropriate to lower the rate of still used relatively short catheters (<20 cm), which likely
catheter-related infection. Additionally, KDIGO recom- contributed to worse left IJ catheter performance com-
mends varying lengths of catheters depending on site of pared to the right IJ and femoral sites [98].
insertion (internal jugular [IJ] versus femoral) and pre- Finally, in a separate study, the Cathedia study group
ferred sites, but these guidelines are not based on evidence compared infection rates between IJ and femoral vascular
and, in our opinion, are inaccurate as the catheter length access sites, demonstrating that catheter-related infection
recommendations are too short and the guidelines eschew rates were similar between IJ and femoral sites [99].
the left IJ site [54]. However, prespecified subgroup analysis did suggest that
Morgan et al. [97] performed a randomized trial on IJ infection rates were different in the group with the highest
dialysis catheter length in AKI requiring CRRT comparing quartile body mass index (BMI) which was BMI > 28 kg/
shorter versus longer catheters with the goal of achieving a m2 [99]. Thus, caution is warranted when selecting cathe-
catheter tip in the right atrium (RA) in the long catheter ter site for those with BMI > 28 kg/m2, which is common in
group and superior vena cava position (SVC) in the short US-based ICUs.
group with the primary end-point being CRRT circuit life.
Catheter lengths were determined by site and group, with
Dialyzer Membranes
the short catheter group getting 15 cm catheters placed in
right IJ veins and 20 cm in left IJ veins (per KDIGO guide- In the modern era, all membranes used for acute RRT in
lines) and the long catheter group getting 20 cm catheters AKI are high-permeability, high-flux, biocompatible mem-
in right IJ veins and 24 cm in left IJ veins. Positioning of the branes, especially for CRRT, where each device manufac-
tip in the RA was achieved in 81% of the longer catheter turer generally has a limited selection of membranes.
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198 Renal Replacement Therapy in Acute Kidney Injury
With IHD and PIRRT (and with some CRRT machines), with anticoagulation is improved when using heparin,
the clinician is theoretically free to select from a wider regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA), direct thrombin
array of membranes available in a given country. However, inhibitors, and other strategies [101–107]. Systemic antico-
in practice, a given institution only carries a few options agulation with heparin, low-molecular weight heparins,
and these are almost always the standard high-flux, highly and direct thrombin inhibitors obviously carries risk of sys-
permeable, biocompatible, artificial, noncellulose based temic bleeding. RCA is well proven in CRRT and has been
membranes. The typical membrane materials are polyacry- shown to have superior circuit survival effects when com-
lonitrile (AN69), polyarylethersulfone (PAES), and poly- pared to both heparin and no anticoagulation with no sys-
ethersulfone (PES). There are no data suggesting that one temic bleeding risk and few complications that are easily
type of membrane provides improved outcomes. prevented (i.e. systemic hypocalcemia) with attention to
There are copious preclinical and human case series established protocols [101–107]. KDIGO endorses the use
reported from outside of the Unites States on specialized of RCA in CRRT for patients both with and without
membranes and adsorption devices for selective cytokine, increased bleeding risks [54].
endotoxin or other toxin removal, especially in sepsis, but
these specialized membranes are generally not approved
for use outside of research studies. Summary
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202 Renal Replacement Therapy in Acute Kidney Injury
Renal Biopsy
Robert MacGinley1,2 and Emily J. See3,4
Department of Renal Medicine, Eastern Health, Box Hill, Australia
Renal Medicine Department, Eastern Health Clinical School, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Department of Intensive Care, Austin Health, Melbourne, Australia
School of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
RADE Recommendations usually self-limiting and rarely life-threatening. Several
risk factors for complications have been identified, includ-
Introduction ing uncontrolled hypertension, coagulopathy, advanced
age, and reduced kidney function. The evidence behind
The prevalence of kidney disease is rising, with chronic Renal biopsy is seen in table 14.1.
kidney disease (CKD) affecting more than 1 in 10 individu-
als in Australia, and acute kidney injury (AKI) complicat- Indications
ing more than 130,000 hospital admissions each year [1].
Performing a renal biopsy is warranted if it is needed to
Parenchymal renal diseases (glomerular, tubular, or vascu-
diagnose or guide the treatment of a suspected disease
lar) are leading causes of both CKD and AKI (when pre-
which is associated with significant morbidity and/or mor-
and postrenal causes have been excluded), and renal biopsy
tality, if the natural history of the suspected disease can be
remains the gold standard method for their diagnosis,
improved with treatment, and if the treatment for the sus-
assessment of prognosis, and management. There have
pected disease is appropriate for and acceptable to the
been many advances in renal biopsy techniques since its
patient. Renal biopsy is useful to assess the chronicity and
inception that have greatly enhanced the success and
activity of a disease, while serial renal biopsy may be per-
safety of this procedure. These have included modifica-
formed to assess the natural history or response to treat-
tions to patient positioning, introduction of real-time imag-
ment. Although there are no defined criteria for performing
ing guidance, and the use of automated biopsy needles.
a renal biopsy, there are many accepted indications:
Performing a kidney biopsy has been shown to change the
prebiopsy clinical diagnosis in 44% of cases and to change ●● Nephrotic syndrome is the most frequent indication for
therapy in 30% of cases [2]. renal biopsy. In this setting, biopsy provides information
The procedure itself involves the removal of tissue from for the diagnosis, staging, and activity of disease [4].
the renal cortex for histopathological examination by a spe- ●● Persistent proteinuria >1 g per day or persistent pro-
cialist pathologist. The percutaneous approach is standard, teinuria <1 g per day in the presence of haematuria or
and the procedure is typically guided by ultrasound and renal dysfunction are also common reasons to perform
performed under local anesthesia, with the patient in the a renal biopsy. In the presence of haematuria, biopsy
prone position. Both coaxial and noncoaxial needle tech- should only be undertaken after malignancy has been
niques have been described. Renal biopsy has been found excluded.
to be safe and efficacious, with an acceptably low risk of ●● Systemic diseases with suspected renal involvement (e.g.
complications and with sufficient tissue being obtained in systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple myeloma, amy-
more than 95% of cases [3]. The most common complica- loid) often necessitate renal biopsy to guide decisions
tions are minor and major bleeding, both of which are surrounding prognosis and treatment.
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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206 Renal Biopsy
Strength of
Treatment Recommendation Certainty of evidence recommendation
Education We recommend that patients and their carers be provided Low or very low Weak [1, 2]
with relevant information regarding the renal biopsy
procedure, including why they are having one, and the
pre-and post-biopsy complications. It should be provided with
clarity and cover the topic in a way that is appropriate for their
level of health literacy.
Pre-biopsy medication We recommend that aspirin is continued in patients with high High Strong [3]
cardiovascular risk or ceased 3 (to reduce major bleeding) or
7 days prior (to reduce minor bleeding) in patients with low
cardiovascular risk. In patients receiving anticoagulation,
bridging anticoagulation is recommended in patients with
mechanical valves and in those with a high thrombotic risk.
We suggest that desmopressin should be used sparingly and Low or very low
with caution.
Positioning for renal We recommend that native renal biopsies be performed in a Moderate Weak [4, 5]
biopsy prone position, that transplant renal biopsies be performed in
a supine position, and that biopsies in patients who are obese
or who have difficulty lying prone (pregnancy or respiratory
difficulty) be performed in the in a supine anterolateral
Imaging We recommend that native renal biopsies be performed using Moderate (US guidance) Weak [6]
real-time ultrasound guidance, with the use of computed Low (CT guidance)
tomography localization being used for difficult biopsies.
Biopsy needles We recommend the use of spring-loaded 16-gauge needles for Moderate Moderate [7]
native and transplant biopsies.
Post-biopsy care We recommend strict bed rest following a renal biopsy and a Moderate Moderate [8]
6-h observation period in patients at low risk of bleeding.
Patients at high risk of bleeding should be observed overnight.
Routine post-biopsy imaging or hemoglobin measurement is Low (post biopsy tests)
not recommended.
Management of We recommend the use or radiological (glue, gel or coiling) or Low Weak
bleeding complications surgical management to arrest persistent post-biopsy bleeding.
GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence (9): High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood
that the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that
the effect will be substantially different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood
that it will be substantially different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood
that the effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect decision-making.
●● Unexplained AKI is an indication for renal biopsy, biopsy to assess for evidence of allograft rejection, drug
following exclusion of prerenal or postrenal disease. toxicity, and recurrence of primary disease.
Glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis, and systemic
diseases with renal involvement can all present with The decision of whether to proceed with renal biopsy in a
AKI. diabetic patient can be particularly challenging. Diabetes has
●● Unexplained CKD may prompt investigation with renal become the most common cause of CKD in the western
biopsy, although the diagnostic yield is typically low and world [5] and diabetic nephropathy can coexist with other
the risk of bleeding complications is Higher than biopsy causes of parenchymal renal disease. It is currently difficult to
of a non disease kidney due to possible smaller and predict the degree of diabetic renal injury based on clinical or
harder to biopsy kidneys. Biopsy in this setting can be laboratory findings alone. New-onset nephrotic-range protein-
useful in assessing the likelihood of disease recurrence uria or hematuria or a rapidly progressive decline in renal
following future kidney transplantation. function are common indications for renal biopsy in this popu-
●● Transplant dysfunction (impaired biochemical function, lation. A recent meta-analysis [6] examining the predictors of
proteinuria or hematuria) is another indication for renal nondiabetic kidney disease in 4876 patients across 48 studies
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Procedur 207
Needle Size
Although a number of needle sizes are available, the major-
reprocedure Care
ity of renal biopsies are performed using 14-gauge (internal
diameter 900–1000 μm), 16-gauge (internal diameter 600–
Prebiopsy Evaluation
700 μm), or 18-gauge (internal diameter 300–400 μm) nee-
dles. Both 14-gauge and 16-gauge needles are used in The prebiopsy evaluation is an essential component of
adults, while 18-gauge needles are generally reserved for the renal biopsy procedure and should include a detailed
the pediatric setting since the internal diameter of the nee- clinical history and examination in addition to targeted
dle is only marginally larger than an adult glomerulus laboratory testing and imaging to evaluate the risk of
(200–250 μm) [9, 10]. When selecting a needle size, bleed- bleeding. Relevant aspects of the clinical history relate to
ing risk and sample adequacy are the key considerations. knowledge and previous experience of renal biopsy,
The conclusion from the recently published CARI guide- mobility and ability to lie prone, psychological condition,
lines was that 16-gauge needles obtained more diagnostic and level of comprehension (e.g. anxiety, confusion, lan-
tissue with the smallest number of passes (predominantly guage barrier). Enquiring about the patient’s current and
compared to 18-gauge needles) and with the smallest num- recent medications, as well as previous bleeding difficulty
ber of minor and major bleeding complications (predomi- following procedures (e.g. dental work) or a history of a
nantly compared to 14-gauge needles). bleeding disorder, is important to assess their risk of
bleeding. In all cases, written informed consent must be
obtained from the patient or their legally authorized rep-
Sample Preparation
resentative prior to the procedure. This may necessitate
Preparation of the renal tissue for processing requires provi- the use of interpreters.
sion of clinical information to the scientist or pathologist and The recently published CARI guidelines [12] have high-
careful handling of the tissue. Normal saline should be used lighted the significant psychosocial impact of renal biopsy
to wash the tissue from the needle. The samples are subse- on patients and caregivers, and a qualitative study by the
quently placed in the appropriate fixatives and transport same group identified the need for better communication,
media for light microscopy, immunofluorescence, and elec- education, and pre-and post-procedure psychological sup-
tron microscopy. If no anatomical pathology scientist is pre- port. Similar studies in other percutaneous biopsies
sent, specimens may be placed in normal saline for transport (including breast, cervical, liver, and prostate) have
(assuming sample examination will occur within a couple of reported similar findings. All patients should receive psy-
hours). For samples being sent to a referral center, tissue can chological preparation prior to their procedure to ensure a
be divided and prepared prior to dispatch. Fresh tissue is patient-centered, holistic approach to care and to prevent
required for immunofluorescence to preserve antigenic the adverse physiological sequelae of anxiety, including
activity. A sample for electron microscopy should be placed hypertension, a heightened perception of pain, and a delay
in 3% glutaraldehyde, if available. The remainder of the tis- in recovery time. Ideally, patients should be provided with
sue should be placed in formalin, for light microscopy only. information regarding the procedure itself, the sensations
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Preprocedure Car 209
the patient can expect to feel (e.g. sharpness, numbness), associated with an increased risk of major bleeding events
and the expected post-procedure recovery (e.g. mobiliza- (e.g. need for transfusion, interventional, or surgical proce-
tion, return to normal activities). dure). Therefore, the current recommendation is to con-
tinue aspirin in patients at high risk of cardiovascular
events, including those with a history of coronary stent
(particularly within 3 months of bare metal stent or
Investigations should include a full blood count to quantify 12 months of drug-eluting stent insertion), symptomatic
hemoglobin and platelet count, a coagulation profile to myocardial ischemia or peripheral vascular disease (includ-
assess activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrom- ing patients with a peripheral stent), or previous ischemic
bin time, and an ultrasound to diagnose anatomic abnor- stroke. In patients at low risk for a cardiovascular event,
malities, including a solitary kidney, small or polycystic aspirin should be withheld for 3 or 7 days to prevent major
kidneys, hydronephrosis, and vascular abnormalities. and minor bleeding complications, respectively. There are
Although abnormal coagulation should be corrected prior limited data examining the safety of continuing clopidogrel
to biopsy, there is in sufficient evidence to inform the spe- at the time of biopsy, and most guidelines recommend that
cific international normalized ratio (INR) and the platelet it should be withheld for 7 days prior. Aspirin and clopi-
threshold at which proceeding with renal biopsy is safe. In dogrel can be recommenced 24–48 hours after an uncom-
most published studies, patients undergoing renal biopsy plicated procedure since most complications will have
were required to have an INR below or equal to 1.5, and a occurred within this time.
platelet count greater than 50 000/μl. However, appropriate
values should be individualized, taking into account other
factors associated with the risk and consequences of bleed-
ing, such as the use of antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents, In patients who are taking oral anticoagulants there is a
and the presence of hypertension, uremia, complex anat- need to balance the bleeding risk against the thrombosis
omy, and anemia. Transfusion should be considered if risk. Warfarin should be ceased 5 days prior to renal biopsy
serum hemoglobin is<80 g/l and is recommended if <70 g/l. in all patients. Bridging anticoagulation should be used in all
The use of bleeding time in assessing the risk of bleeding patients with a mechanical valve, antiphospholipid syn-
complications remains controversial. It is a poor predictor drome, high-risk thrombophilia, or venous thromboembo-
of the risk of surgical bleeding and its clinical benefit in the lism within 3 months. The role of bridging anticoagulation is
setting of percutaneous renal biopsy has not been stud- less clear in atrial fibrillation. In low-risk patients, interrup-
ied. [13]. Although a correlation between bleeding time tion of warfarin without bridging anticoagulation appears to
and “clinical” bleeding in patients with uremia has been be noninferior to the use of bridging anticoagulation for the
reported, prior knowledge of bleeding time has not been prevention of thromboembolism [17]. However, these
shown to reduce bleeding complications in native or trans- results may not be generalizable to high-risk atrial fibrilla-
plant biopsies in the limited available studies [14, 15]. tion patients, in whom the decision should be individualized
according to patient risk. For patients who receive bridging
anticoagulation, low molecular weight heparin should be
Antiplatelet Agents
withheld for 24 hours, while unfractionated heparin should
The use of antiplatelet medications is very common in the be ceased 4–6 hours prior to biopsy. Anticoagulation can be
renal biopsy population. In many centers, these agents are recommenced 24–48 hours following an uncomplicated pro-
routinely discontinued between 5 and 7 days prior to the cedure. For patients requiring hemodialysis, the biopsy
procedure. However, in a patient with preexisting cardio- should be performed at least 6 hours after treatment (if hepa-
vascular disease this approach increases the risk of a peri- rin is administered) and the use of intradialytic anticoagula-
procedure cardiovascular event [16], and results in delayed tion should be avoided the following day. It is important to
diagnosis and treatment. Specifically, cessation of aspirin note that there are no data on the effect of new oral antico-
has been shown to increase the risk of stroke by three- to agulants on renal biopsy complication rates.
fourfold and to increase the relative risk of recurrent
myocardial infarction by 40%, especially when performed
soon after a myocardial infarct or percutaneous coronary
intervention. A heightened risk of bleeding in the context of uremia is
Although the continuation of aspirin has been associ- well described [18]. It is likely that many factors contribute
ated with an increased risk of minor bleeding complica- to this bleeding propensity, including dysfunctional von
tions (e.g. hemoglobin drop 1.0 g/dl), it has not been Willebrand factor (vWF), platelet membrane abnormalities
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210 Renal Biopsy
blood transfusion. In the setting of severe bleeding, with tions tend to be lower than in native biopsy: hematoma in
hemodynamic instability and failure to respond to conserva- 1%, major and minor bleeding in 2–3%, hemoglobin decline
tive measures, radiological intervention or surgical manage- in <1%, and graft loss in <0.04% [29, 30].
ment is required to secure hemostasis.
Estimating the risk of bleeding complications after biopsy
is made difficult by differences in how bleeding is defined Monoclonal Gammopathies and Paraprotein
and diagnosed between studies, by variation in patient Disease
selection, technique, and needle type, and by likely report- It has been suggested in historical cohorts that patients with
ing bias. A recent meta-analysis of 118 064 biopsies monoclonal gammopathies and paraprotein diseases are
(87 studies selected) showed complication rates included at increased bleeding risk (Colm C. Magee Nephrology
perinephric hematoma in 11% of the kidney biopsies, mac- Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 21, Issue 12, December
roscopic haematuria in 3.5%, bleeding requiring blood 2006, Pages 3601–3602, https://doi.org/10.1093/ndt/gfl578).
transfusion in 1.6%, and interventions to stop bleeding in However, large cohort studies have not supported this,
0.3%. Death attributed to native kidney biopsy was rare, except in reporting a higher risk of hemoglobin decrease
occurring in only an estimated 0.06% of all biopsies [25]. >1 g/dl [31–33].
Complication rates were higher in hospitalized patients and
those with AKI. Recent further reassurance that outpatient
biopsy is safe when a low-risk patient group is selected can Pregnancy
be seen in a large single-center uncontrolled study of the
outcomes of 824 outpatient kidney biopsies (448 native and In the setting of pregnancy, the risk of biopsy must be
326 transplant kidney) with both a minor or major compli- weighed against any potential benefit of diagnosis and treat-
cation identified in 11.4% of patients within 4–6 hours post ment, especially considering that treatment options may be
biopsy [26]. An older meta-analysis of almost 10 000 biop- limited due to teratogenicity. Renal blood flow is increased in
sies [27] reported that macroscopic hematuria occurred in pregnancy, which may increase complication rates, and mod-
3.5% (95% CI 0.3–14.5%) of patients, while 0.9% (95% CI ification of biopsy technique may be necessary (e.g. patient
0.4–1.5%) of patients received a blood transfusion and only positioning). A recent systematic review of 39 studies (mostly
0.6% (0.4–0.8%) required angiography. The incidence of per- retrospective case series) of renal biopsies performed during
inephric hematoma is likely to be much higher than other pregnancy or in the perinatal period [34] found that the
reported complications. Based on studies performing CT- complication rate was 7% during pregnancy, compared to
guided biopsies in a historical cohort, as many as 91% of only 1% after delivery. All major complications occurred dur-
patients have evidence of a hematoma on imaging [28]. ing gestational weeks 23–28. Studies in which biopsy was
In the older meta-analysis, the study-level predictors of performed for suspected glomerulonephritis or preeclampsia
bleeding complications included the use of 14-gauge nee- reported that therapy was altered in 66% of cases. Bleeding
dles (compared with 16-gauge and 18-gauge), higher serum Complications after Pediatric Kidney Biopsy- A systematic
creatinine (>2.0 mg/dl), AKI in >10% of cases, a baseline Review and Meta-analysis .Charles D. Varnell, Hillarey K.
hemoglobin <12 g/dl, a mean age >40 years, and systolic Stone and Jeffrey A. Welge Clinical Journal of the American
blood pressure >130 mmHg [27]. The safe blood pressure Society of NephrologyJanuary 2019, 14 (1) 57-65; DOI:
threshold to prevent bleeding is debatable, with most stud- https://doi.org/10.2215/CJN.05890518.
ies and guidelines recommending a maximum acceptable
systolic blood pressure of 140 or 160 mmHg.
Other rare complications include arteriovenous fistula
formation (0.1–0.5%), infection, pneumothorax, and injury Renal biopsy in the pediatric setting has the added difficulty
to adjacent organs, including the liver, spleen, pancreas, of small kidneys and variable patient cooperation. A recently
and colon. Nephrectomy is required after <0.1% of cases published systematic review of 23 studies including 5504
and the risk of death is similarly low. renal biopsies reported that between 11% and 18% of pediat-
ric patients develop a hemotoma after biopsy, but only 0.9%
require a blood transfusion. As few as 0.7% of biopsies
Transplant Biopsies
resulted in an additional intervention due to post-biopsy
There are many single-center studies in the literature complications. Meta-regression suggested that the use of
addressing the safety of transplant biopsy in the contempo- real-time ultrasound guidance did not modify the risk of
rary setting of spring-loaded needles and ultrasound hematoma or requirement for blood transfusion or further
localization and guidance. The reported rates of complica- intervention. In general, pediatric biopsies are performed
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212 Renal Biopsy
with a spring-loaded device and 18-gauge needle [35]. The key information that can be used in conjunction with
number of passes should be 3 in 80% of cases. There does biochemical and urinary testing. In modern-day practice
not appear to be a difference in the rate of complications with automated, spring-loaded needles and ultrasound
between inpatient and outpatient procedures. guidance, it has very low complication rates and high
diagnostic yield, altering patient management in many
onclusion cases. Developing a patient-centred approach to renal
biopsy, with appropriate education and support, will be
Renal parenchymal biopsy remains an invaluable diag- the next step to further improving the safety and accept-
nostic and prognostic tool for nephrologists, providing ability of the procedure.
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Reference 213
I ntroduction D
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Epidemiolog 215
Certainty of Strength of
Treatment Recommendation evidence recommendation
Prednisone/ We recommend that corticosteroids be given for initial treatment of Low Strong (use of
prednisolone nephrotic syndrome. We suggest prednisone or prednisolone be given at a corticosteroids)
daily single dose of 1 mg/kg (maximum 80 mg) or alternate-day single Weak (dose and
dose of 2 mg/kg (maximum 120 mg). The initial high dose of duration)
corticosteroids should be maintained for a minimum period of 4 weeks if
complete remission is achieved, and for a maximum period of 16 weeks if
complete remission is not achieved. In patients who remit, we suggest that
corticosteroids be tapered slowly over a total period of up to 6 months
after achieving remission. For infrequent relapses, we suggest using the
same initial dose and duration of corticosteroids.
Calcineurin For patients with relative contraindications or intolerance to high-dose Low Weak
inhibitors (CNIs) corticosteroids, we suggest short-term intravenous methylprednisolone
(0.8 mg/kg/day for 10 days) + tacrolimus monotherapy (0.05 mg/kg/day for
16–20 weeks) subsequently tapering over approximately 18 weeks. We
suggest oral CNIs for relapsed patients despite cyclophosphamide, or
patients of childbearing age. Cyclosporine initiates at 3–5 mg/kg/day or
tacrolimus 0.05–0.1 mg/kg/day in two equally divided doses. Following
3 months of stable remission, tapered to reach the minimum dose that
maintains remission, for 1–2 years.
Mycophenolate We suggest oral mycophenolate mofetil for patients intolerant to Low Weak
mofetil corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide, and/or CNIs. 500–1000 mg twice daily
for 1–2 years.
Rituximab We suggest using rituximab for patients with frequently relapsing or Low Weak
corticosteroid-resistant MCD.
GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood
that the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood
that the effect will be substantially different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the
likelihood that it will be substantially different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The
likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect
Certainty of Strength of
Treatment Recommendation evidence recommendation
Prednisone/ We recommend that corticosteroids be given for initial treatment of Low Strong (use of
prednisolone nephrotic syndrome. We suggest prednisone or prednisolone be given at a corticosteroids)
daily single dose of 1 mg/kg/day (maximum 80 mg) or alternate-day Weak (dose and
single dose of 2 mg/kg (maximum 120 mg). The initial high dose of treatment duration)
corticosteroids should be maintained for a minimum period of 4 weeks if
complete remission is achieved and for a maximum period of 16 weeks if
complete remission is not achieved. In patients who remit, we suggest
that corticosteroids be tapered slowly over a total period of up to
6 months after achieving remission.
Calcineurin We suggest oral cyclosporine for steroid-resistant patients. Cyclosporine Moderate Weak
inhibitors initiates at 3–5 mg/kg/day in two equally divided doses. Following
4–6 months of stable remission, tapered to reach the minimum doge that
maintains remission, for 1–2 years.
Mycophenolate We suggest oral mycophenolate mofetil + high-dose dexamethasone for Low Weak
mofetil patients with steroid-resistant FSGS intolerant to cyclosporine.
GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that
the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the
effect will be substantially different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood that
it will be substantially different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the
effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect decision-making.
Table 15.3 Clinical features of minimal change disease (MCD) and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS).
C3, complement 3; IgA, immunoglobulin A; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IgM, immunoglobulin M. Renal deposition of C3, IgA, IgG and I gM were
semi-quantified using immunofluorescence staining, grading as 0 (lack of deposits), 1 + (trace), 2 + (weak), 3 + ( moderate), and 4 + (strong).
with MCD. The percentage of nephrotic patients with common in Asia (6.9%) [11, 12]. In recent years, the inci-
MCD is highest in Asian and Caucasian populations, while dence and the prevalence of nephrotic FSGS have steadily
the percentage of nephrotic patients with underlying FSGS risen [13, 14].
is highest in African-American populations. FSGS is the Genetic predisposition is proposed in patients with FSGS
most common form of glomerular histology in North because of their familial aggregation and the geographic
American (19.1%), the second most common in Europe variation in prevalence. Patients of black African ancestry
(14.9%) and Latin America (15.8%), and the fifth-most are twice as likely to develop FSGS than patients of white
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Pathophysiolog 217
European origin [18]. This is true of most histological vari- likely to be systemic disorders, where circulating factors
ants, especially the cellular variants [19, 20]. The exception and/or immune dysfunction are the pathogenic culprit,
is the glomerular tip lesion [3, 4]. The response to corticos- subsequently causing podocyte injury (Figure 15.1).
teroid treatment in black people is distinctly worse than in
white people [21], although the overall outcome of the dis-
ease in each race follows the same trend. In recent years, Putative Circulating Permeability Factors
familial cases with MCD have also been described [22], sug-
gesting a possible genetic origin of the disease. MCD and suPAR
FSGS are characterized by diffuse foot process effacement. Soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor
As the intricacies of podocyte cell biology have been unrave- (suPAR) has been suggested to be one of the pathogenic
led, increasing causative genes regulating slit diaphragm circulating factors [33–35]. The urokinase plasminogen
structure (nephrin, NPHS2, CD2AP) and actin cytoskeleton activator surface receptor (uPAR) is a membrane-bound
of podocytes (MYO1E, myocin IIA, α-actinin-4) have been glycosyl-phosphatidylinisotol anchored protein present on
identified [23–26]. The role of high-risk APOL1 genotypes in multiple cells, including podocytes. In podocytes, uPAR
the development of glomerulosclerosis is still under investi- could activate αvβ3 integrin signaling, inducing foot pro-
gation. Genetic testing for pediatric nephrotic syndrome and cess effacement and proteinuria [33]. However, subsequent
adult FSGS is controversial, and it can be considered for studies have suggested that suPAR may be a novel prognos-
patients with congenital and infantile forms of nephrotic tic biomarker for chronic kidney disease, but does not
syndrome (children <1 year of age) or less than the two appear to represent the permeability factor in FSGS [36].
forms but with steroids resistant nephrotic syndrome
(SRNS), nephrotic syndrome associated with other syndro- CLCF1
mic features, or familial forms of SRNS/FSGS [27]. Genetic Cardiotrophin-like cytokine factor 1 (CLCF1) is another
FSGS is typically resistant to corticosteroids. The value of candidate circulating factor which was detected in plasma
routine implementation of genetic testing in adults remains from patients with recurrent FSGS. CLCF1 is a member of
to be resolved in the future [28–30]. the IL6 family of cytokines. CLCF1 circulates as a heterodi-
meric cytokine, combining with cytokine receptor-like fac-
tor 1 (CRLF1) or soluble ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor
athophysiology alpha (sCNTFRa), which is an effector of the Janus kinase
(JAK)/signal transducer and activator of transcription
MCD and FSGS are both examples of pathogenic mecha- (STAT) signaling [37]. In podocytes, CLCF regulates the glo-
nisms that primarily affect the podocyte (podocytopathies). merular filtration barrier function through the JAK/STAT
They are not characterized by immune deposits, but there pathway [38]. In isolated rat glomeruli, CLCF1 increased
may be a role for circulating factors in the pathogenesis of albumin permeability (Palb) and an anti-CLCF1 monoclo-
both diseases. In recurrent FSGS following kidney trans- nal antibody was able to block the CLCF1-induced increase
plantation, early renal biopsy shows widespread foot pro- in Palb. Western blot analysis showed that CLCF1 upregu-
cess effacement on electron microscopy, hallmarks of lated phosphorylation of STAT3 in glomeruli. Inhibitors of
MCD, while repeated biopsy suggests evolution to an FSGS JAK2 and STAT3 significantly blocked the effect of CLCF1
lesion [15] or recovery to be normal when translated into a or FSGS serum on Palb. As such, albuminuria in FSGS might
diabetic nephropathy patient [16]. It is an ongoing debate be related to qualitative or quantitative changes in the
whether MCD and FSGS represent different stages of one CLCF1-CRLF1 complex, and JAK2 or STAT3 inhibitors may
disease or are different disease entities [17]. be novel therapeutic agents to treat FSGS.
The role of circulating factors has long been suspected in
pathogenesis of FSGS due to several clinical observations, Anti-CD40 Antibody
including the recurrence of FSGS in post-transplant patients The beneficial effects of RTX in MCD and FSGS suggest the
(about 30% in adults), the induction of proteinuria in exper- role of autoantibodies in disease pathogenesis. By screening
imental animals by plasma fractions from FSGS patients, autoantibodies in pretransplant sera from 10 patients with
and the improvement of disease course after treatment with recurrent FSGS and 10 without recurrent FSGS, auto-anti-
plasma exchange (PE), but with little success for searching bodies against 7 target proteins, including CD40 molecule,
the responsible factors [31]. In addition, the therapeutic protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor O, tumor necrosis
benefits of immunosuppressive agents and RTX which factor (TNF) receptor superfamily member 6, Chorionic
inhibit cell-mediated immunity and the coincidence of INS gonadotropin β, Apoliprotein 2, P2Y purinoceptor 11 and
in Hodgkin’s disease indicate the role of immune disorder Small nuclear retinoid × receptor α, were identified and
in MCD and FSGS [32]. Taken together, MCD and FSGS are validated. Among them, anti-CD40 antibody alone had the
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218 Minimal Change Disease and Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in Adults
Rituximab Abatacept
β3 integrin
T IL17
B Steroids Treg
Rituximab CNIs
anti-CD40 antibody MCD+FSGS
Figure 15.1 Pathogenesis of MCD and FSGS. The podocyte injury caused by circulating factors (suPAR, CLCF, ApoA1b, anti-CD40
antibody) and cytokines (IL13, IL17) secreted by abnormal interactions between T cells and B cells is crucial in disease pathogenesis.
Except for their systemic effects, immunosuppressive agents (steroids, MMF, CTX, CNIs) and targeting treatment options (rituximab,
abatacept) also show a direct effect on podocyte. Podocyte-related markers and products (CD80, suPAR) can be detected in the urine of
patients with MCD and FSGS, providing a noninvasive technique for gathering information about the disease diagnosis and progression.
Items mainly involved in MCD are shown in red, in FSGS are shown in green, and in both MCD and FSGS are shown in yellow.
best accuracy of 0.77 in predicting FSGS recurrence. During mal models have implicated T helper type 2 (Th2)-derived
the phase of remission in recurrent FSGS patients after cytokines, particularly interleukin (IL)-13. In rats, sys-
treatment of RTX plus cyclosporin (CsA), anti-CD40 anti- temic overexpression of IL-13 results in albuminuria,
body decreased accordingly. CD40 was stained on podo- hypoalbuminemia, and, on kidney biopsy, up to 80%
cytes in patients with FSGS but not in normal human podocyte foot process fusion by electron microscopy with
kidneys. Anti-CD40 antibody could cause podocyte injury similar pathologic findings as human MCD. In addition,
directly by inducing cytoskeletal reorganization both in cul- T cells from patients with nephrotic syndrome spontane-
tured human podocytes and in wild-type mice. The inhibi- ously produce IL-13, while B cells express the IL-13 recep-
tion effects of monoclonal CD40-blocking antibodies, tor. T cells from patients with relapsed MCD have
monoclonal suPAR clocking antibodies, or inhibitor of αvβ3 increased expression of IL-13 compared with those from
suggest an interaction between anti-CD40 antibodies and patients in remission.
suPAR/β3 integrin pathway [39]. Independent validation in
other recurrent FSGS cohorts is needed. microRNA
microRNAs (miRNAs) are important regulators of gene
IL-13 expression that suppress their target genes. miR-193a was
The identity of the glomerular permeability factor in significantly upregulated in isolated glomeruli from FSGS
MCD has not been determined in humans. Data from ani- patients. Mechanistically it inhibits the expression of WT1,
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Prognosi 219
a transcription factor and master regulator of podocyte dif- mechanism for proteinuria. It actives T cells by binding to
ferentiation and homeostasis, which in turn leads to down- receptor CD28, but inhibits T cell activation by binding to
regulation of genes crucial for the architecture of podocytes, CTLA-4, cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen-4
such as podocalyxin (PODXL) and nephrin (NPHS1) [55]. expressed on regulatory T cells. CTLA-4 also downregu-
The cause of the increased expression of miR-193a in podo- lates CD80 and CD86 expression on APC, Antigen-
cytes of FSGS patients and the miRNA profiles in FSGS presenting cells. In α3 integrin −/−, and nephrin −/− mice,
and MCD still needs to be addressed. CD80 is upregulated. In wild-type mouse models, injection
of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) leads to CD80 upregulation in
podocytes and proteinuria due to direct action of Toll-like
Immune Disorders
receptor (TLR) ligands on podocytes. Adding tumor necro-
T Cells sis factor α (TNFα) to podocytes causes CD80 upregulation,
Abnormal T cell dysfunction has long been implicated in which further interacts with Neph1 causing slit diaphragm
the pathogenesis of MCD and FSGS. However, no consen- disruption [51, 52]. CD80-deficient mice are protected
sus has yet been reached regarding a single cell subset. from LPS-mediated podocyte injury. IL13 or microbial
Some studies have shown elevated levels of IL2, some have products via TLRs could be factors that induce CD80
suggested a relative predominance of a Th2 cytokine expression on podocytes.
response (IL4), while others reported activation of Th1 A two-hit podocyte immune disorder was postulated in
cytokine response with increased interferon-γ. Urinary MCD [53]. Initially, CD80 is induced by a microbial agent
excretion of Th1 and Th2 cytokines cannot discriminate and/or T-cell cytokine. Impaired production of soluble
FSGS from MCD. However, urinary Th1 cytokines IL12 was CTLA4 by decreased circulating Tregs then induces persis-
associated with both global sclerosis and interstitial fibrosis, tent expression of CD80, which causes persistent proteinu-
and IL2 and GM-CSF, Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony ria. Administration of abatacept, an inhibitor of CD80,
Stimulating Factor were significantly increased in FSGS appears to cure patients with severe nephrotic syndrome
patients resistant to treatment. Th2 cytokines, especially due to primary FSGS or recurrent FSGS after
IL4, IL5, IL-8, IL10, and IL13, are implicated in frequent transplantation [54].
relapses of MCD [40, 41]. With the detection of new subsets
of T cells, an increased Th17/Treg ratio was determined in
adult patients with MCD and FSGS compared to normal Others
subjects, which was associated with proteinuria [42]. Th17 Some other molecules participating in podocytopathy
cells are strong candidate drivers for steroid response in have also been suggested, such as nonmuscle myosin
immune diseases [43], and the Th17/Treg imbalance heavy chain-IIA (NMMHC-IIA) and RAP1GAP. NMMHC-
returned to normal after effective corticosteroids ther- IIA is located primarily at cell body and primary processes
apy [42]. Dominance of infiltrating Th17 cells over Treg of podocytes. Expression levels of NMMHC-IIA were sig-
cells in the renal interstitial was also observed [44]. nificantly decreased in puromycin aminonucleoside-
treated rats and patients with idiopathic FSGS [56].
B Cells Increased podocyte expression of RAP1GAP, RAP1
The benefits of B cell-depleting therapy with RTX in MCD GTPase Activating Protein was associated with loss of
add a potential role of B cell in the pathogenesis of MCD. activated β1 integrin in vivo and in vitro by a mechanism
RTX performs its effects through suppressing the that involves loss of RAP1-mediated activation of β1 inte-
interactions between B cells and T cells, and restoring Treg grin. Furthermore, preventing elevation of RAP1GAP lev-
cell populations to keep the Th17/Treg balance normal [45– els in injured podocytes maintained β1 integrin–mediated
49]. It also presents direct protective effects on podocyte adhesion and prevented cellular detachment [57].
cytoskeleton stabilization in a sphingomyelin phosphodi-
esterase acid-like 3b (SMPDL-3b)-dependent manner [50].
It partially prevented SMPDL-3b and ASMase downregula- P
tion that was observed in podocytes treated with the sera of
patients with recurrent FSGS. Response to steroid therapy was the most important factor
for preservation of renal function. In general, the majority
of patients with MCD respond to steroids (80% sensitive
rate with remission in 74%) and have preserved renal func-
CD80/B7-1, a transmembrane protein usually expressed on tion for the long term, while FSGS is related to less steroid
B cells, nature killer cells, and antigen-presenting cells, responsiveness (58% sensitive rate and 30% remission
also expressed on podocytes, which was proposed as a rate) [91]. However, more than two-thirds of adult patients
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220 Minimal Change Disease and Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in Adults
[121], CsA first-line monotherapy has been used in many respectively [127]. In one small observational study, TAC
case series (level IV studies) with very low dose [122]. One (0.05–0.1 mg/kg/day) combined with prednisone (0.5 mg/
such study [121] included 86 adult patients with MCD and kg/day) showed a remission rate of 90.9% (10/11) with a
NS that were resistant to conventional therapy or were SD CR rate of 72.7% (8/11) in CsA-resistant and -dependent
or multirelapsers. They were treated with the Sandimmune adult MCD patients within 2 months [128].
formulation at a dose of 5.18 ± 0.94 mg/kg/day. Superior
efficacy was reported in SD patients (CR in 73% of cases MMF
and PR in 14%) compared to those who were SR (30% and Studies of MMF in the treatment of MCD in adults are few
26%, respectively). Serum creatinine levels remained sta- and are limited to case series and reports [129–131].
ble during CsA treatment. These patients were not all CsA Considering the encouraging results obtained in childhood
dependent, as ∼20–25% were progressively tapered off nephrosis, MMF may have a place in the treatment of adult
after 2 years without relapsing [123]. Combination therapy MCD, but so far evidence either supporting or refuting its
with CsA and corticosteroid agents might further enhance use is absent.
the efficacy and with less corticosteroid toxicity as men-
tioned above [114], suggesting an additional benefit of RTX
lower exposure to corticosteroids. A RCT performed in 52 RTX, a chimeric monoclonal antibody directed against
adult patients with the first relapse of MCD noted that CD20, is a potential effective and safe treatment in adults
remission was achieved sooner in patients treated with with MCD Box 15.4. The use of RTX in adults with FR and
CsA plus 0.8 mg/kg/day prednisone compared to patients immunosuppression-dependent MCD has been reported
receiving only 1 mg/kg/day prednisone [124]. in case reports [132–134] and small observational
One of the main safety concerns of CsA therapy in INS is studies [135–138] in reducing relapses and sparing immu-
the potential for nephrotoxicity. This is a class effect com- nosuppression. A prospective, multicenter, off–on trial
mon to all CNIs, including TAC [125, 126] Box 15.3. evaluated the efficacy of RTX and rate of recurrences in a
Previous studies indicated that the dose and type of pri- cohort of 10 children and 20 adults with FR MCD and
mary renal disease are two elements to keep in mind when FSGS after administration of RTX and discontinuation of
interpreting a decline in renal function [123]. immunosuppressants. One year after, all 30 patients were
A problem that has appeared since 1999 is that of formu- in remission and half of them never presented any recur-
lation. Most publications mention “cyclosporine” and do rence during the follow-up. The total number of relapses,
not specify whether they are discussing Sandimmune or the per-patient annualized relapse rate, the per-patient cor-
Neoral or a generic form of the drug, which may be impor- ticosteroid maintenance median dose, and the median
tant because it is known that the better pharmacokinetic cumulative dose to achieve relapse remission were reduced
profile of Neoral may lead to better efficacy and hence a significantly after treatment with RTX. Renal function
distinct reduction of dose [125] below the maximum of improved in all subjects, especially in children and in FSGS
5 mg/kg/day recommended for Sandimmune [123]. subgroups [139]. Similar results were reported extending
the observation period to more than 2 years, demonstrating
TAC a long-lasting effect of RTX [136, 140–142]. One very small
Given the FR after withdrawal and the risk of renal toxicity observational study has reported the efficacy of RTX as a
after long-term therapy with CsA, there are several studies first-line therapy in six adult-onset MCD cases [143].
focus on detecting the efficacy of TAC to induce CR in In future RCTs, detecting the efficacy of RTX as both first-
adults with MCD. TAC, like CsA, is a CNI that inhibits line and second-line treatment with extended follow-up
T-cell-driven elaboration of cytokines. It shows more will add important information regarding its optimal treat-
potent cytokine suppression and seems to cause less toxic- ment, relapse, and safety.
ity than CsA. In a recent multicenter RCT, TAC monother-
apy following short-term intravenous methylprednisolone
(0.8 mg/kg/day) for 10 days showed comparable remission
rates, remission rates, mean time to remission, and relapse Box 15.4 Monoclonal Antibodies
rates with the conventional oral prednisone regimen, but
fewer adverse events [113]. In one pilot study, the cumula- Rituximab
tive CR rates of patients treated with oral TAC (0.05 mg/kg Fresolimumab
twice daily) and low-dose prednisolone (0.5 mg/kg/day) Adalimumab
were 7.7% (1/14), 64.2% (9/14), 71.3% (10/14), 92.9% Abatacept
(13/14), and 100% (14/14) at 1, 2, 4, 8, and 20 weeks
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Treatmen 223
Summary FSGS
MCD is not uncommon in adults and may assume a multire-
All forms of FSGS require treatment, irrespective of the
lapsing course. The majority of patients respond to corticos-
histopathologic variant [4, 5, 8, 144]. The goal of therapy
teroids with CR, but this may require 4 months of treatment,
is to reduce, if not eliminate, proteinuria. Inducing even
compared with 6–8 weeks in children, with the attendant
a PR reduces the rate of deterioration in renal func-
hazards of corticosteroid toxicity. Enhanced corticosteroid
tion [6]. Corticosteroids remain the first-line treatment.
therapy (short-term of intravenous methylprednisolone
Response to corticosteroids is also the best indicator of a
with a low dose of prednisone and/or with another immu-
better long-term prognosis. In case of failure, a panoply
nosuppressant) might be alternative option to reduce corti-
of immunosuppressive drugs have been tried, including
costeroid toxicity. In selected cases, low-dose CNIs can be
new immunosuppressive agents used in solid organ
considered an alternative to corticosteroids, with very little
transplantation. A few recent publications on RTX [145]
nephrotoxicity. SR may be due to an initially missed diagno-
indicate that the anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody may
sis of FSGS, and resistance should be considered an indica-
inconsistently obtain remission in cases of FSGS, espe-
tion to verify the diagnosis by a repeat kidney biopsy. The
cially when the NS relapses after renal transplantation.
place of MMF in the treatment of adult MCD remains to be
determined. For patients with FR or conventional treatment-
resistant, RTX is a promising option, although the current Corticosteroids
evidence is limited to observational studies. The strength of Current consensus remains that corticosteroids with full dose
evidence supporting these statements is low or very low, and extended period of time are the first-line of therapy in
being largely based on case series and observational studies nephrotic FSGS. In the absence of any RCT data, the evidence
(RCTs tending to revise treatment recommendations are mainly based on several observational studies with remission
summarized in Table 15.4). rates ranging from 30% to 60% [20, 146, 147]. The initial
CI, confidence interval; CR, complete remission; CsA, cyclosporin; PR, partial remission; TAC, tacrolimus. GRADE assessment of the certainty
of the evidence: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially
different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially
different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood that it will be substantially
different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be
substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect decision-making. Pooled analyses were
not performed due to the heterogeneity of the data.
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224 Minimal Change Disease and Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in Adults
response to treatment in adults with FSGS was analyzed by c orticosteroids [121]. Combination of CsA and corticos-
Korbet et al. [144, 148, 149]. The trend before 1980 was to treat teroids remains the mainstay of treatment, with good tol-
for a short time and with low doses of corticosteroids. The erability when CsA dose is low. A retrospective
highest CR rates, >30%, were observed in cases treated for observational study compared high-dose oral prednisone
>5 months, and the lowest, 20%, were seen in patients (1 mg/kg/day) with low-dose prednisone (0.5 mg/kg/day)
treated for 2 months. Thus, corticosteroid treatment must be in combination with CsA (3 mg/kg/day) or azathioprine
sufficiently long. Full-dose (1 mg/kg/day) prednisone is given (2 mg/kg/day) as initial treatments. Low-dose prednisone
for 8–12 weeks, followed in case of remission, even partial, by was given to 16 patients with obesity, bone disease, or
slow tapering over months to avoid a “rebound” relapse [150]. mild diabetes. Remission rates were comparable; 63% for
CR portends a favorable outcome, comparable to that of prednisone (n = 9), 80% for prednisone plus
corticosteroid-responsive MCD [18]. However, a minority of azathioprine (n = 6), and 86% for prednisone plus
patients with nephrotic FSGS achieve stable remission after CsA (n = 10) [155]. Using the Glomerular Disease
tapering corticosteroids to complete withdrawal. Most cases Collaborative Network (GDCN) Registry, Laurin
are SD, usually to a high threshold dose. This poses a serious et al. [156] showed that early use of immunosuppressive
problem, as pursuing indefinite treatment with a high- therapy with CNIs and/or corticosteroids was associated
maintenance dose leads to corticosteroid side effects. with improved renal outcome compared with no immu-
Corticosteroid dependency or resistance leads to the need to nosuppression in 458 adults and children with primary
consider other treatment options aimed at reducing proteinu- FSGS (HR 0.49, 0.28–0.86). Although there was a trend
ria, but which trade corticosteroid toxicity for other toward greater survival among patients treated with
complications. CNIs, the superiority of CNIs over corticosteroids alone
In a pilot study, 24 nephrotic patients with idiopathic remained unproven.
FSGS, including six SD and 15 SR, were treated with ACTH For SD or SR patients, two RCTs noted the efficacy of
gel (median dose was 80 units injected subcutaneously twice CsA [157, 158]. Remission rates are 69% and 60%, but
weekly). After treatment, 29% (7/24) patients showed remis- relapse after CsA withdrawal occurred in 61% and 69%,
sion. All remitters had SR (n = 5) or SD (n = 2) FSGS. ACTH respectively. In the former study [157], CsA (3.5 mg/kg/
treatment might be an alternative option for SR or SD day) was combined with low-dose prednisone (0.15 mg/
patients with FSGS, although the response rate is low [151]. kg/day). Long-term renal function was significantly bet-
In a observational study, 20 patients of post-transplant recur- ter preserved in the CsA group, suggesting that low-dose
rent and de novo FSGS resistant to conventional therapy CsA-induced PR reduces the rate of progression of
with therapeutic PE and RTX received ACTH, and 50% nephrotic FSGS patients to renal insufficiency. A compar-
(10/20) of patients achieved CR or PR [152]. ison was made in 226 patients treated for SR-NS (the
majority were FSGS with some cases of MCD), with 127
Alkylating Agents receiving CsA alone and 103 receiving CsA plus corticos-
The best indication for use of an alkylating agent is the case teroids. The proportions of patients with CR, PR, and fail-
of a SD or multirelapsing patient, which is rare in nephrotic ure were, respectively, 14% versus 24%, 12% versus 24%,
FSGS. Some studies included patients treated with a combi- and 74% versus 52%. Thus, CsA combined with low-dose
nation of cyclophosphamide or chlorambucil and corticos- corticosteroids can be considered both an immunosup-
teroids. A RCT in 57 patients by Heering et al. [153] included pressive drug and a steroid-sparing agent to treat resistant
23 patients treated for 6 months with corticosteroids and forms of FSGS.
chlorambucil. They achieved 17% CR and 48% PR. Five of the Another case series [121] was based on 68 patients
23 progressed to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The contri- treated with 5.18 ± 0.94 mg/kg/day of CsA (Sandimmune
butions of other studies to treatment recommendations formulation). The results on NS were 14 CR (21%), 19 PR
about alkylating agents are uncertain, such as Martinelli (28%), and 35 failures (51%). Other case series have com-
et al.’s case series [154]. In short, there is no strong evidence prised patients treated with CsA (among other immuno-
to recommend alkylating agents in the treatment of FSGS. suppressants) and support the beneficial effect of CsA for
inducing at least PR in nephrotic FSGS.
There are no RCTs for this medication in FSGS. So far, the
CsA experience acquired is mainly in CsA-resistant or -dependent
CsA has been used for three decades in the treatment of patients. Another small observational study used TAC mon-
FSGS. It has been shown that its efficacy is greatly otherapy as initial treatment in six patients, and all six
increased by a combination with low-dose patients achieved remission after 6.5 ± 5.9 months [159].
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Treatmen 225
Relapse rate 15 (1) Not estimable Not estimable Absent A high relapse rate (69%) occurs after CsA
Adverse event 25 (1) Not estimable Not estimable Absent A high adverse event rate (25%) receiving
rate occurs in the intravenous
methylprednisolone group
CsA/low-dose prednisone vs. prednisone [157]
Remission rate 49 (1) Not estimable 8.85 (1.22–63.92) Moderate There was a significant increase in the
(CR or PR) ●●○○ number of patients with remission in the
CsA/low-dose prednisone group
Relapse rate 35 (1) Not estimable Not estimable Absent A high relapse rate (60%) occurs in CsA/
low-dose prednisone group by week 78
Adverse event 49 (1) Not estimable Not estimable Absent Nausea and vomiting were reported in one
rate patient after in the CsA/low-dose
prednisone group
CI, confidence interval; CR, complete remission; CsA, cyclosporin; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; PR, partial remission; TAC, tacrolimus.
GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence: High; This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that
the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate; This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the
effect will be substantially different* is moderate. Low; This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood that
it will be substantially different* is high. Very low; This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the
effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect decision-making. Pooled
analyses were not performed due to the heterogeneity of the data.
factor being the subject of numerous publications, much there was only poor evidence to support its use, and no
remains uncertain about it [179]. There is no evidence significant additional data have been added since that
that PE modifies the course of FSGS, outside of the par- time. A systematic review and meta-analysis of 77 case
ticular case of relapse of NS in a kidney transplant recipi- reports and case series noted that 71% of patients achieved
ent [144]. Based on the concept of a “circulating factor,” CR or PR after treatment with PE [181].
PE has been advocated to remove it, reduce proteinuria, Similarly, plasma protein adsorption on columns coated
and avoid the progression to renal insufficiency, but there with staphylococcal protein A [182] does not seem to
is little evidence for or against its use. In 2001 Bosch and remove specifically the elusive circulating factor responsi-
Wendler [180] concluded, in a review of extracorporeal ble for the proteinuria, as this experimental protocol also
plasma treatment in primary and recurrent FSGS, that reduces proteinuria in other glomerulopathies [183].
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Membranous Nephropathy
Katie Trinh1,2 and Bhadran Bose1,2
Department of Nephrology, Nepean Hospital, Kingswood, NSW, Australia
University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
atural History C
linical Manifestations
Membranous nephropathy is a chronic disease, with spon- Membranous nephropathy affects patients of all ages and
taneous remission and relapses. There is great variability in races, but it is more common in men than women by a 2 : 1
the rate of disease progression, and the natural course is dif- (male:female) to 3 : 1 ratio. Idiopathic membranous
ficult to assess in part due to heterogeneous criteria for indi- nephropathy has a peak incidence during the fourth and
cation of biopsy and genetic and geographic disease fifth decades of life, and is relatively uncommon in patients
biology [2–4]. Spontaneous remissions occur in up to 30% of under 20 years. At presentation, 60–70% of patients will
cases, usually in the first 2 years after presentation, but may have nephrotic syndrome. The presence of microscopic
occur any time. The proportion of patients going into spon- hematuria is common (30–40%), but macroscopic hematu-
taneous remission is much lower when patients are selected ria and red cell casts are rare and suggest a different histo-
who have higher grades of proteinuria at presentation, pathology. At presentation, the great majority of patients
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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236 Membranous Nephropathy
Certainty of Strength of
Treatment Recommendation evidence recommendation
Blood pressure lowering We recommend using ACEi or ARB to achieve a target blood pressure of Moderate– Strong
125/75 mmHg. ACEi or ARB also help to reduce proteinuria and slow high
the progression of kidney disease.
Low-salt diet We suggest a low-salt diet because high salt intake (e.g. 200 mg Na or Low Weak
4.6 g sodium/day) can significantly impair the beneficial effects of
angiotensin II blockade
Lipid-lowering therapy Statins combined with ACEi have synergistic effect in reducing Low Weak
Thromboembolism We suggest prophylactic anticoagulation in patients with proteinuria Low Weak
prophylaxis 10 g/day and serum albumin below 2.5 g/dl as they are at high risk of
fatal thromboembolism
Nonimmunosuppressive We suggest initial treatment with nonimmunosuppressive therapy Moderate Strong
therapy comprising of ACEi or ARB, low-salt diet and statins for 6 months before
starting immunosuppressive therapy. However, patients with high-risk
of progression will need to start immunosuppressive therapy earlier.
Cytotoxics and We recommend a 6-month course of corticosteroids with oral cytotoxic High Strong
corticosteroids agent as first-line therapy
Calcineurin inhibitor with We recommend calcineurin inhibitor as first-line therapy or for patients High Strong
or without corticosteroids who cannot tolerate cytotoxic agents. There is high risk of relapse once
calcineurin inhibitors are ceased hence might need long-term treatment
with calcineurin inhibitor.
Mycophenolate mofetil with We suggest mycophenolate mofetil with corticosteroids in patients Low Weak
or without corticosteroids refractory to other agents. There is high risk of relapse.
Rituximab We suggest rituximab as first-line therapy or for patients with refractory Low Weak
Patients in the low-risk group are Patients in the medium-risk group are Patients in the high-risk group are
categorized by a <5% risk for defined by normal renal function and characterized by progressive loss of renal
progression over 5 years of observation persistent proteinuria between 4 and 8 g/24 h function and/or by persistent high-grade
They are defined by normal renal over 6 months of observation despite the proteinuria of 8 g/24 h during the 6 months
function and proteinuria of 4 g/24 h institution of maximum conservative therapy of observation
over a 6-month observation period
Author Year Type of study Risk group n Treatment regimens Follow-up (months) Outcomes/comments
Collaborative Study of 1979 RCT Medium 72 Prednisone 100–150 mg 23 10 of 38 controls, but only 1 of 34
the Adult Idiopathic PO on alternate given prednisone had SCr > 5 mg/
Nephrotic Sydrome days × 8–12 weeks vs. dl or died
(CSAINS) [49] placebo Rapid decline of renal function in
controls considered unexpected
Cattran [50] 1989 RCT Medium 158 Prednisone 125–150 mg 48 Proportion of patients with CR
PO on alternate similar in the two groups
days × 6 months vs. No differences in annual change
placebo in CrCl between the two groups
No sustained difference in
Cameron [51] 1990 RCT High 107 Prednisolone 45 mg/m2 52 No difference in remission rates
on alternate for NS in either short (6 and
days × 8 weeks vs. 12 months) or long (48 months)
placebo term
No differences in rates of renal
function decline
Short [52] 1987 Prospective High 15 MTP 1 g IV × 5 days 32 Serum creatinine fell by a mean of
nonrandomized followed by 46%
study prednisolone 100 mg, In 10 patients the beneficial effect
75 mg 50 mg, then 25 mg was sustained, but in three it had
on alternate days for reversed by 6 months
4 weeks, then dose In the other two patients the
decreasing by a further progressive decline of renal
5 mg each month function was not influenced
CR, complete remission; CrCl, creatinine clearance; IV, intravenous; MTP, methylprednisolone; NS, nephrotic syndrome; PO, per oral; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SCr, serum creatinine.
Mean Follow-up
Author Year Type of study Risk group n Treatment regimens (months) Outcomes/comments
Ponticelli [54] 1984 RCT Medium 67 MTP 1 g IV × 3 days followed by MTP 0.4 mg/kg 31 At the end of follow-up 23 of 32 treated
PO × 27 days, on months 1, 3, and 5 and CHL patients (72%) were in CR or PR, as
(0.2 mg/kg/day) on months 2, 4, and 6 vs. compared with 9 out of 30 controls (30%).
symptomatic therapy
Ponticelli [55] 1992 RCT Medium 92 MTP 1 g IV × 3 days followed by MTP 0.4 mg/kg 48 At 3 years, 66% remission in MTP/CHL
PO × 27 days on months 1, 3, and 5 and CHL group vs. 40% in MTP group. At 4 years, the
(0.2 mg/kg/day) on months 2, 4, and 6 vs. MTP difference was no longer statistically
alone significant.
Ponticelli [56] 1995 RCT Medium 67 MTP 1 g IV × 3 days followed by prednisone 120 92% probability of renal survival in treated
0.5 mg/kg/day × 27 days on months 1, 3, and 5 and compared with 60% in the control group. 8%
CHL (0.2 mg/kg/day) on months 2, 4, and 6 vs. of treated patients vs. 40% of the untreated
symptomatic therapy group reached ESRD.
Ponticelli [57] 1998 RCT Medium 87 MTP 1 g IV × 3 days followed by MTP 0.4 mg/kg/ 36 CR/PR in 82% of patients on MTP/CHL vs.
day PO × 27 days on months 1, 3, and 5 93% on MTP/CYC (P = NS). Side effects
alternating with either CHL 0.2 mg/kg/day or lower in the MTP/CYC group.
CYC 2.5 mg/kg/day on months 2, 4, and 6
Jha [58] 2007 RCT Medium 93 MTP 1 g IV × 3 days followed by prednisolone 120 CR/PR in 72% of patients on MTP/CYC vs.
0.5 mg/kg/day PO × 27 day on months 1, 3, and 5 35% in control group
and CYC 2 mg/kg/day on months 2, 4, and 6 vs.
conservative therapy
Murphy [59] 1992 RCT Medium 40 CYC 1.5 mg/kg × 6 months + DIP/W24 × 2 years Treatment group had less proteinuria. No
vs. symptomatic therapy differences in renal function at 2 years
Donadio [60] 1974 RCT Medium 22 CYC 1.5–2.5 mg/kg PO × 1 year vs. symptomatic 12 No benefit of CYC on proteinuria, renal
therapy function, or histology
Falk [61] 1992 RCT High 26 Prednisone 2 mg/kg on alternate days × 8 weeks, 29 No impact of CYC on renal function, level
tapered over 4 weeks, vs. CYC 0.5–1 g/m2 IV of proteinuria, or progression to ESRD
monthly × 6 months + MTP (7 mg/kg) × 3 followed
by prednisone (2 mg/kg/alternate days) for
8 weeks, then tapered over next 4 weeks
West [62] 1987 Case-control High 26 CYC 2 mg/kg × 20 ± 4 months ± prednisone vs. 49 CYC associated with an increased rate of
study prednisone or symptomatic therapy remission of NS and better preservation of
renal function. Adverse effects were
Jindal [63] 1992 Case-control High 9 CYC (1–2 mg/kg/day) for a mean of 23 ± 4 months 64–83 CR in 4/9 and PR in 5/9 in CYC group. One
study (8–54) ± prednisone (6/9 patients; dose 33 ± 9 mg/ patient in the CYC group and 10 patients in
day) compared to 17 controls receiving control group reached ESRD. Four relapses
prednisone, maximum dose 50–125 mg alternate in 3 treated patients, and 3 of 4 responded to
days in 9/17 and 40–80 mg in 6/17, for a mean of repeat therapy. Of the 7 controls who did
20 ± 4 months not reach ESRD, only 2 had persistent NS.
CHL, chlorambucil; CR, complete remission; CYC, cyclophosphamide; DIP/W, dipyridamole/warfarin; IV, intravenous; MTP, methylprednisolone; PO, per oral; PR, partial remission; RCT,
randomized controlled trial.
Cyclosporine A CsA can induce a remission (CR or PR) of evidence for mycophenolate mofetil is based on
NS in 50–60% of patients. Prolonged low-dose CsA nonrandomized studies (Table 16.6) [79–81]. Based on low
(~1.5 mg/kg/day) could be considered for long-term certainty evidence from uncontrolled studies,
maintenance of patients who achieve CR or PR, especially mycophenolate mofetil has uncertain benefits in high-risk
in patients at high risk for relapse [70]. It is important to membranous nephropathy. Based on a study including
emphasize that although reduction of proteinuria usually historical controls treated with cyclophosphamide, relapses
occurs within a few weeks, the majority of CR occurred may occur more frequently with mycophenolate mofetil
after more than 6 months of treatment. On the other hand, therapy [81].
if after 3–4 months of CsA therapy at adequate doses
proteinuria is not significantly reduced, it is unlikely that Rituximab Rituximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody
the therapy will be effective. These studies are summarized against CD20+ B cells and as membranous nephropathy
in Table 16.5 [72–76]. is an autoimmune disease, rituximab has been studied in
the treatment of patients with membranous nephropathy.
Tacrolimus Similar to patients treated with CsA, Prospective uncontrolled studies have been performed
maintenance of remission may require prolonged use of evaluating the efficacy of rituximab in idiopathic
low-dose tacrolimus (TAC). In a single randomized membranous nephropathy and are summarized in
controlled trial in 25 patients with normal kidney function Table 16.7. These studies have led to the hypothesis that
and nephrotic range proteinuria, tacrolimus monotherapy rituximab may modify disease progression in membranous
incurred complete remission in 94% of patients prescribed nephropathy.
tacrolimus compared to 35% in the control group [77]. A Two randomized controlled studies provide evidence for
small number of patients (six patients in the control group rituximab in membranous nephropathy. In the small (75
and one in the TAC group) reached the secondary end participants) Evaluate Rituximab Treatment for Idiopathic
point of a 50% increase in serum creatinine, resulting in Membranous Nephropathy (GEMRITUX) study, rituximab
low certainty evidence for this outcome. (375 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8) may have induced a higher
rate of disease remission during extended follow-up (up to
Treatment of High-risk Patients 18 months) compared to standard therapy alone [82].
Corticosteroids The Membranous Nephropathy Trial Of Rituximab
Randomized, controlled trial evidence is available in a (MENTOR) study (NCT01180036) is a multicenter rand-
small number of patients with high-risk disease. Based on omized controlled trial in 126 participants comparing the
low certainty evidence, corticosteroid therapy alone may efficacy and safety of rituximab to CsA in medium- to
offer little or no benefit for preserving kidney function or high-risk patients with idiopathic membranous nephrop-
lowering proteinuria (Table 16.3) [49–52]. athy [91]. Patients with proteinuria 5 g/day following a
minimum of 3 months conservative nonimmunosuppres-
Cytotoxic Agents Combined with Corticosteroids Prednisolone sive therapy were randomized to receive IV rituximab
combined with chlorambucil may retard progression of (days 1 and 15, then repeated at 6 months) or oral CsA
kidney failure compared to steroid therapy and supportive (3.5 mg/kg/day for 12 months). Based on results in a con-
treatment alone [78]. The addition of CsA to steroid therapy is ference proceeding, participants who received rituximab
likely to have similar clinical effects compared to chlorambucil, more frequently achieved CR or PR (odds ratio 6.0, 95%
although may incur fewer serious adverse events. CI 2.7–13.2).
A summary of the studies conducted in this group of Table 16.7 summarizes the studies using rituximab in
patients is presented in Table 16.4 [54–69]. membranous nephropathy [41, 82–92]. Together these
studies suggest rituximab could be considered as first-line
Cyclosporine There has been only one controlled trial with treatment for membranous nephropathy, but we need
17 participants evaluating CsA in patients with high-grade larger trials with hard endpoints such as ESKD to change
proteinuria and progressive renal failure [72]. CsA was our current practice. Most importantly, so far there is no
associated with significant reduction in proteinuria and published study comparing rituximab with the current
prevented loss (slope) of renal function [70–75]. A first-line therapy, i.e. combination of cytotoxics and
summary of studies is presented in Table 16.5. corticosteroids.
Mycophenolate Mofetil There has been a paucity of studies Eculizumab Eculizumab is a humanized anti-C5
using mycophenolate mofetil for membranous nephropathy monoclonal antibody designed to prevent the cleavage of
leading to low or very low certainty evidence. Current C5 into its proinflammatory by-products. In a randomized
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Table 16.5 Cyclosporin A treatment in idiopathic membranous nephropathy.
Author Year Type of study Risk group n Treatment regimens (months) Outcomes/comments
Cattran [71] 2001 RCT Medium 51 Prednisone (0.15 mg/kg/day) plus CsA 19.5 75% of patients in CsA group vs. 22% in control
(3–4 mg/kg/day) vs. placebo plus group achieved PR or CR. Relapse rate 43% in
prednisone × 26 weeks. CsA group vs. 40% in placebo by week 52.
Cattran [72] 1995 RCT High 17 CsA 3.5 mg/kg/day × 12 months vs. placebo 21 CsA associated with slower rate of decline in
renal function. Sustained remission of
proteinuria in 6/8 CsA patients.
Alexopoulos [70] 2006 RCT Medium 51 CsA 2–3 mg/kg/day and prednisone vs. CsA 26 After 12 months of treatment, 26 patients in the
(same dose) alone for 12 months. combination group and 17 patients in the CsA
Responders were placed on long-term alone group had a CR or PR of proteinuria. Daily
low-dose CsA 1–1.5 mg/kg/day and CsA dose was higher in nonrelapsers in both
prednisone vs. CsA alone. groups while relapsers in both groups had lower
CsA trough levels
Ambalavanan [73] 1996 Prospective Medium 41 CsA 4–5 mg/kg/day for 3–6 months. Lupus 18 CsA lowered median proteinuria by 56% from
nonrandomized serology (+) in 12 patients. Retreatment in 7.3 to 3.2 g/24 h. In 6 patients with declining
20 of 31 patients who relapsed after GFR during prolonged CsA therapy, a repeat
stopping CsA. biopsy showed more prominent immune
deposits and thicker GBM.
Rostoker [74] 1993 Prospective High 15 CsA 4–5 mg/kg × 12–30 months prednisone 40 CR or PR in 11/15 (73%) patients. Relapse in 3/9
nonrandomized 1–2 mg/kg/day × 2 months on CsA withdrawal, but the relapse remain
sensitive to CsA. All patients had received
corticosteroids (1 mg/kg/day × 2 months) prior to
DeSanto [75] 1987 Case series Medium- 5 CsA 7 mg/kg/day for 6 months plus 8 All had failed prior cytotoxic therapy. Prompt
Low MTP 1–0.3 mg/kg/day for 1 month, reduced remission of proteinuria in 4/5 patients. No
to 0.3–0.15 mg/kg on the second month, renal failure.
and then down to 0.15 mg/kg for 4 months
CR, complete remission; CsA, cyclosporin A; GBM, glomerular basement membrane; MTP, methylprednisolone; PR, partial remission; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
Author Year Type of study Risk group n Treatment regimens Median Follow-up Outcomes
Miller [79] 2000 Retrospective study Medium–high 16 Mycophenolate mofetil 500–2000 mg/ 8 months 6 patients had a 50% reduction in
day for 8 months their proteinuria, 2 had a minor
reduction in proteinuria, 4 had no
change, 3 withdrew because of
significant adverse effects, and 1
stopped treatment. There were no
significant changes in mean serum
creatinine, or serum albumin levels.
Choi [80] 2000 Retrospective study Medium–high 15 Mycophenolate mofetil 500–1000 mg 12 months There was 61% reduction of proteinuria
twice daily for a mean of 12 months (7.8 to 2.3 g/24 h; P = 0.001), with 8
combined with steroids patients having PR and 2 patients CR.
Renal function improved in 3 of 6
patients with kidney failure.
Branten [81] 2007 Clinical trial with Medium–high 32 Mycophenolate mofetil 1000 mg twice 12 mo Cumulative incidences of remission of
historic controls. a day for 12 months (intervention). proteinuria at 12 months were 66% in
Cyclophosphamide, 1.5 mg/kg/day for the mycophenolate mofetil group vs.
12 months (historical control). Both 72% in the cyclophosphamide group
groups also received methylpredisone (P = 0.3). There were more relapses in
IV 1 g three times at months 1, 3, and mycophenolate mofetil-treated group.
5, followed by oral predisone at 0.5 mg/
kg every other day for 6 months, with
subsequent tapering.
Author Year Type of study Risk group n Treatment regimens (months) Outcomes/comments
Dahan [82] 2017 RCT Medium– 75 RTX 375 mg/m2 on day 1 and 8 + NIAT vs. 17.0 At 6 months, 13 of 37 (35.1%) treated with
high NIAT alone RTX + NIAT achieved remission vs. 8 of 38
(21.1%) controls (P = 0.21). Significantly higher
rates of PLA2R antibody depletion at 3 and
6 months in RTX + NIAT group.
Fiorentino [83] 2016 Prospective Medium– 38 RTX 375 mg/m2 monthly × 6 15 29 of 38 (76.3%) achieved remission: 15 (39.5%)
nonrandomized high CR and 14 (36.8%) PR. Proteinuria significantly
reduced. Renal function stable. No significant
adverse events.
Bagchi [84] 2018 Retrospective High 21 RTX 500 mg × 2 doses 7–10 days apart ± 3rd 13 13 of 21 (61.9%) achieved remission: 4 (19.05)
dose after 4–6 weeks if CD19 not depleted CR and 9 (42.9%) PR. One patient relapsed
after achieving PR. Renal survival was
significantly better in responders (P = 0.0037).
Moroni [85] 2017 Prospective Medium–- 34 RTX 375 mg/m2 × 1 dose (n = 18) or × 2 23.9 (mean) At 12 months, 5 (14.7%) CR, 10 (29.4%) PR, and
nonrandomized high 2 weeks apart (n = 16) 19 (55.8%) no response. Outcome similar for
one vs. two doses.
Waldman [86] 2016 Prospective High 13 CsA 3 mg/kg/day for 6 months then tapered 41 (mean) By 6 months 85% achieved remission
nonrandomized by 50 mg/day every 3 weeks plus RTX (CR + PR). By 12 months, 54% achieved CR. 2
1000 mg day 1 and 15, then after 6 months relapsed by 24 months. Treatment well
when CD19+ B cell count 5 cells/μl tolerated.
Ruggenenti [41] 2015 Prospective High 132 RTX 375 mg/m2 weekly × 4 30.8 84 of 132 (63.6%) achieved remission
nonrandomized (CR + PR), 43 (32.6%) achieved CR. Anti-
PLA2R antibody depletion preceded remission.
Ruggenenti [87] 2003 Prospective Medium 8 RTX 375 mg/m2 weekly × 4 Not specified Significant reduction in proteinuria. Renal
nonrandomized function stabilized. 2 achieved CR and 3
achieved PR.
Ruggenenti [88] 2012 Prospective High 100 RTX 375 mg/m2 weekly × 4 29 (median) At end of follow-up, 65% achieved CR or PR.
nonrandomized Median time to remission 7.1 months. Renal
function improved in those who achieved CR.
Author Year Type of study Risk group n Treatment regimens (months) Outcomes/comments
Fervenza [89] 2010 Prospective Medium 20 RTX 375 mg/m2 weekly × 4, repeated at Not specified Proteinuria reduced from 11.9 g/24 h to 4.2 and
nonrandomized 6 months 2.0 g/24 h at 12 and 24 months, respectively. At
24 months, 4 of 18 achieved CR, 12 of 18
achieved PR, and 1 relapsed. Remission rates
higher than fortnightly dosing.
Fervenza [90] 2008 Prospective High 14 RTX 1000 mg on days 1 and 15, repeated at 12 At 6 months, 4 achieved PR. At 12 months, 2
nonrandomized 6 months if proteinuria >3 g/24 h and CD9+ B achieved CR and 6 PR.
cell >15 cells/μl
Fervenza [91] 2015 RCT High 130 RTX 1000 mg on days 1 and 15, repeated at 24 At 24 months, CR or PR in RTX arm was 62.5%
(results from 6 months vs. CsA 3.5–5 mg/kg/day for vs. 20.6% in the CsA arm. Treatment failure
abstract) 6 months higher in CsA group compared to RTX group
(79.4% vs. 37.5%).
Rojas-Rivera [92] 2015 RCT High MTP 1 g IV days 1–3 then MTP p.o. 0.5 mg/ Awaited
kg/day for days 4–30 on months 1, 3, and 5
and cyclophosphamide PO 2.0 mg/kg/day for
30 days on months 2, 4, and 6 vs. tacrolimus
0.05 mg/kg/day for 6 months, then tapered to
withdrawal by 9 months + RTX 1 g at day 180.
CR, complete remission; CsA, cyclosporine; IV, intravenous; MTP, methylprednisolone; NIAT, nonimmunosuppressive antiproteinuric therapy; PO, per oral; PR, partial remission; RCT,
randomized controlled trial; RTX, rituximab.
Author Year Level of Evidence Risk Group N Treatment regimens Follow-up Outcomes
Berg [94] 1999 Prospective Medium– 14 ACTH 1 mg intramuscular. The dose of ACTH 70 days Urinary albumin excretion dropped
uncontrolled high was increased from one injection every other from 4830 mg/day (3660–15877) to
week to three injections per week during a 1040 mg/day (630–3750). Serum
period of 8 weeks. creatinine went up from 135 μmol/l
(98–314) to 110 μmol/l (98–210)
Ponticelli [96] 2006 RCT Medium 32 Group A (16 patients) received 22 months CR or PR in group A was 93% (CR 5
methylprednisolone(1 g) administered IV on 3 and PR 10 patients) and 87% in group
consecutive days, and then orally 0.4 mg/kg B achieved CR or PR (10 CR and 4
for 27 days on months 1, 3, and 5. On months PR).
2, 4, and 6, received either chlorambucil There was no significant difference in
(0.2 mg/kg/day orally) or cyclophosphamide either treatment group.
(2.5 mg/kg/day orally).
Group B (16 patients) received tetracosactide
(a synthetic analogue of ACTH),
intramuscular injection of 1 mg between 7 : 00
and 9 : 00 a.m. Administration of ACTH was
increased from 1 injection every other week
to 2 injections per week for a total treatment
period of 1 year.
Hladunewich [97] 2014 RCT (nonblinded Medium 20 Patients received either 40 or 80 units of 12 months In both groups combined, the mean
dose finding ACTH. The dose of ACTH was increased from proteinuria improved significantly
study) one injection every other week to two from 9.1 ± 3.4 g/day to 3.9 ± 4.2 g/day
injections per week for total of 12 weeks at 1 year of follow-up
ACTH, adrenocorticotrophic hormone; CR, complete remission; PR, partial remission; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
controlled trial 200 patients with membranous nephropathy There are no standard or universal first-line specific thera-
were treated every 2 weeks with two different intravenous peutic options for idiopathic membranous nephropathy.
dose regimens and compared to a placebo group over a There is moderate to high certainty evidence that blood
total of 16 weeks [93]. In low certainty evidence, eculizumab pressure lowering therapy aiming for a blood pressure
did not have a detectable effect on proteinuria or renal 125/75 or below will retard CKD progression. There is low
function compared to placebo. certainty evidence that statins, salt restriction, and prophy-
lactic anticoagulation have a role in the treatment of mem-
branous nephropathy.
drenocorticotropic Hormone In patients who are at low risk of progression, therapy
focused on blood pressure lowering should suffice, although
Synthetic adrenocorticotropic hormone has been studied
long-term follow-up is needed to ensure that there is no dis-
by various investigators as a treatment option for idiopathic
ease progression or worsening of proteinuria.
membranous nephropathy [94–97]. These studies have
Patients at medium or high risk are candidates for addi-
been summarized in Table 16.8. However, these studies
tional immunosuppressive therapy. Patients with persis-
have small sample size with only short-term follow up.
tent nephrotic-range proteinuria are at increased risk for
There is low-certainty evidence that adrenocorticotropic
cardiovascular and thromboembolic complications.
hormone has a significant effect on proteinuria.
Proteinuria is an inducer of kidney injury and plays a
Patients with severe renal insufficiency (serum creati-
major role in the development of progressive tubular
nine of 3 mg/dl) are less likely to benefit from immuno-
injury, interstitial fibrosis, and subsequent loss in GFR. The
suppression therapy, and the risk of treatment is
higher the sustained level of proteinuria, the more likely
significantly higher, so these patients should be considered
the development of end-stage renal disease. Therefore,
for conservative therapy only and with plans made for
even if the main benefit of immunosuppressive therapy is
transplantation in the future.
to accelerate the induction of a remission, it may still have
value in the long term. A treatment algorithm that com-
Disease and Treatment Summary bines the predictive factors and best evidence for immuno-
suppressive therapy is presented in Figure 16.1. Current
In conclusion, control of nephrotic syndrome, specifically first-line therapy is corticosteroids combined with cyclo-
with CR or PR, is strongly associated with renal survival and phosphamide or chlorambucil (which may be associated
a slower rate of chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression. with a higher frequency of adverse events). Calcineurin
Conservative therapy*
Consider one of these three
ACEi/ARB Maintain BP<120/75 mm Hg agents.
Monitor renal function and proteinuria Cytotoxic + CNI ± Rituximab ± If no response to one agent,
corticosteroids corticosteroids CNI consider alternate agent
No response to all
three agents
Figure 16.1 Membranous nephropathy treatment algorithm. ⋆Conservative treatment involves the use of ACEi ± ARB blocker to
maintain blood pressure < 125/75 mmHg, lipid control with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor, dietary protein restriction (0.6–0.8 g/kg ideal
body weight/day), dietary NaCl intake (goal is 2–3 g Na) to optimize antiproteinuric effects of ACEi and ARBs, smoking cessation, and
attempt to reduce obesity, if present. Abbreviations: anti-PLA2R, phospholipase A2 receptor antibody; ACEi, angiotensin converting
enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin II receptor blocker; CNI, calcineurin inhibitor; ACTH, adrenocorticotrophic hormone; MMF,
mycophenolate mofetil.
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Reference 249
inhibitors combined with low-dose prednisone may be mab may provide CR or PR at 24 months. Patients who do
considered for patients who prefer or are intolerant of first- not respond well or relapse after a first course of immuno-
line therapy. Long-term therapy may be required due to the suppression therapy may benefit from a second course of
high incidence of relapse. Emerging data suggest rituxi- immunosuppression [98].
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252 Membranous Nephropathy
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Prognosi 255
athophysiology mechanisms (Figure 17.2). There may be acute, severe
immune and inflammatory injury producing crescent for-
Recurrence of IgAN after transplantation, and also the mation, or crescentic IgA nephropathy, which may be ame-
rare cases of resolution of IgA deposits in transplanted nable to intensive immunosuppression. Alternatively,
kidneys from donors with IgAN, supports the hypothesis acute kidney injury can occasionally occur with mild glo-
that mesangial IgA is derived from a pathogenic IgA frac- merular injury when heavy glomerular hematuria leads to
tion within the circulating pool of serum IgA [7, 17, 18]. tubular occlusion and/or damage by red blood cells. This is
What defines this pathogenic IgA fraction is incompletely a reversible phenomenon, and recovery of renal function
understood, but there is evidence for the importance of occurs with supportive measures.
low-affinity, poorly O-galactosylated polymeric IgA1 mol-
ecules forming circulating IgA immune complexes with a
propensity for both mesangial deposition and mesangial Pediatric IgAN
cell activation [19, 20]. The lack of a complete understand-
Children with progressive forms of IgAN will often not
ing of the pathogenesis of IgAN has resulted in there still
develop ESRD until they are adults [24, 25]. Thus, most
being no treatment known to modify mesangial deposi-
pediatric trials must rely on surrogate measures, as dis-
tion of IgA. Available treatment options are mostly
cussed in the next section. Some reports of childhood
directed at downstream immune and inflammatory events
IgAN have concluded that the risk of progressive renal
in the glomerulus and the tubulo-interstitium that may
failure is very low [26–28], whereas others have shown
lead to renal scarring. It is therefore likely that these are
that a significant number of pediatric patients with IgAN
generic treatments with potential benefit in other chronic
will progress to ESRD [24, 25, 29]. It has been estimated
glomerular diseases.
that as many as 30% will progress to ESRD in the United
States [25], but for Japanese children only 11–20% are
expected to progress to ESRD [24, 28, 29]. However, simi-
lar to many adult studies, predictions are based on differ-
ent selection criteria for renal biopsy candidates [28, 30].
Adult IgAN
In addition, when progressive disease occurs, it is often
The natural history of IgAN has now been well defined in insidious, resulting in considerable difficulty in assessing
a number of large series with prolonged follow-up [21]. outcomes over the short term. This also presents a signifi-
Fewer than 10% of all patients with IgAN have complete cant obstacle when designing clinical trials to evaluate
resolution of urinary abnormalities [22] and episodes of the effect of therapeutic interventions within a feasible
visible hematuria become less frequent with time after time period (i.e. 2–5 years).
diagnosis, although the majority of patients will still have
persistent invisible hematuria. All patients have the poten-
tial for slowly progressive chronic kidney disease leading
Prognostic Factors
eventually to ESRD. Approximately 25–30% of any cohort
will require renal replacement therapy within 20–25 years Many studies have identified features at presentation that
of presentation. From the first renal symptom, on average, mark a poor prognosis (Table 17.1) [21]: proteinuria more
1.5% of patients with IgAN have been calculated to reach than 1 g/24 h, raised serum creatinine, and hypertension.
ESRD per year [23], but the observed risk varies with the The severity of proteinuria has been shown to correlate
diagnostic approach. Centers with a low threshold for renal with extent of glomerular lesions [31]. In one study, 98% of
biopsy for patients with mild urine abnormalities, particu- patients presenting with proteinuria of <1 g/24 h had at
larly those in countries where urine screening programs least a 15-year renal survival [32]. Another analysis identi-
are established, will likely diagnose IgAN in a larger fied those with proteinuria of more than 1 g/24 h and serum
number of patients with mild disease and good prognosis creatinine more than 1.7 mg/dl. The 7-year renal survival
(length bias) and at an earlier stage in their disease (lead- was 99% if both values were below this threshold, 87% if
time bias), thus favorably influencing the apparent progno- either one was above the cutoff, and 21% if both were above
sis for the cohort. the cutoff [33]. Episodic visible hematuria does not entail a
Rarely, acute kidney injury can complicate preexisting poor prognosis. It is likely that this observation reflects the
IgAN, and evaluation should include a further renal biopsy variation in time between clinical presentation and diagno-
unless renal function improves rapidly with supportive sis, which can hinder the accurate interpretation of the
measures. Acute kidney injury develops by two distinct natural history.
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256 IgA Nephropathy in Adults and Children
with IgAN. Although the most important outcome indica- with proteinuria of >1.0 g/l/1.73 m2/day should be treated
tor for all patients with IgAN is based on deterioration of with the maximal tolerated dose of either an ACEi or ARB
the GFR, the period from diagnosis to ESRD in patients to reduce proteinuria as much as possible. Furthermore,
with onset in childhood may be decades and may be highly all patients should have an individual assessment of their
heterogeneous. Thus, most studies of therapy for pediatric cardiovascular risk, particularly those with progressive
IgAN have relied on surrogate markers, such as deteriora- chronic kidney disease, hypertension, and dyslipidemia,
tion in renal biopsy findings [39, 40] and/or decline in the and treated accordingly (reviewed in Chapter 6).
amount of proteinuria or hematuria [40–42]. Significant
deterioration in renal function (i.e. 40–50% reduction of Recommendations for Children
GFR or doubling of serum creatinine concentration) is the
surrogate end point most associated with progression to It is also important to maintain pediatric patients with
ESRD, although this occurs infrequently in patients par- IgAN in a normotensive range, utilizing age-, gender-, and
ticipating in pediatric trials of IgAN [42]. height-appropriate norms for BP [43] (strong recommen-
dation, high level of evidence). ACEi and ARB are the first
choice for treatment of hypertension and/or proteinuria
All Patients with IgAN (strong recommendation, high level of evidence).
Clinically Clinically
Non-nephrotic Nephrotic syndrome
Renal biopsy Renal biopsy
Target BP <125/75 Significant light Minimal light
(or < 90th percentile in pediatric patients) microscopic changes microscopic changes
ideally with ACEI and/or ARB
Management of individual
cardiovascular risk Target BP <125/75 Treat as for minimal change
(or < 90th percentile in pediatric patients) disease with prednisone in
ideally with ACEI and/or ARB both children and adults using
age appropriate regimens
Management of individual
cardiovascular risk
Evidence in Adults the seven children with IgAN who received medication only.
However, it is of interest that significant improvement also
Episodes of visible hematuria are self-limiting and can be
followed tonsillectomy in five of the eight children with
provoked by a range of mucosal, most commonly respira-
other glomerulonephritis.
tory, infections. There is no evidence supporting prophy-
These limited data on the effect of tonsillectomy in chil-
lactic use of antibiotics, even in the minority of patients in
dren with IgAN are similar to the reports in adults. Most
whom recurrent episodes are provoked by bacterial tonsil-
of the studies that have been reported in both groups are
litis. Tonsillectomy is still favored as therapy in some
retrospective in nature, are based on unvalidated surro-
regions of the world, notably Japan. Although several ret-
gate markers for outcome, and are confounded by co-
rospective studies of the effectiveness of tonsillectomy
interventions. There is no convincing evidence that
have been published, most contain small numbers of
tonsillectomy will prevent progressive renal disease in
patients, are nonrandomized, uncontrolled trials, and
children or adults, and so this procedure should not be
have generated conflicting data. In one Japanese study
done (weak recommendation, low level of evidence).
tonsillectomy was shown to be an independent factor in
predicting remission in 329 patients followed for a mini-
mum of 3 years [57]. A second retrospective study from
atients with Isolated Invisible
Japan looked at the outcome in 118 patients followed over
20 years, of which 48 underwent tonsillectomy [58].
Hematuria and Proteinuria of <1 g/24 h
Benefit from the tonsillectomy only became apparent
Recommendation for Adults and Children
10 years after initial diagnosis. The concomitant use of
other treatment modalities and changing therapeutic Adult patients with isolated invisible hematuria and pro-
goals during the follow-up period make these data difficult teinuria of <1 g/24 h require no specific additional inter-
to interpret. A retrospective study from Germany of 55 vention (strong recommendation). There are insufficient
patients in whom 16 had a tonsillectomy suggested no data to establish a specific evidence-based recommenda-
benefit of tonsillectomy at 10 years [59]. A retrospective tion for children in this category, but we suggest that such
study of 112 Chinese patients, of whom 54 underwent ton- patients require no additional therapy if their urinary pro-
sillectomy, similarly showed no difference in renal sur- tein (grams)/creatinine (grams) ratio is <0.6 (boys) or <0.8
vival at 130 months [60]. The only prospective RCT of (girls) (strong recommendation, high level of evidence).
tonsillectomy combined with steroids versus steroids
alone has reported 12-month outcome data and while
there was a small improvement in hematuria and protein-
uria in the tonsillectomy group there was no difference in Available data suggest that most patients presenting with
the rate of eGFR decline between the groups [61]. proteinuria of <1 g/24 h have at least a 15-year renal sur-
vival [32]. It is generally accepted that these patients
require no additional treatment, although they should
Evidence in Children receive regular follow-up. It is, however, important to note
that while a threshold for proteinuria of 1 g/24 h is com-
As for adults, there are no prospective clinical trials evaluat-
monly used to identify those at increased risk of progres-
ing the role of tonsillectomy in children with IgAN. In 1996,
sion (and therefore warranting treatment), this is an
Tomioka et al. reported that 13 of 15 children with IgAN
arbitrary value and the risk attributable to proteinuria is
who underwent tonsillectomy had improved urinalyses,
almost certainly a continuum. Interventions that may
with six of them going into remission [62]. More recently,
lower proteinuria further, and are therefore likely renopro-
changes in the levels of hematuria and proteinuria were
tective, for example RAS blockade, have not been tested in
assessed by Sanai et al. in eight children treated with “medi-
this setting in either adults or children.
cation” combined with tonsillectomy compared to seven
“control” children treated with “medication” [63]. These
patients were a small subset of a larger patient cohort (ages
Patients with Rapidly Declining GFR
3–13 years) that included five children with Henoch–
Schonlein purpura nephritis and eight with “other” types of
Recommendation for Adults
glomerulonephritis. No details were given regarding the
“medication” that was employed. The authors reported that Unexplained acute kidney injury complicating preexist-
both proteinuria and hematuria improved in five of eight ent IgAN requires evaluation with a kidney biopsy
patients in the tonsillectomy group compared to only one of (Figure 17.2). Crescentic IgAN associated with active
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260 IgA Nephropathy in Adults and Children
Figure 17.2 Flowchart for the evaluation and management of patients with previously diagnosed IgA nephropathy who present with
a rapid unexplained decline in renal function.
Table 17.3 Evidence for management of crescentic IgAN with acute kidney injurya.
CP, cyclophosphamide; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; NRCT, nonrandomized controlled trial.
Overall quality very low: inconsistent effects, nonrandomized, very small studies, surrogate outcomes.
A number of case series have been published that indi- biopsy, and six had recovered clinically, although one
cate good preservation of renal function when using patient was still hypertensive.
treatment regimens similar to those recommended for
renal vasculitis, usually with high-dose corticosteroids
and cyclophosphamide, and in some cases plasma Patients with Nephrotic Syndrome
exchange (Table 17.3). However, all of these series are
small nonrandomized studies, most using historical con- Recommendation for Adults and Children
trols. There has still been no RCT of these treatments in In patients presenting with nephrotic syndrome, preserved
crescentic IgAN, and response to treatment is not uni- renal function, and minimal glomerular injury evident on
form. In addition, comparisons across studies are difficult light microscopy, a trial of high-dose corticosteroids using
because published reports use varying definitions of cres- a regimen appropriate for minimal change disease in IgAN
centic IgAN. Some include cases where crescents are should be considered (strong recommendation, very low
seen, but others include acute injury where the glomeru- level of evidence). However, there is no evidence to support
lar tuft is not intense and renal function is not deteriorat- prolonged exposure to corticosteroids if there is not a
ing. One report indicated that there is a subset of prompt response, nor for their use in nephrotic syndrome
crescentic IgAN with circulating ANCA antibodies which in the presence of structural glomerular damage.
respond well to immunosuppression [71].
Evidence in Adults
Evidence in Children In many patients with IgAN, nephrotic syndrome-range pro-
As in adults, the prognosis for children with crescentic teinuria is a manifestation of significant structural glomeru-
IgAN is also poor according to most reports [72]. However, lar damage and progressive renal dysfunction. However, a
in the largest pediatric experience reported to date, Niaudet small minority of both adults and children have nephrosis
et al. described a very aggressive and successful approach with minimal glomerular change on renal biopsy, although
to 12 children aged 8–14 years with crescentic IgAN, 10 of there are also IgA deposits, and proteinuria remits promptly
whom had crescents in 50% of their glomeruli [73]. The in response to corticosteroids. In these patients, two com-
patients received IV methylprednisone in a dose of mon glomerular diseases may coincide: minimal change
1 g/1.73 m2 every other day, followed by 1 month of daily nephrotic syndrome and IgAN [74, 75]. The only RCT of cor-
prednisone (1 mg/kg/day) and then alternate-day pred- ticosteroids in nephrotic IgAN confirmed this approach,
nisone for 2–3 months. Three of the patients received a sec- since there was remission of proteinuria only in patients
ond course of pulse methylprednisone, whereas three with minimal glomerular change on light microscopy [76].
others received cyclophosphamide. Although uncon- More recent RCTs of corticosteroids in IgAN have excluded
trolled, the authors described very good results after a fol- those with nephrotic-range proteinuria, so there is little evi-
low-up period of 1–9 years because none of the children dence to inform treatment choices for nephrotic IgAN with
progressed to ESRD, nine had improved histology on repeat significant histologic glomerular injury.
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262 IgA Nephropathy in Adults and Children
Strength of
Treatment Recommendation Certainty of evidence recommendation
Angiotensin converting We suggest angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or High (decrease in eGFR Strong
enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers be used to lower blood and proteinuria)
angiotensin II receptor pressure to <125/75 to 130/80 and/or maximize
blockers reduction of proteinuria for patients with IgAN
Tonsillectomy We do not suggest tonsillectomy to be considered Low (decrease in eGFR Weak
routinely in patients with IgAN and proteinuria)
Corticosteroids We suggest in patients with progressive decline in eGFR Low (decrease in eGFR Weak
and/or persistent proteinuria (>1 g/24 h) despite tight and proteinuria)
BP control (<125/75 mmHg) and maximal RAS
blockade, a 6-month treatment course of corticosteroids
may reduce proteinuria and stabilize kidney function
Cyclophosphamide and We suggest crescentic IgAN associated with active Low (decrease in eGFR Weak
azathioprine glomerular inflammation and deteriorating renal and proteinuria)
function in the absence of significant chronic damage
should be treated with induction therapy comprising
cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids followed by
maintenance therapy of azathioprine and corticosteroids
at doses similar to those used for the treatment of
ANCA-positive small vessel vasculitis
Mycophenolate mofetil We do not suggest mycophenolate mofetil be used in Very low (decrease in Weak
patients with IgAN eGFR and proteinuria)
Fish oil We do not suggest that fish oil be used in patients with Very low (decrease in Weak
IgAN eGFR and proteinuria)
eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; IgAN, IgA nephropathy; BP, blood pressure; RAS, renin angiotensin system; ANCA, anti-neutrophil
cytoplasmic antibody.
GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence [5]: High: this research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood
that the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate: this research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that
the effect will be substantially different* is moderate. Low: this research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood
that it will be substantially different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood
that the effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect decision-making.
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Corticosteroids in Adult 263
the use of fish oil supplements for treatment of IgAN in 60 ml/min or greater received corticosteroid monotherapy
the pediatric patient, although preliminary data from for 6 months, and patients with an eGFR of 30–59 ml/min
the North American IgA Nephropathy Trials indicate received cyclophosphamide for 3 months followed by aza-
that such therapy may be efficacious in reducing pro- thioprine plus oral prednisolone. At 3 years there was no
teinuria in such patients [77]. We recommend that a difference in either the number of patients who had a
trial of alternate-day prednisone be considered in pedi- decrease in eGFR of at least 15 ml/min or the annual rate
atric patients who have deterioration of GFR or persis- of decline in eGFR between the two groups. The glucocor-
tent proteinuria (weak recommendation, very low level ticoid monotherapy arm produced a transient reduction in
of evidence). If prednisone alone is unhelpful, we rec- proteinuria in patients with relatively well-preserved GFR,
ommend therapy combining corticosteroids with aza- but the reduction in proteinuria did not translate into pro-
thioprine (weak recommendation, very low level of tection against GFR decline. Adverse events (severe infec-
evidence) tions, impaired glucose tolerance, and weight gain of >5 kg
in the first year of treatment) were more common in the
immunosuppression group and one patient in the immu-
Evidence in Adults and Children nosuppression group died of sepsis.
Patients at risk of progressive renal dysfunction are typically
those with hypertension, proteinuria of >1 g/24 h, reduced
GFR at the time of diagnosis, and high Oxford scores in the Corticosteroids in Adults
diagnostic renal biopsy (M1, E1, S1, C1/2, and T1/2).
Specific treatment strategies in this group of patients remain The review of immunosuppressive treatments for IgAN by
contentious. Progression is usually slow and therefore large the Cochrane Renal Group identified six RCTs of sufficient
studies with prolonged follow-up are necessary to evaluate quality to be included in their meta-analysis of corticoster-
new treatment strategies in these patients. Reported RCTs oid treatment in IgAN (Table 17.5) [86]. This analysis sug-
have tested interventions intended to slow immune gests that corticosteroid therapy may be effective in
and inflammatory events implicated in progressive IgAN, reducing proteinuria (six trials, 263 patients) and reducing
including corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide, and MMF. risk of ESRD (six trials, 341 patients), although the meta-
Because of the long duration required to identify with con- analysis was unable to evaluate the influence of RAS block-
fidence the benefit of interventions, it is inevitable that ade or achieved BP in the analysis. Follow-up in a large
recruitment into a number of these studies goes back Italian study of corticosteroid treatment has now reached
10 years or more, to a time when the generic approach to 10 years and the investigators report impressive benefit of
progressive glomerular disease was less well defined, so treatment in reducing proteinuria and preventing
that BP targets and the use of RAS blockade are variable in ESRD [87]. However, the high-dose corticosteroid regi-
these studies. men, with pulse methylprednisone (1 g daily for 3 days at
induction and beginning of months 2 and 4) and alternate-
day oral prednisone (0.5 mg/kg) for 6 months, is regarded
I mmunosuppressive Treatments by many physicians as likely to carry considerable toxicity,
in Adults even though none was reported by the investigators.
Notably, RAS blockade was only used in a minority of
The value of immunosuppressive treatment, in addition to patients in this study, although equally distributed among
best supportive therapy, in IgAN remains uncertain. The the participants, and achieved BP was not in line with cur-
Supportive Versus Immunosuppressive Therapy for rent recommendations. Another RCT of corticosteroids
Progressive IgA Nephropathy (STOP-IgAN) trial was a (20 mg/day induction and 5 mg/day maintenance) from
multicenter, open-label, RCT in which immunosuppres- Japan in which BP control was tight even though RAS
sive therapy added to comprehensive supportive therapy blockade was not used showed only a modest reduction in
was compared with comprehensive supportive therapy proteinuria with no protection of GFR [83]. It is unclear
alone in IgAN [80]. During a 6-month run-in period, whether this lack of renoprotection was due to the lower
patients received optimal comprehensive supportive care. dose of corticosteroid or a genuine lack of effect in patients
Patients with persistent urinary protein excretion of managed to current BP targets. In a meta-analysis, consist-
>0.75 g/day were assigned randomly to continue compre- ing of nine studies and 536 patients, Lv et al. found that
hensive supportive care alone or comprehensive support- steroids therapy was associated with lower risk of develop-
ive care plus immunosuppressive therapy for 3 years. In the ing kidney failure and reduction in proteinuria, but a 55%
immunosuppression group, patients with an eGFR of higher risk for adverse events [88].
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264 IgA Nephropathy in Adults and Children
Table 17.5 RCTs included in the Cochrane Renal Group meta-analysis evaluating the benefit of corticosteroids in IgANa.
The Therapeutic Evaluation of Steroids in IgA in this study would not be expected to have progressive
Nephropathy Global (TESTING) study was a multicenter, disease.
double-blind placebo-controlled RCT in which the efficacy Waldo et al. compared the outcomes of 13 children with
and safety of methylprednisolone (0.6–0.8 mg/kg/day, maxi- IgAN in Alabama followed for 4–10 years after they
mum 48 mg/day) was assessed in patients with IgAN [89]. At received alternate-day prednisone for 2 years with 15 chil-
entry proteinuria was >1 g/24 h and eGFR of 20–120 ml/min dren in Tennessee who received no steroid therapy [41]. All
after at least 3 months of BP control with RAS blockade. The of the patients had either proteinuria of >1 g/m2/day or
study almost exclusively recruited form China and was ter- renal biopsies showing more than a minimal degree of
minated prematurely due to an excess of serious adverse interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, or glomerular sclero-
events, mostly serious infections, including two deaths in sis. None of the 13 treated patients progressed to ESRD,
the methylprednisolone group. While there did appear to be compared to five of 15 of the untreated patients (P = 0.04).
a potential renal benefit of oral methylprednisolone with a At last follow-up, 12 of 13 treated patients had no hematu-
decrease in the primary composite outcome of ESRD, death ria and normal protein excretion (P < 0.001 compared with
resulting from kidney failure, or a 40% decrease in eGFR, a nontreated historic control patients).
definitive conclusion could not be made because of early
termination of the study. A low-dose TESTING study
(ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT01560052) is now recruit- yclophosphamide with/without
ing using half-dose methylprednisolone with co-trimoxazole Azathioprine in Adults
prophylaxis and is expected to report in 2021/2.
The use of cyclophosphamide in patients at very high risk
of progression (ESRD predicted in all cases within 5 years)
Corticosteroids in Children is supported by a single study. Patients received cyclophos-
phamide (1.5 mg/kg/day for 3 months) followed by azathi-
The short-term effects of prednisone on proteinuria and oprine (1.5 mg/kg/day) in conjunction with high-dose
hematuria were examined by Welch et al. in a group of prednisone (40 mg/day induction, 10 mg/day maintenance)
children with IgAN. Twenty patients were randomized to and were followed for at least 2 years [91]. Notably, BP con-
either placebo or prednisone (2 mg/kg/day, maximum trol and use of RAS blockade in this trial fell outside cur-
80 mg) for 2 weeks, followed by the same dose on alternate rent recommendations. Previous RCTs of cyclophosphamide
days for 10 weeks [90]. After a 12-week washout period, the in less severe, slowly progressive IgAN have shown no con-
treatments were reversed in each subject. No difference in sistent benefit [92], and this is supported by the STOP-
the severity of hematuria was reported after treatment with IgAN trial and a Cochrane Renal Group meta-analysis,
prednisone compared to placebo. However, most of the which failed to show any significant renal survival benefit
subjects had only mild histologic changes, and the subjects from those RCTs incorporating cyclophosphamide,
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MMF and Mizoribine in Adults and Childre 265
c yclosporine, or other cytotoxic agents, although there was nisone, azathioprine, heparin, warfarin, and dipyridamole;
a significant reduction in daily proteinuria [80, 93]. These group 2 heparin, warfarin, and dipyridamole [40]. The
studies were, however, insufficiently powered to exclude prednisone dose was 2 mg/kg/day (maximum 80 mg) for
any effect on progression with certainty. 4 weeks, reduced over 8 weeks, then maintained at 1 mg/kg
every other day for 21 months. The azathioprine dose was
2 mg/kg/day. Although there was no significant change in
yclophosphamide with/without
C GFR in either group, group 1 patients had a significant
Azathioprine in Children reduction of proteinuria but those in group 2 did not. There
was also a significant decrease in glomerular IgA staining in
The efficacy of a 1-year combined course of prednisone and follow-up biopsies in group 1 patients but not in group 2.
azathioprine was evaluated in 10 children with IgAN by These follow-up biopsies showed progression of glomerular
Andreoli and Bergstein [94]. Prednisone at 60 mg/m2 (maxi- sclerosis in control patients but not in those receiving pred-
mum 60 mg) daily for 8 weeks was followed by the same dose nisone and azathioprine. More recently, in 2006, Yoshikawa
every other day for 10 months. Azathioprine (2–3 mg/kg/day) et al. described the results of a second RCT that compared
was given for 12 months. Proteinuria decreased significantly the effects of combination therapy using prednisone, aza-
after treatment and serial renal biopsies showed that the activ- thioprine, warfarin, and dipyridamole in 40 children versus
ity score improved, but the chronicity score was unchanged. prednisone alone in 40 children over 24 months [96]. Both
The level of microscopic hematuria also improved. treatment regimens were associated with remarkable
In 1994, Murakami et al. evaluated the efficacy of a improvement in proteinuria. The percentage of glomeruli
6-month course of prednisolone at 10–15 mg on alternate showing sclerotic changes was unchanged from baseline in
days, cyclophosphamide at 1 mg/kg/day, and dipyridamole the patients receiving combination therapy but significantly
at 5 mg/kg/day in 17 patients who had proteinuria of >1 g/ higher in those receiving only prednisone. However, the use
m2/day plus histologic risk factors for progressive disease of ACEi/ARB was prohibited in this trial, hence it is not
compared to 21 patients with similar features who received clear whether such aggressive immunosuppressive therapy
the same regimen plus warfarin for 3 months [95]. The would be the first choice of therapy in clinical practice.
dipyridamole therapy was subsequently continued in all
patients until the patient had 1 g/m2/day proteinuria.
Both groups of patients showed significant improvement MF and Mizoribine in Adults
in proteinuria but the chronic histology indices on post and Children
therapy biopsies (14 patients) showed persistent signs of
chronic disease, as with Andreoli and Bergstein [94]. MMF has been used in six major trials for IgAN (Table 17.6).
Addionally, follow-up studies showed rebound deteriora- Two studies reported no benefit from MMF (2 g/day) in
tion of proteinuria after 5–6 years. Caucasian patients either at risk of progression (hyperten-
In 1999, Yoshikawa et al. reported an RCT evaluating sive and/or proteinuria of >1 g/24 h and/or reduced GFR
2 years of therapy in two groups of children: group 1 pred- within 5 years of diagnosis) [97] or with more advanced
Author [reference] Design n EPA + DHA daily doses (g) Follow-up (months) Results
DHA, docosahexanoic acid; EPA, eicosapentanoic acid; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
Overall quality low: inconsistent effects, variable quality of RCT design and reporting, small studies, surrogate outcomes.
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Reference 267
ther Therapies (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT03643965), fostam-
atinib (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT02112838),
Warfarin, urokinase, antiplatelet agents, phenytoin, sparsentan, OMS721 (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier
sodium cromoglycate, dietary gluten restriction, and a low- NCT03608033), LNP023 (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier
antigen content diet have all been assessed for the treat- NCT03373461), blisibimod (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier
ment of IgAN and have not been shown to affect renal NCT02062684), and atacicept (ClinicalTrials.gov identi-
outcomes [92]. fier NCT02808429), while of potential interest for this
The use of newer immunosuppressive agents, such as group of patients, should be considered experimental
the targeted release formulation of budesonide therapies at this point.
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Reference 271
Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis
Fabrizio Fabrizi1 and Piergiorgio Messa1,2
Division of Nephrology, Maggiore Hospital and IRCCS Foundation, Milano, Italy
University School of Medicine, Milano, Italy
I ntroduction M
PGN: Histology
The term membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis The morphological pattern of MPGN includes a marked
(MPGN) refers to a morphological pattern of injury com- and diffuse thickening of the glomerular capillary walls.
mon to a heterogeneous group of diseases; it is also The thickening can be more prominent in some glomeruli
known as “mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis” or and in some capillary loops than in others. Periodic acid
“lobular glomerulonephritis.” Light microscopy exami- Schiff and silver methenamine stains show that the thick-
nation shows glomerular injury which consists of ened glomerular capillary walls sometimes have two base-
increased mesangial matrix accompanied by an increase ment membranes with a clear nonargyrophylic region
in the cellularity of the mesangium and capillary-wall between them. The double contour is termed duplication
remodeling. These changes result in lobular accentua- of the glomerular basement membrane; interposition of
tion of the glomerular tufts. mesangial cells or trapping of circulating cells between
Based on the results provided by electron microscopy, various layers of basement membrane commonly occurs.
MPGN has been conventionally categorized as primary In some capillaries, the duplication of the glomerular base-
(idiopathic) type I, type II, or type III. The most common ment membrane results in multiple laminations. The
form of MPGN is MPGN I, which is characterized by sub- thickening of the capillary walls, the mesangial expansion
endothelial deposits (often presumed to be immune com- (increase in matrix and cellularity in mesangium), and the
plexes); MPGN type III has both subendothelial and occurrence of subendothelial deposits lower the glomeru-
subepithelial deposits. MPGN type II has dense deposits lar capillary lumen. These abnormalities are most often dif-
in the glomerular basement membrane (“dense deposit fuse and generalized, and lead to a simplification of the
disease”) [1]. architecture of the glomeruli and an accentuation of the
A more recent classification is based on the composition lobulation of the glomerular capillaries. Extracapillary
of the deposits, as highlighted by immunofluorescence crescent formation can complicate the histological picture
staining [2–4]. This classification results from an enhanced in approximately 10% of patients. These are frequently
understanding of the role of complement in the pathogen- small and focal crescents. Morphological changes in the
esis of MPGN, and treatments targeting specific diseases tubules and interstitium typically reflect the changes noted
are under way. This chapter reviews the most important in the glomeruli. Arterial and arterioles are affected in
advances regarding pathogenesis, prognosis, and current cases with renal failure and long-standing hypertension.
therapeutic options for MPGN and some additional MPGN- The strong association between MPGN and hypocomple-
associated conditions. mentemia has been highlighted by West and coworkers in
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Immune-complex-mediated MPG 273
1965 and led to the adoption of the term “hypocomple- may be classified into dense-deposit disease (DDD) and C3
mentemic persistent glomerulonephritis” for this subset of glomerular disease (C3GN). Cases of the former MPGN type
glomerular disorders [5]. II (DDD) and some cases of MPGN type III (Strife and
Anders type) are included in the subset of complement-
mediated MPGN.
PGN: Novel Classification and
M An additional category is nonimmune-complex medi-
Pathophysiology ated/noncomplement-mediated MPGN. Glomerular
lesions consistent with MPGN are very infrequent and
According to the novel classification, three types of MPGN confined to a few patients of chronic thrombotic microan-
have been suggested: (i) immune-complex-mediated MPGN, giopathies, de novo chronic transplant nephropathy, radi-
(ii) complement-mediated MPGN, and (iii) nonimmune- ation nephritis, or drug-associated thrombotic angiopathy.
complex mediated/noncomplement mediated MPGN [2–4] In these cases, immunofluorescence is typically negative
(Figure 18.1). for immunoglobulins and complement, and electron-
Patients with immune-complex-mediated MPGN (IC- dense deposits are not detected by electron microscopy
MPGN) typically show at kidney biopsy immunoglobulin (Figure 18.1).
and complement on immunofluorescence staining.
Immune-complex mediated MPGN is further subdivided
depending on the Ig structure (i.e. monoclonal IgG heavy I mmune-complex-mediated MPGN
chain or polyclonal IgG, as in lupus nephritis). When an
autoimmune disease such as lupus is the underlying disor- Immune-complex-mediated MPGN is typically a conse-
der, MPGN is characterized by a “full house” pattern of quence of the deposition of immune complexes in the
immunoglobulin deposition including IgG, IgM, IgA, C1q, glomeruli owing to persistent antigenemia, with antigen-
C3, and kappa/lambda chains [6]. Immune-complex- antibody immune complexes forming as a result of chronic
mediated MPGN includes most of those cases formerly con- infections, elevated levels of circulating immune com-
sidered MPGN type I and some cases of MPGN type III plexes due to autoimmune diseases, or paraproteinemias
(Burkholder type). The absence of marked immunoglobulin due to monoclonal gammopathies. Then, the immune
staining on immunofluorescence microscopy distinguishes complexes activate the classical complement pathway and
MPGN due to alternative-pathway dysfunction from this is clinically reflected in a normal or mildly decreased
immune-complex-mediated MPGN. Indeed, complement- serum C3 concentration and a low C4 level. The most fre-
mediated MPGN is typically immunoglobulin-negative but quent underlying disorders linked with immune-complex
complement-positive on immunofluorescence studies; it is MPGN are infections and these include hepatitis B [7] or C
associated with dysregulation of the alternative pathway of virus (with or without cryoglobulinemia) [8, 9], bacterial,
complement. On the basis of electron microscopy, or protozoal agents (Table 18.1). In addition, autoimmune
complement-mediated MPGN or C33 glomerulopathy (C3G) disorders involved in the pathogenesis of MPGN are
Table 18.1 Infectious agents associated with MPGN. called Meltzer’s triad. The dermatologic manifestations of
MC can vary from simple cutaneous palpable purpura to
Bacterial infections complex confluent lesions (Figure 18.2), including ulcera-
Escherichia coli tion of the skin.
Leptospirosis Although extrarenal signs of mixed cryoglobulinemic
Pseurodomonas aeruginosa vasculitis usually precede the kidney manifestations, often
Salmonella typhi
by years, in 29% of cases kidney and extrarenal involve-
ment are concurrent. Kidney involvement in mixed cryo-
Staphylococcus (aureus, albus)
globulinemia occurs in 8–58% of patients, and in a minority
Streptococcus (group A, viridans)
of cases kidney disease can be the first manifestation of
Viral infections MC. More than half the patients have proteinuria and/or
Hepatitis C hematuria only. A “nephritic” syndrome is diagnosed in
Hepatitis B around 20% of cases. Hypertension is common and may be
Hepatitis E severe, affecting >50% of patients at the time of diagnosis.
Coxsackie virus In 10% of patients, acute oliguric kidney failure is the first
Parvovirus indicator of kidney disease. Often both nephrotic proteinu-
ria and active urinary sediment with elevated serum creati-
Parasitic infestation
nine are present simultaneously. Of particular importance
Schistosoma mansoni or haematobium
is the development of kidney disease because patients with
Toxoplasmosis cryoglobulinemic nephritis have a poor prognosis, mainly
Plasmodium falciparum or malariae because of a high incidence of infections, end-stage liver
Other infectious organisms and cardiovascular diseases.
Candida albicans Roccatello et al. [8] evaluated 146 patients with cryoglo-
Coxiella bulinemic nephritis, of whom 87% (n = 127) were HCV
positive, and noted type II cryoglobulins (IgG/IgM-k) in
CV-associated Immune-complex-
mediated MPGN
74.4% of cases; the rest had type III cryoglobulins. The have undetectable circulating C3 because their C3 is
most common histologic pattern was diffuse MPGN (83%). persistently consumed by an uncontrolled complement
Survival at 10 years was only 30%, with cardiovascular dis- activation (alternative pathway) [18].
ease the cause of death in >60% of patients. Additional It has been recently discovered that mutations in genes
causes of death included infections (10%), liver failure encoding proteins of the alternative complement pathway
(19%), and neoplasia (3%). Another survey by Tarantino (AP) occur in more than 50% of patients with atypical
et al. (n = 105 patients) gave different results, with deaths hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) and in approxi-
caused by infections (21%) and liver failure (19%) nearly as mately 20% of patients with MPGN [16]. Complement
common as those caused by cardiovascular diseases gene abnormalities associated with aHUS most com-
(29%) [15]. Differences in antibiotics or immunosuppres- monly result in complement dysregulation restricted to
sive agents could explain these differences. the cell surface, whereas complement activation in the
fluid phase is more common in most genetic cases of
MPGN [16]. These acquisitions have highlighted the
omplement-mediated MPGN or C3 role of genetic variations in the complement system
Glomerulopathy in determining predisposition to glomerular injury.
Hyperactivation of the alternative pathway of the comple-
C3G encompasses glomerular diseases associated with per- ment system as observed in deposit dense disease (DDD)
sistent activation of the alternative complement path- or C3 glomerulonephritis (GN) has been often associated
way [3, 16, 17]. Kidney biopsy findings are characterized by with multiple mutations in inhibitors of the alternative
the occurrence of glomerular deposits, mostly composed of pathway, including factor H, factor I, CD46 (membrane
C3, and no staining for immunoglobulins or for compo- cofactor protein [MCP]), and the factor–H-related protein
nents of the classical pathway of complement activation. family (CFHR, 2, 3, 4, and 5). CFHRs are a group of
The complement system includes three pathways, the closely related proteins controlling the activity of factor
classical, lectin and alternative pathways, and patients with H; it appears now that CFHRs are able to antagonize the
C3G have abnormal control of the alternative pathway of CFH action. Many patients with C3G show failure of CFH
complement (Figure 18.3). The most important protein in to control the activation of the alternative pathway in the
the circulation that controls the alternative pathway is circulation, thus they have low levels of serum C3 due to
complement factor H (CFH); mice engineered to lack CFH exaggerated consumption.
C4, C2
C3 convertase C3b
C3a C3 convertase
‘’Amplification loop’’ C3
C4bC2aC3b C3b
C5 convertase
C5 C5 convertase
C5b Membrane attack Complex
An increased activation of the AP has been also linked C3GN have been reported: some capillary loops show
with the occurrence of auto-antibodies against various intramembranous dense deposits and others have suben-
components of the complement system: anti-CFH, anti- dothelial and subepithelial deposits on electron micros-
CFB (anti-complement factor B), anti-C4, or anti-C3b. copy. Patients with DDD have dark, ribbon-like osmiophilic
These antibodies activate the alternative pathway either deposits within the glomerular basement membrane. DDD
by stabilizing C3 convertase (such as C3 nephritic factor, is typically a disease of children and C3 is frequently
C3NF) or its components against CFH. C3NFs are a group depressed (79% in DDD vs. 48% in C3 GN). DDD is fre-
of autoantibodies that bind to the AP C3 convertase quently associated with extrarenal abnormalities such as
(C3bBb), increasing both convertase activity and the partial lypodystrophy or drusen, which is similar to age-
duration of the active forms, making it more stable (from related macular degeneration. Ocular drusen are yellow
minutes to hours) [16, 17]. These autoantibodies can be deposits under the retina and are made of lipids and fatty
detected by using C3 convertase stabilizing activities, proteins. Drusen likely do not cause age-related macular
semiquantitative hemolytic assays, by measuring autoan- degeneration; however, patients with ocular drusen are at
tibody levels. There are various types of C3NFs, including risk of developing age-related macular degeneration. A few
both IgM and IgG, which can be classified by either being patients with DDD have partial lipodystrophy (APL) which
heat sensitive and properdin dependent or heat stable and is characterized by symmetric loss of adipose tissue from
properdin independent. The clinical significance of upper portions of the trunk, face, and arms.
C3Nefs remains unclear. More than 80% of patients with The most common pathological lesion in C3GN is
dense-deposit disease (DDD) and 40–50% with C3 glo- MPGN, but other patients of glomerular damage have been
merulonephritis (C3GN) have C3NFs; however, their reported, including mesangio-proliferative GN, diffuse
association with disease outcome gave conflicting results. endocapillary GN, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, and
Alternatively, autoantibody can block the activity of path- crescentic GN [20].
way inhibitors (such as antifactor H autoantibody) [17]. A There is a paucity of data regarding the natural history
familial type of C3 glomerulopathy is CFHR5 nephropa- and outcome of C3 glomerulopathy. It is an infrequent
thy, where the mutation is a duplication of the first two renal disorder and its classification has been recently
exons of the CFHR5 gene [19]. updated. The outcome of C3 glomerulopathy has been ret-
The most recent view is that the dysregulation of the AP rospectively addressed in a large (n = 111) cohort of
may be familiar or triggered by external factors. A genetic patients, 87 with C3GN and 24 with DDD [21].
or acquired defect in complement regulatory proteins if Complement-associated gene variants and auto-antibodies
severe enough may lead to the disease process. On the were detected in 24% and 35% of patients, respectively.
other hand, a genetic mutation with incomplete pene- Over an average observation period of 72 months, remis-
trance might need an environmental trigger to start with sion occurred in 38% of patients with C3GN and 25% of
the disease. The most common environmental triggers are patients with DDD. Progression to end-stage renal disease
infections, surgery, autoimmune disease flares, vaccina- (ESRD) was frequent, and no differences between C3GN
tions, pregnancy, and postpartum state. Thus, genetic (39%) and DDD (42%) were found. Multivariate analysis
mutations affecting the regulatory proteins of the AP showed that eGFR at diagnosis and tubular atrophy/inter-
(CFH, I, membrane co-factor protein, CFH related pro- stitial fibrosis were the strongest predictors for progression
teins, among others) and triggers result in the clinical man- to ESRD. Medjeral-Thomas and coworkers in a European
ifestations of DDD and C3GN. cohort of 80 patients with C3 glomerulopathy (21 with
DDD and 59 with C3GN) observed that patients with DDD
were younger, more likely to have low serum C3 levels, and
3G, Dense Deposit Disease,
C more likely to have crescentic GN than patients with
and C3GN C3GN [22]. Median follow-up, censored for ESRD develop-
ment, in the remaining cohort (n = 70) was 28 months
DDD is characterized by osmiophilic deposits that replace (interquartile range 7–84) without any significant differ-
the glomerular basement membrane and also occur in the ence in median follow-up duration between subgroups. At
mesangium; C3G without the characteristic appearances last follow-up, 20 patients progressed to ESRD (47% of
of DDD is called C3 glomerulonephritis (C3GN). C3GN patients with DDD and 23% of patients with C3GN).
has frequently mesangial, subendothelial, and sometimes Cumulative renal survival did not, however, differ between
subepithelial and intramembranous deposits. It has been groups by Kaplan–Meier survival analysis. Age > 16 years
suggested that DDD and C3GN are part of a continuum. (P < 0.04), DDD subtype (P < 0.03), and crescentic GN
Histological features intermediate between DDD and (P < 0.01) were independent predictors of ESRD within the
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MPGN: Clinical Presentation and Natural Histor 277
entire cohort. DDD recurs very frequently after renal trans- screening; (ii) lack of stratification of patients into HCV-
plant; it has been calculated that approximately 45% of positive or negative cases; (iii) inclusion of patients treated
patients lose their allograft within 5 years after transplant with various regimens in observational studies of progno-
due to the recurrence of the disease. sis; (iv) lack of information concerning the degree of blood
pressure control and the use of ace-inhibitors or angioten-
sin receptor blockers; (v) lack of detailed information on
PGN: Clinical Presentation and
M concomitant renal lesions affecting outcomes (e.g. crescen-
Natural History tic involvement); and (vi) failure to stratify patients accord-
ing to the presence and persistence of complement
The clinical manifestations of patients with MPGN are regulatory dysfunction, thrombotic microangiopathy, or
highly variable and similar to those reported in other types monoclonal immunoglobulin deposition disease. For the
of glomerular diseases. Patients can show microscopic last, the recent changes in the classification of MPGN with
hematuria with or without mild proteinuria. Proteinuria in the identification of some additional MPGN-associated
the nephrotic range or even full brown nephrotic syndrome conditions are an additional impediment.
with or without hypertension and low glomerular filtration The analysis of the long-term renal survival (5- and 10-
rate (GFR) may occur. It may also present with macro- year after diagnosis) for idiopathic and untreated MPGN
scopic hematuria with or without a fast worsening of the can be in part reconstructed from the medical literature.
renal function (particularly when crescents are present Placebo or untreated arms of the reported randomized con-
at histology). The discovery of hypocomplementemia trolled trials (RCTs) of specific therapies can give detailed
(reduced levels of C3 and/or C4 or lowered C/H50) is a fre- information on this point. For example, in the open-label
quent feature which characterizes most MPGN forms in RCT of therapy for MPGN in children and adults reported
comparison with the other idiopathic glomerular diseases by Cattran et al. in 1985, the control group (n = 32), who
(minimal change disease, focal and segmental glomerulo- received no specific therapy, displayed a 2-year kidney sur-
sclerosis, membranous nephropathy, and IgA nephropathy vival of 85% in MPGN type I and 90% in MPGN type II. All
seldom, if ever, display hypocomplementemia). of these patients had an initial creatinine clearance of
Clinical factors which are associated with a progressive <80 ml/min/1.73 m2 and proteinuria of >2 g/day at base-
course leading to ESRD include persistence of nephrotic- line [23]. Of note, 8 of 32 control patients in this study
range proteinuria (> 3 g/g of creatinine in a spot urine sam- obtained a spontaneous clinical remission. In the rand-
ple in an adult), the presence of arterial hypertension (AH) omized, placebo-controlled trial of treatment of MPGN
(blood pressure > 140/90 mmHg), and raised serum creati- reported by Tarshish et al. the actuarial renal survival in
nine at baseline. In addition, marked hematuria (> 500 000 the placebo group (n = 40) was only 12% at 130 months,
erythrocytes/ml of urine not centrifuged) is strongly asso- and a progressive decline of renal function was noted in
ciated with the presence of crescents, which confer a less about 60% of the placebo group [24]. In the study by
favorable prognosis. Patients with MPGN who have intact Tarshish and coworkers 52% had MPGN type I, 17% had
kidneys at baseline and show persistent non-nephrotic pro- MPGN type II, and 30% had MPGN type III or other types
teinuria seldom progress to ESRD. of MPGN. Donadio et al. carried out a randomized, double-
Kidney biopsy can provide some pathological features at blind placebo-controlled trial of therapy for MPGN type I.
the time of diagnosis which play a role in the outcome. An The average decline in GFR was 19.6 ml/min/year/1.73 m2
unfavorable course of MPGN is often associated with some in the placebo group [25]. A total of 9 of 19 patients in the
kidney changes, including extensive crescent disease placebo group developed ESRD after 33 months. The
(>50% involvement of glomeruli), extensive glomerulo- authors suggested that the poor outcome observed in the
sclerosis, tubulo-interstitial fibrosis, and tubular atrophy. placebo group could be related to the long duration of dis-
Such findings often are strongly associated with an eleva- ease prior to entry into the randomized trial.
tion of serum creatinine levels. Evidence coming from observational studies can also
A contemporary analysis of the natural history of MPGN give some insight into the natural history of MPGN. In the
(unmodified by any specific therapy) and all of its varieties study by Chan et al. 27 (59%) of 46 patients with MPGN
is extraordinarily difficult, and multiple reasons exist for (including 20% with hepatitis B surface infection) devel-
this. The overall long-term renal survival (5 and 10 years oped or died of ESRD within a follow-up period averaging
after diagnosis) for untreated idiopathic MPGN can be 60 months, with no difference in outcome between treated
reconstructed from reports in the literature. Some factors (n = 19) and untreated (n = 27) patients [26]. Cansick et al.
that limit the accuracy of these predictions include the fol- assessed the long-term outcome of 53 children with MPGN
lowing: (i) lead-time bias for patients discovered during (58% type I, 26% type II, and 16% type III and others).
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278 Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis
The median follow-up was 3.3 years (range, 0–17 years). function, oral steroids (prednisone, 1 mg/kg/day of body
Twenty-nine of the 53 children were treated with corticos- weight) should be given for 12–16 weeks. Tapering of ster-
teroids with an uncontrolled design. Overall renal survival oids should last for 6–8 months, but should be faster in
including the treated patients and patients without patients with resistant disease. Cyclophoshamide should
nephrotic syndrome was 92% at 5 years and 83% at 10 years. be considered according to the clinical response to ster-
In the group of patients with nephrotic syndrome at dis- oids. In cases of deterioration of kidney function, oral ster-
covery, the mean renal survival was 8.9 years compared to oids (according to the aforementioned dosage scheme)
13.6 years when nephrotic syndrome was absent [27]. should be tried. If there is no response, oral cyclophos-
In summary, it is difficult on the grounds of the current phamide (1–2 mg/kg body weight adjusted to eGFR) for
medical literature to establish a consistent pattern of long- 4–6 months or rituximab (RTX) (1 g × 2 on day 1 and 15)
term outcome for patients with MPGN who did not receive should be considered. In patients with rapidly progressive
therapy. Overall renal survival of MPGN type I patients glomerulonephritis, with or without nephrotic syndrome,
among treated and untreated patients averages about 60% rescue therapy with intravenous steroids (methypredniso-
at 10 years (range 50–80%), with adults having a less favora- lone, 0.5–1 g/day for three consecutive days) has been
ble outcome. Concomitant hepatitis B or C virus infection suggested, followed by oral prednisone (1 mg/kg/day
likely confers a worse prognosis. body weight) and cyclophosphamide.
Therapies based on ACEIs and ARBs are safe and have
some efficacy in proteinuric patients. Some case series
have been recently published regarding the treatment of
reatment idiopathic MPGN with alternative drugs, such as mycophe-
nolate mofetil (MMF) (Table 18.3) [36–42], calcineurin
Idiopathic Immune-complex MPGN
inhibitors [43, 44], and monoclonal antibody (rituximab
As mentioned above, the term idiopathic MPGN in adults and imatinib) (Table 18.4) [45–50]. These drugs have been
or children refers to cases of MPGN with an unknown able to give some benefit to patients with idiopathic MPGN
cause. The Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes but we need RCTs on this point. Several questions remain
recommends making the diagnosis of idiopathic MPGN unanswered, including dose and duration of therapy with
only after exclusion of any other identifiable cause [28]; the these drugs, their role (first-line therapies or not), and their
histological pattern of type I MPGN is most typical among safety profile.
patients with idiopathic MPGN. Also, the MPGN histologi-
cal pattern is characterized by various clinical pictures. It
HBV-or HCV-associated MPGN
appears that idiopathic MPGN is more frequent in less-
developed countries, where infectious diseases are more Patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV)-associated MPGN
common than among developed world. The management should receive antiviral therapy with nucleos(t)ide analogs
of secondary MPGN requires treatment of the primary dis- (NUCs) and/or immunosuppressive therapy, according to
ease, often in combination with immunosuppression. the clinical presentation of the disease (Figure 18.4). Many
The evidence regarding the treatment of idiopathic patients with HCV-associated MPGN also have mixed cryo-
MPGN is not robust for numerous reasons. A few RCTs globulinemia and they may also have overt chronic liver
have been published, but all these studies were conducted disease. All patients presenting with MPGN type I are now
a long time ago and do not conform to modern-day stand- routinely tested for anti-HCV antibody (and HBsAg) and
ards of excellence. Thus, many early reports of treatment often are also examined for HCV RNA by reverse polymer-
of idiopathic MPGN probably included cases now catego- ase chain reaction. Thus, it should not be difficult to make
rized as secondary MPGN. Only six RCTs (involving fewer a differential diagnosis between idiopathic forms of MPGN
than 270 patients with MPGN) have been reported for and those secondary to HCV or HBV.
MPGN to date (Table 18.2) [23–25, 29–33]. The discovery of HCV and a better understanding of the
In short, the evidence currently coming from RCTs is mechanisms of disease has provided the opportunity to con-
weak (very low to low level), as already emphasized by trol HCV-induced glomerular disease (including MPGN)
others [34, 35]. For patients with mild disease, i.e. hematu- using targeted approaches: (i) antiviral therapy, supported
ria and low-level proteinuria (<500 mg/day), and normal by the notion that HCV infection stimulates the synthesis of
or nearly normal kidney function, RAS inhibition with immune complexes and the ensuing glomerular disease; (ii)
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and B-cell depletion therapy targeting B cells that produce cryo-
angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) should be made. globulins; and (iii) nonspecific immunosuppressive therapy
In patients with nephrotic syndrome and intact kidney targeting inflammatory cells at the glomerular level.
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Treatmen 279
Table 18.2 Prospective randomized clinical trials and controlled (or cross-over) clinical trials for the treatment of MPGN.
Authors MPGN,
(reference year) Patients, n type Study, design Study, details Results
ACEIs, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; MPGN, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis; RCT,
randomized controlled trial.
Levin et al. (2002) 1 56 MMF/low-dose steroids 12 Proteinuria and SCr decrease Native
Choi et al. (2002) 1 78 MMF 11 Proteinuria decrease Native
Jones et al. (2004) 5 32.1 ± 11.6 MMF/low-dose steroids 6 Proteinuria decrease Native
Segarra et al. (2007) 15 NA MMF 12 Partial remission of Native
proteinuria (n = 8)
Yuan et al. (2010) 13 NA MMF/low-dose steroids 12 Proteinuria decrease Native
Mori et al. (2013) 1 26 MMF/low-dose steroids NA Proteinuria decrease Native
Koratala et al. 1 22 MMF 2 Proteinuria decrease Native
The information in the literature regarding the manage- Several clinical studies regarding the antiviral therapy of
ment of HCV-associated MPGN is limited; the incidence of HCV-associated glomerular disease (including HCV-related
the disease is probably low even if epidemiological studies MPGN) have been published, some based on IFN [51–53]
on this point are lacking. No prospective RCTs to establish and others that adopted direct-acting antiviral agents
evidence-based recommendations to treat MPGN associated (DAAs) [54, 55]. The evidence generated from these studies
with HCV exist. We urgently need this evidence as renal dis- suggests that the advent of interferon-free antiviral therapy
ease is now considered a major cause of morbidity and mor- based on DAAs represents a real advance even in so far
tality in mixed cryoglobulinemic vasculitis induced by HCV. “difficult-to-treat” settings such as HCV-induced MPGN
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Table 18.4 Treatment of idiopathic MPGN with alternative drugs (children and adults).
Author (reference year) Patients, n Age Drug Treatment duration Outcome Kidney, type
Haddad et al. (2007) 2 8 (7–9) TAC/low-dose steroids 20 months (n = 1) Complete proteinuria remission Native
4 months (n = 1)
Bagheri et al. (2008) 18 27 ± 9 CsA/low-dose steroids and NA Complete (n = 12) or partial Native
ACEIs proteinuria remission (n = 5)
Wallace et al. (2012) 1 60 Imatinib/low-dose steroids 2 + 10 months Proteinuria and SCr decrease Noninfection-related
Cryoglobulinemic MPGN
Dillon et al. (2012) 6 57 ± 19 RTX 1 g × 2 (days 1 and 15) Complete (n = 2) and partial (n = 4) Cryoglobulinemic MPGN (n = 2)
proteinuria reduction
Kong et al. (2013) 2 49.5 RTX 375 mg/m2 × 2 (n = 1) Complete (n = 1) and partial (n = 1) Native
375 mg/m2 × 1 (n = 1) proteinuria reduction
Farooqui et al. (2015) 1 58 RTX 375 mg/m2 × 2 Complete remission of proteinuria Living-unrelated donor kidney
Yango et al. (2019) 1 NA RTX/plasmapheresis NA Proteinuria and SCr decrease Living donor kidney transplant
ACEIs, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; CsA, cyclosporine; MPGN, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis; NA, not applicable; RTX, rituximab; SCr, serum creatinine; TAC,
(and other HCV-induced glomerular diseases). These stud- At the present time the cumulative evidence from the
ies have an observational and uncontrolled design; in addi- published studies is not satisfactory; clinical studies or
tion, the size is small. The extensive use of DAAs for the anecdotal reports have suggested that IFN-based regimens
antiviral therapy of HCV in the adult general population will were provided with low efficacy and high toxicity in
make the frequency of HCV-associated MPGN even more patients with HCV-related GN (including HCV-associated
uncommon in the near future. MPGN) compared to those with intact kidneys. The evi-
Some studies regarded the treatment of HCV-associated dence from some observational studies reported that the
glomerular disease (including many cases of HCV- treatment of HCV-associated glomerular disease (includ-
associated MPGN); others assessed the antiviral treatment ing HCV-associated MPGN) with DAAs has given a fre-
of HCV-associated cryoglobulinemic disease, but the details quency of SVR of 95–100%, much greater than that
concerning the cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis obtained with IFN-based therapy (35–50%) [54–56].
(including cryoglobulinemic MPGN) were not reported As mentioned in these recent series, there were some
clearly [56]. Of note, the sustained viral response (i.e. the clinical nonresponders or relapsers despite SVR and this
clearance of HCV RNA from serum which persists at least highlights the role of immunosuppressive agents in the
3 months after completing antiviral therapy with DAAs) is management of HCV-associated MPGN (and other HCV-
often accompanied by improvement of glomerular abnor- related glomerular diseases). Only preliminary data exist
malities (reduction of proteinuria, haematuria, and serum on the immunosuppressive agents, i.e. micophenolate
creatinine) and this effect has been achieved in the absence mofetil [57, 58], rituximab [59], or immunomodulatory
of concomitant immunosuppressive therapies. However, therapy (low-dose ribavirin) [60] for HCV-related glomer-
clinical improvement after antiviral agents is sometimes ular disease.
incomplete and this is in keeping with the notion that circu-
lating cryoglobulins may be an independent risk factor for
C3 Glomerulopathy
clinical nonresponse to antiviral treatments. In addition,
remote onset of glomerular disease may be another expla- The optimal treatment for C3G remains unclear and vari-
nation. In other cases, glomerular and/or cryoglobulinemic ous approaches have been suggested, at least from a theo-
disease relapsed over a long follow-up despite sustained retical point of view. C3G was grouped with other forms of
virological response (SVR) and it is well known that cryo- MPGN and this hampered the opportunity to make specific
globulinemic vasculitis shows an own course, regardless of recommendations for C3G.
the presence of trigger agents such as HCV (or HBV). As with any GN, blockade of the RAS remains part of
However, the absence of HCV RNA from serum allows the therapy with lipid-lowering therapy.
adoption of immunosuppressive therapies with benefits for Patients with mutations involving deficiency of regula-
glomerular changes and no concern on replication of HCV tory proteins of the alternative complement pathway may
(Figure 18.3). benefit from replacement of factors with plasma therapy.
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282 Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis
Patients might need lifelong plasma therapy. In contrast, generation of the pro-thrombotic and cytolytic terminal
plasma therapy is ineffective in patients with mutations of complex (C5b-9, membrane attack complex [MAC]).
the membrane cofactor protein (MCP, also known as Successful blockade of C5 in C3GN should prevent C5a
CD46) since it is a membrane-bound protein and replen- formation, resulting in lower infiltration of leukocytes. A
ishing plasma with this protein would not offer protection major side effect of EZ therapy is recurrent meningococcal
to the endothelial cells. In patients with gain of function infections (incidence less than 1%); patients are mandated
mutations in complement activating proteins (such as fac- to receive the meningococcal vaccination in advance to
tor B or mutant C3 convertase resistant to CFH), plasma therapy to reduce infection risk.
therapy may be detrimental since it provides additional A small prospective study and a limited number of case
substance to activate AP. series or case reports have shown some efficacy of eculi-
Plasma exchange replenishes plasma with deficient pro- zumab in this disease (Table 18.6) [70–79]. These case
teins, removing autoantibodies or mutant proteins that reports are clearly subject to publication bias (studies pro-
activate the AP. The response to PE remains short lived and viding positive results are selected for reporting). The
rebound complement activation is noted within 48 hours. introduction of EZ has changed the natural history of
Theoretically, immunosuppressive therapy (based on aHUS; studies addressing the activity of EZ in patients
corticosteroids, MMF, and rituximab) should reduce or with C3G have given disparate results, especially com-
eliminate autoantibody production. However, the effec- pared with results of EZ in patients with aHUS. It appears
tiveness of this approach appears unclear and no RCTs that treatment with EZ in patients with C3G is beneficial
supporting this approach have been made; most of the evi- in patients with mild/advanced renal damage, and is able
dence concerning RTX is based on a few case reports [61– to lower not only proteinuria but also to improve kidney
65] (Table 18.5). Treatment of active disease with MMF function. It is clear that treatment with EZ requires fur-
and corticosteroids has shown promise in two retrospective ther assessment in patients with C3G, and prospective
case series [66–67], but was not found to be effective in a studies are those we urgently need. Appropriate candi-
third report regarding patients with more severe baseline dates to therapy with EZ are patients with C3G who have
kidney disease [68]. A high recurrence of the original dis- a relatively short duration of the disease, have shown
ease after solid organ transplant has been noted in patients active inflammatory kidney abnormalities (crescents and
who are already immunosuppressed [69]. endocapillary proliferation), and have reported a recent
The advances regarding the current classification have increase in serum creatinine level and/or proteinuria [79].
coincided with the availability of the first complement The evidence based on pathology is limited and suggests
inhibitor, eculizumab (EZ), which is a humanized monoclo- that EZ lowers endo-capillary proliferation and inflam-
nal antibody directed against C5. EZ binds to the C5 comple- matory cell infiltration in some patients. These findings
ment protein and inhibits its cleavage into pro-inflammatory are in accordance with animal data which showed that
and pro-thrombotic C5a and C5b. This binding prevents the anti-C5 therapy effectively targeted the inflammatory
Author Patients, n
(reference year) (age, years) Kidney RTX, protocol Other therapy Outcome Diagnosis
Daina et al. (2012) 1 (22) Native 375 mg/m2 ×1 Steroids No effect of RTX on renal DDD
Eculizumab function or proteinuria PR
RAS blockade with eculizumab
Rousset-Rouvière 1 (8) Native 375 mg/m2 ×2 Steroids Acute renal failure after RTX DDD
et al. (2014) MMF CR with eculizumab
RAS blockade
Giaime 1 (34) Native 700 mg ×4 weekly RAS blockade Remission of proteinuria with DDD
et al. (2015) (repeated after 18 mo) RTX
Payette 1 (5) Native 375 mg/m2 ×4 Steroids No effect of RTX on proteinuria DDD
et al. (2015) MMF PR with eculizumab
CR, complete response; DDD, dense-deposit disease; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; PR, partial response; RAS, ; RTX, rituximab.
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Summar 283
EZ treatment, Response to EZ
Author (reference year) Age C3G, type duration Outcome Kidney, type (histopathology)
McCaughan et al. (2012) 29 DDD (n = 1) 10 weeks SCr improved PCR Graft NA
Daina et al. (2012) 22 DDD (n = 1) 12 months SCr improved Native NA
PCR improved
Bomback et al. (2012) 27.2 (20–42) DDD (n = 3) 12 months SCr improved (n = 2) Graft (n = 3) Improved (3/5)
C3GN (n = 3) Proteinuria improved Native (n = 3) Worsened (2/5)
(n = 1)
Gurkan et al. (2013) 21 C3GN (n = 1) 53 weeks SCr improved Graft Worsened
PCR improved
Inman et al. (2015) 38 C3GN (n = 1) >5 months SCr improved Native NA
PCR improved
Welte et al. (2018) 29 (14–59) C3GN (n = 5) 19 (3–28) SCr improved (n = 2) Graft (n = 3) Worsened (2/2)
DDD (n = 2) PCR improved (n = 3) Native (n = 4)
Sahin et al. (2018) 53 C3GN (n = 1) 9 months SCR improved Graft NA
PCR improved
Moog et al. (2018) 59 DDD (n = 1) 12 months SCR improved Graft Worsened
PCR improved
Garg et al. (2018) 51 C3GN (n = 1) 3 years SCR improved Graft Improved
PCR improved
Kaartinen et al. (2018) 37 C3GN (n = 1) 6 months Poor response Graft Worsened
Le Quintrec et al. (2018) 43 (18–65) C3G (n = 13) 8 (2–51) Global clinical Graft (n = 3) Improved
months response (n = 4) Native (n = 4)
Partial clinical
response (n = 1)
No response (n = 8)
C3G, C3 glomerulopathy; C3GN, C3 glomerulonephritis; DDD, dense-deposit disease; EZ, eculizumab; NA, not applicable; PCR, urine protein/
creatinine ratio; SCr, serum creatinine.
component of C3 glomerulopathy [80]. The current peptide) are under way and promise to change more radi-
approach to C3G is mostly based on case studies and cally than EZ the management of C3G.
expert opinion; trial data are currently lacking. Long-term
use of EZ is required in this disease due to the inherent
risk of recurrence but this hampered by the cost burden S
(use of EZ for 1 year has been associated with an approxi-
mate cost of US$600 000). Recent advances have been made in the last decade regard-
The pathophysiology of C3G remains unclear and is ing the understanding of the multiple pathogenetic path-
probably more complex than that of aHUS. The levels of ways of MPGN. This has given us the possibility to expand
complement dysregulation at the site of the C3 and C5 the therapeutic armamentarium against MPGN. However,
convertase have great variability and this could explain at this time there is insufficient high-quality evidence
the heterogeneity in response to EZ therapy in patients regarding effective and safe therapies for MPGN. Idiopathic
with C3G. Patients with C3G who show important activa- or primary immune-complex MPGN is clearly an uncom-
tion of C5 convertase will benefit from therapy with EZ; mon condition and an extensive evaluation is required to
on the contrary, patients with C3G who have significant exclude the etiologies reported above. The low frequency of
dysregulation at the level of C3 convertase will not show MPGN could at least partially explain the paucity of con-
dramatic benefit. trolled trials on this issue.
Some clinical trials using targeted complement inhibition Adults with idiopathic immune-complex MPGN show-
with novel agents (i.e. compstatin, which is a C3 inhibitory ing nephrotic syndrome and progressive decline of kidney
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284 Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis
function should receive an oral course of cyclophospha- We need prospective trials or cohort studies to assess the
mide, or MMF, or oral/intravenous corticosteroids. The ini- efficacy of EZ and its superiority over conventional
tial therapy should be limited to less than 6 months approaches (i.e. cyclophosphamide, corticosteroids, and
(evidence level, 2C). MMF). In patients with C3G due to genetic defects, fresh
The management of C3 glomerulopathy is not based on frozen plasma is indicated to replace the insufficient plasma
RCTs as the diseases (C3GN and DDD) are very uncommon. concentration of CFH or any other related protein. Patients
Only small case series and case reports have been made. In with C3G and rapidly progressive GN should receive rescue
patients with C3 glomerulopathy who present mild disease, therapy (pulses of intravenous corticosteroids and oral
i.e. haematuria, low-grade proteinuria (<0.5 g/day), and cyclophosphamide or MMF). Methylprednisolone pulses
intact kidney function, management should include RAS (0.5–1 g/day) for 3 days followed by oral prednisone (1 mg/
blockade with ACEIs and ARBs (evidence level, 2D). Patients kg/day body weight and slow tapering over 2–3 months) and
with C3G and moderate or severe renal disease (greater levels cyclophosphamide. This approach is not specifically tar-
of proteinuria, nephrotic proteinuria, and/or kidney dys- geted to DDD or C3GN (evidence level, 2D).
function) should receive treatment according to the underly- Patients with HCV-induced MPGN showing stable kid-
ing etiology. Plasma exchange, rituximab, steroids, and ney function and/or non-nephrotic proteinuria should
eculizumab should be considered in patients with C3G receive initially antiviral therapy with DAAs. (evidence
where antibody-stimulating AP have been identified (evi- level, 1B) Patient with HCV-induced MPGN showing cryo-
dence level, 2C). Treatment with EZ allows targeted comple- globulinemic flare, nephrotic syndrome, or progressive kid-
ment inhibition and has considerably improved the ney failure should receive antiviral therapy with DAAs and
prognosis of some patients with C3G; however, the C5 concomitant immunosuppressive therapy (and/or plasma-
blockade does not seem to significantly alter the course of exchange) (evidence level, 1B). Rituximab should be con-
the disease in many cases. The therapeutic regimen con- sidered the first-line immunosuppressive agent in patients
sisted of 900 mg EZ, given intravenously, weekly for 4 con- with HCV-related MPGN, even in those who do not respond
secutive weeks, and then 1200 mg/2 weeks for 12 months [68]. to antiviral therapy (evidence level, 1B).
(2015). Effectiveness of mycophenolate mofetil in C3 glomerulopathy with eculizumab. Iranian J. Kidney Dis.
glomerulonephritis. Kidney Int. 88: 1153–1160. 12: 315–318.
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74 Sahin, H., Oguz, E., Akoglu, H. et al. (2018). Successful mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103: 9649–9654.
treatment of posttransplant recurrent complement C3
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I ntroduction was 9.3 cases per 10 000 cases in two large population
sequencing databases [17]. Taken together, these data indi-
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) cate that the true incidence of ADPKD in the general popu-
is a progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD) that in ~90% lation is probably 1:1000 but that the overall incidence of
of cases has four features: (i) autosomal dominant pattern symptomatic ADPKD leading to end-stage kidney disease
of inheritance in first-degree relatives; (ii) mutation in one (ESKD) is approximately 1:2500.
of the causative genes (PKD1, PKD2 or others); (iii) varia-
ble expressivity but complete age-dependent penetrance of
multiple renal cysts that fulfill the Pei-Ravine ultrasound
criteria; and (iv) variable systemic complications (extra-
ADPKD is due to heterozygous germ-line mutations in
renal cysts in solid organs, vascular aneurysms, connective
PKD1 (85% of cases, located on chromosome 16p13.3, 46
tissue defects, such as hernia) [1–11] (Table 19.1).
exon-length), PKD2 (15%, located on chromosome 4q21,
15 exon-length), or rarely additional genes (<1:1000, such
as GANAB or DNAJB11). Approximately 10% of patients
have no mutation detected in either PKD1 or PKD2 (no
mutation detected). The mutations are inherited in an
Incidence and Prevalence of ADPKD in the
autosomal dominant manner but occasionally may
General Population
involve other complex genetic mechanisms (e.g. mosai-
ADPKD occurs uniformly throughout the world. Disease cism or bi-allelic transmission of PKD1). PKD1 and PKD2
mutations occurred early in modern human evolution. encode two cellular membrane proteins: polycystin-1 and
Determining the prevalence of ADPKD is difficult as the polycystin-2, respectively. The formation of the kidney
condition is clinically silent in up to 50% of patients. The cysts starts in early life due to random postnatal reduc-
Danish and Olmstead cohort studies (which included tions in PKD1 or PKD2 dose in the principal cells of the
autopsy specimens) performed in the 1950s and 1980s, collecting duct, as a result of loss of heterozygosity (LOH,
respectively, showed that the lifetime risk in the general pop- “second hits”) or other poorly defined stochastic factors.
ulation was 1:1000, with an annualized incidence of 2.75 per In cohort studies, mutations in PKD1 are associated with
100 000 person-years [12, 13]. More recent studies performed more severe renal disease than PKD2, as defined by an
in selected geographic areas in the 2010s suggested a lower earlier onset of ESKD (50–55 vs. 75–80 years old) and
prevalence (4.76 per 10 000, Modena, Italy [14], 3.96 per twice the number of renal cysts. The clinical phenotype of
10 000 European Union [15], 5.73 per 10 000, southwest ADPKD has high intra- and interfamilial heterogeneity
Germany [16]). An analysis performed in 2018 showed that due to environmental (epigenetic) mechanisms and mod-
the frequency of high-confidence mutations in PKD1/PKD2 ifying genes [1].
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Pathophysiolog 289
Certainty of Strength of
Treatment Recommendation evidence recommendation
Diagnosis We recommend confirming diagnosis using the Pei-Ravine ultrasound criteria. High Strong
We recommend genetic testing in selected clinical circumstances and in High Strong [5]
consultation with a clinical geneticist.
Assessment of We recommend evaluating factors associated with high risk for ESKD in an Moderate Strong
renal prognosis individual patient to guide patient education, frequency of clinical follow-up, and
Genetic We suggest referral to a clinical geneticist and genetic counselor if detailed advice Low Weak [5]
counseling on family planning and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis is sought by patients
and/or if genetic testing is being considered to inform diagnosis.
Screening We recommend screening all first-degree adults at risk of ADPKD with renal High Strong
at-risk of ultrasound.
ADPKD We suggest that parents be informed of the advantages/disadvantages of screening Low Weak
by renal ultrasound for ADPKD in children <18 years old who are at risk (50%) of
Fluid intake We suggest consuming fluids as advised by the treating physician. Low Weak [6]
Blood pressure All patients with ADPKD should receive either an ACEI or ARB for first-line High Strong [7]
lowering pharmacological treatment of hypertension (>130/80 mmHg) and the stepwise use
of a α/β cardio-selective blocker, dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker or a
diuretic either as second-line agents or in combination with first-line drugs.
Disease- We do not recommend the use of somatostatin analogs or target of rapamycin High Weak [7]
modifying complex 1 inhibitors, and to use shared decision-making regarding the use of
treatments vasopressin receptor antagonists in patients with “rapid progression” as defined by
a historical decline in the eGFR.
Chronic kidney We suggest that chronic pain is evaluated during clinic visits and that management Low Weak [8]
pain should be stepwise, involving nonpharmacological and pharmacological
treatments, and minimally invasive and invasive therapies.
Kidney cyst We suggest that suspected renal cyst infection is treated with empirical antibiotic Low Weak
infection therapy and renal cyst aspiration if refractory to treatment.
Kidney cyst We suggest that renal cyst hemorrhage be treated with bed rest and analgesia as Low Weak
hemorrhage first-line treatment, followed by minimally invasive or invasive therapies if bleeding
is refractory.
End-stage We recommend that patients with ESKD be considered for kidney transplantation High High [9]
kidney disease and evaluated for need for nephrectomy prior to transplantation.
Polycystic liver We suggest that severe polycystic liver disease (total liver volume >1800 ml/m) is Low Weak [10]
disease managed by a multidisciplinary team (hepatologist, hepatobiliary surgeon,
interventional radiologist, nephrologist).
Intracranial We recommend that MR angiography or CT (circle of Willis angiography) be used Moderate Weak [11]
aneurysm for screening and detection of ICAs in asymptomatic individuals at high risk for an
ICA (i.e. a positive family history of SAH/unruptured ICA in at least one first-
degree relative with ADPKD or previous SAH/ICA).
We recommend urgent intracranial imaging in patients who experience a sudden Very low Weak [11]
onset of severe headache or neurological symptoms of concern.
We recommend referral to a neurosurgeon if an ICA is detected, and suggest Very low Weak [11]
treatment in centers which have expertise in endovascular coiling and microsurgery.
GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence [12]: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood
that the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that
the effect will be substantially different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood
that it will be substantially different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood
that the effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect decision-making.
ACEI, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor; ADPKD, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker;
CT, computed tomography; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESKD, end-stage renal disease ICA, intracranial aneurysm; MR,
magnetic resonance; SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage.
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290 Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
The growth of kidney cysts is slow, exponential, and has [18, 19]. Renal ultrasound is the preferred imaging modal-
interindividual variability (~2–10% per year) leading to kid- ity as it is safe, reliable, inexpensive, and easily accessible.
ney enlargement by mid-life (mean 1 kg/kidney vs. 0.2 kg/ The Pei-Ravine criteria use kidney cyst number according
kidney in health). The expanding kidney cysts compress and to age (Table 19.2). If the cyst number fails to meet Pei-
destroy normal kidney tissue, causing chronic pain, hyper- Ravine criteria (“indeterminate”), a follow-up ultrasound
tension, and renal impairment. The growth of renal cysts is in 1–2 years is suggested [19].
mediated by chloride-driven fluid secretion (via the cystic
fibrosis transmembrane regulator [CFTR] chloride channel)
Renal Ultrasound in the Absence of a Family
and proliferation (via multiple signal transduction path-
ways, including TORC1). in vitro arginine vasopressin (AVP)
increases intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate In the absence of a positive family history, there are no
(cAMP), CFTR-mediated trans-epithelial fluid secretion, evidenced-based ultrasound criteria to make a diagnosis of
and proliferation of cyst-forming renal epithelial (Madin– ADPKD but expert opinion is that at least 10 renal cysts in
Darby canine kidney cells [MDCK] cells), implicating it as each kidney are required [19–23]. In this situation or if the
an important nongenetic factor in exacerbating renal cyst ultrasound is indeterminate, other supporting evidence from
growth during the postnatal period. Thus, disease-modifying the history, physical examination, and ultrasound features
treatments to inhibit proliferation (e.g. sirolimus, a TORC1 (such as the presence of hepatic cysts and increased kidney
inhibitor; metformin, an AMP-activated protein kinase size) might provide evidence to support the diagnosis [19].
[AMPK] inhibitor), “kidney cyst-specific growth factors”
(e.g. vasopressin), and other pathways have been investi-
Genetic Testing
gated in clinical trials [1].
We do not recommend universal genetic testing in all
patients with ADPKD using current technologies (high
iagnosis certainty of evidence, strong recommendation) [20]
because (i) the results are inconclusive or negative in 10%
Renal Ultrasound in Patients with a Positive
of patients with typical ADPKD or as high as 50% with a
Family History
clinical phenotype that is atypical [21]; (ii) genetic testing
We recommend confirming the diagnosis with renal ultra- is 10 times more expensive than kidney ultrasound
sound using the Pei-Ravine ultrasound criteria in all [18–21]; and (iii) genotyping does not correlate with phe-
patients at risk of ADPKD (positive family history of auto- notypic severity. We recommend restricting the use of
somal dominant pattern of inheritance in first-degree fam- genetic testing use to specific clinical situations in consul-
ily members) (high certainty, strong recommendation) tation with a clinical geneticist (high certainty, strong
Positive family history Number of kidney cysts needed to make Number of kidney cysts to
Age in years (genotype unknown) the diagnosis of ADPKD exclude the diagnosis of ADPKD
AKPKD, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.
Criteria based on expert opinion.
Criteria based on the use of conventional 3–5 MHz ultrasound probe with cyst size typically being above 1 cm in diameter. CT, MRI, and more
sensitive ultrasound probes detect smaller cysts and therefore the above criteria are not applicable to these imaging modalities.
Source: Based on Mai et al. [19].
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Prognosi 291
recommendation): (i) the exclusion of disease in poten- Table 19.4 Risk factors associated with high risk for ESKD.
tial living related kidney donors under the age of 40 years
old (as a normal renal ultrasound and computed tomog- Clinical factors
raphy [CT] scan does not exclude ADPKD in this set- Age >35 years old
ting) (Table 19.3); (ii) during pre-implantation genetic Family history of ESKD
diagnosis [24]; and/or (iii) in the evaluation of a patient Age of at least one family member with ESKD <55 years old
(suggest mutation in PKD1) (vs. >70 in PKD2)
with an atypical clinical phenotype (i.e. negative family
Onset of hypertension<35 years old
history, equivocal renal imaging, and unusual clinical
Episode of hematuria <30 years old
phenotype, especially in syndromic forms or early-onset
Laboratory investigators
disease) [20].
Renal function
Method of Genetic Testing in ADPKD The gold-standard for ●● Baseline serum creatinine>92 μmol/l
genetic testing in ADPKD has been long-range polymerase ●● Stage 2 CKD by 30 years old, stage 3 by 50 years old or stage
chain reaction (LR-PCR) amplification followed by Sanger 4/5 or ESKD by 55 years old
sequencing of all exons. However, this method is labor- ●● Annual rate of decline in eGFR >5 ml/min in 1 year or
We recommend evaluating factors associated with high development and not validated; and (iv) many novel
risk for ESKD in an individual patient to guide patient molecular biomarkers (e.g. urinary monocyte chemoat-
education, frequency of clinical follow-up, and treatment tractant protein-1, copeptin) are under investigation, but
(Table 19.4) (moderate certainty of evidence, strong rec- none has superseded standard methods of clinical history,
ommendation). However, the certainty of estimating risk estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), and imaging.
in an individual is low because (i) there is wide clinical
heterogeneity in the severity of kidney disease (even
Clinical History
within the same family); (ii) the accuracy of current meth-
ods to estimate the risk of development of ESKD are poor ●● Age: Patients older than 35 years old at presentation have
and based on a limited prospective cohort studies; (iii) a 1.7-fold increased risk of developing CKD stage 3A
disease-specific imaging biomarkers (Ht-TKV by magnetic (sensitivity 0.60 and specificity 0.66) [25].
resonance imaging [MRI]) used in research are not avail- ●● Family history: A three-generation family pedigree is rec-
able in clinical practice and statistical prediction models ommended in all ADPKD patients: (i) confirm the auto-
(Mayo Subclassification for TKV) are in the early stages of somal dominant pattern of inheritance; (ii) determine
Pei-Ravine ultrasound ●● Determines the number of renal cysts ●● Applies only if there is a family history of ADPKD in a
criteria based on age in a population at 50% risk of first-degree relative
having ADPKD ●● Criteria in the absence of family history are based on
●● Validated by genetic testing expert opinion
●● Simple and cost-effective ●● Negative ultrasound excludes ADPKD only after the age
●● May be indeterminate in up to 10% of cases of 40 (important to recall this fact during live-kidney
donor assessment involving family members)
Genetic test ●● Provides direct information of the mutation ●● Diagnostic accuracy in enriched populations is 90% but
type (PKD1 vs. PKD2 vs. no mutation may decline to 50% in atypical or real-world cases
detected or other genes) ●● Analysis is expensive, complex, and time-consuming but
●● May be indeterminate in up to 10–50% of likely to be more useful as workflow and technological
cases depending on the clinical history improvements are reported
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292 Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
the history of ESKD in the family (and age of onset in ●● Clinical events: The onset of hypertension or a urological
family members); (iii) identify other family members event (episode of cyst hemorrhage, cyst infection, and/or
who are at-risk for ADPKD; and (iv) screen for a fam- acute flank pain) below 35 years of age is associated with
ily history of intracranial aneurysms (ICAs). a truncating mutation in PKD1 and with a worse renal
Specifically, a family history of onset ESKD 58 years prognosis [27,28].
or >68 years predicts a mutation in PKD1 (PPV 100%, ●● Perinatal history: Higher birth weight is protective, with
sensitivity 75%) or PKD2 (PPV 100%, sensitivity 78%), every kilogram at birth deferring the age of ESKD onset
respectively [26]. by 1.7 years [29] (Table 19.5).
Table 19.5 Clinical value of methods used to predict renal prognosis in individual patients.
Clinical information High High Information easy to obtain but Low in harm and cost Low-moderate
(Age, age of ESKD in has low sensitivity and
family, birth weight) specificity
Genetic testing High High Identifies the causative mutation Low in harm but very high in Low
(Sanger) (PKD1 PKD2/NMD) but not cost
useful for determining prognosis
in an individual patient
Single measurement of Moderate High Estimates the number of kidney Not all patients able to do Moderate
total kidney volume at cysts and is a disease-specific MRI, moderate in cost, and
baseline corrected by marker that can identify early not validated in all population
height risk for ESKD groups (e.g. by ethnicity,
Single measurement of Moderate Moderate Estimates the number of kidney Low in cost but not validated Moderate–high
renal length by cysts and is a disease-specific in all population groups (e.g.
ultrasound at baseline marker that can identify early by ethnicity, country)
risk for ESKD
Serial measurement of Moderate High Measures actual rate of kidney Intervals to measure standard; Low
Ht-TKV by MRI cyst growth not all patients suitable for
MRI, moderate in cost and not
validated in all groups
Single eGFR at baseline Low Moderate Estimates GFR but not a Low in harm and cost High
disease-specific marker and does
not reflect number of
functioning nephrons due to
glomerular hyperfiltration
Serial eGFR changes Moderate Low Estimates the rate of change in Useful for late stage of disease Low in stage 1
eGFR but insensitive in early and not validated CKD and
stage of disease moderate-high in
CKD stages 2–4
Statistical prediction models
Mayo subclass Moderate High Estimates the rate of kidney cyst Not all patients able to do Moderate
(Irazabal) class at growth based on Ht-TKV and MRI, moderate in cost and not
baseline age at the time of the test, and validated in all populations
therefore subclassifies groups and for ESKD
PRO-PKD score Moderate High Composite score based on Genetic testing not performed Low
clinical events and genetic and not validated in all
testing populations
CKD, chronic kidney disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESKD, end-stage kidney disease; GFR, glomerular filtration rate;
Ht-TKV, height-adjusted total kidney volume; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NMD, no mutation detected; PKD1, polycystic kidney disease
gene-1; PKD2, polycystic kidney disease gene-2; PRO-PKD, predicting renal outcomes in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease.
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Prognosi 293
Variable AUC (95% CI) Sensitivity Specificity Cut-off point LR of positive test
AUC, area under the curve; Cr, HtTKV, LR, likelihood ratio; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.
Source: Adapted from [25, 30].
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294 Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
Parameter Score Score Risk for ESKD <60 years Median age of ESKD
ESKD, end-stage kidney disease; NPV, negative predictive value; PKD1, polycystic kidney disease gene-1; PKD2, polycystic kidney disease
gene-2; PPV, positive predictive value; PRO-PKD, predicting renal outcomes in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease.
Source: Cornec-Le Gall [28].
models as (i) the tests incorporated in the models (Ht-TKV their circumstances. The counseling should include a
for Mayo subclassification and genetic testing for PRO- discussion on the mode of inheritance (as well as com-
PKD) are not part of routine clinical practice; and (ii) the municating this to at-risk family members); the role,
models have not been validated prospectively for the devel- indication, and interpretation of diagnostic testing;
opment of ESKD or in real-world populations. information regarding the natural history, prognosis,
and treatment; and options regarding family planning
and prenatal testing options (including preimplanta-
tion genetic diagnosis). Referral to specialized genetic
services and a genetic counselor can be offered to
Figure 19.1 provides an overview of the management
enhance the care, especially if molecular genetic test-
approach in a patient with ADPKD. The key goals of care in
ing is considered and/or family planning anticipated
ADPKD are to preserve quality of life (QoL) and normal life
(such as preimplantation genetic diagnosis low cer-
expectancy by (i) reducing the lifetime risk of ESKD; (ii) pre-
tainty, weak recommendation). Patients should be
venting and/or minimizing cardiovascular disease; and (iii)
informed about patient support organizations for PKD
treating and managing extrarenal disease manifestations. The
as well as centers where clinical trials in PKD or other
management of ADPKD should be “patient-centered” (i.e.
novel treatments are being conducted.
care in which patients and their families are active partners in
decision-making by being provided with clear and accurate ●● Screening of adults and children at-risk of ADPKD:
knowledge regarding their situation) and “personalized” (i.e. Screening of first-degree adult relatives is recom-
“a disciplined approach to delivering care that responds to mended [36]. Renal ultrasound is the first-line screen-
patients’ circumstances, capabilities, and preferences”). ing test, and patients should receive the appropriate
counseling regarding the advantages and disadvantages
prior to performing predictive testing (high certainty,
Genetic and Psychosocial Care
strong recommendation) (Table 19.9). The optimal
The provision of coordinated genetic, medical, and psycho- approach for screening asymptomatic at-risk children
social care should be the overarching goal of care [27]. Due (<18 years of age) is unknown but the decision should
to the systemic nature of disease manifestations, multidis- be individualized and considered with parental discus-
ciplinary care is typical for most patients with ADPKD and sion (low certainty, weak recommendation) [37]. The
is tailored according to local health services, but the opti- historical view has been to defer screening children
mal model of delivery is not known. until adulthood but this view must be challenged [37,
38] due to the following emerging evidence: (i) at least
Genetic Care one renal cyst may be detected in up to 80% of children
●● Genetic counseling: As there is high intra-and interindi- who are at-risk of ADPKD [39]; (ii) hypertension is pre-
vidual variability in ADPKD, it is important that all sent in up to one-third of children [39] and a systematic
patients receive education that is individualized to suit review showed that ~8% reduced have renal function
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Treatmen 295
(ii) Onset of hypertension<35 yrs (i) Review lifestyle factors: (ii) Assess for chronic kidney pain
Renal Care
(iii) Hx of urological event<35 yrs Smoking cessation/avoidance (iii) If acute kidney pain, consider:
(iv) Stage 2–3 CKD with declining eGFR: Salt restriction (80–100 m mol/d) Cyst infection or cyst haemorrhage
>2.5 ml/min/1.73 m2/yr over 5 yrs Maintain BMI<25 kg/m2 (diet+exercise) Urinary tract infection
Figure 19.1 Overview of the treatment of ADPKD. Source: Adapted and modified from Rangan et al. [1].
Table 19.9 Benefits and disadvantages of screening adults pattern of inheritance and risks during pregnancy. The
at-risk for ADPKD. perinatal risks of pregnancy to a mother with ADPKD
are dependent on the level of kidney dysfunction and/or
Benefits of screening adults Disadvantages of screening hypertension. Young families with ADPKD are increas-
at-risk for ADPKD adults at-risk for ADPKD
ingly interested in PGD. In a survey of 96 UK patients
Reduces uncertainty and False negative result
with ADPKD, the majority (>95%) were concerned about
anxiety requiring re-testing the risk of genetic transmission [42] and most (>80%)
Diagnosis permits early Financial discrimination would consider using PGD [42]. PGD involves in vitro
treatment of complications Employment discrimination fertilization as well as genetic testing and therefore id a
Permits decisions regarding Changes in social and family costly procedure, but it is considered an option by
lifestyle and employment interactions patients with ADPKD with a family history of severe dis-
Permits discussions on Psychological impact of ease [24]. The application of PGD requires expert genetic
reproductive options diagnosis
counseling given the large phenotypic variability in
Allows family members to be
informed ADPKD and complexities in genetic testing. Patients
Identify potential unaffected should be referred to specialist centers with previous
living-related kidney donors experience and expertise in in vitro fertilization and
molecular diagnostics [24]. The long-term outcome of
PGD in ADPKD is unknown and will be informed by an
[40]; and (iii) subclinical manifestations of ADPKD
ongoing observational cohort study underway in China
begins in childhood, and early detection and treatment
(ESPERANCE trial; NCT02948179).
may slow renal cyst growth [41] with the potential to
eliminate the lifetime risk of ESKD and other extrarenal
Acute and Chronic Psychological Care
manifestations in high-risk families [22] [24].
The prevalence of psychological issues (anxiety, depres-
●● Family planning and preimplantation genetic diagnosis sion, denial, anger) in ADPKD is higher than in to the
(PGD): Couples with ADPKD should be informed of the general population [27, 43]. Acute psychological symptoms
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296 Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
are worst at the time of diagnosis when it comes as a Dietary protein intake: A subgroup analysis of ADPKD
“shock” to patients (some patients describe being told the patients (n = 141, Study A; GFR between 25 and 55 ml/
diagnosis as a receiving a “bomb”) [27, 43, 44]. The origins min1/1.73 m2) in the Modification of Renal Disease study
of emotional distress in ADPKD are complex but include showed that a low protein diet ( 0.6 g protein/kg/day) com-
the hereditary nature of the disease (with patients calling it pared to usual protein intake (1.3 g protein/kg/day) did not
an “evil heritage” and experiencing guilt from transmitting alter the decline in renal function (5.9 ml/min/year) [55].
the disease to future generations), the uncertainty of future Current evidence does not support any specific dietary pro-
prognosis regarding the kidney disease, chronic pain and tein intake for patients with ADPKD beyond standard rec-
lack of effective treatment options, worry about financial ommendations in CKD (no recommendation).
factors (future employment status and eligibility for life
insurance), impact on family planning, and the changes in Fluid Intake
body image due to kidney and liver enlargement [45–47]. We suggest consuming fluids whenever and in whatever
Psychological factors may negatively influence treatment volume desired or as advised by the treating physician
adherence due to a sense of helplessness and denial. The (low certainty of evidence, weak recommendation). The
evidence for psychological care in ADPKD is of low cer- volume of fluid that patients with ADPKD “should” drink
tainty but strongly recommended and includes (i) perform- is a topical question that has been asked by both neph-
ing an initial evaluation using screening questions; (ii) rologists and patients. It has been hypothesized that
determining the severity; and (iii) initiating appropriate maintaining a fluid intake of ~3 l per day may reduce the
management [48, 49]. The goal of care is to recognize and progression of renal cyst growth in ADPKD by suppress-
minimize psychological morbidity, and foster patient ing AVP release [56]. However, there is no high-level evi-
empowerment and self-motivation [50]. dence to support this as a clinical recommendation [6].
Furthermore, the volume of fluid required to suppress
AVP is also likely to vary because it is dependent on the
First-line Treatments to Prevent and/or
amount of dietary solute intake that a patient con-
Minimize Renal and Cardiovascular Disease
sumes [56]. To date, the evidence for the hypothesis is
All patients with ADPKD should receive first-line (or pri- limited and based on short-term studies (less than
mary) treatment (dietary salt minimization, optimal caloric 2 months in duration) which show that it is possible to
energy intake) [51], treatment of hypertension with either reduce serum copeptin at consumption volumes that
angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) or angiotensin were tolerable to patients. However, the long-term effi-
receptor blocker (ARB), and avoidance of acute renal cacy (on renal function decline and renal cyst growth),
injury by minimizing exposure to nephrotoxins (low cer- safety, and feasibility of this approach are not known. The
tainty evidence, strong recommendation). In patients with only available long-term data in humans is a small non-
low to moderate risk of renal disease progression (which randomized observational cohort study (n = 33) which
may be up to 50-75% of patients) first-line interventions showed that the progression of TKV or decline in eGFR in
may curtail the lifetime development of ESKD and cardio- patients who drank 2.5–3.0 l per day was not different to
vascular morbidity if effectively implemented in young those who consumed lower amounts over a 1-year
adults soon after diagnosis [52]. period [57]. This study was nonrandomized, of insuffi-
cient duration and power as well as being an observation
Diet Modification cohort design, therefore further data are needed [6].
Dietary salt restriction: In the HALT-PKD trial, each 18 mEq Caffeine intake is not contraindicated in ADPKD patients
increase in averaged urinary sodium excretion was associ- (strong recommendation, low certainty evidence) [6].
ated with a 0.43% per year rise in ht-TKV in patients with
eGFR>60 ml/min/1.73 m2 and with a faster decline in renal Blood Pressure Control, Vascular Dysfunction,
function (−0.09 ml/min/1.73 m2) in patients with eGFR and Cardiovascular Disease
between 25 and 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 [53]. In addition, in a Blood pressure lowering: Angiotensin converting enzyme
small randomized controlled trial (RCT) (n = 34) of 2 weeks inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers are preferred
in duration in ADPKD patients with eGFR>60 ml/ first-line agents for blood pressure control in (high certainty
min/1.73 m2, an ~30% reduction in urinary sodium intake evidence, strong recommendation) [7]. There is limited
(as determined by 24-hour urine sodium from ~3 to ~2 g/ evidence to guide second-line treatment choice (alone if
day) together with an ~40% increase in fluid intake caused intolerant to angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor or in
a small but signification reduction in serum copeptin combination) but the stepwise use of a cardioselective
(~1 pmol/l) (a surrogate marker of AVP) [54]. blocker dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker, and/or
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Treatmen 297
or a diuretic is suggested [2]. The KDIGO Controversy ●● Repeat screening: Follow-up interval screening is recom-
Conference on ADPKD suggested a target blood pressure mended only in patients with a family history of ICA or
(BP) of 130/80 mmHg in patients with macroalbuminuria subarachnoid hemorrhage, or those with previous ICA
( 25 mg/mmol in males and 35 mg/mmol in females) or or rupture, at intervals between 2 and 5 years, or accord-
140/90 mmHg if no macroalbuminuria for ADPKD ing to risk factors such as hypertension, smoking, “high-
patients [3]. The HALT-PKD trial showed that a target BP risk” occupation or prior to major elective surgery [3].
of 95/60 to 110/75 mmHg (vs. 120/70 to 130/80) was associ- The incidence of de novo aneurysms is 1.4% patient/
ated with a small (1.1% per year) but significant reduction year [64]. Repeat interval screening in low-risk asymp-
in TKV in young ADPKD patients (15–49 years old with tomatic patients with a negative initial scan is not
eGFR>1.73 m2) over an 8-year period. This was associated recommended (low certainty of evidence, weak
with a 16% increase in dizziness and light-headedness in recommendation) [3].
the low BP target group. Based on this data, the KHA-CARI
ADPKD Guidelines suggest a BP target of at least Serum cholesterol and lipid-lowering drugs: We suggest
130/80 mmHg, and that a lower target BP could be consid- lipid-lowering drugs are prescribed to prevent cardiovascu-
ered in selected patients [2, 7]. lar death based on evidence recommendations in CKD
Cardiac manifestations: The prevalence of cardiac valvu- rather than to specifically reduce kidney cyst growth (low
lar abnormalities (especially mitral valve prolapse/incom- certainty of evidence, weak recommendation). In a study
petence) and cardiomyopathy are increased in ADPKD [58, of 110 pediatric ADPKD patients (8–22 years), pravastatin
59]. The incidence of left ventricular hypertrophy and val- mildly attenuated the increase in TKV over 3 years (21% vs.
vular calcification increases as renal function declines [59]. 30% from baseline, P = 0.02) independent of serum choles-
However, echocardiography is not recommended unless terol [41], but this was not confirmed in a post hoc analysis
physical examination is abnormal [2]. of the HALT trial [65].
Name Study population Study design n Primary endpoint Secondary endpoint Adverse events
TEMPO 3:4 18–50 years old 3 years 1445 TKV: increase 2.8%/year Slower decline in kidney Tolvaptan associated with
TKV > 750 ml Phase 3 double-blind, in the tolvaptan group vs. function (reciprocal of the aquaresis and hepatic and
eGFR>60 ml/min placebo (2:1), 5.5%/year in the placebo serum creatinine level, higher discontinuation rate
multicenter −2.61 (mg per milliliter)/ (23% vs. 14% in the placebo
year vs. -3.81 (mg per group)
milliliter)/year; P < 0.001);
lower rates of worsening
kidney function (2 vs. 5
events per 100 person-year,
P < 0.001) and kidney pain
(5 vs. 7 events per 100
person-years of follow-up
P = 0.007)
REPRISE 18–55 years old (eGFR 25–65 ml/ 1 year, phase 3, 1370 Change from baseline in Reversible increases in the
min/1.73 m2) and 56–65 (eGFR randomized the estimated GFR was ALT (to >3 times normal
25–44 ml/min/1.73 m2), and ability withdrawal, −2.34 ml per minute per range) 5.6% in tolvaptan
to tolerate tolvaptan after an 8-week multicenter, placebo- 1.73 m in the tolvaptan vs. group vs. 1.2% in the placebo
pre-randomization period which controlled, double- −3.61 ml per minute per group
included sequential placebo and blind trial (1:1) 1.73 m in the placebo;
tolvaptan run-in phases P < 0.001
receptor antagonists in ADPKD and to use shared decision- ulcers), insufficient drug delivered to target tissue, and trial
making with patients if there is “rapid progression” as design, as therapy was initiated when kidneys had reached
defined by a historical decline in the eGFR. [23, 67]. their near-maximal volume [73].
Tolvaptan is a specific vasopressin receptor antagonist
that inhibits the binding of AVP at the V2 receptor (a GS-
Kidney Pain
protein-coupled receptor) of the cortical collecting duct.
In two RCTs, treatment with tolvaptan reduced the rate of Chronic pain (>4–6 weeks in duration): The optimal man-
decline in eGFR by approximately 1ml/min/1.73m2/year agement of chronic kidney pain is not certain [8]. Mild
compared to placebo [23, 67], but the limitations of this diffuse discomfort in the loin, abdomen, or lower back,
data should be considered: (i) the effect size on eGFR was present on most days, is common and reported by 60% of
small and apparent only after discontinuation, suggesting patients with “large” kidneys due to their physical effect
a role for hemodynamic and other cofounding factors [68]; in the abdominal cavity and pressure on the lower lumbar
and (ii) the long-term effect of tolvaptan on preventing spine. In a cross-sectional analysis of the HALT study
ESKD is assumed and evidence is lacking [68]. In addi- cohort (n = 1043) back pain was reported in ~50% of
tion, mechanistic questions remain: (i) preclinical studies patients and was unrelated to kidney volume when the
in pck rats suggest that both increased water intake and eGFR was greater than 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 (unless the Ht-
vasopressin receptor antagonist could have similar effi- TKV exceeded 1000 ml/m) whereas patients with
cacy on reducing the kidney to body weight ratio by eGFR<60 were more likely to report abdominal fullness
~30% [69, 70]; and (ii) in vitro studies support a direct role and pain that was disabling. The DIPAK cohort analysis
for inhibition of AVP on renal cyst growth, but it is not (n = 309) showed that up to 30% of patients have associ-
known if human renal cysts express V2 receptor. ated gastrointestinal symptoms (such as heartburn, nau-
The main adverse effects of tolvaptan are aquaresis sea, vomiting, and early satiety) due to combined kidney
(mean 5–7 l per day at maximal dose) and 5% of patients and liver volume. In a systematic review of patient per-
may develop reversible drug-induced liver injury. Thus, spectives on living with ADPKD, renal pain was described
patients receiving tolvaptan must have liver function tests as volatile and incapacitating, which disrupted daily liv-
monitored every 1-3 months while on therapy (low cer- ing and impaired ability to establish long-term life
tainty of evidence, strong recommendation). goals [47]. Hence, screening for chronic pain should be
Somatostatin analogs (octreotide, lanreotide): routine during all clinic visits. There is no high-level evi-
Somatostatin is a neuropeptide produced by dence to recommend the optimal approach for managing
gastrointestinal-derived delta-cells that attenuates intesti- chronic pain. However, in refractory cases, a stepwise
nal motility, absorption, and proliferation [71, 72]. In approach consisting of nonpharmacological (behavioral
humans, the ALADIN study (an RCT of 75 patients) modification, physiotherapy, ice/heating pads,) and phar-
showed that oectroetide reduced the increase in TKV at macological (three-step analgesic ladder) treatments fol-
1 year but not at 3 years compared to no treatment [71, 72]. lowed by minimally invasive (nerve block) and invasive
The DIPAK-1 study which was a 2.5-year RCT comparing (cyst aspiration, cyst fenestration, nephrectomy/hepatec-
lanreotide + standard care (120 mg SC 4 weekly, n = 153) tomy) therapies is suggested (low certainty of evidence,
with standard care. The results showed that lanreotide did weak recommendation) [74, 75]. A nonrandomized
not alter the decline in eGFR (−3.56 vs. −3.46 ml/ single-center study showed that a multidisciplinary
min/1.73 m2 per year) but reduced the rate of increase in sequential protocol involving nerve block can relieve pain
TKV (4.2% vs. 5.6%) [71, 72]. These data as well as the high in up to 80% of patients (n = 60) with chronic refractory
risk of gastrointestinal side-effects do not support the use pain [76].
of somatostatin analogs in ADPKD. Acute pain: The incidence of acute pain in ADPKD is
TORC1 inhibitors (everolimus, sirolimus): Animal studies less common than chronic pain, and data from the
conclusively demonstrated that TORC1 inhibitors suppress TEMPO 3:4 study suggested an average incidence of
the proliferation of cystic epithelial cells and reduce renal seven episodes per 100 years. The sudden onset of acute
cyst growth. However, two clinical trials did not confirm pain requires evaluation with history, physical examina-
the same efficacy in humans [73]. This disparity could be tion, and renal imaging (generally by CT). The differential
explained by: patient dropouts due to side effects (mouth diagnosis includes:
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300 Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
●● Kidney cyst hemorrhage and rupture: We suggest that refractory. Positron emission tomography can be used
renal cyst hemorrhage be treated with bed rest and as second-line investigation if the diagnosis is uncer-
analgesia as first-line treatment, followed by minimally tain but has low specificity and is expensive. Suspected
invasive or invasive therapies if bleeding is refractory cyst infection should be treated with lipid- and cyst-
(low certainty of evidence, weak recommendation). permeable antibiotics (e.g. norfloxacin or co-
Kidney cyst hemorrhage is characterized by sudden trimoxazole) for an extended duration (4–8 weeks). A
onset of sharp localized and unilateral abdominal pain systematic review found that risk factors for failure of
either secondary to contact sports, blunt trauma or may initial therapy (~39%) were large cysts (diameter
be spontaneous (as cysts are surrounded by neoangio- >5 cm), ESKD, and atypical organisms [80]. Safety data
genesis). In most cases (~80%) cyst hemorrhage bleed from the DIPAK trial show that lanreotide is associated
into the urinary collecting system causes macroscopic with higher risk of hepatic cyst infection for reasons
hematuria, and less commonly bleeding is retroperito- not understood.
neal. The risk of cyst hemorrhage increases with kidney ●● Effect of tolvaptan on acute pain episodes: A post hoc
size, especially when kidney length exceeds 15 cm [77]. analysis of the TEMPO 3:4 study showed that tolvaptan
Bleeding into the collecting system tends to self-resolve, use was associated with a reduced incidence kidney pain
with symptomatic episodes lasting 3–5 days, and man- events when compared to placebo (10.1% vs. 16.8%,
agement entails bed rest, increased fluid intake, and P < 0.001) [67]. This effect is largely due to a decrease in
analgesia. Rarely, selective renal artery embolization is acute pain secondary to urinary tract infection, kidney
required if retroperitoneal bleeding is refractory or stones, and hematuria, and it is not known if prescribed
catheter irrigation is required if there is ureteric clot water intake could also be similar.
obstruction [78].
●● Nephrolithiasis: Kidney stones occur in ~30% of ADPKD
patients (2-fold higher than the general population) Management of Extrarenal Complications
and are usually composed of uric acid or calcium oxa-
late [79]. They occur because of reduced citrate excre- The frequency of extrarenal manifestations is shown in
tion (an inhibitor of stone formation) and altered Table 19.11. Psychological morbidity (as discussed earlier)
tubular urine flow. Clinical features resemble classical followed by the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal sys-
renal colic with or without macroscopic hematuria and tems are the most commonly affected extra-renal areas.
urological management is the same as in the general Patients with ADPKD were historically suspected to have
population [79]. an increased incidence of malignancy, but data to support
●● Infection: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) (upper: pyelo- this hypothesis is inconsistent.
nephritis; lower: cystitis, urethritis) occur at least once
in ~30–50% of ADPKD patients. The characteristic Hepatic Cysts and Polycystic Liver Disease
features are an acute onset of unilateral renal pain, asso- Liver cysts and hepatomegaly occur in up to 80% of
ciated with fever, chills, and rigors, and/or macroscopic patients, but generally remain asymptomatic, with normal
hematuria with a positive urine culture and pyuria liver function tests in ~95% of patients [1, 10]. Approximately
(mostly gram-negative enteric organisms). The mecha- 5% of patients develop severe polycystic liver disease (PLD,
nisms and management of ADPKD-associated UTI are defined as a height-corrected liver volume >1800 ml/m)
the same as for the general population. By comparison, predominantly (~80%) in females. The increased risk in
an infected cyst (either kidney or hepatic) has a suba- females is associated with a history of multiple pregnancies
cute onset, nonspecific symptoms, low-grade fever, and and exposure to hormone replacement therapy, suggesting
evidence of systemic inflammation (elevated white cell a causative link to estrogen exposure. In these cases, we
count, C-reactive protein). The urine culture is negative suggest that severe PLD be managed by a multidisciplinary
and there may be acute tenderness corresponding to the team (hepatologist, hepatobiliary surgeon, interventional
location of the infected cyst. Features on a CT scan that radiologist, nephrologist; low certainty of evidence, weak
favor cyst infection (vs. hemorrhage) include increase recommendation). Short-term clinical trials suggest that
in cyst wall thickness or rarely the presence of gas somatostatin analogs (octreotide, lanreotide, pasiretoide)
within a cyst. There are no evidence-based guidelines reduce symptoms of PLD with a small effect on reducing
for the optimal management of cyst infection. hepatic cyst growth rate, but long-term outcomes are not
Microbiological confirmation can be difficult, as the known. Rarely, liver transplantation (due to abdominal dis-
urine culture is often negative. Occasionally, CT-guided tension and portal hypertension) is required in severe
aspiration of an infected cyst is required if antibiotic PKD [1, 10].
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Reference 301
Table 19.11 Frequency of extrarenal manifestations of ADPKD. appropriate treatment options to manage ESKD. A recent
meta-analysis (n = 14 673) showed that peritoneal dialysis-
Frequency of patients related complications (technique failure, peritonitis, her-
nia) in ADPKD patients were similar to those in non-ADPKD
Psychological issues patients [81]. As for other types of CKD, kidney transplan-
Anxiety, depression, anger and denial High tation is the preferred modality for the management of
Cardiovascular system ESKD and patients should be evaluated for need for
Cardiac valve abnormalities 25% nephrectomy prior to transplantation (high certainty of evi-
(mitral valve prolapse)
dence, strong recommendation). Transplantation may be
Hypertension 80–100%
associated with a ~2-fold increased risk for developing new-
Left ventricular hypertrophy 20–40%
onset diabetes compared to other causes of CKD [9].
Gastrointestinal system
Liver cysts 94% >35 years old
Diverticular disease 50–83% in ESKD
Hernia patients C
Pancreatic cysts 45%
Splenic cysts 9–26% At present there is minimal evidence that treatment with
Choledochal cysts 2.7% disease-modifying agents (such as vasopressin receptor
Common bile duct dilation Rare antagonists) improves outcomes in ADPKD due to uncer-
40% tainty regarding efficacy, absence of patient-centered end-
Neurological points, and the high risk of significant risk adverse events.
Intracranial aneurysms 9–12% On the other hand, it is possible that first-line treatments
Arachnoid cysts 8–12% (as described in this chapter), if instituted consistently in
Spinal meningeal cysts 1.7% early life, could reduce lifetime risk of ESKD in moderate-
Other organ complications to low-risk patients. For high-risk patients, numerous clini-
Seminal vesicle cysts 40% cal trials are in development and understanding of disease
Bronchiectasis 37% pathogenesis and diagnostics is proceeding at an exponen-
Thyroid cysts Not clearly defined tial rate. Furthermore, previously neglected areas of treat-
Risk of malignancy Controversial, not ment, such as optimal genetic and psychosocial care, ICAs,
defined and polycystic liver disease, are also gaining much deserved
attention. The challenge for basic and clinical researchers
Management of ESKD in ADPKD will be to discover, select, and recommend the most prom-
ising interventions that have acceptable side effects (given
Late-stage 4–5 CKD should be managed as for other types that they might need to be taken for decades) using the
of CKD [9]. Either peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis are most efficient methods in clinical trial design.
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dominant polycystic kidney disease. Nefrologia 32 (3): protein restriction, blood pressure control, and the
397–399. progression of polycystic kidney disease. Modification of
44 Levy, M. (2001). How well do we manage and support Diet in Renal Disease Study Group. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 5
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interview study of pain and autosomal dominant Clin. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 4 (6): 1140–1150.
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304 Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
I ntroduction E
Urinary tract infection is one of the most common bacterial Infection of the lower urinary tract accounts for between
infections around the globe, and is an important cause of 1% and 3% of all ambulatory assessments in the United
morbidity, hospitalization, and antibiotic resistance. Urinary Kingdom and approximately 0.5% of visits in the United
tract infection can be upper or lower; lower urinary tract States [2, 3]. Urinary tract infection leads to 10–20% of anti-
infection refers to infection of the bladder (or cystitis). biotic prescriptions in ambulatory care [4]. The diagnosis
Asymptomatic bacteriuria refers to the presence of >105 of a urinary tract infection is suggested by the presence of
colony-forming units in the urine without physical signs of typical urinary symptoms. Confirmation of uropathogenic
infection. Uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection is bacterial species at >100 colony-forming units/ml in the
usually a self-limiting illness. Symptom duration is reduced urine indicates infection when symptoms are present.
by treatment with antibiotics to which the infective patho- Leucocyte esterase or nitrite positivity on dipstick is highly
gen is sensitive. Urinary tract infections occur due to pre- sensitive in detecting pyuria but may not accurately rule
dominantly bowel-related organisms, most commonly out infection [5]. If the dipstick is negative in the presence
Escherichia coli, while other common bacterial etiologies of symptoms, urinary culture is appropriate to evaluate fur-
include Staphylococcus and less frequently Enterobacteriaceae ther for the diagnosis. Lower urinary tract infections mostly
(Proteus mirabilis and Klebsiella spp.). Lower urinary tract occur through migration of gut-related bacteria into the
infection is frequently identified by specific urinary tract bladder via the urethra [6]. E. coli is the most likely
symptoms combined with urine dipstick testing, with or causative organism, occurring in 70–95% of cases, with
without subsequent microbiological confirmation. Older Staphylococcus saprophyticus occurring in about 5–10% of
adults and children may present with atypical symptoms. cases and occasionally Enterobacteriaceae spp. such as
Children often present with fever and other symptoms such Proteus and Enterobacteriaceae [7]. Asymptomatic bacteri-
as lethargy, vomiting, and poor feeding. uria is considered present when there are no urinary symp-
In this chapter, we summarize the evidence and provide toms and >105 colony-forming units of pathogenic bacterial
recommendations for the treatment and prevention of species are detected in the urine.
uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection in nonpreg- Urinary tract infections are more common in boys before
nant women and in children and men (Table 20.1). We the age of 6 months, occur at similar rates for boys and girls
describe the evidence for therapeutic approaches to at 2 years (8%), occur in 1.7% of girls and boys at 7 years, and
asymptomatic bacteriuria. Discussions of the treatment in 11% and 4% of girls and boys by 16 years [8]. Women are
of complicated urinary tract infection in all adults and approximately 30 times more likely to experience lower uri-
children (including upper tract infection), and uncompli- nary tract infection than men, with almost half of women
cated urinary tract infection in pregnant women are not experiencing one or more infections during their lifetime [9].
included in this chapter. The risk is markedly increased after the onset of sexual
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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306 Urinary Tract Infection
Strength of
Treatment Recommendation Certainty of evidence recommendation
GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence [1]: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that
the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect
will be substantially different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood that it will be
substantially different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will
be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect decision-making.
ascend to the bladder [6]. The bacteria then bind directly to infection have been published. These reviews focus on
epithelial cells (facet cells) in the bladder wall, which then antibiotic therapy and some nonantibiotic interventions,
may internalize the adherent organisms [11]. Uropathogenic including cranberries and probiotics as prophylaxis. Most
bacteria may neutralize intracellular lysosomes and enter studies of urinary tract infection treatment have used
the bladder epithelial cell cytoplasm. Subsequently, bacteria symptomatic cure, bacteriological cure (short-term and
form clonal intracellular bacterial communities within facet long-term), isolation of resistant pathogens, time to symp-
cells and evade innate immune responses when encased tom resolution, days of work loss, and adverse events, par-
within a biofilm [12]. Protein secretion and induction of ticularly rash and gastrointestinal effects, as critical
host gene expression can alter the immune response to blad- outcomes. Evidence is most available for nonpregnant
der wall bacterial invasion and replication. E. coli or other women, with a small number of trials involving children,
bacteria may develop resistance to neutrophil action through and a paucity of data for outcomes in men with urinary
morphological changes and reinvade surrounding and pre- tract infection. Some men (<10%) have been included in
viously unexposed bladder wall epithelial cells. trials of women with infection. Trials have evaluated dura-
tion of antibiotic therapy, route of administration includ-
ing oral versus intravenous, and the long-term use of
rognosis antibiotics to prevent urinary tract infection. There is a lim-
ited evidentiary base for evaluation of nonpharmacological
Adult Urinary Tract Infection
Uncomplicated urinary tract infection is associated with a
good prognosis in the long term. Among women with an
Treatment of Urinary Tract Infection
infection sensitive to antibiotics, severe symptoms are
expected to last for approximately 3 days, although they Recommendations for Adults
may continue for an additional 1.5 days in women with an Adult patients with uncomplicated urinary tract infection
antimicrobial-resistant organism and somewhat longer should receive oral nitrofurantoin or trimethoprim/sul-
overall if antibiotics are not prescribed [13]. Patients may famethoxazole for 3 days (strong recommendation, high
wait almost 5 days before seeking a medical consultation level of evidence). Antibiotic therapy may be reasonably
for symptoms which have a moderate impact on activities delayed by 48 hours in adults without an indication for
of daily life, with minimal ongoing impact on usual activi- immediate treatment (moderate recommendation; moder-
ties at 10 days [14]. Recurrence of urinary traction infection ate level of evidence). Beta-lactam therapy is likely to be
is most commonly reinfection with the same organism. equivalent to other first-line antibiotic classes, although
Following a first urinary tract infection, approximately 25% local organism resistance may lead to a lower preference of
of women will have a culture-confirmed recurrence within this treatment option. Fluoroquinolones are effective but
6 months and 2.7% may have a second recurrence within associated with higher risks of antibiotic resistance. A
that time frame [15, 16]. Asymptomatic urinary tract infec- longer duration of antibiotic treatment (5–10 days) is rec-
tion is associated with increased risk of urinary tract infec- ommended for women for whom bacteriological eradica-
tion with symptoms, although antimicrobial therapy does tion might be important (planning pregnancy, recurrent,
not reduce this risk [17]. and painful lower urinary tract infections) and for all men.
participants [20]. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is as effects are common (weak recommendation, low certainty
effective as fluoroquinolones, beta-lactam drugs, and evidence). Adults do not benefit from cranberries or probi-
nitrofurantoin based on short-term and long-term resolu- otics to prevent urinary tract infections.
tion of symptoms. Rash is more commonly experienced
with trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole compared to nitro- Recommendations for Children
furantoin and fluoroquinolones. Due to higher resistance Children do require antibiotic treatment to prevention uri-
to beta-lactams in some areas, first-line therapy decisions nary tract infection (moderate recommendation, moderate
might include consideration of the potential for adverse certainty evidence).
events, local microbial patterns, and patient preferences.
In a single randomized trial in 300 nonpregnant women, Evidence in Adults
five different management approaches (empirical antibi- In 10 trials involving 430 women, microbiological and clin-
otics, delayed antibiotics [48 hours], targeted antibiotics ical recurrence were reduced during the active prophylaxis
based on a symptom score, a dipstick result, or a positive phase of therapy for 6–12 months duration. In general, the
result on a mid-stream urine analysis) achieved similar methodological quality of the contributing trials was poor,
symptom control. Antibiotic therapy based on dipstick reducing certainty in the results. In two studies, there was
results or delayed prescribing may reduce antibiotic no detectable difference between prophylactic antibiotic
use [21]. In evidence from 32 trials (9605 participants), use and placebo after completion of antibiotic therapy [24].
there was no difference between 3-day and a 5–10-day In older women with recurrent urinary tract infection,
antibiotic regimen, although the bacteriological failure three small trials compared antibiotics with vaginal estro-
rate may be higher with 3-day therapy [22]. Adverse gen therapy, probiotics, or d-mannose powder, antibiotic
events were not surprisingly more common in the 5–10- therapy similarly reduced microbiologically confirmed uri-
day treatment groups. Evidence in men is largely derived nary tract infection episodes during treatment, but there
from trials involving men as a small proportion of the was no apparent effect at 3 months after treatment cessa-
study population and is very uncertain. tion, although microbiological resistance may have been
increased [25].
Evidence in Children Cranberries release proanthocyanidins that prevent E.
Sixteen randomized controlled trials involving 1116 chil- coli adherence to bladder wall epithelia [26]. In a Cochrane
dren were included in a Cochrane systematic review of review published in 2008, it appeared that cranberries
antibiotics for treatment children with lower urinary tract might decrease symptomatic urinary tract infections in
infection [23]. The methodological quality of most studies women, and especially those with recurrent infections [27].
resulted in high or unclear risk of bias for many aspects of In an updated review that included 24 studies (4473 par-
trial conduct. This resulted in lower certainty in the evi- ticipants), cranberries did not prevent symptomatic uri-
dence and a weak recommendation. A lack of data reduced nary tract infection in women with recurrent infection,
confidence in understanding whether different classes of older women, children, pregnant women, or those with
antibiotics have different effects, based on outcomes such urinary tract abnormalities [28]. Participants experienced a
as persistent bacteriuria, recurrence, or reinfection. There high drop-out rate, indicating that cranberry juice may not
was no evidence that a longer course of treatment (10 days) be acceptable over the longer term. In nine studies (735
had different effects than a single dose, except for a higher participants) at high risk of bias involving women and girls
rate of initial bacterial eradication. Children and young with recurrent urinary tract infection, there was no evi-
people in the included studies were aged between 2 weeks dence that probiotics prevented symptomatic urinary tract
and 19 years. infection [29].
Evidence in Children
Prevention of Urinary Tract Infection
A Cochrane review published in 2019 included 16 studies
Recommendations for Adults involving 2036 children at often high risk of methodological
We suggest in women with two or more documented bias [30]. When analysis was limited to higher quality stud-
urinary tract infections in the previous 12 months that ies, there was evidence that antibiotics led to a modest reduc-
continuous antibiotic prophylaxis (trimethoprim/sul- tion in symptomatic recurrence in children with and without
famethoxazole, nitrofurantoin, cephalosporin) might be vesico-ureteric reflux. Prophylactic antibiotics possibly
used to prevent lower urinary tract infection although increased microbiological resistance. There was no evidence
the effect is limited to the active antibiotic intake period, in two Cochrane reviews that cranberries or probiotics pre-
the optimal duration of treatment is uncertain, and side vented urinary tract infection in children [28, 29].
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Reference 309
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2227–2232. 28 Jepson, R., Williams, G., and Craig, J. (2012). Cranberries
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Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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312 Toxic Nephropathies: Environmental Agents and Metals
Pb + + − Fanconi syndrome, tubular proteinuria, hypertension, gout
Cd − + − Fanconi syndrome, Ca++ wasting, tubular proteinuria
Hg + + + G → immune, genetic control, nephrotic syndrome; HgCl2 → ATN
As + + − AsH3, hemolysis
Cra + + − Cr+++ → tubular proteinuria, nasal perforation, cancer;
Cr+++++ → ATN
U + + − Tubular proteinuria
Si − − + Immune adjuvant, immune complexes, ANCA, Wegener’s granulomatosis
CCl4 + + − Liver damage, alcohol enhanced, dry cleaner
Toluene − − − Tubular proteinuria, glue sniffing
Solvents − − + Immune G, tubular proteinuria
Selected drugsb
Aminoglycosides + + − ARF after 8 days, lysosomal accumulation S1 and S2
Amphotericin B − + − Distal RTA, K+↓, Mg++↓, Uosm ↓, tubular calcification
Penicillins − + − Allergic component, acute, after 15 days, interstitial edema, lymphocytic infiltration
Vancomycin + + − ARF
Sulfonamides − + − Intra-luminal crystals, kidney stones, ARF, microhematuria, soluble in alkaline urine
Acyclovir − + − Intraluminal crystal deposition, flank pain, microhematuria
Cyclosporin A Tacrolimus + + − ARF, vasomotor, proximal tubule vacuolization, striped fibrosis, arteriolar hyalinosis
Gold salts − + + Membranous glomerulopthy, gold in tubular epithelium, separate tubular disease
d-penicillamine − − − Membranous glomerulopthy, vasculitis
cis-platinum + + − ARF, usually reversible
Mitomycin − + − Thrombosis, hemolytic uremic syndrome
ANCA, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody; ARF, acute renal failure; ATN, acute tubular necrosis; G, glomerulopathy; RTA, renal tubular
acidosis; TIN, tubular interstitial nephritis; Uosm, urine osmolality.
Depends on valance and organic form.
Often in clinically complex settings with multicausal renal damage.
blood lead has a biological half-life of about 30 days [11]. also reported a significant association between low-level
Therefore, bone lead reflects cumulative lead absorption, lead exposure and serum creatinine [7, 12]. The adverse
whereas blood lead primarily reflects recent exposure. effects of low-level lead exposure on renal function are fur-
Blood lead and bone lead predict blood pressure even ther supported by longitudinal observations. Because lead
when both are within the range traditionally considered does not accumulate in patients with kidney failure of non-
“normal.” Epidemiologic evidence that low-level lead lead etiology, these observations point to low-level lead
absorption (blood lead of <10 μg/dl) has deleterious effects exposure as a contributor to hypertension and kidney
on blood pressure and renal function was obtained from disease.
National Health and Nutrition Evaluation Survey III, Bone lead levels were found to be significant predictors
1988–1994. Analysis of data on over 15 000 Americans of hypertension in community-exposed men [13]. The
showed that hypertensive people had significantly higher mean blood lead level in these men was 6 μg/dl. Similarly,
blood lead levels (4.21 vs. 3.30 μg/dl) than people without bone lead levels were found to be a significant predictor of
hypertension [11, 12]. Two large, cross-sectional studies hypertension in nurses [14]. A study in pregnant women
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Heavy Metal 313
Table 21a.2 Treatment of environmental exposures. averaging 7 g over 3 months, significantly reduced the rate
of progression of kidney failure compared to untreated dia-
Metals Treatment betic controls. These results suggest that reducing even
very low levels of lead may improve GFR in a variety of
Pb CaNa2–EDTA, dimercaprol, succimer, nonlead-related kidney diseases. Moreover, if the benefi-
or penicillamine
cial effect of CaNa2–EDTA is, in fact, due to the removal of
Cd EDTA and supportive measure
lead from the body, these observations indicate that there is
Hg1 Dimercaprol, succimer no threshold for the deleterious effects of lead on
As Dimercaprol, succimer kidneys [18].
Cr1 Supportive measures and avodiance However, the mechanism of the beneficial effect of
U Supportive measures and avodiance CaNa2–EDTA on the kidneys is not clear. Improvement
Si Supportive measures and avodiance and management of comorbid conditions may play an
important role in the improvement of hypertension and
reduced GFR. Prevention remains the most effective
CCl4 Supportive measures and avodiance method of treatment of lead poisoning. Chelation tran-
Toluene Supportive measures and avodiance siently increases the rate of removal of lead, causing the
Solvents Supportive measures and avodiance urinary excretion of up to several milligrams of lead in
heavily exposed individuals within a few days. If, on the
CaNa2–EDTA, calcium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.
other hand, excessive exposure is terminated, the expected
urinary excretion of 100–200 μg of lead/day will achieve a
with a geometric mean blood lead level of 1.9 μg/dl found negative balance of 35–70 mg/year. Because a lifetime of
increases in bone lead were associated with an increased occupational exposure can result in bone lead stores of
risk of pregnancy hypertension [15]. Increases in both 500 mg or more, a course of chelation therapy (e.g. 1–2 g
diastolic and systolic blood pressures in pregnant women CaNa2–EDTA) eliminates only about 0.2–0.4% of the body
were significantly associated with blood lead, and the burden, whereas terminating exposure reduces bone stores
major portion of the effect was found with blood lead levels by about 10% per year. Although it is not feasible to elimi-
under 5 μg/dl. These observations on adverse effects at nate all lead intake, similar calculations for individuals
blood lead levels below 10 μg/dl in diverse groups indicate with low-level exposure indicate that, in the long term, pre-
that, even at levels traditionally considered acceptable, vention is more effective than chelation in lowering the
important adverse health effects occur. body lead stores. In summary, chelation therapy is justified
Treatment of lead-induced hypertension and kidney fail- in cases of symptomatic lead poisoning or when the blood
ure with calcium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (CaNa2– lead exceeds about 70 μg/dl, but when no symptom end
EDTA; also called calcium disodium versenate or edetate point is clearly defined, chelation for blood lead of <70 μg/
calcium disodium) may improve the glomerular filtration dl is not usually justified [8].
rate (GFR) or reduce the rate of progression of kidney fail-
ure. However, there is no clinical data to support the revers-
ibility of established interstitial nephritis after treatment
with CaNa2–EDTA [16, 17]. It is reasonable to do an EDTA Exposure to mercury can be through inhalation, oral, or
lead mobilization study and 24-hour urine collection in dermal. Mercury is a natural element with atomic weight
patients with unknown causes of hypertension, gout, and of 200.6. There are many form of organic and inorganic
potential exposure to lead. Therapeutic benefits have been mercury in the pharmaceutical industry. Mercury is unique
noted in patients with acute kidney injury from much in that it exists as a liquid at room temperature. Inorganic
lower levels of lead exposure. Lin et al. [11] treated patients mercury mostly accumulates in the kidney while organic
with chronic kidney disease (CKD) from lead exposure mercury mostly accumulates in the central nervous sys-
(mean creatinine 2.1 mg/dl, mean blood lead 5.3 μg/dl) tem. A number of studies have suggested that patients/ani-
with CaNa2–EDTA, 4–13 g intravenously, over 2 years. The mals with reduced renal function are at greater risk of
treated group had a modest improvement in GFR averag- mercury renal toxicity [19]. The salt of mercury thimerosal
ing 3.4 ml/min, whereas untreated controls had a decrease is still used in vaccines as a preservative. The toxicity of
in GFR of 1.0 ml/min during this period. The same labora- mercury depends on both its chemical form and the route
tory demonstrated that low levels of lead absorption corre- of absorption. Although preferentially accumulated in the
late significantly with the rate of progression of kidney kidney, neurologic disease, but not kidney disease, regu-
failure in type 2 diabetics and that CaNa2–EDTA therapy, larly follows exposure to elemental mercury. Once in the
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314 Toxic Nephropathies: Environmental Agents and Metals
environment, elemental mercury undergoes biotransfor- among the nonsmoking population [24]. However, in the
mation to both organic and inorganic salts, which are smoking population, inhalation is the primary route of expo-
absorbed by living organisms and thus enter the food sure as tobacco plants accumulate Cd in high concentra-
chain. Mercury at the cellular level accumulates at proxi- tions. Verdugo et al. investigated the concentration of Cd in
mal tubular cells via OAT-1 and 3. Mercury may alter the cigarettes and found that 1–2 μg of Cd were present in each
function and structure of nephrons. After exposure to a cigarette, of which 5% is absorbed by the lungs [25–27].
toxic dose of mercury exposure, mitochondrial swelling Once Cd is absorbed systemically, it accumulates in mul-
and dilation of the endoplasmic reticulum of proximal tiple organs, including bone and liver, like other heavy
tubular cell can be identified [20]. metals, but also in the kidney. As much as 50% of the total
In addition to diuresis and acute tubular necrosis, mer- body stores are found in the kidney, which explains the sig-
cury has been sporadically reported to cause nephrotic syn- nificant renal adverse effects associated with Cd [28, 29].
drome in what has usually been considered an idiosyncratic Cadmium deposition in the bone results in a long half-life,
response. Observations in rats may provide a framework requiring decades for complete elimination. Complete
for understanding mercury-induced glomerular disease in elimination, however, is difficult because of the chronic
humans. In 1971, Bariety et al. [21] reported that multiple low-dose exposure that may initially go unnoticed until
subcutaneous injections of HgCl2 in specific rat strains, in large burdens accumulate.
doses too small to produce tubular necrosis, induced mem- While renal handling of Cd is complex and not fully
branous nephropathy. Kidney disease characterized by glo- understood, it is known that Cd has a high affinity for sulf-
merular deposition of immune complexes and heavy hydrl moieties, and is suspected to be transported along
proteinuria developed in about 2 months. Subsequent stud- with organic anions/cations and amino acids or oligopep-
ies showed that the immune response is actually biphasic; ties [30]. Additionally Cd utilizes other metal transports
immune complex deposition is preceded by antiglomerular such as divalent metal transporter (DMT1) and zinc trans-
basement membrane antibody and complement deposi- porters such as ZIP8 and ZIP14 to cross cell membranes.
tion. The response to mercury in the rat is under precise Despite these routes, it is suspected that most Cd enters the
genetic control. As little as 0.05 mg/kg of body weight will proximal tubular epithelial cells after being transformed to
elicit immunologically mediated glomerular disease in Cd-metallothionein [MT] by the liver. Cd-MT is a nontoxic
selected strains. As in humans, mercury-induced glomeru- byproduct that usually accumulates in the liver, but may be
lar disease in rats is self-limited [22]. released through Cd-induced hepatocellular necrosis,
There are no randomized clinical trials for the treatment resulting in serum Cd-MT, which is subsequently absorbed
of acute tubular necrosis or nephrotic syndrome due to mer- by the proximal tubular epithelium via endocytosis [30,
cury. Chelation therapy has been employed for excessive 31]. Once in the kidney, Cd disassociates from MT in the
mercury exposure, often defined as more than 5 μg Hg/dl in lysosomes where it may lead to renal adverse effects.
blood or 50 μg Hg/l in urine, but evidence for the effective- Accumulation of Cd in the kidney typically causes polyu-
ness of chelation therapy is lacking. Traditional use of BAL ria, reduced GFR, and Fanconi syndrome [28].
(British antilewisite, dimercaprol) for chelating mercury is Thought rarely tested, cadmium monitoring can be
currently being replaced by its soluble congeners, dimercap- done through urine and or blood assays. Serum levels are
topropane sulfonic acid (unithiol or Dimaval) and succimer helpful for acute exposures (within the last month),
(dimercaptosuccinic acid, Chemet). Dimercaptopropane whereas urinary sampling is utilized when chronic expo-
sulfonic acid is the chelator of choice for inorganic mercury sure is suspected. Given that most people are exposed
intoxication, whereas succimer is the agent of choice for chronically at low dose, urinary excretion of Cd is a more
organic mercury [22]. Case reports suggest that in the pres- reliable indicator, especially when it comes to renal and
ence of severe kidney failure the mercury-chelate complex total body burden [23, 32]. Monitoring for kidney damage
can be removed by hemodialysis or hemofiltration. typically involves nonspecific signs including urinary bio-
markers, β2-microglobulin, N-acetyl-β-d -glucosamidase
(NAG), kidney injury moleculre-1 (KIM-1), and cystatin
C [28], the latter being a more reliable biomarker for Cd-
Cadmium (Cd) is an environmentally prevalent heavy metal induced damage [33]. Prolonged Cd exposure typically
and pollutant that is known to have multiple adverse effects manifests as proximal tubular microvilli damage, result-
on the human body and is most commonly found in batter- ing in reduced transporters and reabsorption. If severe
ies, plastics, pigments, and fertilizers [23]. Given its role in enough, Fanconi syndrome may be diagnosed, which is
fertilizers, Cd can accumulate in both plants and animals. characterized by aminoaciduria, glucosuria, hypercalciu-
As a result, diet becomes the primary route of exposure ria, and hyperphosphaturia. While kidney damage has
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Silico 315
multiple negative downstream effects, nonrenal adverse effluents, the syndrome, known as itai-itai or “ouch-
events occur such as decreased synthesis of activated vita- ouch” disease, primarily afflicted postmenopausal, mul-
min D (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol) and liver damage. tiparous women. Sustained deficiencies in iron, zinc,
Multiple epidemiological studies have documented a calcium, and vitamin D rendered these women particu-
dose-related correlation to renal insufficiency, but given larly vulnerable to cadmium toxicity [45]. Women with
the high incidence and prevalence of CKD in the world, itai-itai disease tended to have reduced GFR, anemia,
one must have a high clinical suspicion to diagnose Cd- lymphopenia, and hypotension as well as osteomalacia.
induced CKD. This most typically occurs in places with They exhibited a waddling gait, short stature, anemia, gly-
high incidence of Cd in the environment such as Sri cosuria, and elevated serum alkaline phosphatase levels.
Lanka [34]. As CKD develops and GFR declines, there is Hypertension was absent. β2-microglobulin excretion
a reduced capacity to clear the nephrotoxin, exacerbating exceeded the normal maximum (1 mg/g of creatinine) by
preexisting renal disease [35–38]. 100-fold, and GFR was substantially reduced in the most
Excretion occurs very slowly given the distribution and severely affected individuals. Long-term follow-up stud-
deposition in the bone, but risk factors such as age, gender, ies showed that excessive urinary excretion of the low-
and diabetes decrease excretion. One study reported molecular-weight protein β2-microglobulin predicts the
decreased urinary Cd was associated with diabetic rats later development of kidney failure in patients with itai-
compared to nondiabetic rats [4]. Although not fully itai disease and that kidney damage progresses even after
understood, some studies have shown decreased insulin exposure has ceased. Succimer is effective for chelation in
expression in Cd exposure, but this is confounded because acute cadmium poisoning [22]. No agent has been found
both Cd and diabetes cause renal disease, which has been to be effective for mobilizing hepatic or renal stores of
shown to decrease excretion. Interestingly, studies assess- cadmium [2, 46].
ing the differential burdens of Cd between men and women
found women to have greater burdens compared to men.
Further investigation revealed that both blood and urinary S
Cd levels correlate with age and iron stores. On average
women tend to have lower iron stores than men and as a Silicon is a semimetal found as the dioxide (SiO2, silicon
result of the lower iron stores, they upregulate DMT1 in an dioxide) in 28% of the earth’s crust. It has been reported
attempt to absorb more iron. This also facilitates Cd uptake to induce interstitial nephritis by direct deposition of
through the same transporter, ultimately predisposing crystalline material in the renal parenchyma [47] and by
those with low iron to increased Cd uptake [39–41]. immunologic mechanisms acting as an adjuvant to stim-
Once cadmium has been detected in the body at toxic lev- ulate the immune response [48]. Tubular proteinuria is
els, treatment is primarily through chelation therapy with found in workers exposed to silica dust. The odds of a
succimer or EDTA. Further research still has to be done, but sandblaster developing end-stage renal disease is 3.8
other metals such as zinc and magnesium have been shown compared to matched controls. In the accelerated form
to limit renal toxicity. While the mechanism of action is of silicosis known as silicoproteinosis, silicon dust
likely multifactorial, it has been shown to prevent enzyme appears to be indirectly responsible for rapidly progres-
alteration as well as saturate metal transporters. This hin- sive, immune complex-mediated focal glomerulosclero-
ders the further uptake of Cd into both the cell and the body. sis [49]. In addition to severe pulmonary disease, these
While no agents are particularly effective for removing Cd patients develop an overwhelming autoimmune response
from the liver, zinc has been shown to help transform Cd to that frequently includes lupus erythematosus [23] or
the nontoxic form (Cd-MT) and reduce cellular apoptosis rheumatoid arthritis (Caplan’s syndrome). Glomerular
induced by Cd [42–44]. Overall, to diagnose Cd toxicity, one disease, sometimes in association with silica-induced
must have a high suspicion for it as exposure is commonly systemic sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and
low dose and chronic. Despite limited interventions, diag- small vessel vasculitis, has also been described as a result
nosing cadmium toxicity enables environmental assessment of exposure to silica dust independent of silicosis [24].
in an attempt to reduce exposure and limit further damage. Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (c-ANCA)-positive
Wegener’s granulomatosis has been associated with
Itai-Itai Disease exposure to silica dust as well as to silica-containing
In Japan, a painful bone disease associated with pseudof- compounds, such as grain dust. No specific therapies
ractures due to cadmium-induced renal calcium wasting have been reported for silica-induced glomerular disease
was recognized in the 1950s. Attributed to local contamina- other than those in current use for immunologically
tion of food staples by river water polluted with industrial medicated glomerular disease [3].
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316 Toxic Nephropathies: Environmental Agents and Metals
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318 Toxic Nephropathies: Environmental Agents and Metals
Toxic Nephropathies: Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
Joseph B. Pryor1, William M. Bennett2, and Ali Olyaei3
Department of Internal Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, School of Medicine, Portland, USA
Department of Nephrology, Legacy Transplant Services, Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center, Portland, USA
Department of Pharmacy, Oregon State University/Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, USA
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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320 Toxic Nephropathies: Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
underlying kidney disease, without the risk of jeopardizing aintenance of Renal Blood Flow
prostaglandin-dependent kidney function. By contrast, and Glomerular Filtration Rate
higher doses of aspirin can inhibit COX-2-derived prosta-
cyclin production. Prostacyclin is mainly COX-2 derived NSAIDs produce negligible effects on the renal hemodynam-
and is inhibited by both nonselective NSAIDs and COX-2- ics of most young and healthy euvolemic subjects [24, 25].
selective NSAIDs. Therefore, a potential cardiovascular However, in hemodynamic compromised subjects, NSAIDS
risk is seen with nonselective NSAIDs as well as COX-2- are associated with number of renal syndromes. Prostaglandins
selective drugs [12–14]. maintain renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate
despite vasoconstrictor stimuli, such as leukotrienes, throm-
Actions of Renal Prostaglandins boxane A2, angiotensin II, vasopressin, endothelin, and
catecholamines. Though vasoconstrictive, catecholamines
Both COX-1 and COX-2 are expressed extensively in the kid- stimulate local prostaglandin production, resulting in a feed-
ney. COX-2 activities have been identified mostly in the mac- back loop between vasoconstrictors and vasodilatory prosta-
ula densa and medulla while COX-1 works in the glomerulus glandins [26–28]. PGF2α-like peroxidation products also have
and both cortical and medullary collective ducts [15, 16]. major vasoconstrictive effects [29]. Thus, in patients with
The kidney produces the vasodilator prostaglandins PGE2, underlying ischemic or inflammatory renal injury, the addi-
PGF2α, and PGI2 as well as vasoconstrictive thromboxane tion of a nonselective or COX-2-selective NSAID not only
A2. These autocoids, synthesized and metabolized by the decreases the production of vasodilatory prostaglandins but
kidney, autoregulate renal blood flow, renin release, tubular also results in the nonenzymatic formation of vasoconstrictor
ion transport, and water metabolism [17, 18]. PGI2, which is metabolites of arachidonic acid, further jeopardizing renal
mainly present in the afferent arteriole and glomerulus, blood flow and glomerular filtration. However, in the pres-
plays a major role in controlling glomerular hemodynam- ence of salt depletion, an ineffective circulating plasma vol-
ics [19]. In contrast, PGE2, which is predominantly produced ume, or under conditions characterized by high circulating
in the collecting tubule and within the interstitium, regu- levels of vasoconstrictor hormones, NSAIDs may be nephro-
lates medullary hemodynamics [18]. toxic. Such conditions include cirrhosis, hypovolemia, cardiac
disease, renal disease, septic shock, advanced age, diuretic
use, diabetes mellitus, and following surgery [30].
ffects on COX-2 NSAIDs on Renal
E In elderly, salt-replete subjects, both indomethacin and
Prostaglandins rofecoxib decreased sodium excretion, but only indomethacin
reduced the glomerular filtration rate [20]. Celecoxib, like
All NSAIDS, nonselective or selective, prevent prostaglan- rofecoxib, affects renal function in selected groups of subjects.
din synthesis in the kidneys. The urinary excretion of PGE2 Whelton et al. compared celecoxib with naproxen in 29
and 6-keto-PGF1a, the stable metabolite of PGI2, reflects healthy elderly subjects in a single-blind, randomized, crosso-
the renal synthesis of PGE2 and PGI2, respectively. In ver study [31]. Subjects were given either celecoxib at 200 mg
healthy older adults, rofecoxib reduces baseline urinary twice daily for 5 days followed by celecoxib at 400 mg twice
6-keto-PGF1α by 47%, comparable to the 53% reduction daily for the next 5 days or they received naproxen at 500 mg
induced by indomethacin [20]. In another study, rofecoxib twice daily for 10 days. After a 7-day washout, subjects were
reduced urinary PGE2 and 6-keto-PGF1α excretion in crossed over to the other regimen. Glomerular filtration rate
healthy volunteers by approximately 40–50%, similar to fell more with naproxen than with celecoxib, although uri-
that induced by meloxicam or diclofenac [21]. This inhibi- nary excretion of prostaglandin E2, 6-keto-PGF1α, and sodium
tion has a profound effect on hemodynamic compensatory was comparable. In another study involving salt-depleted
mechanism in the kidneys. elderly subjects, rofecoxib and indomethacin induced a com-
Furthermore, excretion of urinary 6-keto-PGF1α was parable reduction of glomerular filtration rate [32]. These
comparable in response to celecoxib and traditional studies illustrate that COX-2 inhibitors and nonselective
NSAIDs [22]. In a trial of healthy elderly volunteers con- NSAIDs have similar effects on renal hemodynamics.
suming normal amounts of sodium, multiple doses of
twice-daily celecoxib reduced PGE2 and 6-keto-PGF1α
excretion to the same degree as naproxen, by approximately Postoperative Use of NSAIDs
65 and 80%, respectively [23]. These data suggest that the
COX-2 isoform plays an important role in renal prostaglan- Lee and coworker in a meta-analysis of 19 trials (n = 1024)
din biosynthesis. It is thus likely that COX-2 inhibitors will demonstrated that the postoperative use of NSAIDs in
impact renal function just as nonselective NSAIDs do. adults with normal preoperative renal function resulted in
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Clinical Syndromes Associated with Nonselective and COX-2-Selective NSAIDs 321
Table 21b.1 Patients at risk for renal impairment. trials, there are no differences in renal side effects between
COX-2-selective inhibitors and nonselective inhibitors. In
Heart failure; EF less than 40% the PRESION study, the serum creatinine level of 2.0 mg/
Liver disease dl (177 μmol/l), an increase of verified serum creatinine
Patients with SCr > 1.5 mg/dl level of 0.7 mg/dl (62 μmol/l) from baseline or doubling of
Elderly population the baseline serum creatinine, or hyperkalemia (defined as
Dehydration (protracted-several days)
>6 mmol/dl) with 50% elevation in serum creatinine and
initiation of hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis were
Concomitant use of nephrotoxins (cyclosporine, tacrolimus,
aminoglycoside, etc.) comparable between naproxen and celecoxib while much
higher for ibuprofen (0.5% vs. 0.9% P = 0.004) [10]
SCr, serum creatinine.
A multicenter study in France examined the incidence tubular damage coexists with tubulo-interstitial infiltrate
and subsequent outcome of patients with drug-induced predominantly of T-lymphocytes and, to a lesser extent,
acute kidney failure [49]. Of the 398 patients with acute monocytes/macrophages, B lymphocytes, plasma cells,
kidney failure, 147 (36.9%) had taken NSAIDs. One-third and eosinophils [57, 65]. Rarely, a granulomatous intersti-
of them required dialysis, and 71.4% recovered or regained tial nephritis is seen [66]. Immunofluorescence micros-
previous renal function. A renal biopsy obtained in 25 copy is usually negative or nonspecific. The predominance
patients with NSAID-associated kidney failure disclosed of T-lymphocytes in the interstitial infiltrate has been
acute tubular necrosis and acute interstitial nephritis in 21 taken to indicate that T-lymphocyte activation mediates
patients and either minimal change nephropathy or this syndrome, rather than a humoral mechanism, as
chronic renal damage in four. A nested case–control study seen in other forms of drug-induced acute interstitial
using the United Kingdom General Practice Research nephritis [56, 57]. Inhibition of renal COX has also been
Database reported that current users had an RR of develop- incriminated in the genesis of NSAID-induced acute
ing acute kidney failure of 3.2 (95% CI 1.8–5.8) compared tubulo-interstitial nephritis. The resulting stimulation of
with non-NSAID users [50]. This increased risk was higher the lipoxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism
in patients with heart failure, hypertension, or diabetes. produces leukotrienes, which are potent chemotactic fac-
Thus, although renal side effects from NSAID use are rela- tors for lymphocytes. Recovery of renal function may be
tively rare, renal damage can be irreversible and the out- only partial [65], and chronic interstitial fibrosis may pro-
come can be fatal. Renal function usually improves upon gress to chronic renal failure [67]. Prednisolone has been
drug withdrawal, although in some cases permanent renal successfully used in anecdotal reports, but there is no
damage may occur [51]. conclusive evidence that corticosteroids hasten the reso-
Acute kidney failure and hyperkalemia have been lution of the renal lesion [2].
observed after the administration of COX-2-selective inhib-
itors to patients with risk factors for NSAID-induced acute
renal insufficiency, including underlying chronic renal Glomerulonephritis
impairment and volume depletion [52]. Acute kidney fail-
ure was also reported in a patient with a kidney transplant Membranous nephropathy with nephrotic syndrome may
4 weeks after starting rofecoxib [53]. occur as an idiosyncratic reaction to various classes of
NSAIDs [68–70]. The temporal association with the intake
of NSAIDs, the prompt and complete recovery after drug
cute Tubulo-Interstitial Nephritis discontinuation, and the absence of recurrent disease may
help distinguish NSAID-associated membranous nephropa-
NSAIDs of different classes have been associated with thy from the idiopathic form [71]. As with NSAIDs, glomer-
acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis and kidney failure [2, 51, ulopathies with the nephrotic syndrome can occur with
54, 55]. Acute allergic tubulo-interstitial nephritis due to COX-2 inhibitors [63]. Membranous nephropathy with
NSAIDs is much less common than hemodynamic kidney acute interstitial nephritis secondary to celecoxib has been
failure. The patients are often elderly and may have taken described [58].
the offending agent for months or years before the develop-
ment of acute interstitial nephritis. Clinical evidence of an
allergic reaction, such as fever, rash, arthralgia, eosino- Renal Papillary Necrosis
philia, or eosinophiluria, is uncommon. Of note, proteinu-
ria, often in the nephrotic range, may occasionally appear, Renal papillary necrosis has been infrequently reported in
especially in fenoprofen-induced tubulo-interstitial nephri- patients treated with ibuprofen, indomethacin, phenylb-
tis [54, 56, 57]. Cases of interstitial nephritis have been utazone, fenoprofen, or mefenamic acid [51, 67, 72–74] or
reported with both celecoxib and rofecoxib [58–64]. In two with paracetamol [75, 76]. One case of celecoxib-related
cases, interstitial nephritis was associated with glomeru- renal papillary necrosis has been reported [77].
lopathies, one case with minimal change disease [62] and
the other one with membranous nephropathy [58]. Thus,
there is little evidence that suggests a major difference Chronic Kidney Disease
between NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors in the incidence of
acute interstitial nephritis. Sandler et al. evaluated the risk for chronic kidney disease
NSAID-induced acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis is associated with regular use of nonaspirin NSAIDs in 554
formally diagnosed by renal biopsy. A patchy acute patients with newly diagnosed chronic renal dysfunction [5].
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Hyperkalemia and Hyporeninemic Hypoaldosteronis 323
They found a twofold-increased risk for chronic kidney dis- Whelton et al. performed a post hoc analysis on the renal
ease in patients with a history of previous daily use of safety of celecoxib, incorporating more than 50 clinical
NSAIDs (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 2.1, 95% CI 1.1–4.1). The studies with more than 13 000 subjects [23]. The most
increased risk was predominantly limited to men older common events, peripheral edema (2.1%), hypertension
than 65 years, for whom the OR was 10.0 (95% CI 1.2–82.7) (0.8%), and exacerbation of preexisting hypertension
after adjusting for use of other analgesics. The NSAID- (0.6%), were not dose or time-related. Their incidence and
associated risk was also greater among those with a history profile were similar to those of nonselective NSAIDs. A
of conditions that might indicate an enhanced susceptibil- similar post hoc analysis of rofecoxib revealed peripheral
ity to the effects of NSAIDs, including previous myocardial edema in 3.8% of patients [90].
infarction, congestive heart failure, heavy alcohol con- Whelton et al. also compared the effects of celecoxib at
sumption (as a surrogate for cirrhosis), or diuretic use. 200 mg and rofecoxib at 25 mg over a 6-week period in 810
These observations were confirmed in a case-control study hypertensive patients with osteoarthritis, aged over
of 716 patients with end-stage renal failure and 361 con- 65 years [91]. Edema developed in nearly twice as many
trols [6]. In this study, a high cumulative intake of NSAIDs rofecoxib-treated than celecoxib treated patients (9.5% vs.
(>5000 tablets) was associated with a 4.5-fold excess risk of 4.9%, P = 0.014). Systolic blood pressure increased signifi-
end-stage renal failure, although the CI was wide (1.0–19.5) cantly in 17% of rofecoxib-treated patients, compared
and, curiously, this excess risk was not seen when an aver- with 11% of celecoxib-treated patients (P = 0.032). In con-
age annual intake of NSAIDs was examined. Other studies clusion, celecoxib induces edema less frequently and
of NSAID usage in hospitalized patients [78, 79] and also results in smaller rises in blood pressure than rofecoxib.
cohort studies, however, did not show this association [80, A meta-analysis of COX-2 inhibitors and their effects on
81]. The reasons for these discrepant findings are unclear. blood pressure showed that they were associated with a
On balance, it seems likely that chronic NSAID use may be nonsignificant higher risk of causing hypertension com-
associated with a slightly increased risk for the develop- pared with placebo (RR 1.61, 95% CI 0.91–2.84) or nonse-
ment of chronic kidney failure. Some patients with chronic lective NSAIDs (RR 1.25, 95% CI 0.87–1.78) [92]. Thus,
kidney failure rely on prostaglandin-mediated vasodilata- both NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors can raise blood
tion to maintain renal blood flow [82–84]. Addition of pressure, especially in hypertensive, elderly patients,
NSAIDs may cause further deterioration of renal func- and there is no substantial evidence to suggest that
tion [49, 82, 84, 85]. COX-2 inhibitors are safer in this respect.
Pavlicevic et al., in a prospective clinical study, investi-
gated 88 hypertensive patients being treated with lisino-
Salt and Water Retention pril/hydrochlorothiazide and amlodipine. The effects of
addition of ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or piroxicam were
NSAID therapy may aggravate the sodium retention recorded over a 3-month period. A significant systolic
induced by renal hypoperfusion in heart failure, cirrhosis, blood pressure increase of 7.7–9.9% (P < 0.001) was
or nephrotic syndrome [3]. Hyponatremia may occur if reported when ibuprofen and piroxicam were also given
water retention is disproportionate to sodium reten- with lisinopril/hydrochlorothiazide and NSAIDs [93].
tion [86], especially when thiazide diuretics are given
simultaneously [2].
yperkalemia and Hyporeninemic
NSAIDs may cause hyperkalemia, and this is seen more
Two large meta-analyses encompassing more than 90 commonly in patients with chronic kidney failure, diabe-
studies have demonstrated that NSAIDs may increase tes mellitus, and type IV tubular acidosis through previ-
blood pressure, especially in previously hypertensive ously outlined mechanisms [39, 94]. Increases in
patients [87, 88]. NSAIDs elevate supine mean blood potassium levels are also expected to occur with
pressure by 5 mmHg [88], a rise known to increase COX-2 inhibitors. Indeed, rofecoxib raises serum potas-
hypertension-related morbidity and mortality [89]. This sium levels by more than 0.8 mM, with a similar incidence
complication is of importance in the elderly, who are fre- as NSAIDs [95]. In a retrospective cohort study of 202
quently prescribed NSAIDs for musculoskeletal disorders patients using propensity scores methods the incidence of
and also have a high prevalence of other chronic disor- hyperkalemia was compared between nonselective
ders, including hypertension. NSAIDS versus COX-2 selective NSAIDs. Compared to
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324 Toxic Nephropathies: Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
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326 Toxic Nephropathies: Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
Swapnil Hiremath
Department of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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332 Hypertension
technique and with inadequate rest is perfectly useless and masked hypertension, nocturnal dipping pattern, and pro-
should be abandoned [5]. At the other end, we have 24- vide an assessment of variability.
hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) Another out-of-office technique is home BP measure-
which provides multiple measurements throughout the ment. Modern home BP devices use an oscillometric tech-
day and night, thus providing an assessment of the overall nique, and are cheap and easy to use. They offer similar
BP load, diurnal pattern, and an assessment of out of office advantages to the ABPM method, in providing multiple
BP values. However, it is not available in all jurisdictions, measures for an overall BP load, potentially minimizing
and cost as well as logistics may hinder universal adoption. white coat effect and picking up masked effect. Caveats of
A properly done resting office measurement can go a long home BP measurement include the accuracy of these
way, but manual methods are notoriously unreliable, with devices, as multiple studies have reported a large propor-
human error, poor technique, terminal digit preference, tion of home BP monitors being inaccurate [12, 13]. Lastly,
and such issues being an unsurmountable barrier despite they do not provide a picture of nocturnal pattern and vari-
educational efforts [6]. Automated oscillometric blood ability as ABPM does. They do, however, empower patients,
pressure (AOBP) offers a suitable compromise, especially and have been reported to result in improved BP control,
newer devices which can specify a period of rest before ini- potentially by overcoming therapeutic inertia [14].
tiating measurement and with repeat measurements pro- Wearable BP devices are the next frontier, with one
viding an average of two to five readings [7, 8]. Comparative device being approved recently in the United States.
data suggests AOBP use decreases the misdiagnosis of Potentially, these will provide richer data about BP and
white coat hypertension and, more importantly, it approxi- empower patients immensely. Certain caveats about their
mates proper resting BP measurement (as is done in clini- accuracy and the ability to deal with the sheer amount of
cal trials) more than a casual measurement [7]. Recent information and possible resultant false alarms will have to
hypertension trials, including Heart Outcomes Prevention be worked out before widespread adoption [15].
Evaluation – 3 (HOPE-3), Action to Control Cardiovascular To summarize, out-of-office measurement, preferably
Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) and the Systolic Blood with ABPM followed by home BP measurement, is the pre-
Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT) all used a form of ferred way of diagnosing and following up hypertension
AOBP, and further validation of AOBP with clinical out- management. Office measurement with AOBP is a reason-
comes should be considered hence unnecessary [9–11]. able alternative when this option is not routinely available.
Nevertheless, AOBP should not be construed as a replace- Table 22.1 provides highlights of different BP measure-
ment for ABPM. The ABPM can allow for diagnosis of ment techniques.
AOBP Eliminates many human errors More time required Used in recent trials
Can specify rest period Workflow may be slowed Devices vary with respect to
Multiple measurements Cannot diagnose masked period of rest, number of
Minimizes white coat effect hypertension or diurnal pattern measurements
AOBP, automated oscillometric blood pressure; ABPM, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; BP, blood pressure.
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Why Treat Hypertensio? 333
exact biological explanation for this phenomenon is not sat- sodium, more potassium, and other dietary interventions),
isfactorily elucidated yet, though observational studies sug- more exercise and weight loss, and lower alcohol intake.
gest associations with age, sex, increased sympathetic These are well-established interventions on the basis of
activity, and certain personality types [26]. RCTs and systematic reviews of RCTs, mostly in the gen-
This phenomenon matters in CKD because the preva- eral population. Most of these can be extrapolated to the
lence of masked hypertension in CKD is higher than in CKD population, with a few considerations, as summa-
the general population. Most reports peg the prevalence rized in Table 22.4 [34, 35].
at about 20–30% with slightly higher numbers (43–50%)
Sodium: A good systematic review from the World
reported in two cohorts with a high proportion of African-
Health Organization (WHO) reports a reduction in BP of
American individuals [21, 27–33]. More important than
about 3.4 mmHg in systolic BP and 1.5 mmHg in dias-
mere prevalence numbers is whether masked hyperten-
tolic BP in trials of reducing sodium intake [36]. The
sion is associated with adverse outcomes. Masked hyper-
mean reduction of sodium intake in these trials was an
tension is indeed associated with surrogate outcomes
impressive 1.7 g/day (45% from baseline). Though these
such as increased left ventricular mass index and protein-
trials were in the general population, one could presume
uria, and also with a higher risk of cardiovascular out-
that the contribution of sodium intake to hypertension
comes (see Table 22.3 for a summary of the reported
would be even higher in the CKD population. One small
literature). Perhaps even more clinically relevant is
RCT from Australia of 20 patients did report a signifi-
whether treatment of masked hypertension mitigates the
cant decrease in BP with sodium restriction, of
risk of these adverse outcomes or just represents a more
−10/4 mmHg, in patients with CKD (glomerular filtra-
aggressive phenotype with the masked hypertension
tion rate [GFR] 15–59 ml/min) [37]. Another small
being an epiphenomenon? An ongoing randomized trial,
crossover RCT of 58 patients with stage 3 or 4 CKD also
the MASTER trial (MASked-unconTrolled hypERtension
reported a decrease of 10.7 mmHg in 24-hour ABPM,
Management Based on Office BP or on Out-of-office,
accompanying a 57 mmol decrease in 24-hour urinary
Ambulatory BP Measurement; NCT02804074) might fill
sodium and a mean weight loss of 2.3 kg [38].
some of these lacunae, randomizing 1240 patients to an
Potassium: Another WHO systematic review highlighted
office versus ABPM guided strategy. The sample size is
the evidence that increasing potassium intake (whether
powered for surrogate outcomes (albuminuria and left
by diet or by using a supplement) also resulted in lower
ventricular mass index) and not hard clinical outcomes,
BP, on the order of −3.5 mmHg in systolic BP and
nevertheless it will be helpful to validate the practice of
−2.0 mmHg in diastolic BP [39]. Increasing potassium
diagnosing and treating masked hypertension.
intake, needless to say, should be done more carefully and
extrapolating to CKD, especially advanced CKD, where
there might be a limit to the tubular potassium excretion,
Treatment of Hypertension in CKD may not be wise. An ongoing RCT of a potassium supple-
ment (40 mmol of potassium chloride, potassium citrate
Nonpharmacological Measures
or placebo) in 400 patients with advanced CKD (GFR
Nonpharmacological measures that have been reported to 15–44 ml/min) will provide more data on the efficacy and
be efficacious in hypertension include changes in diet (less safety of potassium in the CKD population [40].
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Treatment of Hypertension in CK 335
Table 22.3 Estimates of masked hypertension in the literature and the association with clinical outcomes.
controlled Masked uncontrolled
hypertension hypertension
Table 22.3 (Continued)
controlled Masked uncontrolled
hypertension hypertension
AASK, African American Study of Kidney Disease; ACR, albumin to creatinine ratio; CRIC, Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort study; GFR,
glomerular filtration rate; HONEST, Home BP measurement with Olmesartan Naive patients to Establish Standard Target blood pressure; LV,
left ventricular.
Sodium reduction −3.4/1.5 mmHg Yes Small RCTs in CKD suggest greater BP lowering (~10 mmHg)
Potassium increase −3.5/2.0 mmHg No Risk of hyperkalemia
Await ongoing RCTs
Alcohol reduction −5.5/4.0 mmHg No Little reason to doubt heterogeneity in CKD
Exercise −4.6/2.6 mmHg Yes Small trials, adherence, effectiveness unknown
DASH diet −11.4/5.5 mmHg No Small feeding RCT of n = 11
Observational data suggests benefit
BP, blood pressure; CKD, chronic kidney disease; DASH, Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension; RCTs, randomized clinical trials.
DASH diet: The Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension are high in saturated fat, such as fatty meats, full-fat dairy
(DASH) trial demonstrated a robust reduction in systolic products, and tropical oils such as coconut, palm kernel,
BP of 11.4 mmHg and diastolic BP of 5.5 mmHg [41]. The and palm oils, and limiting sugar-sweetened beverages
DASH diet consists of eating vegetables, fruits, and whole and sweets. Of interest in CKD, the DASH diet provides
grains, including fat-free or low-fat dairy products, fish, approximately 4700 mg potassium corresponding to about
poultry, beans, nuts, and vegetable oils, limiting foods that 120 mmol/day. A small feeding trial of 11 patients with
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Treatment of Hypertension in CK 337
CKD did not demonstrate a significant increase in serum methylphenidate, and over-the-counter remedies such as
potassium (+0.15 ± 0.28 mmol/l) [42]. Longer-term data cough/cold/allergy preparations, appetite suppressants,
are not available. Observational data suggest an associa- licorice and drugs such as cocaine.
tion between following the DASH pattern of diet and
slower decline of kidney function [43], but there are no
Efficacy and Effectiveness
RCTs which support such an effect. Caution should be
in Nonpharmacological Interventions
exercised in recommending the DASH diet in patients
who may have high normal potassium or being concomi- Several caveats should be taken into account when consid-
tantly started on other agents such as renin angiotensin ering nonpharmacological interventions for management
system (RAS) blockade. of hypertension in CKD. Indeed, patients often favor life-
style modifications and shy away from starting BP lowering
Alcohol: Despite robust epidemiological data supporting
medications, demonstrating pill disutility, sometimes of an
the association of higher alcohol intake and BP, most
extreme nature [49]. In situations when the observed BP is
public health messages do not mention temperance as a
~5 mmHg higher than the target, and in a motivated
means of lowering BP. These data are actually now bol-
patient, it is indeed reasonable to focus on lifestyle changes
stered with high-quality trials which show that reduc-
and review at the next visit. However, effects seen in RCTs
tion of alcohol intake results in a lowering of BP, with an
are likely to be an overestimate of the effects one might see
overall effect of −5.5/−4 mmHg for systolic and diastolic
in real clinical practice. RCTs of diet in the hypertension
BP [44]. Moreover, this meta-analysis also demonstrated
literature are feeding trials (and are not trials of coun-
a dose–response effect, with the strongest effect seen in
seling) and as mentioned in the exercise section, the exer-
those who drank more than six drinks and no significant
cise interventions that have the most effect are supervised
reduction in BP seen from further reduction in those
interventions [50]. A healthier diet is more expensive (esti-
who drank two or fewer drinks per day.
mated at ~US $1.5 daily) [51]. Access to resources and care,
Exercise: Evidence from the general population sup- attention to adherence, and physician–patient interaction
ports a recommendation to exercise in an effort to are all additional determinants of true effectiveness.
decrease BP. Specifically, a systematic review of 21 tri- A neglected area, which is especially important for com-
als reported that a supervised program of aerobic exer- plex interventions such as lifestyle change, is poor health
cise of 30–60 minutes, five times per week, can reduce literacy, which is especially common in CKD [52–54]. In
systolic BP by a pooled estimate of 4.6 mmHg and dias- the setting of poor health literacy, pharmacological therapy
tolic BP by 2.6 mmHg [45]. In addition, we do have data may be considered preferable to these complex and often
in CKD patients from a systematic review which costly lifestyle changes.
reported the effects of exercise (including cardiovascu-
lar training, mixed cardiovascular and resistance train- Level and Drug Choice
ing, resistance-only training, and yoga) [46]. The
review reports a similar overall reduction in BP (mean Over the last few decades, the research has shifted from
difference, 6.1 mmHg in systolic from nine trials and whether high BP should be lowered at all, to how should it
2.3 mmHg in diastolic from 11 trials) as the previous be lowered, and now to how low should it be lowered [55,
review conducted in the general population. However, 56]. With respect to first-line drug to use in hypertension, the
in subgroup analyses, the effects were significant in the seminal trial in the primary care population was the
pooled analysis of trials when exercise training was Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent
supervised (and was not significant in trials when it Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT), which reported that a
was unsupervised) and in trials with high-intensity thiazide-like diuretic (i.e. chlorthalidone) was superior to
exercise training (and not significant in trials with low- alpha-adrenergic antagonists (doxazosin) and just as good as
intensity exercise). Lastly, emerging data also suggest an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-I, lisino-
that the beneficial effect of exercise on BP is not pril) or a calcium channel blocker (CCB, amlodipine) [57].
restricted to aerobic, but also to dynamic resistance and This and other evidence have lead to the acceptance of one
isometric static exercise [47, 48]. of the so-called A-C-D drugs (i.e. ACEi or angiotensin recep-
tor blocker [ARB], a CCB, or a diuretic) as the choice for
Stop Interfering substances: Interfering substances which first-line BP lowering drug, as well as being the first three
can increase BP include prescription drugs such as non- drug classes that should be used for BP lowering. These
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticoster- drugs are also the ones to be preferably combined when one
oids, erythropoiesis-stimulating agents, antidepressants, drug is not enough, as is common in CKD.
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338 Hypertension
With respect to the level of BP control, BP control down However, one might consider this as an academic ques-
to 140/90 has been widely accepted. Beyond that, to what is tion, since most CKD patients do require more than one
labeled as “intensive BP lowering”, to systolic BP levels of agent, and RAS blockade being part of that armamentar-
<120 or <130, is still a matter of contentious debate, and is ium is eminently sensible.
discussed below. What is not sensible is the use of an ACEi and an ARB
in combination. In patients at high CV risk, and in
patients with proteinuric diabetic nephropathy, the use of
Pharmacotherapy these in combination did not demonstrate any benefit in
CV or kidney outcomes [60, 61]. Moreover, there was an
Nonpharmacological measures are insufficient for BP low-
excess risk of hyperkalemia and acute kidney injury, and
ering in most CKD patients, most of whom need pharma-
since then dual RAS blockade has not been recommended
cotherapy not just for BP lowering, but in addition for
for use in management of hypertension. Lastly, the direct
specific indications such as the antiproteinuric effect or
renin inhibitor aliskiren might have similar effects as
more specifically for CV protection. A large cohort study
ACEi or ARB. However, the major clinical trials were all
suggests that about 60% of CKD patients receive three or
conducted in combination with either an ACEi or an
more antihypertensive medications, thus making the dis-
ARB, and as with ACEi–ARB combination, these did not
cussion of the specific BP lowering class somewhat redun-
demonstrate any benefit and increased risk of adverse
dant [58]. The discussion below summarizes some of the
events [62]. Monotherapy with aliskiren might have simi-
evidence of the specific medications, while acknowledging
lar effects as ACEi or ARB monotherapy, but this has not
that combination therapy with most of the first-line drugs
been proven and hence aliskiren use may be relegated to
will be the most common scenario.
the rare occasion when RAS blockade is desirable, but
both drugs are not tolerated.
Renin Angiotensin System Blockade
Thiazide and Thiazide-like Diuretics
RAS blockade, consisting of either ACEi or angiotensin
receptor blockade (ARB), has become a mainstay of Thiazide diuretics are the oldest class of BP lowering
hypertension management in CKD. ACEi blocks the con- drugs which are still first-line agents. They act on the Na-
version of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a potent vaso- Cl transporter in the distal convoluted tubule and acutely
constrictor, and ARBs block the angiotensin II receptors. do cause natriuresis. With chronic therapy, however,
The downstream reduction in aldosterone secretion and extracellular volume comes back to baseline but periph-
sodium reabsorption, coupled with a decrease in angio- eral resistance falls, from an unknown mechanism, but
tensin II medicated vasoconstriction, underlies their BP thought to be related to the initial natriuresis. The main
lowering effect. Extensive trial data demonstrate the ben- thiazide diuretics are hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ),
efit in CV outcome reduction with these agents. However, Bendroflumethiazide, and chlorothiazide. The thiazide-
a careful examination of how much of their effect is inde- like diuretics, namely indapamide and chlorthalidone,
pendent of BP lowering reveals a slightly complicated are somewhat longer acting, have greater effect on noc-
story. Briefly, when compared against placebo, RAS turnal BP, and are more potent compared to HCTZ, the
blockade is indeed superior in preventing CV outcomes most commonly used thiazide [63]. Moreover, in the
and prolonging survival. However, when compared RCTs that demonstrate a benefit with diuretics, either
against active comparators, i.e. other BP lowering drugs, chlorthalidone or indapamide have been used [10, 57, 64].
then there is no significant difference for hard clinical Even in SPRINT, chlorthalidone was preferentially used
outcomes in patients with heart disease, or with diabetes, in the formulary. Some other RCTs in which HCTZ has
or with nonproteinuric CKD. The major factor in all these been used have failed to report beneficial CV effects [9,
systematic reviews is the inclusion of ALLHAT, which did 65]. However, no head-to-head trial of HCTZ compared to
not report a benefit to using lisinopril over chlorthalidone chlorthalidone exists, though one is ongoing [66].
and, being a large trial, carries a lot of weight in the meta- Additionally the increased potency of thiazide-like diu-
analysis [59]. The only exception, where RAS blockade is retics can result in more adverse events related to electro-
clearly superior to other BP lowering drugs, is in the set- lyte imbalances in particular [67]. For relevance to CKD,
ting of proteinuric diabetic nephropathy. RAS blockade thiazide diuretics were not thought to be effective in
has an additional effect on the intraglomerular pressure severe CKD (GFR < 30). This has been challenged in a
by dilatation of the efferent arteriole, reducing proteinu- recent pilot trial with chlorthalidone and more data is
ria and explaining this additional beneficial effect. awaited [68].
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Treatment of Hypertension in CK 339
Active Control Mean BP difference, Risk difference (95% CI) Risk ratio (95% CI)
(n/N) (n/N) mm Hg
5-year risk of CVD
<11% 419/10644 623/14836 4.6/3.0 –1.41 (–2.05 to 0.77) 0.82 (0.73 to 0.93)
<11–15% 443/5679 599/6865 6.0/3.2 –1.95 (–3.09 to 0.82) 0.85 (0.75 to 0.96)
15–21% 467/3944 575/4343 7.1/3.2 –2.41 (–4.04 to 0.77) 0.87 (0.78 to 0.98)
>21% 472/2760 569/2846 5.9/3.0 –3.84 (–6.06 to 1.61) 0.85 (0.76 to 0.95)
p(het)=0.004, p(trend)=0.04 p(het)=0.93, p(trend)=0.30
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 0.5 1 1.5
Favours active treatment Favours control Favours active treatment Favours control
Figure 22.1 Effects of blood pressure reduction on absolute and proportional risks of cardiovascular disease for patient groups
defined by different baseline levels of cardiovascular risk. Total sample, n = 51 917. n/N is the number of cases/number at risk. BP
difference is the difference between active and control groups in treatment-induced reduction in systolic/diastolic blood pressures. BP,
blood pressure; CVD, cardiovascular disease; Het, heterogeneity. Source: From Sundstrom et al. [93] used with permission. © 2014,
(with an achieved systolic BP fall from a mean of 148 to intensive glycemic control group, intensive BP lowering
132 mmHg) [97]. Indeed, the risk of adverse events, increased mortality [100]. Thus it is indeed possible that
mostly electrolyte disorders, do also go up as a conse- intensive BP lowering not only confers a benefit in stroke
quence of adding potent antihypertensive agents, but reduction, but may not increase mortality if done in con-
this risk should be weighed against the benefit of not junction with standard, but not intensive, glycemic
dying. lowering.
Another approach, using a Bayesian analytic model of
conducting a meta-analysis of achieved BP suggests inten-
Diabetic CKD
sive BP lowering is associated with a 10% reduction in all-
There are no trials which specifically included patients cause mortality, a 17% increase in stroke, but with a 20%
with diabetes and CKD, and targeted a certain BP level increase in serious adverse effects [101]. Specifically, it
intervention. From the general population with diabetes, also suggests that these benefits were seen with an
the most relevant trial is Action to Control Cardiovascular achieved BP of 130–135 mmHg, with further reductions
Risk in Diabetes Blood Pressure (ACCORD) [11]. In this only providing additional benefit in stroke reduction.
randomized trial, 4773 patients with diabetes and at high These and other meta-analytic approaches either rely on
CV risk were randomized to two BP targets: systolic BP baseline BP or achieved BP for grouping trials and
<140 mmHg versus systolic BP <120 mmHg. The overall arms [102–104]. They also include RCTs of BP lowering
primary composite outcome was not significantly different agents (e.g. olmesartan or lisinopril-losartan combina-
between the two groups, with a hazard ratio of 0.88 (95% tion) compared with placebo, where the achieved BP
confidence interval [CI] 0.73–1.06). Of all the specific would be higher with placebo, but where the interven-
events included, stroke (which arguably has the strongest tions are no longer used as tested in these RCTS (e.g. dual
link with BP) was significantly lower with the intensive BP blockade) [60]. To finish this discussion, the most recent
target (HR 0.59, 95% CI 0.39–0.89). There was much con- meta-analysis of these reports on the CV effect of a stand-
sternation about the slightly greater number of deaths with ardized decrease of 10 mmHg on outcomes [4]. Overall,
intensive BP lowering (150 versus 144, HR 1.07, 95 CI 0.85– they report a benefit of 10 mmHg BP lowering on CV out-
1.35). Intriguingly, this has lead to many different post hoc comes (including stroke and heart failure) and on all-
analyses, with two major schools of thought being that cause mortality in diabetes, with little heterogeneity
either ACCORD was underpowered (the observed event between trials in patients with and without diabetes (see
rate was about half as expected) or the other showing an Figure 22.3).
effect modification [98]. ACCORD had a factorial design, These analyses, needless to say, are from the general pop-
with the other intervention being intensive blood glucose ulation, and not in CKD, where we must necessarily
lowering, which was found to be harmful compared to extrapolate the evidence. Should we expect outcomes to be
standard glucose control [99]. In a post hoc analysis of different in patients with diabetes and CKD compared to
ACCORD published a decade after the original publica- those without CKD? From a mechanistic perspective,
tion, a significant interaction (P = 0.03) was reported, such patients with diabetes and CKD are possibly different, but
that in the group receiving standard glucose lowering, from an empiric point of view, no interaction has been
intensive BP lowering decreased mortality, whereas in the reported yet from epidemiological studies.
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342 Hypertension
Outcomes: renal, CV
Trial Population and mortality
Klahr et al. n = 840 Decline in GFR
Frail (MDRD) [95] Inclusion: 10.7 (9.113.9) ml/
General Age 18–70 years min/3 years in usual
Hypertensive BP arm
Population CrCl <70 ml/min
CKD 12.3 (10.6–14.0) ml/
MAP <125 mmHg min/3 years in low BP
Diabetes arm
Proteinuria >10 g/day ESRD or death
Chronic medical RR 0.85 (0.60–1.22)
Body weight <80%
or >160% standard
body weight
Low Risk
Wright et al. n = 1096 % risk reduction for
(AASK) [91] Inclusion: GFR slope + ESRD
Intermediate Risk
Age 18–70 years −2 (95% CI −31 to
GFR 20–65 ml/min
High Risk
(includes CKD) Exclusion:
2.9% (lower BP)
Clinical evidence of versus
heart failure
3.4 % (usual BP)
High Risk of Proteinuria (urine
PCR > 2.5 g/g)
events Mortality
Serious systemic
illness 1.6% (lower BP) vs.
1.9% (usual BP)
Diabetes 21 144 1263 29643 1368 28421 0.74 [0.65; 0.84]
No Diabetes 19 153 1691 52920 1978 46852 0.74 [0.67; 0.81]
Fixed effect model 0.74 [0.78; 0.80]
Test for interaction p=0.9533
Heart Failure
Diabetes 13 143 1028 21424 1094 20536 0.84 [0.72; 0.98]
No Diabetes 10 143 263 18578 373 18442 0.75 [0.65; 0.87]
Fixed effect model 0.79 [0.71; 0.88]
Test for interaction p=0.277
Rental Failure
Diabetes 9 143 760 14549 774 13641 0.88 [0.75; 1.03]
No Diabetes 4 146 592 9921 638 9952 0.92 [0.79; 1.07]
Fixed effect model 0.90 [0.81; 1.01]
Test for interaction p=0.7276
All–cause Mortality
Diabetes 20 144 2324 27562 2309 25782 0.87 [0.79; 0.97]
No Diabetes 17 153 1952 45588 2033 39414 0.83 [0.76; 0.90]
Fixed effect model 0.85 [0.79; 0.90]
Test for interaction p=0.4544
0.5 1 2 3
Figure 22.3 Standardized effect of a 10 mmHg reduction in systolic blood pressure (SBP) on the relative risk (RR) of major
cardiovascular events, coronary heart disease, stroke, heart failure, renal failure, and all-cause mortality stratified by subgroups in
which all (DM) or none (No DM) of the participants had diabetes mellitus at baseline. Source: From Ettehad et al. [4], used with
permission. © 2016, Elsevier.
circadian pattern. Similar data exist about home BP, and moreover rely on predialysis BP measurements. Cross-
these out-of-office measures are also more reproducible sectional data is notorious for susceptibility to selection
and have a stronger association with CV outcomes. bias and especially in HD populations is even more sus-
Early studies on BP and outcomes in hemodialysis ceptible to reverse epidemiology [119]. Patients with
reported a U-shaped curve of BP and survival in hemodi- heart failure, cancer, and patients in the last few months
alysis, and most concerning has been that the nadir of of their life have lower BP, and will also be more likely to
the U was reported at about systolic BP 160 mmHg, much die, independent of the BP. This leads to spurious asso-
higher than conventional thinking about BP targets and ciations which have been widely reported. In contrast, a
thresholds [118]. Although almost all other biological meta-analysis of RCTs in dialysis patients shows a reduc-
variables have a U-shaped relationship with clinical out- tion of CV events with BP lowering [120]. Similarly, a
comes, the precise optimal BP being 160–180 mmHg linear relationship between BP and CV outcomes up to a
would be a huge change from the ~120–140 in nondialy- systolic BP of 110–120 mmHg was reported when out-of-
sis populations. The former has indeed been reported, office BP measurement was used rather than predialysis
but those reports are from cross-sectional data and BP [120, 121].
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Pharmacotherap 345
Nonpharmacological Measures P
Minimizing dietary sodium intake: The focus of communi-
cation with patients on dialysis is often on fluid intake, a From the limited trial evidence available, discussed
thoroughly useless and futile waste of time and energy. below, the use of beta-blockers as initial agents, followed
Sodium intake drives fluid intake, and efforts to reduce by RAS blockade and CCBs is a reasonable approach to
sodium intake are likely to have a greater effect on BP in be considered.
the dialysis population given the outsize contribution of A few RCTs have been conducted of BP lowering drugs
sodium to BP in this population. Data supporting this is compared to placebo in HD patients. The results are decid-
mostly from observational literature and, as before, the edly mixed, owing potentially to small sample sizes, co-
effectiveness of counseling on change in behavior is interventions, and open label designs. Two small RCTs
unknown. suggest a benefit of beta-blocker use in improving survival.
Maximizing dialytic sodium removal: This can be For RAS blockade, one RCT of fosinopril failed to show a
achieved by adequate ultrafiltration by probing the dry benefit for CV outcomes (P = 0.06), and two small open
weight, especially in patients with high BP even without label RCTs of different ARBs seemed to show a benefit on
any signs of overt volume overload, and by considering CV outcomes [130, 131]. The most rigorous of the RAS
longer or more frequent dialysis in those who do not tol- blockade trials is the most recent, which was open label,
erate ultrafiltration. There is RCT-level evidence for the but had an adequate sample size and where the target BP
former as well as for the latter. These data, however, dem- was similar in both groups, and did not report any differ-
onstrate efficacy in the form of a change in BP, but not on ence between the two arms for CV outcomes or for all-
consequent clinical outcomes [122]. Longer and more fre- cause mortality [132]. Lastly, one RCT of amlodipine,
quent dialysis does not improve quality of life or longev- which enrolled fewer patients and reported fewer events
ity, and may have deleterious effects on vascular access than expected, still reported a CV outcome benefit [133].
and residual renal function, which are important consid- However, achieved systolic BP was about 10 mmHg lower
erations [123–126]. The last mechanism of maximizing in the amlodipine group, hence it is hard to separate the BP
sodium removal is by altering dialysis sodium. effect from the drug effect. Thus, to summarize, there are
Observational data provide mixed evidence in this regard. clear uncertainties about the benefits of these individual
The clinical trial data do suggest that lowering or indi- classes of drugs in HD patients. The existing data do seem
vidualizing dialysate sodium to patient serum sodium is sufficient to elevate beta-blockers, along with RAS block-
an efficacious method of lowering BP [127–129] (see ade and CCBs, to the first line of therapy when needed to
Table 22.6). Given the association of hemodynamic stabil- control BP. These data also suggest that BP lowering with
ity and lower cramps (both patient important outcomes) pharmacotherapy overall is beneficial in decreasing CV
with higher dialysate sodium, higher quality data from an events.
ongoing cluster RCT may help resolve this dilemma Some additional consideration is necessary to consider
(Randomized Evaluation of Sodium Dialysate Levels on pharmacokinetic aspects, including the effect of dialyzability.
Vascular Events [RESOLVE] NCT 02823821). Recent research has revealed that with modern high
flux dialysers, drugs such as bisoprolol, earlier thought to CCBs, RAS blockade, and even thiazide-like diuretics,
be nondialyzable, are indeed removed by dialysis [134]. On are potent in lowering BP in this population [146, 147].
the other hand, despite atenolol being dialyzed out, it did For outcomes, the strongest data support the use of CCBs
show greater efficacy compared to lisinopril in one of the as BP lowering drugs, as reported in this systematic
few RCTs in this area [135]. Thus it is not clear that dialyz- review, and reduced graft loss (relative risk 0.75, 95% CI
ability, or the lack thereof, matters in terms of efficacy in 0.57–0.99) [148]. For RAS blockade, the evidence is
CV outcome reduction [136, 137]. However, the prolonged decidedly mixed when it comes to graft or patient sur-
half-life of certain drugs can be used for more convenient vival. Overall, when combining ACE-inhibitors and
dosing schedules, especially when there is a concern of ARBs as a class, there is no benefit seen against placebo
nonadherence, and direct observed therapy can be pro- or active comparators in this meta-analysis [149].
vided with three times a week dosing in the dialysis Intriguingly, the few ARB trials seem to report better
unit [138]. graft survival than the ACEi RCTs, which may be a
An additional note is warranted about the utility of miner- chance finding or worthy of further dissection or a larger
alocorticoid antagonists, namely spironolactone and replication [150, 151]. Other BP lowering drugs have lit-
eplerenone, which have had resurgence in resistant hyper- tle data on clinical outcomes and their use should be
tension as well as in ESKD. Two trials suggest a fantastic guided based on the BP lowering effect desired, adverse
benefit of these in lowering CV events and mortality, but effects, and pharmacokinetics.
both trials had a relatively small sample size to demonstrate
such an outsize benefit [139, 140]. Another pilot/feasibility
study of 100 patients did not demonstrate any difference, but Guidelines and Variability
did show a higher risk of hyperkalemia, borne out in a sub- There is little agreement when it comes to the level of BP
sequent systematic review [141, 142]. Given these aspects, lowering in the plethora of existing international and
prudence would dictate awaiting the results of two large national guidelines, even when it comes to the CKD sub-
RCTs ongoing in this area (Aldosterone bloCkade for Health population [152–154]. Despite a seeming overabundance
Improvement EValuation in End-stage Renal Disease of clinical trials, the same evidence is rated and weighed
[ACHIEVE] NCT03020303 and ALdosterone Antagonist differently, resulting in this difference of opinion. Points
Chronic HEModialysis Interventional Survival Trial that are common to all guidelines are that the systolic BP
[ALCHEMIST] NCT01848639). goal is <140 mmHg and the diastolic BP goal is <90 mmHg.
The differences mostly arise with respect to how much
Transplantation lower should the BP target be and in whom should the BP
be lowered further. Given that CKD itself is a robust risk
In kidney transplant populations, additional contributors factor for adverse CV outcomes, it would be sensible for
to hypertension include primarily the effect of immuno- intensive BP targets to be applied to this population.
suppressive medications, but additionally the effect of the Previously mentioned caveats of identifying patients at
donor: recipient kidney volume mismatch, acute and high risk of adverse events and discussing risks and bene-
chronic rejection, and transplant renal artery stenosis fits and shared decision making, especially those of weigh-
(often at anastomotic site) [143]. The steroid effect on BP is ing outcomes which matter to the individual patients, do
well known, and calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) also increase apply. The Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes
BP by calcium channel mediated vasoconstriction, renal (KDIGO) taskforce is also reviewing the data and will pre-
sodium retention, and in the long run by worsening kidney sumably come to a conclusion that may be acceptable to all
function. Specifically in the kidney transplant population, in the coming months.
higher BP is associated with poorer patient survival, but
also with more graft failure on the basis of observational
data [144, 145].
esearch Needs
With respect to treatment of hypertension, no trials
have examined targets of BP lowering in these popula-
The discussion above highlights several lacunae in the evi-
tions and guidelines have most often followed nontrans-
dence for management of hypertension in CKD patients.
plant CKD data. Given the role of immunosuppression,
minimizing steroids and/or the CNI dose can assist in BP ●● What are optimal BP targets in patients with diabetes
lowering, apart from the other nonpharmacological and CKD?
options discussed above. For specific pharmacotherapy, ●● Is there a benefit with intensive BP lowering in patients
there do exist a few RCTs. The first line of agents, i.e. with severe CKD (GFR < 20)?
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●● Which outcomes are important for patients and what is BP lowering drugs?
the role of shared decision making for intensive BP ●● What are effective strategies for delivering nonpharma-
lowering in CKD? cological therapies for BP lowering?
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Renovascular Disease
Jörg Radermacher
Department of Nephrology, Johannes Wesling Klinikum Minden, UK-RUB, Minden, Germany
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Introductio 355
Should we still Diagnose and Correct RAS? This shows that correction of RAS may still be consid-
ered in patients with RAS and a relevant clinical
At present there are 10 randomized controlled trials [15,
21–29] (Table 23.1), a metaanalysis [31], and a Cochrane
A recent S2K guideline on diseases of the renal artery
analysis [30], none of which has shown a benefit of angio-
plasty compared to optimal medical treatment (OMT)
alone. Some experts suggest we should stop looking for the
describes case scenarios where angioplasty (usually stent
presence of RAS because a benefit of correction of RAS has
assisted) should be avoided or can still be considered
not been shown.
(Table 23.2) [32].
However, relevant patient groups have not been included
in those studies. The second-largest ASTRAL trial [25]
only included patients for whom the treating doctor was Patients who should be Screened for RAS
unsure whether angioplasty would be of help. The largest
Because RAS is present in only about 1% of unselected
and most recent CORAL trial [27] included mostly patients
patients with hypertension, general screening is not advis-
without clinical problems (no severe hypertension, no
able. The clinical signs suggesting renovascular disease
declining renal function). Even if angioplasty were always
include an abdominal bruit, difficult-to-control hyperten-
futile – which it is not as will be shown – the diagnosis of
sion (requiring three or more antihypertensive agents),
RAS would still have to be made. All recent studies found
accelerated hypertension or hypertension that was previ-
a 50% less than expected event rate in the control group
ously well-controlled, worsening of renal function
and attributed that to the OMT consisting of ASS, statins,
4–31 days after introduction of angiotensin converting
and antihypertensives, including a RAS-inhibitor. Treating
enzyme inhibitor (ACEi) or angiontensin II receptor
patients with OMT is class 1A advice in all guidelines and
blocker treatment [10], severe atherosclerosis in other vas-
not looking for the presence of RAS would deny patients
cular beds, otherwise unexplained chronic kidney disease,
this treatment.
hypertension associated with sudden and repeated left
The Salford group included 72 patients in the ASTRAL
heart failure or pulmonary edema, the onset of hyperten-
trial and reported their outcome on a further 467 patients
sion before the age of 30 years in nonobese and 15 years in
with >50% RAS who were not included in ASTRAL [33]. all patients (from fibromuscular renal artery disease) or
Thirty-seven patients had flash pulmonary edema but only after the age of 55 years (from atherosclerotic renal artery
66% received angioplasty. The hazard ratio for death in the disease), and differences in the sizes of the two kidneys. It
angioplasty group was 0.4 (0.2–0.9). Thirty-one patients is important to identify these clinical clues because the
had refractory hypertension and declining renal function. prevalence of RAS increases to 39% among these
The hazard ratio for death in those patients receiving angi- patients [40]. Once RAS is suspected, a screening test is
oplasty was 0.15 (0.02–0.9) and the HR for a cardiovascular used to confirm its presence.
event was 0.23 (0.1–0.6). Vassallo et al. showed similar
findings in 131 patients with 70% stenosis and clinical Screening Methods for RAS
problems compared to 144 patients with Screening tests should be inexpensive, accurate (i.e. with a
the same degree of stenosis but without the clinical low rate of technical failure and high sensitivity and
problem [34]. Median follow-up time was 58 months. specificity), and noninvasive. This excludes angiography,
Revascularitzation was associated with a 50% reduced risk although angiography is still considered the reference
of progression to end-stage kidney disease and cardiovas- standard for detection and quantification of stenosis. A
cular events in patients with rapidly deteriorating renal high interobserver variability for stenosis quantification
function. Furthermore, patients with bilateral RAS and has been shown (κ < 0.4) [41]. One study found a systolic
patients with proteinuria <1 g also had significantly better pressure gradient of 30 mmHg in 13 of 22 renal arteries in
renal and cardiovascular outcomes post revascularization which arteriography had shown only minor degrees of
compared to controls. stenoses (<50%) [42], a pressure gradient generally associ-
Grey et al. reported findings on 39/207 patients with ated with a reduction of the glomerular filtration rate
flash pulmonary edema or recurrent episodes of congestive (GFR) [43]. Angiography may also cause atheromatous
heart failure. After angioplasty blood pressure and renal embolization of the kidneys or renal impairment due to
function improved significantly, and hospitalization for radiocontrast nephrotoxicity.
heart failure was reduced from 2.4 to 0.3 episodes per year Spiral computed tomography angiography (CTA) and
before and after angioplasty [35]. magnetic resonance angiography are noninvasive imaging
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Table 23.1 Randomized controlled trials angioplasty vs. no angioplasty.
EMMA 23/26 Stenosis 60–75% Bilat. sten. No 6 Ø (24 h–RR) −0.8 (P = 0.009) Ø NI RR 3.4 Ø
1998 [21] Single kidney
Webster 25/30 Stenosis >50% RASi No 6 Ø (office BP) NI NI NI ↑ NI
1998 [22]
DRASTIC 56/50 Stenosis [30] 50% Creatinine No 3 Ø (office BP) −1.0 (P < 0.001) Ø NI Ø Ø
2000 [15] >2.3 12 −0.6 (P = 0.10)
STAR 64/74 Stenosis [30] 50%; GFR < 15 Yes 24 Ø (office BP) Ø Ø Ø ↑ Ø
2009 [23] GFR < 80 PU >3 g/Tag
BP < 140/90
NITER 28/24 Stenosis >70% Yes 43 Ø (office BP) Ø Ø Ø ↑ Ø
2009 [24] GFR 30-60
ASTRAL 403/403 Stenosis >50% Yes 33.6 Ø (office BP) −0.22 Ø Ø ↑ Ø
2009 [25] Doctor uncertain (P = 0.03)
RASCAD 43/41 Stenosis: 50–80% Yes 12 Ø (office BP) Ø Ø Ø (LVH) Ø Ø
2012 [26] KHK
CORAL [27] 459/472 Stenosis >80% oder Creatinine Yes + 43 −2 mmHg syst Ø Ø Ø Ø
>60% and >4 mg/dl lifestyle (P = 0.03)
PW > 20 mmHg syst
RADAR [28] 34/33 Stenosis >70% Yes 36 Ø 24 h-RR Ø Ø
METRAS [29] ~60 >70% oder <70% with Yes ? Szinti
poststenotic dilatation
n, number of angioplasty + OMT/OMT without angioplasty; Ø, no effect; OMT, optimal medical treatment (AHT (antihypertensive treatment) including RAS inhibitor, ASS, (Acetyl salicylic Acid)
statin); NI, no information; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; PU, proteinuria; gray, primary endpoint; CVD, cardiovascular disease; SE-PTRA, side effect of angioplasty; PW, pressure wire.
Sources: Bavry et al. [31], Jenks et al. [30] and Oberhuber et al. [32].
Certainty of Strength of
Treatment Recommendation evidence recommendation
techniques that have high sensitivity and specificity (>95%) and acceptable specificity, and has also been shown to be of
for detecting RAS [44–47], although a more recent study value in identifying patients whose blood pressure will
did not find the same level of accuracy when these meth- improve after correcting the stenotic lesion [49]. This test,
ods were applied in everyday practice [47]. The latter study however, has not been shown to predict an improvement in
reported a sensitivity of 64% and a specificity of 92% for renal function after correction of RAS and it cannot locate
CTA and 62% and 84%, respectively, for magnetic reso- the stenosis or determine its severity [44]. Furthermore, the
nance angiography. These techniques are also limited by sensitivity of this test is reduced to 80% in patients with renal
their high costs and, in the case of spiral CT, the use of insufficiency (GFR of <50 ml/min) or in patients with bilat-
contrast agents. Magnetic resonance is not suitable for eral stenoses or a stenosis in a single functioning kidney [44,
patients with claustrophobia and certain types of metallic 50]. It is particularly important to identify significant sten-
implants. Measurement of the concentrations of renin in oses in these patients because the major rationale for per-
the renal veins have been used to predict the potential suc- forming surgery or angioplasty is to preserve renal function.
cess of surgical revascularization. False-negative and false- In experienced hands Doppler ultrasonography is highly
positive results are common with this technique, and it is sensitive and specific for detecting RAS, and it is rapid and
therefore not recommended as a reliable screening test for inexpensive [51]. Two main approaches are used to detect a
RAS. In theory, the accuracy of renal vein renins is significant RAS of 50–70% [51]. The first (direct) approach
enhanced by using an ACEi (captopril test), which attenu- looks at flow acceleration at the site of the stenosis. This
ates the vasoconstrictive effect of angiotensin II on the approach has good sensitivity and specificity for detecting
efferent arteriole and reduces filtration on the side of the stenoses of 50%. Obesity, excessive bowel gas, or poor
stenosis [44]. The reported sensitivity and specificity after blood flow in the main renal artery can, however, interfere
25–50 mg of captopril, however, are also low [48]. with direct visualization of the renal arteries [51]. The sec-
Captopril scintigraphy (25–50 mg of oral captopril given ond (indirect) approach looks at poststenotic flow phe-
12 hours before isotope) can detect RAS with high sensitivity nomena (tardus and parvus). This approach can be used in
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358 Renovascular Disease
nearly all patients but will only detect severe stenoses of Exclusion of Renoparenchymatous Disease
>60%. A combination of both approaches is the most suit- Possibly the main reason for a lack of treatment benefit
able technique for accurate detection of RAS in almost all despite successful correction of RAS is preexisting reno-
patients. In patients with normal or impaired renal func- parenchymatous disease. The two most frequent diseases
tion, we reported no technical failure with this combina- coexisting with or even causing RAS are long-term hyper-
tion method and showed high sensitivity (96.7%) and tension and diabetes leading to hypertensive nephroscle-
specificity (98.0%) for detecting RAS of 50% compared rosis and diabetic glomerulosclerosis [71]. Renal biopsy
with angiography [51]. The value of Doppler ultrasonogra- can predict treatment failure but is usually not indicated
phy to reliably detect stenoses of 50% and more has been in these disease entities [72]. Some readily available clini-
shown in the majority of more recent studies (Table 23.3) cal and angiographic clues as predictors of treatment suc-
and screening for RAS with Doppler ultrasound is favored cess have been suggested [73, 74] (Table 23.4). However,
by most guidelines [36]. none of these parameters is sufficiently sensitive or spe-
In summary, the best screening test is probably the test cific, and contradicting data have been published for
performed most frequently at an individual facility. In many of these. Rapidly deteriorating renal function in the
patients with a GFR of <50 ml/min, CTA (due to radio- presence of RAS has been associated with a favorable
contrast toxicity) and captopril scintigraphy (due to low response after angioplasty [81]; however, follow-up data
sensitivity) should be avoided. on renal function are frequently not available. Some
screening methods have been evaluated regarding predic-
tion of treatment success: measurement of renal vein
Quantification of Stenosis and Estimation renin, captopril scintigraphy, magnetic resonance tomog-
of Functional Relevance raphy, and Doppler ultrasonography. Because a hemody-
Other than detecting the presence of stenosis, Doppler namically relevant RAS should cause increased renin
ultrasonography can also be used to estimate the severity of production, renal vein renin measurements have been
RAS with reliable estimates up to 70% diameter reduction. considered the reference standard for predicting the func-
A good correlation compared to intravascular ultrasound tional relevance of stenoses. The diagnostic accuracy of
has been shown (R = 0.97) [65]. An RI difference >0.05 this test is, however, disappointing, and the requirement
(parvus phenomenon) suggests stenosis of at least 60% and for invasive venous angiography and radiocontrast agents
an acceleration time >70 ms (tardus phenomenon) sug- have made this method almost obsolete. Renal scintigra-
gests a stenosis >65% [66]. phy without captopril also has only low diagnostic accu-
There is general agreement [67] that a diameter stenosis racy, but captopril scintigraphy is an established method
of <50% causes neither high blood pressure nor impair- to predict a treatment effect. Captopril causes a further
ment of renal function. For this reason, intervention should fall in GFR in the stenosed kidney. The positive predictive
not be performed for these low-degree stenoses. Stenoses value for blood pressure improvement of a positive capto-
<60% progress slowly and almost never proceed directly to pril scintigraphy is reported to be 92%; however, sensitiv-
occlusion [68]. A policy of watchful waiting (e.g. ultrasono- ity drops to 80% in patients with impaired renal
graphic follow-up of stenoses) is reasonable. Stenoses of function [50]. This could be due to dependence of renal
>65–80% are considered to be hemodynamically rele- filtration on vasoconstriction of the efferent arteriole in
vant [69, 70]. Stenoses in most studies have been graded by patients with advanced renoparenchymatous disease,
angiography. Simon et al. found hypersecretion of renin, which is impaired after ACEi treatment. A further draw-
suggesting functional relevance, in stenoses of >80% diam- back of captopril scintigraphy is the requirement for
eter reduction [70]. Unfortunately, data on the improve- meticulous patient preparation in order to obtain reliable
ment of blood pressure or renal function after correction of results. Patient preparation includes controlled hydra-
stenosis are lacking. Giroux retrospectively evaluated the tion, controlled sodium diet, and removal of diuretics and
degree of stenosis in patients who did or did not have ACEi 4–14 days before the investigation [50, 82]. van
improved blood pressure after correction of RAS. They Jaarsveld et al. did not find a predictive value of captopril
found tighter stenoses in patients that did benefit (79 ± 9% scintigraphy for improvement of blood pressure in their
vs. 74 ± 9%, P < 0.05), but the differences were small [69]. study [15].
Future studies should quantify stenoses using noninvasive Gadolinium-assisted magnetic resonance imaging after
Doppler ultrasound, intravascular ultrasound, or a pres- ACEi treatment has been used to quantify renal filtration
sure gradient measured by pressure wire (an expensive and has provided predictive results comparable to captopril
method) or catheter. scintigraphy [83]. The study protocol was later refined [84].
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Table 23.3 Stenosis criteria and sensitivity and specificity for detection of RAS with Doppler ultrasound compared to selective angiographya.
Criterion and study [reference] No. of patients Criterion % technical failureb Degree (%) of stenosisc % sensitivity/specificity
AI, acceleration index; AT, acceleration time; ESP, early systolic peak; RAR, renal aortic ratio; RI, resistance index (Pourcelot index); RRR, renal renal ratio.
Only prospective studies with more than 50 patients and comparison with intra-arterial angiography as the gold standard were considered.
Technical failure: the renal artery or intrarenal arteries could not be visualized by color Doppler ultrasonography.
The lowest degree of stenosis (% diameter stenosis) detected by the respective ultrasound method. NA, data not available.
Table 23.4 Predictors of a lack of effect of successful correction Ostial stenoses should always be treated with angioplasty
of RAS related to blood pressure and/or renal function. plus stenting; stenoses located >1 cm distally to the aorta or
stenoses due to fibromuscular dysplasia can be treated with
Studies [reference] that angioplasty alone [88]. A randomized controlled study
found the parameter to be:
reported better initial patency rates (88% vs. 57%) and lower
restenosis rates (14% vs. 48%) 6 months after stent-assisted
Not angioplasty compared to angioplasty alone in ostial sten-
Patient characteristic Predictive predictive
oses [89]. However, the same study failed to show superiority
Advanced age, >65 years [15, 16, 75, 76] [69, 77, 78] of stenting regarding blood pressure or renal function
Male gender [75] [69, 77, 78] improvement. Newer studies report primary patency rates in
the range from 94 to 100% [69, 77, 90], but long-term results
Severe atherosclerosis [16, 69, 78]
are less favorable. Restenosis, de novo stenosis, or thrombosis
Proteinuria >1 g/day [16, 79]
rates in the range of 10% per year have been reported both in
Severely impaired renal [16, 78] [69, 76, 77]
stent-treated patients and patients who had angioplasty
function (GFR <40 ml/min)
alone [16, 69, 77, 81, 90–93] Revascularization success should
No sudden appearance of [15] [16]
hypertension or sudden
therefore be monitored by ultrasonography at 3 months,
worsening of previously 6 months, and yearly intervals thereafter. Newer technologies
well-controlled hypertension using sirolimus-coated stents are being evaluated [94].
Duration of hypertension [69, 75] [76]
>10 years
Diastolic blood pressure [69, 75, 76] [77] holesterol Embolism
<80 mmHg and Radiocontrast Toxicity
Systolic blood pressure [77] [76]
<160 mmHg Cholesterol embolism in the renal arterial bed or the aorta is
Diabetes mellitus [69] [16, 78] always a dramatic event. It can lead to progressive loss of
Nonsmoker [16, 69] renal function despite patency of the renal artery. At present,
Degree of stenosis <70% [69] [15, 77] there is no reliable method to detect cholesterol embolism.
Resistance index >0.80 [16] [80] Renal biopsy is invasive and may miss the site of embolism
due to sampling error. Blood eosinophilia, hypocomple-
mentemia or the “blue toe” suggest cholesterol embolism
Prospective studies on this fascinating technique as a but are not sufficiently sensitive or specific to allow the diag-
predictor for renovascular hypertension or azotemia are nosis of renal cholesterol embolism. Dejani et al. found
lacking at present, however. blood eosinophilia of >5% in seven of 20 patients older than
In two studies with low patient numbers, an increased 55 years with impaired renal function (serum creatinine
intrarenal resistance index value measured by Doppler >2 mg/dl) treated by renal angioplasty [95]. The feasibility of
ultrasonography was associated with a rapid loss of renal renal protection devices catching cholesterol crystals and
function [85] and a lack of blood pressure improve- other debris has been shown but has not been tested in ran-
ment [86], despite correction of RAS. A prospective study domized controlled trials [96].
found that a resistance index of >0.8 in the intrarenal seg- A further frequent complication associated with renal
mental arteries had a sensitivity and specificity of >90% for angiography and renal arterial stenting is radiocontrast
predicting renal function deterioration and a lack of blood toxicity. Treatment of RAS may be of greatest benefit in
pressure improvement [16] (Figure 23.1). patients with impaired renal function, and these patients are
most sensitive to radiocontrast toxicity. Controlled hydration
Improving Short-and Long-term Results with NaCl at 1 ml/kg/h for 12 hours prior to and after angio-
of Correction of RAS plasty is considered standard prophylactic therapy. A rand-
Ten-year patency rates are still only available for surgically omized controlled trial has shown the superiority of this
corrected renal artery stenoses, although outcomes may be regimen, compared with additional mannitol or furosemide
better after surgery compared to angioplasty [87]. However, treatment [97]. Prehydration with sodium bicarbonate
angioplasty has become the method of choice because it is (154 mmol plus 900 ml 5% glucose solution) instead of saline
less invasive and has a lower mortality rate. Only when an alone may further lessen the risk. However, these data have not
aortic aneurysm or other severe aortic disease requires simul- been confirmed in subsequent studies [98]. Acetylcysteine
taneous treatment should surgery be the preferred method. (600–1200 mg twice a day) has been shown to have an additive
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Reference 361
RI > = 80
negative captopril scintigraphy
proteinuria > 1 g/day
GFR < 40 ml/min
CHD, AOD, carotid stenosis
age > 65 Jahre
pulse pressure > 70 mmHg
uric acid > 430 μmol/l
Diabetes mellitus
male sex
renal length < 9 cm
Renin < 5,7 ng/ml/h
No sudden increase in blood pressure
No nocturnal blood pressure drop
0,1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Odds ratio
Figure 23.1 Odds ratios for various factors to predict deterioration of renal function. Squares depict odds ratios; lines depict 95%
confidence intervals. RI, resistance index; CHD, coronary heart disease; AOD, atheroocclusive disease of the legs.
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Reference 363
Diabetic nephropathy classically refers to the renal microvas- Diabetes is recognized as the world’s fastest growing non-
cular pathology that occurs in patients with type 2 diabetes communicable chronic disease. In 2003 the International
mellitus (DM) resulting in glomerular hyperfiltration, moder- Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimated that 194 million adults
ately increased urine protein, and severely increased urine (aged 20–79 years) were living with diabetes and projected
protein, and followed by a reduction in glomerular filtration that this number would increase to 333 million people by
rate (GFR). It is generally accompanied by hypertension and 2025. However, in 2017 the IDF estimated 425 million people
other evidence of microvascular pathology, including retin- were living with diabetes and this number is expected to
opathy and neuropathy. It is characterized histologically increase to 629 million by 2045 [3] (Figure 24.1).
by thickening of the glomerular and tubular basement In the 2017 report from the IDF [3], the highest preva-
membranes, mesangial expansion, and nodular sclerosis lence is in China with 114 million people, followed by India
(Kimmelstiel–Wilson lesions). Although a recognized entity with 73 million, and the USA with 30 million. The esti-
for 50 years [1], a pathological classification, dominantly mated worldwide expenditure on diabetes in 2017 was US
based on glomerular pathology, has only been developed in $ 727 billion. Alarmingly, rates of childhood diabetes are
the last decade [2] (Table 24.1). The classification also notes increasing, being highest in the USA. Contrary to expecta-
the presence of tubulointerstitial lesions, vascular lesions, and tion, approximately one-third of the world population liv-
nondiabetic glomerular lesions which may be present to a ing with diabetes resides in nonurban environments and
variable degree in classic diabetic nephropathy [2] (Table 24.2). thus is arguably less likely to be strongly influenced by a
It is now recognized that individuals, particularly those Western diet. The vast majority of cases are due to type 2
with type 2 DM and chronic kidney disease (CKD), do DM, but the incidence of type 1 DM is also increasing, with
not uniformly present with the clinical features and a marked variation in the incidence and prevalence of type
trajectory of biochemical abnormalities outlined above, 1 DM across the globe that is currently unexplained.
nor with the glomerular histological features listed in The increasing prevalence of type 2 DM is driving the
Table 24.1. Hence modern nomenclature has favored increased prevalence of kidney failure, with kidney failure
the term diabetic kidney disease (DKD) over diabetic 10 times more likely to occur in people with diabetes than in
nephropathy as this is more representative of the coexist- the remainder of the population [4]. The IDF estimate DKD is
ent obesity-induced, vascular, and hypertensive kidney estimated to be responsible for between 12% and 55% of cases
injury that is likely to be over-represented in patients of kidney failure worldwide [3]. The proportion of kidney fail-
with type 2 DM. ure attributable to diabetes, hypertension, or a combination of
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Pathogenesis of Diabetic Kidney Diseas 367
Table 24.1 Glomerular classification of DKD. Table 24.2 Interstitial and vascular lesions of DKD* [2].
500 millions
450 415 425
400 366
300 246
250 194
200 151
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Figure 24.1 Estimates of the number of adults (aged 20–79 years) living with diabetes worldwide. Source: Based on Ogurtsova
et al. [3].
Somewhat paradoxically DKD is associated with reduced molecules, derived from injured cells and components of
mitochondrial superoxide production. A basal level of the extracellular matrix (ECM), such as hyaluronan, bigly-
mitochondrial superoxide level is required to maintain can, and fibronectin. DAMPs trigger innate immunity by
adenosine monophosphate kinase (AMPK) activation and activating Toll-like receptors, purinergic receptors, or the
phosphorylation of endothelial nitric oxide to promote vas- NLRP3 inflammasome, leading to necroptosis increased
cular dilatation under physiological circumstances. interferon gamma and downstream chemoattractants,
Reduced AMPK activity stimulates inflammatory tran- macrophage chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), and
scription factors, including nuclear factor kappa B (NFκβ), CCl10 [28–34]. Necroinflammation, an autoamplification
and proinflammatory and profibrotic molecules in a parac- loop between tubular cell death and interstitial inflamma-
rine manner from multiple renal cells. Under hyperglyce- tion, leads to the exacerbation of kidney injury [35, 36].
mic conditions there is a reduction in mitochondrial Although not yet specifically reported in DKD it is likely
superoxide generation, oxidative phosphorylation, and that common mechanisms are in play across the spectrum
mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) generation in of CKD. Recent evidence suggests DAMPs also contribute
the kidney and abnormalities in cellular bioenergetics to epithelial-mesenchymal transition of tubular cells
occur [14, 15]. to myofibroblast differentiation and proliferation.
Vascular and glomerular lesions contribute to hypoxia, Furthermore, tubular cells also play an active role in pro-
which further exacerbates oxidative stress in both the glo- gressive kidney injury via emerging mechanisms associ-
merulus and tubules [13, 16]. Hypoxia-inducible factors ated with a partial epithelial-mesenchymal transition and
(HIFs) are induced with downstream transcription of cell-cycle arrest at both G1/S and G2/M checkpoints [37].
genes such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) It is clear that inflammation plays a major role in the
and erythropoietin to improve tissue oxygenation. pathogenesis of CKD. Inflammation occurs as a result of
However, there is experimental evidence that hyperglyce- cellular injury, mediated by macrophages and lympho-
mia may interfere with the stability of HIF and facilitate cytes [38–40]. The transcription factor nuclear factor kappa
tissue fibrosis [17, 18]. B (NF-κB) is responsible for upregulating genes involved in
These diverse mediators collectively lead to downstream inflammatory processes within macrophages and tubular
activation of hormones and proinflammatory media- cells. Amplification of pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic
tors [19] and profibrotic cascades. It is increasingly recog- cytokines, such as transforming growth factor β (TGF-β),
nized that inflammation and fibrosis are inextricably platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), and fibroblast
linked in all forms of CKD, including DKD [20–23]. It is growth factor 2 (FGF-2), then occurs that causes migration
also now evident that as well as the adaptive immune sys- and proliferation of resident fibroblasts. Such fibroblasts
tem being activated in CKD, the innate immune system is are differentiated, and along with tubular and glomerular
also upregulated [24–28]. These responses are initiated by cells ECM production is enhanced [41–43]. Resident and
several classes of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) in invading cells then secrete various chemokines, including
response to immune activators such as pathogen-associated MCP-1, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), that lead
molecular patterns (PAMPs) and damage-associated to further macrophage accumulation, perpetuating the
molecular patterns (DAMPs). The latter are heterogenous development of fibrosis [44]. TGF-β, VEGFs, insulin-like
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Screening and Diagnosis of Diabetic Kidney Diseas 369
growth factors (IGFs), and lipid mediators also contribute mechanisms to ensure orchestrated fatty acid uptake, oxi-
to inflammation and fibrosis [45]. dation, and synthesis are tightly regulated to avoid exces-
As stated above, multiple transcription factors and sive intracellular lipid accumulation. The transcription
cytokines are involved in expansion of the ECM, but TGFβ1 factors, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors
is considered the “master regulator” of kidney fibrosis in (PPARs), and PPARδ coactivator-1a (PGC1A) regulate the
DKD. TGF-β1 is a well-characterized key mediator in the expression of proteins involved in fatty acid uptake and oxi-
pathogenesis of tubulointerstitial fibrosis due to its direct dation. In the setting of CKD lower expression of genes
and indirect effect on various cells types [46–49]. responsible for fatty acid oxidation, PPARs, and PGC1A is
The direct action of TGF-β1 can initiate the transition of observed suggesting that lipid metabolism is impaired.
tubular and endothelial cells to a fibroblastic phenotype as Human proximal tubular studies have demonstrated that
described above and proliferation, migration, and synthe- TGF-β is intrinsically involved in blocking fatty acid oxida-
sis of profibrotic proteins, such as collagens and fibronec- tion pathways, mediated by PGC1A [72].
tin [50–56]. TGF-β1 can also induce an indirect fibrotic Genetic and epigenetic modifications of both genes and
response via accelerating apoptosis of resident healthy histones induced by hyperglycemia, hypoxia, and as a con-
cells and promoting resident and infiltrating cells to sequence of proinflammatory and profibrotic pathways are
increase ECM deposition [57–59]. increasingly recognized to influence the phenotype of indi-
Hyperglycemia also causes release of vasoactive media- viduals that directly or indirectly influences the develop-
tors, such as IGF-1, glucagon, nitric oxide (NO), VEGF, and ment of diabetes and the propensity to develop DKD. Gene
prostaglandins, resulting in afferent arteriolar vasodilation. methylation or acetylation induced by hyperglycemia sig-
Additionally, both hyperglycaemia and insulin resistance nificantly influences the likelihood of gene expression or
result in dysregulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldoster- repression involved in the development of DKD. Similarly,
one and endothelin [60] systems that act both systemically hyperglycemia modifies the expression of noncoding
and specifically on the efferent arteriole. This results in mRNA including microRNA, long noncoding RNA, and
peripheral and intraglomerular hypertension, leading to small RNA, which collectively modify the expression of
kidney impairment. [61]. Upregulation of proximal tubular coding genes and therefore the phenotype of the individual
sodium reabsorption occurs due to increased expression of with DM [73–80]. Increasingly it is recognized that epige-
sodium-glucose linked transport-2 and increased sodium- netic modifications, particularly of mitochondrial DNA,
hydrogen exchange leading to a low sodium concentration may be maternally transmitted from mother to offspring
at the macula densa and inhibition of tubuloglomerular and hence predispose to population shifts in the propensity
feedback, thus resulting in single nephron glomerular to chronic disease.
hyperfiltration [62]. A schematic view of the key processes involved in the
Shear stress as well as podocyte apoptosis driven by angi- development of progressive kidney disease is summarized
otensin II and endothelin, reduction in the slit diaphragm in Figure 24.2.
proteins nephrin and podocin, and glycation of the glomer-
ular basement membrane with associated loss of negative
charge results in albuminuria [63–65].
More recently, additional pathways have been identified creening and Diagnosis of Diabetic
as contributing to cellular dysfunction that predisposes to Kidney Disease
or accelerates the development of DKD. Both hyperglyce-
mia and hyperinsulinemia trigger abnormalities in cell Moderately increased urine protein is an independent risk
bioenergetics [66] that ultimately lead to inefficient use of factor for the development of CKD and GFR loss [81, 82], as
metabolic substrates that contribute to tissue hypoxia. well as cardiovascular (CV) morbidities and mortality [83–
Additional dysregulated metabolic pathways, include 86]. Most guidelines recommend annual screening for mod-
upregulation of the mammalian target of rapamycin erately increased urine protein in individuals with
(mTOR), which drives suboptimal use of metabolic sub- DM [87–90]. Screening should begin 5 years after the onset of
strates, resulting in both cytosolic and mitochondrial type 1 DM and at the diagnosis of type 2 DM because of the
derived dysregulated oxidative stress and dysfunctional inability to establish the onset of type 2 DM with certainty.
autophagy and mitophagy [66–71]. Annual assessments of both albuminuria and of kidney func-
Fatty acid beta-oxidation is the catabolic process by tion are commonly used screening tools [88]. Although a
which fatty acid molecules are broken down in the cytosol 24 hour urine collection was originally accepted as the gold
and in the mitochondria to generate acetyl-CoA, which standard for urinary albumin measurement, it is inconven-
enters the citric acid cycle to produce ATP. The cellular ient to most patients and accuracy is flawed by inadequate
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370 Secondary Diseases of the Kidney: Diabetic Nephropathy
Systemic and renal Ischaemia, Epigenetic Podocyte and tubular Hyperuricaemia Dysregulated Mitochondrial
haemodynamic inflammation and regulation cell autophagy nutrient utilisation dysfunction
Changes fibrosis
DNA methylation,
IGF, VEGF, NO NO acetylation, mIRNAs Dysregulated Vascular Ability to optimise Electron chain
leading to afferent Long non-coding RNAs autophagy flux pathology substrate ultisation transport
arteriolar dilatation Histone post-translational and mTOR activity AMPK activity
ROS, AGEs, modification
dyslipidaemia ROS
All and ET1 leading to Inflammatory and fibrotic
Activity of Ras, production
efferent arteriolar transcription factors and
constriction proinflammatory and
cytokines Hypoxia/
profibrotic pathways Oxidative stress and
oxidative DND
Podocyte apoptosis inflammation
stress Oxygen oxidation
Mesangial expansion demand and
HIF stability Tubulointerstitial tissue
Glomerular inflammation hypoxia
hypertrophy Inflammation ATP
leading to
and fibrosis production
Glomerular hypertrophy Proteinuria oxidative
Renal inflammation and stress
Glomerular sclerosis Bioenergesis/
Tubulointerstitial fibrosis
and tubular atrophy
Figure 24.2 Schematic of the processes leading to tubulointerstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy in DKD.
IGF: insulin-like growth factor
VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factor
NO: nitric oxide
ET1: endothelin-1
ROS: reactive oxygene species Test for moderately
AGEs: advanced glycation end products increased urine protein
miRNAs: microRNA
HIF: hypoxia inducible factor
ATP: adenosine triphosphate No + for albumin
DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid
RNA: ribonucleic acid Yes
Condition that may invalidate
urine albumin excretion?
collection. Early-morning (or indeed random) urine assess- Yes
ment of the albumin-to-creatinine ratio (uACR) is now com-
Treat and/or wait until
monly used as a screening tool for the detection of DKD [88]. No
resolved. Repeat test. No
The random measurement of uACR has an inherent day-to- + for protein?
day variability (30–40%) [91], and may be elevated by factors
independent of kidney disease, including strenuous exercise
within 24 hours of measurement, urinary tract infection, Repeat moderately
increased urine protein
menstruation, heart failure, marked hyperglycemia, and test twice within 3–6 month period.
drugs, e.g. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Therefore, an elevated uACR should be confirmed in the
absence of urinary tract infection with two additional early- Rescreen No
2 of 3 tests positive?
in one year
void specimens collected 3–6 months apart (Figure 24.3).
Although 24-hour collections are not commonly performed Yes
for the screening of DKD, they are useful when there is doubt moderately increased
about the accuracy of an estimated glomerular filtration rate urine protein, begin treatment
(eGFR) (e.g. in populations where eGFR has not been vali-
Figure 24.3 Screening for moderately increased urine
dated such as where muscle mass is low) or when uACRs vary protein recommended by American Diabetic Association
widely. Occasionally, 24-hour urine collections are also used (ADA) [89].
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Prevention, Treatment, and Follow-up of Diabetic Kidney Diseas 371
to estimate daily dietary sodium and protein intake in indi- prescence of other microvascular complications ii) moder-
viduals with DKD and refractory edema or hypertension. ately increase proteinuria (previously known as microalbu-
The evidence for the utility of eGFR alone as a screening minuria is present with either diabetic retinopathy, or in
test for CKD in diabetes is unclear. The eGFR can be patients with type 1 DM of at least 10 years’ duration. Other
calculated using either the Modification of Diet in Renal causes of CKD should be considered if any of the features
Disease (MDRD) equation [92] or the Chronic Kidney listed in Table 24.3 is present. A kidney biopsy may be war-
Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) for- ranted in some cases for confirmation of diagnosis.
mula [93]. Both equations perform well when the GFR is
<60 ml/min/1.73 m2 [92], but the CKD-EPI is more accu-
rate at higher levels of kidney function [93]. Many patients revention, Treatment, and Follow-up
with diabetes and classical “diabetic nephropathy” may of Diabetic Kidney Disease
have high-normal GFRs, particularly in the early stages of
DKD. Therefore, progressive CKD is best determined by Lifestyle and Multifaceted Approach to
the slope of sequential eGFR measurements, rather than a Prevent and Treat DKD
single estimate. As alluded to above, other markers of kid-
ney damage (e.g. albuminuria) are additionally required to Lifestyle interventions such as reduced salt intake, weight
detect early stages of CKD. The eGFR is useful for assessing loss, physical exercise, and supplementation with polyun-
progressive changes in kidney function but should not be saturated fats have been shown to improve glycemic con-
used in situations where kidney function is changing rap- trol, lower blood pressure (BP), reduce albuminuria, and
idly, such as acute kidney injury (AKI) that can be observed change metabolic risk profiles in the general population as
in infection, hypotension or volume depletion. well as in individuals with diabetes and CKD [98–101].
Up to 52% of Japanese [94] and 55% of Australians [95] However, there is no evidence that lifestyle modifications
with type 2 DM had an eGFR of less than 60 ml/min and no reduce the risk of DKD or slow its progression. Dietary
evidence of moderately increased urine protein. In an sodium restriction has been shown to reduce BP and albu-
Italian multicenter study 57% of patients with type 2 DM minuria, and enhance the response to RAAS inhibi-
had an eGFR of less than 60 ml/min and normoalbuminu- tion [102–104]. However, optimal dietary sodium intake in
ria, and had a significant risk of cardiovascular disease DKD remains controversial, with observational studies
(CVD), although this was lower than if albuminuria and showing a benefit [105] or conversely a detrimental effect
kidney impairment coexisted [96]. Porrini et al. have sum- on wellbeing and mortality [104, 106, 107]. In reality, mul-
marized the incidence of normoalbuminuric DKD to vary tiple risk factors are managed concurrently in patients
between 14% and 57% [97]. Hence CKD in patients with with diabetes and kidney disease. In the STENO study,
DM is likely to have multiple etiologies, including classical 80 Danish patients of European descent with type 2 DM
DKD. Despite this, an increase in urinary albumin, a and moderately increased urine protein were randomly
decrease in eGFR or both in individuals with DM should assigned to receive conventional treatment in accordance
reflect a diagnosis of DKD. In patients with DM, CKD with national guidelines and another 80 to receive inten-
should be attributed to diabetes if: i) severely increased pro- sive treatment, with a stepwise implementation of behav-
teinuria (previously known as macroalbuminuria) in the ior modification and pharmacologic therapy that targeted
hyperglycemia, hypertension (RAAS blockade), dyslipi-
Table 24.3 Features indicative of a potential alternative demia, and moderately increased urine protein, along with
diagnosis other than DKD. secondary prevention of CVD with aspirin. The outcomes
were first reported in 2003 with a mean follow-up of
●● Absence of diabetic retinopathy 7.8 years [108, 109]. Patients receiving intensive therapy
●● Low or rapidly decreasing GFR had a significantly lower risk of CVD (hazard ratio [HR]
●● Rapidly increasing proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome 0.47, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.24–0.73), nephropathy
●● Refractory hypertension (HR 0.39, 95% CI 0.17–0.87), retinopathy (HR 0.42, 95% CI
●● Presence of active urinary sediment, e.g. persistent 0.21–0.86), and autonomic neuropathy (HR 0.37, 95% CI
microscopic hematuria
0.18–0.79) compared to those receiving a standard
Signs or symptoms of other systemic disease
approach. Patients in the intensive arm showed a mean
with standard therapy. After 7.8 years, the study continued importance of addressing multiple risk factors needs to be
as an observational follow-up with all patients receiving considered for renoprotection but also for benefits on mor-
treatment as for the original intensive-therapy group, and tality and cardiovascular events, which are more likely to
recently reported a 21.2 years follow-up (n = 22 conven- occur in patients with DKD than is kidney failure [112–114].
tional group, n = 42 intensive group) that shows a median The Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO)
of 7.9 years of gain of life mainly driven by time free from Guideline 2020 [115] recommended moderately intensity
incident CVD [110]. Median time before first CV event exercise in people with diabetes and CKD. Recently, a new
after randomization was 8.1 years longer in the intensive- study by Cohen et al [116] compared bariatric surgery (lapa-
therapy group (P = 0.001). Microvascular complications roscopic surgery) versus standard care (non-surgery inter-
were study predefined tertiary endpoints. Progression of vention) in 100 patients with type 2 DM and CKD stages
retinopathy was decreased by 33%, autonomic neuropathy G1-G3, during a follow-up of 2 years. The study reported
was decreased by 41%, and progression to diabetic nephrop- zero events for mortality (both all-cause and cardiovascular)
athy (severely increased urine protein) was reduced by 48% and no cardiovascular events. However, bariatric surgery
in the intensive-therapy group when compared to the con- improved remission of albuminuria (<30 mg/g) in partici-
ventional groups. Ten patients in the conventional-therapy pants who received bariatric surgery compared to standard
groups versus five patients in the intensive-therapy group of care (Relative risk (RR) 1.44 , 95%CI 1.03, 2.02).
progressed to kidney failure (P = 0.061). The nonfatal end-
points and causes of death were adjudicated by an external Glycemic Control
endpoint committee blinded for treatment allocation.
Tight sugar control is critical, and hyperglycemia can cause
The Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) multi-
organ complications. Therefore, optimal glycemic control is
centre trial is the largest randomized trial to date evaluat-
integral to the management of DKD. Regardless of the under-
ing the efficacy of a physical activity and dietary control
lying treatment, glycated hemoglobin HbA1c: glycated hae-
intervention (targeting a 7% weight loss) in older obese
moglobin levels >7.0% (53 mmol/mol) are associated with a
adults with type 2 DM. The study randomly assigned 5145
significantly increased risk of both microvascular and CV
obese participants with type 2 DM to either intensive life-
complications [7, 117,118]. These studies show a curvilinear
style intervention (n = 2570) or standard diabetes support
relationship between HbA1c and diabetes complications,
and education (n = 2575). Intensive lifestyle intervention
with no apparent threshold of benefit, although the absolute
was designed to achieve and maintain weight loss through
reduction in risk was much at lower HbA1c levels. Most of
reduced caloric consumption and increased physical activ-
the evidence comes from studies of intensive glycemic con-
ity (a minimum of 175 min/week of unsupervised exer-
trol in people with type 1 and 2 DM and early CKD. The evi-
cise). Major CV event rates were not significantly different
dence for the risks and benefits of intensive glycemic control
in the two groups, which resulted in early termination of
is scant for more advanced stages of CKD, including individ-
the study. After a median of 8.0 years of follow-up, the
uals receiving dialysis or kidney transplant recipients.
study demonstrated slower progression of CKD in the
The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)
intensive lifestyle intervention group than patients in the
comparator group. The incident CKD rate was 0.91 cases in type 1 DM [6], the Kumamoto trial [119], and the
per 100 person-years in the standard group and 0.63 per United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study
100 person-years in the intensive lifestyle group (difference (UKPDS) [117,120] in patients with type 2 DM confirmed
0.27 cases per 100 person-years, HR 0.69, 95% CI 0.55–0.87, that improved glycemic control significantly reduced the
P = 0.0016) [111]. The Intensive lifestyle intervention risk of microvascular complications, but had no signifi-
group achieved significantly greater and more sustained cant effect on CV outcomes. Subsequent observational
improvements secondary outcomes, including weight loss, long-term follow-up after termination of both the DCCT
improved cardiorespiratory fitness, improved glycemic and UKPDS studies showed a persistence of significant
control, BP, and lipids with fewer medications, as well as microvascular benefits and also demonstrated the emer-
decreased rate of sleep apnea, retinopathy, depression, sex- gence of a beneficial effect on CV outcomes attributed to
ual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, and knee pain, plus intensive glycemic control. In the DCCT cohort, there
better physical mobility maintenance and quality of life, was a significant reduction in CV outcomes (42%), nonfa-
with lower overall healthcare costs. There were no safety tal myocardial infarct (MI), stroke, and CV death (57%) as
signals suggestive of kidney-related adverse events. well as all-cause mortality (33%) in previously intensively
These studies are limited by the difficulty in attributing treated participants compared with those who were previ-
which facets of the intervention are associated with reduced ously in the standard arm [121–123]. Similarly, there was
risk. Despite the low-level evidence that studies using a mul- a significant reduction in MI (15–33%) and all-cause mor-
tipronged approach to risk-factor management provide, the tality (13–27%) in the UKPDS cohort in participants who
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Prevention, Treatment, and Follow-up of Diabetic Kidney Diseas 373
had been originally randomized to intensive failure. The number of participants needed to treat over
treatment [124]. 5 years to prevent one kidney failure event ranged from
The Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes 410 in the overall study to 41 participants with severely
(ACCORD), Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: increased urine protein at baseline. Thus, improved glucose
Preterax and Diamicron MR Controlled Evaluation control improved major kidney outcomes in patients with
(ADVANCE), and Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT) type 2 DM [129]. However, the small number of kidney fail-
are three major trials that examined the effect of intensive ure events observed during the trial limited the strength of
glycemic control on people with long-standing type 2 DM. the conclusion [129]. There was no reduction in major CV
The ACCORD trial randomly assigned 10 251 participants events or all-cause mortality in the intensive glucose lower-
with type 2 DM who had either an established CVD history ing either during the in-trial period or observational follow-
or multiple risk factors for CVD to intensive therapy target- up of a median 5.4 years [130]. In the post-trial observational
ing an HbA1c <6.0% (42.1 mmol/mol) or standard therapy follow-up ADVANCE-ON study, there was a significant
targeting an HbA1c level of 7.0–7.9% (53–62.8 mmol/ reduction in the risk of kidney failure with intensive glucose
mol) [125]. The mean age of participants was 62 years and lowering that was observed during the in-trial period (7 vs.
the mean duration of diabetes was 10 years. A difference in 20 events, HR 0.35, 95% CI 0.15–0.83, P = 0.02) that persisted
HbA1c was rapidly obtained and maintained throughout after a total of 9.9 years of follow-up (29 vs. 53, HR 0.54, 95%
the trial at 6.4% (46.4 mmol/mol) and 7.5% (58.5 mmol/ CI 0.34–0.85, P < 0.01) [129, 130]. The patients who appear
mol) in the intensive and standard therapy groups, respec- to benefit most from intensive glycemic control are those
tively. The primary composite major CV outcomes (nonfa- with preserved kidney function (early stages of CKD) and
tal MI, nonfatal stroke, or death from CV causes) were not those with better blood pressure control at baseline (systolic
different between two arms (HR 0.90, P = 0.16). The glyce- BP <140 mmHg). This also shows that CKD stages at base-
mic control portion of the trial was prematurely terminated line did not affect the impact of intensive glucose lowering
after 3.5 years due to higher mortality in the intensively on mortality or major cardiovascular events [131].
treated arm. Intensive glycemic control arm showed a 32% Neither study demonstrated a reduction in CV events or
reduction in the development of incident of severely mortality with intensive glycemic control. This raises the
increased urine protein (2.7% vs. 3.9%) and a 21% reduction question of whether optimal HbA1c may differ for micro-
in the development of incident of moderately increased vascular/renoprotection versus cardiovascular events. In
urine protein (12.5% vs. 15.3%) [125, 126]. However, an addition, the safety of intensive glucose control in the pres-
observational follow-up of the surviving participants in the ence of CKD has been questioned, with the ACCORD
ACCORDION study (n = 8601) over a median of 8.8 years trial [132] reporting that its intensive glucose lowering
showed a neutral long-term effect of intensive glucose con- strategy increased the risk of cardiovascular and all-cause
trol on the composite CV outcome and all-cause mortality death among participants with CKD, but not in those with
(HR 1.01, CI 0.92–1.10) [127]. In the same follow-up study, normal kidney function.
intensive glycemic control significantly reduced the devel- A smaller VADT study randomly assigned 1791 United
opment of severely increased urine protein (HR 0.68, CI States military veterans with a mean duration of diabetes
0.59–0.77) but had no impact on doubling of serum creati- of 12 years and poor glycemic control ( 7.5% or 58.5 mmol/l)
nine or need of dialysis [128]. to either standard or intensive glucose lowering therapy,
The ADVANCE study was a 2 × 2 factorial designed rand- which aimed for an overall reduction in HbA1c levels by
omized control trial randomly assigning 11 140 participants 1.5% [133]. The mean duration of diabetes was 12 years and
to standard (targeting HbA1c based on local guidelines) or the HbA1c levels achieved in the intensive and standard
intensive glucose control therapy aimed at reducing HbA1c therapy groups were 6.9% (51.9 mmol/mol) and 8.4%
to 6.5% (47.5 mmol/mol) [23]. Participants were 55 years (68.3 mmol/mol), respectively. During a median follow-up
of age with a history of major CV or microvascular disease or of 5.6 years, there was a nonsignificant reduction in the pri-
at least one other risk factor for CVD. The mean duration of mary outcome (first occurrence of a major CV event), but
diabetes was 8 years. After a 5-year follow-up, the mean the progression to albuminuria was significantly reduced
achieved HbA1c was 6.5% (47.5%) in the intensive group and in the intensive-treated group 17% vs. 35% standard-treated
7.3% (56.3 mmol/mol) in the standard group. The primary group after 2 years (P = 0.05). During an observational
outcome was a composite of microvascular events (nephrop- median follow-up of 9.8 years, the intensive-treated group
athy and retinopathy) and CV disease defined by major had a significantly lower risk of the primary outcome (MI,
adverse CV events. There was a significant reduction in the stroke, new or worsening congestive heart failure [CHF],
incidence of major microvascular events in the intensive amputation for ischemic gangrene, or CV-related death)
arm, largely driven by a 21% relative reduction in nephropa- than did the standard therapy group (HR 0.83, P = 0.04),
thy, including new or worsening nephropathy and kidney with an absolute reduction in risk of 8.6 major CV events
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374 Secondary Diseases of the Kidney: Diabetic Nephropathy
per 1000 person-years [134]. There were no differences in from adequately powered clinical trials is required to deter-
kidney failure between groups in the VADT [133] or mine whether any of these monitoring tools provide superior
VADT-F [134], its long-term follow-up study. to HbA1c in patients with DKD.
Data from a meta-analysis from 58 160 patients in 13 ran-
domized controlled trials suggest that people with type 2
Pharmacotherapy for Glucose Lowering in DKD
DM who receive intensive glucose-lowering therapy have a
reduced risk of the composite major adverse cardiovascular Slowing the progression of DKD has been the subject of
events (MACE) and MI, with no significant effect on the risk both primary and secondary endpoints in studies of
of total mortality, cardiac death, stroke, and CHF [135]. A patients with DM. Initial studies were primarily targeted to
further meta-analysis examined intensive versus standard lower blood glucose and/or blood pressure. Subsequently,
glycemic control in 27 391 adult patiants with type 2 DM and specific studies were undertaken to assess the benefit of
CKD from four randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and interrupting the renin angiotensin system in patients with
found the pooled odds ratio (OR) for the doubling of serum DKD, with or without tight glycemic control. Collectively
creatinine and need of dialysis were not statistically signifi- these studies have established that current best practice
cant, i.e. 0.98, 95% CI 0.81–1.19, and 0.84, 95% CI 0.69–1.02, includes interruption of the renin angiotensin system to
respectively. The pooled OR for the outcome of death from slow progression of kidney disease [143, 144].
kidney failure was 0.62, 95% CI 0.39–0.98 [136]. The requirement of the Food and Drug Administration
Hypoglycemia is more common as lower HbA1c levels are (FDA) to undertake cardiovascular endpoints in drugs
targeted, and people with CKD are at an increased risk of being brought to market for glycemic control has increased
hypoglycemia [137, 138]. In the ACCORD study, hypoglyce- our knowledge of potential kidney benefits in the diabetic
mia in the intensively treated group was associated with an population when specific interventions are used to improve
increase in mortality [125]. The frequency of severe hypogly- glycemic control. Although currently available data reflect
cemia in these trials was two to three times higher in the secondary endpoints, studies adequately powered to dem-
intensive therapy groups and a higher mortality was reported onstrate kidney benefits of agents primarily developed for
in participants with one or more episodes of severe hypogly- glycemic control are underway. More recently therapies
cemia in the ACCORD [30], ADVANCE [31], and VADT tri- have been trialed to interrupt specific pathways considered
als [25], irrespective of the different treatment arms in which to be of key importance in the development of DKD.
individual participants were allocated. Therefore, it has been
suggested that tight glycemic control with a target HbA1c of
Sodium-Glucose Linked
6.0% may not be ideal for older/frail individuals or those
Co-transport-2 Inhibitors
with longer duration of diabetes, advanced coronary artery
disease (CAD), and a known history of severe hypoglycemia. The combined sodium-glucose linked co-transport-1 and
It also highlights individualized glycemic control targeting, -2 (SGLT1 and 2) inhibitor phlorizin was initially isolated
with patient education, and monitoring for hypoglycemic from the bark of apple trees in 1835. It was recognized
episodes should be an important component of manage- soon after that the compound caused glycosuria, polyu-
ment plans in patients with DKD. ria, and weight loss. However, interest in inhibiting tubu-
Monitoring of glycemic control in DKD can be problem- lar reabsorption of glucose as a potential treatment for
atic. HbA1c is most commonly used but is influenced by DM did not emerge till the 1970s with discovery of the
shortened red blood cells (RBCs) survival in patients with location of SGLT transporters in the kidney. Phlorizin
DKD in the uremic millieu [139, 140], use of erythropoietin, was not pursued as a treatment for hyperglycemia due to
carbamylation of hemoglobin [141], and mechanical destruc- poor oral absorption and concurrent blockade of SGLT1,
tion of RBCs on dialysis. Thus, clinicians may often need to resulting in diarrhea and gastrointestinal side effects due
rely more on random or continuous home blood glucose to inhibition of intestinal glucose and galactose absorp-
monitoring, which raises practical and cost challenges. tion. As SGLT2 is responsible for more than 90% of glu-
Alternatives to HbA1c such as fructosamine, glycated cose reabsorption in the proximal tubule of the kidney,
albumin, and 1,5-anhydroglucitol (1,5-AG) have been pro- specific SGLT2 inhibitors were developed. Clinical trials
posed. These biomarkers have been shown to reflect glycemic initially focused on the efficacy of glycemic control in
control in CKD and also post-prandial glucose fluctuations. patients with type 2 DM. Given the glucose-lowering
Serum 1,5-AG may be useful for estimating within-day effects are dependent on glomerular filtration delivering
glucose variations. However, each has its inherent limita- glucose to the tubular lumen, where the SGLT2 transport-
tions [142] and no relationship to the development or limiting ers are situated, initial studies did not include patients
the progression of DKD has been demonstrated. Evidence with more than mild degrees of kidney impairment. Two
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Prevention, Treatment, and Follow-up of Diabetic Kidney Diseas 375
large cardiovascular (CV) endpoint trials have been uACR was 18% lower (95% CI 16–20) in participants treated
reported to date in patients with type 2 DM at high risk for with canagliflozin than in those treated with
future cardiovascular events. Both the EMPA-REG [145] placebo [148].
and CANVAS/CANVAS R trials [146] showed an impres- The DECLARE-TIMI58 study compared dapagliflozin
sive reduction in important cardiovascular endpoints, but with placebo in >17 000 individuals with type 2 DM and
importantly secondary analyses of kidney endpoints in variable risk for CVD. The outcomes were reported in a sci-
both studies showed a significant and remarkably similar entific session at the American Heart Association (AHA)
benefit on kidney-specific outcomes in this high-risk pop- meeting in November 2018 and indicate that dapagliflozin
ulation. Specifically, of the 7020 patients studied in is noninferior but not superior for reducing MACE in
EMPA-Reg, approximately 1800 had eGFR <45 ml/min, patients with this cohort. The composite rate of cardiovas-
750 had severely increased urine protein, and 80% were cular death or hospitalization for heart failure was 17%
on renin-angiotensin system blockers. Overall the study lower for patients receiving dapagliflozin compared with
demonstrated a 39% reduction in new-onset or worsening those who received placebo (4.9% vs. 5.8%). Kidney events
of existing nephropathy (HR 0.61, 95%CI 0.53–0.7), a 46% and predefined composite outcomes (defined as new kid-
reduction in the composite outcome of doubling of serum ney failure, eGFR decrease by at least 40% to less than
creatinine, initiation of kidney replacement therapy, and 60 m/min/1.73 m2, or death from kidney or CVD) were 23%
death due to kidney disease in the empagliflozin group lower in the dapagliflozin group (4.3% vs. 5.6%, P < 0.05,
(HR 0.61, 95% CI 0.53–0.7). The impact of empagliflozin compared to placebo) [149].
on the primary endpoint was not diminished in patients The mechanism of action benefit for this class of drug for
with CKD compared to those without it (MACE HR 0.88, both cardiac and kidney outcomes has been widely dis-
CV death HR 0.78, heart failure HR 0.59, all-cause mor- cussed and potential mechanisms are detailed in
tality HR 0.80, no signal of MI, stroke) [147]. Figure 24.4.
Similarly, in the CANVAS study the composite outcome Clearly these results are derived from secondary endpoints
of sustained doubling of serum creatinine, kidney failure, of studies primarily powered to determine CV outcomes.
and death from kidney causes occurred less frequently in The CREDENCE study was designed to determine the effi-
the canagliflozin group compared with the placebo group cacy and safety of canagliflozin versus placebo at preventing
(HR 0.53, 95% CI 0.33–0.84), with consistent findings clinically important kidney and cardiovascular outcomes in
across prespecified patient subgroups. Annual eGFR patients with diabetes and established kidney disease [151].
decline was slower (slope difference between groups CREDENCE randomized 4401 adults with type 2 DM, eGFR
1·2 ml/min/1.73 m2 per year, 95% CI 1.0–1.4) and mean 30 to <90 ml/min/1.73 m2, and severely increased urine
SGLT2 inhibition
Negative ↑Tubulo-
↓Blood ↓Plasma ATP dependent FFA as an energy
caloric ↓HbA1c ↑Uricosuria glomerular
pressure volume Na transport substrate
balance feedback
↓Total body ↓Inflammation ↓Plasma ↓Arterial ↓Myocardial
arteriole hypoxia
fat mass ↓Glucose toxicity uric acid stiffness stretch
↓Epicardial ↓Ventricular Activation of
↓Atherosclerosis O2 consumption autophagy/
fat arrhythmias ACE2 – Ang1/7
↓Inflammation ↑Cardiac
hypertension IFTA
↓Fibrosis contractility
Figure 24.4 Proposed mechanisms of benefit for cardiovascular and kidney outcomes with the use of SGLT2 inhibitors. Source:
Adapted from Rajasekeran et al. [150].
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376 Secondary Diseases of the Kidney: Diabetic Nephropathy
protein (uACR >300 to 5000 mg/g) with a median follow- [153] reported that SGLT2 inhibitors decrease all-cause mor-
up of 2.62 years. The CREDENCE study was terminated tality (17 studies, 31523 participants; HR 0.88, 95% CI 0.82 to
early on the advice of the Data Safety Monitoring Committee 0.95; I2 = 0%, high certainty evidence), cardiovascular mortal-
because of the magnitude of efficacy in the intervention ity (12 studies, 46442 participants; HR 0.90, 95% CI 0.83 to
arm, which found a 30% lower risk of the primary composite 0.98; I2 = 0%, high certainty evidence), major adverse cardio-
endpoint is kidney failure, doubling of serum creatinine, vascular events 3-point (MACE-3P) (10 studies, 40866 par-
and kidney or CV death in the canagliflozin arm compared ticipants; HR 0.88, 95% CI 0.82 to 0.95; I2 = 28%, high certainty
to standard of care (HR 0.70, 95% CI 0.59, 0.82) [151]. evidence), acute kidney injury (AKI) (8 studies, 24187 partici-
Because the mechanism of benefit of SGLT2 inhibitors pants; HR 0.76, 95% CI 0.66 to 0.89; I2 = 0%, high certainty
appears to be somewhat independent of glycemic control, evidence), and kidney composite outcome (8 studies, 34788
several studies have been developed and undertaken to assess participants; HR 0.60, 95% CI 0.52 to 0.70; I2 = 46%, high cer-
whether these drugs have renoprotective benefits in patients tainty evidence), compared to placebo. SGLT2 inhibitors
with type 1 DM and in patients with non-DKD. DAPA-CKD probably increase diabetic ketoacidosis (9 studies, 31442 par-
study [152], compared dapagliglozin 10 mg with placebo in ticipants; HR 2.22, 95% CI 1.18 to 4.16; I2 = 6%, moderate cer-
4304 participants with CKD with or without diabetes. The tainty evidence) and genital infection (13 studies, 14843
study found a decrease in the primary composite outcome of participants; HR 2.6, 95% CI 2.02 to 3.34; I2 = 0%, moderate
sustained decline in eGFR at least 50%, kidney failure, kid- certainty evidence) compared to placebo (Table 24.4).
ney-related or CV mortality in both participants with type 2
DM (HR 0.64, 95% CI 0.52,0.79) and those without diabetes
Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists
(HR 0.50, 95% CI 0.35, 0.72). Further studies are also planned
in the CKD population without diabetes (EMPA- Kidney, Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists have been shown
http://ClinicalTrials.gov, Identifier NCT03594110). A in experimental models to reduce albuminuria, decrease
Cochrane systematic review which is undergoing an update mesangial expansion and glomerular basement membrane
Table 24.4 SGLT2 versus placebo in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease
No. of
Relative effect Absolute effect Participants(No. of Quality of the
Outcomes (95% CI) (95% CI) studies) evidence(GRADE) Conclusions
All-cause mortality HR 0.88 10 fewer per 31523 (17 studies) High SGLT2 inhibitors
Mean follow-up: 37 months (0.82 to 0.95) 1,000(from 16 decrease all-cause
fewer to 4 fewer) mortality
Cardiovascular mortality HR 0.90 7 fewer per 46442 (12 studies) High SGLT2 inhibitors
Mean follow-up: 26 months (0.83 to 0.98) 1,000(from 12 decrease cardiovascular
fewer to 1 fewer) mortality
MACE-3P HR 0.88 15 fewer per 40866 (10 studies) High SGLT2 inhibitors
Mean follow-up: 31 months (0.82 to 0.95) 1,000(from 23 decrease MACE-3P
fewer to 6 fewer)
Kidney composite HR 0.60 39 fewer per 34788 (8 studies) High SGLT2 inhibitors
outcome (0.52 to 0.70) 1,000(from 48 decrease kidney
Mean follow-up: 33 months fewer to 29 fewer) composite outcome
AKI HR 0.76 11 fewer per 24187 (8 studies) High SGLT2 inhibitors
Mean follow-up: 30 months (0.66 to 0.89) 1,000(from 15 decrease AKI
fewer to 5 fewer)
Diabetic ketoacidosis HR 2.22 37 more per 31442 (9 studies) Moderate SGLT2 inhibitors
Mean follow-up: 28 months (1.18 to 4.16) 1,000(from 5 more probably increases
to 92 more) diabetic ketoacidosis
Genital infection HR 2.6 14 more per 14843 (13 studies) Moderate SGLT2 inhibitors
(2.02 to 3.34) 1,000(from 9 more probably increases
Mean follow-up: 18 months to 21 more) genital infections
AKI = Acute kidney injury; CI = Confidence interval; HR = Hazard ratio; MACE-3P = Major adverse cardiovascular events 3-point;
SGLT2 = Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2
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Prevention, Treatment, and Follow-up of Diabetic Kidney Diseas 377
thickness, confer endothelial protection, and restore podo- overall reached the composite endpoint of severely
cyte function. The main factors mediating renoprotection increased urine protein, doubling of serum creatinine to
include inhibition of protein kinase B signaling, inhibition reach an eGFR of less than 45 ml/min/m2 or persistent
of NAD(P)H oxidative signaling, increased cAMP and pro- renal replacement therapy. Overall the HR of developing
tein kinase A, and reduction in inflammatory cell infiltra- new or worsening nephropathy was 0.64 (CI 0.46–0.88,
tion and ICAM-1 expression [154, 155]. GLP-1 receptor P < 0.005) [159].
agonists have also been shown to normalize glomerular The ELIXA trial investigated the effects of lixisenatide
hyperfiltration in diabetes through inhibition of atrial in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) [160]. Although no
natriuretic peptide, which limits afferent arteriolar vasodi- benefit was observed in CV outcomes, secondary analyses
lation, and inhibition of endothelin, which limits efferent demonstrated a reduction in severely increased urine pro-
arteriolar vasoconstriction [156]. These positive effects tein in the lixisenatide-treated patients (P < 0.01) with a
have been replicated in clinical trials with lira- [155], modest reduction in moderately increased urine protein
sema- [156], and dula-glutides and lixisenatide all demon- (P < 0.05) [161]. Despite no benefit in eGFR being observed
strating a reduction in albuminuria; liraglutide and dura- with lixisenatide treatment in the overall population, in
glutide have shown a reduction in the decline of eGFR. the subgroup with an eGFR of between 30 and 59 ml/
Both CV and kidney benefits persist in patients with an min/1.73m2 a slowing in the rate of decline in eGFR was
eGFR of <60 ml/min. observed [157].
The secondary kidney outcomes of the LEADER study AWARD-7 assessed the effect of dulaglutide versus insulin
were reported in 2017 [157]. Of the 9340 patients rand- glargine in a study population enriched with DKD (mean
omized 20.7% had an eGFR of between 30 and 59 ml/min eGFR 38 ml/min/1.73 m2). A slowing in the rate of decline of
(stage 3 CKD), 26.3% had moderately increased urine pro- GFR, measured by cystatin C and a reduction in albuminu-
tein, and 10.5% had macroproteinuria. The kidney outcome, ria, was observed in patients treated with either 1.5 or 1.75 mg
i.e. a composite of new-onset persistent severely increased of dulaglutide/day. The benefit for dulaglutide was more
urine protein, persistent doubling of the serum creatinine pronounced in patients with severely increased urine protein
level, kidney failure, or death due to kidney disease, compared to those with moderately increased urine protein.
occurred in fewer participants in the liraglutide group than These benefits were independent of glycemic control. A
in the placebo group (268 of 4668 patients vs. 337 of 4672, greater weight loss and lower incidence of hyperglycemia
HR 0.78, 95% CI 0.67–0.92, P = 0.003). This result was driven were also observed in the dulaglutide-treated patients [162].
primarily by the new onset of persistent severely increased A Cochrane systematic review which is undergoing an
urine protein, which occurred in fewer participants in the update [153]reported that GLP-1 agonists decrease all-cause
liraglutide group than in the placebo group (161 vs. 215 mortality (6 studies, 3363 participants; HR 0.76, 95% CI 0.62
patients, HR 0.74, 95% CI 0.60– 0.91, P = 0.004). Liraglutide to 0.93; I2 = 0%, high certainty evidence), cardiovascular mor-
administration was associated with a significant reduction tality (4 studies, 3138 participants; RR 0.70, 95% CI 0.54 to
in albuminuria, with nearly 25% lower likelihood of devel- 0.92; I2 = 0%, high certainty evidence), probably decrease
opment of severely increased urine protein, and with the MACE-3P (6 studies, 31245 participants; HR 0.83, 95% CI
uACR approximately 20% lower among treated people, 0.75 to 0.93; I2 = 55%, moderate certainty evidence), decrease
regardless of the baseline level of eGFR. No significant kidney composite outcome (2 studies, 4357 participants; HR
effect on eGFR was found with liraglutide, although both 0.83, 95% CI 0.74 to 0.93; I2 = 0%, high certainty evidence),
those receiving and not receiving the drug showed a decline and probably make little or no difference on AKI (2 studies,
in eGFR from approximately 75 to 65 ml/min/1.73 m2 over 2482 participants; HR 0.83, 95% CI 0.62 to 1.11; I2 = 0%,
moderate certainty evidence) compared to placebo or stand-
the 48-month period of observation. In subgroup analyses
ard care (Table 24.5).
presented at the EASD in October 2018, it was demon-
strated that the cardiovascular benefit was more significant
in patients with an eGFR between 30 and 60 ml/min/1.73m2
Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibitors
compared to those with higher levels of eGFR [158].
Similarly, in the Trial to Evaluate Cardiovascular and Dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP) inhibitors are increasingly
Other Long-term Outcomes with Semaglutide in Subjects used in the CKD population to achieve optimal glycemic
with Type 2 Diabetes trial (SUSTAIN-6), persistent control. DPP-4 is involved in the development of kidney
severely increased urine protein developed among 2.7% of fibrosis process via catalytic-dependent or -independent
those receiving semaglutide, but among 4.9% of those mechanisms [163]. DPP-4 exhibits several important bio-
receiving placebo. Fewer subjects treated with semaglutide logical functions that predict that inhibition of DPP-4
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378 Secondary Diseases of the Kidney: Diabetic Nephropathy
Table 24.5 GLP-1 versus placebo/standard care in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease
All-cause mortality HR 0.76 28 fewer per 3363 (6 studies) High GLP-1 agonists
Mean follow-up: 5 months (0.62 to 0.93) 1,000(from 45 fewer decrease all-cause
to 8 fewer) mortality
Cardiovascular mortality RR 0.70 25 fewer per 3138 (4 studies) High GLP-1 agonists
Mean follow-up: 20 months (0.54 to 0.92) 1,000(from 38 fewer decrease
to 7 fewer) cardiovascular
MACE-3P HR 0.83 42 fewer per 31245 (6 studies) Moderate GLP-1 agonists
Mean follow-up: 44 months (0.75 to 0.93) 1,000(from 62 fewer probably decrease
to 17 fewer) MACE-3P
Kidney composite outcome HR 0.83 12 fewer per 4357 (2 studies) High GLP-1 agonists
Mean follow-up: 4.6 years (0.74-0.93) 1,000(from 22 fewer decrease kidney
to 0 fewer) composite outcome
AKI HR 0.83 1 fewer per 2482 (2 studies) Moderate GLP-1 agonists
Mean follow-up: 26 months (0.62 to 1.11) 1,000(from 3 fewer probably make little or
to 1 more) no difference on AKI
AKI = Acute kidney injury; CI = Confidence interval; GLP-1 = glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor; HR = Hazard ratio;
MACE-3P = Major adverse cardiovascular events 3-point; RR = Relative risk
should reduce inflammation and fibrosis. More than 30 (SAVOR-TIMI) [184], sitagliptin (TECOS) [185], aloglip-
potential substrates for DPP-4 have been identified, tin (EXAMINE) [186], or linagliptin. The CARMELINA
including GLP-1, glucose-dependent insulinotropic pep- trial compared DPP-4 inhibitor linagliptin against pla-
tide (GIP), high mobility group protein 1 (HMGB1), brain cebo for cardiovascular safety as specified by the FDA.
natriuretic peptide, neuropeptide Y, and meprin [163– The CARMELINA trial is unique as 60% of the partici-
169]. DPP-4 and integrin-β1 interactions induce profi- pants had CKD, with patients enrolled down to an eGFR
brotic cellular signaling and endothelial mesenchymal of 15 ml/min/1.73 m2. Linagliptin did not increase the
transition [170]. DPP4 inhibitors have experimentally risk of CV events or heart failure and hence was deemed
been shown to be renoprotective, with in vitro and ani- safe in individuals with DKD. Although linagliptin
mal data suggestive of inhibition of inflammatory and showed a significant reduced risk for progression to albu-
fibrotic responses that would otherwise drive kidney minuria (HR 0.86, 95% CI 0.78–0.96, P < 0.0034), it had
injury [171–174]. DPP-4 inhibition induces miR-29, a key no impact on the composite kidney endpoint of a sus-
antifibrotic miR, integrin β1, and IFN-γ. Suppression of tained >40% reduction in eGFR, kidney failure, or death
IFN-γ results in the induction of FGF 1, which induces due to kidney disease (HR 1.04, 95% CI 0.89–1.22) [187].
miR-let-7. Increased levels of miR-let-7 suppress the A Cochrane systematic review which is undergoing an
expression of TGFbR1, resulting in the auto amplifica- update [153] reported that DPP-4 inhibitors make little or
tion of miR-29s [163]. no difference on all-cause mortality (9 studies, 11509
Many preclinical studies have confirmed the potential participants; HR 0.92, 95% CI 0.80 to 1.05; I2 = 0%, high
renoprotective effects of DPP-4 inhibitors in multiple kid- certainty evidence), cardiovascular mortality (4 studies,
ney injury models, including diabetic [175–178] and non- 7569 participants; HR 0.98, 95% CI 0.83 to 1.15; I2 = 0%,
diabetic models of nephropathy [179–182]. Thus far, no high certainty evidence), MACE-3P (4 studies, 14441 par-
clinical trial has revealed beneficial effects of DPP-4 inhibi- ticipants; HR 1.00, 95% CI 0.92 to 1.10; I2 = 0%, high cer-
tors on kidney hard outcomes. tainty evidence), kidney composite outcome (2 studies,
Smaller and retrospective clinical studies demon- 9555 participants; HR 1.08, 95% CI 0.89 to 1.31; I2 = 33%,
strated a benefit in favor of DPP4 inhibitors reducing high certainty evidence), and may make little or no differ-
albuminuria [183], but cardiovascular endpoint studies ence on AKI (2 studies, 7112 participants; RR 0.95, 95%
where kidney outcomes have been reported have shown CI 0.73 to 1.24; I2 = 0%, low certainty evidence) compared
no benefit compared to that of placebo for saxagliptin to placebo (Table 24.6).
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Prevention, Treatment, and Follow-up of Diabetic Kidney Diseas 379
Table 24.6 DPP-4 versus placebo in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease
All-cause mortality HR 0.92 8 fewer per 11509 (9 studies) High DPP-4 inhibitors make
Mean follow-up: 15 months (0.8 to 1.05) 1,000(from 20 fewer little or no difference
to 5 more) on all-cause mortality
Cardiovascular mortality HR 0.98 1 fewer per 7569 (4 studies) High DPP-4 inhibitors make
Mean follow-up: 40 months (0.83 to 1.15) 1,000(from 12 fewer little or no difference
to 11 more) on cardiovascular
MACE-3P HR 1.0 3 more per 14441 (4 studies) High DPP-4 inhibitors make
Mean follow-up: 44 months (0.92 to 1.10) 1,000(from 11 fewer little or no difference
to 16 more) on MACE-3P
Kidney composite HR 1.08 8 more per 9555 (2 studies) High DPP-4 inhibitors make
outcome (0.89 to 1.31) 1,000(from 11 fewer little or no difference
Mean follow-up: 40 months to 29 more) on kidney composite
AKI RR 0.95 12 more per 7112 (2 studies) Low DPP-4 inhibitors may
Mean follow-up: 20 months (0.73 to 1.24) 1,000(from 41 fewer make little or no
to 202 more) difference on AKI
AKI = Acute kidney injury; CI = Confidence interval; DPP-4 = Dipeptidyl peptidase 4; HR = Hazard ratio; MACE-3P = Major adverse
cardiovascular events 3-point; RR = Relative risk
The PROspective pioglitAzone Clinical Trial (PROactive) presented outcomes and deaths from cardiovascular causes
study randomized 5238 high-risk subjects with type 2 DM in all 4447 subjects. Although there were no statistically sig-
with established macrovascular disease to pioglotazone or nificant differences between the rosiglitazone versus con-
matching placebo [231]. In a mean follow-up of trol groups regarding myocardial infarction and death from
34.5 months, the pioglitazone-treated group had fewer sec- CV causes or all-cause, there were more people with heart
ondary endpoints (composite of all-cause mortality, non- failure in the rosiglitazone group than in the control group
fatal myocardial infarction, and stroke) (301 vs. 358, HR (HR 2.15, 95% CI 1.30– 3.57) [235]. The final analysis of the
0.84, 95% CI 0.72–0.98, P = 0.03) when compared with the RECORD study, with a mean 5.5-year follow-up, showed
placebo. The incidence of hospitalization with heart fail- that addition of rosiglitazone to glucose-lowering therapy
ure or mortality rates from heart failure did not differ in people with type 2 DM increased the risk of heart failure
between groups. In a follow-up analysis of the PROactive and fractures, especially in women. The addition of rosigli-
study, although pioglitazone (5.7%) was associated with tazone to the therapeutic regimen of people with type 2 DM
more serious heart failure events during the study than was not associated with reduced risk of overall cardiovascu-
placebo (4.1%) (P = 0.007), pioglitazone was associated lar morbidity or mortality compared with standard glucose-
with lower fatal/nonfatal MI (28% risk reduction [RR], lowering medications. A meta-analysis that included 20 191
P = 0.045) and ACS (37% RR, P = 0.04) compared to pla- subjects with either prediabetes or type 2 DM who had CHF
cebo in the subgroup of participants with significant heart examined the risk of exacerbation of congestive cardiac fail-
failure [232]. A post hoc analysis investigated the relation- ure (CCF) in those taking TZDs compared with control and
ship between CKD and incident CVD in this population as found the risk of CCF was higher in people given TZDs
well as the effects of pioglitazone treatment on recurrent (RR 1.72, 95% CI 1.21–2.4, P = 0.002). There was no hetero-
CVD. CKD, defined as an eGFR <60 ml/min per 1.73 m2, geneity of effect across the seven studies, suggesting that it
was present in 597 (11.6%) of 5154 patients. More patients is a class effect of TZDs. However, a higher rate of CV death
with CKD reached the primary composite endpoint (all- was not observed [236]. There were no kidney outcomes
cause mortality, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), stroke, reported in these studies. A Cochrane systematic review
ACS, coronary/carotid arterial intervention, leg revascu- which is undergoing an update [153] reported that thiazoli-
larization, or amputation above the ankle) than patients dinediones may make little or no difference on all-cause
without CKD (27.5% vs. 9.6%, P < 0.0001) as well as sec- mortality (2 studies, 147 participants; RR 0.35, 95% CI 0.06
ondary composite endpoint (defined above). A greater to 2.23; I2 = 0%, low certainty evidence) and heart failure (2
decline in eGFR was observed in the pioglitazone-treated studies, 123 participants; RR 0.34, 95% CI 0.01 to 8.13;
group (between-group difference 0.8 ml/min/1.73 m2/ low certainty evidence), compared to placebo or control
year) than with placebo [233]. (Table 24.7).
The RECORD study randomized 4458 individuals with
type 2 DM with inadequate control while on metformin or
Blood Pressure Lowering in DKD
sulfonylurea in combination with rosiglitazone showed at
18 months that HbA1c reduction is similar between rosigli- Observational studies show a strong relationship between
tazone added to metformin or sulfonylureas [234]. In a fur- a higher level of BP and an increased risk of kidney
ther interim analysis (3.75 years follow-up) the same group failure and worsening kidney function in DKD. Optimal
Table 24.7 Thiazolidinediones versus placebo/control in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease
All-cause mortality RR 0.35 36 fewer per 147 (2 studies) Low Thiazolidinediones may
Mean follow-up: (0.06 to 2.23) 1,000(from 52 fewer make little or no difference
25 weeks to 68 more) on all-cause mortality
Heart failure RR 0.34 (0.01 11 fewer per 123 (2 studies) Low Thiazolidinediones may
Mean follow-up: to 8.13) 1,000(from 16 fewer make little or no difference
18 months to 114 more) on heart failure
Kidney failure - - - - No studies were found that
looked at kidney failure
BP control is accepted as an important therapy in the pre- arm were attenuated but remained significant [130].
vention and progression of CKD in diabetes, although the The Hypertension Optimal Treatment (HOT) trial included
optimal targets for BP in patients DKD have not been patients with and without diabetes and compared DBP tar-
determined [237–241]. gets of 90, 85, and 80 mmHg. Post hoc analyses found
The UKPDS study suggested that a target BP of cardiovascular benefit with more intensive targets in the
<150/85 mmHg was associated with a reduction in micro- subpopulation with diabetes [248].
vascular events, including kidney outcomes [194]. In the A meta-analysis of five RCTs enrolled 7312 adults with
Systolic Hypertension in Europe (Syst-Eur) trial, a target sys- type 2 DM comparing intensive BP targets (upper limit of
tolic BP of <150 mmHg was associated with a lower inci- 130 mmHg systolic and 80 mmHg diastolic) with standard
dence of proteinuria among those with diabetes and in the targets (upper limit of 140–160 mmHg systolic and
overall study group was associated with fewer people devel- 85–100 mmHg diastolic) and found no significant reduc-
oping a creatinine >177 mmol/l [242]. The Appropriate tion in mortality or nonfatal MI. There was a statistically
Blood Pressure Control in Diabetes (ABCD) normotensive significant 35% RR reduction in stroke with intensive tar-
study found that achieving a systolic BP of <130 mmHg was gets, but the absolute risk reduction was only 1% and inten-
associated with fewer people developing moderately sive targets were associated with an increased risk for
increased urine protein and reduced risk of progression adverse events such as hypotension and syncope [249]. The
from moderately to severely increased urine protein [243]. A threshold of BP lowering in diabetics with CKD remains
study in type 1 DM found that a target mean arterial pres- controversial [250].
sure of 92 mmHg (125/75) was associated with a reduction
in proteinuria [244].
Pharmacotherapy for BP Lowering
RAAS Blockade
Intensive Versus Standard BP Lowering in DKD
RAAS blockade using various drugs, including angiotensin
The ACCORD BP trial examined whether an spontaneous converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor
bacterial peritonitis (SBP) of <120 mmHg in patients with blockers (ARBs), direct renin inhibitors, and mineralocor-
type 2 DM at high CV risk provided greater cardiovascular ticoid receptor antagonists have shown efficacy in animal
protection than an SBP of 130–140 mmHg [245]. The study models of DKD. In humans, RAAS inhibition has proved to
did not find a benefit in the primary endpoint (i.e. nonfatal be the single most effective therapy for slowing the pro-
MI, nonfatal stroke, and cardiovascular death) comparing gression of DKD.
intensive BP treatment (mean BP achieved 119/64 mmHg The CAPTOPRIL study was the first large trial to exam-
on 3.4 medications) with standard treatment (mean BP ine the effect of ACE inhibitors on the progression of
achieved 143/70 mmHg on 2.1 medications). Stroke was sig- advanced DKD. The study randomly assigned 409 patients
nificantly reduced in the intensive BP treatment groups. with type 1 DM, overt proteinuria (protein excretion
The ACCORD BP study found less progression of proteinu- 500 mg/day), and reduced kidney function to captopril
ria in the intensive BP lowering group, but this was associ- 25 mg three times a day or matching placebo. There was a
ated with increased risk of AKI events [245]. A follow-up 48% reduction in risk for doubling of serum creatinine
analysis found the intensive BP/intensive glycemia, inten- concentration and a 50% reduction in the composite end-
sive BP/standard glycemia, and standard BP/intensive gly- point of death, dialysis therapy, or transplantation [251].
cemia groups all showed benefit for reducing the risk of This trial established the efficacy of ACE inhibitors inde-
major CVD when compared to the standard glycemia/ pendent of BP control in slowing the progression of DKD
standard BP control group in the BP trial [246]. in patients with type 1 DM and overt proteinuria. The
In ADVANCE, the intensive BP intervention arm (a other trials using RAAS blockade in patients with type 1
single-pill, fixed-dose combination of perindopril and inda- DM including the (Renin-Angiotensin System Study
pamide) showed a significant reduction in the risk of the [RASS] [252], Diabetic Retinopathy Candesartan Trial
primary composite endpoint (major macrovascular or [DIRECT] -Prevent 1, and DIRECT-Protect 1) [253] failed
microvascular event) and in the risk of death from any to show that RAAS blockade prevented the development
cause and of death from cardiovascular causes [247]. of moderately increased urine protein in those with nor-
Compared with the placebo group, the patients in the inten- moalbuminuria at baseline.
sive BP lowering arm experienced an average reduction of The Effect of Irebesrtan in the Development of Diabetic
5.6 mmHg in SBP and 2.2 mmHg in diastolic blood pressure Nephropathy in Patients With T2DM (IRMA-2) trial ran-
(DBP). The ADVANCE-ON study reported that the reduc- domly assigned 590 patients with type 2 DM and moder-
tions in the risk of all-cause mortality in the intensive ately increased urine protein to irbesartan 150 mg daily,
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Prevention, Treatment, and Follow-up of Diabetic Kidney Diseas 383
irbesartan 300 mg daily or matching placebo with follow-up the study was not powered to assess this as an endpoint. In
for 2 years to determine the effect of irbesartan in preven- recent years, new studies have been conducted in people
tion of new onset of overt proteinuria. Irbesartan reduced with DKD, comparing RAAS blockade with placebo or no
the risk for the development of overt proteinuria (defined as treatment.A Cochrane systematic review which is under-
albumin excretion >200 mg/day) in a dose-dependent ben- going an update [258] reported that ACE inhibitors may
efit [254]. The Irbesartan in Diabetic Nephropathy Trial make little or no difference on all-cause mortality (24 stud-
(IDNT) [144] and the Reduction of Endpoints in Non ies, 7413 participants; RR 0.91, 95% CI 0.73 to 1.15; I2 =
Insuline Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) with the 23%, low certainty evidence), fatal or nonfatal stroke (2 stud-
Angiotensin II Antagonist Losartan (RENAAL) [143] study ies, 4944 participants; RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.80 to 1.31; I2 = 0%,
independently showed irbesartan and losartan, respec- low certainty evidence) and fatal or nonfatal myocardial
tively, can delay the progression of DKD in patients with infarction (3 studies, 5100 participants; RR 0.79, 95% CI
type 2 DM, overt proteinuria, and reduced kidney function. 0.57 to 1.09; I2 = 0%, low certainty evidence) compared to
IDNT randomly assigned 1715 participants to irbesartan, placebo or no treatment. The effects of ACE inhibitor on
amlodipine, or placebo with follow-up for a mean of cardiovascular mortality and doubling of serum creatinine
2.6 years. BP was targeted at <135/85 mmHg and was were very uncertain (Table 24.8).
achieved with agents in classes other than those under The same Cochrane review reported that ARB may make
study. Independent of BP control, irbesartan reduced the little or no difference on all-cause mortality (11 studies, 4260
risk for the composite outcome of doubling of serum creati- participants; RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.85 to 1.16; I2 = 0%, low cer-
nine concentration, kidney failure, or death as compared to tainty evidence), and has uncertain effects on cardiovascular
amlodipine or placebo. The RENAAL trial followed up 1513 mortality (6 studies, 878 participants; RR 3.36, 95% CI 0.93 to
patients with type 2 DM and overt proteinuria for a mean of 12.07; low certainty evidence), fatal or nonfatal stroke (2 stud-
3.4 years and demonstrated that losartan 100 mg daily was ies, 619 participants; RR 0.76, 95% CI 0.32 to 1.77; I2 = 0%,
superior to placebo to reduce the risk for the same compos- low certainty evidence) and fatal or nonfatal myocardial
ite endpoint as in IDNT [143]. Taken together, these studies infarction (2 studies, 619 participants; RR 0.43, 95% CI 0.11
provide robust evidence supporting the benefit independ- to 1.65; low certainty evidence), and may prevent doubling of
ent of BP lowering of RAS-blocking medication on slowing serum creatinine (4 studies, 3280 participants; RR 0.84, 95%
the progression of DKD. Despite the dramatic benefit with CI 0.72 to 0.97; I2 = 37%, low certainty evidence) compared to
ARB therapy, many participants on ARB therapy still ended placebo or no treatment (Table 24.9).
up with kidney failure, therefore novel therapy and drug
development is required for prevention of progressive DKD. Combination Therapy
In patients with type 2 DM with early and incipient In the Antihypertensive and Lipid Lowering Treatment to
nephropathy, mixed results were observed. In the Heart Prevent Heart Attack (ALLHAT) trial subgroup, 13 101
Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) trial, the use of participants with type 2 DM were randomly assigned to
ramipril was not effective in preventing new onset microal- chlorthalidone, amlodipine (dihydropyridine calcium
buminuria [255]. The Bergamo Nephrologic Diabetes channel blocker [CCB]) or lisinopril. Despite the
Complications Trial (BENEDICT) study randomly assigned chlorthalidone-treated group having a lower systolic BP
patients to one of four arms (placebo, trandolapril, vera- when compared with lisinopril or amlodipine, no differ-
pamil, or trandolapril plus verapamil) for at least 3 years ence in the primary endpoint of combined fatal coronary
with a goal BP <120/80 mmHg. The two arms containing heart disease or nonfatal or fatal MI (HR 0.97, 95% CI
trandolapril showed a benefit in preventing the develop- 0.86–1.10) was seen between amlodipine and chlortha-
ment of albuminuria, with post hoc analyses suggesting lidone. The Avoiding Cardiovascular events through
that the effect was independent of BP reduction [256]. The Combination therapy in Patients Living with Systolic
Randomized Olmesartan and Diabetes Microalbuminuria Hypertension (ACCOMPLISH) trial compared benazepril/
Prevention (ROADMAP) trial followed up 4449 partici- amlodipine combination treatment with benazepril/thi-
pants for a median of 3.2 years. There was a statistically azide therapy [259]. The trial enrolled 6946 high-risk par-
significant difference in BP between the olmesartan and ticipants with type 2 DM and 2842 participants with high
placebo arms. The primary analysis of the trial showed that CV and kidney risk. The primary endpoint was a compos-
olmesartan prevented or delayed the onset of moderately ite of MI, stroke, CV death, hospitalization for angina,
increased urine protein, with moderately increased urine resuscitated cardiac arrest, and coronary revasculariza-
protein developing in 8.2% versus 9.8% of participants tion. Benazepril/amlodipine reduced occurrence of the
(olmesartan vs. placebo). However, the olmesartan group primary event compared to benazepril/thiazide in all sub-
had lower BPs and an increase in CV deaths [257], although jects with diabetes (8.8% vs. 11%; HR 0.79, 95%
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384 Secondary Diseases of the Kidney: Diabetic Nephropathy
All-cause mortality RR 0.91 11 fewer per 7413 (24 studies) Low ACEi may make little or no
Mean follow-up: 2.9 years (0.73 to 1.15) 1000 (34 fewer difference on all-cause mortality
to 19 more) compared to placebo/no treatment
Cardiovascular mortality RR 0.67 16 fewer per 5625 (17 studies) Very low It is very uncertain whether ACEi
Mean follow-up: 2.3 years (0.13 to 3.57) 1000 (43 fewer makes any difference on
to 126 more) cardiovascular mortality compared
to placebo/no treatment
Doubling of serum RR 0.69 13 fewer per 6702 (8 studies) Very low It is very uncertain whether ACEi
creatinine (0.47 to 1.01) 1000 (23 fewer makes any difference on doubling
Mean follow-up: 4 years to 0) of serum creatinine compared to
placebo/no treatment
Fatal or nonfatal stroke RR 1.02 1 more per 4944 (2 studies) Low ACEi may make little or no
Mean follow-up: 7 years (0.80 to 1.31) 1000 (9 fewer difference on fatal or nonfatal
to 15 more) stroke compared to placebo/no
Fatal or nonfatal RR 0.79 6 fewer per 5100 (3 studies) Low ACEi may make little or no
myocardial infarction (0.57 to 1.09) 1000 (13 fewer difference on fatal or nonfatal
Mean follow-up: 3.2 years to 3 more) myocardial infarction compared to
placebo/no treatment
All-cause mortality RR 0.99 (0.85 1 fewer per 4260 (11 studies) Low ARB may make little or no
Mean follow-up: 2.2 years to 1.16) 1000 (20 fewer difference on all-cause mortality
to 22 more) compared to placebo/no treatment
Cardiovascular mortality RR 3.36 (0.93 17 more per 878 (6 studies) Low ARB have uncertain effects on
Mean follow-up: 1.6 years to 12.07) 1000 (0 to cardiovascular mortality compared
78 more) to placebo/no treatment
Doubling of serum RR 0.84 (0.72 45 fewer per 3280 (4 studies) Low ARB may prevent doubling of
creatinine to 97) 1000 (79 fewer serum creatinine compared to
Mean follow-up: 2.9 years to 8 fewer) placebo/no treatment
Fatal or nonfatal stroke RR 0.76 (0.32 9 fewer per 619 (2 studies) Low ARB have uncertain effects on
Mean follow-up: 2.8 years to 1.77) 1000 (26 fewer fatal or nonfatal stroke compared
to 30 more) to placebo/no treatment
Fatal or nonfatal RR 0.43 (0.11 13 fewer per 619 (2 studies) Low ARB have uncertain effects on
myocardial infarction to 1.65) 1000 (20 fewer fatal or nonfatal myocardial
Mean follow-up: 2.8 years to 15 more) infarction compared to placebo/no
CI 0.68–0.92). In an intention-to-treat post hoc analysis, more frequent in the benazepril plus amlodipine group
lower events of CKD progression in the benazepril plus than in the benazepril plus hydrochlorothiazide group.
amlodipine group compared to the benazepril plus hydro- Based on this evidence, for persons in whom combination
chlorothiazide group (HR 0·52, 95% CI 0.41–0.65, therapy with an ACE inhibitor is being considered, a dihy-
P < 0·0001) [260]. Although the peripheral oedema is com- dropyridine CCB is preferable to a thiazide/thiazide-like
mon among both groups with CKD, angioedema was diuretic.
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Prevention, Treatment, and Follow-up of Diabetic Kidney Diseas 385
Combination RAAS blockers or the addition of a renin DKD and secondary endpoint for FIGARO-DKD study). A
inhibitor such as alliskerin to an ACE inhibitor or angio- Cochrane systematic review which is undergoing an update
tensin 2 receptor blocker has not been a positive strategy to [270] showed that mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist
reduce progressive loss of kidney function. On the con- probably makes little or no effect on all-cause mortality (8
trary, three large RCTs (ONTARGET, VA-NEPHROND, studies, 14293 participants; RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.80 to 1.00; I2 =
and ALTITUDE) have shown such interventions increase 0%, moderate certainty evidence), cardiovascular mortality (4
risk of AKI and hyperkalemia in individuals with studies, 13366 participants; RR 0.88, 95% CI 0.76 to 1.02; I2 =
DKD [261–263]. Although the combination of agents that 0%, moderate certainty evidence), myocardial infarction (3
block the RAAS are generally not recommended in the studies, 13080 participants; RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.75 to 1.13; I2 =
management of DKD, a network meta-analysis has also 0%, moderate certainty evidence), stroke (5 studies, 14259
identified dual RAAS blockade as a promising potential participants; RR 0.99, 95% CI 0.82 to 1.2; I2 = 0%, moderate
therapy if it can be offered safely [264]. certainty evidence) and kidney failure (3 studies, 13080 par-
ticipants; RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.73 to 1.01; I2 = 0%, moderate
certainty evidence) compared to placebo or no treatment
Miniralcorticoid Receptors Inhibitor
(Table 24.10).
Aldosterone blockade reduces CV mortality in patients with
heart failure and reduces albuminuria [265–267]. Potential
Lipid Lowering
mechanisms of action include promotion of salt and water
loss, potentially improving volume and BP management, Dyslipidemia is common in people with diabetes and CKD.
with antifibrotic and antioxidant effects demonstrated in Individuals with diabetes and CKD typically have lower
animal studies. The third-generation mineralocorticoid levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, high
receptor antagonist finerenone has been shown to reduce triglyceride, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-
albuminuria DKD at 90 days without significant safety con- C) levels, hence a more atherogenic profile. The evidence
cerns. The phase 2 study involved 821 participants with type that low LDL-C concentration reduces the risk of CV
2 DM, of whom 36.7% had albuminuria (uACR 300 mg/g) events in patients with diabetes and early CKD generally
and 40.0% had an eGFR of 60 ml/min/1.73 m2. Finerenone reflects the evidence reported in the general population.
demonstrated a dose-dependent reduction in uACR. The The Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ (CTT)
prespecified secondary outcome of hyperkalemia leading to Collaboration meta-analysis of >170 000 subjects receiv-
discontinuation was not observed in the placebo and low- ing statin found that for every 1.0 mmol/l reduction in
dose finerenone groups, but showed an increasing incidence LDL-C: low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol there was an
with higher doses [267]. The impact of adding a mineralo- approximately 20% reduction in CVD events, regardless
corticoid receptor antagonist to background standard of care of baseline LDL-C [271]. The effects of statins on all
including an ACE inhibitor or ARB is being evaluated in the fatal and nonfatal CV outcomes were similar for partici-
Efficacy and Safety of Finerenone in Subjects With Type 2 pants with or without diabetes (14 trials, >18 000
Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetic Kidney Disease (FIDELIO- participants with diabetes) [272]. The updated CTT
DKD) [268] and Efficacy and Safety of Finerenone in meta-analysis of 170 000 participants showed that addi-
Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and the Clinical tional reductions in LDL-C (down to approximately 1.0–
Diagnosis of Diabetic Kidney Disease (FIGARO-DKD) trials 2.0 mmol/l) with more intensive therapy further reduced
[269]. The pre-specified meta-analysis FIDELITY, which the incidence of major vascular events and that these
included FIDELIO-DKD and FIGARO-DKD trials pre- reductions could be achieved safely, even in individuals
sented at the European Society of Cardiology 2021 Congress with lower baseline LDL-C levels [273]. The IMproved
demonstrated that the non-steroidal mineralocorticoid Reduction of Outcomes: Vytorin Efficacy International
receptor antagonist finerenone in addition to ACE inhibi- Trial (IMPROVE-IT) showed that the addition of
tion or ARB in patients with CKD and type 2 DM decreased ezetimibe to simvastatin in participants with recent ACS
4-point MACE (HR 0.86, 95% CI 0.78, 0.95) compared to pla- provided CVD event benefit compared to use of simvas-
cebo. Other non-steroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antag- tatin alone. The event reductions were particularly evi-
onists (apararenone, esaxerenone) have been examined in dent in people with type 2 DM [274].
smaller non kidney and CV outcome based trials. The end- The data from more advanced CKD are largely derived
points of this study consist of a composite of first occurrence from the Study of Heart and Renal Protection (SHARP)
of the composite endpoint of onset of kidney failure, a sus- trial [271]. SHARP randomized 9438 participants >40 years
tained decrease of eGFR 40% from baseline over at least old with CKD (mean eGFR of 27 ml/min/1.73 m2) to receive
4 weeks, and kidney death (primary endpoint for FIDELIO- simvastatin 20 mg plus ezetimibe 10 mg daily or placebo and
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386 Secondary Diseases of the Kidney: Diabetic Nephropathy
Table 24.10 Mineralocorticoid versus placebo in people with diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease.
All-cause mortality RR 0.90 9 fewer per 14293 (8 studies) Moderate Mineralocorticoid receptor
Mean follow-up: 20 months (0.80 to 1.00) 1,000(from 18 antagonist probably makes
fewer to 0) little or no effect on all-cause
Cardiovascular mortality RR 0.88 7 fewer per 13366 (4 studies) Moderate Mineralocorticoid receptor
Mean follow-up: 22 months (0.76 to 1.02) 1,000(from 13 antagonist probably makes
fewer to 1 more) little or no effect on
cardiovascular mortality
Myocardial infarction RR 0.92 2 fewer per 13080 (3 studies) Moderate Mineralocorticoid receptor
Mean follow-up: 12 months (0.75 to 1.13) 1,000(from 7 antagonists probably makes
fewer to 4 more) little or no difference on
myocardial infarction
Stroke RR 0.99 0 per 1,000 14259 (5 studies) Moderate Mineralocorticoid receptor
Mean follow-up: 16 months (0.82 to 1.2) (from 5 fewer antagonist probably makes
to 6 more) little or no effect on stroke
Kidney failure RR 0.86 6 fewer per 13080 (3 studies) Moderate Mineralocorticoid receptor
Mean follow-up: 28 months (0.73 to 1.01) 1,000(from 12 antagonist probably makes
fewer to 0) little or no effect on kidney
followed them for 5 years. Thirty-three percent of the tal myocardial infarction, or nonfatal stroke, except that
patients (n = 3023) were receiving maintenance dialysis at there was an increase in the risk of fatal stroke (RR 2.03,
randomization and 23% (n = 2094) of the participants had 95% CI 1.05–3.93) among those receiving atorvastatin.
diabetes, with equal proportions in the simvastatin plus Atorvastatin reduced the rate of all cardiac events com-
ezetimibe and placebo groups. The study showed statin plus bined (RR 0.82, 95% CI 0.68–0.99, P = 0.03, nominally sig-
ezetimibe therapy was associated with a 17% RR in the risk nificant), but not all cerebrovascular events or combined or
of the major atherosclerotic events (coronary death, myocar- total mortality. In another study in individuals receiving
dial infarction, nonhemorrhagic stroke, or any revasculari- hemodialysis, the AURORA study [276], 2776 participants
zation) compared with placebo (HR 0.83, 95% CI 0.74–0.94). (approximately 20% diabetic) were randomized to rosuvas-
This finding was attributable in large part to significant tatin 10 mg or matching placebo daily, with a mean follow-
reductions in nonhemorrhagic stroke and arterial revascu- up of 3.2 years. A similar effect of rosuvastatin was shown
larization procedures. There was no reduction in the risk of on CV primary outcomes. There was a small but statisti-
all-cause mortality, and among the patients with CKD not cally significant increase in the incidence of hemorrhagic
treated by dialysis at randomization (n = 6247), treatment stroke in the diabetic patients who received rosuvastatin,
with simvastatin plus ezetimibe did not reduce the frequency an observation also reported in the 4D study. A post hoc
of doubling of the baseline serum creatinine concentration analysis of the 731 diabetic patients receiving hemodialysis
or progression to kidney failure. Although the study was not reported a 32% risk reduction of composite primary end-
powered to reliably estimate the effect of treatment on pri- points among patient with diabetes on hemodialysis in the
mary outcomes among clinical subgroups, the proportional treated arm (HR 0.68, 95% CI 0.51–0.90) [277].
effect on major atherosclerotic events did not appear to dif- There were three randomized trials that examined the
fer between those with or without diabetes. effect of fibrates relative to placebo in patients with diabetes
The 4D study [275] investigated 1255 subjects with type 2 and CKD. The Veterans Affairs High-density lipoprotein
DM receiving maintenance hemodialysis who were ran- Intervention Trial (VA-HIT) [278] found evidence that gem-
domly assigned to receive 20 mg of atorvastatin or match- fibrozil reduces risk of major cardiovascular events (fatal
ing placebo daily. During a median follow-up period of coronary heart disease, nonfatal MI, and stroke) by 42%
4 years, atorvastatin had no significant effect on the pri- compared with placebo (RR 0.58, 95% CI 0.38–0.89) in a post
mary endpoint (RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.77–1.10), defined as hoc analysis of 297 individuals with low eGFR (GFR <75 ml/
composite of death from cardiac causes, fatal stroke, nonfa- min/1.73 m2) and diabetes. The Diabetes Atherosclerosis
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Prevention, Treatment, and Follow-up of Diabetic Kidney Diseas 387
Intervention Study (DAIS) [279] and the Fenofibrate participants with CKD had mild CKD. There are potential
Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) harms associated with antiplatelet/antithrombotic agents.
study [280, 281] reported that fenofibrate treatment signifi- Given the very high rates of thrombotic and embolic events
cantly lowered the risk of developing new onset of moder- (venous and arterial), particularly in advanced CKD, more
ately increased urine protein compared with placebo (RR studies are needed to investigate the longer-term benefits of
0.87 in patients with type 2 DM, 95% CI 0.77–0.97). these therapies in diabetes with CKD.
Fenofibrate also promoted regression from moderately
increased urine protein to normoalbuminuria (RR 1.15, 95%
Promising Biomarkers in Predicting Risk of DKD
CI 1.04–1.28, n = 2260, two trials), but did not change the
risk of progression from moderately to severely increased Not all patients with albuminuria progress to kidney fail-
urine protein (RR 1.07, 95% CI 0.43–2.63, one trial, n = 97). ure or CVD, and the same is true of many patients with
Placebo-controlled trials evaluating the addition of the impaired kidney function (eGFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2),
PCSK9 inhibitors evolocumab and alirocumab to maxi- therefore an intensive search for novel biomarkers in blood
mally tolerated doses of statin therapy in participants who or urine that could improve diagnostic and prognostic pre-
were at high risk for atheroscletoric CVD demonstrated an cision in early or later stages of DKD has been ongoing dur-
average reduction in LDL cholesterol of 36–59%. These ing the past decades.
agents can be considered as adjunctive therapy for patients In a longitudinal cohort study of 410 patients with type 2
with diabetes at high risk for or who require but are intoler- DM with 12 years of follow-up, 59 patients developed kidney
ant to high-intensity statin therapy [282, 283]. The effects failure and 84 patients died without kidney failure. Baseline
of this class of agents on CVD outcomes in patients with circulating tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR1) and
CKD remain unknown. TNFR2 were associated with risk for kidney failure. The
cumulative incidence of kidney failure for patients in the
highest TNFR1 quartile was 54% after 12 years but only 3%
Antiplatelet Agents
for the other quartiles (P < 0.001). In Cox proportional haz-
The use of antiplatelet and antithrombotic agents in patients ard analyses, TNFR1 predicted risk for kidney failure in both
with DKD or CKD for prevention of CVD has not been proteinuric and nonproteinuric groups [289]. Similar find-
robustly studied. The Antithrombotic Trialists’ (ATT) col- ings were reported in a cohort of American Indians with
laborators conducted a patient-level meta-analysis of the six type 2 DM in which elevated serum concentrations of
large trials of aspirin for primary prevention in the general TNFR1 or TNFR2 were associated with increased risk of
population. These trials included 95 000 participants, includ- kidney failure after accounting for traditional risk factors
ing almost 4000 with diabetes. The study found aspirin including uACR and eGFR [290].
reduced the risk of serious vascular events by 12% (RR 0.88, Using propensity scoring methodology the ADVANCE
95% CI 0.82–0.94), and the largest reduction was for nonfatal cohort was divided into those who developed major kidney
MI, with little effect on CVD death (RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.78– endpoints (n = 102) compared to the control (n = 179). This
1.15) or total stroke [284]. A post hoc analysis of the HOT subsidiary analysis showed the baseline total and active
trial indicated net benefit for prevention of CV events for TGF-β1 were substantially increased, and bone morphoge-
aspirin in patients with CKD and high BP, but predomi- netic protein 7 (bone morphogenetic factor (BMP)-7) levels
nantly included patients with relatively mild CKD [248]. decreased in people with type 2 DM who subsequently
Evidence supports use of either ticagrelor or clopidogrel in developed kidney endpoints compared to matched con-
combination with aspirin for at least 1 year in patients fol- trols, despite relatively normal baseline kidney function in
lowing an ACS if no percutaneous coronary intervention both groups. The c-statistic was 0.94 for circulating BMP-7
was performed, and clopidogrel, ticagrelor, or prasugrel if a combined with total and active TGF-β1 compared to that of
percutaneous coronary intervention was performed [285]. eGFR and uACR combined (c-statistic of 0.73) [291]. Hara
In patients with diabetes and prior myocardial infarction, et al. have shown that anti-erythropoietin receptor (EPOR)
adding ticagrelor to aspirin significantly reduces the risk of antibodies were found to be a promising marker in
recurrent ischemic events, including cardiovascular and 112 Japanese patients with type 2 DM with CKD with a
coronary heart disease death [286]. Post hoc analyses of tri- mean follow-up period of 45 months. The event-free rate of
als of other antiplatelet agents have raised questions of kidney events (defined as kidney failure requiring dialysis)
whether the balance of benefit and harm is the same in in the patients with antibodies was significantly lower than
patients with diabetes and/or CKD [287] and whether some in those without. The presence of EPOR antibodies confers
agents may be more effective in CKD than others [288]. an HR of 2.78 of kidney failure in individuals with
These results need to be interpreted with caution, as most DKD [292]. Promising, large, prospective validation cohort
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388 Secondary Diseases of the Kidney: Diabetic Nephropathy
studies conducted in conjunction with clinical trial to con- Table 24.11 Novel therapeutics being trialed in DKD.
firm the potential clinical use of these circulating biomark-
ers is required before routine testing can be recommended Aldosterone receptor antagonist Phase 2 study completed
in clinical practice.
Bardoxolone TSUBAKI Study Phase 2 study recruiting
methyl BEACON Phase 3 study terminated
Novel Interventions Under Current or Recent due to safety concerns
Investigation in DKD C–C chemokine receptor type 2 Phase 2 study completed
(CCR2) antagonism
Given the escalating numbers of patients with DKD, new
therapies are constantly in development. A snapshot of Dapagliflozin Phase 4 study recruiting
treatments in early and late phase trials is shown in Endothelin-A antagonist Phase 3 ceased due to futility
Table 24.11; however, results are not yet available.
Exenatide Phase 4 study active but not
Conclusion Mineralocorticoid receptor Phase 2 study completed and
antagonist/finerenone Phase 3 underway
The growing global burden of DKD needs urgent attention
Phase 3 study recruiting
to identify novel treatment strategies to prevent progressive
kidney failure and its complications. Several proven treat- Nox1/4 inhibitor (oral Phase 2 study completed:
GKT137831) negative results in type 2
ments supported by evidence are available, but the gap in DM@ with DKD#
delaying the progression of DKD warrants discovery of Now being studied in type 1
novel therapies. The diagnosis of DKD, which traditionally DM with DKD
relies on measuring and monitoring of uACR and kidney Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor Phase 2 study completed
function in combination with clinical assessment, may not Pirfenidone Phase 3 study recruiting
identify individuals at risk of progressive kidney disease.
Pyridorin Phase 3 study terminated
New markers are constantly being evaluated to improve due to lack of funding
diagnostic and prognostic precision, but validated evidence
Nox1/4 inhibitor: NADPH oxidase Nox 1 and Nox 4 inhibitor
for their use is lacking. The discovery, development of an
DM: diabetes mellitus
evidence base, and then implementation of new therapeutic DKD: diabetic kidney disease
agents is necessary for patients with DKD, and will benefit
affected individuals, their families, and the community.
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Lupus Nephritis
Matthew A. Roberts1 and David J Tunnicliffe2,3
Eastern Health Clinical School, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Sydney School of Public Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Centre for Kidney Research, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Westmead, NSW, Australia
I ntroduction D
Lupus nephritis is an important manifestation of the mul- Lupus nephritis is the term for kidney involvement in
tisystem autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythemato- patients with SLE and is defined by clinical features, labo-
sus (SLE) with clinical features ranging from asymptomatic ratory abnormalities, and the histological findings on kid-
abnormalities on urine microscopy, to the nephrotic syn- ney biopsy. Because SLE involves multiple systems, the
drome, to rapid loss of kidney function. It is important to disease is best defined by diagnostic criteria such as the
frame the current evidence base for the treatment of lupus American College of Rheumatology (ACR) [1,2] or the
nephritis into some historical context (Figure 25.1). It is Systemic Lupus International Collaborative Clinics
nearly half a century since the first randomized controlled (SLICC) [3] criteria (Table 25.2). Lupus nephritis is also
trial (RCT) in lupus nephritis was published, and this heterogeneous and is best defined by a specific histological
period can be divided into three eras based on the standard classification, the International Society of Nephrology
of care at the time: steroid alone, steroid plus cytotoxic (ISN) Renal Pathology Society (RPS) Classification
then steroid plus mycophenolate. The first histological (Table 25.3) [4,5].
classifications developed because percutaneous kidney
biopsy enabled analysis of histology in life rather than at
autopsy. Every decade since has seen developments and E
refinements to the way the disease is classified histologi-
cally and thus reported to clinicians by pathologists. Before SLE predominantly affects young females from non-
end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) programs became widely Caucasian populations, particularly African Americans.
available, many patients with lupus nephritis died from The female: male ratio is 9 : 1 [6]. Three SLE surveillance
renal failure. With improved immunosuppressive thera- programs in different United States populations reported
pies, fewer patients now progress to ESKD and the lower almost 4000 prevalent cases of SLE and 752 incident cases
mortality in the modern era may also be attributed to between them over a 3-year period [7–9]. The prevalence
improvements in supportive care with renin-angiotensin per 100 000 population using the ACR criteria in African
system inhibitors to reduce blood pressure and proteinuria, American, Hispanic, Asian, and Caucasian females
increased use of hydroxychloroquine, better management ranged from 182 to 477, 58 to 179, 50 to 165, and 73 to 122,
of complications of treatment such as infection, and better respectively. The corresponding figures in males were
management of cardiovascular risk factors. This chapter 18–59, 12–22, 5–25, and 5–11, respectively. Prevalence
presents the current treatment for lupus nephritis and the data are lacking in African, subcontinental, and South
evidence base behind it (Table 25.1). Asian cohorts [10].
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Pathophysiolog 401
Pollak 1964 WHO Buffalo NY WHO Paris, 1980, WHO, Churg 1995: ISN/RPS 2004: ISN/RPS 2018:
Normal 1974, Geneva Churg 1982: Kept Classes I-VI I Minimal (i.e. not Clarifies definitions
Lupus glomerulitis 1975, Appel 1978: I Normal but suggested that “normal”) of terms i.e. term
Histological classification
Pollak 1964: Steinberg 1971: Felson& Multiple NIH (& Chan 2000: KDIGO 2012:
Better survival in First RCTof Anderson 1984: other) RCTs RCTshowing Major renal
active lupus GN with treatment in LN First meta- refining IV CYC renal remission guideline
high dose steroid analysis of regimens with recommends
than low dose treatment in LN MMF+steroids steroid + either
similar to CYC MMF or CYC for
Austin 1986:
1954: Percutaneous Lewis 1993: ACEi then AZA + Class III or IV
1972: US RCT showing steroids
kidney biopsy first “renoprotective” disease
Other factors
Figure 25.1 Historical perspective of lupus nephritis. CYC, cyclophosphamide; AZA, azathioprine; GN, glomerulonephritis; LN, lupus
nephritis; WHO, World Health Organization; ISN/RPS, International Society of Nephrology/Renal Pathology Society; RCT, randomized
controlled trial; ESKD, end-stage kidney disease; NIH, US National Institutes of Health; ACEi, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor;
GISEN, Gruppo Italiano di Studi Epidemiologici in Nefrologia; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; KDIGO, Kidney Disease Improving Global
Outcomes Guideline.
An international inception cohort of 1826 patients with immune complexes either deposit in, or form within, the
SLE reported that 38.3% of people with SLE have a “renal kidney. This leads to complement activation, inflamma-
disorder” [11]. In the United States surveillance studies [7–9], tion, and ultimately the various histopathological lesions
the proportion with “renal disorder,” defined as proteinuria and clinical manifestations of lupus nephritis.
or urinary casts in the ACR criteria, ranged from 32 to 45% Preceding these events is genetic susceptibility. Genetic
and, like SLE itself, was consistently highest in African factors play an important role in SLE and lupus nephritis,
Americans and lowest in Caucasian Americans. Lupus and the wide variety of gene loci that increase the risk of
nephritis may also differ by sex. In a meta-analysis of clinical SLE and lupus nephritis go some way to explaining the
features by sex, males had greater odds of renal involvement clinical heterogeneity of the disease. Concordance of SLE
(OR 1.51, 95% CI 1.31–1.75), whereas females were more in monozygotic twins is 24% compared to 2% in dizygotic
likely to have skin, joint, and serosal involvement [6]. twins and some specific alleles of the major histocompati-
bility complex on chromosome 6 are strongly associ-
athophysiology ated [10]. For example, having both HLA-DRB1*03 : 01 and
DRB1*15 : 01 alleles conferred greater risk for SLE than
In SLE there is disordered immune regulation leading to being homozygous for one allele in a large genotype asso-
loss of self-tolerance, production of autoantibodies, and ciation study [11]. In this study, the greater the number of
formation of immune complexes. In lupus nephritis, these risk polymorphisms, the greater the odds of SLE. In African
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Table 25.1 Treatment for lupus nephritis.
Strength of
Treatment Recommendation Certainty of evidence (relevant outcome measure) recommendation
Mycophenolate We suggest mycophenolate (i.e. 3 g per day of mycophenolate Low (complete remission, partial remission) Weak [17–18]
mofetil in divided doses) be used for initial treatment of lupus Moderate (alopecia with cyclophosphamide,
nephritis Class III or IV because it is equivalent in inducing diarrhea with mycophenolate)
remission to cyclophosphamide but has an overall more
favorable toxicity profile.
Cyclophsophamide We suggest that intravenous cyclophosphamide (either 0.5–1.0 g/ Low (complete remission, partial remission) Weak [17–18]
m2 monthly or 0.5 g fortnightly for six doses) be used as an
alternative to mycophenolate to induce remission in lupus
nephritis because it is equivalent to mycophenolate. This could
be for patients who do not tolerate mycophenolate or whose
disease is resistant to mycophenolate.
Mycophenolate plus tacrolimus We suggest that mycophenolate mofetil plus tacrolimus be Low (complete remission, stable kidney function) Weak [17–18]
considered as a third alternative as although it was better than
intravenous cyclophosphamide at inducing complete remission,
results are from a single center with participants largely of Asian
Mycophenolate We recommend mycophenolate be continued as maintenance Moderate (renal relapse, doubling of serum Strong [17–18]
therapy because treatment results in less renal relapse and creatinine)
doubling of serum creatinine than azathioprine and with a more Low (leucopenia)
favorable toxicity profile than azathioprine. Whether and when
to withdraw maintenance therapy is not known.
GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence [20]: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is
low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some
indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood that it will be substantially different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The
likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect decision-making.
ISN/RPS, International Society of Nephrology/Renal Pathology Society; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.
ACR, American College of Rheumatology; ANA, antibodies directed against nuclear components; anti-dsDNA, anti-double-stranded DNA; SLE,
systemic lupus erythematosus; SLICC Systemic Lupus International Collaborative Clinics.
American patients, the coding alleles G1 and G2 of the “BAFF”), A Proliferating Inducing Ligand (APRIL) and
APOL1 gene are strongly associated with nondiabetic kid- co-stimulatory molecules are targets of novel therapies
ney disease. In lupus nephritis, the presence of two APOL1 (Figure 25.2) [22].
gene risk alleles increased the odds of developing ESKD 2- This immune activation and proliferation of autoreactive
to 3-fold, and development of ESKD occurred 2 years ear- T and B cell populations leads to production of various
lier than in people without two risk alleles [21]. antibodies directed against nuclear material, including
After genetic susceptibility, the next event in developing anti-dsDNA. Although clearly important to measure clini-
SLE is the loss of immune tolerance to endogenous nuclear cally and pathogenic in experimental models, the precise
material with autovaccination leading to production of role anti-dsDNA antibodies play in lupus nephritis is still
antinuclear antibodies [22]. When cells die, the presence being elucidated. Binding directly to cross-reactive anti-
of nuclear material in the extracellular space is minimized gens such as annexin II or indirectly to chromatin material
by apoptotic cell death or phagocytic clearance. If the that deposits in the kidney leads to effects such as cell pro-
methylation state of nuclear material is altered, a failure to liferation and recruitment of inflammatory cells [24].
recognize the nuclear material as “self” and, worse, inter- The variable pattern of immune complex deposition con-
preting the material to be viral nucleic acid by Toll-like tributes to the diversity of histological lesions in lupus
receptors on antigen presenting cells, leads to immune nephritis. Immune complex deposition or formation
activation by various mechanisms and production of auto- restricted to the mesangium generally leads to milder dis-
antibodies such as anti-double-stranded DNA (anti- ease (ISPN/RPS Class I and II), immune complexes in the
dsDNA) [23]. Some of these mechanisms, such as B subendothelial space causes the most kidney-threatening
lymphocyte stimulator (Blys or B-cell activating factor forms of lupus nephritis (ISPN/RPS Class III and IV), and
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Diagnosi 405
subepithelial immune complexes cause membranous dis- Histological Classification of Lupus Nephritis
ease (ISPN/RPS Class V). This binding to intrarenal autoan-
The current histological classification of lupus nephritis has
tigens results in complement activation, activation of Fc
been developed over many decades and continues to evolve
receptors, recruitment of inflammatory cells, and tissue
(Figure 25.1 and Table 25.3) [4,5]. These classifications
inflammation [23]. Untreated, this inflammation leads to
formed an important component of the inclusion criteria
tissue damage, fibrosis, and loss of kidney function.
for the RCTs that provide the evidence base for treatment of
lupus nephritis and an appreciation of their evolution over
time is important. The earliest classification of the glomeru-
iagnosis lar lesions in SLE was published in 1964 by Pollak et al. [25],
who analyzed kidney tissue from 176 biopsy and necropsy
The diagnosis of lupus nephritis ultimately rests on the specimens collected between 1953 and 1962 to study the
kidney biopsy and histological classification of the lesion. natural history of the disease. They classified what they saw
Because the histological classification is pertinent to subse- under the microscope as normal, lupus glomerulits with
quent discussion, this will be described first. “mild local and focal changes in the glomerular tuft,” active
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406 Lupus Nephritis
Opsonization Apoptosis
DNA digestion
Circulating particles containing lymphocyte
(a) immunostimulatory nucleic acids
CD80/86 CD28
Dendritic cell CLTA4-B7 CD22
CD40L CD40
IFN-α Anifrolumab Abatacept Anti-CD40 ligand Epratuzumab
Cyclophosphamide Chloroquine
Cell proliferation Mycophenolate mofetil Leflunomide Blys
Azathioprine Tacrolimus
Figure 25.2 Pathogenesis of lupus nephritis. Dysregulated cell death (a) leads to development of autoantibodies (b) and ultimately
immune complexes that result in kidney injury. The site of action of established and novel treatments is indicated. result in kidney injury ( c ).
Source: Courtesy of Anders & Rovin [23]. © 2016, Elsevier.
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Diagnosi 407
lupus glomerulonephritis with “a more severe proliferative multiple systems. Two diagnostic criteria (Table 25.2) are
and membranous process, frequently associated with widely used to help clinicians make a diagnosis of SLE and
necrotizing features,” or membranous lupus glomerulone- report sensitivity and specificity for a diagnosis of SLE to be
phritis with “diffuse thickening of the glomerular basement greater than 90% [3].
membrane.” Baldwin et al. published a similar study in The “renal disorder” criteria in both classifications are
1970 and used the terms “focal proliferative lupus nephri- based on urinary findings: a measure of proteinuria and
tis” and “diffuse proliferative lupus nephritis” in place of the presence of red blood cells or casts in the urine. In a
“lupus glomerulitis” and “active lupus glomerulonephri- predominantly Caucasian population of 499 patients with
tis,” respectively [26]. The first World Health Organization lupus nephritis, 35% presented with urinary abnormalities
(WHO) classification was formulated at conferences in such as hematuria or proteinuria, 35% presented with
Buffalo, New York in 1974 and Geneva, Switzerland in 1975 nephrotic syndrome, 18% presented with nephritic syn-
but did not appear in peer-reviewed literature until 1978, drome, and 6% had rapidly progressive renal failure [30].
when it was used “with minor changes” in a study reporting Over time, the proportion with nephrotic syndrome has
the clinical course of 56 patients over time [27]. This classi- remained stable and the more severe clinical presentations
fication introduced mesangial lesions as a distinct entity. declined (Figure 25.3).
Advanced sclerosing glomerulonephritis was added at the The work-up of a patient with suspected lupus nephri-
International Study of Kidney Diseases in Children Meeting tis, whether or not they have known SLE, takes into
in Paris in 1980 and this classification was published in account clinical symptoms, assessment of glomerular dis-
Churg’s Renal Disease: Classification and Atlas of ease activity, and serological abnormalities. Glomerular
Glomerular Diseases [28]. Further revisions were made in disease activity is assessed with urine microscopy for evi-
1995 and published in the second edition of that text- dence of glomerular bleeding such as dysmorphic red
book [29]. Along the way, debate about the distinction blood cells and casts, assessment of urine protein excre-
between Class III and Class IV disease, and definitions of tion, and measurement of kidney function. Serological
terms such as “proliferative” has continued. A Consensus testing in lupus includes measurement of complement
Conference at which the ISN and RPS combined to refine activity, with C3 and C4 being the most widely available
this classification took place at Columbia University, tests, antibodies directed against nuclear components
New York in 2002 [4] and this ISN/RPS classification, which (ANA), which are sensitive but not specific for lupus, and
is now in widespread use (Table 25.3) continues to be anti-dsDNA antibodies, which are more specific for lupus.
refined in order to improve clarity and reproducibility [5]. Other evaluations might include general measures of
Patients who have been recruited into RCTs of therapy inflammation such as erythrocyte sedimentation rate
have generally had a kidney biopsy demonstrating ISN/ (ESR) or C-reactive protein (CRP) and evaluation of
RPS Class III, IV, and/or V lupus nephritis, or equivalent in extracted nuclear antigens (ENA), which include various
older classifications, and had to meet the ACR or SLICC antibodies associated with specific SLE manifestations. A
criteria for a diagnosis of SLE. In clinical practice it is pos- person with lupus nephritis will typically have positive
sible to have lupus nephritis diagnosed on kidney biopsy ANA, depressed levels of complement components C3
without strictly meeting all of the clinical criteria. and C4, and raised anti-dsDNA.
Because of the high prevalence of kidney disease in SLE,
careful periodic assessment of kidney function and glo-
Clinical Presentations of Lupus Nephritis
merular disease activity as described above is also part of
The kidney is but one organ involved in SLE, a chronic con- the ongoing management of patients with SLE. Patients
dition that relapses and remits over time. Thus, lupus who have been diagnosed with or treated for lupus nephri-
nephritis can be the first presentation of SLE, can occur in tis require close monitoring of these parameters and a fall
someone with a known diagnosis of SLE, or can recur in in C3 and C4 and a rise in anti-dsDNA may precede onset
someone with SLE who has previously had lupus nephritis. of significant kidney disease.
Given the epidemiology of lupus nephritis, young non- Importantly, definitions of renal remission and renal
Caucasian females presenting with features of glomerular relapse in clinical trials are based on the glomerular dis-
disease such as nephrotic syndrome should have lupus ease features, particularly proteinuria. Although there is
nephritis high on the list of differential diagnoses, even in no consensus for the definition of remission in lupus
the absence of known SLE. The presence of systemic symp- nephritis [14], a common definition of complete remission
toms such as fever or weight loss, musculoskeletal, serosal following induction therapy is the return of serum creati-
or skin features should raise that clinical suspicion even nine to normal, urinary protein excretion to less than
higher. Clinical features of SLE are variable and involve 0.5 g/day, and an inactive urinary sediment. This was used
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408 Lupus Nephritis
35.4% (83)
37.3% (59)
30.2% (32)
48.9% (115)
20 38% (60)
26.4% (28)
1970–1985 1986–2001 2002–2016
16.2% (38)
20% (21) 21.7% (34)
Proportion of patients
60 51.1% (120)
53.3% (54)
58% (91)
20 27.2% (64)
21.9% (23)
17.8% (28)
4.8% (5) 2.5% (4) 5.5% (13)
1970–1985 1986–2001 2002–2016
in the 2018 Cochrane review update [17]. A common defi- Role and Interpretation of the Kidney Biopsy
nition of partial remission is a fall in proteinuria to less in Lupus Nephritis
than 3.0 g/day if baseline proteinuria was greater than
A kidney biopsy is critical to making a diagnosis of lupus
3.0 g/day, or a greater than 50% reduction if baseline pro-
teinuria was less than 3.0 g/day in addition to stabilization nephritis and determining treatment. The indications for
of serum creatinine to within 25% of baseline, as used in performing a kidney biopsy in SLE are not dissimilar to
the induction phase of the Aspreva Lupus Management non-SLE presentations. Presentations with the nephrotic
Study (ALMS) Group study [31]. Renal relapse, or “flare,” syndrome, nephritic syndrome, and/or rapidly progressive
in clinical trials is defined variously as an increase in pro- kidney failure warrant a kidney biopsy. Hematuria and/or
teinuria and/or creatinine. For example, in the mainte- non-nephrotic proteinuria in patients with SLE are also
nance phase of the ALMS study, this required a doubling strong reasons to consider a kidney biopsy, particularly
of urinary protein:creatinine ratio from the end of induc- proteinuria of 0.5 g/day or greater. Because clinical fea-
tion with proteinuria above either 1 or 2 g/day depending tures don’t always match histological features, a lower
on whether the postinduction value was above or below threshold should be applied to the decision to perform a
0.5 g/day [32]. kidney biopsy in patients with SLE. The potential risks of
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Treatmen 409
the procedure should be weighed against the potential RPS report [5]. This report also recommended against the
benefits of a kidney biopsy in each clinical situation. The terms “global” and “segmental” that were introduced with
benefits of a kidney biopsy in patients with suspected the 2002 Classification as their clinical significance was
lupus nephritis include (i) the appropriate classification of uncertain.
the renal lesion to enable an appropriate level of immuno-
suppressive therapy (i.e. pure membranous versus mem-
branous with proliferative lesions), (ii) identification of P
alternative diagnoses or other renal pathology, including
thrombotic microangiopathy in antiphospholipid syn- The natural history of lupus nephritis was described in the
drome, and (iii) assessment of tubule-interstitial damage first description of the different histological appearances
that is important for prognosis [33]. On occasions, one by Pollak [25]. After up to 8 years of follow-up, eight of 10
might consider treating a patient with a severe clinical patients with normal kidney biopsy survived, 17 of 23 with
presentation (i.e. overt nephrotic syndrome) and clinical lupus glomerulitis survived, 15 of 47 with active lupus glo-
and laboratory features of SLE without a kidney biopsy. merulonephritis survived, and all seven patients with
However, the arguments in favor of kidney biopsy are suf- membranous glomerulonephritis survived. Twenty-six of
ficiently strong in most cases. Furthermore, because lupus the deaths in the active lupus glomerulonephritis group
nephritis is a disease that remits with treatment but can were attributed to renal failure. Similarly, in one of the ear-
relapse over time, many patients with lupus nephritis have lier RCTs for lupus nephritis [35], 50 patients were enrolled,
multiple kidney biopsies over the course of their disease. 23 died, and 15 deaths were attributed as “renal death.”
After the biopsy is performed, the clinician should Only one of the 15 “renal deaths” received renal replace-
review the histology face to face with the renal pathologist ment therapy, the rest dying of renal failure at an average
to marry the clinical, laboratory, and histological features age of just over 20 years.
of each patient. It is insufficient to just determine which The efficacy of modern therapy, including modern sup-
“Class” of lupus nephritis one is dealing with. Face-to-face portive care, is demonstrated by the improvements in
review enables discussion of the adequacy of the biopsy 5-year survival of Class IV lupus nephritis over the decades
upon which therapeutic decisions with important conse- from 17% in the 1950s and 1960s to 55%, 80%, and 82% in
quences are being made. Given the classification relies on the decades that followed [36]. In 499 patients with lupus
the proportions of glomeruli involved, at least 10 glomer- nephritis referred to Italian referral centers from 1970 to
uli should be available for light microscopic examina- 2016, 19.8%, 5.9%, and 3.6% died in the periods 1970–1985,
tion [4], but preferably more. Immunofluorescence for 1986–2001, and 2002–2016, respectively. Corresponding
immunoglobulin and complement components is also figures for ESKD were 24.8%, 9.1%, and 1.3% [30]. In the
essential as lupus nephritis usually has extensive immune international inception cohort of the SLICC investigators
deposition, particularly of IgG, C3, and C1q, and lack of recruited between 1999 and 2012, 700 of 1827 were consid-
immune deposition should prompt consideration of other ered to have lupus nephritis though only 395 had a kidney
diagnoses. Activity and chronicity have been designated biopsy [11]. This showed predominantly Class III (26.8%),
“A,” “C” or “A/C” in older histological classifications of Class IV (43.2%), and Class V (31.8%) disease. In patients
lupus nephritis but the most recent report recommends an with lupus nephritis, the 10 year cumulative incidence of
activity and chronicity scoring system rather than these ESKD was 10.1% (95% CI 6.6–13.6%) compared to 0.5% in
designations [5]. Such a scoring system is based on that those without lupus nephritis. The 10-year cumulative
derived by National Institutes of Health (NIH) investiga- incidence of death was 5.0% (95% CI 2.3–7.6%) with lupus
tors where a score of 0, 1, 2, or 3 was applied to histological nephritis and 3.6% (95% CI 0.9–6.2%) without.
features of activity such as glomerular cell proliferation,
leukocyte exudation, karryorrhexis, fibrinoid necrosis, cel-
lular crescents, hyaline deposits, and interstitial inflam- T
mation [34]. A similar score was applied to features of
chronicity: glomerular sclerosis, fibrous crescents, tubular Lupus nephritis is a classic autoimmune condition that
atrophy, and interstitial fibrosis. This report assessed this requires giving enough immunosuppression to treat the
semiquantitative scoring against outcome and reported disease adequately, but not enough to cause harm. The
that the combination of tubular atrophy, glomerular scle- goals of treatment are (i) to induce remission and relieve
rosis, and cellular crescents portended the poorest renal symptoms of nephrotic syndrome and (ii) to preserve kid-
outcomes. A modified version of this scoring system has ney function in the long term. The first goal is relatively
been proposed for further assessment in the latest ISN/ straightforward to assess in RCTs (although definitions of
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410 Lupus Nephritis
remission may vary) but the second goal requires very cussed in the following sections with treatment of pure
long-term follow-up of relatively infrequent outcomes. The membranous Class V disease considered separately.
challenge is to simultaneously achieve both of these goals Class VI disease is essentially near-ESKD and so immu-
and minimize toxicity of therapy. nosuppression is not recommended unless it is required for
extrarenal disease. These patients generally require prepa-
ration for renal replacement therapy.
Who to Treat
As stated, treatment decisions should be made after careful
Therapies Recommended for all Patients
review of the clinical data and kidney biopsy. In general,
ISN/RPS Class I lesions have a good prognosis and do not Nonimmunosuppressive Therapy
require specific therapy apart from what is required to treat As in other forms of glomerulonephritis, non-immunosup-
extrarenal manifestations of SLE. For Class II disease, the pressive therapy for lupus nephritis is intended to reduce
minority in biopsy studies, the risk of progressing to more proteinuria and control hypertension. Although RCTs
kidney-threatening lesions is difficult to determine. assessing the kidney protective effects of renin angiotensin
Published reports have few patients, and those that are system inhibitors have not been performed specifically in
biopsied again are biopsied for a worsening clinical presen- lupus nephritis, these agents delay progression in non-dia-
tation. Of 19 patients from Hong Kong whose initial biopsy betic proteinuric nephropathies [41]. Given that hyperten-
demonstrated Class II lupus nephritis (5% of lupus nephri- sion often requires treatment in lupus nephritis, it is
tis biopsies at that institution), 10 required a second biopsy reasonable to extrapolate such data to lupus nephritis and
a median of 33 months (range 7–109) after the first [37]. Of recommend the use of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors.
these, nine demonstrated more severe disease on the sec- In addition to hypertension, other cardiovascular risk
ond biopsy (Class III 2, Class IV 5, Class V 2). Similarly, of factors warrant attention as people with SLE are at 2–3-fold
41 Argentinian patients who had an initial biopsy with greater risk of cardiovascular disease [42] and this risk is
Class II lupus nephritis, 18 had a second biopsy a median greater again in patients with lupus nephritis [43].
of 40 months (range 11–120) later for clinical flares and 17 Traditional cardiovascular risk factors likely combine with
demonstrated more severe disease (Class III 4, Class IV 10, inflammation (particularly interferon pathways) and ther-
Class V 3) [38]. The Kidney Disease Improving Global apies such as corticosteroids to augment this risk [44, 45].
Outcomes (KDIGO) Guidelines [39] suggest treatment Again, in the absence of RCTs specifically in people with
directed only at extrarenal manifestations of SLE if pro- lupus nephritis, one is left to extrapolate the benefits of
teinuria is less than 1 g/day and immunosuppressive ther- lipid-lowering therapy in non-lupus studies. It is notewor-
apy as for minimal change disease if proteinuria is more thy that systematic reviews have demonstrated the benefit
than 3 g/day (graded 2D in the GRADE system, the lowest of lipid lowering in women, who make up the majority of
level of evidence). The Joint European League Against SLE patients, as well as men [46], and in people with
Rheumatism and European Renal Association–European chronic kidney disease (CKD) [47]. Thus, controlling blood
Dialysis and Transplant Association (EULAR/ERA-EDTA) pressure, smoking cessation, and lipid-lowering therapy
Guidelines also suggest no treatment in Class II disease if are important considerations for prevention of cardiovas-
proteinuria is less than 1 g/day; however, this guideline cular disease in the long term.
suggests 0.25–0.5 mg/kg/day of prednisolone if proteinuria Supportive therapy also includes prevention of venous
is above 1 g/day (with other immunosuppressive therapy if thromboembolism in patients who are nephrotic, prophy-
required to taper steroid) [40]. Thus, immunosuppressive laxis for opportunistic infections such as Pneumocystis
therapy in Class II disease may be used where a podocy- jirovecii, prevention and management of corticosteroid-
topathy is considered possible, which emphasizes the induced osteoporosis, and active management of fertility
importance of a thorough and thoughtful review of the issues in females and males who may be exposed to large
kidney biopsy with the renal pathologist. However, there is cumulative doses of cyclophosphamide.
no RCT evidence that treating Class II lupus with immuno-
suppression prevents progression to more severe lupus Antimalarial Therapy
nephritis (Classes III–V). Antimalarial therapy with hydroxychloroquine is recom-
The majority of RCTs in lupus nephritis have enrolled mended for all patients with lupus nephritis. Although this
patients with Class III, IV, and/or V disease, or equivalent is not based on high-quality RCTs and systematic reviews,
in older classifications [25]. Thus, there is a good evidence analysis of a mixture of randomized and non-randomized
base for treating these lesions, which are known to have a studies suggests that antimalarials are effective at prevent-
much worse prognosis than other lesions. This will be dis- ing lupus flares and prolonging survival [13,15].
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Treatmen 411
Antimalarial therapy is widely recommended for the treat- high-dose corticosteroids survived compared to one of 16
ment of constitutional symptoms in SLE guidelines [14] patients receiving low-dose corticosteroids. Although cor-
and may delay progression to an estimated glomerular fil- ticosteroids have not been compared to placebo in an RCT,
tration rate (eGFR) <60 ml/min [16]. The most concerning they have remained an integral component of treatment
adverse effect is retinal toxicity, which is greater with chlo- regimens. A common starting dose is 1 mg/kg daily (up to
roquine than hydroxychloroquine, and the Royal College 60 mg/day) with varying rates of tapering. Intravenous
of Ophthalmologists recommends annual screening for methylprednisolone is included in some regimens and may
retinopathy after taking hydroxychloroquine for more than be considered for more severe clinical presentations, such
5 years, or earlier if receiving a dose of more than 5 mg/kg/ as with crescents on biopsy. Although effective in gaining
day, renal impairment, or concurrent tamoxifen use [48]. control of active disease, corticosteroids have substantial
The risk of retinal toxicity is considered low on a dose of metabolic, cosmetic, and other toxicities that influence tol-
200 mg daily, which is sufficient for most people. erability and adherence. There is therefore much merit in
finding treatment regimens that use minimal corticoster-
oid doses [49].
Immunosuppressive Therapy for Class III and
IV Disease, Alone or Combined with Class V
Cyclophosphamide or Azathioprine plus
Induction Versus Maintenance Therapy Corticosteroids
Immunosuppressive therapy aims to induce and maintain The benefit of adding cytotoxic therapy to corticosteroids
disease remission to maximize patient and renal survival. was demonstrated in a pooled analysis of eight trials that
Induction therapy may last for 6 months or more. included between 13 and 50 participants each [50]. Patients
Important clinical outcomes such as death and ESKD are receiving steroid combined with cytotoxic therapy (either
more difficult to study in RCTs because they require either cyclophosphamide or azathioprine) were less likely to
a very large sample size or very long follow-up. RCTs of experience renal deterioration, ESKD or die as a result of
induction therapy have been of insufficient follow-up their nephritis compared to patients receiving steroids
(median 12 months, range 2.5–48 months) and sample size alone. All-cause mortality did not differ. The first large
(only three trials have recruited more than 350 partici- RCT randomized 107 patients between 1969 and 1981 to
pants) to assess these outcomes [17]. Complete remission prednisolone either alone, with azathioprine, with oral
at 24 weeks is commonly reported and generally defined as cyclophosphamide, with azathioprine plus oral cyclophos-
proteinuria less than 0.5 g/day with normal (or near nor- phamide, or with intravenous cyclophosphamide [51]. The
mal) serum creatinine and normal urinalysis. Maintenance last two groups were introduced part-way through the trial
therapy follows induction therapy and cannot be consid- in 1973. Oral and intravenous cyclophosphamide in combi-
ered as entirely separate. Studies of maintenance therapy nation with corticosteroids was superior to corticosteroids
require much longer follow-up and outcomes include dou- alone in preventing doubling of serum creatinine and
bling of serum creatinine, ESKD, death, and renal flare. ESKD, and oral and intravenous cyclophosphamide exhib-
The definition of renal flare is dependent on how com- ited similar efficacy and safety. This was the first of a series
plete a remission was achieved after induction. Measures of trials performed through the National Institutes of
comprising the definition of renal flare in one RCT [32] Health in the United States, the so-called “NIH” studies.
included a doubling of a measure of proteinuria with pro- The NIH regimen consisted of six 0.5–1.0 g/m2 doses of
teinuria above 1 g/day (or 2 g/day depending on earlier intravenous cyclophosphamide every month adjusted
response), a 25% increase in creatinine, and new or according to the white cell count, along with prednisolone
increased red blood cells or casts on urine microscopy. 0.5 mg/kg/day. This regimen was then compared to a simi-
Regimens for induction and maintenance therapy are lar dose of prednisolone plus six infusions of methylpred-
described according to the three major eras of treatment nisolone 1.0 g/m2 every month (steroid alone), and a third
for lupus nephritis (Figure 25.1). arm in which patients continued to have intravenous cyclo-
phosphamide every 3 months for 2 years after the initial six
Corticosteroids Alone doses of cyclophosphamide (cyclophosphamide “mainte-
The earliest reports of lupus nephritis demonstrated bene- nance”) [52]. This RCT recruited 65 patients between 1981
fit in treating patients with high doses of corticosteroids. and 1991. Continuing cyclophosphamide as maintenance
For example, the report by Pollack with the first histologi- resulted in fewer exacerbations after the first 6 months, and
cal classification reported better renal outcomes in active fewer patients experienced a sustained doubling of serum
lupus glomerulonephritis with high-dose versus low-dose creatinine in this group than the short course (6 months) of
corticosteroid [25]. Fourteen of 31 patients receiving cyclophosphamide group and the steroid alone group (15%
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412 Lupus Nephritis
vs. 35% vs. 48%, respectively). A subsequent study recruited Azathioprine was used for induction of remission in
82 patients between 1986 and 1990 and modified the steroid- lupus nephritis less frequently than cyclophosphamide.
alone regimen, continuing monthly doses of methylpredni- However, azathioprine was commonly used to maintain
solone for at least 12 months (maximum 36 doses) [53]. Two remission after induction.
intravenous cyclophosphamide arms were similar to the The Cochrane Kidney and Transplant group’s first sys-
previous study except that one was combined with monthly tematic review of lupus nephritis included most of the
methylprednisolone. This latter combination therapy group above studies and demonstrated that cyclophosphamide-
had more renal remission (proteinuria <1 g/day) than the based regimens reduced the risk of doubling of serum cre-
cyclophosphamide alone and methylprednisolone alone atinine (relative risk [RR] 0.59, 95% confidence interval
groups: 17 of 28 vs. 13 of 27 vs. 7 of 27, respectively. After a [CI] 0.40–0.88) compared to steroid alone, but did not
median of 11 years of follow-up, the probability of no treat- reduce mortality or ESKD [57]. However, the risk of ovar-
ment failure (first occurrence of death, doubling of serum ian toxicity was increased with cyclophosphamide, an
creatinine, or need for off-protocol immunosuppression) important toxicity in a patient group that consists predomi-
was ~70% in the combination group, ~55% in the cyclophos- nantly of women of childbearing age. Major infections and
phamide alone group, and ~40% in the methylprednisolone herpes zoster infections did not occur more frequently with
alone group [54]. During follow-up, 17 of 27 patients rand- cytotoxic therapy than with steroids alone.
omized to methylprednisolone alone received cyclophos-
phamide and the benefits of these regimens came at a cost: Mycophenolate Mofetil plus Corticosteroids
36% of the combination therapy patients had avascular In 2000, Chan et al. published a RCT of 42 patients from
necrosis, 60% developed amenorrhoea at a median age of Hong Kong with WHO Class IV lupus nephritis [58]. They
33 years, and 26% experienced herpes zoster infection. compared mycophenolate mofetil 1 g twice daily and pred-
Given the concerns of cumulative cyclophosphamide nisolone 0.8 mg/kg/day for 12 months to oral cyclophos-
toxicity, the use of lower dose cyclophosphamide (six phamide 2.5 mg/kg/day and prednisolone 0.8 mg/kg/day
fortnightly intravenous cyclophosphamide pulses at a for 6 months then azathioprine 1.5 mg/kg/day and predni-
fixed dose of 500 mg, followed by azathioprine as mainte- solone for 6 months. Complete remission by 12 months was
nance therapy) was compared to the NIH cyclophospha- seen in 17 out of 21 and 16 of 21 patients, respectively.
mide regimen described above in the Euro-Lupus Mycophenolate mofetil thus had similar efficacy, as well as
Nephritis Trial (ELNT) [55]. This trial showed low-dose similar infectious complications but no alopecia or amen-
cyclophosphamide was comparable to high-dose cyclo- orrhoea. Given that nephrologists had developed signifi-
phosphamide in inducing disease remission but no sta- cant experience with mycophenolate in kidney transplant
tistically different reduction in adverse effects of therapy by this stage, it became a viable alternative to cyclophos-
could be demonstrated. phamide in lupus nephritis.
Azathioprine as induction therapy was tested in the Chan’s findings were confirmed in a 24-week non-inferi-
very early trials and although it was compared directly to ority RCT comparing mycophenolate mofetil to the NIH
intravenous cyclophosphamide in Austin’s study [51], cyclophosphamide regimen in 140 patients from centers in
there was insufficient power because this trial included the United States [59]. Just over half of these participants
five treatment groups. A study addressing this issue was were African American. Complete and partial remissions
performed in The Netherlands and randomized 87 people occurred in 16 and 21 of 71 patients randomized to
with lupus nephritis to either intravenous cyclophospha- mycophenolate mofetil, respectively, and 4 and 17 of 69
mide as per the NIH regimen for 2 years (but at a fixed randomized to cyclophosphamide, respectively. The differ-
dose of 750 mg/m2) or azathioprine 2 mg/kg/day plus ence in complete remissions was significant for “superior-
three daily pulses of methylprednisolone 1 g at baseline ity,” even though the trial was designed as a noninferiority
then 2 and 6 weeks later [56]. Patients randomized to trial. There were fewer severe infections with mycopheno-
cyclophosphamide received oral prednisolone 1 mg/kg/ late mofetil but more patients experienced diarrhea, a
day initially and patients randomized to azathioprine known side effect. Subsequently, an international collabo-
received oral prednisolone 20 mg/day initially. After a ration called the ALMS Study Group (including many
median follow-up of 5.7 years, relapses were significantly United States authors from the aforementioned study)
more frequent in the azathioprine group, and doubling of demonstrated in the largest RCT to that time (n = 370) that
serum creatinine was also more frequent but did not mycophenolate mofetil exhibited similar efficacy in induc-
reach statistical significance. There was more herpes zos- ing disease remission to intravenous cyclophosphamide
ter infection with azathioprine, but other parameters (56.2% vs. 53.0%, respectively) [31]. Overall rates of adverse
such as kidney function and proteinuria were similar. events were similar, although alopecia, nausea, and vomiting
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Treatmen 413
occurred more often with cyclophosphamide and diarrhea The updated Cochrane review did identify a pilot study
with mycophenolate mofetil. Because it was an interna- (n = 40) [63] and larger RCT (n = 362) [64] from the same
tional study, there were fewer African American patients group in China that compared a regimen combining the
but subgroup and post hoc analyses demonstrated that calcineurin inhibitor tacrolimus 2 mg twice daily with
both African American (plus “other”) and Hispanic mycophenolate mofetil 500 mg twice daily to intravenous
patients had better response rates with mycophenolate cyclophosphamide 0.75 g/m2 every month for six doses.
mofetil than cyclophosphamide (~60% vs. ~40%). The pre- Both groups initially received methylprednisolone 500 mg
specified interaction between treatment and race was sig- daily for 3 days then prednisolone 0.6 mg/kg. This large
nificant (P = 0.047). RCT demonstrated more complete remission at 24 weeks in
Importantly, the ALMS Group then randomized the 227 the mycophenolate mofetil plus tacrolimus group (45.9%)
patients who met response criteria at 24 weeks to mycophe- than the intravenous cyclophosphamide group (25.6%).
nolate mofetil 2 g/day or azathioprine 2 mg/kg/day for This promising result has not been replicated and must be
36 months [32]. Treatment failure was defined as death, interpreted in light of the limited generalizability, being
ESKD, doubling of serum creatinine, renal flare or rescue from a homogenous Chinese population, and the influence
therapy, and occurred in 16.4% of patients receiving of the non-immune proteinuria-lowering effect of tacroli-
mycophenolate mofetil and 32.4% receiving azathioprine. mus where a proteinuria-based definition of complete
Overall adverse events were common and similar between remission was used.
groups. Prior to this, a RCT comparing quarterly intrave-
nous cyclophosphamide, oral azathioprine, and oral myco- The Current Era: Biologic Therapies
henolate mofetil as maintenance therapy after induction Conventional immunosuppressive therapy with corticos-
with up to seven monthly doses of intravenous cyclophos- teroids plus either mycophenolate or intravenous cyclo-
phamide demonstrated that the oral azathioprine and phosphamide has considerably improved the outlook for
mycophenolate mofetil groups had superior event-free sur- patients with Classes III, IV, or V lupus nephritis, with
vival (events being death or doubling of serum creatinine) responses at 24 weeks in one large study of more than 50%
to the quarterly intravenous cyclophosphamide [60]. A with either therapy [31]. However, there remains consider-
European study, the MAINTAIN Nephritis Trial, rand- able treatment-related toxicity and room to improve effi-
omized 105 patients to either mycophenolate mofetil or cacy. As our understanding of the pathophysiology of
azathioprine at week 12 after all patients received induc- lupus nephritis evolves, so-called biologic therapies tar-
tion with six 500 mg doses of intravenous cyclophospha- geted at specific immunological processes (Figure 25.2)
mide each a fortnight apart [61]. Renal flares occurred in have been developed [65]. Results with these agents to date
13 (25%) patients receiving azathioprine and 10 (19%) have been suggestive but inconclusive.
patients receiving mycophenolate mofetil but there were Rituximab is a monoclonal antibody that binds specifi-
no significant differences between the groups in any major cally to CD20 and depletes autoreactive B cells (but not
parameters measured. plasma cells) and reduces autoantibody production [65].
The Cochrane Kidney and Transplant Group updated The Lupus Nephritis Assessment with Rituximab
their systematic review in 2012 and this update included (LUNAR) study recruited 144 participants and compared
the RCTs examining the role of mycophenolate discussed rituximab to placebo when added to standard therapy of
in this section [62]. Mycophenolate mofetil was as effective mycophenolate mofetil and corticosteroids and demon-
as intravenous cyclophosphamide for complete remission, strated no difference in clinical outcomes between groups
stable kidney function, major infection, and mortality, with after 12 months [66]. In a post hoc analysis of patients
less ovarian failure (RR 0.15, 0.03–0.80). Used as mainte- who received rituximab, achieving complete B cell deple-
nance therapy, the risk of renal relapse was increased tion (zero B cells per μl), shorter time to complete B cell
2-fold with azathioprine compared to mycophenolate depletion, and longer duration of complete B cell deple-
mofetil (RR 1.83, 95% CI 1.24–2.71). This systematic review tion were all associated with increased odds of complete
was updated again in 2018 with a total of nine studies (868 response [67]. A rituximab-based regimen has been used
participants) comparing mycophenolate mofetil to intrave- at Imperial College London and non-randomized results
nous cyclophosphamide for induction [17]. The two treat- reported [68]. The purpose of this regimen is to reduce
ments were equivalent for most outcomes, and findings oral corticosteroid use and it consists of rituximab 1 g plus
from this review are used for the Summary of Findings methylprednisolone 500 mg given at days 1 and 15, with
table (Table 25.4). Interestingly, the expected association of mycophenolate mofetil commencing at 500 mg twice
more ovarian failure with cyclophosphamide was weak- daily and titrated up to 1500 mg twice daily (or the maxi-
ened in this most recent systematic review. mum tolerated dose). In this series of 50 consecutive
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414 Lupus Nephritis
Table 25.4 (Continued)
Mycophenolate mofetil plus tacrolimus versus intravenous cyclophosphamide for initial treatment
All-cause 402 (2) Not estimable No events Absent No events of all-cause mortality occurred in
mortality the studies that evaluated mycophenolate
mofetil plus tacrolimus compared to
intravenous cyclophosphamide
End-stage Not estimable Absent No studies comparing low-dose
kidney disease mycophenolate mofetile plus tacrolimus
compared to intravenous cyclophosphamide
examined end-stage kidney disease
Complete 402 (2) 337 more 2.38 Low Mycophenolate mofetil plus tacrolimus
remission (17–1049 more) (1.07–5.3) ●●○○ compared to intravenous cyclophosphamide
may increase complete remission
Partial 402 (2) 0 1.00 Low Mycophenolate mofetil plus tacrolimus
remission (83 fewer–106 more) (0.78–1.28) ●●○○ compared to intravenous cyclophosphamide
may make little to no difference to partial
Stable kidney 402 (2) 222 more 1.78 Low Mycophenolate mofetil plus tacrolimus
function (114–358 more) (1.40–2.26) ●●○○ compared to intravenous cyclophosphamide
may increase achievement of stable kidney
Ovarian failure 34 (1) Not estimable No events- Absent No events of ovarian failure occurred in the
studies that evaluated mycophenolate
mofetil plus tacrolimus compared to
intravenous cyclophosphamide
Major infection 402 (2) 23 more 1.65 Very low It is uncertain whether mycophenolate
(31 fewer–820 more) (0.11–24.44) ●○○○ mofetil plus tacrolimus compared to
intravenous cyclophosphamide makes any
difference to major infection
Leucopenia 402 (2) 62 fewer 0.23 Very low It is uncertain whether mycophenolate
(77 fewer–35 more) (0.04–1.44) ●○○○ mofetil plus tacrolimus compared to
intravenous cyclophosphamide makes any
difference to leucopenia
Alopecia 402 (2) 14 fewer 0.78 Very low It is uncertain whether mycophenolate
(42 fewer–37 more) (0.36–1.72) ●○○○ mofetil plus tacrolimus compared to
intravenous cyclophosphamide makes any
difference to alopecia
Diarrhea 362 (1) 44 more 2.33 Very low It is uncertain whether mycophenolate
(3 fewer–163 more) (0.92–5.94) ●○○○ mofetil plus tacrolimus compared to
intravenous cyclophosphamide makes any
difference to diarrhea
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416 Lupus Nephritis
Table 25.4 (Continued)
All-cause 451 (4) 3 fewer 0.87 Very low It is uncertain whether mycophenolate
mortality (17 fewer–44 more) (0.26–2.92) ●○○○ mofetil compared to azathioprine makes any
difference to all-cause mortality
End-stage 452 (4) 15 fewer 0.59 Very low It is uncertain if mycophenolate mofetil
kidney disease (30 fewer–33 more) (0.18, 1.92) ●○○○ compared to azathioprine makes any
difference to end-stage kidney disease
Renal relapse 452 (4) 114 fewer 0.57 Moderate Mycophenolate mofetil compared to
(162–45 fewer) (0.39–0.83) ●●●○ azathioprine probably decreases renal relapse
Doubling of 452 (4) 46 fewer 0.46 Moderate Mycophenolate mofetil compared to
serum (68–3 fewer) (0.21–0.97) ●●●○ azathioprine compared to mycophenolate
creatinine mofetil probably decreases doubling of
serum creatinine
Ovarian failure 177 (2) 10 more 1.30 Very low It is uncertain if mycophenolate mofetil
(24 fewer–161 more) (0.29–5.73) ●○○○ compared to azathioprine makes any
difference to ovarian failure
Major infection 412 (3) 8 fewer 0.92 Low Mycophenolate mofetil compared to
(49 fewer–66 more) (0.51–1.67) ●●○○ azathioprine may make little or no difference
to major infection
Leucopenia 412 (3) 65 fewer 0.18 Low Mycophenolate mofetil compared to
(75–32 fewer) (0.05–0.6) ●●○○ azathioprine may decrease leucopenia
Alopecia 412 (3) 3 more 1.05 Low Mycophenolate mofetil compared to
(31 fewer–74 more) (0.51–2.15) ●●○○ azathioprine may make little to no difference
to alopecia
Diarrhea 307 (2) 53 more 1.36 Low Mycophenolate mofetil compared to
(61 fewer–318 more) (0.58–3.18) ●●○○ azathioprine may make little or no difference
to diarrhea
CI, confidence interval. Treatment estimates are drawn from a systematic review with network meta-analysis of randomized controlled
trials [17, 18]. GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence [20]: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect.
The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect.
The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect.
However, the likelihood that it will be substantially different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely
effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might
affect decision-making.
Sources: Tunnicliffe et al. [17, 18] and Hultcrantz et al. [20].
patients, 72% achieved a complete remission at a median Ocrelizumab also selectively depletes CD20+ B cells. In
of 36 weeks and 90% achieved either complete or partial the largest RCT studying lupus nephritis to date, 378 par-
remission at a median of 37 weeks. Eleven patients ticipants were recruited from multiple countries and rand-
relapsed after achieving remission. Oral corticosteroids omized to placebo, ocrelizumab 400 mg, or ocrelizumab
for more than 2 weeks were only required in two patients 1000 mg on top of standard care for induction or remis-
who responded and two who did not. Interestingly, 22 of sion [70]. Standard care, at the discretion of the treating
the 50 patients in this report had Class V lupus nephritis. physician, was either mycophenolate mofetil or the ELNT
This is relevant because rituximab is increasingly being regimen of six fortnightly doses of intravenous cyclophos-
used for primary membranous glomerulonephritis [69]. phamide 500 mg followed by azathioprine 2 mg/kg/day.
This RITUXILUP regimen is the subject of a current RCT The primary outcome was response at 48 weeks assessed
(NCT01773616). as either complete, partial, or no response. The trial was
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Treatmen 417
terminated early because of concerns about an increased patients with renal involvement assessed by the Safety of
frequency of serious opportunistic infections, coupled with Estrogens in Lupus Erythematosus National Assessment–
the lack of benefit demonstrated in the LUNAR study SLE Disease Activity Index (SELENA-SLEDAI).
reported at that time. Opportunistic infections occurred in Improvement in the renal domain of the SELENA-SLEDAI
0.8% receiving placebo, 3.2% receiving ocrelizumab 400 mg, occurred in 44.6%, 51.1%, and 54.1% of patients receiving
and 0.8% receiving ocrelizumab 1000 mg. Serious infec- placebo, belimumab 1 mg/kg, and belimumab 10 mg/kg,
tions were also more frequent in the ocrelizumab 400 mg respectively. In the whole cohort, renal flares occurred in
group and, when stratified by background therapy, more 3.0%, 2.5%, and 1.4%, respectively, and the median percent-
frequent in the patients treated with mycophenolate. This age reduction in proteinuria over 52 weeks was greater in
latter subgroup also received more corticosteroid. Because the belimumab groups. However, this agent was not used
of the early termination, the study outcomes are reported to treat patients presenting with lupus nephritis and thus
for a modified intention-to-treat group of 223 patients and should not be extrapolated as a treatment option for such.
thus had reduced power. The overall (complete plus par-
tial) renal response rate at 48 weeks was above 50% in all
Pure Membranous (Class V) Lupus Nephritis
three groups, and the difference in response rate between
placebo and the two ocrelizumab groups combined almost Pure membranous (Class V) lupus nephritis differs from pri-
reached statistical significance (12.7%, 95% CI −0.8–26.1). mary membranous glomerulonephritis in that it is associ-
The effect appeared greater in the subgroup with ocreli- ated with an inflammatory disease that relapses and remits,
zumab added to the ELNT regimen than when added to and is less likely than primary membranous glomerulone-
mycophenolate mofetil. phritis to remit spontaneously [39]. On the other hand,
Abatacept modulates the CD28-CD80/86 signaling path- guidelines suggest similar strategies for treatment [40] such
way that leads to co-stimulation and T cell activation, and as controlling proteinuria with renin-angiotensin system
has also been the subject of a large RCT in lupus nephri- inhibition if non-nephrotic and reserving immune suppres-
tis [71]. This study compared placebo to two different dos- sion for more severe (nephrotic) disease. Most of the trials of
ing regimens of abatacept with all patients receiving therapies in lupus nephritis enrolled some patients with
mycophenolate mofetil and corticosteroids. This trial dem- Class III, IV, and V disease. In Austin’s early trial of 107
onstrated no safety concerns but did not demonstrate a dif- patients [51], 16 had pure membranous lupus nephritis and
ference in the primary outcome of time to complete in the more recent ALMS Maintenance Study [32], 35 out of
response, defined as stable eGFR compared to baseline 227 had pure membranous lupus nephritis (more had Class
(within 10%), urine protein:creatinine ratio <30 mg/mmol, V combined with either Class III or IV). To some degree, it is
and normal urine microscopy on two successive visits (the reasonable to apply the results of these trials to Class V lupus
most stringent definition use in RCTs to date). Using the nephritis. There has been little evidence exclusively examin-
dataset from this trial, different definitions of complete ing the treatment of class V lupus nephritis. Twenty-three
response from a number of trials as well as that recom- years after his first lupus nephritis RCT, Austin et al. com-
mended by the ACR [72] were applied [73]. With alterna- pared the addition of the NIH cyclophosphamide regimen
tive complete response definitions, the abatacept groups or cyclosporine to prednisone alone in 42 patients with Class
had an estimated difference in complete response of about V lupus nephritis and nephrotic range proteinuria [19].
15% that was statistically significant. For example, using Complete remission of proteinuria (to <0.3 g/day) at 1 year
the ALMS criteria the complete response rates in the pla- occurred in 27% of patients receiving prednisone alone, 60%
cebo, abatacept 10/10 regimen, and abatacept 30/10 regi- receiving prednisone plus the NIH cyclophosphamide regi-
men were 14, 25, and 30%, respectively, compared to 3, 3, men, and 83% receiving prednisone plus cyclosporine. This
and 5% using the original trial criteria. supports the use of immunosuppressive agents in patients
Another biologic agent with appealing but not conclu- with nephrotic proteinuria. Treatment for Class V (membra-
sive evidence for benefit in lupus nephritis is belimumab, a nous) lupus nephritis therefore depends on the degree of
monoclonal antibody that inhibits soluble B-lymphocyte proteinuria. Patients with proteinuria less than 3.0–3.5 g/day
stimulator. This agent demonstrated a good response in can be treated with renin-angiotensin system blockade to try
patients with SLE and thus a post hoc pooled analysis of to reduce proteinuria, just as in primary membranous glo-
two trials was performed to assess the renal outcomes [74]. merulonephritis. Other supportive care such as anticoagula-
Participants were randomized to two doses of belimumab tion for patients considered at high risk of venous
or placebo on top of standard therapy for active SLE (corti- thromboembolism is also important. For patients with
costeroids, hydroxychloroquine). Mycophenolate was used “nephrotic” proteinuria above this level, immunosuppres-
in 10% of the whole cohort (n = 1684) and 20% of the 227 sion is recommended [39] and this could be any of the
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418 Lupus Nephritis
regimens used for Class III and IV lupus nephritis. B-cell failure to respond and over what time frame. Both the
targeted therapies such as rituximab are gaining favor in idi- KDIGO [39] and EULAR/ERA-EDTA [40] Guidelines
opathic membranous glomerulonephritis [69] but what this recommend switching from one regimen to the other (i.e.
means for pure membranous (Class V) lupus nephritis to mycophenolate if cyclophosphamide used first or to
remains to be seen. cyclophosphamide if mycophenolate used first). One
must also be confident that the optimal dose has been
given. These guidelines don’t prefer one regimen over the
Summary of Therapies for Class III, IV, and V
other. A systematic review specifically addressing severe
lupus nephritis reported that mycophenolate and cyclo-
The Summary of Findings table (Table 25.4) presents vari- phosphamide were equivalent for short-term outcomes
ous comparisons of treatment and the treatment effects but that there was a suggestion from the data that cyclo-
from the most recent Cochrane Kidney and Transplant phosphamide had better long-term outcomes such as
meta-analysis [17]. A problem with the lupus nephritis preservation of kidney function [75]. However, this was
RCT literature is that a wide range of treatments has been not a pooled analysis of individual patient-level data to
studied in RCTs that have mostly been too small to assess enable stratification based on kidney function. The
important clinical outcomes. Most of the trials cited in this ALMS trial reported outcomes in 32 (out of 370) partici-
chapter are the largest and least susceptible to bias. To pants who had an eGFR less than 30 ml/min/1.73 m2 at
explore comparisons and rank therapies that have not been baseline [76]. Four of 20 patients randomized to
made directly in RCTs, a network meta-analysis was per- mycophenolate mofetil responded, compared to two of
formed [18]. This allowed both direct and indirect compar- 12 patients randomized to cyclophosphamide (P = 0.9)
isons of treatments. Using intravenous cyclophosphamide but ultimately this study was underpowered to reach any
as the reference treatment, the odds ratio for complete conclusion regarding patients with eGFR less than 30 ml/
remission was 1.44 (95% CI 1.00–2.06) with mycophenolate min/1.73 m2.
mofetil, and 2.69 (95% CI 1.74–4.16) for mycophenolate Other therapies with lower levels of evidence that
mofetil combined with tacrolimus. The limitations of this might be “added on” in very unwell patients not respond-
finding have been discussed previously. These treatments ing to mycophenolate or cyclophosphamide include
were no different with respect to all-cause mortality or rituximab (discussed above), intravenous immunoglobu-
ESKD. Overall, this network meta-analysis confirmed that lin, or a calcineurin inhibitor. Intravenous immunoglob-
mycophenolate mofetil is similar to intravenous cyclophos- ulin has been reported to be beneficial in case reports [77]
phamide, with a better adverse effect profile for both induc- but the only RCT in lupus nephritis was small (n = 14)
tion and maintenance therapy. and compared intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) to
cyclophosphamide after 6 months of the NIH regimen of
intravenous cyclophosphamide [78]. This was really a
Special Situations
trial of maintenance therapy and so is difficult to extrap-
Very Severe or Nonresponsive Lupus Nephritis olate as “add-on” therapy in patients with severe disease.
Patients with very severe lupus nephritis are often excluded Addition of a calcineurin inhibitor such as tacrolimus as
from RCTs or are a subset of participants. There is no uni- in the RCT of “multitarget” therapy with prednisolone,
versally accepted definition of “severe” and many people tacrolimus, and mycophenolate mofetil [64] might be
would consider any Class III or IV lupus nephritis to be a considered. However, in addition to the limitations of
“severe” kidney-threatening manifestation of SLE. One this trial that have been discussed, kidney function at
arbitrary classification of severe that has been advanced baseline was relatively well preserved in this trial (80%
defines “severe” as (i) Class IV lupus nephritis with more had eGFR >60 ml/min). Plasma exchange is also sug-
than 15% crescents and/or glomerular capillary necrosis, gested as an option in the EULAR ERA-EDTA guide-
(ii) persistence or relapse despite cyclophosphamide, or line [40], although an RCT carried out between 1981 and
(iii) Class III or IV lupus nephritis with elevated serum cre- 1986 was stopped early because there was no benefit of
atinine [75]. This definition has not been used in RCTs but plasma exchange added to prednisolone and oral cyclo-
the common theme is that patients with these features usu- phosphamide [79]. Patients had quite “severe” disease
ally have elevated serum creatinine. with segmental and proliferative lesions being required
Patients with very severe lupus nephritis can be treated for inclusion and a mean serum creatinine at baseline of
with the same regimens described above for Class III or ~180 umol/l. It remains to be seen whether rituximab or
IV disease. There is again no accepted definition of other biologicals will find their place in very severe lupus
“refractory” or “resistant” disease or what constitutes a nephritis.
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Treatmen 419
Pregnancy and Lupus Nephritis The ALMS maintenance trial lasted for 36 months and
Most patients with lupus nephritis are women of child- over this time there were fewer treatment failures or flares
bearing age and pregnancy should therefore be discussed with mycophenolate mofetil [32]. Thus, there is evidence
early in their course to determine the management to be to continue mycophenolate as maintenance therapy for
implemented before conception. Management of pregnan- 3 years. Beyond this time, evidence for what to do is lack-
cies in women with lupus nephritis requires a multidisci- ing. In an Italian cohort (n = 161) in whom patients in
plinary approach and has been recently reviewed [80, 81]. complete remission (proteinuria <0.5 g/day) for 12 months
Most women with a history of lupus nephritis have good underwent withdrawal of immunosuppression (n = 73), 21
pregnancy outcomes provided the disease is in remission, (29%) patients had flares during reduction in therapy and
and they are lupus anticoagulant negative, not hyperten- 20 of the remaining 52 patients (38%) experienced a flare
sive, and not non-Caucasian or Hispanic. after withdrawal of maintenance therapy [83]. Overall,
Before pregnancy, women with lupus nephritis should be these patients received no therapy for 41% of their total
in remission for at least 6 months. Ideally, women will have follow-up time. These authors recommended that with-
ceased potentially teratogenic medications such as renin drawal of therapy was possible but only after 5 years of
angiotensin system inhibitors, cyclophosphamide, and maintenance therapy with 3 years in complete remission,
mycophenolate, and switched to appropriate alternatives. and only if done very slowly.
Discontinuation or switching of immunosuppressive medi- In a group of Argentinian lupus nephritis patients who
cations runs the risk of a flare so should be done before con- received maintenance mycophenolate mofetil for 3 years
ception and with close monitoring. Hydroxychloroquine is after induction with an NIH cyclophosphamide regimen
safe in pregnancy and should be continued before, during, for 6 months, and who were in complete remission for
and after pregnancy. 12 months (proteinuria<0.5 g/day), a kidney biopsy was
Once pregnant, aspirin should be started before 12 weeks performed before mycophenolate mofetil was weaned and
gestation and consideration given to anticoagulation in ceased over a 6-month period regardless of the kidney
women at risk, such as those with positive lupus anticoag- biopsy findings [84]. Of the 36 patients who completed the
ulant or a history of venous thromboembolism. study, 20 were in histological remission at the time of this
Close monitoring during pregnancy to detect flares of biopsy (NIH activity index = 0), nine had an activity index
lupus nephritis or later in pregnancy to detect preeclamp- 1–2, and seven had an activity index of 3–5. Over the next
sia (and indeed to differentiate one from the other) is 24 months 11 patients had a flare of lupus nephritis after
essential on top of monitoring for obstetric complications. ceasing maintenance mycophenolate and 10 of these had
Management of flares is complicated and depends upon an activity index above zero (mainly due to finding endo-
the severity and gestation. Corticosteroids, azathioprine, capillary proliferation and subendothelial deposits). Six of
and calcineurin inhibitors can be used safely at any gesta- 25 patients who did not flare over 24 months had an activ-
tion. Severe or resistant flares bring about very difficult ity index of 1 or 2. Although kidney biopsy appears helpful,
decisions: one must weigh up the risks to the mother and it must be noted that this study did not demonstrate
fetus of continuing the pregnancy and using therapies that whether continuation of maintenance immunosuppres-
are more efficacious for the lupus nephritis but less safe for sion if the kidney biopsy was unfavorable would prevent
the fetus, against the risks to mother and fetus of delivery renal flares.
of the immediate delivery of the fetus to enable effective Thus, maintenance therapy should be prolonged and
therapies. withdrawal of immunosuppression is possible but the ben-
efits (less immunosuppression) and risks (30–40% risk of
Withdrawal of Maintenance Therapy renal flare) must be carefully weighed up. A kidney biopsy
Maintenance therapy can be challenging in lupus nephri- may help to guide the decision.
tis. Once patients are feeling better following induction of
remission, it can be hard to convince them that they need Renal Replacement Therapy
ongoing therapy to prevent relapse, particularly when they A major goal of therapy in lupus nephritis is avoidance of
are experiencing cosmetic and other side effects of corti- ESKD. In the earliest days this meant death for most
costeroids. Duration of and withdrawal of maintenance patients, but now renal replacement therapy is widely
therapy are the subject of debate [82], with the arguments available in most, but not all, countries [85]. Although
based on whether it is better to minimize treatment toxicity ESKD is an important outcome in the management of
by giving patients time off immunosuppressive therapy or lupus nephritis, lupus nephritis is the cause of ESKD in
to prevent flares of lupus nephritis, which add to kidney less than 2% of prevalent patients with ESKD [86, 87]. The
function loss. incidence rate of ESKD is three to four times higher in
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420 Lupus Nephritis
African American patients, who also have a higher mortal- receiving dialysis (P < 0.01) and the distribution of the 55
ity [88]. Compared to other patients with ESKD, the patients with no (SLEDAI = 0), low (SLEDAI = 1–10), or
patients with lupus nephritis are much younger, more high (SLEDAI > 10) non-renal disease activity was 2, 36, and
likely to be female, and have less comorbidity from diabe- 17 before dialysis and 19, 28, and 8, respectively, after dialy-
tes and cardiovascular disease [87]. Although in the United sis [90]. The same authors reported that in 28 patients who
States mortality rates of patients with ESKD with SLE were received a kidney transplant for lupus nephritis, the number
similar to people with ESKD who did not have SLE [88], in with a non-renal SLEDAI > 10 was 17 before dialysis, three
Australia and New Zealand this was not the case [87]. The during dialysis and none after transplant [91]. In contrast, a
adjusted hazard ratio for patient death was 1.33 (1.12–1.58) Brazilian study compared 57 patients on dialysis with SLE to
for patients on dialysis due to lupus nephritis, and 1.87 57 controls and defined lupus activity by the SLEDAI score
(1.18–2.98) for kidney transplant recipients, compared to or if patients required prednisolone 20 mg daily or
ESKD controls who did not have lupus nephritis. greater [92]. The proportion with SLEDAI scores of 0, 1–3,
Despite the possibility of higher mortality, kidney trans- 4–7, and 8 were 19%, 44%, 19%, and 18% for the SLE patients
plant outcomes are still favorable in patients who develop and 63%, 33%, 4%, and 0% for the non-SLE patients, respec-
ESKD from lupus nephritis. Five-year renal allograft and tively. Thus, SLE disease activity should be actively consid-
death-censored renal allograft survival were 88 and 93%, ered even after renal replacement therapy becomes the
respectively [87]. Lupus nephritis recurred in 2.3% of kid- primary focus of management.
ney transplant in patients in Australia and New
Zealand [87], and in 2.44% of kidney transplant recipients
in the United States [89]. In the US patients, African C
American, female and younger patients were more likely to
experience recurrence of lupus nephritis, and allograft Lupus nephritis is a kidney-threatening manifestation of
median survival after recurrence was between 4 and SLE for which a number of treatments have been studied
5 years [89]. The survival of kidneys with recurrent lupus in RCTs over many years. However, there is still a long way
nephritis was similar to those that had rejection and the to go to increase the complete remission rates with these
latter was a far more important cause of graft loss in this regimens or newer therapies while at the same time reduc-
study (156 patients lost their graft from recurrent lupus ing the toxicity of treatment. Acquiring good evidence
nephritis compared to 1517 from rejection). remains a challenge due to the heterogeneity of the disease
Another issue in patients with SLE who develop ESKD itself and difficulties with recruiting large numbers of
from lupus nephritis is whether the SLE becomes “quies- patients into treatment trials, the need to consider both
cent” or not. Early studies indicate that this is true. In a induction and maintenance therapy, and the long follow-
Dutch population, the mean non-renal SLEDAI was up required to measure outcomes such as renal relapse
8.22 ± 6.3 before starting dialysis and 4.41 ± 5.94 when after remission, loss of kidney function, and ESKD.
surveillance project. Arthritis Rheumatol. 69 (10): membranous nephropathy. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 20 (4):
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Reference 423
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Microangiopathic Prolonged PPT and INR, low fibrinogen
hemolytic anemia, DIC
organ failure
Positive STEC in stool culture/PCR
Hematopoietic Non-
Glomerular Solid organ Malignant Complement
Infection Autoimmunity stem cell Drugs Cancer Pregnancy complement
diseases transplantation hypertension mediated
transplantation mediated
Bacteria: SLE IgA nephropathy Calcineurin inhibitors: Gastric MMACHC (Col-C) Congenital:
Pneumococcus APLA syndrome ANCA associated vasculitis Tacrolimus Ovarian DGKE CFH
Bordetella pertussis Systemic Membranous nephropathy Cyclosporine Breast INF2 MCP/CD46
Snigella dysenteriae Sclerosis FSGS Lymphoma PLG CFHRs
Dermatomyositis C3 glomerulopathy Anti VEGF: Colon VTN CFI
Viruses: Bevacizumab Pancreas vWF C3
Influenza Sunitinib F12 CFB
CMV Chemotherahy:
BBV Mitomycin Acquired:
HHVS Cisplatin Anti-CFH
HCV Vincristine autoantibodies
HAV Gemoitabine
Parvovirus B19 Others:
Malaria Cocaine
Interferon α/β
Figure 26.1 Classification and diagnostic workup of TMA. ADAMTS13, a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with a thrombospondin type 1 motif member 13; ANCA, antineutrophil
cytoplasmic antibody; APLA, antiphospholipid antibody; CFB, complement factor B; CFH, complement factor H; CFHR, complement factor H related protein; CFI, complement factor
I; CMV, cytomegalovirus; DGKE, diacylglycerol kinase ε; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; F12, factor XII; FSGS, focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis; HAV, hepatitis A virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HHV6, human herpes virus 6; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HUS, hemolytic uremic syndrome; IgA,
immunoglobulin A; INF2, inverted formin-2; INR, international normalized ratio; MCP/CD46, membrane cofactor protein; MMACHC,– methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria
type C protein; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PLG, plasminogen; PTT, partial thromboplastin time; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; STEC, Shiga toxin producing E. coli; THBD/
CD141, thrombomodulin; TMA, thrombotic microangiopathy; TTP, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; VTN, vitronectin.
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Introductio 427
TMA diagnosis
Creatinine, urea ●● Kidney function tests ●● Both are elevated in TMA and signify AKI
Hemoglobin, haptoglobin, ●● MAHA markers ●● Low hemoglobin and haptoglobin
LDH, direct antiglobulin ●● High LDH
(coombs) test, blood film ●● Negative coombs test (except in pneumococcal TMA)
●● Fragmented red blood cells (schistocytes) on blood film
Platelets ●● Platelet count ●● Thrombocytopenia is usually the first sign to appear and increase
in platelets count is usually the first sign of recovery
Exclusion of DIC
PTT, INR, fibrinogen ●● Basic coagulation tests PTT and INR are prolonged and fibrinogen is low in DIC, while in
TMA these tests are usually normal
Diagnosis/exclusion of TTP
ADAMTS13 activity ●● Activity of the vWF ●● Activity level >10% rules out TTP
Diagnosis/exclusion of STEC-HUS
Stool culture and/or PCR ●● Microbiologic tests for STEC ●● In STEC-HUS these tests are positive for E. coli O157:H7 or other
identification less common STEC
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428 Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
Table 26.1 (Continued)
ANA, anti dsDNA (SLE) ●● Autoimmune antibodies in ●● For diagnosis/exclusion of autoimmune disease-related TMA in
Lupus anticoagulant, SLE the relevant clinical context
anticardiolipin antibodies ●● Autoimmune antibodies in
Antitopoisomerase I, ●● Autoimmune antibodies in
anti-RNA polymerase III, systemic sclerosis
anticentromere antibody
(systemic sclerosis)
ANCA, C3, IgA ●● Markers of different types of ●● For diagnosis/exclusion of GN-related TMA in the relevant
GN clinical context
●● Positive ANCA may signify ANCA-associated glomerulonephritis
●● Low C3 is not specific and can be seen in many GN as well as in
complement-mediated TMA
●● Elevated IgA in the right clinical context may suggest IgA
nephropathy, but normal IgA is common in this entity
Kidney biopsy ●● Histopathology of the kidney ●● For diagnosis/exclusion of GN-related TMA and of solid organ
transplantation-related TMA in the relevant clinical context
●● Kidney biopsy is often needed for the diagnosis of the specific
type of GN, and of TMA associated with solid organ
transplantation, but it is not required for the diagnosis of TMA
Urine/serum β-HCG ●● Pregnancy test ●● For diagnosis/exclusion of pregnancy-related TMA
●● Should be part of the diagnostic work-up of any case of TMA in a
woman of childbearing age
Blood homocysteine, blood ●● Molecules related to ●● For diagnosis/exclusion of cobalamin C-related TMA
methionine, urine cobalamin metabolism ●● Blood homocysteine and urine methylmalonic acid are elevated
methylmalonic acid in cobalamin C-related TMA, while blood methionine is reduced
Table 26.1 (Continued)
C3, C4, CFH, CFI, CFB, ●● Levels of complement ●● C3 is low in only 30–50% of patients with complement-mediated
MCP/CD46 components and inhibitors TMA (nonspecific)
●● Low C4 is associated with complement classical pathway
disorders and not with complement-mediated TMA
●● Low CFH, CFI, or MCP/CD46 may signify mutations in these
C5b-C9, C3d, Bb ●● Degree of complement ●● High C5b-9 levels (membrane attack complex) expected in active
activation complement mediated TMA; may be also seen in STEC-HUS
●● High C3d in combination with low C3 levels associated with C3
consumption rather than deficiency
●● High Bb and low CFB level found in both, complement mediated
disease. In hereditary TTP, recessive mutations in the gene symptoms. However, TMA can also occur in these patients
encoding for ADAMTS13 are responsible for the deficiency, as abnormalities in cobalamin (vitamin B12) metabolism
while autoantibodies against ADAMTS13 cause the more may lead to endothelial dysfunction. This disorder is
common acquired TTP [1–3, 9, 10]. TTP was historically uncommon but relevant, since both diagnostic tests (serum
almost universally fatal, but the systematic use of plasma homocysteine and urine methyl-malonic acid levels) and
exchange (PE) therapy decreased mortality to <10% [2]. efficient therapies (with hydroxycobalamin, folinic acid,
With a frequency of 1–3/100 000, STEC-HUS is the most and betaine) are available, simple, and inexpensive [3, 15,
common type of TMA in children [2, 7, 11]. The term 16] Table 26.1. Another disorder in this group is diacylglyc-
“hemolytic uremic syndrome” was first proposed in 1955 erol kinase ε (DGKE)-related TMA. Homozygous muta-
for children with renal failure, anemia, and thrombocyto- tions in DGKE result in infantile aHUS, but may also cause
penia, and subsequently a preceding hemorrhagic colitis membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) or a
was described [12, 13]. In 1982, during an investigation of clinical and pathological overlap between these two disor-
outbreaks of hemorrhagic colitis, E. coli O157:H7 was iden- ders. The mechanism is unknown, but may be related to
tified as a pathogen and in the same year the association protein kinase C-mediated upregulation of prothrombotic
between HUS and STEC was described [1, 3, 11]. The terms factors. Proteinuria, often nephrotic, is a major component
“D+ HUS” (diarrhea positive HUS) for HUS caused by of this disorder and most patients slowly progress to end-
STEC or other rarer enteric bacteria and “D−HUS” (diar- stage renal disease (ESRD) [2–4, 6, 17–19]. Recently,
rhea negative HUS) for other TMA should be deferred, as patients from two different families were found to have
some (albeit rare) patients with STEC-HUS do not have TMA presumably caused by mutations in inverted formin-
diarrhea, while up to 30% of patients with complement- 2 (INF2) gene, which is also known to be involved in focal
mediated TMA may have diarrhea at presentation [2, 5]. and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). Interestingly,
Complement-mediated TMA is primarily caused by two patients from one family were also diagnosed with the
mutations in complement factors (regulators and/or acti- hereditary peripheral neuropathy disorder Charcot–Marie–
vators), leading to uncontrolled activity of the complement Tooth [20]. It is likely that TMA-causing mutations in novel
alternative pathway (AP), but it can be also caused by genes will be added to this group of primary noncomple-
acquired abnormalities such as antibodies against comple- ment TMA in the future.
ment factor H (CFH) [2, 4, 5, 14]. Many diseases and conditions may lead to secondary
Primary noncomplement-mediated TMA is caused by TMA. Infectious agents include bacteria other than STEC,
mutations in genes that are typically not related to the which can produce Shiga toxin (such as Shigella dysente-
complement system. The first of these is cobalamin riae), Streptococcus pneumoniae, and viruses such as HIV
C-related TMA, which is a hereditary metabolic cause of and influenza A and B [2, 7, 21–24]. TMA may complicate
TMA caused by recessive mutations in methylmalonic aci- autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus
duria and the homocystinuria type C protein (MMACHC) (SLE), catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome (CAPLS),
gene. Patients usually present in infancy with diverse and systemic sclerosis [2, 25–28]. It can be seen in association
developmental abnormalities and primarily neurologic with other glomerular disorders, including immunoglobulin
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430 Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
A (IgA) nephropathy, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody However, outbreaks of O157:H7 or other serotypes are also
(ANCA)-associated vasculitis, and others, although this may common, and the most significant recent outbreaks
be a histopathologic finding only without the typical clinical occurred in Germany in 2011 (E. coli O104/H4), in
findings [2, 29, 30]. TMA is a known and multifactorial com- Oklahoma, USA, in 2008 (E. coli O111/NM), and in Ontario,
plication of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation [31–34]. Canada, in 2000 (E. coli O157:H7) [51–54]. Most E. coli
It can also complicate solid organ transplantations, includ- O157:H7 infections and HUS occur in summer and
ing kidney transplants, either as recurrence of known autumn [5, 9]. The primary reservoir of E. coli O157:H7 is
complement-mediated TMA post-transplant or, more com- the intestinal tract of cattle, and it is more common in rural
monly, de novo [7, 35, 36]. Many different drugs have been areas and in countries with high-density cattle raising,
suspected as a cause of TMA, though a clear evidence for such as Scotland and Argentina. Ground beef, lettuce,
causal association has been shown with relatively few. sprouts, municipal water, and many other sources have
Quinine is an example of a drug which may cause TMA by been all recognized as major transmission vehicles of
immune mechanism, while calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) STEC, while airborne and person-to-person transmission
may represent drugs which cause TMA via direct toxicity [2, have also been described [11, 55, 56]. The risk of develop-
3, 37, 38]. Cancer has long been associated with risk of TMA, ing HUS after STEC-colitis is around 10% in sporadic infec-
either caused by malignancy itself or more often resulting tions, and up to 20% in epidemic outbreaks [4, 7, 11, 55].
from anticancer therapy [2, 39, 40]. Malignant hypertension Complement-mediated TMA accounts for 5–10% of all
with concomitant TMA places a clinical dilemma as any HUS cases, with incidence of 0.5–2 cases per million per
TMA can cause hypertension which may be severe, there- year [5, 7, 8, 57]. It can occur in children and adults, and
fore it may not be clear which entity is the cause and which may be sporadic (most often) or familial. Genetic muta-
is the consequence [2, 41–44]. Finally, pregnancy and the tions affecting genes related to the complement alternative
postpartum period are associated with various TMA syn- pathway or autoantibodies against CFH are found in
dromes: complement-mediated TMA, TTP, and the TMA- 50–60% of cases of complement-mediated TMA [4–6, 8,
like syndrome HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, 57–59]. In 40–50% of patients clinically diagnosed with
and low platelets), which is related to eclampsia [45–48]. complement-mediated TMA, no specific cause, genetic or
Importantly, in nearly all of these secondary forms of TMA autoimmune, is identified. CFH mutations were the first
abnormalities in complement-related genes have been to be described and are the most common abnormality
described in some patients, many of whom were treated suc- responsible for complement-mediated TMA, accounting for
cessfully with eculizumab, the complement C5-inhibitor [25, 24–27% of cases [6, 58, 60, 61]. The second most common
26, 39, 41, 45, 49, 50]. This implies that a proportion of mutations (7–9%) are found in the gene encoding for mem-
patients with secondary forms of TMA actually have pri- brane cofactor protein (MCP or CD46), followed by com-
mary complement-mediated TMA and the secondary condi- plement factor I (CFI) and complement component 3 (C3)
tion (i.e. pregnancy, drug, infection, etc.) constitutes a trigger mutations, each of which accounts for 4–8% of cases [6, 58,
or a “second hit” which is required for developing the full 60–63]. Mutations in complement factor B (CFB), throm-
picture of TMA, rather than the primary cause of it [2, 4, 21, bomodulin (THBD or CD141), and complement factor
25, 26, 34, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49]. H-related proteins (CFHRs) are responsible together for
The following will focus on the epidemiology, patho- 5–10% of cases [6, 58, 60, 61, 64]. Anti-CFH autoantibodies
physiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, prognosis, account for 10–15% of cases and are frequently associated
and treatment of two entities of the TMA spectrum: STEC- in deletions of CFHR1 and 3 [6, 57, 58, 60, 61]. Five to ten
HUS and complement-mediated TMA. percent of complement-mediated TMA patients carry more
than one mutation [57, 58, 65]. The presence of one or
more mutation and/or the presence of specific genetic risk
pidemiology variants, as discussed in the next section, may increase the
risk of disease manifestation [3, 4, 6, 7, 56–58, 60, 65].
In children, 85–90% of TMA cases are caused by infection
with STEC. STEC-HUS is more frequent in children than
in adults, with median age around 2 years, although adults P
have more severe disease with higher mortality [3, 4]. The
annual incidence in Europe and North America is 1.9–2.9 The common pathologic basis of all TMA is injury to the
cases per 100 000 children <3–5 years, and it decreases with vascular endothelium with subsequent microvascular
age [4]. The predominant cause in most of the world is E. thrombosis, which leads to consumptive thrombocytopenia,
coli O157:H7 and most occurrences are sporadic [3, 7, 11]. MAHA, and kidney and other organs injury [2–4, 56, 66].
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Pathophysiolog 431
Acquired complement-mediated TMA occurs in the nal manifestations include pulmonary edema, hemorrhage
form of autoantibodies against CFH [2, 6, 8, 91–94]. CFH and embolism, ocular complications, and gangrenous fin-
autoantibodies identified in complement-mediated TMA gertips [4, 11, 92, 97–99]. In complement-mediated TMA
patients exclusively bind to epitopes located to the extrarenal manifestations are more common during the
C-terminus of CFH, thus preventing binding of CFH to initial 6 months post presentation, but can also occur dur-
endothelial surfaces and C3 [6, 8, 93, 95]. There is a strong ing the chronic phase [61].
(but so far unexplained) association between the homozy-
gous deletion of complement factor H-related proteins 1
and 3 (CFHR1 and CFHR3) and the presence of anti-CFH D
autoantibodies [2, 6, 8, 92–94, 96].
Figure 26.1 presents a general approach to diagnosis of
TMA. The defining laboratory features in TMA include
linical Manifestation elevated creatinine and urea, thrombocytopenia, and signs
of MAHA. The latter include low hemoglobin, high lactate
The clinical symptoms of TMA reflect anemia, thrombocyto- dehydrogenase (LDH), low haptoglobin, negative direct
penia, and renal or other organ involvement, and include pal- antiglobulin (coombs) test (except in pneumococcal TMA),
lor, fatigue, shortness of breath, oliguria, and edema [4]. In and evidence of fragmented red blood cells (schistocytes)
almost all cases of STEC-HUS, manifestations are preceded on peripheral blood film. Urinalysis usually shows hema-
by severe abdominal pain and diarrhea, which start 2–12 days turia and proteinuria [2, 4, 5, 101].
(average 3) after ingestion of contaminated vehicle. The diar- The typical findings on kidney biopsy are thickening of
rhea becomes bloody in up to 90% of patients, and 30–60% of arterioles and capillaries, endothelial swelling and detach-
patients have fever and vomiting. TMA manifestations in ment, subendothelial accumulation of proteins and cell
those patients who develop the syndrome occurs after the debris, and fibrin and platelet-rich thrombi obstructing
colitis improves, approximately a week after the onset of diar- vessel lumina. However, biopsy is not requisite for the diag-
rhea [3, 4, 7, 11]. Half of complement-mediated TMA epi- nosis of TMA, and it cannot distinguish between the differ-
sodes are triggered by intercurrent events, including upper ent etiologies of TMA [2, 3, 5, 6, 8].
respiratory tract infection, gastroenteritis, vaccination, and The first step in the diagnostic process of a patient with
childbirth [4, 57, 58]. Renal involvement includes hematuria, the triad of AKI, MAHA, and thrombocytopenia, who pre-
proteinuria (commonly nephrotic ranged), oliguria, and sumably has TMA, is to exclude the other entity which can
hypertension, which may be severe, especially in complement- present with these manifestations, disseminated intravas-
mediated TMA. The severity of renal involvement is greater cular coagulation (DIC). DIC and TMA can be easily distin-
in adults, and in general varies between mild nephritis with- guished by sending coagulation tests as in the former
out acute kidney injury (AKI) to severe anuric AKI, and partial thromboplastin time (PTT) and prothrombin time
many patients with both STEC-HUS and complement- (PT) or international normalized ratio (INR) are prolonged
mediated TMA require acute dialysis [3, 4, 7, 97]. and fibrinogen level is low, while in the latter these tests
Extrarenal manifestations occur in 19–38% of patients should be normal [2, 102, 103].
with STEC-HUS and complement-mediated TMA [2, 4–6, The next step is investigation for the cause of TMA,
61, 98]. Possible mechanisms include vascular injury which is crucial because different forms of TMA have com-
caused by Stx in STEC-HUS and by complement activation pletely different treatments. Since TTP is a common cause
in complement-mediated TMA, as well as hypertension of TMA, especially in adults, and it can efficiently be
and uremia caused by renal failure [4, 5, 7, 11, 98, 99]. treated via plasma exchange (PE), one of the first priority
Neurologic involvement is the most common extrarenal tests should be the detection of the activity level of
manifestation in both STEC-HUS and complement- ADAMTS13. Activity level >10% rules out TTP [2, 4, 5,
mediated TMA and includes seizures, alteration in con- 104]. The other common cause of TMA, especially in chil-
sciousness, hemiparesis, vision loss, and other rarer dren, is STEC-HUS, and therefore one should always
symptoms [4, 5, 11, 58, 97–100]. Gastrointestinal involve- exclude this cause before diagnosing rarer types of TMA. In
ment is also common and includes diarrhea, vomiting, gas- STEC-HUS, stool cultures should be positive for E. coli
trointestinal bleeding, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, and O157:H7 or other less common STEC, and another com-
hepatitis [2, 4, 61, 98, 99]. Cardiac complications include monly used diagnostic method is polymerase chain reac-
left ventricular hypertrophy, dilated or hypertrophic cardi- tion (PCR) assay for the bacteria or Stx [11, 55, 105].
omyopathy, valve insufficiency, myocardial infarction, and Exclusion of a secondary TMA (related to infection, auto-
intracardiac thrombus [4, 7, 11, 57, 98, 99]. Other extrare- immunity, glomerular disease, stem cell and solid organ
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Prognosi 433
transplantation, drugs, cancer, malignant hypertension, or dropped to 1–4% [106, 107]. CNS involvement is the most
pregnancy) follows the clinical context, history and physical common cause of death, occurring in <50% of children
examination, and additional ancillary tests, depending on with STEC-HUS [108], with cardiac failure, pulmonary
the specific clinical presentation. Screening for cobalamin hemorrhage, bowel perforation, and electrolyte imbal-
C-related TMA, with serum homocysteine and urine meth- ances following [106].
ylmalonic acid levels, which are typically high, is recom- Early literature identified the following risk factors pre-
mended [2, 4, 6]. dicting a more severe course of postdiarrheal HUS: oligoa-
In only 30–50% of patients with complement-mediated nuria, younger age (<2–3 years), high initial leukocyte
TMA are C3 levels low, and they may also be low in other count, hypertension, and severe colitis [106, 109–115].
types of TMA [5, 6, 104]. More specific assays such as CH50 More recent studies have found that CNS involvement,
(measuring total complement activity), AP50 (measuring high hemoglobin, and low sodium levels were the best pre-
alternative pathway activity), CFH functional assay, and dictors of death in STEC-HUS patients [108].
levels of complement activation markers such as C3d and CNS involvement may include seizures, hemiplegia or
C5b-9 allow for insights into functional aspects of the com- hemiparesis, extrapyramidal syndrome, and coma. MRI
plement system. Additionally, comprehensive screening of findings in patients showed that all parts of the CNS were
all genes currently known to be involved in complement- susceptible to injury, and that there was no correlation
mediated TMA is recommended, including CFH, MCP/ between localization of injury and final prognosis. The
CD46, CFI, C3, CFB, CFHR 1, and 5, and THBD/CD141 [2– overall prognosis in this patient group was poor with nine
6, 57]. Infants should also be tested for mutations in DGKE, patient deaths and 13 with severe sequelae [100]. Of note,
which is responsible for a form of primary noncomplement the exact mechanism resulting in CNS injury may differ
TMA [2, 4, 17, 18, 57]. Finally, anti-CFH autoantibodies from that of renal involvement and treatment may require
should be tested for to diagnose the known acquired form a multifaceted approach [116].
of complement-mediated TMA [5, 6, 57, 104]. As mortality has improved markedly in the past few dec-
However, complement functional assays are available only ades, long-term sequelae may still require management in
in few laboratories and, similarly to genetic testing, require STEC-HUS patients. Persistent hypertension is seen in
long time to being processed. Moreover, only 50–60% of 5–15%, progression to CKD in up to 18% of children, and
patients with presumed complement-mediated TMA are ESRD in approximately 3% of patients. Given the multior-
eventually found to have a disease causing mutation in one of gan involvement, complications of the nervous system,
the above-mentioned genes. Thus, complement functional heart, gut, biliary system, and pancreas may need to be fol-
and genetic tests are important to confirm the diagnosis, lowed over time [106].
inform outcome, and guide treatment, but they do not play a
role in the acute diagnosis of complement-mediated TMA,
Complement-mediated TMA
which remains clinical and is established after excluding all
other forms of TMA. In the era of an efficacious anticomple- The prognosis of complement-mediated TMA has classi-
ment therapy, which may completely change outcome, the cally been poor, with most patients developing ESRD
diagnosis of complement-mediated TMA should be made in within 2 years of presentation [5]. However, in the past dec-
a timely manner. Therefore, every patient with no obvious ade the management of complement-mediated TMA has
clinical picture of STEC-HUS, TTP, or a secondary TMA, undergone a paradigm shift and the associated outcomes
with ADAMTS13 activity >10% and with STEC negative have evolved as well.
stool culture or PCR should be diagnosed with complement- Complement-mediated TMA carried a mortality rate of up
mediated TMA, at least until proven otherwise, and treated to 70% before the advent of terminal complement blockade [7].
with anticomplement therapy [2, 4, 6, 101, 103]. Since the monoclonal C5 antibody eculizumab has widely
become available, short-term mortality has fallen and out-
comes have improved significantly [117–119]. At this time,
many long-term outcomes of eculizumab-treated complement-
mediated TMA patients have yet to become available.
As a disorder of complement dysregulation, identifying
specific mutations can offer prognostic information in
When first described, the mortality of STEC-HUS was complement-mediated TMA. Mutations in CFH [61], CFI,
>30% for all cases. In more recent years, with an improved and C3 have been associated with a worse prognosis, while
understanding of pathogenesis, recognition, and early dial- MCP/CD46 mutation carriers with childhood disease onset
ysis for oligoanuric patients, the acute mortality rate has have shown improved outcomes. Adult patients with no
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434 Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
identifiable mutations in a study of 214 patients with potentially require kidney transplantation, clinicians must
complement-mediated TMA were found to have similarly be judicious regarding blood transfusions [121, 122].
poor prognoses as the above-mentioned subgroups, where A patient whose serum hemoglobin concentration is
children without identifiable mutations had similar out- below the center-specific transfusion threshold, but who is
comes to the MCP/CD46 mutation group [120]. well-perfused, hemodynamically stable, and whose other
Interestingly, outcomes from this study show discrepan- hemolytic markers (LDH, haptoglobin, reticulocyte count)
cies based on the age of the patient: children with suggest declining hemolysis may be managed expectantly,
complement-mediated TMA have a higher mortality com- whereas a patient with a low hemoglobin, ongoing hemol-
pared to adults (6–7% vs. <1% at 1 year), whereas progres- ysis, and any signs of cardiovascular instability would
sion to ESRD after the first episode was more frequent in likely necessitate a blood transfusion.
adults (46% vs. 16%). Approximately 56% of adult patients Thrombocytopenia can be significant in all TMAs.
progress to ESRD within the first year of illness [120]. Sex, However, as previously detailed, platelets may contribute
race, time from initial presentation to diagnosis, and family to microthrombi formation and may aggravate the underly-
history of complement-mediated TMA do not appear to be ing microangiopathic cascade, worsening symptoms [121].
associated with risk of progression to ESRD [61]. The safety of platelet transfusion in STEC-HUS is still
A substantial number of patients may also develop extra- uncertain, with mixed data in the literature, but it may be
renal complications in both the chronic and acute phases. reasonable in patients with evidence of active bleeding or
Gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, CNS, and pulmonary those who are undergoing a surgical procedure, and risks
manifestations may impact adults and children and may and benefits must be weighed before any decision to pro-
require long-term follow-up [61]. ceed with transfusion.
The advent of the terminal complement blockader eculi- Intravascular volume must be considered with adminis-
zumab has fundamentally shifted the trajectory of illness tration of blood products as well, and patients may benefit
in complement-mediated TMA, but the disease process still from diuretics during or following transfusion, though not
carries considerable morbidity and mortality risk both in all will respond [121].
the acute and chronic phases.
Disease-specific Therapy
reatment Prevention
STEC-HUS, unlike other TMAs, has a characteristic ante-
General Supportive Therapy for all TMA
cedent illness of bloody diarrhea. Recognition of this pro-
Acute Kidney Injury dromal phase offers clinicians the opportunity to
Once established, TMA care requires management of olig- implement preventative measures to reduce the risk of pro-
uric AKI. Fluid and electrolyte intake and output should be gression to HUS.
carefully calculated and reassessed as patients may be anu-
ric and require fluid restriction. Dietary and other intake IV Hydration
restrictions on electrolytes such as potassium or phosphate In patients presenting during the diarrheal phase of enter-
may be required as the GFR declines. Patients may also ohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) illness, provision of
have intolerance to oral food intake and may require assis- IV fluids may reduce the risk of subsequent HUS [123]. A
tance with enteral feeds or parenteral nutrition. recent meta-analysis established an association between
Hypertension management may also be necessary in these lack of fluid administration and higher hematocrit (>23%)
patients [121]. at onset of diarrheal illness with poor outcomes including
oligoanuria, need for renal replacement therapy, and
Anemia and Thrombocytopenia death [124].
Anemia and thrombocytopenia may be profound, and pro- The role of volume expansion even after onset of HUS
viders are often faced with a dilemma regarding the need has also been explored. In a multicentre surveillance pro-
for transfusion of blood products. In addition to the typical gram of children with STEC-HUS, early IV volume expan-
risks of blood transfusion (e.g. allergic reaction, infection, sion was associated with significantly better short-term
electrolyte derangement), one must be cognizant of the and long-term outcomes compared to historical controls,
exposure of the patient to donor antigens and the subse- including a lower rate of CNS involvement. Restoration of
quent production of donor-specific antibodies. In a patient the circulating volume was hypothesized to reduce the for-
with a potential risk of developing CKD and who may mation of thrombi and limit hypoxic ischemic injury [125].
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Treatmen 435
IV volume expansion should therefore be undertaken for below), the use of the monoclonal antibody eculizumab in
patients presenting with STEC-HUS, and should be consid- STEC-HUS is being further elucidated. As detailed previ-
ered as well for patients presenting with established HUS ously, greater understanding of the mechanism of STEC-
early in their illness. However, careful monitoring of urine HUS has implicated complement dysregulation in the
output and total fluid balance is paramount as fluid ther- pathogenesis.
apy will need frequent reassessment, particularly in Support for use of eculizumab in STEC-HUS was pro-
patients who progress to oligoanuria [126]. vided in a case series of three children with severe STEC-
HUS with neurologic involvement and dialysis-dependent
Antibiotics AKI. Administration of eculizumab was associated with
There have been mixed results in the literature as to a rapid clinical improvement in all three patients [134].
whether use of antibiotics in STEC illness increases the In 2011, during the E. coli O104 outbreak in Germany
risk of progression to HUS. The available evidence would and France, eculizumab was used in more than 250
suggest that providers should limit the use of antibiotics to patients. The patients treated with the drug had a more
patients in whom there is a suspicion of sepsis or severe severe renal injury and more frequent neurological com-
bacterial illness wherein the risks of potentially increasing plications at baseline compared to those who were not
likelihood of progression to HUS are outweighed by the treated, and outcomes were similar in both groups. This
benefits of infection control [126, 127]. may suggest a lack of drug effect or may be interpreted
as treatment benefit as the group treated with eculi-
zumab may have progressed toward worse out-
comes [135]. Since then additional case series reported a
In addition to the supportive management of AKI detailed significant improvement in neurological function in
previously, other modalities have been investigated for children with STEC-HUS and neurological impairment
their therapeutic potential in STEC-HUS. treated with eculizumab [136, 137]. Of note, renal
impairment persisted in most of these patients [138].
Erythropoietin While data for eculizumab in STEC-HUS is limited to
Erythropoietin (EPO) has been investigated as a potential observational studies, it may be reasonable to consider
option to reduce the need for red blood cell transfusion in this drug for patients with severe disease, particularly
patients with HUS in small pediatric studies [128]. At this with neurologic involvement and when standard ther-
time there is insufficient evidence to recommend EPO as a apy has failed.
standard therapy for patients with HUS.
Shiga Toxin Neutralizing Agents
Plasma Infusion and Plasmapheresis In an attempt to reduce the pathogenicity of the Stx, oral
The American Society for Apheresis (ASFA) lists PE as a Stx-binding agents have been developed [139], though to
recommended therapy for STEC-HUS [129], though this date no such agents (either oral or intravenous) have been
treatment plan may not be any more efficacious than sup- proven efficacious in human studies and therefore toxin
portive care [130–132]. binding agents are not a standard component of STEC
diarrheal illness management [121, 140].
With progression to anuric renal failure, approximately
two-thirds of patients with STEC-HUS ultimately require
renal replacement therapy [121]. Both hemodialysis and While supportive management and AKI therapy are well
peritoneal dialysis may be used, and evidence for superior established in STEC-HUS, the questions surrounding early
outcomes with one modality versus the other is limited. therapy remain. It appears reasonable to trial volume
Renal transplantation is rarely required in STEC HUS, expansion early in the illness course, with careful monitor-
though when necessary the risk of disease recurrence is ing. The role of antibiotics has conflicting evidence, though
minimal [133]. weighing risks and benefits, avoidance in patients with a
low risk of sepsis is favored. Eculizumab as a therapy in
STEC-HUS is currently under investigation in larger stud-
Emerging Therapy and Future Perspectives
ies. Until these and future analyses can provide more infor-
Eculizumab mation, we would consider the use of eculizumab in
While terminal complement blockade is the mainstay of patients with severe STEC-HUS who are not responding to
therapy for complement-mediated TMA (as described conventional therapy.
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Georgina Irish1,2 and Shilpanjali Jesudason1,2
Central and Northern Adelaide Renal and Transplantation Service, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Department of Medicine, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Pathophysiolog 445
should be considered when interpreting studies and when and the literature is highly variable. AKI diagnosis based
synthesizing data from different studies. on rise in serum creatinine (absolute value >90 μmol/l,
The largest study identifying CKD in pregnancy was a doubling of serum creatinine) is likely more common but
Norwegian population-based data linkage study of 5655 poorly captured in studies. In the developed world, AKI is
births from 3405 women, assessing eGFR by the Modification uncommon and predominantly due to volume loss or hyper-
of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) formula. This study found tensive disorders of pregnancy, and less commonly de novo
CKD in 3.3% of pregnancies, with 2.4% with stage 1, 0.8% renal disorders. AKI requiring acute dialysis in pregnancy is
with stage 2, and 0.1% with stage 3 [2]. This data may be rare, occurring in 1 per 10 000 (95% confidence interval [CI]
extrapolated to similar countries, but the true prevalence of 0.8–1.1) [15]. By contrast, in developing nations AKI is
CKD in most pregnant cohorts remains unknown. mainly due to sepsis and rates are higher but variable [16].
The number of pregnancies in patients receiving dialysis
reported in the literature is increasing over time, although they
Physiological Changes with Pregnancy
remain rare [3, 4]. Absolute pregnancy rates are difficult to
define and compare. The Australian and New Zealand Dialysis The kidney undergoes marked physiological and structural
and Transplant Registry (ANZDATA) has reported the preg- changes to adapt to the demands of pregnancy, occurring
nancy rate in chronic hemodialysis patients was 8.4/1000 as early as 6 weeks from conception and continuing post-
patient-years between 2001 and 2011, with a live birth rate of partum (summarized extensively in the paper by Odutayo
1.26/1000 patient-years [5]. Comprehensive survey data from et al. [17]). These physiological changes are essential adap-
Belgium reported a conception rate of 0.3/1000 patient-years, tions to maintain maternal and fetal health, but previously
and a study from Japan showed 3.4% of women of childbear- unidentified kidney disease may be exposed and underly-
ing age conceived [6–8]. An Italian study found that a live birth ing renal dysfunction may worsen. Systemic hemodynamic
rate was 0.7–1.1 per 1000 women per year compared to the changes include vasodilatation mediated by hormones
national rate of 72.5 per 1000 women per year [9]. These data including relaxin and nitric oxide, decreased systemic vas-
suggest that the birth rate in patients on peritoneal dialysis cular resistance and increased cardiac output [18]. A nadir
(PD) is lower than that in hemodialysis recipients [3–5]. The in the mean arterial pressure occurs by 18–24 weeks, with
reasons for this are uncertain, but may be due to hypertonic subsequent rise in later gestation. Concomitantly, the
fluid disrupting implantation or causing adhesions [10], or renin-angiotensin system is activated in pregnancy. Renal
change in dialysis modality to prior to conception [5]. tubular changes occur due to complex shifts in hormone
responsiveness, with a net increase in total body sodium
Transplantation and potassium, resetting of receptor thresholds for antidiu-
retic hormone release, and fall in plasma osmolality [17].
Since the first successful birth post renal transplantation in All of these factors contribute to expanded plasma vol-
1958, the rate of conception and numbers of live births post ume, increased renal plasma flow (by 50–80%), and increased
kidney transplantation have continued to increase [11]. The glomerular hyperfiltration (by 50%) but without glomerular
ANZDATA registry has reported a rate of 20/1000 patient years hypertension [19]. It is important to note that many physio-
from 1996 to 2005 with a live birth rate of 16/1000 patient- logical studies of pregnancy are historical and lacking con-
years [4, 11]. The United States Renal Data System registry temporaneous data exploring hyperfiltration in mothers
reported a pregnancy rate of 33/1000 patient-years [12]. The who are older or have comorbidities of diabetes and obesity.
UK Obstetric Surveillance Study recognized all pregnancies in Structural changes of the renal tract also occur, with
renal transplant recipients, with a rate of 7.6/1000 patient- increased kidney size due to expansion of intravascular
years [13]. Italian data revealed a birth rate of 5.5–8.3 per and interstitial volume. Ureteral and pelvic dilatation is
1000 women [14]. The impact of widespread use of mycophe- commonly seen, may mimic obstruction, and predisposes
nolate mofetil immunosuppression on pregnancy rates in to urinary stasis and infection.
patients with transplant or glomerulonephritis in the recent
era of care is yet to be determined.
Fertility and CKD
Acute Kidney Injury Fertility is affected by CKD and declines as renal function
The epidemiology of acute kidney injury (AKI) in pregnancy worsens. Mechanisms include impaired ovulation due to hor-
depends on the geographical location and definition used, monal dysregulation with hyperprolactinaemia and decrease
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446 Pregnancy
in gonadotropin-releasing and luteinizing hormone pulsatil- the common features of hypertension, proteinuria, and
ity, decreased ovarian reserve and decrease in libido [20–22]. progressive renal dysfunction [34]. Superimposed preec-
Women may also be discouraged from conceiving due to con- lampsia with inpatients with underlying CKD contributes
cerns for their health [23]. Intensive dialysis may increase the to worse outcomes of preterm delivery and small for gesta-
ability for conception [24], but transplantation remains the tional age. Parameters such as liver function tests and
main mechanism for restoring fertility. platelet count can assist with differentiation. Systemic
lupus erythematosus (SLE) nephritis flares can be difficult
to separate from preeclampsia; systemic features of SLE
and low complement levels, and elevated double-stranded
DNA can aid differentiation [35, 36]. Doppler ultrasound
Markers of Kidney Function in Pregnancy
of the umbilical artery to assess changes in waveform and
In normal pregnancy, GFR increment results in greater cre- vascular resistance can be useful. Whilst only small studies
atinine clearance and fall in serum creatinine by the second have been performed, results suggest a high specificity for
trimester. An accurate estimation of GFR is consequently dif- predicting preeclampsia [34, 37].
ficult, with reliance on serum creatinine alone. The gold Novel biomarkers including soluble fms-like tyrosine
standard 24 hour urine collection for creatinine or inulin is kinase (sFlt), placental growth factor (PIGF), and serum
impractical for clinical use. Commonly used formulae to esti- placental protein 12 may help in differentiating and pre-
mate GFR are not validated in pregnancy. The Cockcroft– dicting preeclampsia in women with CKD [34, 38]. A meta-
Gault formula underestimates GFR compared to inulin analysis reviewed use of the sFLT:PIGF ratio as a predictive
clearance and overestimates compared to 24-hour urine cre- and diagnostic marker of preeclampsia, and found in both
atinine clearance. The MDRD and CKD – EPI formulae low and high risk patients this could predict development
underestimate GFR [25–27]. The international classifications of preeclampsia with a sensitivity of 80%, specificity of
of AKI are also not validated in the pregnant population. 92%, positive likelihood ratio of 10.5, and negative likeli-
Urinary protein excretion increases during pregnancy and hood ratio of 0.22 [39]. Larger cohort studies are needed to
can rise until delivery; proteinuria up to 300 mg/24 h may be clarify the diagnostic benefit of these markers.
observed in normal pregnancy [28]. There are multiple con-
tributory mechanisms, including physiological hyperfiltra-
tion, reduced tubular protein reabsorption, and increase in Kidney Biopsy
glomerular basement membrane pore size. Whilst 24-hour The safety of kidney biopsy in pregnancy is contentious. A
collection is still considered gold standard, the spot systematic review of 197 biopsies showed a complication rate
protein:creatinine ratio can be used instead for assessing sig- of 7% with the highest risk period being after 25 weeks gesta-
nificant proteinuria above 30 mg/mmol and is also validated tion [40]. It is rarely indicated for differentiation between
in hypertensive women [29]. preeclampsia and primary renal pathology. Biopsy should be
undertaken cautiously, preferably in early pregnancy, and
Diagnosing Pregnancy in Patients with CKD only when clinical management is likely to substantially alter
Renal excretion of β-human chorionic gonadotropin (β- based on biopsy results. Otherwise it should be deferred until
HCG) is reduced in renal impairment and thus urine after delivery. Postpartum kidney biopsy to investigate abnor-
pregnancy tests can be falsely positive [30]. Irregular mal renal function or proteinuria commonly identifies path-
menstruation is often observed in advanced CKD, and ological glomerular disease [41]. Preconception kidney
thus serial β-HCG and ultrasound is a better indicator of biopsy may be very informative in assisting with pregnancy
gestational age than the date of the last menstrual planning and risk stratification, especially for transplanted
cycle [30]. β-HCG is used in antenatal screening for ane- women and those with SLE nephritis.
uploidies, which can increase false positives and should
be interpreted with caution [31, 32]. Pregnancy-associated
plasma protein A (PAPP-A) used in first trimester screen- P
ing panels is elevated in patients receiving heparin and
unpredictable in late-stage CKD [32, 33]. Impact of Maternal Kidney Disease
on Pregnancy Outcomes
Diagnosing Preeclampsia in Patients with CKD
There is a substantial body of evidence from cohort and
Differentiating superimposed preeclampsia from worsen- population studies that both maternal and fetal outcomes
ing CKD due to pregnancy is a diagnostic challenge due to are worse with any degree of renal dysfunction compared
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Prognosi 447
to women without CKD, and deteriorate along the con- Primary Disease and Pregnancy Outcomes
tinuum of CKD severity [14, 42–46]. The key adverse
The impact of primary renal disease varies depending on
maternal pregnancy complication is worsening hyperten-
the specific disease and the severity of kidney dysfunction
sion or preeclampsia, which likely drives preterm delivery
(which may not always be reported or comparable between
and high cesarean section rates. There is increased risk of
studies). The most robust data exists for IgA nephropathy,
premature birth, low birth weight, small for gestational
where the preconception kidney function, proteinuria, and
age, neonatal intensive care unit admissions, and infant
hypertension are the key prognostic factors [53, 57]. There
death [3]. Risks are compounded by comorbidities, par-
is little data on other glomerular diseases and pregnancy.
ticularly chronic hypertension and proteinuria (>1 g/day),
An exception is SLE nephritis, where clear evidence sug-
and some primary diseases [47]. Chronic hypertension is
gests maternal and fetal outcomes are worse irrespective of
highly prevalent in women with CKD, and alone confers a
renal function, particularly with antiphospholipid syn-
7–8-fold relative risk of preeclampsia, which drives other
drome or active renal disease [35, 47]. Active disease pre
adverse perinatal outcomes [48]. Hypertension is an addi-
conception and during pregnancy is associated with
tive risk for adverse outcome when combined with any
increased maternal and fetal morbidity [35, 36, 47, 58]. A
stage of CKD [2, 14]. Early-stage CKD may be under-
meta-analysis of outcomes of pregnancy with SLE nephri-
recognized in pregnancy, but also confers an increased
tis (Table 27.1) found increased risk of SLE flares, hyper-
risk of pregnancy complications and adverse perinatal
tension, preeclampsia, premature birth, and low birth
outcome compared to women with no CKD, and is not
weight, particularly in women with active SLE nephri-
entirely benign [2, 14, 43]. Reassuringly maternal mortal-
tis [47]. Diabetic nephropathy is also an additive risk factor
ity is very rare [3].
for worse outcomes for both type 1 and type 2 diabetic
women who already have higher rates of pregnancy com-
Impact of Pregnancy on Kidney Function plications [54, 59, 60]. There may be an increased risk of
congenital malformations with diabetic nephropathy
The influence of pregnancy on renal outcomes is not
above that of poorly controlled diabetes alone [61].
always predictable or guaranteed despite best efforts at risk
stratification, which makes counseling a challenge. Our
understanding of the risk of decline in kidney function Pregnancy and Dialysis
with pregnancy in women with CKD has been informed by
several cohort studies [14, 46, 49]. A large systematic Pregnancies in the hemodialysis population have histori-
review showed no difference in renal outcomes between cally had poor outcomes. Since the 1990s, with better
women with or without CKD in pregnancy (Table 27.1). perinatal care and understanding of the importance of
However, this review included few studies in women with intensive dialysis, outcomes have improved, with
advanced CKD who are at greatest risk of declining renal increased live birth rates of 70–80% [4]. However, preg-
function during and after pregnancy, and evaluated sub- nancies in chronically dialysed women remain compli-
stantial renal decline only [43]. A long-standing cohort cated by maternal hypertension (50–70%), preeclampsia
study indicated that across all stages of CKD, pregnancy (18–67%), polyhydramnios (up to 40%), intrauterine
was associated with an increase in hypertension, increase growth restriction (17–77%), and prematurity and low
in proteinuria, and worsening of CKD stage postpartum, birth weight (50–100%) [3–5, 62]. Compared to trans-
and the risk increased based on preconception CKD planted patients, patients receiving hemodialysis have a
stage [14]. A smaller longitudinal cohort study in later higher rate of growth restriction, placental abruption,
stages of CKD showed proteinuria >1 g/24 h and an eGFR blood transfusion, and intrauterine death [63]. Enhanced
under 40 ml/min/1.73 m2 predicted decline in eGFR clearance of urea and other molecules through intensi-
postpartum [46]. fied dialysis regimens (at minimum >20 hours per week)
Overall, preconception kidney function is an important has beneficial effects on fetal mortality, birth weight, and
predictor of risk of decline in kidney function during and gestational age, and is especially relevant in women with
after pregnancy, but it must be considered along with other minimal residual renal function [62]. The presence of
factors such as hypertension, proteinuria as an indicator of residual renal function, particularly being nondialysis
chronic damage or primary disease activity and renal dependent at time of conception, leads to higher live birth
biopsy information. In addition, antenatal complications rates (up to 90% for pregnancies reaching 20 weeks of ges-
such as infection, preeclampsia and hypovolaemia may tation) compared to those who conceive once established
cause an AKI, which can also have an impact on longer- on hemodialysis with less residual function [5, 64]. No
term outcomes. studies have assessed the level of renal function at which
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Table 27.1 Summary of selected systematic reviews relevant to kidney function assessment, pregnancy in women with kidney disease, and transplants.
Blom et al. Pregnancy and 1980– 18 887 (1414) Studies on frequency of Narrative Significant study Regardless of etiology of glomerular
(2017) [53] glomerular disease: a February live births of women with review heterogeneity which disease, increased proteinuria,
systematic review of 2016 biopsy proven precluded pooling of hypertension or renal dysfunction were
the literature with glomerulonephritis with data thus review was associated with worse pregnancy
management >10 cases narrative. outcomes
Piccoli et al. Type 1 diabetes, 1980–2012 35 (1 511) Studies on pregnancy Narrative Studies were highly The evidence on pregnancy outcomes in
(2013) [54] diabetic nephropathy, outcomes in women with review heterogeneous and only diabetic nephropathy in scarce. The
and pregnancy: a type 1 diabetes and narrative review was risks of adverse pregnancy events are
systematic review and nephropathy with <5 possible. high and have not changed over time.
meta-study sample size Stillbirth and fetal death are in increased
in diabetic nephropathy compared to
other primary disease.
Piccoli et al. A systematic review 2000–April 27 581 (729) Case reports or case series Meta-analysis There was No increased risk in progression of kidney
(2018) [12] on the materno-fetal 2017 control 562 that reported on heterogeneity in terms disease in women with IgA who had
outcomes in pregnant pregnancy outcome or of definitions, pregnancy vs. no pregnancy. Adverse
women with IgA renal function in women populations, outcomes pregnancy outcomes were increased
nephropathy: A case with IgA nephropathy and follow up duration. compared to healthy controls – 10×
of “late maternal” Meta-analysis was increased risk of preeclampsia and
preeclampsia conducted. Most studies hypertension. Preterm birth and risk of low
had women with birth weight babies was increased to a
normal kidney lesser degree. Authors hypothesized that
function. late preeclampsia may have less impact on
fetal outcomes.
Liu et al. A systematic review 1966–2015 4 273 (376) vs. Cohort or case control GRADE Moderate quality No increase in the risk of adverse renal
(2016) [55] and meta-analysis of 241 IgA studies of patients with criteria to evidence. No evidence outcomes compared to IgA nephropathy
kidney and pregnancy without biopsy proven IgA on assess study of publication bias. without pregnancy. There were high
outcomes in IgA pregnancy pregnancy outcomes quality; rates of preeclampsia, infant loss,
nephropathy meta-analysis preterm delivery and low birth weight.
Smyth et al. A systematic review 1966–2009 37 1 842 (2 751) Studies of pregnancy Cochrane Studies are mainly Controlling SLE activity prior to
(2010) [47] and meta-analysis of outcomes with at least search observational and conception is important as active SLE
pregnancy outcomes 1 month of follow-up strategy; subject to reporting and nephritis and antiphospholipid antibodies
in patients with SLE meta-analysis selection bias. increase the risk of maternal hypertension
and SLE nephritis and poor fetal outcomes.
Wu et al. Management and 2000–June 16 1760 Cohort or cross sectional Newcastle– Statistical heterogeneity Worse maternal and fetal outcomes
(2018) [56] outcomes of 2017 studies comparing Ottawa Scale was seen across the were seen with SLE nephritis. Anti-Ro
pregnancy with or Pregnant women with and Strength studies. antibodies had worse outcome. More
without lupus SLE without nephritis vs. ening the immunosuppression was used in SLE
nephritis: a without nephritis Reporting of nephritis.
systematic review and Observational
meta-analysis Studies in
checklist to
assess study
Reviews relating to pregnancy in non-CKD or mixed cohorts are not included due to space constraints. Analysis methodology describes systems used for grading quality of studies (if done),
and broad method of data synthesis (narrative, thematic or meta-analysis).
dialysis should be commenced to optimize pregnancy it is worth noting that 30–40% of women will have graft fail-
outcomes or the impact of commencement of dialysis for ure by their child’s 10th birthday and 10–20% will not live to
fetal indications on maternal renal survival. see their child into adulthood [11, 69, 70, 73]. Pregnancy is
There is less data on pregnancy in peritoneal dialysis less likely to adversely impact graft outcomes in women with
recipients, which remains very rare [3, 5]. Successful preg- normal and stable allograft function. There is growing data
nancy outcomes have been observed in women receiving demonstrating that preconception graft function predicts
PD throughout pregnancy, but peritonitis remains the long-term graft function after pregnancy [67, 68, 70–72]. In
main concern [65]. Most women are switched to hemodi- one cohort study where detailed kidney function data was
alysis [5], and there is some data suggesting fetal outcomes available at multiple time-points, the risk of decline in graft
are better with peritoneal dialysis than haemodialysis [3]. function during pregnancy and at 12 months postpartum
was increased as preconception creatinine declined. Women
with serum creatinine >140 μmol/l had worse renal trajec-
Pregnancy Outcomes after Kidney Transplantation
tory and risk of graft loss [68]. Preeclampsia can increase the
Transplantation restores fertility and offers an opportunity risk of temporary decline in kidney function but has not
to achieve parenthood with less risk than in dialysed women. been shown to impact adversely on longer term graft out-
In the recent era, elective termination rates have fallen and come [72]. Time from transplant to pregnancy may also
transplanted women are very likely to have a live birth (over- influence outcomes, with one large US study suggesting
all live birth rates of 76–98% in pregnancies reaching pregnancies within 3 years post transplantation were associ-
20 weeks gestation) [66, 67]. Compared to patients receiving ated with poorer survival [74] but this was not consistently
dialysis, the maternal and fetal outcomes post transplant are demonstrated in other cohorts [11, 66].
superior, though the rate of conception remains lower than The longer-term impact of immunosuppression modi-
in the general population [9, 63]. However, obstetric compli- fication, particularly cessation of mycophenolic acid
cations remain high, with increased risk of gestational derivatives, for facilitation of pregnancy remains
hypertension, preeclampsia (seen in 25–35% of pregnan- unknown. Episodes of acute rejection in pregnancy are
cies), growth restriction, and preterm birth (in 30–50%) [52, reassuringly low (2–14.5%) and no higher than in the
63, 68, 69]. Australian registry analysis demonstrated a mean nonpregnant population [52, 69, 73, 75–77]. This could
difference in gestational age of 3.5 weeks, gestational weight be under-reported as biopsy may selectively be avoided
of 873 g, and lower perinatal survival for babies born to during pregnancy. De novo allo-sensitization is frequent
transplanted mothers compared to the general popula- after nontransplant pregnancy, but only reported in 6% of
tion [66]. Higher gestational diabetes rates have been transplanted women, presumably due to immunosup-
reported in some studies [52], but not consistently [66, 68]. A pression use [78].
transplantation-to-conception interval of under 2 years has
been associated with higher rates of gestation diabetes,
preeclampsia, and cesarean section [52]. Similar to the CKD
cohort, preconception kidney function and chronic hyper-
tension are predictive of adverse obstetric outcomes, par-
Prepregnancy Counseling and Planning
ticularly preeclampsia [52, 68–71]. Majak et al. reported the
risk of preeclampsia increased in women with chronic Parenthood should be discussed early to determine the
hypertension, previous preeclampsia or preconception optimal “window” for conception based on an individual’s
serum creatinine 125 μmol/l. The effect of each risk factor life plan and clinical situation. There is increasing support
was cumulative, and those with all three factors had a 96% for women with CKD or transplants in pursuing mother-
risk of preeclampsia [72]. Immunosuppression exposure, hood, and clinical practice guidelines no longer advise
infections, and diabetes may influence outcomes but the against pregnancy but encourage counseling with individ-
data defining this are limited. Despite longer immunosup- ual risk stratification based on relevant comorbidities.
pression exposure, women who are transplanted in child- Given the morbidity associated with pregnancy, careful
hood have similar outcomes in pregnancy to those planning is essential with effective contraception in place.
transplanted in adulthood [67]. This provides the opportunity to optimize health and risk
factors for adverse outcomes and adjust medications. In
addition, clinicians can obtain multidisciplinary assess-
Impact of Pregnancy on Transplant Outcomes
ment, engage additional expertise, for example preimplan-
Several registry and cohort studies have reported that graft tation genetic testing for inherited diseases, assess fertility
and patient failure is not accelerated by pregnancy, although and confirm the best timing of pregnancy [79, 80].
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452 Pregnancy
Navigating pregnancy can be emotionally daunting for Optimize Maternal Health Pre Conception
women with CKD or transplants. Counseling should incor-
Women planning pregnancy should cease smoking, com-
porate shared decision-making, which involves understand-
mence folic acid and vitamins, exchange teratogenic med-
ing patient values and perspectives, balancing the emotional
vulnerabilities, while sensitively acknowledging the medical ications for pregnancy-safe options, and address relevant
risks [23]. Women with CKD have described the need to bal- comorbidities including infection, anemia, and diabetes.
ance social expectations and their strong desire for mother- Primary renal disease should be controlled or in remis-
hood with fears regarding disease exacerbation, their own sion, and transplant function and immunological param-
survival, and fetal harm. Explanation of medical risk should eters should be stable. Assessment of renal status should
avoid catastrophizing and be balanced with a women’s val- include abiopsy if necessary to clarify diagnosis, disease
ues of autonomy and family, focusing on shared decision- activity or exclude subclinical rejection. Optimization of
making and provision of hope [23, 81]. In a retrospective glycaemic control in patients with diabetes can reduce
study of women managed in a specialized multidisciplinary maternal and fetal adverse outcomes [59]. Vesicoureteric
preconception counseling clinic for CKD, 92% found expert reflux and polycystic kidney disease confer increased risk
counseling useful in assisting with decision-making [80]. of urinary tract infections [90]. Symptomatic urinary tract
Risk stratification based on key factors associated with infections and asymptomatic bacteriuria are associated
adverse pregnancy outcome can identify areas where mater- with maternal sepsis as well as preterm birth and low
nal health may be optimized (Table 27.2). birth weight and should be treated aggressively [91].
Strength of
Treatment Recommendation Certainty of evidence recommendation
Preconception We recommend expert pre conception counseling Moderate Strong [23, 50, 80, 81]
counseling be undertaken early to enable shared decision
making about parenthood options for women with
Risk assessment We recommend using pre-conception kidney Moderate Strong [43, 45]
function as the primary parameter for assessing
risk of adverse pregnancy and renal outcomes
Cessation of We suggest MMF or MPA be ceased at least Moderate Strong [82, 83]
mycophenolate mofetil 3 months prior to conception due to
and Mycophenolic acid embryotoxicity
Cessation of ACEI or We suggest in continuing ACEI/ARB until Very low Weak [48, 84, 85]
ARB conception in selected women, where the benefit
of controlling proteinuria may outweigh fetal risks
from early first trimester exposure
Controlling hypertension We suggest controlling hypertension prior to Moderate Strong [2, 46, 86]
conception and during pregnancy
Aiming for a target blood pressure of 140/90 may
reduce episodes of severe hypertension in
pregnancy and does not adversely affect the fetus
Prophylactic aspirin We suggest women at high risk of preeclampsia Very low (in CKD Strong [87, 88]
with CKD, kidney transplant, hypertension or SLE population);
as their primary disease take prophylactic moderate-strong in
low-dose aspirin from the first trimester for general pregnancy
preeclampsia prevention cohorts
Intensive dialysis We suggest that dialysis delivery be intensified in Low–moderate Strong [40, 46, 89]
pregnant women receiving renal replacement
therapy, tailored to residual renal function
More than 20 and up to 36 h per week should be
considered in women with no residual function,
but must be balanced with what can be tolerated
and accommodated
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Treatmen 453
SLE nephritis should be quiescent 6 months prior to con- Women should commence low-dose aspirin (75–100 mg
ception to minimize risk of disease flare and improve odds daily) before 12 weeks and continue until late in the third
of pregnancy success [35, 47]. Hydroxychloroquine should trimester. Reduction in preeclampsia risk due to aspirin
be continued during pregnancy as cessation is a risk factor has been demonstrated in low-risk [101] and high-risk
for disease flare and continuation improves fetal out- populations [87, 104]. A meta-analysis that included mod-
come [58, 92, 93]. A meta-analysis of hydroxychloroquine erate-to high-risk patients, including those with CKD and
use found no increase in rate of congenital malformation hypertension, confirmed a risk reduction of 0.47 (95% CI
but observed more spontaneous abortion, possibly from 0.36–0.62) vs. 0.78 (95% CI 0.61–0.99; P < 0.01), if com-
indication bias related to underlying disease activity [94]. menced prior to 16 weeks gestation [88]. These conclusions
All patients with SLE should be screened for antiphospho- have been extrapolated to patients with CKD and incorpo-
lipid antibodies as they portend a worse prognosis [35, 36, rated into guidelines [72, 99, 105].
47]. Antiphospholipid syndrome with thrombosis should Given pregnancy is a prothrombotic state, women with
be treated with anticoagulation. Screening for anti-Ro and nephrotic range proteinuria should be considered for pro-
anti-La antibodies should occur to identify those at risk of phylactic anticoagulation [79], although there are negligi-
neonatal cardiac SLE, particularly given hydroxychloro- ble outcomes data. Nutrition should be evaluated and
quine can reduce this risk [35, 95–97]. supplementation provided as required. Gestational diabe-
tes screening should occur earlier than routine screening
in women with risk factors for diabetes including prodiabe-
togenic medications such as glucocorticoids or calcineurin
Controlling hypertension before and during pregnancy is inhibitors. Managing anemia in pregnancy with concur-
essential. There is insufficient evidence for blood pressure rent CKD can be challenging due to increased iron require-
targets in pregnancy with CKD, though consensus guide- ments with dose increases of 30–50% required in
lines recommend a target of <140/90 [98–100]. The CHIPS pregnancy [106]. Erythropoietin (EPO)-stimulating agent
trial showed tighter control of blood pressure reduced epi- dose may increase due to EPO resistance from increase
sodes of maternal hypertension over 160/110 mmHg with- cytokines production in pregnancy.
out adverse fetal outcomes, but this has not been studied in There are no data available on optimal timing of delivery
CKD populations [86, 101]. Antihypertensive therapy in a CKD population and thus decisions should be based
should be changed to pregnancy-safe drugs such as on local practice, and maternal and fetal health. Cesarean
labetalol, methyldopa, and nifedipine, but there are no section is not specifically indicated other than for obstetric
data to guide choice of one agent over another [13, 79]. reasons, but rates are substantially higher in women with
Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) and angiotensin con- CKD or post transplant, likely due to need for emergency
verting enzymes inhibitors (ACEI) are contraindicated delivery [14, 45]. In patients with renal transplantation,
beyond the first trimester due to risk of renal dysplasia, oli- cesarean sections should be performed with input from the
gohydramnios, neonatal renal failure, and fetal death [102]. transplant surgical team regarding anatomy. Breastfeeding
More recent population studies suggest hypertension and while receiving medications considered safe in pregnancy
underlying comorbidities may be teratogenic rather than should not be discouraged, as fetal drug exposure is mini-
ACEI or ARB themselves [48, 84, 85]. Continued stabiliza- mal compared with intrauterine exposure and benefits
tion of proteinuria with these drugs, with careful surveil- may outweigh risks [107]. Contraceptive options should be
lance for pregnancy, may be recommended in selected discussed and implemented postpartum, and may require
women where the risk of prolonged cessation of renin- careful consideration based on patient preferences and
angiotensin blockade outweighs the potential fetal risk guidelines for contraception in women with medical
from exposure at conception [103]. comorbidity [13].
• Highly-effective Contraception
• Precautions for STD
Deferring Pregnancy
• Cervical Cancer screening
• Breast Cancer Screening
Pre-Pregnancy Planning
Going Ahead–Prepare for Pregnancy
Informed, Shared Decision-making
Figure 27.1 Algorithm for pregnancy management in women with CKD and transplant. *Or more frequently if required. ACEI,
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; CKD, chronic
kidney disease; DM, diabetes mellitus; GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; STD, sexually
transmitted disease. Source: Adapted with permission from Fitzpatrick et al. [79]. © 2016, Dove Medical Press Limited.
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Conclusio 455
congenital malformation [51, 108–110]. Cyclosporine lev- is important to outcomes [5, 64]. Less dialysis may be
els decline in pregnancy and require dose alteration [108]. required if residual renal function is present, substan-
Similarly, the pharmokinetics of tacrolimus are altered in tially reducing the dialysis burden [89].
pregnancy-related shifts in albumin and hematocrit, with a Intensive dialysis offers better control maternal of hyper-
decrease in the inactive, bound fraction that is measured in tension and fluid status, although fetal and placental
assays. Tacrolimus trough levels reach a nadir in the sec- hypoperfusion from excessive fluid removal should be
ond trimester [68, 108]. Subsequent dose alterations by up avoided, with regular clinical assessment as women gain
to 25% can increase the unbound active fraction that is not weight [62, 89, 116]. Other sequelae of intense dialysis
currently routinely measured, increasing toxicity risk [111, include electrolyte imbalance with risk of hypokalaemia,
112]. Mycophenolate mofetil causes birth defects and mis- hypocalcaemia, and hypophosphatemia requiring dialysate
carriage [82, 83] so should be ceased 3 months prior to con- changes [62, 116, 117]. Increased protein loss requires care-
ception, usually with conversion to azathioprine, which is ful dietetic management of dietary protein intake [62, 118].
transferred to the fetus but not activated due to absence of Increased folate supplementation to 5 mg/day is advised to
inosinate pyrophosphorylase. Safety data on mammalian reduce risk of neural tube defects [116].
target of rapamycin in pregnancy is limited though it may There are few data on the use of peritoneal dialysis in
affect fetal growth therefore cessation is advised [113]. pregnancy. Outcomes may be inferior to pregnancies man-
Treatment of transplant rejection in pregnancy should be aged with hemodialysis, but direct comparison cannot be
as per local practice. Options for treating acute glomerulo- made with the existing evidence base [3]. Increasing dialy-
nephritis, including SLE nephritis in pregnancy, are also sis delivery through PD can be a successful management
limited, with reports of use of steroids, myophenolate strategy, but a growing uterus may limit exchange volumes
mofetil cyclophosphamide, and rituximab, all of which and clearance, and cause catheter migration [65].
have adverse safety profiles in pregnancy [13]. Tacrolimus
may be a useful therapy for SLE nephritis in pregnancy but
Management of Transplanted Women
further data are required [114]. Women with SLE should
receive hydroxychloroquine pre conception and through- The management of women post kidney transplantation
out pregnancy due to fetal benefits [47]. should incorporate the general principles as outlined
above. Determining the appropriate timing of conception
post transplant is a balance between stabilization of graft
Dialysis Management
function and fitting into the window of fertility. Guidelines
There is no evidence base regarding when to initiate dialy- recommend conception only 1–2 years post transplanta-
sis in pregnant patients with CKD [67]. Women with tion [39, 119], although the optimal time is unknown and
advanced CKD may require commencement of dialysis early pregnancy post transplant (within 3 years) may
during pregnancy for maternal symptoms, hypertension or impact on graft function [74]. Registry data suggest most
fluid management, or reducing urea levels, which improves women wait 3–5 years before conceiving [66]. Prior to con-
fetal outcomes [115]. ception, graft function should be stable on pregnancy-safe
In women who conceive while receiving chronic hemo- immunosuppression, with controlled hypertension and
dialysis, intensive dialysis has been demonstrated to low risk of rejection or infection [39, 119]. Other specific
improve fetal outcomes [3, 62] due to increased urea management includes adjustment of immunosuppression
clearance causing less fetal solute diuresis and polyhy- and other relevant medication such as antivirals and anti-
dramnios [14]. Historically a target urea of under hypertensives. Surveillance should be undertaken of allo-
17.9 mmol/l (50 mg/dl) was recommended [46], with fur- graft dysfunction, gestational diabetes, bacterial infection,
ther studies confirming better outcomes with low urea particularly urinary tract, viral infection, including cyto-
targets [3]. A large meta-analysis of 681 pregnancies megalovirus and herpes simplex virus, and vigilant moni-
from 126 studies reviewed dialysis schedule and preg- toring for preeclampsia and rejection.
nancy outcomes, demonstrating a relationship between
greater number of dialysis hours and reduced risk of
small gestational age and preterm delivery [3]. Intensive C
dialysis (>36 h/week) compared to <20 h/week was asso-
ciated with higher live birth rates (85% vs. 48%), greater Many physiological changes occur during pregnancy
birth weight, and older gestational age [89]. Logistically, affecting the kidney, and management of kidney disease in
this is challenging but can be achieved through daily or pregnancy presents a number of challenges to clinicians,
nocturnal dialysis. The degree of residual renal function particularly as the evidence base that underpins complex
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456 Pregnancy
clinical decision-making is weak. Risk of adverse outcomes to cautious optimism. The need to incorporate shared
for mother and baby are present in even mild CKD and decision-making between patients, families, and a multi-
escalate with disease severity and added comorbidity. disciplinary team, with an understanding of patients’ moti-
Experience in managing these complex pregnancies has vations and values, is an essential part of embarking on
increased over recent decades, with a change in approach this journey with this group of high-risk women.
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ANCA-associated Vasculitis
Maria Prendecki and Stephen McAdoo
Imperial College London, London, UK
Introduction and Definitions immune, and in 1982 the first report of circulating ANCA
associated with a pauci-immune glomerulonephritis (GN)
The antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated was published [9, 10]. The two major targets of ANCA have
vasculitides (AAVs) are a group of systemic necrotizing vas- been shown to be myeloperoxidase (MPO) and proteinase 3
culitides which affect small to medium-sized blood vessels. (PR3), enzymes expressed in the granules and lysosomes of
There is a spectrum of organ involvement, including the kid- neutrophils and monocytes [11–13]. GPA is more com-
ney, lungs, nerves, gut, and ear, nose, and throat (ENT). AAVs monly associated with PR3-ANCA positivity and MPA with
are classified on the basis of clinical and pathological features MPO-ANCA, although there is considerable overlap and
into granulomatosis with polyangitis (GPA), microscopic around 10% of patients with MPA or GPA will be ANCA
polyangitis (MPA), eosinophilc granulomatosis with polyan- negative. In EGPA around 40% of patients are reported to be
gitis (EGPA), and renal limited vasculitis (RLV). The 2012 ANCA positive, and vasculitic features such as GN are more
Chapel Hill Consensus Conference (CHCC) nomenclature of
vasculitis defines AAVs as necrotising vasculitis which pre-
dominately affects small vessels such as capillaries, venules, Table 28.1 Definitions for AAV.
arterioles, and small arteries. There must be few or no
immune deposits present [5]. The CHCC definitions of GPA, Microscopic Necrotizing vasculitis, with few or no
polyangiitis (MPA) immune deposits, predominantly
MPA, and EGPA are summarized in Table 28.1. The CHCC is affecting small vessels. Necrotizing
a nomenclature system rather than a diagnostic classifica- glomerulonephritis and pulmonary
tion. The 1990 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) capillaritis are very common. No
criteria provides diagnostic criteria for GPA and EGPA but not granulomatous inflammation is seen.
MPA; but ANCAs were not included as part of the diagnostic Granulomatosis Necrotizing granulomatous
with polyangiitis inflammation usually involving the
criteria. Based on the results of the Diagnostic and Classification
(Wegener’s) (GPA) upper and lower respiratory tract, and
Criteria for Vasculitis (DCVAS) study, new criteria for classi- necrotizing vasculitis affecting
fication of GPA, EGPA, and MPA to standardize the classifi- predominantly small to medium
cation of these diseases to support clinical research were vessels. Glomerulonephritis is
co-jointly endorsed by the American College of Rheumatology
(ACR)/European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology Eosinophilic Eosinophillic necrotizing
granulomatosis with granulomatous inflammation, often
(EULAR) have recently been published [6,7,8]. These polyangiitis involving the respiratory tract, and
classification criteria are shown in Table 28.2. (Churg-Strauss) necrotizing vasculitis predominantly
Prior to 1979 it was assumed that all cases of rapidly pro- (EGPA) affecting small to medium vessels.
gressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN) were caused by Often associated with asthma and
immune complex deposition or circulating antiglomerular
basement membrane (anti-GBM) antibodies. Stilmant et al. Source: Adapted from the Chapel Hill 2012 consensus on
recognized that in fact many of these cases were pauci- nomenclature of vasculitis [5].
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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462 ANCA-associated Vasculitis
Bloody nasal discharge, nasal crusting, or +3 Perinuclear ANCA or +6 Maximum eosinophil Count +5
sino-nasal congestion anti-myeloperoxidase ANCA >1 x 109/liter
Cartilaginous involvement (Any of inflamed +2 Pauci-immune +3 Obstructive airway disease +3
ear or nose cartilage, hoarse voice/stridor, glomerulonephritis
endobronchial involvement or saddle nose)
Conductive or sensorineural hearing loss +1 Lung fibrosis or interstitial +3 Nasal polyps +3
lung disease
Cytoplasmic antineutrophilic antibody +5 Sino-nasal symptoms or signs +3 Cytoplasmic ANCA or –3
(ANCA) or anti-proteinase 3 ANCA anti-proteinase 3 ANCA
positivity positivity
Pulmonary nodules, mass, or cavitation of +2 Cytoplasmic ANCA or –1 Mononeuritis multiplex/ +1
chest on imaging anti-proteinase 3 ANCA motor neuropathy due to
positivity radiculopathy
Granuloma or giant cells on biopsy +2 Eosinophil Count >1 x 109/ –4 Extravascular eosinophilic +2
liter predominant inflammation
Inflammation or consolidation of the nasal/ +1 Hematuria –1
paranasal sinuses on imaging
Pauci-immune glomerulonephritis +1
Perinuclear ANCA or antimyeloperoxidase –1
ANCA positivity
Eosinophil Count >1 x 109/liter –4
Total score of >5 for diagnosis of GPA Total score of >5 for diagnosis of MPA Total score of >6 for diagnosis of EGPA
Sensitivity 93% (95%-CI 87-96%) Sensitivity 91% (95%-CI 85-95%) Sensitivity 85% (95%-CI 77-91%)
Specificity 94% (95%-CI 89-97%) Specificity 94% (95%-CI 92-96%) Specificity 99% (95%-CI 98-100%)
common in the patients with ANCA positivity [14]. This and Japan showed a similar incidence of AAV in the two
chapter will focus on the management of MPA and GPA as populations, but the majority of the Japanese population
there are several differences in the pathogenesis, features, had MPA and GPA was extremely rare [20]. Within France,
and management of EGPA. A summary of the quality of the the prevalence of AAV was twice as high in those with a
evidence and strength of the recommendation for treat- European background than in those of non-European
ment of the AAVs is shown in Table 28.3. ethnicity [21]. Studies in Sweden and the UK have both
reported increasing incidence of AAV since the early 1980s
although it is not clear whether this represents a true
increase in disease or reflects greater awareness of the con-
AAVs are rare conditions with reported annual incidence dition and the more widespread availability of ANCA test-
between 13 and 20 cases per million individuals in ing [22, 23].
Europe [15]. There is a slight male preponderance and There is a genetic basis for AAV, and this may underlie
peak age of onset of AAV has been reported as age 55–64, some of the reported population differences. There are two
65–74, and more than 75 years in different studies [16–18]. published genome-wide association studies (GWAS), both
AAV is very rare in childhood. Within Europe there may be carried out in patients of Northern European ancestry,
a geographical variation in AAV subtype, with reported which identified both MHC and non-MHC genetic associa-
higher incidence of GPA in Northern Europe and MPA in tions with AAV [24, 25]. There is a stronger genetic associa-
the south [19]. This trend to geographic variation was also tion related to the antigenic specificity of ANCA than there
present in studies conducted in the United States, where is to clinical phenotype, and MPO-ANCA and PR3-ANCA
there is higher prevalence of GPA in northern states and may define differing diseases. In PR3-ANCA related disease
more MPA in southern states. Studies comparing the UK there are strong associations with PRTN3, the gene which
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Introduction and Definition 463
Certainty of Strength of
Treatment Recommendation evidence recommendation
Remission induction
Cyclophosphamide and Oral or IV cyclophosphamide should be used for induction therapy in High (IV vs. 1A [1, 2]
corticosteroids patients with severe or organ-threatening AAV. Pulsed treatment oral-low)
with IV cyclophosphamide is equivalent to oral treatment for
remission induction but may result in increased risk of relapse.
Rituximab and Rituximab is an alternative to cyclophosphamide, particularly in High 1B [1, 2]
corticosteroids those who are unable or unwilling to receive cyclophosphamide such
as patients wishing to preserve fertility. Some guidelines restrict the
use of rituximab to those unable to receive cyclophosphamide.
Rituximab may be superior to cyclophosphamide for remission
induction in patients presenting with relapsing disease.
Adjunctive plasma There is insufficient evidence for routine use of adjunctive plasma Low 2D [1, 2]
exchange in renal vasculitis exchange but current guidelines recommend it for patients with
RPGN, creatinine>500 μmol/l at diagnosis or those with pulmonary
Remission maintenance
Azathioprine Azathioprine is as effective as oral cyclophosphamide for remission Moderate 1B [1]
maintenance, but is safer with fewer adverse events.
Rituximab Rituximab is as effective as azathioprine in preventing major relapse Moderate 1B [1]
with similar levels of adverse events. Some guidelines include
rituximab as an alternative therapy for remission maintenance.
MMF MMF is less effective than azathioprine in preventing relapse but may Moderate 1B [1]
be used as an alternative in patients who are intolerant or allergic to
azathioprine. Guidelines vary as to whether MMF or methotrexate
should be second line.
Methotrexate Methotrexate can be used for remission maintenance in patients Moderate 1B/1C [1, 2]
unable to tolerate azathioprine. There are similar relapse rates in
patients treated with methotrexate and those treated with
azathioprine but more severe adverse events with methotrextate.
Methotrexate should not be used in those with eGFR<30 ml/min and
dose should be adjusted in patients with eGFR<60 ml/min.
Guidelines vary as to whether MMF or methotrexate should be
second line.
Co-trimoxazole There is no evidence to support the use of co-trimoxazole for Low 2B [2]
remission maintenance.
GRADE assessment of the evidence [3, 4]: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect
will be substantially different is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be
substantially different is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood that it will be
substantially different is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will
be substantially different is very high.
AAVs, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitides; eGFR (estimated GFR), ; IV, intravenous; MMF (Mycophenolate mofetil);
RPGN, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.
encodes PR3, SERPINA1, the gene encoding α1-antitrypsin, correlates with relapse [27]. This may be due to molecular
and HLA-DP. MPO-ANCA-associated disease is linked to mimicry whereby antibodies against microbial antigens
HLA-DQ polymorphisms. There are several other HLA and cross-react with self antigen [28]. Drugs, including propylth-
non-HLA genes which have been associated with AAV [26]. iouracil, hydralazine, and penicillamine, are associated
There are also several reported environmental associa- with positive ANCA serology, and less commonly may be
tions with AAV such as toxins, drugs, and infections. associated with clinical vasculitis [29, 30]. An association
In patients with ENT disease and anti-PR3 ANCA, infection with levamisole-contaminated cocaine, positive ANCA
may precede disease relapse and nasal carriage of Staphylococci serology, and clinical disease resembling GPA has also been
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464 ANCA-associated Vasculitis
reported [31]. Environmental triggers such as silica and C4-deficient mice were not protected, suggesting a role
heavy metal exposure have also been implicated as triggers. for the alternative and not the classical pathway [48].
After the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan there was a regional Mice with knock-in of the human C5a receptor (C5aR)
threefold increase in disease incidence, suggesting that air and MPO-AAV respond to treatment with an antagonist
pollutants can play a role in the etiology of disease [32]. In of human C5aR (CCX168; avacopan) and have decreased
some studies, but not others, an association with farming disease severity. A phase II trial has shown avacopan was
has been reported [33, 34]. noninferior to high-dose glucocorticoids when used in
combination with rituximab or cyclophosphamide for
induction of remission [49].
The mechanisms underlying the development of ANCA
There are several clinical observations which support a role are less well understood. One suggested mechanism is
for ANCA being directly pathogenic. Most patients with that of molecular mimicry. An atypical ANCA, antihu-
AAV have circulating ANCA and in some studies ANCA man lysosome-associated membrane protein-2 (anti-
titer has been shown to predict relapse [35]. There is a LAMP-2) antibody, has been identified in patients with
reported case of neonatal AAV following placental transfer pauci-immune GN. It has 100% sequence homology with
of MPO-ANCA, resulting in renal disease and pulmonary FimH, a protein present on gram negative bacteria, and
hemorrhage shortly after birth [36]. Another case report when rats are immunized with FimH they develop GN
describes no clinical disease despite maternal-fetal transfer and antibodies which cross-react with human and rat
of MPO-ANCA [37]. Removal of antibodies using plasma- LAMP-2 [28]. Another potential mechanism is of anti-
pheresis and use of B cell targeted therapies have both been idiotype interactions to peptides complementary to the
shown to be effective treatments for AAV [38–40]. These auto-antigen, such as complementary PR3 peptides which
findings are supported by experimental work from both are homologous to some Staphylococcus aureus pep-
in vitro experiments and in vivo models of AAV. Passive tides [50]. There is also a role for disordered T cell
transfer models in mice, where anti-MPO antibodies are responses: patients with AAV have defective Treg sup-
raised in MPO-deficient mice and then transferred into pressor function and increased frequency of a T cell sub-
naïve recipients, results in the recipient mice developing a set which is resistant to the suppressive effects of
severe vasculitis with crescentic GN and pulmonary hem- Tregs [51, 52]. Regulatory B cells have also been shown to
orrhage [41]. in vitro, neutrophils which have been primed be decreased in patients with AAV [53, 54].
with TNF(Tumor necrosis factor)α, lipopolysaccharide
(LPS), or complement (C5a) can be activated by ANCA,
Clinical Features
causing degranulation, ROS production, and endothelial
cell damage [42–44]. ANCA are also mediators of NETosis, AAV is a multisystem disease and clinical presentation var-
a form of neutrophil cell death which occurs with release ies widely in both severity and organ involvement. Patients
of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). Patients with AAV often have a nonspecific prodromal illness which may pre-
have increased levels of NETs in their circulation and NETs cede diagnosis by several weeks or months, with features
have been shown at sites of tissue damage in AAV [45]. such as fever, anorexia lethargy, arthralgia, or weight loss.
Although there is much evidence for the pathogenicity of Patients may have asymptomatic urinary abnormalities
ANCA and ANCA-induced activation of neutrophils, early in disease course (or in those with milder disease) but
ANCA are not always pathogenic. Ten percent of patients renal involvement typically presents as a RPGN. In MPA
with AAV are ANCA negative, and ANCA can either per- 90% of patients will have evidence of renal disease, com-
sist in clinical remission or recur without evidence of pared to 80% of those with GPA and around 40% of those
relapse. Natural anti-MPO antibodies have been identified with EGPA [55]. In GPA extrarenal features of disease are
in healthy individuals and these are of lower avidity and common, with 90% of patients having lung or ENT involve-
titer than antibodies in patients with AAV [46]. One study ment. Patients with MPA often have more severe renal
of MPO-ANCA has shown that anti-MPO antibodies from involvement. Other organ systems involved include the
healthy individuals had different target epitopes to anti- skin, nervous system, eyes, musculoskeletal system, and
MPO antibodies from patients with AAV [47]. gastrointestinal tract [55]. In EGPA patients typically have
Complement is increasingly recognized to play a role in features of asthma and nasal polyps with peripheral blood
the pathogenesis of AAV. Mice deficient in C5 or depleted eosinophilia. In patients with RPGN, as disease progresses,
of complement did not develop disease in the passive features of overt renal failure will develop and patients may
antibody transfer model of AAV described above. have symptoms related to salt and water overload such as
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Introduction and Definition 465
Investigation Results/comments
FBC Leucocytosis
Normochromic normocytic anemia
CRP, ESR Often raised but nonspecific
Renal function Raised urea and creatinine in patients with RPGN
Complement C3, C4 Normal or elevated in AAV. Low C3/C4 may indicate bacterial infection such as
endocarditis or immune complex GN. Isolated low C3 is seen in postinfectious
GN or C3 glomerulopathy.
Immunoglobulins Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia may be present. Prior to commencing
cytotoxic therapies, hypogammaglobulinemia should be excluded.
Viral serology: HBsAg, HIV, HCV Ab Prior to initiating immunosuppressive therapies
Blood cultures To investigate for the presence of bacterial endocarditis in patients with ANCA
positivity and systemic symptoms
ANCA IIF or immunoassay
anti-GBM, ANA, dsDNA To investigate for other causes of RPGN
Urine dipstick Hematuria and proteinuria. Leukocyturia often represents the presence of
nonspecific inflammatory cells.
Urine microscopy Needs to be performed by a skilled operator on fresh urine. Red cell casts are
seen in glomerulonephritis.
Urine PCR Low-grade proteinuria is common. In RPGN decreased glomerular blood flow
limits protein filtration.
Renal biopsy Pauci-immune, necrotizing, creacsentic GN
Skin biopsy Leukocytoclastic vasculitis
ENT or lung biopsy Granuloma often seen
Nerve biopsy Necrotizing vasculitis of associated small and medium blood vessels
Pulmonary function testing Raised KCO in 25% of patients with pulmonary hemorrhage
AAV, ANCA-associated vasculitis; ANA, anti-nuclear antibody; ANCA, Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody; anti-GBM, anti-glomerular
basement antibody; C3, complement component 3; C4, complement component 4; CRP, C-Reactive Protein; dsDNA, double stranded DNA;
ENT, Ear-Nose-Throat; ESR, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Ratio; FBC, Full blood count; GN, Glomerulonephritis; HBsAg, Hepatitis B surface
antigen ; HCV Ab, Hepatitis C Virus antibody; HIV, Human immunodeficiency virus; IIF, indirect immunofluorescence; RPGN, rapidly
progressive glomerulonephritis.
breathlessness, cough, orthopnea, and peripheral oedema performed. The diagnostic tests used to diagnose and eval-
or to uremia such as itch, anorexia, and fatigue. Relapse of uate AAV are summarized below and in Table 28.4.
disease is common and occurs in 30–50% of patients.
Hematological and Biochemical Tests
Diagnostic Tests
Full blood count may show leucocytosis, thrombocytosis,
The usual screening test for ANCA is to perform indirect or normochromic normocytic anemia. Raised C reactive
immunofluorescence (IIF) on neutrophils; positive sam- protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate are often pre-
ples are then used in antigen-specific immunoassays to sent. Raised urea and creatinine will be present in those
determine ANCA specificity. Due to the increasing availa- with RPGN. Urine dipstick may show hematuria, proteinu-
bility of high-quality immunoassays for MPO- and PR3- ria or leukocyturia, and urine microscopy should be used
ANCA, the current consensus is that these tests can be to confirm the presence of hematuria and to identify red
used for screening without absolute need for IIF [56]. In cell casts. Urinary protein leak should be quantified using
patients with renal involvement a renal biopsy is usually a spot urine protein:creatinine ratio (uPCR); proteinuria is
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466 ANCA-associated Vasculitis
often low grade (<100 mg/mmol) and usually will be sub- Antigen Specific Tests
nephrotic (<300 mg/mmol) [57].
Several immunoassays are available, including enzyme
immune-assays (EIAs), bead-based multiplex assays,
Imaging fluorescent enzyme immune assays (FEIA), and immu-
noblot assays. These assays usually detect IgG and
Chest imaging (radiograph or computed tomography)
provide quantitative results. It was previously recom-
should be undertaken in all patients with respiratory symp-
mended that a positive IIF should be followed by an
toms such as cough, dyspnea, or hemoptysis, and may show
antigen-specific test, however recent studies have
pulmonary infiltrates suggestive of hemorrhage, nodules or
shown that immunoassays are more sensitive and spe-
cavitation. There should be a low threshold for chest screen-
cific than IIF [60]. Additionally, IIF can be labor inten-
ing in patients in whom a diagnosis of AAV is suspected.
sive and automated interpretation is not available
Renal imaging with ultrasound should be performed to
worldwide. Current guidelines recommend immunoas-
exclude structural kidney diseases prior to renal biopsy, but
say testing for PR3 and MPO-ANCA for diagnosis of
in patients with AAV will usually be normal or show non-
AAV without need for IIF [56]. In patients with a high
specific features of acute kidney disease such as changes in
index of suspicion for AAV, IIF should be carried out
echogenicity. Other imaging should be directed toward
despite negative immunoassay results. Anti-MPO or
symptoms such as imaging of the sinuses, gut, retro-orbital
anti-PR3 antibodies have good positive predictive val-
space or nervous system.
ues for the diagnosis of AAV but have been reported in
other inflammatory conditions and are not diagnostic.
Physiological Testing A histological diagnosis is required for definitive diag-
nosis where possible [61].
Lung function testing may show an increased diffusing
capacity for CO (KCO) in pulmonary hemorrhage,
whereas it should be low in other causes of pulmonary Histological Tests
infiltrates such as pulmonary oedema. However, raised
KCO is only present in 25% of patients with pulmonary In patients with clinical evidence of renal disease such as
hemorrhage and normal or low KCO does not have a good urinary abnormalities or deranged renal function, renal
negative predictive value [58]. Patients with pulmonary biopsy is the gold standard for diagnosis. The typical pattern
hemorrhage may also be too unwell to undergo testing. of glomerular injury seen on light microscopy is of necrotiz-
Other physiological tests will be guided by the patient’s ing and crescentic GN: immunofluorescence will show
clinical presentation, such as nerve conduction studies or minimal or negative staining for immunoglobulin or com-
echocardiography. plement, and electron microscopy may show microthrombi
or degranulation of neutrophils but no or minimal immune
deposits [62, 63]. A histopathological classification system
ANCA Testing has been developed for AAV with four categories of disease:
Indirect Immunofluorescence focal, where <50% of glomeruli are affected, crescentic,
IIF is usually performed on ethanol-fixed neutrophils, with where >50% of glomeruli contain cellular crescents, scle-
two patterns of staining seen in positive samples: cytoplas- rotic, where >50% of glomeruli are globally sclerosed, and
mic (c-ANCA), which is associated with anti-PR3 antibod- mixed, where normal, crescentic, and sclerotic glomeruli are
ies, and perinuclear (p-ANCA), which is typically seen all present and >50% of glomeruli are affected [63]. The clas-
with anti-MPO antibodies. An atypical pattern is seen sification system has been shown to predict renal outcomes
rarely and comprises cytoplasmic, perinuclear, and nuclear in AAV with patients with sclerotic lesions least likely to
staining; it is associated with several antigen specifici- recover renal function. [63] Biopsy of other sites of disease
ties [59]. The perinuclear pattern seen with MPO-ANCA may also be undertaken, such as skin, ENT, lung, or nerve,
arises due to the process of ethanol fixation, which leads to particularly if there is diagnostic uncertainty.
MPO dissolving from the neutrophil granules and attach-
ing to the nucleus. When formalin-fixed neutrophils are
used this does not occur and a cytoplasmic pattern is seen
with both MPO and PR3-ANCA. Atypical ANCA IIF can be Modern immunosuppression regimes have transformed
seen in other diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, patient outcomes in patients with AAV. Prior to the 1960s,
HIV, bacterial endocarditis, or related to drug-induced mortality at 1 year was as high as 80%, whereas current
autoimmunity. A range of atypical target antigens have studies show 1 year survival of around 90% [64]. Usually an
been described, including lactoferrin or elastase. initial period of intense immunosuppression is used to
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Introduction and Definition 467
induce remission followed by a period of sustained low- Systemic Vasculitis (CYCLOPS) trial, which included 149
dose treatment to prevent relapse. newly diagnosed patients with either GPA or MPA and renal
involvement, but not life-threatening disease Table 28.7 [65].
It showed no difference in time to remission between the two
Remission Induction
groups, but lower cumulative cyclophosphamide doses in the
The most widely used first-line treatment regimen for IV arm with lower rates of leukopenia [65]. Long-term fol-
induction of remission in patients with AAV and severe low-up of this study showed higher relapse rates in the group
disease is cyclophosphamide Table 28.1 and high-dose glu- treated with IV cyclophosphamide but no difference in
cocorticoids with the addition of plasma exchange for ESRD, morbidity, or mortality [66]. Of the available pub-
those with severe renal impairment or RPGN. An example lished guidelines, European League Against Rheumatism
induction treatment regimen is shown in Table 28.5. (EULAR)/European Renal Association – European Dialysis
and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) and British Society
of Rheumatology (BSR) guidelines favor IV over oral cyclo-
phosphamide, and Kidney Disease Improving Global
Several clinical trials have studied the optimum route, dose, Outcomes (KDIGO) recommend either oral or pulsed IV
and duration of treatment with cyclophosphamide. There are cyclophosphamide at clinician discretion [1, 2, 67] Table 28.6.
four published studies of oral versus pulsed intravenous (IV) Only one study has investigated the duration of treatment
cyclophosphamide, the largest and most recent of which with IV cyclophosphamide (without subsequent mainte-
is the Randomized Trial of Daily Oral vs Pulse nance therapy) and it showed no difference in mortality,
Cyclophosphamide as Therapy for ANCA-Associated duration of remission, or infection rate between six and 12
Cyclophosphamide IV, oral IV: 15 mg/kg every 2 weeks for three Reduce dose in severe renal
pulses then every 3 weeks impairment or in older patients
PO: 1.5–2 mg/kg/day (>60 years)
Glucocorticoids IV, oral IV methylprednisolone for 3 days
PO prednisolone 1 mg/kg/day (max.
60 mg) for 4 weeks then gradual taper
3–4 months
Rituximab IV 375 mg/m2 weekly for 4 weeks or 2 × 1 g Alternative to cyclophosphamide in
infusions 2 weeks apart some guidelines [1]
Plasma exchange 60 ml/kg volume replacement to a Monitor platelet count (aim
maximum of 4 l with human albumin >70 × 109/l); fibrinogen (aim >1 g/l
solution or fresh frozen plasma if and replace with cryoprecipitate if
bleeding risk (pulmonary hemorrhage necessary); corrected calcium (aim
or recent kidney biopsy) normal range)
Table 28.6 Summary of evidence for pulsed vs. oral cyclophosphamide induction therapy for AAV.
Comparative risks
Number of participants Quality of
Outcome (number of studies) Continuous CYC Pulsed CYC Relative effect evidence (GRADE)
AAV, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitides; CYC, cyclophosphamide; RR, ;RRT, renal replacement therapy.
Source: Data drawn from Cochrane review of the evidence [3].
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468 ANCA-associated Vasculitis
Table 28.7 Summary of clinical trials investigating pulsed vs. oral cyclophosphamide induction therapy for AAV.
Study Design Primary end point Results Secondary end points Comments
CYCLOPS [65] Open label, Time to No difference: Lower cumulative CYC Lower relapse rates in
parallel RCT remission median 3 months in does in pulsed IV group daily oral CYC group on
Daily oral vs. both groups and lower incidence of retrospective long-term
pulsed CYC No difference in leukopenia follow-up (median
proportion in No difference in other 4.3 years)
remission adverse events or death Low risk of bias
Adu 1997 [70] Parallel RCT Drug toxicity More leukopenia in No difference in number Patients in pulsed group
Daily oral CYC CCAZP group in complete remission at had poorer renal function
followed by final follow-up, relapse at baseline than oral group
AZA (at median rates, death or
3 months) vs. requirement for RRT
pulsed CYC
Guillevin Parallel RCT Remission No difference in Greater relapse rates in Recruitment terminated
1997 [71] Daily oral vs. induction and proportion of pulsed CYC group early due to significantly
pulsed CYC death patients in remission Lower cumulative CYC differing rates of severe
at 6 months dose in pulsed group and side effects and relapse
No difference in fewer severe side effects rates between the groups
5-year survival (infection, PCP)
Haubitz Parallel RCT Disease Patient survival, Four patients excluded due
1998 [72] Daily oral vs. progression remission rate, to protocol violations
pulsed CYC Nonremission at relapse rate similar Study terminated early
12 months between two groups when significant
Relapse up to Decreased differences between the
1 year after end cumulative CYC two groups found
of CYC dose, and leukopenia
Severe adverse and severe infections
events in IV group
AAV(ANCA-associated vasculitis), AZA, azathioprine; CCAZP(oral cyclophosphamide followed by azothioprine); CYC, cyclophosphamide;
PCP, Pneumocystis jirovecci pneumonia; RCT(Randomized control led trial).
pulses. There were fewer relapses in the group of patients (PEXIVAS) trial is a large multicenter RCT including patients
treated with 12 pulses [68]. Published guidelines recommend with moderate to severe renal impairment (eGFR(estimated
3–6 months treatment with oral cyclophosphamide based on GFR)<50 ml/min) or pulmonary hemorrhage, which was
time to remission in studies of maintenance therapy [69]. designed to provide definitive answers regarding PEX in
AAV but also included a comparison of high-and low-dose
glucocorticoid in both arms [74]. It showed that a reduced
dose of oral glucocorticoid (following pulsed IV methyl-
High-dose glucocorticoids should be used as part of initial prednisolone in both groups) was noninferior on the com-
treatment, but there is limited evidence for the benefit of IV posite primary end point of ESRD or death and was
pulsed methylprednisolone other than in the MEPEX trial, associated with fewer serious infections [75].
where it was shown to be less efficacious than plasma
exchange (PEX) when added to cyclophosphamide and oral
Plasma Exchange
steroids for severe disease [38]. Dose and duration of oral
steroids varies between published guidelines, and duration Current guidelines advocate the addition of PEX as adjunc-
of therapy is often guided by patient response and relapse. tive therapy in patients with severe pulmonary or renal dis-
There are no published studies comparing glucocorticoid ease, particularly those who are refractory to initial treatment
regimens; one meta-analysis of 13 studies concluded that with cyclophosphamide and high-dose glucocorticoids. The
studies with longer courses of glucocorticoids were associ- largest published study to date, MEPEX, included 137
ated with fewer relapses although there was considerable patients with severe renal disease (creatinine >500 μmol/l or
heterogeneity between other immunosuppressive agents dialysis requiring at presentation) and randomized them to
used between studies [73]. The Plasma Exchange and either receive seven plasma exchanges or IV methylpredni-
Glucocorticoids in Severe ANCA- Associated Vasculitis solone. There was improved renal survival in the PEX group
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Introduction and Definition 469
at 3 months and decreased requirement for dialysis at There are two published RCTs comparing rituximab to
12 months [38]. Long-term follow-up of this group (median cyclophosphamide in AAV for first-line induction ther-
follow-up of 3.95 years) showed no difference in a primary apy [39, 78]. Both studies used a dose of rituximab of
composite end point of death or ESRD [76]. There are seven 375 mg/m2 body area weekly for 4 weeks, and patients
other published studies investigating plasma exchange as an received high-dose glucocorticoids initially. In the rituxi-
adjunctive therapy. A Cochrane review and a meta-analysis mab versus cyclophosphamide in ANCA-associated renal
have both reviewed the current evidence for PEX in AAV vasculitis (RITUXIVAS) trial, patients in the rituximab
(summarized in Table 28.8) [3, 77]. Both concluded that PEX arm also received two doses of IV cyclophosphamide with
may be of benefit in preventing ESRD and death at 1 year, the aim of ensuring early control of severe disease [39].
however this was not thought to be conclusive as the overall Rituximab was noninferior to cyclophosphamide in both
quality of the evidence is low and there is heterogeneity trials, and in the Rituximab for the Treatment of Wegener’s
between included studies [77]. The PEXIVAS trial (described Granulomatosis and Microscopic Polyangiitis (RAVE)
above) has been reported in abstract form and has shown no trial, rituximab seemed to be more effective than cyclo-
benefit of PEX on the primary composite outcome of death phosphamide for those with disease relapse rather than
from any cause or ESRD (28% of PEX group vs. 31% in the de novo presentation. Subgroup analysis of patient in the
no-PEX group, HR 0.86, 95% CI 0.65–1.13, P = 0.27). Further RAVE trial who had evidence of renal impairment showed
subgroup analysis and publication of the full trial is that rituximab was also noninferior to cyclophosphamide
awaited [75]. in these patients, although the trial did not include a large
number of patients with severe renal involvement
(median eGFR at trial entry was 41 ml/min in the rituxi-
Rituximab mab group and 50 ml/min in the cyclophosphamide
group) [79]. These trials and a summary of the evidence
Rituximab is recommended in most guidelines as an alter-
for rituximab induction therapy are shown in Table 28.9
native induction agent in patients who are unable to receive
and Table 28.10. Remission induction using a combination
or who are resistant to cyclophosphamide; the EULAR/
of low-dose cyclophosphamide and rituximab in combi-
ERA-EDTA guidelines recommend treatment with either
nation with a steroid-sparing approach has been described
agent with no requirement for intolerance or resistance to
in an open-label cohort study. Long-term outcomes in this
cyclophosphamide [1, 2].
Comparative risks
Number of participants Quality of
Outcome (number of studies) Control Plasma exchange Relative effect evidence (GRADE)
Death at 1 year 267 (5) 189/1000 195/1000 (117–310) RR 1.03 (0.62–1.64) Low
Dialysis at 1 year 235 (6) 376/1000 169/1000 (109–271) RR 0.45 (0.29–0.72) Low
Serious infections 252 (4) 220/1000 262/1000 (167–405) RR 1.19 (0.76–1.84) Low
Comparative risks
Number of participants Quality of
Outcome (number of studies) CYC RTX Relative effect evidence (GRADE)
Remission at 6 months 236 (2) 661/1000 720/1000 (608–853) RR 1.09 (0.92–1.29) Moderate
Serious infections 241 (2) 92/1000 84/1000 (39–180) RR 0.91 (0.42–1.96) High
Table 28.10 Summary of clinical trials investigating rituximab vs. cyclophosphamide as induction therapy for AAV.
Secondary end
Study Design Primary end point Results points Comments
RITUXIVAS [37] Parallel RCT Sustained remission No difference in No difference Patients in the RTX arm
Rituximab vs. at 12 months remission rates at in mortality also received two pulses of
CYC in a 3 : 1 Severe adverse events 12 months (76% RTX vs. IV CYC with doses 1 and 3
ratio 82% CYC) of RTX
No difference in rates of
severe adverse events
RAVE [76] Parallel RCT Complete remission No difference in No difference Rituximab superior in
without prednisolone remission rates (64% in in adverse those with relapsing
during the first RTX arm, 53% in CYC events disease
6 months arm)
AAV(ANCA-Associated Vasculitis); CYC, cyclophosphamide; IV, intravenous; RCT(Randomized control led trial); RTX, rituximab.
group were favorable when compared to historical cohorts disease, with a preference for MMF in those who have evi-
and a prospective trial of this treatment regimen may be dence of renal involvement.
warranted [80]. Other studies have investigated intravenous immuno-
globulin, infliximab, and alemtuzumab and these could be
considered for resistant disease [86–89].
Other Induction Agents
Several studies have compared other induction agents to
Remission Maintenance
cyclophosphamide in AAV and these could be considered
for resistant disease but are not currently recommended for Current guidelines recommend that patients with severe
severe disease in published guidelines. AAV who are in remission after induction therapy with
There are three trials which have compared high-dose glucocorticoids plus cyclophosphamide/rituxi-
MMF(Mycophenolate mofetil) to cyclophosphamide for mab should be treated with low-dose glucocorticoids plus
induction of remission. The Mycophenolate Mofetil versus another immunosuppressive agent. Most commonly, aza-
Cyclophosphamide for Remission Induction of ANCA- thioprine is recommended with methotrexate or MMF as
Associated Vasculitis (MYCYC) trial was a noninferiority an alternative [2, 69]. Introduction of azathioprine at
trial comparing 6 months of induction with MMF to 6–10 6 months after induction therapy has been shown to be
pulses of IV cyclophosphamide, which to date has only been noninferior to continuing cyclophosphamide to 12 months
presented in abstract form, and it failed to demonstrate non- on rates of relapse at 18 months, and is associated with
inferiority of MMF [81]. Cochrane review of the three trials fewer adverse events [90]. Long-term follow-up of this
showed remission at 6 months was better with MMF com- study suggested there may be greater frequency of relapse
pared to cyclophosphamide (RR(relative risk ratio) 1.17, CI in the group treated with azathioprine although this was
1.02–1.35), and there were no difference in adverse event not statistically significant [91]. Azathioprine has also been
rates between the groups [3, 81–83]. Patients with RPGN or shown to be superior to MMF for remission maintenance
severe renal failure were excluded from these studies. but with similar rates of adverse events in MMF and aza-
One trial has compared methotrexate to cyclophospha- thioprine groups [92]. One trial has shown similar rates of
mide, showing it to be noninferior with no difference in relapse in patients treated with methotrexate or azathio-
mortality or rates of remission at 6 months. Again, patients prine for remission maintenance; however, the primary
with severe renal impairment were not included in this end point of this trial was safety of methotrexate rather
trial and there was longer time to remission and higher than efficacy [93]. There were similar numbers of adverse
relapse rates at 18 months in patients treated with metho- events between the two groups but severity of adverse
trexate. Median time to relapse was 13 months in those events was greater in those treated with methotrexate [93].
treated with methotrexate and 15 months in the cyclophos- These studies are summarized in Table 28.11.
phamide group [84, 85]. One RCT has investigated the duration of azathioprine
Based on the studies using MMF and methotrexate maintenance therapy comparing tapering after 1 year or
published guidelines recommend the use of either of these 4 years in patients with anti-PR3 AAV. This showed no
agents in patients with mild and nonorgan-threatening significant difference in relapse-free survival at 4 years
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Table 28.11 Summary of evidence for azathioprine maintenance therapy in AAV.
CYCAZAREM [90] Parallel RCT 144 Relapse rate at No difference No difference Relapse 137/1000 155/1000 RR 1.13 Moderate
AZA vs. oral CYC 18 months in relapse rate in mortality or (70–342) (0.51–2.50)
following CYC/ (15.5% AZA, adverse events Infections 178/1000 183/1000 RR 1.03 Moderate
steroid induction 13.7% CYC) (91–361) (0.51–2.03)
WEGENT [93] Parallel RCT 126 Adverse No difference No significant Adverse 190/1000 110/1000 RR 0.58 Moderate
AZA vs. MTX after reaction (11.1% AZA, difference in event (48–262) (0.25–1.38)
pulsed CYC/steroid causing death 19% MTX) relapse rate Relapse 333/1000 366/1000 RR 1.1 Moderate
induction or withdrawal (226–589) (0.68–1.77)
of study drug
IMPROVE [92] Parallel open-label 156 Relapse-free More relapses No difference Relapse 552/1000 375/1000 RR 1.47 Moderate
RCT survival in MMF group in adverse (265–531) (1.04–2.09)
AZA vs. MMF after (55% vs. 37.5% events
CYC/steroid in AZA group)
AAV(ANCA-Associated Vasculitis); AZA; azathioprine; CYC, cyclophosphamide; MMF(Mycophenolate mofetil); MTX; methotrexate; RCT(Randomized control led trial); RR(relative risk
ratio); RTX, rituximab.
Source: Data drawn from Cochrane review of the evidence [3].
Comparative risks
Number of
Study Design participants Outcome AZA RTX Relative effect
MAINRITSAN [40] Parallel RCT 118 Major relapse within 293/1000 52/1000 (18–170) RR 0.17 (0.06–0.58)
RTX or AZA after CYC/ 28 months
steroid induction
Severe adverse events 138/1000 193/1000 (42–228) RR 0.71 (0.31–1.65)
Fixed Tailored
MAINRITSAN 2(98) RCT 162 Relapse within 28 months 99/1000 173/1000 (77–389) RR 1.75 (0.78–3.94)
Tailored or fixed schedule
AZA, azathioprine; CYC, cyclophosphamide; RCT(Randomized control led trial); RR(relative risk ratio); RTX, rituximab.
between the two groups [94]. The prolonged Remission- exposure should be taken into account when planning to
Maintenance Therapy in Systemic Vasculitis (REMAIN) re-dose patients.
study also investigated duration of maintenance therapy
and included 117 patients with stable remission following
induction with cyclophosphamide and prednisolone. It
showed that more prolonged maintenance treatment with Prophylaxis against pneumocystis jirovecci is recommended
azathioprine and prednisolone (48 months vs. 24 months) in all patients receiving induction therapy with cyclophos-
was associated with significantly lower risk of relapse. The phamide or rituximab. First-line treatment is with co-
prolonged treatment group had better renal outcomes but trimoxazole with pentamidine nebulizers as second line.
there was no difference in patient survival [95]. There are also two studies which have investigated the role of
Rituximab is increasingly being used as an agent for co-trimoxazole in relapse prevention in patients with PR3-
remission maintenance in some centers. The Maintenance ANCA disease [98, 99]. There was a suggestion that the use of
of Remission using Rituximab in Systemic ANCA- co-trimoxazole may reduce the risk of relapse at 1 year, par-
associated Vasculitis (MAINRITSAN) trial included 115 ticularly pulmonary relapse, but Cochrane review of the two
patients who were randomized to either rituximab or aza- studies found this result to be nonstatistically significant and
thioprine for remission maintenance after induction ther- so a firm conclusion regarding the use of antibiotics for
apy with cyclophosphamide and glucocorticoids Table 28.12 remission maintenance was not possible (Table 28.13) [3].
[40]. Rituximab was superior to azathioprine in preventing
relapses (5% vs. 29% at 28 months) and adverse event rates
were similar between the two groups. Long-term follow-up
of this study shows that rituximab remains superior at Current studies estimate survival in patients with AAV to be
60 months (relapse free survival 37.2% vs. 57.9%). Again, around 90% at 1 year and around 70% at 5 years, a significant
the adverse event profile was similar between the two improvement following the introduction of modern immuno-
groups [96]. The MAINRITSAN 2 trial went on to compare suppression regimens [64, 100]. A substantial cause of mortal-
fixed rituximab dosing every 6 months to a patient-tailored ity within the first year is infection rather than active vasculitis,
approach with rituximab re-dosing when CD19+ B cells or emphasizing the need for further research into better targeted
ANCA returned. Relapse rates were similar between the therapies with better side-effect profiles [101, 102]. One year
two arms (17.3% relapse rate in the tailored group vs. 9.9% survival free of ESRD is approximately 75% and is 50% at
in the scheduled treatment group); the tailored treatment 5 years [64]. The increased mortality in patients with AAV
group received fewer rituximab infusions over the study persists at long-term follow-up with increased rates of throm-
period [97]. bosis, cardiovascular disease, malignancy, and infections
when compared to the general population [102, 103]. In one
study, predictors of mortality included advanced renal failure
Treatment of Relapse
and older age [101]. Despite this, it is not the case that older
Relapse is usually treated in the same way as patients pre- patients should not be considered for aggressive treatment.
senting with de novo disease. Patients with minor relapses One multicenter retrospective analysis of patients 75 years
may respond to an increase or reintroduction of their oral showed that patients who were not treated with cyclophos-
immunosuppression or steroids. Those with severe phamide or rituximab had significantly lower survival at
relapse should be treated with high-dose glucocorticoids 2 years (72.9% with cyclophosphamide, 81.3% with rituximab,
with cyclophosphamide or rituximab. Long-term follow- and 45.0% with no/other treatments) [104].
up of the RAVE study suggested that relapsing patients Despite the improvements in mortality, in patients who
may respond better to rituximab than cyclophospha- have renal disease as part of their AAV the risk of relapse has
mide [79]. Additionally, cumulative cyclophosphamide remained relatively constant over recent years. One large
Comparative risks
Number of participants
Outcome (number of studies) Placebo Co-trimoxazole Relative effect Quality of evidence (GRADE)
Remission at 1 year 111 (2) 796/1000 907/1000 (780–1000) 1.14 (0.98–1.33) Low
The authors comment that one of the two studies has multiple limitations in the study design.
Source: Data drawn from Cochrane review of the evidence [3].
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Reference 473
study has shown a cumulative relapse rate of 11% at 1 year modern studies, possibly due to the current transplant
and 35% at 5 years with no change in relapse rates over the immunosuppression regimens used [108, 110].
25 year study period [64]. Patients with PR3-ANCA disease
are more likely to experience relapse than those who are
MPO-ANCA positive or ANCA negative; presence of lung Conclusions
disease and older patient age have also been shown to predict
relapse in some studies [105, 106]. The utility of ANCA titer AAV are a group of rare, multisystem, small and medium
for predicting relapse is debatable although it may correlate vessel vasculitides. Modern immunosuppression regimens
better in patients with renal disease where some studies have using more effective and targeted drugs have significantly
shown rising ANCA titer may predict relapse [35, 107]. improved morbidity and mortality, and mortality in the
Patients with AAV who require renal transplant have first year is more likely to be due to complications of treat-
clinical outcomes which are comparable or better to those ment than active vasculitis. There are several available
with other causes of ESRD [108]. Transplant should be evidence-based guidelines for treatment which are based
deferred until patients are 1 year from remission as one on high-quality RCTs. Most authorities recommend induc-
study has shown that risk of death post transplant was tion treatment with high-dose glucocorticoids plus cyclo-
greatest in those transplanted less than a year after remis- phosphamide or rituximab and maintenance therapy with
sion [109]. The risk of recurrent disease is low after trans- low-dose glucocorticoids and azathioprine.
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Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Pathophysiolog 479
iagnostic Evaluation and efficient chemotherapy targeting the causal B-cell
clone are mandatory to improve renal prognosis and
The diagnosis of monoclonal immunoglobulin-related kidney patient survival [22].
diseases almost always requires a kidney biopsy. The only
exception is Ig-related amyloidosis, where the diagnosis could
be made from other tissue [11]. Renal pathological diagnosis P
relies on careful examination of kidney biopsy samples by
light microscopy, immunofluorescence studies, and electron The kidney disease may complicate an already diagnosed
microscopy [9, 12]. At a minimum, immunofluorescence clonal B-cell disorder or reveal a previously unknown
studies must include antibodies against kappa and lambda hematological disease. Renal disease in B-cell
light chains to determine monoclonality. Determination of lymphoproliferative disorders may result from two main
IgG subclasses would help support the monoclonal nature of pathophysiological mechanisms that can even coexist in
the immunoglobulin deposits, especially if a monoclonal the same patient, i.e. the intrinsic nephrotoxicity of the
immunoglobulin could not be identified in the blood or urine. secreted monoclonal immunoglobulin and malignant
However, IgG subclass restriction without light-chain restric- infiltration of the renal parenchyma by malignant B-cells,
tion is not considered to be monoclonal as it can occur in poly- which will not be addressed further in this chapter. The
clonal immunoglobulin deposition disease [7]. Antibodies physicochemical properties of monoclonal
against heavy chain constant domains may be needed in cases immunoglobulin appear to be the main determinant of
of heavy chain deposition disease (HCDD) to look for heavy their nephrotoxicity as well as influencing the topography
chain truncation [13]. In some cases, additional studies are and pattern of kidney lesions. Deposition of all or part of
required to identify the nature of deposits, such as immuno- the monoclonal immunoglobulin is the most common
electron microscopy or laser microdissection followed by mechanism and this can occur in various ultrastructural
mass spectrometry [14–17]. patterns (amorphous, crystalline, fibrillar, or microtubular)
Hematological workup is crucial for clonal identification of deposits or inclusions. Other mechanisms include
because the same kidney lesion can occur in different B-cell complement activation, autoantibody activity or cytokine
disorders, and treatment differs according to the plasma- secretion induced by the monoclonal immunoglobulin
cytic or lymphocytic nature of the clone. Bone marrow aspi- (Table 29.1) [10, 39].
ration and biopsy are required, including the use of sensitive
techniques (flow cytometry, molecular analysis) to better Nephrotoxic Monoclonal Free Light Chains
identify small clones [7]. Peripheral blood flow cytometry is
helpful in identifying clones of chronic lymphocytic leuke- Several mechanisms of nephrotoxicity of free light chains
mia or monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis [18]. (FLCs) have been described. These include extracellular
Extrarenal manifestations can occur in some monoclo- deposition in AL amyloidosis (organized deposits) and light-
nal immunoglobulin-related kidney diseases and may be chain deposition disease (LCDD) (nonorganized deposits),
clinically significant. It is important to identify the involve- and precipitation/crystallization in cast nephropathy and
ment and impairment of the extrarenal organs so these can light-chain proximal tubulopathy [8, 40]. Under physiologi-
be managed appropriately. Cardiac evaluation with cal conditions, polyclonal FLCs, as other low molecular
echocardiogram and cardiac biomarkers such as N-terminal weight proteins, are freely filtered by the glomerulus and
pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and troponin T reabsorbed in proximal tubular cells by the megalin/cubilin
are standard of care in patients with Ig-related amyloido- multiligand receptor complex [41]. FLCs are then degraded
sis [19, 20]. This is also recommended in patients with in endolysosomal vesicles and only a minute amount is pre-
MIDD that have cardiac-related symptoms [21]. Liver sent in the final urine [42]. During symptomatic multiple
involvement can be detected by liver function test and myeloma large amounts of monoclonal FLCs are filtered by
imaging studies. Nerve involvement is not uncommon in the glomerulus, overwhelming the reabsorption capacity of
amyloidosis and can involve both peripheral nerves and the endocytic receptors megalin/cubilin in the proximal
the autonomic nervous system [20]. Assessment of these tubule. This allows the monoclonal FLCs to flow into the
impairments is important as it can affect therapeutic strate- loop of Henle. Cast nephropathy results from the interaction
gies by altering drug elimination and tolerability of adverse of these FLCs with uromodulin (Tamm–Horsfall protein) in
effects [22]. lumen of the thick ascending limp of the loop of Henle,
Because paraprotein-associated renal disorders are het- leading to tubular obstruction and acute kidney injury
erogeneous, management requires collaborative work (AKI). Uromodulin is the most abundant protein excreted in
between hematologists and nephrologists. Early diagnosis the urine under physiological conditions, but its complete
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Table 29.1 Summary of the main pathological and hematological findings in paraprotein associated renal disorders.
Localization of
renal lesions Kidney disease Mechanism of renal toxicity Ultrastructural appearance Characteristics of monoclonal gammopathy Reference
Glomerular Ig-related amyloidosis Deposition Fibrils λ > κ, IgM<10% in AL amyloidosis [19, 23]
Truncated γ in AH amyloidosis
LC + truncated HC in AHL amyloidosis
MIDD Deposition Nonorganized κ > λ in LCDD (usually Vκ1 or Vκ4) [13, 21, 24]
Truncated HC (mostly γ) in HCDD
LC + truncated HC in LHCDD
PGNMID Deposition Nonorganized Mostly IgG3 (κ > λ) [25]
Immunotactoid GN Deposition Microtubules Mostly IgG1 (κ > λ) [26, 27]
Type I cryoglobulinemia Deposition/precipitation Microtubules/crystals Mostly IgG or IgM [28]
Type II cryoglobulinemia Deposition Curved short tubular IgM acting as a rheumatoid factor [12]
C3 glomerulopathy CAP activation structures Nonorganized IgG [29–31]
Vascular Thrombotic microangiopathy CAP activation or cytokine Microvascular endothelial IgG in atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome [37, 38]
mediated or unknown cell injury IgA = 50% in POEMS syndrome (λ ~ 100%)
AL, amyloid light chain; AH, amyloid heavy chain; AHL, amyloid light and heavy chain; CAP, complement alternative pathway; HC, heavy chain; HCDD, heavy chain deposition disease; Ig,
immunoglobulin; LC, light chain; LCDD, light chain deposition disease; LHCDD, light and heavy chain deposition disease; MIDD, monoclonal immunoglobulin deposition disease; PGNMID,
proliferative glomerulonephritis with monoclonal immunoglobulin deposits; POEMS, polyneuropathy-organomegaly-endocrinopathy-monoclonal protein-skin changes; Vκ, variability
subgroup of kappa light chain.
function remains incompletely understood [43]. The bind- of the first constant (CH1) domain [13, 62, 63]. The
ing affinity of FLCs for uromodulin is influenced by the nephrotoxic heavy chain is often undetectable by elec-
molecular structure of the third complementarity- trophoresis and immunofixation. In this context, immu-
determining region (CDR3) that specifically recognizes a noblotting is a useful technique to detect small amounts
nine amino-acid domain of uromodulin [44–47]. Facilitating of truncated heavy chains. However, this technique is
factors that increase light-chain precipitation and/or their not widely available. In HCDD, cationic charges of the
interaction with uromodulin have been well described in heavy chain variable domain probably favor the forma-
conditions such as dehydration, hypercalcemia, nonsteroi- tion of amorphous deposits along renal basement
dal drug use, furosemide, and acidic urine [48–50]. Kidney membranes [13].
injury in cast nephropathy is also perpetuated by interstitial
inflammation and fibrosis induced by the monoclonal FLCs.
In vitro studies and animal experiments have shown that Nephrotoxic Monoclonal Entire
excessive endocytosis of myeloma light chains triggers oxi- Immunoglobulins
dative stress, activation of NF-κB, and release of inflamma-
Mechanisms of toxicity of entire immunoglobulins in
tory mediators (IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1, and TGF-β) leading to
PGNMID, immunotactoid glomerulonephritis, and cry-
tubulo-interstitial inflammation, fibrosis, and morphologic
oglobulinemic glomerulonephritis are poorly under-
alteration of the tubular epithelium [48, 51, 52].
stood. These disorders are mostly induced by monoclonal
Most other types of kidney injury related to pathogenic
IgG1 or IgG3 known to induce complement activation
light chains occur in patients with small B-cell or plasma cell
through the classical pathway [9, 39]. Immunoglobulin
clones with low amounts of monoclonal immunoglobulin [6,
deposits usually coexist with C3 and sometimes C1q and
10]. In this context, the kidney toxicity is not driven by the
C4 deposits [64, 65]. Complement activation through
tumor burden but is related to structural peculiarities of the
the classical, lectin or alternative pathway is probably a
monoclonal FLC [8]. For example, light-chain proximal tub-
main determinant of glomerular hypercellularity and
ulopathy is mostly related to kappa light chains that are
inflammation in these disorders. Experimental studies
restricted to the Vκ1 subgroup and derive from only two ger-
in mice have shown that in cryoglobulinemic glomeru-
mline genes (Vκ1-33 and Vκ1-39). Some mutations in the
lonephritis the pattern of kidney lesions depends on
variable domain confer a resistance to proteolysis, leading to
peculiarities of the molecular structure of pathogenic
the formation of crystals within the endolysosomal compart-
IgG [66, 67].
ment of proximal tubular cells [53]. Accumulation of these
light chains in proximal tubules inhibits receptor-mediated
endocytosis and provokes urinary leak of phosphate, uric
Complement and Cytokine Activation
acid, glucose, amino acids, and low-molecular-weight pro-
Associated with Monoclonal Gammopathy
teins, with proximal (type 2) renal tubular acidosis [54]. On
the other hand, most light chains involved in renal AL- Recent studies have shown that the incidence of mono-
amyloidosis are derived from two germline Vλ genes (Vλ6-57 clonal gammopathy in patients >50 years old with C3
and Vλ3-1), but no common structural peculiarities have glomerulopathy is high [29, 68–70]. This association is
been identified. However, germline gene usage influences not fortuitous as suggested by the presence in some cases
the organ tropism with predominant kidney involvement in of autoantibody activity against CAP regulatory proteins
Vλ6-57 patients and more common cardiac involvement in (anti-factor H antibody and C3Nef) and by the beneficial
Vλ1-44 patients [55–57]. Structural peculiarities of light effect of clone-directed therapy [30]. However, the mech-
chains have been also reported in LCDD with overrepresen- anism of complement activation is different in the major-
tation of the Vκ4 and Vκ1 subgroup of variability, abnormal ity of patients and may involve bystander polyclonal
glycosylation, and high isoelectric point values of variable antibodies directed against CAP regulatory proteins or
domain complementarity determining regions, possibly direct activation of the CAP by the monoclonal immuno-
accounting for tissue deposition along the anionic proteogly- globulin [71]. Cytokine activation is probably involved in
cans of the basement membranes [21, 58–61]. thrombotic microangiopathy-like lesions in polyneurop-
athy, endocrinopathy, organomegaly, monoclonal gam-
mopathy, and skin changes (POEMS) syndrome. This
Nephrotoxic Monoclonal Free Heavy Chains
disease is characterized by striking elevation of serum
The deposition of free monoclonal heavy chains is a rare vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels that
condition seen in AH amyloidosis and HCDD. The most probably account for glomerular endothelial cell
striking feature of deposited heavy chains is the deletion injury [37, 72].
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482 Paraprotein-associated Kidney Disorders
iagnosis (a) (b)
Tubulointerstitial Lesions
Light-chain Cast Nephropathy
AKI is present at diagnosis in approximately 30% of patients
with symptomatic multiple myeloma. AKI is mostly related
to light-chain cast nephropathy, a myeloma defining event
invariably associated with high tumor mass [73]. Apart
from multiple myeloma, light-chain cast nephropathy has
been also described in Waldenström macroglobulinemia,
chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and other lymphomas [64,
74–77]. Patients with cast nephropathy typically present
with severe AKI, sometimes requiring dialysis. AKI is iso- Figure 29.1 Myeloma cast nephropathy by light microscopy. (a)
lated or associated with general symptoms related to high Masson’s trichrome staining (×200). Representative example of
tumor mass such as skeletal pains related to lytic bone cast nephropathy with numerous typical polychromatophilic and
fractured casts (arrows) associated with interstitial fibrosis and
lesions. Urine protein electrophoresis typically shows inflammation. (b) Hematoxylin and eosin staining (×400). Typical
prominent light-chain proteinuria with albuminuria cast (arrow) with giant cell (asterisk) and tubulorrhexis.
<10% [78, 79]. In around 50% of patients, cast nephropathy
is triggered by facilitating factors, namely dehydration, kappa isotype. The presence of hypouricemia and
hypercalcemia, infection, or nephrotoxic drugs (nonsteroi- hypophosphatemia must encourage further explorations to
dal anti-inflammatory agents, diuretics, angiotensin- detect proximal tubule dysfunction. However, signs of
converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor tubular dysfunction may be absent in patients with more
blockers) [32, 78, 80]. The use of modern contrast media advanced kidney impairment. The complete form of proxi-
has not been associated with cast nephropathy in recent mal tubulopathy, referred to as light-chain associated
large series [78]. The risk of cast nephropathy is influenced Fanconi syndrome, is defined by the urinary leak of low
by the amount of monoclonal light chains excreted in the molecular weight proteins, phosphate, uric acid, glucose,
urine and is particularly high when light-chain proteinuria and amino acids. Patients who exhibit only some of these
exceeds 2 g/day [81]. features are considered to have a partial Fanconi syndrome.
Histologically, the cast nephropathy is defined by the Patients may also present with prominent bone symptoms,
presence of periodic acid Schiff (PAS) stain negative and including stress fractures, secondary to hypophosphatemic
fractured casts in distal tubule lumina, often with crystal- osteomalacia [33, 83]. Thus, searching for monoclonal
line appearance and usually accompanied by giant cell gammopathy is mandatory in adults with symptoms of
reaction and tubulorrhexis (Figure 29.1). Severe interstitial proximal tubule dysfunction.
inflammation is often present and plays a role in the devel- The kidney biopsy shows typically rhomboid-shaped
opment of irreversible fibrosis and chronic kidney injury. hypereosinophilic and PAS-negative crystals within proxi-
The presence of numerous casts has been found to be pre- mal tubular cells. Their detection by light microscopy is
dictive of a poor renal prognosis [32]. On immunofluores- sometimes difficult, highlighting the diagnostic value of
cence, the casts stain brightly with anti-kappa or immunofluorescence and ultrastructural examination,
anti-lambda antibody. Ultrastructural examination reveals which should be systematically considered in the presence
the crystalline organization of the casts [12]. of suggestive lesions such as focal proximal tubule dedif-
ferentiation and atrophy (Figure 29.2) [33, 84, 85]. In some
Light-chain Proximal Tubulopathy cases, antigenic epitopes normally recognized by antibod-
Light-chain proximal tubulopathy rarely occurs in the con- ies routinely used may be sequestered by the crystalline lat-
text of symptomatic multiple myeloma or overt lymphoid tice, resulting in false negative results. Ancillary techniques
malignancy, and most cases fall into the spectrum of are then needed, including immunofluorescence on
MGRS [33, 82]. The frequency is low and light-chain proxi- paraffin-embedded tissue after protease digestion or immu-
mal tubulopathy represents 5% of Ig-related renal diseases. noelectron microscopy [85, 86]. Light-chain proximal tub-
The median age at diagnosis is around 60 years, with a ulopathy may also manifest with accumulation of light
slight male predominance [33, 34]. Patients typically pre- chains within proximal tubular cells without crystal forma-
sent with slowly progressive chronic kidney failure with tion. These patients often present with evidence of tubular
tubular proteinuria and Bence Jones proteinuria usually of injury, but Fanconi syndrome is rare [34, 87, 88].
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Glomerular Lesion 483
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 29.3 AL-amyloidosis. (a and b) Light microscopy (Congo red staining, ×200). Glomerular mesangial and capillary wall Congo
red positive deposits (a) with characteristic dichroism and apple green birefringence under polarized light (b). On immunofluorescence
(×200) glomerular amyloid deposits stain brightly for lambda light chain (c) with negative staining for kappa light chain (not shown).
(d) By electron microscopy (×12 000, insert ×50 000), amyloid deposits are composed of haphazardly oriented fibrils ranging from 7 to
14 nm in diameter.
Figure 29.5 Cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis. (a and b) Light microscopy. (a) Hematoxylin and eosin staining, ×400.
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis pattern of injury characterized by mesangial expansion and hypercellularity and
duplication of glomerular basement membranes. (b) Masson’s trichrome staining, ×400. Intracapillary immune deposits suggestive of
thrombi (arrow), the hallmark histologic finding of cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis. (c) By electron microscopy (×50 000), the
deposits predominate in the subendothelial space with focal microtubular organization (arrow).
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486 Paraprotein-associated Kidney Disorders
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 29.6 Light-chain deposition disease. (a and b) Light microscopy (periodic acid Schiff staining, ×400). Section of renal cortex
showing nodular glomerulosclerosis with nodular mesangial deposits and aneurysmal dilatation of the capillary lumens (a). Vascular
deposits around arteriolar myocytes (arrow) (b). (c) Immunofluorescence microscopy (anti-κ fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugate,
×200). Linear deposits along glomerular and tubular basement membranes, and around vascular myocytes. (d) Electron microscopy
(×15 000). Enlarged multilayered tubular basement membrane with electron-dense (arrows) powdery punctuate deposits
predominating in the outer aspect.
syndrome in half of patients. Uncommonly, MIDD may component by standard techniques [25, 103]. PGNMID
manifest with slowly progressive kidney disease without sig- appears as a renal limited disorder with prominent glomer-
nificant proteinuria. In this context, glomerulosclerosis is ular symptoms and frequent CKD. The risk of recurrence
uncommon and deposits predominate in the renal vascular after kidney transplantation has been reported to be as
and tubular compartments [101, 102]. LCDD occurring in high as 90% [104].
the context of symptomatic multiple myeloma usually coex-
ists with cast nephropathy and has similar presentation and
Glomerular Disorders without
outcome as pure cast nephropathy [21].
Immunoglobulin Deposits
Proliferative Glomerulonephritis with Monoclonal C3 Glomerulopathy Associated with Monoclonal
Immunoglobulin Deposits Gammopathy
PGNMID is a rare glomerular disorder defined by nonor- C3 glomerulopathy regroups two entities characterized by
ganized immunoglobulin (most commonly IgG3) and com- glomerular C3 deposition without immunoglobulin: C3
plement component deposits in the glomerular capillary glomerulonephritis and dense deposit disease. Both enti-
walls and mesangium, mimicking an immune complex- ties are associated with dysregulation of the CAP. By elec-
mediated glomerulonephritis (Figure 29.7). Around 100 tron microscopy, dense deposit disease is distinguished
cases are reported in the literature. The average age at diag- from C3 glomerulonephritis by the presence of character-
nosis is 55 years old. Multiple myeloma is rare and around istic “sausage-shaped” intramembranous electron dense
two-thirds of patients have no detectable monoclonal deposits [105]. Patients typically present with glomerular
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Treatmen 487
(a) (b)
Figure 29.7 Proliferative glomerulonephritis with monoclonal immunoglobulin deposits. (a) Light microscopy (hematoxylin and
eosin staining, ×400). Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis with global mesangial and segmental endocapillary hypercellularity.
(b–d) Immunofluorescence microscopy. Mesangial and glomerular capillary wall staining for IgG3 (b) and kappa (c). Negative staining
for lambda (d). (e) Electron microscopy (×15 000). Granular nonorganized electron-dense deposits (arrows) predominant in the
subendothelial space of glomerular basement membrane.
symptoms (proteinuria and hematuria) and progressive multiple myeloma, and Waldenström macroglobuline-
CKD. In patients over 50 years of age, most cases of C3 mia, and (ii) glomerular microangiopathy associated with
glomerulopathy are associated with a circulating parapro- POEMS syndrome where hemolysis and thrombocytope-
tein [29, 31, 68, 70]. Although direct evidence of a link nia are absent [7].
between monoclonal gammopathy and C3 glomerulopa-
thy is lacking in most patients, the implication is sug-
gested by the presence in some cases of autoantibody
activity of the monoclonal immunoglobulin against CAP
regulatory proteins and by the beneficial effect on renal
Indication of Therapy
outcome of a clone-directed therapy [30, 70].
Indication of therapy in MGRS is driven by renal damage
Thrombotic Microangiopathy Associated due to the nephrotoxic immunoglobulin produced by the
with Monoclonal Gammopathy clone. Therapy in MGRS aims to improve renal survival
The term “thrombotic microangiopathy” refers to a and in selected patients to reduce the risk of recurrence
diverse group of disorders linked by a common histologic after renal transplantation. Treatment decisions should
finding of endothelial cell injury. Two categories associ- also take into account the presence of extrarenal manifes-
ated with monoclonal gammopathy have to be distinguish: tations and the patient’s status [22]. Light-chain cast
(i) microangiopathy with hemolytic anemia (MAHA) nephropathy seen only in malignant disease is not MGRS
which can occur in patients with MGRS, symptomatic and treatment is a medical emergency [106, 107].
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488 Paraprotein-associated Kidney Disorders
Cast Nephropathy
Symptomatic treatment is a key step in the management Proximal Tubulopathy
of cast nephropathy. It is based on the rapid correction of Symptomatic measures to prevent osteomalacia are man-
precipitating factors such as treatment of infection with datory, including phosphate, calcium, and vitamin D sup-
non-nephrotoxic antibiotics and correction of hypercal- plementation. Prophylaxis against hypokalemia is often
cemia using bisphosphonates despite their potential necessary [33].
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Reference 489
Kidney Transplantation C
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survival. Selected patients with CKD stage V are now eligible The spectrum of renal complications associated with para-
for renal transplantation. Due to the risk of recurrence, proteins is heterogeneous and the diagnosis relies on care-
hematological remission seems mandatory before consider- ful examination of biopsy samples by light microscopy,
ing a renal transplant [104, 111–113]. The long-term results immunofluorescence studies, and in most cases electron
of renal transplantation in MGRS, particularly the risk of microscopy. Identification of the underlying B-cell clone is
infection and neoplasia, remain to be evaluated. crucial for treatment strategy.
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Reference 493
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Clinical Presentation and Outcom 495
diseases diagnosed in kidney biopsies. DDD accounted for way and the generation of the membrane attack complex.
less than 0.5% of all glomerulopathies. The incidence of The alternative complement pathway is in a state of low-
these diseases was stable between 1986 and 2015. In grade continuous activation (rapidly amplified upon infec-
another study from the United States [12], less than 0.3% of tions) and thus requires tight control. This control targets
all patients reaching end-stage renal disease (ESRD) predominantly the C3 convertase with three main inhibi-
between 1996 and 2013 had MPGN (probably combining tors that prevents the formation of the C3 convertase
IC-MPGN and C3G) as a primary renal diagnosis. C3GN is through the binding and inactivation of the C3b. These
a more recently (2010) [2, 5] individualized entity and no inhibitors include complement factor H (CFH), factor I
specific incidence is available. (FI), and membrane-cofactor protein (MCP). The loss of
the regulation of this C3 convertase in the circulation leads
to an increased release of the C3 degradation products
athophysiology (C3c, Cb, C3d) and their deposition in the kidney. This
pathophysiological hypothesis is supported by animal
IC-MPGN and C3G are prototypic complement-mediated models. Piglets of the Norwegian Yorkshire breed as well as
diseases, with an activation of the complement cascade ini- mice deficient in CFH, develop a C3GN reminiscent of the
tiated by distinct mechanisms. On one hand, it is assumed human disease [15, 16]. The CFH−/− mice model has pro-
that IC-MPGN results from the deposition in the glomeru- vided valuable insight into the pathogenesis of C3G and its
lus of immune complexes [9] that triggers the activation of dynamics, particularly regarding the potential clearance of
the classical complement pathway, starting with activation renal complement deposits following the restoration of
of C1, C4, and C2 leading to the formation of the classical tight control of the C3 alternative convertase [17].
pathway C3 convertase (C4b2a) which cleaves C3, gener- In patients with C3G dysregulation of the alternative C3
ates a classical C5 convertase (C4b2a3b), and ultimately convertase arises rarely (<10% [18]) from inactivating
leads to the activation of C5 and of the complement termi- mutations in the genes coding for CFH, FI, or MCP or acti-
nal pathway. C5b generation leads to the assembly of the vating mutations in the genes coding for the two main
membrane attack complex (C5b, 6, 7, 8, 9), which induces components of the C3 convertase, C3 and factor B.
cellular injury. IC deposition triggers mesangial cells pro- Nevertheless, C3G and to a lesser extent MPGN patients
liferation, and in some cases tissular injury leads to inflam- have a range of autoantibodies that target the alternative
matory cells influx, release of proteases and reactive oxygen complement pathway, particularly the C3 convertase. The
species, capillary wall necrosis, and extracapillary prolifer- most frequent and extensively documented type of autoan-
ation. “Double contour” aspects have been long been tibody is the C3 nephritic factor (C3Nef), an IgG that stabi-
attributed to an expansion of the mesangial matrix that dis- lizes and prolongs the half-life of the C3 convertase. More
sociates the two leaflets of the glomerular basement mem- recently, a C5nephrtic factor has been identified that stabi-
brane. The pathogenesis of “double contour” may, however, lizes the C5 convertase leading to an excessive activation of
be more complex and is not fully understood. the C5 and of the complement terminal pathway [19].
The assumption that IC deposition is the primary trigger Anti-CFH, anti-C3, and anti-factor B antibodies have also
of IC-MPGN is challenged by pathological findings in been reported in patients with C3G and more rarely IC-
repeat biopsies in patients with this type of nephropathy. Ig MPGN [18, 20, 21].
deposits vary widely from one biopsy to another in a given
patient and may even disappear following treatment,
whereas C3 deposits usually persist [11, 13]. Besides, com- Clinical Presentation and Outcome
plement classical pathway activation, exemplified by C4d
deposition, has been documented in only few cases of pri- The available data regarding the clinical presentation and
mary IC-MPGN [14]. Finally, patients with IC-MPGN fre- outcome of C3G and IC-MPGN derive from retrospective
quently display features of alternative pathway activation series which included a substantial number of patients in
(see infra). regard of the rarity of the disease. The four largest recent
On the other hand, C3G is believed to derive from a dys- series from France [5], the United States [22], the United
regulation of the alternative C3 convertase in the circula- Kingdom [23], and Italy [24] included between 80 and 173
tion. C3 convertase (C3bBb) is a key enzyme of the patients. Two series included only C3G patients [22, 23]
complement alternative pathway (CAP) that cleaves C3, and the remaining two C3G and IC-MPGN cases [5, 24].
leading to the formation of the C5 convertase and ulti- What conclusions can be drawn from the published
mately to the activation of the complement terminal path- studies?
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496 Primary Immune Complex-mediated Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis and C3 Glomerulopathies: A Clinical Approach
First, C3G is a severe renal disease. The median age of Renal Pathological Findings
affected patients ranges from 12–15 (DDD) to 28 years [5,
22, 24] and 38–40% of affected patients have a disease onset Renal pathological features are obviously different in each
in childhood [18, 23]. It is associated with a nephrotic syn- subtype of MPGN. They are also variable from one patient
drome in 16–41% of cases and progresses to ESRD in to another within the same subgroup of MPGNs and in a
20–41% of cases after a median follow-up of 28 months to given patient from one kidney biopsy to another [11]. The
11 years [18, 20, 22, 24]. In addition, the disease recurs in paradox of these nephropathies is that a renal disease clas-
up to 40–60% of the kidney grafts [18], but some recur- sified as MPGN may not disclose on light microscopy study
rences are subclinical and do not affect the survival of the typical features of MPGN. This is particularly true for C3G.
renal graft. The same severity of disease has been reported In a recent series from the United States [22], 61% of C3GN
in patients with IC-MPGN [24]: 43–65% present with a and only 35% of DDD cases had an MPGN pattern.
nephrotic syndrome, 44% progress to chronic kidney dis- Seventeen percent of C3GN and 35% of DDD cases had a
ease and up to 40% reach ESRD. Forty-two percent of mesangial proliferative pattern, and 13% and 15% had a dif-
patients have a recurrence of the nephropathy in the renal fuse endocapillary proliferative pattern reminiscent of the
graft [18]. one found in acute post-infectious glomerulonephritis.
The available data indicate that DDD, C3GN as well as Besides, cellular or fibro-cellular crescents were found in
IC-MPGN share the same severe renal presentation and 17% of C3GN cases and 10% of DDD cases. This wide spec-
outcome. DDD pattern was associated with an increased trum of pathological findings in C3G has also been out-
risk of ESRD in two studies [18, 23] but not in the three lined by previous studies [23].
remaining ones [22, 24]. Thus, the clinical relevance of the IC-MPGN cases also disclose variable patterns of
current classification of C3G and IC-MPGN remains pathological findings. One of the most striking findings
debated. This is in keeping with the results of a retrospec- is the variability of the relative abundance of C3, C1q,
tive study performed by Little and colleagues [25]. The and immunoglobulin (IgM, IgG, and IgA) deposits in
authors retrospectively analyzed 70 cases of DDD and IC- repeat biopsies in patients with IC-MPGN [11]. In some
MPGN diagnosed between 1972 and 1995, and thus before instances, IgG deposits may even disappear while C3
the individualization of C3GN. After a mean follow-up of deposits persist [31], a finding that may question the
13 years, 59% of patients progressed to ESRD. The median pathogenic relevance of immunoglobulin deposits in
time to ESRF was 8.3 years. In multivariate analysis, the IC-MPGN. In addition, data documenting an activation
severity of interstitial fibrosis, crescent formation, and of the classical complement pathway by IC within the
mesangial proliferation was independently associated with kidney in patients with IC-MPGN remain scarce. In a
ESRD. Age and MPGN type did not predict renal survival. study [14], C4d (a marker of alternative pathway activa-
Regarding renal transplantation, younger age at initial tion) staining was assessed in 18 biopsy specimens of
diagnosis and the presence of crescents on the biopsy of immune-complex GN (including three primary IC-
native kidneys were independently associated with recur- MPGN), 30 biopsy specimens of C3GN, and 13 biopsy
rence of the disease in the renal graft in multivariate analy- specimens of post-infectious GN. In 15 out of 18 biop-
sis. MPGN type was not associated with recurrence. Thus, sies of IC-MPGN, bright (2–3+) C4d staining was
intensity of inflammatory (crescents) and fibrotic changes detected, whereas only six (20%) cases of C3GN had
in the kidney biopsy predict better the renal outcome of only trace/1+ C4d staining. C4d staining was negative
MPGN and C3G than the usual pathological classification in six (46%) of 13 biopsies of acute postinfectious
of C3G and IC-MPGN [11]. glomerulonephritis.
Second, the clinical course of the disease is variable
from one patient to another and most strikingly in a
given patient over time. Most C3G patients present with
chronic subacute forms of the disease characterized
aboratory Work-up
mainly by persistent nephrotic syndrome and mildly
Complement Assays
altered renal function, with 40–50% of patients progress-
ing gradually toward ERSD. Some patients experience C3G is a prototypic complement-mediated disease.
acute deterioration of their nephropathy (worsening pro- Similarly, it is assumed that renal injury in IC-MPGN is
teinuria and/or renal function) that may be triggered by mediated by complement activation triggered by immune
infections [24, 26] and a minority (8% of C3G cases in complex deposition [9]. However, features of systemic
one series [22]) present with a rapidly progressing form activation of complement cascade are invariably found in
of the disease [27–30]. patients with MPGN. For instance, a low C3 plasma level
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Laboratory Work-u 497
is noted in only 36–74% of patients with C3GN [18, 22–24] of the CAP. It is present in 78–86% of DDD patients,
and in 15–84% of DDD patients [18, 22–24]. In IC-MPGN 38–45% C3GN, and 40–53% of IC-MPGN [18, 24]. The
patients, C3 levels are low in 46–76% of cases [18, 24]. more recently characterized C5 nephritic factor
This is probably related to the fact that assays of circulat- (C5Nef) [19], an autoantibody that stabilizes the C5
ing components of CAP do not necessarily reflect activa- convertase, is present in 49% of C3G patients. C5Nef is
tion of complement within the renal tissue. Thus, normal more frequently associated with C3GN than DDD (88%
complement component levels do not exclude the diagno- vs. 33% [19]) and its presence correlates with the level
sis of C3G and IC-MPGN. Interestingly, a low C4 plasm of soluble C5b-9. Other types of autoantibodies have
level (a marker of classical pathway activation) is present been reported in MPGN (mostly C3G) patients: anti-
in a minority of patients with IC-MPGN (2% [18]) and the CFH antibodies (7–12% of patients [19, 20]), anti-C3
majority (70% [24]) of these patients have normal C4 and antibodies (2–3% [19, 34]), and anti-Factor B antibodies
low C3, and thus features of alternative pathway activa- (2–3% [19, 34]).
tion rather than classical pathway activation. This is in Thus, MPGN appears to be related to an acquired rather
sharp contrast to secondary forms of IC-MPGN (lupus than constitutional dysregulation of the complement sys-
and cryoglobulinemia-associated nephritis) that are char- tem (mostly the CAP). However, autoantibodies detected
acterized by decreased C4 serum levels. in these patients interfere with the CAP regulation in vitro
Another activation product of the complement path- but their clinical relevance is still debated. In addition, the
way, soluble C5b-9 (a marker of the terminal complement presence of autoantibodies that target the CAP in patients
pathway), has been assessed in patients with MPGN, with IC-MPGN suggests that these nephropathies are
especially since the availability of the C5 blocker, eculi- driven not only by an activation of the classical comple-
zumab. In a large series of 127 cases of C3G [19], soluble ment pathway (triggered by immune complexes) but also
C5b-9 levels were elevated in 60% of patients. However, by a dysregulation of the CAP.
the clinical relevance of this marker, particularly in the
prediction of a clinical response to C5 blockade, remains
uncertain (see infra).
Monoclonal Gammopathy
The incidence of complement gene novel or rare vari-
ants is relatively low in patients with MPGN [18, 20, 22, Several studies have outlined an association between
24], 16% in IC-MPGN, 16–33% in DDD, and 12–25% in monoclonal gammopathy and C3GN [35–37]. In the larg-
C3GN, especially if compared to the incidence of such est series of 201 patients with C3G, 29% had monoclonal
variants in another complement-mediated renal disease, gammopathy (excluding cryoglobulinemia). As expected,
hemolytic uremic syndrome (40–70%) [32]. The most fre- the prevalence of monoclonal gammopathy in patients
quently reported variants in MPGN patients are in the with C3G increases with age: 36%, 59%, and 94% for the
CFH gene (19–17%). Some of these variants lead to a total age ranges of 50–59, 60–69, and 70–79 years, respec-
absence or a decrease in CFH plasma level while others tively [37]. Even though this study may carry a recruit-
are believed to affect the regulatory function of the pro- ment bias, the association between C3GN and monoclonal
tein (cluster of variants in the SCR1-3 mediating the gammopathy is increasingly recognized. However, there
interaction of CFH with C3b) [18, 20, 24]. Variants in the is to date no definite proof that monoclonal gammopathy
FI (0–6%), C3 (0–8%), factor B (0–2%), and MCP (0–2%) per se interferes with complement dysregulation and
and thrombomodulin (0–1%) coding gens have been more hence is involved in the pathogenesis of the disease.
rarely reported in IC-MPGN and C3G patients [18, 20, 22, Patients with monoclonal-associated C3GN have features
24]. The pathogenicity and thus clinical relevance have of CAP activation (low C3 plasma level in 44% of patients)
not been documented for the majority of these detected but also carry polyclonal autoantibodies interfering with
variants A peculiar type of C3G, highly prevalent in the the CAP regulation: C3Nef in 7% of cases (vs. 45% in all
Chypriote population, has been linked to internal dupli- C3GN), anti-FH antibodies in 17% of cases (vs. 11%), and
cation of the gene coding for complement factor H-related even anticomplement factor I and anticomplement recep-
protein 5 (CFHR-5) leading to a decreased binding of the tor 1 antibodies [38]. In the majority of tested cases
mutant protein to C3b [33]. (77%) [38], these autoantibodies do not share heavy and
In contrast, autoantibodies that interfere with the light chain characteristics with the monoclonal gammop-
regulation of the CAP are frequently detected in C3G athy. Thus direct proof of a link between monoclonal
and IC-MPGN patients. The most documented type of gammopathy and C3GN is still lacking. The induction of
autoantibodies is the C3Nef, which stabilizes the alter- the remission of C3GN with chemotherapy is only indi-
native C3 convertase and thus amplifies the activation rect evidence with potential bias [37].
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498 Primary Immune Complex-mediated Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis and C3 Glomerulopathies: A Clinical Approach
Level of
References Type of study Drug assessed Number of patients Main results Limitations evidence
MMF in C3G
Rabasco Retrospective, Cs + MMF Total: n = 60 Partial or complete clinical remissiona achieved in Retrospective and multicentric. Low
et al [39] national, Other IS Cs + MMM (n = 22) 86% of MMF + Cs patients, 50% of patients with Limited number of included patients.
multicentric. (Cs ± CYP) Other IS (n = 18) other IS, and 25% of patients with no IS (P = 0.018).
Patients with significant renal fibrosis
No IS (n = 20) A doubling of SCr occurred in 0%, 39%, and 35% of and limited inflammatory changes
patients in the three groups, respectively (0.002). were probably more likely to not
receive IS.
The percentages of patients reaching ESRD
(16 months follow-up) were 0%, 16%, and 35% in the Some patients treated with Cs + MMF
three groups, respectively (P = 0.08). had RPGN, a subtype of MPGN highly
likely to respond to an anti-
Six (27%) patients treated with MMF + Cs showed a inflammatory treatment.
proteinuria relapse after MMF dose tapering.
Avarese Retrospective, Cs + MMF Total: n = 73 67% of patients treated with MMF + Cs were Retrospective study. Limited number of Low
et al [40] single register. Cs + various IS Cs + MMF (n = 30) classified as respondersb to treatment as compared patients in each treatment group.
Cs alone (n = 23) to 39%, 33%, 29%, and 29% of those treated with Cs
alone, Cs + CYP, CNI, and RTX. Patients with significant renal fibrosis
Cs + CNI (n = 7)
and limited inflammatory changes
Cs + RTX (n = 7)
Patients who responded to MMF + Cs tended to have were probably more likely to not
Cs + CYP (n = 6) lower initial proteinuria and higher soluble receive IS.
membrane attack complex levels as compared to
nonresponders (not statistically significant). Comparison between responders and
nonresponders to MMF (and between
Fifty percent of patients who responded to MMF and other IS) did not take into
eculizumab had a proteinuria relapse after account the presence or absence of
treatment tapering/discontinuation. inflammatory changes in the kidney.
Jones Retrospective Cs + MMF Cs + MMF (n = 5) In the MMF + Cs group, proteinuria decreased from Retrospective with very limited Absent
et al [41] Compared to seven 5 g/day at baseline to 1.9 g/24 h (P = 0.003) at number of patients. Relatively low dose
untreated patients 6 months, 1.96 g/24 h (P = 0.003) at 12 months, and of MMF (mean dose of 1 g/day) and
(six with IC-MPGN 2.59 g/24 h (P = 0.015) at 18 months. high dose of Cs (60 mg/day initially).
and one with DDD) No change in proteinuria over 18 months in
occurred in the control group (MMF + Cs vs.
controls, P = 0.03). In the MMF + Cs group, serum
albumin concentration increased from 29 g/l at
baseline to 36.6 g/l at 6 months, 38.2g/l at 12 months,
and 37 g/l after 18 months.
Level of
References Type of study Drug assessed Number of patients Main results Limitations evidence
Eculizumab in C3G
Le Quintrec Retrospective, Eculizumab 26 patients (13 23% of patients had a global clinical response, 23% a Retrospective design without a control Low
et al [27] multicentric children/ partial clinical response, and 54% no responsec. group, relatively small number of
adolescents) with Compared with those who had a partial clinical or cases. Inclusion of pediatric and adult
C3G no response, patients who had a global clinical cases.
response had lower estimated glomerular filtration
rates, a more rapidly progressive course, and more
extracapillary proliferation in kidney biopsy.
Bomback Prospective, Eculizumab. Six patients: three After 12 months of treatment, two patients had a Noncontrolled. Very limited number of Low
et al [42] open-label, with DDD (one decrease in serum creatinine, one patient had a patients.
noncontrolled, with a recurrence in significant reduction in proteinuria. Three patients
and the renal graft), had no clinical response, including one with an
monocentric three with C3GN improvement in inflammatory changes in the
(including two with kidney.
a recurrence in the Changes in soluble C5b–9 serum levels paralleled
renal allograft). the improvement in serum creatinine and
C3GN, C3 glomerulonephritis; CNI, calcineurin inhibitor; Cs, corticosteroids; CYP, cyclophosphamide; DDD, dense deposits disease; IS, immunosuppressors; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil;
RPGN, rapidly progressing glomerulonephritis; RTX, rituximab; SCr, serum creatinine.
Complete remission was defined by eGFR of 460 ml/min/1.73 m2 (or a return to ±15% of baseline values in those with eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73 m2) and proteinuria <0.5 g/24 h. Partial
remission was defined by a proteinuria reduction of >50% (and a proteinuria value of o3.5 g/day in patients with nephrotic range proteinuria at baseline), plus stabilization (±25%) or
improvement in renal function.
Complete remission of the disease was defined by a stable or improved eGFR with decline in proteinuria/creatininuria ratio to <0.5 g/g creatinine. Partial remission was defined by stable or
improved eGFR with >50% decline in proteinuria/creatinuria ratio to between 0.5 and 3.5 g/g Cr by urine protein-to-Cr ratio at last follow-up. Stable eGFR was defined as within 15% of
baseline. Patients were categorized as “responders” if they had either complete or partial remission concordant with MMF treatment.
Response to eculizumab was characterized as: (1) global clinical response, defined as (a) >50% decrease in serum creatinine concentration and urinary protein-creatinine ratio (UPCR) and
serum albumin concentration >3 g/dl or (b) the persistence of normal serum creatinine concentration (±10%) and albumin concentration >3 g/dl and normalization of UPCR (<150 mg/g), or
(2) partial clinical response, defined as (a) <50% decrease in serum creatinine concentration, albumin concentration > 3 g/dl, and >50% decrease in UPCR or (b) the persistence of normal
serum creatinine concentration (±10%), albumin concentration >3 g/dl, and >50% decrease in UPCR.
Mycophenolate mofetil was associated with steroids in 93% Compared with those who had a partial clinical or no
of cases. Twenty patients (67%) had a response to MMF and response, patients who had a global clinical response had
achieved partial or complete response to treatment. The lower eGFRs, a more rapidly progressive course, and more
median time to response was 10 months. Four out of eight extracapillary proliferation on kidney biopsy. Age, extent
patients who discontinued MMF had a proteinuria relapse. of renal fibrosis, frequency of nephrotic syndrome, low
The remission rate with MMF in combination with steroids serum C3 and C3Nef, and elevated soluble C5b-9 concen-
(67%) was higher than the one achieved with steroids alone trations or complement gene variants did not differ
(39%), steroids in combination with cyclophosphamide between responders and nonresponders.
(33%), calcineurin inhibitor (29%), and rituximab (29%). The second smaller series from the United States [42]
Mycophenolate mofetil has been assessed in a single included six patients: three patients with DDD (one patient
small retrospective series of IC-MPGN patients [41]. Five had a recurrence of the disease in the renal allograft) and
patients with IC-MPGN were treated with MMF (mean three patients with C3GN (two patients had a recurrence of
dose 1.1 g/day) and high-dose steroids. At baseline, their the disease in the renal allograft). The eculizumab regimen
median SCr was 1.1 mg/dl (mean creatinine clearance of was similar to the one used in atypical HUS. After
108 ml/min) and their mean proteinuria was 6 g/day. Their 12 months of treatment, two patients had a decrease in SCr
evolution was compared to that of seven untreated patients, and one patient had a significant reduction in proteinuria.
six with IC-MPGN and one with DDD. In the mycopheno- Three patients had no clinical response, including one with
late and steroids group, proteinuria decreased from 5 g/day an improvement in inflammatory changes in the kidney.
at baseline to 1.9 g/24 h (P = 0.003) at 6 months, 1.96 g/24 h Changes in soluble C5b-9 serum levels paralleled the
(P = 0.003) at 12 months, and 2.59 g/24 h (P = 0.015) at improvement in SCr and proteinuria. No series or trials
18 months. No change in proteinuria over 18 months in have to date assessed the use of eculizumab in IC-MPGN
occurred in the control group (MMF + steroids vs. controls, but one case report has suggested some efficacy of the
P = 0.03). In the MMF + steroids group, serum albumin drug [43].
concentration increased from 29 g/l at baseline to 36.6 g/l at No definitive conclusions can be drawn from this series
6 months, 38.2 g/l at 12 months, and 37 g/l after 18 months. regarding the use of eculizumab in C3G and IC-MPGN.
In all, the level of evidence of the usefulness of mycophen- Nevertheless, eculizumab does not appear to be the specific
ate mofetil in C3G is low and absent in IC-MPGN. long-awaited treatment for MPGN. The lack of a significant
Nevertheless, mycophenolate associated to a variable dose of impact of eculiuzmab on the course of MPGN may be due
steroids is increasingly used in patients with chronic/suba- at least in part to the fact that these nephropathies have
cute nephrotic patients with C3G and by analogy in patients two aspects. All patients with MPGN display immune
with IC-MPGN. deposits (C3 with or without immunoglobulins) and a vari-
The availability of the first complement inhibitor, the C5 able minority of patients have additional features of glo-
blocker, eculizumab, has initially raised a lot of interest in merular inflammation (mesangial and endocapillary
this drug as a potential treatment for MPGN. Eculizumab proliferation, crescents) that probably depend on the
has been assessed in two series of C3G patients, with very release of C5a and/or C5b. Eculizumab most probably
discrepant results. The largest one from France was retro- treats only one aspect of the disease (inflammatory
spective [27], noncontrolled, and included 26 patients, of changes) with no or very limited impact on C3 and immu-
whom 13 were children or adolescents. At the initiation of noglobulins deposits. Eculizumab may be a potent inflam-
eculizumab therapy, 42% patients had chronic kidney dis- matory drug in patients with inflammatory forms of C3G,
ease, 73% had nephrotic syndrome, 27% had rapidly pro- as suggested by the retrospective French series [27] where
gressive disease, and 12% required dialysis. Median time only patients with crescentic and rapidly progressing forms
from diagnosis to eculizumab treatment initiation was of C3G had a significant and cost-effective response to
16 months. The eculizumab regimen was similar to the one eculizumab.
used in atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) [32]:
900 mg intravenously per week for 4 weeks and then
1200 mg intravenously on week 5 and every other week C
afterward. At eculizumab treatment initiation, median SCr
concentration was 0.6 mg/dl in children/adolescents and Experimental and clinical studies have transformed the
2.3 mg/dl in adults, corresponding to a median eGFRs of perspective in the management of C3G and IC-MPGN. It
110 and 28 ml/min/1.73 m2, respectively. Twenty-three per- remains unknown, however, whether the distinction
cent of patients had a global clinical response, 23% had a between these two types of nephropathies within the group
partial clinical response; and 54% had no response. of MPGN is clinically relevant. There is to date no specific
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502 Primary Immune Complex-mediated Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis and C3 Glomerulopathies: A Clinical Approach
treatment of C3G and IC-MPGN, which directly targets the lators that inhibit the activation of the alternative C3
initial driver of the disease, C3, and possibly immunoglob- convertase are currently being developed [44] and specific
ulins deposition. Nevertheless, several complement modu- treatment for C3G and IC-MPGN may be within our reach.
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Reference 503
I ntroduction Definition
CVD is a name for the group of disorders of the heart and
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an important risk factor blood vessels. This includes hypertension, coronary heart
for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral vascular dis-
disease (CVD) is the name for a group of disorders of the ease, and heart failure. CVD may progress over years and
heart and blood vessels, including hypertension, coronary CKD patients may develop cardiomyopathy, valve dysfunc-
heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral vascu- tion, and arrhythmia (e.g. atrial fibrillation) or sudden car-
lar disease, and heart failure. Reduced kidney function diac death.
and raised albuminuria are both independent risk factors
for CVD [1, 2]. By 2013, cardiovascular death attributable
to reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR) outnumbered E
end-stage renal disease (ESRD) death in both developed
and developing countries [3]. In a cohort of 3033 patients with CKD stages 3–4 (mean
The increased risk of CVD in CKD patients is partly age 66.8 years, 65% men), the prevalence of CVD was
attributed to high prevalence of comorbidities, such as examined [19]. CVD was divided into atherosclerotic (cor-
hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and obesity. onary artery disease [CAD], peripheral artery disease, and
There is not high-quality evidence for the selection of treat- stroke) and nonatherosclerotic (heart failure, arrhythmia,
ment of CKD patients to prevent CVD. Many randomized and valvular heart disease). In age groups <65, 65–74,
controlled trials (RCTs) have investigated treatment of dis- 75–84, and 85 years the prevalence of atherosclerotic CVD
ease associated with CVD, but CKD patients are often was 18.7%, 35.5%, 42.9%, and 37.8%, respectively, and that
excluded from these RCTs. It is not clear whether the results of nonatherosclerotic CVD, 14.9%, 28.4%, 38.1%, and 56.4%,
of clinical studies in patients with non-CKD may be extrap- respectively. The prevalence of both atherosclerotic and
olated to CKD patients. The increased risk of CVD in CKD nonatherosclerotic CVD increased with older age.
patients is not fully explained by the traditional risk factors. The prevalence of heart failure in CKD patients is high
The nontraditional risk factors derived from CKD itself may and it was similar among studies. In the European Heart
also be important. Systematic reviews and meta-analysis of Failure Pilot Survey, comorbidities of a total of 3226 outpa-
post hoc analysis of the CKD subgroup and observational tients with chronic heart failure were examined; the high-
studies are performed to produce evidence for CKD patients. est comorbidity was CKD (41%) [20]. In the Swedish Heart
This chapter examines the evidence for the epidemiol- Failure Registry and the Asian Sudden Cardiac Death in
ogy, pathophysiology, diagnosis, prognosis, and manage- Heart Failure registry, prevalence of CKD in patients with
ment of CVD in people with CKD (Table 31.1). We excluded heart failure was 43.9% and 45.4%, respectively [21, 22].
kidney transplant or dialysis patients that will be covered In the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC)
in other places (Parts 6, 7, and 9). study, 10 328 subjects were followed for median of 10.1 years
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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508 Cardiovascular Disease and CKD
Strength of
Treatment Recommendation Certainty of evidence recommendation
Blood pressure We suggest blood pressure lowering to prevent High (cardiovascular events) Moderate [4–6]
lowering cardiovascular events for patients with CKD. There was
little evidence to support the preferential choice of
particular drug classes for the prevention of cardiovascular
events in CKD. The specific target blood pressure is not
confirmed for patients with CKD.
Statin therapy We suggest statins to decrease cardiovascular mortality and High (cardiovascular mortality Weak [7–9]
events in early stages of CKD. in CKD stages 3–5)
Moderate (major cardiovascular
events in CKD stages 3–5)
Antiplatelet We suggest antiplatelet agents can be used to lower risk of Low Weak [10]
agents myocardial infarction. Patients with CKD (any stage) may
reasonably choose not to receive antiplatelet agents based
on the very low certainty that treatment makes any
difference to mortality and stroke, and there is increased
risk of major or minor bleeding.
Glycemic We suggest sodium glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT2) Moderate (kidney failure and Moderate [11, 12]
control inhibitors may be used in patients with diabetes and CKD to cardiovascular events)
lower kidney failure and cardiovascular events risk. Patients
with diabetes and CKD may reasonably choose not to receive
SGLT2 inhibitors based on the very low certainty that the
treatment makes any difference on mortality and may
increase genital infections and creatinine.
Anticoagulants We suggest warfarin to prevent mortality, ischemic stroke, Low (warfarin) Moderate [13, 14]
or thromboembolism in patients with atrial fibrillation and Moderate (direct oral
CKD. We suggest direct oral anticoagulants to prevent anticoagulants, stroke, and
stroke and systemic embolic events without increasing risk systemic embolic events)
of major bleeding events among atrial fibrillation patients Low (direct oral anticoagulants,
with CKD compared to warfarin. major bleeding events)
Coronary We suggest percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or Low Moderate [15, 16]
revascularization coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) for coronary artery
disease with CKD. We suggest drug-eluting stents compared
to bare-metal stents for PCI. PCI is associated with lower early
(30 days) mortality, but the need for repeat revascularization
was significantly higher compared to CABG.
Dietary We suggest that reduced dietary salt may be used to reduce Very low Weak [17, 18]
restrictions blood pressure. Long-term effect of reduced dietary salt on
cardiovascular events is not confirmed.
contribute to the progression of both diseases, resulting in subjects with albuminuria had significantly higher intima-
the cardiovascular and kidney disease progression cycle. media thickness than those without albuminuria [35].
Systemic vascular remodeling may cause CVD. The risk Aortic stiffness measured by aortic, brachial artery, and
of stroke and myocardial infarction increased with femoral pulse wave velocity was independently associated
elevating blood pressure in a large cohort with or without with cardiovascular mortality in ESRD patients [36].
CKD [25]. The subjects with CKD had increased risk of In 117 autopsy subjects with CAD, the association
CVD with higher blood pressure compared to subjects between coronary artery calcification (CAC) and CKD was
without CKD. The association of blood pressure and CVD evaluated [37]. CAC was present in the intimal plaque of
may be increased in CKD patients. both nonkidney and kidney patients. Age, smoking,
The long-term pressure and volume overload in CKD diabetes, calcium phosphorus product, inflammation, and
causes concentric left ventricular hypertrophy and left ven- kidney function were associated with intimal calcification.
tricular dilation [26]. Cardiomyopathy progression will In a study of 1541 CKD patients, the association between
cause diastolic and systolic dysfunction. In a cohort of CAC and cardiovascular events during an average follow-up
patients with CKD stages 3–4, 30% had left ventricular of 5.9 years was examined [38]. CAC was independently
hypertrophy [27]. The left ventricular mass increase was and significantly related to risk of CVD, myocardial
confirmed in 36% of a CKD cohort with creatinine clear- infarction, and heart failure in CKD patients.
ance between 25 and 75 ml/min/1.73 m2 [28]. After 1 year, Endothelial dysfunction has been proposed to be an early
left ventricular mass increased in 25% of the subjects. phase of the atherosclerotic process [39]. It is characterized
The independent risk factors for left ventricular growth by a shift in the actions of the endothelium toward reduced
were decrease in hemoglobin level and increase in systolic vasodilation, a proinflammatory state, and prothrombotic
blood pressure. Anemia may also cause left ventricular properties. Reduced nitric oxide generation, oxidative
hypertrophy. excess, and reduced production of hyperpolarizing factor
In a cross-sectional study of 118 hemodialysis patients, are the mechanisms in endothelial dysfunction. Upregulated
systolic blood pressure, pulse pressure, extra-coronary adhesion molecules, generation of chemokines, and pro-
atherosclerosis, and vascular calcification correlated with duction of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 participate in
left ventricular mass [29]. In a cohort of patients with CKD the inflammatory response. Vasoactive peptides, an endog-
stage 5D, the prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy enous nitric oxide inhibitor, and dyslipidemia may also
was 16.4% [30]. The left ventricular hypertrophy was asso- interact to contribute to these mechanisms.
ciated with higher mortality during the follow-up period of In addition to traditional risk factors, many nontradi-
2 years. During the 10-year follow-up of 123 patients under- tional risk factors that are directly and indirectly associated
going hemodialysis, 16 died of sudden cardiac death [31]. with CKD contribute to CVD pathophysiology. In a meta-
The worsening of left ventricular mass index (LVMI) was analysis of 21 cohort studies, the association between
highly associated with the sudden cardiac death. routinely collected risk factors and CVD was examined [40].
Dyslipidemia of CKD patients is characterized by dys- Left ventricular hypertrophy, serum albumin, phosphate,
regulated high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) urate, and hemoglobin were associated with the increased
and triglyceride-rich lipoprotein metabolism [32]. Plasma risk of CVD.
triglyceride concentration is frequently elevated in patients Low-grade inflammation is recognized as a common
with CKD. These abnormalities in CKD patients may cause pathway of CKD and CVD [41]. Increased inflammation
dysregulation of lipid metabolism, which contributes to markers, such as high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-
atherogenic change and increases the risk of CVD. CRP), white blood cell count, and fibrinogen, were associ-
Abdominal obesity is known to be associated with ated with peripheral artery disease in CKD patients [42].
increased risk of CVD. In a prospective cohort of 537 sub- After a median follow-up of 6.3 years, the same inflamma-
jects with ESRD, waist circumference was associated with tion markers were associated with increased risk of inci-
all-cause and cardiovascular mortality [33]. Adipose tissue dent peripheral artery disease [43]. Higher levels of
secretes a number of adipokines and cytokines and works hs-CRP and interleukin-6 (IL6) were also associated with
as an important organ [34]. The complex role of adipose higher risk of sudden cardiac death in a cohort undergo-
tissue as not only an energy storage organ but its interaction ing hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis [44].
with the systemic vascular system is not fully known. Cardiac and kidney diseases interact in both acute and
Atherosclerotic and arteriosclerosis change may be the chronic settings [45]. The bi-directional links between car-
cause of CVD in CKD patients. Many studies report the diac and kidney function are perceived as cardio-renal syn-
existence of subclinical atherosclerosis in CKD patients. drome. The interaction includes activation of the
Even among asymptomatic subjects aged 23–43 years, renin-angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS), activation
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510 Cardiovascular Disease and CKD
Table 31.2 Summary of diagnostic tests in cardiovascular disease (CVD) with chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Lipid profile ●● Includes total cholesterol, low-density ●● The current guideline recommend to measure
lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipid profile at first presentation with CKD
lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, non-HDL- ●● No further measurement is required unless the
cholesterol, triglycerides results would change management
B-type natriuretic peptides ●● Measures circulating B-type natriuretic ●● CKD patients have elevated BNP and NT-pro-
peptides (BNP) or N-terminal-pro-BNP BNP levels
(NT-pro-BNP) concentration ●● No thresholds of change is specified in CKD
●● Commonly used with patients with symptoms patients
of heart failure
●● Association with abnormal echocardiographic
Troponins ●● Measures circulating cardiac troponin T ●● Patients with kidney dysfunction have elevated
(cTnT) or cardiac troponin I (cTnI) troponins levels
●● Association with cardiac injury such as ●● No thresholds of change is specified in CKD
myocardial infarction patients
12-lead electrocardiogram ●● Measures baseline rhythm, presence of Q ●● Exercise stress electrocardiogram may be
waves, chamber enlargement, left ventricular performed
Exercise stress nuclear ●● Evaluates exercise-related functional status ●● Radiation or drug usage
scintigraphy or ●● Identifies fixed and reversible ischemia ●● Requires specific scanner, not available in many
Pharmacologic stress clinical settings
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512 Cardiovascular Disease and CKD
Table 31.2 (Continued)
Cardiac computed ●● Generates calcium score, which can evaluate ●● Appropriate for the evaluation of chest pain with
tomographic angiography degree of lumen stenosis if calcification is not uninterpretable stress test
severe ●● Not appropriate for established coronary artery
disease or ESRD
Coronary artery ●● Measures coronary artery calcification (CAC) ●● Radiation
calcification by computed tomography ●● CKD patients have higher CAC scores
●● Association with the risk of CVD ●● Uncertain diagnostic utility in CKD
●● Not recommended in routine clinical care
Coronary angiography ●● Detects blockages in the coronary arteries ●● Uses contrast dye containing iodinine, which
may cause contrast-associated AKI
●● Radiation
Single-photon emission ●● Measures myocardial function, left ventricular ●● Noninvasive
computed tomography volume, and ejection fraction ●● Requires specific scanner, not available in many
(SPECT) or positron clinical settings
emission tomography (PET)
Cardiac magnetic ●● Measures left ventricular mass, volume, and ●● Noninvasive
resonance or cardiac MRI ejection fraction
began chronic hemodialysis, 87% of patients had one or activities of daily living, kidney disease progression, or
more of echocardiographic criteria of heart failure [83]. mortality after cardiovascular events in CKD patients.
During a median of 2.4 years, both left and right ventricu- A total 3352 CKD patients with CAD diagnosed with
lar systolic dysfunction were independent risk factors for angiography were followed for 2 years [91]. At baseline,
mortality. 31.3% of patients with eGFR 90 ml/min/1.73 m2 had one-
vessel, 34.3% had two-vessel, and 33.9% had three-vessel
Coronary Angiography CAD. In patients with eGFR <30 ml/min/1.73 m2 or on
Coronary angiography uses contrast dye and X-ray to dialysis, the proportion of patients with one-vessel CAD
diagnose CAD. CKD patients need special consideration was 16.8% and 54.5% had three-vessel CAD. The significant
due to potential contrast-associated AKI [84]. The efficacy risk factors for 2-year all-cause mortality were lower eGFR,
of prophylactic intravenous hydration for prevention of current smoking, left ventricular ejection fraction, diabetes
contrast-associated AKI differs among studies [85, 86]. The mellitus, age, and peripheral artery disease. Peripheral
type of contrast media may have different effect on kidney artery disease diagnosed with ankle-brachial index
function. The use of iso-molar and low-osmolar contrast <0.9 was also an independent predictor of major adverse
media in patients with CKD stage 3–5 showed nonsignificant cardiovascular events in 3131 CKD patients hospitalized
difference in incidence of contrast-associated AKI in a for CVD [92].
meta-analysis of randomized trials [87].
Computed Tomography
CAC can be measured by computed tomography. CAC was
independently associated with the risk of CVD and mortal-
As CKD patients are at high risk of cardiovascular morbid-
ity in CKD patients [40]. However, the clinical utility of
ity and mortality, the management of both traditional and
CAC is unknown due to lack of enough data in CKD
nontraditional risk factors is of importance [93, 94]. In
patients. In a cohort study of 3218 CKD subjects followed
randomized trials of treatment of traditional risk factors,
for 12.5 years, elevated BNP, NT-proBNP, and cTnT and left
CKD patients are often excluded. The robust evidence for
ventricular hypertrophy were associated with cardiovascu-
the management of CKD patients is limited (Tables 31.3–
lar events or death [88]. CAC did not improve risk predic-
31.8). The control of blood pressure may have some bene-
tion when added to traditional risk factors in this study.
fits in CKD patients, but the target blood pressure for the
Myocardial Perfusion Imaging prevention of CVD is not confirmed. Lipid-lowering ther-
Myocardial perfusion imaging is nuclear imaging of the apy reduced cardiovascular mortality in CKD patients
function of myocardium. Single-photon emission without dialysis or kidney transplant. The risk reduction
computed tomography (SPECT) or positron emission of CVD by antiplatelet therapy was not confirmed. Some
tomography (PET) can be performed [80]. In a prospective classes of blood glucose agents may reduce cardiovascular
cohort study with 299 CKD patients who underwent events, but there is a lack adequate high-quality studies.
SPECT, the scores calculated as the difference between Lifestyle modification may be recommended based on
stress and rest images were associated with high major observational studies, but few studies have confirmed the
cardiovascular or kidney events [89]. effect on CVD in CKD patients. Anticoagulants therapy
for patients with atrial fibrillation reduced the risk of
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance thromboembolism and stroke. Coronary revascularization
Cardiac magnetic resonance or cardiac magnetic resonance for patients with CAD was evaluated and the short-term
imaging (MRI) is noninvasive imaging that does not use and long-term outcome may differ according to the
contrast administration or radiation. In 72 patients with treatment.
CKD stage 5D, ECG and SPECT had low sensitivity in Patients with CKD and acute CAD or stroke are less
detecting myocardial infarction [90]. Cardiac MRI with likely to receive evidence-based medicine [95–98]. The
myocardial delayed enhancement identified unrecognized reason for this attitude toward CKD patients may be due to
myocardial infarction. atypical symptoms and difficulty in the diagnosis of CVD
in CKD patients, or concerns of AKI after diagnostic
method or treatment. Meta-analysis of 10 observational
Prognosis and randomized clinical studies examined the association
between early invasive approach and all-cause mortality in
CKD patients are known to have high risk of cardiovascu- CKD patients [99]. Early invasive approach was associated
lar morbidity and mortality. Several studies examined the with lower risk of mortality.
Absolute number of
No. of patients affected per Certainty of
participants 1 000 patients treated Relative risk the evidence
Outcomes (no. of studies) for 1 year (95% CI) (95% CI) (GRADE) Conclusion
Absolute number of
No. of patients affected per Certainty of
participants 1 000 patients treated Relative risk the evidence
Outcomes (no. of studies) for 1 year (95% CI) (95% CI) (GRADE) Conclusion
Acute kidney injury 4 397 (4) HR 0.85 Moderate It is uncertain whether sodium glucose co-transporter-2 may
(0.64 to 1.13) increase acute kidney injury
Diabetic ketoacidosis 4 397 (4) HR 10.80 Low It is uncertain whether sodium glucose co-transporter-2 may
(1.39–83.65) increase acute kidney injury since the number of diabetic
ketoacidosis were low (11 versus 1)
Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors versus placebo
Cardiovascular mortality 5 897 (5) 0.93 (0.77–1.11) Moderate Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors may have little or no effect on
cardiovascular death
Heart failure – – – Low It is uncertain whether dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors prevent
heart failure
Metformin verses treatment without metformin
Chronic kidney disease stages 1–3
All-cause mortality 33 442 (8) 48 fewer (81–6 fewer) HR 0.77 (0.61–0.97) Low Metformin may prevent death
CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio; MD, mean difference.
risk of major bleeding in CKD without ESRD, but there r ecommendations include smoking cessation, exercise,
was increased risk of major bleeding in CKD with ESRD. and weight loss, but the effect on CVD prevention in CKD
Direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) have been developed patients is not confirmed.
and are used as an alternative therapy to warfarin. In a Physical exercise in CKD patients was associated with
meta-analysis of five studies which included 12 545 CKD improved physical fitness, walking capacity, and cardiovas-
patients with atrial fibrillation, the effect of DOAC was cular dimensions, which include resting systolic and dias-
examined [14]. DOAC therapy reduced incident stroke and tolic blood pressures and heart rates [106]. The effect of
systemic embolism and may slightly reduce major bleeding weight loss intervention was examined in a small number
events compared to warfarin therapy. The use of DOAC in of CKD patients in short duration studies [107]. In a meta-
CKD stage 5D with atrial fibrillation was not determined analysis of 13 studies, nonsurgical weight loss reduced
due to the lack of high-quality data [105]. proteinuria and blood pressure. The long-term effect on
CVD in CKD patients is unknown.
Reduced dietary salt was associated with small reduction
Coronary Revascularization
in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in normotensive
CKD patients with CAD may need myocardial revasculari- subjects, and greater reduction of systolic blood pressure
zation. In percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), a and no change in diastolic blood pressure in hypertensive
bare metal stent (BMS) or drug-eluting stent (DES) is used. subjects [108]. In CKD patients, salt restriction reduced
Most clinical trials of PCI exclude CKD patients. Using 31 systolic and diastolic blood pressure [17]. The long-term
observational or randomized clinical studies with 91 817 effect of salt restriction on CVD in CKD patients is
patients, the outcome with BMS or DES was evaluated in unknown. The effect of low protein diet in CKD patients
CKD patients [15]. DES implantation was associated with without diabetes was examined in the meta-analysis of 10
lower all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, myo- studies [18]. Low protein diet probably has little or no
cardial infarction, and target-vessel revascularization. effect on mortality compared to normal protein diet.
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is another strategy
for coronary revascularization. The benefits of PCI or CABG
treatment differs, and the outcome may differ in CKD patients C
compared to non-CKD patients with CAD. In a meta-analysis
of 11 studies with 29 246 patients with CKD and multivessel CVD is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in CKD
disease, the outcome of PCI with DES and CABG was exam- patients. Increased risk of CVD in CKD patients is due to
ined [16]. Compared to CABG, PCI with DES had higher traditional and nontraditional risk factors, some of which
long-term all-cause mortality, cardiac mortality, myocardial are specific to CKD.
infarction, repeat revascularization, and major adverse cardi- Many RCTs excluded CKD patients and therefore the
ovascular events, but PCI with DES had lower short-term all- evidence to support the clinical practice of CKD is based on
cause mortality and cerebrovascular events. insufficient and low-quality evidence. Due to the difficulty
in diagnosis of CVD in CKD patients, CKD patients are less
likely to receive evidence-based medicine, and the progno-
Lifestyle Modification
sis tends to be poor compared to non-CKD patients. The
Lifestyle modifications are suggested in CKD patients to adjusted criteria for the diagnosis and treatment of CVD in
prevent CVD, but the evidence is mostly from derived CKD patients based on the best available recommenda-
observational study or small clinical trials [94]. The tions may improve outcomes.
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Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Table 32.1 Chronic kidney disease and infection risk: KDIGO recommendations [1].
Strength of
Intervention Recommendation Certainty of evidence recommendationa
Antibiotic prescribing Dosing must take the patient’s impaired kidney function into Moderate to high Strong (1A)
consideration by adjusting the dosing interval (if the drug Evidence of drug levels mainly from pharmacokinetic and
effect depends on concentration, e.g. aminoglycosides) or dose pharmacodynamics studies with strong observational post-marketing
level (for drugs which require constant levels such as evidence of drug side effects for older drugs
beta-lactams) or considering a nonrenally cleared alternative Literature on preventing antimicrobial resistance is focused on overall
Consider drug interactions and follow local guidelines to prescribing irrespective of CKD status (unless there is a concern about
minimize antimicrobial resistance toxicity or efficacy)
Annual vaccination KDIGO recommend that all adults with CKD are offered Low Strong (1B)
against influenza annual vaccination with inactivated influenza vaccine, unless Extrapolation from observational data analysis. To date there is no/
contraindicated [1] limited evidence of vaccine efficacy for CKD stages specifically. However,
given that the vaccine is known to be efficacious in older population
overall, amongst whom a sizable proportion have some degree of CKD,
there appears overall benefit, especially considering the high rate of
infection-related hospitalization for those with CKD. Live-attenuated
influenza vaccination has not been tested in patients with CKD.
Vaccination with KDIGO recommend that all adults with eGFR < 30 ml/ Low Strong (1B)
polyvalent min/1.73 m2(GFR categories G4–G5) and those at high risk of There are limited observational data on vaccination efficacy by CKD
pneumococcal pneumococcal infection (e.g. nephrotic syndrome, diabetes, or stages. However, given that the vaccine is known to be efficacious in
vaccine those receiving immunosuppression) receive vaccination with older population overall, amongst whom a sizable proportion have some
polyvalent pneumococcal vaccine unless contraindicated [1] degree of CKD, there appears overall benefit, especially considering the
high rate of infection-related hospitalization for those with CKD.
Repeat vaccination KDIGO recommend that all adults with CKD who have Low Strong (1B)
with polyvalent received pneumococcal vaccination are offered revaccination There are limited data to support a particular revaccination scheme, but
pneumococcal vaccine within 5 years [1] in advanced CKD antibody response is less marked and titres decline
within 5 years faster than for people with normal kidney function
Immunization against KDIGO recommend that all adults who are at high risk of Moderate Strong (1B)
hepatitis B progression of CKD and have GFR > 30 ml/min/1.73 m2 (GFR Those with higher eGFR have shown better seroconversion in response
categories G4–G5) be immunized against hepatitis B and the to hepatitis B vaccine
response confirmed by appropriate serological testing [1]
Use of live vaccines Consideration of live vaccine should include an appreciation Very low Not graded
of the patient’s immune status and should be in line with Due to the fact that people with CKD are often immunocompromised to
recommendations from official or governmental bodies [1] some degree, as evidenced from observational data analysis, there may
be a risk of vaccine-related disease
Vaccination in Pediatric immunization schedules should be followed Very low Not graded
children according to official international and regional As pediatric kidney disease is rare, there are no or very limited data on
recommendations for children with CKD [1] this topic
Level of strength of recommendation as per the KDIGO recommendations: Level 1, We recommend; Level 2, We suggest. Letter grading refers to quality of evidence: A, High; B, Moderate.
Source: Adapted with permission from Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes CKD Work Group [1].
Relative risk
(95% Cl)
ESRD included, or ESRD status unclear
Karunajeewa 2005 Urinary sepsis 1.50 (1.10,1.90)
Caljouw 2011 UTI 0.90 (0.50, 1.70)
Vinogradova 2009 Pneumonia 1.72 (1.43, 2.07)
Loeb 2009 Pneumonia 4.06 (1.98, 8.35)
Schnoor 2007 Pneumonia 1.70 (1.10, 2.80)
Campbell 2011 Influenza A (H1N1) 17.50 (13.40, 22.90)
Watt 2007 Invasive pneumococcal disease 2.60 (0.87, 7.70)
Hackam 2006 Sepsis 1.47 (1.27, 1.72)
Wang 2012 Sepsis 1.99 (1.73, 2.29)
ESRD excluded
Higgins1985 UTI 1.5
Dalrymple 2012 Genitourinary infections 1.17 (0.67, 2.05)
USRDS 2010 UTI 3.15
Dalrymple 2012 Pulmonary infections 1.27 (0.94, 1.71)
James 2009 Pneumonia 18–54 years 3.23 (2.40, 4.36)
James 2009 Pneumonia 55–64years 1.43 (1.11, 1.84)
James 2009 Pneumonia 65–74 years 1.18 (0.99, 1.40)
James 2009 Pneumonia 75+ years 0.95 (0.85, 1.05)
USRDS 2010 Pneumonia 2.76
Dalrymple 2012 Bacteremia/sepsis 1.55 (0.93, 2.57)
James 2008 Bloodstream infection 1.17 (0.92, 1.49)
USRDS 2010 Bacteraemia 3.90
.0437 1 22.9
Effect estimate (log scale)
Figure 32.1 Forest plot of all estimates of the association of chronic kidney disease with infection risk (n = 17) from all 14 studies
identified. The estimates from Higgins 1985 and USRDS 2010 did not include SEs. Dalrymple 2012: presented estimates compare eGFR
45–59 with eGFR ≥90 ml/min/1.73m2; James 2009: presented estimates compare eGFR 45–59 with eGFR 60–104 ml/min/1.73m2;
James 2008: presented estimates compare eGFR 45–59 with eGFR≥60 ml/min/1.73m2. eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESRD,
end-stage renal disease; USRDS, US Renal Data System; UTI, urinary tract infection. Source: From McDonald et al. [2].
Since this systematic review, there have been a further risk, adjustment for the comorbidity did not explain this
five studies investigating the association of CKD (defined a ssociation fully.
using estimated glomerular filtration rate [eGFR]) with a As people with CKD are often multimorbid and frail, it
range of infections, from the United States [3], Sweden [4], is perhaps unsurprising that people with CKD are more
and the UK [5–7]. The results were all consistent with the likely to experience severe infections such as sepsis or
previous evidence of a graded association between CKD pneumonia requiring hospitalization. These associations
and increased risk of infection. could be due to increased severity of infection rather than
Most of the available studies of infection in people with increased risk. However, some studies have investigated
CKD have looked at severe infection or hospitalization the association of CKD with community-acquired
with infection, such as those of James and colleagues from infection, including infection diagnosed and treated in the
2008 to 2009 [8, 9]. These studies used laboratory-confirmed community. This approach more fully quantifies the
CKD and investigated severe community-acquired infec- burden of community-acquired infection, an important
tion (sepsis and hospitalization with pneumonia), taking and common problem, but also isolates the impact of CKD
into account underlying comorbidities. Notably, while on increased infection risk, distinct from the impact on
underlying comorbidity did explain some of the underlying infection severity.
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CKD and Susceptibility to Infectio 529
Studies of infections in primary care have identified have had previous infections may have more frequent
associations between lower eGFR and increased risk of a assessment for kidney function and repeat UTI. There may
range of infections, including pneumonia, urinary tract also be a particular group of patients in whom the recur-
infections (UTI), sepsis, skin/soft tissue infections, and rent UTIs have caused CKD, which in turn predisposes
gastrointestinal tract infections [4, 5, 10, 11]. Table 32.2 them to more infections. Both these issues introduce a
summarizes two studies of community-acquired infection. problem of reverse causality into the data. While it is
The Swedish study [4] was set among a cohort of all evident that UTIs are common among people with CKD, it
patients from Stockholm Region with a creatinine is not clear whether or to what extent CKD causes UTIs.
laboratory result available. It studied a range of community- In summary, infections are common among people with
acquired infections and showed that there was a graded CKD and the risk of infection increases as kidney function
increase in the risk of community-acquired infections as declines. Infections pose a substantive burden to secondary
eGFR declined. Lower respiratory tract infections, UTIs, care as people with CKD are likely to require hospitaliza-
and sepsis became more common as a percentage of total tion owing to the severity of infection, especially with sepsis
recorded infections as eGFR declined. An association with and severe LRTI. Neither the associations with hospitaliza-
skin/soft tissue infections and gastrointestinal tract infec- tion and severe infections, nor those with infections diag-
tions was also observed. No association was found with nosed and treated in the community, were fully explained
nervous system and upper respiratory tract infections. The by adjustment for comorbidities. Hence, there seems to be a
UK study [5] used a similar design among older people biological association by which the presence of CKD
with diabetes, who have complete kidney function data increases the susceptibility to infection risk as well as sever-
due to incentivized testing for kidney function among ity. How this arises will be discussed in the next section.
these patients in the UK. Both the Swedish and the UK
study adjusted for underlying comorbidities, which again
did not fully explain the associations noted. CKD and Susceptibility to Infection
In addition to a graded association between eGFR and
risk of community-acquired lower respiratory tract infec- As discussed above, patients with CKD are at greater risk of
tions (LRTI) and sepsis, proteinuria was also independently infection, even well before any exposure to kidney replace-
associated with increased risk of both these community- ment therapy and its attendant complications [12–16].
acquired infections – this is in line with what was seen for This may be due to multiple underlying risk factors, or due
severe infections requiring hospitalizations in the athero- to treatment for the kidney disease, or a phenomenon
sclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study [3]. related to reduced immunity as kidney function declines
The observed association between CKD and UTI may irrespective of the cause of kidney disease. We discuss each
need to be interpreted with caution. Recurrent UTIs are of these in turn.
very common and frequently require hospitalization One risk factor that may be underlying the risk of
among people with CKD. There is a risk that those who observed infection is having had a previous infection. For
Table 32.2 Studies investigating the associations between CKD and risk of community-acquired infections using electronic health
records (since 2014).
Studies of community-acquired infections Crude IR RR for eGFR categories in ml/min/1.73m2 (95% CI)
Per 1000
Population person- eGFR eGFR eGFR
Author Year Country studied Outcome years eGFR 60+ 45–59 30–44 15–30 eGFR <15
some patients, CKD is a direct result of infection, from considering anemia as a potential mediator of infection
recurrent UTIs, to HIV and tuberculosis (TB). However, for risk, those patients with severe anemia tend to be most mul-
the majority of patients with CKD, old age, underlying, or timorbid, and anemia may be a marker of underlying
comorbid disease and lifestyle factors, such as diabetes and chronic infection. Moreover, anemia of chronic illness may
smoking, are independent risk factors for infection. With be a result of a physiologic process by which the body tries
regards to old age, the term immunosenescence has been to sequester iron (with resulting anemia) to prevent
used to describe the changes in immune function that make increased infection risk [22]. Again, we have to wait for the
older people more susceptible to infection [17], mainly via results from randomized trials to determine whether
reduced response to vaccination via impaired T-cell func- treating anemia indeed reduces infection risk – it may well
tion and the interplay of T cells with other parts of the be the opposite as intravenous iron can cause an increased
immune system. Diabetes itself is a known risk factor for risk of infection [23].
serious bacterial infections [18], and glycemic control a As CKD worsens, a reduced response of the adaptive
main risk factor for developing infections and requiring immune system has been observed in the context of a
hospitalization with infections [19]. Smoking is a risk factor reduced response to vaccinations [24, 25]. This impairment
common to CKD and bacterial and viral infection. may be in part driven by uremic toxins [26], which impair
Nevertheless, as discussed above, even taking these factors the T-lymphocyte dependent response (required to respond
into account, an increased risk of community-acquired to vaccinations) [27] and also the phagocytosis response of
infections is consistently observed as eGFR declines. polymorphonuclear lymphocytes [28, 29]. This reduced
Treatment for CKD and underlying diseases with steroids response to vaccination itself further increases the risk of
and immunosuppressants can further predispose to vaccine-preventable infections.
infection. However, the vast majority of people with CKD in Figure 32.2 illustrates that the association between CKD
the general population do not have treatment with and susceptibility to infection is likely driven by a
immunosuppressants or severely immunocompromising combination of the patient population’s age and comor-
disease. Instead, the most common underlying conditions bidities, together with a likely impairment of the adaptive
are old age, diabetes, a history of smoking, and exposure to immune system caused by CKD.
infectious agents from frequent healthcare attendance [12].
CKD itself may have a causal role in increased infection
risk through additional disturbance of both innate and omplications of Infections among
adaptive immunity. Chronic inflammation, proteinuria, People with CKD
and uremia may each play separate roles. There are multiple
potential mechanisms for CKD to alter cell-mediated and We review below a number of key complications of infec-
humoral immune system function. A number of observa- tion that are relevant to people with CKD, including mor-
tional studies have considered factors such as malnutrition, tality, acute kidney injury (AKI), progression to dialysis,
hypoalbuminemia, anemia, complement loss, disrupted and cardiovascular disease. These associations highlight
calcium regulation and vitamin D insufficiency, and chronic that infections should not be taken lightly, as they may
kidney inflammation [12, 20]. Some of these factors, such have serious consequences.
as anemia, malnutrition, and low vitamin D, may be
modifiable with good clinical care. However, before
advocating replacement of vitamin D or treatment of
anemia to prevent infections, clinicians should remember There is a graded association of CKD with mortality risk
that lack of vitamin D and anemia may simply be markers from infection. The rate of infection-related mortality and
of severity of overall illness and that treating these may fail the proportion of deaths due to infection increase as eGFR
to change, or possibly even increase, infection risk. For declines among the general population [3, 30–32]. During
example, vitamin D is a marker of sun exposure, and 13 years of follow-up in the National Health and Nutrition
bed-bound patients may be less likely to be out in the sun, Examination Survey study (NHANES) study, death from
so any observational study is likely confounded by disease infection occurred in 1.2% of the population with normal
severity. A review of existing trials of vitamin D eGFR, increasing to 4.6% in those with eGFR 45–59 ml/
supplementation to prevent acute respiratory infections min/1.73m2 and 10.3% in those with eGFR < 45 ml/
suggests a potential role for patients with very low vitamin min/1.73m2. Compared to people with eGFR 60 ml/
D levels [21]. At present, there are ongoing trials to test min/1.73m2, the corresponding hazards of infection-related
whether vitamin D supplementation improves outcomes, mortality were 1.36 (95% CI 0.81–2.30) and 2.36-fold (1.04–
including infections in the CKD and dialysis population. In 5.38) higher for eGFR of 45–59 and <45 ml/min/1.73m2,
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Complications of Infections among People with CK 531
respectively [32]. Influenza/pneumonia and sepsis are the ratio 2.99 (95% CI 1.20–7.51) [40]. In a systematic review of
infections that most commonly cause death in patients with 19 studies of Clostridium difficile infection, a pooled analy-
CKD [31]. The graded association of lower kidney function sis of 116 875 patients found the mortality risk associated
with higher infection-related mortality is repeated in the with CKD was 1.76 (95% CI 1.26–2.47) [44].
older population [8, 9, 33, 34], those with diabetes [35], and For patients with CKD, the implication of an infection for
among older adults resident in nursing homes [34]. longer term prognosis is also considerable. In a Canadian
The increased risk of death is not simply due to increased prospective cohort (CanPREDDICT) of patients with
risk of acquiring infection. If a patient gets admitted with advanced CKD (eGFR 15–45 ml/min/1.73m2) followed for
infection, the presence of CKD worsens their outlook up to 5 years, those who experienced an infection had over
considerably. Several studies show that among those three times increased risk of mortality than those without
hospitalized with any infection, lower kidney function is infection (hazard ratio 3.39, 95% CI 2.65–4.33) [45].
associated with higher in-hospital mortality [36] and
subsequent long-term all-cause mortality [37] (Table 32.3).
AKI and Increased Risk of Progression to ESKD
The crude mortality rates are significant. In those hospital-
ized with sepsis/bloodstream infection, 20–22% of patients It is well established that infection, especially severe infec-
with eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73m2 died in hospital [36, 43], tion such as sepsis, increases the risks of AKI and of
49–70% died within 28 days [39, 41, 42], 62% died within requiring kidney replacement therapy [46]. Among those
90 days [42], and 82% died within a year [39]. In those hos- with AKI, 86.9% cases were attributed to sepsis or hypov-
pitalized with pneumonia, 9–19% of patients with olemia [47]. When an infection occurs, underlying kidney
eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73m2 died in hospital [36, 38], 29–47% function impairment increases the risk of AKI. In septic
died within 28 days [42], and 36–53% died within shock, patients with CKD (59.5%) had a higher risk of AKI
90 days [42]. In a study enrolling patients hospitalized with than those without CKD (40.8%) [48]. Among patients
infection at four hospitals in China, heightened risks of infected with influenza A, 67–69% of patients with CKD had
mortality were greatest in the first 7 days following admis- AKI [49, 50]. However, there are other studies that have not
sion and progressively declined thereafter, but remained found associations between CKD and AKI risk in
significantly elevated at a year following admission [37]. infection [51, 52].
This increased mortality risk can be seen also for infections An infection in the context of advanced CKD can propel
other than sepsis and pneumonia. In a retrospective patients onto dialysis. In the CanPREDDICT study of
Japanese cohort study enrolling patients with smear- patients with advanced CKD (eGFR 15–45 ml/min/1.73m2),
positive pulmonary tuberculosis, eGFR of <30 ml/ those with infection had a 58% increased risk of end-
min/1.73m2 was a risk factor for death with adjusted odds stage kidney disease (ESKD) (hazard ratio 1.58, 95%
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Table 32.3 Risk of death in people with infection by level of kidney function (baseline eGFR).
For those with infection (sepsis, pneumonia, etc.), how does reduced renal function increase risk of death?
Viasus Spain Pneumonia Hospitalized with 3597 70 [56–79] 60 In-hospital 290 8.30 NA
et al. [38] pneumonia 105 77 [67–84] 30–59 mortality 16 15.20
42 15–29 8 19.00
10 <15 1 10.00
Maizel France Septic shock Patients with septic shock 107 63 [54–76] 60 28-day 54 50 1 (ref)
et al. [39] in the Medical ICU 56 72 [62–79] <60 mortality 39 70 aHR 1.7 (1.08–2.68)
Igari Japan Smear-positive Patients (12–99 years) 499 62.1 (19.4) 60 Death 62 12.40 NA
et al. [40] pulmonary hospitalized for 629 <60 93 14.80 NA
tuberculosis tuberculosis
Mansur Germany Sepsis Adult patients admitted to 426 63 (15) No-CKD Survival up Not reported 27 1 (ref)
et al. [41] surgical ICU 56 CKD (unclear to 90 days Not reported 54 aHR 2.25 (1.46–3.46)
McDonald England Pneumonia People aged 65 years with 2531 78 [72–83] 60 28-day 687 27.10 1 (ref)
et al. [42] diabetes mellitus and 1162 82 [77–87] 45–60 mortality 332 28.60 aOR 0.93 (0.85–1.04)
pneumonia or sepsis 764 30–44 265 34.70 aOR 0.99 (0.88–1.12)
286 <30 122 42.70 aOR 1.30 (1.12–1.52)
Sepsis 566 76 [71–82] 60 28-day 179 31.60 1 (ref)
232 81 [75–86] 45–60 mortality 76 32.80 aOR 0.91 (0.72–1.14)
190 30–44 88 46.30 aOR 1.24 (0.99–1.54)
70 <30 34 48.60 aOR 1.37 (1.05–1.79)
Neyra USA Sepsis ICU adults with severe 1421 Not reported >60 In-hospital 339 23.90 NA
et al. [43] sepsis or septic shock (around 62) mortality
1211 Not reported 15–59 264 21.80
(around 70)
CI 1.22–2.05) [45]. In a population-based retrospective Most research into vaccination in kidney disease has
cohort study from Taiwan’s National Health Insurance focused on patients with ESKD [59]. Since immune respon-
Research Database, the overall incidence rate ratio of siveness declines progressively with worsening kidney
ESKD adjusted for competing mortality was 23% higher in function, evidence of vaccine effectiveness and safety
those with pneumococcal pneumonia than in those with- among patients with ESKD is included where necessary to
out pneumococcal pneumonia ((crude ESKD rates 5.26 vs. indicate likely effectiveness or safety for patients with
3.10 per 1000 person-years), with an adjusted sub-hazard CKD. Vaccination guidance for kidney transplant recipi-
ratio of 1.14 (95% CI 1.01–1.29) [53]. ents and patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is
covered in other chapters and should be consulted sepa-
rately, in particular noting advice on live and live-
Cardiovascular Events
attenuated vaccines.
It is well known that for the general population acute infec-
tions can lead to an acute but temporary increase in the Pneumococcal Vaccine
risk of arterial and venous thrombotic events [54, 55]. Streptococcus pneumonia is the most common cause of
Downstream effects of acute infections include dysfunc- community-acquired pneumonia, which causes a high
tion of endothelial, redox, and coagulation systems, all of burden of mortality and morbidity among patients with
which occurs in the face of diminished cellular oxygen CKD [5, 42, 60]. Systematic reviews of the effectiveness of
availability, cytokine storm, sympathetic overload, comple- pneumococcal vaccine in the general population have been
ment activation, and vasoconstriction of some vascular hampered by heterogeneity [61], which may be attributa-
beds (including that of the kidney) [14, 56, 57]. The ble to varying lengths of follow-up as immunity wanes over
CanPREDDICT study of patients with advanced CKD time [62]. An observational study that explored how predi-
(eGFR 15–45 ml/min/1.73m2) found that those with an epi- alysis CKD related to vaccine effectiveness among people
sode of infection had an increased risk of cardiovascular aged 65 years with diabetes found some evidence that vac-
ischemia (hazard ratio 1.80, 95% CI 1.24–2.60) and conges- cine effectiveness was lower among patients with a history
tive heart failure (HR 3.22, 95% CI 2.25–4.61) [45]. of proteinuria (P = 0.04), but no evidence of variation
In summary, kidney dysfunction worsens prognosis in according to eGFR. Vaccine effectiveness was 22% (95% CI
those who present with infection, while infection worsens 11–31%) in the first year after vaccination, but was negligi-
kidney function acutely and may propel people with ble after 5 years [63].
advanced CKD onto dialysis. Most important though is the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO)
considerable risk of mortality if a person with reduced kid- guidelines recommend that all adults with eGFR < 30 ml/
ney function is hospitalized with infection. In the case of min/1.73 m2 (glomerular filtration rate (GFR) categories
sepsis, which is known to be more common among people G4-G5) and those at high risk of pneumococcal infection
with CKD, there is clear evidence that early recognition (e.g. nephrotic syndrome, diabetes, or those receiving
and treatment can improve outcomes. Patients with CKD immunosuppression) receive vaccination with polyvalent
should be advised to seek help early when they have symp- pneumococcal vaccine unless contraindicated, and that all
toms of infections. adults with CKD who have received pneumococcal vacci-
nation are offered revaccination within 5 years [1]. UK
guidelines recommend vaccination every 5 years with
reventing and Treating Infections
P 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine for chil-
among People with CKD dren and adults with nephrotic syndrome, CKD stages 4
and 5, and those on kidney dialysis or with kidney
Preventing Infections in CKD transplantation [58].
Vaccination is the best strategy for preventing morbidity
and mortality from infection, and is vital among this high- Influenza
risk population. Vaccines particularly relevant for patients Influenza vaccination has the potential to reduce morbidity
with CKD are considered below: pneumococcal and inacti- and mortality from both influenza and pneumonia. Up to
vated influenza vaccinations are recommended for patients one-third of community-acquired pneumonia may be
with CKD, and patients awaiting dialysis or kidney trans- influenza-related, due to bacterial co-infection or secondary
plant are recommended to be vaccinated against hepatitis bacterial pneumonia [64]. A 2014 systematic review of
B and may benefit from varicella or herpes zoster vaccina- influenza vaccination among patients with ESKD found
tion [1, 58]. five observational studies, none of which included safety
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Preventing and Treating Infections among People with CK 535
data, and concluded that the evidence on effectiveness was vaccinating at initiation of hemodialysis [71–73]. Early
limited and of low quality [65]. One of the included studies vaccination may be of additional benefit to patients with
is often cited as evidence that influenza vaccination is diabetic nephropathy who may be at risk through blood
effective in ESKD; in this observational study of US glucose monitoring [74]. Most research into hepatitis B
Medicare patients receiving dialysis, influenza vaccination vaccination describes effectiveness at seroconversion as a
was associated with lower risk of hospitalization and surrogate for protection against hepatitis B infection [70].
death [66]. However, McGrath et al. found that US A 2004 Cochrane review identified seven randomized
Medicare patients receiving hemodialysis were less likely clinical trials of hepatitis B vaccine effectiveness among
to be vaccinated if they had frequent or longer patients with kidney failure [70]. The review found that
hospitalizations or required skilled nursing, suggesting an plasma hepatitis B vaccines are safe and effective at gener-
overestimation of the effectiveness of influenza vaccination ating protective antibody levels among patients receiving
in this dataset due to a “healthy vaccinee” effect [67]. When dialysis. The two trials among patients with predialysis
McGrath et al. adjusted the vaccine effectiveness in CKD found no evidence of a difference in seroconversion
well-matched seasons for that observed in mismatched following recombinant or plasma vaccine (risk ratio [RR]
seasons (in which little or no vaccine effect should be seen 0.65, 95% CI 0.28–1.53) [75, 76].
due to mismatch of the influenza type with vaccine), they Seroconversion is lower among patients with CKD than
found little evidence of increased vaccine effectiveness in the general population [25, 59]. Systematic reviews have
well-matched years among US Medicare patients receiving found a short-term improvement in seroconversion with
hemodialysis [68]. intradermal (rather than intramuscular) delivery and no
One study explored whether CKD affects vaccine effec- evidence of additional benefit from “double dose” hepatitis
tiveness among older people with diabetes [63]. The B vaccination compared to standard doses [77, 78]. A rand-
“healthy vaccinee” effect was adjusted for by dividing omized trial of 165 patients with CKD or receiving hemodi-
vaccine effectiveness in winter by that observed in alysis compared 20 μg Fendrix to double doses (2 × 20 μg
summer. It found a modestly protective effect of influenza HBsAg) of Engerix vaccine [79]. Fendrix is adjuvanted by
vaccination against LRTI (7%, 95% CI 3–12) with no monophosophoryl lipid A and adsorbed onto aluminum
evidence of variation in vaccine effectiveness according to phosphate. Patients who received Fendrix had higher levels
CKD stage. This may be an underestimate for patients of seroconversion, with faster onset and longer duration of
with CKD, as vaccine effectiveness diminishes with age protective antibody levels. There was a higher incidence of
and the outcome was not specific to influenza. Given the pain at the injection site with Fendrix, but no evidence of
high morbidity and mortality associated with influenza any difference in serious adverse events. Other adjuvants
and secondary pneumonia among patients with CKD, that have shown promise among patients with kidney dis-
even a low vaccine effectiveness would support ease are levamisole [80], granulocyte macrophage colony-
vaccination. stimulating factor (GM-CSF) [25], and a toll-like receptor 9
KDIGO guidelines recommend that all adults with CKD agonist [81]. There may be scope to improve hepatitis B
are offered annual vaccination with influenza vaccine immunity for patients with CKD through further research
unless contraindicated due to allergy to seasonal influenza into the optimal vaccine dose, type, route, and schedule.
vaccine [1]. Live-attenuated influenza vaccination has not KDIGO guidelines recommend vaccination for adults
been tested in patients with CKD [69]. UK guidelines rec- with eGFR < 30 ml/min/1.73m2 and at high risk of progres-
ommend offering inactivated influenza vaccination to sion of CKD, with serological testing to confirm response [1].
adults with CKD stages 3–5, chronic kidney failure, or UK guidelines recommend vaccinating patients with CKD
nephrotic syndrome, with recommendations for children as soon as it is anticipated they may require dialysis or kid-
varying according to age [58]. ney transplantation, using Fendrix if they are 15 years old,
testing antibody levels annually, and providing a booster
Hepatitis B dose for patients with antibodies below 10 mIU/ml [58].
Guidelines for hepatitis B vaccination among patients with
CKD have aimed to anticipate the risk of infection from Zoster
dialysis [70]. Hepatitis B prevalence among patients receiv- CKD increases the risk of herpes zoster, and the CKD
ing hemodialysis ranges from 1.1% to 6.1%, and patients patient population also has a high prevalence of diabetes
who develop hepatitis B while receiving dialysis are more and older age, both of which are risk factors for herpes zos-
likely to become chronic carriers [70]. Vaccinating patients ter [82–84]. Herpes zoster may worsen kidney outcomes
with CKD stages 3–4 achieves better seroconversion than for patients with CKD [83]. However, older people in
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536 Infection and CKD
Medicare are less likely to receive herpes zoster vaccination with CKD, of any stage, have sufficient immune function
if they have CKD than if they do not [85]. to receive all live vaccines for which an inactivated vaccine
A large observational study of herpes zoster vaccination is not an alternative [69].
among Medicare recipients aged 65 years found an adjusted
vaccine effectiveness of 49% (95% CI 36–56) among people Vaccination: Summary
with CKD and 46% (95% CI 9–68) among people with both In general, patients with CKD are at greater risk of infec-
CKD and diabetes, both similar to that among the general tion and complications from infection. In addition to
population of older people (vaccine effectiveness 48%, 95% routine vaccinations, influenza, pneumococcal, hepatitis
CI 39–56) [82]. Small studies of varicella zoster vaccination B, and zoster vaccinations should be considered. Immuno-
among children with kidney disease observed high serocon- suppression must be considered before delivering live or
version following a second dose (>98%) and antibodies per- live-attenuated vaccines, but most patients with CKD may
sisting over 3 years [86–88]. safely receive all live vaccines for which an inactivated vac-
Varicella zoster vaccination is part of the routine child- cine is not available [69].
hood vaccination schedule in the United States, while the Vaccination is a vital but under-used tool among patients
UK vaccinates older people against herpes zoster [58]. with CKD [85, 89]. Although it is true that vaccine response
Among patients with CKD, who are at greater risk of severe can be diminished in CKD compared to the general popu-
disease than the general population, vaccination may have lation, vaccines prevent infections and improve outcomes.
greater benefits [82]. As both varicella and herpes zoster vac- Indeed, given the higher risk of vaccine-preventable infec-
cination use live attenuated virus vaccines, care must be tion and poorer outcomes of infection associated with
taken to note contraindicating immunosuppression, and CKD, vaccinations are particularly important among this
susceptibility and eligibility for varicella or herpes zoster high-risk population.
vaccination should be considered in advance of immuno-
suppression for potential kidney transplant candidates [58].
Treating Infections in CKD
Routine Childhood Vaccinations Considering the poor outcomes of infections in those
In general, children with CKD are at increased risk for with CKD, it is imperative that infections are treated
vaccine-preventable diseases and should receive all the promptly but appropriately to achieve maximum effect.
routinely recommended childhood immunizations as far Patients with CKD are not only subject to infection, but,
as possible; however, vaccination is too often delayed or if inappropriately managed, may plausibly become hosts
overlooked [89]. Immunosuppression should be consid- of antibiotic-resistant pathogens, increasing the treat-
ered before delivering live or live-attenuated vaccines ment difficulty. Higher rates of infection in patients
(including rotavirus vaccine, varicella zoster vaccine, mea- with CKD result in more frequent use of antibiotics [90]
sles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, and the live-attenuated and more frequent hospitalization [2, 5, 9], which
influenza vaccine). For children with CKD, KDIGO guide- increases their exposure to microbes including multid-
lines recommend pediatric immunization schedules rug resistant organisms (MDROs) [91]. A recent study
should be followed according to official international and from China indicated the odds of infections by MDROs
regional recommendations [1]. Routine childhood vaccina- was 19% and 41% higher in those with eGFR between 30
tion schedules vary by country and are frequently updated, and 60 ml/min/1.73m2 and eGFR < 30 ml/min/1.73 m2,
and so up-to-date guidance should be consulted. respectively, compared to those with eGFR 60–104 ml/
min/1.73m2 [92].
Live Vaccines It is important that treatment does not cause pathogen
Live or live-attenuated vaccines include rotavirus vaccine, drug resistance and therefore treatment should be rational-
varicella, and herpes zoster vaccines, measles, mumps, and ized whenever possible; this means, for example, that self-
rubella vaccine, yellow fever, and the live-attenuated influ- limiting infections should not be treated with antibiotics.
enza vaccine. Patients with CKD may be receiving immu- For patients with CKD, vigilance is required and they need
nosuppressive medication or have underlying or comorbid to be told at which point they should come back to seek
conditions that result in immunosuppression. KDIGO further help and care should their condition worsen, so
guidelines recommend consideration of live vaccine should there is no delay with treatment should it become neces-
include an appreciation of the patient’s immune status and sary. The way that patients initially presented and what
follow recommendations from official or governmental they were told should be diligently documented so any
bodies [1]. In the United States, the Centers for Disease other healthcare provider will be able to assess whether
Control and Prevention advises that the majority of people patients have improved or worsened.
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Preventing and Treating Infections among People with CK 537
When it comes to actual prescribing of antimicrobial will ensure that a sufficient dose of antibiotic is given to
drugs when the infection is deemed to require treatment, it treat the infection effectively, without delay. The dose and
will depend on the health system and the local circum- interval should then be reviewed once more current test
stances as to which drug is chosen. For example, many results are available. Estimation should be using the best
health systems have ongoing monitoring systems of local validated eGFR formula for a given patient, taking into
antibiotic resistance of key pathogens, with resulting anti- account their body surface area (BSA). The standard
biotic treatment handbooks that recommend a particular eGFR is for a BSA of 1.73m2, hence, for the individual the
first-line treatment when a person presents with a particu- GFR is:
lar infection. Antimicrobial stewardship means that when-
GFR eGFR * BSA / 1.73m 2
ever possible there should be cultures taken so that
treatment can be narrowed down once the pathogen has There are further formulas that can be used to adapt the
been identified, to enhance treatment success while drug dose as AKI improves or worsens [93]. Ideally, doses
minimizing further development of antibiotic resistance. should be adapted following measurement of drug levels of
Depending on the health system, some pathogens may nephrotoxic drugs to minimize toxicity and to maximize
need to be notified to central authorities, and infections therapeutic effects, especially if there is prolonged treat-
and treatments given will be monitored. For example, in ment, as, for example, for tuberculosis [94]. At the time of
many hospitals in the UK methicillin-resistant writing, several recent reviews have discussed these issues
staphylococcal infections are part of quality monitoring, in more detail and provide dose adjustment tables for a
with internal targets. If targets are not met, the hospital’s range of antimicrobials [95–97], but this is an area of ongo-
infection control staff will retrain the unit and review ing research and guidance is evolving rapidly.
infection control policies (e.g. decolonization regimes, Many patients with CKD or AKI will not be managed by
swabbing/culturing every patient, etc.) to prevent such nephrologists, and therefore it is important to consider the
infections occurring. Monitoring of infections, treatments surrounding health system to understand how treatment
given, and outcomes are simpler if electronic health records and infection outcomes in CKD can be improved.
are used, as this allows standardized centralized analysis. Unsurprisingly, dosing errors and inappropriate prescrib-
These are all general points of infection control policies ing for CKD stage are common in routine practice.
that have general value irrespective of CKD status, but the Electronic prescribing software has the potential to reduce
stakes of patient management and antimicrobial such errors by identifying CKD through diagnosis or labo-
stewardship are raised by the higher rate of infection with ratory results, suggesting point of care testing, recom-
MDROs among patients with CKD. mending preferred antimicrobials and dose, and alerting
prescribers to drug interactions or kidney dysfunction in
Prescribing Antibiotics in CKD the presence of a renally cleared drug. This has been rolled
If a patient with CKD requires antibiotics with a drug that out in settings from hospitals to community pharmacies
is partially or fully renally cleared, dosing must take the with varying success [98, 99]. Safely implementing
patient’s impaired kidney function into consideration. computer-decision support for medication is not straight-
How this is approached depends on how the drug acts on forward, and outcomes should be monitored. Suboptimal
the infection (i.e. pharmacodynamics). For drugs that act design, alert fatigue, workarounds, and lack of training can
immediately on the pathogen with an effect dependent on result in unintended consequences, while success depends
concentration (e.g. aminoglycosides), the dosing interval on prescribers finding the alerts valuable and acting on the
should be increased. For drugs that require a constant level information received [100].
to be maintained over a prolonged time to eliminate the
pathogen (e.g. beta-lactams), patients should be given Other Considerations
smaller doses in the normally recommended dosing inter- Aside from immediately treating the infection, there also
val. For some infections, an antimicrobial which is not should be consideration given to other medications that a
renally cleared may be an alternative. patient with CKD is prescribed. This may include checking
In practice, it can be challenging to adjust interval or for drug interactions (taking into account the kidney function
dose correctly, as this requires an estimate of the underly- of the patient). For patients receiving long-term immunosup-
ing kidney function. Especially in the context of AKI, it is pressant medications, more serious or atypical infections
very difficult to know what the true kidney function is. may need to be considered as part of a differential diagnosis,
Estimating kidney function using the most recent test and clinicians may need to consider whether there is a need
results before onset of infection will tend to overestimate for preventative antibiotics or antiviral medications (dis-
kidney function during the infection. This is not ideal, but cussed in other chapters, e.g. for transplantation).
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538 Infection and CKD
onclusions risks, to know when to seek help when they are unwell,
and to receive timely and appropriate treatment of their
CKD is a clear risk factor for developing infections, often infections. Whenever possible, patients with CKD should
requiring hospitalization. Hospitalization with an infec- be vaccinated against infections to reduce future risks.
tion may worsen kidney function, and there is a graded Future trials of vaccination for infection should consider
increased risk of adverse outcomes including mortality. To tailored vaccination programs that take into account the
prevent poor outcomes, patients need to be aware of these observed reduced immune response in patients with CKD.
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Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Table 33.1 Treatment of anemia in chronic kidney disease.
Strength of
Certainty of evidence: recommendation:
Treatment Recommendation high, weak, low, very low strong or weak
Blood transfusions Avoid red cell transfusions to minimize the general risks related to their use (1B) Weak Strong
In patients eligible for organ transplantation avoid when possible red cell transfusions to minimize the risk Low Strong
of allosensitization (1C)
The benefits of red cell transfusions may outweigh the risk in patients in whom ESAs are ineffective and in Low Weak
patients at risk from ESA therapy (previous or current malignancy or previous stroke) (2C)
The decision to transfuse a CKD patient with nonacute anemia should not be based on any arbitrary Hb Low Weak
threshold, but should be determined by the occurrence of symptoms caused by anemia (2C)
ESAs (A) In initiating and maintaining ESA therapy balance the potential benefits of reducing blood transfusions Weak Strong
and anemia-related symptoms against the harm in individual patients (e.g. stroke, vascular access loss,
hypertension) (1B).
(B) In CKD ND start ESA therapy when Hb falls below 9 g/l. BUT individualize the decision to start ESA Low Weak
therapy based on the rate of decrease of Hb, prior response to iron therapy, the risk of needing a blood
transfusion, the risks of ESA therapy, and the presence of symptoms attributable to anemia (2C).
(C) In dialysis patients start ESA before Hb falls below 9 g/l by starting ESA therapy when the Hb is between Low Weak
9 and 10 g/l (2B).
(D) In CKD ND and D target Hb should be 10–11.5 g/l (2C). Low Weak
(E) ESAs should not be used to intentionally raise Hb above 13 g/l (1A). High Strong
(F) Avoid ESAs in patients with active malignancy, history of solid organ malignancy, or history of stroke Low Weak
(G) In patients with ESA hypo-responsiveness avoid repeated escalations in ESA dose beyond double the Low Weak
weight-based dose (2D).
Intravenous iron (A) For anemic adult CKD patients not on iron or ESA therapy, in whom a raise in Hb is desired, and whose Low Weak
TSAT is <30% and ferritin is <500 ng/ml, give a trial of IV iron (2C).
(B) For adult dialysis patients on ESA therapy, in whom a raise in Hb or reduction dose of ESA is desired, Low Weak
and whose TSAT is <30% and ferritin is <500 ng/ml, give a trial of IV iron (2C).
(C) In adult dialysis patients maintain TSAT between 20% and 40% and ferritin between 200 and 700 ng/ml in Weak Strong
a proactive fashion (1B).
ESA: Erythropoiesis–stimulating agents; CKD: Chronic Kidney Disease; Hb: Hemoglobin; ND: Non Dialysis; D: Dialysis; TSAT: Transferrin saturation; IV: Intravenous.
Canada–Europe Study with the low Hb group (P = 0.03). However, there were
Incident hemodialysis patients without symptomatic car- differences in baseline CV comorbidity such that, when
diac disease (congestive heart failure or ischemic heart dis- taken into account in multivariate models, the hazard
ease) were enrolled in this RCT [9]. A similar number of associated with high Hb was no longer statistically
patients (n = 596) were enrolled in this study as in the significant (P = 0.11) [14]. The conclusion that correction
Cardiovascular Risk reduction in Early Anemia Treatment of anemia with erythropoietin is not associated with
with Epoetin (CREATE) study (see next section) (n = 603), increased CV events is supported by the results of
but the primary outcome was not clinical events, but rather TREAT [12] in which CV outcomes were the same in the
change in LV volume index and LV mass index. The change placebo and high Hb groups.
in both indices was similar in the correction of anemia
group and in the partial correction group. Nonetheless, Trial to Reduce Cardiovascular Events with Aransep
important clinical observations were made. A safety signal Therapy
was observed as 12 neurological events occurred in the This trial in diabetic patients with moderate anemia is by
high Hb group (13.5–14.5 g/dl target) and four in the low far the biggest RCT of ESA therapy performed (n = 4038)
Hb group (9.5–11.5 g/dl target) (P < 0.05), a signal and had the best research design, as it was placebo-
confirmed by TREAT (see below) [8]. As one might expect, controlled and double-blind [12]. In the intervention arm
the high Hb group received significantly fewer transfusions darbepoetin (Aranesp) was used to achieve Hb higher than
than the low Hb group, but the extent of the benefit was 13 g/dl, and in the placebo arm rescue therapy with
modest: although 9% in the high Hb arm received a darbepoetin was undertaken when Hb fell below 9 g/dl and
transfusion compared with 19% in the low Hb arm placebo was restarted when Hb was higher than 9 g/dl.
(P = 0.004) during the 2-year study, the number of Baseline eGFR was 34 ml/min and baseline Hb was 10.4 g/
transfusions per patient per year was 0.3 in the high Hb dl. Median follow-up was 29 months, equivalent to 9941
arm and 0.7 in the low Hb arm (P < 0.0001) [18]. patient-years. Median Hb in the high Hb arm was 12.6 g/dl
and in the low Hb arm it was 10.6 g/dl. There were no
Cardiovascular Risk Reduction in Early Anemia differences in CV or renal outcomes comparing the two
Treatment with Epoetin study groups. The HR for death/composite CV events was 1.05
Predialysis CKD patients (n = 603) with mean estimated (95% CI 0.94–1.17) and for death or ESRD it was 1.06 (95%
glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) equal to 24 ml/min were CI 0.95–1.19). However, there was a substantial increased
enrolled in this RCT [10]. Baseline Hb was 11.0–12.5 g/dl. risk of stroke (HR 1.92, 95% CI 1.38–2.68), although the
Normalization of Hb with epoetin was compared with late risk of stroke attributable to the high Hb intervention was
partial treatment of Hb (i.e. when Hb fell below 10.5 g/dl, relatively small: 5.0% of the high Hb group had a stroke
to a target of 10.5–11.5 g/dl). The trial was underpowered compared with 2.6% in the placebo group. The attributable
for the primary outcome, a composite of eight CV events. risk of stroke in those with a prior history of stroke was
Dialysis was required in significantly more patients in the substantially higher. Venous thromboembolic events
high Hb group than in the low Hb group, but this may have occurred significantly more frequently in the high Hb arm
resulted from the open-label design of the study in which (2%) compared with 1.1% in the placebo arm (P = 0.02). A
symptoms might have been attributed to uremia with the signal that normalization of Hb with darbepoetin may be
knowledge that they were not attributable to anemia. This harmful in patients with a history of malignancy was
interpretation is supported by the fact that the rate of fall of reported following a post hoc analysis: 14 of 188 (7.4%)
eGFR in the two groups during the 3-year study was similar patients with a baseline history of malignancy died from
and by the results of TREAT, in which renal outcomes were cancer in the darbepoetin arm compared with 1 of 160
the same in the placebo and high Hb groups [12]. (0.6%) in the placebo arm (P = 0.002). Red blood cell
transfusions were prescribed surprisingly frequently, and
Correction of Hemoglobin and Outcomes in Renal more often in the placebo arm (25%) compared with the
Insufficiency high Hb arm (15%).
This RCT was undertaken in 1432 predialysis CKD patients,
half of whom had diabetic renal disease; baseline creatinine
clearance was 37 ml/min [11]. Withdrawal rate was high:
17% due to renal transplantation and 21% for other reasons. A report from TREAT assessed the initial Hb response to
The trial was stopped prematurely at a time when the darbepoetin (Aranesp) after two weight-based doses at
primary endpoint (death or composite CV event) occurred 2-weekly intervals in 1842 diabetic patients with CKD [19].
significantly more often in the high Hb group compared Patients with a poor response, the lowest quartile who had
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546 Treatment of Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease
less than 2% change in Hb level after 1 month, had higher peginesatide in nondialysis CKD was 328 and in dialysis
rates of the composite CV events (adjusted HR 1.31, 95% CI patients it was 1066. As a result of these RCTs, the FDA
1.09–1.59) or death (adjusted HR 1.41, 95% CI 1.12–1.78) approved peginesatide for use in dialysis patients, but given
compared with those with a better response. Although this the increased risk of CV events in nondialysis CKD patient
differential effect may be related to comorbidity in trials, the FDA did not approve the agent for use in that
hyporesponsive patients, nonetheless it is possible that group of patients.
high ESA doses in hyporesponsive patients may be toxic. On 23 February 2013, shortly after publication of the two
trials, Affymax and Takeda, the producers of peginesatide,
announced a nationwide voluntary recall of all lots of
peginesatide injection as a result of new post-marketing
Palmer et al. [20] concluded that higher Hb levels in CKD reports of serious hypersensitivity reactions, including life-
increase risk for stroke (relative risk [RR] 1.51, 95% CI 1.03– threatening or fatal anaphylaxis [27]. The rate of
2.21), hypertension, and vascular access thrombosis (RR hypersensitivity reactions reported was 0.2%, of which
1.33, 95% CI 1.16–1.53), and probably increase risk for death approximately one-third were serious in nature. A safety
(RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.99–1.2), serious CV events (RR 1.15, 95% signal for hypersensitivity reactions was not reported in the
CI 0.98–1.33), or ESRD (RR 1.08, 95% CI 0.97–1.20). two NEJM articles, which supports the belief that these
In 2014, a Cochrane review concluded that darbepoetin noninferiority studies were too small to provide adequate
alfa effectively reduced blood transfusions in adults with data for safety.
CKD stages 3–5, but had little or no effect on mortality [21].
Its effects in adults with CKD stage 5D, kidney transplant
recipients, and children with CKD remain uncertain. I ntravenous Iron
Another Cochrane review concluded there is currently
insufficient evidence to suggest the superiority of any ESA During the past 6 years, use of intravenous iron has
formulation based on available safety and efficacy data [22]. increased following the recommendation by Kidney
A third Cochrane review concluded that continuous Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guidelines
erythropoiesis receptor activator (a new class of third gen- that iron repletion should be a component of anemia
eration ESAs) had little or no effect on patient-centered management in CKD [28].
outcomes compared with placebo, epoetin alfa or beta, or Meta-analysis comparing intravenous versus oral iron
darbepoetin alfa for adults with CKD [23]. supplementation revealed that patients with CKD stages
A meta-analysis of the effect of ESAs on health-related 3–5 were more likely to reach an Hb response >1 g/dl with
quality of life (HRQOL) concluded that ESA treatment intravenous iron (risk ratio 1.61, 95% CI 1.39–1.87) and that
of anemia to obtain higher Hb targets does not result in dialysis patients were even more likely to achieve this
important differences (24), despite significant benefits being response (risk ratio 7.71, 95% CI 1.74–7.94) [29]. Another
reported from the Canadian-Europe study [25], CREATE [10], meta-analysis concluded that significant reductions in ESA
and TREAT [12]. However, there may be a misinterpreta- dosing may be achieved by iron repletion in the
tion of the importance of the results, particularly if viewed hemodialysis population, and suboptimal iron use may
through the lens of requiring a large improvement in symp- require higher ESA dosing to manage anemia [30].
tom scores to be “clinically significant.” In TREAT, linear Nonetheless there were concerns about the safety of
repeated measure models of fatigue incorporated all symp- increased use of intravenous iron.
tom scores through 97 weeks, together with several baseline Recently, in a multicenter, open-label trial with blinded
and interim predictors of long-term changes in HRQOL. end-point evaluation, adults undergoing maintenance
Allocation to the placebo group was similar in magnitude to hemodialysis were randomly assigned to receive either
the effects of having pulmonary disease or CV disease, sug- high-dose iron sucrose administered intravenously in a pro-
gesting that these “modest” changes and fatigue scores active fashion (400 mg monthly, unless the ferritin concen-
were actually clinically important [26]. tration was >700 μg/l or the transferrin saturation was
40%) or low-dose iron sucrose administered intravenously
in a reactive fashion (0–400 mg monthly, with a ferritin con-
eginesatide centration of <200 μg/l or a transferrin saturation of <20%
being a trigger for iron administration) [15]. The primary
Peginesatide is a dimeric pegylated peptide erythropoietic end point was the composite of nonfatal myocardial infarc-
agent which was evaluated in two RCTs published in tion, nonfatal stroke, hospitalization for heart failure, or
2013 [13, 14]. The number of patients allocated to death, assessed in a time-to-first-event analysis.
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Reference 547
A total of 2141 patients underwent randomization. The ypoxia-sensitive genes for which HIF is a key regulatory
median follow-up was 2.1 years. Patients in the high-dose protein, including angiogenic factors. Consequently, long-
group received a median monthly iron dose of 264 mg (inter- term safety is a concern.
quartile range [25th to 75th percentile] 200–336), as com- Prolyl hydroxylase inhibition (PHI) agents are oral drugs,
pared with 145 mg (interquartile range 100–190) in the four of which are already in stage 3 RCTs. They have dem-
low-dose group. The median monthly dose of an ESA was onstrated that they can raise and maintain Hb levels in a
29 757 IU in the high-dose group and 38 805 IU in the low- predictable and controlled manner, while enhancing iron
dose group (median difference −7539 IU, 95% CI −9485 to mobilization in patients with nondialysis CKD [31–33].
−5582). A total of 333 patients (30.5%) in the high-dose group Roxadustat is being studied in four RCTs in nondialysis
had a primary end-point event, as compared with 343 (32.7%) CKD comprising 4750 patients, with one RCT comprising
in the low-dose group (HR 0.88, 95% CI 0.76–1.03, P < 0.001 2700 patients and having a primary outcome for major CV
for noninferiority). In an analysis that used recurrent-events events. The same drug is under investigation in 4508 dialy-
approach, there were 456 events in the high-dose group and sis patients, with one RCT comprising 2100 patients and
538 in the low-dose group (rate ratio 0.78, 95% CI 0.66–0.92). having a primary outcome for major CV events. Vadadustat
The infection rate was the same in the two groups. is under investigation in 3100 nondialysis CKD patients in
These data support an iron repletion high-dose regimen two RCTs and in 2600 dialysis patients in two RCTs.
administered proactively rather than a lower-dose reactive Daprodustat is being studied in an RCT of 4500 nondialysis
regimen. patients, in another of 3000 dialysis patients, and in a third
of 300 incident dialysis patients. The fourth drug is
Molidustat. The results from these trials will be published
Prolyl Hydroxylase Inhibitors during the next 3 years.
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Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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550 Dyslipidemia in Chronic Kidney Disease
similarly found an interaction between eGFR category and correlated significantly with inflammatory markers serum
HDLc for mortality risk where lower eGFR attenuated the interleukin (IL)-6 level and C-reactive protein (CRP) level as
lower risk conferred by intermediate HDLc for risk of death well as with several measures of nutritional status and risk
in a very large male cohort of US veterans [8]. The study also of death [17]. In patients with more severe MICS as indi-
found a u-shaped association between HDLc and mortality cated by a high CRP and low albumin, the levels of TG and
risk across all eGFR groups, where higher mortality risk was other lipid markers were also significantly decreased [18].
observed for patients with HDLc >50 mg/dl. Moreover, Studies have demonstrated the impact of MICS on the
Navaneethan et al. further examined HDLc mortality asso- relationship between lipids and mortality in dialysis
ciations in NDD-CKD US veteran patients and reported that patients. In a cohort of 823 incident dialysis patients, Liu
HDLc >60 mg/dl was associated with lower all-cause, CV, et al. showed that a 40 mg/dl increment in baseline TC was
malignancy-related, and non-CV/nonmalignancy-related associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality overall
deaths among women but not in men [9]. Navaneethan et al. and in the presence of inflammation/malnutrition, but a
also found a shallower u-shaped relationship between TG higher mortality risk in the absence of inflammation/mal-
and mortality for NDD-CKD patients age 65 years and older, nutrition in models adjusted for age, race, and sex [19].
but a direct l inear relationship in younger patients [10]. The Further adjustment for traditional CV risk factors, dialysis
Atherosclerosis Risk In the Communities (ARIC) study also modality, comorbidity, and inflammatory markers attenu-
reported an association of lipids with coronary heart disease ated the inverse association but strengthened the positive
similar to that of the general population across eGFR groups association. In keeping with these findings, another study
in 807 NDD-CKD patients [11]; however, the study was only showed that in dialysis patients, lower serum TC was a sig-
powered to adjust for four demographic covariates and may nificant predictor of death, but higher TC was associated
have residual confounding. Conversely, another small study with higher death risk in a subgroup of patients with serum
of 840 stage 3 and 4 NDD-CKD patients in the Modification albumin 4.5 g/dl [20]. In the Taiwan Renal Registry Data
of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) cohort showed that the System, in nonatherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
significant association of continuous TC with all-cause mor- (non-ASCVD), both TC >250 mg/dl and <150 mg/dl were
tality was attenuated with covariate adjustment, and there associated with a higher risk of mortality compared to the
was no association of TG, HDLc, and non-HDLc with all- reference (TC 150–200 mg/dl); however, in the ASCVD
cause or CV mortality [12]. Kovesdy et al. also studied the patients, only TC <150 mg/dl had a higher risk [21]. In a
association between all four lipids and mortality in cohort of hemodialysis patients, each 50 mg/dl excess in TG
1012 NDD-CKD patients in a single-center veteran study was associated with a progressively lower risk of all-cause
and found that compared to the highest quartile of lipid lev- and CV mortality in patients with a waist circumference
els, lower lipid levels (TC, LDLc, TG, and HDLc) were asso- <95 cm but with a progressively higher risk in patients with
ciated with higher all-cause mortality [13]. However, these a waist circumference above this threshold [22].
associations were attenuated after adjustment for demo- Kilpatrick et al. also examined the association of lipid
graphics and abolished after additional adjustment for markers with mortality in consideration of MICS in a large
markers of malnutrition and inflammation complex (or dialysis cohort [23]. Both higher TC and LDLc showed a para-
cachexia) syndrome (MICS). Furthermore, in the African doxical association with better survival. Hyper-triglyceridemia
American Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension (>200 mg/dl) also showed a similar trend. The association
(AASK) study, higher TC was associated with the CV end- between a low serum LDLc (<70 mg/dl), which was preva-
point in non-MICS NDD-CKD patients, but not in MICS lent among almost 50% of hemodialysis patients in the cohort,
NDD-CKD patients [14]. and higher all-cause death risk was robust to multivariate
The concept of this reverse epidemiology relationship adjustment, including MICS markers. In subgroup analyses,
between lipids and outcomes in CKD has been attributed to these paradoxical associations persisted among most sub-
MICS. The MICS concept was introduced by Kalantar-Zadeh groups, although they tended to be stronger among hypoal-
et al. for dialysis patients [15] and subsequently defined by a buminemic (<3.8 mg/dl) patients and those with a lower
specific diagnosis description [16]. The description of the dietary protein intake (<1 g/kg/day). Conversely, in African
syndrome includes medical history of weight loss, anorexia, American patients, a high serum LDLc (>100 mg/ml) was
gastrointestinal symptoms, reduced activity, comorbidity, associated with a higher adjusted CV death hazard ratio. The
and long dialysis vintage as well as objective examination authors of the study cautioned that the so-called reverse epi-
findings (decreased subcutaneous fat, muscle wasting, low demiology observations of lipids with mortality in dialysis
body mass index [BMI], low albumin, and low total iron patients should not be considered causal or lead to the nihil-
binding capacity). In a subsequent publication from the istic conclusion of no clinical benefit from cholesterol lower-
same group, the malnutrition-inflammation score (MIS) ing therapy. Another small study similarly showed lower TC
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Dyslipidemia as a Precursor of CK 551
predicted all-cause and CV mortality in hemodialysis the association between MetS and mortality in peritoneal
patients [24]. Other studies in hemodialysis patients have dialysis was attenuated after adjustment for CRP. One small
also shown that higher TG, TG/HDLc ratio, non-HDLc, and study has shown that higher very-low-density lipoprotein
non-HDLc/HDLc ratio were inversely associated with mor- cholesterol (VLDLc) was associated with higher mortality
tality risk in hemodialysis patients in models adjusted for risk in peritoneal dialysis patients even after adjustment for
markers of malnutrition and inflammation [25, 26]. In the MICS covariates [32]; however, additional studies are
same cohort, higher levels of HDLc [27] and increases in needed to support this different finding.
HDLc [28] were associated with higher mortality risk in In transplanted patients, elevated levels of TC or its sub-
hemodialysis patients in analysis with MICS adjustment. A fractions and elevated TG levels have not been shown to be
further study comparing HDLc-mortality associations in East associated with increased risk for patient mortality or
Coast versus West Coast Hispanic dialysis patients showed allograft loss [33], possibly due to the variability of lipopro-
the relationship of higher HDLc with mortality differed tein concentrations and of the factors affecting graft sur-
according to coast and may be explained by geographical vival. Across CKD stages, the relationship of lipids with
variances in racial-ethnic and genetic distinctions [29]. mortality and CV outcomes is paradoxical to that observed
Associations of lipid markers with outcomes in peritoneal in the general population.
dialysis patients have conflicting results. In 1053 continuous
ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients, lower TC
levels were associated with a higher risk of all-cause mortal- Dyslipidemia as a Precursor of CKD
ity, including in those taking or not taking lipid-modifying
medications [30]. Additionally, in a cohort of 749 Korean CKD is a frequent complication of type 2 diabetes, and type
incident peritoneal dialysis patients, lower TC, LDLc, TG, 2 diabetes is the leading cause of CKD [1]. The majority of
and HDLc were associated with a higher all-cause mortality patients with type 2 diabetes also have features of MetS,
risk, and lower TC and LDLc were associated with higher including obesity, hypertension, elevated TGs, and low
CV mortality risk. However, these associations may be HDLc [2, 34]. In patients with MetS, dyslipidemia occurs
impacted by MICS as well. In a study of nondiabetic CAPD due to an increased production and decreased catabolism
patients, metabolic syndrome (MetS), characterized by ele- of VLDLc, thereby resulting in an increase in the fraction
vated TG and lower HDLc, was a predictor of mortality in of small dense low-density lipoprotein (sd-LDL) and catab-
patients with serum albumin >3.0 g/dl, but not in those with olism of HDL attributable to insulin resistance (see
albumin <3.0 g/dl [31]. Another study similarly showed that Figure 34.1 for a basic comparison of density and lipid
Non-HDL cholesterol
Increasing density
Figure 34.1 Serum lipoproteins: relative density and lipid content. HDL, high-density lipoprotein; IDL, intermediate density
lipoproteins; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; SD LDL, small dense low-density lipoprotein; VLDL, very low-density lipoprotein.
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552 Dyslipidemia in Chronic Kidney Disease
c ontent across serum lipoproteins, and Figure 34.2 for a increases in TG concentration, changes in LDL subfraction
summary of MetS impact on VLDL). distribution, and decreases in HDLc concentration.
Patients with MetS also have an increased likelihood of
developing CKD [35, 36] and the strength of this associa-
tion seems to increase with the number of MetS compo- hanges in Triglyceride-carrying
nents present [37]. Both high TG and low HDLc have been Lipoprotein Particles in NDD-CKD
independently associated with the risk of incident
CKD [38]. The higher quartile of TG/HDLc ratio at base- Similar to MetS, dyslipidemia of CKD patients without sig-
line was significantly associated with greater decline in nificant proteinuria is characterized by hypertriglyceri-
eGFR and increase in urinary protein excretion after demia, elevated plasma levels of VLDLc, intermediate
adjustment for confounding factors [39, 40]. We conclude density lipoprotein (IDL), and chylomicron remnants
that changes in the concentration and composition of lipo- (Figure 34.1), and additionally low plasma HDLc and its
proteins characteristic of MetS and type 2 diabetes predict main apolipoprotein (Apo), ApoA-I [41]. While in MetS the
incident CKD and consequently may be transferred to the primary cause of hypertriglyceridemia is an increased pro-
CKD population and become a feature of CKD. duction of VLDL TGs attributable to the increased flow of
free fatty acids [42, 43], in NDD-CKD without proteinuria
a decreased VLDL metabolism appears to be the main
yslipidemia in Nonproteinuric
D cause [44, 45].
NDD-CKD and Hemodialysis The average TG concentration increases with CKD stage
and an inverse association between eGFR and TGs was
Dyslipidemia in nonproteinuric NDD-CKD patients is described [10, 46–48]. The pathophysiology of the defect in
characterized by the same features as dyslipidemia in MetS: TG metabolism in CKD is attributable primarily to an
increase in ApoC-III resulting in a decreased catabolic rate
of VLDL and IDL [49], with ApoC-III concentration as the
only independent predictor of clearance defects (Figure 34.3).
Metabolic Syndrome
• Obesity
On VLDL particles, ApoC-III is an inhibitor of lipoprotein
• Hypertension Increased VLDL production lipase (LPL) activity responsible for VLDL catabolism. In
• Elevated TG
Decrease VLDL catabolism CKD, the ApoC-III fractional catabolic rate is also
• Low HDL
• Insulin Resistance
decreased [50], leading to the increase in its concentration.
(or Diabetes) The decreased TG removal in CKD is also in part attrib-
utable to a decrease in LPL function, although the contri-
bution is not as high as that of ApoC-III [51]. In addition,
hypertriglyceridemia of nonproteinuric NDD-CKD is
Figure 34.2 Metabolic syndrome impact on lipid metabolism.
HDL, high-density lipoprotein; TG, triglycerides; VLDL, very mainly attributable to a lipolytic defect due to a progressive
low-density lipoprotein. increase in ApoC-III as CKD progresses.
Endogenous Pathway
Liver ApoC-I
Apo B
VLDL-1 ApoC-II Activates LPL
X Inhibits LPL ANGPTL3 Lipo
Figure 34.3 Endogenous pathway of VLDL metabolism. ANGPTL3, angiopoietin-like protein 3; APO, apolipoprotein; LPL, lipoprotein
lipase; VLDL, very low-density lipoprotein.
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Nephrotic Syndrom 553
hanges in Triglyceride-carrying
C Since the majority of patients with nonproteinuric CKD
Lipoprotein Particles Common to and hemodialysis have hypertriglyceridemia, the spectrum
of LDL particles is shifted toward smaller and denser parti-
NDD-CKD and Hemodialysis
cles [64, 65]. As with TG concentrations, sd-LDL is signifi-
cantly associated with CKD stage and BMI [66]. In
Additional pathophysiological mechanisms leading to
hemodialysis patients, even in normotriglyceridemic
dyslipidemia have been described in hemodialysis patients,
patients, there are changes in the composition of lipoproteins
although it is not clear to what extent these mechanisms also
indicating a shift toward denser subfractions in the absence
operate in earlier stages of CKD. In hemodialysis patients,
of hypertriglyceridemia [67], while in hypertriglyceridemia
concentrations of VLDLc ApoC-II/C-III ratio were lower
there is an increase in particle number indicating increased
(attributed to higher ApoC-III concentrations) even in the
atherogenicity for the same amount of LDL cholesterol [68].
presence of normal TG [52]. In addition, studies described
Increased oxidative stress is a major contributor to the
the presence of an inhibitor of LPL in the plasma of hemodi-
increased atherosclerosis and CV morbidity and mortality
alysis patients [53, 54]. Another contributor to hemodialysis-
found in uremia [69]. In different stages of CKD there is a
related changes in LPL is the progressive decrease in the
marked increase in oxidized LDL [70] or of antibodies
presence of an activating factor for LPL in the HDL fraction
against oxidized LDL [71].
of the serum [55]. Hemodialysis patients also have a defect
Another characteristic of LDL spectrum lipoproteins in
in the removal of chylomicron remnants [56, 57], resulting
CKD is an increased concentration of lipoprotein (a)
in a prolonged circulation time. These studies could be
(Lp(a)), a lipoprotein subclass associated with atherogenic
interpreted as a severe defect in postprandial lipoprotein
risk. Lp(a) levels have been found to be elevated across the
metabolism, specifically a decrease in remnant uptake by
entire spectrum of eGFR in CKD patients [72]; kidney
the liver, in hemodialysis patients. Other studies have shown
function was inversely correlated with Lp(a) levels, but this
that the function of lipases is reduced by increased levels of
relationship is present only in nonproteinuric CKD and for
the angiopoietin-like protein 3 (ANGPTL3) and 4 which is
subjects with large Apo(a) isomorphs [73]. The increase in
markedly increased in hemodialysis [58, 59]. LPL level
Lp(a) concentration in CKD is attributable to a decreased
seems to decrease with dialysis duration [60], indicating a
removal rate [74]. Elevated Lp(a) is associated with a more
time effect on the lipolytic deficiency. The use of heparin
rapid eGFR decline [75].
(which detaches LPL from the endothelium and releases it
into the circulation) in hemodialysis has an additional
impact on atherogenicity [61]. After a hemodialytic
yslipidemia in Nephrotic Syndrome
procedure with heparin, readily available LPL in circulation
readily metabolizes VLDL, resulting in a significant
and Peritoneal Dialysis
reduction of TG concentration and an increase in VLDL
In nephrotic syndrome and peritoneal dialysis, additional
atherogenic remnants. The authors interpreted their data as
pathophysiological mechanisms are added to those
showing that heparin administration during hemodialysis
described for nonproteinuric CKD and hemodialysis.
leads to a massive production in atherogenic particles
because of the acute stimulation of LPL activity not followed
by an efficient removal of lipoprotein remnants. Nephrotic Syndrome
response and disrupted macrophage chemotaxis in human hyperlipidemia should be balanced against the risk of new
umbilical vein endothelial cells [108]. When the efflux onset diabetes [122, 123].
capacity of HDL was tested directly, HDL-CKD from
dialysis patients was dramatically less effective than
normal HDL-H in accepting cholesterol from macro- ammalian Target of Rapamycin
phages [109]. Statins had no effect on the impairment of Inhibitors
HDL-mediated efflux. Cholesterol acceptor capacity of
HDL-CKD from dialysis patients was confirmed to be The drugs from this class are sirolimus and everolimus,
markedly reduced compared with that of HDL-H [110]. and they have a similar metabolic profile [124]. They are
almost invariably used together with calcineurin inhibitors.
Conversion of transplanted patients from TAC to sirolimus
yslipidemia in Patients with Renal
D resulted in a significant increase in TC, LDLc, and TG [125,
Transplant 126]. This effect is the result of reduced catabolism of Apo
B100-containing lipoproteins [127]. During sirolimus upti-
There is also a marked variability of lipoprotein concentra- tration, TG, Apo B100, and ApoC-III levels increased in a
tions in renal transplant patients [111]. This lipoprotein dose-dependent manner [128]. Sirolimus expands the free
variability is at least in part attributable to medications used fatty acid pool, and therefore the incorporation of a labeled
for graft survival, and also to the intensity of statin therapy. fatty acid, [13 C4]-palmitate, into TG of VLDL, IDL, and
LDL was decreased. The authors suggested that sirolimus-
related increased free fatty acid flow is due to an altered
rednisone insulin signaling pathway resulting in an increased hyper-
triglyceridemia. Hyperlipidemia induced by sirolimus will
Prednisone in transplanted patients treated with cyclo- also vary with the genetic polymorphism of adenosine
sporin (CsA) resulted in increases in HDL cholesterol [112, triphosphate (ATP)-Binding Cassette (ABC)B1-3435,
113]. High-dose prednisone resulted in decreased Lp(a) ABCB1-1236, and IL-10-1082 genes [129].
levels 1 week after transplantation [114]. As steroid doses
were gradually tapered, Lp(a) concentrations subsequently
increased. Transplanted patients treated with alternate day Lipid-altering Trials in CKD Patients
steroids had a significant decrease in both serum TG and
TC [115]. In 2011, the highly anticipated results of the largest study
to date examining the effectiveness of statin therapy in
patients with CKD were published. The Study of Heart and
Calcineurins Renal Protection (SHARP) included 9270 CKD patients
(4650 assigned to combined statin plus ezetimibe therapy
The drugs from this class are CsA and tacrolimus (TAC), and 4620 patients on placebo) [130] aged 40 years or older
and each have a very different metabolic profile. When with no known history of MI or revascularization; 3056 of
transplanted patients are treated with prednisone, with or the patients were on dialysis at the time of study entry.
without CsA, the patients receiving CsA demonstrated Unlike other prior statin trials that only included NDD-
increased plasma concentrations of LDLc [116]. CsA blood CKD stage 3 patients or dialysis patients, SHARP notably
levels are inversely associated with serum Lp(a) levels in expanded the criteria to include not only those two
renal transplant recipients; this association is independent groups but additionally patients with NDD-CKD stage 4
of prednisone therapy [117]. CsA therapy has opposing (41% eGFR 15–29 ml/min/1.73m2) and stage 5 (20%
effects on plasma Lp(a) and LDLc accumulations. eGFR < 15 ml/min/1.73m2). The study had enrollment sites
Replacing CsA with TAC, in one study of transplanted worldwide and included 72% White, 3% Black, 23% Asian,
patients, resulted in significant decreases in TC, LDLc, and and 3% other or unspecified patients. The mean ± SD age of
ApoB levels [118]. In other studies, a switch from CsA to enrolled patients was 62 ± 12 years, and 31% of patients
TAC significantly decreased TG, ApoB, LDLc, and TC were age 70 or older. The study’s primary outcome of inter-
levels [119, 120]. Changes in HDLc in these studies were est was first major atherosclerotic event (nonfatal MI or
variable. In a small randomized trial of CsA versus TAC in coronary death, non-hemorrhagic stroke, or any arterial
renal transplantation, the CsA treatment group had revascularization procedure). Compared to patients on
significant increases in TC, TG, LDLc, and HDLc [121]. placebo, patients in the simvastatin plus ezetimibe treated
However, the advantages of TAC over CsA in terms of arm had a 17% reduction in major atherosclerotic events,
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556 Dyslipidemia in Chronic Kidney Disease
25% reduction in nonhemorrhagic stroke, and 21% reduc- did not reach statistical significance (RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.75,
tion in arterial revascularization procedures. However, 1.08), many clinicians have interpreted this finding to show
there was no difference in the number of coronary deaths, that the combined simvastatin plus ezetimibe therapy com-
and differences in the number of nonfatal MIs did not reach pared to placebo failed to reduce major outcomes in dialysis
statistical significance. Subgroup analysis revealed the out- patients. Two other larger trials previously evaluated the
come risk reductions were larger in patients with higher benefit of initiating statin therapy in dialysis patients. The
baseline BMI, TC, and LDLc. Strikingly, there was an incre- Deutsche Diabetes Dialyse Studie (4D) [133] enrolled 1255
mentally lower benefit as CKD progressed with lower eGFR type 2 diabetic patients on maintenance hemodialysis
levels or higher excreted microalbumin; however, subgroup (median dialysis vintage 8 months) and randomized them
analysis did not show significant heterogeneity across these to receive either 20 mg of atorvastatin daily or placebo.
groups. In the SHARP study, there was no excess risk of Lipid-lowering benefit was observed in the statin-treated
adverse events for patients on statin therapy. group after only 4 weeks of the trial, where LDL was reduced
Soon after the results of the SHARP trial were published, by 42% in statin-treated patients. However, after a median
meta-analysis studies pooled the results of statin trials in follow-up of 4 years there was no difference in primary end-
CKD patients (including SHARP) to determine statin effi- points (composite of death from cardiac causes, nonfatal
cacy. Palmer et al., as part of the Cochrane collaboration, MI, and stroke). When outcomes were evaluated separately,
reviewed over 50 studies with over 45 000 CKD patients and statin patients had a reduced risk of all cardiac events, no
found that statin therapy in NDD-CKD reduced the risk of difference in all-cause mortality risk, but a higher risk of
major CV events by 18%, risk of all-cause mortality by 21%, fatal stroke. The Study to Evaluate the Use of Rosuvastatin
risk of CV mortality by 23%, and risk of MI by 45% [131]. in Subjects on Regular Hemodialysis: An Assessment of
The study was not able to find an association between statin Survival and Cardiovascular Events (AURORA) [134] also
therapy and stroke prevention. Although the meta-analysis investigated the effects of statin (rosuvastatin 10 mg/day)
was not able to thoroughly evaluate potential harms from versus placebo therapy; this study included 2776 hemodi-
statin therapy due to lack of systematic reporting of adverse alysis patients (median dialysis vintage 3.5 years) aged
events across studies, no significant association between 50–80 years. Similar to 4D, after 3 months the LDL in the
statin therapy and adverse events, including elevated cre- statin-treated group had reduced by 43% compared to 2% in
atinine kinase, liver function abnormalities, and cancer, the placebo group. However, also similar to 4D, after a fol-
was found in the limited data that was available. Similarly, low-up of 3.8 years there was no benefit of statin in reducing
Hou et al. also conducted a meta-analysis that included 31 the primary endpoint (death from CV causes, nonfatal MI,
trials and nearly 50 000 patients with CKD and found that or nonfatal stroke). Statins also had no effect on the indi-
statin therapy reduced CV events by 23%, coronary events vidual components of the primary endpoint and no signifi-
by 18%, and all-cause and CV deaths by 9%, but no signifi- cant effect on all-cause mortality.
cant associations were found for stroke or adverse events, The Hou et al. meta-analysis also examined associations
including liver function or muscular disorders [132]. of statin therapy with outcomes in dialysis patients (includ-
Moreover, Hou et al. corroborated the findings of the ing the above three trials) and determined that although
SHARP trial in demonstrating a decreasing benefit of statin there was a lack of a significant association for mortality
therapy across worsening CKD stage. The meta-analysis outcomes in the dialysis patients, there was no heterogene-
found that for CKD stage 3 (which also included two small ity of effect for all-cause mortality or CV death between
studies of CKD stage 2 patients), stage 4 (which included dialysis and NDD-CKD patients. However, associations did
one other study aside from SHARP), and stage 5 NDD- differ for coronary event and stroke outcomes, which found
CKD (SHARP only) CV outcomes were reduced by 31%, no benefit of statin therapy for dialysis patients. There was
22%, and 18%, respectively, for statin-treated patients com- also no heterogeneity of effect between dialysis and NDD-
pared to placebo patients. CKD for adverse event outcomes, including liver disorders,
creatinine kinase elevation, new cancer onset, muscle pain,
and serious adverse events [132].
Statins in Hemodialysis
The SHARP trial also included 3023 patients on dialysis, of Statins in Peritoneal Dialysis
which 84% were hemodialysis patients. The study showed
there was no heterogeneity of effect for the efficacy of the Clinical trials examining statin initiation in peritoneal dialysis
treatment between dialysis and NDD-CKD patients. are limited. SHARP included only 496 peritoneal dialysis
However, because the risk ratio for the dialysis subgroup patients and failed to find a significant benefit of statin therapy
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Statins and Progression of CK 557
in reducing the primary endpoint, although estimates trended groups. A post hoc analysis of ALERT found benefit of fluv-
toward statin benefit (RR 0.70, 95% CI 0.46, 1.08). However, a astatin in reducing an alternative primary endpoint of car-
propensity score matched retrospective United States Renal diac death or definite nonfatal MI. In subgroup analysis for
Data System (USRDS) cohort study of 1053 peritoneal dialysis this endpoint, they also found significant benefit of fluvas-
patients found that use of lipid-modifying medication (mostly tatin in patients who were younger, nondiabetic, nonsmok-
statins) was associated with 26% and 33% lower risk of all- ers, and without pre-existing CVD. However, the authors
cause and CV mortality, respectively; this was particularly the caution that this subgroup analysis is exploratory and over-
case in patients with elevated cholesterol levels [135]. lapping confidence intervals demonstrated no heterogene-
Additionally, a propensity score matched cohort analysis of ity of effect across comparison strata [141]. Another post
1024 Korean peritoneal dialysis patients found statin use was hoc analysis determined that 32% of patients enrolled in
associated with 45% lower mortality risk [136]. As discussed ALERT had MetS and risk of major adverse CV events were
above, peritoneal dialysis patients have higher levels of ApoB reduced by 53% in this group, thereby potentially identify-
containing lipoproteins [137], and thereby statin benefit may ing a group of renal transplant recipients who may benefit
be different in peritoneal patients compared to hemodialysis from statin therapy. When the study investigators con-
patients. Additional trials examining statin initiation in peri- ducted an additional post hoc analysis on patients who
toneal dialysis patients and reduction of CV events should be were less than 4.5 years after renal transplant at study base-
undertaken. line, they found risk of cardiac death and nonfatal MI was
The conclusion drawn from the dialysis trials as summa- reduced by 56% and concluded the analysis supported intro-
rized by meta-analysis was that statin therapy appears to be duction of statin therapy early in the post-transplant
ineffective in reducing CV events when initiated in patients period [142]. Lastly, an extension study offered open label
already on dialysis. As will be discussed below, these trials fluvastatin for two additional years to patients who com-
provided the evidence to determine guidelines suggesting pleted the ALERT trial and included 1652 (92%) of ALERT
not to initiate statin therapy in dialysis patients, but to con- trial participants. Patients randomized to fluvastatin had a
tinue therapy after transition to dialysis when statins were 29% reduction in cardiac death or definite nonfatal MI [143].
already started in late-stage CKD. Although continuation of A meta-analysis by Palmer et al. summarized statin trials in
statin therapy has not been examined in a clinical trial, a renal transplant recipients, including the ALERT study, and
recent cohort study [138] of US veteran patients transition- suggested that statin therapy may reduce CV endpoints,
ing to dialysis found that continuation of statin therapy however the current data lacks precision to confirm any
after dialysis transition was associated with a 28% lower risk benefit and further trials are needed [144].
of all-cause mortality and an 18% lower risk of CV mortality
in adjusted analysis compared to patients that discontinued
statin use. As noted in the invited commentary for this Statins and Progression of CKD
study, this analysis is supportive of statin continuation, but
not sufficient “until high-quality randomized clinical trials The benefit of statin therapy in reducing progression of
evaluating this question are conducted” [139]. CKD has been examined in most clinical trials; however,
the results have been conflicting. In the meta-analysis by
Palmer et al. no conclusions could be made about whether
Statins in Renal Transplant statin therapy slowed CKD progression. Although the anal-
ysis found a significant benefit of statin therapy on decreas-
The use of statins for prevention of CV events in renal trans- ing proteinuria, there was no benefit found for reducing the
plant patients has to date only been tested in one clinical number of patients transitioning to ESRD. This latter analy-
trial. The Assessment of LEscol in Renal Transplantation sis was based solely on the results of the SHARP trial.
(ALERT) trial randomized 2102 renal transplant recipients Another meta-analysis similarly found a benefit of statins
to fluvastatin 80 mg/day versus placebo and compared the in reducing proteinuria outcomes in patients with urinary
risk of the primary endpoint (cardiac death, nonfatal MI, or protein excretion of 30 mg/day or more [145]. They also
coronary revascularization) [140]. After a mean of 5.1 years, found that CKD patients receiving statin therapy compared
LDLc was lowered by 32% in statin-treated patients; how- to placebo had less of an eGFR reduction by study end;
ever, risk reduction for the primary endpoint was not sig- however, these results seem largely influenced by one study
nificant. There were, however, fewer cardiac deaths or as no benefit was observed in the other nine studies
nonfatal MI events in the fluvastatin group than in the included in the analysis. A more recent meta-analysis by
placebo group. Coronary intervention procedures and other Sanguankeo et al. supported these latter results, finding
secondary endpoints did not differ significantly between that statin therapy was associated with a modestly slower
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558 Dyslipidemia in Chronic Kidney Disease
eGFR change per year as compared to placebo. They further atorvastatin, simvastatin, lovastatin, and pitavastatin, and
found that these results were driven by significant findings statin doses should be lowered in patients treated with
for high-intensity statins as no significant difference in cyclosporine and fluvastatin, pravastatin, and rosuvastatin.
change in eGFR was found for low or moderate intensity
statins. However, in this meta-analysis they found the data
were insufficient to study impacts on proteinuria. Other Statin Dose
studies have claimed differences in preserving renal func-
tion according to statin type or brand [146–148]. To date, Caution for adverse events in CKD patients such as muscle
the data on the effects of statin on progression of CKD and disorders may lead clinicians to prescribe lower dose therapy.
protein excretion are variable and modest. Additional data One post hoc analysis [152] in 2978 Japanese NDD-CKD
are needed to conclude whether statins provide renal pro- patients without history of ischemic heart disease or stroke
tection in patients with CKD. and moderate hypercholesterolemia evaluated the benefit of
low-dose statin therapy (pravastatin 10–20 mg daily) versus
placebo and found reduction in coronary heart disease
tatins and Adverse Outcome/
S events, all-cause mortality, and stroke. However, results of
Safety in CKD meta-analyses in CKD patients showed that benefit of statin
is related to the strength of LDL lowering and therefore
Statin safety may be of particular concern in CKD patients stronger therapy may still be indicated. Most clinical trial
who typically also have higher comorbidity and polyphar- data included in the above-mentioned meta-analyses [132] of
macy, and may have a higher rate of metabolite accumula- CKD patients included trials where patients received moder-
tion due to decreased renal function and uremia-related ate dose statin therapy versus placebo. The SHARP trial used
muscle injury that could increase risk of myopathy [149]. a combination of moderate dose statin plus ezetimibe, lead-
As mentioned above, results of the meta-analyses evaluat- ing to more intense lipid-lowering therapy. To date, two post
ing the safety of statin therapy in CKD patients (both non- hoc analyses of randomized control trials have examined the
dialysis and dialysis) demonstrated no excess risk of adverse benefit of more aggressive lipid lowering with high-dose sta-
events such as elevated creatinine kinase, liver function tin in CKD patients. The Treating to New Targets (TNT) study
problems, muscle disorders, or cancer onset with statin [153] randomized patients to atorvastatin 80 mg/day (high
treatment. Palmer et al., however, noted lack of systematic dose statin) or 10 mg/day (moderate dose statin) and found
reporting may contribute to the inability to thoroughly eval- the major CV endpoint was reduced by 32% for 3107 CKD
uate adverse events. A recent statement from the ACC fur- (mostly stage 3) patients and reduced by 15% in patients with
ther supported findings of no excess risks and summarized normal eGFR (median follow-up of 5 years). Moreover, the
concerns of statin safety [150]. The report found risk of study reported no difference in safety concerns between the
events including hepatotoxicity, rhabdomyolysis, and new CKD and normal eGFR groups. In the Justification for the
onset of diabetes to be very low at 0.2% or less per year and Use of statins in Prevention; an Intervention Trial Evaluating
found no convincing evidence of risk of cancer, cataracts, Rosuvastatin (JUPITER) primary prevention trial [154],
cognitive dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy, erectile dys- high-dose statin (rosuvastatin 20 mg) was compared with pla-
function, or tendonitis with statin use. In CKD and in par- cebo among men and women free of CVD who had LDLc
ticular in both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients, <130 mg/dl and elevated high-sensitivity CRP. The post hoc
statins appeared to be safe even in consideration of the poly- analysis compared CV events in 3267 patients with moderate
pharmacy in these patients. Although there was no excess CKD at study entry and 14 528 with normal eGFR. After a
risk reported for myopathy, one randomized clinical trial median follow-up of 1.9 years, statin-treated CKD patients
found CKD was a risk factor for myopathy in patients had a 45% reduction in the primary endpoint and a 44%
treated with simvastatin 80 mg. The statin safety report reduction in all-cause mortality. Additionally, in CKD
therefore provides a table summarizing how to modulate patients there were no differences between statin therapy
statin therapy with CKD progression and maximum dose and placebo for adverse events. However, statin-treated CKD
per statin type in patients with mild to moderate CKD and patients had a statistically significant but not clinically differ-
ESRD to avoid myopathy risks. The report additionally ent higher HbA1c at 24 months, but no differences in fasting
addresses drug–drug interaction of cyclosporine and statin glucose were observed. Although results in CKD patients
in renal transplant patients. Cyclosporine has been shown were not specifically discussed, in another post hoc analysis
to increase blood levels of statins, which may increase risk of the JUPITER trial, Ridker et al. found that treatment with
of myopathy [151]. According to statin safety guidelines, statin therapy was associated with a fast time to diagnosis of
cyclosporine should be avoided in patients treated with diabetes [155].
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Cholestero 559
Statins and Diabetes Risk bile acid binder in CKD patients and lowered LDLc as well
as increasing HDLc [171]. Colestilan, a phosphate binder
A number of meta-analyses have summarized statin trials used in Japan, was shown to be equivalent to sevelamer in
in evaluating risk of incident diabetes and found statin phosphate binding and LDLc lowering efficacy [172] and
treatment was significantly associated with an increased similar to simvastatin in LDLc lowering [173]. The benefit
risk [156–160]. The magnitude of risk may differ depend- of sevelamer in reducing adverse outcomes in CKD patients
ing on diabetes definition, statin dose [158, 159, 161] dura- has been demonstrated [174–176]. One small study com-
tion of exposure to statin therapy [162], and statin type [160, pared sevelamer versus calcium acetate in atorvastatin-
163] and may further be explained by bias in competing treated dialysis patients and found greater LDL lowering in
risk of mortality in placebo treated patients [164]. The sevelamer-treated patients, but no difference in coronary
mechanism of action by which statins increase the risk of artery calcium progression between treatment arms after
incident diabetes is not clear, and several mechanisms have 1 year [177]. Whether bile acid resins, including sevelamer,
been postulated [165–168]. To date, no study has directly confer CV benefit in CKD patients already on statin therapy
examined risk of diabetes incidence in statin-treated needs to be further evaluated.
patients with CKD. Authors of the cited studies [156–160]
agree that risk of diabetes incidence does not outweigh the Ezetimibe
benefits of CV risk protection and improved survival with
statin therapy. However, the overall safety of statins (in Ezetimibe is another cholesterol-lowering medication that
particular high-dose statin) in CKD patients still needs to acts similarly to bile acid resins by decreasing cholesterol
be addressed in future studies. absorption. When added to statin therapy, ezetimibe can
reduce cholesterol levels by an additional 23–24% on average.
The Improved Reduction of Outcomes: Vytorin Efficacy
Nonstatin Lipid Lowering in CKD International Trial (IMPROVE-IT) [178] evaluated the effect
of ezetimibe combined with simvastatin, as compared with
Although statin therapy is the main course of treatment for simvastatin alone, in 18 144 patients who had an acute coro-
dyslipidemia, a number of studies have evaluated the nary syndrome and whose LDL cholesterol values were
potential benefits of nonstatin lipid-lowering therapies in within guideline recommendations. Over a median follow-
CKD. The nonstatin lipid-lowering medications include up of 6 years, patients on the combined therapy had signifi-
those targeted at lowering cholesterol (bile acid binding cantly greater benefit of LDL lowering and lower risk of the
resins, ezetimibe, PCSK9 inhibitors) and those altering composite endpoint of nonfatal MI, unstable angina requir-
lowering triglyceride and/or elevating HDL levels (fibrates, ing rehospitalization, coronary revascularization ( 30 days
niacin, omega (n–3) fatty acids). after randomization), or nonfatal stroke. A post hoc analysis
of IMPROVE-IT evaluated associations across eGFR levels
and found patients with normal eGFR had a 12% risk reduc-
Cholesterol tion, while those with moderate CKD had a 13% risk reduc-
tion of the primary endpoint [179]. The analysis found no
Bile Acid Binding Resins
difference in change in mean eGFR over the 7 years of follow-
Bile acid binding resins, including cholestyramine, colestipol, up between study arms, yet also found no excess of adverse
and colesevelam, are another cholesterol-lowering medica- risk in the combined therapy patients. The results of this post
tion often given to statin-intolerant patients. They are less hoc analysis combined with the SHARP trial results demon-
potent than statins at decreasing TC and LDLc, and have strate the benefits of the combined statin plus ezetimibe ther-
been associated with an increase in TG level [169]. The Lipid apy without any concerns of added risk in CKD.
Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial (LRC-
CPPT) randomized 3806 men free of coronary artery disease
PCSK9 Inhibitors
with elevated LDLc (>175 mg/dl) to cholestyramine with an
intended dose of 24 g/day versus placebo [170]. After 7.1 years PCSK9 inhibitors have shown remarkable results in LDL
there was a significant 19% reduction in the incidence of non- lowering and CV benefits [180, 181].
fatal MI or coronary death. The average serum creatinine in The Long-term Safety and Tolerability of Alirocumab in
enrolled patients was 1.03 mg/dl and effect modification by High Cardiovascular Risk Patients with Hypercholesterolemia
CKD was not conducted. Not Adequately Controlled with Their Modifying Therapy
The phosphate binder, sevelamer, used in CKD patients (ODYSSEY LONG TERM) study randomized patients with
to lower serum phosphorous levels was shown to act as a high risk of CV events, LDLc 70 mg/dl, and receiving
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560 Dyslipidemia in Chronic Kidney Disease
t reatment with statins at the maximum tolerated dose to e volocumab versus placebo across baseline CKD
alirocumab versus placebo [181]. At week 24, the mean per- stages [185]. The analysis showed that the FOURIER trial
centage change in LDLc from baseline for alirocumab versus was composed of 29%, 55%, and 16% of patients with eGFR
placebo was 62%, and the treatment effect remained over the 90, 60–89, and < 60 ml/min/1.73m2, respectively. LDLc
78 weeks of follow-up. A post hoc analysis found that the rate reduction with evolocumab versus placebo at 48 weeks, rel-
of CV events (death from coronary heart disease, nonfatal ative risk of the primary endpoint, and adverse events
MI, fatal or nonfatal ischemic stroke, or unstable angina including eGFR decline was similar across CKD groups.
requiring hospitalization) was 48% lower in alirocumab- They also found that absolute relative risks for the second-
treated patients versus placebo. Patients with eGFR <60 ml/ ary endpoint (composite of CV death, MI, or stroke) were
min/1.73m2 for 3 months or more at the screening visit were larger among those with eGFR <60 ml/min/1.73m2, as
included in the study as having a high risk of CV events; how- compared to patients with eGFR 90 ml/min/1.73m2.
ever, patients with eGFR <30 ml/min/1.73m2 were excluded. PCSK9 inhibitors may have a great future in treating dys-
A larger trial called ODYSSEY OUTCOMES randomized lipidemia in patients with CKD, although concerns have
18 924 patients aged 40 years or older to alirocumab versus been raised regarding the affordability of this drug. Further
placebo if they had acute coronary syndrome (acute MI or studies are needed, in particular in dialysis and renal trans-
unstable angina) within 12 months prior to randomization, plant patients.
were on high-intensity statin, and had an LDLc 70 mg/dl.
Patients with eGFR <30 ml/min/1.73m2 were again excluded.
At 4 months, alirocumab patients had a 56% greater LDLc Triglyceride/HDL
reduction, which was maintained after the remaining course
of follow-up. Over a median follow-up of 2.8 years,
alirocumab-treated patients had a 15% lower risk of the pri- CKD patients with elevated TG may need additional or
mary endpoint (coronary heart disease death, nonfatal MI, other lipid-lowering therapy as statins have been shown to
ischemic stroke, or unstable angina requiring hospitaliza- only modestly reduce TG. Fibrates (including gemfibrozil
tion). Patients also had a lower risk of all-cause death, but not and fenofibrate) have been used in clinical practice to
CVD or coronary heart disease death. The results of this trial decrease TG levels, modestly improve HDL, and reduce CV
were presented at the 2018 American Cardiology events. The Helsinki Heart Study [186] and the Veterans
Conference [182]. A post hoc analysis included eight of the Affairs High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Intervention
earlier phase 3 ODYSSEY trials and found that among 4629 Trial (VA-HIT) [187] demonstrated a reduction in CV
hypercholesterolemic patients (including 10% with impaired events (fatal and nonfatal MI, and nonfatal MI or death
renal function), LDLc lowering and safety were comparable from coronary causes, respectively) in fibrate-treated
in CKD and non-CKD patients [183]. To date, information patients compared to placebo. However, in the larger
comparing clinical outcomes across CKD stages have not Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes
been presented for alirocumab. (FIELD) trial, which included 9795 patients, fenofibrate
The Further Cardiovascular Outcomes Research with did not reduce the primary endpoint (coronary heart dis-
PCSK9 Inhibition in Subjects with Elevated Risk ease death or nonfatal MI) but did significantly reduce
(FOURIER) trial then tested the impact of evolocumab nonfatal MI by 24%, total CV disease events by 11%, and
when added to high-intensity or moderate-intensity statin coronary revascularizations by 21% [188]. The authors of
therapy in 27 564 patients with clinically evident ASCVD the trial speculated that higher rates of off-protocol initia-
and LDL 70 mg/dl [180]. At 48 weeks follow-up, the mean tion of statin therapy in placebo-allocated patients may
percentage reduction in LDLc with evolocumab, as com- have masked a moderately larger treatment benefit. A
pared with placebo, was 59% (95% CI: 0.58–0.60), with 87%, meta-analysis addressed data concerning patients with
67%, and 42% of patients in the evolocumab-treated group CKD enrolled in VA-HIT and FIELD as well as other stud-
achieving LDLc <70, <40, and <25 mg/dl, respectively. ies (10 studies, 16 869 CKD patients) [189] and found
After a median follow-up of 2.2 years, evolocumab versus fibrates improved lipid profiles and reduced major CV
placebo reduced the risk of the primary composite endpoint events and CV deaths but not all-cause mortality and stroke
(CV death, MI, stroke, hospitalization for unstable angina, in patients with mild to moderate CKD. The analysis also
or coronary revascularization) by 15%. Patients with eGFR reported fibrates reduced albuminuria and reversibly
20 ml/min/1.73m2 were included in the study [184]. At the reduced serum creatinine; however, it found no clear effect
2018 American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week of preventing progression to ESRD.
Conference, Charytan et al. presented the results of a post In clinical practice, fibrates are typically recommended
hoc analysis comparing the efficacy and safety of in addition to statin therapy. The Action to Control CV Risk
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Triglyceride/HD 561
in Diabetes (ACCORD) study evaluated the added benefit (>200 mg/dl) and lower HDL (<32 mg/dl) that had a
of fenofibrate versus placebo to statin in 5518 type 2 significant decrease in primary events, suggesting more
diabetic patients being treated with open-label simvastatin extreme thresholds for enrollment should be used for nia-
and found no benefit for fibrates in reducing CV out- cin therapy [199]. Another post hoc analysis evaluated the
comes [190]. In a post hoc analysis, which included 1910 efficacy of niacin in patients with stage 3 CKD and found
patients with mild to moderate CKD and 3554 with normal no benefit in CV outcomes and a higher all-cause mortality
eGFR, fenofibrate conferred no benefit in patients with risk in niacin-treated patients [200].
CKD for primary or secondary outcomes [191]. However, The Treatment of HDL to Reduce the Incidence of
in the non-CKD patients alone, the fenofibrate patients Vascular Events (HPS-THRIVE) trial enrolled 25 673 statin-
had a 36% reduction of CV mortality and a 44% lower rate treated patients with ASCVD and randomized them to nia-
of fatal and nonfatal congestive heart failure. Some studies cin/laropiprant versus placebo [201, 202]. The study failed
have cautioned that the combined therapy may lead to to show any benefit of the niacin therapy in reducing major
safety concerns, such as rhabdomyolysis [192], but phar- CV events. Moreover, patients in the niacin therapy group
macokinetic studies failed to show any changes in statin had a higher risk of adverse events, including disturbances
kinetic parameters when fenofibrate was tested against in diabetes control, diabetes incidence, and adverse events
each statin separately [193–195]. Current Kidney Disease: related to gastrointestinal and musculo-skeletal systems,
Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guidelines suggest skin, infection, and bleeding. Of note, the study included
that combined statin and fibrate therapy should not be patients with a wide range of lipid levels who may not be
used in patients with renal impairment due to concerns of indicated for niacin therapy, including over 49% of trial
adverse events and statin should be prescribed if trying to patients with an HDL 43 mg/dl and 74% with TG levels of
choose between the two medication classes [196]. However, <151 mg/dl.
if indicated, Canadian guidelines suggest that fibrates Although a small pharmacokinetic study demonstrated
alone may be used in patients with mild CKD at lower that niacin may not need dose adjustments in patients with
doses (one-third of the normal dose) [197]. Additional CKD [203], current KDIGO guidelines have stipulated that
studies may be needed to further evaluate whether the nicotinic acid has not been well enough studied in CKD,
potential benefit of fibrate added to statin therapy in CKD and given the risks of toxicity, it is currently not recom-
patients outweighs any potential risks. mended for treatment of high TG [196]. Two review arti-
cles have summarized the beneficial properties of niacin,
including anti-inflammatory properties, reducing serum
phosphorous levels, and preventing HDL dysfunctional-
Similar to fibrates, niacin is used to increase HDLc and ity [204, 205]. This suggests potential benefit of niacin ther-
reduce TG concentration. Early trials demonstrated that apy in patients with CKD, although further studies are
niacin added to statin monotherapy resulted in a reduction needed.
of carotid intima thickness, a marker of atherosclerosis.
However, clinical trials failed to show CV benefit and
Omega (n-3) Fatty Acids
introduced concerns regarding niacin safety. The
Atherothrombosis Intervention in Metabolic Syndrome Omega-3 fatty acids have also been used to target lowering
with Low HDL/High Triglycerides and Impact on Global of TG levels. The active ingredients include eicosapentanoic
Health Outcomes (AIM-HIGH) study enrolled 3414 acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). In addition
patients with coronary artery disease (men below 40 mg/dl to dietary recommendations to consume fish rich in
and women below 50 mg/dl) and high TG (over 150 mg/dl) omega-3 fatty acids, there are two prescription strength
with LDLc lowered to 40–80 mg/dl with simvastatin and medications on the US market: Lovaza, containing 375 mg
ezetimibe, and randomized them to additional niacin or DHA and 465 mg EPA, and Vascepa, containing 1 g purified
placebo therapy [198]. The primary endpoint evaluated EPA. A study found that the EPA-only Vascepa decreased
was the first event of the composite of death from coronary LDLc, while the DHA-containing Lovaza increased it [206].
heart disease, nonfatal MI, ischemic stroke, hospitalization Clinical trials of omega-3 fatty acids for CV endpoints
for an acute coronary syndrome, or symptom-driven have yielded mixed results. The Gruppo Italiano per lo
coronary or cerebral revascularization. After 36 months of Studio della Sopravvivenza nell’Infarto Miocardico-
follow-up, despite lipid improvement, there was no clinical Prevenzione (GISSI-Prevenzione) study enrolled 11 324
benefit in reducing the primary endpoint from the addition survivors of MI and randomized them to Lovaza 1 g/day
of niacin to statin therapy. However, a post hoc analysis versus placebo [207, 208]. After 3.5 years, there was a sig-
identified a subgroup of 439 patients with elevated TG nificant 15% reduction in the combined endpoint of death,
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562 Dyslipidemia in Chronic Kidney Disease
nonfatal MI, and stroke. Similar results were observed in a with possible combination with ezetimibe [3]. For patients
study of over 6000 heart failure patients [209]. However, transitioning to dialysis, continuation of statin therapy is
additional studies that examined the clinical benefit of recommended. However, because the trials failed to show
omega 3-fatty acids as an add-on therapy to statins failed benefit of statin initiation in dialysis patients, initiation of
to show clinical benefit in patients with a history of MI statin in dialysis is not recommended. This is an update
[210–212]. The Japan EPA Lipid Intervention Study (JELIS) from previous guidelines, which did not have a recommen-
randomized 18 645 patients with or without pre-existing dation regarding initiating or continuing statins in hemodi-
coronary artery disease and a serum cholesterol >250 mg/ alysis patients [222]. Similar to the current ACC/AHA
dl to statin plus either 1800 mg EPA or placebo [213]. After guidelines, KDIGO guidelines recommend initiation of sta-
4.6 years, there was a significant reduction in the risk of tin treatment with a statin or statin/ezetimibe combination
major coronary events and nonfatal coronary events (19% in adults aged 50 years with eGFR <60 ml/min/1.73m2, but
each), a 28% decrease in the risk of unstable angina, and a not treated with chronic dialysis or kidney transplantation.
20% reduction in stroke in treated patients [214, 215]. Renal Statin initiation is also recommended in NDD-CKD non-
patients were excluded from the study. A more recent trial transplanted adult patients aged 18–49 years if they have
randomized 8179 statin-treated patients with established known coronary disease, diabetes mellitus, prior ischemic
CVD, diabetes, or other risk factors and a fasting TG of stroke of >10% estimated 10-year risk of coronary death, or
135–499 mg/dl and LDLc of 41–100 mg/dl to Vascepa or nonfatal MI. Similar to the ACC/AHA guidelines, KDIGO
placebo. The study found that EPA-treated patients had a guidelines also suggest statins not be initiated, but should be
25% lower risk of the primary endpoint (CV death, nonfatal continued in dialysis-dependent CKD. They also suggest
MI, nonfatal stroke, coronary revascularization, or unstable treatment with statin in adult kidney transplant recipients.
angina) [216]. Patients with CKD, except those requiring Current ACC/AHA guidelines do not have suggestions for
dialysis, were included in the trial and stratification by renal transplant recipients. For statin therapy dosing in
eGFR showed no heterogeneity of effect. CKD patients, where statins are recommended, KDIGO
Hemodialysis patients have markedly lower levels of guidelines provide a table which has dosing recommenda-
plasma EPA and DHA when compared with NDD-CKD tions per statin type that corresponds with ACC/AHA
patients [217]. DHA has been shown to be an independent guidelines of moderate statin doses. The ACC/AHA guide-
predictor of all-cause mortality [218] and of sudden car- lines indicate there is a need for randomized control trials
diac death [219] in hemodialysis patients. A small trial testing the efficacy of higher dose versus moderate dose
randomized 206 hemodialysis patients to low-dose omega- statins in patients with risk-enhancing factors, which
3 fatty acids versus placebo, and found a small but signifi- includes CKD. A recent cohort study in US veterans demon-
cant reduction in the number of MIs (four versus 13, strated no difference in the association of statin dose with
P = 0.036) in the treated versus placebo arms [220]. The mortality outcomes across stages of NDD-CKD [223].
Fish Oil Inhibition of Stenosis in Hemodialysis Grafts For TG lowering, the KDIGO guidelines advise therapeu-
(FISH) study enrolled 201 patients and randomized them tic lifestyle changes, and caution against the use of statins
to fish oil (four 1 g pills per day) versus placebo for in combination with fibrates in CKD patients due to
12 months. In the fish oil group, there were half as many increased risk of adverse events. The 2013 ACC/AHA
thromboses, fewer corrective interventions, and improved guidelines state that gemfibrozil should not be used in
CV event-free survival [221]. combination with statin, and for TG lowering a fenofibrate
Although the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids are promis- can be prescribed with dose alterations according to CKD
ing in CKD and dialysis patients, further studies in larger stage: not to exceed 54 mg/day in patients with eGFR
trials are needed. 30–59 ml/min/1.73m2 and to discontinue when eGFR is
persistently <30 ml/min/1.73m2. Although there is cur-
rently a lack of data to support any guideline recommenda-
uidelines tion, niacin and omega-3 fatty acids may be used in place of
fibrates, with monitoring of potential adverse reactions;
Guidelines advising on dyslipidemia slightly differ whether however, further studies in CKD patients are needed.
approaching from a nephrology angle using KDIGO guide-
lines [196] or a cardiology angle using ACC/AHA guidelines
(Table 34.1). According to the 2018 ACC/AHA guidelines, Conclusion
CKD with an eGFR <60 ml/min/1.73m2 is considered a risk-
enhancing factor, and thereby adults aged 40–75 years with The lipoprotein profile in CKD patients is variable depend-
LDLc 70–189 mg/dl who are at 10-year ASCVD risk of 7.5% ing on CKD stage, other patient characteristics including
or higher should be treated with a moderate intensity statin nutritional status, and management of the patient including
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Table 34.1 Recommendations for treatment of dyslipidemia.
Statins for NDD-CKD All NDD-CKD patients aged 50–80 years should be treated with a High for total mortality, CV Strong.
patients, age <80 years high-dose statin or a moderate dose statin ± ezetimibe irrespective of mortality, and MACE Level A Class I.
serum cholesterol. Younger patients should be treated if they have
documented ASCVD, diabetes, or estimated 10-year risk of coronary
death or nonfatal MI >10%.
Statins for hemodialysis Statins should not be initiated in hemodialysis patients. Statins should High for noninitiation; low for Strong for noninitiation. Level A Class
patients be continued in transition to hemodialysis for predialysis patients. continuation of statins III, no benefit.
Weak for continuation. Level B Class IIa.
Statins for peritoneal Statins may be initiated in peritoneal dialysis patients when Weak and only for total mortality Weak for total mortality. Level C
dialysis patients cholesterol is elevated (>225 mg/dl). Class IIb.
Statins for renal Statins should be initiated in renal transplant patients, although there Weak for initiation and only for Weak for initiation. Level C Class IIa.
transplant patients are increased risks due to drug interactions. MACE; high for drug interaction
Statins for patients age Statin initiation or continuation could be considered if the patient or Weak for initiation or continuation Weak evidence. Level C Class IIa.
>80 years family agrees and the long-term benefit exceeds the risks. Informed
consent discussion is necessary.
Fibrates Fibrates are considered not effective as an add-on to statins in CKD Weak for use with triglycerides Weak evidence.
patients unless triglycerides are >500 mg/dl. >500 mg/dl Level C Class IIb.
Niacin Niacin should not be used for treatment of dyslipidemia in CKD Moderate for mortality Moderate evidence. Level C Class III no
patients. benefit/harm.
Omega-3 fatty acids EPA should be used in NDD-CKD patients with stage 3 CKD in Moderate for total and CV Moderate evidence. Level B Class I.
addition to statin therapy if triglycerides are >135 mg/dl mortality and MACE
Ezetimibe Ezetimibe should be added to statin therapy in CKD patients if the High for CV mortality and MACE Strong evidence. Level A Class I.
LDL cholesterol was not decreased by 50% and/or if LDL cholesterol is
not at goal.
Bile acid binding resins Bile acid binding resins should not be used for dyslipidemia in CKD Weak Low evidence. Class C Level III possible
patients. harm.
PCSK9 inhibitors PCSK9 inhibitors should be used in patients with stage 3 CKD and Strong for CV mortality and MACE Strong evidence. Class A Level I.
ASCVD who have a LDL cholesterol >70 mg/dl on maximum tolerated
dose of statin + ezetimibe.
ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CV, cardiovascular; EPA, eicosapentanoic acid; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; MACE, major adverse
cardiovascular event; MI, myocardial infarction; NDD-CKD, nondialysis dependent chronic kidney disease; PCSK9, proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9.
type of dialysis and drugs aimed at prevention of graft rejec- ued after patients transition to dialysis. The clinical benefit
tion. Consequently, the ability of the different lipoproteins to of statin currently outweighs the risk of adverse events in
predict adverse outcomes is limited. Interpretation of the CKD patients. Further study is needed to ascertain the effi-
levels should be individualized. Moderate dose statins cacy and possible risk of higher dose statins or nonstatin
should be initiated in patients with NDD-CKD and contin- lipid-altering medications in CKD patients.
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572 Dyslipidemia in Chronic Kidney Disease
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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574 Chronic Kidney Disease and Hypertension
Clinic BP 2,819
Concordant control
Concordant lack of control
Masked hypertension
837 396
14.7% 7.0%
Figure 35.1 Prevalence of masked and white-coat hypertension in hypertensive patients with chronic kidney disease. Source:
Reproduced with permission [13]. On the x axis, patients are divided into two groups: blood pressure (BP) <130/80 mmHg with
24-hour ambulatory BP or ≥130/80 mmHg. On the y axis, patients are also divided into two groups: clinic BP <140/90 mmHg and
≥140/90 mmHg. There are two groups where 24-hour ambulatory BP and clinic BP are discordant. One is the well-known white-coat
hypertension: patients with normal BP at home (assessed with the 24-hour ambulatory BP assessment) and elevated in the clinic
(assessed with the clinic BP). Less well recognized is masked hypertension: patients with normal BP in the clinic and elevated BP at
home. Source: Gorostidi et al. [13]. © 2013, Elsevier.
defined, and that medication is “confirmed” and not “pre- Assessment of Blood Pressure
scribed.” While CKD is identified as a reason for true rHTN,
it is currently not clear whether the prevalence of true In the context of clinical evaluation of the patient with CKD,
rHTN is higher or lower than in people without CKD. It four different assessments of BP are being used: in-office
does not take away the relevance to investigate adherence if manual, multiple in-office automated, home, and ambula-
BP targets are not achieved with 3 antihypertensive tory measurements. Unfortunately, the level of BP is still
medications. often only derived from in-office manual measurements.
A last issue is masked HTN, which is HTN that is pre- These are notorious for inaccurate assessment of BP for a
sent when the patient is at home, but is not measured as number of reasons, including white coat HTN (i.e. stress
such in the office. The prevalence of masked HTN is esti- associated with a clinic visit), as well as the inability to diag-
mated to be about 7–42% of hypertensive patients [8, 9] nose masked or nighttime HTN. Multiple in-office auto-
and is associated with an elevated cardiovascular risk [10]. mated measurements, if done appropriately with at least five
By its nature, masked HTN can only be detected by ambu- measurements with the patient left alone seated in the right
latory or home BP measurements. In a recent study with position in a quiet room, do resemble daytime ambulatory
CKD patients, Agarwal defined masked HTN as having BP measurements. Although obviously more preferably
controlled HTN in the office (BP <140/90 mmHg), with than a single in-office measurement, it takes more time in
elevated BP at home. Assessed by ambulatory BP measure- the clinic, and masked or nighttime HTN still cannot be
ments >135/80 mmHg during daytime, >130/80 mmHg diagnosed. Since both masked and nighttime HTN are more
during the entire day, or >120/70 mmHg during the night, prevalent in CKD patients [8, 9], this is obviously relevant.
overall prevalence of masked uncontrolled HTN was 56%. Home BP measurements have a number of benefits, includ-
Assessed using average weeklong home BP measurements ing the possibility to have multiple measurements over the
>135/85 mmHg, prevalence was similarly high at 51% [11]. day and during work and weekend days. This facilitates the
A recent study from Europe reported a lower prevalence of assessment of BP variability, including potential weaning of
19% using ambulatory BP measurements [12]. These stud- medication actions during some time of the day (e.g. becom-
ies strongly emphasize the importance of home and ambu- ing hypertensive before taking medications in the morning),
latory measurements. This is further illustrated in and it enables the diagnosis of masked, but not nighttime
Figure 35.1. hypertension. Furthermore, it engages patients in their care.
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Pathophysiolog 575
Performing ambulatory BP measurements is more labor Table 35.1 Pros and cons of different approaches to assess
intensive, can be psychologically troubling for the patient, or blood pressure.
even a bit painful, yet it provides day- and nighttime BP
measurements, shows variations, allows coupling BP to Automated
Issue Office BP office BP Home BP ABPM
symptoms, and avoids patient selection. Given the high
prevalence of HTN in CKD, a strong call is being made to use Affected by Yes Possible No No
ambulatory BP measurements more frequently in the assess- white-coat
ment of BP in the CKD patient because of the issues with phenomenon
high prevalence of white coat, masked, nighttime, and vari- Able to detect No No Yesa Yesa
able hypertension. The pros and cons of different BP assess- white-coat
ments are summarized in Table 35.1.
Able to detect No No Yesa Yesa
Pathophysiology Easily available Yes Possible Yes Possible
Low cost Yes No Yes No
Three key mechanisms form an important basis for HTN in
CKD: activation of the RAS and the SNS, and ECFV expan- a
When office measurements are also available.
sion. In addition, there are dozens of other BP modulating BP, blood pressure; ABPM, ambulatory blood pressure
systems involved in the pathophysiology of HTN in CKD.
Studies from the 1970s demonstrated elegantly that when
renin levels are related to volume status, the baroreceptor diminished the activation of the SNS, as assessed by mus-
curve is shifted upward: at any level of ECFV, renin is cle sympathetic nerve activity [20]. Since then, sympathetic
higher in CKD patients compared to controls. This acti- hyperactivity has been shown in nonproteinuric CKD as
vated RAS is more prominent in polycystic kidney well as polycystic kidney disease. The hyperreactivity
disease [14], kidney involvement in scleroderma [15], as depends at least in part on the RAS, since in CKD patients
well as renovascular disease. The mechanisms by which ACE inhibition leads to normalization of sympathetic
angiotensin II leads to HTN are not only the classically activity [21]. Surgical renal denervation has been shown to
described vasoconstriction and increase in aldosterone reduced BP in experimental CKD as well as in humans [22].
release but also encompass direct increases in proximal Denervation using an intravascular device has been less
tubular reabsorption [16] and a number of indirect effects successful; however, technique improvements could
like increased oxidative stress with all its consequences and resolve this [23]. Of note, sympathetic activation not only
activation of the SNS. It has been nicely demonstrated that affects BP control but is also involved in a large number of
in CKD patients, ACE inhibition partly corrects the left processes, including glucose metabolism and insulin resist-
shift of the baroreceptor curve. ance, endothelial dysfunction and vascular stiffness, and
Volume overload is the consequence of a too excessive immune modulation [24].
sodium intake and the impaired ability of the kidney to Besides this classical triad of mechanisms for HTN, CKD,
excrete sodium at normal arterial pressures. Sodium intake and ESRD come with several other disturbances affecting
to a certain extent is modifiable, yet in advanced kidney BP regulation. Structural changes to the vasculature,
disease normotension cannot be maintained even at very including the classical Monkenberg media sclerosis, lead to
low levels of sodium intake [17]. Effectively the pressure increased vascular stiffness and peripheral resistance. This
natriuresis curve has shifted to the right. At a tubular level, will affect both the BP and the pulse wave propagation and
the activated RAS will enhance sodium reabsorption and reflection, leading to increased cardiac afterload.
the nephron is meanwhile unable to suppress its fractional Accumulation of the endogenous inhibitor of nitric oxide
reabsorption sufficiently. If glomerular filtration rate synthase (i.e. asymmetric dimethyl arginine [ADMA]), due
(GFR) decreases to 10% of normal, fractional sodium excre- to diminished breakdown, has been identified as a
tion would need to increase from about 1% to 10% to functional issue leading to high BP [25]. Functional abnor-
achieve sodium balance. It has become clear that volume malities are also suspected in many BP-regulating systems,
overload is prevalent in CKD and hemodialysis patients including the sensitivity to and handling of, among other
now that reliable bio-impedance assessments are widely factors, natriuretic peptides, eiconasoids, and endothelin.
available [18, 19]. None of these potential mechanisms have currently been
SNS activity is increased in CKD and ESRD. Initial obser- translated into therapy backed up by solid clinical
vations by Converse demonstrated that nephrectomy investigation.
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576 Chronic Kidney Disease and Hypertension
ifferential Diagnosis A strong body of evidence supports the use of antihyper-
tensive therapy, specifically with ACEi or ARBs, in patients
A conundrum in the evaluation of the patient with HTN with diabetic nephropathy (Table 35.3). In 1993, the first
and CKD is that once CKD has developed, renal parenchy- large randomized control trial (RCT) to support this com-
mal HTN can obscure other forms of secondary HTN. This pared captopril versus placebo in preventing doubling of
is difficult to decipher; however, it remains important if creatinine or reaching ESRD as primary outcome in patients
one wants to treat the HTN effectively and decrease the with diabetic nephropathy [30]. The study demonstrated a
progression of kidney failure. For example, if a primary decrease of 48% in reaching the outcome over the 3 years of
hyperaldosteronism has led to long-standing HTN and tar- follow-up. This study was followed by the Irbesartan in
get organ damage including CKD, it is important that this Diabetic Nephropathy Trial (IDNT) studying patients with
is diagnosed and treated accordingly. However, diagnostic type 2 diabetes, which demonstrated a better protection by
algorithms for primary hyperaldosteronism in moderate to Irbesartan for kidney disease progression than placebo or
advanced CKD do not have a solid evidence base, so one amlodipine [34] for a composite endpoint of doubling of
falls back on clinical evaluation and judgment: (relative) creatinine or all-cause mortality. Similar findings were
hypokalemia, alkalosis, and treatment resistance. If reported in the Reduction of Endpoints in NIDDM with the
strongly elevated, a Plasma Renin activity (PRA) level Angiotensin II Antagonist Losartan (RENAAL) trial; here,
might be helpful. Visualization of the adrenal glands and a 16% reduction in risk to reach a composite renal outcome
adrenal vein sampling will require an open discussion (doubling of creatinine or reaching ESKD) and death was
between care provider and patient. observed in patients with diabetic nephropathy treated with
Renal artery stenosis also leads to diagnostic and thera- losartan versus placebo [35]. A post hoc analysis of the
peutic dilemmas. Following the negative results of the RENAAL trial for renal outcomes separately indicated a
STAR, ASTRAL, and CORAL trials about angioplasty and benefit for patients with a high pulse pressure but was not
stent placement regarding treatment BP regulation and straightforward in its interpretation [38].
renal function [26–28], there is a strong reluctance to assess Regarding nondiabetic nephropathy, there is also evi-
whether renal artery stenosis is present. If there is a suspi- dence that BP lowering slows progression of kidney dis-
cion of renal artery stenosis, there are at least three reasons ease. The aim of the African American Study of Kidney
to do additional investigations toward confirmation, Disease and Hypertension (AASK) trial was to compare
despite these trials. First, fibromuscular dysplasia can pre- intensive versus less intensive BP lowering in African
sent with impaired renal function and HTN, and is poten- Americans with hypertensive kidney injury [36]. While
tially resolvable [29]. Second, the three trials did not the trial could not conclude that more intensive BP lower-
address whether patients with a rapid deterioration of ing had additional benefit to prevent the major outcomes
renal function or with flash pulmonary edema could ben- (rate change of eGFR and progression of CKD or all-cause
efit from angioplasty and stent placement. Third, perform- mortality), this trial concluded that there was specific ben-
ing additional investigations could be performed if the efit of an ACEi above a beta-blocker or calcium channel
kidney failure is unexplained. Although not very common,
renal artery stenosis can present with a nephrotic range
proteinuria. If kidney function is stable and BP is control- Table 35.2 Secondary causes of hypertension to be considered
in the patient with CKD.
lable, however, the three trials provide strong evidence not
to do additional diagnostic testing or an intervention.
System Cause
Table 35.2 lists a number of diagnoses that should be
considered before HTN in a patient with CKD is labeled as Vascular Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis
renal parenchymal HTN. Fibromuscular dysplasia
Aortic coarctation
Endocrine Primary hyperaldosteronism
Secondary hyperaldosteronism
oals of Treatment of Hypertension
Cushing’s syndrome
in the Patient with CKD Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Tubular transport Liddle’s syndrome
Prevention of progression of CKD by HTN is one goal in
Gordon’s syndrome
the treatment of the HTN. There has been overwhelming
Other Obstructive sleep apnea
evidence accumulated over the last 25 years supporting
Severe obesity
that fact that BP control reduces the progression of CKD.
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Table 35.3 Major trials on hypertension treatment in patients with CKD.
Number of
randomized Duration of
Study patients Primary aim Study population Study design Outcomes evaluated follow-up Results References
The effect of 409 To determine whether Age: 18–49; IDDM for DBRCT in 30 centers; Primary: doubling of Median: Risk reduction for the [30]
angiotensin- captopril has at least 7 years; serum captopril 25 mg PO TID baseline serum 3 yr primary endpoint was
converting kidney-protecting creatinine 2.5 mg/dl; (n = 207), placebo (n = 202); creatinine to at least 48% in the captopril
enzyme properties urine protein excretion goal SBP <140 mmHg, DBP 2.0 mg/dl group
inhibition on independent of its 500 mg/24 h <90 mmHg Secondary: length of Risk reduction was 50%
diabetic effect on BP in time to the combined for the combined
nephropathy diabetic nephropathy endpoints of death, endpoint in the captopril
dialysis, and group
transplantation and
changes in kidney
The effects of Study 1:585; To test whether Age: 18–70; serum RCT in 15 centers Primary outcome: Mean: No difference in decline [31]
dietary protein Study 2:255 restricting protein and creatinine (M) 1.4–7.0, Groups: usual ( 107 mmHg) decline in GFR 2.2 years in GFR in both studies
restriction and controlling HTN delay (F) 1.2–7.0 mg/dl; MAP or low MAP ( 92 mmHg); measured by Among patients with
BP control on the progression of 125 mmHg; Study usual or low-protein diet I-iothalamate higher baseline
the progression kidney disease 1–GFR 25–55 ml/min, (Study 1) and low and very clearance, stratified by proteinuria, the low-BP
of CKD (MDRD) Study 2–GFR 13–24 ml/ low protein diet (Study 2) BP and proteinuria group had a significantly
min groups slower rate of GFR
Insulin-requiring decline in both studies
diabetics and those
with proteinuria >10 g/
day were excluded
Effect of ramipril 352 To test the hypothesis Age: 18–70; Cr Cl DBRCT Primary outcome: rate Stratum 1: Stratum 1: GFR decline [32, 33]
on decline in that glomerular 20–70 ml/min with Stratum 1: urine protein of GFR decline Median: per month not significantly
GFR and risk of protein traffic, and its variation <30% in 1–2.9 g/24 h (n = 186) measured by iohexol 31 mo different; significant
terminal kidney modification by an previous 3 months; Stratum 2: urine protein clearance reduction in proteinuria
failure in ACEi, influences urine protein excretion 3 g/24 h (n = 166) Secondary outcomes: Stratum 2: and progression to ESRD
proteinuric, kidney disease >1 g/24 h for at least urinary protein Mean: in the ramipril group
nondiabetic progression 3 months; no ACEi for Randomized to ramipril
(1.25 mg) or placebo excretion and serum 16 mo Stratum 2: Decrease in
nephropathy at least 2 months before creatinine the GFR decline per
(REIN) study Dose increased every concentration month was significantly
2 weeks for a goal DBP lower in the ramipril than
<90 mmHg Intention-to-treat
analyses the placebo group (0.53
Other agents used as needed vs. 0.88 ml/min, P = 0.03)
to achieve goal BP Significant reduction in
proteinuria in the
ramipril group that
correlated inversely with
GFR decline
Number of
randomized Duration of
Study patients Primary aim Study population Study design Outcomes evaluated follow-up Results References
Renoprotective 1715 To determine whether Age: 30–70; type 2 DBRCT in 210 clinical Primary endpoint: Mean: Risk of the primary [34]
effect of the use of an ARB or a diabetes; HTN–BP centers; randomized to composite of a 2.6 years composite endpoint in
irbesartan in CCB would provide >135/85 or use of irbesartan (n = 579, dose doubling of the the irbesartan group was
patients with protection against the antihypertensive titration 75–300 mg/day); baseline serum 20% and 23% lower than
nephropathy due progression of agents; urinary protein amlodipine (n = 567, dose creatinine, onset of the placebo (P = 0.02)
to type 2 diabetes nephropathy due to excretion of at least titration 2.5–10 mg/day); or ESRD, or death and amlodipine
(IDNT) type 2 diabetes beyond 900 mg/24 h; serum placebo (n = 569) Secondary outcome: (P = 0.006) groups
that attributable to the creatinine: (M) combined respectively
lowering of BP 1.2–3.0 mg/dl, (F) cardiovascular No significant differences
1–3 mg/dl endpoint in death rates from any
cause or the CV
composite endpoint
Effects of BP 1513 To assess the role of Age: 31–70, type 2 DBRCT, multinational study, Primary composite Mean: The losartan group had a [35]
level on the angiotensin-II- diabetes and randomized to losartan endpoint: time to 3.4 years 16% risk reduction in the
progression of receptor antagonist nephropathy (urine (50–100 mg daily) or placebo, doubling of serum primary endpoint
diabetic losartan in patients albumin/creatinine stratified by baseline creatinine, ESRD, or (P=0.02 vs. placebo).
nephropathy with type 2 diabetes ratio of 300 mg/g or proteinuria (urine albumin- death, whichever Similar rates of death and
(RENAAL) and nephropathy proteinuria of 0.5 g/ to-creatinine ratio occurred first cardiovascular morbidity
day); serum creatinine <2000 mg/g or 2000 mg/g) Secondary endpoints: and mortality in the two
1.3–3.0 mg/dl Additional open-label agents composite of morbidity groups
used as needed for goal BP and mortality from Losartan had a 35%
<140/90 mmHg cardiovascular causes, reduction in proteinuria
proteinuria, and the (P < 0.001, compared to
rate of progression of placebo)
kidney disease
Effect of BP 1094 To compare effects of Age: 17–80; African 3 × 2 factorial design; Primary endpoint: rate 3–6.4 years There was no significant [36, 37]
lowering and two levels of BP Americans; HTN; GFR randomized to usual of change in GFR difference in mean GFR
antihypertensive control and three 20–65 ml/min; (102–107 mmHg) or lower (GFR slope–acute and slope from baseline
drug class on antihypertensive drug nondiabetics (<92 mmHg) MAP goal chronic) through 4 years in the
progression of classes on GFR Treatment with metoprolol, Secondary clinical two BP groups and the
hypertensive decline in African 50–200 mg/day; ramipril, composite outcome: drug group comparisons
kidney disease Americans with HTN 2.5–10 mg/day; or GFR reduction by 50% The secondary clinical
(AASK) amlodipine, 5–10 mg/day or by 25 ml/min from composite outcome was
assigned in 2 : 2 : 1 ratio baseline, ESRD, or similar in the two BP
Additional open-labeled death groups, but the ramipril
agents added sequentially Other secondary group had a 22%
outcomes: urine protein reduction compared to
excretion, all CVE the other drug groups
Kidney 33 357 To determine whether, Age: 55; stage 1 or 2 DBRCT, post hoc analyses, Clinical kidney Mean: No significant difference [40]
outcomes in in high-risk HTN with at least one randomized to receive outcomes: 4.9 years in the outcomes in
high-risk hypertensive patients other CAD risk factor; chlorthalidone (12.5–25 mg/ development of ESRD patients taking
hypertensive with a reduced GFR, serum creatinine day), amlodipine (2.5–10 mg/ or death from kidney chlorthalidone compared
patients treated treatment with a CCB <2 mg/dl day), or lisinopril (10–40 mg/ disease to those who received
with an ACEi or or an ACEi lowers the day) in a 1.7 : 1 : 1 ratio Composite endpoint of lisinopril or amlodipine,
a CCB vs. a incidence of kidney Goal BP <140/90 in each arm ESRD or 50% decline irrespective of the
diuretic disease outcomes by adding open-label agents in GFR from baseline; baseline GFR
(ALLHAT post compared with as needed mean GFR during
hoc analyses) treatment with a Stratified by baseline eGFR study follow-up
Number of
randomized Duration of
Study patients Primary aim Study population Study design Outcomes evaluated follow-up Results References
Effect of a lower 840 To assess the effects of Age: 18–70; serum Long term follow-up of Outcomes: kidney Approx. The adjusted hazard [41]
target BP on the a low target BP on creatinine (M) 1.4–7.0, patients from 1993 to 2000 failure and a 7 years ratios in the low
progression of kidney failure and (F) 1.2–7.0 mg/dl; MAP after the MDRD study ended composite outcome of (1993– compared with the usual
kidney disease: all-cause mortality 125 mmHg; Study A: (see above for MDRD study kidney failure or 2000) target BP group were 0.68
long-term GFR 25–55 ml/min, design) all-cause mortality, and 0.77 for development
follow-up of the Study B: GFR 13–24 ml/ through extended of kidney failure and the
MDRD study (post min follow-up composite outcome,
hoc analyses) respectively
In the Action to 4678 Intense vs. standard Type 2 diabetes Selection of the 2 × 2 design Primary outcome: Mean No clear cardiovascular [42]
Control therapy in patients mellitus; hemoglobin of the ACCORD study: composite endpoint, follow-up: benefit of intense vs.
Cardiovascular with type 2 diabetes A1C 7.5% standard (SBP <140 mmHg) including both 4.7 years standard therapy could
Risk in Diabetes Age 40 years with vs. intense BP (SBP nonfatal and fatal CVD be demonstrated,
blood pressure CVD; age 55 years with <120 mmHg) control; events (first although the risk of
trial any of the following: standard intense diabetes occurrence of nonfatal stroke was reduced by
(ACCORD-BP); atherosclerosis, control myocardial infarction, 38% (HR 0.623, 95% CI
kidney subgrou albuminuria, LVH, 2 nonfatal stroke, and 0.361-1.074)
p analysis CV risk factors cardiovascular death)
(dyslipidemia, HTN,
smoking, or obesity)
Exclusion criteria: BMI
>45 kg/m2; creatinine
>1.5 mg/dl (132.6 umol/l)
Systolic Blood 9361 Intensive treatment Age: >50 years; SBP Open-label RCT in 201 sites Primary outcome: Median SBP of less than [43]
Pressure (SBP <120 mmHg) vs. 130 mmHg and composite outcome of follow-up: 120 mmHg, as compared
Intervention standard (SBP increased myocardial infarction, 3.26 years with less than 140 mmHg,
Trial (SPRINT) <140 mmHg) cardiovascular risk, but acute coronary resulted in lower rates of
treatment without diabetes syndrome not resulting fatal and nonfatal major
in myocardial cardiovascular events and
infarction, stroke, acute death from any cause,
decompensated heart although significantly
failure, or death from higher rates of some
cardiovascular causes adverse events were
Kidney outcome in observed in the intensive-
participants with CKD at treatment group
baseline: composite of a No difference in kidney
decrease in the eGFR of outcome in intense BP
50% or more (confirmed treatment vs. standard
by a subsequent group
laboratory test) or the
development of ESRD
ACEi: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; BMI: body mass index; BP: blood pressure; CCB: calcium channel blocker; CKD; CrCl: creatinine clearance; (also cr cl); CV: cardiovascular; CVD: cardiovascular
disease; CVE: cardiovascular event; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; DBRTC: double-blind randomized controlled trial; ESRD: end-stage renal disease; GFR: glomerular filtration rate; (also eGFR: estimated glomerular
filtration rate;); HTN: hypertension; IDDM: insulin dependent diabetes mellitus; M/F: male/female; MAP: mean arterial pressure; PP: pulse pressure; RCT: randomized controlled trial; SBP: systolic blood pressure.
Source: Modified from chapter on this subject in the previous edition (authors: Satyan and Agarwal).
blocker in this setting. The smaller Ramipril Efficacy In lower incidence of the composite outcome (defined as
Nephropathy (REIN) study addressed a similar question myocardial infarction, other acute coronary syndromes,
in proteinuric, nondiabetic nephropathy [32]. It studied stroke, heart failure, or death from cardiovascular causes).
whether BP lowering with an ACEi or with other therapy The hazard ratio with intensive treatment was 0.75 (95% CI
had comparable effect on proteinuria, slowing down kid- 0.64–0.89). A post hoc analysis revealed that in about 2000
ney disease progression and preventing ESRD at the same patients with CKD stages 3–4 the decrease in cardiovascu-
level of BP control. Again, ACEi more so than other ther- lar outcome was similar, with a hazard ratio of 0.72 (95% CI
apy decreased progression and prevented ESRD in the 0.63–1.05), and the hazard ratio for all-cause mortality was
group with the lower level of proteinuria (the group with 0.72 (95% CI 0.53–0.99) [46]. This was not accompanied by
the higher level of proteinuria was discontinued because more adverse events. Regarding the renal outcome, the
of strong benefit of ACEi during an interim analysis). In composite of 50% decrease in eGFR from baseline or
the patients receiving the ACEi, the percentage reduction ESRD was not different between the intensive and less
in proteinuria was inversely correlated with decline in intensive groups (HR 0.90; 95% CI 0.44–1.83). As expected
GFR. This review of trials is not exhaustive and more trials because of the larger drop in BP, the intensive group had a
can be found in the literature, all stressing the importance slightly higher rate of change in eGFR at 6 months into the
of BP control to prevent CKD progression. study (−0.47 vs. −0.32 ml/min per 1.73 m2 per year,
The other very important goal of treatment of HTN is the P < 0.03). So, in this hallmark trial, more intensive treat-
prevention of cardiovascular disease. In the Atherosclerosis ment of patients with cardiovascular risk and CKD for
Risk in Communities (ARIC) study cohort, progressive car- more intensive BP lowering led to lower cardiovascular
diovascular risk was reported in patients with mild to events, was not associated with higher adverse events, and
severe kidney disease that was independent from a large was similar in kidney outcome. In light of the above, for
number of other cardiovascular risk factors [44]. That this cardiovascular more than kidney treatment goals, a lower
is competing with the risk to reach ESRD was demon- BP target in CKD patients seems preferable.
strated in an epidemiological study showing that 1% of
>11 000 patients with CKD stage 3 reached kidney
Lifestyle Changes and Blood Pressure Control
replacement therapy, meanwhile 24% of the cohort passed
in CKD
away from cardiovascular disease; for CKD stage 4 these
numbers were 18 and 46%, respectively [45]. This very Dietary Sodium
clearly underscores the need to take both renal and cardio- Despite the fact that ECFV expansion due to high sodium
vascular protection into consideration for treatment. As intake and impaired sodium handling by the kidneys in CKD
mentioned, the IDNT and RENAAL trials support treat- are considered key factors in the pathogenesis of HTN in
ment of HTN for a composite renal and all-cause mortality CKD patients, information on the role of sodium intake both
outcome, the latter mainly being cardiovascular mortality. in the progression of kidney disease and on cardiovascular
The Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes- event rate in CKD patients is limited. Regarding progression
Blood Pressure (ACCORD-BP) trial investigated the effect of kidney disease, Lambers Heerspink et al. demonstrated in
of intense versus standard therapy in patients with type 2 an analysis of data pooled from the RENAAL and IDNT tri-
diabetes, but it excluded patients with a serum creatinine als that a low sodium intake potentiated on the effect of angi-
level of more than 1.5 mg per deciliter (132.6 μmol/l). In otensin blocker not only to slow CKD progression but also to
the trial patients with mild to moderate CKD (stages 1–3B, decrease cardiovascular events [47]. Further to cardiovascu-
n = 4678) no clear cardiovascular benefit of intense versus lar outcomes, Mills et al. demonstrated that the higher uri-
standard therapy could be demonstrated, although the risk nary sodium excretion from multiple 24-hour urine
of stroke was reduced by 38% (HR 0.623; 95% CI 0.361– collections in the CRIC study was associated with increased
1.074). The authors concluded that, given that the trial was risk of cardiovascular events (composite of congestive heart
not designed and powered to this purpose, an effect of failure, stroke, and myocardial infarction) [48]. There are no
intense BP control in patients with CKD could not be large-scale RCTs on the influence of dietary sodium restric-
excluded [42]. tion specifically aimed at CKD patients. It is necessary to
In the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial mention the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
(SPRINT), more than 9000 patients were randomized to (DASH) study since it provides solid evidence on the effect of
intensive versus less intensive BP treatment where average dietary sodium restriction to lower BP; however, this study
systolic BP of 121 and 136 mmHg, respectively, were was not targeted to assess progression of CKD [49]. In 2015,
achieved [43]. When the trial was stopped early, more a Cochrane review was published summarizing the effects of
intensive treatment was associated with a significantly dietary sodium restriction on renal sodium excretion (to
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582 Chronic Kidney Disease and Hypertension
Table 35.4 Lifestyle management in the treatment of hypertension in chronic kidney disease (KDIGO Clinical Practice Guidelines).
Strength of
Management Recommendation Certainty of evidence recommendation
evaluate whether the intervention was successful) and on disease are lacking. One small trial (n = 30) randomized
kidney function [50]. Included in the analysis were eight CKD patients to daily, 30-minute, aerobic exercise or
studies, mostly nonrandomized, with the number of subjects usual care but failed to show that this slowed down pro-
ranging from 14 to 52 per arm. The three short-term gression of CKD [54]. Another observational study
(<4 weeks) and four out of the five long-term ( 4 weeks) showed a 2.8% difference in eGFR decline between phys-
studies indeed showed a significant decrease in urinary ically active people versus those who were sedentary [55].
sodium excretion. Regarding kidney function, low dietary This illustrates the need for adequately powered trials
sodium did not decrease eGFR (n = 2 studies), creatinine with sufficient follow-up to determine the potential ben-
clearance (n = 3), renal plasma flow (n = 1), or filtration frac- efits of exercise to slow down progression of CKD. Of
tion (n = 1); obviously the number of studies is very limited. note, exercise has been shown to decrease cardiovascular
BP and protein excretion were reduced by dietary sodium event rates in numerous other patient populations with
restriction. Only one study measured a decrease (0.8 l) in cardiovascular risk.
ECFV by reduction of sodium intake [51]; unfortunately, no A comprehensive review of lifestyle changes for the
changes in creatinine or eGFR were reported, so changes in treatment of BP can be found elsewhere [56] (table 35.4).
volume status could not be related to changes in renal func-
tion. Although the data is lacking to strongly support that ACEi and ARBs versus Other Medication in
dietary sodium restriction in patients with CKD leads to a Hypertension in CKD
decrease in CKD progression and cardiovascular events, the
There is abundant literature about the actions of angioten-
lack of evidence should not be considered as evidence that
sin II, besides intrinsic renal autoregulation, to maintain
such intervention could not be useful (table 35.4).
glomerular pressure when kidney perfusion pressure is
decreased. This is achieved by preferential efferent arteri-
Obesity and Weight Loss
olar vasoconstriction. Conversely, blockade of angiotensin
There are numerous studies in the literature about weight loss
II action by ACE inhibition or AT1 receptor antagonists can
and its effects on BP, whether by dietary or pharmacological
decrease glomerular pressure by a decrease in BP, but also
intervention or by bariatric surgery. There is also quite
by a preferential efferent vasodilation. In addition, blockade
some evidence to support that obesity can affect the func-
of angiotensin II can decrease the glomerular ultrafiltration
tion of the kidney [52]. Nevertheless, there is no solid evi-
coefficient. Not surprisingly, it has been shown that angio-
dence supporting that weight loss has a beneficial effect on
tensin in many different models of kidney failure can
kidney disease progression in CKD patients. Regarding
decrease kidney damage and proteinuria more so than
diabetic kidney disease, our current knowledge falls short
other agents, particularly calcium antagonists [57].
on how lifestyle, medical, and surgical interventions can
It is therefore rather surprising that clinical data on kid-
decrease CKD progression and whether there is a thresh-
ney protection of RAS inhibitors versus other agents is
old weight loss required for benefit [53] (table 35.4).
conflicting. There are several trial results suggesting that
RAS inhibitors are more effective in decreasing progres-
Exercise sion of nondiabetic and diabetic proteinuric and nonpro-
Exercise can lower BP, reportedly to a similar extent as a teinuric kidney disease compared to calcium channel
normal dose of an antihypertensive medication. However, blockers.
adequately powered RCTs reporting the independent There are several considerations around this issue of
effects of exercise to slow down progression of kidney effectiveness of RAS inhibitors versus other drugs. First,
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Blood Pressure Targe 583
RAS inhibitors if dosed appropriately lead to an acute management of HTN [62]. The most recent European
decrease in glomerular filtration, due to the mechanism Society of Hypertension/European Society of Cardiology
explained above, and the absence of good autoregulation to guidelines now advise a target of 130–139 mmHg for sys-
offset the drop in BP in CKD patients. Administration of tolic BP but do not mention a target for diastolic BP [63].
calcium antagonists has the opposite effect as they lead to The debate about the right BP target is ongoing.
an increase in glomerular filtration. If progression of CKD
is studied, one should either study the changes in GFR A Therapeutic Approach to Treatment of
after the initial changes in BP and glomerular filtration, or Hypertension in CKD
one should study the GFR after discontinuation of the
Although a physiology-based approach for more individually
study drugs. This is nicely illustrated in the report by
targeted treatment of HTN is not currently standard of care,
Bakris, where he demonstrated a clear increase in GFR
such an approach may be considered in the management of
after discontinuation of the ACEi [58]. A related problem is
patients who are identified as having truly resistant and
that the exact same BP was not achieved in all studies.
difficult-to-control HTN. To effectively target a specific patho-
While in the IDNT study, for example, the difference was
physiological system, it is necessary to first demonstrate that
not more 2 mmHg [34], one cannot exclude that this
the system is activated (using plasma hormone levels, physi-
explains (the absence) of differences between two study
ologic measurements, or function tests). To date, key regula-
drugs. A third issue is whether other medications were
tory systems are not fully delineated and a comprehensive
allowed to be changed to control BP, which could introduce
panel of “probes” is not yet available. With these limitations,
a confounder. Altogether the consensus seems to be that in
assessment and targeting of several major regulatory path-
diabetic and nondiabetic proteinuric kidney disease block-
ways in HTN development is considered in this section.
ade of the RAS is the preferred first-line approach, whereas
Measurement of plasma renin activity or measuring the
in nonproteinuric disease this is less conclusive.
acute fall in BP after captopril administration may be used
to predict BP response to RAS blockade [64]. Beyond the
Blood Pressure Target use of standard diuretic agents at standard doses, evalua-
tion of volume status and urinary salt excretion could be
No definitive conclusion can be reached about the best BP used to assess a particular patient’s salt-avidity and individ-
target for patients with CKD. On the one hand, there are no ual response to a diuretic agent and dosage. Evaluation of
studies that have reached a solid conclusion about the best volume status and salt intake and excretion is not routinely
BP level to prevent the progression of proteinuric and non- performed and is technically difficult. Application of objec-
proteinuric CKD. As mentioned, the SPRINT post hoc tive estimates of volume status using methods such as bio-
assessment of the effect of BP level on the progression of impedance may be a consideration. Measurement of
CKD did not reveal any benefit of lower BP goals [46]. That hemodynamic parameters and volume status using thoracic
said, the trial was not powered to identify any benefit for bio-impedance has been demonstrated to be an effective
specific etiologies of kidney failure. Similarly, the AASK approach to improve BP control in several small trials [65].
trial could not demonstrate an additional benefit of intense A next important step would be to monitor salt intake and
versus standard treatment of BP in African Americans with excretion by 24-hour urine sampling. Alternatively, a “salt
nondiabetic hypertensive kidney injury [36]. The calculator” has been developed, which consists of a survey
ACCORD-BP trial was unable to show this in patients with of ~25 questions and provides an estimate of daily salt
CKD stage 1–3B with diabetes [42]. Although there is no intake [66]. There is a body of evidence supporting the
RCT comparing standard versus strict BP control to slow importance of increased activity of the SNS as one of the
progression of CKD induced by IgA nephropathy, several key factors in HTN in general and in hypertensive kidney
observational studies support this [59, 60]. The Halt disease in particular [21, 67]. Unfortunately, the activity of
Progression of Polycystic Kidney Disease (HALT-PKD) trial the SNS cannot be easily measured. Methods such as heart
compared strict versus standard BP control in autosomal rate variability, plasma norepinephrine and catechola-
dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) patients mines [68], and muscle sympathetic nerve activity [21] are
(n = 558). Intense BP control did not affect the primary out- not suitable for daily practice, and it is unclear whether
come, percentage change in kidney volume, but it decreased these methods can reliably predict response to therapy.
the progression of CKD [61]. The clear observations from BP responses to mineralocorticoid receptor inhibition
the SPRINT study have triggered a large dispute about the reportedly are not related to plasma aldosterone concentra-
BP targets in patients with CKD. This has led to lowering of tions or aldosterone-to-renin ratios in patients already
the target to 130/80 mmHg in the American College of treated for hypertension [69, 70]. Only in untreated patients
Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines for the was response to mineralocorticoid receptor inhibition linked
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584 Chronic Kidney Disease and Hypertension
to plasma aldosterone levels [71] and inversely to plasma BP after addition of a low dose of spironolactone in patients
renin activity [72]. Regarding patients with rHTN, plasma with rHTN of 16.6/7.0, 23.9/9.7, and 26.0/10.7 mmHg at 1, 3,
aldosterone, aldosterone-to-renin ratios, and 24-hour urine and 6 months after starting the drug [73].
aldosterone levels were higher in those with rHTN versus Figure 35.2 illustrates an algorithm that can be followed
controls [65]. Moreover, another study reported decreases in to assess the effectiveness of targeted therapy for the
Figure 35.2 Physiology-based approach to treating hypertension in patients with CKD. Plasma K: plasm potassium concentration;
PRA: plasma renin activity; ECG: electrocardiogram; RAS: renin-anigotensin system; ACEi: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor;
ARB: angiotensin receptor blocker; BP: blood pressure; ECFV: extracellular fluid volume; SNS: sympathetic nervous system;
Aldo: aldosterone.
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588 Chronic Kidney Disease and Hypertension
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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590 Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder
Strength of
Treatment Recommendation Certainty of evidence recommendation
Vitamin D We suggest vitamin D compounds can be used to lower serum Low or very low (mortality, Weak [1, 2]
parathyroid hormone levels for patients with CKD. Patients with cardiovascular events, skeletal
CKD (any stage) may reasonably choose not to receive vitamin symptoms, quality of life)
D compounds based on the very low certainty that treatment Moderate (serum parathyroid
makes a difference to longer term outcomes, including quality of hormone levels)
life, skeletal symptoms, growth and bone deformities, and
cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
Calcimimetic We suggest calcimimetic agents can be used to lower serum High (mortality, hypocalcaemia, Weak [3]
therapy parathyroid hormone levels or prevent parathyroidectomy for parathyroidectomy in patients
patients treated with dialysis. Patients with CKD (any stage) treated with dialysis)
may reasonably choose not to receive calcimimetic therapy as Moderate (nausea in patients
treatment makes no difference to mortality and causes treated with dialysis)
gastrointestinal side-effects and hypocalcemia. Low or very low (CKD stages 3–5)
Phosphate We suggest phosphate binder therapy may be used to lower Moderate (gastrointestinal Weak [4, 5]
binders serum phosphorus levels in patients with CKD. Patients with side-effects and hypercalcemia)
CKD (any stage) may reasonably choose not to receive Low or very low (mortality,
phosphate binder therapy based on the very low certainty that cardiovascular events, skeletal
treatment makes a difference to skeletal, cardiovascular, or symptoms, parathyroidectomy,
quality of life outcomes. The specific choice of phosphate binder quality of life)
may be determined by patient preferences for avoidance of
specific adverse effects.
Dietary We suggest dietary phosphorus restriction may be used in Very low Weak [6]
restrictions patients with CKD to lower serum phosphorus levels. Patients
with CKD may reasonably choose not to restrict dietary
phosphorus based on the very low certainty that dietary
modification makes any difference to mortality, cardiovascular
events, or skeletal complications.
Serum We suggest that treatment of mineral and bone disorder is not Very low Weak [7]
biochemical guided by specific serum levels of parathyroid hormone,
targets phosphorus, or calcium by phosphorus product based on the
very low certainty that this approach makes a difference to
longer term outcomes, including quality of life, skeletal
symptoms, growth and bone deformities, and cardiovascular
complications and mortality.
Transplant We suggest that bisphosphonates may be used to prevent Low Weak [8]
bone disease fracture and bone pain. Patients with a kidney transplant may
reasonably choose not to receive bisphosphonate therapy based
on the low certainty that treatment makes any difference to
skeletal complications and low certainty of safety information.
GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence [9]: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood
that the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that
the effect will be substantially different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood
that it will be substantially different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood
that the effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect decision-making.
CKD-MBD usually develops over several years, with an of patients with a GFR <20 ml/min experience abnormal
asymptomatic phase that is manifest by hormone and serum phosphorus and levels while 15–20% of such
serum abnormalities, including progressive increases in patients experience abnormal serum calcium levels.
serum phosphorus and PTH. As the condition becomes Serum PTH levels increase with decreasing GFR levels.
symptomatic, patients can experience bone fragility caus- High serum levels (>7.4 pmol/l) are present in 12% of
ing pain or fracture, disability and impaired QoL, and vas- those with GFR>80 ml/min, 17% of those with GFR 70
cular and valvular calcification causing cardiovascular and 79 ml/min, 21% of those with GFR between 60 and
complications, hospital admissions, and premature death. 69 ml/min, and 56% of those with GFR <60 ml/min [12].
In clinical practice during the 1980s and 1990s, disorders of Serum 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D3 concentrations tend to
bone and mineral metabolism caused by CKD were consid- increase in parallel with decreases in GFR, with levels of
ered to be largely limited to bone abnormalities, hence the 22 pg/ml experienced by approximately half of patients
term “renal osteodystrophy.” Renal osteodystrophy describes with a GFR between 20 and 29 ml/min.
the pathological changes in bone morphology associated with Determining the prevalence of bone morphology
CKD and is characterized by bone histomorphometry changes changes caused by CKD is more challenging to assess than
based on bone biopsy. Renal osteodystrophy includes a range serum biomarkers due to the invasive nature of the bone
of bone disorders including osteitis fibrosis cystica (high turn- biopsy, potential coexistence of osteopenia or osteoporosis
over with mineralization defect and normal bone volume), in older patients, and the range of treatments used to man-
adynamic bone disease (low turnover with normal minerali- age CKD-MBD. Abnormal bone metabolism is observed in
zation and low or normal bone volume), osteomalacia (low nearly all patients with CKD stage 5D (requiring dialysis)
turnover with abnormal mineralization and low to medium and most patients with CKD stages 3–5. Adynamic bone
bone volume), and mixed uremic osteodystrophy (high turno- disease, in which low bone turnover with normal minerali-
ver with mineralization defect and normal bone volume). zation occurs (with diminished osteoblast activity, bone
The broader term, CKD-MBD, was developed by a consen- formation, and activation) is present in 10–71% of patients
sus workshop in 2005 to recognize the diverse range of sys- with CKD stage 5D and 5–49% of patients with CKD stages
temic manifestations of altered mineral metabolism [11]. As 3–4 [13]. Due to secular trends in treatment of CKD-MBD
a result of this conference, the term renal osteodystrophy and increasing comorbidity associated with CKD, the prev-
was recommended as a term used exclusively to define alter- alence of adynamic bone disease appears to be increasing.
ations in bone morphology associated with CKD, with Medial vascular calcification is highly prevalent in
reporting on histomorphometry based on a unified classifi- patients with CKD and inversely correlates with GFR [14].
cation system including parameters of bone turnover, min- In young patients treated with dialysis, coronary artery cal-
eralization, and volume (TMV). The term CKD-MBD was cification, measured by electron beam computed tomogra-
recommended to describe the broader clinical syndrome phy, was present in 80% of patients between 20 and 30 years
manifest by abnormal bone and mineral metabolism and/or old, and nearly doubled over a period of 20 months [15]. In
skeletal calcification. a small study in 48 patients with a GFR between 17 and
For each patient, the clinical manifestations of CKD- 55 ml/min, 90% of patients demonstrated aortic vascular
MBD are varied and change over time. The variable pheno- calcification, suggesting the majority of patients with CKD
typic expression of CKD-MBD leads to the challenge of stages 3–5 have arterial calcific changes [16].
identifying and using a single and reproducible measure to Recipients of a kidney transplant lose bone rapidly and
define CKD-MBD and assess response to treatment. early after transplantation from body sites rich in trabecu-
lar bone [17]. Bone mineral density may decline by 4–10%
in the first 6 months, with further decreases of 0.4–4.5%
pidemiology between 6 and 12 months [18, 19]. Devolution of parathy-
roid gland overactivity decreases after transplantation, but
The heterogeneity in clinical and biochemical abnormalities PTH levels may remain elevated in 45% of kidney trans-
of CKD-MBD makes it difficult to determine its exact preva- plantation recipients for up to 2 years [20]. Bone histomor-
lence in patients with CKD. The prevalence also depends phometry shows increased trabecular separation and
both on the clinical characteristic used to identify the pres- reduced number, delayed mineralization and lower miner-
ence of the syndrome and the stage and duration of CKD. alizing surface, and higher osteoid surfaces with lower
Serum calcium and phosphorus levels tend to remain bone volume [21].
within normal physiological limits (>2.1 mmol/l and This figure 36.1 illustrates some of the complex relation-
<1.5 mmol/l, respectively) until the glomerular filtration ships between calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and PTH
rate (GFR) is below 30 ml/min [12]. Approximately 40% that determine normal mineral metabolism and some of the
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592 Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder
calcium-sensing receptor
PTH secretion
Excess PTH
+ – Excess PTH
Renal osteodystrophy +
Vascular calcification
calcium Systemic manifestations
Circulating bone
formation inhibitors
1-α hydroxylase
PTH and low active vitamin D levels inhibit tubular phos-
tio rm
za No
phate transport by decreasing sodium-dependent phos-
phate cotransporter activity and increasing phosphate
Mi al
excretion per nephron. In addition, FGF-23 appears to
reduce 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 in part via decreased
1-α-hydroxylase activity. High
The fall in 1-α-hydroxylase activity in CKD is most
likely secondary to multiple mechanisms. Active vitamin Figure 36.2 Changes in bone architecture and metabolism in
CKD-MBD. AD, adynamic bone disease. HPT, hyperparathyroidism.
D is lower in many patients because of insufficient MUO, mixed uremic osteodystrophy. OM, osteomalacia.
25-hydroxy-vitamin D. 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (calcidiol) is (Permissions needed from [11]). Source: Moe S et al. [11].
the substrate for 1-α hydroxylase action and can be © 2006, Elsevier.
reduced in CKD due to lower sun exposures, lower skin
synthesis of cholecalciferol with uremic-pigmentation, collagen deposition from fibroblastic osteoprogenitors.
and dietary restrictions. Low levels of active vitamin D Osteoid, the nonmineralized structure within bone, is
(1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D3) result in reduced calcium expanded, resulting in loss of the usual three-dimensional
absorption through the gastrointestinal tract and stimu- structure of bone architecture. Mineralization of bone is
late secretion of PTH. Additionally, low serum calcium accelerated, leading to altered bone strength and form. This
levels lead to increases in PTH secretion through exocyto- process of abnormal and increased bone osteoid generation
sis due to lower activation of the calcium-sensing recep- and mineralization is known as high bone turnover renal
tor. In response, serum calcium levels are partially osteodystrophy (or osteitis fibrosa). Low-bone turnover dis-
restored by release of calcium from the bone. ease is marked by reduced bone turnover, suppressed bone
The progressive decrease in 1,25-hydroxylation of vita- formation, and impaired bone mineralization, leading to
min D3 through decreasing 1-α hydroxylase activity in accumulated nonmineralized bone matrix and increased
kidney tissue, mediated in part by the counter-regulatory osteoid volume. A mixed osteodystrophy results from high
actions of FGF-23, is an important factor in the develop- PTH levels together with impaired mineralization. Bone for-
ment of CKD-MBD [30]. Decreasing 1,25-hydroxy-vitamin mation is variable and can be high or low. Increased number
D3 levels and the consequent hypocalcemia are key stimu- and activity of osteoclasts is seen together with accumulated
lants of PTH secretion. A complex interplay between vita- woven osteoid, and variable mineralization depending on
min D deficiencies, low serum calcium, high serum the presence of woven or lamellar bone. Vascular smooth
phosphorus, elevated FGF-23 levels which reduce calci- muscle cells are located in the media of vessel walls and
triol activity, together with impaired intestinal absorption contract to regulate vascular tone.
of dietary and supplemental vitamin D, and altered die- In the presence of uremic serum and inorganic phosphate,
tary patterns caused by uremia, are the hallmarks of high glucose, oxidized lipids, and cytokines, vascular smooth
CKD-MBD. muscle cells can dedifferentiate into osteocytic-like cells.
Abnormalities in bone due to CKD include changes in This osteogenic phenotype increases expression of bone-
bone turnover, mineralization, and volume (Figure 36.2), forming transcription factors and matrix proteins [31]. The
leading to pain, fracture, and deformity. transformed vascular smooth muscle cells secrete collagen
Excessive circulating PTH increases bone turnover. and noncollagenous proteins within the vessel intima and
Disordered osteoblast function results in impaired collagen media. Incorporation of calcium and phosphorus within
release and the generation of woven bone structure. Fibrosis matrix vesicles initiates mineralization, leading to vascular
occurs in the peritrabecular and marrow contours due to calcification [32].
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594 Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder
Figure 36.2 shows the prevalence of combinations of hypercalcemia, and extraskeletal calcification may prompt
bone volume, turnover and mineralization. Clusters of consideration of surgical parathyroidectomy. Serum PTH
characteristics can identify commonly encountered dis- levels may be poorly predictive of bone histological
crete pathological abnormalities that occur in CKD-MBD. changes, although values at the extremes of the range can
For example, high bone volume, with normal mineraliza- be specific for high and low bone turnover. In a retrospec-
tion and high bone turnover, characterizes osteitis fibrosa tive study, the best cut-point to discriminate low from high
(OF) or advanced hyperparathyroid bone disease. bone turnover was an intact PTH <11.8 pmol/l while the
Transplant bone disease is characterized by pre-existing best cut-point to discriminate high from low bone turnover
CKD-MBD, persistent hyperparathyroidism despite nor- was >36 pmol/l [39]. There may be some utility in serial
malization of kidney function, hypovitaminosis D, and measures of PTH to detect a rising concentration that
immunosuppression effects, particularly glucocorticoid might prompt identification of reversible causes including
treatment [33]. high dietary phosphorus, low dialysis dose, or vitamin D
deficiency, or indicate the need to consider parathyroidec-
tomy if symptoms arise.
iagnostic Tests
Serum Phosphorus, Calcium, and Vitamin D
As CKD-MBD has protean manifestations that can be spe- Serum phosphorus and calcium are commonly measured
cific to the individual patients and vary based on severity of at regular intervals in clinical care. The serum levels are
kidney disease and treatment, none of the diagnostic tests not diagnostic of a specific process and should be inter-
used for clinical decision-making measure all aspects of preted in the context of other findings (including symp-
CKD-MBD. The diagnostic approach can be based on spe- toms, treatment, and serum PTH levels). Measurement of
cific clinical probability of abnormalities and as a guide to 25-hydroxy-vitamin D3 may identify vitamin D deficiency
treatment. The diagnostic tests to evaluate CKD-MBD are (<50 nmol/l) or insufficiency (50–75 nmol/l). Circulating
outlined in Table 36.2. In general, diagnosis and assess- levels do not necessarily correlate with kidney function.
ment involve evaluation of biochemical abnormalities and
bone and vascular involvement. To date, there are no sys-
tematic summaries of diagnostic test performances of clin-
ical methods used to evaluate CKD-MBD. Bone tissue in CKD-MBD has abnormal turnover (balance
between production and resorption), mineralization, and
volume. A variety of measures have been used to assess for
Biochemical Abnormalities
renal osteodystrophy and vary in terms of specificity, the
Clinical practice guidelines recommend biochemical range of information provided about bone turnover, miner-
markers including serum PTH, calcium, phosphorus, and alization, and volume, and the availability of diagnostic
bone-specific alkaline phosphatase to guide management tests within routine clinical practice.
and provide indirect information about high and low bone
turnover [10]. Biochemical markers are not diagnostic of Bone-specific Alkaline Phosphatase
the clinical complications of CKD-MBD (bone disease, vas- Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) circulates as several isoforms,
cular occlusion, and symptoms) but are simple to obtain including liver-specific and bone-specific ALP. Nearly all
and can indicate responses to therapeutic interventions. (95%) of circulating ALP is either bone-or liver-derived in
equal ratios. Bone-specific ALP above 20 ng/ml has high
Serum PTH sensitivity and specificity for identifying patients with high
Serum PTH rises progressively as kidney function declines bone turnover and excluding those with low bone turno-
and is often elevated above the normal range (1.1– ver [36]. Total ALP (including liver isoforms) has lower
7.4 pmol/l) in stages 3 and 4 CKD. PTH is the most com- specificity for high (specificity 90%) and low (specificity
monly used biochemical marker to indicate likely bone 50%) bone turnover at a cut-point of 200 IU/l.
turnover. A specific target range has not been identified at
which clinical outcomes are reduced, and clinical practice Biomarkers of Collagen and Bone Metabolism
guidelines suggest a broad range of appropriate values, and Activity
consistent with this lack of evidence. High PTH levels Serum biomarkers such as osteocalcin, osteoprotegerin,
(>91.2 pmol/l) combined with complications including TRAP-5b, pyridinoline, deoxypyridinoline, procollagen
refractory itch, skeletal pain or malformation, persistent type 1 amino-terminal extension peptides, and C-terminal
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Diagnostic Test 595
Parathyroid hormone ●● Measures circulating intact parathyroid ●● Optimal level unknown in CKD
hormone ●● Rising level can prompt for assessment of high
●● Normal 1.1–7.4 pmol/l phosphate levels or intake, hypocalcemia, and/or
●● PTH fragments accumulate in CKD and may vitamin D deficiency
interfere with some assays ●● Low levels may indicate risk of low bone turnover
●● Serum PTH levels poorly predict bone histology
●● High PTH levels together with symptoms (high serum
calcium, symptomatic bone disease, refractory
pruritus, extraskeletal calcification or calciphylaxis,
unexplained myopathy) may prompt consideration of
surgical parathyroidectomy
Calcium ●● Measures circulating calcium concentrations ●● Can be low due to decreased 1,25-di-hydroxy-vitamin
but not ionized levels D3 levels, phosphatemia, and blunted bone response
●● Needs adjustment for serum albumin to PTH
●● Not indicative of total body calcium burden ●● Can be elevated secondary to treatment and/or
tertiary hyperparathyroidism
●● Low levels associated with tetany and cardiac
arrhythmias; high levels associated with kidney
stones, mood disorders, acute kidney injury, and
Alkaline phosphatase ●● 95% of serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in ●● Lower biological variability than PTH
healthy adults is either bone ALP or liver ALP ●● Markedly high or low levels of bone-specific may
isoforms in approximately equal parts [35] predict bone turnover
●● Testing for bone-specific ALP isoform can ●● Elevated bone-specific ALP (20 μg/l) and PTH
provide predictive information for bone (>22 pmol/l) has 100% sensitivity and 80% specificity
histology and activity for high turnover bone disease [36]
●● Combining bone-specific ALP <20 μg/l and PTH
<22 pmol/l provides 100% sensitivity and 100%
specificity for low turnover bone disease [36]
Bone-derived turnover ●● Includes markers of synthesis (procollagen ●● Uncertain diagnostic utility in CKD
markers of collagen type I C-terminal propeptide) and breakdown ●● Variable renal clearances and undefined reference
synthesis and (type I collagen cross-linked telopeptide, ranges for CKD mean these tests are not currently
breakdown pyridinoline, deoxypyridinoline) recommended in routine diagnostic work-up for
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596 Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder
Table 36.2 (Continued)
Bone biopsy ●● Measures bone microarchitecture, turnover, ●● Invasive, requires expertise to perform, process, and
and mineralization interpret; rarely performed in clinical care
●● Considered gold-standard for assessment of ●● Limited usefulness for monitoring treatment response
renal osteodystrophy due to invasiveness
Dual-energy X-ray ●● Measures bone mineral density (BMD) in ●● Inexpensive, noninvasive, and low radiation exposure
absorptiometry (DXA) grams per square centimeter ●● Limited information about bone quality or turnover
●● Low bone mineral density may predict fracture in any
stage of CKD [37, 38]
Lateral X-ray lumbar ●● Semi-quantitative estimation of calcification ●● Sensitivity 62%, specificity 78% for coronary artery
abdominal aorta of abdominal aorta calcification if X-ray score >7
●● Simplicity
crosslinks have no role in clinical care due to their lack of tests measure indirect markers of bone metabolism or
diagnostic evidence and renal elimination, leading to diffi- turnover, density, or structural composition. Routinely
cult interpretation of their diagnostic test performance in used diagnostic approaches for CKD-MBD would opti-
the presence of CKD [11]. mally identify specific functional or structural bone abnor-
malities that can be ameliorated by therapy to prevent
Bone Structure and Quality adverse patient outcomes. However, not all fractures or
Diagnostic tests for renal osteodystrophy would ideally bone symptoms have the same pathogenesis and CKD-
examine the essential properties of bone: strength for load- MBD is characterized by highly heterogeneous changes to
bearing, flexibility to absorb energy, compression, and ten- bone density, architecture, mineralization, and volume.
sion without fracture, and volume and weight to facilitate Standard diagnostic approaches to fracture risk secondary
mobility [40]. Assessing the quality of bone structure to to osteoporosis may have different diagnostic utility in the
bear mechanical load without injury is limited as diagnostic present of CKD.
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Diagnostic Test 597
In this section, the diagnostic strategies to examine bone Quantitative Computed Tomography
density and bone structure and quality are discussed. In addition to DXA, BMD can be quantified using quantita-
tive computed tomography (QCT), which provides a volu-
Bone Imaging metric assessment of bone density, differentiates between
Bone Mineral Density cortical and trabecular bone, and is less prone to interfer-
A key purpose of diagnostic evaluation of renal bone dis- ence from bone deformity and overlying nonosseus calcifi-
ease is to predict and guide management based on patient- cation. QCT can assess BMD at the hip and vertebra
relevant outcomes, including risks of skeletal deformity, peripheral body sites, and involves high radiation expo-
loss of height, bone pain, and low trauma fracture. sure. Peripheral QCT (pQCT) is an application of QCT that
Assessing bone mineral density (BMD) is recommended by can evaluate BMD at distal sites, such as the radius or tibia.
the United States Preventive Task Force [41] as a compo- High-resolution (HR) peripheral QCT (HR-pQCT) is
nent of screening for osteoporosis in women older than similar to QCT, although higher spatial resolution allows
65 years and younger women at higher risk of fracture. The HR-pQCT to measure BMD in the distal extremities (spe-
role of BMD assessment to guide management in CKD- cifically the radius and tibia). In patients with stage 5D,
MBD is more uncertain. HR-pQCT at the radius measuring cortical bone structures
Hyperparathyroidism may lead to sclerosis and thicken- (area, density, and thickness) provided the highest AUCs
ing of trabecular bone (and increased BMD) with concur- (0.73, 0.72, and 0.72, respectively) to predict any incident
rent accelerated resorption of cortical bone (with reduced radiological spinal or low trauma fracture [43]. The predic-
BMD). Consequently, BMD may poorly predict fracture tive value of trabecular bone parameters derived from HR-
risk and lead to administration of anti-osteoporotic therapy pQCT was lower than for cortical bone. In a study
that adversely impacts on bone metabolism. comparing vertebral bone density obtained by QCT with
A previous consensus workshop on the definition and bone histomorphometry in 26 patients treated with hemo-
evaluation of CKD-MBD in 2006 cited a study in 70 patients dialysis, vertebral BMD by QCT was correlated with tra-
treated with hemodialysis, in which mid-radius but not becular bone volume, while QCT for vertebral BMD had an
femoral neck and lumbar spine BMD was decreased and AUC of 0.76 for bone volume by bone biopsy [44].
correlated with time on dialysis [42]. While BMD at all sites In addition to measurement of BMD in distal sites, HR-
(mid-radius, femoral neck, lumbar) was negatively corre- pQCT can provide information about bone microstructure
lated with bone-specific ALP and serum-intact PTH, there including cortical density, area, and thickness, and trabec-
was no association with fracture occurrence, suggesting ular number and architecture. In 91 patients with CKD
BMD may have limited utility in CKD-MBD. (32 with fracture and 59 without fracture), HR-pQCT of
BMD measurement using dual-energy X-ray absorpti- the radius in those with fracture demonstrated lower corti-
ometry (DXA) is suggested by the 2017 updated Kidney cal area and thickness, and lower trabecular number and
Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guide- greater trabecular separation [45]. The discrimination for
lines for patients in whom knowledge of fracture risk fracture by HR-pQCT parameters varied by duration of
will inform decision-making [10]. This is consistent with CKD.
findings in a longitudinal cohort study involving 131
patients with CKD stage 5 treated with hemodialysis [43]. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
A BMD T-score −2.5 at the total hip had a sensitivity of High-resolution MRI (HR-MRI) and micro-MRI provide
88.5% and specificity of 65.6% for incident low trauma 3D information of bone morphology and trabecular struc-
fractures or morphometric spine fractures, while the tures at peripheral body regions and avoids the need for
diagnostic test performance of lumbar spine BMD was ionizing radiation [46]. These tools may provide noninva-
somewhat lower (81.3 and 68.6%). In a second study of sive evaluation of renal osteodystrophy, but remain largely
485 hemodialyzed patients who were followed for 5 years limited to research settings.
for radiographic spine or any clinical fracture, the sensi-
tivity and specificity for any fracture was highest for total Bone Biopsy
hip BMD T score −2.7 (66.7% and 84.9%) for patients The bone biopsy remains the gold standard for detailed
with a serum PTH <23.3 pmol/l, and had lower predic- information about bone metabolism, but remains limited
tive utility in those patients with a serum PTH above the in clinical practice due to the invasive nature of the
same cut-point [37]. procedure and the expertise required to conduct, process,
There are no high-quality studies evaluating the perfor- and analyze the information provided. The bone biopsy
mance of DXA for BMD to predict clinical bone outcomes can allow the direct visualization of bone to evaluate
after kidney transplantation. bone turnover, mineralization, and volume, according to
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598 Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder
a standardized nomenclature based on these components of 275 adults treated with hemodialysis, 77.8% had abdomi-
(turnover/mineralization/volume; TMV) [11]. Unlike nal aortic calcification with a median score of 6 [51]. Evidence
biochemical markers, bone biopsy can distinguish high for the diagnostic utility of abdominal X-ray to predict clini-
turnover bone disease from other forms of bone disease, cally relevant disease in CKD is sparse. In 90 patients treated
including mixed osteodystrophy, low bone turnover (ady- with hemodialysis, a cut-off vascular calcification score of
namic bone disease, osteomalacia), and bone pathologies 6.5 on abdominal radiography had a sensitivity of 85% and
caused by specific etiologies. specificity of 57% for coronary artery disease [52].
The bone biopsy has not been recommended for routine
care, but may assist specific management in the presence Computed Tomography
of inconsistency among diagnostic tests, unexplained frac- Computed tomography (electron beam [Electron Beam
ture or bone pain, severe progressive vascular calcification, Computed Tomography] or multislice [Multi-slice computed
unexplained hypercalcemia, possible aluminum toxicity, tomography]) provides quantitative assessment of coronary
definitive histological diagnosis before parathyroidectomy, artery calcification. The degree of coronary artery calcifica-
and prior to bisphosphonate treatment. tion can be calculated using the Agatston score, calculated
Bone biopsy after kidney transplantation may identify by multiplying the area of each calcified lesion by the pixel
patients who have low bone turnover, for whom antire- intensity of the lesion [53]. The scores for each lesion are
sorptive therapies may increase risks of complications, then summed to provide an overall score, reflecting burden
although there are no studies evaluating the diagnostic test and intensity of calcification. Calcification scores in adults of
performance of bone histomorphometry in the setting of 0–10, 11–100, >100, and >400 represent low, intermediate,
kidney transplantation [33]. progression from intermediate to high, and highest risk,
respectively [54]. Patients treated with dialysis have coronary
Fracture Risk Assessment artery calcification scores 10-fold higher (approximately 4000
The Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX) incorporates on average) than age-matched patients [55].
demographic variables (age, sex), clinical factors (weight, In a study of young patients with CKD stage 5 (ages 7 to
height), and risk factors for factor (previous facture, smok- 30 years), nearly all (88%) patients older than 20 years of age
ing, glucocorticoids, rheumatoid arthritis, alcohol intake, had evidence of coronary calcification with EBCT, com-
secondary osteoporosis) with or without BMD to estimate a pared with 5% of similarly aged people without CKD stage
ten-year probability of fracture [47]. 5 [15]. In a small study in 29 patients with CKD stage 5, a
Evidence supporting FRAX as a predictive tool in CKD is CT-based coronary artery calcium score >500 had sensitivity
limited. The performance of the FRAX score has been and specificity of 50% and 80% for detecting coronary artery
tested in a Canadian multicenter study of patients over stenosis 50% luminal narrowing on percutaneous angiog-
40 years with CKD stage 3 [48]. FRAX with BMD has mod- raphy. This suggests that CT calcification has a low detection
erate–low discriminatory power to predict fracture (AUC rate for coronary artery stenosis, but may have moderate test
0.69). In a study involving recipients 1-year on average after performance for exclusion of coronary artery narrow-
kidney transplantation, the FRAX score with bone mineral ing [56]. The current role of coronary artery calcification
density had limited predictive utility for major fracture scores to detect luminal coronary artery occlusion or for
(AUC 0.62) [49]. clinical-decision making is uncertain [57].
Plain Radiography
Abdominal aortic calcification can be identified by a lateral
abdominal radiograph (to avoid the overlay of the aorta
and the vertebral structures). X-rays can be assessed for the
Skeletal Complications (Fracture, Pain,
presence of vascular calcification. Plain radiography is a
simpler, cheaper test for calcification that limits radiation
exposure compared with computed tomography. In addi- Several large-scale studies have demonstrated increased
tion, semiquantitative measures of severity can be applied risks of fracture for patients with CKD stage 5D. Hip frac-
to provide a calcification score (range 0–24) [50]. In a study tures measured using ICD-9 codes occur at an incidence of
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Treatmen 599
8 per 1000 person-years for men and 14 per 1000 person- studies, while there is evidence that the risk of death
years for women, suggesting a relative risk approximately increases by 18% for every 1 mg/dl increase in serum phos-
fourfold that of the general population [58]. Prior kidney phorus (0.32 mmol/l), there is little evidence that serum
transplantation increases fracture risk, which becomes levels of calcium and PTH are associated with all-cause or
attenuated over time after surgery, while among transplant cardiovascular mortality [7]. Similarly, there are no robust
recipients fracture risk is higher among those with a pro- cohort data to show that alterations in serum concentra-
longed duration of dialysis prior to transplantation. The tions over time are linked to clinical outcomes, or that ther-
incidence of fracture is higher among those with low or apeutic modulation of serum phosphorus levels improve
high serum PTH levels and for those receiving psychoac- clinical outcomes.
tive or corticosteroid medications [59, 60]. Bone-related abnormalities including altered bone min-
In nearly two million community-living adults, and eral density, fracture, high or low bone turnover diseases
using diagnostic and procedure codes to evaluate fracture and extra-osseus calcification are all associated with worse
risk during 4.4 years of follow-up, there appears to be no clinical outcomes, including cardiovascular events, hospi-
increased risk of hip, wrist, or vertebral fracture among talization, and death. As with serum parameters, evidence
those with an estimated GFR below 60 ml/min per that treatment modification or prevention improves QoL
1.73 m2 [61]. It is possible that evidence of higher fracture or survival is awaited, while associations with clinical out-
risk associated with CKD is due to confounding by comor- comes may represent confounding due to kidney function
bidity, including inflammation and BMD [62]. and comorbidity that cannot be accounted for by statistical
Risks of fracture after kidney transplantation are highly adjustment [70].
heterogeneous, ranging from 3 to 100 fractures for every
1000 person-years [63]. Differences between studies are
likely to relate to study population differences, type of T
fracture, and duration of dialysis before transplantation.
Overall, the 10-year cumulative incidence of hip fracture Historically, treatment of CKD-MBD focused on manage-
for kidney transplantation is 1.7%, while the 3-year non- ment of renal osteodystrophy and secondary hyperparathy-
vertebral fracture incidence (1.6%) may be lower than the roidism. The goals of therapy were to prevent symptoms or
general population with a previous nonvertebral fracture provide symptom relief, and control the mineral abnormal-
(2.3%) [64]. ities of high serum phosphorus, low serum calcium, and
The incidence of bone pain and skeletal deformity with progressive increases in serum PTH. More recently, due to
CKD is less frequently reported than fracture, likely due to the recognition that serum calcium, phosphorus and PTH
the availability of diagnostic and procedural codes to cap- level, and vascular calcification are associated with mortal-
ture fracture-related events for longitudinal analyses com- ity and premature cardiovascular events, treatment goals
pared with the challenge of systematic collection of were expanded to preventing premature death and cardio-
symptoms and patient-reported outcome measures. In a vascular complications. Treatment to correct abnormal
community cross-sectional study among 1118 patients serum levels of calcium and phosphorus has demonstrated
with CKD, bone and joint pain was the most frequently efficacy across many randomized trials, while evidence of
experienced symptom [65], although this has not been a high certainty that such treatment makes a difference to
consistent finding in the literature [66, 67]. Similarly, there clinical outcomes including fracture, mortality and cardio-
are insufficient systematic data recorded on skeletal pain vascular events has remained elusive despite a wealth of
or deformity for recipients of a kidney transplant. clinical research.
Fracture -(−) — No studies Absent No studies were found that evaluated the impact
of sevelamer on fracture
Parathyroidectomy -(−) — No studies Absent No studies were found that evaluated the impact
of sevelamer on parathyroidectomy
Constipation 7862 (27) 12 more (0 to 38 more) 2.12 (1.01 –4.45) Moderate Sevelamer probably leads to constipation
●●○○ compared with calcium-based binders
Nausea 7265 (26) 2 fewer (10 fewer to 16 more) 0.84 (0.34–2.08) Low It is uncertain whether sevelamer leads to
●○○○ nausea
Hypercalcemia 5159 (21) 76 fewer (82–62 fewer) 0.14 (0.07 –0.29) Moderate Sevelamer probably leads to less frequent
●●○○ hypercalcemia than calcium-based binders
Cardiovascular death -(−) — No studies Absent No studies were found that studied the impact of
lanthanum on cardiovascular mortality
Fracture -(−) — No studies Absent No studies were found that evaluated the impact
of lanthanum on fracture
Parathyroidectomy -(−) — No studies Absent No studies were found that evaluated the impact
of lanthanum on parathyroidectomy
Constipation 7862 (27) 18 fewer (38 fewer to 18 more) 0.70 (0.37–1.30) Low It is uncertain whether lanthanum leads to
●○○○ constipation
Nausea 7265 (26) 144 more (0 to 456 more) 2.18 (1.00–4.74) Low Lanthanum may lead to nausea
Hypercalcemia 5159 (21) 109 fewer (116–90 fewer) 0.09 (0.03–0.25) Moderate Lanthanum probably leads to less frequent
●●○○ hypercalcemia than calcium-based binders
Cardiovascular death 2913 (5) Not estimable 0.50 (0.007 to 33) Very low It is uncertain whether iron-based binders
○○○○ decrease cardiovascular mortality
Fracture -(−) — No studies Absent No studies were found that evaluated the impact
of iron-based binders on fracture
Parathyroidectomy -(−) — No studies Absent No studies were found that evaluated the impact
of iron-based binders on fracture
Constipation 7265 (26) 8 fewer (18 fewer to 15 more) 0.67 (0.28–1.61) Low It is uncertain whether iron-based binders lead
●○○○ to constipation
Nausea 7265 (26) Not estimable 0.53 (0.17–1.69) Low It is uncertain whether iron-based binders lead
●○○○ to nausea
Hypercalcemia 5159 (21) Not estimable 0.10 (0.007–1.30) Low It is uncertain whether iron-based binders lead
●○○○ to less frequent hypercalcemia
CI: confidence interval. Data for all stages of chronic kidney disease (1–5, including 5D) are combined as there were few studies involving only people with CKD stages 1–4. Treatment
estimates are drawn from a systematic review with network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials [5]. GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence [9]: High: This research
provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect.
The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood that it will be substantially
different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially
different = a large enough difference that it might affect decision-making.
Daily Trial, dialysis six times per week lowered serum kidney failure in a dose-dependent manner [94, 95]. Lower
phosphorus by 0.18 mmol/l compared with dialysis three calcitriol doses suppressed PTH with lower risks of a hyper-
times per week [87]. Similarly, frequent nocturnal hemodi- calcemic response [96, 97]. Much of the evidence support-
alysis lowered serum phosphorus levels by 0.45 mmol/l ing vitamin D treatment derives from these proof-of-concept
compared with conventional hemodialysis [88]. However, studies and longitudinal cohort studies demonstrating an
whether these changes in serum phosphorus translate into association between vitamin D therapy and lower mortality,
improved clinical outcomes is uncertain. although this observation has been questioned on the basis
In summary, these data suggest phosphate binder therapy that a survival advantage with treatment may reflect
may be used to lower serum phosphorus levels in patients unmeasured confounding related to treatment selection
with CKD. Patients with CKD (any stage) may reasonably and indication [98–101].
choose not to receive phosphate binder therapy based on the In 2009, two Cochrane reviews summarized the evidence
very low certainty that treatment makes a difference to skel- for vitamin D therapy for patients with CKD stages 1–5 not
etal, cardiovascular, or QoL outcomes. There is limited evi- requiring dialysis [1] and those with CKD stage 5D [2]
dence dietary modification or higher dose dialysis to lower (summarized in Table 36.4), respectively. Evidence for
serum phosphorus improves clinical endpoints. The specific beneficial effects of vitamin D therapy is restricted to
choice of phosphate binder may be determined by patient effects on bone histology and serum PTH, as trials do not
preferences for the avoidance of specific adverse effects have sufficient statistical power to provide definitive evi-
together with considerations of drug availability and cost. dence on clinical outcomes.
In patients with CKD stages 1–5 and stage 5D, there is
very low certainty that vitamin D therapy makes any differ-
Lowering Serum Parathyroid Hormone
ence to mortality, commencement of dialysis, need for par-
and Maintaining Serum Calcium
athyroidectomy, bone pain, or fracture. Vitamin D therapy
There are five principal modalities of treatment to treat lowers PTH by 5.6 pmol/l for patients with CKD stages 1 to
elevated serum PTH levels and maintain serum calcium 4 and 22 pmol/l, for those with stage 5D, while incurring
levels. These include (i) vitamin D compounds and syn- hypercalcemia. Two randomized trials have demonstrated
thetic analogs, (ii) calcimimetic agents, (iii) combinations oral activated vitamin D does not improve cardiac function
of pharmacological interventions (vitamin D plus calcimi- for patients with CKD stages 3–5 during 1 year of treat-
metic), (iv) lowering dialysate calcium, and (v) surgical ment [102, 103].
parathyroidectomy Box 36.2.
Vitamin D Analogs
Vitamin D Vitamin D therapy is limited by hypercalcemia and hyper-
The natural history of untreated CKD-MBD is character- phosphatemia, leading to the development of structurally
ized by marked skeletal disability and hypocalcemia modified derivatives with altered affinity for vitamin D
causing tetany. Early studies demonstrated that binding proteins and vitamin D receptor to ameliorate
25-hydroxy-cholecalciferol and calcitriol increased serum treatment-related adverse effects on calcium and phospho-
calcium, suppressed PTH, and stabilized bone histol- rus. These include paricalcitol, 22-oxacalcitriol, doxercal-
ogy [89–93], but promptly incurred hypercalcemia, elevated ciferol, and falecalcitriol. Based on a systematic review of
renal calcium excretion, and accelerated progression of randomized trials, there is limited evidence of different
effects of vitamin D analogs on hypercalcemia, hyperphos-
phatemia, PTH levels, or clinical outcomes including bone
Box 36.2 Vitamin D Agents pain, parathyroidectomy, or mortality compared with calci-
Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) triol or other vitamin D compounds [104].
Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2)
Calcifediol (25-hydroxy-vitamin D3) Nutritional Vitamin D
24,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D3 Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is synthesized in the skin from
Calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D3) cholesterol through a chemical reaction dependent on
Alfacalcidol (1-hydroxy-vitamin D3) UVB radiation derived from sunlight. Vitamin D2 is syn-
Paricalcitol (19-nor-1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D2) thesized from radiation of ergosterol, a compound derived
Maxacalcitol (22-oxa-calcitriol) from the mold, ergot. In a systematic review of RCTs in
Doxercalciferol (1-alpha-hydroxy-vitamin D2) 2010, five trials of cholecalciferol for 6 months on average
Falecalcitriol (26,27-hexfluoro-calcitriol) in patients with all stages of CKD were identified [105]. In
low to moderate quality evidence, cholecalciferol (20 000 IU
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Table 36.4 Summary of findings: vitamin D therapy.
No. of participants Absolute effect per 1000 Relative risk (95% Certainty of the
Outcomes (no. of studies) patients treated for 1 yr (95% CI) confidence interval) evidence (GRADE) Conclusion
Fracture 76 (1) Not estimable Not estimable Very low It is uncertain whether vitamin D prevents
○○○○ fracture
Parathyroidectomy 76 (1) Not estimable Not estimable Very low It is uncertain whether vitamin D prevents
○○○○ parathyroidectomy
Bone pain -(−) Not estimable Not estimable Absent No studies were found that evaluated the impact
of vitamin D on bone pain
Commencing dialysis 301 (4) Not estimable 0.76 (0.36–1.62) Very low It is uncertain whether vitamin D prevents the
○○○○ need to commence dialysis
Hypercalcemia 712 (4) 24 more (3 to 96 more) 3.04 (1.17–7.90) Moderate Vitamin D probably causes hypercalcemia
Fracture 181 (4) Not estimable 1.00 (0.06 –15.4) Very low It is uncertain whether vitamin D prevents
○○○○ fracture
Parathyroidectomy 133 (2) Not estimable 0.82 (0.05–12.5) Very low It is uncertain whether vitamin D prevents
○○○○ parathyroidectomy
Bone pain 109 (4) Not estimable 0.29 (0.03–2.63) Very low It is uncertain whether vitamin D prevents bone
○○○○ pain
Hypercalcemia 182 (5) 33 more (2 fewer to 180 more) 3.80 (0.90–16.1) Low Vitamin D may cause hypercalcemia
CI: confidence interval. Treatment estimates are drawn from two Cochrane reviews [1, 2]. GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence [9]: High: This research provides a very good
indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the
effect will be substantially different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood that it will be substantially different* is high. Very
low; This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough
difference that it might affect decision-making.
weekly to 25 000 IU once monthly) reduces serum PTH experience nausea. Additional prespecified subgroup
levels to some extent (3.5 pmol/l), without evidence of analyses are reported from the Evaluation of Cinacalcet
increases in serum calcium or phosphorus. Calcifediol Hydrochloride Therapy to Lower Cardiovascular Events
(25-hydroxy-vitamin D3) is converted to calcitriol by 1α- (EVOLVE) trial, in which cinacalcet was evaluated against
hydroxylase predominantly in the kidney, remaining under placebo in nearly 4000 patients with CKD stage 5D [113]. A
feedback regulation. In evidence from two short-term ran- treatment-age interaction led to speculation that cinacalcet
domized trials (26 weeks or less), calcifediol lowers serum may be efficacious among older adults over 65 years of age,
PTH levels in a dose-dependent manner for patients with although caution is needed with this interpretation, as the
hyperparathyroidism and vitamin D insufficiency [106, EVOLVE study was not specifically designed to test this
107]. The effects of nutritional vitamin D supplementation hypothesis [114]. Further trials are specifically needed
for patients with CKD is unknown. among older patients to determine whether cinacalcet low-
In summary, vitamin D compounds can be used to lower ers mortality in CKD stage 5D.
serum PTH levels for patients with CKD. Patients with Evidence for parenteral etelcalcetide in CKD is limited
CKD (any stage) may reasonably choose not to receive vita- to a phase 2 dose-escalation trial [115], pooled data from
min D compounds based on the very low certainty that two placebo-controlled randomized clinical trials [116],
treatment makes a difference to longer term outcomes and a noninferiority trial comparing etelcalcetide with
including skeletal symptoms, bone deformities and symp- cinacalcet [117], all involving hemodialysis patients.
toms, or cardiovascular complications and mortality. Etelcalcetide suppresses PTH levels, while leading to
some patients experiencing muscle spasm, nausea, or
Calcimimetic Therapy vomiting during 26 weeks of treatment. Etelcalcetide
probably decreases serum PTH levels to a similar extent
Calcimimetic therapy mimcs the action of calcium on the
to cinacalcet. Effects of etelcalcitide on patient-level out-
calcium-sensing receptor in parathyroid tissue and sup-
comes are uncertain.
presses PTH release. Two calcimimetic agents are approved
The single-arm BONAFIDE study has characterized the
for use in the USA by the US Food and Drug Administration
bone response to cinacalcet therapy in 77 patients with CKD
(FDA) for treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism in
stage 5D, serum PTH >33 pmol/l, and biopsy-proven high
CKD stage 5D: oral cinacalcet and parenteral etelcalcitide.
bone turnover, after 6–12 months of cinacalcet treat-
Cinacalcet is approved for marketing authorization in
ment [118]. Cinacalcet may normalize bone metabolism,
Europe [108]. Randomized trials have demonstrated cina-
although two participants developed adynamic bone disease
calcet lowers elevated PTH levels by 33 pmol/l on average
concomitant with lower PTH levels (<16.5 pmol/l) and one
for patients with CKD [109–111] Box 36.3.
patient with hypophosphatemia developed osteomalacia.
A meta-analysis of RCTs comparing cinacalcet with pla-
Similarly, Lien et al. evaluated the effects of cinacalcet on
cebo was published in 2013 involving 18 studies in 7446
BMD over 26 weeks in 14 patients randomly assigned to con-
adults with CKD (predominantly CKD Stage 5D) [112]. A
ventional therapy or cinacalcet [119]. Cinacalcet may
summary of the findings is shown in Table 36.5. Given at
slightly increase BMD at the proximal femur. Although
30–180 mg per day for a median of 6.5 months, there is high
these two studies raise the hypothesis that cinacalcet may
certainty that cinacalcet makes no difference to all-cause
improve bone histology, a high-quality trial of clinical bone
mortality for patients with CKD stage 5D and has uncertain
outcomes such as fracture, deformity, or disability is needed
effects on cardiovascular death. For patients with CKD
to provide evidence for clinical decision-making.
stages 3–5, evidence for mortality was of low certainty. It is
uncertain whether cinacalcet prevents fracture in CKD stage
5D and this outcome has not been evaluated in people with Surgical Parathyroidectomy
earlier stages of CKD. Cinacalcet leads to slightly fewer par- Numerous case series and cohort studies have demon-
athyroidectomy operations for people with CKD stage 5D. strated that surgical parathyroidectomy reduces PTH lev-
Cinacalcet causes hypocalcemia for 60 patients in every els in dialysis patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism.
1000 treated for 1 year, and 150 more patients probably Prospective surgical cohorts have also described the rate
of complications, the “optimal” surgical technique to
increase the probability of maintaining target PTH levels
Box 36.3 Calcimimetic Agents postoperatively, and the effects of parathyroidectomy on
Cinacalcet the bone component of CKD-MBD, on postoperative
Etelcalcitide serum calcium levels, and the need for vitamin D supple-
mentation [120–124].
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606 Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder
Parathyroidectomy -(−) — No studies Absent No studies were found that evaluated the
impact of calcimimetic therapy on
Fracture -(−) — No studies Absent No studies were found that evaluated the
impact of calcimimetic therapy on fracture
Hypocalcemia 449 (2) 310 more per 1000 31.9 Very low It is uncertain whether calcimimetic
(43 to 1910 more) (5.3–193) ○○○○ therapy leads to hypocalcemia
Nausea 449 (2) 126 more per 1000 2.26 Low Calcimimetic therapy may lead to nausea
(29 to 295 more) (1.29–3.95) ●○○○
Chronic kidney disease stage 5D
All-cause 6502 (9) 6 fewer per 1000 0.97 High Calcimimetic therapy results in little or no
mortality (22 fewer to 10 more) (0.89–1.05) ●●●● difference in mortality
Parathyroidectomy 4893 (5) 3 fewer per 1000 0.49 High Calcimimetic therapy leads to slightly
(4 fewer to 3 fewer) (0.40–0.59) ●●●● fewer parathyroidectomy operations
Fracture 3965 (2) 6 fewer per 1000 0.59 Very low It is uncertain whether calcimimetic
(8 fewer to 16 more) (0.13–2.60) ○○○○ therapy prevents fracture
Hypocalcemia 6415 (12) 60 more per 1000 6.98 High Calcimimetic therapy leads to
(41–85 more) (5.10–9.53) ●●●● hypocalcemia
Nausea 6450 (12) 153 more per 1000 2.02 Moderate Calcimimetic therapy probably leads to
(68 to 272 more) (1.45–2.81) ●●○○ nausea
CI; confidence interval. GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence [9]: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely
effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect.
The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect.
However, the likelihood that it will be substantially different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely
effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might
affect decision-making.
burden, principally based on low-quality observational combination). Therefore, it can be challenging to decide
data, including the oversuppression of parathyroid func- on the most appropriate clinical management of fractures
tion and the development of low-turnover bone disease, as in the presence of CKD, as treatment will depend on the
well as vascular calcification. Increasing dialysate calcium underlying predominant pathology that may include oste-
has been associated with mortality across 307 facilities and oporosis, osteomalacia, high bone turnover, or adynamic
17 236 patients in the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice bone disease. The likely etiology of a fragility fracture or
Patterns Study (DOPPS) [125]. low BMD is related with estimated GFR. For patients in an
The KDIGO guideline for management of CKD-MBD estimated GFR above 30 ml/min per 1.73 m2, the predomi-
suggests a dialysate calcium concentration between 1.25 and nant pathology, in the absence of elevated serum phospho-
1.50 mmol/l is used [10]. Emerging nonrandomized rus or PTH levels, is likely to be osteoporosis. For patients
evidence indicates lower dialysate calcium concentrations in an estimated GFR below 30 ml/min per 1.73 m2, other
(<1.25 mmol/l) are associated with hospitalization for heart bone disorders may predominate and CKD-MBD should
failure, hypocalcemia, and intradialytic hypotension [126]. In be excluded before a diagnosis of osteoporosis is
addition, lower dialysate calcium is associated with lower probable.
serum calcium, increased serum phosphorus and PTH levels, Evidence is emerging for the effects of antiresorptive med-
and increased use of phosphate binders, vitamin D, and calci- ications on BMD and fracture risk in CKD stages 3–5D,
mimetics, indicating that low dialysate calcium may aggra- although the evidence of impact on patient-centered out-
vate secondary hyperparathyroidism. Observational data also comes is very low quality. Possible treatments include bis-
indicate that higher dialysate calcium concentrations phosphonates, receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand
(>1.75 mmol/l) are associated with higher mortality [127]. (RANKL) inhibition (denusomab) and selective estrogen
In a small RCT, low dialysate calcium (1.3 mmol/l) may receptor modulators (SERM). Post hoc analyses of treatment
slightly lower serum calcium levels (by 0.12 mmol/l) and effects in people with CKD enrolled in studies in the wider
increase serum PTH levels (by 16 pmol/l) and prescribing population and trials specifically evaluating therapy in the
of calcimimetics and vitamin D therapies compared with setting of CKD have become available.
high dialysate calcium (1.6 or 1.75 mmol/l). It is uncertain
whether low dialysate calcium makes any difference to vas- Bisphosphonates
cular calcification, left ventricular mass, or bone mineral Bisphosphonates are used widely for the treatment and/or
density [128]. In a second randomized clinical trial in 225 prevention of osteoporosis and its complications in the
patients treated with hemodialysis and with serum PTH general population (Box 36.4).
levels 33 pmol/l, it was uncertain whether a dialysate cal- These agents are eliminated via renal excretion [134,
cium of 1.25 mmol/l made any difference to coronary artery 135]. The efficacy of these agents in the treatment of
calcification, bone histomorphometry, or adverse events osteoporosis in people without CKD is confirmed with
compared with a dialysate calcium of 1.75 mmol/l [129]. high-certainty evidence within multiple trials [136]. The
use of bisphosphonates in individuals with CKD is less
Low Bone Mineral Density well studied, resulting in low certainty evidence, and
largely limited to prevention of BMD loss for recipients
Adults with CKD experience an increased risk of fractures of a kidney transplant [137]. There is no evidence of
due to altered bone strength. The incidence of hip fracture is high certainty that bisphosphonates modify clinical out-
approximately 7 per 1000 person-years among men and nearly comes such as fracture or safety for people with CKD.
14 per 1000 person-years among women, representing a rela-
tive risk that is fourfold that of the general population for both
sexes [58]. As in the general population, hip fracture is associ- Box 36.4 Bisphosphonates (shown in ascending
ated with high rates of death and hospitalization [130]. In order of potency [potency relative to etidronate])
patients with CKD, the degree of demineralization is corre-
lated with the degree (stage) and/or duration of CKD [131, Etidronate [1]
132]. Additionally, demineralization may be accelerated in Clodronate [10]
patients who have CKD caused by pathologies typically Pamidronate [100]
treated with steroids (e.g. glomerulonephrititis, lupus nephri- Alendronate [500]
tis, etc.) and those characterized by chronic metabolic acidosis Ibandronate [1000]
associated with renal tubular acidosis [133]. Risedronate [2000]
The presence of a fragility fracture or low BMD in a per- Zolendronate [10000]
son with CKD can be due to osteoporosis or CKD-MBD (or
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608 Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder
The effects of alendronate on BMD for women enrolled in dialysis and osteoporosis or severe osteopenia, raloxifene
the Fracture Intervention Trial (FIT) were examined post 60 mg daily may increase lumbar spine BMD [147]. Similarly,
hoc in participants with CKD [138]. Women with an esti- in a trial involving 60 women with CKD stage 5 and 5D,
mated GFR < 45 ml/min per 1.73 m2 experienced increases raloxifene treatment for 8 months may increase BMD signifi-
in BMD (5.6%, 95% CI 4.8–6.5%) and may have experienced cantly at the lumbar spine [148]. In a post hoc analysis of a
fewer fractures. There are no trials specifically designed to multicenter randomized placebo-controlled trial, raloxifene
evaluate adverse events or risk of adynamic bone disease may increase vertebral BMD, but has uncertain effects on
with bisphosphonates in CKD (any stage). In a pooled analy- fracture and adverse events among women with an esti-
sis of nine trials evaluating risedronate 5 mg daily to prevent mated GFR below 60 ml/min per 1.73 m2 [149]. Thus, there
or treat osteoporosis or steroid-induced bone disease, is no high-quality evidence that antiresorptive treatment
patients with CKD stages 3 and 4 were identified post hoc. strategies, including raloxifene, are effective or safe in people
Risedronate has uncertain effects on adverse events, kidney with CKD and low bone mineral density.
function, or rates of low bone turnover [139]. In summary, these data do not lead to a recommendation
In a small RCT, patients treated with dialysis receiving about treatment for low BMD for patients with CKD.
etidronate (a low potency bisphosphonate) for 24 weeks
experienced retardation of coronary artery calcification
and lower aortic calcification compared with standard Target Levels of Serum Parathyroid Hormone,
therapy [140]. In contrast, alendronate therapy for adults Phosphorus, and Calcium
with CKD stages 3 and 4 has uncertain effects on aortic
Although specific target ranges for serum phosphorus and
vascular calcification and kidney function [141].
PTH have been previously suggested by clinical practice
Bisphosphonates have been reported to cause acute kid-
guidelines [71], there are no RCTs that evaluate whether
ney injury, which may occur after some delay and is not
these serum targets make any difference to clinical out-
always fully reversible [142, 143].
comes [7]. Accordingly, the KDIGO guidelines provide weak
recommendations based on low-quality evidence (Box 36.5).
In summary, these data do not allow a recommendation
Denusomab is a human monoclonal antibody that binds
that treatment for CKD-MBD should include specific
and inhibits the actions of receptor RANKL, which is
serum targets for phosphorus or PTH.
expressed by osteoblastic cells and mediates osteclastic
bone resorption. Denusomab increases BMD [144] and
prevents fracture [145] in older women with low bone den- Box 36.5 Target serum levels of parathyroid
sity. Preliminary studies indicate that the pharmacokinet- hormone, phosphorus, and calcium suggested
ics of denusomab are not affected by kidney function, in clinical practice guidelines
although in a single-dose study among 55 people with CKD
stages 1–5D treatment was complicated by low serum cal- Serum CKD Kidney Disease: Improving Global
cium levels and sometimes required hospitalization for biochemical stage Outcomes (KDIGO) (2017) [10]
parenteral calcium supplementation [145].
Phosphorus 3 and 4 Toward normal range (2C)
At present, there are no prospective randomized trials
5D Toward normal range (2C)
designed to evaluate the benefits and harms of denusomab in
Calcium 3 and 4 Avoid hypercalcemia (2C)
people with CKD and low BMD. In a post hoc analysis of the
5D Avoid hypercalcemia (2C)
FREEDOM trial, denosumab may prevent vertebral fractures
Intact 3 Optimal level is not known
in women with CKD stage 3, but treatment effectiveness was parathyroid Patients should be assessed when
very uncertain among women with CKD stage 4 [146]. hormone levels above upper limit of normal (2C)
Although the authors concluded that adverse events were
4 Optimal level is not known
not increased, there was no information given about individ-
Patients should be assessed when
ual adverse events, particularly low serum calcium levels. levels above upper limit of normal (2C)
5D Optimal level is not known
Raloxifene Patients should be assessed when
Raloxifene is an oral SERM that increases BMDs Three trials levels above upper limit of normal (2C)
provide information about raloxifene for women with low
Grade for strength of recommendation: level 1, strong’
bone density and CKD, but evidence is limited by uncer-
level 2, weak. Grade for quality of evidence: A, high, B,
tainty of effects on in nonvertebral bone, and very low cer-
moderate, C, low, D, very low.
tainty about safety and fracture endpoints. In 50 women on
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Treatmen 609
Bone Disease After Kidney Transplantation Evidence for treatment of bone disease after kidney
transplantation is generally of low or very low certainty
In a recently updated Cochrane review, 50 randomized trials based on the methodological limitations in randomized
have evaluated bisphosphonates, vitamin D, teriparatide trials. As the rates of fracture are low in available trials and
(synthetic PTH), denusomab, cinacalcet, parathyroidec- existing trials involve small numbers of participants, exist-
tomy, and calcitonin [150]. Bisphosphonates are the most ing research studies lack statistical power to provide high-
commonly assessed treatment approach for prevention of quality evidence that treatment makes a difference to
fracture after kidney transplantation (Table 36.6). bone-related patient outcomes.
Fracture 765 (13) 38 fewer (61 fewer 0.62 Low Bisphosphonates may prevent bone fracture for
to 1 more) (0.38–1.01) ●○○○ recipients of a kidney transplant
Bone pain 153 (3) 133 fewer (160–12 0.20 Low Bisphosphonates may prevent bone pain for
fewer) (0.04–0.93) ●○○○ recipients of a kidney transplant
Spinal deformity -(−) — No studies Absent No studies were found that evaluated the
impact of bisphosphonate therapy on spinal
Graft loss 332 (6) Not estimable 1.01 (0.42 Very low It is very uncertain whether bisphosphonate
to 2.44) ○○○○ therapy makes any difference to graft loss
All-cause 606 (10) Not estimable 0.62 (0.23 Very low It is very uncertain whether bisphosphonate
mortality to 1.63) ○○○○ therapy makes any difference to all-cause
Nausea -(−) — No studies Absent One study was found that evaluated nausea
with bisphosphonate therapy
Hypocalcemia 207 (4) Not estimable 5.59 Very low Bisphosphonate therapy may incur
(1.00–31.1) ○○○○ hypocalcemia
Vitamin D
Fracture 299 (5) Not estimable 0.96 Very low It is very uncertain whether vitamin D therapy
(0.10–8.94) ○○○○ makes any difference to fracture
Bone pain -(−) — No studies Absent No studies were found that evaluated the
impact of vitamin D therapy on bone pain
Spinal deformity -(−) — No studies Absent No studies were found that evaluated the
impact of vitamin D therapy on spinal
Graft loss -(−) — No studies Absent One study was found that evaluated graft loss
with vitamin D therapy
All-cause 232 (3) Not estimable 0.49 Very low It is very uncertain whether vitamin D therapy
mortality (0.03–9.22) ○○○○ makes any difference to mortality
Nausea -(−) — No studies Absent No studies were found that evaluated whether
vitamin D therapy leads to nausea
Hypercalcemia 465 (7) 66 more (15 fewer 2.09 Very low It is very uncertain whether vitamin D therapy
to 300 more) (0.84–5.22) ○○○○ leads to hypercalcemia
CI: confidence interval. Evidence is drawn from a 2017 Cochrane review update (in peer review) [150]. GRADE assessment of the certainty of
the evidence [9]: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially
different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially
different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood that it will be substantially
different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be
substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect decision-making.
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610 Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder
Systematic radiological assessment for vertebral fracture including patients, caregivers, health providers, and
is the predominant fracture-related outcome in existing researchers, lifestyle interventions and those interven-
randomized trials of bone therapies in kidney transplanta- tions that can improve long-term transplant outcomes,
tion. Treatment in randomized trials is commenced at the prevention, and QoL were research priorities in
time of transplantation in about half of all trials and within CKD [151]. There is currently insufficient data to recom-
the first 3 years in the remaining trials. Based on 13 studies, mend lifestyle or exercise interventions for CKD-MBD-
involving 765 patients and reporting fracture events for 58 related outcomes [152].
participants, bisphosphonates given for about 12 months
may prevent fracture (spinal or low trauma) and bone pain.
The safety profile of bisphosphonate treatment and the C
efficacy and safety of vitamin D for bone protection among
kidney transplant recipients is very uncertain [150]. CKD-MBD is a frequent complication for patients with
Evidence for denosumab, teriparatide, and cinacalcet is moderate to severe CKD and is a central component of spe-
currently insufficient to inform decision-making. cialist nephrology care. In addition, bone loss occurs rap-
In summary, these data do not allow one to recom- idly in the first few months after kidney transplantation.
mend specific treatments for bone disease after kidney No RCTs or large cohort studies have provided evidence
transplantation. of high certainty to support practices of monitoring serum
biochemical markers, bone disease or vascular and non-
vascular calcification. At this time, there is insufficient
Patient and Caregiver Treatment Preferences
high-quality evidence that treatments improve patient-
Currently, there are no studies evaluating patient and car- centered outcomes. At present, treatment for CKD-MBD
egiver preferences for treatment or outcomes specifically in can be guided by shared decision-making based on patient
CKD-MBD. In a national workshop involving stakeholders preferences and therapeutic safety and cost.
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Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Table 37.1 Nutritional interventions for CKD.
Strength of
Treatment Recommendation Certainty of evidence recommendation
Dietary interventions, We suggest dietary interventions can be used to improve health-related quality of life, blood High (blood pressure control) Weak [1]
including dietary pressure control, eGFR, and nutritional status assessed by albumin levels. Patients with CKD Moderate (serum albumin levels)
patterns and (any stage) may reasonably choose not to receive dietary interventions based on the very low Low (health-related quality of life,
nutritional counseling certainty that treatment makes a difference to longer term outcomes including survival, eGFR)
cardiovascular morbidity, and development of ESRD.
Very low (mortality, cardiovascular
events, progression to ESRD)
Dietary protein We suggest dietary protein restriction can be used to reduce the risk for development of ESRD High (mortality) Weak [2–5]
restriction, including in both nondiabetic and diabetic patients with CKD stages 3–5, and to reduce both mortality Moderate (development of ESRD)
LPD and VLPD and risk for development of ESRD in type 1 diabetic patients with ND-CKD. Patients with Very low (development of PEW)
CKD may reasonably choose not to receive dietary protein restriction as treatment makes no
difference to mortality or PEW development.
Dietary salt restriction We suggest dietary salt restriction can be used to reduce blood pressure, antihypertensive High (blood pressure, proteinuria) Weak [6, 7]
medication dosage, proteinuria, and edema for patients with CKD. Very low (mortality, cardiovascular
Patients with CKD may reasonably choose not to receive dietary salt restriction based on the morbidity, development of ESRD)
very low certainty that treatment makes a difference to longer term outcomes including
health-related quality of life, survival, cardiovascular morbidity, and the development of ESRD.
Dietary caloric We suggest dietary caloric restriction can be used to reduce proteinuria and blood pressure, as Moderate (blood pressure, Weak [8]
restriction to reduce well as hyperfiltration in ND-CKD patients. Patients with CKD may reasonably choose not to proteinuria)
weight receive dietary caloric restriction based on the very low certainty that treatment makes a Very low (development of ESRD)
difference to the development of ESRD.
Probiotics We suggest probiotics supplementation may be used to reduce p-cresyl sulfate levels. Patients Very low Weak [9]
supplementation with CKD may reasonably choose not to receive probiotics supplementation based on the very
low certainty that treatment makes a difference to longer term outcomes including health-
related quality of life, survival, cardiovascular morbidity, and the development of ESRD.
Oral nutritional We suggest oral nutritional supplements may be used to improve nutritional status by Very low Weak [10]
supplements increasing serum albumin levels and body mass index in dialysis patients, without influence
on serum potassium and phosphorus levels. Patients with CKD (any stage) may reasonably
choose not to receive probiotics supplementation based on the very low certainty that
treatment makes a difference to survival.
Intradialytic parenteral We suggest intradialytic parenteral nutrition may be tested to improve nutritional status in Very low Weak [11]
nutrition hemodialysis patients with PEW if nutrient requirements can be achieved in combination
with oral intake. Hemodialysis patients with PEW may reasonably choose not to receive
intradialytic parenteral nutrition based on the very low certainty that treatment makes a
difference to longer term outcomes including survival and morbidity.
Fish oil supplements We suggest fish oil supplements may be used in dialysis patients to alleviate chronic High (hypertriglyceridemia) Weak [13]
inflammation status, depression symptoms, and hypertriglyceridemia, and reduce Moderate (C-reactive protein levels)
cardiovascular events and the risk of arterio-venous-graft events. Dialysis patients may Low (depression symptoms,
reasonably choose not to receive fish oil supplements based on the very low certainty that cardiovascular events, arterio-
treatment makes a difference to longer term outcomes including health-related quality of life venous-graft events)
and survival.
Very low (health-related quality of
life, mortality, ND-CKD)
l-Carnitine We suggest l-carnitine supplements may be tested in dialysis patients to alleviate chronic Very low Weak [14, 15]
supplementation inflammation status. Dialysis patients may reasonably choose not to receive l-carnitine
supplements based on the very low certainty that treatment makes a difference to longer term
outcomes including health-related quality of life, survival, and comorbidity.
Statins We suggest statins may be used in dialysis patients to alleviate chronic inflammation status and High (C-reactive protein levels, Weak [16]
reduce cholesterol levels. Dialysis patients may reasonably choose not to receive statins based cholesterol levels)
on the moderate to very low certainty that treatment makes a difference to longer term Moderate (survival and
outcomes including health-related quality of life, survival, and cardiovascular events. cardiovascular events)
Very low (health-related quality of
life, ND-CKD)
CKD, chronic kidney disease; LPD, low protein diet; VLPD, very low protein diet; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; ND-CKD, nondialysis chronic
kidney disease.
GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence [17]: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is
low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some
indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood that it will be substantially different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The
likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect decision-making.
upon their nutritional needs, the CKD stage, the type of rogression as well as ameliorating uremic symptoms [41].
renal replacement therapy, and the presence of other However, the nutrient content of each type of diet tends to
comorbidities such as PEW, obesity, hypertension, be steady and constant, and individual dietary habits usu-
proteinuria, or heart failure. Patient preferences, their ally remain unchanged over time, therefore the overall
cultural eating habits, and their economic status are dietary pattern may be more decisive for patient outcomes
additional factors to be kept in mind for improving their than an excess or deficiency of specific nutrients [42].
compliance with dietary recommendations, which should
be monitored regularly. Overall Recommendations
The current Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative
Need for Individualization (K/DOQI) guidelines recommend a protein intake ranging
Too many restrictions should be avoided as they may result from 0.6 to 1.2 g/kg body weight per day according to CKD
in a reduced nutrient intake. Dietary modifications are stage, of which more than half should be of high biological
seldom required for patients with estimated glomerular value. The recommended energy intake is 35 kcal/kg body
filtration rate (eGFR) 60 ml/min/1.73 m2. Such patients weight per day for those who are younger than 60 years of
should be advised to implement the same dietary recom- age, and 30–35 kcal/kg/day for individuals who are 60 years
mendations as for the general population, consisting of low or older [43]. These guidelines do not refer to the recom-
sodium and refined sugar, avoidance of red and processed mended intake of carbohydrates, lipids, or most micronu-
meats, and high content of fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish, trients, with the exception of recommendations for calcium
poultry, and whole grains. In later stages of CKD, however, and phosphorus intake. The European guidelines give
the diet needs to be modified (Figure 37.1) [40]. Historically, recommendations regarding the intake of vitamins,
research and guideline recommendations have been minerals, and trace elements, although they recognize that
focused mainly on modifying single micro-or macronutri- in the absence of RCTs such recommendations cannot be
ents intake, such as protein, sodium, potassium, or considered true clinical guidelines, but rather reflect only
phosphate. Providing specific nutrients may prevent and the opinion of experts [44]. Overall, many of the nutritional
treat PEW, whereas limiting the intake of certain nutrients requirements indicated for the CKD population are simple
may prevent obesity, hypertension, and proteinuria, extrapolations based on the recommendations made for
reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and CKD the general population, with the added classic limitations
overweight Maintain desirable weight Maintain desirable weight Prevent obesity Maintain desirable weight
symptoms Manage electrolytes and fluids Manage electrolytes and fluids
Ensure adequate Ensure adequate caloric Ensure adequate caloric High-protein diet Ensure adequate
Prevent caloric intake
Maintain skeletal
intake, especially if low dietary
protein intake is prescribed
intake, especially if low dietary caloric intake
Maintain skeletal
protein intake is prescribed
PEW muscle stores Maintain skeletal muscle stores Maintain skeletal muscle stores Ensure adequate caloric intake muscle stores
Maintain skeletal muscle stores
Figure 37.1 Schematic representation of the relative importance of each of the main nutritional goals across the CKD stages,
including preventing overweight, delaying the development of ESRD, decreasing uremic symptoms, and preventing PEW. CKD, chronic
kidney disease; PEW, protein-energy wasting.
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Introductio 621
in potassium intake, sodium, and phosphorus, which have total daily energy intake [59]. This additional source of
prevailed for more than 40 years in patients on dialysis. calories should be taken into consideration when assess-
However, many of these classic recommendations, ing energy intake in this population.
which include restricting the intake of fruits, vegetables, or ●● In kidney transplant patients, the caloric intake should
dairy products, are probably not adequate for current be adapted to individual needs according to physical
patient characteristics (i.e. old and fragile) and treatments, activity and presence of low weight or obesity.
which range from conservative management to more ●● Any intercurrent catabolic episode may require increas-
intensive dialysis regimens, including nocturnal or short- ing energy (and protein intake) independently of CKD
daily hemodialysis (HD) [45]. Conversely, what has stage or renal replacement therapy (Table 37.2).
recently been proposed is an increase in the intake of fiber,
antioxidants, and phytochemicals, which could have a very
Protein Requirements and Source of Protein Intake
positive impact on the nutritional and cardiovascular sta-
For ND-CKD stable patients, the recommended protein
tus of CKD patients [46, 47]. In this sense, recommenda-
intake is 0.6–0.8 g/kg/day, of which at least half should be
tions should not only be based on the quantity but also on
of high biological value [43, 48]. This restriction is gener-
the quality of each food, so that the choice, for example, of
ally well tolerated, limiting waste-product accumulation
unprocessed foods may allow us to abandon unnecessary
while simultaneously preserving nutrition. Benefits of
restrictions that can affect the quality of life of patients [45].
lower protein diets include slowing CKD progression and
In addition, stable patients with precise dietary indica-
reducing uremic symptoms [56, 58, 60]. Reduced protein
tions, both those with CKD and those on dialysis or trans-
intake is also associated with favorable laboratory and met-
planted, can develop an intercurrent acute process that
abolic effects, including reduction of uremic toxins and
requires substantially increasing their energy and protein
acid load, with better control of hyperkalemia and hyper-
phosphatemia [61, 62]. Figure 37.2 summarizes the poten-
Table 37.2 shows the nutritional requirements for adult
tial benefits of dietary protein restriction.
patients with nondialysis CKD (ND-CKD), HD, peritoneal
Nevertheless, the optimal degree of protein restriction
dialysis (PD), and transplant, according to the main clini-
remains unclear, and there is no consensus on the recom-
cal guidelines and consensus papers [43, 44, 48–55].
mended level of protein restriction according to the degree
of kidney dysfunction. There are basically two alternatives:
Energy Requirements
the so-called low protein diet (LPD, 0.6–0.8 g/kg/day) and
Adequate caloric intake – by avoiding processed carbohy-
the very low protein diet (VLPD, 0.3–0.4 g/kg/day) supple-
drates and saturated fat intake, and by increasing complex
mented with 7–15 g/day of ketoanalogs and essential
carbohydrates and mono-and polyunsaturated fats – must
amino acids. In both cases, patients should be carefully
be maintained to avoid malnutrition, and conversely to
monitored for adequate caloric intake (30–35 kcal/kg/day)
prevent overweight and obesity, given their contribution to
that allows a positive nitrogen balance and so that proteins
the cardiovascular risk and kidney disease progression.
are not used as a caloric source. [41, 62] The 2012 Kidney
Due to the increased resting energy expenditure (REE) sec-
Disease, Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guidelines
ondary to inflammation and comorbidities linked to CKD,
for the management of CKD recommended lowering
as well as for preserving a neutral or positive nitrogen bal-
dietary protein intake to 0.8 g/kg/day in CKD stage 4–5
ance, current guidelines recommend a caloric intake of
subjects with diabetes (grade 2C recommendation) and
30–35 kcal/kg/day, which is higher than for the general
without diabetes (grade 2B recommendation), and avoid-
population. However, this general recommendation should
ing a high protein intake (>1.3 g/kg/day) in adults with
be individualized according to the patient’s profile, includ-
CKD at risk of progression (recommendation grade 2C). It
ing age, lean body mass (which is the primary determinant
considers the restriction of 0.6 g/kg/day nutritionally
of energy expenditure), physical activity, and the type of
adequate given that it facilitates better control of uremic
kidney disease [56–58].
complications [63, 64].
●● In ND-CKD patients under a low protein diet (LPD), an There is no consensus on whether the source of proteins
energy intake of 35 kcal/kg/day may be recommended to differently impacts on CKD progression risk. Although
ensure a neutral nitrogen balance. By contrast, in seden- recent observational studies have suggested that plant pro-
tary, elderly, and obese patients the energy contribution teins may have more reno-protective effects than animal
should provide around 30 kcal/kg/day. proteins [41], confounding factors inherent to a diet rich in
●● In PD patients, about 300 kcal may be provided in each protein from plant sources (i.e. a higher intake of vitamins
glucose-based exchange, contributing up to 30% of the and antioxidants) make it difficult to draw conclusions [42].
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Table 37.2 Summary of nutritional requirements for patients with kidney failure.
Early CKD (stages1–2) CKD stages 3–5 Hemodialysis Peritoneal dialysis Transplantation
Energy (kcal/kg/ 30–35 30–35 30–35 30–35 (including kcal from 30–35
day)a dialysate)
Protein (g/kg/ 0.8 0.6–0.8 1.2 if IHD 1.2 0.8
day)b 1.0 if intercurrent catabolic 0.3–0.4 in selective patients with 1.5 if intercurrent 1.5 if peritonitis 1.4 for the first 4 weeks after
episode CKD 5 and conservative treatment catabolic episode transplantation or if high
0.8 (+1 g/day of high biological Keto/amino acid supplementation 1.7 if CRRT dose of prednisone is
value protein for each g/day of may be considered together with required
urinary protein loss) if dietitian support 0.6–0.8 if CKD stages 3–5T
nephrotic syndrome 1.0 if intercurrent catabolic
Fiber (g/day) 25–38 25–38 25–38 25–38 25–38
Sodium (mg/day) <2.0–2.4 <2.0–2.4 <2.0–2.4 <2–2.4 <2–2.4
Potassium (mEq/ No potassium restriction 51–102 40–70 Does not usually need Potassium restriction should
day)c Potassium restriction should be If long interdialytic restriction be prescribed based on the
prescribed based on serum interval restriction Patients with hypokalemia serum potassium levels
potassium levels must be should increase their
mandatory potassium intake
Vitamin D (IU/ 600–800 600–800 600–800 600–800 600–800
Calcium (g/day) 800–1000 800–1000 800–1000 800–1000 800–1000
Phosphorus (mg/ 800–1000 800–1000 <800 <800 800–1300
Magnesium (mg/ 200–300 200–300 200–300 200–300 200–300
Iron (mg/day)e 10–18 10–18 10–18 10–18 10–18
Zinc (mg/day) f 15 15 15 15 15
CKD, chronic kidney disease; IHD, intermittent hemodialysis; CRRT, continuous renal replacement therapy; T, transplant.
Carbohydrates, which provide 40–60% of the daily energy intake, should be natural (nonrefined) and complex with a high-fiber content; 35 kcal/kg ideal body weight/day for those who are
less than 60 years of age and 30–35 kcal/kg ideal body weight/day for individuals 60 years or older and sedentary people.
At least 50% of dietary protein should be of high biological value.
First avoid high-potassium foods with poor nutritional value and correct other causes of hyperkaliemia such as metabolic acidosis or renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors before
restricting healthy foods.
Limiting processed foods with phosphorous-based additives and encouraging home-cooked meals from fresh ingredients (preferably plant-based foods) should be the first-line interventions
for phosphorus restriction; the next-line strategy may be to exclude that dietary protein intake is higher than recommended, and limiting foods with high phosphorus to protein ratios.
10 mg/day for males and nonmenstruating females; supplementary iron should be given to all hemodialysis patients treated with an erythropoiesis-stimulating agent (ESA) to maintain
adequate serum transferrin and serum ferritin levels, aimed to achieve a target hemoglobin (Hb), except for those receiving the iron intravenously.
Zinc supplementation of 50 mg zinc element per day for 3–6 months should be considered in hemodialysis patients with a chronic inadequate protein/energy intake and symptoms evoking
zinc deficiency (impaired taste or smell, skin fragility, impotence, peripheral neuropathy).
↓ Pro
↑ Sacch
↓ Phosphate c
H burden
↓ Acid load of food 1. Vasoconstriction of
H afferent arteriole →
↑ hyperfiltration →
↓ proteinuria
2. Downregulate renal ↓ Uremic toxins
inflammation by ↑ KLF15, ↓ FGF-23
(urea, p-cresol,
↓ Metabolic 3. ↓ mesangial proliferation, ↓PTH
indoxyl sulfate)
acidosis glomerulosclerosis, and ↓ Vascular
renal fibrosis. calcification
↓ Uremic signs
Preservation of ↓ CKD progression & symptoms
nutritional status ↓ Cardiovascular
-Protein stores
& body weight ↓ Anorexia
-↑ albumin ↓ Peripheral resistance to insulin
Figure 37.2 Potential benefits of low protein diet. CKD, chronic kidney disease; CKD-MBD, chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone
disorder; KLF15, Kruppel-like factor-15; FGF-23, fibroblast growth factor-23; PTH, parathyroid hormone. Source: Adapted from: Wang
et al. [60] and Chan et al. [58].
Patients transitioning to dialysis therapy with incremental rogression [62]. For dialysis patients, it may help to
dialysis, and especially those on prevalent dialysis, should decrease thirst, avoiding an excessive interdialytic weight
increase their protein intake to 1.2–1.4 g/kg/day to prevent gain and fluid overload, which are closely related to cardio-
PEW [60]. Protein losses into the dialysate, increased vascular events and survival [65, 66].
energy expenditure, and inflammation related to the dialy-
sis procedure are the main reasons for this higher protein Potassium Intake Recommendations
requirement [20, 59]. Patients in any CKD stage with exist- Most CKD patients do not require aggressive dietary potas-
ing or imminent PEW due to intercurrent catabolic epi- sium restriction until advanced stages. K/DOQI guidelines
sodes may require an increase in protein intake (Table 37.2). recommend no potassium restriction for patients with
For kidney transplant recipients, during the first 4 weeks CKD stages 1–2, while a limited intake from 2 to 4 g/day
after transplantation and whenever high doses of steroids (51–102 mEq/day) is recommended for patients with CKD
are used, a protein intake of at least 1.4 g/kg/day is recom- stages 3–4 [43]. However, given that potassium is associ-
mended. Due to the lack of available studies in this group ated in the general population with lower systolic BP, lower
of patients, it has been suggested those with normal kidney risk of stroke, and better bone mineral density, dietary
function should follow similar recommendations to the potassium restriction should be prescribed based on serum
general population. In transplant patients with chronic potassium levels [67–69]. Moreover, it has been suggested
graft dysfunction, it is recommended to provide the same that high potassium foods with poor nutritional value (i.e.
protein restriction diet as in patients with ND-CKD [54]. bran products, chocolate, or salt substitutes) should be
voided and other causes of hyperkaliemia, such as meta-
Sodium Intake and Fluid Balance bolic acidosis or renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
A modest sodium restriction (<2.0–2.4 g/day of Na <5–6 g/ inhibitors, corrected before restricting healthy foods such
day of NaCl) is recommended for the management of CKD as fruits and vegetables [64]. For ND-CKD patients with
patients [44, 62]. The benefits of salt restriction may chronic hyperkalemia, obtaining a 24-hour urine for potas-
include lower blood pressure (BP) and proteinuria, sium may help to determine whether decreased kidney
improved cardiovascular outcomes, and slower CKD excretion or excessive potassium intake is the cause of
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624 Nutritional Disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease: Pathophysiology, Detection, and Treatment
hyperkalemia. If the urine potassium content is much rapid CKD progression. A daily fiber intake of 25–30 g/day
higher than 50 mEq/24 h, reducing potassium intake or more for CKD patients may be suggested, as this amount
should be effective for controlling high potassium levels. is similar to the recommendation for the general popula-
For HD patients, the long interdialytic interval may be a tion [62]. Because of potassium restriction in advanced
particularly critical period for severe hyperkalemia appear- CKD, fruits and vegetables intake tends to be low, and die-
ance, and potassium intake restriction may be mandatory, tary fiber intake is often very low [80]. Plant-based foods,
given the association of hyperkalemia with arrhythmia and with special attention to fruits and vegetables that are low
higher mortality in this population [70]. in potassium, are an important source of dietary fiber that
should be recommended in moderation to CKD patients, as
Calcium, Phosphorus, and Vitamin D Intake long as the potassium levels allow [62].
Although K/DOQI guidelines suggest limiting total calcium
Definition of Protein-energy Wasting
intake to 1500 mg/day, including medication sources [43],
there have been concerns about the safety of this recom- In the uremic milieu, a state of hypercatabolism, inflam-
mendation, which may lead to a marked positive calcium mation, and undernutrition leads to the development of
balance and the potential development of cardiovascular PEW syndrome. This syndrome represents a maladaptive
calcifications [71]. Several experts recommend limiting metabolic state characterized by a decrease in both protein
total calcium intake to 800–1000 mg/day or less [64]. deposits and energy reserves that appears in patients with
Given the role of serum phosphate in the pathogenesis of acute or chronic kidney failure as part of a mechanism of
vascular calcification and the link between phosphate lev- defense of the body in response to a stress situation. PEW
els and survival in both the general and CKD populations, is a consequence of various factors that usually appear as
clinical practice guidelines suggest limiting dietary phos- kidney function decreases, including a spontaneous
phate intake in the treatment of hyperphosphatemia (grade decrease in nutrient intake and various metabolic and hor-
2D recommendation) [72], with a maximum dietary phos- monal alterations that lead to a depletion of proteins
phate intake of 800–1000 mg/day [43, 44]. Limiting pro- (especially skeletal muscle), and that does not recover
cessed foods with phosphorous-based additives and only with diet. Table 37.3 shows the diagnostic categories
encouraging home-cooked meals from fresh ingredients defined by the International Society of Renal Nutrition
(preferably plant-based foods) should be the first-line inter- and Metabolism for diagnosing PEW, including biochemi-
ventions for phosphorus restriction [64]. The next-line cal criteria, low body mass, reduced muscle mass, and low
strategy may be to exclude excessive dietary protein intake, protein or energy intakes [20]. One diagnostic criterion
as well as limiting foods with high phosphorus to protein needs to be met in at least three of the four categories for
ratios [41]. the diagnosis of PEW, so no single marker can diagnose
The optimal dietary vitamin D intake and the optimal the syndrome.
levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D for CKD patients remain
controversial [72, 73]. Based on the recommendations Epidemiology of Protein-energy Wasting
made for the general population, vitamin D intake for CKD PEW is a common phenomenon across the spectrum of
patients is recommended at 600–800 IU/day [44, 64]. acute kidney injury (AKI) and CKD; prevalence increases
Although some interventional studies have showed some in patients on dialysis and the longer they remain on dialy-
benefits of vitamin D supplementations in proteinuria and sis [81]. However, the exact evaluation of the prevalence of
nutritional status in CKD patients, no definite conclusions PEW in the kidney population has been historically ham-
can be drawn yet from this emerging evidence [74, 75]. pered by several factors, including the lack of a standard-
Moreover, to date no clear benefit on skeletal outcomes can ized definition for malnutrition, the variability of existing
be concluded from the vitamin D administration in CKD evaluation tools, the limited sample sizes of most of the
populations [73, 75]. studies, and the different prevalence of malnutrition in the
general population reflecting economic and social dispari-
Fiber Intake Recommendations ties between different geographical regions [82]. In a recent
Although the recommended dietary fiber intake for CKD meta-analysis from contemporary studies (2000–2014)
patients is not even discussed in current nutritional including more than 50 subjects with kidney disease, the
guidelines, recent data suggest that fiber intake seems to prevalence of PEW by Subjective Global Assessment (SGA)
provide similar [76–78], if no greater [79], benefits to those or Malnutrition-Inflammation Score (MIS) was estimated
demonstrated in the general population, including to range from 60% to 82%, 11% to 54%, 28% to 54%, and 28%
improved survival, lower systemic inflammation, and less to 54% for AKI, CKD stages 3–5, dialysis, and transplant
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Pathophysiolog 625
Criteria Comments
Serum chemistry
Serum albumin <3.8 g/dl Nonspecific. It may be influenced by fluid status,
inflammation, proteinuria, dialysis procedure,
intercurrent illnesses, liver disease, etc.
Serum prealbumin (transthyretin) <30 g/dl Only appropriate for maintenance dialysis patients
(levels may vary according to GFR level for patients
with nondialysis CKD).
Serum cholesterol <100 mg/dl It may be influenced by lipid-lowering medication.
Body mass
BMI <23 kg/m2 Weight is influenced by fluid overload and does not
distinguish fat from muscle.
Unintentional nonedematous weight loss over
time: 5% over 3 months or 10% over 6 months
Total body fat percentage <10%
Muscle mass
Muscle wasting: reduced muscle mass of 5% over 3 months
or 10% over 6 months
Reduced mid-arm muscle circumference area (reduction Measurement must be performed by a trained
>10% in relation to 50th percentile of reference population) anthropometrist.
Creatinine appearance May be influenced by both muscle mass and meat
Dietary intake
Unintentional low DPI <0.8 g/kg/day for at least 2 months Can be assessed by dietary diaries and interviews, or
for dialysis patients or <0.6 g/kg/day for patients with CKD by calculation of nPCR or nPNA.
stages 2–5
Unintentional low DEI <25 kcal/kg/day for at least Can be assessed by dietary diaries and interviews.
2 months
BMI, body mass index; CKD, chronic kidney disease; DEI, dietary energy intake; DPI, dietary protein intake; GFR, glomerular filtration rate;
ISRNM, International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism; nPCR, normalized protein catabolic rate; nPNA, normalized protein nitrogen
Note: At least one measure from at least three of the criteria should be met in order to classify a patient as having PEW. Source: Adapted from:
Fouque D, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Kopple J, et al. A proposed nomenclature and diagnostic criteria for protein-energy wasting in acute and chronic
kidney disease. Kidney Int 2008; 73: 391–398.
patients, respectively (Figure 37.3) [83]. Another recent solutes and subsequent accumulation of toxic products
study using the four PEW diagnostic criteria showed a (including protein waste products, phosphate, sodium) and
prevalence of more than 50% of moderate or severe PEW in water. This leads to acidemia, hyper-azotemia, hyperphos-
the HD population [84]. phatemia, and fluid retention. The kidneys attempt to com-
pensate for damage through hyperfunction (hyperfiltration)
of the remaining functional nephrons, and activation of
Pathophysiology several compensative mechanisms, such as secondary
hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) or volume expansion, which
Nutritional Disorders in CKD
may be harmful for the body. As a result of all these
The kidney functions in maintaining nutrient homeostasis changes, several nutrient disorders arise as kidney func-
and the nutritional disorders that appear in CKD are tion declines, including metabolic acidosis, systemic
depicted in Figure 37.4. During the course of CKD, the kid- inflammation, and hormonal dysregulation that have been
neys progressively lose their ability to maintain nutrient attributed to the development of hypercatabolism and risk
homeostasis, with a resulting reduction in the excretion of for negative nitrogen balance [85].
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626 Nutritional Disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease: Pathophysiology, Detection, and Treatment
Figure 37.3 Prevalence of PEW among patients undergoing maintenance dialysis worldwide reported from studies published
between 2000 and 2014. Color gradation reflects PEW prevalence in all included studies from each country (weighted averages within
countries). PEW, protein-energy wasting. Source: From: Carrero et al. [83].
2. Regulation of nitrogen balance via the synthesis, inflammation ↑ Protein
filtration, and reabsorption of amino acids and the catabolism
elimination of urea, uric acid, and creatinine.
2. Negative nitrogen balance.
Anorexia. Suboptimal protein
3. Excretion of uremic toxins and low molecular weight and energy intake
proteins, including insulin, GH, and leptin.
3. Altered appetite signaling.
4. Glucose homeostasis via insulin degradation,
glucose excretion, and reabsorption. 4. Insulin resistance.
Altered glucose regulation.
Figure 37.4 Role of the kidney in maintaining nutrient homeostasis and nutritional disorders in CKD. CKD, chronic kidney disease;
CKD-MBD, chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder; GH, growth hormone; PEW, protein-energy wasting, SHPT, secondary
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Pathophysiolog 627
Anorexia GFR
difficulties Uremic
Dietary restriction Nutrient Diabetes
Polypharmacy intake CV disease..
Metabolic disorders
-Inhibition of GH/IGF-1 axis
Nutrient loss -Insulin resistance
during Anabolism -Hypogonadism
dialysis PEW
Anabolis o -Vit D defficiency/SHPT
mo Catabolism -Metabolic acidosis
Catabolism o
Quality of live
Figure 37.5 Pathophysiology of PEW. CV, cardiovascular; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; GH, growth hormone; IGF-1, insulin-like
growth factor 1; PEW, protein-energy wasting; SHPT, secondary hyperparathyroidism. Source: Adapted from: Carrero et al. [37].
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628 Nutritional Disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease: Pathophysiology, Detection, and Treatment
electrolytes, as well as the use of phosphate binders during to PEW syndrome in CKD patients through multiple mech-
meals alter the palatability of food and its absorption, anisms (Figure 37.6) [93–95]. In addition to inducing
which contributes to undernutrition of this population. reduced appetite, inflammation generates increased energy
Even restricting fluids to reduce interdialytic weight gain expenditure and exerts direct and indirect catabolic effects.
in dialysis patients can decrease caloric intake, since many Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) promotes the loss of
solid foods have a high water content. lean mass through the promotion of catabolic pathways,
Oral and gastrointestinal tract problems modify the such as nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) and the ubiquitin-
quantity and quality of the food ingested. Some of these proteasome system. Indirectly, interleukin-6 (IL-6) pro-
factors are very frequent, such as dry mucous membranes, motes muscle catabolism by contributing to the inhibition
glossitis, mucosal inflammation, and palatability prob- and resistance of anabolic pathways.
lems; these can create difficulties in swallowing and food The inhibition of the GH/IGF-1 axis (due to a lower
perception. Periodontitis and lack of teeth can make chew- expression of IGF-1 receptors in the muscle and negative
ing difficult, forcing the patient to choose foods that are hypothalamic feedback secondary to the retention of GH,
easy to chew and possibly of poor nutritional value, espe- IGF-1, and its carrier protein), the resistance to insulin,
cially fiber [92]. and the inhibition of testosterone synthesis are the main
Finally, psychological and social aspects such as depres- altered anabolic pathways in CKD patients, which gener-
sion, loneliness, or limited ability to perform activities of ates a reduction in muscle mass and strength [96, 97].
daily living also contribute to potential anorexia or diffi- Metabolic acidosis contributes to protein hypercatabolism,
culty in ensuring food availability [37]. mainly by activating the ubiquitin–proteasome system and
other muscle proteolytic pathways, decreasing hepatic syn-
Catabolic Effect of Uremia, Decreased Anabolism, thesis of albumin, and increasing insulin resistance, which
and Comorbidities of the CKD Patient in kidney failure is preferentially muscular, favoring the
Hypercatabolism is the other main component of PEW [20, onset of sarcopenic obesity [98, 99]. Finally, the typical
37]. Potential causes of its occurrence include the accumu- comorbidity of the CKD patient also contributes to hyper-
lation of uremic toxins, microinflammation, and metabolic catabolism through several factors including anemia, water
alterations associated with the uremic milieu and the overload, cardiovascular disease, or SHPT (Figure 37.7) [37].
patient’s comorbidities. Systemic inflammation contributes The coexistence of diabetes is especially relevant, given
Blockage of
receptors IL-6
⊕ Ø Insulin resistance
↑ Protein
Figure 37.6 Effects of inflammation in the development of PEW. GH, growth hormone; IL-6, interleukin-6; IGF-1, insulin-like growth
factor-1; NF-κB, nuclear factor kappa B; PEW, protein-energy wasting; TNFα, tumor necrosis factor alpha. Source: Adapted from: Lecker
SH et al. [93] and Carrero et al. [94].
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Pathophysiolog 629
Sarcopenia, inflammation,
↓ Physical activity, ↓ physical activity, frailty,
frailty, cardiovascular disease
high output heart failure
Unwillingness to eat,
anorexia, inability to
↑ Inflammatory cytokines,
obtain/prepare food,
gut edema,
↓ physical activity,
↓ physical activity
↑ pain Depression
Cachexia, inflammation, ↑ REE
glucocorticoid release, ↑ REE,
↑ sympathetic nervous system, low vitamin D status,
↑ circulating angiotensin II, glucose intolerance, Gastroparesis,
↑ insulin resistance sarcopenia, insulin resistance,
cardiovascular disease sarcopenia Infections
Cardiovascular Diabetes
Figure 37.7 Comorbidities linked to CKD that contribute to PEW. CKD, chronic kidney disease; CKD-MBD, chronic kidney disease-
mineral and bone disorder; PEW, protein-energy wasting; REE, resting energy expenditure. Source: Adapted from: Carrero et al. [37].
that it is associated with gastroparesis, obesity, and muscle than in HD, which can contribute to development of sarco-
loss with relative preservation of fat mass. penic obesity, and difficult gastric emptying, which may
limit the intake of food and supplements due to early
Loss of Nutrients and Catabolic Effects of Dialysis satiety [105–108].
The loss of nutrients and the inflammatory stimulus pro- The dialysis procedure produces an inflammatory stimu-
duced during dialysis contribute to the appearance of PEW. lus with cytokine activation, which increases muscle degra-
The dialysis procedure is a perfect example of the integra- dation and PEW, especially if the microbiological quality of
tion of malnutrition and catabolism and how PEW is car- the dialysate is low, if the membrane is bioincompatible, or
ried out (Figure 37.8). Amino acids, peptides, and proteins if the filters are reused. Finally, patients on HD are at greater
are lost through the dialysate in both HD and PD. Plasma risk of loss of residual renal function, especially if high
amino acid concentrations are reduced approximately 20% ultrafiltration rate is prescribed, which is associated with
on average after a single HD session, which decreases the decreased appetite and an increase in basal metabolism
availability of substrate for the synthesis of muscle pro- and inflammation, aggravating PEW [37]. Both volume and
teins. All this, along with the decrease in nutrient intake, a high ultrafiltration rate may also generate intestinal
leads to a lower availability of nutrients, which generates hypoxia by a mechanism similar to that which occurs with
undernutrition and an increase in protein catabolism with intradialytic myocardial stunning. This hypoxia increases
the breakdown of muscle proteins to compensate for these the permeability of the intestinal mucosa to bacterial lipo-
losses, which contributes to the appearance of PEW [27, saccharides, favoring its translocation into the enterocyte
37, 101–104]. and increasing the inflammatory state [109, 110].
Patients undergoing PD have additional characteristics The combination of hypermetabolism and undernutri-
inherent to the technique that modify their nutritional sta- tion may explain why standard HD does not prevent the
tus, including forced absorption of glucose, which provides appearance of PEW. Although initially HD improves the
300–600 kcal/day, greater protein losses by the dialysate appetite of the incident patients and a progressive increase
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630 Nutritional Disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease: Pathophysiology, Detection, and Treatment
Inadequate Kt/V
Clean blood returned to Endotoxin back-filtration
patient Bioincompatible membranes
Figure 37.8 Effects of dialysis-related factors in the development of PEW. PEW, protein-energy wasting. Source: Adapted from: Laville
and Fouque [100].
in dry weight can be observed, this increase in weight is that can affect nutritional status, such as phosphate binders
due to the increase in fat deposits, while the muscle mass or the use of corticosteroids, and the comorbidities and the
decreases progressively as the patient remains in this socioeconomic status of the patient [112]. In addition, the
modality of renal replacement therapy [111]. presence of proteinuria, the residual renal function, and the
type of dialysis are factors that may affect the nutritional
status of CKD patients.
iagnosis: Assessment
D Measures that can be routinely collected under daily
of Nutritional Status practice conditions are included in the so-called screening
tools. Questions that are common to all screening tools
The nutritional assessment of CKD patients requires com- include asking about appetite and involuntary body weight
bining different dietary, anthropometric, and biochemical changes within a given time frame. Screening tools are
criteria. Due to the lack of reference values of many of these inexpensive and quick and easy to use, so they can be per-
nutritional markers for this population, it is advisable to formed by any healthcare professional with the result of
make repeated measurements of the different markers to identifying patients who are at risk for poor nutritional sta-
assess their trend over time and to be able to detect subtle tus and may require further assessment [112]. Typical
changes in nutritional status. Overhydration is another issue screening tools are the Nutrition Screening Tool, Mini-
for assessment of nutritional status, as it increases the intra- Nutrition Assessment, and Malnutrition Universal
and interindividual variability of these measures [20]. Screening Tool/Malnutrition Screening Tool. There are a
To date, there are no systematic summaries of screening few studies that have assessed their reliability in CKD
and diagnostic tests to evaluate nutritional status among patients, observing a moderate sensitivity [113, 114].
CKD patients. Overall, evidence for recommending the use of screening
tools among CKD populations is very limited.
Patient Interview
Anthropometry and Body Composition
The clinical history allows collection of key information
related to nutritional status, including: the presence of Weight and Body Mass Index
symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or involuntary weight These measures have the advantages of simplicity and
loss, which are associated with high risk for PEW, treatments low cost, but they do not distinguish the different body
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Diagnosis: Assessment of Nutritional Statu 631
c omponents (water, muscle, or fat). For HD patients, history and physical examination to obtain a score that
weight should always be assessed post-dialysis, taking into classifies the nutritional status of the patient from well-
account the possible overhydration of the patient [115]. nourished to very malnourished. It collects information on
weight changes, dietary intake, persistent gastrointestinal
Mid-arm Circumference symptoms, functional capacity, nutritional needs, and
This measure is simple to perform, correlating well with physical examination [104]. It takes 15 minutes to complete
lean mass [116]. by a health professional who has been trained to perform it.
Several studies have demonstrated the validity and reliabil-
Skinfold Thickness ity of the 7-point SGA score among CKD patients (includ-
Subcutaneous fat evaluation by skinfold thickness of tri- ing ND-CKD, HD, and PD) and its correlation with other
cipital or bicipital and subscapular folds allows estimating measures of nutritional status, including lean body mass
the fat mass in adults with CKD stages 1–5 and post- and serum albumin levels [122–125].
transplant with a high correlation with dual energy X-ray
absorptiometry (DEXA). Therefore, it is postulated as the Malnutrition-Inflammation Score
method of choice for evaluating body fat among CKD pop- Malnutrition-Inflammation Score (MIS) is a modified ver-
ulations [117, 118]. sion of the SGA, and incorporates three new objective
parameters: body mass index (BMI), serum albumin, and
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis transferrin or iron binding capacity. It was designed in an
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) determines the attempt to reduce the subjectivity of the SGA by using a
electrical impedance or the resistance to the flow of an quantitative scoring system. Each of the referred items are
electrical current through the tissues of the body. Due to its scored from 0 to 3. A MIS score of 0–5 is considered nor-
water and electrolyte content, lean tissue is a good electri- mal, 6–17 represents mild/moderate malnutrition, and
cal conductor, while fat, bone, and skin are very poor con- 18–30 indicates severe malnutrition. MIS was designed
ductors and offer a high resistance to electric currents. specifically for the HD population [126], although it has
Using algorithms, BIA can calculate body water, body fat, also been validated in ND-CKD, PD, and kidney transplant
and fat-free mass. Advantages include its ease of use and patients [127–129].
portability, as well as its sensitivity to detect changes in the
short-term; it is highly recommended that BIA be available
in all dialysis units. However, consideration must be given
to limitations due to the state of hydration of the patient; Albumin
overhydration, so frequent in CKD patients, overestimates Serum albumin concentration is the most used nutritional
lean mass and underestimates fat mass. Thus, repeated parameter in CKD patients due to its reproducibility and
measures should be taken at a constant time post-dialysis low cost, as well as its capacity to respond to nutritional
to obtain a more reliable assessment of body composition interventions [130]. Several studies have supported that
with BIA [112, 119]. serum albumin concentration is a sensitive measure of
nutritional status, being associated with other common
Handgrip Strength nutritional status markers in CKD. Although evidence sug-
This measure is a surrogate marker of lean body mass and gests that it is a strong predictor of mortality, it has a half-
is an indicator of superior strength of the body muscle. It life of 20 days, which means that its response to acute
has higher correlations with nutritional status and inflam- changes in nutrient intake is delayed. Another limitation is
matory markers, and was more predictive of mortality than its low specificity, since albumin is influenced by inflam-
muscle mass measured by DEXA. Its limitations are the mation, stress, and overhydration [131–135]. An albumin
lack of standardized protocols (with respect to body pos- level below 3.8 g/dl is suggestive of PEW [20].
ture, selection/position of the hand) and the lack of refer-
ence measurements in the CKD population [116, 120, 121]. Prealbumin
The main advantage of prealbumin (or transthyretin) is its
half-life of 2 days, which makes it more sensitive to short-
Nutritional Assessment Scores
term changes in nutritional status and/or acute response to
Subjective Global Assessment nutritional therapy than albumin. However, levels are
Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) is the most used affected by kidney function, inflammatory status, and
nutritional questionnaire in CKD patients, and combines intercurrent diseases [131]. Prealbumin levels below
subjective clinical findings and objectives of the clinical 30 mg/dl are suggestive of PEW [20].
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632 Nutritional Disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease: Pathophysiology, Detection, and Treatment
proposed. However, it must be noted that prediction equa- down progression in the patient with ND-CKD, alleviating
tions used in normal individuals (i.e. Harris and Benedict’s the protein hypercatabolism associated with the uremic
equation) overestimate REE in the ND-CKD population, milieu in the dialysis patient, or controlling the hyper-
although the errors may be minimized in the presence of kalemia in the patient under conservative treatment.
comorbidities [142]. Conversely, several equations have Although extensive literature has shown that high
been specifically developed for dialysis patients and vali- mortality risk in CKD patients is related in part to the
dated in this population [143]. nutritional derangements linked to kidney failure, there is
not enough evidence to address the exact role of different
dietary interventions in the prognosis of the CKD
rognosis: Consequences of PEW in
P population. Whereas undernutrition may increase the risk
Mortality, Morbidity, and Quality for PEW, overnutrition may lead to sodium and volume
of Life overload, high BP, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, and
accumulation of toxic metabolites of protein degradation.
Multiple observational studies have shown that PEW Treatment to decrease proteinuria and BP and improve
markers are independently associated with worse sur- several markers of PEW, such as serum albumin levels,
vival [39, 144–146], decreased quality of life [147], increased have demonstrated efficacy across many RCTs, while evi-
risk of infections, and complications related to cardiovas- dence to hard clinical outcomes including survival, cardio-
cular disease, with greater risk of hospitalization and vascular events, or CKD progression remains inconclusive.
healthcare costs [148, 149]. Moreover, the consequences of However, this lack of evidence does not necessarily indi-
PEW are so rapid and negative in the prognosis of CKD cate that nutritional interventions have no effect on CKD
patients that this modifies the usual and logical relation- outcomes. Moreover, given that nutritional therapy includ-
ship between risk factors and poor evolution [150]. A clear ing dietary counseling and supplements is safe and cost-
example is the association between surrogates of overnu- effective, it should be considered to improve the poor
trition (i.e. obesity or hyperlipidemia) and mortality. In prognosis of CKD patients.
dialysis patients, obesity (versus normal weight) is associ-
ated with better survival, whereas the opposite effect is Dietary Interventions for Survival, Quality of
observed in the general population. The most likely expla- Life, and Overall Health of Adults with CKD
nation is that patients undergoing dialysis usually die from
the short-term consequences of PEW and do not live long Dietary interventions are routinely recommended in CKD
enough to die of cardiovascular disease associated with patients given the potential ability to influence clinical out-
obesity. Additionally, increased fat deposits could protect comes in this population. On the basis of evidence from
the PEW patient for longer [151]. nonrandomized studies in CKD patients, and especially
Although RCTs demonstrating the causal association from randomized studies in the general population, it has
between undernutrition and hypermetabolism with adverse been suggested that healthy dietary patterns may prevent
patient outcomes in CKD patients are lacking, several epi- hard outcomes, including survival, cardiovascular events,
demiological studies have explored this issue, showing that and health-related quality of life [155].
nutritional interventions in hypoalbuminemic HD patients However, the optimal approach to nutrition in CKD
may be effective in reducing hospitalizations rates and mor- patients is not well known, and the few RCTs conducted in
tality [152–154]. All these data support the hypothesis that this population have yielded conflicting results. In 2017, a
PEW is not only a risk factor, but also a treatable etiological Cochrane review evaluated the benefits and harms of
factor in preventing mortality and morbidity, so that nutri- dietary interventions in CKD patients, including dietary
tional therapy can result in multiple improved clinical out- patterns and nutritional counseling, with all-cause mortal-
comes throughout the spectrum of CKD. ity, major adverse cardiovascular events, and health-related
quality of life being the primary outcomes [1]. The review
evaluated 17 RCTs with 1639 adult CKD patients, including
Treatment 10 studies with 1130 people with ND-CKD stages 1–5, three
studies with 341 dialysis patients, and four studies with
People with kidney disease represent an extremely hetero- 168 kidney transplant recipients (summarized in Table 37.4).
geneous group of patients in whom nutritional recommen- Eleven studies (n = 900) evaluated dietary counseling and
dations may differ greatly depending on the type of six studies evaluated dietary patterns (n = 739), including
nephropathy, its form of onset (acute or chronic), and the the Mediterranean diet (two studies, n = 355), a
therapeutic goals being pursued, as, for example slowing carbohydrate-restricted, low-iron, polyphenol-enriched diet
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Table 37.4 Summary of findings: dietary interventions for overall health of adults with CKD.
Absolute number of
No. of patients affected per Certainty of
participants 1000 patients treated the evidence
Outcomes (no. of studies) for one year (95% CI) Relative effect (95% CI) (GRADE) Conclusion
Primary outcomes
Death (all causes): 371 (4) Not estimable 1.59 (0.60–4.21) Very low It is uncertain whether dietary counseling
dietary counseling ●○○○ impacts on all-cause mortality
Death (all causes): 170 (1) Not estimable 0.50 (0.22–1.12) Very low It is uncertain whether CR-LIPE diet
CR-LIPE diet ●○○○ impacts on all-cause mortality
Major adverse 62 (1) Not estimable 6.58 (0.35–122.21) Very low It is uncertain whether dietary counseling
cardiovascular events: ●○○○ impacts on major adverse cardiovascular
dietary counseling events
Health-related quality 119 (2) — The MD in SF-36 score was 11.46 higher (7.73 Low Dietary counseling may have clinically
of life: dietary higher to 15.18 higher) in the intervention groups ●●○○ important increases in the SF-36 quality of
counseling compared to control life score
Secondary outcomes
ESRD: dietary 232 (2) 0.3 fewer (1 person 0.53 (0.26–1.07) Very low It is uncertain whether dietary interventions
counseling and in every 3000 treated ●○○○ impact on risks of ESRD
CR-LIPE diet for one year avoiding
Worsening nutrition 230 (2) Not estimable 0.40 (0.05–3.37) Very low It is uncertain whether dietary counseling
(subjective global ●○○○ impacts on risks of worsening nutrition as
assessment): dietary measured by subjective global assessment
eGFR: dietary 219 (5) — The SMD in eGFR was 1.08 higher (0.20 higher to Very low Dietary interventions may increase eGFR
counseling, 1.97 higher) with dietary intervention compared ●○○○
Mediterranean diet, to standard care
and fruits and
Serum creatinine: 112 (3) — The MD in creatinine was 0.83 μmol/l higher Very low It is uncertain whether dietary interventions
dietary counseling (−16.57 lower to 18.23 higher) with dietary ●○○○ impact on creatinine levels
and Mediterranean intervention compared to standard care
Systolic blood 167 (3) — The MD in systolic BP was −9.26 mmHg lower Moderate Dietary interventions probably reduce
pressure: dietary (−13.48 lower to −5.04 lower) with dietary ●●●○ systolic BP
counseling and fruits intervention compared to standard care
and vegetables
BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; CR-LIPE, carbohydrate-restricted, low-iron-available, polyphenol-enriched; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESRD, end-stage renal
disease; SF-36, short-form 36-item health survey.
Treatment estimates are drawn from a Cochrane review [1]. GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence [17]: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect.
The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially
different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood that it will be substantially different* is high. Very low: This research does not
provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect
Effects are reported as the relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for binary outcomes and mean difference (MD) and 95% CI for continuous outcomes (standardized mean
difference [SMD] if different scales were used).
(one study, n = 191), increased fruit and vegetable intake in CKD progression. The primary results of the largest trial
(two studies, n = 181), and a high protein/low carbohydrate to date, the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD),
diet (one study, n = 12). Studies related to dietary manage- which analyzed the effect of protein restriction and inten-
ment of specific dietary factors such as protein, sodium, or sive control of BP on the rate of loss of GFR (measured by
phosphate were excluded. According to this systematic iothalamate clearance) in 840 ND-CKD patients, did not
review, dietary interventions have uncertain effects on mor- support the hypothesis of benefit of protein restriction on
tality and cardiovascular events among CKD patients as the progression of kidney failure [168]. It is possible that
studies were not designed to examine these outcomes. In the MDRD study duration was too short to fully appreciate
very-low-quality evidence, dietary interventions had uncer- the effect of protein restriction; this and other limitations
tain effects on the development of end-stage renal disease could have allowed classifying this RCT as inconclusive
(ESRD). Conversely, dietary interventions may increase rather than negative [169]. Indeed, subsequent secondary
health-related quality of life, eGFR, and serum albumin, analyses performed by some of the MDRD investigators
and reduce several risks factors for cardiovascular events concluded that the balance of evidence was more consist-
such as BP and serum LDL cholesterol levels. Whether ent with the hypothesis of beneficial effect from the reduc-
these favorable effects on these surrogate endpoints would tion of the proteins in the diet rather than with the
improve clinical outcomes for CKD patients remains hypothesis of nonbenefit, with this benefit being additive
uncertain [1]. to that obtained by the BP control. The restriction of pro-
teins slowed the deterioration of GFR, mainly in more
advanced stages and in those cases of more rapid loss of
Nutritional Interventions to Slow
renal function. These findings would justify the recom-
Progression of CKD
mendation of an LPD in ND-CKD patients, and its safety,
Dietary Protein Restriction when accompanied by nutritional advice and systematic
According to the hyperfiltration theory, the amount of pro- monitoring, is also supported by the evidence [169, 170].
tein intake in current diets, which is generally higher than In 2007 and 2018, two Cochrane reviews summarized
our daily needs, could explain the appearance of glomeru- the evidence for protein restriction for diabetic and
lar sclerosis that accompanies aging (0.75–1.5 ml/min/year nondiabetic kidney diseases, respectively [3, 5]. A summary
from the age of 40) [156–159]. Conversely, dietary protein of the findings is shown in Table 37.6. Evidence for
restriction may protect against CKD progression by beneficial effects of protein restriction for nondiabetic
hemodynamic-mediated mechanisms, including intraglo- patients with ND-CKD stages 3–5 is restricted to effects of
merular pressure reduction, as well as by changes in VLPD on progression to ESRD. Conversely, when LPDs
cytokine expression and matrix synthesis (Figure 37.2) [62]. were compared with normal protein diets, there was little
Nearly 20 RCTs have assessed the effects of protein or no difference in the number of people who progressed to
restriction on kidney outcomes of interest, including CKD dialysis. LPDs or VLPDs probably do not influence death;
progression and the need for maintenance dialysis, pro- however, there are limited data on other adverse effects
teinuria, phosphate levels, acidemia, and BP. These studies such as weight differences and PEW. Most studies reported
have been summarized in several meta-analyses [2–5, 160– that adherence to diet was satisfactory, but quality of life
165]. Most of these have been conducted recently [2–4], was not formally assessed in any studies. The authors
which indicates there remains great interest regarding pro- encouraged conduct of new studies evaluating the adverse
tein restriction in CKD patients [62, 166, 167]. effects and the impact on quality of life of dietary protein
Several practical approaches have been described for restriction before these dietary approaches be recom-
protein restriction, with 0.6–0.8 g/kg of weight per day mended for widespread use [3].
(LPD) being most frequently recommended for ND-CKD Restricted protein intake appeared to slow progression of
patients stages 3–5. However, a greater restriction of less diabetic kidney disease, but not by much on average. Only
than 0.6 g/kg/day (VLPD) supplemented with essential one study explored all-cause mortality and ESRD as end-
amino acids or their ketoacids has also been tested. The points in type 1 diabetic patients, showing a relative risk
safety and implementation of protein restriction diets (RR) of 0.23 for patients assigned to LPD. However, pooling
should be accompanied by ensuring adequate energy of the seven RCTs of patients with type 1 diabetes resulted
intake (30–35 kcal/kg/day) and regular nutritional checks. in a nonsignificant reduction in the decline of GFR of
Overall, the balance of evidence suggests a benefit of die- 0.1 ml/min/month (95% confidence interval [CI] −0.1 to
tary protein restriction (summarized in Table 37.5). 0.3) in the LPD group. For type 2 diabetes, one trial showed
However, results of some RCTs have not consistently a small insignificant improvement in the rate of decline of
demonstrated that protein restriction would be beneficial GFR in the protein-restricted group and a second found a
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Table 37.5 Meta-analyses and systematic reviews of diet protein restriction for kidney outcomes (RCTs only).
No. of
Author studies Sample Outcome measures Methods Conclusions
Fouque 6 n = 890 No. of deaths due to Difference in protein intake >0.2 g/kg/ LPDs slowed progression to ESRD.
et al. [160] ND-CKD with renal cause or need day in both groups
varying degrees of to initiate Follow-up of at least 1 year
renal failure hemodialysis
Pedrini 5 n = 1413 Calculation of RR LPD of 0.4–0.6 g/kg/day Protein restriction slowed progression of renal disease in
et al. [161] ND-CKD with of progression of Follow-up for 18–36 months diabetic and nondiabetic patients
moderate degree of renal disease
renal failure
Kasiske 13 n = 1919 Differences in rate Measurement of protein intake with Protein restriction reduced the rate of decline in eGFR,
et al. [162] ND-CKD (degree of of fall of GFR or urea excretion and nitrogen although the magnitude of effects was weak [by only
renal failure was creatinine clearance Analysis of results by intent-to-treat 0.53 ml/min/year (95% CI 0.08–0.98 ml/min/year)]
unreported) between control Measurement of disease progression The effect of dietary protein restriction was relatively
groups and groups by GFR or creatinine clearance greater among diabetic versus nondiabetic patients
treated with LPDs (5.4 ml/min/year, 95% CI 0.3–10.5 ml/min/year, P < 0.05)
Follow-up for 6–36 months
Fouque 7 n = 1494 Renal death (death In theory, difference in protein intake Reducing protein intake overall reduced renal deaths by
et al. [163] ND-CKD stages 3–5 of any cause, between higher and restricted protein about 39% (P = 0.006)
Only nondiabetic requirement to start intake groups was approximately To spare one extra renal death, 17 patients need to be
patients dialysis, or kidney 0.35 g/kg/day in almost all the studies. treated with a low protein diet for approximately 2 years
transplant) However, based on urinary collection A subgroup analysis of the “start of dialysis” event was
of protein waste products, the actual also highly significant, with an OR of 0.56 in favor of a
reduction in protein intake between restricted protein intake (P < 0.01)
groups in each study was less than
expected (between 0.2 and 0.35 g/kg/
Follow-up of at least 1 year
Robertson 12 (nine n = 585 Biochemistry (GFR), Actual protein intake in the The RR of ESRD or death was 0.23 (95% CI 0.07–0.72) for
et al. [5] RCTs, three Only diabetic patients ESRD (all-cause intervention groups ranged from 0.7 to patients assigned to an LPD
before and (type 1 : 322; type mortality, nutritional 1.1 g/kg/day Pooling of the seven RCTs in patients with type 1 diabetes
after 2 : 263) with status, health-related Interventions of reduced or modified resulted in a nonsignificant reduction in the decline of
studies) nephropathy (UAER QOL, and costs were protein intake 4 months GFR of 0.1 ml/min/months (95% CI −0.1 to 0.3) in the
300 mg/day) also analyzed) LPD group
For type 2 diabetes, one trial showed a small insignificant
improvement in the rate of decline of GFR in the
protein-restricted group and a second found a similar
decline in both the intervention and control groups
A specific recommendation of the necessary protein level to
achieve this outcome was not possible
No. of
Author studies Sample Outcome measures Methods Conclusions
Fouque 10 (also n = 1494 Renal death (death Protein intake ( 0.8 g/kg/day) vs. Reducing protein intake overall reduced renal deaths by
et al. [165] included CKD stages 3–5 of any cause, moderate (0.6 g/kg/day) to severe about 32% (P = 0.0002)
three Only nondiabetic requirement to start protein restriction (0.3 g/kg/day) Subanalysis (seven studies) found that reduced protein
crossover patients dialysis, or kidney regardless of supplementation with intakes between 0.3 and 0.6 g/kg/day compared to higher/
studies) transplant) amino acids or keto-acids free protein intakes resulted in a significant reduction in
renal deaths (37%, P = 0.0009)
The optimal level of protein intake cannot be determined
based on this review
Rughooputh 15 n = 1965 Change in mean The assessment of protein intake was Moderate protein diet restriction slowed CKD progression
et al. [166] CKD stages 1–5 GFR based on reported urinary indices in nondiabetic and type 1 diabetic patients (−1.50 ml/
Pooling the mean values for all studies, min/1.73 m2/year, 95% CI −2.73 to 0.26, P = 0.0175), but
the achieved protein intake was 0.83 not in type 2 diabetic patients (−0.17 ml/min/1.73 m2/year,
(0.15) g/kg/day in the experimental 95% CI −1.88 to 1.55, P = 0.85)
arm and 1.07 (0.17) g/kg/day in the
control arm, based solely on urinary
Follow-up of at least 1 year
Rhee et al. [2] 16 (RCTs n = 2771 Rate of progression LPD (<0.8 g/kg/day) vs. higher protein Risk of progression to ESRD was 4% lower in those who
with less CKD stages 3–5 (one to ESRD (all-cause diets (>0.8 g/kg/day) received LPD
than 30 study with 60 new mortality, nutritional VLPD (<0.4 mg/kg/day) vs. LPD LPD (<0.8 g/kg/day) was also associated with higher serum
participants ESRD patients on status, and (0.4–0.8 mg/kg/day) bicarbonate levels, lower phosphorus levels, lower azotemia,
were peritoneal dialysis bicarbonate and and a trend toward lower rates of all-cause mortality
excluded) with residual kidney phosphorus levels VLPDs (protein intake <0.4 g/kg/day) were associated
function was also were also analyzed) with greater preservation of kidney function and
included) reduction in the rate of progression to ESRD
Safety and adherence to a LPD was not inferior to a
normal protein diet, and there was no difference in the
rate of malnutrition or protein-energy wasting
BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; CKD, chronic kidney disease, ESRD, end-stage renal disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; LPD, low protein diet; MD, mean
difference; ND-CKD, nondialysis chronic kidney disease; OR, odds ratio; QOL, quality of life; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RR, relative risk; SMD, standardized mean difference; UAER,
urinary albumin excretion rate; VLDP, very-low protein diet. Source: Hahn D, Hodson EM, Fouque D (2018); Robertson L, Waugh N, Robertson A.(2007); Hultcrantz M et al.(2017).
Absolute number of
No. of patients affected per Certainty of
participants 1000 patients treated the evidence
Outcomes (no. of studies) for one year (95% CI) Relative effect (95% CI) (GRADE) Conclusion
Low protein diet versus normal protein diet for nondiabetic adults with CKD stages 3–4
Death (all 1680 (5) 13 fewer (27 fewer to 0.77 (0.51–1.18) Moderate LPD probably does not influence death
causes) 10 more) ●●●○
ESRD 1814 (6) 7 more (39 fewer to 1.05 (0.73–1.53) Low LPD may make little difference to the number
76 more) ●●○○ of people who progress to ESRD
End of study or 1680 (8) Not estimable The SMD for end or change in GFR was 0.18 lower Very low It is uncertain whether LPD impacts on the
change in GFR (0.75 lower to 0.38 higher) with LPD compared to ●○○○ outcome of final or change in GFR
normal protein diet
End of study 223 (2) Not estimable The MD for end body weight was 3.09 kg lower Very low It is uncertain whether LPD impacts on final
body weight (5.02 lower to 1.16 lower) with LPD compared to ●○○○ body weight
normal protein diet
Quality of life —(−) Not estimable Not estimable Absent No studies were found that evaluated quality
of life
Very low protein diet versus low or normal protein diet for nondiabetic adults with CKD stages 4–5
Death (all 681 (6) 10 more (15 fewer to 1.26 (0.62–2.54) Moderate VLPD compared with LPD probably makes
causes) 60 more) ●●●○ little or no difference to death
ESRD 1010 (10) 165 fewer (69–233 0.65 (0.49–0.85) Moderate VLPD probably reduces number of people
fewer) ●●●○ who progress to ESRD
End of study or 456 (6) Not estimable The SMD for end or change in GFR was 0.12 higher Very low It is uncertain whether VLPD compared with
change in GFR (0.27 lower to 0.52 higher) with VLPD compared to ●○○○ LPD impacts on the outcome of final or
LPD change in GFR
End of study 291 (4) Not estimable The MD for end body weight was 1.40 kg higher Very low It is uncertain whether VLPD impacts on final
body weight (3.40 lower to 6.21 higher) with VLPD compared to LPD ●○○○ body weight
Development 2373 (15) Not estimable 1.31 (0.42–4.13) Low Protein restriction may make little difference
of PEW ●●○○ to the number of people who develop PEW
Quality of life —(−) Not estimable Not estimable Absent No studies were found that evaluated quality
of life
Death (all 84 (1) Not estimable 0.23 (0.07–0.72) Low LPD may prevent death or progression to
causes) or ●●○○ ESRD in type 1 diabetic patients
normal protein
diet in type 1
Change in 222 (7) Not estimable There was a nonsignificant improvement in GFR of Low LPD may make little difference to the change
GFR: LPD vs. 0.1 ml/min/month (95% CI −0.1 to 0.3) in the LPD ●●○○ in GFR in type 1 diabetic patients
normal protein group
diet in type 1
Change in 83 (2) Not estimable Not estimable Very low It is uncertain whether LPD impacts on
GFR: LPD vs. ●○○○ change in GFR in type 2 diabetic patients
normal protein
diet in type 2
Quality of life —(−) Not estimable Not estimable Absent No studies were found that evaluated quality
of life
CKD, chronic kidney disease; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; LPD, low protein diet; VLDP, very-low protein diet; PEW, protein-energy wasting.
Treatment estimates are drawn from two Cochrane reviews [3, 5]. GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence [17]: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely
effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be
substantially different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood that it will be substantially different* is high. Very low: This
research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference
that it might affect decision-making.
Effects are reported as the relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for binary outcomes and mean difference (MD) and 95% CI for continuous outcomes (standardized mean
difference [SMD] if different scales were used).
Source: Hahn D, Hodson EM, Fouque D (2018); Robertson L, Waugh N, Robertson A.(2007); Hultcrantz M et al.(2017).
similar decline in both the intervention and control groups. Dietary Caloric Restriction
No data on the effects of LPDs on health-related quality of Among both the general population and ND-CKD patients,
life in this population were found. According to the an extensive body of evidence from epidemiological studies
authors, and due to the variability amongst patients, there indicates that obesity and central fat distribution are inde-
might perhaps be a 6-month therapeutic trial of protein pendent risk factors for CKD progression and the develop-
restriction in all individuals with diabetic kidney disease, ment of ESRD [175, 176]. Insulin resistance, obesity-mediated
with continuation only in those who responded best [5]. hypertension, glomerular hyperfiltration, renin-angiotensin-
aldosterone system activation, glomerular hypertrophy, and
Dietary Salt Restriction inflammation are the potential mechanisms by which
The restriction of salt in the diet reduces BP and reduces obesity may increase CKD progression [177]. This excess
proteinuria (independently of the effect on the BP) by a risk associated with obesity may be reversible by achieving
direct effect on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, sustained weight loss through diet or bariatric surgery in the
potentially improving cardiovascular outcomes and CKD general population [178–180]. However, clear evidence on
progression to ESRD. However, the lack of long-term RCTs the harms and benefits of avoiding excessive caloric intake
assessing the effectiveness and safety of dietary salt restric- and reducing weight in obese people with ND-CKD is still
tion on CKD progression and survival precludes any firm lacking.
conclusions [62]. Nonrandomized evidence in obese patients with CKD has
A 2015 Cochrane review summarized the evidence for suggested that weight loss may lead to better BP control and
salt restriction from eight RCTs of 258 adults with CKD reduction of the obesity-related glomerular hyperfiltration
(including six studies with ND-CKD patients, one with and proteinuria [180, 181]. Similar data were shown in two
dialysis patients, and one with kidney transplant recipi- RCTs assessing the effect of hypocaloric diet in 17 obese
ents) that compared two or more levels of salt intake [6]. patients and 30 overweight patients, respectively, with pro-
Unfortunately, the short follow-up of the included studies teinuric nephropathies [182, 183]. Meta-analysis of both
(1–26 weeks) did not allow for establishing the effect of RCTs showed a significant overall reduction in urinary
sodium intake on primary endpoints such as cardiovascu- protein excretion of −1.65 g/24 h (95% CI −3.21 to −0.08),
lar and all-cause mortality, cardiovascular events, or CKD whereas eGFR remained stable during follow-up [8].
progression. However, low salt interventions were associ- In summary, although there is limited evidence of the
ated with significant reduction in 24-hour sodium excre- potential reversibility of the harmful hemodynamic effects,
tion (range 52–141 mmol) (eight studies, 258 patients, proteinuria, and progression of kidney disease related to
mean difference [MD] −105.86 mmol/day, 95% CI −119.20 obesity, weight reduction through diet and lifestyle
to −92.51), systolic BP (eight studies, 258 patients, MD modifications could be considered as a component of the
−8.75 mmHg, 95% CI −11.33 to −6.16), and diastolic BP therapeutic regimen of obese patients with ND-CKD [177].
(eight studies, 258 patients, MD −3.70 mmHg, 95% CI
−5.09 to −2.30), allowing a significant reduction in antihy- Fiber Intake and Probiotics
pertensive treatment dosage (two studies, 52 patients, RR Evidence is emerging for the effects of fiber intake on CKD
5.48, 95% CI 1.27–23.66). Although data regarding urinary progression and mortality in CKD stages 3–5, although
protein excretion was not able to be meta-analyzed, a sig- only a few small interventional uncontrolled studies have
nificant reduction in proteinuria in relation to a low salt addressed the effects of fiber intake in renal outcomes. In a
diet was noted in all the RCTs that reported this single-blind crossover study of 13 ND-CKD patients with
outcome [171–174]. Salt restriction significantly increased an eGFR less than 50 ml/min/1.73 m2, supplementing the
plasma renin activity and serum aldosterone, whereas one diet with fiber significantly reduced p-cresol levels and
study reported a 56% reduction in the risk of edema [171]. improved stool frequency [184]. In another uncontrolled
There was no significant change in eGFR (two studies, 68 trial, the addition of 23 g/day of fiber incorporated into the
patients, MD −1.14 ml/min/1.73 m2, 95% CI −4.38 to 2.11) usual diets of 13 ND-CKD patients was associated with a
or creatinine clearance (three studies, 85 patients, MD significant reduction in blood urea nitrogen and creatinine
−4.60 ml/min, 95% CI −11.78 to 2.57) in relation to low salt levels, increasing the eGFR from 29.6 ± 3.5 to 32.5 ± 3.6 ml/
interventions. min/1.73 m2 after 4 weeks of fiber intervention [78]. These
The effect of moderate salt restriction for lowering BP studies suggest with very-low-quality evidence that con-
and proteinuria was confirmed in a 2018 meta-analysis of suming a highly fermentable fiber, such as inulin, might
RCTs comparing the effect of low versus high salt intake, reduce uremic toxins generation, potentially through the
which involved 11 studies of 738 patients with ND-CKD inhibition of proteolytic and enhancement of saccharolytic
stages 1–4 [7]. microbiome.
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Treatmen 643
Supporting this is a placebo-controlled RCT involving 3 years showed a slower progression of kidney disease in
30 patients with CKD stages 3–4 where total plasma the group of patients allocated to dietary alkali treatment
p-cresol concentration was reduced by 40% after taking a with base-producing fruits and vegetables or bicarbonate
synbiotic for 4 weeks [185]. It remains uncertain if increas- versus usual care [190].
ing fiber intake to normalize intestinal microflora could In summary, it is uncertain whether healthy dietary pat-
delay CKD progression to ESRD; even probiotics supple- terns (independent of other healthy lifestyles) make any
mentation has not shown evidence of reducing CKD pro- difference in preventing the development of ESRD among
gression, according to a recent meta-analysis involving patients with CKD, although long-term RCTs are
eight studies of 261 patients with CKD stages 3–5D (sum- warranted [1].
marized in Table 37.7). However, this therapy may reduce
the levels of p-cresol sulfate and elevate the levels of IL-6,
Treatment of PEW in CKD
thereby protecting the intestinal epithelial barrier of
patients with CKD [9]. Prevention and early detection of PEW seems to be essen-
tial for the optimal treatment of the syndrome [48, 166,
Dietary Patterns and CKD Progression 191]. Important to the prevention of PEW is periodic
Although nutritional management in patients with CKD screening for malnutrition, which must be performed at
has been focused on limiting or supplementing the each patient visit to the clinic or hospital. Through an
amounts of specific nutrients, epidemiologic and observa- adequate patient interview, a guided physical examina-
tional evidence suggests that overall dietary pattern might tion, and a basic biochemical analysis that includes blood
be more protective against CKD progression than excess or levels of albumin, urea, creatinine, and CRP, the sus-
deficiency of an isolated nutrient [186–188]. Whereas the pected presence of PEW may be determined and a more
so-called Western diet (a high saturated fat diet, rich in red detailed assessment of the nutritional status should fol-
and processed meat and sweets) has been associated with low, as well as early referral to the dietitian. Symptoms
increased risk of CKD progression and albuminuria [186], and warning signs include loss of appetite, changes in
the Mediterranean diet has been linked to slower kidney bowel habits, the appearance of edema, or involuntary
function decline and favorable effects on cardiovascular weight loss. The routine determination of albumin and
morbidity and mortality [187]. In kidney transplant recipi- CRP allows objective monitoring of the visceral protein
ents, the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) deposits and the inflammatory state of patients. Through
diet has been associated with lower risk of both kidney the urea clearance (otherwise needed for controlling the
function decline and all-cause mortality [188]. A lower dialysis dose in patients on dialysis), changes in protein
load and bioavailability of phosphorus (vegetable protein), intake can be quantified. In each clinical review, other
reduction of the burden of uremic toxins and salt, better preventive measures to preserve the nutritional status
control of BP and other cardiovascular risk factors, and should be reinforced, including control of the dialysis
reduction of oxidative stress and inflammation are putative dose and metabolic acidosis, continuous nutritional coun-
mechanisms which could explain the benefits derived from seling, and supportive messaging about the benefits of
the Mediterranean diet [47]. However, in a systematic adequate physical exercise tailored to each patient [48].
review of seven cohort studies involving 15 282 patients, six Table 37.8 shows a protocol used to monitor nutritional
studies did not show an independent association between status and treat PEW in CKD patients.
healthy dietary patterns (defined as generally consistent With a frequency that usually ranges between 4 weeks
with higher intake of fruits and vegetables, fish, legumes, and 4 months, depending on the CKD stage (the more
cereals, whole grains, and fiber, and lower in red meat, salt, advanced the stage, the more frequent the nutritional
and refined sugars) and risk of ESRD [155]. assessment), and whenever PEW is suspected in CKD
There is very limited evidence from interventional stud- patients, a more detailed assessment of nutritional status
ies that adherence to healthy dietary patterns might have should be conducted. Recommendations for this assess-
effects on CKD progression. In one RCT, 40 ND-CKD ment include an SGA score to provide a more detailed col-
patients were randomly assigned to nutritional advice lection of the signs and symptoms of malnutrition, the
adapted from a Mediterranean diet or to standard care. determination of prealbumin and transferrin levels, which
After 3 months of follow-up, eGFR and creatinine and urea can reflect changes in nutritional status earlier than albu-
levels remained unchanged in both groups, although it min, performance of bioimpedance if available (otherwise,
may be argued that the intervention time was too short to the determination of the mid-arm circumference as a
assess CKD progression [189]. Conversely, another RCT marker of muscle mass), and measurement of muscle
involving 108 patients with CKD stage 3 followed for strength by hand dynamometry.
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Table 37.7 Summary of findings: probiotics supplementation for adults with CKD.
Absolute number of
patients affected per Certainty of
No. of participants 1000 patients treated the evidence
Outcomes (no. of studies) for one year (95% CI) Relative effect (95% CI) (GRADE) Conclusion
Serum 250 (5) Not estimable The MD for serum creatinine was 0.08 mg/dl Very low It is uncertain whether probiotics
creatinine higher (0.13 lower to 0.28 higher) with ●○○○ supplementation impacts on serum creatinine
probiotics compared to placebo levels compared to placebo
Blood urea 164 (3) Not estimable The MD for blood urea was 1.38 mg/dl lower Very low It is uncertain whether probiotics
(9.26 lower to 6.15 higher) with probiotics ●○○○ supplementation impacts on blood urea levels
compared to placebo compared to placebo
p-cresol 125 (3) Not estimable The SMD for p-cresyl sulfate was 0.57 lower Low Probiotics may slightly reduce p-cresyl sulfate
sulfate (0.99 lower to 0.14 lower) with probiotics ●●○○ levels of CKD patients compared to placebo
compared to placebo
Hemoglobin 93 (3) Not estimable The MD for hemoglobin was 0.21 g/dl higher Low Probiotics may slightly improve hemoglobin
(0.48 lower to 0.91 higher) with probiotics ●●○○ levels of CKD patients compared to placebo
compared to placebo
Interleukin-6 134 (3) Not estimable The SMD for interleukin-6 was 0.37 higher Very low It is uncertain whether probiotics
(0.03 higher to 0.72 higher) with probiotics ●○○○ supplementation impacts on interleukin-6 levels
compared to placebo compared to placebo
C-reactive 106 (3) Not estimable The MD for C-reactive protein was 0.64 mg/dl Very low It is uncertain whether probiotics
protein higher (3.81 lower to 5.09 higher) with ●○○○ supplementation impacts on C-reactive protein
probiotics compared to placebo levels compared to placebo
Actual body weight and ideal Unintentional weight loss >5% of If PEW is suspected, a more detailed nutritional
weight ideal body weight or estimated dry assessment and an early referral to the renal dietitian are
weight or weight <85% of ideal mandatory
Dietary intake Loss of appetite Other preventive measures:
Serum albumin <3.8 g/dl 1) Dietary assessments to evaluate whether the intake
provided with the diet is adequate in protein and
C-reactive protein >10 mg/dl caloric contents
Urea clearance to estimate the <1.2 g/kg/day in dialysis 2) Correction of metabolic acidosis
protein intake (and calculate the <0.6 g/kg/day in nondialysis 3) Achievement of adequate dialysis dose
dialysis dose) dependent CKD 4) Good oral hygiene
Creatinine levels to calculate the <20 g/kg/day or significant 5) Treatment of digestive symptoms as needed (nausea/
creatinine index in dialysis reduction vomiting)
patientsa 6) Adequate physical exercise (as tolerated)
7) Management of comorbidities (diabetes, chronic heart
failure, etc.)
8) In-center meals (dialysis)
Detailed assessment (at least two
to four times/year or whenever
PEW is suspected)
Subjective global assessment Score of B or C ●● An etiopathogenic approach:
Prealbumin <30 mg/dl or significative 1) Treatment of inflammatory causes: intercurrent
reduction infections, nonfunctioning renal graft, use of central
Transferrin <200 mg/dl or significative venous catheters
reduction 2) Uremic symptoms: optimize dialysis if needed
Mid-arm circumference Significative reduction 3) Pill burden reduction (i.e. phosphate binders):
Bioelectrical impedance Loss of muscle mass or fat mass consider dose reduction or temporary discontinua-
tion of treatment
Hand dynamometry Loss of strength
4) Treatment for gastroparesis in diabetic patients
Dietary intake assessment Protein intake <1.2 g/kg/day in
●● Dietary counseling
dialysis or <0.6 g/kg/day in
nondialysis dependent CKD ●● Oral nutritional supplements
Energy intake <30–35 kcal/day ●● Tube feeding or percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
●● Intradialysis parenteral nutrition (for hemodialysis
●● Intraperitoneal nutrition (for peritoneal dialysis
●● Total parenteral nutrition
●● Adjunct therapies: appetite stimulants; anabolic
hormones (androgens, growth hormone); anti-
inflammatory interventions (omega-3)
CKD, chronic kidney disease; PEW, protein-energy wasting.
The equation to estimate creatinine index (CI) was developed based on age, gender, predialysis serum creatinine concentrations, and spKt/V urea with
the simplified equation from Cannaud et al. [135] [16.21 + 1.12 × (1 si man; 0 si female) − 0.06 × age (years) − 0.08 × spKt/V + 0.009 × Crpre(μmol/l)]. To
evaluate CI using plasma creatinine concentration in mg/dl, divide the creatinine concentration term by 88.4.
Source: Adapted from: Ikizler TA, Cano NJ, Franch H, et al. Prevention and treatment of protein-energy wasting in chronic kidney disease
patients: a consensus statement by the International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism. Kidney Int. 2013 Dec;84(6):1096–107.
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646 Nutritional Disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease: Pathophysiology, Detection, and Treatment
Absolute number of
No. of patients affected per Certainty of
participants (no. 1000 patients treated the evidence
Outcomes of studies) for one year (95% CI) Relative effect (95% CI)a (GRADE) Conclusion
Primary outcomes
Death (all —(−) — No studies Absent No studies were found that evaluated the
causes) impact of ONS on survival
Cardiovascular —(−) — No studies Absent No studies were found that evaluated the
events impact of ONS on the appearance of
cardiovascular events
Infectious —(−) — No studies Absent No studies were found that evaluated the
events impact of ONS on the appearance of infectious
Health-related —(−) — No studies Absent No studies were found that evaluated the
quality of life impact of ONS on health-related quality of life
Secondary outcomes
Body mass 376 (9) Not estimable The MD for the effect of BMI was 0.40 kg/m2 higher Low ONS may increase body mass index
index (0.10 higher to 0.71 higher) with ONS compared to ●●○○
control or standard care
Serum 507 (14) Not estimable The MD for the effect of serum albumin levels was Moderate ONS probably increases serum albumin levels
albumin 1.58 mg/dl higher (0.52 higher to 2.63 higher) with ●●●○
ONS compared to control or standard care
BMI, body mass index; CKD, chronic kidney disease; ONS, oral nutritional supplements.
Treatment estimates are drawn from a Cochrane review [10]. GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence: [17] High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect.
The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially
different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood that it will be substantially different* is high. Very low: This research does not
provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect
Effects are reported as the relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for binary outcomes and mean difference (MD) and 95% CI for continuous outcomes (standardized mean
difference [SMD] if different scales were used).
Source: Liu PJ, Ma F, Wang QY, He SL. (2018); Hultcrantz M, Rind D, Akl EA, Treweek S, Mustafa RA, Iorio A, et al.(2017).
administered only 3 days per week for 4 hours, thus it is not RCTs to suggest that outcomes are improved by nonspe-
appropriate for severely malnourished patients, in whom cific inflammation-reducing modalities.
total parenteral nutrition may be necessary to provide suf- The treatment of the different comorbidities could also
ficient proteins and calories to treat PEW [48]. help to correct PEW (i.e. adequate metabolic control for
A 2010 systematic review of RCTs compared IDPN with diabetes or antidepressants for mood disorders). Although
usual diet, placebo, or ONS; it included three studies with the quality of evidence for the ethological approach to
220 HD patients [202]. Unfortunately, there were insuffi- PEW is very low or absent, a few small randomized and
cient data to undertake a meta-analysis of whether IDPN quasi-randomized controlled trials have shown the bene-
improves survival, quality of life, or nutritional status. In fits of increasing both solute diffusion and convection on
the largest trial in the review (and to date), 186 malnour- the nutritional status of dialysis patients [88, 89]. Thus,
ished HD patients received ONS with or without 1 year of improving dialysis adequacy, with interventions aimed at
IDPN [196]. The study showed an improvement in enhancing solute clearance, might impact positively on
nutritional markers in both groups, indicating that the PEW, although quality evidence is lacking [48].
addition of IDPN to ONS did not provide additional benefit Other additional therapeutic measures to correct PEW,
over ONS alone; no differences in survival were noted. A most of them considered as experimental, may include the
2017 RCT compared IDPN given three times weekly versus use of appetite stimulants such as megestrol acetate, anti-
dietary counseling in 107 HD patients with PEW. IDPN for inflammatory drugs, and exercise and anabolic agents [48].
16 weeks resulted in a significant increase in mean serum
prealbumin, although without changes in SGA score or
quality of life [203]. Megestrol Acetate
The conclusion then is that although IDPN might be used
in highly selected patients with positive results, it is uncer- Evidence for the use of megestrol acetate as orexigenic is
tain whether IDPN improves quality of life, decreases mor- restricted to dialysis patients. A systematic review of three
tality, or prevents hospitalizations. This is in agreement with RCTs and six observational studies assessing the efficacy
the results of a recently published systematic review that and safety of megestrol acetate was published in 2016 [12].
included both interventional and observational studies [11].
Box 37.1 Nonspecific Inflammation-reducing
Intraperitoneal Infusion of Amino Acids in PD Interventions for Protein-energy Wasting in Patients
Although use of amino acids in the dialysate may be an ade- with Chronic Kidney Disease
quate nutritional intervention for malnourished PD patients
who are unable to tolerate ONS, evidence in this regard is Screen and treat occult infections:
limited to one small RCT [204]. Improvements in overall pro- ●● Urinary tract infections
tein balance (protein synthesis minus protein breakdown) ●● Diabetic foot ulcers
was observed with the use of a dialysate that contained ●● Gut flora dysbiosis
amino acids and glucose versus glucose as control dialysate ●● Tuberculosis
in a crossover study of eight patients over 14 days. Whether Assess for poor dental hygiene and periodontal disease
this dialysis procedure may improve the nutritional status in Routinely assess for volume overload
malnourished PD patients remains uncertain. Screen and treat rheumatologic conditions:
●● Vasculitis
Non-nutritional Interventions for PEW ●● Systemic lupus relapses
●● Rheumatoid arthritis
In addition to correcting any nutritional deficiencies, treat-
Screen for pericarditis
ment of malnourished CKD patients should always include
Embolize or remove nonfunctioning renal allografts
an ethological approach to identify the causes involved in
Optimize vascular access
PEW [48]. Inflammation may be a cause of anorexia and
Replace central venous catheters with arteriovenous fistula
increased energy expenditure, which increases the risk of
All three RCTs were limited by small sample sizes (range Pentoxifylline, anti-TNF agents, and recombinant IL-1
9–22 subjects), short duration (range 8–24 weeks), a high receptor antagonists have also been tested in the treatment
degree of bias, and absence of clinical outcomes such as of inflammation in patients with CKD.
quality of life or hospitalizations. Appetite, serum albumin,
and body weight significantly increased in some but not all
the studies. Altogether, it is uncertain whether megestrol Anabolic Agents
acetate impacts on PEW. In addition, use of megestrol
acetate was associated with significant adverse events, Anabolic agents including recombinant human GH and
which were especially noted in the six observational stud- androgenic steroids may also be effective in CKD patients
ies, and there were no data regarding the safety of using with PEW. In a 4-week follow-up RCT involving 17 mal-
megestrol acetate beyond 24 weeks [12]. nourished dialysis patients, treatment with recombinant
human GH, whose use is approved for pediatric patients
with CKD and short stature, significantly increased weight
Anti-inflammatory Agents gain and IGF-1 and transferrin levels, suggesting that
short-term GH administration might be associated with an
In addition to treating inflammation directly due to a spe- anabolic reaction in malnourished dialysis patients [208].
cific identified source (e.g. an ongoing chronic infection), However, the long-term nutritional benefits of GH have
the use of anti-inflammatory agents in malnourished CKD been not demonstrated [209]. In an RCT involving 29
patients has been tested in several RCTs. A meta-analysis patients undergoing dialysis, treatment with nandrolone
of RCTs assessing the anti-inflammatory effects of fish oil versus placebo for 6 months resulted in a significant
containing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids versus pla- increase in lean body mass associated with functional
cebo or no treatment was published in 2016 [13]. It involved improvement, including a decrease in the time to complete
13 studies with 916 patients with CKD stage 5D on HD, and the walking and stair-climbing test [210]. Despite this posi-
showed that fish oil significantly reduced some CRP and tive effect on protein stores, the long-term efficacy and risk
high-sensitivity CRP but not all inflammatory markers. In for adverse effects of androgenic anabolic steroids remains
addition, fish oil reduced the risk of arteriovenous (AV)- unclear, thus limiting their role in medical practice.
graft events and cardiovascular events and alleviated Overall, evidence on the safety and effectiveness of anti-
depression symptoms, although no effect on albumin levels inflammatory drugs and anabolic agents in CKD patients is
was noted. In 2014, two meta-analyses examined the effects very low, hindered by small studies, with limited follow-up,
of l-carnitine supplementation in HD patients, with mixed and focused primarily on HD patients. Large-scale RCTs
results [14, 15]. Whereas in one meta-analysis (49 RCTs, are needed to confirm these anti-inflammatory effects.
1734 participants) there was a significant decrease in CRP Lastly, although an aerobic and resistance exercise pro-
levels noted [14], the other review (25 studies, 1172 partici- gram in well-nourished CKD patients may improve
pants) indicated this therapy did not result in a significant physical capacity and quality of life [211], no data are
reduction in CRP levels [15]. In a small uncontrolled trial, available regarding the anabolic effect of exercise in CKD
daily supplementation with Brazil nut (the richest known patients with PEW.
food source of selenium) for 3 months resulted in a signifi-
cant decrease in cytokines and other inflammatory and
oxidative markers [205]. Conclusions
Besides the anti-inflammatory effects related to some
nutrient supplementation, some drugs may also exert the Attention to nutritional status is critical as it may impact on
same effects in CKD populations. In 2012, a meta-analysis important clinical outcomes in patients with CKD, including
summarized the evidence for the effect of statin therapy on CKD progression, quality of life, morbidity, and mortality.
inflammatory and nutritional markers in dialysis patients. Although some interventional studies have shown that
Nine RCTs involving 3098 patients were analyzed, with the nutritional interventions may have reno-protective effects
resulting report of a significant decrease in CRP and high- and improve surrogate markers of survival, high-quality
sensitivity CRP levels but no effect on serum albumin evidence is still insufficient. However, this lack of evidence
levels [16]. In a small RCT of 108 HD patients, sevelamer does not necessarily indicate that nutritional interventions
hydrochloride versus calcium acetate lowered high- have no effect on CKD outcomes. Given that nutritional
sensitivity CRP after a 1-year follow-up [206]. An uncon- therapy, including dietary counseling and supplements, is
trolled trial of 24 HD patients noted a reduction in CRP and safe and cost-effective, it should be considered to improve
IL-6 after a 3-month intervention with N-acetylcysteine [207]. the poor prognosis of CKD patients.
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656 Nutritional Disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease: Pathophysiology, Detection, and Treatment
Preparation for Dialysis
Oluwatoyin I. Ameh1, Muhammad A. Makusidi2, Aminu M. Sakajiki2, Hamidu M. Liman2,
and Ikechi G. Okpechi3,4
Division of Nephrology, Zenith Medical and Kidney Centre, Abuja, Nigeria
Division of Nephrology, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto, Nigeria
Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa
Kidney and Hypertension Research Unit, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Timing of Nephrology Referral (Early vs. Late) and Outcome 659
which promote longevity. In addition, the contribution of iming of Nephrology Referral (Early
chronic infectious disease-related ESKD, such as HIV- vs. Late) and Outcomes
associated nephropathy and hepatitis B-and C-associated
kidney disease, to this burden cannot be overlooked. Although there is no consensus on the ideal timing for neph-
Maintenance dialysis modalities have become the more rology referral of the CKD patient, most societal/organiza-
predominant forms of RRT; kidney transplantation tional guidelines recommend that CKD patients should be
remains an underutilized RRT option due to reasons such referred to a nephrologist when GFR is <30 ml/min/1.73 m2
as organ scarcity and the unbearably high costs of setting (i.e. stage 4). Early referral ensures that the choice of care
up and running renal transplant programs, especially for (conservative or active, peritoneal dialysis [PD] or hemodialy-
many developing nations [12]. There were approximately sis [HD]) can be a shared decision-making process rather than
284 patients per million population (pmp) receiving main- an option chosen out of dire necessity [14]. It also ensures that
tenance dialysis in 2010 [13]. Incidence rates (i.e. initiation the discussion about ESKD care with respect to RRT options
rates) of maintenance dialysis have been the highest in such as renal transplantation and the various alternatives of
low-to middle-income countries due to improved access to HD and PD therapies can be established. It has been demon-
dialysis therapies. Prevalence rates are on the increase strated that the timing of nephrology referral influences the
globally; rates have increased, albeit disproportionately, by eventual dialysis modality selected and the creation of the
between 154% and 170%. Prevalence rates have been esti- required vascular access in the circumstances of hemodialytic
mated at >2000 patients pmp, 750–1999 patients pmp, therapies [15]. Early referral of the CKD patient to the neph-
10–99 patients pmp, and <0.1 patients pmp in North rologist provides ample time for permanent access creation
America, Europe (excluding Russia), Central Asia, and and the opportunity to address any complications that might
West Africa, respectively [13]. occur before dialysis becomes needed (Table 38.1).
Table 38.1 Consequences of late referral and benefits of early referral of CKD patients to nephrologist.
Consequences of late referrala of patients with CKD Benefits of early referralb of patients with CKD
●● Inadequate control of diabetes, blood pressure, hyperlipidaemia, ●● Prevention and management of modifiable risk factors of
and malnutrition CKD
●● Inadequate management of anemia and mineral bone disease ●● Optimization of treatment of CKD
●● Rapid deterioration of renal function ●● Delayed progression of CKD
●● Increased hospitalizations and duration of in-hospital stay ●● Access to structured educational programs
●● Increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality ●● Adaptation of CKD patient to RRT treatment
●● Poor preparation for dialysis ●● Preparation and creation of suitable dialysis access
●● Inadequate psychological preparation and support ●● Avoidance or lesser need for temporary vascular access
●● Loss of opportunity to participate in shared decision-making on ●● Training on selected modality of RRT
dialysis modality and initiation
●● Less chance of initiating RRT with PD ●● Better compliance
●● Increased chance of use of temporary access with associated ●● Increased opportunity for pre-emptive kidney
complications transplantation
●● Increased need for urgent start of dialysis ●● Reduction of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality
●● Increased chance of poor compliance to treatment due to poor ●● Reduction of management costs due to better planning
●● Lack of pre-transplant evaluation and loss of opportunity for
pre-emptive kidney transplant
●● Excessive management costs
CKD, chronic kidney disease; RRT, renal replacement therapy; PD, peritoneal dialysis.
Referral of patients with CKD <3 months before initiation of dialysis.
Primary healthcare physician should ideally refer patients with CKD at stage 1 if hematuria or significant proteinuria is present, at stage 2 if
eGFR declines >4 ml/min/year, and at stage 3 for all patients with CKD where eGFR is <60 ml/min/1.73 m2.
Source: Adapted from Karkar [14]. © 2011, Wolters Kluwer.
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660 Preparation for Dialysis
Pre-emptive kidney
Dialysis OR OR Conservative care
Figure 38.1 Treatment options for patients with end-stage kidney disease. HD, hemodialysis; HHD, home hemodialysis; PD,
peritoneal dialysis.
therapy using in-center HD, with approximately 8.5% initi- to involve patients in selection of the best treatment option
ated on PD while the rest receive treatment through other suitable to them [44]. In the Empowering Patients on Choices
modalities (home HD [<2%], conservative management for Renal Replacement Therapy (EPOCH-RRT) study, a
[<1%], and pre-emptive kidney transplant [<1%]) [39]. cross-sectional study was designed to assess patients’ per-
There are geographic differences in the modality patients are spectives at the time they choose a dialysis modality [51]. It
likely to initiate RRT on depending on government policy included 180 patients with advanced CKD, either nondialysis
and the country’s economic status [40, 41]. Other factors like dependent or on dialysis therapy (HD and PD) across the
the patient’s clinical (comorbid) conditions and the neph- United States. Maintaining as much independence as possi-
rologist’s familiarity with each technique also play a role on ble, quality and quantity of life, and flexibility in daily sched-
modality selection; often, however, little attention is given to ule were the themes most often reported by patients as
individual patient preferences [42]. important for choice of modality. About half of the HD
Selecting a dialysis modality is a complex decision process patients (47%) believed that the decision to be treated by HD
for the patient. Murray et al. have shown that factors influ- had largely not been their choice; this was only reported by
encing a CKD patient’s participation in the decision-making 3% of PD patients. The study findings supported the need for
included interpersonal relationships; preservation of current interventions to improve shared decision-making on dialysis
well-being, normality, and quality of life, need for control, treatment options, targeting both patients and clinicians.
and personal importance on benefits and risks [43]. Patient Expected patient survival on dialysis is a major factor that
involvement in modality selection through shared decision- influences choice of treatment modality. Several studies
making is advocated to support patients deciding on a modal- have assessed the relationship between dialysis modality
ity of treatment suitable to their clinical condition, lifestyle, and survival; most studies report an initial survival benefit
and social circumstances [44]. However, for shared decision- on PD within the first 2 years of treatment initiation, but a
making to occur, the patient must be willing to be involved in less favorable long-term survival for PD compared with
their dialysis treatment decision. This is not always observed HD [52–54]. In a recent study that used data from 196 076
as studies have shown that up to 27% of patients may prefer a patients within the European Renal Association-European
passive role in treatment decision-making [45–47]. Also, due Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Registry
to resource constraints, the choice of modality may be made who started RRT between 1993 and 2012, van de Luijtgaarden
only by physicians (e.g. in South Africa where RRT is et al. reported a reduction of PD incidence and prevalence
rationed) [4]. Barriers to shared decision-making have been with time [55]. They also showed that there was a similar
explored and include time needed to integrate shared 5-year patient survival for PD versus HD in 1993–1997
decision-making in clinical practice, patients preference not (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] 1.02, 95% confidence interval
to be involved in the process of decision-making, and disa- [CI] 0.98–1.06), while patient survival was higher for PD
greement amongst healthcare professionals on asking patients in 2003–2007 (HR 0.91, 95% CI 0.88–0.95). Thus,
patients about their preference (some patients are informa- although initiating RRT on PD was associated with favorable
tion receivers and others are engagers) [48–50]. However, the patient survival when compared with starting on HD treat-
shared decision-making model provides an ideal framework ment, PD was often not selected as initial dialysis modality.
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662 Preparation for Dialysis
Although home hemodialysis (HHD) is becoming an Table 38.2 Contraindications to specific dialysis modalities.
increasingly available RRT option, patient selection criteria
may confound comparison with other RRT modalities. For Hemodialysis
instance, HHD patients in Australia and New Zealand are Relative contraindications
usually younger and have fewer comorbidities than ●●Difficult vascular access
patients undergoing PD and in-center HD [56, 57]. One –– Severe peripheral arterial vascular
study that included 10 710 patients on incident PD and 706 disease
patients on incident HHD reported that treatment with –– Central vein stenoses or occlusions
HHD was associated with better patient survival than
●● Desired home dialysis with lack of
treatment with PD (5-year survival 85% vs. 44%, respectively, appropriate home environment or partner
log-rank P < 0.001) [57]. Another study showed that home Peritoneal
dialysis (home HD + PD) had a 13% lower mortality risk dialysis
compared to facility HD, while PD showed a 20% lower Absolute contraindications
mortality risk in the early period (<3 years) that is offset by ●● Extensive abdominal adhesions
a 33% greater mortality risk in the late period (>3 years), ●● Hydrothorax or diaphragmatic defects
with no overall net effect [56]. When the attributes of ●● Loss of peritoneal membrane function
dialysis care and the trade-offs that patients considered (ultrafiltration, solute clearance)
when making decisions about dialysis modalities was Relative contraindications
quantified, Walker et al. reported that patients preferred ●● Morbid obesity
home dialysis over facility-based care when increased ●● Severe protein calorie malnutrition
Canadian Society of 2006 Planning for vascular access, access timing, placement, and GRADE: D (opinion)
Nephrology [63] maturation GRADE: D (opinion)
●● Preserve arm veins suitable for placement of vascular access.
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664 Preparation for Dialysis
Table 38.3 (Continued)
Renal Association Clinical 2015 Planning for vascular access, access timing, placement, and GRADE 2
Practice Guideline on maturation recommendation,
Vascular Access for ●● We suggest that all patients that may require HD should have low-quality evidence
Hemodialysis [67] education on forearm vein preservation. GRADE 1
●● We recommend that the exact timing of placement of vascular recommendation,
access will be determined by rate of decline of renal function, moderate quality
comorbidities, and by the surgical pathway. evidence
Preferred access type GRADE 1
●●We recommend that all patients with ESKD who commence HD recommendation,
or are on long-term HD should dialyze with an AVF as first high-quality evidence
choice, an AVG as second choice, a tunneled venous catheter as
third choice, and a nontunneled temporary catheter as an
option of necessity.
Japanese Society for 2011 Planning for vascular access, access timing, placement, and Opinion, not graded
Dialysis Therapy [68] maturation
Opinion, not graded
●● If HD has been selected as the treatment for ESKD, the
nephrologist should explain the role and importance of vascular
access in this treatment and refer the patient to an access
surgeon as soon as possible.
●● Vascular access construction should be considered when eGFR
is <15 ml/min/1.73 m2 (CKD stages 4 and 5) as well as
considering clinical conditions; in patients with diabetic
nephropathy, who have a tendency to show overhydration,
vascular access construction should be considered at a higher
Preferred access type GRADE 1
●●AVF of the wrist or the anatomical snuff box would be the first recommendation,
choice, but the site of vascular access construction should moderate quality
eventually be determined by a comprehensive evaluation of the evidence
patient’s background, general conditions, and local conditions.
Clinical Practice Guidelines 2018 Planning for vascular access, access timing, placement, and GRADE 1
of the European Society for maturation recommendation,
Vascular Surgery [69] ●● Referral of CKD patients to the nephrologist and/or surgeon for very-low quality
preparing vascular access is recommended when they reach evidence
stage 4 of CKD (eGFR <30 ml/min/1.73 m2), especially in cases GRADE 1
of rapidly progressing nephropathy. recommendation,
●● A permanent vascular access should be created 3–6 months moderate quality
before the expected start of HD treatment. evidence
Preferred access type GRADE 1
●●An autogenous AVF is recommended as the primary option for recommendation, high
vascular access. quality evidence
AV, arteriovenous; AVF, arteriovenous fistula; AVG, arteriovenous graft; CKD, chronic kidney disease; ESKD, end-stage kidney disease; eGFR,
estimated glomerular filtration rate; HD, hemodialysis; MDRD, modification of diet in renal disease.
initiation could be associated with patient outcomes et al. reported that in comparison with the late-start group,
[77–79]. Given that residual renal function is a key deter- the overall mortality rate was not higher for the early-start
minant of outcome and is better preserved with PD, some (adjusted HR 1.08, 95% CI 0.96–1.23) or mid-start (adjusted
studies have assessed the effects of early-start compared HR 0.96, 95% CI 0.86–1.09) groups [80]. Their study con-
with late-start dialysis on clinical outcomes in PD clusion, that early initiation of PD therapy (eGFR >10.5 ml/
patients [80, 81]. In a cohort of 8047 incident PD patients min/1.73 m2) is not associated with increased mortality,
who started dialysis therapy in 2001–2009 in Canada, Jain was divergent to most observational studies assessing HD.
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Preparation for Hemodialysis and Vascular Acces 665
Put together, it will be more beneficial if choice of dialysis are preferred over CVCs as they have comparatively lower
modality and timing of commencement are determined on risks of infection, thrombosis, or stenosis of central veins [85];
an individual basis that combines patient preference and in addition, they deliver superior blood flow rates which in
lifestyle considerations while integrating medical factors turn contribute to better clearance of uremic wastes. For
and availability of resources and support, rather than com- instance, an AVF provides blood flow rates of up to 500 ml/
parison of survival outcomes [79]. min with relatively low complication rates [86]. In addition,
Preparation for transplantation is addressed elsewhere in AVF is the most cost-effective vascular access option as it is
this textbook (Chapters 56 and 57). Unless there is absolute associated with relatively lower infection rates and need for
certainty about a patient’s prospect for pre-emptive live endovascular revision [87–89]. It is also recommended that
donor kidney transplantation, it is preferable to provide AVFs should preferably be created using more proximal ves-
dialysis preparation in parallel with or as an alternative to sels with the aim of preserving the distal vessels for later use
transplantation evaluation [59]. in the event of a failed proximal AVF (Table 38.3) [63–66, 68,
69]. Some have challenged the assertion that AVFs are supe-
rior or should be the preferred choice of access [90, 91]. They
reparation for Hemodialysis
P argue that various comparisons between access types are sub-
and Vascular Access ject to high degrees of bias due to their observational design
and suggest that such comparisons are unable to account for
An integral component of dialysis is preparation and initia- other patient factors which likely contribute to poor outcomes
tion. Hemodialysis as an extracorporeal form of RRT seen in patients treated with catheters [92, 93].
requires access to the circulatory system (i.e. vascular Although AVF is the preferred vascular access type, its use
access) for blood to be circulated through the extracorporeal at dialysis initiation has shown marked global variability.
membrane (i.e. the dialysis membrane) (Table 38.3). Astor et al. in the Choices for Healthy Outcomes in Caring
Selection of the optimal type of vascular access can be for End-Stage Renal Disease (CHOICE) study demonstrated
challenging as there are various factors that need to be that only about one-third of the proportion of patients
taken into consideration [82]. These elements include referred early to their nephrology service within the prior
health-system associated factors, principal among which 12 months started HD with an AV (AVF/AVG) access [94].
include the timing of referral of the CKD patient from Data from the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns
primary care to the nephrologist or referral from nephrology Study (DOPPS) [95] indicate that AVF use among incident
care to the vascular access team, patient-related factors, dialysis patients is highest in Japan, where 84% of patients
such as the patient’s preferred choice, age, and comorbidities initiated dialysis with an AVF. This contrasts with 28% of
(e.g. diabetes mellitus, obesity, peripheral vessel disease), patients in the United States and 19% in the Gulf Cooperation
and institutional availability/accessibility to the technical Council countries such as Kuwait and Bahrain; 50–60% of
expertise required in creating and revising the vascular most European countries report dialysis initiation with an
accesses should the need arise. AVF [94]. The Fistula First Breakthrough Initiative (FFBI)
The timing of referral of the CKD patient to the nephrolo- of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS),
gist significantly influences the type of access incident HD initiated in 2003, is a set of strategies based on the National
patients commence therapy with. Clinical practice guidelines Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality
recommend that in preparing CKD patients for HD, arterio- Initiative (NKF-KDOQI) Clinical Practice Guidelines for
venous (AV) access should be created well in advance of the Vascular Access with the aim of promoting more AV vascu-
anticipated start time of HD [63, 66, 67, 74, 83]. The guidelines lar access use among incident and prevalent HD patients. It
also recommend that CKD patients be referred early, with the has set a target of 50% AVF use among incident HD patients.
exact eGFR cut-offs varying among guidelines. They also One of the core strategies of the initiative in attaining this
advocate an even earlier referral for stage 4 CKD patients with objective is the timely referral of the CKD patient to a vascu-
known comorbidities as these may influence the outcome of lar surgeon for AVF assessment and placement [66, 96].
access creation. There are three main vascular access options As well-defined as the objective and benefits of establish-
for HD, including (in order of preference) native arterio- ing an autogenous vascular access route at dialysis initiation
venous fistulae (AVF), arteriovenous grafts (AVG), and central are, there are patients for whom such access may not be a
venous catheters (CVCs). AVFs remain the preferred initial preferred option, for example the elderly. As the global pop-
option over AVGs, while CVCs are the least preferred except ulation of elderly CKD patients increases, the incidence
in special circumstances, for example high-risk of AV compli- rates of ESKD in the elderly population aged 65 years and
cations or the elderly with limited life expectancy or personal above will likewise increase [2]. This translates to an older
preference [84]. Arteriovenous access options (AVG or AVF) population of patients with a high burden of comorbidities,
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666 Preparation for Dialysis
such as diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease, and of the catheter insertion site, training of the patient on
congestive heart failure, requiring the establishment of vas- the peculiarities of the PD technique such as catheter
cular access to initiate dialysis. Age and comorbidities are handling and care, and carrying out supervised
known negative determinants of autologous AV access mat- exchanges. For the patients whose catheter will not be
uration and functionality [77, 79, 97]. With an all-cause mor- used soon, it can be buried in the anterior abdominal
tality rate of 31% per annum [98], death becomes a competing wall until exteriorization at that time when PD is about
risk for fistula maturation and cost-effectiveness in the to be commenced.
elderly [99]. There are no specific recommendations for vas-
cular access type in the elderly; however, the suitability of
the fistula first initiative has been questioned [100]. C
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Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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672 Choice of Hemodialysis or Peritoneal Dialysis for Kidney Replacement Therapy
Table 39.1 Guideline recommendations on the timing of initiation of maintenance dialysis in patients with end-stage kidney disease
(ESKD), based on GRADE.
European Renal Best 2011 ●● In patients with eGFR <15 ml/min/1.73 m2, dialysis should be Grade: strong
Practice advisory board considered when there is one or more of the following: recommendation,
(ERBP)/European Renal symptoms or signs of uremia, inability to control hydration high-quality evidence
Association – European status or blood pressure or a progressive deterioration in
Dialysis and Transplant nutritional status. It should be taken into account that the
Association majority of patients will be symptomatic and need to start
(ERA-EDTA) [18] dialysis with eGFR in the range 9–6 ml/min/1.73 m2.
●● High-risk patients (e.g. diabetics and those whose renal Grade: strong
function is deteriorating more rapidly than eGFR 4 ml/ recommendation,
min//1.73 m2 per year) require particularly close supervision. low-quality evidence
Where close supervision is not feasible and in patients whose
uremic symptoms may be difficult to detect, a planned start to
dialysis while still asymptomatic may be preferred.
●● Asymptomatic patients presenting with advanced CKD may Grade: weak
benefit from a delay in starting dialysis in order to allow recommendation,
preparation, planning, and permanent access creation rather low-quality evidence
than using temporary access.
Kidney Disease Improving 2012 We suggest that dialysis be initiated when one or more of the Grade: 2B
Global Outcomes following are present: symptoms or signs attributable to kidney
(KDIGO) [19] failure (serositis, acid-base or electrolyte abnormalities, pruritus);
inability to control volume status or blood pressure; a progressive
deterioration in nutritional status refractory to dietary
intervention; or cognitive impairment. This often but not
invariably occurs in the GFR range between 5 and 10 ml/
min/1.73 m2.
Canadian Society of 2014 For adults (aged >18 yr) with an eGFR of <15 ml/min/1.73 m2, Grade: strong
Nephrology [20] we recommend an “intent-to-defer” over an “intent-to-start- recommendation;
early” approach for the initiation of chronic dialysis. With the moderate quality of
intent-to-defer strategy, patients with eGFR of <15 ml/ evidence
min/1.73 m2 are monitored closely by a nephrologist, and dialysis
is initiated with the first onset of a clinical indication or a decline
in the eGFR to 6 ml/min/1.73 m2 or less, whichever of these
should occur first. Clinical indications for the initiation of
dialysis include the following: symptoms of uremia, fluid
overload, refractory hyperkaliemia or acidemia, or other
conditions or symptoms that are likely to be ameliorated by
dialysis. In the absence of these factors, the eGFR should not
serve as a sole criterion for the initiation of dialysis unless it is
6 ml/min/1.73 m2 or less.
Japanese Society for 2015 The judgment on the time to initiate HD is allowed when a Grade: 1D
Dialysis Therapy [21] residual renal function shows progressive deterioration and
reaction to eGFR <15 ml/min/1.73 m2 in spite of sufficient
optimal conservative treatment. However, the decision of starting
HD should be determined based on a comprehensive assessment
of renal failure symptoms, daily life activities, and nutritional
status, which are not relievable without HD treatment.
National Kidney 2015 The decision to initiate maintenance dialysis in patients who Grade: not graded
Foundation Kidney choose to do so should be based primarily upon an assessment of
Disease Outcomes Quality signs and/or symptoms associated with uremia, evidence of
Initiative protein-energy wasting, and the ability to safely manage
(NKF-KDOQI) [1] metabolic abnormalities and/or volume overload with medical
therapy rather than on a specific level of kidney function in the
absence of such signs and symptoms.
CKD, chronic kidney disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; HD, hemodialysis.
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Guidelines and Studies on When to Initiate Dialysis Treatmen 673
has fallen to 2.0/week. For a 70-kg man this equals a urea diminish the effects of muscle mass on plasma creatinine is
clearance of 8 ml/min, a GFR of 10 ml/min/1.73 m2, and a the use of creatinine clearance requiring timed urine col-
creatinine clearance of 12 ml/min. A lower Kt/Vurea would lections or the use of a formula that includes an approxi-
only be acceptable when the normalized protein equiva- mation of muscle mass, like the one developed by Cockcroft
lent of nitrogen appearance, an index of protein intake in and Gault (C&G) in which body weight is included [34].
stable patients, was at least 0.8 g/kg of body weight/day Using creatinine clearance, no effect of this parameter at
and the patient was in a good nutritional state. These rec- the start of dialysis on mortality was found between
ommendations were retained in the update published in patients who survived less than 1 year compared to those
2001. The clinical practice guidelines of the Canadian who survived more than 1 year on dialysis [35]. A compari-
Society of Nephrology for treatment of patients with son between 10-year patient survival after the start of dialy-
chronic kidney disease, published in 1999, were not sig- sis between early (C&G >8 ml/min) and late (C&G <8 ml/
nificantly different from the US guidelines but set the tar- min) starters showed a nonsignificant survival difference
get for the initiation of dialysis at a GFR of 12 ml/ in favor of the early start group [36].
min/1.73 m2 when symptoms were present. In addition, With the exception of Traynor et al. [36], none of the
these guidelines state that dialysis should be started above-mentioned studies has taken lead-time bias into
before the GFR drops below 6 ml/min/1.73 m2 [23]. The account. The lead-time is the period that late starters survive
European Best Practice Guidelines for PD recommend without dialysis, when compared with those who start ear-
consideration of initiation of dialysis when the GFR is lier. When this difference is not taken into account, late start-
below 15 ml/min/1.73 m2 in combination with evidence ers will always have a survival disadvantage. The first study
of poorly controlled conservative treatment. An absolute on the effect of lead-time bias was performed in 253 patients
minimum value was set at 6 ml/min/1.73 m2 [24]. from the cohort of the Netherlands Cooperative Study on
At the time these guidelines were published many the Adequacy of Dialysis (NECOSAD) [37]. The patients
patients typically started dialysis at much lower clearances. who started dialysis according to the US guidelines [22] sur-
In one study from the UK, the mean urea clearance was vived longer than those who started at a lower urea clear-
3.9 ml/min [25]. A study from the United States reported ance, but this difference was no longer present after
that 63% of the patients had an estimated GFR between 5 correction for the lead-time. This correction was performed
and 10 ml/min/1.73 m2, and 23% had an estimated value using a program developed for patients with a malignancy.
below 5 [26]. Although the aforementioned guidelines are The other published studies on effects of the lead-time on
not evidence based and are far from current practice, they survival used a simpler approach, that is, analyzing patients
have caused a trend toward earlier initiation of dialysis not from the time of dialysis initiation, but from a prede-
treatment [27, 28]. fined GFR, for instance 20 ml/min/1.73 m2 [36, 38–40]. No
Observational cohort studies on the initiation of dialysis difference in mortality was found after correction for the
suffer two potential problems. First, the method used for lead-time bias in the studies from Scotland [36] and the
GFR determination and, second, the effect of lead-time. United States [39]. A survival difference was present in the
Many cohort studies, often retrospective, used an estima- study from Hong Kong [38], but here a population starting
tion of glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) based on plasma dialysis with a GFR of 9 ml/min/1.73 m2 was compared to
creatinine, age, gender, and race, similar to the modifica- one with a lower GFR, in which dialysis was initiated acutely
tion of diet in renal disease (MDRD) formula [29]. All due to the presence of severe uremic symptoms. The study
investigations using the MDRD formula for eGFR reported from the Netherlands is interesting because effects of lead-
associations between a high MDRD and increased mortal- time correction were analyzed in a large cohort of patients
ity, despite corrections for possible confounders [30–32]. with GFR measurements (mGFR) and eGFR [40]. Results
The use of the reciprocal plasma creatinine value in these for eGFR without lead-time correction showed no difference
analyses, instead of the creatinine clearance, is the most between early and late starters, but after correction early
likely explanation because plasma creatinine is dependent starters had an increased risk of death. Without correction
on muscle mass and on glomerular filtration. The relative for lead-time, mGFR early starters had a somewhat lower
contribution of muscle mass to plasma creatinine will risk of death than late starters, but the difference disap-
therefore be higher in the presence of severely impaired peared completely after lead-time correction.
kidney function. Indeed a relationship between muscle The only randomized controlled trial comparing early ini-
mass and eGFR has been described in end-stage kidney tiation of dialysis with a late start based on GFR estima-
disease (ESKD) patients at the initiation of dialysis, while tions [41] confirmed the results of the observational cohort
follow-up confirmed the association between high eGFR studies discussed above, including when subgroups (e.g.
values and mortality [33]. The obvious solution to avoid or presence or absence of diabetes mellitus) were analyzed
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674 Choice of Hemodialysis or Peritoneal Dialysis for Kidney Replacement Therapy
separately. It can therefore be concluded that no fixed GFR investigators showed that patient survival was not different
value to initiate dialysis can be identified, but that the value between the two dialysis treatments during 3 years of fol-
of clinical assessment cannot be underestimated. The devel- low-up. Since then, numerous survival comparisons
opment of severe uremic complaints should be avoided. between HD and PD treatment have been published, but
their findings were inconsistent [43, 44]. Most studies per-
formed in the last decade in Western countries showed
D or PD as Initial Kidney
H either better survival for PD in the first period after the ini-
Replacement Therapy tiation of dialysis [45–49] or similar patient survival for
both treatment groups [50–53]. In contrast, a large study
Dialysis modality choice at the initiation of kidney replace- performed in Korea showed higher mortality rates in PD
ment therapy has been studied and discussed extensively in patients than in HD patients [54]. Figures 39.1 and 39.2
recent decades but still there is no final consensus on which show the dialysis “career” (including switches to other
treatment modality gives the best results. Consequently, modalities and death) of patients who started either HD or
both options have to be weighed in individual patients PD in Europe between 1993 and 2007.
according to their specific needs, preferences, and clinical There are several factors that could potentially explain
characteristics, with the aim of providing a patient-tailored the differences in findings between these studies, including
kidney replacement therapy. Important outcomes for the practice patterns, patient characteristics, and methodologi-
evaluation of initial dialysis modality are patient survival, cal issues.
QoL, and values of biochemical parameters.
Practice Patterns
Patient Survival Differences in dialysis modality-specific practice patterns
between continents or countries may influence modality-
The first study comparing continuous ambulatory PD with specific patient survival. These practice patterns include
HD in incident patients was performed in the UK more general factors such as access to healthcare and organiza-
than 30 years ago [42]. Using Kaplan–Meier analyses, the tion of the healthcare system, but also more specific factors
Figure 39.1 Unadjusted cumulative incidence survival curves for transfers to peritoneal dialysis or transplantation and death for
patients who started hemodialysis in 1993–1997, 1998–2002, and 2003–2007. HD, hemodialysis; PD, peritoneal dialysis.
Source: Van de Luijtgaarden et al. [49] © 2016, Oxford University Press.
Figure 39.2 Unadjusted cumulative incidence survival curves for transfers to hemodialysis or transplantation and death for European
patients who started peritoneal dialysis in 1993–1997, 1998–2002, and 2003–2007. HD, hemodialysis; PD, peritoneal dialysis.
Source: Van de Luijtgaarden et al. [49] © 2016, Oxford University Press.
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Patient Surviva 675
that may contribute to the efficiency and quality of the Patient Characteristics
dialysis offered, such as the HD treatment time and vascu-
Several studies from different parts of the world that found
lar access type, peritoneal catheters, and the dialysis fluids
overall similar effects for PD and HD or a beneficial effect
used. However, the results provided in most comparative
of PD over HD also showed that patient survival on PD was
studies do not allow evaluation of the extent to which HD
worse in specific subgroups of patients: those who were
and PD were performed in a state-of the-art manner. For
diabetic and who were older (mostly over 55 years). For
example, in many survival comparisons the type of vascu-
example, investigators from the Canadian Organ
lar access used for HD is not included in the analyses,
Replacement Register who included data on more than
whereas it was shown in a Canadian cohort that the type
35 000 incident dialysis patients found that overall adjusted
of vascular access plays an important role in the relation-
survival remained similar for HD and PD, even in the most
ship between dialysis modality and mortality [55]. Starting
contemporary cohort [60]. After stratification for diabetic
HD with a central venous catheter largely explained the
status, age, and sex, they found that nondiabetic patients in
higher early mortality risk of HD in this study. Another
the youngest age group (<45 years) showed survival bene-
example is the omission of the type of dialysis fluid in the
fits on PD treatment, while there was no difference in mor-
comparison of patient survival. Based on data from the
tality in the older age groups. However, survival on PD was
Taiwan health insurance database, it was demonstrated
worse than on HD among patients with diabetes, in par-
that the inclusion of one icodextrin-based PD fluid in the
ticular in those with higher age, which confirms the find-
usual PD schedule could attenuate the survival disadvan-
ings from previous studies from the United States, Asia,
tage for PD relative to HD in diabetic patients, particularly
and Europe [48, 50, 51, 57, 61, 62].
for those who were elderly [56].
In addition, patient characteristics related to ethnicity
An additional factor that is usually not taken into
could partly explain different study findings across popula-
account in survival comparisons of HD and PD is whether
tions. In the United States, it was shown that dialysis
the start of dialysis was “planned” or “unplanned.” It has
patients who are Hispanic have better survival rates com-
been postulated that patients who need to start dialysis
pared to those who are white, across all age categories [63].
urgently are at a high risk of death, and as they are treated
This survival advantage is also present in African-American
predominantly with HD this could induce selection bias
patients, although it is limited to patients older than
into the comparison of mortality between HD and PD
40 years of age.
patients. A French cohort study showed there was a sig-
To illustrate the variation in findings from different parts
nificant increase (50%) in mortality risk among elderly
of the world, the results of a selection of large renal registry
patients ( 75 years) with an unplanned start of HD when
studies comparing patient survival between HD and PD
compared to those with a planned start, which suggests a
treatment are summarized in Table 39.2.
comparison between the two dialysis modalities would be
more balanced after removing the unplanned HD
starts [57]. Two Canadian studies confirmed these find-
Methodological Issues
ings. In 2011, Quinn et al. showed that HD and PD were
associated with similar survival in incident patients start- Ideally, the decision on which dialysis modality gives the
ing dialysis electively as outpatients [52]. More recently, best outcomes should be based on results of randomized
Wong et al. reported that HD and PD are associated with controlled trials in which the allocation of the dialysis
similar mortality among incident dialysis patients who are modality is not influenced by attitudes or preferences of
eligible for both modalities [53]. They claim that to better the nephrologist and the patient. The first randomized con-
reflect the outcomes for patients who have the opportunity trolled trial comparing HD and PD as initial kidney replace-
to choose between HD and PD in clinical practice, future ment therapy was conducted in the Netherlands between
comparisons of dialysis modality should be restricted to 1997 and 2000 [64]. However, pre-existing opinions held by
patients who are deemed eligible for both modalities. patients and physicians on the best treatment option were
Finally, most recently more and more attention has been often reason for not including patients in the trial. As a
paid to home-based therapies, including both HD and PD. result, the study was underpowered (only 38 patients could
Data from the Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and be included) and thus unsuccessful. Despite this result, a
Transplant Registry (ANZDATA) demonstrated that out- new trial started in China in 2011 (trial registration
comes on dialysis therapy are improving with time, and NCT01413074, http://clinicaltrials.gov); 5 years later, it
this improvement is most marked with home dialysis also was terminated. Consequently, outcomes in HD and
modalities, especially home HD, when compared to con- PD patients can only be compared based on large-scale
ventional in-center HD [58, 59]. observational studies.
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676 Choice of Hemodialysis or Peritoneal Dialysis for Kidney Replacement Therapy
Table 39.2 Comparison of mortality between HD and PD patients: a selection of recent large studies based on renal registry data.
Huang, 2008 [51] Taiwan Renal Registry 1995–2002 48 629 Overall similar survival. PD better among
nondiabetic patients and those 55 years; HD
better among diabetic patients and those
>55 years
Kim, 2014 [54] Korean Health Insurance 2005–2008 32 280 Overall higher mortality on PD
Review & Assessment HD better among patients 55 years in all
Service database subgroups except those with no comorbidities
and malignancy (similar survival regardless
of age)
Van de Luijtgaarden, European Renal 1998–2006 196 076 Overall PD better in first years after starting
2016 [49] Association-European dialysis
Dialysis and Transplant Similar survival for diabetic patients and
Association (ERA-EDTA) those 65 years
North America
Mehrotra, 2011 [50] United States Renal Data 1996–2004 624 426 Overall similar survival in the most recent
System (USRDS) cohorts
Over time greater improvement in survival
among PD patients relative to HD at all
follow-up periods
Yeates, 2012 [60] Canadian Organ 1991–2004 46 839 Overall similar survival; PD better in first
Replacement Register 18 months, HD better after 36 months
(CORR) Women with diabetes aged 65 years higher
risk on PD
McDonald, 2009 [46] The Australia and New 1991–2005 27 015 Overall PD better in the first 12 months after
Zealand Dialysis and starting dialysis, thereafter HD better
Transplant Registry Younger patients without comorbidities had
(ANZDATA) mortality advantage with PD treatment, but
other groups did not
An important issue regarding treatment comparisons is marginal structural models (e.g. in [46, 47]), and the use of
the difficulty of making causal inference based on observa- treatment propensity scores in statistical models by means
tional studies. The most important weakness of observa- of adjustment, stratification, or matching (e.g. in [46, 49,
tional studies is that selection bias by the clinician – also 59, 62]). The fact that so many different statistical methods
called confounding by indication – may occur. There are are being applied can partly explain the inconsistency in
several strategies to reduce the influence of such selection study results.
bias. Of these, multivariable adjustment for potential con- Mehrotra et al. applied several of these statistical
founders during statistical analysis is most commonly methods to compare the survival of HD and PD patients
applied. In recent years, more and more research groups from the United States Renal Data System (USRDS) [50].
have started to apply advanced statistical methods in addi- They concluded that in the most recent cohort (2002–2004),
tion to the conventional methods of survival analysis (i.e. there was no significant difference in the risk of death
Kaplan–Meier and standard Cox proportional hazards between patients who started on HD or PD. These findings
models) to assess the associations between dialysis modal- were confirmed by investigators from the Canadian Organ
ity and mortality risk [44]. Such methods include Replacement Register who used a similar approach in com-
time-dependent Cox regression models (e.g. in [46, 49]), paring the data of their incident dialysis patient cohort [60].
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Reference 677
peritoneal dialysis in patients new on dialysis treatment: 68 Misra, M., Vonesh, E., van Stone, J.C. et al. (2001). Effect
a randomized controlled trial. Kidney Int. 64: 2222–2228. of cause and time of dropout on the residual GFR: a
65 Zazzeroni, L., Pasquinellia, G., Nannib, E. et al. (2017). comparative analysis of the decline of GFR on dialysis.
Comparison of quality of life in patients undergoing Kidney Int. 59: 754–763.
hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis: a systematic 69 Jansen, M.A.M., Hart, A.A.M., Korevaar, J.C. et al. (2002).
review and meta-analysis. Kidney Blood Press. Res. 42: Predictors of the rate of decline of residual renal function
717–727. in incident dialysis patients. Kidney Int. 62: 1046–1053.
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Ren. Fail. 39: 59–66. hemodialysis. Transplantation 69: 508–514.
67 Moist, L.M., Port, F.K., Orol, S.M. et al. (2000). Predictors 71 Tang, M., Li, T., and Liu, H. (2016). A comparison of
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Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/ by ibrahim ragab - Cochrane Germany , Wiley Online Library on [23/11/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Note: Page numbers in italics refer to Figures, those in bold refer to Tables.
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
acute kidney disease (AKD) (cont’d) physical examination 127 African Americans 18
urine microscopy scoring prevention 129–35, 130–2, 133–4 APOL‐1 gene mutations 9, 77
systems 88 aminoglycosides 129 atheroembolic renal disease 170
epidemiology 90 amphotericin B 129–35 blood pressure in 581, 583
limitations of SCr to define 88 lipid‐based formulations 135 CKD in 77, 78
overview/definition 85–6, 86 volume expansion (salt dyslipidemia in 550
staging system for 86 loading) 135 ESKD 75–7, 420
acute kidney injury (AKI) 3, 85–91 iodinated radiocontrast dye 135 FSGS in 216
avoidance of 297, 298 piperacillin‐tazobactam 135 IgAN in 254
kidney failure and 33 vancomycin 135 kidney disease risk 9
in pregnancy 445 prognosis 128–9 lupus nephritis 420
as risk factor of chronic kidney mortality after 128–9 masked hypertension in 334
disease 7 renal functional reserve mycophenolate mofetil in
STEC‐HUS and 434 (RFR) and 129 412–13
see also acute tubular renal recovery after 128 patient survival 675
necrosis (ATN) septic ATN 126 screening 55, 56
Acute Kidney Injury‐Epidemiologic treatment 136, 137–8 SLE in 400, 401
Prospective Investigation urine microscopy 127 age
(AKI‐EPI) study 128 urine sodium concentration and autosomal dominant polycystic
Acute Kidney Injury Network fractional excretion of kidney disease (ADPKD)
(AKIN) 86, 190 sodium (FENa) 127 and 288–301
acute renal failure see acute kidney acute tubulo‐interstitial nephritis, chronic kidney disease and 8–9
injury (AKI) NSAIDS and 322 progression to kidney failure
Acute Renal Failure Trial Network acyclovir 126, 175, 178 and 33–4
(ATN) study 195 adalimumab in focal segmental AIM‐HIGH study see
acute renal impairment, NSAIDS glomerulosclerosis Atherothrombosis
and 321–2 (FGS) 222, 225 Intervention in Metabolic
acute respiratory distress syndrome ADQI see Acute Dialysis Quality Syndrome with Low HDL/
(ARDS) 97, 98, 99 Initiative (ADQI) High Triglycerides and
acute tubular injury (ATI) see acute adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Impact on Global Health
tubular necrosis (ATN) 125 in FSHS 224 Outcomes (AIM‐
acute tubular necrosis (ATN) 96, in membranous nephropathy HIGH) study
123–38, 123, 124 247, 248 AIN see acute interstitial
definition 124 in minimal change nephritis (AIN)
diagnosis 127–8 disease 220, 221 AKI‐EPI study see Acute Kidney
epidemiology 124 Adult Treatment Panel III 549 Injury‐Epidemiologic
histology 124–5 ADVANCE trial see Action in Diabetes Prospective Investigation
history 127 and Vascular Disease: (AKI‐EPI) study
introduction 123–4 Preterax and Diamicron MR AKIKI trial see Artificial Kidney
ischemic ATN 125–6 Controlled Evaluation Initiation in Kidney Injury
phases of 125 (ADVANCE) (AKIKI) trial
renal blood supply 125–6 ADVANCE‐ON study 373, 379 AKIN see Acute Kidney Injury
tubular factors 125 adynamic bone disease 591 Network (AKIN)
nephrotoxic ATN 126, 126 African American Study of Kidney Alberta Kidney Disease
novel biomarkers 127–8 Disease and Hypertension Network 549
NSAIDS and 321–2 (AASK) study 61, 340, 550, albumin 111–12, 631
pathophysiology 124–6 581, 583 dialysis 116
anemia in chronic kidney disease adult 305, 306, 307, 308, 309 aristolochic acid 75
(cont’d) children 307, 308 arsenic 75
peginesatide 546 anti‐CD40 antibody in focal segmental arterial thromboembolism
prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors 547 glomerulosclerosis (FGS) (ATE) 220
anemia in STEC‐HUS and 434 217–18 arteriovenous fistula (AVF) 66
angioplasty 354 anticoagulants in hypertension 340
in atherosclerotic renovascular in CVD 517, 519–20 Artificial Kidney Initiation in Kidney
disease 357 in renal biopsy 209 Injury (AKIKI) trial 190,
benefits/ disadvantages of 355, anticoagulation strategies 198 191, 192, 193
356, 360, 576 antigen specific tests in ANCA‐ aspirin
angiotensin converting enzyme associated vasculitis 466 in cardiovascular risk 206,
inhibitors (ACEi) 56 Antihypertensive and Lipid‐Lowering 371, 382–3
blood pressure control 296, 519 Treatment to Prevent Heart in pregnancy 419, 452, 453
CA‐AKI and 154 Attack Trial (ALLHAT) stroke and 209
in cast nephropathy 172 337, 338, 381 thrombotic prevention and
for hypertension 573, 582–3 antimalarial therapy in lupus 319–20
in idiopathic immune‐complex nephritis 410–11 Aspreva Lupus Management Study
MPGN 278 antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ALMS) Group study 408
in IgA nephropathy 255, 258 (ANCA) see ANCA‐ Maintenance Study 417, 418
in Ig‐related amyloidosis 488 associated vasculitis Assessment of LEscol in Renal
angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) antiplatelet therapy Transplantation (ALERT)
ADPKD and 196 in CVD 515, 519 trial 557
ATN and 124 in diabetic kidney disease 382–3 ASTRAL trial 355, 576
blood pressure and 380 in renal biopsy 209 atacicept 266
CA‐AKI and 154 Antithrombotic Trialists’ (ATT) atheroembolic renal disease 98, 146,
cast nephropathy and 172, 482 collaborators 382 163, 169–70
CKD risk and 50 ANZDATA see Australian and New clinical features and laboratory
glomerulonephritis and 488 Zealand Dialysis and findings 170, 170, 171
hypertension and 338, 453, Transplant Registry course and management 170–1
573, 582–3 (ANZDATA) definition, prevalence, and
membranous nephropathy 237 APACHE III 128 pathogenesis 169–70
MPGN and 277 apolipoprotein L1 (APOL1) gene Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities
nephrotic syndrome and 554 9, 34, 77 (ARIC) study 507, 529,
prerenal failure 96 apparent treatment‐resistant 550, 581
antibiotics hypertension 573 Atherothrombosis Intervention in
in AAV 469, 469 Appropriate Blood Pressure Control Metabolic Syndrome with
in acute interstitial nephritis 163 in Diabetes (ABCD) Low HDL/High
in ANCA‐associated vasculitis 470 normotensive study 379 Triglycerides and Impact on
in ATN 129 APRIL see A Proliferating Inducing Global Health Outcomes
bacterial tonsillitis 260 Ligand (APRIL) 404 (AIM‐HIGH) study 561
in cast nephropathy 488 arachidonic acid metabolism atorvastatin
in CKD 536, 537 pathway 322 in chronic kidney disease 556,
cyst infection and 300 Aranesp 542, 544, 545 558, 559
in MCD 220 ARDS Clinical Trials Network 100 in diabetic nephropathy 382
in STEC‐HUS 435 ARIC study see Atherosclerosis Risk in atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in
urinary tract infection Communities (ARIC) study CA‐AKI 151
chronic kidney disease‐mineral and Clostridium difficile infection 531 longer‐term adverse 148–9, 149
bone disorder (CKD‐MBD) Cochrane Kidney and Transplant short‐term adverse 148, 148
(cont’d) Group 412, 413 incidence 146–7, 147
calcimimetic therapy 605, 605 Cochrane Renal Group 263–4, 263 nomenclature and definition 146
(Box), 606 Cockcroft–Gault formula 78, pathophysiology 145–6, 145
dialysate calcium 606–7 446, 673 prevention 150–4
surgical colestilan 559 current recommendations 154
parathyroidectomy 605–6 collagen, biomarkers of 594–6 intravenous crystalloid 152–3
patient and caregiver treatment complement‐mediated thrombotic limitations of clinical trials
preferences 610 microangiopathy 429 153–4
phosphate binders 599–603, controversy 437 overview 150
600 (Box) pathophysiology 431–2 pharmacological
aluminum 600 prognosis 433–34 agents 151–2, 151
dialysis duration and treatment 436–7 renal replacement therapies 150
frequency 600–603 dialysis 436 selection of contrast agent 150
dietary modification 600 eculizumab 436 risk factors 147–8
nonaluminum phosphate kidney transplantation 436 patient‐related 147
binders 600, 601–2 plasma therapy 436 procedure‐related 148
serum parathyroid hormone and computed tomography contrast‐induced nephropathy (CIN)
serum calcium 603–605 of bone 597 135, 146, 207
vitamin D 603, 603(Box), 604 CVD and 513 CONVINT trial 189
target levels of serum parathyroid vascular calcification 598 Cooperative North Scandinavian
hormone, phosphorus, and CONSENSUS see Cooperative North Enalapril Survival Study
calcium 608, 608 (box) Scandinavian Enalapril (CONSENSUS) 102
chronic lymphocytic leukemia 479 Survival Study CORAL trial 355, 576
Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CONSENSUS) coronary angiography, CVD
(CRIC) study 63, 74, 573 continuous ambulatory peritoneal and 513
chronic thrombotic dialysis (CAPD) 551 coronary artery bypass grafting
microangiopathy 494 continuous positive airway pressure (CABG) 520
cinacalcet 605 (CPAP) 333 coronary revascularization in CVD
CKD Epidemiology Collaboration continuous renal replacement therapy 518, 520
(CKD‐EPI) equation 28 (CRRT) 150, 185, 186, 187, corticosteroids
CKD‐Epi eGFR formula 18 188, 189, 191, 192, 194–6, in focal segmental
CKD‐EPI see Chronic Kidney Disease 194, 195 glomerulosclerosis (FGS)
Epidemiology Collaboration continuous veno‐venous 223–4
(CKD‐EPI) hemodiafiltration in IgA nephropathy 263–4, 263
CKD‐PC see Chronic Kidney Disease (CVVHDF) 186, in membranous nephropathy 238,
Prognosis Consortium 188–9, 194–5 239, 242
CKID see Chronic Kidney Disease in continuous veno‐venous hemodialysis in minimal change disease 220–1,
Children Study (CVVHD) 186 220 (box)
(CKiD) cohort continuous veno‐venous co‐trimoxazole in ANCA‐associated
CLCF1 in focal segmental hemofiltration vasculitis 472
glomerulosclerosis (CVVH) 186 COX‐2
(FGS) 217 contrast‐associated acute kidney NSAIDs, effects on renal
clodronate 173, 607 (Box) injury (CA‐AKI) 145–54 prostaglandins 319, 320
clonidine 339 associated outcomes 148–50 renal dysfunction and 321
clopidogrel 383 clinical implications 149–50 C‐reactive protein (CRP) 632
CREATE study see Cardiovascular cystatin C 4, 6, 18, 90, 314, 376 prevention, treatment, and
Risk reduction in Early cytotoxic agents combined with follow‐up 371–83
Anemia Treatment with corticosteroids antiplatelet agents 382–3
Epoetin (CREATE) study in membranous nephropathy 238, biomarkers in predicting risk
creatinine index 632 240–1, 242 of DKD 383
creatinine‐positive or creatinine‐ blood pressure lowering 379–81
negative subjects 91 d dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors
CREDENCE trial see Canagliflozin and “D− HUS” (diarrhea negative 376–7
Renal Events in Diabetes and HUS) 429 glucagon‐like peptide‐1 receptor
Established Nephropathy “D+ HUS” (diarrhea positive agonists 376
Clinical Evaluation HUS) 429 glycemic control 372–4
(CREDENCE) trial DAPA‐CKD 375 lifestyle and multifaceted
crescentic Immunoglobin A dapagliflozin 375 approach 371–2
nephropathy (IgAN) 256, daprodustat 547 lipid lowering 381–2
260, 261 darbepoetin (Aranesp) 545 metformin 377–8
CRIC study see Chronic Renal DASH diet 336–7 mineralcorticoid receptors
Insufficiency Cohort DASH study see Dietary Approaches inhibitor 381
(CRIC) study to Stop Hypertension novel interventions 383, 383
cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis (DASH) study pharmacotherapy for glucose
484–5, 485 DCVAS study see Diagnostic and lowering 374
cryoglobulinemic nephritis 494 Classification Criteria sodium‐glucose linked co‐
crystalline nephropathies 174–5 for Vasculitis (DCVAS) transport‐2 inhibitors
clinical features 175 study 374–5, 375
course and management 175–9 DECLARE‐TIMI 58 sulfonylureas 378
definition, etiology, and dense deposits disease (DDD) 276–7, thiazolidinediones 378–9
pathogenesis 174–5, 176–7 494, 495, 496 screening and diagnosis 369–71,
laboratory findings 175, 178 denusomab 608 370, 371
crystalloid versus colloid fluids 100 desmopressin in renal biopsy 209–10 vs. diabetic nephropathy 366, 367
cyclophosphamide Deutsche Diabetes Dialyse Studie diabetic nephropathy see diabetic
in ANCA‐associated vasculitis (4D) 556 kidney disease
467–8, 467, 468 DGK epsilon‐associated Diabetic Retinopathy Candesartan
in combination with nephropathy 494 Trial [DIRECT] ‐Prevent 1,
corticosteroids 238 Diabetes Atherosclerosis Intervention and DIRECT‐Protect 1) 380
and methylprednisolone 412 Study (DAIS) 382 diacylglycerol kinase ε (DGKE)‐
with/without azathioprine in IgA diabetes mellitus 369 related TMA 429
nephropathy 264 and chronic kidney disease 7, 35 Diagnostic and Classification Criteria
cyclosporin A dyslipidemia and 559 for Vasculitis (DCVAS)
in focal segmental as risk factor for bacterial study 461
glomerulosclerosis infection 530 dialysate calcium 606–7
(FGS) 224 screening 369 dialysis 658–66
in membranous nephropathy type 1 366, 367 epidemiology of ESKD and 658–9
242, 243 type 2 366, 371, 374, 375, 377, guidelines and studies on initiation
in minimal change disease 221–2 382, 383 of 671–74, 672
cyclosporine 558 see also diabetic kidney disease modality selection 660–62,
in membranous nephropathy diabetic kidney disease 366–84 661, 662
242, 243 incidence and prevalence 366–7 nephrology referral (early vs. late)
in renal transplant patients 558 pathogenesis 367–9, 368 and outcomes 659, 659
rituximab 266 infection and CKD 526–38, 527 iodinated radiocontrast dye in acute
with slowly progressive renal complications 530–34 tubular necrosis 135
impairment 262–3 AKI and progression to ESKD Irazabal (Mayo) subclassification in
treatment 255, 258 531–34 autosomal dominant
IgA vasculitis (IgAV) 254 cardiovascular events 534 polycystic kidney disease
Ig‐related amyloidosis 479, 488 mortality 530–31, 532–33 (ADPKD) 293
IL‐13 in focal segmental introduction 526 irbesartan 339, 380, 581
glomerulosclerosis prevention 534–6 Irbesartan in Diabetic Nephropathy
(FGS) 218 hepatitis B 535 Trial (IDNT) 380, 581,
imatinib 278 herpes zoster 535–6 582, 583
immune complex‐mediated influenza 534–5 IRMA‐2 trial see Effect of Irebesrtan
membranoproliferative live vaccines 536 in the Development of
glomerulonephritis (IC‐ pneumococcal vaccine 534 Diabetic Nephropathy in
MPGN), primary 494–501 routine childhood Patients With T2DM
clinical presentation and outcome vaccinations 536 (IRMA‐2) trial
495–6 vaccination: summary 536 iron, intravenous in anemia 546–7
definitions 494 risk of developing 526–9, ischemic nephropathy 354
epidemiology 494–5 528, 529 itai‐itai disease 315
global approach for 498 susceptibility to 529–30, 531
introduction 494 treatment 536–7 j
laboratory work‐up 496–7 antibiotics 537 Japan EPA Lipid Intervention Study
complement assays 496–7 other considerations 537 (JELIS) 562
monoclonal gammopathy 497 infliximab 470 JELIS see Japan EPA Lipid
pathophysiology 495 influenza A and B 429 Intervention Study (JELIS)
renal pathological findings 496 prevention of infection 534–5 JUPITER see Justification for the Use
treatment 498–501, 499–500 Initiation of Dialysis Early Versus of statins in Prevention – an
immunoglobulin‐related amyloidosis Delayed in the Intensive Intervention Trial
483, 484 Care Unit (IDEAL‐ICU) Evaluating Rosuvastatin
immunotactoid glomerulonephritis trial 190, 191, 192, (JUPITER) primary
484, 485 insulin glargine 376 prevention trial
Improved Reduction of Outcomes: insulin‐like growth factor‐binding Justification for the Use of statins in
Vytorin Efficacy protein 7 (IGFBP7) 128 Prevention – an Intervention
International Trial interleukin‐18 (IL‐18) 111, Trial Evaluating
(IMPROVE‐IT) 381–2, 559 116, 127–8 Rosuvastatin (JUPITER)
IMPROVE‐IT see Improved Reduction intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) primary prevention
of Outcomes: Vytorin 185, 193–4 trial 558
Efficacy International Trial International Myeloma Working
(IMPROVE‐IT) Group (IMWG) criteria 171 k
IMWG see International Myeloma International Society of Kaiser Permanente renal registry 46
Working Group (IMWG) Nephrology 72 Kaplan–Meier analyses 674
indapamide 338 Renal Pathology Society (RPS) KDIGO see Kidney Disease Improving
indinavir crystal nephropathy 178 Classification of lupus Global Outcomes (KDIGO)
indirect immunofluorescence in nephritis 400, 405 KHA‐CARI ADPKD Guidelines 297
ANCA‐associated intracranial aneurysms in autosomal kidney biopsy in pregnancy 446
vasculitis 466 dominant polycystic kidney kidney cyst hemorrhage and
indomethacin 320 disease (ADPKD) 297 rupture 300
Kidney Disease Improving Global kidney replacement therapy see liver‐type fatty acid binding
Outcomes (KDIGO) hemodialysis; peritoneal (L‐FABP) 111
45, 418 dialysis lixisenatide 376
AKI guidelines 88, 91, 92, 128, kidney transplantation 489 LNP023 266
136, 146, 190, 191, 192, 193 bone disease after 609–10, 609 lobular glomerulonephritis see
catheter length 197 in complement‐ membranoproliferative
CKD classification 3, 4, 7, 64 mediated TMA 436 glomerulonephritis
CKD heat map 27, 27 dysfunction 206 Long‐term Safety and Tolerability of
CKD and infection 527 dyslipidemia and 555 Alirocumab in High
CKD‐MBD 607 hypertension and 346 Cardiovascular Risk Patients
color‐coded CKD prognosis chart in pregnancy 445 with Hypercholesterolemia
61, 62 impact on outcomes 451 Not Adequately Controlled
Controversy Conference on outcomes after 451 with Their Modifying
ADPKD 297 renal biopsy 211 Therapy (ODYSSEY
CR, definition of 236 Kimmelstiel–Wilson lesions 366 LONG TERM)
on cyclophosphamide 467 Klebsiella spp. 305 study 559–60
glomerulofiltration rate 534 Kumamoto trial 372 Look AHEAD (Action for Health in
glomerulonephritis guidelines 214 Diabetes) multicentre
guidelines (2012) 50, 65, 66, 88, l trial 372
410, 546, 561, 562, 621 lanreotide 299 losartan 380
guidelines (2017) 597 lanthanum 600 lovastatin in chronic kidney
hypertension 346, 574 lead 75, 311–13 disease 558
iron, in anemia management 546 LEADER study 376 lovaza 561
Lipid Management guidelines 510 left ventricular mass index low‐bone turnover disease 593
MCD 221 (LVMI) 509 low‐osmolal contrast 150
on SLE 410 lenalidomide 172, 488 LRC‐CPPT see Lipid Research Clinics
vaccinations 535, 536 leucovorin 179 Coronary Primary
Kidney Disease Outcome Quality lifestyle modification in CVD 520 Prevention Trial
Initiative (KDOQI) 50 life‐years gained (LYG) 50, 55 (LRC‐CPPT)
guidelines 534, 620, 623 light‐ and heavy‐chain deposition LUNAR study see Lupus Nephritis
Kidney Disease Quality of Life disease (LHCDD) 485 Assessment with Rituximab
(KDQoL) 544 light‐chain associated Fanconi (LUNAR) study
kidney failure risk equations (KFREs) syndrome 482 lupus nephritis 400–420
36–8, 39, 64, 64, 65, 66 light‐chain deposition disease clinical presentations 407–8, 408
kidney failure risk prediction models (LCDD) 479, 485, 486 definition 400
36–8, 37, 38–9, 38, 39 linagliptin 377 diagnosis 405–9
kidney failure, epidemiology of 26–7 Lipid Research Clinics Coronary epidemiology 400–401
Kidney Health Australia –Caring for Primary Prevention Trial histological classification 401,
Australasians with Renal (LRC‐CPPT) 559 405–7, 405
Impairment (KHA‐CARI) lipids history 401
guidelines 50 in CKD patients 555–6 introduction 400
kidney injury molecule‐1 (KIM‐1) in diabetic kidney disease 381–2 kidney biopsy in 408–9
63, 127 liraglutide 376 pathophysiology 401–405
kidney pain in autosomal dominant lisinopril 337, 381 prognosis 409
polycystic kidney liver transplantation in hepatorenal treatment 409–20, 402–3
disease 299–300 syndrome 115 all patients 410–11
Class III and IV disease, alone or Malnutrition Universal Screening membranous nephropathy 235–49
combined with Class V Tool/Malnutrition Screening adrenocorticotropic hormone
411–17, 418, 427–9 Tool 630 247, 248
biologic therapies 413–17 Malnutrition‐Inflammation Score clinical manifestations 235–6
corticosteroids alone 411 (MIS) 624, 631 immunosuppressive therapy
cyclophosphamide or mammalian target of rapamycin 237–48, 238
azathioprine plus inhibitors, dyslipidemia high‐risk patients 242–8
corticosteroids 411–12 and 555 corticosteroids 239, 242
induction versus maintenance mannitol in CA‐AKI 151 cyclosporine 242, 243
therapy 411 MAPEC study 333 cytotoxic agents combined
mycophenolate mofetil plus markers of kidney function in with corticosteroids
corticosteroids 412–13 pregnancy 446 240–1, 242
pure membranous (Class V) Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) eculizumab 242–8
417–18, 427–9 model 64–5, 65 mycophenolate mofetil
special situations 418–20 Markov simulation models 50 242, 244
pregnancy and lupus Maroni’s formula 632 rituximab 242, 245
nephritis 419 masked hypertension 333–4, low‐risk patients 237
renal replacement 334, 335–6 medium‐risk patients 238–42
therapy 419–20 MASTER trial 334 corticosteroids 238, 239
very severe or nonresponsive maxacalcitol (22‐oxa‐calcitriol) cytotoxic agents combined
lupus nephritis 418 603 (Box) with corticosteroids
withdrawal of maintenance membrane cofactor protein (MCP) 282 238, 240–1
therapy 419 membranoproliferative cyclosporine A 242, 243
targets for 410 glomerulonephritis mycophenolate mofetil 244
Lupus Nephritis Assessment with (MPGN) 272–84, 429 tacrolimus 242
Rituximab (LUNAR) clinical presentation 277–8 nonimmunosuppressive
study 413 complement‐mediated 275–6, 275 therapy 237
HBV‐associated blood pressure 237
m immune‐complex‐ lipid lowering 237
Madrid Acute Renal Failure Study mediated 278–81 thromboembolism
Group 124 HCV‐associated immune‐complex‐ prophylaxis 237
magnetic resonance imaging of mediated 274–5, 274 introduction 235
bone 597 treatment 278–81 natural history 235
MAINRITSAN trial 472 histology 272–3 pathogenesis 236
MAINTAIN Nephritis Trial 413 immune‐complex‐mediated phospholipase A2 receptor 236
Maintenance of Remission using 273–4, 274 thrombospondin type‐1 domain‐
Rituximab in Systemic treatment 278, 279, 280 containing, 7A
ANCA‐associated infectious agents associated (THSD7A) 236
Vasculitis (MAINRITSAN) with 274 predicting factors 236
trial 472 natural history 277–8 response measurements 236–7
malaria 73 novel classification 273, 273 treatment 237–48, 238
malignancies, AKI associated with pathophysiology 273, 273 disease and treatment summary
171–3 treatment 278–83 248–9, 248
malnutrition and inflammation HBV‐or HCV‐associated 278–81 immunosuppressive therapy
complex (or cachexia) idiopathic immune‐complex 237–48, 238
syndrome (MICS) 550 278, 279, 280 high‐risk patients 242–8
National Institute of Health and Care nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs biochemistry 631–2
Excellence (NICE) 50 319–24 food intake 632
National Kidney Foundation COX‐2 NSAIDs, effects on renal megestrol acetate 648–9
(NKF) 50 prostaglandins 320 nutritional assessment scores 631
National Kidney Foundation Kidney gastrointestinal complications 319 nutritional status assessment
Disease Outcomes Quality glomerular filtration rate 320 630–33
Initiative (NKF/KDOQI) natriuresis and diuresis 321 pathophysiology 625–30
3, 4, 665 nonselective and COX‐2‐selective patient interview 630
National Kidney Foundation Kidney NSAIDs, clinical syndromes resting energy expenditure 632–3
Early Evaluation Program associated with 321–2 treatment 633–48
(KEEP) 660 acute renal impairment and dietary interventions for survival,
nephrolithiasis 300 acute tubular necrosis quality of life, and overall
nephrotic syndrome 321–2 health of adults 633–36,
dyslipidemia in 553–54 acute tubulo‐interstitial 634–5
IgA nephropathy and 262 nephritis 322 nutritional interventions to slow
indication for renal biopsy 205 chronic kidney disease 322–3 progression 636–43
NSAIDS and 324 glomerulonephritis 322 dietary caloric restriction 642
nephrotoxic medications, hyperkalemia and dietary patterns 643, 644
discontinuation of, as ATN hyporeninemic dietary protein restriction
treatment 136 hypoaldosteronism 323–4 636–42, 637–9, 640–41
nephrotoxic monoclonal entire hypertension 323 dietary salt restriction 642
immunoglobulins 481 nephrotic syndrome 324 fiber intake and probiotics
nephrotoxic monoclonal free heavy renal papillary necrosis 322 642–3
chains 481 salt and water retention 323 see also protein‐energy wasting
nephrotoxic monoclonal free light postoperative use of 320–1, 321 (PEW) syndrome
chains 479–81, 480 renal blood flow 320 nutritional requirements 617–24
nesiritide in cardiorenal renal dysfunction in COX‐2 calcium, phosphorus, and
syndrome 102 trials 321 vitamin D intake
Netherlands Cooperative Study on the renal prostaglandins, recommendations 624
Adequacy of Dialysis actions of 320 energy requirements 621
(NECOSAD) 673 renal side‐effects of 319 fiber intake recommendations 624
neutrophil gelatinase‐associated renin release and potassium need for individualization
lipocalin (NGAL) 63, homeostasis 321 620, 620
91, 127–8 norepinephrine 107 overall recommendations
niacin 561 in hepatorenal syndrome 113–15 620–21, 622
nifedipine 339 North American IgA Nephropathy potassium intake recommendations
niitrofurantoin in UTI 307, 308 Trials 262 623–24
non‐Hodgkin lymphomas. 478 N‐terminal pro‐brain natriuretic protein requirements and source of
nonimmunosuppressive therapy in peptide (NT‐proBNP) 479 protein intake 621–23, 623
lupus nephritis 410 Nutrition Screening Tool 630 sodium intake and fluid
nonmuscle myosin heavy chain‐IIA nutritional assessment scores 631 balance 623
(NMMHC‐IIA) 219 nutritional disorders in chronic nutritional status assessment 630–33
nonproteinuric NDD‐CKD, kidney disease 617–49, anthropometry and body
dyslipidemia and 552 618–19 composition 630–31
nonstatin lipid lowering in anabolic agents 649 bioelectrical impedance
CKD 559 anti‐inflammatory agents 648–9 analysis 631
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Evidence-Based Nephrology
Second Edition
Edited by
Donald A. Molony, MD
Professor of Medicine
Distinguished Teaching Professor of the University of Texas System
Division of Renal Diseases and Hypertension AND
Center for Clinical Research and Evidence-based Medicine
McGovern Medical School University of Texas, Houston, TX, USA
Edition History
Blackwell Publishing Ltd (1e, 2009)
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Preface ix
List of Contributors xi
Part 1 Epidemiology 1
22 Hypertension 331
27 Pregnancy 444
37 Nutritional Disorders in Chronic Kidney Disease: Pathophysiology, Detection, and Treatment 617
Index 681
Preface ix
List of Contributors xi
Part 6 Hemodialysis 1
47 Solutions 127
52 Symptoms 194
57 The Impact of Deceased Donor Quality and Outcomes after Kidney Transplantation 257
64 Anemia 379
66 Hemodialysis 412
72 Fatigue 488
73 Depression 499
74 Pain 517
76 Pruritus 551
Index 590
The synthesis of the totality of evidence in kidney disease methods assist the summarizing and interpreting of evi-
was the original challenge we undertook when we con- dence in key areas of decision-making, which is useful to
ceived of the first edition of this evidence-based nephrol- patients, healthcare providers, and policy-makers.
ogy (EBN) textbook, thereby providing students of Using these methods, organizations including the
nephrology and practicing clinicians with a single conveni- Cochrane Kidney and Transplant group and several guide-
ent source of clinical evidence that had been passed line agencies have committed on a large scale to summa-
through an evidence-based filter. More than 12 years have rize the evidence and provide timely updates of established
passed since the first edition, and so it is timely to revisit and emerging new evidence, making research findings
the challenge in the form of a second edition. The reasons more manageable and reliable for end users. Much of this
for a second edition are principally three: the scale of new work has been included in this edition of the textbook. We
available data is substantial, newer methods of research hope this will allow the end-user to both access best evi-
synthesis have been developed, and there is a renewed dence from this diversity of resources as summarized by
focus on consumer engagement in general, including in chapter authors and to become more familiar with how the
the evaluation and management of kidney disease. newer techniques and resources contribute to a practice
that is informed by best evidence.
Scale of new data
Compared to the time of the first edition, the amount of Consumer engagement
new data is impressive. There are today more than 15 000 Recently, there has been increasing recognition of the criti-
randomized controlled trials in nephrology published in cal importance of engaging the end-users in research to
approximately 30 000 reports, 11 300 more than in 2009, ensure relevance and uptake. In particular there have been
resulting in more confidence and precision around the esti- large-scale efforts to engage patients in all stages of
mates of intervention effects and new evidence in areas research, including the evidence synthesis process and the
that were previously mostly evidence-free. These trials dissemination of findings. For example, the Cochrane
have also been summarized in systematic reviews, with Kidney and Transplant group now has a patient editor,
over 6500 additional reviews in Medline since the first edi- whose role includes translating scientific outputs into plain
tion. Much of this new evidence is incorporated in three language summaries to simplify the “medical jargon” and
new sections of this textbook and multiple either new or make evidence easily accessible to people without a medi-
entirely updated chapters. cal background, as well as prioritizing review topics. The
Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology (SONG) initiative
Novel methods was launched in 2014 to establish the core outcomes to be
Methods to assess the methodological quality of both sys- reported in all trials in chronic kidney disease, based on a
tematic reviews and other study designs, including nonran- consensus among patients, caregivers, health profession-
domized (case-control or cohort studies) and diagnostic test als, and policy-makers. This initiative has emphasized
studies, have developed since the first edition. In addition, patient-centered research and improved clinical outcomes
the number of syntheses of cohort studies has increased in nephrology, ensuring that the outcomes measured and
and the technique of network meta-analysis for comparing reported in clinical trials and other forms of research are
more than two interventions both directly (head to head) relevant and meaningful to patients and increase the
and indirectly (via a common comparator) has become acceptability, transparency, and generalizability of the
more developed and is commonly encountered. These results in this population. New studies assessing these
List of Contributors
Raymond T. Krediet
Christoph Licht
Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine
Division of Nephrology and Cell Biology Program
Amsterdam UMC
Research Institute
University of Amsterdam
The Hospital for Sick Children
The Netherlands
Toronto, ON
Mark Lambie Canada and
Renal Research Group, Faculty of Medicine and Applied Department of Paediatrics
Clinical Sciences University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
Keele University Canada
UK Wai H. Lim
Department of Renal Medicine
Nicholas G. Larkins Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Department of Nephrology, Perth Children’s Hospital Perth
Nedlands Australia and
Western Australia School of Medicine
Australia and Discipline of Internal Medicine
School of Paediatrics and Child Health University of Western Australia
University of Western Australia Perth
Nedlands, Western Australia, Australia
Hamidu M. Liman
Nelson Leung Division of Nephrology
Division of Nephrology, Hematology Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital
Department of Internal Medicine Sokoto
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN Nigeria
Kathleen D. Liu
Asaf Lebel Division of Nephrology, Departments of Medicine and
Division of Nephrology and Cell Biology Program Anesthesia
Research Institute University of California
The Hospital for Sick Children San Francisco, CA
Toronto, ON, Canada USA
Qi Qian
Marinella Ruospo
Division of Nephrology and Hypertension
Sydney School of Public Health
Department of Medicine
University of Sydney, NSW
Mayo Clinic School of Medicine
Part 6
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Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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4 Modalities of Extracorporeal Therapy
Strength of
Treatment Recommendation Certainty of evidence recommendation
GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence [1]: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood
that the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the
effect will be substantially different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood that it
will be substantially different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the
effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect decision-making.
Box 40.2 Relative Small and Large Solute Clearance for Different Stages of CKD and Dialysis
CKD, chronic kidney disease; PD, peritoneal dialysis; RRT, renal replacement therapy.
Hours per week of ultrafiltration as a percentage of 168.
EKRc for urea, ml/min.
EKRc for β2-microglobulin, ml/min.
nations. For most patients routine HD involves three treat- been generally classified based on their composition (cel-
ment sessions per week, of 4–5 hours of treatment per ses- lulosic vs. synthetic) and permeability to water (high vs.
sion, although practice can and does vary considerably low flux). Super-flux membranes, with markedly
between countries. Most treatments are performed in hos- increased water permeability and middle molecule clear-
pital or free-standing community facilities, with a small ance, have become commercially available and are
percentage occurring as home-based HD. defined as medium cut-off (MCO) and high cut-off (HCO)
membranes [1]. Dialysis membranes are not physiologi-
cally inert and make contact with the patient’s blood,
therefore they can elicit active biological responses in the
patient. Although there is no formal definition of “bioin-
Dialysis Membranes
compatibility,” such responses have long been recognized
Dialysis membranes permit the movement and removal as device-related and clearly linked to adverse clinical
of solutes and water during dialysis. Membranes have outcomes.
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Pathophysiolog 5
The Evolution of Dialysis Membranes water crosses the membrane at a given transmembrane
pressure (defined in ml/h/mmHg). The importance of flux is
The first modern HD membranes were cellulose based, thin-
not the permeability of the water per se, but the fact that
walled, and functionally classified as low flux. Despite their
greater flux of water across the membrane during the course
functionality, there were two significant disadvantages of
of HD or HDF treatment results in greater passage of larger
these membranes. First, the natural, cellulosic fibers were
molecules (nominally β2-microglobulin) through the dialy-
immune-reactive mainly as a result of exposed hydroxyl
sis membrane by the process of solvent drag. Informally,
groups [2, 3] activating inflammatory pathways such as com-
both of these operating characteristics are now used to dis-
plement and inducing inflammatory mediators. This
criminate low-from high-flux membranes. However, thresh-
resulted in a classical inflammatory response syndrome,
olds that define degrees of “flux” remain somewhat arbitrary.
reduced dialysis tolerance, and dialysis-related cachexia.
In the HEMO study, a high-flux dialysis membrane was
Second, they only permitted the passage of small solutes
defined as Kuf > 14 ml/h/mmHg and β2-microglobulin clear-
(MW < 500 Da). This inability to remove larger molecules (in
ance of >20 ml/min, whereas low-flux membranes were
particular β2-microglobulin, MW 11 800 Da) was implicated
defined as β2-microglobulin clearance of <10 ml/min [9].
in the subsequent development of dialysis-related amyloido-
More recent definitions normalize the Kuf to the membrane
sis, especially in very long-term HD patients [4].
surface area (expressed in ml//h/mmHg/m [1]) and define
The evolution of membranes in general occurred in two
β2-microglobulin in terms of the sieving coefficient (SC),
directions, first to improve “bioincompatibility” and sec-
which is a ratio of the solute in the filtrate compared to its
ond to improve flux. Development largely focused on the
plasma concentration. The Membrane Permeability
large-scale production of synthetic membranes made from
Outcome (MPO) study defined high-flux as β2-microglobulin
polysulfone, polyamide, polyarylethersulfone, and polym-
SC >0.6 and Kuf 20 ml/mmHg/h [10]. The European
ethylmethacrylate [5]. Such plastics are generally, but not
Dialysis (EUDIAL) Working Group felt that a characteristic
always, more biocompatible and less biologically active.
of middle molecule clearance should be incorporated in a
They can be spun into fibers with more consistent pore size
modern definition of “high flux” in addition to the ultrafil-
and geometry compared to cellulose, allowing more pre-
tration coefficient of a membrane.
cise molecular weight (MW) cut-off and therefore more
The agreed EUDIAL definition of a high-flux membrane
predictable clearance of larger molecules [6]. Early syn-
is based on the MPO study and is Kuf = 20 ml/h/
thetic membranes were considerably thicker than low-flux
mmHg/m [2] and β2-microglobulin SC > 0.6 [11]. It is
membranes, causing a degree of impediment to diffusion-
important to note that most of the studies comparing
based clearance. However, modern synthetic membranes
high- and low-flux, and HD and HDF did not use this
are thinner, with excellent operating characteristics.
High-flux membranes have increased clearance of mid-
dle molecules (nominally β2-microglobulin), which in turn
has been associated with a reduced incidence of symptoms Middle Molecule Clearance and Super-flux
on dialysis and long-term complications such as dialysis- Membranes
related amyloidosis [7]. Initial concerns about the exces-
The chronic inflammatory response seen in maintenance
sive cost of high-flux membranes have been largely negated
HD patients has been linked to accelerated atherosclerosis,
in developed countries with near-universal adoption. In
endothelial dysfunction, increased advanced glycosolation
addition, decreased dialyzer reuse has led to large volume
end-product levels, protein-energy wasting, cachexia, and
production and further decreased costs. However, these
secondary immune deficiency [12–19]. These in part medi-
remain pertinent issues in developing countries with com-
ate the increased all-cause and cardiovascular disease
paratively nascent dialysis infrastructure. The routine use
(CVD) mortality seen in ESKD patients when compared to
of endotoxin filters in modern dialysis circuits, and overall
age-matched individuals without kidney disease. This
improvements in dialysis water quality and water purifica-
chronic inflammatory response is multifactorial and can be
tion technology have largely mitigated concerns about
attributed to the plastic consumables used during dialysis,
back-filtration of dialysate contaminants to the patient’s
dialysis membranes, disinfecting solutions, and water qual-
blood [8].
ity as well as the presence of endotoxins and uremia. All of
these can directly or indirectly induce pro-inflammatory
The Clinical Relevance of “Flux” cytokines, many of which are large-middle molecules
(TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-10), themselves poorly cleared with
Formally, “flux” is defined by the ultrafiltration coefficient conventional high-flux HD [20]. The contribution of a dial-
(Kuf ) of a dialysis membrane, defined as the rate at which ysis membrane to this process can be viewed in terms of its
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6 Modalities of Extracorporeal Therapy
contribution to inflammation (bioincompatibility) and albumin (68 000 D). In theory these allow for more effective
potential for clearance of middle molecules during HD. The middle and large-middle molecule clearance, without
aim of increasing middle molecule clearance during HD excessive albumin loss [27]. What constitutes acceptable
has driven the development of super-flux membranes. loss of albumin during HD remains unclear. Some albumin
Middle molecules are a heterogeneous group of com- loss may in fact be beneficial due to the removal of protein-
pounds broadly defined as having a MW of 500–60 000 D [21]. bound toxins. Super-flux membranes may provide us with
This includes the archetypal middle molecule marker β2- a form of “enhanced” HD (when considered in terms of
microglobulin and a plethora of other compounds that large-middle molecule clearance). The potential benefits of
include cytokines, uremic toxins, growth factors, and hor- this new class of membranes, particularly when compared
mones, which are generally further subclassified based on to existing convective therapies, requires further evaluation
MW. Modern high-flux membranes are excellent at remov- in clinical studies.
ing β2-microglobulin (MW 11800 D), but are poor at remov-
ing large-middle molecules (MW > 15 000 D) [22]. Therapies
which combine convection with diffusion such as HDF (see D
ialysis Modality
below) have become an increasingly accepted method for
increasing middle molecule clearance. Similarly, recent HD is based on the diffusion of solutes across a semiperme-
developments in membrane technology have enabled the able membrane and is highly effective at fluid removal, cor-
development of super-flux membranes which are capable of recting acidosis and electrolyte disturbances, and removing
clearing molecules with a MW of up to 50 000 D, which small solutes and toxins. HD is less effective at removing
approximates and potentially surpasses the clearances pro- middle and large-middle molecules, as effective diffusion
vided by HDF [23, 24]. is inversely related to MW. Convective therapies have been
High cut-off membranes (HCO) were used clinically in developed to overcome this problem by increasing the
the setting of kidney failure due to multiple myeloma to transport of larger molecules across dialysis membranes.
enhance the removal of kappa and lambda light chains HDF differs to conventional dialysis in that it involves the
(large-middle molecules) [25, 26]. These have a wide exchange of large volumes of fluid with the patient. Early
distribution of pore sizes and show variable clinical efficacy convective therapies such as hemofiltration were subse-
in the treatment of cast nephropathy. However, their use is quently combined with diffusion-based therapies in HDF,
associated with increased albumin loss and significant which is the most commonly used convective therapy
electrolyte abnormalities, e.g. hypophosphatemia. MCO across the world. Whilst HD remains the most commonly
membranes have been developed with a narrower range of used dialysis modality worldwide, the uptake of HDF is
distribution of pore sizes (Figure 40.1), below the MW of increasing, particularly in Europe and Japan [28, 29].
Conventional HD
Large MM MCO
(15kDa) Conventional HD involves the use of a single-pump dialy-
sis machine. Blood is drawn from the patient, passed
through a semiporous hollow-fiber dialyzer of a given
Number of pores
High flux
membrane type, and returned to the patient. At the same
time, the dialysis solution (dialysate) is passed in a
Low flux counter-current fashion through the dialyzer, on the other
HCO side of the dialysis membrane to the blood, in a single-pass
fashion (meaning dialysate passes the membrane only
once and then is discarded). The removal of excess extra-
cellular fluid from the patient occurs by passage of the
ultrafiltered extracellular fluid across the semiporous
Pore size membrane from the blood compartment to the dialysate
Figure 40.1 Schematic of pore size in dialysis membranes. compartment. This is predominantly controlled by hydro-
MCO membranes (in pink) have been specifically designed to static pressures but is also dependent on the porosity of
remove large middle molecule (compared to high-flux) the membrane and its ultrafiltration coefficient. High-flux
membranes without excessive albumin loss (compared to
membranes allow for the movement of more fluid than is
HCO membranes). HCO, high cut-off; MCO, medium cut-off;
MM: middle molecules. Source: From Wolley et al., CJASN desired, and this is balanced by back-filtration of dialysate
2018. ASN. back into the blood. In modern dialysis machines this is
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Dialysis Modalit 7
Hydrostatic pressure, mm Hg
140 Dialysate
pressure Back filtration
Polysulfone membrane
QB = 200 ml/min
QD = 400 ml/min
QF = 0
Figure 40.2 Schematic of fluid removal along a dialysis hollow fiber membrane. The net ultrafiltration volume is controlled by
balancing the pressures, in effect by controlling negative pressure on the dialysate side of the membrane. Source: From Streicher, E., &
Schneider, H. (n.d.). The Development of a Polysulfone Membrane. In Highly Permeable Membranes (pp. 1–13). © 1985, Karger
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8 Modalities of Extracorporeal Therapy
3rd ultrafilter
Blood pump
HD controller
Figure 40.3 Schematic of the circuit used in HDF. This diagram represents predilution fluid replacement. Postdilution differs in the
site of the entry of the replacement fluid (as the blood leaves the dialyzer, rather than prior to entry to the dialyzer).
The various types of HDF differ by the site of the dialysate monitoring of fluid balance to ensure the balance of
replacement, which can be pre or post the dialyzer (or pre removed and replaced fluid equates with the desired fluid
and post as “mixed” HDF), with differences around solute loss for the session. The second is the microbiological
removal and the potential for excessive hemoconcentration. purity of the dialysate, with separate standards existing for
Predilution HDF (infusing the substitution fluid before the HDF and HD, respectively.
blood enters the dialyzer) dilutes the concentration gradient
across the dialyzer, potentially decreasing small molecule
Water Quality
clearance, but in clinical practice this is offset by greater
ultrafiltration volumes (compared to postdilutional HDF), Historically, poor water quality (from a variety of environ-
with the ensuing solvent drag resulting in similar clearances mental, chemical, and microbiological factors) has been
overall [30]. In post-dilution HDF the dialysate is infused implicated in bio-incompatibility and adverse patient out-
downstream of the dialyzer (after dialysis has occurred), comes [33]. The quality of dialysis water has seen incre-
which optimizes the clearance of solutes through diffusion, mental improvements with advances in water purification,
and the high ultrafiltration rates limit the back-filtration that disinfection methods, and routine monitoring. The provi-
occurs in high-flux HD [31]. A limitation of this modality is sion of high-quality dialysis fluids is now readily achieva-
that at high ultrafiltration rates there is excessive hemocon- ble in all modern dialysis units. The provision of
centration within the dialyzer fibers, causing elevated trans- high-quality dialysis water is arguably even more impor-
membrane pressures, reduced clearances, and clotting of the tant in the provision of HDF, given the direct infusion of
dialysis circuit. To prevent this problem, the filtration frac- substitution fluid into the blood line. The advent of convec-
tion is generally limited to 20–25% of the total blood flow tive therapies has resulted in a new, more rigorous dialysis
rate [32]. In modern dialysis machines, mixed dilution HDF fluid quality standard, UPD, which is used for substitution
allows for the infusion of dialysate both before and after the fluids in HDF. The differences between standard and UPD
dialyzer, and the ratio of the infusion rates can be balanced dialysis fluids are defined by the International Organization
to optimize clearances and minimize the adverse conse- for Standardization (ISO) in terms of terms of bacterial
quences of hemoconcentration. However, most observa- load, the total viable count in colony forming units per mil-
tional and trial data are based on postdilution HDF. liliter, and total the endotoxin load in endotoxin forming
The large convective component of HDF greatly enhances units per milliliter (Box 40.3).
solute removal, but any improvement over conventional HD
is mostly limited to middle and large-middle molecules.
Putative Benefits of HDF
As large volumes of dialysate are infused directly into
blood lines, additional treatment monitoring considera- It has been a long-standing supposition that the improved
tions are needed. The first is the need for more accurate middle-molecule clearances (see above) observed with
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Treatmen 9
HDF should translate to improved patient outcomes. dialysis sessions found no difference in wall motion abnor-
Adding large convective volumes to standard (high-flux) malities and a number of cardiac parameters between
HD improves the clearance of middle molecules, especially high-flux HD and HDF [49]. The mechanisms underpin-
those in the 15 000–25 000 MW range, which includes a ning any benefit for HDF have not been clearly elucidated
number of cytokines such as TNF-a, IL-1, IL-10, and but may relate to removal of cardioactive/vasoactive
IL-6 [34–36]. These have long been implicated in dialytic agents, such as interleukins and other vasoactive peptides.
instability, bio-incompatibility, and poor dialysis outcomes, Alternatively, it may relate to thermal stability. This con-
so their potential removal by HDF is an area of significant cept suggests that the large volume of infused dialysate
clinical interest. In the CONTRAST study, IL-6 and prevents overheating during dialysis, thus preventing
C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were lower in the HDF vasodilatation.
cohort compared to the conventional (low-flux) HD
cohort [37]. However, in the FRENCHIE study there were
no significant differences between HDF and high-flux HD
over 24 months in serum levels of IL-6, IL-10, TNF-alpha,
High-flux Versus Low-flux on Cardiovascular
NT- N-terminal pro brain naturetic peptide (ProBNP), or
Outcomes and Survival
high sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTNT) [38]. These
results need further validation, and increased removal of A number of observational studies support an association
cytokines may itself not be adequate if the stimulus for between the use of high-flux membranes and improved
their induction is not addressed. Molecules in the large- survival outcomes in hemodialysis [50–53]. Three large
middle molecule spectrum with MW 25 000–60 000 D RCTs were designed to provide further clinical evidence
remain poorly cleared by all HDF and high-flux HD thera- and these include the HEMO trial, MPO and the Multiple
pies. The clearance of protein-bound solutes is generally Interventions Related to Dialysis Procedures in Order to
not improved by HDF [39]. Reduce Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality in HD
Cardiovascular instability remains a frequent clinical Patients (known as the EGE study) [10, 54, 55]. The details
problem in patients on HD, and intradialytic hypotension of these studies are outlined in Table 40.2.
has been increasingly associated with stunning of the myo- A Cochrane meta-analysis pooled data from 33 rand-
cardium and other vital organs such and the gut [40–43]. omized controlled trials and included 3820 participants.
Anecdotally it appears that HDF may confer increased car- The results of the analysis are outlined in Table 40.3 [56].
diovascular stability, but considerable debate continues as Cardiovascular mortality was proportionally reduced by
to whether this is indeed the case. Early observational and 17% in individuals receiving high-flux membrane dialysis
interventional studies provided mixed results with regards compared to low flux dialysis (five studies, 2612 partici-
to cardiovascular stability and outcomes [44–46]. The pants: risk ratio [RR] 0.83, 95% confidence interval [CI]
results of two separate meta-analyses found that HDF 0.70 to 0.99) across a median follow up of 24 months.
reduces the incidence of symptomatic hypotension (com- However, high-flux membranes did not reduce all-cause
pared to HD), with no significant difference in cardiovas- mortality, infection-related mortality, or hospital admis-
cular events or cardiovascular mortality [47, 48]. The sions compared to low-flux membranes. While the use of
recent FRENCHIE study, a randomized controlled trial high-flux membranes reduced predialysis β2-microglobulin
(RCT) of older patients (>65 years), did not demonstrate a levels, insufficient data were available to reliably estimate
positive benefit for HDF over HD for the primary outcome the effects of membrane flux on carpal tunnel syndrome or
of intradialytic tolerance. A small study using functional amyloid-related arthropathy. In relation to surrogate out-
cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies during comes, the data demonstrates that it is unlikely there is any
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Table 40.2 Major randomized controlled trial of high-flux versus low-flux membrane dialysis on clinical outcomes.
HEMO [9, 54] 2–2 factorial study: 1846 0.8–6.6 years No difference in primary and composite RR of cardiac death for high-flux Patients are not
2003, 15 USA high-flux HD vs. (mean 4.24) secondary endpoints HD vs. low-flux HD 0.80, 95% CI blinded to the
centers low-flux HD and low Lost to follow-up: Primary endpoint: RR for all-cause 0.65–0.99, P = 0.042 intervention
dose (achieved Kt/V 0/1846 mortality high-flux vs. low-flux HD 0.92, RR for composite of first cardiac Dialyzer reuse was
1.08) vs. high dose (Kt/V 95% CI 0.81–1.05, P = 0.23 hospitalization or cardiac death permitted
1.4) Secondary endpoints: (i) first for high-flux HD vs. low-flux HD
hospitalization for cardiac causes or 0.87, 95% CI 0.76–1.00, P = 0.045
death from any cause, (ii) first Survival benefits were seen in the
hospitalization for infection or death high-flux HD if dialysis vintage
from any cause, (iii) first 15% decrease in >3.7 years RR 0.68, 95% CI
the serum albumin level or death from 0.53–0.86, P = 0.001
any cause, and (iv) all hospitalizations Lower predialysis β2-
not related to vascular access microglobulin in the high-flux HD
No difference in health-related
quality of life between the groups
MPO [10] Parallel RCT: high-flux 738 3–7.5 years No difference in primary and secondary Reduction in mortality in patients Enrolled incident
2008, 59 vs. low-flux HD Lost to follow-up: endpoints with serum albumin < 4g/l was patients only
centers in Italy (stratified by serum 191/738 Primary endpoints: all-cause mortality, significantly lower in the Initially inclusion
albumin > or 4 g/dl) HR 0.76, 95% CI 0.56 to 1.04, P = 0.091 high-flux HD (p=0.032). RR 0.49, criteria was serum
with a minimal dialysis Secondary endpoints: hospitalization due 95% CI 0.28–9.87, observed in albumin <4 g/l
dose of Kt/V 1.2 to all causes, infections, or vascular high-flux HD Due to slow
access related issues Survival benefit in those with recruitment, protocol
Lower accumulation of predialysis diabetes (combined type 1 and was amended to
β2-microglobulin in high-flux HD group type 2 diabetes mellitus) observed include patients with
in high-flux group serum albumin >4 g/l
EGE 2013, 8 2 × 2 factorial design, 740 1–50 months No difference in primary endpoint High-flux HD group had lower CV Participants with
centers, randomized to high-flux (mean Primary endpoints: composite of fatal event in those with AVF and substantial residual
Turkey vs. low-flux, and 35.2 months) and nonfatal CV events (myocardial among diabetic subjects function were
ultrapure versus infarction, stroke, unstable angina The highest overall survival was excluded from this
standard dialysate requiring hospitalization, and observed in patients receiving study, this may
revascularization): HR 0.73, 95% CI dialysis using an AVF, treated increase the reported
0.49–1.08, P = 0.12 with a combination of high-flux benefit from high-flux
Secondary endpoint: overall mortality HD using ultrapure dialysate HD
Lower β2-microglobulin and time-
averaged CRP in HF groups
ACM, all-cause mortality; AVF, arteriovenous fistula; CI, confidence interval; CRP, C-reactive protein; CV, cardiovascular; HF, high-flux membrane dialyzer; LF, low-flux membrane dialyzer.
Source: Data from Palmer et al. [56].
All-cause mortality 2915 (10) Five fewer deaths 0.95 Low It is unlikely that high flux
(15 more to 20 fewer) (0.87–1.04) ●●○○ membranes reduce all-cause
Infection-related 2547 (3) Not estimated 0.90 Low It is unlikely that high-flux
mortality (0.71–1.14) ●●○○ membranes reduce infection-
related mortality
Cardiovascular 2612 (5) 15 fewer deaths (0–30 0.83 Low High-flux membranes may reduce
mortality fewer) (0.70–0.99) ●●○○ CV mortality
All hospital admissions 74 (2) Not estimated 0.79 Very low It is uncertain whether high-flux
(0.52–1.20) ●○○○ membranes reduce all-cause
hospital admissions
Dialysis-related 84 (1) Not estimated 3.00 Very low It is uncertain whether high-flux
hypotension (0.13–71.61) ●○○○ membranes reduce intradialytic
Quality of life 1835 (2) Not estimable Not estimable Very low It is uncertain whether high-flux
●○○○ membranes have benefits on
health-related quality of life
Dialysis adequacy 155 (1) Not estimated Very low It is uncertain whether high-flux
leading to trial ●○○○ membranes have benefits on
withdrawal dialysis adequacy compared to
low-flux membranes
Residual renal function RRF at end Not estimated 1.10 ml/min Very low It is uncertain whether high-flux
(RRF) of study: (0.80–1.30) ●○○○ membranes help preserve residual
30 (1) renal function
Rate of −0.13 ml/min/
decline: month (− 0.17
20 (1) to – 0.09)
β2-microglobulin 20 (1) Not estimated 0.06 Very low It is uncertain whether high-flux
complication: carpal (0.00–0.90) ●○○○ membranes reduce β2-
tunnel syndrome microglobulin-related carpal tunnel
β2-microglobulin 20 (1) Not estimated 0.06 Very low It is uncertain whether high-flux
complication: (0.00–0.90) ●○○○ membranes reduce β2-
arthropathy microglobulin-related arthropathy
Adverse events and 557 (13) Not estimated Not estimable Very low It is uncertain whether high-flux
safety ●○○○ membranes reduce adverse events
in dialysis
significant benefit for high -flux membranes compared to with the increased clinical use of MCO membranes [20].
low-flux membranes in relation to urea clearance or serum The efficacy of MCO membranes has been shown in small
lipid levels. The data suggest that if 1000 individuals with studies, with improved clearance rates of complement fac-
ESKD were treated with high-flux HD there would be no tor D (MW 24 000 D), α1-microglobulin (MW 33 000 D), and
reduction in all-cause mortality or hospitalization rates, the chitinase-like protein YKL-40 (MW 40 000 D) compared
but 15 fewer deaths might occur attributed to cardiovascu- to high-flux HD [27]. Dialysis with MCO membranes has
lar disease (CVD) causes. been associated with reduced activation of the renin-
angiotensin system and decreased expression of proinflam-
matory cytokines (TNF-a and IL-6) [59, 60].
Super-flux Membranes
These findings need further evaluation in prospective stud-
At present there is limited clinical experience with the use ies and correlation with clinical outcomes. An early example
of MCO membranes. Evidence is limited to nonrand- of such a study is REMOVAL-HD [61]. This is a prospective,
omized studies. investigator-led, open-label study which aims to address the
The putative benefits outlined above are offset by con- safety, efficacy, and impact on patient-centered outcomes
cerns of albumin loss and back-filtration, and both need with the use of MCO membranes in 85 prevalent HD patients.
further evaluation. Albumin losses during a MCO HD ses- The primary endpoint is the change in predialysis concentra-
sion can approximate 3 g, but no significant change in tions of serum albumin, with additional biochemical and
serum albumin levels has been demonstrated and at pre- patient-centered secondary endpoints. The outcomes will
sent the clinical significance of these findings remains inform the design of future clinical trials which need to com-
unclear [57, 58]. Similarly, in vitro studies have shown no pare MCO membranes not only to high-flux membranes, but
increase in back-filtration, but this may become apparent perhaps more importantly to convective therapies.
KDOQI [62] 2015 ●● We recommend the use of biocompatible, either high-or low-flux, hemodialysis
membranes for intermittent hemodialysis. High-flux dialyzers should be used
preferentially, but if there are cost restraints, patients with diabetes mellitus,
low albumin, and longer dialysis vintage should be prioritized.
Japanese Society for Dialysis 2015 ●● High-performance membrane dialyzers should be used. These were defined in
Therapy Clinical 2005 as a β2-microglobulin clearance of at least 10 ml/min and updated in 2013
Guideline [63] to include albumin permeability and adsorption capability.
CARI-KHA [64] 2013 ●● We recommend that high-flux membranes be used to remove molecules such as
β2-microglobulin because they have been shown to achieve lower serum levels.
●● We suggest there are possible survival benefits from high-flux membranes for
some groups, such as those on dialysis for more than 3.7 years, those with a
serum albumin below 40 g/l, and diabetics
Renal Association Clinical 2011 ●● We suggest that hemodialyzers with synthetic and modified cellulose
Practice Guidelines [65] membranes should be used instead of unmodified cellulose membranes.
●● We suggest that high-flux dialyzers should be used instead of low-flux dialyzers
to provide HD. Evidence of improved patient survival with the use of high-flux
membranes is restricted to incident patients, who have lower serum albumin
concentrations (<40 g/l) or have diabetes mellitus, and prevalent patients, who
have been on HD for more than 3.7 years.
European Best Practice 2010 Update to ●● Synthetic high-flux membranes should be used to delay long-term
Guidelines [66] the 2007 complications of hemodialysis therapy in patients at high risk (serum
Guidelines albumin < 40 g/l)
●● In view of underlying practical considerations and the observation of a
reduction of an intermediate marker (β2-microglobulin), synthetic high-flux
membranes should be recommended even in low-risk patients.
The Canadian Society of Nephrology Clinical Practice Guidelines published in 2006 provide no clear recommendation. KDIGO does not provide
guideline on dialysis prescription or membranes.
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Treatmen 13
2010, 27 Italian Centres LF HD, HF, or HDF 146 (70 HD, 36 1.5 years No difference HDF vs Mortality not the primary
(46). HF, 40 HDF) HD endpoint
Randomization was between HD
and convective therapy
Randomization imbalances
CONTRAST, 2013, LF HD vs. HDF 714 3 years Mortality, no benefit All-cause mortality benefit Benefit was in a post hoc analysis
Netherlands (37) if UF volume > 21.95 L. Not prespecified
No QoL benefit. Included some twice-weekly
Turkish HDF, 2013 (74) HF HD vs. HDF 782 2 years Mortality, no benefit CV and overall survival Benefit was in a post hoc analysis
benefit if UF Not prespecified
volume > 17.4 L
ESHOL, Spain, 2013 HF HD vs. HDF (NB 906 3 years Mortality benefit for Prespecified requirement for UF
(72) 8% low-flux HD in HDF, all-cause HR volume >18 l
control arm) 0.70; CV mortality HR Not clearly randomized,
0.67 significant differences between
groups that potentially influenced
40% drop-outs
FRENCHIE, 2017, HF HD vs. HDF 381, over age 120 days for primary Tolerance of dialysis No benefit in primary Underpowered
France (38) 65 years outcomes, 2 years for sessions analysis All-cause and cardiovascular
secondary outcomes Possibly some benefit at mortality not different, including
“session” level accounting for convective volume
No difference in quality of life
Some predilution HDF included
ACM, all-cause mortality; AVF, arteriovenous fistula; CRP, C-reactive protein; CV, cardiovascular; HD, hemodialysis; HDF, hemodiafiltration; HF, high-flux membrane dialyzer; LF, low-flux
membrane dialyzer; QoL, quality of life.
All-cause mortality 3396(11) 26 fewer (56 fewer to 0.87 Low HDF has little or no effect on
10 more) (0.72–1.05) ●●○○ all-cause mortality
Infection-related 2793 (4) Two fewer (eight fewer to 0.94 Very low It is uncertain whether HDF
mortalitya seven more) (0.68–1.30) ●○○○ reduces infection-related
Cardiovascular mortality 2889 (6) 25 fewer (39 to 8 fewer) 0.75 Low HDF may reduce
(0.61–0.92) ●●○○ cardiovascular mortality
Nonfatal cardiovascular 714 (1) 18 more (18 fewer to 1.14 Very low It is uncertain whether HDF
events 64 more) (0.86–1.50) ●○○○ reduces non-fatal
cardiovascular events
All hospital admissions 1688 (2) Not estimable 1.21 Very low It is uncertain whether HDF
(0.12–12.05) ●○○○ reduces hospital admissions
Dialysis-related 906 (1) Not estimablec 0.72 Low HDF probably reduces the risk
hypotensionb (0.66–0.80) ●●○○ of dialysis hypotension
Quality of life 988(8) Not estimable Not estimable Very low HDF/convective therapies
●○○○ have uncertain effects on
quality of life
Change in dialysis 2919 (5) Four fewer (19 fewer to 0.87 Low It is uncertain whether HDF
therapy 40 more) (0.30–2.52) ●●○○ results is a lower cross-over to
another dialysis therapy
Residual renal function . . .(..) ..(. . .) No studies Absent No studies found that
(RRF) evaluated the impact of HDF
on residual renal function
β2-microglobulin 67(1) Not estimable Not estimable Very low It is uncertain whether HDF
complication: carpal ●○○○ reduces carpal tunnel
tunnel syndrome syndrome incidence
Adverse events and . . .(..) ..(. . .) No studies Absent No studies found that
safety evaluated the impact of HDF
on adverse events and safety
The results where possible are derived from the Cochrane systematic review, Nistor et al. [47]; for some outcomes other systematic reviews are
referenced and indicated where relevant.
Metrics from Peters [73], 2016 individual pooled meta-analysis.
Metric described is from Nistor et al. (Cochrane systematic review), but in addition three of four aggregate study meta-analyses also showed a
benefit (consistent across all meta-analyses).
Estimate using Maduell et al. [72], events per 1000 patient years suggest a possible reduction by 2585 events per 1000 patient dialysis years
(3188–1875 events fewer).
re-emerged with the development of MCO membranes with International Society Guidelines
high Kuf values, with high obligatory ultrafiltration and there-
It is important to note the HDF is not practiced in the
fore back-filtration rates when used in HD mode. This has
United States and the uptake of HDF has been led by parts
some similarities to HDF, but all of the volume transfer occurs
of Europe and Japan. Being a comparably novel therapy
within the dialyzer (as ultrafiltration and back-filtration).
HDF has not been considered in the Canadian Society of
It has been argued that this approach may well provide many
Nephrology Clinical Practice, KDIGO, KDOQI, and KHA-
of the benefits of HDF without the need for additional
CARI guidelines.
equipment. This of course remains as yet unproven.
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16 Modalities of Extracorporeal Therapy
Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy 2015 ●● HDF should enhance the removal of small proteins, reduce the production
Clinical Guideline [63] of inflammatory cytokines, and improve patients’ prognoses.
●● HDF should be considered a therapy for nonspecific symptoms, including
itching, joint pain, malaise, and poor appetite. Patients with dialysis
hypotension should be considered for treatment with HD using a high-flux
dialyzer and ultrapure dialysate.
Renal Association Clinical Practice 2011 ●● Both modalities are effective extracorporeal techniques for established renal
Guidelines [65] failure but hemodiafiltration can provide higher rates of removal of small
and middle molecules and may lower the risk of developing complications
due to dialysis-related amyloidosis.
●● We suggest that high-flux HD using ultrapure water provides noninferior
patient outcomes to hemodiafiltration.
European Best Practice Guidelines [75] 2007 ●● To exploit the high permeability of high-flux membranes, on-line HDF or
HF should be considered. The exchange volumes should be as high as
possible, with consideration of safety.
onclusion The choice of dialysis modality remains a controversial
topic, and the practice is highly variable across the world.
Despite the putative benefits of high-flux membranes such The large treatment benefits of convective therapies seen
as improved middle molecule clearance and better biocom- in early observational studies were not confirmed by subse-
patibility, large RCT trails have failed to show a clear mor- quent RCTs, although meta-analyses of intervention stud-
tality benefit with the use of high-flux dialysis membranes. ies suggest there may be a benefit in relation to
However, secondary analyses revealed a potential benefit cardiovascular mortality and reducing the frequency of
in those with diabetes, low serum albumin, and longer intradialytic hypotensive events. Moreover, the hypothesis-
dialysis vintage. generating data suggesting higher convective volumes may
The increased adoption of high-flux membranes in the be beneficial require further investigation in robust trials.
developed world has been driven in part by the presence of In summary, in modern dialysis units with ready availa-
these clinical characteristics in many HD patients, as well bility of high-quality dialysis water, synthetic, high-flux
as decreasing application of dialyzer reuse, which has dialysis membranes are now the accepted standard. The
resulted in a greater scale of manufacturing and decreased choice of dialysis modality remains less clear, and for most
costs. Therefore, high-flux membranes are the default patients these therapies are likely to be of equivocal clinical
choice in most developed countries, but modified cellulosic benefit. Whilst we believe that HDF should not be rou-
membranes and low-flux membranes remain in use in tinely offered to all patients, it should be considered in
many parts of the world and remain an appropriate choice patients with ongoing intradialytic instability and CVD,
in certain clinical situations. but only if adequate convection volumes can be achieved.
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Reference 19
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Epidemiolog 21
Strength of
Treatment Recommendation Certainty of evidence recommendation
Minimum If <4 h per session is prescribed in a three times per week Very low Weak
dialysis hours schedule, we suggest a comprehensive assessment of
adequacy, including rates of volume removal, is performed
regularly to avoid under-dialysis.
Increased We suggest increasing dialysis hours for willing patients High (hyperphosphatemia, pill Weak
dialysis hours based on evidence suggesting improvements in quality of burden)
life, hyperphosphatemia, pill burden, and blood pressure. Moderate (left ventricular
We suggest that longer hours may also be a useful way to hypertrophy)
treat patients with high ultrafiltration rate requirements, Low (quality of life, blood
uncontrolled hypertension, poor phosphate control, and/or pressure control)
to improve some aspects of quality of life.
Dialysis We suggest that more frequent dialysis sessions (four to six Moderate to high Weak
frequency per week) be offered to patients wishing to improve blood (hyperphosphotaemia, pill
pressure, improve serum phosphate or reduce pill burden. It burden)
may also be recommended in patients with left ventricular Moderate (blood pressure, left
hypertrophy and may have small benefits for some aspects ventricular hypertrophy)
of quality of life. Patients taking on this therapy should be Low (quality of life, vascular
advised of the possible risks of increased vascular access access events and residual renal
events and more rapid loss of residual renal function. function)
Targeting urea We recommend achieving at least an spKt/V of 1.2. We Low Weak
clearance suggest that this not be used as the primary measure of
dialysis adequacy.
Limiting We suggest targeting ultrafiltration rates below 10 ml/h/kg. Very low Weak
Incremental We suggest that incremental dialysis be undertaken only Very low Weak
dialysis within a structured program including regular reassessment
of residual renal function and dialysis adequacy.
GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence [1]: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood
that the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the
effect will be substantially different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood that it
will be substantially different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the
effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect decision-making.
a continuum (Figure 41.1). Adequacy of dialysis therapy is 3.8 million in 2020 and rise to 5.4 million by 2030 [4]. This
then judged from the patient perspective in relation to the burden is not distributed equally and rates of dialysis and
degree to which these needs are met. This schema aims to transplant uptake vary dramatically around the globe, from
encourage clinicians to go beyond urea clearance by focusing over 2000 per million population in Japan to as low as 2.8
on biological parameters known to be associated with per million population in Rwanda [5]. These figures are
improved patient outcome and on a patient-centered concept also likely to hide as many as 9.7 million individuals with
of wellbeing. In general, “more” dialysis – whether increased ESKD who are unable to receive renal replacement therapy
frequency or duration – may be helpful for many patients in due to resource limitations [4]. For those fortunate enough
achieving higher-level needs but cannot be considered “ade- to have access to dialysis, hemodialysis is the dominant
quate” without reference to the individual patient. modality, with the proportion of dialysis delivered as
hemodialysis estimated to be 89% in 2013 [6]. This also var-
ies from region to region, with the proportion on hemodi-
Epidemiology alysis being as low as 20.6% in Hong Kong and greater than
99% in some countries [7].
The number of individuals receiving renal replacement Three sessions per week is near universal in high-
therapy is growing steadily, it is expected to reach income countries, with less than 5% of patients receiving
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22 Dialysis Dose and Adequacy for Hemodialysis
Consider quality of life and related goals; consider patient wishes regarding
longevity and fitness for transplantation; minimize dietary restrictions and pill Achieve health and
burden; manage specific situations requiring high dialysis doses such as well-being
Optimize biochemical, hemodynamic and fluid status; minimize rapid Optimize surrogate
ultrafiltration; management of left ventricular hypertrophy outcomes
Equilibrated Kt/V
The assumption of a single pool of urea is an over-
The most commonly used marker of small molecule clear-
simplification, as demonstrated by the fact that blood urea
ance is Kt/V, where:
levels rapidly rebound after dialysis is completed. This
K = dialyzer urea clearance (ml/min) (a function of dia- means that spKt/V overestimates urea clearance. To
lyzer surface area and permeability, and blood and account for this, equilibrated, or eKt/V can be calculated,
dialysate flow rates) either by taking a second urea sample 35 minutes after the
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Diagnosi 25
completion of the dialysis session or by modifying spKt/V has been speculated to contribute to the observed survival
using a conversion equation shown to reliably approximate benefits of higher body fat in hemodialysis recipients [23].
measured eKt/V [8]: Conductivity-based measures of Kt/V are now available
on many dialysis machines. These operate by manipulating
eKt / V spKt / V t / t 35 the sodium concentration of the inflowing dialysate in a
controlled fashion and measuring the resulting differences
where t is dialysis time in minutes.
in electrical conductivity between the inflowing and out-
flowing dialysate. This provides a ready measure of small
Standard Kt/V
molecule clearance that can be used as a surrogate for urea
Standard Kt/V (stdKt/V) was devised to permit compari-
clearance and therefore Kt/V. While correlated with urea-
sons between dialysis regimens of different frequency or
based Kt/V, conductivity measures tend to underestimate
with peritoneal dialysis. The modeling equations utilize
Kt/V and within-patient variation may be high [24, 25].
the pre- and postdialysis blood urea, and dialysis and
Given these limitations and the lack the clear observational
patient parameters over a 1-week period to estimate the
and randomized controlled trial data to support their use,
urea clearance required to maintain those values in a
conductivity measures should be supplemented by peri-
steady state. A number of different modeling equations are
odic urea-based estimates of delivered Kt/V.
available to estimate stdKt/V, some of which incorporate
residual renal function and/or convective urea clear-
ance [9, 10]. StdKt/V is most important if patients receive Assessment of Residual Kidney Function
incremental hemodialysis (less than three times per week)
Residual kidney function (RKF) is associated with quality of
as an aid to the up-titration of dialysis in line with loss of
life [26] and lower mortality [27, 28]. This is thought to be due
residual renal function.
to the continuous provision of both small and middle molecu-
lar clearance and the beneficial impact on mineral metabo-
Urea Reduction Ratio
lism and smoothing of fluid status fluctuations. Assessment
URR is the simple ratio of the change in urea during dialy-
of RKF typically plays little part in the prescription of hemodi-
sis to the predialysis urea level (conventionally expressed
alysis, with most patients commencing a three times per week
as a percentage):
schedule from the initiation of dialysis [29]. This approach,
URR U pre U post / U pre 100 essentially treating RKF as “bonus” clearance that does not
require further consideration, has been challenged due to the
(This is sometimes written as the equivalent formula observation that more frequent dialysis may be associated
URR = 1 – (Upost/Upre).) with more rapid loss of renal function [30].
URR is related exponentially to Kt/V such that, as Kt/V Measurement of RKF is hampered by the fact that small
rises, further large increases result in only small changes in solutes fluctuate with each dialysis session, that glomerular
URR. For example moving Kt/V from 1.5 to 2.0 results in an filtration is not constant in the interdialytic interval [31],
increase in URR from 73% to 82%. While simpler, it does and that extrarenal clearance (e.g. gastrointestinal) is not
not account for urea clearance due to ultrafiltration, nor well-understood or quantified [32]. Optimal measurement
the generation of urea during the dialysis session. Despite demands urine collection over the entire (e.g. 44-hour)
these limitations, observational evidence suggests that interdialytic interval. Creatinine-based measurements tend
URR predicts outcomes similarly to Kt/V and it remains a to overestimate RKF owing to tubular creatinine secretion,
part of current treatment guidelines [21]. whereas urea-based measures underestimate it due to pas-
sive reabsorption of urea in the distal tubules.
Caveats in Interpreting Kt/V Multiple methods of assessing RKF exist. Residual urea
It is important to be aware of the risk of under-dosing by clearance (Kru) can be reasonably approximated in a patient
Kt/V in smaller patients, such as women and children, in performing three sessions per week using a 24-hour urine
whom the lower value of V may lead to the prescription of collection commencing the day prior to a mid-week dialy-
shorter dialysis sessions, smaller dialyzers, or slower blood sis session using the following formula:
or dialysate flows. The risks of this were emphasized by in
the HEMO trial, in which women randomized to the “stand- U urine
K ru urine flow rate ml / min
ard” Kt/V target had a higher mortality than those in the Userum 0.9
"high" Kt/V arm [22]. Conversely, patients with higher body
fat, in whom V overestimates total body water will tend to where 0.9 is a factor that adjusts the predialysis serum urea
require increased dialysis dosing to achieve target Kt/V. This value to approximate the mid-week mean [31].
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26 Dialysis Dose and Adequacy for Hemodialysis
An alternative is to estimate RKF by the average of Kru patients and the beneficial impact of improved fluid con-
and KrCr (residual creatinine clearance), utilizing the fact trol and increased dialysis frequency or duration on blood
that the former underestimates and latter overestimates pressure (see below) should be included in assessment of
true RKF. Some authors, however, recommend relying dialysis adequacy.
only on Kru on the understanding that the underestimate
results in an assumed “buffer” providing a modicum of
safety from under dialysis [33].
higher Kt/V was achieved not only by increasing treatment The observed benefits of longer dialysis times may be in
time (average 219 vs. 190 minutes) but also by a 20% increase part due to slower ultrafiltration, with ultrafiltration rates
in blood flow rates and small increases in dialyzer size and <10 ml/kg/h being associated with lower mortality and
dialysate flow rates. As such, the results cannot be general- lower cardiovascular morbidity, presumably due in part to
ized to include increasing Kt/V while holding dialyzer size the deleterious effects of intradialytic hypotension [16, 36,
and flow rates the same, either by increased dialysis time or 47]. Despite this, the possibility of residual confounding
by increasing standardized Kt/V by increasing dialysis fre- limits any conclusions regarding mortality based on obser-
quency. During screening, patients had to be able to achieve vational data. Indeed, concern has been raised regarding
an eKt/V of at least 1.30 during a 4.5 hour session in order to frequent short daily in-center dialysis with an increased
enter the study. Due to the difficulty of achieving high Kt/V mortality seen in a propensity matched cohort study
in large patients, only 3% of participants were greater than (HR 1.6, 95% CI 1.1–2.3) [49].
100 kg, thus also limiting the generalizability to larger Between 2007 and 2017, a series of small, but important
patients. The study also excluded those with a residual urea randomized trials of more frequent or extended hours dial-
clearance of greater than 1.5 ml/min per 35 l urea volume ysis (the findings of which are summarized in Table 41.2)
and 67% of participants were anuric. Compared to the have been published. The first three trials focused on
standard-dose group, women in the high-dose group had a dialysis frequency and compared five or six times per
19% lower relative risk of mortality, but men had a 16% week to thrice weekly hemodialysis, with the Frequent
higher relative risk of mortality.1 Differences in body size Hemodialysis Network (FHN) Daily study utilizing short
and composition have been postulated to explain these find- dialysis sessions (1.5–2.75 hours) [50] and the Culleton
ings and no further randomized studies are available to et al. [51] and the FHN Nocturnal [52] studies utilizing ses-
clarify them. sions of at least 6 hours in length. In contrast, the ACTIVE
Dialysis trial compared total weekly dialysis hours of
24 hours (mostly delivered in three 8-hour sessions) to a
standard regimen of 18 hours per week (delivered in three
Increased Dialysis Frequency and Session
sessions) [53]. All studies were small (totaling 584 partici-
pants) and lasted no longer than 12 months. All demon-
The “un-physiological” nature of thrice weekly intermit- strated a reduction in left ventricular mass, although this
tent hemodialysis has always been recognized and is ele- was significant only in the Culleton et al. and FHN Daily
gantly demonstrated by the clear peak in mortality at the studies. There were clear reductions in two important sur-
end of the long 2-day break in patients on standard thrice rogate endpoints: serum phosphate and systolic blood pres-
weekly dialysis routines [45]. Yet, the randomized trials of sure, with associated reductions in the need for phosphate
different urea clearance targets have been limited to thrice binders and antihypertensives. Quality of life measure-
weekly dialysis with session times reaching a maximum of ments were also stable or improved in the frequent or
4.5 hours (the mean value in the high dose HEMO arm was extended hours dialysis groups [50–52, 54].
4 hours, 9 minutes) [22, 42]. Long term follow-up data is available for the FHN trials
Observational evidence clearly favors longer sessions. and provides conflicting signals. After a median follow-up
Dialysis times 4.5 hours and Kt/V 1.3 are associated with of 3.6 years, the risk for mortality in the frequent in-center
lower mortality [46]. Saran et al. demonstrated that (after hemodialysis group of the FHN Daily trial was almost half
adjustment for confounders including Kt/V measured urea that in the conventional group (HR 0.54 [95% CI 0.31 to
clearance) each 30 minute increase in dialysis time was 0.93, P = 0.024]) [55]. In contrast, in long-term follow-up of
associated with a 7% relative risk reduction in all-cause the 87 participants of the FHN Nocturnal trial, an increased
mortality [47]. They also observed a synergistic association risk of mortality was observed in the frequent home dialy-
between Kt/V and dialysis time, where the mortality bene- sis group (HR 3.88 [95% CI 1.27–11.79, P = 0.01]) [56]. Both
fit of increased Kt/V was amplified at longer dialysis times, results, the latter in particular, should be interpreted with
although this interaction has not been observed in all stud- caution owing to the small number of events in each arm.
ies [46]. A meta-analysis of observational studies con- The potential harms of frequent dialysis could include an
cluded that, compared with conventional hemodialysis, increase in dialysis-related myocardial stunning [37] or
home nocturnal dialysis (hazard ratio [HR] 0.46, 95% CI cerebral ischemia (which is not simply predictable from
0.38–0.55), in-center nocturnal dialysis (HR 0.73, 95% blood pressure and is associated with cognitive dysfunc-
CI 0.60–0.90), and home short daily dialysis (HR 0.54, 95% tion) [57]. As such, the long-term impact of frequent dialy-
CI 0.31–0.95) all provide substantial mortality benefits [48]. sis remains unclear.
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Table 41.2 Summary of findings: individual randomized trials of increased dialysis time or frequency.
5-6×/week ≥6 h/session 5-6×/week ≥24 h/week
≥6 h/session (home) 1.5–2.75 h/session (3×/week, 8 h)
(home, nocturnal) vs. (in-center) (in-center, home)
vs. 3×/week vs. vs.
3×/week <5 h 3×/week ≤18 h/week Certainty of
spKt/V ≥ 1.2 eKt/V ≥ 1.1 eKt/V ≥ 1.1 (3×/week, 4–5 h) evidence
Outcomes (in-center) (home) (in-center) (in-center, home) (GRADE) Conclusion
Mortality – HR 3.88 (1.27, 11.79) HR 0.54 (0.31, 0.93) – Low Widely divergent estimates of the
●○○○ mortality impact of frequent nocturnal
and daily dialysis do not permit
definitive answer
Left ventricular −8.1 (−16.2, −0.1) −4.4 (−10.8, 2.1) −7.1 (−12.0, −2.2) −6.0 (−14.8, 2.7)2 Moderate More frequent or extended dialysis may
mass index (g/m2) ●●○○ reduce left ventricular mass index
Phosphate −0.48 (−0.81, −0.16) −0.45 (−0.68, −0.23) −0.18 (−0.29, −0.07) −0.25 (−0.35, −0.16) High Frequent or extended dialysis reduces
(mmol/l) ●●●● phosphate
Systolic blood −11 (−24, 2) −9.73 (−16.9, −2.5) −10.1 (−14.3, −6.0) −2.9 (−6.8, 1.1) Moderate Frequent dialysis lowers blood pressure,
pressure (mmHg) ●●○○ the impact of extended dialysis is not
clear and may be affected by changes in
antihypertensive agents
Parathyroid −8.9 vs. +1.64 −4.0 (−6.7, 0.4) 2.8 (−0.3, 6.8) −1.3 (−14.4, 11.9) High Frequent or extended dialysis is unlikely
hormone (pmol/l) ●●●● to change parathyroid hormone
Calcium (mmol/l) 0.025 (−0.075, 0.100) No change No change 0.05 (0.01, 0.09) High Frequent or extended dialysis does not
●●●● have an important effect on calcium
Physical quality 1.5 (−2.2, 5.2) 0.6 (−3.4, 4.7) 3.2 (1.0, 5.4) 2.3 (0.5, 4.1) Low Physical and mental quality of life may
of life (score ●○○○ improve with frequent daily or extended
range 0–100) dialysis; neither appear to be affected by
Mental quality of 2.5 (−3.0, 7.9) 3.7 ± 0.9 vs. 0.2 ± 1.0; 2.5 (0.4, 4.7) Low frequent nocturnal dialysis
life (score range P < 0.01 ●○○○
CI, confidence interval. GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence [1]: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be
substantially different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is moderate. Low: This
research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood that it will be substantially different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the
likely effect. The likelihood that the effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect decision-making.
The FHN Daily trial identified a number of negative When these observations are coupled to the well-described
effects of frequent dialysis. A nonsignificant increase in the association between RKF and survival in hemodialysis
number of vascular access interventions (HR 1.35 [95% CI patients [27, 28], the argument for incremental exposure to
0.84–2.18, P = 0.22]) was noted, which was significant dialysis appears compelling.
when time to first access intervention was examined (HR However, the observational evidence (including both
1.71, 95%CI 1.08–2.73) [50]. A similarly significant increase prospective and retrospective studies) has proven conflict-
in the risk of vascular access failure or intervention was ing. While similar survival between twice weekly/incre-
seen in the FHN Nocturnal trial (HR 1.88 [95% CI 0.97– mental dialysis and standard thrice weekly has been
3.64, P = 0.06]) [52]. No significant differences in vascular demonstrated in multiple studies [60–63], residual con-
access complications were noted in the Culleton et al. or founding may explain many of these findings and an
ACTIVE trials [51, 53]. The impact of frequent dialysis on increase in mortality has also been observed in other stud-
residual renal function was examined in both the FHN ies. For example, a prospective study involving 685 partici-
Daily and Nocturnal trials with an increase in incident pants found a fourfold increase in mortality in adjusted
anuria (i.e. loss of residual renal function) seen in the analysis among patients with RKF undergoing twice
Nocturnal trial (relative risk [RR] 1.83, P = 0.06) but not in weekly dialysis compared to those undergoing three-times
the Daily trial (RR 1.11, P = 0.99) [30]. Caregiver burden weekly dialysis (HR 4.20 [95% CI 1.02–17.32, P = 0.04]) [64].
also emerged as a consideration in the FHN Nocturnal A larger retrospective study in the United States compared
trial, where a trend toward increased perceived caregiver 351 incremental dialysis patients to 8068 matched patients
burden (as measured by the Cousineau scale) was identi- (including matching by RKF) and found equivalent mor-
fied (6.1 [95% CI −0.8 to +13.1, P = 0.08]). No such trend tality in those with baseline RKF > 3.0 ml/min/1.73 m2 (HR
was evident in the FHN Daily trial [58]. 0.99, 95% CI 0.76–1.28) but increased mortality in those
with 3.0 ml/min/1.73 m2 (HR 1.61, 95% CI 1.07–2.44) [65].
These studies highlight the potential risks involved with
Incremental Dialysis
incremental dialysis, especially in patients with minimal
There is growing interest in a gradual approach to dialysis residual renal function (e.g. urea clearance <3 ml/
initiation. This is informed by the knowledge that RKF min/1.73m2, urine volume <600 ml/day) and emphasize
typically remains substantial when dialysis is initiated and that a well-structured program with clear patient under-
the obvious corollary that patients might therefore require standing is necessary for such a program to be imple-
less dialysis in the early months and years after commenc- mented. Future randomized controlled trials are required
ing dialysis. Moreover, observational studies suggest that to ascertain the benefits and safety of this approach.
twice-weekly dialysis is associated with preservation of
RKF [59]. The hypothesis that more dialysis accelerates
Summary of Findings
loss of RKF was strengthened by the results of the FHN
trials in which participants assigned to frequent dialysis The evidence base for dialysis dosing is limited, with no
suffered a greater decline in RKF and/or urine volume [30]. high-quality systematic reviews published that include all
1 This interaction was not significant after Bonferroni 3 Effect estimates are adjusted for baseline characteristics
correction for multiple testing. (chosen as primary analysis by study authors).
2 N = 95. 4 Median change in frequent vs. standard groups (P = 0.05).
and minimal detectable change scores for the short in dialysis patients; findings from a marginal structural
physical performance battery, one-legged standing test model. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 26 (9): 2978–2983.
and timed up and go test in patients undergoing 28 Obi, Y., Rhee, C.M., Mathew, A.T. et al. (2016). Residual
hemodialysis. 13 (8): e0201035. kidney function decline and mortality in incident
14 Spalding, E.M., Chamney, P.W., and Farrington, K. hemodialysis patients. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 27 (12):
(2002). Phosphate kinetics during hemodialysis: evidence 3758–3768.
for biphasic regulation. Kidney Int. 61 (2): 655–667. 29 Casino, F.G. and Basile, C. (2018). How to set the stage
15 Laursen, S.H., Vestergaard, P., and Hejlesen, O.K. (2018). for a full-fledged clinical trial testing ’incremental
Phosphate kinetic models in hemodialysis: a systematic haemodialysis’. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 33: 1103–1109.
review. Am. J. Kidney Dis. 71 (1): 75–90. 30 Daugirdas, J.T., Greene, T., Rocco, M.V. et al. (2013).
16 Flythe, J.E., Kimmel, S.E., and Brunelli, S.M. (2011). Effect of frequent hemodialysis on residual kidney
Rapid fluid removal during dialysis is associated with function. Kidney Int. 83 (5): 949–958.
cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Kidney Int. 79 (2): 31 Daugirdas, J.T. (2016). Estimating weekly urine flow rate
250–257. and residual kidney urea clearance: a method to deal
17 Movilli, E., Gaggia, P., Zubani, R. et al. (2007). with interdialytic variability. Semin. Dial. 29 (6): 510–514.
Association between high ultrafiltration rates and 32 Shafi, T. and Levey, A.S. (2017). Measurement and
mortality in uraemic patients on regular haemodialysis. A estimation of residual kidney function in patients on
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Reference 33
Evidence-Based Nephrology, Second Edition. Edited by Jonathan C. Craig, Donald A. Molony, and Giovanni F.M. Strippoli.
© 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2023 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Potassium Metabolis 35
Strength of
Treatment Recommendation Certainty of evidence recommendation
Management of We suggest adherence to a low potassium diet, ensuring adequate Very low Weak
hyperkalaemia dialysis prescription, prescribing a dialysate potassium of
1–4 mmol/l depending on predialysis potassium levels, and
correcting acidosis
Management of We suggest using a dialysate bicarbonate of 22–24 mmol/l and Very low (bicarbonate Weak (bicarbonate
metabolic using bicarbonate rather than acetate as the form of base delivery dialysate concentration) concentration) and
acidosis and moderate (use of weak (bicarbonate
bicarbonate vs. acetate) vs acetate)
Avoidance of We suggest that increasing dialysis session time may reduce the Moderate (increasing Weak
intradialytic risk of intradialytic hypotension. In addition, cooled dialysate, session time)
hypotension prescription of midodrine, sodium profiling and the use of Low (cooled dialysate,
biofeedback may also be used. sodium profiling, use of
Prescription of
midodrine (very low)
Hypertension We suggest using self-home recorded BP or ambulatory BP Low Weak
measurement monitoring to guide treatment rather than measures pre or post
and targets dialysis BP where possible, but it is difficult to recommend target
BP in this population based on current evidence
Hypertension We suggest reducing target weight and using antihypertensive Low Weak
treatment agents, and that the selection of antihypertensive agents should
be guided by other comorbidities and tolerance
Lipid-lowering We recommend not initiating lipid-lowering therapy with a statin High Strong
agents or ezetimibe in patients receiving HD
Nutrition We suggest assessing nutritional status by using a measure such Low Weak
as subjective global assessment and managing malnutrition by
treating the underlying cause, ensuring adequate dialysis and
increasing nutritional intake. We suggest generally using oral
nutrition with or without supplements, but parenteral or
intradialytic therapies may be considered.
GRADE assessment of the certainty of the evidence [1]: High: This research provides a very good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood
that the effect will be substantially different* is low. Moderate: This research provides a good indication of the likely effect. The likelihood that
the effect will be substantially different* is moderate. Low: This research provides some indication of the likely effect. However, the likelihood
that it will be substantially different* is high. Very low: This research does not provide a reliable indication of the likely effect. The likelihood
that the effect will be substantially different* is very high. *Substantially different = a large enough difference that it might affect decision-making.
degree to which hyperkalemia itself, rather than the numer- and how urgently to institute treatment is largely guided by
ous other behavioral and health issues correlated with the degree of hyperkalemia and whether there are associ-
hyperkalemia, is causative of increased mortality. ated symptoms or signs (e.g. muscle weakness, paralysis,
arrhythmias). It should be emphasized that although
arrhythmias are considered the primary mechanism by
Management of Hyperkalemia
which hyperkalemia causes death, the typical electrocar-
There is very little evidence guiding when and how to treat diogram (ECG) changes of hyperkalemia do not correlate
hyperkalemia to reduce the risk of death and the strength strongly with serum potassium concentration nor do ECG
of current recommendations is weak (Table 42.1). findings associate strongly with the risk of death [8–10].
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) testing treatment A 2005 systematic review for emergency interventions
strategies vary in terms of how they define hyperkalemia for hyperkalemia summarized the treatment for patients
and rarely measure the degree to which treatments reduce with hyperkalemia in general. For HD patients, the major
the risk of mortality or other patient-important outcomes. difference is the availability and timing of hemodialysis. In
Rather, this body of literature examines the degree and symptomatic patients, maneuvers to stabilize the myocar-
rapidity with which serum potassium is reduced. Whether dium and shift serum potassium intracellularly should be
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36 General Management of the Hemodialysis Patient
Table 42.2 Summary of findings: midodrine, cooled dialysate, sodium profiling, and biofeedback approaches to intradialytic
hypotension (IDH).
Absolute number
(95% CI) of
No. of patients affected Quality of
participants per 1000 treated Relative effect the evidence
Outcomes (studies) patients for 1 year (95% CI) (GRADE) Conclusion
Intradialytic 120 (11); 552 HD Not estimated 0.32 (0.18 to Low It is unclear whether or not using
hypotension sessions 0.56) ●●○○ a lower dialysate temperature
will reduce the frequency of
intradialytic hypotension
BP changes (10)
during and after
Dialysis adequacy (seven studies) Not estimated Kt/V 0.-5 Low It is unclear whether cooled
(−0.09 to ●●○○ dialysate reduces small solute
−0.01) clearance compared to standard
temperature dialysate
Symptoms of 2547 dialysis Not estimated 2.95 (0.88 to Low Cooled dialysate may increase
discomfort sessions (nine 9.82) ●●○○ symptoms compared to standard
trials) temperature dialysate
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Potassium Metabolis 37
Table 42.2 (Continued)
considered while waiting to initiate hemodialysis. 3a trial has shown SZC to be safe, well tolerated, and effec-
Additionally, the use of binding resins to enhance gastroin- tive in controlling serum potassium compared to placebo
testinal elimination of potassium may be considered, in the hemodialysis cohort in addition to usual hemodialy-
although the risks and benefits are poorly delineated, par- sis. It is too early to propose how these new, expensive
ticularly in dialysis patients. agents should be used in the hemodialysis cohort [11].
New potassium binding resins are being investigated in
addition to the widely available sodium polystyrene
Dialytic Potassium Removal
sulfonate. These include patiromer and sodium zirconium
cyclosilicate (SZC). Although trials of the new agents have Potassium removal during dialysis occurs by diffusion and
primarily involved nondialysis participants, a recent phase convection; for diffusive therapies it is proportional to the
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38 General Management of the Hemodialysis Patient
The same analysis of DOPPS data showed an inverse volume above an individualized critical value associated
relationship between dialysate sodium and hospitalization with the development of IDH.
as well as mortality. Studies on the effect of lowering Trials of biofeedback compared to dialysis without
dialysate sodium on IDH have had mixed results. Some biofeedback demonstrated less intradialytic myocardial
have shown no effect and others an increase in the rate of stunning and decreased rates of IDH [58–60]. A meta-
IDH when dialysate sodium has been lowered (Hussein analysis conducted in 2013 found biofeedback dialysis was
2017). Thus far, there are no RCTs demonstrating an effect associated with a reduced rate of IDH as compared to
of dialysate sodium concentration on outcomes such as standard HD. The majority of included studies (6/8) used
mortality, cardiovascular mortality, heart failure or other biofeedback dialysis with alterations in both UF rate and
patient-important outcomes. A large cluster-RCT is being dialysate conductivity to maintain hemodynamic stability.
conducted to establish whether dialysate sodium of The studies were limited by small sample size, short
137 mmol/l reduces important outcomes compared to a duration of follow-up, and low quality of evidence due to
dialysate sodium of 140 mmol/l (Randomized Evaluation risk of bias from lack of blinding and potential for
of Sodium Dialysate Levels on Vascular Events, RESOLVE, publication bias [61]. There is no high-quality evidence
http://ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02823821). that biofeedback improves patient-important outcomes.
Sodium profiling, where dialysate sodium concentration Trials of blood volume guided biofeedback dialysis
is adjusted throughout the dialysis treatment, may decrease where only UF rate is adjusted have not shown similar
the risk of IDH. The dialysate sodium concentration is benefits. An early trial of blood volume guided HD with
initially elevated, frequently to the supraphysiologic range, operator adjustments of UF rate showed an increased rate
and is reduced based on any one of several possible profiles. of hospitalization and mortality in the blood volume
A meta-analysis compared the effects of various sodium guided HD group and no decrease in the rate of IDH [62].
profiles on IDH [56]. A stepwise decrease in dialysate A recent crossover trial of biofeedback dialysis with UF
sodium was associated with a decrease in IDH. Linear rate adjustments alone in IDH prone patients did not find a
profiling was not associated with a decrease in the incidence significant decrease in the rate of IDH as compared to
of IDH. Many of the included studies were limited by standard of care [63].
unclear allocation concealment and blinding [56].
Sodium profiles may result in a positive, negative, or
neutral net sodium balance. There are concerns about net Summary
sodium gain and its associated consequences with sodium IDH is a common issue in chronic hemodialysis patients. It
profiling. A small crossover study of IDH prone patients is associated with poor outcomes, including increased
evaluated sodium balance positive or neutral profiles cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. While many
with or without simultaneous UF profiling [57]. Positive interventions have been proposed to prevent IDH few have
sodium balance profiles with or without UF profiling and a solid evidence base. The literature is complicated by the
neutral sodium balance profiles with UF profiling reduced fact that there have been a number of different definitions
the incidence of intradialytic discomfort, early session of IDH in use. There is a theoretical framework and
termination, UF failure, and inadequate dose (Kt/V) as biological plausibility potentially causally linking IDH to
compared to control and neutral sodium profiles without cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. However, critical
UF profiling (Table 42.2). Positive sodium balance sodium evidence demonstrating that decreasing the incidence of
profiling was associated with increased IDWG and UF IDH improves patient important outcomes such as cardio-
requirements. Sodium balance neutral sodium profiling vascular events and mortality is lacking (Table 42.1).
combined with UF profiling was more likely to achieve
target weight than positive sodium balance profiles.
However, only positive sodium balance profiles signifi-
cantly increased the nadir of systolic BP compared to
Biofeedback dialysis is an additional dialysis-based inter-
vention that may involve adjustments in dialysate sodium Blood pressures that meet the definition of hypertension
and/or UF to reduce the incidence of IDH (Table 42.2). The for nondialysis patients are common in HD patients.
most commonly used form of biofeedback dialysis is blood However, whether similar definitions of hypertension
volume guided biofeedback dialysis. This method uses are relevant to the hemodialysis patient population is
measures of relative blood volume to adjust UF rate and/or uncertain and studies use heterogeneous definitions in
dialysate conductivity/sodium to maintain relative blood hemodialysis. Differences arise between studies based
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Hypertensio 41
compared lisonopril (n = 100) to atenolol (n = 100) in HD trials. Neither 4D nor ARORA demonstrated a statistical
patients with HTN defined by ambulatory blood benefit of LDL lowering with statin-based regimens on
pressure > 135/85 and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). their composite endpoint of cardiovascular death, nonfatal
The trial was stopped early for potential excess harms in myocardial infraction (MI) or stroke. The 4D trial did show
lisonopril-treated patients, including serious adverse a benefit on the secondary endpoint of combined cardiac
events, hospitalization, HTN, and hyperkalemia [77]. events (RR 0.82; 95% CI 0.68–0.99, P = 0.03).
However, excess harm was not seen in trials comparing The Study of Heart and Renal Protection (SHARP) trial
other angiotensin blocking drugs to controls [78]. examined the role of lipid lowering with a statin and
Selection of antihypertensives may be based on extrapo- ezetimibe regimen in patients with CKD. One-third of the
lating evidence from the nondialysis population with spe- patients with CKD enrolled in the SHARP trial were on
cific indications (e.g. beta-blockers or RAAS inhibition for dialysis at the outset of the trial [86]. The SHARP trial
patients with reduced left ventricular function [79]). demonstrated a significant benefit of simvastatin plus
Options include beta-blockers with consideration of dialyz- ezetimibe in patients with CKD on the outcome of first
ability [80], angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibi- major atherosclerotic event. This benefit was consistent
tors or angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) (reduction in LV with the previous trials of statins in patients with normal
mass but not CV events in a meta-analysis of five RCTs with renal function when adjusted for LDL lowering achieved.
BP 120–170/70–80), dihydropyridine calcium channel Within the subgroup of patients on dialysis in the SHARP
blockers, alpha-blockers, clonidine, mineralocorticoid trial there was no statistically significant benefit of LDL
receptor antagonists (BP lowering ranging from 1.7–11 vs. lowering therapy. SHARP was not powered to assess the
2–5.2 in controls, RR CV mortality 0.40, 95% 0.15–0.75, RR subgroup of patients on dialysis. There was no statistical
mortality 0.40, 95% CI 0.23–0.69 [81]) and minoxidil. The evidence that the effects in patients on dialysis differed
use of RAAS inhibition was associated with less mortality significantly from the beneficial effect seen in patients with
in DOPPS with a hazard ratio of 0.89 (95% CI 0.80–0.99) and CKD not on dialysis but, as in most trials, there was limited
0.94 (95% CI 0.90–0.99) in 11 241 incident and 37 124 preva- power to detect such difference in effect.
lent HD patients [82]. However, in an RCT comparing olm- The Cholesterol Treatment Trialists (CTT) conducted a
esartan (n = 235) to control (n = 234) in HD patients with meta-analysis on the topic of the effect of CKD on LDL low-
average pre-HD BP >140/90 targeting BP <140/90 did not ering with statin-based regimens using individual partici-
show any difference in between the composite of death, pant level data [87]. There was evidence that statin therapy
nonfatal stroke, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and coro- lowered the risk of vascular events in patients with CKD
nary vascularization. Thus, ideal targets and therapeutic not on dialysis. Even when accounting for the smaller
agents remain uncertain. decreases in LDL seen in CKD this relative benefit declined
proportionately with estimated glomerular filtration rate
(eGFR). There was little evidence of any benefit in patients
Resistant Hypertension
on dialysis [87]. A Cochrane Review on the topic of statins
Resistant hypertension in HD may be due to inadequate in patients on dialysis found similar results showing no sig-
volume control or nonadherence in addition to other sec- nificant benefit of statin therapy on mortality or cardiovas-
ondary causes of HTN. Paradoxical hypertension can occur cular events [88].
during hemodialysis, possibly related the dialyzability of On the basis of these studies, there is no compelling evi-
antihypertensives, neurohormonal activation, an altered dence that initiation of hemodialysis is an indication for sta-
balance of vasoactive substances, endothelial dysfunction, tin therapy to prevent cardiovascular events (Table 42.1). By
and hypervolemia [83]. The approach to these conditions is the same token, there is no compelling evidence that patients
similar to that already outlined, including reducing dry already receiving a statin at the time of hemodialysis initia-
weight, lowering sodium concentration in dialysate, and tion should have the statin discontinued since patients with a
preferentially utilizing nondialyzable antihypertensives. historical indication for statin therapy were not studied.
cardiovascular disease are commonly associated with the protein (prealbumin or more correctly transthyretin).
development of malnutrition, leading to the concept of the Plasma creatinine concentrations reflect muscle mass,
malnutrition–inflammation–atherosclerosis syndrome. dietary protein, residual kidney function, and dialysis
The International Society of Renal Nutrition recommends clearance, in addition to nutritional status. Blood
the term protein-energy wasting syndrome, rather than transthyretin concentrations change rapidly in response to
malnutrition, to better characterize the loss of body protein changes in hepatic protein production and may add
and fuel reserves in patients receiving hemodialysis, which prognostic information independent of albumin
may be independent of nutritional intake. While some concentrations. Overall, the degree to which these are
studies demonstrated declining nutritional status was markers of malnutrition or are prognostic markers
associated with adverse outcomes in hemodialysis patients, independent of nutrition is unclear.
this finding was not universal. Whether discrepancies
between results reflect the use of different nutritional
Dietary Protein Intake
markers, measurement error inherent in assessing
nutritional status, or whether poor nutrition is not truly A measure of dietary protein intake is commonly
causative of poor outcome but rather reflects declining recommended and may best reflect the role of nutritional
health for other reasons, remains uncertain. However, intervention. Food diaries, including mobile applications
since poor nutrition is reasonably likely to be at least or food intake recall instruments, are the most common
partially causative of malnutrition/protein-energy wasting way to measure dietary protein intake. A simple method
and its associated poor outcomes, it is commonly perceived free of recall bias is to measure protein nitrogen appearance
as a therapeutic target. (PNA), a proxy for protein catabolic rate and roughly
equivalent to protein intake. PNA can be calculated from
total nitrogen appearance (the sum of dialysis, urine, and
Assessment of Nutritional Status
fecal nitrogen losses) and should be normalized to fat-free,
Clinical practice guidelines developed in Australasia, edema-free standardized body weight. Since measuring
Canada, Europe, the UK, and the USA made specific nitrogen in stool is difficult, equations estimate PNA from
recommendations to assess nutritional status in nitrogen in serum, urine, and dialysate. These equations
hemodialysis patients. Although these guidelines differed are more accurate in peritoneal dialysis patients, in whom
in terms of the method of assessing nutritional status, they dialysate urea concentrations can be measured directly
all suggest a combination of measures should be used rather than estimated.
(Table 42.1). The most commonly recommended assess-
ment methods follow.
Assessment of Changes in Lean Body Mass
Lean body mass may be estimated using anthropometrics,
Subjective Global Assessment
multifrequency bioimpedance assay (BIA), and dual-
The Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) is the most energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). BIA parameters
commonly recommended method and includes an indicative of poor nutritional status predicts mortality in
evaluation of gastrointestinal symptoms (appetite, dialysis patients. DEXA measurements are reproducible
anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), weight change over but the degree to which they associate with mortality in
time, functional impairment, and a visual examination of dialysis patients is uncertain. Hand grip strength is a sim-
subcutaneous tissue and muscle mass. While the SGA is ple marker of muscle mass and predicted clinical events in
inexpensive and easy to perform, it has not been rigorously men but not women in one study of patients receiving
validated as a measure of malnutrition and may be insensi- hemodialysis.
tive to nonsevere forms of malnutrition.
Management of Malnutrition
Markers of Visceral Protein Stores
The general principles of treating a patient receiving hemo-
Like SGA, markers of visceral protein stores, for example dialysis who is malnourished are (i) to treat any underlying
serum albumin, are commonly recommended to assess cause (e.g. infection, heart failure, depression etc.), (ii) to
malnutrition. However, serum albumin decreases with ensure the patient is receiving adequate dialysis, and (iii) to
systemic inflammation and other factors not associated increase nutritional intake. While the first of these princi-
with nutrition. Other potentially useful markers of ples does not have any evidence to guide it, it seems logical
nutrition include serum creatinine and thyroid binding and at low risk of causing harm. The second principle is
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44 General Management of the Hemodialysis Patient
guided by the observations that some individuals with uncertain if they improve quality of life, physical or mental
lower small solute clearance are more likely to have function, or survival. These trials tend to be at high risk of
protein-energy wasting. However, in the HEMO trial that bias (unblinded, unclear allocation methods) and have
compared a higher dialysis dose (average delivered Kt/V of small sample sizes.
1.53) to a lower dose (average delivered Kt/V 1.10) there If oral nutrition is not feasible, tolerated or does not
was no evidence that a higher dose improved markers of improve markers of nutrition, enteral feeding is an option
nutritional status [89] (HEMO). Similarly, in the Frequent for some. Similar to supplements, enteral feeding appears
Hemodialysis Network trial, daily dialysis did not improve to improve markers of nutritional status but its effect on
markers of nutrition [90]. patient-important outcomes is unclear.
Although intensive nutritional support may improve Finally, one may consider parenteral nutrition, either
markers of poor nutritional status, it is uncertain whether intradialytic or total parenteral nutrition. While these may
this translates to improved survival, function or quality of also improve markers of nutritional status in small, rand-
life for patients receiving dialysis. Having said that, increas- omized trials at high risk of bias, they have also not demon-
ing nutritional intake may start with dietary advice/coun- strated benefits in patient important outcomes. For both
seling and encouraging intake of food with or without enteral and parenteral feeding, understanding the risk of
supplements (Table 42.1). RCTs of nutritional supplements harm is less well delineated than estimating benefits. Risks
compared to standard diets appear to increase markers of are often extrapolated from other populations which may
nutrition (e.g. serum albumin and lean body mass) but it is or may not be broadly similar to hemodialysis patients.