What Is The Eisenhower Matrix?
What Is The Eisenhower Matrix?
What Is The Eisenhower Matrix?
We call the first quadrant Do first as its tasks are important for your life and career and need to be
done today or tomorrow at the latest. You could use a timer to help you concentrate while trying to
get as much of them done as possible.
An example of this type of task could be to review an important document for your manager.
The second quadrant we call Schedule. Its tasks are important but less urgent. You should list tasks
you need to put in your calendar here.
Professional time managers leave fewer things unplanned and therefore try to manage most of their
work in the second quadrant, reducing stress by terminating urgent and important to-dos to a
reasonable date in the near future whenever a new task comes in.
The third quadrant is for those tasks you could delegate as they are less important to you than others
but still pretty urgent. You should keep track of delegated tasks by e-mail, telephone or within a
meeting to check back on their progress later.
An example of a delegated task could be somebody calling you to ask for an urgent favor or request
that you step into a meeting. You could delegate this responsibility by suggesting a better person for
the job or by giving the caller the necessary information to have him deal with the matter himself.
The fourth and last quadrant is called Don’t Do because it is there to help you sort out things you
should not being doing at all.
Discover and stop bad habits, like surfing the internet without a reason or gaming too long, these
give you an excuse for not being able to deal with important tasks in the 1st and 2nd quadrant.
The 7 Habits of
Highly Effective People
by Stephen Covey