ASTM-D-4220-95 (Reapproved 2007) Standard Practices For Preserving and Transporting Soil Samples

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Designation: D 4220 – 95 (Reapproved 2007)


Standard Practices for

Preserving and Transporting Soil Samples1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 4220; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope* D 3550 Practice for Thick Wall, Ring-Lined, Split Barrel,

1.1 These practices cover procedures for preserving soil Drive Sampling of Soils
samples immediately after they are obtained in the field and D 4564 Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the
accompanying procedures for transporting and handling the Sleeve Method
samples. D 4700 Guide for Soil Sampling from the Vadose Zone
1.2 Limitations—These practices are not intended to ad-
dress requirements applicable to transporting of soil samples 3. Terminology
known or suspected to contain hazardous materials. 3.1 Terminology in these practices is in accordance with
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the Terminology D 653.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 4. Summary of Practices
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 4.1 The various procedures are given under four groupings
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. See Section 7. as follows:
4.1.1 Group A—Samples for which only general visual
2. Referenced Documents identification is necessary.
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 4.1.2 Group B—Samples for which only water content and
D 420 Guide to Site Characterization for Engineering De- classification tests, proctor and relative density, or profile
sign and Construction Purposes logging is required, and bulk samples that will be remolded or
D 653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained compacted into specimens for swell pressure, percent swell,
Fluids consolidation, permeability, shear testing, CBR, stabilimeter,
D 1452 Practice for Soil Investigation and Sampling by etc.
Auger Borings 4.1.3 Group C—Intact, naturally formed or field fabricated,
D 1586 Test Method for Penetration Test and Split-Barrel samples for density determinations; or for swell pressure,
Sampling of Soils percent swell, consolidation, permeability testing and shear
D 1587 Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils testing with or without stress-strain and volume change mea-
for Geotechnical Purposes surements, to include dynamic and cyclic testing.
D 2488 Practice for Description and Identification of Soils 4.1.4 Group D—Samples that are fragile or highly sensitive
(Visual-Manual Procedure) for which tests in Group C are required.
4.2 The procedure(s) to be used should be included in the
These practices are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on project specifications or defined by the designated responsible
Soil and Rock and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.02 on person.
Sampling and Related Field Testing for Soil Evaluations.
Current edition approved July 1, 2007. Published August 2007. Originally 5. Significance and Use
approved in 1983. Last previous edition approved in 2000 as D 4220 – 95
(2000). 2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, 5.1 Use of the various procedures recommended in these, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For practices is dependent on the type of samples obtained (Prac-
Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s
Document Summary page on
tice D 420), the type of testing and engineering properties
the ASTM website. required, the fragility and sensitivity of the soil, and the

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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D 4220 – 95
climatic conditions. In all cases, the primary purpose is to
preserve the desired inherent conditions. 7. Precautions
5.2 The procedures presented in these practices were prima- 7.1 Special instructions, descriptions, and marking of con-
rily developed for soil samples that are to be tested for tainers must accompany any sample that may include radioac-
engineering properties, however, they may be applicable for tive, chemical, toxic, or other contaminant material.
samples of soil and other materials obtained for other 7.2 Interstate transportation containment, storage, and dis-
purposes. posal of soil samples obtained from certain areas within the
United States and the transportation of foreign soils into or
6. Apparatus
through the United States are subject to regulations established
6.1 The type of materials and containers needed depend by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal, and Plant
upon the conditions and requirements listed under the four Health Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs,
groupings A to D in Section 4, and also on the climate and and possibly to regulations of other federal, state, or local
transporting mode and distance. agencies.

6.1.1 Sealing Wax, includes microcrystalline wax, paraffin, 7.2.1 Samples shipped by way of common carrier or U.S.
beeswax, ceresine, carnaubawax, or combinations thereof. Postal Service must comply with the Department of Transpor-
6.1.2 Metal Disks, about 1⁄16 in. (about 2 mm) thick and tation Hazardous Materials Regulation, 49CRF Part 172.
having a diameter slightly less than the inside diameter of the 7.3 Sample traceability records (see Fig. 1) are encouraged
tube, liner, or ring and to be used in union with wax or caps and should be required for suspected contaminated samples.
and tape, or both. 7.3.1 The possession of all samples must be traceable, from
6.1.3 Wood Disks, prewaxed, 1 in. (25 mm) thick and collection to shipment to laboratory to disposition, and should
having a diameter slightly less than the inside diameter of the be handled by as few persons as possible.
liner or tube. 7.3.2 The sample collector(s) should be responsible for
6.1.4 Tape, either waterproof plastic, adhesive friction, or initiating the sample traceability record; recording the project,
duct tape. sample identification and location, sample type, date, and the
6.1.5 Cheesecloth, to be used in union with wax in alterna- number and types of containers.
tive layers.
7.3.3 A separate traceability record shall accompany each
6.1.6 Caps, either plastic, rubber or metal, to be placed
over the end of thin-walled tubes (Practice D 1587), liners and
7.3.4 When transferring the possession of samples the
rings (Practice D 3550), in union with tape or wax.
person(s) relinquishing and receiving the samples shall sign,
6.1.7 O’ring (Sealing End Caps), used to seal the ends of
date, record the time, and check for completeness of the
samples within thin-walled tubes, by mechanically expanding
traceability record.
an O’ring against the tube wall.
NOTE 1—Plastic expandable end caps are preferred. Metal expandable 8. Procedure
end caps seal equally well; however, long-term storage may cause
corrosion problems. 8.1 All Samples—Properly identify samples with tags, la-
bels, and markings prior to transporting them as follows:
6.1.8 Jars, wide mouthed, with rubber-ringed lids or lids
8.1.1 Job name or number, or both,
lined with a coated paper seal and of a size to comfortably
receive the sample, commonly 1⁄2 pt (250 mL), 1 pt (500 mL) 8.1.2 Sampling date,
and quart-sized (1000 mL). 8.1.3 Sample/boring number and location,
6.1.9 Bag, either plastic, burlap with liner, burlap or cloth 8.1.4 Depth or elevation, or both,
type (Practice D 1452). 8.1.5 Sample orientation,
6.1.10 Packing Material, to protect against vibration and 8.1.6 Special shipping or laboratory handling instructions,
shock. or both, including sampling orientation, and
6.1.11 Insulation, either granule (bead), sheet or foam type, 8.1.7 Penetration test data, if applicable (Test Method
to resist temperature change of soil or to prevent freezing. D 1586).
6.1.12 Sample Cube Boxes, for transporting cube (block) 8.1.8 Subdivided samples must be identified while main-
samples. Constructed with 1⁄2 to 3⁄4 in. (13 to 19 mm) thick taining association to the original sample.
plywood (marine type). 8.1.9 If required, sample traceability record.
6.1.13 Cylindrical Sample Containers, somewhat larger in 8.2 Group A—Transport samples in any type of container
dimension than the thin-walled tube or liner samples, such as by way of available transportation. If transported
cylindrical frozen food cartons. commercially, the container need only meet the minimum
6.1.14 Shipping Containers, either box or cylindrical type requirements of the transporting agency and any other
and of proper construction to protect against vibration, shock, requirements necessary to assure against sample loss.
and the elements, to the degree required. 8.3 Group B:
NOTE 2—The length, girth and weight restrictions for commercial 8.3.1 Preserve and transport these samples in sealed, mois-
transportation must be considered. tureproof containers. All containers shall be of sufficient
6.1.15 Identification Material—This includes the necessary thickness and strength to ensure against breakage and moisture
writing pens, tags, and labels to properly identify the loss. The container types include: plastic bags or pails, glass or
sample(s). plastic (provided they are waterproof) jars, thin walled tubes,
liners, and rings. Wrap cylindrical and cube samples in
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D 4220 – 95

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D 4220 – 95

FIG. 1 Example Layout of Record Form

plastic film or aluminum foil, or both, (Note 3) and coat with

several layers of wax, or seal in several layers of cheesecloth Wax With Disks—For short-term sealing, paraffin
and wax. wax is acceptable. For long term sealing (in excess of 3 days)
8.3.2 Transport these samples by any available transporta- use microcrystalline waxes or combine with up to 15 %
tion. Ship these samples as prepared or placed in larger beeswax or resin, for better adherence to the wall of the tube
shipping containers, including bags, cardboard, or wooden and to reduce shrinkage. Several thin layers of wax are
boxes or barrels. preferred over one thick layer. The minimum final thickness
shall be 0.4 in. (10 mm).
NOTE 3—Some soils may cause holes to develop in aluminum foil, due End Caps—Seal metal, rubber, or plastic end caps
to corrosion. Avoid direct contact where adverse affects to sample
composition are a concern. with tape. For long term storage (longer than 3 days), also dip
them in wax, applying two or more layers of wax.
8.3.3 Plastic Bags—Place the plastic bags as tightly as Cheesecloth and Wax—Use alternating layers (a
possible around the sample, squeezing out as much air as
minimum of two each) of cheesecloth and wax to seal each
possible. They shall be 3 mil or thicker to prevent leakage.
end of the tube and stabilize the sample.
8.3.4 Glass-Plastic Jars—If the jar lids are not rubber
ringed or lined with new waxed paper seals, seal the lids with NOTE 4—Where necessary, spacers or appropriate packing materials, or
wax. both, must be placed prior to sealing the tube ends to provide proper
confinement. Packing material must be nonabsorbent and must maintain
8.3.5 Plastic Pails—If the plastic pail lids are not air tight, its properties to provide the same degree of continued sample support.
seal them with wax or tape.
8.3.6 Thin-Walled Tubes: 8.3.7 Liners and Rings—Refer to or Expandable Packers—The preferred method of 8.3.8 Exposed Samples:
sealing sample ends within tubes is with plastic, expandable Cylindrical, Cubical or Other Samples Wrapped in
packers. Plastic, such as polyethylene and polypropylene, or foil
should be further protected with a minimum of three coats of

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D 4220 – 95

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D 4220 – 95 Cylindrical and Cube Samples Wrapped in Cheese- maintained, at all times, in the same position as when sampled
cloth and Wax, shall be sealed with a minimum of three layers or packed, or both,
of each, placed alternatively. Carton Samples (Frozen Food Cartons)—Samples
placed in these containers must be situated so that wax can be
poured completely around the sample. The wax should fill the
void between the sample and container wall. The wax should
be sufficiently warm to flow, but not so hot that it penetrates
the pores of the soil. Generally, the samples should be
wrapped in plastic or foil before being surrounded with wax.
8.4 Group C:
8.4.1 Preserve and seal these samples in containers as
covered in 8.3. In addition, they must be protected against
vibration and shock, and protected from extreme heat or cold.
8.4.2 Samples transported by the sampling or testing
agency personnel on seats of automobiles and trucks need
only be placed in cardboard boxes, or similar containers into
which the sealed samples fit snugly, preventing bumping,
rolling, drop- ping, etc.
8.4.3 For all other methods of transporting samples, includ-
ing automobile trunk, bus, parcel services, truck, boat, air, etc.,
place the sealed samples in wood, metal, or other type of
suitable shipping containers that provide cushioning or insula-
tion, or both, for each sample and container. Avoid
transporting by any agency whose handling of containers is
8.4.4 The cushioning material (sawdust, rubber, polysty-
rene, urethane foam, or material with similar resiliency)
should completely encase each sample. The cushioning
between the samples and walls of the shipping containers
should have a minimum thickness of 1 in. (25 mm). A
minimum thickness of 2 in. (50 mm) shall be provided on the
container floor.
8.4.5 When required, the samples should be shipped in the
same orientation in which they were sampled. Otherwise,
special conditions shall be provided such as freezing, con-
trolled drainage, or sufficient confinement, or a combination
thereof, to maintain sample integrity.
8.5 Group D:
8.5.1 The requirements of 8.4 must be met, in addition to
the following: Samples should be handled in the same orientation
in which they were sampled, including during transportation
or shipping, with appropriate markings on the shipping
container. For all modes of private or commercial transporta-
tion, the loading, transporting and unloading of the shipment
containers should be supervised as much as possible by a
qualified person.
NOTE 5—A qualified person may be an engineer, geologist, soil
scientist, soils technician or responsible person designated by the project
8.6 Shipping Containers (see Figs. 2-7 for typical contain-
8.6.1 The following features should be included in the
design of the shipping container for Groups C and D. It should be reuseable, It should be constructed so that the samples can be

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D 4220 – 95 It should include sufficient packing material to
cushion or isolate, or both, the tubes from the adverse effect 9. Reporting
of vibration and shock, and 9.1 The data obtained in the field shall be recorded and It should include sufficient insulating material to should include the following:
prevent freezing, sublimation and thawing, or undesirable 9.1.1 Job name or number, or both,
temperature changes. 9.1.2 Sampling date(s),
8.6.2 Wood Shipping Containers: 9.1.3 Sample/boring number(s) and location(s), Wood is preferred over metal. Outdoor (marine) 9.1.4 Depth(s) or elevation(s), or both,
plywood having a thickness of 1⁄2 and 3⁄4 in. (13 to 19 mm) 9.1.5 Sample orientation,
may be used. The top (cover) should be hinged and latched, or 9.1.6 Groundwater observation, if any,
fastened with screws. 9.1.7 Method of sampling, and penetration test data, if The cushioning requirements are given in 8.4.4. applicable, For protection against freezing or extreme 9.1.8 Sample dimensions,
tempera- ture variation, the entire shipping container should
9.1.9 Soil description (Practice D 2488),
be lined with a minimum insulation thickness of 2 in. (50
9.1.10 Names of technician/crewman, engineer, project
chief, etc.,
8.6.3 Metal Shipping Containers—The metal shipping
9.1.11 Comments regarding contaminated or possible con-
con- tainers must incorporate cushioning and insulation
taminated samples,
material to minimum thicknesses in accordance with 8.6.2,
9.1.12 If used, a copy of traceability records,
although slightly greater thicknesses would be appropriate.
Alterna- tively, the cushion effect could be achieved with a 9.1.13 Weather conditions, and
spring suspension system, or any other means that would 9.1.14 General remarks.
provide similar protection.
8.6.4 Styrene Shipping Containers—Bulk styrene with 10. Precision and Bias
slots cut to the dimensions of the sample tube or liner. A 10.1 This practice provides qualitative and general
protective outer box of plywood or reinforced cardboard is informa- tion only. Therefore, a precision and bias statement is
recommended. not applicable.
8.6.5 Other Containers—Containers constructed with
lami- nated fiberboard, plastic or reinforced cardboard outer 11. Keywords
walls, and properly lined, may also be used. 11.1 preservation; soil samples; transportation

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D 4220 – 95

FIG. 2 Shipping Box for 3-in. (76-mm) Thin-Walled Tubes

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NOTE 1—Top and bottom halves are identical.

FIG. 3 Styrene Shipping Container for 3-in. (76-mm) Thin-Walled Tubes


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D 4220 – 95

Item Item
No. Description of Item Quantity No. Description of Item Quantity
1 Plywood, 4 ft by 8 ft by 3⁄4 in. (1220 mm by 2440 mm by 19.1 1 Sheet 13 Rope, nylon, 1⁄2-in. (12.7-mm) diameter, solid braided 5 ft (1524 mm)
mm) exterior, Grade AC 14 Cushioning Material, expanded polystyrene foam 10 ft3(0.28 m3)
2 Hinge, strap, 4 in. (102 mm), heavy duty with screws 4 Each Notes– (a) All wooden components can be sawed from one sheet of plywood.
3 Hasp, hinged, 41⁄2 in. (114 mm), with screws 3 Each (b) This shipping box will accommodate approximately three 3-in. (76-mm)
4 Screw, Wood, Steel, Flathead, No. 10 by 13⁄4 in. (44.5 mm) 72 Each diameter tubes or two 5-in (127-mm) diameter tubes up to 30 in. (762
5 Bolt, Machine, ⁄8 in. (9.5 mm), with nut to secure hasps
3 Each mm) in length. For longer tubes the inside height of the box must be a
6 Washer, flat, 3⁄8 in. (9.5 mm) 3 Each minimum of 6-in. (152 mm) greater than the length of the tube.
7 Eye Bolt, 1⁄2 by 2 in. (6.4 mm by 51 mm), zinc-plated, with nut 8 Each (c) All joints to be glued and fastened with screws.
8 Washer, flat, 1⁄4 in. (6.4 mm), for hasp bolt 8 Each (d) Stencil all sides as follows (See Views B and C).
9 S Hooks, 2 in. (51 mm), open, zinc-plated 8 Each TO PROTECT FROM FREEZING
10 Clamp, adjustable, hose, steel, worm screw adjustment 2 Each (e) After suspending samples as indicated above, all void space must be
11 Spring, expansion 8 Each filled with a suitable resilient packing material.
12 Adhesive, woodworking 1 lb (454 g)
FIG. 4 Suspension System Container for Thin-Walled Tubes

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NOTE 1—Two in. (51 mm) of foam rubber covers 2 in. of styrofoam at
the base. One in. (25 mm) of foam rubber overlays the top of the tubes,
and the remaining space to the lid is filled with styrofoam.
FIG. 5 Shipping Barrel for Thin-Walled Tubes


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D 4220 – 95

FIG. 6 Shipping Box for Liner (Short Tube) or Ring Samples


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D 4220 – 95

FIG. 7 Preparing and Packaging a Block Sample


This section identifies the location of changes to these practices that have been incorporated since the last
issue. Committee D-18 has highlighted those changes that affect the technical interpretation or use of these
(1) Section 11 was added since the last revision.
(2) Section 2 was expanded since the last revision.

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D 4220 – 95

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years
and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional
standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a
meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair
hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-
2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the
above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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