Compliance Monitoring Report (Pco Training)
Compliance Monitoring Report (Pco Training)
Compliance Monitoring Report (Pco Training)
Chapter 2.3 of Revised Procedural Manual for DENR Administrative Order No. 30 Series of 2003
(DAO 03-30); no. 19 Roles and Responsibilities of Project Proponent/Company
(i) Annex 3-1 presents a standardized Semi-annual ECC Compliance Monitoring Report (CMR),
which a Proponent, through its Environmental Unit or Environmental Officer, is required to submit
to the designated monitoring EMB office on a semiannual frequency.
Why submit Compliance Monitoring Report?
Sec. 10. Duties and Responsibilities of Accredited PCOs of the DENR Administrative Order 2014-02 or
the Revised Guidelines for Pollution Control Officer Accreditation;
no. 8 Monitor compliance to the requirements specified in the Environmental Compliance
Certificate and the commitments stipulated in the Environmental Management and
Monitoring Plans or Environmental Performance Report and Management Plans, and report the same
in the Compliance Monitoring Report {CMR);
no. 13 Promptly submit CMRs and SMRs, duly accomplished and signed by the PCOs. approved and
certified correct by the Managing Head, and notarized;
◦ The CMR requirement is to report performance at three (3) levels, at the minimum, as follows:
a) performance against the ECC conditions;
b) performance against the EMP; and
c) performance against the monitoring of actual impacts (including residual impacts) as
against predicted impacts in the EIA Report and as related to current project operations
Compliance Monitoring Report Submission
Chapter 2.3 of Revised Procedural Manual for DENR Administrative Order No. 30 Series of 2003
(DAO 03-30);
◦ It is required to submit to the designated monitoring EMB office on a semiannual frequency.
a. January to June: deadline of submission is every 15th of July of the year
b. July to December: deadline of submission is every 15th of January of the following year
◦ The first CMR shall be submitted mid-year after the start of project implementation, except
for ECC commitment/conditions, which need to be submitted prior to project start-up.
◦ The second CMR shall include a simple trend analysis of the environmental standards and
summary of the cumulative annual and historical performance/compliance.
Documents Needed in Preparing a
Compliance Monitoring Report (CMR)
1. Online Compliance Monitoring Report Form
2. Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)
3. Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
4. Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP)
What is Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)?
What is Environmental Management Plan (EMP)?
What is Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP)?
◦ Environmental Monitoring Plan is part of the Environmental
Management Plan which may includes the following:
a. Self-Monitoring Plan
CMR covers Five Modules
◦ Module 1. Basic Project Information
◦ Module 2. Executive Summary
◦ Module 3. Results & Discussions
◦ Module 4. Conclusion & Recommendation
◦ Module 5. Attachments
July - December 2020
XYZ Corporation
(045) 961-1000;;
This Certificate covers the proposed XXX MW coal power plant of XYZ Power Corporation to be located at (address) with the following facilities:
130 MW Solar Capacity and Wind Power and 3.5 kms (16 Meters Wide) Access Road Project and 240 kV Transmission Line with approximate length of 20 kms
XYZ Corp
ERC Certificate of Compliance indicates that the plant is currently
XXX MW Solar Capacity and Wind Project operating at an aggregated capacity of 32.337MWp DC (solar) while
the company is presently undertaking Phase 3 construction for the
installation of additional solar PV panels to increase generation
capacity following the approved limit stated in the ECC
All mitigating measures in the submitted trees were planted on the following coordinates that will
Environmental Performance Report and serve as noise, vibration and dust buffers.
Management Plan (EPRMP) shall be
Input all ECC conditions (ANNEX A)
Operation Phase: Generation of solid wastes (non-hazardous and hazardous)
Conduct a hazard operability (HAZOP) study during; commissioning The Company conducted a Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and
covering the entire area in relation to occupational health and safety Determining Controls (HIRADC) that covered the commissioning and the
and submit the report to EMB Central Office one (1) month from the current operation. The HIRADC was submitted to Central Office for review.
study. HAZOP study shall be updated at least every five (5) years from
date of first submission, to ensure that hazards and risks are kept at a
A. Water Quality To continuously conduct ambient sampling
To continuously conduct ambient sampling
1. Ambient at different monitoring stations
2. Effluent at different monitoring stations
B. Air Quality Monitoring
1. Ambient
1st Quarter 2020 - Results in
all parameters of all stations are within the DENR
2nd Quarter 2020 - Results in
all parameters of all are within the DENR standard.
C. Noise level monitoring
Spillway leading to water body 14.134513 120.675831
Monitor Water Quality upstream nearest the project access road Run-off from the site
Monitor Air Quality at the central point of the project site where the office, control building, substation and
Emission from plant operation
standby generator are located
2020 NOx 0.7000 11.59 260 YES
Monitor Noise Level at the community center to ensure that project has no significant impact Emission from plant operation
Slight increase for the measured noise level at XYZ Roas was due to the temporary operation of a nearby water pump truck
Php1,600,000 Php1,000,000
0 0
PhpPhp 300,000
300,000 Php 300,000
Php1,000,000 Php1,000,000
PhpPhp 1,000,000
1,000,000 Php 0
No major activities for this compliance period have significant adverse impact to the environment and nearby communities. It is
recommended that XYZ Power Corporation continues its close coordination with DENR-EMB Region 3 and other government agencies
to eliminate any gaps or non-compliances observed in project implementation.
Not Applicable.
The proponent’s Environmental Management Plan is implemented and continuously being improved as a preventive
measure the foreseen impacts of project implementation.
Risk categorization is still the same as that indicated in the submitted EPRMP.
For the next monitoring period, XYZ Power Corporation shall continuously improve its internal environment
management system to ensure that all possible impacts are covered and well mitigated.