2014 Utilizing The Onset of Time-Lapse Changes A Robust Basis For Reservoir
2014 Utilizing The Onset of Time-Lapse Changes A Robust Basis For Reservoir
2014 Utilizing The Onset of Time-Lapse Changes A Robust Basis For Reservoir
Accepted 2013 December 29. Received 2013 December 27; in original form 2013 July 30
time-lapse seismic data to estimate reservoir permeability variations This work follows on from two previous studies in which geodetic
and to identify fast flow paths and barriers to flow (Landa & Horne data were used to infer the propagation of volume change within a
1997; Huang et al. 1998; He et al. 1998; Gosselin et al. 2003; Vasco reservoir (Vasco 2004b, Rucci et al. 2010). Vasco (2004b) demon-
2004a, Vasco et al. 2004; MacBeth & Al-Maskeri 2006; Daley et al. strated that the onset of the most rapidly variation in reservoir
2011). Kowalsky et al. (2004, 2006), Camporese et al. (2011) and volume was directly related to the spatial variation of the flow prop-
Zhang et al. (2014) have used time-lapse electromagnetic data, erties within the reservoir. Rucci et al. (2010) indicated that this
such as ground penetrating radar and resistivity tomography, to relationship was not sensitive to the spatial variations of geome-
determine flow properties at depth. Geodetic data have also been chanical properties within the reservoir. The theoretical result was
used for characterization (Vasco et al. 2001; Vasco 2004b, Vasco verified in an application to InSAR data from a carbon capture and
& Ferretti 2005; Rucci et al. 2010). Such data are typically very storage project at In Salah, Algeria. In this paper, we formalize the
cost-effective, allowing for dense temporal sampling. The variation approach, based upon the notion of an onset time given above, and
in microseismicity has been used to infer the hydraulic diffusivity illustrate its application to a time-lapse crosswell seismic data set.
at depth (Shapiro et al. 1999; Shapiro et al. 2002). As in the geodetic applications, we find that a collection of onset
While time-lapse observations have proven useful for reservoir times, derived from the crosswell data, provide a robust data set with
K kr n
vn = − (∇ pn − ρn gZ) , (5)
where K(x) is the absolute permeability which depends upon spatial
position x but not upon the time, φ(x) is the porosity, μw and μn
are the fluid viscosities, ρ w and ρ n are the fluid densities, g is
the gravitational acceleration, Z is a unit vector in the direction
of the gravitational field and krw (Sw ) and krn (Sw ) are the relative
permeabilities, given by the ratio of the effective permeability of
each fluid to the absolute permeability K (Peaceman 1977, p. 15):
kr w (Sw ) = ≤ 1, (6)
kr n (Sw ) = ≤ 1. (7)
Un = ∇ pn − ρn gZ. (12)
Expression (11) provides a relationship between the arrival time
of the non-aqueous phase and the flow properties of the porous
medium. As such, it will serve as the basis of our inversion algo-
rithm. Note that the velocity vector vn contains both an explicit
Figure 1. Geometry of the grid used in the numerical simulation of the and an implicit dependence upon the permeability. The implicit de-
injection of carbon dioxide at the Frio pilot site. Pressure variations are pendence follows from the fact that the expression for Un contains
indicated by the small coloured squares at the center of each grid block. the pressure gradient ∇pn which is a function of the permeability
Utilizing the onset of time-lapse changes 545
distribution within the reservoir. As noted in the Appendix [eq. onset times and we must solve for an effective permeability change,
(A10), also see eqs (1–57) in Peaceman (1977)], the velocity vector δK = δK − δφ. From this point on we shall drop the prime and
vn also depends upon the fractional flow properties of the two fluids treat this quantity as the effective permeability of the medium. It
and the capillary pressure curve. For brevity, we shall not discuss might be possible to incorporate other types of data to resolve this
this in further detail. We will assume that the overall relative per- trade-off. Under these restrictions, eq. (14) takes the form
meability and capillary pressure properties of the formations are
δK 1 δK
characterized by laboratory experiments. Furthermore, we shall re- δτ = − I dr = − dr. (16)
X K X |vn| K
compute the vector vn at each iteration of our inversion algorithm
when we compute the sensitivities. An alternative is to simply solve for the ratio φ/K, which is better
constrained by the onset time data.
are active areas of research (Müller et al. 2010). It appears that the Voigt-Reuss bounds are valid in the presence of anisotropy while
relationship between a variation in fluid saturation and a change in the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds are only valid for a macroscopically
elastic velocity depends upon the distribution of the fluids within homogeneous and isotropic material.
the pore space at a scale smaller then that of the seismic wavelength The effective bulk modulus of the entire saturated rock, Ks , in-
(White 1975; Johnson 2001). In order to explain the variation in cluding the two fluids (water and carbon dioxide), the properties of
seismic wave speed and attenuation as a function of frequency, the rock constituents or grains, and the frame moduli is given by
it is necessary to invoke variations in medium properties or fluid Gassmanns (1951) relation
saturations on a length scale smaller then the seismic wavelength
(1 − K d /K g )2
and larger then the pore scale, the so-called mesoscopic scale. In K s (x, t; τ ) = K d + , (20)
this model, the heterogeneity necessitates fluid pressure equilibra- φ/K f (x, t; τ ) + (1 − φ)/K g + K d /K g2
tion over a time interval that is related to the spatial length-scale where Kd is the dry frame bulk modulus, Kg is the bulk modulus of
and the variations in properties. This notion, recently advocated by the solid grains comprising the rock, Kf is the fluid bulk modulus
Pride et al. (2004) in a generalization of earlier studies, has been given by the Voigt (17), Reuss (18), or Hill (19) prescriptions. The
elaborated and utilized by others. For an overview of many related density of the saturated rock is given by
This lower bound is obtained when all the components are arranged
in series. The Reuss bound can be thought of as compression in
a direction perpendicular to layers of pure components. Thus, the
weakest layer plays a significant role in the compressibility of the
stack of layers and, to a large degree, determines the modulus. The
Hill average fluid bulk modulus (Hill 1963) is simply the average
of the Voigt and Reuss Bounds:
K v + Kr
K h (x, t; τ ) = . (19)
Bounds such as these are used in a variety of physical settings, as in
thermal conductivity where they are known as the Wiener bounds
(Wiener 1910; Tong et al. 2009). Other bounds, such as the Hashin- Figure 4. Velocity bounds computed using the Voigt [eq. (17)] and Reuss
Shtrikman bounds (Hashin & Shtrikman 1963), are possible but [eq. (18)] algorithms. The Hill velocity estimate, which is the average of
the Voigt-Reuss bounds are the simplest and the most conserva- the two bounds [eq. (19)] is also plotted as a function of the carbon dioxide
tive for a particular volumetric mixture of fluids. For example, the saturation.
Utilizing the onset of time-lapse changes 547
rock physics model when interpreting the magnitude of seismic the ray path, the velocity is lowered and the traveltime increases.
velocity and amplitude changes (Mavko et al. 1998). Note that if the saturation change were associated with an increase
in velocity then it may be possible for the ray path to shift before the
fluid front arrives. For the injection of carbon dioxide the velocity
2.2.2 Computing seismic traveltimes will decrease and the ray will tend to bend around the zone of lower
The basic observations are seismic traveltimes, T(x, t; τ ), the times velocity. Our modelling indicates that the shifting of the ray paths
required for the propagation of an elastic wave from the source to a is generally not significant up to the onset time, and it is acceptable
set of hydrophones in the observation well. Given a velocity model to use the background velocity model to compute the rays up to the
Vp (x, t; τ ), high-frequency seismic first arrival times are calculated onset time.
by solving the Eikonal eq. (Chapman 2004, p. 139)
∇T · ∇T = . (24) 2.2.3 The influence of the effective fluid bulk modulus on the
V p2 (x, t; τ )
calculated traveltime changes and onset times
The surface
As an illustration, consider the crosswell geometry shown in Fig. 5.
Figure 5. (Left) Contours of traveltime for an elastic wave generated at the source (unfilled star). The contour interval is 1 ms in this plot. The background
velocity model for the traveltime computations is plotted in Fig. 3. (Right) Velocity deviations from the background velocity model due to the injection of
carbon dioxide into the reservoir layer. The raypaths are indicated by the trajectories from the seismic source to the six receiver locations (open circles).
548 D.W. Vasco, T.M. Daley and A. Bakulin
flow model (Fig. 1). When the carbon dioxide enters a grid block
the saturation in the entire grid block is changed by the simulator.
Thus, the saturation of entire 3-m regions change abruptly in our
reservoir simulation, leading to corresponding jumps in seismic
velocity. A finer discretization would reduce these rapid changes,
with a corresponding increase in computation time. The changes
in traveltime for the four deepest receivers (1666, 1670, 1676 and
1680 m) occur first, at around 0.1 to 0.3 d. The early onset of a
traveltime change at the deepest receivers is in accordance with
our intuition, because these four ray paths intersect the reservoir
layer nearest to the injector, some 10 to 15 m from the injection
well (Fig. 5). For the receiver located at a depth of 1658 m in the
observation well, the initial change in traveltime does not occur until
about 1 d after the start of injection. The ray path for this receiver
Figure 7. Deviations from pre-injection traveltimes as a function of elapsed time since the start of injection. (Left) The traveltimes were calculated from the
reservoir simulations using the Reuss algorithm. (Right) The traveltimes were calculated from the reservoir simulations using the Voigt algorithm. The open
squares denote the onset times at each source–receiver pair.
Utilizing the onset of time-lapse changes 549
(Freifeld et al. 2005; Daley et al. 2007). The arrival of the carbon
dioxide at the monitoring well, some 2 d after the start of injection,
was detected by continuous U-tube fluid sampling in the observation
well (Daley et al. 2011).
The small-scale pilots were useful for calibrating models and
techniques at intermediate length scales, somewhere between the
core and log scale and the scale provided by surface seismic obser-
vations (Daley et al. 2011). The target formation for the Frio II pilot
experiment was the 17 m thick fluvial Blue sand. The sediments in
the area dip 18◦ from the observation well towards the injection well
30 m away (Daley et al. 2011). Logs taken in the injection well in-
dicate variable permeabilities in the region of injection, with values
as high as 4 Darcies in isolated locations and average porosities of
25 to 30 per cent. Of particular importance for the experiment was
to completely specify the data and coefficients in eqs (29) and (30). permeability in the layer, the variations are probably not significant.
Our initial reservoir model consists of a uniform layer 2.5 m thick We should note that the deviations in the ray paths following the
with a porosity of 25 per cent and a horizontal permeability of onset times are much larger and thus should be taken into account
3.0 × 10−12 m2 . The layer dips, as in the synthetic example, but when considering later traveltime changes.
we now account for the associated density effects. The relative per- The initial and final calculated traveltime histories are shown in
meability and capillary pressure behaviour were taken from earlier Fig. 14. The final calculated onset times are in fair agreement with
studies (Doughty et al. 2008; Daley et al. 2011). The approach of the observed values, as indicated in Fig. 15. For example, the fi-
Hill (Hill 1963) was used to relate the saturation changes to velocity nal onset time at the shallowest receiver (1654 m) is slightly less
changes in the poroelastic model. For each iteration of the inver- then 2 d. The arrival time is compatible with the carbon dioxide
sion algorithm, the trajectories and related sensitivities are based breakthrough time obtained from the U-tube sampler (Daley et al.
on the results of a reservoir simulation with updated reservoir prop- 2011). The onset time for the receiver at 1658 m depth has also
erties. The final misfit obtained after three iterations, around 0.1 d, advanced in time to about 0.7 d, in better agreement with the ob-
is similar to that obtained in the synthetic test. The final model of served value. Even though the magnitudes are not matched, there
permeability variation between the wells is plotted in Fig. 13. There is qualitative agreement between the final predicted and the actual
Figure 13. Estimated permeability variations between the injection and Work performed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory was
observation wells based upon the inversion of data from the Frio II pilot supported by Saudi Aramco and by the US Department of En-
experiment. The ray paths for the six receivers and for all times up to the ergy under contract number DE-AC02-05- CH11231, Office of Ba-
onset time are also plotted here. sic Energy Sciences, and the GEOSEQ project for the Assistant
Utilizing the onset of time-lapse changes 553
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Rearranging and combining eqs (A2), (A5) and (A6) gives vn = f n vt − λw f n [∇ pc + (ρw − ρn ) gZ] . (A9)
(λn + λw ) vn = λn vt − λn λw [∇ pc + (ρw − ρn ) gZ] (A7) Treating the capillary pressure as a function of Sn we can write (A9)
if we use eq. (A1) to eliminate vw . Dividing through by λn + λw and
defining the fractional flow function for the non-aqueous phase d pc
vn = f n vt − λw f n ∇ Sn + (ρw − ρn ) gZ , (A10)
d Sn
fn = (A8) and so relate the velocity of the non-aqueous phase to the fractional
λn + λw
flow function fn , the total fluid velocity, the capillary pressure, the
we can write (A7) as
saturation Sn , and the density difference of the two fluids.