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10.1007@978 3 030 38844 7
Claudia Krille
in Professional
A Systematic Review
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Teachers’ Participation
in Professional Development
A Systematic Review
Claudia Krille
Goethe Universität
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
vi Contents
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Chapter 1
Relevance and Scope of the Literature
Abstract There only seem to be a limited amount of studies regarding teachers’ par-
ticipation in professional development (PD). However, there is a rather wide range
of studies dedicated to this research area. This research is characterized by different
methodology approaches, target groups, and a focus of certain PD programs and
therefore quantitative synthesizing approaches (e.g., meta-analysis) are not appli-
cable. Nevertheless, this body of research provides relevant results for this area of
research. Against this background, the first chapter introduces the relevance of con-
ducting a systematic literature review on teachers’ participation in PD and potential
aspects that may influence their attendance. To do so, the chapter presents why (for-
mal) PD is important and emphasizes the relevance of the first step in the PD process:
The choice of participating in a (certain) PD workshop. The chapter also outlines
the inconsistent and hard to compare state of research. Furthermore, it presents the
three main research questions that motivated the literature review and describes the
conditions for teacher PD within the three focused countries. Finally, a short preview
of the book structure is outlined.
Teachers’ competence has a crucial effect on their teaching as well as their stu-
dents’ success (e.g., Baumert et al., 2010; Hattie, 2009). The foundation for that
competence is established during the initial teacher training and continues through-
out their entire teaching career. The constantly varying context conditions in schools
and classrooms, as well as the changing requirements for students and for teachers
themselves, require teachers to continue learning throughout their careers in order to
maintain and develop their professionalism (e.g., Lipowsky & Rzejak, 2015; OECD,
2009). Furthermore, subject contents may change and be updated, regulations and
standards with regard to processes in the school routine may be adapted, and new
teaching methods might be developed and implemented. Professional development
(PD) provides an opportunity for teachers to learn about such changes to improve
their professional behavior. Furthermore, PD workshops may help teachers learn
strategies for handling challenging situations (for different possible scopes of teacher
in-service PD courses, see Richter, Kunter, Klusmann, Lüdtke, & Baumert, 2011).
Different meta-analyses have demonstrated that PD can have a positive effect
on teachers’ learning and behavior as well as on students’ performance (e.g., Hat-
tie, 2009; Timperley, Wilson, Barrar, & Fung, 2007; Yoon, Duncan, Lee, Scarloss, &
Shapley, 2007). Based on these results, the studies identify characteristics of learning
opportunities that are able to influence teaching in a positive manner. The analyzed
studies often focused on “formal PD”, i.e. the participation of learning opportunities
provided by education and training institutions (e.g., PD workshops; Commission
of the European Communities, 2000; Richter, 2013). In the context of continuous
teacher education, formal PD activities do not necessarily lead to recognized qual-
ifications (see the distinction with “further qualifying training” in Eurydice (2003,
p. 103) but are officially recognized as further development. Both formal and non-
formal learning activities (e.g., learning communities, cooperation with organiza-
tions, or individual information search) are characterized by the intention to learn
something whereas informal learning may happen unintentionally and in the course
of doing something different (Commission of the European Communities, 2000; see
also Richter, 2011 for teachers). Yet the various learning activities should not com-
pete with each other, but rather complement each other (e.g., Commission of the
European Communities, 2000).
The current literature review focuses on formal teacher PD—that is, learning
activities such as courses or workshops that are organized and offered by educational
institutions. These learning opportunities are pre-structured by teacher educators
and therefore have the potential to impart knowledge to teachers efficiently (Richter,
2016). Furthermore, in several countries, participation in formal PD is mandatory (for
an overview of European countries, see European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice,
2013) and can therefore be seen as a “minimum requirement” for teachers’ PD.
Different international studies have shown that formal PD is highly relevant and
used by many teachers (e.g., Boyle, Lamprianou, & Boyle, 2005; OECD, 2009).
The current review focuses on such PD activities that aim to maintain and update
existing a teacher’s competences (called Fortbildung in German) but not provide
further qualifying training, which enables teachers to assume an office or teach other
subjects (Weiterbildung in German; e.g., Daschner, 2009; Richter, 2016).
Although a large body of research on crucial elements of successful PD courses
exists (e.g., Lipowsky, 2011; Timperley et al., 2007; Yoon et al., 2007) and several
models have been developed to investigate and explain the efficacy of PD workshops
(e.g., Desimone, 2009; Lipowsky, 2010; Lipowsky & Rzejak, 2015; Van Veen, Zwart,
& Meirink, 2012), there is no systematization of studies with regard to teachers’ par-
ticipation in PD as well as aspects that may influence their attendance or be associated
1.1 Motivation for the Literature Review 3
with it.1 With regard to the quantity of PD workshops attended, existing studies focus
on either a certain region within a country or teachers from a specific school type or
few certain school subjects (Richter, 2016). In addition, studies concerned with the
reasons for teachers to attend or not attend formal PD are rather scarce according to
Richter (2016). Furthermore, the existing studies are not based on a coherent model
of PD attendance, or teachers’ decision-making process for or against certain PD
workshops or programs (for the initial overviews of possible influencing variables,
see Diehl, Krüger, Richter, & Vigerske, 2010; Kwakman, 2003).
However, it is important to understand the underlying processes and correlations
as successful PD programs can only take an effect when teachers participate in them.
Therefore, the process of effective teacher PD starts even before attending and utiliz-
ing the workshop—namely, when deciding on a PD activity and a specific learning
opportunity (see Beier & Kanfer, 2010, for a stage model for training motivation in
a general context). Accordingly, Rzejak et al. (2014) suggested not only considering
“training motivation” but also further differentiating it into “training choice motiva-
tion” (the choice of a certain PD program before participating), “training utilization
motivation” (how teachers use the program and actively engage in it), and “training
transfer motivation” (motivation to apply new knowledge and skills in classroom).
The differentiation into the three phases and qualitatively different motivation stages
allows for investigating the whole training process more precisely and considering
constructs that may be more influential in one of the phases but not throughout the
whole process (Beier & Kanfer, 2010).
The current review focuses on the first phase: the training choice. For countries
in which teachers’ participation in PD is not mandatory (for an overview see e.g.,
European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2013), it is important to know what moti-
vates teachers to attend PD, what hinders them, and what other aspects may influence
that choice. Furthermore, knowing what is crucial for teachers’ PD participation can
provide a valuable insight for designing attractive and effective PD programs and
Against this background, the present literature review aims to summarize and sys-
temize existing research results with regard to teachers’ training choice or what influ-
ences teachers’ PD behavior. To provide broad insights into this topic, the review
not only focuses on motivational constructs (cf. Rzejak et al., 2014), but also covers
teachers’ self-reported reasons for and barriers to attending PD, as well as individual
and context characteristics that have been examined with regard to their associations
with teachers’ PD attendance. The current literature review focuses on results from
1 SeeRichter (2016) for a first approach to summarizing studies from Germany with regard to
teachers’ participation as well as reasons for and against attending PD. However, the results are
based only on eight publications.
4 1 Relevance and Scope of the Literature Review
Germany, Austria, and Switzerland which are often (but not always) published in Ger-
man and therefore may not be accessible to international researchers. Through this
review, comparisons between studies from different countries and teacher education
systems may be possible.
In a first step, the applied methods of the systematic literature review are pre-
sented and the included studies are summarized. Afterwards, the results are presented
focusing on three research questions:
(1) What are teachers’ self-reported reasons for choosing and participating in a
(certain) PD program?
(2) What barriers do teachers report with regard to their participation in PD
(3) What variables are associated with teachers’ PD behavior?
The aim of the paper is to provide a broad overview of the existing research from
Germany, Austria, and Switzerland on these questions. Applying a narrative approach
serves to reveal what was examined in the context of teachers’ PD behavior thus far
rather than calculating effects of certain characteristics or variables. Nevertheless,
this review may be used as a basis for further analyses, such as meta-analyses on more
specific research questions. At the end, the results are summarized and incorporated
into a comprehensive model of teachers’ choice of PD programs.
In order to systemize the results of the literature review, several attempts to system-
ize aspects that may affect teachers’ PD participation exist. For example, Kwakman
(2003) proposed a theoretical model with three different kinds of factors: personal
factors (characteristics of the teacher), task factors (context conditions within the
school), and work environment factors (different forms of support within the school).
However, the hypothesized model is concerned with any professional learning activi-
ties at the workplace, particularly informal learning activities. In contrast, Diehl et al.
(2010) outlined different summaries of affecting aspects and proposed a model that
also included three factors: individual, internal contextual and external contextual
factors. Individual factors are concerned with teachers’ characteristics, such as their
motivation, willingness to invest effort into PD, private conditions, and prior expe-
riences. In contrast, the internal contextual factors represent factors concerned with
characteristics of the school to which the teachers belong and their work environment.
Examples of this kind of factors are regulations of class cancellations, colleagues’
attitudes regarding PD, and available budget for PD attendance. Finally, external
contextual factors comprise characteristics of the PD program that may influence
teachers’ decisions regarding potential participation, such as available information
on the course, distance to the location, and organizational aspects such as the reg-
istration deadline (Diehl et al., 2010). When comparing the two described models,
1.3 Theoretical Approaches to Teachers’ Participation … 5
activities are an essential part of the teaching profession and therefore self-evident
for every teacher (e.g., Balmer, 2017). There are a few exceptions within Germany,
Austria, and Switzerland with regard to prescriptions on how much time teachers
have to spend for PD. However, these obligations are not equal for all teachers and
instead depend on where they teach or in what type of school they teach (e.g., Balmer,
2017; Daschner & Hanisch, 2019; Feller & Stürgkh, 2017). In addition, although in
organizational contexts PD attendance counts as working hours, teachers are encour-
aged to participate in PD activities outside their class time to avoid class cancellation
(e.g., Bundesgesetzblatt §40a, Section 12) and have to align their PD participation
with class preparations, grading, or additional responsibilities within their school.
Therefore, PD attendance is often associated with additional workloads for teachers.
Finally, teachers have the main responsibility for choosing PD courses without being
supported by a systematic assessment of needs or development plans.
Against this background, it is of particular interest to analyze teachers’ PD behav-
ior in order to understand why they participate in (certain) PD courses or what pre-
vents them from doing so (Gorozidis & Papaioannou, 2014; Hildebrandt & Eom,
2011). Considering these findings, implications can be derived for the design of
PD courses as well as context conditions in order to support teachers in their PD
(Gorozidis & Papaioannou, 2014).
Balmer, T. (2017). Wirksamkeit von Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerweiterbildung: Effekte von Lehrmit-
telkursen auf Kognitionen und die Unterrichtsgestaltung von Lehrpersonen sowie die Unter-
richtswahrnehmung der Schülerinnen und Schüler. University of Zurich, Zurich. Retrieved from
https://www.zora.uzh.ch/id/eprint/157257/1/157257.pdf https://doi.org/10.5167/UZH-157257.
Baumert, J., Kunter, M., Blum, W., Brunner, M., Voss, T., Jordan, A., et al. (2010). Teachers’
mathematical knowledge, cognitive activation in the classroom, and student progress. American
Educational Research Journal, 47(1), 133–180. https://doi.org/10.3102/0002831209345157.
Beier, M. E., & Kanfer, R. (2010). Motivation in training and development: A phase perspective.
In S. W. J Kozlowski & E. Salas (Eds.), Learning, training, and development in organizations
(pp. 65–98). New York: Routledge.
Boyle, B., Lamprianou, I., & Boyle, T. (2005). A longitudinal study of teacher change: What makes
professional development effective? Report of the second year of the study. School Effectiveness
and School Improvement, 16(1), 1–27. https://doi.org/10.1080/09243450500114819.
Commission of the European Communities. (2000). A memorandum on lifelong learning. Brussels.
Daschner, P. (2009). Lehrerfort- und weiterbildung: Professionalisierung im Kontext der Lehrerbil-
dung. In S. Blömeke, T. Bohl, L. Haag, G. Lang-Wojtasik, & W. Sacher (Eds.), Handbuch Schule:
Theorie—Organisation—Entwicklung (pp. 490–494). Julius Klinkhardt.
Daschner, P., & Hanisch, R. (Eds.). (2019). Lehrkräftefortbildung in Deutschland: Bestandsauf-
nahme und Orientierung. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
Desimone, L. M. (2009). Improving impact studies of teachers’ professional development: Toward
better conceptualizations and measures. Educational Researcher, 38(3), 181–199. https://doi.org/
References 7
Diehl, T., Krüger, J., Richter, A., & Vigerske, S. (2010). Einflussfaktoren auf die Fort- und Weiterbil-
dung von Lehrkräften—Erste Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojekts [Factors influencing the teach-
ers’ professional development—First results of a research project]. bwp@ (19), 1–21. Retrieved
from http://www.bwpat.de/ausgabe19/diehl_etal_bwpat19.pdf.
Eurydice. (2003). The teaching profession in Europe: Profile, trends and concerns. Report III:
Working conditions and pay. Key topics in education in Europe: Vol. 3. Brussels: Eurydice.
Feller, W., & Stürgkh, A. (2017). Was Österreichs Lehrer lernen: Warum Fortbildung mindestens so
wichtig ist wie die Erstausbildung. Wien: Agenda Austria. Retrieved from https://www.agenda-
Gorozidis, G., & Papaioannou, A. G. (2014). Teachers’ motivation to participate in training and
to implement innovations. Teaching and Teacher Education, 39, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
Hattie, J. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement.
New York, NY: Routledge.
Hildebrandt, S. A., & Eom, M. (2011). Teacher professionalization: Motivational factors and the
influence of age. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27(2), 416–423. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.
Kotthof, H.-G., & Terhart, E. (2013). ‘New’ solutions to ‘old’ problems? Recent reforms in teacher
education in Germany. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, 22, 73–92.
Kwakman, K. (2003). Factors affecting teachers’ participation in professional learning activ-
ities. Teaching and Teacher Education, 19(2), 149–170. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0742-
Lipowsky, F. (2010). Lernen im Beruf: Empirische Befunde zur Wirksamkeit von Lehrerfortbil-
dung [Learning in the profession: Empirical findings on the effectiveness of teacher professional
development]. In F. H. Müller, A. Eichenberger, M. Lüders, & J. Mayr (Eds.), Lehrerinnen und
Lehrer lernen: Konzepte und Befunde zur Lehrerfortbildung. Waxmann: Münster.
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ness of teacher professional development]. In E. Terhart, H. Bennewitz, & M. Rothland (Eds.),
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Lipowsky, F., & Rzejak, D. (2015). Key features of effective professional development pro-
grammes for teachers. Ricercazione: Six-monthly Journal on Learning, Research and Innovation
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8 1 Relevance and Scope of the Literature Review
Rzejak, D., Künsting, J., Lipowsky, F., Fischer, E., Dezhgahi, U., & Reichardt, A. (2014).
Facetten der Lehrerfortbildungsmotivation—eine faktorenanalytische Betrachtung [Facets of
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opment. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 74(5), 599–621. https://doi.
Timperley, H., Wilson, A., Barrar, H., & Fung, I. (2007). Teacher professional learning and
development: best evidence synthesis. Wellington: New Zealand Ministry of Education.
Van Veen, K., Zwart, R., & Meirink, J. (2012). What makes teacher professional development
effective? A literature review. In M. Kooy & K. Van Veen (Eds.), Teacher learning that matters:
International perspectives (pp. 3–21). New York: Routledge.
Yoon, K. S., Duncan, T., Lee, S. W.-Y., Scarloss, B., & Shapley, K. L. (2007). Reviewing the evidence
on how teacher professional development affects student achievement. Issues & Answers Report,
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ences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Regional Educational
Laboratory Southwest. Retrieved from https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/edlabs/regions/southwest/pdf/rel_
Chapter 2
Methods of the Systematic Literature
Abstract The chapter describes the methodological approach realized for identify-
ing relevant literature to the research questions raised in Chap. 1. (What are teach-
ers’ self-reported reasons for choosing and participating in a (certain) PD program?
What barriers do teachers report with regard to their participation in PD programs?
What variables are associated with teachers’ PD behavior?). As important previously
known studies were not contained in the search results of relevant databases (e.g.,
PSYNDEX, ERIC), Google Scholar was used for the initial search. This also enabled
a search for different kinds of publications and a broad basis of studies. The results
were first examined based on the titles and abstracts (if applicable). The remaining
studies were screened in more detail based on the full text. In addition, snowballing
as well as analyses of content tables were conducted. By applying these steps, a final
set of 81 studies was identified as relevant for the literature review. The included
studies are described in this chapter with regard to different characteristics, such as
publication form, teacher samples, and kind of conducted analyses.
The initial search was done on 26 July 2017. As the focus was on studies from
Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, the following German keywords were used:
“Fortbildungsverhalten1 ” (PD behavior), “Fortbildungserwartungen” (PD expecta-
tions), “Fortbildungswünsche” (PD wishes), “Fortbildungsinteresse” (PD interests),
and “Fortbildungsmotive” (PD motives). Each keyword was combined first with
“Lehrkraft” and then with “Lehrer” (teacher2 ). If necessary, the actual publications
or titles were searched as some results from Google Scholar were ambiguous. This
approach identified 463 distinguishable hits.
As stated in Chap. 1, the focus was on training choice, meaning the phase before
a PD workshop or program started was relevant (see first phase in Beier & Kanfer,
2010 or Richter, Kunter, Klusmann, Lüdtke, & Baumert 2014). The goal was to
include all empirical studies focused on school teachers from Germany, Austria,
or Switzerland that either examined teachers’ self-reported reasons or barriers for
participating or reported the relationship between individual or context characteristics
with (the amount of) teachers’ actual participation in formal PD in the past (but
no results on efficacy of training programs or evaluations). Both quantitative and
qualitative studies were considered. In addition, only studies with data collection after
1990 (i.e., after the German reunification) were included. Figure 2.1 summarizes the
1 As stated in Sect. 1.1 the review does not include research on further qualifying training. Therefore,
the search term “Weitebildung” was not used. However, a screening of the search results when
including this term did not reveal any important studies that could contribute to the research aim of
the current literature.
2 “Lehrkraft” and “Lehrer” are both translations of “teacher”. The former is a gender-neutral term
whereas the latter refers to male teachers, although it was sometimes used as job title in earlier
2.1 Search Procedure 11
search procedure as a PRISMA flow diagram (Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, & Altman,
2009) and provides an overview of the process.
All titles and abstracts of the search results were screened and compared against
the previously discussed inclusion criteria to determine if they were suitable for
the review. If it was not possible to infer the relevance from the title or abstract, the
publication was included for further screening. During this process, 219 publications
were excluded (e.g., because the studies were published before 1990, studies occurred
more than once, or the examined sample was not schoolteachers; see Fig. 2.1). One
publication was a cumulative doctoral thesis (Nitsche, 2013) that included three
articles; thus, it was replaced by the contained articles. Therefore, 245 publications
remained for the second step: the screening of the full texts. If two publications
reported the same results from the same study, only one of them was considered.3
After collating the remaining texts with the inclusion criteria, 212 additional publica-
tions were excluded (e.g., because there was no data collection or it occurred before
1990, there was no information on teachers’ reasons/barriers for their PD participa-
tion or on related variables; see Fig. 2.1). To broaden the publication basis of the
literature review, reference lists and tables of content were reviewed for publications
that might fit the inclusion criteria, which resulted in 48 additional publications being
included. Ultimately, a final set of 81 publications was used as the basis of the current
literature review.
3 Thefollowing studies were not considered for the analysis: Bachmaier (2011), Beck and Ullrich
(1996), Daus et al. (2004), Jetzschke and Henn (2016), Neu and Melle (1998), Richter (2013),
Richter and Klein (2013), Richter, Kunter, Klusmann, Lüdtke, and Baumert (2014).
12 2 Methods of the Systematic Literature Review
b n = 84 studies were considered because three publications reported two different studies each
Bachmaier, R. (2011). Fortbildung Online: Entwicklung, Erprobung und Evaluation eines tutoriell
betreuten Online-Selbstlernangebots für Lehrkräfte [Professional development online: Develop-
ment, testing, and evaluation of a tutored online self-learning program for teachers]. Dissertation,
Universität Regensburg, Regensburg.
Beck, C., & Ullrich, H. (1996). Fortbildungsinteressen von Lehrenden: Ergebnisse einer repräsen-
tativen Befragung [Professional development interests of teachers: Results of a representative
survey]. Die Deutsche Schule, 88(2), 198–213.
Beier, M. E., & Kanfer, R. (2010). Motivation in training and development: A phase perspective.
In S. W. J. Kozlowski, & E. Salas (Eds.), Learning, training, and development in organizations
(pp. 65–98). New York: Routledge.
Daus, J., Pietzner, V., Höner, K., Scheuer, R., Melle, I., Neu, C., et al. (2004). Untersuchung des
Fortbildungsverhaltens und der Fortbildungswünsche von Chemielehrerinnen und Chemielehrern
[Investigation of the professional development behaviour and professional development related
wishes of chemistry teachers]. Chemkon, 11(2), 79–85. https://doi.org/10.1002/ckon.200410007.
Jetzschke, M., & Henn, P. (2016). Evangelischer Religionsunterricht an beruflichen Schulen. Real-
ität, Wünsche, Ideen—Ein Kommentar aus Sicht der kirchlichen Fortbildungsinstitute der EKvW
und EKiR [Protestant religious education in vocational schools: Reality, desires, ideas—A com-
mentary from the point of view of the EKvW and EKiR Christian institutes for professional
development]. In M. Marose, M. Meyer-Blanck, & A. Obermann (Eds.), “Der Berufsschulre-
ligionsunterricht ist anders!”: Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter Religionslehrkräften in NRW
(pp. 103–109). Münster: Waxmann.
Moher, D., Liberati, A., Tetzlaff, J., & Altman, D. G. (2009). Preferred reporting items for systematic
reviews and meta-analyses: The PRISMA statement. Annals of Internal Medicine, 151(4), 264–
269. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1000097.
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Nitsche, S. (2013). Zielorientierungen von Lehrkräften und ihre Bedeutung für das berufliche
Lern- und Fortbildungsverhalten [Teachers’ goal orientations and their significance for voca-
tional learning and professional development behavior]. Dissertation, Universität Mannheim,
Richter, D. (2013). Professional development across the teaching career. In M. Kunter (Ed.), Math-
ematics teacher education. Cognitive activation in the mathematics classroom and professional
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Richter, D., & Klein, R. (2013). Lehrerfortbildung im Ländervergleich: Ergebnisse einer Lehrkräfte-
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across the teaching career. In S. Krolak-Schwerdt, M. Böhmer, & S. Glock (Eds.), Teachers’
professional development: Assessment, training, and learning (pp. 97–121). Rotterdam: Sense
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Rzejak, D., Künsting, J., Lipowsky, F., Fischer, E., Dezhgahi, U., & Reichardt, A. (2014).
Facetten der Lehrerfortbildungsmotivation—eine faktorenanalytische Betrachtung [Facets of
teachers’ motivation for professional development—Results of a factorial analysis]. Journal for
educational research online, 6(1), 139–159.
Chapter 3
Reasons for Participation in Professional
Abstract The chapter is dedicated to the first research question of the systematic
literature review: What are teachers’ self-reported reasons for choosing and partic-
ipating in a (certain) PD program? Based on the quantitative data in the included
studies, teachers’ reasons to participate in PD workshops are systemized and their
relevance evaluated by summarizing the reported means and (relative) frequencies.
The overview is supplemented with results from qualitative studies. The reasons
teachers rate as most relevant for their PD attendance are: receiving easy imple-
mentable materials and teaching strategies, inspirations for teaching, refreshing or
extending (pedagogical) content knowledge and knowledge about new standards or
changes, exchanging and networking with colleagues, and reflection of one’s own
teaching. The results also reflect the importance of organizational characteristics of
PD workshops, such as time and location, as well as opportunities for active learning
during the course. The results are systemized along the categories characteristics of
PD program and characteristics of teacher. There were no studies identifying reasons
for teachers’ PD participation that can be categorized as context conditions.
1 As teachers’ responses were not equally distributed among the answer options, it cannot be assumed
that the re-scaled mean of 0.25 is equivalent to the agreement of 25% teachers. However, results
from studies reporting both measures (Prenzel, 1995; Richter & Schellenbach-Zell, 2016) revealed
that the two criteria are comparable for including results in the report.
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 15
C. Krille, Teachers’ Participation in Professional Development,
SpringerBriefs in Education, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-38844-7_3
16 3 Reasons for Participation in Professional Development
attendance were considered, as both aspects often overlap with participation reasons.
Afterwards, it was examined if results from studies with open-ended questions raised
new aspects that had not yet been considered.
Table 3.1 summarizes the reasons for participating in formal PD that were rated
or mentioned as relevant according to the previously described criteria. The different
reasons are not sorted by the relevance ratings as there is no clear ranking order
due to the (sometimes high) ranges between different studies. Furthermore, when
the results referred to certain types of knowledge that teachers wanted to acquire,
Richter, Kunter, Klusmann, Lüdtke, and Baumert (2011) categorization scheme was
used. The suggested categorization is based on a model of teachers’ professional
competence (Baumert & Kunter, 2013). The model proposes that professional
competence encompasses different aspects, such as beliefs and values, motivational
orientations, self-regulatory abilities, as well as professional knowledge. Further-
more, based on expertise research, different types of knowledge are differentiated
(content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, orga-
nizational knowledge, and counselling knowledge) that are assumed to be important
for successful teachers (Baumert & Kunter, 2013). Richter et al. (2011) used the
different domains of knowledge to categorize different PD contents and inductively
added categories that had not yet been considered. The final categorization scheme
comprised nine categories that were suitable to subsume teachers’ attended PD
programs. Therefore, this categorization scheme was used in the current literature
review to simplify and summarize the various wordings within the included studies.
The results of the different studies can be summarized into two of the deductively
derived categories (see Sect. 1.3) “characteristics of PD program”, and “character-
istics of teacher”. However, no studies identify relevant reasons for teachers’ PD
participation that can be categorized as “context conditions”.
With regard to the characteristics of PD programs, there are several reasons
encompassing the intention of using PD workshops as tools to accomplish certain
goals. Teachers seem to see PD courses as an instrument to acquire information
on or knowledge of specific contents or to achieve support for their daily work.
Therefore, the following aspects may be categorized as teachers’ assessment of the
“instrumentality of PD programs”: suggestions and inspiration for teaching, refresh-
ing or extending knowledge of subject content, subject-specific pedagogy, as well
as knowledge of pedagogy and psychology, and counselling. Furthermore, teachers
seem to see formal PD as a chance to get to know something about new requirements
they need to implement and how to handle different (challenging) situations in the
profession. However, support for teaching outside one’s own subject area was barely
rated as relevant. A possible explanation for this may be that only a few teachers
need to teach subjects they did not study before whereas most teachers stay within
their subject area and, therefore, do not need any help with this issue.
Teachers attend formal PD not only to refresh or acquire certain knowledge, but
also because they perceive PD courses as an opportunity for other aspects. For exam-
ple, they participate to receive ready-to-use materials and concepts for their classes,
network with colleagues, build their careers, reflect on their own teaching and profes-
sional behavior, and to stay motivated for the job. While networking and exchanging
Table 3.1 Summary of teachers’ reasons for participating in PD
Reason for participation M (Min–Max): Referencesa
% of agreement & (results smaller than 25% agreement or re-scaled mean of 0.25)
rescaled mean
New suggestions and inspiration for 76% (–) Aschenbrenner (2010), Diehl, Krüger, Richter, and Vigerske (2010), Greve
teaching 0.88 (0.85–0.90) and Höhne (2009), Gröber and Wilhelm (2006), Jäger and Bodensohn
(2007), Richter and Schellenbach-Zell (2016), Schmidt and Neu (2004),
Schwetlik (1998)
Refreshing or extending knowledge of…
… subject content 78% (67–86%) Beck, Ullrich, and Schanz (1995), Diehl et al. (2010), Feige and
0.80 (0.67–0.93) Tzscheetzsch (2005), Gröber and Wilhelm (2006), Jacobi, Verweyen, and
Wedding (1996), Kanwischer, Köhler, Oertel, Rhode-Jüchtern, and
Uhlemann (2004), Landert (1999), Niederhaus and Schmidt (2016),
Pennig (2006), Pietzner, Scheuer, and Daus (2004), Prenzel (1995),
Schmidt and Neu (2004), Wolf, Göbel-Lehnert, and Chroust (1997)
…(subject-specific) pedagogy, 76% (58–90%) Aldorf (2016), Beck et al. (1995), Diehl et al. (2010), Feige and
0.78 (0.70–0.95) Tzscheetzsch (2005), Gröber and Wilhelm (2006). Häuptle, Florian, and
Reinmann (2008), Jacobi et al. (1996), Jäger and Bodensohn (2007),
3 Reasons for Participation in Professional Development
Relatedness to subject contents taught 92% (88–96%) Gysbers (2008), Keppelmüller et al. (2004), Pietzner et al. (2004), Schmidt
or… 0.64 (–) and Neu (2004), Schwetlik (1998)
…school type 69% (–) Pietzner et al. (2004), Schmidt and Neu (2004)
0.58 (–)
Active learning activities 69% (–) Greve and Höhne (2009), Höhnle et al. (2016), Jäger and Bodensohn
0.67 (0.66–0.67) (2007), Pietzner et al. (2004), Prenzel (1995), Schmidt and Neu (2004),
Schwetlik (1998)
Appropriate and convenient 47% (32–70%) Faßmann (1994, 1995), Gysbers (2008), Keppelmüller et al. (2004),
circumstances of PD program (e.g., date, 0.62 (–) Pietzner et al. (2004), Schmidt and Neu (2004)
duration, location, application procedure)
Table 3.1 (continued)
experiences with other teachers is always ranked highly among all studies, there
are mixed results with regard to the teaching materials. In Faßmann’s (1994, 1995)
studies, receiving materials ranked in the middle as a reason for participating in PD
(thereby lowering the overall mean reported in Table 3.1) while in other studies the
aspect of immediately implementable materials, solutions, and strategies was most
important. A possible explanation for this discrepancy may be the kind of ques-
tions used: Faßmann asked if the distribution of teaching materials was expected,
whereas other studies used phrases such as “for the concrete lesson” (e.g., Kanwis-
cher et al., 2004) or “ready-to-use” (e.g., Keppelmüller et al., 2004). Therefore, it
can be assumed that it is not essential for teachers to just receive materials; they wish
for information and materials they can easily implement in the classroom (see also
Pennig, 2006). The practical relevance and the importance of usability as an incentive
is also well represented in the results of the studies with open-ended questions as
almost all of them report that teachers wish for them (Aldorf, 2016; Greve & Höhne,
2009; Herrmann & Hertramph, 2002; Höhnle et al., 2016; Schmidt & Neu, 2004).
In contrast, the ratings of PD’s instrumentality for career as a reason for participat-
ing are rather low among different studies. Again, it can be assumed that this motive
and, consequently, the corresponding PD programs are only interesting for a small
portion of teachers because not every teacher wants to take on further responsibili-
ties. A similar pattern can be found for diversion from daily routines. Although some
studies show that this is a relevant reason for teachers to participate in PD programs,
other studies could only find a small relevance (e.g., Aschenbrenner, 2010, reported
that only one teacher mentioned this aspect). Overall, this reason seems to be vital
to only a few teachers. Changing routines and getting new motivation for teaching
appear to be stronger motives for participating in PD.
A second group of reasons for participating in PD courses seems to be the formal
characteristics of the PD program, such as content, learning activities, and timing.
According to the previously mentioned results on easily implementable solutions
and materials, teachers perceive a high relevance of PD workshops being related to
their subject area and taught contents. It can be assumed that it is easier for teachers
to implement newly learned knowledge into their classrooms if it is already tailored
to their subject. However, it is less important to them that the PD program be only for
teachers from the same school type. It is also quite important to teachers to have the
opportunity for active learning and to apply different teaching or learning strategies as
well as conduct experiments in the context of science PD workshops (Pietzner et al.,
2004; Schmidt & Neu, 2004). This may also correspond with teachers’ mentioned
need for easily implementable teaching strategies: Applying and practicing strategies
by themselves help easily incorporate them into one’s own classroom and, therefore,
accomplishes the teachers’ wish for high practical relevance. Another important
reason to participate in PD, as found in several studies, is the fit between the course
set-up with work-related and private requirements (e.g., short distance to PD location
to save time). Only one study asked teachers for the relevance of an attractive PD
location and found that this is a motivation for only a few teachers (Keppelmüller
22 3 Reasons for Participation in Professional Development
Aldorf, A.-M. (2016). Lehrerkooperation und die Effektivität von Lehrerfortbildung [Teacher
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Aschenbrenner, S. (2010). Fort- und Weiterbildung von Lehrer und Lehrerinnen an berufsbildenden
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24 3 Reasons for Participation in Professional Development
Häuptle, E., Florian, A., & Reinmann, G. (2008). Nachhaltigkeit von Medienprojek-
ten in der Lehrerfortbildung: Abschlussbericht zur Evaluation des Blended Learning-
Lehrerfortbildungsprogramms “Intel® Lehren-Aufbaukurs Online” [Sustainability of media
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Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung.
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Holstein: Ergebnisse einer Befragung im Jahr 2016 [Professional development of teachers in
Schleswig-Holstein: Results of a survey in 2016]. Kronshagen: Institut für Qualitätsentwick-
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across the teaching career: Teachers’ uptake of formal and informal learning opportunities.
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Facetten der Lehrerfortbildungsmotivation—eine faktorenanalytische Betrachtung [Facets of
teachers’ motivation for professional development—Results of a factorial analysis]. Journal for
Educational Research Online, 6(1), 139–159.
Schmidt, S., & Neu, C. (2004). Interviewstudie zum Fortbildungsverhalten von Chemielehrerinnen
und -lehrern [Interview study on the professional development behavior of chemistry teachers].
Frankfurter Beiträge zur Didaktik der Chemie, 3, 55–108.
Schwetlik, R. (1998). Lehrerfortbildung: Eine Studie zur Erfassung subjektiver Einschätzungen
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Chapter 4
Barriers to Participation in Professional
Schmidt & Neu, 2004). Therefore, there was no differentiation between studies fol-
lowing the different approaches, and they were analyzed together herein. The results
are summarized in Table 4.1.
After comparing different studies, it is apparent that teachers’ agreement with
the relevance of several barriers differs among these studies (see range of results
in Table 4.1). For example, there was a wide range with regard to the agreement
to concerns about cancelled classes (16–54%) or fully booked workshops (0–61%).
Possible explanations for these differences are considered in the following discussion.
Furthermore, by comparing the results presented in Chaps. 3 and 4, it becomes appar-
ent that the relevance of the given barriers (overall mean approximately: 27%/0.30) is
rated lower in general than the reasons for attending PD (overall mean approximately:
After analyzing the included studies, the results with regard to relevant barriers for
attending formal PD could be categorized into the deductively derived categories (see
Sect. 1.3): “context conditions”, characteristics of PD program”, and “characteristics
of teacher”.
With regard to barriers that can be summarized as context conditions, several
results seem to be linked to characteristics of the profession as a schoolteacher, but
less with characteristics of the work environment associated with single schools. For
example, teachers seem to perceive the high workload as especially relevant for their
PD behavior. However, from the few studies differentiating between burdens due to
teaching and due to other school-related tasks, it can be assumed that the workload
because of tasks beyond in-class responsibilities prevents teachers from attending
workshops (see Beck et al., 1995; Diehl et al., 2010; similar relevance in Richter et al.,
2012) more than in-class teaching (Faßmann, 1994, 1995). Nevertheless, concerns
about class cancellation are also relevant to the decision to participate in a workshop or
not as teachers already have too little time for teaching the provided contents within a
school year (Diehl et al., 2010; Kanwischer et al., 2004). This issue may be aggravated
due to more rigorous requirements for teachers to prevent class cancellation (Breiter
et al., 2010). Due to the high workload of all teachers, it is not only seem to be
challenging to find a colleague with “spare time” to substitute for the class, but
teachers also feel bad about encumbering their colleagues with additional work.
Against this background, it seems reasonable that some teachers complain about not
getting any teaching reduction (or other incentives) to compensate for the extra effort.
As such, incentives that have been shown to be useful for predicting PD behavior
and success within industrial and organizational contexts (e.g., reach certain career
goals, pay increases, job security, change of workplace, or promotion; e.g., Colquitt,
LePine, & Noe, 2000) cannot be applied to the teaching profession and it seems that
teachers’ PD attendance depends on intrinsic reasons in particular.
The described barriers interact with additional barriers due to characteristics of the
PD program. Given the perceived high workload, teachers have problems reconciling
PD courses with their school hours. Maybe the results regarding the aspect of an
Table 4.1 Summary of teachers’ barriers to participating in PD
Barriers to participation M (Min–Max): References
% of agreement & (results smaller than 25% agreement or rescaled mean of 0.25)
rescaled mean
High workload in school or… 44% (31–61%) Beck, Ullrich, and Schanz (1995), Breiter, Welling, and Stolpmann (2010), Forsa
0.54 (0.40–0.68) (2017), Gagarina and Saldern (2010), Greve and Höhne (2009), Heitmann
(2013), Jacobi, Verweyen, and Wedding (1996), Kanwischer, Köhler, Oertel,
Rhode-Jüchtern, and Uhlemann (2004), Landert (1999), Nittel, Schütz, Fuchs, and
Tippelt (2011), Richter and Schellenbach-Zell (2016), Richter, Kuhl, Reimers,
and Pant (2012), Wolf, Göbel-Lehnert, and Chroust (1997)
…no time in general 30% (26–34%) BITKOM (2015), Büsching and Breiter (2011)
Concerns about cancelled classes 31% (16–54%) Aschenbrenner (2010), Beck et al. (1995), Breiter et al. (2010), Diehl et al.
(–) (2010), Forsa (2017), Gagarina and Saldern (2010), Jacobi et al. (1996),
Kanwischer et al. (2004), Keppelmüller, Sigl, Lauber, and Feichtner (2004),
Richter and Schellenbach-Zell (2016)
(Bachmaier, 2008; Faßmann, 1994, 1995; Wolf et al., 1997)
4 Barriers to Participation in Professional Development
Difficulties in organizing 34% (11–53%) Breiter et al. (2010), Diehl et al. (2010), Faßmann (1995), Kanwischer et al.
substitute classes and/or… 0.23 (–) (2004), Keppelmüller et al. (2004), Richter, Kuhl, Haag, and Pant (2013),
Schwetlik (1998)
(Faßmann, 1994; Landert, 1999)
…feeling guilty about 30% (24–37%) Aschenbrenner (2010), Beck et al. (1995), Wolf et al. (1997)
additional load for colleagues 0.38 (–) (Bachmaier, 2008)
due to substitution
No (or insufficient) class 20% (12–27%) Heitmann (2013), Jacobi et al. (1996), Schwetlik (1998)
reduction to compensate for PD (–) (Landert, 1999)
participation or…
…other incentives (open ended) Heitmann (2013)
Table 4.1 (continued)
(Büsching and Breiter, 2011; Faßmann, 1995; Keppelmüller et al., 2004; Landert,
Table 4.1 (continued)
1 None of the studies considering this phrase specifies in what way the PD time may be “inconve-
nient”. Therefore, it cannot be differentiated if teachers refer to overlaps with other responsibilities
within the school or their family or other aspects.
34 4 Barriers to Participation in Professional Development
As discussed in Chap. 3, teachers wish for highly practical relevance and easily
implementable strategies first and foremost. Accordingly, teachers perceive a lack
of these characteristics as a possible obstacle to their PD attendance. However, the
relevance is not as high as one might expect from the previously discussed results
and is a rather low ranked barrier. Interestingly, the relevance ratings regarding poor
quality and bad experiences with PD workshops load on the same factor as those of
the lacking practical relevance in the study of Richter et al. (2018). One explanation
may be that the ease of implementing the PD contents is an essential characteristic
for the teachers’ quality assessment (see also the similar ratings of both in Beck
et al., 1995). However, further studies are needed to identify aspects that dominantly
influence teachers’ perceptions of PD courses.
Furthermore, some teachers complained that interesting workshops are already
overcrowded or fully booked. In two studies, this reason was even the most important
obstacle (Bachmaier, 2008; Beck et al., 1995), whereas in other studies it appeared to
be not as crucial. Yet teachers not only complain about too few courses but also that
they are unavailable—both in general and with regard to their PD needs. In some stud-
ies, this was teachers’ most important reason for not attending PD (Faßmann, 1994;
Gagarina & Saldern, 2010; Grafendorfer et al., 2009; Neu, 1999). In addition to the
mismatch of the contents with their needs, teachers sometimes perceive the required
knowledge level as being inappropriate and, therefore, do not attend the workshops.
This is especially true for PD programs with regard to information and computer
technology (ICT). There seem to be very heterogeneous levels of knowledge in this
context, which may influence PD participation. However, it is not possible to draw
any conclusions without knowing the available PD programs at this time.
With regard to barriers due to teacher characteristics, teachers reported no need
for PD, either because they already had a high level of knowledge or did not see the
PD program as having any relevance to their own teaching. The relevance of this
barrier, however, differs highly between teachers and studies (see Table 4.1). A wide
range in the results exists with regard to the self-assessment of one’s own knowledge.
In addition, there may be other relevant beliefs. For example, Häuptle et al. (2008)
found that teachers who perceived no added value in integrating multimedia into
classes also had no intentions of attending PD workshops with such a scope. These
teachers perceived participating in ICT workshops and implementing multimedia as
only an additional qualification, which does not seem to be attractive for a lot of
teachers. Furthermore, in the context of ICT, several teachers perceived other topics
as more crucial in the near future and, therefore, preferred workshops concerned
with those other topics. But even if a teacher is interested in a certain course, other
barriers may be relevant. For example, studies revealed that many teachers assess
family commitments as relevant for their PD participation. However, the relevance of
this barrier is rated quite differently over the different analyzed studies and sometimes
appears rather low (see Table 4.1). One possible explanation may be that they are a
barrier for female teachers in particular. For example, Aschenbrenner (2010) reported
that five of the six teachers mentioning family-related issues as being important to
their PD decisions were female. Furthermore, most studies with a high rate of female
participants (more than 50%) reported higher ratings with regard to being hindered
4 Barriers to Participation in Professional Development 35
by family commitments (exceptions: Kanwischer et al., 2004; Richter et al., 2013; see
also Sect. 5.1 for a more detailed discussion of the association between gender and
PD attendance). However, Nittel et al. (2011) also found a low relevance of family
commitments, although the surveyed sample consisted of primary school teachers,
who are typically female. This contradicts the aforementioned argument. Due to the
missing information about the sample in the latter study, further conclusions cannot
be drawn.
Various personal reasons for not participating in PD were mentioned. When the
high workload is a major obstacle, it is not surprising that some teachers lack energy
to engage in further activity outside the school or do not want to spend personal
time attending PD. In addition, studies with open-ended questions pointed out that
health-related issues may be a reason for not participating in PD. Finally, a high
proportion of teachers indicated a preference for other learning activities than formal
PD and the belief that they can be up-to-date without PD workshops. Almost half of
the surveyed teachers agreed with this aspect (Landert, 1999; Richter et al., 2013).
Considering the high relevance, it is surprising that only a few studies considered
this aspect in their surveys.
Some potential barriers considered in several studies did not reach the cut-off
value of 25% or 0.25, such as:
– complaints from parents because of cancelled classes (20%/0.10; Beck et al., 1995;
Wolf et al., 1997),
– difficulties with exemption by the principal or school management (8–19%/0.05–
0.20; Diehl et al., 2010; Faßmann, 1994, 1995; Gagarina & Saldern, 2010; Gallasch
& Sprenger, 2000; Kanwischer et al., 2004; Neu, 1999; Richter & Schellenbach-
Zell, 2016; Richter et al., 2012),
– insufficient information about workshops (2–22%; Aschenbrenner, 2010; Bach-
maier, 2008; Diehl et al., 2010; Greve & Höhne, 2009; Kanwischer et al., 2004;
Schmidt & Neu, 2004) or a lack of familiarity with the PD program (6–17%;
Büsching & Breiter, 2011; Richter & Schellenbach-Zell, 2016),
– no need for PD due to the lack of opportunities to apply the contents (especially in
the context of ICT workshops: lack of equipment in school: Büsching & Breiter,
2011; Gallasch & Sprenger, 2000; Gerick, Schaumburg, Kahnert, & Eickelmann,
2014; currently no teaching in the subject: Aschenbrenner, 2010),
– a fear of additional work before and after a workshop (2–23%; Beck et al., 1995;
Faßmann, 1994, 1995; Landert, 1999) or getting more responsibilities respectively
(1–6%, Kanwischer et al., 2004; Wolf et al., 1997), and
– the need for time to oneself or hobbies (3–13%/0.05; Faßmann, 1994, 1995;
Kanwischer et al., 2004; Landert, 1999; Wolf et al., 1997).
Most of these barriers are rated as rather irrelevant or were relevant to only a
small number of teachers. However, being hindered by insufficient information about
PD courses was named in several qualitative studies (Aschenbrenner, 2010; Bach-
maier, 2008; Greve & Höhne, 2009; Kanwischer et al., 2004; Schmidt & Neu, 2004),
although the quantitative results revealed a rather low relevance of this aspect. Fur-
ther studies are needed to determine the information on PD courses and programs
36 4 Barriers to Participation in Professional Development
teachers actually receive, how they process the provided information, and what infor-
mation they need or want to receive. This is especially interesting as communication
methods and channels have probably changed over the last couple of years due to
the increased use of emails and newsletters as well as web portals.
Aschenbrenner, S. (2010). Fort- und Weiterbildung von Lehrer und Lehrerinnen an berufsbildenden
höheren Schulen im Wald- und Weinviertel im Schuljahr 2008/2009 [Professional development
of teachers at vocational secondary schools in the Wald- und Weinviertel in the school year
2008/2009]. Diploma thesis, Universität Wien, Wien.
Bachmaier, R. (2008). Lehrer/-innen, ihr Fortbildungsverhalten und ihr Verhältnis zu Computer,
Internet, E-Learning: Auswertung der Studie [Teachers, their professional development behaviour
and their relationship to computers, Internet, e-learning: Analysis of the study]. Regensburg.
Retrieved from https://epub.uni-regensburg.de/4631/1/bachi1.pdf.
Beck, C., Ullrich, H., & Schanz, R. (1995). Fort- und Weiterbildungsinteressen von Lehrerinnen
und Lehrern in Rheinland-Pfalz [Professional development interests of teachers in Rhineland-
Palatinate]. Schriftenreihe des ILF: Vol. 59. Mainz.
BITKOM. (2015). Digitale Schule—vernetztes Lernen: Ergebnisse repräsentativer Schülerund
Lehrerbefragungen zum Einsatz digitaler Medien im Schulunterricht [Digital school—networked
learning: Results of representative student and teacher surveys on the use of digital media
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neue Medien e.V. Retrieved from https://www.bitkom.org/noindex/Publikationen/2015/Studien/
Breiter, A., Welling, S., & Stolpmann, B. E. (2010). Medienkompetenz in der Schule: Integra-
tion von Medien in den weiterführenden Schulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen [Media literacy in
schools: Integration of media in secondary schools in North Rhine-Westphalia]. Düsseldorf:
Landesanstalt für Medien Nordrhein-Westfalen (LfM). Retrieved from www.lfmpublikationen.
Büsching, N., & Breiter, A. (2011). Ergebnisse der Befragungen von Schulen und Lehrkräften in
Bremen zum Themenbereich Digitale Medien [Survey results of schools and teachers in Bremen
on the topic digital media]. Bremen: Institut für Informationsmanagement Bremen GmbH.
Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Noe, R. A. (2000). Toward an integrative theory of training moti-
vation: A meta-analytic path analysis of 20 years of research. Journal of Applied Psychology,
85(5), 678–707. https://doi.org/10.1037//0021-9010.85.5.678.
Diehl, T., Krüger, J., Richter, A., & Vigerske, S. (2010). Einflussfaktoren auf die Fort- und Weiterbil-
dung von Lehrkräften—Erste Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojekts [Factors influencing the teach-
ers’ professional development—First results of a research project]. bwp@ (19), 1–21. Retrieved
from http://www.bwpat.de/ausgabe19/diehl_etal_bwpat19.pdfin.
Faßmann, H. (1994). Lernen Lehrer? Eine empirische Erhebung über das Ausmaß der
Lehrerweiterbildung im berufsbildenden mittleren und höheren Schulbereich, über Kritik und
Verbesserungsvorschläge [Do teachers learn? An empirical survey on the amount of teacher
professional development in the vocational middle and higher school track, on criticism and
improvement suggestions]. Wien: Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kunst.
Faßmann, H. (1995). Fortbildungsverhalten von Berufsschullehrern: Eine empirische Analyse der
Grundfragen des Fortbildungsverhaltens, Akzeptanz des bisherigen und Gestaltung des zukünfti-
gen Angebots [Professional development behaviour of vocational school teachers: An empirical
analysis of the basic questions on professional development behaviour, acceptance of the previ-
ous and design of the future program]. Wien: Pädagogisches Institut des Bundes, Abteilung für
Lehrer an Berufsschulen.
References 37
Keppelmüller, J., Sigl, G., Lauber, F., & Feichtner, E. (2004). Fortbildungsverhalten und Fort-
bildungswünsche oberösterreichischer Pflichtschullehrer/innen: Eine empirische Studie an OÖ
Pflichtschulen [Professional development behavior and wishes of compulsory school teachers
in Upper Austria: An empirical study at Upper Austrian compulsory schools]. Aspach: edition
Landert, C. (1999). Lehrerweiterbildung in der Schweiz: Ergebnisse der Evaluation von aus-
gewählten Weiterbildungssystemen und Entwicklungslinien für eine wirksame Personalentwick-
lung in den Schulen [Teacher professional development in Switzerland: Results of the evaluation
of selected professional development programs and development lines for effective personnel
development in schools]. Chur: Rüegger.
Neu, C. (1999). Fortbildung von Chemielehrerinnen und Chemielehrern—Neue Ansätze, Erprobung
und Bewertung [Professional development of chemistry teachers—New approaches, testing and
evaluation]. Dissertation, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main.
Nittel, D., Schütz, J., Fuchs, S., & Tippelt, R. (2011). Die Orientierungskraft des Lebenslangen
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PAELL [The orientation power of lifelong learning among trainers and primary school teachers.
First findings from the PAELL research project]. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik (Suppl. 57), 167–183.
Pietzner, V., Scheuer, R., & Daus, J. (2004). Fragebogenstudie zum Fortbildungsverhalten von
Chemielehrerinnen und -lehrern [Questionnaire study on the professional development behavior
of chemistry teachers]. Frankfurter Beiträge zur Didaktik der Chemie, 3, 13–54.
Prenzel, D. (1995). Zur Lehrerfortbildung in Brandenburg/Berlin Ost: Erfahrungen, Wirkungen
und Erwartungen. Eine Befragung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern der Grundstufe [On teacher
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survey of teachers at elementary level]. Interagla Dokumentation: Vol. 15. Frankfurt am Main:
Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung.
Richter, D., & Klein, R. (2013). Lehrerfortbildung im Ländervergleich: Ergebnisse einer Lehrkräfte-
befragung [Teacher professional development in comparison with other states: Results of a
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Richter, D., & Schellenbach-Zell, J. (2016). Fort- und Weiterbildung von Lehrkräften in Schleswig-
Holstein: Ergebnisse einer Befragung im Jahr 2016 [Professional development of teachers in
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Richter, D., Kuhl, P., Reimers, H., & Pant, H. A. (2012). Aspekte der Aus- und Fortbildung von
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Richter, D., Kuhl, P., Haag, N., & Pant, H. A. (2013). Aspekte der Aus- und Fortbildung von
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Frankfurter Beiträge zur Didaktik der Chemie, 3, 55–108.
References 39
Abstract To not only rely on the self-reported reasons for and barriers to teachers’
PD participation, the systematic literature review was also concerned with other vari-
ables that were examined within the included studies. The results are differentiated
into the three categories: Characteristics of teacher (e.g., age, teaching experience,
gender, school type, subject, private circumstances, attitudes, beliefs etc.), the PD
program (e.g., content, timing and duration, provider, location), and context condi-
tions (e.g., school characteristics). For each category, the investigated variables are
presented along with their associations to PD related variables, such as quantitative
measures of teachers’ PD participation, reasons and barriers for PD attendance, or
characteristics of the attended PD workshops. Each category is discussed in more
detail and against the background of the previously presented results.
Among the reasons that teachers mention or perceive for increasing or decreas-
ing their PD participation, other individual and context characteristics and their
associations with teachers’ PD behavior are examined within the included studies.
This chapter summarizes and discusses these aspects and their associations with
teachers’ actual PD participation. As in Chaps. 3 and 4, the deductively derived cat-
egories “characteristics of teacher”, “characteristics of PD program”, and “context
conditions” (see Sect. 1.3) are used to structure the results. They are presented and
discussed in the following sections.
Many of the reviewed studies were concerned with the question of which character-
istics of teachers are associated with their PD behavior. The results of the analyzed
studies are summarized in Table 5.1. It must be noted that the results are quite con-
tradictory (see, e.g., results regarding teachers’ age) or based on only a few studies
that do not allow further conclusions on the relevance of teachers’ characteristics to
their PD behavior.
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 41
C. Krille, Teachers’ Participation in Professional Development,
SpringerBriefs in Education, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-38844-7_5
Table 5.1 Overview of teachers’ characteristics examined in the context of teachers’ PD behavior
PD-related costs
Characteristics of attended PD workshops
– Content: Teachers from academic-track schools would rather Forsa (2017), Gerick and Eickelmann (2017), Hoffmann and
participate in workshops concerning subject-content and Richter (2016), Jäger and Bodensohn, (2007),
subject-specific pedagogy Richter (2011),Richter et al. (2010), Richter et al. 2013b),
Schmidt and Neu (2004)
performance assessment and differentiation Richter et al. (2013b), Riedel, Griwatz, Leutert, and Westphal
(1994); exception: Forsa (2017)
– Teachers from other school types (especially from lower secondary Forsa (2017), Hoffmann and Richter (2016), Jäger and
schools) would rather participate in workshops concerning Bodensohn (2007), Richter (2011), Richter, Engelbert, Weirich,
didactics as well as pedagogy and psychology and Pant (2013a, b), Riedel et al. (1994), Schmidt and Neu
(2004); pattern also true for PD needs: Kast (2010)
– There are no differences for general workshops such as those Richter (2011)
concerning school system, teacher licensing, or teacher training
– Provider: Teachers from academic-track schools would rather Florian (2008)
participate in workshops offered by universities
Table 5.1 (continued)
– Positive association with number of classes taught within the Keppelmüller et al. (2004)
subject teachers have studied
Amount of PD
– Negative association with number of studied subjects Schmidt and Neu (2004)
Barriers to attending PD
– Teachers with teacher training consider spending personal time for Richter and Schellenbach-Zell (2016)
PD more relevant than lateral entrants
Characteristics of attended PD workshops
– Content: Teachers with teacher training in their taught subject Geest-Rack (2013), Hoffmann and Richter (2016); especially
participate in PD concerning: true for inexperienced teachers: Porsch and Wendt (2015);
subject contents more often than teachers teaching outside their partially opposite results: Porsch (2015), Porsch and Wendt
subject area (2016)
Table 5.1 (continued)
– No association with mentioned PD need (teachers attend only Huppert and Abs (2008)
some of the workshops they wished for before)
– Positive association with previous PD experiences: teachers with Schmidt and Neu (2004)
positive experiences participate in PD more than teachers with
negative experiences
– Negative association with professional experiences before Faßmann (1995)
teaching: Teachers with more experience before teaching
participate in PD less than teachers without such experiences
– Participation with colleagues: Goldgruber (2012)
Teachers participate by themselves more often than with colleagues
Teachers participate as much with and without colleagues Jäger and Bodensohn (2007)
Frequency in PD
– Teachers with status as civil servant participate in PD more than Faßmann (1995)
other teachers
Table 5.1 (continued)
Also, when comparing teachers with a low and high amount of PD participation (e.g.,
Gröber & Wilhelm, 2006; Schmidt & Neu, 2004), such associations cannot be iden-
tified. Although middle-aged teachers in particular should be included in the “active”
group, the group of less active teachers should contain younger and older persons.
When comparing the means, there should be no differences, and only the dispersions
within both groups could give some further hints. However, the standard deviations
are often not reported in the included studies and cannot be used for further analyses.
There may also be content-related reasons for the missing associations. Richter et al.
(2011) showed that the curvilinear relationship existed only for certain PD topics
(subject content, subject-specific pedagogy, pedagogy and psychology, and general
skills). For other contents (school organization and system as well as counselling),
they found no relationship as only a few teachers, irrespective of their age, attend
these courses.
Other studies have found a negative association with age or teaching experiences.
However, the effects reported by Faßmann (1995) and Richter et al. (2018) are,
although statistically significant, rather small and therefore barely meaningful. The
other study with a negative association (BITKOM, 2011) is concerned with PD work-
shops on multimedia. In this context, younger teachers seem to be more willing to
attend PD than their older colleagues. Two studies that reported a positive associa-
tion between age/teaching experience and the number of attended workshops were
set in the same context, but were concerned with PD courses that focused on basics
in dealing with computers (Gysbers, 2008; MPFS, 2003). It can be assumed that
younger teachers grew up with computers and are more familiar with them whereas
older teachers have a higher need for PD in this area (MPFS, 2003). Nevertheless,
the results reveal that, overall, there is—at least for the most popular PD topics—an
inverse U-shaped association between age and teaching experiences, respectively,
and PD attendance.
As with the already-mentioned barriers, there are differences with regard to the
reasons for attending PD between the different age groups. Older teachers tend to
emphasize the relevance of the PD location. Maybe they consider it a chance to escape
their school in which they already spend a lot of time. In contrast, younger/less expe-
rienced teachers see instrumentality to their career as an incentive for attending PD.
In addition, they tend to emphasize the need to build up teaching-related knowledge
that is hardly elaborated yet and perhaps get helpful input on that. Once teachers
have some experience and are more versed in teaching, they seem to perceive PD as
a measure to get inspiration to change their teaching routines.
With regard to teachers’ gender, there are contradictory results. Some studies revealed
that men participate more in PD while other studies reported the opposite. Interest-
ingly, two of the studies that reported higher PD activity among men were in the
context of multimedia usage (BITKOM, 2011; Gerick & Eickelmann, 2015). A third
study only examined teachers from vocational schools (Faßmann, 1995), but the
reported effect was rather small. In accordance with this result, a previous study by
5.1 Characteristics of Teacher 67
the author (Faßmann, 1994) did not find any association with gender. When survey-
ing teachers from different schools and without narrowing the PD topics (Richter
et al., 2018; Rüegg, 1997), the results indicate that women participate in PD more
than men, although the reported effect from Richter (2011) was also rather small. In
contrast, Wolf et al. (1997) reported that the inverse U-shaped association between
age and PD participation can be found especially for female teachers and that the
effect of gender on PD attendance varies depending on the number of children in
the household. This finding fits very well the results from various studies that family
commitments are particularly relevant for women as a barrier for PD participation and
that being relieved from these commitments is a reason for them to participate in PD.
In addition, the preference for nearby PD locations as well as one-time workshops
(that do not require a long-term commitment) could be associated with women’s high
family responsibilities. Results from the qualitative study by Diehl et al. (2010) also
point in this direction. In contrast, men tend to participate in periodic workshops,
which may explain why Wolf et al. (1997) found that male teachers spend more time
on PD, although there was no difference between women and men with regard to
the number of attended PD courses. However, considering that family commitments
seem to have such an influence on female teachers’ PD behavior, it is surprising that
they tend to participate in workshops more in the afternoon and are more willing
to participate during vacation time than their male colleagues. One could conclude
that PD is more attractive to women. This may be also recognizable in the fact that
women usually rate pre-defined reasons for PD attendance as being more relevant
than men do, while men perceive most barriers as being more relevant than women
do. Furthermore, women are more willing to invest time beyond school hours and to
bear the PD costs.
Another difference with regard to gender refers to the choice of PD topics exam-
ined in a few studies: Women prefer courses on pedagogy and psychology and per-
ceive an enhancement in these knowledge areas as a reason to participate in PD more
than men. Similarly, women more often choose workshops provided by teacher train-
ing institutes (while men prefer courses by companies and universities) that may be
more suited to pedagogy and teaching. However, there are rather contradictory results
for PD courses on subject content. Faßmann (1994) concludes that the effect of gen-
der is rather an effect of the school subject as male teachers often teach technical
topics that may be more focused on in workshops offered by companies.
Personal Circumstances
With regard to personal circumstances, most studies show that teachers with part-
ners are more active in PD than those without partners. Wolf et al. (1997) examined
whether married teachers attend more PD workshops, but could not find any differ-
ences. Considering the high relevance of family commitments, it is surprising that
only a few studies have investigated if and to what extent children in the household
have an influence on teachers’ PD behavior. Against the background of the above-
mentioned results, one would expect that teachers with children participate less in
PD. However, usually no effect or the opposite effect has been found.
68 5 Individual and Context Characteristics Related to Teachers’ …
When examining German teachers’ origin and its relevance to their PD activity,
studies repeatedly reported that teachers from Eastern Germany participate in PD
more than teachers from Western Germany (e.g., Richter, 2016, for such a conclu-
sion). Comparisons of teachers’ participation in the different federal states, however,
suggest that this is probably too rough a differentiation (see also Table A.2 in the
Appendix). They reveal that teachers from Thuringia and Brandenburg are espe-
cially more active in PD, while the results for teachers from Saxony-Anhalt and
Mecklenburg-West Pomerania vary, and teachers from Saxony usually range in the
middle compared to all other federal states (Hoffmann & Richter, 2016; Kammerl
et al., 2016; Richter et al., 2012, 2013b). With regard to Western Germany, the studies
also showed that teachers from Hamburg often participate in PD while those from
Baden-Wuerttemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate are less active in PD. One possible
explanation for these differences may be that regulations regarding PD obligations
differ between the German states (see Sect. 1.4 and Table A.2). However, these regu-
lations apparently have not had the expected effect (Hoffmann & Richter, 2016; Mayr
& Müller, 2010; Richter, 2016; Richter et al., 2012; see also italic printed federal
states in Table A.2). Although Bavarian teachers are supposed to participate in PD
rather frequently, they rank in the middle compared to the other states with regard to
their PD participation. In contrast, there are no obligations for teachers in Thuringia,
but the teachers attend PD rather often. However, the studies’ results reveal that it
is more crucial which dependent variable is chosen (participation rate, frequency, or
amount of PD) as even within the same study, the ranking order of the states differs
depending on the focused outcome variable (e.g., Bavaria: first place for participation
in PD versus seventh place for amount of PD in Richter et al., 2012; see Table A.2).
The different focuses of the examined PD topics may also influence the results (e.g.,
multimedia in Kammerl et al., 2016 versus no certain focus in other studies). Overall,
there are differences between the different German federal states with regard to their
teachers’ PD behavior and associated variables but more studies on the actual reasons
are needed in future. The included studies from Austria and Switzerland also found
differences between teachers from different regions. However, the small number of
existing studies does not allow any comprehensive conclusions yet (see also Richter,
School Type
Another often-examined characteristic in the context of teachers’ PD behavior is the
school type,1 but no consistent results were found for this aspect. A large number of
studies found no differences between teachers in different school tracks. The only
result reported among the different studies is that teachers from vocational schools
participate relatively often in PD compared to other teachers. Also, it does not seem
1 School type is considered as a characteristic of the teacher (instead of the school context) as
the teachers choose which kind of school to teach in and follow different initial teacher training.
Presumably, individual variables and processes influence this decision.
5.1 Characteristics of Teacher 69
that teachers from academic-track schools attend PD the least. However, when ana-
lyzing the studies that compare academic-track school teachers with other teach-
ers, the differences do not become significant (Hoffmann & Richter, 2016; Richter
et al., 2010, 2011, 2018). Therefore, it seems insufficient to focus only on quan-
titative measures when examining the differences between teachers from different
school types. For example, the taught subject (chemistry teachers from academic-
and intermediate-track schools participated more often than other teachers in Piet-
zner et al., 2004) and its importance within each school type (e.g., in terms of how
often it is offered) may be a conceivable variable that moderates possible associa-
tions. However, other variables, such as gender (see, e.g., high proportion of female
teachers in primary schools) should also be kept in mind and controlled for. Further-
more, the analysis of rank orders is questionable as comparable participation rates
may lead to different ranks in different studies (e.g., for primary school: 83% corre-
sponds with the third place in Jäger and Bodensohn, 2007, versus 88% corresponding
with first place in Keppelmüller et al., 2004). In addition, it is important to consider
the available PD programs for teachers in different school types. For example, Kep-
pelmüller et al. (2004) stated that there are barely any workshops for teachers from
special schools or vocational schools and that they have fewer possibilities to attend
(school-specific) PD.
There do not seem to be any systematic differences between teachers from differ-
ent school types with regard to the reasons for and barriers to their PD attendance,
and it is easier to find similarities than differences between them. Results, such as that
child care could enhance PD participation for primary school teachers or that they
are more willing to attend PD during vacation, seem to confirm the problem of con-
founded results due to the high proportion of female teachers (see previous discussion
on gender). The most consistent results can be found with regard to the contents of the
attended PD workshops: Teachers from academic-track schools tend to participate in
workshops on subject content or subject-specific pedagogy as well as performance
assessment and differentiation (which is probably also subject specific—at least to
some extent). Assuming that universities provide primarily subject-related courses,
it is not surprising that teachers from academic-track schools prefer this kind of
workshops in particular. Other teachers, most notably those from lower secondary
schools, are more interested in pedagogy and psychology. Again, for topics concern-
ing school in general or teacher licensing/training there is a rather low participation
rate regardless of the school types in which teachers teach. Finally, there is evidence
that there are differences with regard to predictors for PD behavior of teachers from
different school tracks. The results suggest that school characteristics are less predic-
tive for teachers from academic-track schools than for those from other school types.
Why these differences exist cannot yet be clarified, and more research is needed to
understand the underlying processes and reasons for the few differences that can be
found between teachers from different school types.
When comparing teachers teaching different subjects, there are hardly any (system-
atic) results with regard to PD behavior. The BITKOM study (2011) is an exception;
70 5 Individual and Context Characteristics Related to Teachers’ …
2 In addition, Porsch and Wendt (2015) report a high attendance rate of 70% in workshops concerning
multimedia. However, analyzing the more detailed results, this must be a typographical error and
is supposedly a rate of about 7%.
Table 5.2 Overview of characteristics of PD programs examined in the context of teachers’ PD behavior
Frequency of PD
– Teachers participate most frequently in workshops provided Marose (2016)
by teacher training institutes or in study groups
Table 5.2 (continued)
subject-specific pedagogy were more often chosen than those on subject contents. In
studies with closed-ended questions asking teachers to tick off categories to which
their attended courses belong (e.g., Drossel et al., 2012; Hoffmann & Richter, 2016;
Porsch & Wendt, 2015, 2016), the order was reversed (exception: Kanwischer et al.,
2004). Overall, the differences are rather small and become more salient when ana-
lyzing ranking order instead of total frequencies, but future studies should examine
whether the different results are a methodological artifact. Nevertheless, the prefer-
ence for subject-related topics and pedagogy matches the desire to get something
out of the courses that is easy to implement in the classroom, which was one of the
most important reasons for participating in PD (see Chap. 3).
Activities During PD
Only two studies examined if certain activities during PD courses are related to
teachers’ PD participation. The results with regard to activities in frequently attended
PD workshops somewhat contradict previously reported results. Although teachers
reported that they want to be active and apply teaching and learning strategies them-
selves (see Chap. 3), they mainly participated in courses with presentations. However,
it cannot be clarified if teachers attended such courses because they preferred listen-
ing to a pre-structured input, because presentations are shorter than more elaborated
courses, or if the most available courses are designed this way. In contrast, their fre-
quent participation in study groups fits well with the desire to exchange experiences
with colleagues as this format should provide teachers with room to discuss different
topics instead of getting input from a facilitator. In accordance with the low relevance
of teachers having a voice in designing a workshop (Chap. 3), Neu (1999) reported
that more teachers participated in a pre-structured workshop than in one that could be
structured by the participants themselves. These results suggest that teachers seem
to be willing to engage in some learning tasks actively but prefer to be provided with
pre-structured information and a given course structure. However, more research is
PD Provider
Teachers most often attend workshops offered by teacher training institutes. It can
be assumed that these courses are tailored to teachers’ needs and the requirements of
their profession as the only target group is teachers. This may reflect the importance
of easily transferring the PD contents into the classroom, and teachers probably
expect the facilitator to create a link between the workshop and classrooms or school.
However, it is also possible that teacher training institutes offer the most courses for
teachers and, therefore, it would be more likely to participate in such workshop.
Duration and Timing of PD Workshops
The typical choices for teachers with regard to the duration and timing of the PD
courses are in accordance with the high relevance of teachers’ workload for not
attending PD, namely they participate primarily in short workshops that only take up
a little time. This may also be a way for teachers to avoid cancelling classes, which
is also a relevant barrier to PD attendance (see Chap. 4). However, results Rüegg’s
80 5 Individual and Context Characteristics Related to Teachers’ …
(1997) results revealed that teachers prefer courses during school hours, which seems
to contradict this assumption. Therefore, future research should systematically inves-
tigate participation rates of courses with different durations and timings as well as
how and why teachers consider these aspects in their decisions. Initial hints from
studies examining teachers’ reported preferences with regard to these characteris-
tics do not seem to shed more light on this question as the results are inconsistent
(e.g., wish for outside-class time, Aschenbrenner, 2010 versus during school hours,
Beck et al., 1995). The appropriate duration and timing of a PD workshop probably
depend on other aspects, such as the topic (e.g., Aschenbrenner, 2010; Gallasch,
Moll, & Tulodziecki, 2000; Scheuer, 2002). Wolf et al. (1997) revealed that low-
participating teachers in particular prefer courses that are held before noon whereas
more often-participating teachers favor those that take place in the afternoon or last
all day long. However, the root of these differences cannot be concluded from the
reviewed studies.
Distance to PD Location
Finally, the question of a possible association between distance to the PD location
and teachers’ PD behavior was examined, albeit only in two studies. Supporting the
finding that a long distance to the PD location is an obstacle to attending PD (Chap.
4), teachers more often participated in workshops that took place nearby. However,
it can be assumed that the decision to make longer journeys to attend PD depends on
other course characteristics. For example, in two studies with open-ended questions
teachers stated that they would agree to greater distances to PD locations if the topic
was interesting or if the courses took longer (Aschenbrenner, 2010; Scheuer, 2002).
As stated previously, any further conclusions need to be drawn carefully as none
of the analyzed studies considered the available PD courses (Richter et al., 2013a).
For example, teacher training institutes are expected to offer more PD workshops
targeting teachers rather than other providers (e.g., Hessisches Kultusministerium,
2008) and most courses rely on presentations, which are considered a less time-
consuming method and therefore suitable for short workshops. If provided more
often, it is much more likely that teachers would choose such workshops. Therefore,
when analyzing teachers’ PD behavior and how it is connected to different workshop
characteristics, the provided courses need to be kept in mind in future research.
Context conditions include characteristics of the school in which the teachers work
as well as the staff to which the teacher belongs. The results of the analyzed studies
in the current literature review are summarized and categorized in Table 5.3. Overall,
only a few studies considered context conditions as influencing factors for teachers’
PD behavior. Most studies focused on variables more directly linked to teachers’ PD
attendance (see Sects. 5.1 and 5.2).
Table 5.3 Overview of context conditions examined in the context of teachers’ PD behavior
Variable Association to PD-related variablesa References
School Participation in PD
management/principal – No association with school management’s priority of certain PD Gerick and Eickelmann (2015)
Amount of PD
5.3 Context Conditions
– No association with leadership behavior (self-reported or by teachers) Mayr and Müller (2010)
Need of PD
– No association with school management’s attached importance of PD Kast (2010)
or its reconcilement with teaching goals
School size Participation in PD
– Positive association: Teachers from bigger schools participate in PD Faßmann (1995)
more than teachers from smaller schools
– Inverse U-shaped association: Teachers in small schools (up to 30 Faßmann (1994)
teachers) and bigger schools (more than 60 teachers) participate in
PD more than teachers in medium-sized schools
– No association Wolf et al. (1997)
School location Amount of PD
– No association Mayr and Müller (2010)
Barriers to attending PD
– Teachers working in bigger cities perceive costs for PD, a lack of Kanwischer et al. (2004)
adequate workshops, and unqualified speakers as higher barriers than
teachers in smaller towns; teachers teaching in smaller towns
perceive the distance to a PD location as more relevant
Table 5.3 (continued)
School Management/Principal
Among different studies, characteristics of the school principal/management showed
no association with teachers’ PD behavior. This is true for several variables, such
as the school management’s beliefs about PD or leadership behavior. A possible
explanation may be that the responsibility for teachers’ PD is mainly in their own
hands. That would match previously reported results that most teachers did not
have any problems with being exempted by the principal for a certain PD course
(Chap. 4).
School Size
The size of the school (usually operationalized as the number of teachers in a school)
generates different results. However, Faßmann (1995) already stated that the found
effects are rather small and therefore match the results of Wolf et al. (1997) who
found no relationships for PD activity. As the effects reported by Faßmann (1994)
are also rather low, it can be assumed that no considerable associations exist between
school size and teachers’ PD behavior.
School Location
The size of the town in which the school is located is also not related to the time
teachers spend on PD, although it seems to be associated to teachers’ perceptions
of barriers to attending PD workshops as teachers from smaller and bigger towns
differ in the obstacles they perceive as relevant. However, studies have not examined
why these differences exist. Kanwischer et al. (2004) assumed that teachers in big-
ger towns participate more often in non-formal PD activities (e.g., exhibitions and
presentations), which influences the teachers’ assessment of barriers. There are also
differences in the duration of PD workshops that teachers attend. Given the influence
that available PD programs may have, Kanwischer et al. (2004) argued that not as
many short workshops are offered in rural areas as in urban areas. However, they did
not analyze the programs offered at the time of their survey.
Other School Characteristics
When analyzing further characteristics of schools, it becomes apparent that mostly
non-quantitative variables are related with teachers’ PD behavior. For example, there
is a positive association with the perceived value colleagues assign to formal PD.
This can also be seen in the higher PD attendance of teachers who teach in schools
that are part of a PD-related project. It can be assumed that being part of a project
is associated with appreciation of PD (although it cannot be clarified how these
aspects influence each other). Similarly, a perceived cooperation between colleagues
is positively associated with teachers’ PD activities.
However, other school-level characteristics, such as evaluation practices, are
not related with teachers’ PD behavior. Mayr and Müller (2010) stated that this
pattern can also be found in many other countries. It is also in accordance
with the result presented in Chap. 3 that only a few teachers feel motivated by
requests/recommendations from school management or colleagues to participate in
84 5 Individual and Context Characteristics Related to Teachers’ …
PD. Nevertheless, results suggest that the school to which teachers belong is associ-
ated with the frequency of PD attendance (14% explained variance on school level in
Richter et al., 2011). It can be assumed that it is the school climate between colleagues
rather than quantitative variables or characteristics of the school management that
may affect a teacher’s PD behavior.
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Chapter 6
Conclusions from the Literature Review
Abstract This chapter summarizes the results from the systematic literature review.
The insights from the chapters on reasons for and barriers to teachers’ participation in
PD are integrated to provide a comprehensive overview about the recent research in
the context of teacher PD. The interplay of the so far separately discussed reasons for
and barriers to teachers’ PD participation is highlighted. Conclusions are discussed
for the design and implementation of PD courses for teachers. In addition, conclusions
are derived with regard to further research questions and future research. It is argued
that expectancy-value theories should be applied for examining teachers’ training
motivation and illustrated how the current results fit into this approach. Limitations
of the existing and included studies are discussed and methodological suggestions for
future studies are derived. Finally, the limitations of the systematic literature review
are discussed.
This systematic literature review aimed to summarize and systemize the results of
studies from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland since 1990 with regard to teachers’
reasons for and barriers to attending formal PD as well as potential associations
with teachers’ choice for or against (certain) PD courses. Figure 6.1 summarizes the
results with regard to relevant reasons for and barriers to teachers’ PD participation
as well as further characteristics and context conditions that were analyzed. In the
following sections, the results will be briefly discussed.
Overall, the study results indicate that teachers align their PD activities with their
perceived need for enhanced knowledge. They use PD workshops to refresh or extend
knowledge on subject content or (subject-specific) pedagogy, especially when they
currently give lessons within that subject and teach it a lot. PD courses are also
attractive for learning something about new directives or curricula and how to apply
them in school or classrooms. Teachers use PD to take on additional professional
Characteristics of PD program
Formal characteristics
• Content (esp. relatedness to own
subject and teaching)
• Activities during PD
• Duration and timing
• (Distance to) location
Characteristics of teacher • Direct and indirect costs
Context conditions
• Age, teaching experiences, gender, origin, • Participant capacity
personal circumstances (e.g., family • Provider / instructor School
commitments, health) • Information about PD program • Size and location
• Qualification (study, subject, school type)
• Climate and collegial cooperation
• Perceived PD needs
Instrumentality for teachers’ goals • School requirements and program
• Previous experiences with PD
• Knowledge gain
• Additional professional responsibilities
• Inspiration and new teaching concepts Characteristics of teaching profession
• Professional knowledge
• Support for changes • Teaching and work load
• (Subject-specific) interest
• Networking • Potential class cancelation
• (Achievement) goals
• Solutions for challenges • Problems with organizing substitute
• Self-efficacy and beliefs
• Further responsibilities and career classes
• Work engagement and willingness for PD
• Motivation for teaching • Lack of incentives or compensations
• Personality
Fig. 6.1 Summary of relevant characteristics of teachers and PD programs, as well as context
conditions for teachers’ PD participation (based on Diehl, Krüger, Richter, and Vigerske 2010; see
Sect. 1.3)
responsibilities (in terms of enhancing their career), or, if they already have such
responsibilities, to meet the requirements. They also hope to learn about input and
solutions for difficult situations in school or the classroom. Therefore, teachers seem
to perceive PD as a tool to get solutions for their current needs. To this end, they hope
to receive easily applicable materials and teaching strategies or methods, as well as
“recipes” they can test during the workshops. Guskey (2010) already referred to this
aspect by stating that teachers “tend to be quite pragmatic” (p. 382). In line with his
statement, the analyzed studies revealed that teachers look for PD courses that are
linked to their subjects (and sometimes even their school type). If workshops do not
meet these requirements, teachers perceive them as unattractive (see also Guskey,
In addition to teachers’ intention to achieve certain goals by attending PD courses
(referred to as the “instrumentality of PD programs” in Fig. 6.1), whereas other
motives include personal interest in the PD topic and improving oneself. Teachers
aim to reflect their own teaching—be it in light of scientific results or by exchanging
experiences with colleagues. They may also want to break out of their daily routine,
see something new, put themselves into the role of learners, be inspired, and become
motivated for their classes. Overall, most teachers report that they are willing to
participate in PD and enjoy this learning activity.
The greatest burden for attending PD is the additional effort teachers have to
invest. Teachers already perceive a high workload due to responsibilities within and
outside the classroom. PD workshops outside of school hours restrict the time for
grading or preparing classes; courses within school time require the organization
and preparation of substitute classes (and colleagues with the time and willingness
6.1 Summary of Results and Discussion 93
to undertake the additional classes), as well as long journeys and high (indirect)
monetary costs that increase the effort. In addition, family commitments are an issue,
especially for female teachers.
Therefore, considering the trade-off between costs and benefits is crucial in the
decision to attend (or not) a certain PD workshop. Important characteristics of the
PD program in this calculation are the content, activities during the course, course
provider or instructor, and consequential expected outcome (or its usefulness and
ease of implementation into the classroom). The circumstances of a workshop (such
as timing, duration, or location) help teachers estimate the effort they need to put
into a course. However, teachers have reported that there are too few workshops that
meet their wishes and needs.
When evaluating the trade-off of a PD workshop, teachers can only rely on the
information they receive about the course (typically from a description of the sin-
gle workshops, but sometimes from colleagues or the school principal as well).
Therefore, a poor workshop description can negatively influence a teacher’s PD par-
ticipation. When evaluating the available information with regard to the utility of a
certain workshop, previous experiences with PD may be helpful and influence cur-
rent choices of PD courses. Yet individual (e.g., age, gender, taught subject, school
type) and motivation-related (e.g., achievement goals, self-efficacy, ability beliefs,
and beliefs about teaching) teacher characteristics also seem to influence how much
teachers perceive the need for PD and if they decide on a certain PD topic and format.
However, it can be assumed that no certain individual characteristics of teachers (e.g.,
gender, taught subject, and school type) are directly related with their PD activity.
Instead, it is more likely that different requirements or needs arise due to these charac-
teristics (e.g., caring for children, focus on subject-content or disciplinary questions),
thereby affecting teachers’ PD behavior. These individual characteristics may also
interact with a teacher’s other individual prerequisites, such as interest, goals, and
beliefs. Still, the kinds of associations and processes that lie behind the choice of PD
workshops cannot be untangled with the current research due to the many inconsistent
results among the various studies. Furthermore, only a few studies considered inter-
actions between different characteristics and conditions in the research on teachers’
PD behavior. Moreover, some variables are only relevant for some teachers, seeming
crucial for these teachers. Even if a teacher finds a PD course in which he or she is
interested, it may be overcrowded and fully booked, the school management may dis-
agree with the participation for some reason, or personal reasons (e.g., health issues)
may prevent attendance. Constructs identified as relevant for the teaching profession,
such as burnout and exhaustion, also need to be more integrated into the research on
teachers’ PD behavior as PD may help cope with such issues while also putting even
more pressure on teachers. In the end, it is necessary to obtain not only teachers’ needs
and characteristics, but also their context conditions. Current studies on the latter
aspects are rather scarce. For example, requirements of the teachers’ schools as well
as standards and guidelines from ministries or school authorities are not considered
in studies or examined to determine how they may influence teachers’ PD behavior
(Richter, Engelbert, Weirich, & Pant 2013a; Timperley, 2008). It can be assumed that
94 6 Conclusions from the Literature Review
such conditions can either lead to new PD needs (e.g., change of curriculum or educa-
tional standards) or influence the availability or accessibility of PD courses (e.g., due
to changes in budgets, guidelines on important PD contents, or class cancellation).
None of the publications provided a model that considered how the examined
variables influence teachers’ PD participation and how teacher characteristics, char-
acteristics of PD programs, and context conditions interact (see Fig. 6.1). Recently,
Gorges (2016) suggested transferring expectancy-value theory (e.g., Eccles & Wig-
field, 2002) into the context of adult education. She argued that PD participation
can be seen as a form of task choice, and relevant motivational processes for such
a choice should be transferable to the decision process of an adult learner contem-
plating whether to attend a PD course. Following this argumentation, decisions with
regard to task choice—or, in the current case, to PD participation—depend on the
(teachers’) assessment of (a) one’s expectancy of success and (b) the subjective task
value (Eccles, 2007; Gorges, 2016). The task value in turn comprises four different
kinds of values specifying if a task is joyful and interesting (intrinsic value), useful
for reaching certain goals (utility value), or personally relevant (attainment value).
In addition, the cost component refers to how much effort or other resources a person
needs to invest in a task.
Considering the results of the literature review, highly relevant intrinsic reasons,
such as interest in the PD topic or in participating in PD, can be allocated as an
intrinsic value of PD participation whereas aspects referred to as “instrumentality
of PD programs” can be categorized as utility values (see also Gorges, 2016). In
addition, Gorges (2016) differentiated four types of costs: effort, time, money, and
psychological strain. Again, the reported results of the current literature review fit
with these costs as teachers often claimed to have no time for PD and to be already
fully stretched with teaching and other responsibilities. However, monetary costs are
only an issue for some PD courses as many programs are offered free for teachers
(Chap. 4). It may also be interesting to further distinguish some of the categories; for
example, there are different reasons why teachers reported having too little time for
PD (e.g., work load versus family commitments), which may in turn influence how
different groups of teachers systematically assess the value in different ways (e.g.,
women and men; see Chap. 4). However, the theory provides a suitable framework to
systemize the different reasons for and barriers to PD participation. In addition, the
approach suggests that values and costs are not independent factors. Instead, there is
a trade-off between values and costs (Eccles, 2007). Only if the values outweigh the
costs will teachers want to participate in a PD course. Future research should examine
if this theoretical approach is suitable for predicting teachers’ PD participation as the
influence of the expectancy of success on the choice of a PD course has not been tested
yet. The results with regard to the influence of self-efficacy on teachers’ PD partici-
pation suggest that there is a positive relationship (Sect. 5.1) suggested by the theory
(Eccles, 2007). However, it is not clear if and/or how teachers’ success expectancy
influences their assessment of the task values. Furthermore, the subjective task values
probably depend highly on the targeted PD course as they vary widely in their formal
characteristics, such as content, timing and duration, provider, and location (e.g., see
the research design by Gorges, Neumann, Lütje-Klose, and Wild, 2017). In contrast,
6.1 Summary of Results and Discussion 95
While reviewing the included studies, several limitations became apparent. One of
the most dominant issues is that none of the analyzed studies considered the available
PD programs when examining teachers’ PD behavior. As previously mentioned, due
96 6 Conclusions from the Literature Review
to the lack of this information, it cannot be differentiated how much the obtained PD
behavior is influenced by the available courses. Studies on teachers’ wishes regarding
the design of PD courses as well as analyses of the given PD program may help fill the
gap. This also applies for the consideration of regulations regarding PD obligations in
the different states and countries. The results from Chaps. 3, 4, and 5 suggest that these
regulations do not seem to have a meaningful influence on teachers’ PD participation
(see also the results with regard to “origin” in Sect. 5.1). Only six studies examined
teachers from states that have regulations about the amount of PD teachers have to
attend (Bachmaier, 2008; Büsching and Breiter, 2011; Doedens, 2005; Hessisches
Kultusministerium, 2008; Mammes, 2008; Schwetlik, 1998). The results of these
studies correspond with those from other studies from different regions, which may
be a first indication that obligations to attend PD are not that crucial for teachers’ PD
behavior. However, teachers reported that the implementation of a system with credit
points changed their perception of the available PD program and how they chose
PD courses (Hessisches Kultusministerium, 2008). Furthermore, an international
comparison of different education systems revealed that successful countries require
their teachers to engage in PD activities. Therefore, studies are needed that explicitly
examine the influence of obligations and how they need to be designed to motivate
teachers to participate in meaningful PD courses.
Furthermore, all studies focused on decision-making processes related to PD
workshops in the past. Therefore, it cannot be clarified which aspects and character-
istics of the teacher, the PD workshops, and the context are crucial for the choice of
a certain course and which aspects actually hinder teachers. Teachers’ answers may
be biased when thinking about past decisions. In addition, most studies only focused
on single variables instead of recognizing or examining how different context or
individual characteristics interact in their influence on teachers’ PD participation.
For example, a correlation exists between gender and school type as well as taught
subject, which were in turn examined as influencing aspects. More than one variable
needs to be considered at the same time, along with more complex research models
and more comprehensive data analyses. This is also true for examining teachers’
reasons for and barriers to participating in PD courses. Thus, most studies have con-
sidered either reasons or barriers and reported lists of different aspects that teachers
consider as relevant for their decision on PD participation (see also Gorges, 2016,
for adult education). However, none of them included an interaction between the
different elements and how the combination of different individual and context char-
acteristics may influence a teacher’s decision. Considering expectancy-value theories
(e.g., Eccles, 2007; Gorges, 2016), this approach is too narrow as it is acknowledged
that individual decisions are influenced by a trade-off between costs and benefits
associated with that decision.
In addition, more studies focusing on the current and actual decisions or selec-
tion processes are needed. The analyzed studies were based on teachers’ voluntary
responses. Therefore, it can be assumed that teachers already more engaged in PD
filled in the questionnaires rather than those less engaged. This may lead to a bias
within the reported results (Rzejak et al., 2014). Studies focusing more on teachers
who do not regularly attend PD are needed.
6.2 Limitations of Included Studies and Conclusions for Further … 97
Due to the frequent use of closed-ended questions, most studies examined aspects
pre-selected by the researchers and are quite different among the included studies
(with regard to the content as well as amount). Qualitative studies are rather scarce
and seem to coexist with the quantitative studies instead of serving as the basis for or
extension of quantitative studies. However, during the systemization of the results for
the current review, the qualitative studies helped interpret and understand the results
of the quantitative studies. Therefore, more qualitative studies are needed, especially
those that help explain existing results. It also remains unclear if the question format
influenced the study outcomes (see the discussion regarding PD contents depending
on open- and closed-ended question formats). Beyond this problem, summarizing the
results was also difficult due to the different operationalizations used in the included
studies (e.g., see discussion on attitude towards PD or referenced period for PD
attendance) as well as due the fact that most studies focused on certain teachers
(e.g., in terms of school type or subject; Richter, 2016). Therefore, further research
is needed with representative teacher samples using comparable operationalizations
of the investigated constructs. As several constructs and variables are investigated
only within one or few studies, this approach would also help replicate the existing
studies and clarify how stable the reported results are. Such studies shall take a deeper
look into those school types (e.g., vocational schools) or subjects (e.g., languages,
physical training, music) that have not yet examined.
Most studies did not report any effect sizes, and some did not even conduct statisti-
cal testing to prove their descriptive interpretations. In addition, post hoc calculations
were often not possible as relevant information was missing (e.g., dispersion mea-
sures) or frequencies, means, and effects had to be read off graphics and diagrams
(e.g., Landert, 1999; Wolf, Göbel-Lehnert, & Chroust, 1997). Other studies did not
present all results, but only the “most important” reasons for and barriers to PD atten-
dance (e.g., Gröber and Wilhelm, 2006; Jacobi, Verweyen, & Wedding, 1996; Jäger
and Bodensohn, 2007), making the comparison of studies even harder (especially as
it was not always transparent how the authors decided what is important and what
is not). With regard to the publications using statistical analyses, group comparisons
were realized most often. More complex analyses, such as multilevel analyses (cf.
Richter, 2011), or polynomial regressions that do not presume linear relationships
between variables (cf. Richter, Kunter, Klusmann, Lüdtke, & Baumert, 2011) can
only be found in a few studies, although they seem to contribute to the insights into
teachers’ PD behavior. Finally, all studies were cross-sectional and cannot be used to
investigate either progresses in or adaptations to policy changes or test predictions of
subsequent PD activity (e.g., OECD, 2014). Cross-sectional data are not suitable for
deriving causal relations or for determining what actually influences teachers’ PD
attendance. One exception is the study by Huppert and Abs (2008), who collected
longitudinal data and compared current data on PD participation with previously
collected data and to show that the teachers’ reported PD needs did not completely
correspond with their actual choices for PD workshops and attendance.
98 6 Conclusions from the Literature Review
Taking these limitations together, several suggestions can be offered for future
studies in the field of teacher PD:
– Consider available PD programs, characteristics of existing PD courses and context
conditions (e.g., PD obligations, regional promotion of certain PD topics, revisions
of curricula)
– Consider several relevant variables, especially their interactions when analyzing
the influence on PD behavior
– Consider existing research and operationalizations of relevant variables as well as
items to enable the comparability of study results
– Replicate existing studies with thus far little-considered variables in different
– Aim for representative teacher samples
– Use research designs that allow for causal conclusions
– Report statistical testing, relevant parameters, and effect sizes
– Focus on actual decision-making process (instead of asking about decisions in the
past) by, for example, using learning journals or (quasi-)experimental designs with
controlled conditions
– Conduct longitudinal studies considering teachers’ intentions and actual behavior
as well as the development of teachers’ PD behavior throughout their careers.
Among the shortcomings of the included studies, some limitations of the current
review also need to be considered. First, the review focuses only on teachers’ par-
ticipation in formal PD, which might be too narrow of a focus when thinking about
teachers’ professional learning. Several studies did not find any associations between
teachers’ participation in PD and their knowledge (Brunner et al., 2006) or stu-
dent performance (for Germany, e.g., Hoffmann and Richter, 2016; Richter, Kuhl,
Haag, & Pant, 2013b; Wendt et al., 2016; see also Lipowsky, 2011). However, Hattie
(2009) showed in his meta-analysis that different kinds of PD programs can have
different effects (see also OECD, 2009). Therefore, future studies should focus not
only on teachers’ motivation to participate in PD, but also on how to promote their
participation in sustainable and effective PD. Thus far, teacher preferences for PD
characteristics rarely match such PD formats (Lipowsky, 2011).
As stated herein, there are other ways for teachers to extend their knowledge and
abilities, which were not taken into account for the review (see also Richter, 2016).
The use of professional literature seems to be an especially important source for
teachers (e.g., Breiter, Welling, & Stolpmann, 2010; Florian, 2008; Gysbers, 2008;
OECD, 2009; Prenzel, 1995; Richter et al., 2013b). Some studies also discussed and
examined the exchange of ideas and collaboration between colleagues as a form of
teacher PD (e.g., OECD, 2009; Richter, 2011, 2013). Recently, new formats such
as online training have been developed and discussed to overcome certain barriers
6.3 Limitations of the Literature Review 99
(e.g., long distance to PD locations, inconvenient dates) and fit with teachers’ needs
(e.g., Dede, Jass Ketelhut, Whitehouse, Breit, & McCloskey, 2009). However, when
comparing the research on teachers’ reasons for and barriers to engaging in more
informal activities (e.g., Geijsel, Sleegers, Stoel, & Krüger, 2009; Kwakman, 2003;
Lohman, 2000, 2003, 2006) or web-based PD or learning activities (e.g., Downer,
Locasale-Crouch, Hamre, & Pianta, 2009; Duncan-Howell, 2010; Kao, Wu, & Tsai,
2011), quite similar results can be found, indicating that there might be motivational
processes as well as certain context characteristics that are relevant for different kinds
of learning activities. Therefore, systematic empirical studies and literature reviews
on already existing research are needed to gain deeper insights into different kinds of
learning activities as well as what influences teachers’ engagement in them (see e.g.,
Nitsche, 2013). Simply participating in PD courses does not guarantee that teachers
actually learn something or transfer their knowledge into the classroom. As stated
in Sect. 1.1, the current literature review only focused on the choice to participate in
PD (Beier & Kanfer, 2010; “training choice motivation”, Rzejak et al., 2014); it was
not concerned with the influence of this phase on processes during and after a PD
program. Therefore, research is needed on how the different (motivational) stages
interact and if the decision-making process before a PD course has any influence on
how teachers use the learning activity and transfer the gained knowledge into their
Finally, by the use of Google Scholar as a starting point for the systematic literature
search was an effort to identify a broad basis of studies that might be relevant for the
current literature review. However, it cannot be ruled out that certain publications
were not identified. Especially for Austria and Switzerland, only a few studies were
found. A systematic approach and snowballing were used in order to minimize the
number of missed studies. Furthermore, it is not clear whether the publication bias
(i.e., non-significant or null results are less likely published than significant and
expected results) had an influence on the presented results. The current systematic
literature review aimed to gain insights into the variety of existing studies with regard
to teachers’ PD participation in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The publications
found seem to have contributed well to this question and are a good starting point
for further research questions and studies.
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Hessisches Kultusministerium. (2008). Fortbildung braucht Steuerung: Bestandsaufnahme und
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Huppert, A., & Abs, H. J. (2008). Schulentwicklung und die Partizipation von Lehrkräften:
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Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 31(3), 8–15.
Jacobi, J., Verweyen, E., & Wedding, M. (1996). Umfrage zur religionspädagogischen Lehrerfort-
bildung mit allen Religionslehrerinnen und -lehrern im Bistum Münster [Survey on profes-
sional development in religious education with all religious education teachers in the diocese
of Münster]. Kirche und Schule, 22(98), 1–16.
Jäger, R. S., & Bodensohn, R. (2007). Bericht zur Befragung von Mathematiklehrkräften: Die
Situation der Lehrerfortbildung im Fach Mathematik aus der Sicht der Lehrkräfte [Report on the
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Kao, C.-P., Wu, Y.-T., & Tsai, C.-C. (2011). Elementary school teachers’ motivation toward web-
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Kwakman, K. (2003). Factors affecting teachers’ participation in professional learning activ-
ities. Teaching and Teacher Education, 19(2), 149–170. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0742-
Landert, C. (1999). Lehrerweiterbildung in der Schweiz: Ergebnisse der Evaluation von aus-
gewählten Weiterbildungssystemen und Entwicklungslinien für eine wirksame Personalentwick-
lung in den Schulen [Teacher professional development in Switzerland: Results of the evaluation
of selected professional development programs and development lines for effective personnel
development in schools]. Chur: Rüegger.
Lipowsky, F. (2011). Theoretische Perspektiven und empirische Befunde zur Wirksamkeit von
Lehrerfort- und -weiterbildung [Theoretical perspectives and empirical findings on the effective-
ness of teacher professional development]. In E. Terhart, H. Bennewitz, & M. Rothland (Eds.),
Handbuch der Forschung zum Lehrerberuf (pp. 398–417). Münster: Waxmann.
Lohman, M. C. (2000). Environmental inhibitors to informal learning in the workplace: A case
study of public school teachers. Adult Education Quarterly, 50(2), 83–101. https://doi.org/10.
102 6 Conclusions from the Literature Review
Lohman, M. C. (2003). Work situations triggering participation in informal learning in the work-
place: A case study of public school teachers. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 16(1), 40–54.
Lohman, M. C. (2006). Factors influencing teachers’ engagement in informal learning activities.
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Mammes, I. (2008). Denkmuster von Lehrkräften als Herausforderung für Unterrichtsentwicklung
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Nitsche, S. (2013). Zielorientierungen von Lehrkräften und ihre Bedeutung für das berufliche
Lern- und Fortbildungsverhalten [Teachers’ goal orientations and their significance for voca-
tional learning and professional development behavior]. Dissertation, Universität Mannheim,
OECD. (2009). Creating effective teaching and learning environments: First results from TALIS.
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References 103
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 105
C. Krille, Teachers’ Participation in Professional Development,
SpringerBriefs in Education, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-38844-7
Table A.1 Overview of studies included in systematic literature review
Diehl, Krüger, Richter, and DE (BW) 2010 Various Various (incl. N = 41 Interview None
Vigerske (2010) vocational)
Doedens (2005) DE (HH) 2002/03 Religion Secondary schools N = 431* Questionnaire –
Doedens (2008) DE (SH) 2007 Religion Various (incl. N = Questionnaire –
vocational 1764*
Drossel, Wendt, Schmitz, International 2011 Mathematics, Elementary schools – Questionnaire Mathematics
and Eickelmann (2012) science
Faßmann (1994) AT (BL, 1993 Various Various N = 2800 Questionnaire Certain provider
CA, UA, VI) (vocational)
Faßmann (1995) AT 1994 Various Various N = 1892 Questionnaire Certain provider
Feige and Tzscheetzsch DE (BW) – Religion – N = Questionnaire Religion
(2005) 4196*
Florian (2008) DE 2006/07 Various Various (incl. N = 1613 Questionnaire None
Forsa (2017) DE 2017 STEM Various N = 500* Interview None
Gagarina and Saldern DE 2007/08 Various Secondary schools N = Questionnaire None
(2010) 3734*
Gallasch and Sprenger DE (NW) 1999 Various Elementary schools N = 40 Interview Digital media
Geest-Rack (2013) DE (BE) 2011 Various Elementary schools N = 122 Questionnaire Nutrition
Table A.1 (continued)
Table A.1 (continued)
Sieve (2015) DE (NI) 2010/11 Various Secondary schools N = 360 Questionnaire Interactive
Wolf, Göbel-Lehnert, and DE (HE) 1994 Various Various (incl. N = Questionnaire None
Chroust (1997) vocational) 1718*
Notes DE … Germany; BW … Baden-Wuerttemberg; BY … Bavaria; BE … Berlin; BB … Brandenburg; HB … Bremen; HH … Hamburg; HE … Hesse;
MV … Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania; NI … Lower Saxony; NW … North Rhine-Westphalia; RP … Rhineland-Palatinate; SL … Saarland; SN … Saxony;
ST … Saxony-Anhalt; SH … Schleswig-Holstein; TH … Thuringia; AT … Austria; BL … Burgenland; CA … Carinthia; LA … Lower Austria; UA … Upper
Austria; VI … Vienna; CH … Switzerland; AG … Aargau. *… attempts to achieve representativity
Table A.2 Ranking order of German federal states with regard to teachers’ PD attendance depending on dependent variable
Kammerl et al. (2016) Richter et al. (2013b) Richter et al. (2012) Hoffmann and Richter (2016)
PD on multimedia PD in general PD in general PD in general
Several subjects Mathematics, Science German, Mathematics German, English
Participation in PD Participation in PD Frequency of PD Frequency of PD Amount of PD Participation in PD Amount of PD
Notes Italic printed states have regulations regarding PD obligations. E … Federal state from Eastern Germany (former GDR); W … Federal state in Western
Germany; BW … Baden-Wuerttemberg; BY … Bavaria; BE … Berlin; BB … Brandenburg; HB … Bremen; HH … Hamburg; HE … Hesse; MV … Mecklenburg-
Western Pomerania; NI … Lower Saxony; NW … North Rhine-Westphalia; RP … Rhineland-Palatinate; SL … Saarland; SN … Saxony; ST … Saxony-Anhalt;
SH … Schleswig-Holstein; TH … Thuringia
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