Yearbook: Contributing Authors

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Contributing Authors
Adhiban • Bosch • Cummings • Fishbein • Flear • Fogarasi • Giri • Gradl • Grandelius
Gupta • Hazai • Ikonnikov • Ilczuk • Karolyi • Kuljasevic • l’Ami • Lukacs • Matinian
Müller • Nielsen • Odeev • Odegov • Olthof • Panczyk • Ponomariov • Ris • Smerdon
Sokolov • Stohl • K.Szabo • Timman • J.van Foreest • Vilela • Warmerdam


Edited by Jan Timman
From the publisher
The final Yearbook
After 38 years, 142 Yearbooks, and more than 35,000 pages, the New In Chess Yearbook series
comes to an end. It will be missed. Numerous games have been won with lines investigated in
the Yearbook. The concluding article called ‘Moving on’ that starts on page 7 recounts such an
example as well as many other highlights of the series.

The study of chess opening ideas is increasingly moving to online platforms and cloud-based
solutions, not only for elite professionals but also for club players. The production of a print
book on opening news, four times a year, was great fun while it lasted but we feel that other
media are more suitable for good coverage of today’s fast-moving developments. If Magnus
Carlsen drops a knight on e5 in a World Championship match, we want an assessment within
days instead of months.

For studying chess openings, we recommend that our readers, and indeed all club players,
switch to other learning tools. First of all, the monographs and complete repertoires New In
Chess will continue to publish. In these books experts and experienced coaches like Viktor
Moskalenko and Victor Bologan, Christof Sielecki and Larry Kaufman, Fabiano Caruana and
Anish Giri guide the reader to make smart choices, and help them to understand the strategic
ideas behind an opening.

Secondly, we recommend the Chessable platform, which, like New In Chess, is part of the
Play Magnus Group. This social learning website offers interactive video chess courses and
interactive versions of classic chess books built on top of its unique MoveTrainer software.
Chessable has a wealth of chess opening courses that will allow you to study very efficiently.

Last but not least, our partner G-Chess has a great opening search tool and stores around six
hundred Yearbook Surveys. This archive, just like our own archive, will, of course, still be
accessible in future years.

New In Chess thanks the subscribers, readers, authors and editors for their warm support
during almost four decades. It has been a great pleasure for us to produce the Yearbook for you.

Remmelt Otten,
Publisher New In Chess

Moving on
by Peter Boel
(special contributions by René Olthof, Frank Erwich and Jan Timman)

TsLdMlSt Yearbook – even quite recently, in times

jJjJjJjJ when novelties travel faster than rockets.
._._._._ Fabiano Caruana was able to use an idea
_._._._. in the Hook Variation of the Winawer
French by our very own Arthur Pijpers
from the Dutchman’s Survey in Yearbook
126 written several months earlier. Of
IiIiIiIi course, the idea was h2-h4!?, the push of
rNbQkBnR ‘Harry the h-pawn’ that crops up in every
What a blast it was! Thirty-eight years of opening nowadays.
following chess opening developments
on their heels, working with a colourful An intricate network
cornucopia of authors – from renowned Apart from being a good excuse to follow
grandmasters, sometimes even (former) all the recent top chess games on a daily
World Champions, to ambitious young basis, working on the Yearbook enabled
players – and producing an authoritative us to build up an intricate network of
and trend-setting periodical that did chess theoreticians all over the world.
a lot more than it promised. After all, We had the privilege of discussing new
where can you get a Yearbook that comes developments with them, taking our
out four times a year? pick of interesting subjects and reading
True, the formula of our famous opening their take on them later. The articles
periodical was always a little lopsided. – ‘Surveys’ – ranged from detailed and
But chess players don’t mind lopsided – scientific to good-humoured, from
often they even like it. As René Olthof complex and elaborate to raw, humorous
likes to say, it’s a ‘sandwich formula’. The or even sarcastic. We learned that very
entire range of openings is covered in strong grandmasters have a knack of
each and every issue – not exhaustively, concentrating on the important and
but in thin, digestible slices. A pizza leaving out the rest, which can be very
venticinque staggioni, if you like. illuminating.
If we have learned anything during The material collected in those 38 years
the decades, it is that no matter how and 142 Yearbooks is enormous – 35,000
much you write about chess openings, pages, exactly 3,850 Surveys by 385
there will always be more. In fact, the different authors! The greatest number
more you write about it, the more of Surveys were written, in earlier times,
new material it generates! That is how by correspondence player and opening
fathomless our game is. There are quite aficionado A.C. van der Tak (164 Surveys),
a few nice examples of top players using Kick Langeweg (who might even still be
novelties that had been suggested in the first on the list if we counted the articles


30th 1984 was 2,521 games, which had

tripled in May 1985.
In Yearbook 4 (1986), editor Paul
van der Sterren started writing
introductions to guide the readers
through the latest trends.
The first six volumes were a good 500
pages thick, but in 1988 the format
changed to four 248-page issues a year,

Bram van der Tak

by the NIC Editorial Team, many of

which were written by him) and former
editor Paul van der Sterren. Number four
on the list (see the table at the end of
this article!) are the famous Hungarian
trainers and theoreticians Laszlo Hazai
and Peter Lukacs, who were the subject
of a special article on the subject in New
In Chess 2011 No. 6. We have a Survey
Paul van der Sterren
by them in this final issue! Yearbook
supervisor René Olthof is number 6 on
the list. and we also introduced the traditional
Not all of us have worked on the theoretical articles at that point. The
Yearbook for thirty-eight years. But our very first one, by Polish IM Henryk
‘old hand’ René Olthof has – and we give Dobosz, discussed one of the most
him the microphone here. controversial lines of the Meran Slav
at the time: the highly tactical Rellstab
  Indelible impressions Variation. Eleven pages packed with
The New In Chess project was the brand-new analyses. I remember Valery
result of the advent of the computer Salov exclaiming in sheer desperation:
in the early 1980s – first, main frames, ‘Some Polish fool has published all of
and subsequently also the personal my home preparation!’.
computer. The first New In Chess A variety of esteemed theoreticians
Yearbook appeared in 1984. The concept contributed over the years. A.C. van
behind it was an annual update of der Tak, Adrian Mikhalchishin and
the New In Chess Key Book – hence the Hungarian duo Peter Lukacs/
the name Yearbook! We presented Laszlo Hazai are on the top of that
the latest developments in opening list, which also features household
theory without text, using the Elsevier names such as Kapengut, Dlugy,
International Chess Data Information Sveshnikov, Shamkovich, Ivanchuk,
System Database. The total input from Sakaev, Vitolins, Nikitin, Golubev, Glek,
the period of January 1st 1983 till April Tiviakov, Shulman and the most famous

From the editor

Surprises never cease

It’s a well-known fact that Jorden van Foreest is an exceptionally well prepared player,
especially when he has the White pieces. This was proven once again in Wijk aan Zee this year,
but last year he operated very successfully as well. We have instructive annotations by the
Dutch grandmaster on three games from Malmö and Riga. His pawn sac 8.c5 against Ganguly is
baffling. I’ve never seen anything like this in my long career.

Magnus Carlsen suffered a painful defeat against Jan-Krzysztof Duda in the World Cup last
year. However, he took his revenge in three rapid tournaments later in the year. One of
Carlsen’s wins was very impressive: he opted for a pawn sac that would have been discarded
practically right away in the past, just like Van Foreest’s pawn sac. But the World Champion
won in a blitz attack. José Vilela writes the Survey.

It is interesting to see that some old variations are being revived. The Dilworth Variation in
the Open Ruy Lopez is named after an English amateur who played the line in correspondence
games in the war years. It was never very popular till quite recently. Ivan Sokolov writes the

I wrote the second part of a Survey on an even older line in the Ruy Lopez, introduced at the
end of the 19th century. Noteworthy is the position after White’s 9th move, in which Black
players have tried no less than seven moves. This must be some sort of record.

Jan Timman

Opening Highlights
Alireza Firouzja
The final Yearbook year, 2021, saw the big breakthrough
of the 18-year-old Iranian-turned Frenchman. Alireza, the
current world number 2, is a natural player, not especially
known for his in-depth preparation. But he is able to find
new ways in any kind of position. Against Richard Rapport
in the Stavanger tournament, Firouzja challenged the
3...♘f6 move in the Rossolimo Sicilian with a dangerous
rook sac that was pure OTB inspiration. Igor Stohl
analyses the line in his Survey on page 60.

Jorden van Foreest

Jorden remains a highly creative opening innovator. We have
the Dutchman’s analysis of his win over Short in a venerable
Scotch line in which Van Foreest has an amazing score. A
real glance into the future of opening play is provided by his
8.c5 shocker in the Mikenas English with which he ousted
colleague Yearbook author Ganguly. Looking into this will
‘guarantee you a good time’ (Jorden), and that is what you will
have when you read David Cummings’s Survey on page 220.

Anish Giri
We would never describe Anish’s opening play as frivolous,
but even the Dutch ace has now ‘succumbed’ to using the
odd g2-g4 push before move ten. He did so in his game
with Boris Gelfand, opening the Tolstoy Cup rapid event
in Yasnaya Polyana which Giri won with 8/9! Invented five
years ago by Ferenc Berkes, the ‘Garry (Giri?!) the g-pawn’
thrust in the Semi-Slav is quite in sync with modern
times, as Robert Ris argues in his Survey on page 160.

Alex Fishbein
In some King’s Indian lines where queens are exchanged
early, Black has to be quite careful not to lose a pawn, right?
Wrong! Seasoned American grandmaster Alex Fishbein
presents to you on page 204 a delightful Survey about
the ‘Pawn Blunder Variation’ in the Fianchetto King’s
Indian, proving that giving a pawn is in fact quite a clever
thing to do if Black wants to get some active play for his
remaining pieces.


Magnus Carlsen
The mighty World Champion cannot fail to make an
appearance in this final Yearbook. Unfortunately, there
was not a lot of opening innovation in his title match with
Ian Nepomniachtchi, but there is still plenty of that left.
What would you think of Peter Heine Nielsen’s analysis of
Magnus’s 18-move demolition of Jan-Krzysztof Duda
in the Semi-Tarrasch? Such a feat really requires sharp
and original opening play. You can read all about that in
long-time author José Vilela’s Survey on page 166.

Nikita Matinian
The Grand Prix Attack can be a serious nuisance for Sicilian
aficionados of any level. Pick the wrong move and you have a
deadly assault on your hands. The good news brought to you
by Russian grandmaster Nikita Matinian is that Black has
many viable choices after the topical 5.♗b5+ ♗d7 6.♗c4
♘c6 7.d3. Among others, Nikita studies deeply the modern
7...♘a5!? from the game Van Foreest-Bjerre which features
with analysis by the former in the Survey on page 70.

Artem Odegov
At eighteen, FM Artem Odegov is not only already a chess
coach, but also an aspiring theoretician. Yearbook 138
already saw a FORUM contribution by the young Russian
on the Reversed Benoni. Now Odegov has made a Survey
for us on a clever waiting move early in the Rubinstein
Nimzo which dares White to show his hand first. The
‘ideal move’ 5...♖e8 is a highly practical weapon if you want
to avoid endless theoretical lines, see Artem’s article on
page 179.

David Smerdon
The ‘swindle expert’ from Australia launches out with a
whopping 12-page Survey on a brilliant queen sacrifice
novelty in the Steinitz French which he played already in
2016 in the ‘Checkmate TV Show’ tournament against Anna
Muzychuk. Due to an embargo by the broadcasters, the
game had to remain secret for more than five years. Now
you are the first to see it, with extensive analysis by the

winner who earned the nickname ‘French Ladykiller’ with

it! See Smerdon’s Survey on page 80.
Your Variations

Trends & Opinions

HOT! Sicilian Defence. . . . . . . . . Najdorf Variation 6.♗g5. . . . . . . . . . . Editorial team . . . . . . . . 28
SOS Various Openings . . . . . . . 3.g4 and 4.g4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olthof. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
HOT! King’s Indian Defence. . . Classical Main Line 9.♘e1 ♘e8. . . . . Gradl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Sicilian Defence . . . . . . . . Sveshnikov Variation 7.♘d5 . . . . . . . Odeev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
GAMBIT Italian Game. . . . . . . . . . . . Giuoco Piano 6.b4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Slav Defence. . . . . . . . . . . . Semi-Meran 5.b3 ♘e4. . . . . . . . . . . . . Olthof. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Sicilian Defence. . . . . . . . . Rauzer Variation 9.f4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gradl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
GAMBIT King’s Pawn Openings. . . Two Knights Defence 5...♘xd5. . . . . Müller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

From Our Own Correspondent by Erwin l’Ami . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42


1.e4 openings
Sicilian Defence . . . . . . . . Rossolimo Variation 3...♘f6 4.♘c3. . . Stohl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Sicilian Defence. . . . . . . . . Grand Prix Attack 2.♘c3 d6 . . . . . . . Matinian. . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
French Defence. . . . . . . . . Steinitz Variation 4.e5 . . . . . . . . . . . . Smerdon. . . . . . . . . . . . 80
GAMBIT French Defence. . . . . . . . . McCutcheon Variation 4...♗b4. . . . . Warmerdam. . . . . . . . . . 92
HOT! Caro-Kann Defence . . . . . Two Knights Variation 3...dxe4. . . . . Bosch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Petroff Defence. . . . . . . . . Steinitz Variation 3.d4 . . . . . . . . . . . . Fogarasi. . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Ruy Lopez. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Berlin Defence 6.♗a4 e4 . . . . . . . . . . Timman. . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
HOT! Ruy Lopez. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cozio Defence 3...g6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
HOT! Ruy Lopez. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dilworth Variation 11...♘xf2. . . . . . . Sokolov. . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Scotch Opening. . . . . . . . . Mieses Variation 5.♘xc6 . . . . . . . . . . Ponomariov. . . . . . . . . 141

1.d4 openings
GAMBIT Slav Defence. . . . . . . . . . . . Slav Gambit 5.e4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kuljasevic. . . . . . . . . . . 150
Slav Defence. . . . . . . . . . . . Semi-Slav 5.♕b3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
GAMBIT Tarrasch Defence. . . . . . . . Semi-Tarrasch 4...c5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vilela. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Catalan Opening. . . . . . . . Early Divergences 4...♗d6. . . . . . . . . Ikonnikov. . . . . . . . . . . 174
Nimzo-Indian Defence . . Rubinstein Variation 5...♖e8. . . . . . . Odegov . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
HOT! Nimzo-Indian Defence . . Classical Variation 4.♕c2 d5. . . . . . . Lukacs and Hazai . . . . 188
Grünfeld Indian Defence. . Exchange Variation 7.♘f3 . . . . . . . . . Gupta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
King’s Indian Defence. . . Old Main Line 7...♘bd7 . . . . . . . . . . . Szabo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
King’s Indian Defence. . . Fianchetto Variation 6..♘c6 . . . . . . . Fishbein . . . . . . . . . . . 204
GAMBIT Queen’s Pawn Defence. . . Colle System 3...c5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olthof. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211

HOT! English Opening. . . . . . . . Mikenas Variation 3.e4 d5. . . . . . . . . Cummings . . . . . . . . . . 220
Réti Opening . . . . . . . . . . . Early Divergences 2.b3. . . . . . . . . . . . Ilczuk and Panczyk. . . 229
SOS Réti Opening . . . . . . . . . . . Early Divergences 2...♘d7 . . . . . . . . . Karolyi. . . . . . . . . . . . . 235


Reviews by Glenn Flear

Beating the Najdorf rare lines by Ranko Szuhanek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Grandmaster Repertoire: The Berlin Defence by Michael Roiz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Grandmaster Gambits 1.e4 by Richard Palliser & Simon Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Modern Chess Opening Repertoire for White by James Rizzitano. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250

HOT! = a trendy line or an important discovery

SOS = an early deviation
GAMBIT= a pawn sacrifice in the opening


Theory will go on

The FORUM is a platform for And the winner is...

discussion of developments in by the Editorial team
chess opening theory in general
and particularly in variations SI 4.8 + SI 8.14 (B97) YB 139
discussed in previous Yearbook
issues. ... also the overall winner
of 13 Yearbook Novelty of
the Year contests: Fabiano
Contributions to these Caruana! It was the third time
pages should be sent to: the American No. 3 of the
[email protected] world did it. He also played
the Novelty of the Year in
2014 (see Yearbook 114) and
2018 (see Yearbook 130).
It was a landslide this time
around. Caruana’s mind-
boggling novelty 18.♗c4!? in
the Poisoned Pawn Najdorf
against Maxime Vachier-
Lagrave in the first round
of the second leg of the
Yekaterinburg Candidates
was the favourite of no less
than 130 of the 347 (valid)
voters – more than 35%!

TsL_M_.t for him. Garry Kasparov

called it ‘the best prepared
_J_S_Jj. game in the history of chess’
J_._J_.j and we can only agree with
_.lD_._. him. The full story on this
._.nN_._ important game can be found
in Yearbook 139, page 12, the
_.i.q.b. FORUM item called ‘A wise
._._._Ii investment!’ by René Olthof.
_._RkB_R Among the voters were
several international masters
18.♗c4!? and grandmasters, the
The move was invented by most illustrious being Jan-
Caruana’s famous second Krzysztof Duda who himself
Rustam Kasimdzhanov. MVL graced the cover of the
defended amazingly well previous Yearbook, No. 141.
in the game but in the end Second came our former
the practical problems in author Alexander Predke. The
the endgame were too much Russian grandmaster received
From Our Own Correspondent

The beauty of a chess niche

by Erwin l’Ami
It has been a pleasure to falls somewhat behind in
update you on all on the development. It is not a
ins and outs of the corres­ surprise, therefore, that
pon­dence chess world. 4.♕c2 can lead to sharp
Starting my column just play where Black has to try
after Nigel Short declared to make use of his lead in
correspondence over and development. After all, the
done with, I felt an extra bishop pair will guarantee
need to show the beauty of White a long-term advantage
what is essentially the niche while a lead in development
in chess where the highest is something one has to capi­
level is reached. Given the talize on as fast as possible.
abundance of reactions I 4...0-0
have received, I trust I have Books have been written
succeeded in doing just that about 4...c5, 4...d5, 4...♘c6
In this column, Dutch grandmaster
and I want to thank New and the modern 4...b6, but
and top chess coach Erwin l’Ami In Chess for giving me the they obviously fall outside
scours the thousands of new chance to do so. the scope of this column.
correspondence games that are One last time, we jump into 5.♘f3
played every month for important the fray! A very solid system that I
novelties that may start new waves have often faced and played
myself. Much sharper is 5.e4
in OTB chess also. Every three Still some venom left and the classical continu­a­
months it’s your chance to check
tion is 5.a3 ♗xc3+ 6.♕xc3,
out the best discoveries from this NI 21.6 (E32) leading to the scenario I
rich chess source that tends to be described on move 4.
underexposed. We start off with an ultra-
solid line of the 4.♕c2 TsLd.tM_
Nimzo that I have played
myself with both colours. jJjJ_JjJ
Adkham Yunusov shows ._._Js._
there is still some venom left _._._._.
in the variation!
Adkham Yunusov _.n._N_.
Giuseppe Crapulli IiQ_IiIi
CT23 pr 12 ICCF, 2020 r.b.kB_R
1.d4 ♘f6 2.c4 e6 3.♘c3 ♗b4
4.♕c2 5...c5
The Classical or Capablanca A decent alternative, leading
Variation is one of the most to a mixture of a Nimzo
ambitious ways of fighting and a Ragozin, is 5...d5 and
the Nimzo. White intends despite the fact that 6.♗g5
to recapture on c3 with the h6 7.♗xf6 ♕xf6 8.a3 ♗xc3+
queen, not allowing Black to 9.♕xc3 dxc4 10.♕xc4 c6
spoil the pawn structure. In 11.g3 ♘d7 12.♗h3!, preventing
doing so, White makes two ...e6-e5, gave White some
queen moves and usually advantage in Rapport-

French Defence  Steinitz Variation  FR 4.4 (C11)

The French Ladykiller

by David Smerdon
1. e4 e6 Practical considerations are especially
2. d4 d5 important when ‘weird’ material
3. ♘c3 ♘f6 imbalances occur, as the engine
4. e5 ♘fd7 evaluations can often distract us from
5. f4 c5 just how complex and double-edged
6. ♘f3 ♘c6 the positions are. These factors may
7. ♗e3 a6 explain why, despite the position after
8. ♕d2 b5 10.♗d3 appearing in over 600 games
9. dxc5 ♗xc5 in Megabase in the seven years since
10. ♗d3 Srinath’s novelty, the move 10...0-0
has only been played in 14 of them.
T_LdM_.t However, there is one game that has
_._S_JjJ been played in the meantime, in fact as
J_S_J_._ long ago as 2016, which doesn’t appear
_JlJi._. in the database, and that is the subject of
._._.i._ this Survey.
_.nBbN_. In 2016, I was invited to participate in
IiIq._Ii the second series of the ‘Checkmate’
r._.k._R television series. The two-week
tournament was an interesting mix
In the FORUM of Yearbook 115, Rao SV of a strong 10-player rated round
Srinath wrote about his interesting novelty robin combined with interviews and
10...0-0!? in one of the most popular voice-overs reminiscent of the BBC’s
variations of the French Defence. It invites ‘The Master Game’ of the 1970s and
White to execute a Greek Gift sacrifice, ‘80s. I had a strange event: while I
leading to an exciting middlegame where scored only ½/4 against the other men
Black has three minor pieces for a queen (Rapport, Tari, Rodshtein and Short), I
and pawn after 14... ♘dxe5 (Games 2-3). managed 4/5 against the all-star female
However, despite Srinath’s positive line-up (Kosteniuk, Cramling, Pähtz
evaluation, the novelty has failed to catch and the two Muzychuk sisters). The
on. The likely explanation is that although quirky split in my results along gender
Black has (almost) enough material, lines led Pia Cramling to dub me the
the bishop and pair of knights don’t ‘Ladykiller’. That’s not something I’ve
coordinate particularly well in the open been called before, but in my game
positions, and, coupled with Black’s own against Anna Muzychuk, I at least
king safety issues, White not only has an managed to kill my own queen in a
objectively favourable position but also an spectacular way, deploying a mutated
easier one to play (see the notes to Mari- version of Srinath’s idea with 14...
Srinath, 2015). ♘b4!N. The plan is to give up the

Survey FR 4.4

queen for a pair of bishops and a pawn,   A)  I chose 17...♘xe5 against Anna,
instead of the bishop and two knights. eliminating the central pawn while still
Mathematically, this is an inferior preventing White from castling. After
trade, but in compensation Black gets 18.h4! ♗b7! (Game 1) White needs to play
excellent coordination and a dangerous ♘d1!, kicking away the annoying bishop.
initiative. It is still not clear to me what While the engines favour White, I chose
the objective evaluation should be, but this line because the white king won’t be
at least in its one serious practical test, able to castle. Black has many resources;
Anna was unable to navigate the choppy   B)  Black can instead eliminate the
waters. g-pawn immediately with 17...♗xg5, and
This novelty was jointly prepared before will probably also be able to capture on
the tournament with my Aussie friend e5 in a few moves. But the loss of time
Max Illingworth, who ‘seconded’ for allows White to consolidate by castling
me for the event. I have wanted to and then aim the major pieces at the
write about the novelty for a while, black kingside, and the dark-squared
but the games have been embargoed bishop will be misplaced in the short
during production, which was delayed term. In this line, both kings feel a bit
all the way until 2021. Finally, however, safer;
the series is out (available at www.   C)  Finally, the third option is to – who wouldn’t ignore the pawns and conduct rapid
want to see a reality chess show?), and so deployment of the forces with 17...♗b7,
too are the games, hence the timing of intending ...♖c8 and ...d5-d4. White
this article. needs to be accurate over the next
few moves, and, assuming the tricks
Accepting the challenge are successfully avoided, the ensuing
If White is to play the principled endgames are very interesting.
11.♗xh7+ (which, after all, is partly the Six years on, I am still not sure which
point of 10.♗d3), then the position after move is best; each move has its own
11...♔xh7 12.♘g5+ ♔g8 13.♕d3 ♕xg5 strengths and weaknesses. Part of the
14.fxg5 ♘b4 15.♕e2 ♗xe3 16.a3 ♘xc2+ reason is that ‘best’ is usually defined
17.♕xc2 arises by force. these days as ‘the highest evaluation if
both sides play perfectly’, whereas it
T_L_.tM_ really should be ‘the highest expected
_._S_Jj. evaluation in practice’. White should
J_._J_._ reply 18.h4 after each move, but
_J_Ji.i. after that, White’s best set-ups in the
._._._._ branches are irregular and not easy to
i.n.l._. find over the board. A regular feature
.iQ_._Ii of the lines is that Black often has
r._.k._R multiple moves of similar value, while
White usually has to find tricky only-
At this stage, Black already has an moves to maintain an advantage. This is
important choice between three not borne out in (non-neural-network)
continuations: engine evaluations, which favour White

French Defence – Steinitz Variation

by one to two pawns. But the point complications after 12.♗xc5 ♘xc5
remains: Black’s position is easier to 13.♗xh7+ – however, everything should
play, while White has a smaller margin fizzle out to a draw;
for error.   D)  Svetushkin, Deac and Salem all tried
This may sound like the hollow 11.♘e2 (Games 6-8).
ramblings of a fanatic desperately
trying to make his novelty ‘work’, so T_Ld.tM_
let me unequivocally admit that White _._S_JjJ
is probably objectively winning and J_S_J_._
that this variation is not suitable for _JlJi._.
correspondence chess. However, I ._._.i._
myself wouldn’t have any hesitation _._BbN_.
playing it again in classical chess, even IiIqN_Ii
against a prepared opponent. There is r._.k._R
plenty of scope for creativity and the
lines can lead to some very unusual (and Here, 11...♕b6 has been the most
un-French-like) positions and material common reply, but it is extremely
imbalances, so I hope you forgive me for risky because of 12.♗xh7+!N. Probably
being a little generous with dishing out Black survives the attack with best play,
the diagrams. but White can take a draw whenever
they want or keep the attack going,
Delaying the Gift and I sure wouldn’t like to defend it.
White has several alternatives to the There are two interesting and unplayed
sacrifice on h7 on move 11, and in fact alternatives, however. I like 11...b4!N,
this has been White’s most popular practically forcing 12.♗xh7+ and
decision in practice. All but one of another queen sacrifice. In this version,
these alternatives are concessions White risks getting steamrolled by
that immediately give Black improved Black’s minor pieces and so should
versions of the main lines with best quickly give back the queen, leading
responses. However, these need to be to an endgame in which Black has
learned, because the Greek Gift theme full compensation for a pawn. Also
looms in many of these lines, and can be interesting is 11...a5!?N, after which
especially dangerous once Black’s queen accepting the pawn sacrifice with
moves away from d8. 12.♗xb5 is risky, while 12.♗xh7+?? now
  A)  In online blitz, the most popular loses. Instead, White should play the
choice of my opponents has actually been solid 12.♗xc5 ♘xc5 13.0-0, transposing
11.0-0??, which loses a piece to 11...d4; to a well-trodden path first explored by
  B)  Natural moves like 11.♗f2 f6! (Game Nunn and Kortchnoi in 1988;
4) and 11.♗xc5 ♘xc5 12.0-0 ♕b6! are   E)  Finally, White has scored a dismal
comfortable for Black; ½/4 after 11.0-0-0 ♕b6 12.♗g1!?. But
  C)  Sophie Milliet tried 11.♕f2!? in fact, this is probably White’s most
in a topsy-turvy game against Irina promising alternative to the immediate
Krush (Game 5). After 11...♕b6! 11.♗xh7+, as the Greek Gift sacrifice is
White is practically forced into the still in the air.

Survey FR 4.4

T_L_.tM_ is 12...♘b4!?, when the excitement

_._S_JjJ following 13.♗xh7+!?N ♔xh7 14.a3! a5! is
JdS_J_._ hard to evaluate and so far untested.
While Srinath’s 10...0-0 may not have
caught on until now, the addition of
IiIq._Ii 14...♘b4!N breathes new life into the
_.kR_.bR line. Sacrificing your queen for only
Nigel Short, one of my co-stars in the a pair of bishops is not going to be
Checkmate tournament, tried 12...f6 in everyone’s cup of tea, especially given
Game 9. This was also Srinath’s choice, that the engines favour White. But the
and it is a safe option, but White is variation is exciting and a lot of fun, and
slightly better in a typical-looking White needs to be very accurate not to
Steinitz middlegame. Alex Lenderman go awry. The resulting positions are so
beat Ray Robson with 12...♗xg1 (Game sharp, unorthodox and unexplored that
10), but in the game 14.f5! would have novelties abound and the better prepared
given White a pull. A critical line player is likely to be the favourite.

Accepting the challenge while 10...0‑0, of course, loses to 11.♕f2, 11.♗xc5, 11.♘e2 and 11.
11.♗xh7+ 11.♗xh7+. Or does it? Analysing 0‑0‑0 are covered in the remaining
the position after 11.♗xh7+ Games 4-10. 11...♔xh7 12.♘g5+
Anna Muzychuk 1 on my computer before the ♔g8 13.♕d3
David Smerdon tournament, I was surprised that
London 2016 (5) my engine ‘only’ gave +2. How T_Ld.tM_
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.♘c3 ♘f6 4.e5 could this be? Either the Greek _._S_Jj.
♘fd7 5.f4 c5 6.♘f3 ♘c6 7.♗e3 a6 Gift wins, or it doesn’t, right? My J_S_J_._
8.♕d2 b5 9.dxc5 ♗xc5 10.♗d3! second, Max Illingworth, and _JlJi.n.
This move has been causing Black I worked a bit on this position ._._.i._
headaches for a decade now, before the tournament. Our big
especially since Karjakin used breakthrough was coming to the
it against Carlsen in a blindfold realization that Black shouldn’t
game in 2011 and then Parimarjan try to snatch a bishop and two
Negi promoted it in his excellent knights to compensate for the 13...♕xg5! 13...f5? 14.exf6
‘1.e4...’ series in 2014. White has queen, and instead prefer the ♖xf6 15.♕h7+ ♔f8 16.♕h8+
scored heavily in grandmaster unusual combination of the bishop ♔e7 17.♕xg7+ ♔e8 (17...♔d6
clashes, with strong players such pair and a pawn. The engines 18.♘ce4+) 18.♗xc5 ♘xc5
as So, Harikrishna, Giri, Wang Yue, still prefer White in this strange 19.0‑0‑0→. 14.fxg5 ♘b4!N This is
and Leko, in addition to Karjakin, imbalance, but following the the new concept. In two subse­
recording convincing wins with variations further, Black’s position quently played games, Black acci­
the white pieces. The logic of looks promising – as well as a lot den­tally fell into this position and
the move is quite simple: after more fun to play. As luck would went for the opportunity to gain
10...♕b6, White replies 11.♗f2!, have it, I had my first chance to three minor pieces for a queen and
when the endgames following unleash the novelty in round pawn. This seems like a reasonable
mass exchanges on f2 are more three, against the strong GM Anna material balance, but in fact the
comfortable for White. See Game Muzychuk. 10...0‑0!? 11.♗xh7+ ‘French bishop’ and the pair of
11. The concrete justification of Unsurprisingly, the principled and knights do not coordinate very
10.♗d3 is that Black doesn’t seem tactically sharp Ukrainian didn’t well in the resulting middlegame,
to have a good alternative: 10... shy away from playing the critical and White, with attacking chances,
d4?! fails tactically to 11. ♘xd4!, line. The major alternatives 11.♗f2, has a clear advantage. Instead, the

Ruy Lopez  Dilworth Variation  RL 30.3 (C82)

The new Dilworth Variation

by Ivan Sokolov
1. e4 e5 when Black has a choice between two
2. ♘f3 ♘c6 different move orders, usually leading to
3. ♗b5 a6 the same initial position:
4. ♗a4 ♘f6 I – 12...♗xf2+ 13.♔xf2 f6. Now we enter
5. 0-0 ♘xe4 the ‘Old Dilworth’ with 14.exf6 ♕xf6
6. d4 b5 15.♘f1. 15.♔g1 ♖ae8 is the old line,
7. ♗b3 d5 considered to be fine for Black, while
8. dxe5 ♗e6 White cannot take advantage of the
9. c3 ♗c5 move order by playing 15.♘b3 ♘e5,
10. ♘bd2 0-0 see my comments on Sevian-Paravyan
11. ♗c2 ♘xf2 (Game 1).
12. ♖xf2 ♗xf2+ White has two different ways to enter
13. ♔xf2 f6 the ‘New Dilworth’: 14.♔g1 fxe5 15.♘f1
14. ♔g1 fxe5 or 14.♘f1 fxe5 15.♔g1. I see no difference
15. ♘f1 between the two.
II – The other move order is 12...f6,
T_.d.tM_ leading to the same positions. The ‘Old
_.j._.jJ Dilworth’ was leading to a different pawn
J_S_L_._ structure after 13.exf6 ♕xf6 14.♘f1. Now
_J_Jj._. White wants to play 15.♗e3, so Black has
._._._._ to take on f2: 14...♗xf2+ 15.♔xf2 ♘e5 and
_.i._N_. we have many games here. Black usually
IiB_._Ii takes on f3, damaging White’s pawn
r.bQ_Nk. structure and, most of the time, winning
a pawn in the process. Black has had
After 11.♗c2 in the Open Ruy Lopez, good practical results here (grandmaster
Black’s following decision causes a Artur Jussupow in particular!), the
material imbalance and enters the computer engines support Black too and
Dilworth Variation: 11...♘xf2 12.♖xf2, White players have stopped looking for
an opening advantage.
T_.d.tM_ The ‘New Dilworth’ is 13.♘f1 ♗xf2+ (the
_.j._JjJ threat was 14.♗e3, so Black had to take
J_S_L_._ on f2) 14.♔xf2 fxe5 15.♔g1 and again we
_JlJi._. have the starting position of this Survey.
_.i._N_. Recent top-level testing
IiBn.rIi Though the stem game Darga-Larsen dates
r.bQ_.k. back to 1953(!), it is only relatively recently
(starting with the game Vachier-Lagrave-

Ruy Lopez – Dilworth Variation

Mamedyarov, Biel 2018) that this position quickly develop a strong attack, see my
has been tested at top level! comments in Game 1.
At first glance White seems to have taken a On 16.♘e3!, Black best reply appears to be
slightly strange decision by giving Black a the bishop retreat 16...♗e6. Interesting
central pawn on e5 ‘for free’. The strategic enough, after this seemingly pure tempo
idea behind White’s concept is actually loss it is not easy for White to prove an
quite deep. Black cannot push their central advantage. The logical move 17.♗b3 leads
pawns easily (because there will always to equality. White’s best option appears
be a blockade), while White’s king is now to be 17.b3!, which has been played in a
safe, compared to the ‘Old Dilworth’. number of top-level games. Critical here
Preparing the material for this Survey, seems to be Hakobyan-Sindarov (Game
I have taken into account my regular 2).
ChessBase database, and also Nils
Grandelius’s lines and opinions from his Variation B
recent opening repertoire for White on 15...♕d6 is a logical developing move
Chessable. As the reader will see, I agree that was played in the stem game Darga-
with some of Nils’s opinions, while not Larsen, 1953, and in two recent top
with some others. games by MVL. White has three logical
Black has three logical continuations: continuations: 16.♘g5 (also played in
15...♗g4, pinning the knight, 15...♕d6 Darga-Larsen), 16.♘e3 and 16.♗e3. In my
and 15...♕d7, developing the queen and opinion, 16.♘g5 and 16.♘e3, both played
connecting the rooks. I have divided the by MVL, do not lead to an advantage for
material in this way, including a separate White – see Vachier-Lagrave-Heimann
theoretical Survey of two of those lines. (Game 3). The move 16.♗e3 (proposed by
Nils Grandelius in his opening repertoire)
Variation A leads to White’s advantage (at least I
15...♗g4 arguably looks like Black’s most think it does), though things are far more
logical continuation, but the depth of complicated than Nils wants us to believe
White’s idea becomes clear after 16.♘e3!. – see the analysis under Game 4.

T_.d.tM_ Variation C
_.j._.jJ Now we come to 15...♕d7.
_J_Jj._. T_._.tM_
._._._L_ _.jD_.jJ
_.i.nN_. J_S_L_._
IiB_._Ii _J_Jj._.
r.bQ_.k. ._._._._
Now the planned 16...♗xf3 does not IiB_._Ii
really damage White’s king position r.bQ_Nk.
(which usually was the case in the ‘Old
Dilworth’) but rather opens attacking This move was played by Grandelius
routes to the black king. White can himself on the Black side (!) versus Jonas

Survey RL 30.3

Buhl Bjerre at the recent SigemanTePo Conclusion

tournament in Malmö. The ‘New Dilworth’ is a deep concept for
The two main moves for White should White championed by quite a number of
be 16.♗e3 (see Bjerre-Grandelius, Game top players (Magnus Carlsen included)
5) or 16.a4, proposed by Grandelius as and is here to stay!
White’s best and already tried in practice   A)  15...♗g4 does not seem logical to me,
– see the analysis under Game 6. as after 16.♘e3 the best option for Black
Evaluating this critical line, I believe is to retreat with 16...♗e6. We have quite
Black’s best is 16...♔h8 (N.G.’s main line a number of top-level games here, and it
16...b4?! is White’s dream), which leads to seems to me that with precise play White
the critical position after 21.♕xf3. should get the upper hand;
While I agree with general Nils’s opinion   B)  15...♕d6 is a logical developing move
about the position, I do not agree with for Black, played at top level! Here White
his assessment ‘White has an advantage’. probably gets an opening advantage after
Black has the Stockfish-inspired idea 16.♗e3!;
to first take space with 21...e4 and then   C)  I think that 15...♕d7 is Black’s best
trading queens with 23...♕d6!, not option, and sufficient for satisfactory
minding doubled pawns. play.

Variation A – considered to be OK for Black) as after White’s next move Black

15...♗g4 15...♘e5. Now White should not has to retreat his bishop.
try to be ‘clever’ with 16.♘bd4?
Samuel Sevian 1 (best is 16.♔g1 ♖ae8 17.♗e3 (Black T_.d.tM_
David Paravyan should agree to an endgame: trying _.j._.jJ
Jermuk 2021 (1) to become ‘active’ with 17.♘bd4? is J_S_._._
1.e4 e5 2.♘f3 ♘c6 3.♗b5 a6 wrong, as after the simple 17...♗g4 _J_Jj._.
4.♗a4 ♘f6 5.0‑0 ♘xe4 6.d4 Black has the unpleasant ...c7-c5 ._._._L_
b5 7.♗b3 d5 8.dxe5 ♗e6 9.c3 threat) 17...♘xf3+ 18.♕xf3 ♕xf3
♗c5 10.♘bd2 0‑0 11.♗c2 ♘xf2 19.gxf3 ♖xf3 20.♗f2 ♗h3 and we
12.♖xf2 ♗xf2+ 13.♔xf2 f6 have a balanced endgame similar to
our ‘old main line’ type of endgame.
T_.d.tM_ Later the game was drawn in Perez 16.♘e3! The point behind White’s
_.j._.jJ Candelario-Kolev, Navalmoral whole idea. Should Black take
J_S_Lj._ 2010) 16...♗g4 (Black already has a on f3, then White gets excellent
_J_Ji._. winning advantage, 17...c5 being a attacking chances! Black’s best
._._._._ terrible threat) 17.h3 (17.♔g1 c5; option is to retreat the bishop:
hoping to ‘stabilize the knight’ with 16.♗g5 ♗xf3 17.♕d2 ♕d6 18.gxf3
17.b4 loses to 17...a5 18.♔g1 axb4 e4 19.fxe4 ♘e5 20.♔h1 ♘f3 21.♕g2
19.cxb4 ♘xf3+ 20.gxf3 ♗xf3) ♖ae8 22.♗e3 c5 23.♘g3 d4 24.♖d1
r.bQ_._. 17...♕h4+ 18.g3 – now Black has ♔h8 25.cxd4 cxd4 26.♗g1 ♘xg1
14.♘f1 I would like to mention simple tactics: 18...♘xf3 19.gxh4 27.♕xg1 ♕f4 28.♕g2 ♖c8 29.♕e2
here that White does not have any ♘xd4+ 20.♔g2 ♗xd1 21.♗xd1 ♘f5 ♕e3 30.♗b3 ♖f2 31.♕xe3 dxe3
good deviation from the regular and Black had a decisive material 32.e5 g6 33.e6 a5 34.♔g1 ♔g7
lines. For example, White can try advantage and won easily in 35.♘e4 ♖f4 36.♘d6 ♖c5! 37.h4 ♖e5
to deviate by placing his knight on Shuvalova-A.Muzychuk, Moscow 38.♘f7 ♖g4+ 39.♔h2 ♖ee4 40.♖d7
b3, but this does not bring him any 2019. 14...fxe5 15.♔g1 ♗g4 ♖xh4+ 41.♔g3 ♖hg4+ 42.♔f3 ♔f6
advantage, e.g. 14.exf6 ♕xf6 15.♘b3 This move, while typical in such 43.♘d6 e2 44.♖f7+ ♔g5 45.♘xe4+
(15.♔g1 ♖ae8 is the ‘old main line’ positions, is not exactly logical here ♖xe4 46.♔xe4 e1♕+ 47.♔d4 ♕b4+

Nimzo-Indian Defence  Rubinstein Variation  NI 11.7 (E47)

A dream move in the Nimzo-Indian

by Artem Odegov
1. d4 ♘f6 Aleksej Aleksandrov. Most often, the
2. c4 e6 line results in a position with an isolated
3. ♘c3 ♗b4 pawn. This was the case in the 1945 game
4. e3 0-0 Tolush vs Mikenas: 4.e3 0-0 5.♗d3 d5
5. ♗d3 ♖e8 6.♘f3 c5 7.0-0 cxd4 8.exd4 dxc4 9.♗xc4
b6 10.♗g5 ♗b7 11.♕e2 ♗e7 12.♖ad1 ♖e8
TsLdT_M_ 13.♘e5 with a quick white victory. I’m
jJjJ_JjJ sure many players are no fans of fighting
._._Js._ against an isolated pawn as this involves
_._._._. a lot of risk. I for myself have long had
.lIi._._ my doubts about how to play against this
_.nBi._. variation.
r.bQk.nR A new flexible move – 5...♖e8!?
Many people might ask, how did I come
up with this idea? Truth be told, I found
History of the opening it for the first time in late 2019. At that
The Nimzo-Indian Defence is an old but time I was already playing the Nimzo-
very popular opening and is played by Indian, but I had little experience
everyone from amateur to professional. with it. In that year, the Lc0 network
The first game with this variation was became very popular. I checked a few of
played in Calcutta in 1851 (yes, more my openings with it, and found many
than 170 years ago) by the two famous interesting ideas. One thing I wasn’t
players John Cochrane and Bonnerjee sure about was our idea, although I often
Mohishunder. By the way, it is worth told myself that I wanted to achieve
noting that their game had some flexibility in the Nimzo-Indian and have
similarity to our current theme. After options to determine the structure later
1.d4 ♘f6 2.c4 e6 3.♘c3 ♗b4 4.e3 0-0 on.
5.♘f3 ♘e4 6.♗d2 ♗xc3 7.♗xc3 ♘xc3 Unfortunately, I was never able to put
8.bxc3 d6 9.♗d3 c6 10.0-0 b6!? the pawn the move 5...♖e8!? into practice, because
structure was very interesting, but the the pandemic broke out and there were
game ended in a victory for White. no tournaments for a long time. After a
Actually in the Nimzo-Indian Defence while I forgot about the idea and played
after 3...♗b4 there are more than ten the standard variations, mostly online.
possible moves. But today I would like to Not too long ago, life made me return to
focus on the main branch, 4.e3 followed this variation. I was preparing a student
by 5.♗d3. Of course, this is the most of mine for a tournament. In general
principled line, played regularly by solid he played the basic variation against
grandmasters like Anton Korobov and the isolated pawn, but this time he was

Nimzo-Indian Defence – Rubinstein Variation

quite scared because his next opponent a black pawn on d5, White wishes to
was an attacking player. That’s when I have his knight on f3 as this will help
remembered this old/new idea. After his activity. We will examine several
looking at it for about 40 minutes, we structures and positions here:
concluded that the position is absolutely   1)  hanging pawns (Bänziger-Sunilduth
normal and makes sense for Black. Lyna);
Unfortunately, my student’s opponent   2)  the Carlsbad structure, but with the
played another line of the Nimzo-Indian white bishop on c1 (Smirnov-Lysyj);
and the game ended in a draw.   3)  an equal endgame (Kovalchuk-
The ideas behind 5...♖e8!?   4)  a tactical fight (Aleksandrov-Dubov).
Today I am sure this variation is the
stuff of dreams for Nimzo-Indian fans. TsLdT_
First let’s try to understand why we play jJj._J
5...♖e8. The answer to this is actually ._._Js
very simple. We pass the move to the _._J_.
opponent and keep the d-pawn on d7, .lIi._
which is very important. In general, we _.nBi.
have two plans: Ii._Ni
  A)  After 6.♘f3 we double White’s pawns r.bQk.
with 6...♗xc3 and take up a classical
structure with pawns on d6 and e5. An
important point in such positions is that Conclusion on 6.♘f3
the white pawn on c4 is a weakness. Next In almost all cases, White gets a game
we will see how these structures should with doubled pawns, which is very
be handled accurately and investigate difficult to play in practice. Black is
plans such as: required to play accurately, but his
  1)  a pawn sacrifice for initiative position is easy to play. White’s only
(Yordanov-Sarana); chance in these positions is to break
  2)  development of the queen’s knight through with his pawns, and Black has to
on d7 (Kolas-Rozentalis); take this into consideration with every
  3&4)  development of the queen’s move. You can experiment with different
knight to c6 (Sertic-Martinovic and set-ups, but practically the strongest idea
Olsar-Fargac). is the pawn sacrifice. It is unexpected and
pleasant; most likely White won’t know
TsLdT any theory here and often you can simply
jJj._ destroy the white position with dynamics.
_._.j Conclusion on 6.♘e2
._Ii. These positions are very interesting and
_.i.i much more promising for White than
the ones with the knight on f3. Black has
  B)  In case of 6.♘e2 we play 6...d5 and to reckon with White’s e3-e4 push and
go over to standard positions. With should always have a good reply to this

Survey NI 11.7

move. If White can occupy the centre variation will suit you. In any case, it will
for free, the position will be difficult often be a surprise for your opponent. I’m
for Black. Often Black’s play is based on sure this line will be very popular soon,
dynamics; there are a lot of tactics in the because it is based on a very interesting
position, so you will have to calculate a concept. There are no problems for Black
lot of variations. here and the variation might have a long
life, so it could be a standard part of your
Final conclusion repertoire. Of course, theory will change
If you play the Nimzo-Indian Defence over time, but Black hasn’t done anything
and want to get new, interesting wrong in the opening so his position
positions on the board, then this cannot be bad.

Variation A course, this looks more like a draw, With an excellent position in
6.♘f3 but in practice it will provide a long which White is clearly fighting
fight if Black wants it; for equality. It’s quite hard for
Lachezar Yordanov   B)  8.♗c2!? ♘c6 9.♘d2 e5 10.0‑0 him strategically due to his bad
Alexey Sarana b6 11.♖e1 h6 and the position is structure: 12.♗e2
Plovdiv U21 2021 (4) equal, but it’s easier to play with   A)  12.h3 ♗h5 13.a4 ♘bd7 14.♗a3
1.d4 ♘f6 2.c4 e6 3.♘c3 ♗b4 4.e3 black. We want to go ...♘a5 and c5 15.♗e2 ♖ad8 16.♕c2 ♗g6
0‑0 5.♗d3 ♖e8 6.♘f3 ...♗a6 – our whole plan is to exert 17.♕b3 (Nakhbayeva-Mulenko,
pressure on the pawn on c4. Paracin 2014) 17...b6⩲;
TsLdT_M_ 8...e5! A very cool idea involving   B)  12.♕c2! is the best move, e.g.
jJjJ_JjJ a pawn sacrifice. 9.dxe5 9.e4! is 12...♗xf3 13.gxf3 ♘bd7 14.♔h1
._._Js._ the best move, which has not been ♘e5 15.♗e2 ♕e6 16.♖g1 c5 17.e4
_._._._. played yet OTB: 9...exd4 10.♘xd4!? ♘g6 18.♗e3 b6. In practice, it
.lIi._._ (the engine doesn’t like this move, is much easier to play with black
but it’s more interesting than here, as his knights get plenty of
10.cxd4 ♘xe4 11.♖e1 ♘f6 12.♖xe8+ opportunity to jump around.
♕xe8 13.♗g5 ♘bd7 when White has 12...c5 13.♘d4 13.♘e1 (White’s
r.bQk._R some pressure, but his initiative is position is so bad that it is
6...♗xc3+! With the move 6.♘f3 difficult to develop; if White plays necessary to retreat the knight)
White gives Black the opportunity slowly then Black will be better) 13...♖d8 14.♕c2 ♗xe2 15.♕xe2 ♘e4
to create an interesting structure. 10...♘xe4 11.♕c2 ♘f6 12.♗g5 h6 16.♕c2 ♘d7 17.f3 ♘d6 18.e4 ♘xc4
Now White will have doubled 13.♗h4 ♗d7∞. I think this is more 19.♘d3 b5 20.a4 a6 21.axb5 axb5
pawns and the c4-pawn is a dangerous for Black than 10.cxd4, 22.♖xa8 ♖xa8 with equality, but
weakness in such structures. but of course Black will develop Black has a potential passed pawn.
7.bxc3 d6 8.0‑0 his pieces gradually; his main point 13...cxd4 14.♗xg4 ♘xg4 15.♕xg4
  A)  8.♕c2!? is a very flexible move, is to solve the problem of the pin. dxc3
asking Black what he wants to 9...dxe5 10.♘xe5 White should
do with the knight on b8. Black accept the pawn; Black cannot take Ts._T_M_
replies 8...e5! (fast and solid) back because of 11.♗xh7+. 10...♕e7 jJ_.dJjJ
9.♘d2 ♕e7 10.e4 (10.♘e4? ♘xe4 11.♘f3 ♗g4 ._._._._
11.♗xe4 (Diermair-Wagner, Austria _._._._.
Bundesliga 2018/19) 11...♕h4 and Ts._T_M_ ._I_._Q_
most likely White will lose a pawn jJj.dJjJ _.j.i._.
or just get a bad position) 10...exd4 ._._.s._ I_._.iIi
11.cxd4 ♘c6 12.♕b2 ♘h5 13.♘f3 d5 _._._._. r.b._Rk.
14.cxd5 ♘b4 15.♗b1 ♕xe4+! (cool ._I_._L_
tactics!) 16.♗xe4 ♘d3+ 17.♔d2 ♘xb2 16.♕d4? 16.♖b1! (preventing
18.♗xh7+ ♔xh7 19.♗xb2 ♘f6⩲. ...♕b4 and attacking the pawn on
Black wins the pawn back and gets b7) 16...♘c6 17.♖b3 ♕e5 and Black
a position with slight pressure. Of
r.bQ_Rk. is a little better; White needs time


The 1.e4 spectrum

by Glenn Flear
One of the first things we of the books below will cater
learn after beginning our for your personal taste.
chess adventure is that 1.e4 is
a pretty good way to start the Ranko Szuhanek
game. As time goes by, some Beating the Najdorf rare lines
are tempted by alternatives Chess Informant 2021
but for those who stick with
the most popular opening I have to admit that I didn’t
move, there are all sorts of know anything about Ranko
interpretations. Szuhanek until I delved
The selection this time into his book but, apart
all involve 1.e4, but are from being a high-ranking
highly varied in content, IM, it looks like he is better
so whereas Palliser & educated than the majority
Williams are waving the of folk. Despite a busy life
flag for some extraordinary outside of chess, he has still
Englishman Glenn
gambits that immediately found the time to come up
Flear lives in the sharpen the struggle, with a rather unusual and
south of France. For Rizzitano is focusing on a thought-provoking work.
every Yearbook he positionally sound basis to His serious examination of
reviews a selection his repertoire. There is also a the lesser options against the
of new chess opening wide difference between the Najdorf is something that
books. A grandmaster
more specialized works, with nobody has ever attempted
Michael Roiz looking at the before in print. The title
and a prolific chess
ultra-solid and highly rated would seem to suggest that
author himself, Flear’s Berlin, whereas Szuhanek the work is from White’s
judgment is severe but is delving into all sorts of point of view, but in fact it’s
sincere, and always outlandish surprises in the leaning in the direction of
constructive. Najdorf. The 1.e4 spectrum a Black repertoire, i.e. a sort
is wide indeed but, even so, of ‘anti-offbeat sixth moves
my guess is that at least one compendium’.
Chess Informant is best
known for its regular
‘theoretical manuals’ that
have come out since the
year dot (i.e. 1966!) and
are still going strong.
These have become more
varied in content of late,
with lots of non-opening
features covering endgames,
problems, people and so on,
just like any periodical that
needs to adapt in order to
please a wide readership.
Even so, opening trends
and discoveries are still at


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