219 Drug Treatments For Addiction
219 Drug Treatments For Addiction
219 Drug Treatments For Addiction
A diagram showing how agonist substitution works at the level of the synapse
Psychology Factsheet
219. Drug Treatments for Addiction www.curriculum-press.co.uk
As methadone is an agonist drug it produces an enhanced response in Dopamine is key in the development of addiction. When opioid
the postsynaptic neuron, causing the neuron to activate. Methadone is drugs are taken, dopamine secretion is increased. It is this high level
therefore partially mimicking the effect of heroin. As it activates the of dopamine that gives the rush of pleasure associated with taking
dopamine receptors, it reduces the withdrawal symptoms, but it does drugs such as heroin. However, because naltrexone works to block
not give the euphoric high associated with heroin. dopamine receptors, were an individual who was taking naltrexone to
then take an opioid such as heroin, they would not receive their usual
Unlike heroin and many other opioids, methadone is given orally
high. The levels of dopamine would be increased, but as the receptor
rather than injected. This means that the blood concentrations of the
molecules are now blocked, it prevents the activation of the neuron.
drug will rise and fall slowly, rather than the erratic spike caused
when heroin is injected. This means that the addict’s behaviour will Naltrexone is only given to people who have stopped using drugs, and
be more stable, and thus further treatment (such as psychological who show a commitment to staying drug free. It can only be given
counselling) can take place. Giving the drug orally also reduces many to those who have overcome the effects of withdrawal. It is given
of the risks associated with the use of needles such as the transmission predominantly as an oral medication, although it can also be given
of infection. through an injection. Naltrexone can be given for up to six months.
Often, naltrexone is used alongside psychological counselling in
As methadone is still a potentially dangerous drug, its dosage is
order to reduce the risk of
carefully monitored. Addicts are usually started on 10mg a day, which
is slowly increased by 10mg each day until they no longer show signs
of withdrawal symptoms. The maintenance dosage is usually between Because it blocks the
60mg-120mg a day. For the first three months, a doctor or a nurse dopamine receptors, therefore
administers methadone until they can be certain that the addict can preventing activation of
self-administer without supervision. neurons, naltrexone is starting
to be used for other addictions
However, methadone should not be seen as a cure for addiction; the
aside from opioids, such as
individual is still addicted to a substance, but now it is methadone
alcohol or even gambling, While methadone is always given orally,
rather than heroin. The aim of using methadone is that once the addict
both of which cause a release naltrexone can be given orally or as an
has been stabilised, they can gradually have their dosage lowered (a
of dopamine in the brain, and
process called detoxification) until they reach a point where they will
a pleasurable sensation.
no longer be dependent upon the drug.
Exam Hint: Methadone and naltrexone have different
Exam Hint: It is important to state that methadone is not a functions, and are used at different stages of an addict’s
cure for addiction. Methadone is a highly addictive substance recovery. If asked to choose a suitable treatment for an addict,
in its own right, and its use is closely supervised. Methadone methadone would be appropriate for someone who has just
is just one tool used to fight addiction, and should not be started treatment as it helps reduce withdrawal symptoms,
seen as the sole solution to a complex problem. whereas naltrexone would be used to prevent relapse once
the individual has overcome the initial withdrawal.
C. Antagonist substitution
While methadone acts as an agonist because it enhances neuron D. Effectiveness
activity, other drug treatments for addiction act as antagonists. 1. Methadone
Antagonists have the opposite effect, and reduce activity in neurons. As a treatment for opioid
One such drug is naltrexone. Naltrexone is also used in the treatment addiction, methadone has
of opioid addiction; however, it is used predominantly for addicts in been common in the UK for
recovery. Its primary function is to prevent relapse (as opposed to decades. Therefore, there is
methadone which aids in the reduction of withdrawal symptoms). a large body of evidence to
support its effectiveness.
Antagonist and agonist
drugs have some similarities •• The National Institute Methadone has been shown to be effective
in how they function. Both for Health and Care in the treatment of heroin addiction
work at the level of the Excellence (NICE)
synapse, and both fit into reviewed 31 studies and found much lower rates of opioid use in
the receptor molecules on participants who were given methadone w h e n c o m p a r e d to
the postsynaptic neuron. those given a placebo. This suggests that methadone is successful
However, antagonist drugs in the treatment of addiction.
work to block these receptors, •• Van den Brink (2006) conducted a meta-analysis and found
meaning that the naturally that, providing that the dosage was correct, methadone is an
occurring neurotransmitters effective treatment.
(in this case dopamine)
A diagram showing how antagonist •• Gowing et al (2001) found that methadone programmes are
cannot activate the receptor
substitution works at the level of the effective at reducing the social harms associated with drug
molecules. This results
synapse use; it allows addicts to separate themselves from the negative
in reduced activity in the
effects of “drug culture” and to achieve legal, social and
financial security. This can be important in preventing relapse.
Psychology Factsheet
219. Drug Treatments for Addiction www.curriculum-press.co.uk
Psychology Factsheet
219. Drug Treatments for Addiction www.curriculum-press.co.uk
Psychology Factsheet
219. Drug Treatments for Addiction www.curriculum-press.co.uk
2. John has been a heroin addict for 5 years. He has just decided that he wants to quit. Should John be prescribed methadone or naltrexone?
Explain why, with reference to the function of the drug at the synapse.
3. Wendy was previously addicted to opioids, but she has managed to abstain from drug use for six months. Should Wendy be prescribed
methadone or naltrexone? Explain why, with reference to the function of the drug at the synapse.
4. “Research into the effectiveness of drug treatments for addiction is hampered by a high attrition rate”.
Explain what this statement means. Refer to specific research in your answer.
5. Why could it be argued that treatments such as methadone are not addressing the root cause of addiction?
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