Development of An Adult Sensory Processing Scale (ASPS) : Erna Blanche
Development of An Adult Sensory Processing Scale (ASPS) : Erna Blanche
Development of An Adult Sensory Processing Scale (ASPS) : Erna Blanche
Verificat ion and clarificat ion of pat t erns of sensory int egrat ive dysfunct ion
Susanne Smit h Roley
Occupat ional T herapy Using a Sensory Int egrat ive Approach: A Case St udy of Effect iveness
Lucy Miller
Development of an Adult Sensory Processing
Scale (ASPS)
MeSH TERMS This article describes the development of the Adult Sensory Processing Scale (ASPS), a sensory processing
activities of daily living questionnaire for adults. The ASPS measures self-reported responses to input from distinct sensory systems
and is intended to be sensitive to individual differences in the adult population. ASPS construction involved
two phases: item development and instrument construction. During item development, content validity of 71
questionnaires items was assessed by means of expert ratings. During instrument construction, items were evaluated using
sensation data from an online survey of 491 adults. Exploratory factor analysis and Rasch analysis yielded an optimal
sensation disorders solution of eight factors representing vestibular overresponsiveness, auditory overresponsiveness, visual
overresponsiveness, social tactile overresponsiveness, proprioceptive seeking, general underresponsive-
ness, vestibular–proprioceptive underresponsiveness affecting postural control, and vestibular overrespon-
siveness–intolerance to movement. The final ASPS contains 39 items and demonstrates acceptable internal
consistency, strong content validity, and adequate construct validity.
Blanche, E. I., Parham, D., Chang, M., & Mallinson, T. (2014). Development of an Adult Sensory Processing Scale (ASPS).
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68, 531–538.
indicated in the first exploratory analysis. The same eval- 2000). The average a value of the 11 factors was .67, and
uative criteria for item inclusion were applied at this stage. as for the items making up each factor ranged from .6
The final set of items with exploratory factor analysis to .8, which is considered to be acceptable. However,
loadings is presented in Table 3. Results indicated 11 two factors, Underresponsiveness to Tactile Input
factors: Overresponsiveness to Vestibular Input (Factor (Factor 9) and Overresponsiveness to Touch Involving
1), Overresponsiveness to Auditory Input (Factor 2), Textures (Factor 11) fell below .6 and were sub-
Overresponsiveness to Visual Input (Factor 3), Over- sequently removed. Factor 8 (Auditory Seeking) con-
responsiveness to Social Touch (Factor 4), Proprioceptive tained only 2 items and was also removed from the final
Seeking (Factor 5), Overall Underresponsiveness (Factor version. The final version of the scale contains 40 items
6), Underresponsiveness to Proprioceptive–Vestibular In- and 8 factors (Table 4).
put Affecting Postural–Motor Abilities (Factor 7), Auditory
Seeking (Factor 8), Underresponsiveness to Tactile Input
(Factor 9), Intolerance to Movement (a type of vestibular
overresponsiveness; Factor 10), and Overresponsiveness to The ASPS is a unique instrument for measuring adult
Touch Involving Textures (Factor 11). sensory processing, because it was designed to measure
In summary, as a result of the series of factor and responsiveness within specific sensory systems. Four key
Rasch analyses, we removed 23 items (12 arousal, 4 tactile, findings indicate that it has the potential to make important
4 proprioceptive, 1 visual, 1 vestibular, and 1 auditory) contributions to sensory integration theory and practice: It is
reducing the scale to 48 items. Table 3 shows the mean a valid tool for identifying patterns of sensory responsiveness
and standard deviation of item ratings within each factor linked to distinct sensory systems in adults; it identifies
for these 48 items. specific patterns of underresponsiveness, sensory seeking,
Stage 4: Internal Consistency. Internal consistency was and overresponsiveness within sensory systems; it replicates
established by computing Cronbach’s a reliability co- sensory processing patterns previously identified in research
efficient for each factor and all retained items of this on children; and it links specific sensory systems to particular
questionnaire. The overall internal consistency for the entire responsiveness patterns in combinations that have not
set of 48 items was .87, which is considered strong (Kline, previously been reported.
(Continued )
Findings showed that 5 of the 11 factors identified unacceptably few items or indicated poor internal consis-
by the final EFA reflect responses to individual sensory tency, they are interesting in their specificity to very particular
systems (vestibular, tactile, auditory, visual, and pro- types of sensory responses within particular sensory systems.
prioceptive). The first four of these factors represent over- The congruence of the factors in this study with some
responsiveness. Specifically, Factor 1 contains items that of the sensory integration patterns previously identified in
indicate overresponsiveness to rotary and linear vestibular research on children is noteworthy. For example, Ayres
input; Factor 2, overresponsiveness to auditory input; Factor (1964, 1965, 1966) identified tactile defensiveness as
3, overresponsiveness to visual input; and Factor 4, over- a specific factor in her early studies and later described
responsiveness to tactile experiences that have a social postural control problems in children with vestibular and
component, such as being touched unexpectedly. The next proprioceptive processing difficulties (Ayres, 1972, 1979/
five factors (5–9) reflect underresponsiveness or sensory 2005, 1989). Mailloux et al. (2011) used the Sensory
seeking. Factor 5 represents proprioceptive seeking; Factor 6, Integration and Praxis Test (Ayres, 1989) and the Sensory
underresponsiveness in several sensory systems, including Processing Measure Home Form (Parham & Ecker, 2007)
auditory, proprioceptive, and visual; and Factor 7, under- in a factor analysis that identified several patterns that are
responsiveness to proprioceptive–vestibular input influ- similar to those revealed in the current study. Specifically,
encing movement and posture. Factor 8 represents auditory the vestibular–proprioceptive underresponsiveness pat-
seeking, and Factor 9 indicates underresponsiveness to tern found by Mailloux et al. (2011) corresponds to
nonsocial touch. Although these last two factors contained Factor 7 in the current study (Underresponsiveness to