Year's Best d20 Vol1

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Bring the Best to Your Game Table!

The sheer volume of d20 System products—especially those with small

print runs and low profiles—makes it impossible for a player to find
out about them all, let alone read them all. That’s why this collection
of The Year’s Best d20 game material is vital if you want the best of
what the industry has to offer.

Compiled and introduced by 3rd Edition codesigner Monte Cook,

The Year’s Best d20 presents a unique collection of classes, feats,
magic, monsters, and variant rules that illustrates the d20 System’s
flexibility. The contents, drawn from a thorough examination of
products released in 2004, represents a variety of authors and pub-
lishers. This invaluable reference is a treasure trove of material
suitable for any campaign.

If you buy only one game product this year, make sure it’s the best!

Malhavoc Press is game designer Monte Cook’s d20 System imprint devoted to
publishing unusual magic, monsters, and evocative game elements that go beyond
traditional fantasy. Malhavoc Press products exhibit a mastery of the d20 System rules
that only one of the 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons® designers can offer you.

Free bonus material at

ISBN 1-58846-798-8 • WW16133 • $19.99 U.S.
©2005 Monte J. Cook
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast®.
Dungeons & Dragons and Wizards of the Coast are registered trademarks and the d20 System logo and d20 System
are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. The Sword & Sorcery logo is a registered
trademark of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Malhavoc is a registered trademark of Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.

PDF Version 1
August 2005

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 66.27.


Selected by Monte Cook

Requires use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
This book utilizes updated material from the v. 3.5 revision.

Additional Credits
Featuring Selections From: Aasimar & Tiefling: A Guidebook to the Planetouched, Advanced Bestiary, Advanced Player's Guide,
Ancient Kingdoms: Mesopotamia, The Complete Guide to Rakshasas, Denizens of Avadnu, Libem Liborium: Complete Guide to d20
Books, Love and War, Metablades (Expanded Edition), Modern Magic, The Pantheon and Pagan Faiths, Player's Guide to Monks
and Paladins, Poisoncraft: The Dark Art, Relics & Rituals: Excalibur, Relics & Rituals: Olympus, Strange Lands:
Lost Tribes of the Scarred Lands, The Tome of Horrors II, and Unearthed Arcana
Contributing Authors: C.D. Bennett, Morten Braten, David Chart, Andy Collins, Dana Lynn Driscoll, Nevin Flanagan,
Alex Freed, Robert J. Gallagher, Mike Gill, Bruce Graw, Scott Greene, Justin D. Jacobson, Lysle Kapp,
Christopher Kennedy, Ari Marmell, Michael A. Mumich, David Noonan, W. Jason Peck, Anthony Pryor,
Patrick O’Duffy, Aaron Rosenberg, Jason Rosenstock, Robert J. Schwalb, Matt Sernett, Mat Smith,
Matt Sprengeler, Christina Stiles, Jonathan Tweet, and Jeffrey J. Visgaitis
Copyediting and Production: Sue Weinlein Cook • Proofreading: Scott Holden
Illustrations: Toren “MacBin” Atkinson, Caleb Cleveland, Eric Lofgren, and Scott Purdy
Cover and Interior Page Design and Title Treatment: Peter Whitley

For supplemental material, visit Monte Cook’s Website: <>

“d20 System” and the “d20 System” logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used according to the terms of
the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy of this License can be found at <>. Dungeons & Dragons®, D&D®, Dungeon®,
Polyhedron®, and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used with permis-
sion. Unearthed Arcana is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast and is used with permission. Malhavoc is a registered trademark and Eldritch Might is a
trademark owned by Monte J. Cook. Sword & Sorcery and the Sword & Sorcery logo are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.
Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20, Vol. One ©2005 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. The contents of each selection for this collection is copyright as listed in
section 15 of the Open Game License on page 94, excepting those elements (artwork, introductions, etc.) that are original to this collection. The mention of or reference to
any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. This edition of Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20, Vol. One is
produced under version 1.0a, 6.0, and/or draft versions of the Open Game License, the d20 System Trademark Logo Guide, and the System Reference Document by per-
mission of Wizards of the Coast. Subsequent versions of this product will incorporate later versions of the license, guide, and document.
Designation of Product Identity: The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License, version
1.0a: Any and all Malhavoc Press logos and identifying marks and trade dress, such as all Malhavoc Press product and product line names including but not limited to The
Complete Book of Eldritch Might, Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved, Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes, Mastering Iron Heroes, and The Iron Heroes Bestiary; and all artwork,
symbols, designs, depictions, illustrations, maps, and cartography, likenesses, poses, logos, or graphic designs. In addition, certain other elements may be Product
Identity of the original published sources of this material. These elements include any specific characters, monsters, creatures, and places; capitalized names and names
of places, artifacts, characters, countries, creatures, geographic locations, gods, historic events, magic items, organizations, and abilities; and any and all stories, story-
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Open Game Content below and are already open by virtue of appearing there. Please see the Product Identity designations of the original publications listed on page 94
for details. (It’s worth your time to track down these great products!) The above Product Identity is not Open Game Content.
Designation of Open Game Content: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, the following portions of Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20, Vol. One
are designated as Open Game Content: anything contained herein which is already Open Game Content by virtue of appearing in the System Reference Document or some
other Open Game Content source, such as the original published sources of the material herein.
Some portions of this book which are Open Game Content originate from the System Reference Document and are ©1999–2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The remain-
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This document is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.

Check out Sword & Sorcery online at <>

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

2 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Table of Contents
Introduction: D20 IN 2004 Carcaetan .......................................................48
A Rocky Start ....................................................3 Clockwork Creature Template...................50
Sourcebooks . . . and Lots of Them...............3 Corpsespinner................................................52
New Rules..........................................................5 Corpsespun Creature Template...................54
Fewer, Better Products..................................5 Crucifixion Spirit..........................................56
What’s This Book All About ...........................5 Death Weaver..................................................57
Ethereal Adder ..............................................58
So, What’s in it for Me? ...................................5 Goldencrest...................................................59
Golem, Furnace.............................................60
Chapter One: CHARACTER CLASSES Hanged Man ...................................................62
Arcane Warrior ...............................................6 Inscriber .........................................................63
Cosmosopher ...................................................8 Kei-Ehri ...........................................................65
Gemcaster .......................................................10 Kulumar..........................................................66
Knight of Tears ..............................................13 Madrir .............................................................68
Ghostspeaker Feat ........................................................14 New Skill: Perfect Recall...........................................69
Reliquarian .....................................................15 Nightmare Collector ..................................70
Urban Ranger..................................................18 Time Flayer ......................................................71
Urban Tracking Feat.....................................................18 Unholy Chorus ..............................................73
Yogi...................................................................19 Vacuous Engulfer .........................................74
Yogic Spell List .............................................................22 Warding Visage ..............................................75
Austerity Feats..............................................................23
Chapter Two: FEATS AND SKILLS Combat Defense .............................................77
Awaken Ancestry ...........................................24 Applying Combat Defense............................................77
Counterstrike ...............................................24 Combat Defense Example ............................................78
Coward's Bane................................................24 Incantations ..................................................78
Damaging Spell ..............................................25 Discovering Incantations ..........................................79
Divine Perseverance......................................25 Casting an Incantation...............................................79
Dretch Spawn .................................................25 Incantation Components ...........................................80
Dying Blow .....................................................26 Failed Incantations.....................................................80
Infernal Insight............................................26 Sample Incantations ...................................................80
Might of Courage .........................................26 Creating New Incantations........................................82
Planar Awareness..........................................26 Planetouched Ancestry Magic ...................84
Ravid's Blessing .............................................27 Race: Cambions ..............................................84
Spell Cleave ....................................................27 Race: Nephilim ...............................................86
Spell of Opportunity ....................................27 Reserve Points ...............................................88
Throwback ......................................................27 Using Reserve Points ...................................................88
Warrior's Path ...............................................28 Replenishing Reserve Points .....................................89
Prophecy Skill ...............................................28 Constitution Changes ................................................89
Skill-Based Spellcasting .............................89
Chapter Three: MAGIC New Skill: Spellcasting ..............................................89
Spell Lists .......................................................29 Core Spells ...................................................................90
Spell Descriptions .........................................31 Optional Rule: Physical Fatigue ...............................90
Magic Items.....................................................37 Spontaneous Metamagic ..............................91
Weapon Quality.............................................................37 Daily Uses .......................................................................91
Wondrous Items............................................................37 Extra Spell Slots ..........................................................92
Combining the Variants..............................................92
Chapter Four: MONSTERS
Arcanoplasm...................................................39 APPENDIX
Amalgam Template ........................................40 Congratulations to the Year’s Best! .........93
Bedlam .............................................................45 Open Game License........................................94
Bipedal Creature Template..........................46

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

d20 in 2004
Monte Cook looks back at the year 2004 for the d20 System, covering the highlights, the lowlights, and the direction
the industry’s heading. This introduction discusses the factors that shaped the products you bought—and didn’t buy.

I n 2000, Wizards of the Coast released 3rd Edition

Dungeons & Dragons®, designed primarily by Jonathan
Tweet, Skip Williams and myself, with additional
design by Rich Baker, Peter Adkison, and a host of others.
Along with the release of this new edition of D&D, Wizards
Sourcebooks . . .
and Lots of Them
While the first entries into the d20 field were adventures,
by 2004 this was no longer true. Sourcebooks and cam-
did something rather unprecedented: They made the majori- paign settings were the main releases that year, with only a
ty of the new rules system “open content.” This suddenly small handful of adventures. By this time most publishers
allowed so-called “third-party” developers to use the new had come to the same conclusions that Wizards had long
rules—dubbed the d20 System—to create adventures and ago—that the bestselling products were the ones that
products. The d20 System license, spearheaded by Ryan appealed to all players. Better to put out a sourcebook
Dancey, was nothing short of genius, allowing smaller com- about fighters than an adventure or something else that
panies to create products that would make them money but only DMs would buy.
whose profit margins would be inadequate for the much Arguably, this probably wasn’t the best result for the
larger Wizards of the Coast, which in turn supported game as a whole. Putting aside the business aspects of the
Wizards and helped drive the sales of their core books and issue, rather than offering gamers a gamut of different
major releases. kinds of products—one of the chief benefits of being a
The d20 System was a phenomenon right out of the gate. consumer under the d20 license—the industry gave them
Those early products, some coming out just as the 3rd a lot of the same. Frankly, the game needs DM-focused
Edition Player’s Handbook was released at the Gen Con game products on the shelves to perpetuate itself. Multiple gen-
fair in 2000, sold extremely well. It became clear to many in eral interest, player-focused products were released cover-
the industry that d20 was where it was at. And it stayed that ing similar topics. (Just in compiling this book, I reviewed
way for quite a while. not one but two d20 versions of Cerberus, two different
Fast forward to 2004. By the beginning of that year, I d20 versions of the sword Excalibur, two different takes on
myself had been earning my living for three years because of true-to-history medieval knights, and more.) Worse, these
the d20 System license, creating products mainly through d20 general topic sourcebooks competed not only with
my own design house, Malhavoc Press, a partner under each other, but with Wizards of the Coast. While in the
White Wolf Publishing’s Sword & Sorcery label. (And one short term it may have been financially sound from an
could base a good argument for d20’s overall success solely individual publisher’s point of view to release such prod-
on the fact that even a major player like White Wolf stood up ucts, it set up the industry as a whole to crash in the long
and took notice when d20 was released, producing some of run. Players just didn’t need all these books, and if forced
the earliest d20 System products.) By 2004, hundreds of to make a choice, will almost always go with an “official”
d20 products were on the market, and a small handful of Wizards product rather than a third-party d20 System title
factors had set up the “d20 industry” for a downturn in covering similar topics.
sales. Of course, some products went too far the other way.
Wisely avoiding the general topics, some publishers went far
A Rocky Start afield to come up with sourcebook topics that no one else
To be frank, when d20 products started coming out in 2000 had done yet. Topics that—in 1984, or even 1994—would
and into 2001, many of them—most of them—were have been submitted for articles in Dragon® magazine,
absolutely terrible. Sadly, the low quality of these initial became entire sourcebooks in 2004. We saw products
products burned many of the early adapter consumers, and focused on a single d20 monster, or a single d20 school of
gave the impression that “d20” meant “crap.” It took years, magic. While such topics are of interest, and the potential
the involvement of some of the industry’s major players and audience for d20 products is large, it’s simply not large
recognized name designers, and the release of a lot of good enough to support entire products covering such niche
products to undo this stigma. And, truth be told, in many topics.
players’ eyes, it was never undone.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

4 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

New Rules Circle’s Denizens of Avadnu added a lot more cool new mon-
Another factor that shaped d20 products in 2004 was the sters to the mix, as did Wizards’ own Monster Manual III.
release of D&D’s v. 3.5 edition the previous year. The new core And speaking of Wizards, Unearthed Arcana, probably the
rulebooks updated the rules and revised the system across the best book the company’s released since 3rd Edition began,
board, not in major ways—it was still the same game—but also came out in 2004. Goodman Games and Necromancer
with pervasive small changes. Many of the changes fixed truly Games both put out cool adventures that harkened back to
problematic issues and were much needed. Overall, however, “old school” modules released in the late 1970s and early
the rules to the game changed just enough that customers 1980s.
perceived v. 3.5 to be virtually a new edition of the game. Calls It was, in fact, a very good year for d20.
for publishers to release v. 3.5 editions of popular titles Despite claims that d20 is dying (which have been around
already in print (or to release online conversion notes) for as long as d20 has), the facts don’t appear to bear out
became common. Designers across the board saw that the that prognosis. On the contrary, while sales can no longer
v. 3.5 changes, while simple for players to grasp and for DMs support the vast number of publishers that originally
to convert “on the fly,” were somewhat painstaking to imple- entered the field, many of those that remain continue to see
ment in written conversions. In other words, the changes successes. More importantly from the point of view of the
affected game play far less than they affected rules writing. game, after years spent experimenting with the system, a
A “3.5 DM” could easily use most v. 3.0 products with little good number of designers have an excellent grasp of the ins
work, but actually creating a v. 3.5 conversion of the same and outs of what is, in fact, a fairly complex and robust rules
books was a time-consuming process. (And it also proved to set. The system, intentionally created to be easy to under-
be a waste, because the audience rejected conversion products stand but challenging to master, proved difficult for design-
in favor of the constant stream of new titles.) ers to handle at first. In other words, most of the products
So, d20 publishers spent a lot of resources to convert old released right after the game came out, in late 2000 and into
products and get their new products “up to speed” with the 2001, just weren’t very good. But just as the players and DMs
new rules, but for their efforts they saw little or no benefit. have mastered the mechanics, so too have the most talented
Online rules conversions earned no profit and did not help to game designers risen to the fore. Many of them are repre-
drive sales. If anything, d20 sales fell across the board after sented by the material selected for this book.
the release of v. 3.5. Backlist sales of all v. 3.0 compatible prod-
ucts (both d20 System and core products) certainly plummet- What’s This Book
ed. Although almost all d20 publishers greeted v. 3.5 enthusi-
astically, it is difficult to use hindsight to see that the revision All About?
did anything but hurt them (it was likely an economic suc- Late in 2004, we at Malhavoc Press put out a call to all d20
cess for Wizards, at least in the short term). publishers, announcing that we were compiling this book
and inviting them to submit what they felt was their best
Fewer, Better Products material from 2004. Response was very good, and the best
Thus, in 2004, the slowdown in the number of print releases of what they submitted lies between these covers.
and the decrease in print publishers that started in the sec- But before discussing the selection process, let’s look at the
ond half of 2003 continued. While by the end of 2000, and context a little more closely. First of all, I was the sole judge of
certainly throughout 2001, literally dozens of new d20 prod- the selections. Like anyone else, I have my own preferences
ucts appeared on store shelves every month, by 2003 these for certain kinds of material. For example, I like prestige
numbers had fallen by half, and in 2004 by half again. classes that make good NPCs as well as good PCs—they need
From the point of view of the game, however, this is to have a solid story hook for a character as well as good
almost certainly a good thing, not a bad one. While lots of mechanics. Further, at this point in d20 System development,
choice is good, it’s far better to choose between three good all material not only needs to be solid and accurate, it really
products rather than 10 mediocre ones. So despite my earli- needs to offer something new. Monsters, no matter how cool,
er negative remarks, it’s actually the case that some of my that have nothing but a claw/claw/bite routine and improved
favorite d20 products were released in 2004. I love grab aren’t going to make it into this book. There’s nothing
Hamanuptra, the Egypt-themed boxed set from Green wrong with those kinds of monsters and, in fact, you need
Ronin Publishing. Sword & Sorcery’s Relics and Rituals: them in the game, but at this point it’s impossible to judge
Excalibur book is an excellent example of how to apply the such a monster as being among the best when there are so
d20 rules to a specific genre (or, perhaps more appropriate- many more creative choices out there.
ly, how to apply a specific genre to the d20 rules). Since this is a “best of d20” book, and not a “best of
Necromancer Games’ Tome of Horrors II and The Inner background material” book, I focused first on the d20

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Introduction: d20 in 2004
mechanics. Flavor and story elements were very important, but they were always the
second thing I looked at. About the Presenter
And of course, I could only review the material that was submitted. Since 1988, when Monte Cook started
Unlike awards such as the Origins Awards or the EN World/Gen Con d20 System working professionally in the game indus-
try, he has created games for Iron Crown
Awards (the ENnies), I didn’t look at products, but at the individual rules content within Enterprises, TSR, Inc., Wizards of the
them. While some of the submitted books were wonderful as cohesive products, I was Coast, and WizKids Games. Highlights of
interested only in portable rules “bits.” Often that meant feats, monsters, spells, items his career include codesigning the 3rd
edition of Dungeons & Dragons and creat-
and so on, although this book contains plenty of examples of material that isn’t nearly so ing the HeroClix system of superhero
easily classified. This means that certain aspects of making a wonderful book (layout, art, combat. Industry recognition of his work
organization, and so on) played no part in my selection. It also means that if some bit includes the Origins Award, EN World d20
System Award, InQuest Gamer’s Choice
of material was terrific, but not usable outside of its original context, I didn’t select it. Award, and the Pen & Paper Fan Award.
In other words, this book needed to be, well, a book. While one point of the Year’s A graduate of the Clarion West writer’s
Best d20 project was to recognize excellence, another was to present a usable product workshop, Monte also has published
short stories and two novels. In his spare
of great d20 material—a distillation of the vast amount of content out there. This col- time he runs games, paints miniatures,
lection presents it in a way that makes it easy to use, but also allows you to rest assured and reads a lot of comics.
that it is of good quality. Even the best feat or spell didn’t make the cut if it required
the reader to see the entirety of the book it appeared in for a reader to appreciate its About the Illustrators
greatness. On the other hand, a couple bits of material were included only because Toren “MacBin” Atkinson is known by
night as the lead singer in the Cthulhu
something I selected required them to appear (great feats with other feats as prerequi- rock band, The Darkest of the Hillside
sites, for example). Thickets, but by day he collects Saturday
Note that, in the selection process, I didn’t take care to ensure that the material in morning cartoons and is a voice-over
actor. You've seen his work in Green
the book was comprehensive. For example, I spent no time or effort to make sure that Ronin Publishing and Malhavoc Press
spells for every level and class were represented, or that all the classes ran the gamut of titles, as well as in his own pulp sci-fi
various character choices. If this balance occurred in any way, it was coincidence. roleplaying game Spaceship Zero.
If we’d had the room, I would have liked to include an encounters chapter in this With an MFA in Theatrical Design,
California artist Caleb Cleveland has
book. This certainly would have featured sections of Goodman Games’ very cool Crypt worked “in the wings” in both theatre
of the Devil Lich, Vanishing Goblin’s Rooms With a View, and a few choice encounters and film. Recently he has illustrated most-
from Necromancer’s Trouble of Durbenford, Caverns of Thracia, and Ancient Kingdoms: ly for fantasy book and game publishers.
View samples of his artwork at his web-
Mesopotamia. site <>.
Eric Lofgren’s early influences included
So, What’s in it for Me? comic book art, the oils of Frazetta, and
If you’re like me, you like to comb through sourcebooks and adventures and raid them for the inks of Berni Wrightson. Upon discov-
things to use in your campaign. You recognize that only rarely does a book come along ering roleplaying games, he schooled him-
self in fantasy art and now illustrates for
that you’ll be able to use in its entirety, so you grab bits and pieces here and there. Malhavoc Press, among other publishers.
If you are just such a “game product raider,” this book is for you—and all the raiding Visit his website at <>.
has already been done for you, to boot. For a raider, this product is all loot. Scott Purdy, a UK-based illustrator, has a
It’s also for you if you’re a harried DM who sometimes feels lost in the morass of great love of horror, evil, and all things
tentacular. He wills clients his way if they
material out there, or a player whose DM is leery of allowing you to use material from have need of nasty critters to bring to life.
various sources. Here, all in one place, is the good stuff. Again, the work’s all been done You can see more of Scott’s work at
for you. Gems have been pulled from the rough. <>.
Malhavoc Press
Using This Book Malhavoc Press is game designer Monte
Throughout The Year’s Best d20, all references to spells, feats, and other rules that are Cook’s d20 System imprint devoted to the
publication of evocative game elements
not presented in this book come from the v. 3.5 revision of the three Core Rulebooks— that go beyond traditional fantasy.
the Player’s Handbook, DMG, and MM—unless otherwise noted. Sidebars and intro- Malhavoc Press products such as The
ductory sections explain why a particular item was selected or suggest how it could be Complete Book of Eldritch Might exhibit a
mastery of the d20 System rules that only
used in a game. one of its original designers can offer.
This book is protected content except for items specifically called out as Open Game Current titles are available to purchase in
Content on the title page. For full details, please turn to the Open Game License in the either print or electronic (PDF) format at
<>. Look for Monte
Appendix. Open content is not otherwise marked in the text of this book. Cook Presents: Iron Heroes, available now.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter One

Character Classes
This chapter presents interesting new character options, from unusual spellcasters to warriors with a twist.

C haracter classes, whether prestige classes or alter-

nate core classes, can be a real design challenge. Not
only must they walk the line between generality and
specificity, they should be equally well suited to nonplayer
characters and player characters. When selecting the classes
who are skilled in combat but who also wish to gain some
benefit of magic. Through their own abilities and practice,
they have learned special ways to employ arcane power for
their own betterment in combat.
Although the arcane warrior does not gain spells per se,
for this book, I was looking for choices that offered a differ- the class does provide a number of spell-like and supernatu-
ent type of option than the ones that already existed in the ral powers that duplicate certain spell effects. The primary
game. And in the final cut, the selections also needed a nice advantage of these abilities is that they are not affected by
flavorful story element that I could adapt to my own cam- arcane spell failure ratings, thereby allowing the arcane war-
paign. rior to fight more effectively in any situation.
Hit Die: d8.
Arcane Warrior
Prestige class by Bruce Graw; originally published in the Advanced Player’s Requirements
Guide by Sword & Sorcery. To become an arcane warrior, a character must fulfill all of
In a world filled with magic, warriors often find it difficult the following criteria.
to survive. A single well-timed spell can bring down the Base Attack Bonus: +12.
mightiest fighter—or worse, bring him under the control of Abilities: Constitution 15, Intelligence 15.
an enemy. The only defense against such opponents is often Skills: Concentration 6 ranks.
to have magic of one’s Feats: Any one metamagic feat, plus at least five feats cho-
own—or to be so skilled sen from the list of those available as fighter bonus feats.
A Warrior-Wizard
in melee that enemy Spells: Able to cast arcane spells, and cannot be restricted
The arcane warrior is a prestige class that
fuses warrior and wizard. It was one of
spellcasters can’t stand from the transmutation school.
three similar classes I reviewed for this up to your power.
book—and of course there’s the eldritch To protect themselves, Class Skills
knight in the DMG, the eldritch warrior in
The Complete Book of Eldritch Might, the
fighters either adorn The arcane warrior class skills (and the key ability for each
warrior of darkness in the Book of Vile themselves with magical skill) are Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (any)
Darkness, the mage blade in Arcana items and defenses or (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str),
Evolved, and a number of others.
ally with wizards capable Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int) and Swim (Str). See Chapter
So why bother with another one? I liked of dealing with oppos- Four: Skills in the Player’s Handbook for skill descriptions.
that it sidestepped the issue of marrying
spellcasting with combat ability and gave ing spellcasters. Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier.
the character inherent magical abilities Sometimes this isn’t
instead. It appeals to my sense of what a enough, however. Class Features
“magical warrior” would be like—her
inherent magic just makes her better. It Friendly mages are not All the following are class features of the arcane warrior
protects her, makes her weapons (more) always available, magic prestige class.
magical, and enhances her. There’s a lot items can be stolen or Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Arcane warriors are pro-
of flexibility with this class, particularly
with its weapon enhancement abilities. disenchanted, and the ficient with all simple and martial weapons, all types of
You might say that a character of that fighter might be on his armor, and shields (except tower shields).
high a level would already have a good own. Small wonder then Spell-Like/Supernatural Abilities: The arcane warrior can
magical weapon, but I’d counter that
arcane warriors don’t need a powerful that some fighters turn employ his spell-like abilities without having to make arcane
magic weapon—they can focus more on to the magical arts to spell failure rolls. To determine the effective caster level of any
other kinds of magical gear, which ends improve their own abili- such ability, add the character’s arcane warrior level to that of
up being a real boon. Mechanically, this
would be a cool class to layer on top of ties. any arcane spellcasting class levels, unless noted otherwise.
a character that already has levels in The arcane warrior For example, a Wiz1/Bbn13/Arw5 is treated as a 6th-level
eldritch knight. appeals to characters arcane spellcaster for his arcane warrior class abilities.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter One: Character Classes
Aura of Protection (Su): The arcane warrior can use his
understanding of magical defenses to erect a deflection aura
similar to that a ring of protection provides. He can raise an
aura of protection as a standard action once per day per
level. The aura lasts for one minute and offers a deflection
bonus to Armor Class as follows: +1 at 1st level, +2 at 2nd
level, +3 at 4th level, +4 at 6th level, +5 at 8th level, and +6
at 10th level.
Inherent Spell (Sp): Beginning at 1st level, the arcane
warrior selects one spell per level from the list below (he may
not choose a spell from a school he is prohibited from using
in another arcane spellcasting class). The arcane warrior may
employ one inherent spell once per day as a spell-like ability.
All inherent spells have a range of personal and a target of
the arcane warrior himself.
Available inherent spells: detect magic, disguise self, endure
elements, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, feather fall, jump,
mage armor, reduce person, resistance, shield.
Magical Resistance (Ex): Starting at 1st level, the arcane
warrior’s study of magic provides him with an inherent abili-
ty to avoid mystic attacks. The arcane warrior receives a +1
bonus to his saving throws against one magical attack type
of your choice: acid, cold, death, electricity, fear, fire, mind-
affecting, polymorph, sonic. Increase this bonus by an addi-
tional +1 for each arcane warrior level, to a maximum of +10
at 10th level. This bonus stacks with any other saving throw
bonuses the character has. Transmute: At 6th level, the arcane warrior may transform
Weapon Alteration (Sp): Starting at 2nd level, the the weapon’s composition to any substance with which he is
arcane warrior can change the very nature of his weapon. familiar (wood, crystal, silver, cold iron, adamantine, etc.).
He may infuse it with an alignment, apply an enchant- Enchant +3: At 8th level, the arcane warrior can give the
ment, or even change the weapon’s physical composition. weapon a +3 enhancement bonus.
The weapon must be of masterwork quality and the arcane Enchant +4: At 9th level, the arcane warrior can give the
warrior cannot change any existing magical features—he weapon a +4 enhancement bonus.
cannot change the alignment of a holy sword or change a Instead of an enhancement bonus, the arcane warrior may
+2 warhammer to a +3 warhammer. An intelligent weapon enchant a weapon with a special ability of equivalent power,
that is not willing to be altered is permitted a Fortitude as long as the weapon retains a minimum +1 enhancement
save (DC 15) to avoid the effects. bonus. He must have used a weapon with a similar power in
The character can use weapon alteration on a single combat at some point as an arcane warrior. He may not cre-
weapon he holds or up to 50 rounds of missile ammuni- ate an intelligent weapon, nor may he add powers that are
tion. He may use his weapon once per day for every two naturally incompatible or conflicting. See “Magic Weapon
arcane warrior levels (i.e., once at 2nd level, twice at 4th Special Ability Descriptions” in the DMG for a list of special
level, etc.); each application lasts up to one minute per abilities.
arcane warrior level. The alteration ends automatically if For example, a 9th-level arcane warrior could make a
the weapon is sheathed or put away, or if someone other nonmagical longsword into a +4 longsword, a +3 keen
than the arcane warrior wields it (but not if the character longsword or a +2 flaming burst longsword, but he could not
is disarmed in combat). The degree of change depends on make it a +0 holy thundering longsword. He could, however,
the arcane warrior’s level, as follows: create a +1 holy thundering longsword if he used weapon alter-
Infuse Alignment: At 2nd level, the arcane warrior can align ation on a +1 longsword.
the weapon to good, evil, law, or chaos. Body Alteration (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, the arcane
Enchant +1: At 3rd level, the arcane warrior can give the warrior may use any one of the following spells as a super-
weapon a +1 enhancement bonus. natural ability upon himself once per day: bear’s endurance,
Enchant +2: At 5th level, the arcane warrior can give the bull’s strength, cat’s grace, eagle’s splendor, fox’s cunning, or owl’s
weapon a +2 enhancement bonus. wisdom. At higher levels, the arcane warrior may use body

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8 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

alteration more frequently and with any combination of list- Cosmosopher

ed spells: two times per day at 5th level, three times per day Prestige class by Robert J. Schwalb; originally published in Aasimar & Tiefling:
at 7th level, and four times per day at 9th level. A Guidebook to the Planetouched by Green Ronin Publishing.
Advanced Inherent Spell (Sp): At 4th level, and at every The cosmosopher is a divine spellcaster who, through rea-
level thereafter, the arcane warrior selects one spell per level son, snatches divine power from the gods themselves rather
from the list below. The same options and restrictions apply than abide the tenets of a particular theology, god, or ethical
as with the inherent spell class ability. philosophy. Cosmosophers believe the gods to be personifi-
Available advanced inherent spells: alter self, blur, dark- cations of the natural forces at work in the universe. Despite
vision, invisibility, levitate, mirror image, resist energy, see invisi- the gods’ power and their anthropomorphic natures, they
bility, spider climb. are still containable forces, ripe for the cosmosopher’s
Weapon Touch (Ex): At 5th level, the arcane warrior may manipulation.
use any held weapon for any spell he casts that requires a Cosmosophers channel the latent divine energy of the
successful touch attack. Thus, he could cast shocking grasp planes into usable and functional magic, exploiting it as they
and then strike a foe with his weapon, treating a successful desire. These intellectuals see no wrong in what they do, as
hit as a successful touch attack. As with any touch attack, the they approach the task with a scientific curiosity. They view
spell is held until a successful melee hit is made. clerics as superstitious fools, disdaining the strictures upheld
Superior Inherent Spell (Sp): At 8th level, and at every in particular faiths, even though many cosmosophers once
level thereafter, the arcane warrior selects one spell per level served as clerics.
from the list below. The same options and restrictions Scholars, philosophers, and disillusioned priests are all
apply as with the inherent spell class ability. viable candidates for the cosmosopher. Their lack of focus on
Available superior inherent spells: blink, fly, haste, heroism, martial matters makes this class a poor choice for fighters
protection from energy, water breathing. and rangers. Clerics and paladins who advance in the cos-
Ranged Weapon Touch (Ex): At 10th level, the arcane mosopher prestige class violate the tenets of their faith and
warrior may use a ranged weapon as the focus for any spell immediately become ex-members of their former class.
he casts that requires a successful touch attack. He uses his Wizards and sorcerers sometimes become cosmosophers,
next ranged weapon shot after casting the spell as the spell’s seeking to expand their assortment of spells.
delivery mechanism. The spell is lost if the shot misses. There is no particular race especially drawn to this pres-
tige class. Humans, half-elves, and half-orcs are the most


Class Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Will

Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Aura of protection +1, inherent spell, magical resistance +1
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Aura of protection +2, inherent spell, magical resistance +2,
weapon alteration (infuse alignment)
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Body alteration (1/day), inherent spell, magical resistance +3,
weapon alteration (enchant +1)
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Advanced inherent spell, aura of protection +3, inherent spell,
magical resistance +4
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Advanced inherent spell, body alteration (2/day), inherent spell,
magical resistance +5, weapon alteration (enchant +2) , weapon touch
6th +6 +5 +2 +2 Advanced inherent spell, aura of protection +4, inherent spell,
magical resistance +6, weapon alteration (transmute)
7th +7 +5 +2 +2 Advanced inherent spell, body alteration (3/day), inherent spell,
magical resistance +7
8th +8 +6 +2 +2 Advanced inherent spell, aura of protection +5, inherent spell,
magical resistance +8, superior inherent spell
9th +9 +6 +3 +3 Advanced inherent spell, body alteration (4/day), inherent spell,
magical resistance +9, superior inherent spell, weapon alteration
(enchant +4)
10th +10 +7 +3 +3 Advanced inherent spell, aura of protection +6, inherent spell,
magical resistance +10, ranged weapon touch, superior inherent spell

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter One: Character Classes
likely. In the case of the first, they are open to new ideas and
may readily adapt to new methods of thinking. In the case of
the latter two races, the nature of their heritage makes them
rebellious and disdainful of their ancestors’ faiths, and
doubt often follows. Many planetouched characters have a
unique perspective in regard to planar matters and may very
well exploit the features of this class to advance their own
position in your campaign’s cosmology.
Hit Dice: d4

To become a cosmosopher, a character must fulfill all the
following criteria.
Alignment: Any neutral.
Skills: Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks, Knowledge (the
planes) 4 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks.
Feats: Magical Aptitude, Skill Focus (Knowledge [the
Special: Ability to cast unprepared arcane spells of at least
3rd-level. Must have cast contact other plane and received a lie
as an answer or have encountered a great cosmological secret
or problem (problem of evil) in their studies that has caused
them to question the nature of reality.

Class Skills
The cosmosopher’s class skills (and the key ability for each
skill) are Concentration (Con), Gather Information (Cha),
Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), instance of this class ability. Cosmosophers are still limited
Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), by spell levels and must have the requisite ability to cast the
Profession (any) (Wis), Speak Language (n/a), Spellcraft stolen spells. Filching spells from scrolls activates those
(Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha). See Chapter Four: Skills spells from the scroll. Finally, a cosmosopher can have a total
in the Player’s Handbook for skill descriptions. number of divine spells equal to his prestige class level +
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier. Wisdom modifier. Naturally, a cosmosopher need not make
all of his filch
Class Features attempts at once. He Focus on Story
All of the following are class features of the cosmosopher may save them for
The cosmosopher appears in the book as
prestige class. when he encounters much for its story elements as its mechan-
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Cosmosophers gain no divine spellcasters ics. The mechanics, in fact, are very simple.
new proficiency in arms or armor. Armor of any type inter- using divine spells, If you’re interested in potent character
builds, you can easily end up with a wiz-
feres with a cosmosopher’s arcane gestures, which can cause or from scrolls, and ard or sorcerer that can cast a fair selec-
his spells with somatic components to fail. so on. tion of healing spells, basically at the cost
Filch Spell (Su): Cosmosophers believe divine magic is Spells Per Day: For of a feat, since the Skill Focus require-
ment is the only really harsh one. But I
just another force in the universe, an exploitable tool to be every level advanced like it because this is the kind of class
used. Beginning at 1st-level, the cosmosopher gains the abili- in the cosmosopher that results from an interesting character
ty to filch divine spells, in effect gaining the ability to twist prestige class, the choice—skepticism of the gods. I’d use
this class to create an NPC that tried to be
free divine energies into arcane magic. To filch a spell, a cos- character gains new a cleric, but failed and decided to become
mosopher must have seen the divine spell cast or have the spells per day as if he a wizard/cosmosopher.
spell on a divine scroll. The cosmosopher then must succeed had also gained a
at a Spellcraft check (DC 10 + the spell level). If the cos- level in whatever
mosopher succeeds, he filches the spell and may swap it for spellcasting class he
another arcane spell he already knows, as in the case of the belonged to prior to adding levels in this prestige class. He
assassin, bard, or sorcerer. Should the cosmosopher fail this does not gain any other benefits advancing in that class nor-
check, he may not attempt to filch the spell until the next mally would confer such as an extra Hit Die, skill points,

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10 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

feats or anything aside from the additional spellcasting abili- Assimilate Divinity: The epic cosmosopher continues to
ty. Essentially, the character adds one level to his spellcasting snare domain spells as he advances. Every four levels beyond
class to determine spells per day, spells known, and caster 10th (14th, 18th, and so on), the epic cosmosopher gains
level. If the caster had more than one spellcasting class prior another set of domain spells to add to his retinue.
to advancing in cosmosopher, he must decide to which class Bonus Spells: The epic cosmosopher does not gain bonus
he adds the level. spells per day beyond 10th level, though the caster level con-
Assimilate Divinity (Ex): At 4th level, the cosmosopher tinues to increase as normal.
expands his control over other divine energies by appropriat- Bonus Feats: The epic cosmosopher still gains a bonus
ing the domains granted by the gods for his own use. The feat every five levels higher than 10th (15th, 20th, and so
cosmosopher gains access to a domain, including all the on).
bonus spells of levels he can ordinarily cast and the domain’s
granted power. A second domain is gained at 7th level. Gemcaster
Atheistic Resolve (Ex): Doubt and disbelief form the cor- Prestige class by Bruce Graw; originally published in the Advanced Player’s
nerstone of the cosmosopher’s philosophy. Whenever the Guide by Sword & Sorcery.
cosmosopher is in the area of a divine spell or is the target of Masters of the arcane arts have long been aware of the
one, he may attempt to disbelieve the spell. Cosmosophers utility of gems in spellcasting, either as spell components or
are entitled to a Will save (DC 15 + the level of the spell + in the creation of magical items and formulas. Rarely are
twice the caster’s associated ability modifier). If the cos- such baubles treated as anything else, however. Those who
mosopher succeeds, the spell does not affect him. If he fails truly understand gems know these “tears of the earth” are
to disbelieve, he may still make the saving throw if the spell capable of so much more.
normally allows one, but at a –2 circumstance penalty. If the Among the races who dwell under the ground—chiefly
cosmosopher has spell resistance, he makes his atheistic dwarves, but to a lesser extent gnomes—exists a rare breed
resolve check first. Atheistic resolve is gained at 10th level. of arcane masters who utilize gems to enhance their own
spellcasting. Schooled from an early age to recognize, under-
Ex-Cosmosopher stand, and work with jewels of all kinds, these gemcasters
If a cosmosopher is ever the target of atonement, he immedi- soon discover that their magic can be greatly improved by
ately becomes an ex-cosmosopher, losing access to all special using what others dismiss as simple rocks—pretty and
features of the class. valuable, yes, but still nothing more than polished stones.
Gemcasters rarely bother arguing with such people; instead
The Epic Cosmosopher they simply nod and keep their secrets to themselves.
An epic cosmosopher can rival the greatest clerics through Gemcasters must be dwarves or gnomes—no other race
his staunch denial of the sovereignty of the gods. possesses the interest, training, or understanding required
Hit Dice: d4. to employ their special breed of magic. In addition to their
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Intelligence ability to create beautiful articles of jewelry with their inher-
modifier. ent craft skills, gemcasters can also utilize gems as spell foci,
Filch Spell: Every two levels beyond 9th (11th, 13th and so enabling them frequently to avoid the requirements of spell
on), the cosmosopher may select five spell levels of cleric components that can be expensive to find and/or bulky to
spells to add to his spell list. haul around. Higher-level gemcasters can store spells in

Class Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells Per Day
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Filch spell +1 level of existing class
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 — +1 level of existing class
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 — +1 level of existing class
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Assimilate divinity +1 level of existing class
5th +2 +2 +2 +4 — +1 level of existing class
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 — +1 level of existing class
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Assimilate divinity +1 level of existing class
8th +4 +3 +3 +6 — +1 level of existing class
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 — +1 level of existing class
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Atheistic resolve +1 level of existing class

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter One: Character Classes
jewels, employ gems as impromptu metamagic feats, and
increase their spellcasting abilities across the board. Not
bad for just a few faceted baubles!
The primary disadvantage of this prestige class is its
expense. Gemcasters must be fairly wealthy, as many of
their abilities result in the destruction of the gems they
use. In addition, they tend to walk around virtually
encrusted in jewels and as such they attract the
attention of thieves. Any would-be robber must, of
course, contend with a mage’s powers, but even so,
members of this class are definitely going to draw
attention wherever they travel.
Hit Die: d4.

To become a gemcaster, a character must fulfill all of the fol-
lowing criteria.
Race: Dwarf or gnome.
Skills: Appraise 6 ranks, Craft (gemcutting) 8 ranks.
Feats: Eschew Materials, Scribe Scroll.
Spells: Able to cast 3rd-level arcane spells.

Class Skills
The gemcaster’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill)
are Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (gemcutting)
(Int), Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (any) (Int),
Profession (any) (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int). See Chapter must make a successful Use Magic Device check to use it; read
Four: Skills in the Player’s Handbook for skill descriptions. magic still discloses what kind of spell is locked within the
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier. gem. The gem crumbles to powder when the spell is triggered.
A gemscroll may be used as a gem focus (see below) as long
Class Features as the spell contained within is not used. If a failed Spellcraft
All the following are class features of the gemcaster prestige check destroys the gemscroll being used as a focus, however,
class. the spell within is discharged. This is harmless, affecting
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Gemcasters gain no nothing, unless the spell has an area of effect (the gem acts as
proficiency with any weapon or armor. ground zero).
Spells Per Day: The gemcaster is an arcane spellcaster. Gem Foci (Ex):
When the character gains a new level in the gemcaster pres- A gemcaster can use Flavorful Mechanics
tige class, he gains new spells per day as if he had also various jewels as the The gemcaster prestige class takes a cool
gained a level in whatever spellcasting class he belonged to focus for certain fantasy concept (the magic of gems) and
before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, magical abilities. To turns it into an interesting character
option. I like that its mechanics simply
gain any other benefit a character of that class would have do so, he must have a make the spells you already cast better.
gained (metamagic or item creation feats, for example). jewel of the appropri- This is a spellcasting prestige class that
Create Gemscroll: Gemcasters can employ gems in lieu ate type in hand or only enhances and does not dilute. What
sold me on it were the different schools of
of scrolls. A gem used in this manner can hold but a single on some piece of jew- magic equated to the different kinds of
spell. It must be of the appropriate type as related to the elry he is wearing. gems. Very flavorful for a dwarf or gnome
school of magic involved (see Gem Foci, below) and of a value A gem focus worn mage. And the idea of gemscrolls is just
cool. DMs should make an NPC opponent
at least as high as the cost to scribe a scroll of the spell’s level. as a ring, amulet, or using this class—the visuals alone will
Scribing a spell into a gem requires the same procedure and similar item does not make it clear to the PCs that they face no
time as scribing a scroll but uses no writing implements or count as “using” that ordinary wizard or sorcerer.
special inks—instead, the gemcaster discharges the spell into magic item slot—
the gem and locks it there using unique arcane methods. unless, of course, it
Invoking the spell within the gemscroll is handled as with actually is a magic item in its own regard. Gems must
a scroll, except that a character with no levels in gemcaster be unaltered and uncovered to serve as gem foci—the

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12 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

gemcaster could not conceal them with paint or by using Gem Components (Ex): At 2nd level, a gemcaster
reduce item, for example. learns the art of using gems as an arcane spell focus
Each of the schools of magic is represented by a specific instead of material components. This is an extension of
type of gem (see below). If the gem involved comes in several the abilities learned when he received the Eschew
types (e.g., sapphire, star sapphire, etc.), any variant will do. Materials feat.
The value of the gem is important for certain class abilities, When any spell requires a material component or spell
so it is useful for the character to have a well-developed focus costing up to 25 gp, the gemcaster may substitute a
Appraise skill. gem of the appropriate type worth 25 gp. The gemcaster
To use a special ability that involves a jewel, the gemcaster may substitute more valuable gems for the same amount
must be able to touch the gem, and if it is used as the focus in material components as he gains levels: up to 100 gp
for any spell that affects anyone other than the gemcaster value at 3rd level, up to 250 gp value at 5th level, up to
himself, it must be aimed or pointed at the target. For a spell 500 gp value at 7th level, and up to 1,000 gp value at
that requires touch, the character need not touch the jewel to 10th level.
the target—he only needs to be in contact with it himself If the gemcaster employs a gem instead of the normal
while he touches the recipient. components or focus, the gem may shatter in the casting.
On a successful Spellcraft check (DC based on the compo-
School of Magic Gem Focus nent value), the gem substitutes for the component. On a
Abjuration Topaz failed check, the gem shatters and is destroyed (a roll of 1
Conjuration Emerald on this check is always a failure). For example, a 7th-level
Divination Ruby gemcaster casting stoneskin while employing a 250 gp topaz
Enchantment Jacinth to take the place of the required diamond dust makes a
Evocation Diamond Spellcraft check (DC 19; component value of 15 gp + 4th
Illusion Moonstone level spell). The gold piece value is that of the required com-
Necromancy Opal ponent, not the gem itself; so a 1,000 gp topaz has the
Transmutation Sapphire same Difficulty Class as the 250 gp one.
Component Value Spellcraft DC
Gem Identification (Ex): A gemcaster is familiar with
Up to 25 gp 10 + spell level
gems and jewels of all types. When using the Appraise skill
Up to 50 gp 11 + spell level
on a gem or piece of jewelry that includes gems, he earns a
Up to 100 gp 12 + spell level
+1 bonus per class level to determine the value of the gems
Up to 150 gp 13 + spell level
themselves. If this check succeeds, he can also identify the
Up to 200 gp 14 + spell level
exact type of gem by name (opal, ruby, garnet, etc.). This
Up to 250 gp 15 + spell level
bonus does not extend to Appraise checks for nongem pre-
Up to 1,000 gp 30
cious metals such as gold or platinum, nor does it include
similar objects of value—such as pearls—that are not Power Gem (Sp): At 5th level, a gemcaster can concen-
actually gems. trate arcane energies into a gem focus of at least 500 gp

Class Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells Per Day
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Create gemscroll, gem +1 level of existing class
foci, gem identification
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Gem components 25 gp +1 level of existing class
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Gem components 100 go +1 level of existing class
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 — +1 level of existing class
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Power gem, gem +1 level of existing class
components 250 gp
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 — +1 level of existing class
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Gem components 500 gp +1 level of existing class
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 — +1 level of existing class
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Greater power gem +1 level of existing class
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Gem components 1,000 gp +1 level of existing class

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter One: Character Classes
value, granting it certain powers. By discharging a single Knight of Tears
1st-level spell of the appropriate school into a gem, he grants Prestige class by Mike Gill; originally published in the Player’s Guide to Monks
the resulting power gem certain special abilities. These effects and Paladins by Sword & Sorcery.
last for one minute per gemcaster level regardless of which Even in the necromancer city of Hollowfaust, a small
spell was actually used up. A gemcaster may discharge as order of paladins pursues justice and the ideals of the
many 1st-level spells as he has available into different gems, divine. The elite knights of the Order of Tears offer protec-
but no more than one spell into any particular gem. A gem tion, succor and respite to the people of Hollowfaust—both
focus used for this purpose must be nonmagical, and if it is living and dead. The knights consider it their primary duty
being used as a gemscroll, any spell it contains is lost when to lay to rest the spirits of the damned who remain trapped
the jewel is used as a power gem. in the Scarred Lands. Possessed of the mystic ability to
A power gem provides certain benefits to a gemcaster when communicate with these often troubled spirits, the knights
he uses it as the arcane focus for any spell he casts (he may of tears ease the passage of the dead by finishing the tasks
use such a gem regardless of whether or not the spell the departed have left undone, resolving their regrets and
requires components or a spell focus). Using a gem in this absolving ghosts of the sins of the past. While most of
manner does not affect the power gem’s status, but it may be these spirits are rather benign, the knights must still fre-
destroyed on a failed Spellcraft check (DC and effect as quently deal with malevolent specters; for there are many
described for the gem component ability). The character may ghosts too consumed by the sorrows of life and the pain of
use only one power gem as the arcane focus for any single death to be redeemed.
spell. Knights of tears are often surrounded by ghostly mani-
Abjuration, Enchantment: The spell’s duration increases by festations known as fetches. These fetches have been
50 percent. This does not stack with the Extend Spell feat. adjudged by the Guilds of Hollowfaust to not be actual
Illusion, Necromancy: The spell’s saving throw Difficulty undead themselves (as they cannot be turned or otherwise
Class increases by 1. This stacks with the Spell Focus feat, affected by necromancy). Rather, they are believed to be
but does not stack with Greater Spell Focus. the remnants of those spirits whom the knights of tears
Transmutation, Evocation: The caster gains a +1 bonus to his
check to defeat spell resistance. This stacks with the Spell
Penetration feat.
Divination, Conjuration: The spell’s variable numeric effects
increase by 15 percent in the same manner as with the
Empower Spell feat. This does not stack with Empower
Spell. If a conjuration spell is used to summon a creature, the
15 percent bonus applies to the creature’s hit points (up to
its normal maximum).
Greater Power Gem (Sp): At 9th level, the gemcaster
can create more potent power gems. The jewel must be of at
least 1,000 gp value, and a 2nd-level spell must be dis-
charged into it to enjoy the advanced abilities (a gem from
500–999 gp in value manifests only the standard power
gem effect even if a 2nd-level spell is cast—thus, it is
important to be accurate with Appraisal). Improved abili-
ties are as follows:
Abjuration, Enchantment: The spell is cast as if the full
Extend Spell feat was employed; this does not stack with
Extend Spell.
Illusion, Necromancy: The spell’s saving throw Difficulty
Class increases by 2. This stacks with the Spell Focus and
Greater Spell Focus feats.
Transmutation, Evocation: The caster gains a +2 bonus to
his check to defeat spell resistance. This stacks with the Spell
Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration feats.
Divination, Conjuration: The variable numeric effects
increase by 30 percent, with restrictions as with power gem.

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14 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20


Class Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Will

Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells Per Day
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Spirit medium, sanctity +1 paladin level
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Shield of tears +2 +1 paladin level
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Improved turning +1 paladin level
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Shield of tears +4 +1 paladin level
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Ghost blade +1 paladin level
6th +6 +5 +2 +2 Shield of tears +6 +1 paladin level
7th +7 +5 +2 +2 Visions of the lost +1 paladin level
8th +8 +6 +2 +2 Shield of tears +8 +1 paladin level
9th +9 +6 +3 +3 Exorcism +1 paladin level
10th +10 +7 +3 +3 Shield of tears +10 +1 paladin level

have aided in passing over. The Chorus of the Banshee special relationship to spirits can fit easily in many worlds.
has determined that the fetches are the lingering good Indeed, some settings include good-aligned deities of the
will and blessings given by the now-departed ghosts to dead, some of whom might sponsor knights of tears. Alter-
their benefactors. nately, any good faith might consider it a sacred duty to
The Order of Tears is highly respected in Hollowfaust, eliminate the scourge of the undead and create a knightly
both as protectors against unseen horrors and as compas- order with that purpose.
sionate advocates for the dead. These knights, closely allied Hit Die: d8
with the Chorus of the Banshee, are more forgiving of the
necromantic arts than are typical paladins, though they Requirements
swiftly and violently deal with practitioners of the blacker To qualify to become a knight of tears, a character must fulfill
magics. Especially despised by the knights are the dark all the following criteria:
necromancers of Glivid-Autel, who would bind and twist Alignment: Lawful good.
the dead to their own perverse goals. It is said that the Base Attack Bonus: +6
knights have long sought the destruction of Lucian Daine, Feats: Ghostspeaker (see below), Iron Will.
the so-called Black Messiah, for his horrid practice of trans- Skill: Diplomacy 9 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 9 ranks.
forming the living into bitter wraiths. Special: Aura of courage ability, ability to turn undead.
The knights are most active in the Ghost Quarter of
Hollowfaust, rarely traveling beyond the city unless to Ghostspeaker (General Feat)
complete some task for a lost spirit. In addition to laying Those who develop the talent of speaking with ghosts
the dead to rest, the Order of Tears works to enforce justice attract cadres of those who yearn to communicate with the
and ease suffering throughout the city—with the hope of living.
forestalling the creation of new wraiths. The knights Prerequisites: Charisma 13, Wisdom 13
believe the high concentration of negative energy, from the Benefit: A character with this feat receives a +2 compe-
destruction of old Sumara, and the decades-long practice tence bonus to Diplomacy checks when dealing with intelli-
of necromancy strengthen evil spirits and fuel the creation gent incorporeal undead. In addition, he can understand
of lost souls, but they are unsure how to confront the and communicate with such undead, regardless of what lan-
problem. guage they spoke in life.
Becoming a knight of tears is an option primarily open to
paladins, although multiclassing clerics can also join the Class Skills
order. Paladins who take this class focus their ability to con- The knight of tears’ class skills are Bluff (Cha), Concentration
front undead and dispatch malevolent spirits. Paladins who (Con), Craft (any) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal
take this prestige class can multiclass freely with the pal- (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (religion)
adin class. (Int), Profession (any) (Wis), Ride (Dex), and Sense Motive
Use in Other Campaigns: As written, the knight of tears (Wis). See Chapter Four: Skills in the Player’s Handbook for
has a connection to Hollowfaust, a city in Ghelspad where skill descriptions.
necromancy is the order of the day. However, the notion of a Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.
paladin dedicated to putting the dead to rest and who has a

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter One: Character Classes
Class Features Visions of the Lost (Su): At 7th level, the fetches of the
All of the following are class features of the knight of tears knight of tears continually whisper to him the secrets of
prestige class. death and the true nature of life. He can thus glean insight
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A knight of tears is pro- as per the true seeing spell, for a number of minutes per day
ficient with simple and martial weapons and with all armor equal to his level in the knight of tears prestige class. This
and shields. time allotment may be
Spells Per Day: When a new knight of tears level is broken up and uti- A Cool Take on Undead-Hunters
gained, the character enjoys new spells per day as if he had lized throughout the The knight of tears is an interesting alter-
also gained a level in the paladin class. He does not, how- day, as long as the nate take on undead-hunting paladins.
ever, gain any other benefit a character of that class would total does not surpass Interesting because it effectively fights
fire with fire—the knight can speak with
have earned (improved chance of controlling or rebuking the allocated number the dead and uses spiritual quasi-crea-
undead, metamagic or item creation feats, and so on). This of minutes. tures called fetches to make himself more
essentially means that he adds the level of knight of tears to Exorcism (Su): At potent against undead. It’s also interest-
his paladin class level, then determines spells per day and 9th level, the knight of ing because, though it’s got some offen-
sive capabilities, its real focus is in
caster level accordingly. tears has so mastered defense. While the knight of tears is an
Levels in this class do stack with the paladin class for the his holy energies that easy class for paladins to qualify for, its
abilities are so focused that it balances
purposes of turning undead, laying on hands, and smiting he can permanently out well.
evil. banish ghostly pres-
Spirit Medium (Su): The knight of tears possesses the ences from either a
ability to speak with dead, as per the cleric spell of the same person or a location. Any and all effects related to possession,
name. This ability may be attempted once per day per level in domination, haunting, or necromantic corruption are
the knight of tears prestige class, but each entity may only be destroyed, and spirits bound to the place or person are
contacted once per week. released (if benign) or destroyed (if malevolent). This ability
Sanctity (Su): The knight of tears’ holy aura protects his eliminates lingering corruptive spell effects such as unhallow or
soul from the dark taint of the undead. He thus gains a +2 desecrate and eliminates any undead within a 60-foot radius
sacred bonus against all saves concerning energy drain, abili- who fail a Will save (DC 10 + class level + Wisdom modifier).
ty damage, or death attacks made by undead. The energies unleashed by this ability drain the knight of all
Shield of Tears (Su): The fetches of the dead, whom the but 3 Strength points, which heal as normal ability damage;
knight has aided, encircle and protect him from the foul furthermore, exorcism may be used only once per month.
touch of their malevolent brethren. The knight of tears gains Because of this ability’s heavy cost, it is usually reserved as a
a deflection bonus to AC against incorporeal opponents, last resort against evil.
based on his class level (see table). The fetches are not actual
creatures, but rather an incorporeal manifestation of the good Reliquarian
will and gratitude of those spirits who have passed beyond. Prestige class by Christopher Kennedy; originally published in Relics & Rituals:
They can be perceived only by those capable of seeing ethereal Excalibur by Sword & Sorcery.
creatures, and even then they appear as wispy, indistinct There is power in the bones of saints, and in the stones
humanoid forms who huddle close to the character. blessed by a high priest, and in the weapons that have fallen
Improved Turning: At 3rd level, the knight of tears greatly to earth from the hands of angels. The pious have such faith
increases his command of the undead. The character’s effec- in the incarnate power of holy relics that a mere sliver of bone
tive level, for the purposes of turning undead, now equals his can inspire men to charge into the teeth of Death itself. It is
levels in this prestige class plus those levels in any other class- therefore the duty of the men and women of the church to
es that grant the turning ability (without subtracting two lev- identify, guard and use these relics as best they can. The reli-
els for the paladin class). In addition, he receives the Extra quarian is an ordained priest of the church who has been
Turning feat as a bonus feat. charged with this holy task. It falls to him to recover lost
Ghost Blade (Su): At 5th level, the knight of tears has relics of the faith, to care for them such that their holy power
learned to use his holy energy and the fetches that surround is strengthened, and to ensure that they do not fall into the
him to affect even spiritual undead. By expending a daily hands of the wicked.
turn undead attempt as a standard action, the knight of Clerics and paladins are the most likely candidates for the
tears may temporarily bind one of his fetches into a weapon, reliquarian class. Druidic reliquarians are much more rarely
treating it as though it had the ghost touch enhancement. seen, but a few druids have been known to assign great
This ability only applies for weapons the knight of tears importance to certain artifacts of their faith. Wizards may
himself wields. It lasts for one minute per his level in the undertake the religious mantle of the reliquarian if their faith
knight of tears prestige class. is deep, or their love for antiquities and apocrypha great

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

16 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

enough. The class sacrifices some combat ability to focus on relics of the church, he is considered bonded to the relic
the lore that surrounds holy relics, but is still more active and named at the time of his investiture and may not change that
combat-worthy than the usual scholar of antiquities. bond. The relic is not a magical item. However, it is a source
Some reliquarians spend most of their time in the strong- of potential positive or negative energy. Good reliquarians
holds of their faith, never straying far from the vaults where carry relics that channel positive energy and evil reliquarians
the sacred objects are carry negatively attuned relics. Neutral reliquarians may
A Marriage of Setting and Rules kept. However, many choose a relic tied to either positive or negative energy; this
Reliquarians are just cool. This class is more actively ride the decision cannot be changed later. If the reliquarian had levels
from Relics & Rituals: Excalibur and, land, seeking out those in cleric, the choice of a positive or negative energy relic must
while its requirements are very easy for a relics that have been match his choice of turning or rebuking undead.
cleric (or possibly a paladin) to attain, it’s
balanced by the loss of two levels of lost. A reliquarian may
spellcasting. The benefits you gain aren’t call on a group of Class Skills
overwhelming but are certainly good knights to recover a The reliquarian’s class skills (and the key ability for each
enough to make the class worth taking.
particular relic for the skill) are Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (any)
It’s the concept that I really like, however,
and all the abilities feed into the concept
faith, or he may ask (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Gather Information (Cha),
very nicely. I like the idea of these guys them to assist him as Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all skills,
carrying around holy relics, safeguarding he sets out on the taken individually) (Int), Speak Language (none), Spellcraft
them and wielding them to fight their
enemies. It’s this kind of thing that ties
quest. If the need is (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha). See Chapter Four: Skills
world design and game mechanics great enough, a reli- in the Player’s Handbook for skill descriptions.
together nicely. quarian may even offer Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.
a faithful worshipper
or sub-priest the use of Class Features
one of the church’s sacred objects to ensure that the suppli- All of the following are features of the reliquarian prestige
cant’s quest is blessed with the deity’s full favor. class.
Hit Die: d6. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The reliquarian is profi-
cient with simple weapons and with all forms of armor and
Requirements shields.
To qualify to become a reliquarian, a character must fulfill all Spells Per Day: At 2nd and 4th level, and every level there-
the following criteria. after, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known,
Skills: Knowledge (history) 5 ranks and Knowledge (reli- if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting
gion) 10 ranks. class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He
Spells: Able to cast 1st-level divine spells. does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that
Special: The reliquarian must be chosen by unanimous class would have gained.
consent of his order’s leadership and invested in a weeklong If the character possessed levels in multiple spellcasting
ceremony attuning him to a specific holy relic. The nature of classes before becoming a reliquarian, he must decide to which
the relic is left to the GM (bones of saints are particularly class he adds each level of reliquarian for the purpose of deter-
appropriate), and while the reliquarian may quest for other mining spells per day (and spells known, if applicable).


Class Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Will

Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells Per Day
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Divine lore, attunement, draw —
upon relic, turn/rebuke undead
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Sacred protector +1 level of existing class
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Guiding star I, divine armor 1 —
4th +3 +1 +1 +4 Faith upholds me +1 level of existing class
5th +3 +1 +1 +4 Touch of the saint +1 level of existing class
6th +4 +2 +2 +5 Relic lore, divine armor 2 +1 level of existing class
7th +5 +2 +2 +5 Find the path +1 level of existing class
8th +6 +2 +2 +6 Guiding star II +1 level of existing class
9th +6 +3 +3 +6 Sense magic, divine armor 3 +1 level of existing class
10th +7 +3 +3 +7 Perfected bond +1 level of existing class

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter One: Character Classes
Divine Lore: At his investiture, the reliquarian is initiated
into the secret mysteries of his order. This knowledge grants
him a +2 competence bonus to all Intelligence-based skill
checks and Intelligence checks.
Attunement (Su): The reliquarian is aware of the relative
distance and general direction of his bonded relic at all
times. Should his relic fall into the hands of enemies or be
otherwise lost (not simply set aside), the reliquarian loses all
class special abilities save for this one (but not spells per day,
saves, or attack bonuses) until the relic is restored to its
rightful place.
Draw Upon Relic (Su): The holy relic given to the reli-
quarian upon investiture grants him a source of spiritual
power in times of need. Once per day, as long as the reliquar-
ian is in contact with his bonded relic, he may recall one 1st-
level spell that had already been cast, as if using a pearl of
Turn/Rebuke Undead (Su): By brandishing the relic
bonded to him, the reliquarian can turn or rebuke
undead as a cleric of his reliquarian level. A reliquarian
with previous levels of cleric can add his reliquarian
prestige class levels to his cleric levels for purposes of
turning undead, but only when using his bonded
relic. In all other respects, this is identical to the cleric
Sacred Protector (Su): The reliquarian’s force of
will empowers his desire to keep the artifacts of his
faith safe. Beginning at 2nd level, all objects carried
by the reliquarian receive a +4 bonus to any saving
throws they must make (such as when targeted by a
Guiding Star I (Su): At 3rd level, the reliquarian
may never be lost, and gains a divine immunity to confusion energy touch inflicts a like amount of damage to living crea-
spells and spell-like effects. tures, and heals an equal amount to undead.
Divine Armor (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, the reliquarian Relic Lore (Sp): At 6th level, the reliquarian can use legend
gains a +1 natural armor bonus as long as he bears his bond- lore as a spell-like ability. This ability can only be used on
ed relic on his person. This bonus increases to +2 at 6th relics of the reliquarian’s faith, or of a directly opposing faith.
level, and +3 at 9th level. Thus, a reliquarian of Daeos could use legend lore to deter-
Faith Upholds Me (Ex): At 4th level, the reliquarian gains mine lore about an important Daeosian relic or a relic of the
the ability to handle magical objects that would ordinarily Adversary, but not about a Druenite object or a relic of a fae
curse or damage him due to alignment without suffering any god. This ability can only be used once per week at most. The
harm. A good-aligned reliquarian could handle an unholy reliquarian does not need to expend XP to use this spell-like
weapon without suffering a negative level, while an evil- ability. In all other respects, this ability functions as the spell.
aligned reliquarian could peruse a book of exalted deeds Find the Path (Sp): Starting at 7th level, a reliquarian may
without losing XP. This ability does not protect the reliquari- cast find the path once per day as a standard action.
an against curses or damaging effects that are not based on Guiding Star II (Su): At 8th level, the reliquarian becomes
alignment. immune to the lesser geas, geas, and quest spells.
Touch of the Saint (Su): At 5th level, the reliquarian can Sense Magic (Sp): At 9th level, the reliquarian becomes
further focus the power of the relic he carries. The reliquarian able to sense the presence or absence of magic. He can detect
may make a touch attack once per day that focuses either magic at will as a spell-like ability.
positive or negative energy. A positive energy touch heals 1d8 Perfected Bond (Su): At 10th level, the reliquarian’s bond
points of damage per point of the reliquarian’s Wisdom mod- with the relic he carries is a constant source of strength. As
ifier and inflicts that much damage to undead. A negative long as the relic is on his person, the reliquarian gains

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18 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

damage reduction 5/unholy (if the relic is charged with pos- Woodland Stride: An urban ranger does not gain this
itive energy) or damage reduction 5/holy (if the relic is neg- ability.
atively charged). In addition, the reliquarian gains a +4 Swift Tracker (Ex): Beginning at 8th level, an urban
divine bonus on all saves against divine magic. ranger may make a Gather Information check for his Urban
Tracking feat every half hour without taking the normal –5
Urban Ranger penalty.
Core class variant designed and developed by Andy Collins; originally published in Camouflage: An urban ranger does not gain this abili-
Unearthed Arcana by Wizards of the Coast. ty.
The urban ranger Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): An urban ranger can use this
Just a Few Tweaks stalks the treacherous ability in any area, whether natural terrain or not.
The urban ranger shows how just a few streets of the city, relying
minor tweaks can change the focus of on his knowledge of Urban Tracking [General Feat]
an existing class and give it a whole new
spin. I have a player in my own campaign alleyways and under- You can track down the location of missing persons or want-
playing an urban ranger. world contacts to keep ed individuals within communities.
him alive. Benefit: To find the trail of an individual or to follow it
Class Skills: for one hour requires a Gather Information check. You
Eliminate Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (dungeon- must make another Gather Information check every hour
eering), and Survival from the ranger’s class skill list. Add of the search, as well as each time the trail becomes diffi-
Gather Information, Knowledge (local), and Sense Motive to cult to follow, such as when it moves to a different area of
the class skill list. town.
The Difficulty Class of the check, and the number of
Class Features checks required to track down your quarry, depends upon
The urban ranger has all the standard ranger class features, the community size and the conditions.
except as noted below. If you fail a Gather Information check, you can retry after
Animal Companion: An urban ranger cannot have an one hour of questioning; the DM should roll the number of
animal larger than Medium as his animal companion. checks required secretly, so the player doesn’t know exactly
Urban Tracking: An urban ranger does not gain the Track how long the task will require.
feat at 1st level. Instead, he gains the Urban Tracking feat Normal: A character without this feat can use Gather
(see below), which allows him to use Gather Information to Information to find out information about a particular indi-
track down a missing person, suspect, or other individual vidual, but each check takes 1d4+1 hours and doesn’t allow
within a community. effective trailing.
Wild Empathy: An urban ranger adds only one-half his Special: A character with 5 ranks in Knowledge (local)
class level to wild empathy checks, reflecting his limited con- gains a +2 bonus on the Gather Information check to use
nection with the natural world. this feat.
Favored Enemy: At the DM’s discretion, an urban ranger You can cut the time between Gather Information checks
may select an organization instead of a creature type as his in half (to 30 minutes rather than one hour), but you take a
favored enemy. For example, a character might select a par- –5 penalty on the check.
ticular thieves’ guild, merchant house, or even the city guard.
The favored enemy bonuses would apply to all members of Community Size* DC Checks Required
the chosen organization, regardless of their creature type or Thorp, hamlet or village 5 1d3
subtype. Small or large town 10 1d4+1
Spellcasting: The urban ranger’s spell list differs from the Small or large city 15 2d4
standard ranger’s list. The following spells are eliminated Metropolis 20 2d4+2
from the urban ranger’s spell list: animal messenger, charm * See Chapter Five: Campaigns in the DMG.
animal, detect animals or plants, speak with animals, bear’s
endurance, hold animal, snare, speak with plants, command DC Mod. Conditions
plants, diminish plants, plant growth, reduce animal, tree shape, –1 Every three creatures in the group being sought
water walk, commune with nature, and tree stride. +1 Every 24 hours party has been missing/sought
In exchange, the urban ranger adds the following spells +5 Tracked party “lies low”
to his class spell list: 1st—comprehend languages, detect +2 Tracked party matches community’s primary
chaos/good/evil/law, detect secret doors, message; 2nd—detect racial demographic*
thoughts, knock, locate object, eagle’s splendor; 3rd—discern lies, –2 Tracked party does not match community’s pri-
invisibility, speak with dead, tongues; 4th—dimensional anchor, mary or secondary racial demographic*
locate creature, Mord’s faithful hound, true seeing. * See “Racial Demographics” in Chapter Five: Campaigns of the DMG.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter One: Character Classes
Core class and austerity feats by Matt Sprengeler; originally published in the
Complete Guide to Rakshasas by Goodman Games.
In ages past, rakshasa sages mastered many strange arts.
Honing their concentration and performing grueling austeri-
ties, they imbued themselves with power beyond the rest of
their kind. As more mortals fell under their sway, these secrets
began to leak out. By the time of Ravana, small sects of mortals
existed who passed these powers from generation to genera-
tion, becoming known as yogis. Rakshasas have never managed
to rid the world of these upstarts who know their timeless tech-
niques, and even today they are found across the civilized lands.
The yogi has two strengths: self-discipline and the detach-
ment to see things as they truly are. The former allows the
yogi to push the limits of what a mortal body can normally
do, while the latter helps the yogi pierce illusions and mis-
directions. The two strands twine together in such a fashion
that the yogi can cast spells after a period of deep meditation.
In time, the yogi sees the whole material world as an illusion
of sorts, one that can be reshaped or even left behind entirely.
On a surface level, yogis are similar to monks. Both train
their bodies to perform far beyond the level of others, and
both gain powers that seem magical to outsiders. But the
monk’s physical abilities are flashier and more combat ori-
ented, while her powers largely augment that fighting ability.
A yogi is more concerned with the internal than the external,
and as a result is not as obviously dangerous. However, the
yogi receives enough combat training to take care of himself,
and his spells excel at gathering information and protecting
the target, making him a surprisingly resourceful combatant. Alignment: As discipline and detachment are the two pil-
The yogi also has some of the most flexible spontaneous lars of a yogi’s abilities, chaotic characters are not able to fol-
casting available to divine spellcasters. low this path. Lawful individuals often excel at the former,
These abilities allow the yogi to excel in a support position, and neutral ones the latter. A yogi can have any alignment
much as monks (and bards) do. Each yogi sees himself as a stu- along the good-evil axis; their techniques were developed for
dent of the universe, continually striving to become as enlight- evil purposes by rakshasas, but many of the firstborn’s most
ened and free as possible. It therefore falls on him to teach oth- devoted enemies are yogis themselves.
ers that freedom, both by sharing knowledge and by example. Religion: Most yogis consider the entire cosmos to be an
Adventures: To a yogi, adventuring is one step in the quest object of worship, and many of the remaining ones fancy
for personal understanding. By facing dangers, he learns what themselves supreme beings. Neither group produces many
his capabilities are. It also brings him into contact with a variety churchgoers. That said, yogis are well aware of the existence
of thinking beings who can act as either mentors or obstacles. of higher powers and will often pay them some kind of hom-
Some yogis are driven by a zeal for doing good, hoping to age. Some yogis believe that in time, with enough dedication
help their less fortunate fellows, while others wish to master and concentration, they too will ascend to the level of the
the power of the yogi in hopes that the knowledge and disci- gods, or even beyond it.
pline gained will help them rule over weaker beings. That belief goes hand in hand with the notion of reincar-
Characteristics: The yogi’s key features are his ability to nation. No yogi is required to believe in it, but many do. The
withstand hardship, his selection of divinations and protec- discipline practiced in this life is, to them, a sacrifice made in
tive magics, and his ability to see through layers of deceit and hopes that the next incarnation will be even closer to what-
misunderstanding. Coupled with the yogi’s decent combat ever their ideal happens to be.
skill, this makes him an excellent scout or second-tier spell- Background: The knowledge of a yogi’s ways is imparted
caster. Yogic abilities are unusual and may seem less dynamic by a teacher of some kind. Usually this teacher is an older
than those of some other classes, but a yogi can almost always yogi, often one who takes on a handful of young pupils in
support the rest of his group in accomplishing their goals. He hopes of furthering their enlightenment (and perhaps his
is also well equipped for life as a solo adventurer. own). If enough yogis dwell in the same area, they might run

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20 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20


Class Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Will

Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Yogic focus, breath control, centered strike, spells
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Endurance
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Austerity, see false face
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Hardihood, spontaneous casting
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Diehard, supreme concentration
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 —
7th +5 +5 +2 +5 Insight
8th +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Know falsehood
9th +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 Unravel magic
10th +7+2 +7 +3 +7 Austerity
11th +8/+3 +7 +3 +7 —
12th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Find weakness
13th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Improved hardihood
14th +10/+5 +9 +4 +9 Inviolate body
15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +5 +9 —
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Unfettered sight
17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Levitation
18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 —
19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 See ethereal
20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 —

an academy devoted to maintaining and expanding their art, matically different from the yogi’s pursuit of awareness, and
taking on students of all ages who have the right dedication. often the yogi will be frustrated by what he sees as the pal-
A handful of yogis claim to have developed their abilities in adin’s insistence on forcing others to follow a particular
a different way. They say that spirits of the cosmos, be they code. Bards, with their flashy style and love of attention,
gods or monsters, imparted the knowledge of a yogi’s ways to have a much different style of problem-solving than yogis
them. Such wild yogis are shunned by their more convention- do, which can lead to clashes. But the biggest contrast is
al brethren, for fear that this knowledge is somehow tainted. between a yogi and a barbarian. To a yogi, the barbarian’s
Races: The first yogis were rumored to be human, and wild rage and impulsive behavior is the farthest thing pos-
humankind produces most members of this class. Dwarves have sible from ideal, and the two classes often have cool rela-
a small but solid yogic tradition, as it plays well into both their tions. Yogis have no particular response to other classes.
disciplined natures and their hardy frames. Some half-elves and Role: A yogi makes a tenacious combatant, and his durability
half-orcs take up the yogi’s path, seeking greater knowledge of is an asset when combined with his unusual powers. His spell
themselves through introspection, and a handful of gnomes selection is heavy on abjuration and divination, so he is also
have adopted the practices as well. Elves and halflings are gener- good at scouting out an encounter and setting other characters
ally too free-spirited and impulsive to stick with the yogi’s ways. up to carry the day. However, his understanding of the nature
Few of the nonhuman races have the discipline to follow a of reality also gives him access to a handful of powerful offen-
yogi’s teaching, either. Hobgoblins, coming from a more struc- sive spells. The yogi makes an excellent adviser and coordinator,
tured society, have been known to become yogis. Such individ- and often has obscure knowledge that turns out to be useful.
uals often concentrate on the defensive aspects of their power
and act as second-line troops, supporting fighters in combat. Game Rule Information
A handful of the githzerai are rumored to have broken away Yogis have the following game statistics.
from their culture’s strong monastic tradition and established Abilities: Constitution is vital for a yogi, as it supports the
a small yogic academy somewhere on the outer planes. Concentration skill, which is necessary for many of a yogi’s
Other Classes: A yogi usually gets along with others, abilities to function. Intelligence and Wisdom are helpful for
understanding that everyone must find their own path to many of the yogi’s other skills, and Wisdom also influences
enlightenment. They especially enjoy the company of monks, the yogi’s spellcasting ability.
clerics, and druids, all of whom have interesting insights on Alignment: Any nonchaotic.
the nature of existence. The paladin’s crusading zeal is dra- Hit Die: d8.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter One: Character Classes
Class Skills (minimum 1) until he resumes his normal regimen. Each
The yogi’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are yogic ability requires both a minimum yogi level and a mini-
Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), mum number of ranks in the Concentration skill. If the yogi
Escape Artist (Dex), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge lacks the required number of Concentration ranks, he cannot
(religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), use that ability until he gains the needed ranks.
Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spot (Wis). See Chapter Centered Strike (Su): A yogi with 3 or more ranks in Concen-
Four: Skills in the Player’s Handbook for skill descriptions. tration can hit his target without being misled by feinting and
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Intelligence modifier) × 4 dodging. As a standard action, a yogi may use this ability to
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Intelligence make a single attack, which treats the target as if flat footed—
modifier it loses the benefits of Dexterity and dodge bonuses to Armor
Class. Note that the target is not flat-footed to other characters.
Class Features See False Face (Su): A yogi of 3rd level or higher with at least
All of the following are class features of the yogi. 6 ranks in Concentration can tell when others are disguising
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A yogi is proficient with all their appearance. While this ability is in effect, the yogi can
simple weapons, along with several weapons that have become study individuals for signs of disguise. Each round, the yogi can
a traditional part of yogic training. These include the battleaxe, use a standard action to designate one person or creature he
discus, flail (light and heavy), handaxe, longbow, shortbow, can see and make a Concentration check (DC 15 + target’s
and trident. Yogis are proficient with light and medium armor. Charisma bonus). If the yogi succeeds, he is aware of any dis-
Spells: A yogi can cast divine spells, which are drawn from guises, spells, or shape-shifting powers the target is using,
the yogi spell list on the next page. However, his alignment although he does not automatically know what the target really
may restrict him from casting certain spells opposed to his looks like. A yogi also can use this ability to hear when someone
moral or ethical beliefs, as with other divine spellcasters. A is mimicking a voice or animal call. This ability is active for a
yogi’s divine focus must be part of his daily meditation ritu- number of rounds equal to the character’s yogi level.
al, usually as something he focuses on to clear his mind. Supreme Concentration (Su): A yogi of 5th level or higher
To prepare or cast a spell, a yogi must have a Wisdom with at least 8 ranks in Concentration can use his intense
score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty focus to help him perform a skill. This ability allows the
Class for a saving throw against a yogi’s spell is 10 + the yogi to make a Concentration check instead of a regular
spell level + the yogi’s Wisdom modifier. check for any one physical skill (i.e. one based on Strength,
A yogi must choose and prepare his spells in advance. Dexterity, or Constitution) that requires 1 round or less to
This requires an hour of meditation and exercise every day. execute. Thus a yogi could use Concentration in place of
One component alone is not enough; for a yogi to harness
his inner power, he must be physically alert as well as men-
tally prepared. Time spent resting has no effect on whether a YOGIC SPELLS PER DAY
yogi can prepare spells. If a yogi fails to get his required daily Char. Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
meditation and exercise, he can cast the spells he has already 1 2 — — — — — —
prepared, but cannot get new ones that day. 2 3 0 — — — — —
When the yogi’s spell table indicates that a yogi receives 0 3 3 1 — — — — —
spells per day, he gains only the bonus spells he would be 4 3 2 0 — — — —
entitled to based on his Wisdom score. 5 3 3 1 — — — —
Spontaneous Casting: A yogi’s remarkable self-control is 6 3 3 2 — — — —
reflected in his spontaneous casting ability. When desired, a 7 3 3 2 0 — — —
yogi can “lose” a stored spell to cast a spell of a lower level 8 3 3 3 1 — — —
from the yogic spell list, with certain restrictions. First, the 9 3 3 3 2 — — —
spontaneous spell must be at least two levels lower than the 10 3 3 3 2 0 — —
spell being sacrificed, and it must belong to the same school 11 3 3 3 3 1 — —
(and subschool, if any). Second, the yogi must succeed at a 12 3 3 3 3 2 — —
Concentration check (DC 15 + level of the desired spell). If 13 3 3 3 3 2 0 —
the check fails, the sacrificed spell is gone from the yogi’s 14 4 3 3 3 3 1 —
mind but the spontaneous spell is not cast. 15 4 4 3 3 3 2 —
Yogic Focus: Many of a yogi’s abilities come from his blend 16 4 4 4 3 3 2 0
of concentration and detachment. Once per day per yogi 17 4 4 4 4 3 3 1
level, he can draw on this inner well of power to perform mar- 18 4 4 4 4 4 3 2
velous deeds. A yogi who is denied his chance to meditate and 19 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
exercise may use yogic focus only once per two yogi levels 20 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

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22 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Jump, or could substitute it for Move Silently over a short long as a normal character). He also gains a +4 bonus to any
patch of ground. Fortitude save involving gases, vapors, or odors.
Know Falsehood (Sp): A yogi of 8th level or higher with at Endurance: A yogi gains Endurance as a bonus feat at
least 11 ranks in Concentration can sense lies. When activat- 2nd level.
ed, this ability allows the yogi to discern lies as the spell for a Austerity:At 3rd level, a yogi gains an Austerity feat as a
number of rounds equal to double his yogi level. bonus feat. The yogi may choose the Austerity of Cold, Austerity
Unravel Magic: A yogi of 9th level or higher with at least 12 of Fire, Austerity of Lies, or Austerity of Pain, even if he does not
ranks in Concentration can fortify himself against all magic. meet the prerequisites of the chosen feat (see next page). At 10th
When used, this ability grants the yogi spell resistance equal to level, he gains any Austerity feat he wishes as a bonus feat, as
his yogi level + his ranks in Concentration for a number of min- long as he has any Austerity feats that are among its prerequi-
utes equal to his yogi level. This does not stack with other forms sites; he does not need to meet any other prerequisites.
of spell resistance; use the one that confers the greatest benefit. Hardihood (Ex): Starting at 4th level, the yogi has an
Find Weakness (Su): A yogi of 12th level or higher with at uncanny degree of control over his body. If he makes a suc-
least 15 ranks in Concentration has mastered the art of strik- cessful Fortitude save against a Fortitude-based attack that
ing an opponent. As a full-round action, the yogi may make normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead
a single attack as if it were a touch attack, ignoring his tar- takes no damage.
get’s natural armor Diehard: At 5th level, a yogi gains Diehard as a bonus feat.
A Potent Eastern Archetype bonus and the like. To Insight (Ex): The greater a yogi’s understanding of reality,
The yogi draws on a nice non-Western activate this ability, the the stronger his discipline. Starting at 7th level, the yogi adds
character concept. Mechanically, the char- yogi must first make a his Wisdom modifier to every Concentration check he makes.
acter is much like a cleric, sacrificing
some spellcasting ability for better skills Concentration check This ability can only be used if the yogi has a positive Wisdom
and some special abilities. Of particular (DC 10 + target’s total bonus. He continues to add his Constitution modifier as well.
interest are the unravel magic and find AC). If the check fails, Improved Hardihood (Ex): At 13th level, a yogi’s self-
weakness abilities. Those are potent, as
is supreme concentration. this use of find weak- discipline results in an improved ability to endure pain and
ness does not work, but mistreatment. In addition to the effects of the hardihood
it still counts against the ability, he now only takes half damage on a failed Fortitude
total number of yogic focus abilities allowed per day. saving throw. This ability only functions against attacks with
Unfettered Sight (Sp): A yogi of 16th level or higher with at a numeric value, like poison; it is no use against powers like
least 19 ranks in Concentration can see reality as it is. When a gorgon’s petrifying breath weapon.
activated, this ability grants the yogi true seeing as the spell Inviolate Body (Ex): In time, a yogi’s control of his body
for a number of minutes equal to double his yogi level. grants him enhanced control of his mind and reflexes. At
Levitation (Sp): A yogi of 17th level or higher with at least 14th level, he gains a bonus equal to his Constitution modifi-
20 ranks in Concentration is able to lift himself from the er (if any) on all saving throws, not just Fortitude.
ground with a mere thought. The yogi may levitate himself as
the spell as a move action, but with a base speed of 60 feet. Yogic Spell List
This ability lasts for a number of minutes equal to his yogi 0 Level: Detect magic, guidance, know direction, mage hand,
level. Once activated, the yogi may use it or not as he sees fit, mending, message, read magic, resistance.
but the duration passes whether he floats or not. 1st Level: Bane, bless, cause fear, comprehend languages,
See Ethereal (Su): A yogi of 19th level or higher with at least 21 deathwatch, disguise self, divine favor, endure elements, entropic
ranks in Concentration has achieved one of the greatest marks shield, feather fall, identify, protection from chaos/evil/law/good,
of detachment—he can see into the ethereal plane. As a stan- remove fear, sanctuary.
dard action, the yogi can make a Concentration check (DC 30). 2nd Level: Align weapon, bear’s endurance, calm emotions,
If successful, he can now see the ethereal plane, just as ethereal detect thoughts, find traps, make whole, owl’s wisdom, protection
creatures can see into the material plane. The yogi’s vision from arrows, resist energy, rope trick, see invisibility, shield other,
extends 60 feet into the ethereal, making it look like a gauzy status, zone of truth.
overlay on top of the normal world. All ethereal creatures and 3rd Level: Arcane sight, bestow curse, dispel magic, fly, haste,
activities are obvious to him. This effect lasts for a number of keen edge, locate object, protection from energy, remove curse, sug-
minutes equal to his yogi level. If the initial Concentration gestion.
check fails, this use of see ethereal does not work but it still 4th Level: Discern lies, divination, fire shield, freedom of
counts against the total number of yogic focus abilities movement, imbue with spell ability, lesser planar ally, locate crea-
allowed per day. ture, shadow conjuration, spell immunity, tongues.
Breath Control (Ex): The first lesson every yogi learns is to 5th Level: Break enchantment, commune, dismissal, mark of
control his breathing. A yogi can hold his breath for a number justice, righteous might, scrying, sending, shadow evocation, spell
of rounds equal to four times his Constitution score (twice as resistance, telekinesis.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter One: Character Classes
6th Level: Greater dispel magic, find the path, forbiddance, leg- Benefit: When confronted by something you suspect to be
end lore, mislead, planar ally, true seeing, wind walk, word of recall. an illusion, you may make a Concentration check (DC 20) to
gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against it. Your connec-
Austerity Feats tion to reality also grants you an automatic +4 bonus to sav-
These feats apply to yogis who have the Austerity ability. ing throws against illusions with the shadow subtype.


You have trained to resist acids and corrosives. You have trained to detect lies.
Prerequisites: Constitution 15, either Austerity of Cold Prerequisites: Wisdom 14, Concentration 1 rank. You must
or Austerity of Fire. You must also have spent at least six also have spent at least six months speaking only the truth.
months learning to withstand acid. Benefit: You can make a Concentration check when inter-
Benefit: You gain limited resistance to damage from acid acting with someone else (DC 15). If successful, you gain a
and corrosives. When injured by such an attack, make a +4 bonus on all Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks against
Concentration check (DC 25). If successful, ignore the first 5 that individual during this encounter. Your target also has a
points of damage. This stacks with other forms of protection –2 penalty to any attempt to use Intimidate or Sleight of
from acid. Hand against you for this time. However, if you tell a lie dur-
ing the encounter at any point after making the Concentra-
AUSTERITY OF COLD [AUSTERITY] tion attempt, you lose this bonus immediately. Only one use
You have trained to resist cold and ice damage. of this feat is permitted during an encounter, regardless of
Prerequisites: Constitution 12, Concentration 1 rank. You how many other characters are involved.
must also have spent at least six months learning to with-
Benefit: You gain limited resistance to damage from cold- You have trained to resist mild pain and injury.
based attacks. When injured by such an attack, make a Prerequisites: Constitution 14, Concentration 4 ranks.
Concentration check (DC 20). If successful, ignore the first You must also have spent at least six months learning to
5 points of damage. This stacks with other forms of protec- withstand all forms of physical injury.
tion from cold. Benefit: You gain limited resistance to damage from phys-
ical attacks, such as weapons. When injured by such an
AUSTERITY OF ELECTRICITY [AUSTERITY] attack, make a Concentration check (DC 20). If successful,
You have trained to resist the effects of electricity. treat the attack as if you had damage reduction 2/–. This
Prerequisites: Constitution 15, either Austerity of Cold stacks with other forms of damage reduction.
or Austerity of Fire. You must also have spent at least six
months learning to withstand electricity. AUSTERITY OF SONICS [AUSTERITY]
Benefit: You gain limited resistance to damage from all You have trained to resist the effects of powerful sonics.
forms of electricity. When injured by such an attack, make a Prerequisites: Constitution 15, either Austerity of Cold or
Concentration check (DC 25). If successful, ignore the first 5 Austerity of Fire. You must also have spent at least six
points of damage. This stacks with other forms of protection months learning to withstand sonic damage.
from electricity. Benefit: You gain limited resistance to damage from son-
ics. When injured by such an attack, make a Concentration
AUSTERITY OF FIRE [AUSTERITY] check (DC 25). If successful, ignore the first 5 points of
You have trained to resist fire and heat damage. damage. This stacks with other forms of protection from
Prerequisites: Constitution 12,Concentration 1 rank.You must sonic, but it does not provide a benefit against attacks like
also have spent at least six months learning to withstand fire. the harpy’s song.
Benefit: You gain limited resistance to damage from flame
and heat. When injured by such an attack, make a AUSTERITY OF SUFFERING [AUSTERITY]
Concentration check (DC 20). If successful, ignore the first You have trained to resist great pain and injury.
5 points of damage. This stacks with other forms of protec- Prerequisites: Constitution 18, Austerity of Pain. You
tion from fire. must also have spent at least 12 months learning to with-
stand all forms of physical injury.
AUSTERITY OF ILLUSION [AUSTERITY] Benefit: You gain enhanced resistance to damage from physi-
You have trained to see through illusions. cal attacks. When injured by such an attack, make a Concentra-
Prerequisites: Wisdom 18, Listen 5 ranks, Spot 5 ranks, tion check (DC 30). If successful, treat the attack as if you had
Austerity of Lies. You must also have spent at least 12 damage reduction 5/–. This replaces the effects of the Austerity
months training all of your senses. of Pain and stacks with other forms of damage reduction.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Two

Feats and Skills

Feats are one of the basic “building blocks” of the d20 System. It’s not at all surprising that there are now
hundreds and hundreds of good feats available.

A good feat, in my opinion, offers a character a way to

do something that otherwise would be impossible
or difficult—a brand new option, in other words.
For example, from among the selections in this chapter,
Throwback is cool because it turns the tables on fear spells
your veins, thereby allowing you to access ancestry feats.
Each ancestry feat selected unlocks the blood of a former
and possibly unrealized ancestor. In addition, you gain a +2
insight bonus to all Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made
against outsiders.
and makes it likely that you’ll ask your spellcasting friends to Special: This feat is the prerequisite for all ancestry feats.
cast one on you in times of need. Ravid’s Blessing offers an
ability that is not only useful but interesting as well. Counterstrike [General]
I liked Coward’s Bane because it took an interesting con- By David Chart; originally published in Love and War by Atlas Games.
cept (that certain types of fighting are cowardly) and applies You are unusually capable when fighting opponents who
it to a useful mechanic. It’s one thing to simply prohibit a pose a real threat to you.
kind of action inappropriate to a character, but it’s another Benefit: During your action, you designate one of your
to give him an advantage based on that same principle—the opponents. This opponent must have already done one or
advantage will end up defining the character much more more hit points of damage to you in the battle. You now get
dramatically. a +1 bonus to all attacks on this opponent. You may desig-
Though very powerful, Dying Blow and Warrior’s Path are nate a new opponent at any time, but the new opponent
interesting applications of what would normally be simply must also have wounded you in this battle. Foes who
creative license—you can easily see someone using these wounded you in a previous encounter but lived to fight you
feats in a movie or a book. I like it when someone provides a again can’t be targeted by this feat until they have wounded
way for us to put scenes like that in a game. Might of you in this encounter.
Courage is included for use with Dying Blow. Special: A fighter may take this feat as one of her bonus
Spell Cleave and Spell of Opportunity offer standard feats.
d20 System combat options for spellcasters. They are pow-
erful, but both limited by potentially drawing attacks of Coward’s Bane [General]
opportunity from foes (or at least requiring Concentration By David Chart; originally published in Love and War by Atlas Games.
checks). You can strike hard against anyone who attacks you in a
It’s probably worth noting that a few of the feats in this cowardly fashion.
chapter appear here not because they are so great—although Prerequisite: Counterstrike.
none are bad—but because they are prerequisites of other Benefit: During your action, you designate one of your
feats. opponents. This opponent must, in the current battle, have
The one skill I chose for this chapter, Prophecy, fits the dealt you 1 or more hit points of damage with a cowardly
bill of a good new skill—it offers interesting mechanics for strike. Cowardly strikes include all ranged attacks, sneak
something that isn’t easily covered by another skill or sub- attacks, ambushes, poison, subtle magical attacks, and dam-
skill (this is more than just Knowledge [Prophecy], for age inflicted while you are helpless, surprised, or massively
example.) and obviously outclassed (encounter level four or more levels
higher than your character level). You gain a +2 bonus to
Awaken Ancestry (General) damage on any melee attacks made against that opponent.
By Robert J. Schwalb; originally published in Aasimar & Tiefling: You may change the opponent on any action, but anyone
A Guidebook to the Planetouched by Green Ronin Publishing. designated must have wounded you in a cowardly fashion in
You have unlocked a hidden magical reserve, revealing addi- this battle. The bonus from this feat stacks with the bonuses
tional qualities attributed to an unknown planar ancestor. from Counterstrike and Might of Courage, but overlaps
Prerequisites: Planetouched. (does not stack) with the bonuses from Dying Blow.
Benefit: When you select this feat, you unlock the planar Special: A fighter may take this feat as one of her bonus
traits of one or more outsiders whose blood runs through feats.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Two: Feats and Skills
Damaging Spell [Metamagic] Benefit: By expending a turn undead attempt, the cleric
By David Chart; originally published in Love and War by Atlas Games. renders herself immune to thirst, hunger, and exhaustion for
You may cast or prepare a spell so that it’s easier to avoid, 24 hours. She may do this for no more than a number of
but does more damage if it takes effect. days in a row equal to her Charisma bonus (minimum 1),
Benefit: For every two points by which you reduce the save after which she must allow it to lapse. Once the power lapses,
Difficulty Class of the spell, it deals damage as if you were the character must eat a full meal, drink a substantial
one level higher. This bonus damage may increase the dam- amount of water and let herself fall asleep within an hour. If
age of the spell above its normal maximum amount. For she does not, or if she is awakened before 12 hours have
example, a 10th-level caster prepares a fireball spell with –4 passed, the cumulative effects of the past day’s (or days’)
to its save Difficulty Class. As a result, spell inflicts 12d6 worth of depravation immediately catch up with her, and she
points of damage. This feat can be used only on spells that suffers them fully, as though she had never invoked this
allow a save to reduce or ignore the damage, and which deal power.
damage depending on the caster’s level.
Spellcasters who prepare spells must choose the reduction Dretch Spawn [Ancestry]
to the save DC at the time of preparation. A spell modified by By Robert J. Schwalb; originally published in Aasimar & Tiefling:
this feat occupies a slot of its normal level. A Guidebook to the Planetouched by Green Ronin Publishing.
When you rage, you undergo a horrific transformation
Divine Perseverance [Miracle] into something akin to a dretch.
By Ari Marmell; originally published in Strange Lands: Lost Tribes of the Prerequisites: Awaken Ancestry, ability to rage
Scarred Lands by Sword & Sorcery. Benefit: Whenever you voluntarily enter a rage, you gain
The power of the divine infuses its servants, allowing additional effects. Your body takes on the aspects of a
them to overcome hardships that would impede most mortal dretch: your skin becomes flabby and wet, your nails
beings. Clerics who understand this may use the energies extend into blackened claws, and your mind warps into
they channel to fuel their own bodies. idiocy. While in a rage, you gain a +2 natural armor bonus
Prerequisites: Cleric class levels, ability to channel positive and may make two claw attacks at your highest attack
energy (turn undead) or negative energy (rebuke undead). bonus, dealing 1d6 points of damage. You gain an extra

Feat Type Prerequisites Benefit
Awaken Ancestry General Planetouched Gain a +2 insight bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate
against outsiders; can take ancestry feats.
Counterstrike General — Enjoy a +1 bonus to attacks on designated foe who hit you.
Coward’s Bane General Counterstrike Gain a +2 bonus to damage on any melee attacks made
against a foe who made a cowardly attack against you.
Damaging Spell Metamagic — Inflict extra damage by reducing spell’s save DC.
Divine Perseverance Miracle Cleric class levels, ability to Spend a turn undead attempt to become immune to
turn/rebuke undead thirst, hunger, and exhaustion.
Dretch Spawn Ancestry Awaken Ancestry, ability to rage Gain additional effects when you enter a rage.
Dying Blow General Might of Courage, base attack Enjoy a +8 bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution
bonus +4 when at 0 hp or less in combat; additional benefits.
Infernal Insight Ancestry Awaken Ancestry, evil alignment Contact a powerful fiend to answer a yes or no question.
Might of Courage General Counterstrike Gain a +2 bonus to attacks on designated foe who hit you
(but whom you missed) and a +2 AC bonus against the foe.
Planar Awareness Ancestry Awaken Ancestry, Combat Reflexes You are aware of the thoughts and emotions of others.
Ravid’s Blessing Ancestry Awaken Ancestry, Wisdom 19 You can animate a Tiny object as animate object.
Spell Cleave General Damaging Spell Cast a Touch spell on a foe as a free action immediately
after dropping a foe with a Touch spell.
Spell of Opportunity General Combat Casting Make attack of opportunity with a spell rather than a
melee strike.
Throwback Ancestry Awaken Ancestry When targeted by a fear spell, you gain a +4 Strength bonus
and immunity to mind-affecting effects.
Warrior’s Path General Great Cleave , base attack bonus +6 Move at double speed toward worthy foe.

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26 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

+4 profane bonus to all saves against mind-affecting spells Might of Courage [General]
and effects. By David Chart; originally published in Love and War by Atlas Games.
Special: Instead of becoming fatigued at the end of a rage, You have reserves of strength to call upon when facing an
you become exhausted. Whenever you enter this state, the opponent who is better than you, which might tip the bal-
rage deals 6 points of Intelligence damage to you. ance in your favor.
Prerequisite: Counterstrike.
Dying Blow [General] Benefit: During your action, designate an opponent. This
By David Chart; originally published in Love and War by Atlas Games. opponent must have dealt damage to you with at least three
You are able to surge back from the brink of death and separate attacks, and you must have failed to deal damage to
often take your opponent with you into the shadows. him with at least three separate attacks. All these attacks
Prerequisites: Might of Courage, base attack bonus +4 must have taken place in the current combat. For the rest of
or higher. the combat, you get a +2 bonus to all attacks on this oppo-
Benefit: You may invoke this feat when you are reduced nent and a +2 bonus to Armor Class against this opponent
to 0 or fewer hit points in a combat. You gain a +8 bonus only. You may not change the target of this feat.
to each of your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution The bonuses from this feat overlap (do not stack) with
scores, so that you gain a +4 bonus to attack and damage those from Counterstrike.
rolls in melee combat, a +4 bonus to Armor Class, and +4 Special: You can use this feat only once per day. You can
hit points per level. Your critical threat range with any gain this feat multiple times. Each time you do so, you may
melee weapon triples, and nonmagical attacks are treated use it one additional time per day. A fighter may take this
as +1 magical attacks for the purpose of overcoming dam- feat as one of her bonus feats.
age reduction.
However, the only actions you may take are full attack Planar Awareness [Ancestry]
actions against the opponent who dropped you to 0 hit By Robert J. Schwalb; originally published in Aasimar & Tiefling:
points or fewer, and any move actions required to pursue A Guidebook to the Planetouched by Green Ronin Publishing.
him if he flees. The effects of the feat expire when the Your inherited ability to sense others’ thoughts allows you
opponent dies, or when you fall to 0 or fewer hit points special advantage in combat, but at the cost of your sanity.
again. Prerequisites: Awaken Ancestry, Combat Reflexes.
When the feat expires, you lose the extra hit points and Benefit: You are aware of the thoughts and emotions of
your current state is determined by your hit points remain- others, their voices forming a constant barrage. Normally you
ing. If you took any damage while under the influence of this can shut out the voices of others that echo in your mind,
feat, you’ll have fewer hit points than you did when you minimizing the noise and keeping you from slipping into
invoked it, and it’s likely that you’ll be dead. If you’re raised madness. As a free action, you can drop your mind’s protec-
from the dead, and the level loss means you must lose a feat, tions and allow the torrent of thoughts to fill your head.
you must lose this feat. You can regain it once you regain a The thoughts are generally incoherent, being little more
level. than jumbled snippets of ideas, providing a +2 insight bonus
Special: A fighter may take this feat as one of her bonus to Sense Motive checks, but in combat, listening to them
feats. provides an advantage. Each round you allow the thoughts to
invade your mind, you gain a +1 insight bonus to attack rolls
Infernal Insight [Ancestry] and a +4 insight bonus to your Armor Class, as you antici-
By Robert J. Schwalb; originally published in Aasimar & Tiefling: pate your opponents’ actions. Shutting out the voices
A Guidebook to the Planetouched by Green Ronin Publishing. requires a full-round Concentration check (DC 10 + the
You can call upon your foul masters for the occasional tip number of rounds you access Planar Awareness).
or guidance. For example, Jogan, an aasimar paladin, uses Planar
Prerequisites: Awaken Ancestry, evil alignment. Awareness for 6 rounds of combat. At the end of this time,
Benefit: Once per week, you may contact a powerful fiend he tries to shut out the voices. By expending a full-round
to answer a yes or no question as if you had cast commune. action, he attempts a Concentration check against DC 17
Unlike the spell, you may ask only one question for each use. (10 + 6 rounds of combat + 1 round of Concentration).
Otherwise, it functions as the spell. Special: Using this feat is very taxing on the mind. It deals
Special: Each use of this feat costs 100 XP. You cannot 1 point of Wisdom damage every round you use it. If you fall
reduce your actual character level using this feat. If you do to 0 Wisdom, you collapse into a nightmare-filled coma until
not have enough experience points available, Infernal Insight you can be healed enough to attempt again to stop the voices.
fails. This feat is extremely dangerous if used without caution, as

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Two: Feats and Skills
antimagic fields. See the Player’s Handbook and MM for more
details on this spell.
Special: Each use of this feat causes 1d6 points of non-
lethal damage to you.

Spell Cleave [General]

By David Chart; originally published in Love and War by Atlas Games.
You can follow through on powerful spells.
Prerequisite: Damaging Spell.
Benefit: If you reduce an opponent to 0 hit points or kill
him by using a touch-range spell, you may immediately cast a
touch-range spell as a free action against another creature in
the area that you threaten. You may not take a 5-foot step
before casting this extra spell. You may use this ability once
per round, and the spell you cast using this feat may not
have a casting time of more than one standard action. This
feat does not grant extra spells per day, but rather allows you
to cast the spells you have more quickly.

Spell of Opportunity [General]

By David Chart; originally published in Love and War by Atlas Games.
You can cast spells at characters who leave themselves
open to you.
Prerequisite: Combat Casting.
Benefit: If a creature provokes an attack of opportunity
from you, you may choose to cast a spell at that creature
instead of making the attack of opportunity. The spell must
target the creature provoking the attack of opportunity,
although it may affect other creatures as well. The spell
the number of rounds that pass could forever condemn the comes from your normal daily allowance, but does not pre-
character to a horrific sleep. The only way the character can vent you from casting other spells in the same round. The
externally halt the tide of information is through a heal spell, spell of opportunity may not have a casting time greater than
which renders the feat unusable for 24 hours, but stops the one standard action.
Wisdom damage.
Throwback [Ancestry]
Ravid’s Blessing [Ancestry] By Robert J. Schwalb; originally published in Aasimar & Tiefling:
By Robert J. Schwalb; originally published in Aasimar & Tiefling: A Guidebook to the Planetouched by Green Ronin Publishing.
A Guidebook to the Planetouched by Green Ronin Publishing. The essence of a lemure hides within you.
You have the ability to bring tiny inanimate objects to life. Prerequisites: Awaken Ancestry.
Prerequisites: Awaken Ancestry, Wisdom 19. Benefit: Any time you are the target of a spell with the
Benefit: Once per day, you can animate a tiny object, fear descriptor, your latent lemure blood asserts itself. You
granting it some semblance of life. Effectively, this feat become a mindless killing machine, gaining a +4 inherent
functions as animate object cast as a caster equivalent to bonus to your Strength score and immunity to all mind-
your total levels, except it restricts the size of the object to affecting spells. You choose your path randomly, attacking
Tiny, has a range of only 30 feet, and requires you to con- any living thing that gets in your way. You respond only to
centrate on the object’s movement. Concentrating in this telepathic commands and, even then, only to simple instruc-
manner is a full-round action, requiring you to succeed at a tions (no more than five words). The effects of this feat last
Concentration check (DC 10 + 1 for every 5 feet of distance for 6 rounds. Once you come out from under the influence
between you and the object). In effect, you become a pup- of Throwback, you retain no memory of the events that took
peteer. place while you were in this state.
This is a spell-like ability, and it is subject to anything
affecting magic, such as dispel magic, counterspells, and

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

28 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Warrior’s Path [General] into the near future. This manifests as a single +2
By David Chart; originally published in Love and War by Atlas Games. circumstance bonus on any one initiative check,
When you wish to face a worthy opponent, no lesser foes Spellcraft check, or saving throw that you need to
can stand in your way. make in the next 24 hours (your choice, but you
Prerequisites: Great Cleave , base attack bonus +6. need to declare your intent to use the bonus before
Benefit: Designate a worthy foe. You may move toward the die is rolled). If the Prophecy check fails, you
that foe at double your normal speed every round, even if have misinterpreted the signs and you gain no
there are other opponents in the way. If your movement insight. In extreme circumstances, your probing of
would normally provoke an attack of opportunity against the fabric of destiny can irritate the gods, causing
you, you may attack that opponent instead. If you drop them to punish you. If you roll a natural 1 when
him to 0 or fewer hit points with a single blow, your making your Prophecy check to “Reveal the Future”
movement is not interrupted. If you fail to drop him, you you are cursed by the gods and for the next 24
must come to a stop, and that opponent gets his attack of hours you suffer a –2 penalty on all initiative rolls,
opportunity against you. Spellcraft checks, and saving throws that you are
A worthy foe is one whose Challenge Rating is no lower required to make.
than one less than your character level. If the foe is not If you do not use the +2 bonus granted by suc-
powerful enough, this feat will not work. cessfully “Revealing the Future” within 24 hours,
Special: A fighter may take this feat as one of her bonus it is lost.
feats. 30 Beseech the gods to send you a revelation concern-
ing a specific topic through a dream. The GM
New Skill: Prophecy decides what exactly is related to you if you succeed.
(Wisdom; Trained Only) You may attempt this task only once a month and
By W. Jason Peck; originally published in Relics & Rituals: Olympus by Sword never more than once concerning a specific topic.
& Sorcery. Further attempts anger the gods and often result
Use this skill to peer beyond the veil of time to witness in divine retribution. You may not take 10 or 20
future events and to interpret signs, omens and the fates of when attempting this task.
Check: You can glimpse the future and attempt to unravel
DC Prophecy Task its mysteries. The Difficulty Classes for Prophecy checks
N/A Earn a living wage for a week’s dedicated work serv- relating to various tasks are summarized in the table above.
ing as an oracle (as per the Profession skill). Action: Varies, as noted above.
10 Identify an omen sent by the gods that you witness. Try Again: See above.
13 Identify an omen sent by the gods that is related to Special: You may take ranks in this skill only if you start
you by others. doing so at 1st level (i.e. you take at least 1 rank of Prophecy
15 Add 2 percent per caster level (to a maximum of 90 when you choose your initial skills at 1st level).
percent), instead of the typical 1 percent, to your Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge
base chance of receiving a meaningful reply when (mythology)*, you get a +2 bonus on Prophecy checks to
using the spells augury or divination. A separate roll identify and interpret omens or signs.
is required each time such a spell is cast. If you have 5 or more ranks in Perform (act, oratory, or
15 Interpret an omen or sign. Note that you always sing), you gain a +2 bonus on Prophecy checks to earn a liv-
believe you have correctly interpreted the omen or ing wage as an oracle.
sign, so the GM must make this check secretly. If If you have 5 or more ranks in Sleight of Hand, you gain a
the check fails, the GM should feel free to provide +2 bonus on Prophecy checks to earn a living wage as an
you with false or misleading information. oracle.
20 Add half your Prophecy ranks (rounded down) to * Feel free to substitute another Knowledge skill here, such as Knowledge (reli-
the Difficulty Class of any divination spell you cast gion) or Knowledge (arcana), if your game does not include the Knowledge
(if a save is allowed). (mythology) skill.
25 Use Prophecy to “Reveal the Future” once each day.
“Revealing the Future” requires you to perform a
ritual of some kind, such as consulting the innards
of a sacrificed animal or inspecting burnt offerings
upon an altar, and takes a minimum of 10 minutes.
If this check succeeds, you gain a possible insight

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Three
If you’ve paid any attention to the work I’ve done myself on the d20 System,
it will come as no surprise that I like spells.

I f a game session is a movie, spells are the special

effects. One thing that ties together most of the spells
in this chapter is that they all have great visuals. Blood
protectors and escape the bonds of flesh will freak players out
the first time they see either, and borrow limb and shadow
backstory involving some ancient wizard’s power or a last-
ing magical effect. Sometimes it’s rewarding to actually
come up with the mechanics for “story” magic. Sleep of
power is just such a spell. No PC is ever going to prepare
and cast it, but it makes for an interesting encounter in a
stitch are just weird—in a good way. dungeon or ancient ruin. Halting the wayward tongue is
But what makes for a good spell? For me, it’s much more another such spell.
than just a spell that’s balanced for its level. I want a new
spell that I can include in my game to really add something Spell Lists
new. A spell that blasts foes with fire isn’t bad, necessarily, The descriptions for these spells start on page 31.
but we’ve mostly got that covered already in the system.
Object to ink is a good example, as is know thy master. Assassin Spell
Alternatively, if the end result of a spell is somewhat
conventional, it should accomplish this effect in a new and 1st-Level Assassin Spell
interesting way. Scoundrel’s guidance is just such a spell. The Shadow Stitch: Single shadow-casting target is entangled
mortal cloak spells are as well. I’d put liquid form in that and cannot move.
category as well—in the end, its end result is not all that
different from that of gaseous form, but the flavor of the Bard Spells
spell is cool (again, we go back to that concept of really
cool visuals). 0-Level Bard Spell
The scapegoat spells are worth calling out, as they are Song of Serenity: Subject is cured of fatigue.
fairly original in their application. It’s interesting enough
to be able to reroll a failure, but then to be able to transfer 2nd-Level Bard Spell
the failure is another. One reason this is so interesting Halting the Wayward Tongue: Target cannot speak of
mechanically is that a wizard or sorcerer can use this designated topic.
spell, which allows a Will save, to force someone to likely
fail a save later that they would have made. For example, a 4th-Level Bard Spell
wizard casts scapegoat on a fire giant, who probably does Belsameth’s Vengeance: Upon caster’s death, scream
not have great Will save bonuses. The giant fails. Now the curses killer, inflicting 1d4 points of Charisma damage/day.
wizard waits until he botches a roll and then casts a spell
that allows a Fortitude save (like disintegrate). Normally, 5th-Level Bard Spell
the giant would make such a save, but when the wizard Forbidden Script: Writing poisons anyone who reads it,
transfers the terrible roll, it’s a lot less likely—but still not except the designated creature.
certain, unless the player’s got fire giant save bonuses
memorized, so that’s interesting. (It’s also interesting that 6th-Level Bard Spell
a character could cast this spell, with its relatively short Impede Magic: Spells of a school of your choosing are
duration, and not really blow any rolls.) It’s a very harder to cast in the area of effect.
“gamey” spell, but the concept of transferring luck pro-
vides enough of a story reason why it’s happening, I Cleric Spells
Sometimes, spells are story related. In other words, a 0-Level Cleric Spell
creative DM or designer came up with something cool that Summarize: Quickly summarize a text of up to 250
made for an interesting encounter, location, character, or pages.
so on. Fantasy is full of wonderful ideas, particularly in a

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30 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

4th-Level Cleric Spells Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Borrow Limb. Attach a severed arm.
Escape the Bonds of Flesh: Target suffers 2d8 points of 0-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
damage +1 point/caster level; if below 0 hp, target’s skeleton Conj Elemental Sample: You create a 1-foot cubic block
tears out of body and animates. of an elemental substance.
Mortal Cloak: One person takes on the other’s likeness; Div Summarize: Quickly summarize a text of up to
the other falls asleep. 250 pages.

5th-Level Cleric Spell 1st-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spell

Scoundrel’s Guidance. Gain weapon prowess and sneak Ench Shadow Stitch: Single shadow-casting target is
attack ability of a rogue. entangled and cannot move.

6th-Level Cleric Spell 2nd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spell

Mortal Cloak, Forced: One person takes on likeness of Abjur Scapegoat: Transfer your poor die roll to another
unwilling target. creature.

7th-Level Cleric Spell 3rd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Impede Magic: Spells of a school of your choosing are Ench Halting the Wayward Tongue: Target cannot
harder to cast in the area of effect. speak of designated topic.
Trans Liquid Form: Willing subject becomes living liquid.
8th-Level Cleric Spell Object to Ink: Transform one nonmagical object
Burn Out: You create an area of dead magic. into a tattoo (reversible).

9th-Level Cleric Spells 4th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Blood Protectors: Create a number of warriors made of Abjur Know Thy Master: Item functions properly only
blood to defend you. for designated owner.
Despoil: You ruin a stretch of land. Scapegoat, Greater: Transfer multiple poor die
rolls to another creature.
Druid Spells Trans Mortal Cloak: One person takes on the other’s
likeness; the other falls asleep.
3rd-Level Druid Spell
Liquid Form: Willing subject becomes living liquid. 5th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
Abjur Impede Magic: Spells of a school of your
4th-Level Druid Spell choosing are harder to cast in the area of effect.
Armor of Thorns: +4 natural armor, 7 points of damage Necro Escape the Bonds of Flesh: Target suffers 2d8
to enemies per melee strike on you. points of damage +1 point/caster level; if below 0 hp,
target’s skeleton tears out of body and animates.
8th-Level Druid Spell Forbidden Script: Writing poisons anyone who
Burn Out: You create an area of dead magic. reads it, except for the designated creature.
Trans Awaken Tome: Grant sentience to spellbook.
9th-Level Druid Spell
Despoil: You ruin a stretch of land. 6th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spell
Trans Mortal Cloak, Forced: One person takes on
Ranger Spell likeness of unwilling target.

3rd-Level Ranger Spell 7th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spell

Armor of Thorns: +4 natural armor, 7 points of damage Trans Sleep of Power: You fall into a long comalike
to enemies per melee strike on you. sleep; current ongoing spell remains active
throughout the duration.

8th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spell

Trans Burn Out: You create an area of dead magic.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Three: Magic
Spell based spells and spell-like effects. As a cial empathy or connection with the
full-round action (does not provoke spellbook you awaken, although it serves
Descriptions attacks of opportunity), the caster can you in specific tasks or endeavors if you
This section offers a collection of two have the vines strike out from his body, communicate your desires to it.
dozen new spells for casters of all types. dealing 4d4 points of damage to all An awakened spellbook has character-
creatures within a 5-foot-long 180- istics as if it were an intelligent item. It
Armor of Thorns degree arc in front of him, or to all crea- also gains the ability to move its pages
By Mystic Eye Games staff; originally published in The tures within 5 feet of him (Reflex save and propel itself across the ground at a
Pantheon and Pagan Faiths by Mystic Eye Games. for half damage). base movement speed of 5 feet. It pos-
Conjuration (Creation) sesses language and senses similar to a
Level: Drd 4, Rgr 3 Awaken Tome human’s senses. An awakened spellbook
Components: V, S, DF By Dana Lynn Driscoll; originally published in can speak one language you know plus
Casting Time: 1 standard action Libem Liborium: Complete Guide to d20 one additional language that you know
Range: Personal Books by Silven Publishing. per point of Intelligence (if any).
Target: You Transmutation An awakened spellbook gains 3d6
Duration: 1 minute/level (D) Level: Sor/Wiz 5 Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
Saving Throw: None (see text) Components: V, S, XP scores as well as an additional 2d6 hit
Spell Resistance: No Casting Time: 24 hours points.
For the duration of the spell, your Range: Touch Awakened spellbooks have distinctive
torso grows a weave of green, writhing Target: Personal spellbook personalities of their own. These per-
thorns. Creatures striking you with nat- Duration: Instantaneous sonalities can reflect the personality of
ural weapons or hand-held weapons Saving Throw: None the caster, spells contained within, or be
take 7 points of piercing damage each Spell Resistance: Yes (object) completely random. Some example per-
time they hit you. In addition, the You awaken your spellbook to sonalities include: cautious, crazy, curi-
thorns grant the caster a +4 natural humanlike sentience. To succeed, you ous, helpful, ornery, passionate, philo-
armor bonus. The caster may will the must make a Will save (DC 10 + your sophical, or sarcastic.
thorns to move out of the way so he current level). The awakened spellbook XP Cost: 250 XP
may safely receive beneficial touch- is friendly toward you. You have no spe-
Belsameth’s Vengeance
By Mike Gill; originally published in Strange Lands:
Lost Tribes of the Scarred Lands by Sword &
Level: Brd 4
Components: V, XP
Casting Time: Special (see below)
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One individual (see text)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell may be cast as a free action
whenever the caster is killed (reduced to
–10 or fewer hit points or the target of a
successful death spell), even if it is not
yet the caster’s initiative. Immediately,
the bard chooses one target (who must
be directly responsible for her death)
and expends the necessary experience
points. The bard releases an unearthly
and terrible scream that tears at the
murderer’s soul and may eventually
kill him.

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32 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

The target must make a Will save or Blood Protector: Medium Construct; hp Components: V, S, XP
contract a curse dealing 1d4 points of 50 +2/caster level; Initiative +8; Speed Casting Time: 1 day
permanent Charisma drain per day on a 30 ft.; Armor Class 26 (+4 Dex, +12 Range: Touch
natural); Base Attack/Grapple
failed Will save. Only a successful break +9/+14; weapon +14/+9 (2d6+5); Effect: 10-ft. spread/level
enchantment or remove curse spell will SV Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +4; Str 20, Duration: Permanent
remove this wasting. If the target’s Dex 18, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1. Saving Throw: None
Charisma falls to zero, he immediately Spell Resistance: No
dies and his soul is forever consigned to Borrow Limb With this spell, you create a perma-
the Slayer. This prevents any raise dead By Nevin Flanagan; originally published in Meta- nent zone of dead magic, an area where
or resurrection spell, although a miracle blades (Expanded Edition) by Genjitsu Games. no magic can be cast, just as if the area
or wish has a 5 percent chance per caster Necromancy [Evil] had been affected by an antimagic field.
level of returning the victim to life. Level: Clr 4*, Sor/Wiz 4 Divination spells cannot detect subjects
XP Cost: 2,000 XP. Components: V, S, M (XP) within dead-magic areas, nor can a
Casting Time: 1 full round spellcaster use teleport or another spell
Blood Protectors Range: Personal to move into or out of the zone. The
By Aaron Rosenberg; originally published in Relics & Target: You only exception to the “no magic” rule is
Rituals: Olympus by Sword & Sorcery. Duration: 1 hour/level (D) permanent planar portals, which still
Conjuration [Creation] You attach the severed forelimb of function normally.
Level: Clr 9 another creature to your torso, using it Dead-magic zones created by this
Components: V, S, M, DF as an additional off-hand. You can use it spell can be repaired, but only by a
Casting Time: 1 standard action to make an additional attack in a full heightened limited wish (8th level or high-
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) attack action, albeit at a –6 off-hand er), miracle, or wish spell.
Effect: One or more summoned crea- penalty (reduced to –3 if you have the XP Cost: 5,000 XP
tures, no two of which can be more Two-Weapon Fighting feat). You can
than 30 ft. apart also use it to wield a shield at no penalty Despoil
Duration: 1 minute/level (you can wield only one shield at a By Robert J. Schwalb; originally published in
Saving Throw: None time). Additionally, you can hold objects Aasimar & Tiefling: A Guidebook to the
Spell Resistance: No or weapons in two hands and still cast Planetouched by Green Ronin Publishing.
You channel divine energy into your spells with somatic components. Necromancy [Evil]
own shed blood, transforming and When the spell ends, the limb falls Level: Clr 9, Drd 9
expanding the drops of blood into a group off painfully, dealing 1d3 points of dam- Components: XP
of warriors. You can create one creature for age and impeding your concentration. Casting Time: 1 standard action
every four levels (so, a 20th-level cleric You also can use this spell to attach a Range: 60 ft.
could spawn five of these creatures). limb to the stump of one of your limbs Area: 60-ft. burst, centered on you
Each blood protector created costs one that has been severed. In this case, the Duration: Permanent and Instan-
hit point’s worth of shed blood. spell’s duration changes to Instantan- taneous
Blood protectors appear human but eous, it has an XP component of 500 XP, Saving Throw: None and Fortitude
have no distinct features; their bodies and you may gain some special property half
are clearly composed of fresh blood, of the limb if it has any (a troll’s arm Spell Resistance: Yes
somehow held together in largely solid might regenerate, for instance, or a gar- This spell releases a burst of foul,
form. The warriors appear to have goyle’s stony arm might function as a life-destroying energy from the negative
armor molded to them, and each one shield). The GM may increase the XP energy plane. All land in the area of
wields a shield and either a spear or component if the limb has numerous or effect blackens and is forever ruined.
short sword (your choice). These war- potent special properties. The spell reduces all plants to cinders.
riors count as constructs—they are Material Component: The limb to be Against plant creatures, the spell deals
immune to critical hits and mind- attached. 1d6 points of damage per caster level
affecting spells, and so on. They do not *Originally published as a death domain spell. (maximum of 20d6). Despoil is equally
have names, personalities, or any sense effective against other opponents.
of self, and are just intelligent enough Burn Out Against living creatures (except vermin,
to follow orders. After the spell fades, or By Robert J. Schwalb; originally published in which are immune), the spell deals 1d8
if they are destroyed, they revert to Aasimar & Tiefling: A Guidebook to the points of damage per caster level (maxi-
drops of blood. Planetouched by Green Ronin Publishing. mum of 10d8). Those killed by this
Material Component: The caster’s Transmutation blast rise up as uncontrolled zombies
fresh blood. Level: Clr 8, Drd 8, Sor/Wiz 8 1d4 rounds later.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Three: Magic
All water on the despoiled land turns fire can ignite combustibles, which burn Duration: 1 hour/level; see text
poisonous as if tainted with lich dust for 1d2 rounds before extinguishing. Saving Throw: None; see text
(see Chapter Eight: Glossary in the Water: Conjured water can snuff small Spell Resistance: No
DMG for details). Finally, necromancy fires (fireplace or smaller) or provide You imbue the target ink with power-
spells cast in area affected by despoil are drinking water. If not used immediately, fully poisonous energy. If used during the
cast at +1 caster level and the DCs to the conjured water evaporates in 1d6 duration, the ink produces writing perme-
save against their affects are at +1 rounds. ated with the energy. This effect becomes
A wish or miracle spell is needed to permanent once the ink of the writing
repair land ruined by this spell. Escape the Bonds has dried. At the time of casting, you may
Undead caught in the despoil spell’s designate up to one unique creature per
burst heal all damage and gain maxi- of Flesh* level as immune to the script’s effects.
mum hit points based on their Hit Dice. Design by Anthony Pryor,development by Ari Marmell; Any-thing written with the ink after the
For example, a Medium zombie who has originally published in Strange Lands: Lost Tribes duration expires is normal script.
2d12+3 Hit Dice and 16 hp increases its of the Scarred Lands by Sword & Sorcery. Once the ink dries, anyone reading
hit point total to 27 because of this spell. Necromancy [Death, Evil] the text other than you or a designated
XP Cost: 5,000 XP Level: Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 5 creature is immediately exposed to a
Components: V, S, M magically created ingestion poison. The
Elemental Sample Casting Time: 1 standard action poison has a Fortitude save DC equal to
By Robert J. Schwalb; originally published in Aasimar Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) 10 + your caster level + your key ability
& Tiefling: A Guidebook to the Planetouched Target: One living creature modifier. The initial and secondary dam-
by Green Ronin Publishing. Duration: Instantaneous ages of the poison are death. Merely
Conjuration (Creation) Saving Throw: Fortitude half looking at the text does not trigger the
[Air, Earth, Fire or Water] Spell Resistance: Yes effect. It is only triggered if the creature
Level: Sor/Wiz 0 The victim’s skeleton writhes and actually reads the writing.
Components: S twists within his body, tearing muscles Some shady spellcasters have been
Casting Time: 1 standard action and rupturing flesh. The victim suffers known to write their spellbooks entirely
Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels) 2d8 points of damage, +1 point per caster in forbidden script.
Effect: Create 1-foot cubic block of level (maximum +20). If the damage Material Component: Crushed lotus
elemental substance dealt by this spell brings the target below petals and wyvern blood worth 250 gp,
Duration: Instantaneous zero hit points, his skeleton tears from its mixed with the ink at casting.
Saving Throw: Reflex (negates) fire only body and becomes an animated skeleton.
Spell Resistance: Yes (See “skeleton” in the MM.) This skele- Halting the Wayward
Elemental sample creates a small block ton is under the caster’s control, in all
of elemental matter (air, earth, fire, or respects as if it had been created by the Tongue
water). The effects of this conjuration animate dead spell. Should the skeleton By Mike Gill; originally published in Strange Lands:
vary depending on the type of elemental possess too many Hit Dice for the caster Lost Tribes of the Scarred Lands by Sword &
matter created. to control, it remains independent and Sorcery.
Air: The conjured air disperses into air immediately attacks the nearest creature. Enchantment (Compulsion)
or fire. However, if used underwater or Material Components: A fragment of [Mind-Affecting]
underground, it creates a bubble of bone with flesh still attached to it and a Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 3
breathable air, allowing a character to piece of iron. Components: V, S
breathe for 1d6 rounds before it is spent. * This spell originally appeared in v. 3.0 format and Casting Time: 1 standard action
Earth: The conjured earth forms into a was updated in 2004 to v. 3.5. Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
block of stone, crumbling into dust after Target: One individual
a 1d3 rounds. You can drop it on an Forbidden Script Duration: 1 day/level (D)
opponent, given the right conditions By Justin D. Jacobson; originally published in Saving Throw: Will negates
(see “Falling Damage” in the DMG; Poisoncraft: The Dark Art by Blue Devil Games. Spell Resistance: Yes
treat the stone as weighing 15 lbs.), or Necromancy You name one subject, truth, or secret
you could use it as a stepping stone or for [Poison, Language-Dependent] that the target is unable to talk about for
any number of other possible uses. Level: Brd 5, Sor/Wiz 5 the spell’s duration. Whenever the target
Fire: The conjured fire snuffs out in 1 Components: V, S, M attempts to reveal, answer questions
round. If used against an opponent and Casting Time: 10 minutes about, or speak about the forbidden sub-
the opponent fails a Reflex save, the fire Range: Touch ject, she will stutter helplessly and become
deals 1d3 points of damage. Conjured Target: 1 oz. vial of ink completely unable to communicate.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

34 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

This spell also prevents the target from revealing the secret in Anyone save the designated person who attempts to use the
other ways, such as nodding, gesturing or writing it down. item suffers a –5 penalty on any relevant attack rolls or skill
checks, and in their hands the item feels as if it weighs twice as
Impede Magic much as normal. This spell is most often cast upon weapons, but
By Robert J. Schwalb; originally published in Aasimar & Tiefling: it can also be applied to other objects like chariots or clothing.
A Guidebook to the Planetouched by Green Ronin Publishing. Material Component: A drop of the designated owner’s blood.
Level: Brd 6, Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 5 Liquid Form
Components: V, S, M/DF By Christina Stiles; originally published in Relics & Rituals: Olympus by Sword
Casting Time: 1 standard action & Sorcery.
Range: 30 ft. Transmutation
Area: 30-ft.-radius emanation, centered on you Level: Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Components: S, M/DF
Saving Throw: None Casting Time: 1 standard action
Spell Resistance:No Range: Touch
An invisible harmonic vibration emanates from you when Target: Willing corporeal creature touched
you cast this spell. The emanation protects you from a spell Duration: 2 minutes/level (D)
school of your choice, impeding all spells and spell-like abili- Saving Throw: None
ties of the selected school. To target you (or the area in which Spell Resistance: No
you reside) with a spell from the impeded school, the caster The subject and all its gear become translucent liquid. Its
must make a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + spell level). If the material armor (including natural armor) becomes worthless,
check fails, the spell does not function but is lost as a pre- though its size, Dexterity, deflection bonuses, and armor
pared spell or spell slot. If the check succeeds, the spell func- bonuses from force effects still apply. The subject gains dam-
tions normally. age reduction 10/magic and becomes immune to poison and
Against pre-existing continuous spells in the area of effect, critical hits. It can’t attack or cast spells with verbal, somatic,
impede magic functions like dispel magic. For each creature material, or focus components while in liquid form. (This
within the area that is the subject of one or more spells, you does not rule out the use of certain spells that the subject
make a dispel check (1d20 + your caster level, maximum +10) may have prepared using the feats Silent Spell, Still Spell, and
against each ongoing spell currently in the area of effect. The
DC for this dispel check is 11 + the spell’s caster level.
Regardless of whether you fail a check or not, make dispel
checks against every ongoing spell in the area of impede
magic. Magic items are not affected. If you selected conjura-
tion as the impeded school, pre-existing summoned mon-
sters are subject to the dispel check. You may choose to suc-
ceed automatically on dispel checks against a spell you cast.
Material Component: A small golden bell worth 100 gp.

Know Thy Master

By Aaron Rosenberg; originally published in Relics & Rituals: Olympus by
Sword & Sorcery.
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: One item
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)
You mystically mark a given item as “claimed” by a person
of your choice. The spell causes the item to accept only the
designated person as its owner, and to buck and twist in the
hands of anyone else.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Three: Magic
Eschew Materials.) The subject also Bluff checks and a +15 bonus to all The subject may return the object to
loses supernatural abilities while in liq- Disguise checks made to convince oth- its original form by touching the tattoo
uid form. If it has a touch spell ready to ers that he is in fact the provider. with the intent of activating it, and
use, that spell is discharged harmlessly The provider falls into a deep, coma- chooses whether the object appears in
when the liquid form spell takes effect. like sleep for the duration of the spell. If his hand or at his feet. If the magical
A liquid creature can’t run, but it can he is somehow awakened, the spell ends. effect of the object to ink tattoo is sup-
move or swim at a speed of 10 feet. It can Material Component: A bit of the pressed or dispelled, or the spell’s dura-
pass through small holes or narrow provider’s hair or flesh. tion expires before the tattoo is activat-
openings, even mere cracks, with all it ed, the object instantly appears at the
was wearing or holding in its hands, as Mortal Cloak, Forced subject’s feet.
long as the spell persists. The creature is By Aaron Rosenberg; originally published in Relics & A single person can have only three
subject to the effects of heat, which can Rituals: Olympus by Sword & Sorcery. object to ink tattoos at a time. Once a
cause the creature to start to evaporate. Transmutation subject has three of them, any further
Fire (heat) directed in an area of effect Level: Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 6 attempt to inscribe additional object to
(not directly into the water, which would Components: V, S, DF ink tattoos automatically fails, and the
drench nonmagical fire) causes half dam- Casting Time: 10 minutes additional object is lost. Note that other
age. If any required Reflex save is made, Range: Close (25 feet + 5 ft./2 levels) magic tattoos have no bearing on the
the liquid creature suffers no damage. Saving Throw: Will negates total number of object to ink tattoos one
A liquid creature can’t manipulate Spell Resistance: Yes may have.
objects or activate items, even those car- As mortal cloak, save that the provider Material Component: 1 oz. of ink.
ried along with its liquid form. Contin- is not a willing participant (though he Focus: A silver needle.
uously active items remain active, though must be within range of the spell). *Originally published as a d20 Modern arcane spell.
in some cases their effects may be moot. The provider does not fall into a
Arcane Material Component: A drop of coma, but suffers a –2 penalty to all Scapegoat
water. attack rolls and skill checks. This spell is By Aaron Rosenberg; originally published in Relics &
most frequently used when the provider Rituals: Olympus by Sword & Sorcery.
Mortal Cloak has been restrained or even rendered Abjuration
By Aaron Rosenberg; originally published in Relics & unconscious. Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Rituals: Olympus by Sword & Sorcery. Material Component: A bit of the Components: V, S, M
Transmutation provider’s hair or flesh. Casting Time: 1 standard action
Level: Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 4 Range: Close (25 feet + 5 ft./2 levels)
Components: V, S, DF Object to Ink Target: One creature
Casting Time: 10 minutes By Mat Smith; originally published in Modern Duration: 1 round/level or until
Range: Touch Magic by The Game Mechanics. discharged
Targets: Two willing humanoid Transmutation Saving Throw: Will negates
creatures Level: Sor/Wiz 3* Spell Resistance: Yes
Duration: 1 hour/level Components: V, S, M, F This spell transfers your bad luck to
Saving Throw: No Casting Time: 30 minutes another. You nominate a creature within
Spell Resistance: Yes Range: Touch range to be the scapegoat, or recipient.
This spell requires two people, one Target: One touched creature and one If the target fails its saving throw, the
designated as a provider and one as a touched object (of up to same size) two of you are linked. While the spell is
recipient. The provider is used as a Duration: One day/level in effect, if you fail an attack roll, saving
mask for the recipient, who is polymor- Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) throw, or skill check, you may transfer
phed into the provider’s form as if by Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) that failed roll to the scapegoat and roll
the polymorph spell. The recipient gains You are able to magically transform again. You cannot transfer more than
the provider’s Strength, Dexterity, and one nonmagical object into a tattoo that one roll and must accept the results of
Constitution scores, and all the resembles the object, which you inscribe your second roll. Once you have suc-
provider’s extraordinary special attacks. on the skin of the subject. Only objects cessfully transferred a bad roll to the
In addition, a portion of the provider’s that are the same size category as the scapegoat, the next attack roll, saving
personality is imbued in the recipient. subject, or smaller, may be turned into throw, or skill check the scapegoat
The recipient gains a +1 competence object to ink tattoos. Because items makes uses the result of your die roll
bonus to all skill checks for skills that affected by object to ink are held in sta- before your own modifiers.
the provider also has ranks in. The sis, even a ticking time bomb can be For instance, let’s say Phaegros the
recipient also gains a +5 bonus to all turned into a tattoo using this spell. sorcerer casts scapegoat in a battle with

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

36 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

minotaurs, targeting a minotaur archer. The minotaur fails its Shadow Stitch
save, and the link is established. Two rounds later, the priest By Nevin Flanagan; originally published in Metablades (Expanded Edition)
of Ares leading the minotaurs casts hold person on Phaegros, by Genjitsu Games.
who rolls a 4 on his saving throw before modifiers. Enchantment (Compulsion)
Phaegros chooses to transfer that “4” to the minotaur Level: Asn 1, Sor/Wiz 1
archer, and rolls again on his saving throw; this time he gets a Components: V, S, F
15 and succeeds. On the minotaur archer’s next action, it fires Casting Time: 1 standard action
another arrow at Phaegros. Instead of making an attack roll Range: As focus weapon used
as usual, its attack is treated as if it rolled a 4 before modi- Target: One creature that casts a shadow
fiers. The minotaur archer misses, and the spell effect ends. Duration: 1 round/level
Note that the scapegoat must be within range when the Saving Throw: Will dispels (see text)
spell is cast, but after it has taken effect the spell will last out Spell Resistance: Yes
its duration no matter how far away the scapegoat is. You make a touch attack with a piercing weapon against
Material Component: A scrap of goatskin. the target’s shadow as part of the spellcasting action. If the
attack succeeds, the target creature is effectively entangled
Scapegoat, Greater (–2 to attack rolls and –4 to effective Dexterity score), and
By Aaron Rosenberg; originally published in Relics & Rituals: Olympus cannot move from the current spot. Pulling the weapon out
by Sword & Sorcery. of the target’s shadow ends the spell, but the enchantment
Abjuration prevents the target from removing it easily.
Level: Sor/Wiz 4 If the target attempts to pull the weapon from his shadow
As scapegoat, except that you may transfer multiple poor himself, he must make a Will save against the spell and suf-
rolls to the target. The target may have only one transferred fers nonlethal damage equal to the weapon’s normal damage;
roll “in the wings” at a time; if the scapegoat has yet to take this damage is halved if he fails his Will save and does not
an action that would use the transferred roll (for instance, if remove the weapon.
the scapegoat chooses to move instead of attacking), you can- Focus: The weapon used to make the attack roll.
not transfer another poor roll to him. If the scapegoat is par-
alyzed, knocked unconscious, killed, or otherwise rendered
incapable of action, you cannot choose a second target. You
may transfer a maximum of one poor roll per three caster lev-
els to the scapegoat by use of this spell.

Scoundrel’s Guidance
By Nevin Flanagan; originally published in Metablades (Expanded Edition)
by Genjitsu Games.
Level: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will partial
You open a portion of your spirit to possession by the soul
of a dead rogue. You gain proficiency with all simple weapons
and deal +1d6 points of sneak attack damage per three caster
levels when striking a target which you flank, or which is
denied dodge bonuses to Armor Class. You remain lucid and
able to choose your actions, but the strain of sharing your
mind with another spirit is taxing; you suffer 1d4+1 points of
temporary ability damage to your spellcasting key ability
score (Intelligence for wizards, Charisma for sorcerers, etc.).
A Will save reduces this to half.
Material Component: At least three teeth from a fallen

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Three: Magic
Sleep of Power Song of Serenity of completeness. Their names suggest
By Morten Braten; originally published in Ancient By Christina Stiles; originally published in Relics & their function, if that becomes impor-
Kingdoms: Mesopotamia by Necromancer Games. Rituals: Olympus by Sword & Sorcery. tant, but it’s the items that matter here,
Transmutation Conjuration (Healing) not the spells used to create them.
Level: Sor/Wiz 7 Level: Brd 0
Components: V, S, XP Components: V, S, M Weapon Quality
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action Toxifying: Any poison applied to a
Range: Personal Range: Touch toxifying weapon enjoys a +4 enhance-
Target: You Target: Creature touched ment bonus to its Fortitude save DC.
Duration: Special (see text) Duration: Instantaneous Bows, crossbows, and slings so crafted
Saving Throw: None (harmless) Saving Throw: Fortitude negates bestow the enhancement bonus upon
Spell Resistance: None (harmless) (harmless) any poison applied to their ammunition.
This spell must be cast in the round Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Faint transmutation; caster level 3rd;
directly after you have cast another spell You channel positive energy through Craft Magic Arms and Armor, augment
with a non-permanent and noninstanta- your song, rejuvenating a fatigued target. poison; Price +2 bonus.
neous duration. At the completion of the You must sing for 1 round and touch By Justin D. Jacobson; originally published in
spell, you fall into a deep comalike sleep. the target while singing for the spell to Poisoncraft: The Dark Art by Blue Devil Games.
Your body functions cease and you do take effect. The fatigued subject is
not grow older. You are unaware of your immediately rejuvenated. This spell Wondrous Items
surroundings and devoid of your senses. counters touch of fatigue. Candle of Life: This strange candle is
You are considered helpless while under a thick, heavy, white wax cylinder nearly
the effects of this spell. Summarize 4 inches in diameter and 1 foot in height.
The purpose of this sleep is to extend By Dana Lynn Driscoll; originally published in Libem When the candle is prepared for lighting
the duration of the spell cast directly Liborium: Complete Guide to d20 Books by and its wick is first trimmed, the person
before sleep of power. The first spell lasts Silven Publishing. performing the preparations names a par-
as long as you remain in the coma. You Divination ticular person, then imbeds a nail clipping
set the conditions for when you want to Level: Clr 0, Sor/Wiz 0 or lock of hair from the subject in the
wake up; the first spell then ends. Components: V, S base of the candle. The candle is now
The conditions you set must be clear, Casting time: 1 standard action mystically linked to that person. Once
although they can be general. If you Range: Touch lit, the candle stays lit as long as that
describe complicated or convoluted con- Duration: Instantaneous person is still alive. It flickers when he is
ditions, you may miscast the spell and Saving Throw: Will negates (object) in doubt, flares when he is in trouble,
never wake up again. The first spell is Spell Resistance: Yes (object) and burns straight and clear when he is
empowered by the slow leeching of your This spell allows you to quickly sum- prospering. Whenever the person is
own life force (represented by an XP loss). marize a text of up to 250 pages. If a hurt, the candle’s flame lowers, and by
For example, you cast a prismatic wall, text is over 250 pages, two or more cast- its height someone watching can tell
which normally lasts for 10 minutes per ings of the spell are needed to summa- how grievous the wound is. The candle
caster level. In the following round, you rize the entire text. The caster chooses goes out the instant the person dies,
cast sleep of power with the condition to the form of the summary at the time of and cannot be relit by any means—after
wake up when the seventh wall of the casting: mental or audible. The summa- 1d4 hours the entire candle crumbles as
prismatic wall is destroyed. You fall into ry, in the form of a short paragraph, is if it were ancient. Noble parents often
a coma for days, years or even centuries. either mentally understood at the end light these candles for their children,
When the seventh prismatic wall is of casting or audibly spoken at the end and ladies light them for their lords, so
destroyed, you wake up. of the spell’s casting. that they can be sure of how their loved
If you are successfully attacked, you ones fare while away.
wake up, and the associated spell ends Magic Items Strong divination; caster level 13th;
immediately. Good magic items are like good spells, Craft Wondrous Item; sensory bond;
XP Cost: 1 XP per day you spend in but the really interesting ones are often Price 5,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
your comalike state. If you fall to 0 XP the kinds of items you expect to get only By Aaron Rosenberg; originally published in
as a result of this spell, you die, and the limited use in the game. For instance, Relics & Rituals: Excalibur by Sword & Sorcery.
associated spell ends. Note that this XP the demon hooks, below, are quite cool Demon Hooks: These fearsome
drain is an exception to the rule pro- but won’t be used every session. hooks come in sets of six. While not
hibiting a caster from casting a spell Prerequisite spells from the original effective weapons in combat, they are
that would reduce his level. source material are included for the sake exceptionally useful against helpless

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

38 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

opponents. When the user carefully installs all six just under
the skin, dealing 1 point of damage per hook, they wrack the
victim with horrific pain, causing him to writhe in agony. You
can ask up to six questions of the victim, and he must answer
earnestly and to the best of his ability. Alternatively, you can
use the hooks in place of the focus normally required for such
spells as augury or commune. If used as the focus of a spell, you
must still install them in a helpless victim, but the answers
sought from the spells come from the victim’s mouth.
Faint divination and enchantment; caster level 5th; Craft
Wondrous Item, zone of truth, and caster must forge them in
the Abyss or another chaotic evil plane; Price 40,000 gp.
By Robert J. Schwalb; originally published in Aasimar & Tiefling:
A Guidebook to the Planetouched by Green Ronin Publishing.
Scabbard of Restoration: This impressive item keeps what-
ever blade it holds from being damaged. For an entire day after
being drawn, the blade cannot be broken, chipped, dented, or
otherwise harmed, and it retains its edge. Dirt and liquid slide
off the blade easily, so that a simple shake of the wrist restores
the sword to gleaming purity. Even spells like rusting grasp do
not affect the blade—treat the sword as if it were a magic
weapon itself, with a save of 20 against direct magical attack.
Most of these scabbards appear as plain but well-made leather
scabbards, with simple steel rings at the top and clasps along
the side. Some are more ornamental, however.
Faint transmutation; caster level 5th; Craft Wondrous Item;
dirtwall, reinforcement, sharpen; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
By Aaron Rosenberg; originally published in Relics & Rituals: Excalibur by
Sword & Sorcery. Doppelganger: The arm’s wielder may use alter self as a sor-
Spare Hand: This is a preserved severed arm from a gener- cerer of his character level once per day as a spell-like ability.
ally humanoid creature. If the command word is spoken while The arm drains 2 points of Charisma in addition to
the arm is held to a creature’s torso or the stump of an arm, it Constitution when it bonds permanently.
bonds to the creature, acting as an additional off-hand (see Ethereal Filcher: Any weapon wielded in the spare hand
borrow limb). The arm can be removed by repeating the com- gains the ghost touch special quality. The arm drains 2 points
mand word; note that anyone who knows the command word of Intelligence in addition to Constitution when it bonds
and holds the arm can remove it—a grapple check is needed permanently.
to maintain a hold on the arm long enough to detach it. Ravid: The wielder can use cure moderate wounds once per
If the arm is ever left in place for 24 hours, the user must day as a spell-like ability, but suffers a –2 penalty to Fortitude
make a Fortitude save (DC 16). Success means the arm drops saves to overcome negative levels.
off but still functions and can be reused immediately. Failure Salamander: The user gains fire resistance 5 and can pro-
means the arm bonds permanently to the user (the command duce flame at will (damage is 1d4+2) as a supernatural ability,
word will not detach it any more until it has been removed— but suffers a –4 racial penalty to saving throws against cold
generally with a slashing weapon). The arm permanently effects.
drains 2 points of the user’s Constitution. Restoring these Troll: The user gains fast healing 3. He must save to keep
points by any means (such as a restoration spell) also detach- the arm from bonding after one hour, and the arm drains 6
es the arm. Cutting the arm off makes the Constitution loss points of Constitution instead of 2 points when it bonds. If
unrestorable. the arm is severed after a permanent bond, the severed arm
Certain unusual spare hands exist, taken from creatures dies and decays and the severed stump grows back over the
with special properties. A few ideas are listed below. course of a day.
Choker: The user gains a +2 racial bonus to Climb checks Moderate necromancy; caster level 8th; Craft Wondrous
and can use a successful unarmed strike to start a grapple as Item, borrow limb, gentle repose; Price 64,000 gp; Cost 32,000
a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity in gp + 2,560 XP.
addition to damage. A choker arm drains 2 points of Dexterity By Nevin Flanagan; originally published in Metablades (Expanded Edition)
in addition to Constitution when it bonds permanently. by Genjitsu Games.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Four
Good monsters come in all shapes, sizes, and Challenge Ratings.

T o select the creatures for this book, I basically came

at each choice by breaking down what a monster
really is: A monster is an encounter. So I looked for
creatures that provided a different encounter experience
than your typical claw/claw/bite monster. There's nothing
Arcanoplasms are found in areas where the residual ener-
gies of arcane magic linger. Such areas include ruined wizard
towers, keeps, dungeons, and so forth. Here they feed and
remain until disturbed. Most encounters with these mon-
sters take place in such locations, as the arcanoplasm rarely
wrong with an owlbear, but since we already have an owlbear travels far from its lair. And since it lairs in ruins and other
in the game, you've got to do better than that to make the such adventurer-attracting places, it rarely has to wait long
cut. These 20 creatures certainly did. between meals.

Arcanoplasm Combat
By Scott Greene; originally published in The Tome of Horrors II by Arcanoplasms always target arcane spellcasting creatures
Necromancer Games. first. Their innate ability to detect such creatures allows
Large Aberration them to do so with precision and accuracy. Because of its
Hit Dice: 7d8+42 (73 hp) ability to replicate spells cast near it, the arcanoplasm always
Initiative: +4 tries to stay within 30
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 10 ft. feet of an arcane cast-
Armor Class: 16 (–1 size, +7 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 16 er. Mimicked spells are Step up, Spellcasters!
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+11 cast at the foe deemed I chose the arcanoplasm because it makes
Attack: Slam +7 melee (2d4+3 plus 1d6 acid) most threatening. for an interesting encounter for a party
heavy with arcane casters. It’s going to
Full Attack: Slam +7 melee (2d4+3 plus 1d6 acid) Acid (Ex): An force players with arcanist characters to
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. arcanoplasm secretes a come up with some interesting alternate
Special Attacks: Constrict 2d4+3 plus 1d6 acid, improved highly corrosive acid means of coping with the creature.
grab, arcane spell mimicry that dissolves only I like the fact that, while it’s not an ooze,
it’s rather oozelike, and in fights against
Special Qualities: Absorb arcane magic, amorphous, arcane- flesh. Any melee hit most oozes, the melee combatants all
sense 100 ft., blindsight 60 ft., immunities deals acid damage. have to back up and let the casters deal
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +7 Constrict (Ex): An with the creature (or risk losing their
weapons, usually). When you see this
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 11, Con 22, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14 arcanoplasm deals thing in a dungeon, it doesn’t look like
Skills: Climb +18*, Hide +2, Move Silently +6 automatic slam and the right thing to do is to run up and
Feats: Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus acid damage with a smack it, but in the end, it probably is.
(slam) successful grapple
Environment: Underground check.
Organization: Solitary Improved Grab
Challenge Rating: 7 (Ex): To use this ability, an arcanoplasm must hit with its
Treasure: None slam attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free
Alignment: Always neutral action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it
Advancement: 8–15 HD (Large); 16–21 HD (Huge) wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can con-
Level Adjustment: — strict.
This creature resembles a giant pale amoeba shot through with Arcane Spell Mimicry (Ex): An arcanoplasm can mimic
stripes of dark gray. Caught within its protoplasmic form are half- any arcane spell of 4th level or lower that is cast within 30
digested creatures of various types and sizes. feet of it. The spell takes effect on the arcanoplasm’s next
Wizards and sorcerers alike have tried for years to gather action, has a caster level of 7th, and does not require any
information on this alien creature, thought to be the result components. The save against a mimicked spell has a
of a failed magic experiment. Thus far such information has Difficulty Class of 12 + the level of the spell. The save DC
eluded even the most resourceful of casters. is Charisma based.

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40 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Creating an Amalgam
“Amalgam” is an acquired or inherited template
(your choice) that combines two creatures (referred
to hereafter as base creatures).
An amalgam uses all the statistics and special abil-
ities of the two base creatures except as noted here.
Size and Type: Find the amalgam’s type by cross
referencing the two base creatures’ types on the
Amalgam Size and Type table on page 43. The
creature retains the subtypes of both base crea-
tures unless those subtypes directly conflict
(fire and cold, for example). In case of such a
conflict, the creature loses both subtypes. The
amalgam is the same size as the larger of the
two base creatures.
Shape: The amalgam’s appearance is deter-
mined by several factors.
Absorb Arcane Magic (Ex): Any arcane spell cast at an Body Form: The amalgam has the general body form of
arcanoplasm is automatically absorbed. This cures 1 point of whichever base creature has a higher character level (racial
damage per 3 points of damage the spell would otherwise and class Hit Dice). In case of a tie, the DM may choose
deal (nondamaging spells cure 1 point of damage per level of which base creature’s form the amalgam has.
the spell). Spells that affect an area are not absorbed, but Limbs: The amalgam has the same kinds of limbs and
neither do they affect an arcanoplasm. An arcanoplasm can- attacking appendages as both base creatures. If both base
not absorb divine magic and is affected by it normally. creatures have a particular kind of limb, the amalgam has the
Amorphous (Ex): Arcanoplasms have no discernable same number of such limbs as does the base creature with
front or back and are not subject to critical hits. They cannot the higher character level or Hit Dice. If both base creatures
be flanked. have the same character level or Hit Dice, the amalgam has
Arcanesense (Su): An arcanoplasm can automatically the greater number of limbs. The amalgam can attack with
detect the location of any arcane spellcaster within 100 feet. any appendage that either base creature can, even if the
This functions as a detect evil spell but there is no chance the other base creature has no attack with that limb. All limbs
arcanoplasm is stunned and it is not blocked by stone, lead, are sized appropriately for the amalgam.
or other material. For example, a Huge monstrous scorpion combined with
Blindsight (Ex): An arcanoplasm’s entire body is a primi- a stirge has the general body form, legs, claws, and tail of the
tive sensory organ that can ascertain prey by scent and vibra- scorpion, plus stirgelike wings and a stirge’s proboscis—
tion within 60 feet. both sized to fit its new body. A hill giant combined with a
Immunities (Ex): Arcanoplasms are immune to poison, heavy warhorse has the body form, legs, and arms of a hill
sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning. giant, plus a horselike face and hooflike feet to deliver the
* Skills: An arcanoplasm has a +8 racial bonus on Climb warhorse’s hoof and bite attacks.
checks and can always take 10 on a Climb check, even if Appearance: The amalgam looks like a combination of both
rushed or threatened. base creatures, even if its features do not retain the same
functions. The GM may freely assign any appropriate physi-
Amalgam Template cal characteristics to the creature within those parameters. In
By Matthew Sernett; originally published in The Advanced Bestiary the example of the hill giant and horse amalgam above, the
by Green Ronin Publishing. resulting creature might be hairy like a horse.
An amalgam is two different monsters brought together Hit Dice: The amalgam has the same number of racial Hit
into one being by either magic or selective breeding. The Dice as the base creature with the greatest number of racial
amalgam template can be used to create a new race to replace Hit Dice. If the two base creatures have the same number of
a standard one, new creatures resulting from a crossbreeding racial Hit Dice, the amalgam also has that number. Hit Dice
experiment, a series of monsters influenced by a god or gained through class levels do not count for this purpose.
demon, or even a unique creature brought about by a magical The amalgam’s racial Hit Dice are of a size appropriate to its
accident. new type, as given on the following table.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Four: Monsters
Amalgam Type Hit Die Type
Aberration d8
Animal d8
Construct d10*
Dragon d12
Elemental d8
Fey d6
Giant d8
Humanoid d8
Magical Beast d10
Monstrous Humanoid d8
Ooze d10
Outsider d8
Plant d8
Undead d12**
Vermin d8
* Constructs receive bonus hit points based on size; see the MM for details.
Constructs do not have Constitution scores, so they do not gain bonus hit
points for each Hit Die based on high Constitution.
** Undead do not have Constitution scores, so they do not gain bonus hit points
for each Hit Die based on high Constitution.

Speed: The amalgam possesses the speeds and movement

modes of both base creatures. If both have a particular mode
of movement, the amalgam’s speed for that mode is the high-
er of the two. If both base creatures have fly speeds, the amal-
gam has the better maneuverability rating. For example, com-
bining a centaur and a cloaker, the resulting amalgam would
have the land speed of the centaur (50 ft.) and the fly speed of The amalgam’s size also determines its size modifier to
the cloaker (40 ft. with average maneuverability). Armor Class, as normal.
Armor Class: If the base creatures are the same size, simply Base Attack Bonus: Recalculate the amalgam’s base attack
average their natural armor bonuses and round down to deter- bonus for its racial Hit Dice based on its creature type and
mine the natural armor bonus of the amalgam. (A creature number of racial HD, according to the following table. Add to
with no natural armor bonus has an effective natural armor this value the base attack bonus for any class Hit Dice it has.
bonus of +0.) Otherwise, adjust the natural armor bonus of Base Attack Bonus Creature Type
the smaller creature according to the following table before HD × 3/4 (as cleric) Aberration, animal, construct,
averaging. Apply the modifiers stepwise to account for the size elemental, giant, humanoid, ooze,
difference between the smaller base creature and the amalgam. plant, vermin
Size Natural Armor Bonus HD (as fighter) Dragon, magical beast, monstrous
Change Increase for Averaging humanoid, outsider
Fine to Diminutive +0 HD × 1/2 (as wizard) Fey, undead
Diminutive to Tiny +0
Grapple: The amalgam’s size modifier for grapple checks
Tiny to Small +0
appears on the following table.
Small to Medium +0
Medium to Large +2 Amalgam Size Size Mod. for Grapple Checks
Large to Huge +3 Fine –16
Huge to Gargantuan +4 Diminutive –12
Gargantuan to Colossal +5 Tiny –8
Small –4
F or example, if the amalgam is Huge and the smaller of the Medium +0
two base creatures is Small, you would add +0 (for Small to Large +4
Medium), +2 (for Medium to Large), and +3 (for Large to Huge +8
Huge), for a total of +5, to the smaller creature’s natural armor Gargantuan +12
bonus before averaging it with that of the larger creature. Colossal +16

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42 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Attack: The amalgam retains all the attacks of the base For example, if the amalgam is Huge and the smaller of
creature with the greater racial Hit Dice. It also gains any the two base creatures is Small, an attack from the smaller
attacks the other base creature has that are associated with one that originally dealt 1d4 points of damage would scale
limbs it gained from that creature, and it retains the weapon up three times. Thus, 1d4 becomes 1d6 (for Small to
and armor proficiencies of both base creatures. Weapon Medium), 1d6 becomes 1d8 (for Medium to Large), and 1d8
attacks are always primary attacks, and natural attacks becomes 2d6 (for Large to Huge).
gained from the creature with fewer racial HD are always sec- Space/Reach: The amalgam has a space and reach appro-
ondary attacks. Natural attacks gained from the base crea- priate for its size, as given in the following table. If the reach
ture with more racial Hit Dice are either primary or second- for a natural attack that the amalgam receives from one of
ary, as they were for that creature. If the base creatures have the base creatures is greater than indicated for its size in the
the same number of racial HD, the amalgam gains all the chart below, extend the reach of that attack by the same
attacks of both, subject to the number of appropriate limbs it amount that it is extended from the original creature. For
actually has. The GM chooses one kind of natural attack to instance, an amalgam formed from a choker and an ogre
be the primary one if more than one option exists. mage would possess tentacle attacks with a reach of 15 feet.
For example, a naga combined with a goblin would pos-
sess the goblin’s arms, so it could wield weapons and make Size Space/Reach (Tall) Space/Reach (Long)
attacks with those limbs. The standard size modifier applies Fine 1/2 ft./0 ft. —
to the amalgam’s attack rolls, according to the following Diminutive 1 ft./0 ft. —
table. Tiny 2 1/2 ft/0 ft. —
Amalgam Size Size Modifier for Attacks Small 5 ft/5 ft. —
Fine +8 Medium 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft./5 ft.
Diminutive +4 Large 10 ft./10 ft. 10 ft./5 ft.
Tiny +2 Huge 15 ft./15 ft. 15 ft./10 ft.
Small +1 Gargantuan 20 ft./20 ft. 20 ft./15 ft.
Medium +0 Colossal 30 ft./30 ft. 30 ft./20 ft.
Large –1
Huge –2 Special Attacks: An amalgam retains all the special attacks
Gargantuan –4 of both base creatures that do not depend on a limb or body
Colossal –8 form the amalgam does not possess. If two special attacks are
similar, the amalgam has the better of the two. For example, if
Damage: If the base creatures are both the same size as both base creatures deal extra fire damage with their melee
the amalgam, the base damage for its attacks remains the attacks, but one deals +1 point and the other deals +1d6
same as it was for the base creatures. Otherwise, keep the points, the amalgam deals +1d6 points of fire damage with
damage for the larger base creature’s attacks the same and each of its melee attacks. Recalculate the save DCs for all spe-
adjust the base damage for each of the smaller creature’s cial attacks based on the amalgam creature’s racial Hit Dice or
attacks according to the following table. Scale the damage character level, as applicable, and its ability scores.
once for each size category of difference between the smaller Now evaluate your monster’s special attacks, realizing it
base creature and the amalgam. Ability score damage or may get to use only two or three of them in a single combat.
drain and energy damage also scale up in the same manner, If it seems as if your amalgam has too many special attacks,
but negative levels bestowed via attacks do not increase. pare them down until you are satisfied.
Special Qualities: An amalgam retains all the special
Old Damage New Damage
qualities of both base creatures that do not depend on a
1 1d2
limb or body form that the amalgam does not possess. If
1d2 1d3
two special qualities are similar, the amalgam has the better
1d3 1d4
of the two. For example, if one base creature has fire resist-
1d4 1d6
ance 20 and the other has fire immunity, the amalgam has
1d6 1d8
fire immunity.
1d8 2d6
Saves: The amalgam’s base saves depend on its type, as
1d10 2d8
given on the following table. Any saves not noted as good for
2d6 3d6
a particular type are poor. See Chapter One: Abilities of the
2d8 3d8
Player’s Handbook for the progression of good and poor
4d6 6d6
saves. Add to each of these values the corresponding base
4d8 6d8
save bonuses for any class Hit Dice the amalgam has.

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Chapter Four: Monsters
Base Creature 2
Aber Ani Con Drag Ele Fey Gia Hum MagB MonH Ooze Out Pla Und Ver
Aber Aber Aber Con Drag Ele Aber Aber Aber MagB Aber Aber Out Pla Und Aber
Base Creature 1

Ani Aber Ani Con Drag Ele Fey MonH MonH MagB MonH Aber Out Pla Und Ver
Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con
Drag Drag Drag Con Drag Ele Drag Drag Drag Drag Drag Aber Out Pla Und Drag
Ele Ele Ele Con Ele Ele Ele Ele Ele MagB Ele Aber Out Ele Und Ele
Fey Aber Fey Con Drag Fey Fey Fey Fey MagB Fey Aber Out Fey Und Aber
Gia Aber MonH Con Drag Ele Fey Gia Gia Aber MonH Aber Out Pla Und Aber
Hum Aber MonH Con Drag Ele Fey Gia Hum Aber MonH Aber Out Pla Und Aber
MagB MagB MagB Con Drag MagB MagB Aber Aber MagB Aber MagB Out Pla Und MagB
MonH Aber MonH Con Drag Ele Fey MonH MonH Aber MonH Aber Out Pla Und Aber
Ooze Aber Aber Con Aber Aber Aber Aber Aber MagB Aber Ooze Aber Aber Und Aber
Out Out Out Con Out Out Out Out Out Out Out Aber Out Pla Und Out
Pla Pla Pla Con Pla Ele Fey Pla Pla Pla Pla Aber Pla Pla Und Pla
Und Und Und Con Und Und Und Und Und Und Und Und Und Und Und Und
Ver Aber Ver Con Drag Ele Aber Aber Aber MagB Aber Aber Out Pla Und Ver

Creature Type Good Saves Size Change Str Dex Con

Aberration Will Fine to Diminutive +0 –2 (min. 1) +0
Animal Fortitude and Reflex Diminutive to Tiny +2 –2 (min. 1) +0
(and sometimes Will) Tiny to Small +4 –2 (min. 1) +0
Construct — Small to Medium +4 –2 (min. 1) +2
Dragon Fortitude, Reflex, Will Medium to Large +8 –2 (min. 1) +4
Elemental Fortitude (Earth or Water) Large to Huge +8 –2 (min. 1) +4
or Reflex (Air or Fire) Huge to Gargantuan +8 +0 +4
Fey Reflex and Will Gargantuan to Colossal +8 +0 +4
Giant Fortitude
Humanoid Fortitude or Reflex or Will Creature Type Skill Points
Magical beast Fortitude, Reflex Aberration (2 + Int modifier, min. 1) × (HD +3)
Monstrous humanoid Reflex, Will Animal (2 + Int modifier, min. 1) × (HD +3)
Ooze — Construct (2 + Int modifier, min. 1) × (HD +3)
Outsider Fortitude, Reflex, Will Dragon (6 + Int modifier, min. 1) × (HD +3)
Plant Fortitude Elemental (2 + Int modifier, min. 1) × (HD +3)
Undead Will Fey (6 + Int modifier, min. 1) × (HD +3)
Vermin Fortitude Giant (2 + Int modifier, min. 1) × (HD +3)
Humanoid (2 + Int modifier, min. 1) × (HD +3)
Abilities: For each mental ability score, take the average for Magical beast (2 + Int modifier, min. 1) × (HD +3)
the two base creatures, rounding down if the result is 10 or Monstrous (2 + Int modifier, min. 1) × (HD +3)
higher or up if it is below 10. If the base creatures are the humanoid
same size, follow the same procedure for each physical ability Ooze (2 + Int modifier, min. 1) × (HD +3)
score. Otherwise, adjust the ability score of the smaller crea- Outsider (8 + Int modifier, min. 1) × (HD +3)
ture according to the table at right before averaging. Apply Plant (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) × (HD +3)
the modifiers stepwise to account for the size difference Undead (4 + Int modifier, min. 1) × (HD +3)
between the smaller base creature and the amalgam. Vermin (2 + Int modifier, min. 1) × (HD +3)
Skills: The amalgam retains the racial skill bonuses described
for both base creatures, but it loses all skill ranks the base crea- Languages: If the amalgam can speak, it speaks a number
tures possessed. Recalculate skill points for the amalgam’s racial of languages appropriate for its Intelligence score, chosen
Hit Dice according to its type, as given on the table at right, from the languages the base creatures speak.
then purchase its skills afresh, treating both base creatures’ Feats: The amalgam retains the bonus feats of both base
skills as class skills and all others as cross-class skills. The amal- creatures, but it loses all other feats that the base creatures
gam retains any skill points gained from class levels. had. Recalculate the number of feat slots the amalgam has

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44 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

based on its character level (racial and class Hit Dice) and Attack: Greataxe +11 melee (3d6+7/×3) or bite +11 melee
assign feats as desired, giving preference to the feats that the (2d6+5) or electricity ray +8 ranged touch (4d6)
base creatures possessed. The amalgam must still meet any Full Attack: Greataxe +11/+6 melee (3d6+7/×3) and bite +6
prerequisites for feats chosen to fill vacant feat slots. melee (2d6+5) and gore +6 melee (1d8+2) or bite +11
Environment: The amalgam can exist in any environment melee (2d6+5) and gore +6 melee (1d8+2) or electricity
that either base creature could. ray +8 ranged touch (4d6)
Organization: An amalgam is often a wholly new and Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
strange being, so you can assign whatever organization you Special Attacks: Electricity ray, powerful charge 4d6+7
wish. A typical amalgam, Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immune to acid,
Hard Work, Big Payoff however, is organized in electricity, and poison, natural cunning, outsider traits,
This was a case of being wowed by the the same manner as one resistance to cold 10 and fire 10, scent
amount of thought and effort put into a of its base creatures. Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +5
single concept. The amalgam template is Challenge Rating: Abilities: Str 20, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 11
a lot of work to use, but the results are
pretty cool, and in the end they really Compare the amalgam Skills: Diplomacy +2, Intimidate +10, Listen +14, Move
“feel” right. I can imagine an adventure to both base creatures Silently +12, Search +13, Sense Motive +10, Spot +14,
where the PCs have to explore the labora- and select a challenge Survival +10 (+12 following tracks)
tory complex of a wizard obsessed with
fusing odd combinations of creatures rating based on theirs. Feats: Dodge, Flyby Attack, Track
together. Then compare the amal- Environment: Elemental Plane of Air and underground
gam to creatures with Organization: Solitary, pair, or gang (3–4)
Challenge Ratings up to 3 higher to determine whether the Challenge Rating: 6
CR you have assigned is reasonable. Treasure: Standard
Treasure: Standard if both base creatures have standard Alignment: Always neutral evil
treasure, or as the base creature with the most treasure, if Advancement: By character class
both have poorer than standard, or as the base creature with Level Adjustment: +8
the least treasure if they both have better than standard. Here is an example of an amalgam using a minotaur and
Alignment: The amalgam’s alignment includes elements an adult arrowhawk as the base creatures. Uneducated folk
of both base creatures’ alignments. For example, an amalgam sometimes mistake this cruel, 12-foot-tall, winged humanoid
created from a chaotic neutral and a lawful evil base creature for a vrock. Its long neck is topped by a birdlike head com-
could be chaotic evil or lawful neutral, at your option. posed mostly of jagged beak and deadly, bull-like horns. The
Advancement: By Hit Dice, or by character class if the amal- arrowtaur’s four black wings give it great maneuverability in
gam has an Intelligence score of 3 or higher. If advancement is flight, and it can lash out at its foes with lightning from its
by Hit Dice, the amalgam can gain twice its standard Hit Dice feathered tail. Its two legs end in hooves, and its arms in
and retain the same size category, and up to three times its humanlike hands.
standard Hit Dice with each additional size category. Arrowtaurs inhabit many of the blocks of elemental earth
Level Adjustment: In general, the level adjustment of an that soar through the elemental plane of air. There they dig
amalgam should be slightly lower than the combined level out rookeries and build labyrinthine nests in which to raise
adjustments of both base creatures. their young and plan assaults on the strongholds of other air
Amalgam Characters Arrowtaurs speak Auran.
First, choose a favored class for the amalgam based on its abili-
ties and skills. Then use that information to design its culture. Combat
Arrowtaurs are fearsome fighters that enjoy melee. With
Sample Amalgam Creature: their greataxe, bite, and gore attacks, they can easily devas-
tate most foes.
Arrowtaur When confronted by an enemy too dangerous to engage
(Minotaur-Adult Arrowhawk Amalgam) in melee, an arrowtaur relies on its electricity rays and fly-by
Large Outsider (Air, Extraplanar) attacks.
Hit Dice: 7d8+14 (45 hp) Electricity Ray (Su): An arrowtaur can fire an electricity
Initiative: +2 ray from its tail once per round to a range of 50 feet.
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect) Powerful Charge (Ex): When an arrowtaur charges a foe,
Armor Class: 17 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 11, it lowers its head for a gore attack. In addition to the normal
flat-footed 15 benefits and hazards of a charge, it gains a single gore attack
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+16 (+6 melee) that deals 4d6+7 points of damage.

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Chapter Four: Monsters
Natural Cunning (Ex): Arrowtaurs are immune to maze
spells and never become lost. Furthermore, they are never
caught flat-footed.
Skills: An arrowtaur has a +4 racial bonus on Listen,
Search, and Spot checks.

By Scott Greene; originally published in The Tome of Horrors II
by Necromancer Games.
Large Aberration (Chaotic)
Hit Dice: 13d8+26 (84 hp)
Initiative: +12
Speed: Fly 50 ft. (perfect) (10 squares)
Armor Class: 25 (–1 size, +8 Dex, +8 natural), touch 17,
flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+16
Attack: Slam +11 melee (2d4+3)
Full Attack: 2 slams +11 melee (2d4+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Chaos burst, chaotic resonance
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/lawful, darkvision
60 ft., detect law, immunity to chaos, immunity to trans-
formation, resistance to law spells
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +10
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 26, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 12
Skills: Hide +15*, Listen +14, Move Silently +21, Search +10,
Spot +14
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Dodge, Great Fortitude,
Improved Initiative never last long, as the bedlam is an unstable and erratic crea-
Environment: Underground ture, given to flights of fancy. A bedlam enjoys chaos and
Organization: Solitary seeks to spread it wherever it goes.
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: Standard Combat
Alignment: Always chaotic neutral Bedlams seek to induce chaos and destroy or weaken law
Advancement: 14-39 HD (Large) with every move. Since a bedlam detects law continuously, it
Level Adjustment: — uses this ability to discern whether those it encounters are of
This creature has no set form. Before your eyes it seems to shift a lawful nature or not. Nonlawful creatures are not left
from a vaguely humanoid form with yellow eyes and no other dis- unmolested, but are generally just subjected to one or two
cernible facial features to a swirling mass of grayish black, crack- chaotic bursts before the creature moves on. If lawful crea-
ling matter. In its latter form, blue-gray energy arcs and dances tures are present, the bedlam unleashes a chaotic burst and
through its form, making it resemble a thundercloud shot through moves to melee, forming two limbs from its chaotic mass
with lightning. Its seems to alter its form constantly, as if it has no which it uses to pound its opponents.
control over it. Chaos Burst (Su): Once per round as a standard action, a
A bedlam has no control over its form, but its ever-shifting bedlam can release a burst of crackling gray energy in a 20-
form does not hamper its abilities in combat. It is a semi- foot radius around itself. Lawful creatures caught in the area
amorphous, nearly vaporous creature composed of pure take 5d8 points of damage and are staggered for 1d6 rounds.
chaos that makes its lair in areas overrun or wrought with Nonlawful and nonchaotic creatures take 3d8 points of dam-
chaos (such as chaotic temples and churches or areas that age, but are not staggered. A Will save (DC 18) halves the
were once lawfully aligned but have been poisoned by the damage. Chaotic-aligned creatures are immune to this effect.
effects of chaos). Bedlams are sometimes employed by chaot- The save DC is Constitution based.
ic wizards or clerics to guard and keep safe a certain location. Chaotic Resonance (Su): A bedlam emanates an aura of
Being intelligent, the bedlam strikes a deal with said employ- pure chaos: an invisible and ever-changing ring of chaotic mat-
er so that it benefits from the bargain as well. Such deals ter. This aura disrupts spells and magic items (except those of a

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46 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

chaotic nature) used within 20 feet of the bedlam. Spellcasters like an ape. Bipedal races often form stable societies, cul-
in the area must make a successful caster level check (DC 18) tures, and nations, even if the multilegged or legless crea-
each time they attempt to cast a spell. If the check fails, the tures they resemble are solitary beings or simple hunter-
spell fizzles away just as if it had been cast. Any magic item gatherers.
used within this area must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 18)
or lose its magical properties for that round. A new save Creating a Bipedal Creature
must be made each round the item remains within the area. “Bipedal creature” is an inherited or created template that
The check and save DCs are Constitution based. you can add to any living creature that does not have a gen-
Spells with the “chaotic” descriptor that are cast within erally humanoid form (referred to hereafter as the base crea-
this area function as if they were empowered (as by the ture).
Empower Spell feat). Chaotically aligned weapons (anarchic A bipedal creature uses all the base creature’s statistics
weapons) deal an extra 1d6 points of damage while in this and special abilities except as noted here.
area (i.e., an anarchic weapon deals an extra 3d6 points of Shape: Two of the base creature’s limbs (usually the last
chaotic damage against lawful-aligned foes). Lawful-aligned pair) become legs, and any other limb except a head that has
weapons are unaffected a natural attack becomes an arm capable of either wielding a
by this aura. weapon or making a natural attack, as the creature chooses.
Not Your Typical Creature Detect Law (Su): A Arms need not be jointed limbs in the typical sense; ten-
Again, here’s a creature that’s going to bedlam can continuous- tacles or other limbs could also be capable of wielding
give you a very different, challenging
encounter than your run-of-the-mill crea- ly detect law as the spell weapons and objects. If these transformations do not grant
ture. With its 50-foot fly speed, the bed- (caster level 10th), the bipedal creature at least two arms and two legs, it either
lam is likely to always maneuver close though there is no converts limbs that do not have natural attacks or grows
enough to enemy casters to muck with
their spellcasting and items. Mostly, chance of it becoming limbs until it meets these minimum numbers.
though, I think the bedlam would be a stunned by overwhelm- If the base creature has wings or a tail that do not make
wonderful companion to a chaotic-aligned ing lawful auras. It can natural attacks, these limbs remain as they were, adjusting in
cleric with a lot of chaos spells prepared
who uses the chaotic resonance to suppress or resume this size to fit the bipedal creature’s body without dragging. Any
empower his own spells while it messes ability as a free action.
with his foes. Immunity to Chaos
(Ex): The bedlam can-
not be affected by any spell, spell-like ability, weapon, magic
item, or supernatural effect that has the chaotic descriptor.
Creatures with the chaotic subtype are unaffected by this
immunity and can attack the bedlam normally.
Immunity to Transformation (Ex): No mortal magic can
affect or fix a bedlam’s ever-shifting chaotic form. Effects
such as polymorphing or petrification force the creature into
its new shape for a moment, but it immediately returns to its
mutable form as a free action at the start of its next turn.
Resistance to Law Spells (Ex): The bedlam has SR 20
against spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects
with the law descriptor. This spell resistance also applies to
spells of the law domain.
* Skills: A bedlam’s grayish coloration grants it a +8 racial
bonus to Hide checks when in areas of thick fog or smoke.

Bipedal Creature
By Matthew Sernett; originally published in The Advanced Bestiary
by Green Ronin Publishing.
A bipedal creature possesses the body of a humanoid and
the features of some other creature. It has two legs and at
least two arms that are capable of wielding weapons and
manipulating tools, and it stands either erect or hunched

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Chapter Four: Monsters
of the base creature’s limbs not accounted for in this process Sample Creature: Bipedal
become vestigial.
Speed: If the base creature has a land speed, it changes to Nightmare
the speed given on the following table. If the base creature Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar)
lacks a land speed, the resulting bipedal creature’s land speed Hit Dice: 6d8+18 (45 hp)
becomes one-half the speed indicated on the table (mini- Initiative: +6
mum 5 feet). Speed: 30 ft. in chainmail armor (6 squares); base speed
40 ft., fly 90 ft. (good)
Size Land Speed Armor Class: 29 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +13 natural, +5 chainmail),
Fine 5 ft. touch 11, flat-footed 27
Diminutive 10 ft. Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+14
Tiny 20 ft. Attack: Greataxe +9 melee (3d6+6/×3) or hoof +9 melee
Small 20 ft. (1d8+4 plus 1d4 fire)
Medium 30 ft. Full Attack: Greataxe +9/+4 melee (3d6+6/×3) and bite +4
Large 40 ft. melee (1d8+2) or 2 hooves +9 melee (1d8+4 plus 1d4 fire)
Huge 50 ft. and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Gargantuan 60 ft. Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Colossal 60 ft. Special Attacks: Flaming hooves, smoke
Special Qualities: Astral projection, darkvision 60 ft.,
Attack: The bipedal creature retains all the base creature’s etherealness
natural attacks except those employing limbs that have Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +6
become legs. If its Intelligence score is 3 or higher, it can also Abilities: Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 12
wield weapons normally with its arms, and it retains all the Skills: Concentration +12, Diplomacy +3, Intimidate +10,
base creature’s weapon and armor proficiencies. Any natural Knowledge (the planes) +10, Listen +12, Move Silently +6,
attacks it has retain the same primary or secondary status Search +10, Sense Motive +10, Spot +12, Survival +10
they had for the base creature. (+12 on other planes and following tracks)
Space/Reach: The base creature’s space and reach change Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Run
according to the following table. If the base creature has a Environment: Gray Waste of Hades
longer reach than normal for its size, however, the bipedal Organization: Solitary
creature retains that reach. Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: None
Size Space/Reach Alignment: Always neutral evil
Fine 1/2 ft./0 ft. Advancement: By character class
Diminutive 1 ft./0 ft. Level Adjustment: +4
Tiny 2-1/2 ft./0 ft. Bipedal nightmares can strike terror into the ranks of the
Small 5 ft./5 ft. most stalwart army and the hearts of the greatest heroes.
Medium 5 ft./5 ft. Although they present no greater threat in melee than trolls
Large 10 ft./10 ft. do, their ability to slip through the defenses of foes and seem-
Huge 15 ft./15 ft. ingly return from the dead time and time again are legendary.
Gargantuan 20 ft./20 ft. With the body of a midnight-black giant and the head of a
Colossal 30 ft./30 ft. demonic horse, a bipedal nightmare would be worthy of its
name for its appearance alone. Its flaring nostrils spew
Special Attacks: A bipedal creature retains all of the base sparks and smoke, and its huge, hooklike hands strike fire
creature’s special attacks except rake. with each blow.
Advancement: Same as the base creature, or by class if it
has an Intelligence score of 3 or higher. Combat
A bipedal nightmare prefers to attack foes while astrally project-
Bipedal Characters ing itself from another plane. Whenever possible, it first uses
Though the bipedal creature template has no level adjust- etherealness to slip through defenses and perform reconnais-
ment, it can be used to make normally unplayable monsters sance so it can concentrate its attacks on the most vulnerable
more feasible as characters. A bipedal creature favors foes. A bipedal nightmare prefers to attack spellcasters first to
whichever class the base creature does. minimize the chances of having its astral form dispelled. While
projecting an astral form, the creature fights fearlessly, knowing

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48 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

that it cannot truly be killed. But it does not take danger to Feats: Improved Critical (bite)B, Multiattack, Toughness
its true form lightly. When it encounters a foe in its real Environment: Any
form, it most often flees by flying away or becoming ethereal, Organization: Solitary or pack (3–7)
even if the foe seems to present little threat. Challenge Rating: 2
A bipedal nightmare’s natural weapons, and any weapons Treasure: None
it wields, are treated as evil-aligned for the purpose of over- Alignment: Usually neutral evil
coming damage reduction. Advancement: 4–10 HD (Medium); 11–17 HD (Large)
Flaming Hooves Separated from the natural world, not quite alive and
Cool Combinations (Su): A blow from a unable to die, carcaetans maintain their existence through
The bipedal creature is a useful template bipedal nightmare’s a diet of mortal flesh.
for when you need some abomination cre- hooklike hands sets Carcaetans vary dramatically in appearance. Some look
ated by a mad wizard or some mysterious combustible materials almost exactly as they did before their transformation, with
new race. It’s tempting to limit it to ani-
mals (crocodile man! owl man!), but don’t alight. only a slight pallor and lack of scent to differentiate them from
overlook the strange-but-cool combina- Smoke (Su): During the living. Others are clearly unnatural, shambling about with
tions like the bipedal basilisk, or the the excitement of battle, open scars, blackened limbs, and wounds that should be lethal.
bipedal hell hound.
a bipedal nightmare A few, who maintain some degree of sanity and adapt to their
snorts and neighs with new existence, learn to replace destroyed extremities with parts
rage, filling a 15-foot cone with hot, sulfurous smoke that from other creatures, rebuilding their bodies piece by piece.
chokes and blinds opponents. Anyone in this area must suc- A carcaetan is created by magic designed to remove a crea-
ceed at a Fortitude save (DC 16) or take a –2 penalty on all ture from the cycle of life. The ritual is sometimes used as a
attack and damage rolls until 1d6 minutes after leaving the punishment or a powerful curse, but some evil individuals
cone. The bipedal nightmare can use this attack once per undergo it intentionally. The carcaetan loses its ability to
round as a free action during its turn, and the smoke lasts grow, heal, reproduce, and die, and must steal energy from
for 1 round. The smoke does not obscure the bipedal night- the living to gain the strength to act. The blood and flesh of
mare’s vision at all, but it does grant the creature conceal- animals and humanoids provide the greatest amount of
ment against opponents 5 feet away and total concealment nourishment, but carcaetans can survive off grass and leaves
against opponents 10 feet or farther away. for days. A rat can keep a carcaetan energetic for hours, while
The save DC is Constitution based.
Astral Projection (Su): A bipedal nightmare can produce
an astral projection effect as the spell (caster level 20th) at will.
Etherealness (Su): A bipedal nightmare can produce an
etherealness effect as the spell (caster level 20th) at will.

By Alex Freed and Robert J. Gallagher; originally published in
Denizens of Avadnu by The Inner Circle.
Medium Undead
Hit Dice: 3d12+3 (22 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+5 natural); touch 10; flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+4
Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d6+3/19–20)
Full Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d6+3/19–20) and
2 claws +2 melee (1d4+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Feed
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., rejuvenation,
graft, undead traits
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 10, Con —, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 13
Skills: Climb +5, Hide +6, Listen +4, Move Silently +4,
Search +2, Spot +6

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Four: Monsters
a human can satiate one for a week. Without nourishment, Fast Healing: A carcaetan who grafts on part of the anato-
carcaetans lose the capacity to exert themselves, becoming my of a creature with fast healing gains fast healing 1, or adds
thinking lumps of inanimate flesh. 1 to its current level of fast healing.
An injured carcaetan’s wounds never close, but even burned Gaze Attack: By wearing the eyes of a Small to Large crea-
or mutilated ones eventually pull themselves back together. ture, a carcaetan can
Carcaetans who suffer grave injuries often lose the ability to gain the creature’s
think clearly, becoming mindless, flesh-eating monsters. gaze attack. The effect It’s in the Abilities
Carcaetans speak the languages they spoke in life (usually is identical to the I really like the carcaetan's graft ability.
Common). creature’s, but the save You could have multiple encounters with
these monsters and each one would seem
DC is 10 + half the very different. I also really like that the
Combat carcaetan’s Hit Dice + creature comes with a table for giving it
Carcaetans tend to be fearless in combat, tearing wildly with carcaetan’s Charisma some random additional abilities.
their mouths and claws. However, only the most degenerate or modifier.
powerful do not flee from creatures wielding positive energy.
Feed (Ex): Upon striking a successful critical hit against a
living, corporeal creature with a bite or claw attack, a carcaetan RANDOM ADVANCED CARCAETANS
can feed on the creature’s torn flesh and blood. If the carcaetan A carcaetan that gains Hit Dice or advances by character class
hits with a claw attack, it must take a move action to feed, or is likely to gain abilities from other creatures along the way. To
the meat and blood loses potency and is wasted. A carcaetan randomly determine these abilities and their sources, use the
following table. Roll once per added Hit Die or level. A roll
that feeds gains 1d4+1 points of Strength for one hour.
indicating a feature that already exists (a second head, or a
Rejuvenation (Su): Unless destroyed by some form of third claw) means that the carcaetan gains no ability.
positive energy (such as turning or cure spells), a destroyed d% Effect Source*
carcaetan rises again with maximum hit points after 1d4 01 Claw 1d3 plus 1d4 fire Fire mephit claw
hours. If its body is mutilated, the rejuvenation usually takes 02–07 Bite 2d6 Skum head
08–09 Breath weapon, 15-foot cone, Winter wolf skull
1d4 days instead, unless the body parts are actively prevented once every 1d4 rounds,
from gathering in one place. (In this case, the rejuvenation damage 4d6 cold
can be prevented indefinitely.) Cremated, frozen, or similarly 10–16 Claw 2d6/19–20 Haklaa claw
17–19 Bite 1d4 plus filth fever Teo-selerai jaws
treated carcaetan bodies take 1d4 weeks to reassemble. 20–25 Claw 1d4 plus vylar fever Lesser vylar arm
Dealing damage from a positive energy source to a carcaetan 26–27 Spell resistance 11 Necromercer skin
corpse permanently destroys it, regardless of what kind of 28 Dimension door 1/day Barghest blood
29–30 Resistance to fire 5 Vrock feathers
damage reduced the carcaetan to 0 hit points or less. 31 Detect good 1/day Imp blood
Graft: A carcaetan can gain some of the abilities of living, 32–42 Fast healing 1 Adithari blood
corporeal foes by replacing its limbs with theirs, drinking their 43–46 Spell resistance 7 Sea hag skin
47–50 Dancing lights 1/day Gnome heart
blood, or ornamenting itself with their bones, skin, or internal 51 Petrifying gaze, turn to Medusa eyes
organs. This process takes several hours under the best of cir- stone, 30 feet
cumstances, and the carcaetan must succeed at a Will save 52–54 Resistance to cold 20 Ice mephit blood
55–59 Bite 2d6 plus poison Spirit naga head
(DC 15) or gain no benefit. No foe can grant a carcaetan more (DC 18, initial and secon-
than one ability, and some creatures simply do not have com- dary damage 1d8 Con)
patible physiologies that a carcaetan can use. Guidelines for 60–62 Terrifying gaze, paralyzed Nightbeast skull
with fear for 1d4 rounds,
granting carcaetans new abilities are as follows. 30 feet
Attacks: A carcaetan can replace its bite attack and either 63–67 Resistance to electricity 2 Aasimar blood
of its claw attacks with the bite or claw attack of a Small to 68–70 Remove disease 1/week 6th-level paladin heart
71 Bite 2d8 Adult tojanida jaws
Large creature. This grants the carcaetan the damage and 72–74 Breath weapon, 60-foot cone, Gorgon skull
threat range of the grafted natural weapon, but does not once every 1d4 rounds (but no
change the carcaetan’s attack bonus or grant it any supernat- more than 5/day), turn to stone
75–79 Resistance to acid 7 Abjuraton zha’lari scales
ural abilities. Extraordinary abilities carried over with natural 80–84 Hideous laughter 1/day Albino darnu pelt
weapons include poison and disease effects and extra energy 85–89 Claw 1d6 Vanthiir arm
damage, but not improved grab, swallow whole, or rend. 90–92 Ray of frost 1/day Winterbrood fury blood
93–95 Breath weapon, 10-foot cone, Hell hound skull
Breath Weapon: By wearing the head or skull (as a helm or once every 2d4 rounds,
mantle, or by replacing the carcaetan’s head) of a Small to damage 2d6 fire
Large creature, a carcaetan can gain the creature’s breath 96–00 Roll twice —
weapon. The effect is identical to the creature’s, but the save * Note that some of these sources are monsters from Denizens of Avadnu not
DC is 10 + half the carcaetan’s Hit Dice. reprinted here. Feel free to substitute MM creatures appropriate to the effect.

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50 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Resistance to Energy: A carcaetan can gain one-half (maxi- Hit Dice: Change all racial Hit Dice to d10s. The creature
mum 20) of an energy-resistant creature’s resistance to one gains bonus hit points as a construct of its size category.
type of energy. If the creature is immune to the type of ener- Since it has no Constitution score, it does not gain bonus hit
gy instead, the carcaetan gains a resistance of 20. points based on high Constitution.
Spell-Like Abilities: Drinking a creature’s blood can give a Armor Class: The clockwork creature’s natural armor
carcaetan access to one of its spell-like abilities. The carcaetan bonus improves by +5 over that of the base creature.
can choose the ability from those available to the creature, but Special Qualities: The clockwork creature retains all the
the ability must emulate a spell of a level no higher than one- special qualities of the base creature and gains those
half the carcaetan’s HD. The carcaetan can use the ability once described here.
per day, or at the same frequency as the creature, whichever is Created Mind (Ex): Clockwork creatures know nothing
less frequent. The ability operates at a caster level equal to the when first created, but many are intelligent. On its first day,
carcaetan’s Hit Dice, and the save DC is Charisma based. a clockwork creature functions like any mindless construct,
Spell Resistance: As resistance to energy. but thereafter its native intelligence comes to the fore, allow-
Carcaetans may also be able to gain other abilities. ing it to reason and improvise. Creators can thus give their
clockwork constructs somewhat vague commands and allow
Adventure Ideas them to interpret and act on them, secure in the knowledge
Residents of a town have been turning up dead near a ruined that their servants will not act in a way contrary to their
tower. The player characters discover a trio of mad carcae- desires.
tans in a vault below the tower, but tracks suggest that a Despite a reasoning intelligence, the clockwork creature
fourth recently escaped. The carcaetans were apprentices to a remains wholly under the control of its creator and does
wizard decades ago, and were transformed and buried alive nothing against that individual’s will. Because of a special
as part of a plot by the wizard. The fourth carcaetan retains bond formed during its first day, the clockwork creature can
his sanity, and now that he is free seeks to learn why the wiz- instinctively detect the location of its creator, regardless of
ard betrayed him. magical and natural barriers, so long as the latter remains
within 100 feet. This ability prevents anyone from success-
Clockwork Creature fully impersonating the creator within that range. If some-
one resembling its creator issues an order from more than
Template 100 feet away, the clockwork creature might or might not
By Matthew Sernett; originally published in The Advanced Bestiary obey, depending on how suspicious it is of the command.
by Green Ronin Publishing. The creator can designate another creature or group of
The clockwork creature whirs to life at the whim of its creatures for the clockwork creature to obey, but the creator’s
master. Made of various metals and granted the soul of a commands always take precedence over those of other desig-
monster, this intelligent construct is designed to resemble a nated commanders. If the clockwork creature has an
living creature in both form and function. A clockwork crea- Intelligence score of 3 or higher, it continuously watches des-
ture serves as an intelligent aide, guardian, or even friend to ignated commanders for signs that they are commanding it
its creator, or to anyone its creator designates. against its creator’s intent. Should such a situation occur,
A clockwork creature’s body is a complicated construction the clockwork creature acts loyally instead.
of gears, wires, chains, and struts, often covered with rivet- A clockwork creature with an Intelligence of 12 or higher
ed metal plating to give it the form of the living creature it automatically knows when its creator is being forced to act
mimics. Magic and engineering give a clockwork creature against his own wishes through mental control or other
access to the powers of the creature it resembles, thus coercion, physical or mental. In such a case, the clockwork
enabling its creator to effectively gain the aid of any being creature improvises a way to attain its creator’s true goals
desired. without allowing harm to come to him. In the absence of any
commands from its creator, a clockwork creature follows the
Creating a Clockwork Creature last commands it received. If it knows its creator is dead, it
“Clockwork creature” is a created template that you can add attempts to achieve her goals to the best of its ability.
to any living, corporeal creature that is not an ooze (referred Hardness (Ex): A clockwork creature has a hardness of 10.
to hereafter as the base creature). A clockwork creature uses This quality functions like object hardness, even though a
all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as clockwork creature is not an object.
noted here. Metal Body (Ex): Beneath its skin, a clockwork creature is
Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to construct largely composed of metal. It counts as a ferrous creature for
with the appropriate augmented subtype. Do not recalculate the purpose of rusting grasp and other spells that have special
base attack bonuses or saves. Size is unchanged. effects on metal.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Four: Monsters
Resistances (Ex): A clockwork creature has resistance 10 to
acid, cold, and fire.
Vulnerability to Electricity (Ex): Because the delicate interior
mechanisms of a clockwork creature are particularly vulnera-
ble to electricity damage, it takes double damage from elec-
tricity on a failed save and half damage on a successful save.
If the base creature is immune to electricity, it takes no dam-
age from electricity attacks but is dazed for 1 round on a
failed save.
Windup Key (Ex): A clockwork creature must be wound up
each day by placing a small key into a special orifice and
turning it—an action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
For each full round that the key is turned, the clockwork
creature can remain active for four hours (maximum 24
hours). In most cases, the creator either retains her con-
struct’s key or gives it to the clockwork creature so that it
can keep itself running.
When the clockwork creature runs down, it becomes
immobile, helpless, and unconscious, and it remains so until
wound up again. Anyone can wind up a clockwork creature
without the key by making a successful Open Lock check as a
full-round action (DC based on the quality of lock the cre-
ator built into the clockwork creature). This technique allows
the clockwork creature four hours of activity (maximum 24
hours) for each such successful check.
Abilities: Change from the base creature as follows:
Str +4, Dex +4, Int –4 (minimum 0), Wis –4 (minimum 1), Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2.
Cha –4 (minimum 1). As a construct, a clockwork creature Alignment: Always neutral.
does not have a Constitution score. Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +4.
Skills: A clockwork creature gains skill points for its
racial Hit Dice as a construct (2 + Intelligence modifier) × Creating a Clockwork Creature
(HD + 3), or 0 if its Intelligence score is 0. Recalculate its Clockwork creatures are created like golems. Because it is
available skill points, then purchase its skills afresh, treat- composed of various metals and composite materials, a
ing the base creature’s skills and any skills in which the cre- clockwork creature weighs nearly twice what the base crea-
ator has 5 or more ranks as class skills and all others as ture does. Creating a clockwork creature costs 800 times its
cross-class skills. The clockwork creature retains any skill CR in gold pieces. Assembling the body requires a successful
points gained from class levels and any racial bonuses the Craft (armorsmithing) and Craft (weaponsmithing) check
base creature has. (DC 20 for both), the Craft Construct feat, and the ability to
Due to its innate understanding of its own being, a clock- cast arcane or divine spells.
work creature gains a +5 racial bonus on Craft (armor- The level of the clockwork creature’s creator must be at
smithing), Craft (weaponsmithing), and Disable Device least 4 higher than the clockwork creature’s Challenge
checks. It can use these skills as though trained, even if it has Rating. Completing the ritual drains a number of experience
no ranks in them. However, the clockwork creature takes a –2 points equal to the clockwork creature’s creation cost divided
penalty on Move Silently checks because its internal mecha- by 25, and it requires the spells geas/quest, limited wish, poly-
nisms constantly click and whir while it functions. morph any object, and resist elements.
Languages: A clockwork creature that is intelligent enough
to speak languages speaks those that its creator teaches it. Clockwork Characters
Orders from its creator are heeded regardless of language, A clockwork character favors whichever class the base crea-
but a clockwork creature must understand the language of ture does. One can introduce such a character into a cam-
another commander to follow his orders. If it does not, it paign in a number of ways. For instance, a character might
simply obeys the last orders of its creator. create a clockwork creature as a cohort under another player’s
Environment: Same as creator. control.
Organization: Solitary, pair, or gang (3–4).

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52 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Sample Creature: smaller creature. A creature in the clockwork choker’s grasp

cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components because
Clockwork Choker its neck is being squeezed.
Small Construct (Augmented Aberration) Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a clockwork
Hit Dice: 3d10+10 (26 hp) choker must hit a Large or smaller opponent with a tentacle
Initiative: +8 attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), climb 10 ft. without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the
Armor Class: 24 (+1 size, +4 Dex, +9 natural), touch 15, grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict. A
flat-footed 20 clockwork choker receives a +4 racial bonus on grapple
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+12 checks (already included in the statistics above).
Attack: Tentacle +8 melee (1d3+5) Construct Traits: A clockwork choker has immunity to
Full Attack: 2 tentacles +8 melee (1d3+5) poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death
Space/Reach: 5 ft./10 ft. effects, necromancy effects, mind-affecting effects
Special Attacks: Constrict 1d3+7, improved grab (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale
Special Qualities: Created mind, construct traits, darkvision effects), and any effect that requires a Fortitude save
60 ft., hardness 10, metal body, quickness, resistances (acid unless it also works on objects or is harmless. It is not
10, cold 10, fire 10), vulnerability to electricity, wind-up key subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage,
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +2 ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. It can-
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 18, Con —, Int —, Wis 9, Cha 3 not heal damage, but can be repaired. It has darkvision
Skills: Climb +13*, Craft (armorsmithing) +5, Craft (weapon- 60 feet and low-light vision.
smithing) +5, Disable Device +5, Hide +10, Move Silently +4 Created Mind (Ex): See the clockwork template.
Feats: Improved InitiativeB, Lightning Reflexes, Stealthy Hardness (Ex): See the clockwork template.
Environment: Any Metal Body (Ex): See the clockwork template.
Organization: Solitary Quickness (Su): A clockwork choker is amazingly quick.
Challenge Rating: 4 It can take an extra standard action or move action during
Treasure: 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items its turn each round.
Alignment: Always neutral Resistances (Ex): See the clockwork template.
Advancement: 4–6 HD (Small); 7–12 HD (Medium) Vulnerability to Electricity (Ex): See the clockwork tem-
Level Adjustment: — plate.
Here is an example of a clockwork creature using a choker Windup Key (Ex): See the clockwork template.
as the base creature. * Skills: A clockwork choker has a +8 racial bonus on
A clockwork choker’s lack of intelligence makes it a poor Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb
guardian, since it must be supervised constantly or specifi- checks, even if rushed or threatened.
cally told not to move.
Love That Steampunk However, its ability to Corpsespinner
I’m a sucker for clockwork or steampunk
capture or kill foes with By Scott Greene; originally published in The Tome of Horrors II
stuff. This is a nice application for making equal ease makes it a by Necromancer Games.
mechanical versions of monsters. These valuable bodyguard. Huge Magical Beast
are useful to stock an old tomb or other
place that needs “eternal” guardians.
Creators of clockwork Hit Dice: 15d10+45 (127 hp)
chokers often bring the Initiative: +3
funny-looking con- Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 20 ft.
structs with them to social occasions or diplomatic meetings Armor Class: 25 (–2 size, +3 Dex, +14 natural), touch 11,
at which a more threatening creature would be unwelcome. flat-footed 22
A clockwork choker resembles a normal choker except that Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+28
its body is made of jointed metal and gears, and its arms are Attack: Bite +19 melee (2d8+7 plus poison)
long springs. Full Attack: Bite +19 melee (2d8+7 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Combat Special Attacks: Create corpsespun, poison, web
A clockwork choker lacks the intelligence to interpret com- Special Qualities: Astral jaunt, astralsense, darkvision 60 ft.,
mands, so it follows the orders of its designated commander low-light vision
to the letter. Saves: Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +7
Constrict (Ex): A clockwork choker deals 1d3+7 points of Abilities: Str 20, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 15, Cha 10
damage with a successful grapple check against a Large or Skills: Climb +13, Listen +10, Move Silently +12, Spot +10

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Four: Monsters
Feats: Ability Focus (poison), Alertness, Improved Initiative, Create Corpsespun (Su): Creatures slain (and not
Improved Natural Attack (bite), Power Attack, Skill Focus devoured) by a corpsespinner rise in one hour as creatures
(Move Silently) known as corpsespuns (see the corpsespun template, next
Environment: Astral Plane page).
Organization: Solitary or troupe (1 plus 4–9 corpsespun) Poison (Ex): The bite of a corpsespinner delivers a highly
Challenge Rating: 11 toxic poison. The save DC is Constitution based and includes
Treasure: None a +2 bonus from the corpsespinner’s Ability Focus feat.
Alignment: Always neutral Corpsespinner Poison: Injury, Fortitude DC 22 negates, ini-
Advancement: 16–25 HD (Huge); 26–45 HD (Gargantuan) tial and secondary 2d6 points of Intelligence damage. A vic-
Level Adjustment: — tim whose Intelligence drops to 0 dies in one hour unless the
A massive, bone-white tarantula is the only way to describe this poison is neutralized (such as with a neutralize poison spell).
monster. Bands of gray and silver ring its abdomen and legs, and Slain creatures rise as corpsespun (see its create corpsespun
its body is covered in short, bristly hairs of white and silver. A large ability, above).
skull-like marking appears on the creature’s thorax. Its eight eyes Web (Ex): A corpsespinner can fire sticky strands of web
are stark white. constructed of astral material to a maximum range of 80 feet
Corpsespinners are highly aggressive extraplanar spiders (range increment 20 feet) up to 10 times per day. This web-
originating on the astral plane. Only rarely do they enter the bing is effective against targets up to one size smaller than
material plane in search of prey, choosing to hunt on the the corpsespinner and is similar to a net attack. The web
astral plane searching for and devouring astral sharks (see the anchors the target in place, allowing no movement. An
Tome of Horrors) and other native creatures. On the material entangled creature can escape with a successful Escape Artist
plane, they often hunt other giant spiders or humanoids. check (DC 24) or burst it with a Strength check (DC 28).
On the astral plane, corpsespinners spend their time con- Both are standard actions. The check DCs are Constitution
structing elaborate webs. The webs use many different things based and include a +4 bonus because the webs are con-
as anchor points, such as rare naturally occurring materials structed of astral material. The Strength check DC also
on the astral plane, corpses of deceased astral travelers, and includes a +4 racial bonus. A corpsespinner can also create
just about anything else the corpsespinner can incorporate sheets of webbing that cover a 40-foot area. Approaching
into its webbing. creatures must make a successful Spot check (DC 20) to
When not constructing its webs, the corpsespinner is usu- notice a web; otherwise they stumble into it and become
ally hunting. And this sometimes leads it to the material trapped as though by a successful web attack. Attempts to
plane. If encountered on the material plane, there is a good escape gain a +5 bonus if the trapped victim has something
chance the corpsespinner has a group of corpsespun with it, to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each 5-foot section of
the victims of its most recent kills. web has 16 hit points and damage reduction 5/–.
Corpsespinners are primarily solitary creatures in regard
to associating with others of their kind. Their ecology and
reproduction cycles are unknown at this point, though
intrepid interplanar adventurers have talked of huge webbed
lairs on the astral plane containing young corpsespinners.

Corpsespinners hunt their prey on the astral plane, only
occasionally entering the material plane to look for food.
Once prey is sighted, the corpsespinner moves quickly to
encase it in its sticky webbing before attacking repeatedly
with its poisonous bite.
On the material plane it attacks a foe, shifts to the astral
plane, and shifts back again to finish the opponent off. If
forced to retreat, the corpsespinner shifts to the astral
plane and returns to its lair. A corpsespinner usually has
a gang of corpsespun with it (see the corpsespun tem-
plate on the next page for details). In such a case, the
corpsespinner attempts to web its foes and let the
corpsespun move in to soften them up. The corpsespinner
then charges in and bites its targets to finish them off.

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54 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Astral Jaunt (Ex): A corpsespinner can shift from the Armor Class: A corpsespun has a +4 natural armor bonus or
astral plane to the material plane as a free action, and then the base creature’s natural armor bonus, whichever is higher.
shift back again as a move action (or during a move Base Attack: A corpsespun has a base attack bonus equal
action). This special to one-half its Hit Dice.
Creep Out Your Players ability is otherwise iden- Attack: The corpsespun retains all the natural attacks and
I used the corpsespinner in a game, tical to the astral projec- weapon proficiencies of the base creature. A corpsespun also
mostly to give the players the creeps. I tion spell, except that gains a slam attack if it didn’t already have one.
played up the unnerving nature of this it transports only the Full Attack: Corpsespun creatures attack with weapons
thing, which mostly involved its move-
ment capabilities. It never stuck around corpsespinner. and natural attacks, using all at their disposal.
for more than a round in one place. After Astralsense (Su): A Damage: A slam attack deals damage depending on the
reading the corpsespun template, I also corpsespinner can auto- corpsespun creature’s size. Creatures with natural attacks
described the effects of the Intelligence
damaging poison to the players as feel- matically detect the loca- retain their old damage rating or use the values below,
ing as though the corpsespinner was lit- tion of anything within whichever is better.
erally injecting them with spiders that 200 feet of it on the
went into their skulls and ate at their Slam Slam
brains. Throw in some previous astral plane.
Size Damage Size Damage
corpsespun victims oozing spiders from Skills: A corpsespinner
their mouths and you’ve got a memo- Fine 1 Large 1d6
can always take 10 on a
rable encounter. Diminutive 1d2 Huge 2d6
Climb check, even if
Tiny 1d3 Gargantuan 2d8
rushed or threatened.
Small 1d4 Colossal 4d6
Medium 1d6
Corpsespun Creature
Special Attacks: A corpsespun loses any supernatural or
Template spell-like abilities of the base creature but retains all extra-
By Scott Greene; originally published in The Tome of Horrors II ordinary special attacks. Additionally, it gains those listed
by Necromancer Games. below. Saves have a DC of 10 + half the corpsespun’s HD +
Corpsespun are undead creatures formed when a living its Charisma modifier unless noted otherwise.
creature is slain by a corpsespinner (see the corpsespinner Special attacks that use the base creature’s Constitution
entry in this book). The poison of the corpsespinner inter- score now use its Charisma (it’s undead and has no Consti-
acts with the slain creature’s body and animates it as a tution score now).
corpsespun creature: a zombielike automaton sheathed in Spider Spray (Ex): Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard
webs whose insides have been replaced with thousands of action, a corpsespun can send a hail of spiders from its
tiny spiders. The creature retains no memories of its former mouth in a cone 20 feet long. Each creature in the area must
life and, while free willed, the corpsespun rarely wanders far make a Reflex save (DC of 10 + half the corpsespun’s HD +
from the corpsespinner that created it. its Charisma modifier) or be hit by 2d6 spiders. A successful
The creature appears as a zombie shrouded in thick webs save reduces the number of spiders that hit by half.
with hundreds of spiders (of all sizes, shapes, and colors) The spiders quickly spread across the foe’s body in the same
crawling over its body and into and out of its ears, eyes, and round they contact it. An foe can easily dispatch a number of
mouth. Corpsespun creatures do not understand or speak spiders equal to its Dexterity bonus (to a minimum of 1) on its
any languages they knew in life. turn as a full-round action. On the corpsespun’s next action,
all spiders automatically bite, delivering a highly debilitating
Creating a Corpsespun poison that deals 1d4 points of Strength damage if the oppo-
“Corpsespun” is an acquired template that can be added to nent fails a Fortitude save (DC of 10 + half the corpsespun’s
any corporeal creature slain by a corpsespinner (see the HD + its Charisma modifier, +1 for every three spiders that
corpsespinner’s entry in this book) and is hereafter referred bite). One minute later another Fortitude save (same DC)
to as the base creature. It uses all the base creature’s statistics must be made to avoid another 1d4 points of Strength dam-
except as noted here. age. (Only one attack roll is made, and a creature can take ini-
Size and Type: The base creature’s type changes to undead. tial and secondary damage only once per round, regardless
It retains any elemental type modifiers except “fire,” but loses of the number of spiders a creature actually has on it.)
any alignment or racial type modifiers. It also gains the aug- Spider Transfer (Ex): Whenever a corpsespun successfully
mented subtype. hits an opponent with a natural attack, 1d4 spiders are auto-
Hit Dice: Increase all current and future HD to d12s. matically transferred to the opponent. The spiders quickly
Speed: If the base creature can fly, reduce its maneuver- spread and bite a foe (as detailed in the spider spray ability
ability to clumsy. above). They are dispatched as above.

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Chapter Four: Monsters
Special Qualities: A corpsespun loses all supernatural and
spell-like abilities but retains all extraordinary special quali-
ties of the base creature and gains the undead type. In addi-
tion, it gains the following special qualities.
Damage Reduction (Ex): A corpsespun with 1–3 HD has no
damage reduction. A corpsespun with 4–9 HD has damage
reduction 5/magic. One with 10 HD or more has damage
reduction 10/magic. A base creature that already has damage
reduction uses its original value or this one, whichever is better.
Darkvision (Ex): Corpsespun have darkvision to a range of
60 feet.
Turn Resistance (Ex): A corpsespun has turn resistance +2.
Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows: Str +2,
Dex –2 (minimum 10), Int 1, and Cha +2. Being undead, the
corpsespun has no Constitution score.
Skills: Same as the base creature and modified by any
increase or decrease in ability scores.
Feats: Same as the base creature. The base creature also
gains Toughness as a bonus feat. If the base creature already
has Toughness, the effects stack.
Environment: Same as the base creature.
Organization: Gang (2–5) or troupe (1 corpsespinner
plus 6–11 corpsespun).
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.
Treasure: Same as the base creature.
Alignment: Always evil.
Advancement: None.
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature.
Corpsespun are undead creatures formed when a living Attack: Slam +10 melee (1d6+5); or longsword +12 melee
creature is slain by a corpsespinner (see the corpsespinner (1d8+5, 19-20/×2)
entry in this book). The poison of the corpsespinner inter- Full Attack: Slam +10 melee (1d6+5); or longsword +12
acts with the slain creature’s body and animates it as a melee (1d8+5, 19-20/×2)
corpsespun creature: a zombielike automaton sheathed in Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
webs whose insides have been replaced with thousands of Special Attacks: Spider spray (Ref DC 17, Fort DC 17),
tiny spiders. The creature retains no memories of its former spider transfer
life, and while free willed, the corpsespun rarely wanders far Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/magic, darkvision
from the corpsespinner that created it. 60 ft., +2 turn resistance, undead traits
The creature appears as a zombie shrouded in thick webs Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +6
with hundreds of spiders (of all sizes, shapes, and colors) Abilities: Str 20, Dex 10, Con —, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 15
crawling over its body and into and out of its ears, eyes, and Skills: Climb +13, Intimidate +15, Jump +13
mouth. Corpsespun creatures do not understand or speak Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus
any languages they knew in life. (longsword), Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Iron
Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Toughness,
Sample Creature: 10th-Level Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization
Corpsespun Fighter Environment: Any land and underground
Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid) Organization: Gang (2-5) or troupe (1 corpsespinner plus
Hit Dice: 10d12+3 (68 hp) 3–6 corpsespun)
Initiative: +4 Challenge Rating: 11
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Treasure: Standard
Armor Class: 19 (+4 natural, +5 chainmail), touch 10, Alignment: Always neutral evil
flat-footed 19 Advancement: —
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+10 Level Adjustment: —

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56 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Undead Traits (Ex): Immune to mind-affecting
effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and
morale effects), poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease,
and death effects. Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal dam-
age, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, death from
massive damage, exhaustion, fatigue, or any effect that
requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect works on objects).
Cannot heal damage on its own if it has no Intelligence
score; can be healed by negative energy. Cannot be raised or
reincarnated, resurrection works if the creature is willing.

Crucifixion Spirit Crucifixion

By Scott Greene; originally published in The Tome of Horrors II spirits are the
by Necromancer Games. ghostly remains of
Medium Undead (Incorporeal) living beings execut-
Hit Dice: 15d12 (97 hp) ed through crucifix-
Initiative: +7 ion. Their souls, hav-
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (perfect) ing failed to depart the
Armor Class: 18 (+3 Dex, +5 deflection), touch 18, material plane entirely,
flat footed 15 have risen to seek
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/— vengeance on the living,
Attack: Incorporeal touch +10 melee (1d8 plus paralysis); particularly clerics or
or crucify soul +10 ranged touch (crucify soul) other divine spellcasters
Full Attack: Incorporeal touch +10 melee (1d8 plus paralysis); whom they blame for for-
or crucify soul +10 ranged touch (crucify soul) saking them and allowing
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. them to die in such a ghastly
Special Attacks: Crucify soul, paralysis manner.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to turning, Crucifixion spirits are most
incorporeal traits, SR 22, undead traits often encountered within 1,000
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +15 feet of the place of their execution,
Abilities: Str —, Dex 17, Con —, Int 15, Wis 18, Cha 20 though some are found haunting bur-
Skills: Escape Artist +19, Hide +19, Intimidate +20, Listen ial grounds (presumably the place where
+21, Search +17, Sense Motive +20, Spot +21 their fleshly body was laid to rest). Their
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Dodge, Improved Initiative, only purpose seems to be to torment and kill any that cross
Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes their path. They hold no memories of their former life, save the
Environment: Any pain and suffering they endured at their time of execution, and
Organization: Solitary they want all those they encounter to share in this pain.
Challenge Rating: 11
Treasure: Standard Combat
Alignment: Always A crucifixion spirit engages any living creature that enters its
A Tough Challenge chaotic evil territory. In combat, the crucifixion spirit’s hatred for clerics
What I like about the crucifixion spirit is Advancement: 16–45 and divine spellcasters becomes readily apparent as they are
that its ability works automatically if it HD (Medium) usually the first ones targeted by its crucify soul ability. A
hits with a ranged touch attack rather Level Adjustment: — crucified soul is left to die and the crucifixion spirit turns its
than leaving it up to a PC saving throw.
The ability takes foes out slowly. I imag- This entity appears as attention to another opponent. A crucifixion spirit attacks
ine a tense encounter with this creature a gaunt and translucent until it is destroyed or its foes are slain or driven off.
where at any given time, half the party is humanoid with puncture Crucify Soul (Su): Once per round, a crucifixion spirit can
having their soul crucified and is trying to
escape, while the others are fighting the injuries to both wrists and point at a single target within 60 feet and crucify its soul. The
monster. As one PC frees himself, another both feet. Its face is twist- crucifixion spirit must succeed on a ranged touch attack. If
is crucified—a very tough challenge. The ed in eternal pain and its successful, the target’s soul leaves its body, which collapses in
fact that the PC can try to escape makes
the ability far more interesting than the eyes flicker with a reddish a heap on the ground. The target’s soul appears as a translu-
creature’s paralysis attack. glow. cent copy of the victim and hangs suspended above the spot

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Chapter Four: Monsters
where its body collapsed, crucified in midair to a translucent Abilities: Str 7, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16
“X”-shaped structure. The soul is held in place by translucent Skills: Hide +14, Listen +11, Move Silently +10, Spot +11
spikes or nails driven through the soul’s wrists and feet. Feats: Alertness, Toughness (b), Weapon Finesse
The victim is not dead and is visible to all within line of Environment: Underground
sight. Furthermore, a crucified soul cannot be attacked or Organization: Solitary
affected by anything, cannot take any actions (other than try- Challenge Rating: 4
ing to escape, see below), and experiences excruciating pain Treasure: Standard
that deals two negative levels to it in the round it is crucified, Alignment: Usually neutral evil
and one negative level each round thereafter. Advancement: 5–8 HD (Large); 9–12 HD (Huge)
A creature slain in this manner cannot be returned to life Level Adjustment: —
except through the casting of a wish, miracle, or true resurrec- The death weaver is an orblike, levitating creature that
tion spell. Even then, there is a 50 percent chance that such lives underground and feeds by devouring creatures that fall
magic fails. If the check fails, the creature cannot be restored prey to its paralyzing
to life by mortal magic. A crucifixion spirit does not need to song. It appears as a Gross ... and Clever
concentrate on this ability for it to continue to affect a target. small, fleshy, eyeless The death weaver’s strength lies mostly
It can direct attacks against a different opponent. orb surrounded by a in its overall concept: The idea that it
devours creatures quickly and then just as
A crucified creature can attempt to escape each round by suc- weirdly hued halo of quickly excretes them as sticky, weblike
ceeding on a Will save (DC 22). If successful, the creature’s soul light. strands is gross and horrific—just what
is freed and returns to its body in the same round. The target you want with an aberration like this. I
also like the use of Constitution damage
is stunned for 1 round, but afterward can act normally. Combat to reflect the devouring ability, and the
The Fortitude save to remove a negative level has a Opponents are usually fact that the creature grows larger after
Difficulty Class of 22. The save DCs are Charisma based. A warned of the death it devours something.
crucifixion spirit can use this ability five times per day. weaver’s approach by
Paralysis (Su): A living creature hit by a crucifixion spirit’s the halo of light that constantly surrounds the creature. This is
incorporeal touch must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 22) seldom of any help, however, as the death weaver’s paralyzing
or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. Remove paralysis or any other song accompanies the illumination.
spell that can remove a curse cures the paralysis. The effect Paralyzing Song (Ex): The weird humming and oscilla-
cannot be dispelled. The save DC is Charisma based. tions of the death weaver can paralyze victims. Any creature
Immunity to Turning (Ex): A crucifixion spirit cannot be within a 30-foot radius of a death weaver must succeed at a
turned, rebuked, or commanded. Will save (DC 15) or be paralyzed. This is a sonic, mind-
affecting charm that lasts as long as the death weaver contin-
Death Weaver ues to sing. If the creature successfully saves, it is immune to
By Morten Braten; originally published in Ancient Kingdoms: Mesopotamia the death weaver’s song for one day. Paralyzed victims are
by Necromancer Games. subject to the death weaver’s devouring attack. The save
Small Aberration DC is Charisma based.
Hit Dice: 4d8+3 (21 hp) Devour (Ex): With a successful
Initiative: +3 touch attack against a para-
Speed: Fly 20 ft. (4 squares) lyzed foe, the death
(perfect) weaver can devour
Armor Class: 18 (+1 size, +3 its victim. The
Dex, +4 natural), touch attack deals
14, flat-footed 15 1d6 points of
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/–3 Consti-
Attack: Tentacle +7 melee tution damage
(1d2–2) each round. At
Full Attack: Tentacle +7 melee Constitution 0,
(1d2–2) the creature has been
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. completely devoured and
Special Attacks: Paralyzing song, dies. A creature slain by this
devour attack can only be raised by the
Special Qualities: Radiance, web, SR 20, darkvision casting of a miracle, true resurrection, or wish. After a death
60 ft. weaver has devoured a victim, it swells to Medium (–1 penalty
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +6 to attack rolls and Armor Class, +4 bonus to Strength and

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58 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Constitution). The increased size lasts for one hour, as the

death weaver digests the victim.
Radiance (Su): The death weaver is always surrounded by
a cold halo of weirdly hued light. This is similar to the illu-
mination provided by a continual flame spell.
Web (Sp): After the death weaver devours a victim and
increases in size, it can form a number of thick strands and
attempt to ensnare other victims. This ability is otherwise
identical to a web spell cast by a 10th-level sorcerer (save DC
15), usable up to three times within an hour.

Ethereal Adder
By Alex Freed and Jeffrey J. Visgaitis; originally published in Denizens of
Avadnu by The Inner Circle.
Huge Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 7d10+35 (73 hp)
Initiative: +3 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 16 (–2 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural); touch 11;
flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+22
Attack: Bite +12 melee (2d6+10 plus ethereal bite)
Full Attack: Bite +12 melee (2d6+10 plus ethereal bite)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Ethereal bite, confusion, constrict 2d8+10
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, see
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +2
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 16, Con 21, Int 3, Wis 6, Cha 8 lairs atop massive piles of gems and coins. No one knows
Skills: Balance +5, Listen +8*, Spot +8* what they eat, or if they produce offspring. Scholars hypothe-
Feats: Ability Focus (confusion), Alertness, Iron Will size that an adder’s collection of gems may somehow keep it
Environment: Underground nourished, but this is only speculation. Ethereal adders spend
Organization: Solitary most of their time sleeping and awaiting potential victims.
Challenge Rating: 7
Treasure: Standard coins; double goods (gems only); no items Combat
Alignment: Always neutral Ethereal adders often toy with their prey, first confusing
Advancement: 8–12 HD (Huge) then constricting their opponents. Once bored or seriously
Ethereal adders are serpents with poisonous bites that threatened, they bite their enemies. While an adder’s disease
make their victims fade. works on a creature, the creature fades into the ethereal
Commonly (and wrongly) believed to be natives of the plane, away from food, supplies, and allies.
ethereal plane, ethereal adders are beautiful, shimmering Ethereal Bite (Su): A creature struck by an ethereal adder’s
creatures. Capable of growing longer than 25 feet, they are bite must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 18) or become ethe-
slow to move but highly nimble. Their scales glisten with real after 1d4 rounds. A dimensional anchor used on the creature
natural luminescence, shining with a dazzling array of col- during this time prevents this; otherwise, the creature remains
ors. Their heads are wide and flat with tiny black eyes, and ethereal for 1d3 days before returning to the material plane. If
their large fangs are kept the creature returns to the material plane for even a brief peri-
Where’d He Go? retracted against the od during this time (such as by using a blink or plane shift
I myself thought it would be cool to have roofs of their mouths spell), the etherealness effect of the ethereal bite is negated.
a character turned ethereal against his until needed. A creature that fails its Fortitude save is also infected with
will—so I was very happy to see the ethe-
real adder. It’s just what I wanted. I like Ethereal adders are the supernatural disease fading fever—Fortitude save, DC 18,
the idea of having to mount an expedition used by nagas as pets and incubation period one day, damage 2d6 Constitution. A
to rescue a victim lost in the ethereal after guards. In the wild, they creature reduced to Constitution 0 fades from existence,
an encounter with this creature.
are found in underground leaving no corpse. All save DCs are Constitution based.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Four: Monsters
Confusion (Su): Three times per day, an ethereal adder Beautiful and deadly, goldencrests have been said to be born
can confuse creatures within 15 feet by swaying its head. of the tears of celestials, the blood of the sun, and lakes struck
Each creature in the area must succeed at a Will save (DC 14) by lightning. Any of these stories might be true, but none fully
or be confused for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Charisma explains the strange, positive energy-infused creatures.
based and includes the adder’s Ability Focus feat. Goldencrests are most commonly seen on the sea surface,
Constrict (Ex): On a successful grapple check, an ethereal often mistaken for the reflection of the sun. A goldencrest is
adder deals 2d8+10 points of damage. a fluid wave that shines a fiery, golden orange. In the sections
See Invisibility (Su): Ethereal adders constantly see invisi- where it is thinnest (such as where it tapers off), the liquid
bility with a range of 60 feet. composing it is transparent, but most of its body is too
* Skills: Ethereal adders have a +4 racial bonus on Listen bright to see through. Goldencrests skim quickly across water
and Spot checks. and move only slightly slower on land. As they travel, a gold-
en mist rises from their backs, accompanied by a loud hiss.
Physiological Uses Goldencrests stay on water whenever possible, and most
Ethereal adder fangs can be used to create potions of blink for spend their lives at sea following winds and currents without
three-quarters of the normal base price. All other creation need for food or rest. On land, goldencrests follow the path of
requirements remain the same. The fangs can be extracted on least resistance, moving wherever they can easily flow. They
a Survival or Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 16). Failing the generally ignore other creatures, but attack sources of negative
check by 5 or more means the fangs become damaged and unus- energy (such as undead) and any creatures with whom they
able. A single adder has enough fangs for use in 1d4 potions. come into physical contact. While their attacks against undead
seem genuinely vicious, some scholars speculate that their
Adventure Ideas attacks on other creatures are a form of play. The difference is
A barbarian warlord’s son has been bitten by an ethereal adder best appreciated from a distance, as the positive energy cours-
and is dying on the ethereal plane. His only hope is a spellcaster ing through a goldencrest is enough to burn living beings.
who can return him to the material plane, or cure him so he can When a goldencrest suffers enough damage to make it lose
survive until he returns naturally. Unfortunately, the barbarians cohesion, its energy leaks away and its body turns into water.
distrust magic. A third party asks the PCs to save the boy, but
they may face opposition from the barbarians themselves.

By Alex Freed and C.D. Bennett; originally published in Denizens of Avadnu
by The Inner Circle.
Large Ooze
Hit Dice: 8d10+32 (76 hp)
Initiative: +5 (Dex)
Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares), swim 70 ft.
Armor Class: 14 (–1 size, +5 Dex); touch 14; flat-footed 9
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+11
Attack: Slam +6 melee (2d4+1 plus 2d6 positive energy)
Full Attack: Slam +6 melee (2d4+1 plus 2d6 positive energy)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Positive energy, trample 2d4+1 plus
10d6 positive energy
Special Qualities: Blindsight 100 ft., glare, ooze traits,
regeneration 8, turning
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +7, Will –3
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 20, Con 19, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
Skills: Swim +9
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 7
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 9–14 HD (Large); 15–25 HD (Huge)

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60 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Powerful spellcasters sometimes capture goldencrests and Adventure Ideas

use them as sentries to patrol moats, hallways, and other A village where the PCs are staying has arranged a celebra-
enclosed spaces from which a goldencrest cannot escape. tion to watch a goldencrest’s journey down a nearby stream.
Others keep goldencrests trapped in magically warded A powerful undead being who lives in a forest nearby fears
globes or pools, finding them valuable for arcane experimen- the goldencrest, however, and is arranging to divert the crea-
tation. ture into the crowd, causing tragedy. The undead is aware of
the PCs’ presence and hopes that they will destroy the gold-
Combat encrest once it endangers the townspeople.
Goldencrests race back and forth in combat, splashing over Disguised as a peasant, a vampire asks the PCs to investi-
their opponents and moving away before turning and charg- gate the disappearance of his “cousin” in a small town. The
ing forward again. “cousin” was a previous employee of the vampire, who had
Positive Energy (Ex): The positive energy infusing a gold- gone to the town to discover why its residents could not be
encrest is raw and unfocused, too much for living beings to turned into undead. Within the town, a secret practice exists
endure. Creatures who take damage from a goldencrest’s posi- of baptizing youths in an underground pool filled with a cap-
tive energy suffer a feeling of internal burning. Undead crea- tive goldencrest. Although many of those baptized are badly
tures take double damage from a goldencrest’s positive energy. injured, the practice prevents residents from ever being filled
Trample (Ex): Reflex with the negative energy required for becoming undead.
I Was Hooked save, DC 15 for half. The
I read the first sentence of the goldencrest
save DC is Strength Golem, Furnace
description and was hooked. It would be based. A goldencrest can By Scott Greene; originally published in The Tome of Horrors II
interesting to set up an encounter that trample creatures for by Necromancer Games.
allowed a PC cleric to command a golden-
crest to help combat a really powerful
2d4+1 points of bludg- Huge Construct
undead. And while I normally am wary of eoning damage and Hit Dice: 24d10+40 (172 hp)
the idea of adding in special rules about 10d6 points of positive Initiative: –1
using monster parts to help create magic
items (it’s hard to balance accurately), I
energy damage (20d6 Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
like the idea of soaking a sword in a living to undead). Armor Class: 32 (–2 size, –1 Dex, +25 natural), touch 7,
goldencrest to get a sun blade. Blindsight (Ex): A flat-footed 32
goldencrest’s entire body Base Attack/Grapple: +18/+41
is a primitive sensory Attack: Slam +31 melee (4d8+15 plus 2d6 fire)
organ that can ascertain Full Attack: 2 slams +31 melee (4d8+15 plus 2d6 fire)
creatures by vibration within 100 feet. Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Glare (Ex): The glare from a goldencrest’s body makes it Special Attacks: Breath weapon, heat, improved grab,
difficult to look at directly, giving it concealment (20 percent furnace-interior
miss chance). Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 15/
Regeneration (Ex): Spells, magic, and energy attacks deal adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to fire, immunity
normal damage to a goldencrest. A goldencrest that loses to magic, low-light vision, resistance to cold 20, rustproof
part of its body mass regrows it in 1d6 minutes. Saves: Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +8
Turning (Ex): By making a turning attempt, characters Abilities: Str 41, Dex 9, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
who channel positive energy can rebuke, command, or bol- Skills: —
ster goldencrests as evil clerics rebuke, command, or bolster Feats: —
undead. Characters who channel negative energy can turn Environment: Any
or destroy goldencrests as good clerics turn or destroy Organization: Solitary
undead. Challenge Rating: 14
Treasure: None
Physiological Uses Alignment: Always neutral
A melee weapon which has soaked for one hour in the posi- Advancement: 22-26 HD (Huge); 27-63 HD (Gargantuan)
tive energy-infused fluid of a living goldencrest can be Level Adjustment: —
imbued with the powers of a sun blade for three-quarters the Furnace golems are 20-foot-tall constructs that look like
normal base price. If the weapon is not a bastard sword, its humanoids clad in black iron armor. A large grate-covered opening
changed weight allows one to wield it as if it were intended in its abdomen houses a roaring fire in its innards. The fires power-
for a user one size category smaller than normal. All other ing a furnace golem are magical in nature; i.e., it needs no source of
creation requirements remain the same. natural fuel to power it and they cannot be extinguished, though if
Other uses for a goldencrest are likely to exist as well. a furnace golem is destroyed, the fires in its innards burn out.

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Chapter Four: Monsters
Furnace golems are most often used to guard arcane Immunity to Magic (Ex): A furnace golem is immune to
secrets or treasures, though some are programmed to seek any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In
out objects or individuals. Those used as guards stand addition, certain spells and effects function differently
motionless, appearing as nothing more than giant black iron against the creature,
statues, until activated. as noted below. A
Furnace golems, like other constructs, obey their creator’s magical attack that If You Can’t Take the Heat ...
commands to the best of their ability. Should the creator die, bypasses its cold Here’s another interesting encounter. A
fight with a furnace golem differs from a
or should the golem’s commands be unattainable, the furnace resistance slows a fur- standard golem encounter because of the
golem becomes rogue. That is, it is still completely functional nace golem (as the fact that this one can trap foes inside
but follows no commands or orders from anyone. slow spell) for 3 itself, inflicting damage on them. Those
not trapped have to decide whether or
rounds, with no not to attack the golem or try to help their
Combat saving throw. trapped friend(s).
Furnace golems open combat using their breath weapon A magical attack
before moving to pulverize their opponents with their massive that deals fire damage
fists. Grabbed opponents are shoved into the golem’s burning breaks any slow effect
interior where they are trapped until they break free or die. on the furnace golem and heals 1 point of damage for each
Breath Weapon (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds, a furnace 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the
golem can belch forth a line of fire 5 feet wide, 5 feet high, amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its full
and 50 feet long; 10d6 points of fire damage, Reflex save, normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points.
DC 22 for half. The save DC is Constitution based. Rustproof (Ex): Though constructed of iron, a furnace
Heat (Ex): A furnace golem’s entire form is extremely hot. golem, unlike an iron golem, is not affected by rust attacks.
Any slam attack deals fire damage. Creatures attacking a fur-
nace golem unarmed or with natural weapons take this same
fire damage each time one of their attacks hits.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the furnace
golem must hit an opponent at least one size category small-
er than itself with a slam attack. It can then attempt to start
a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of
opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it can conduct the
grapple normally or shove an opponent up to two sizes
smaller into its furnace-interior the following round.
Furnace-Interior (Ex): A furnace golem can try to shove
a grabbed opponent up to two sizes smaller than itself into
its interior by making a successful grapple check. An oppo-
nent thrown into the furnace golem’s interior is trapped as a
metal grating closes over the opening in the same round. A
trapped creature automatically takes 2d6 points of fire dam-
age each round. Escaping the creature’s interior requires a
successful Strength check (DC 30) to bend the bars of the
grate. Alternately a trapped creature can escape by dealing at
least 25 points of damage to the bars (AC 22). Note that the
golem’s damage reduction applies to all attacks against the
bars. A Huge furnace golem’s interior can hold 2 Medium, 8
Small, or 16 Tiny or smaller creatures.
Construct Traits (Ex): Immune to mind-affecting effects
(charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale
effects), poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, death effects,
necromancy effects, and polymorph. Immune to any effect
that requires a Fortitude save (unless it works on objects, or
is harmless). Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage,
ability damage, energy drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or death
from massive damage; cannot be healed, raised or resurrect-
ed, though it can be repaired.

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62 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

A furnace golem’s body is constructed from 8,000 lbs. of
iron mixed with rare ingredients and chemicals totaling
12,000 gp. Creating the body requires a Craft (armor-
smithing or weaponsmithing) check (DC 20).
Caster level 16th; Craft Construct (see MM), fireball,
geas/quest, limited wish, polymorph any object, wall of fire, caster
must be at least 16th level; Price 180,000 gp; Cost 102,000 gp
+ 6,720 XP.

Hanged Man
By Scott Greene; originally published in The Tome of Horrors II
by Necromancer Games.
Medium Undead
Hit Dice: 4d12 (26 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 11,
flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+4
Attack: Rope +4 ranged touch (drag) or claw +4 melee
Full Attack: Rope +4 ranged touch (drag) or 2 claws
+4 melee (1d4+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. (20 ft. with rope)
Special Attacks: Drag, rope
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., undead traits
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +4
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 13, Con —, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 13 one wrongfully accused of a crime and hanged. It is a malevo-
Skills: Climb +7* (+2 when climbing ropes), Hide +6, lent and vengeful creature that attacks living creatures on
Move Silently +6, Use Rope +13* sight.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (rope) Hanged men are usually encountered near the area where
Environment: Any they were killed or in cemeteries, mausoleums, or graveyards
Organization: Solitary where their body was laid to rest. They prey on the living
Challenge Rating: 3 and are found near civilized areas where their food supply is
Treasure: 50% standard plentiful. Their lairs are either their final resting places or
Alignment: Always chaotic evil secluded and overgrown areas near the place of their death.
Advancement: 5–12 HD (Medium) The lairs are always scattered with the remains of its vic-
Level Adjustment: — tims, including any treasure a former meal happened to be
This creature has pale carrying.
Not Your Average Encounter skin pulled tight over its Hanged men do not speak, but they can utter choked
The hanged man provides a different
bones. Its head hangs at an gurgles, gasps, and strangled moans.
kind of encounter experience than a odd angle, seemingly
standard, straight-up fight. The hanged unsupported by a broken Combat
man’s rope draws a foe closer to it, and
puts the PCs in a quandary unlike the
neck. A rotted noose and A hanged man attacks primarily with its rope, which has
standard monster encounter, where the several feet of rope hang become imbued with negative energy and now acts as an
best thing is to just attack. I like the from its neck and trail off extension of the hanged man itself. It uses its rope to cap-
dynamic of a PC being dragged across
the battlefield while everyone else is
behind it. It eyes have no ture victims and draw them in, at which point it rips and
fighting or casting spells. The rope is pupils. tears them to shreds with its filthy claws.
really hard to sever (and rightfully so). A hanged man is the Drag (Ex): If a hanged man hits with its rope attack, the
I’d recommend using this creature as the
final encounter in an adventure for 1st-
restless corpse of an evil rope latches onto the opponent’s body. This deals no dam-
or 2nd-level characters. It would be humanoid that was age but drags the opponent 10 feet closer each subsequent
extremely challenging. hanged or the spirit of round (provoking no attack of opportunity) unless that

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Four: Monsters
creature breaks free, which requires an Escape Artist check species of plant in existence, or to learn the secrets of creat-
(DC 18) or a Strength check (DC 14). The check DCs are ing perfect wine. Regardless of their missions, they shared
Strength based, and the Escape Artist Difficulty Class the same end: After death, their lust for knowledge overcame
includes a +4 racial bonus. A hanged man can draw a crea- the laws of nature, driving them to search the world for fur-
ture to within 5 feet of itself and attack with both claws with ther information. But with their minds shattered and their
a +4 attack bonus in the same round. self-identities subsumed by their missions, inscribers are
Rope (Su): The rope of a hanged man is about 30 feet long unable to learn from experience. Instead, they rob the memo-
and can lash forward 20 feet or upward 10 feet to grab a vic- ries of the living and drink the text of books.
tim and drag it closer to the hanged man (see its drag ability, Inscribers look like corpses on the verge of decomposition,
above). The rope has AC 22, hardness 10, and 10 hit points, wearing whatever garb they were buried in. Their eyes glow
and it has damage reduction 5/slashing. If the hanged man’s a soft yellow, and their skin is covered with black writing.
rope is severed (by reducing it to 0 or less hit points), both Many inscribers have a gray cast to their skin, due to the
the rope and the hanged man are destroyed. Upon the bleeding of the magical ink. The writing is an inscriber’s
hanged man’s destruction, the rope crumbles to dust. summary and analysis of absorbed texts and memories, and
* Skills: Using its animated rope, a hanged man has a +10 is constantly scrawled over blank flesh as if by an invisible
racial bonus on Climb checks. Hanged men have a +6 racial pen. When inscribers run out of room on their bodies, they
bonus on Use Rope checks. tear off strips of skin, and press the “pages” into enormous
tomes they carry at all times. The skin soon regrows and is
Inscriber filled with writing once again.
By Alex Freed and Jeffrey J. Visgaitis; originally published in Denizens of Inscribers use their absorbed information to determine
Avadnu by The Inner Circle. where to search for more. They travel to libraries, monaster-
Medium Undead ies, the homes of experts in their fields, and wherever else
Hit Dice: 4d12 (26 hp) they might acquire knowledge. Although they rarely cause
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+4 natural); touch 10; flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+3
Attack: Slam +3 melee (1d4+1 plus mnemonic exchange)
Full Attack: Slam +3 melee (1d4+1 plus mnemonic
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Confusion aura, mnemonic exchange
Special Qualities: Absorb text, darkvision 60 ft., fast
healing 1, spell-like abilities, undead traits
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +5
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 10, Con —, Int 19, Wis 13, Cha 15
Skills: Concentration +7, Craft or Knowledge (any two) +14,
Decipher Script +11, Listen +5, Move Silently +2, Profes-
sion (any one) +8, Search +11, Sense Motive +7, Spot +5
Feats: Skill Focus (any Craft or Knowledge) (2)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5–12 HD (Medium)
It has been said that the search for knowledge can be
a soul-consuming pursuit. The unfortunate case of the
inscribers proves the saying’s literal truth.
Every inscriber was once a living scholar who
obsessed over a certain field of study. Some
inscribers devoted their lives to particulars of
occult lore, while others strove to catalog every

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64 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

harm intentionally, inscribers can bring great misfortune to surfaces, and the text swirls through the air into the
populated areas due to the auras of confusion that sur- inscriber’s mouth. Affected objects are left blank, and the
round them. inscriber gains full knowledge of all the absorbed text.
Inscribers do not speak, but they understand Common Only text written with some form of liquid (whether ink,
and any languages they knew in life. An inscriber is exceed- dye, or blood) is affected. Objects the inscriber is unaware
ingly difficult to communicate with, but a creature who gets of (such as hidden objects and items inside containers) are
an inscriber’s attention by displaying knowledge of the unharmed, and attended or magical items can make Will
inscriber’s chosen field has a chance of getting through to saves (DC 14) to resist. The save DC is Charisma based. If
what remains of the scholar’s mind. When this happens, the the inscriber absorbs the text of a scroll, the inscriber gains
inscriber’s writing slows as it lets its focus slip. There are sto- the ability to cast the scroll’s spells once each as a spell-like
ries of inscribers who, reminded of their lives, chose to assist ability.
those who approached them by giving away some of their Spell-Like Abilities: At the start of any encounter, a given
knowledge. inscriber is assumed to have absorbed 1d4–1 scrolls. The
inscriber can cast each spell from a scroll once as a spell-like
Combat ability, at the scroll’s caster level. The contents of absorbed
Inscribers generally pursue their own tasks, ignoring others scrolls can be determined as if they were medium magic
and protected by their confusion auras. Inscribers who are items found in treasure. The inscriber can also convert (as a
attacked or who have their tomes stolen will use any appro- good cleric converts prepared spells to cure spells) spell-like
priate spell-like abilities abilities gained from scrolls into any of the following: discern
they have absorbed on location, find the path, illusory script (DC 15), legend lore, secret
Ouch! their opponents, and page, sepia snake sigil (DC 15). Caster level 7th. The save DCs
The inscriber is cool because of how well then, if brought into are Charisma based.
its powers play toward its theme. The use melee, daze and drain Inscribers activate their spell-like abilities by tearing off
of Intelligence damage and confusion
effects to portray its use of knowledge as their enemies. skin where mystic text is written and holding the scraps
a weapon is wonderful. Plus, imagine the Confusion Aura aloft. The skin cannot be used by creatures other than the
inscriber that absorbs the wizard player (Su): All intelligent inscriber.
character’s spellbook. Ouch.
creatures who come
within 40 feet of an Inscribers’ Tomes
inscriber have their A typical inscriber’s tome weighs about 4 lbs. and is slightly
minds flooded with images and words related to the smaller than a human torso. It has no inherent magical qual-
inscriber’s area of study. An affected creature must succeed ities, but may be warded with illusory script and sepia snake
at a Will save (DC 14) or be overwhelmed by the torrent of sigil. The text is written in the inscriber’s native language,
information and confused for 2d4 rounds. Creatures who and its style is confusing and opaque. Nonetheless, an
make successful saves cannot be affected again by that inscriber’s tome is an extremely comprehensive and valuable
inscriber’s aura for 24 hours. An inscriber’s confusion aura resource on a given subject. A creature using an inscriber’s
is a mind-affecting phantasm effect. The save DC is tome for research must make an appropriate Craft,
Charisma based. Knowledge, or Profession check in the inscriber’s area of
Mnemonic Exchange (Su): Intelligent creatures hit by an study to understand enough of the text to find useful infor-
inscriber’s slam attack are affected by one of two possible mation. The Difficulty Class for this check ranges from 15 for
effects (inscriber’s choice). The inscriber can either cause 1d6 relatively common information to 30 for extremely compli-
points of Intelligence damage to the creature, learning all the cated or obscure topics.
creature knows about the inscriber’s area of study in the Inscribers will fight to the death to protect their tomes
process, or infuse the creature with a portion of the and abandon their quests to recover them.
inscriber’s own knowledge. In the latter case, the creature
gains a +6 competence bonus on a Craft, Knowledge, or Adventure Ideas
Profession skill possessed by the inscriber for a number of Centuries ago, an immortal trickster convinced a young
days equal to the creature’s Intelligence modifier. It must man to devote his life to researching the gods. Now that
immediately succeed at a Will save (DC 16) or be dazed for young man is an ancient inscriber and has uncovered a ter-
2d12 rounds. This is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC is rible secret. The PCs must keep the trickster from finding
Intelligence based. and capturing the inscriber, while trying to learn where the
Absorb Text (Su): An inscriber can absorb the text of all former scholar is traveling to, and possibly gain his alle-
written materials within 15 feet as a standard action. By giance.
concentrating, the inscriber lifts all writing off nearby

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Four: Monsters
By Alex Freed and C.D. Bennett; originally published in Denizens of Avadnu
by The Inner Circle.
Large Magical Beast (Psionic)
Hit Dice: 7d10+21 (59 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 16 (–1 size, +7 natural); touch 9; flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+16
Attack: Claw +11 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +11 melee (1d6+5) and tail slam +6
melee (2d4+2) and bite +6 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Electricity aura, mind switch, psi-like
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity,
low-light vision, telepathy 100 ft.
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +4
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 5, Wis 11, Cha 12
Skills: Concentration +5, Listen +2, Perfect Recall +6
(see page 69), PsicraftP (Spellcraft) +8, Spot +2
Feats: Ability Focus (mind switch), Combat ManifestationP
(Combat Casting), Iron Will
Environment: Any forests
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 7
Treasure: None nests near a dryad’s grove might be calm and peaceful. Kei-
Alignment: Often neutral ehri can even gain intelligence from long-term exposure to
Advancement: 8–12 HD (Large); 13–14 HD (Huge) particularly intelligent creatures, but are ordinarily content
Kei-ehri are psionic, forest-dwelling lithovores that have to live animalistic lives.
enormous power over thought and electricity. Some theories claim that kei-ehri, merely by existing and
Loosely resembling a reptile, an average kei-ehri is 15 feet maintaining their diet of crystals, somehow regulate the
long from nose to tail and weighs over half a ton. Its smooth, flow of thought through electricity. Conversations held with
scaly skin is bright blue, and occasionally flares and glows kei-ehri intelligent enough to speak on the subject suggest
with bursts of electricity. Its legs end in long talons, and its they believe that without kei-ehri, living material beings
spine and tail are lightly armored with bone plating. Its head could not think. This would explain the kei-ehri hatred of
is topped with a three-pronged bone crest and small tendrils undead and constructs, which they consider offensive imita-
fall around its muzzle. A kei-ehri carries a faintly burnt odor, tions of life.
crossed with the scent of a natural spring. Kei-ehri cannot speak, and while they can communicate
Kei-ehri make their forest nests from toppled trees, telepathically, most are not smart enough to care to do so.
leaves, and other foliage, and spend their days searching for
the stones and crystals that compose their diet. They rarely Combat
interact with creatures, including their own kind. Despite Violent kei-ehri strike at their opponents with powers such
this fact, kei-ehri are never strictly alone: from before birth, as energy current first, using physical attacks as a last resort.
they can hear “loose thoughts” around them—mental More peaceful kei-ehri try to disable their enemies without
impressions, ideas, and words that escape creatures’ minds doing harm, with brain lock and by switching creatures’
and float through the atmosphere as electrical signals. minds.
When a kei-ehri lays its eggs, it purposefully embeds its Electricity Aura (Su): A kei-ehri can increase the violence
thoughts in the air, educating its unborn children long after and size of the electrical arcs that cross its body as a free
it abandons them. Adult kei-ehri can have their personali- action, striking at creatures nearby. Creatures take 2d4 points
ties shaped by the thoughts of nearby creatures over a peri- of electricity damage per round while within 5 feet of the kei-
od of months—a kei-ehri who forages near an assassin’s ehri (Reflex save, DC 16, negates). The save DC is
hideout might be cruel and violent, whereas a kei-ehri who Constitution based.

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66 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Mind Switch (Su): Twice per day, a kei-ehri can swap the Kulumar
minds of any two living corporeal creatures (possibly includ- By Alex Freed, C.D. Bennett, Jason Rosenstock and Jeffrey J. Visgaitis; originally
ing itself) within 30 feet. This is similar to the power true published in Denizens of Avadnu by The Inner Circle.
mind switchP (or the spell magic jar), but neither creature can Large Aberration (Extraplanar)
voluntarily switch back Hit Dice: 7d8+21 (52 hp)
and there is no Hit Initiative: +3 (Dex)
A Compelling Creature Dice limit. Each crea- Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 30 ft.
The kei-ehri’s mind switch ability is going ture must fail a Will Armor Class: 17 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural); touch 12,
to really throw its foes for a loop and save (DC 16) for the flat-footed 14
make for a memorable encounter. Plus,
its thoughts-as-electricity theme is switch to occur. The Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+12
compelling. effect is accompanied Attack: Claw +7 melee (1d6+3)
by a lightning bolt Full Attack: 2 claws +7 melee (1d6+3) and bite +5 melee
that travels between (1d6+1)
the creatures at the Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
moment of transfer. The death of the kei-ehri’s original body Special Attacks: Shadow rend
returns all switched minds to their proper places without Special Qualities: Shadow slave, blindsight 90 ft., hide in
harm, but also kills both the kei-ehri and any creature in the plain sight, shadow jump
kei-ehri’s body. The save DC is Charisma based and includes Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5
the kei-ehri’s Ability Focus feat. Abilities: Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 14
Psi-Like Abilities: At will—brain lock (affects aberrations, Skills: Bluff +9, Climb +11, Hide +14*, Intimidate +9, Jump
animals, dragons, elementals, fey, giants, magical beasts, +10, Listen +2, Move Silently +14*, Tumble +10
monstrous humanoids, and outsiders, DC 13*)P (hold person Feats: Improved Grapple, Multiattack, Persuasive
[DC 14]), ego whip (2d4, DC 15*)P (touch of idiocy), energy stun Environment: Plane of Shadow
(electricity, manifester level 7th, 5d6, DC 17*)P (shocking Organization: Solitary
grasp), hypercognitionP (legend lore), mind probe (DC 16)P Challenge Rating: 6
(detect thoughts [DC 13]), thought shield (8 rounds, power Treasure: None
resistance 20*)P (nondetection); 3/day—energy current (elec- Alignment: Always lawful evil
tricity, manifester level 13th, two secondary targets, DC 18*)P Advancement: By character class
(chain lightning [DC 17]). Manifester level 10th. The save DCs Kulumars are eyeless predators with a mystical affinity for
are Charisma based. shadow.
Telepathy (Su): A kei-ehri can communicate telepathically Fast, muscular, and agile, kulumars stand 8 to 10 feet tall
with any intelligent creature within 100 feet that has a lan- and weigh an average of 400 lbs. Their hairless skin is an
guage. almost reflective blue, and their long limbs end in black
Skills: Kei-ehri have a +8 racial bonus on Perfect Recall claws useful for clinging to walls and ceilings. From the bot-
and PsicraftP checks. tom of kulumars’ wormlike heads grow stalks that allow
* Includes augmentation for the kei-ehri’s manifester level. them to sense their surroundings. Kulumars naturally cast
Abilities marked with P are from the Psionics Handbook. Suggested replace- no shadows but can steal shadows from other creatures.
ments appear in parentheses. Kulumars lurk in the deepest parts of the earth, wandering
alone through tunnels and caverns. Some collect arcana, while
Adventure Ideas others seem intent on destroying all intelligent creatures they
A psion studying the kei-ehri comes to the player characters find. They never associate with each other, but readily talk to
and begs for their help. He recently discovered a kei-ehri that those who question them—even during combat. They are
has gone mad and turned evil due to the presence of an abo- polite and articulate, occasionally helpful, but often difficult to
leth in a nearby lake. He asks the player characters to help understand. Questions about their nature, habits, and purpose
restrain the kei-ehri and bring it to a monastery where it can are answered with talk of penumbras, the “low world,” and the
recover. But the psion does not know the full story—the kei- “blue shadow.” Kulumars seem unable to define these terms
ehri gained the aboleth’s intelligence and switched minds without relating them to one another. But kulumars can dis-
with the creature. It hopes to use its new power to turn its cuss most other issues rationally and occasionally ally with
old body into a “lightning rod” for thought, controlling aboleths and dark elves, or perform services in return for
minds worldwide. knowledge or magic. They are treacherous and deceitful, but
generally twist words instead of lying outright. If kulumars
were slightly less belligerent and enigmatic, they would easi-
ly find friends among the underworld races.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Four: Monsters
It is unknown whether kulumars reproduce, as there
exists no documentation of kulumar young. It is believed
that kulumars are sexless, and that only a set number exist. A
leading theory holds that kulumars are shadows cast on the
material plane by some extraplanar monster, but kulumars
respond to this notion with politely amused descriptions of
indecipherable esoterica.
Kulumars speak Undercommon.

Kulumars use hit-and-run tactics: striking, shadow jumping
to safety, hiding, and repeating the cycle as many times as
they can. If possible, they grapple lone opponents and shad-
ow jump with them. A kulumar who manages to steal an
opponent’s shadow usually flees; kulumars are generally will-
ing to wait a few days if it means they can kill their enemies
with minimal risk.
Shadow Rend (Su): A living creature hit by both of a
kulumar’s claw attacks or who is transported with the kulumar
during a shadow jump risks having its shadow stolen. The
creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or have its
shadow pulled through its body and ripped out by the
kulumar. The save DC is Charisma based. The kulumar then
casts the creature’s shadow, and the creature casts none. A
kulumar can cast any number of shadows at different angles.
For every day the creature goes without a shadow, it partly
fades into nonexistence, taking 1d4 points of Constitution
drain. When its Constitution reaches 0, it dies and disap-
pears, along with its shadow. If the creature rejoins with its sidered blinded. Kulumars are invulnerable to gaze attacks,
shadow by touching it (an unarmed melee touch attack visual effects of spells such as illusions, and other attack
against the kulumar, if the kulumar is casting the shadow, or forms that rely on sight.
against the shadow if it is detached from and controlled by Hide in Plain Sight (Su): Kulumars can use the Hide skill
the kulumar), it regains any Constitution lost. Only a miracle even while being observed. As long as they are within 10 feet
or wish spell can replace a living creature’s shadow, and this of some sort of shadow, kulumars can hide themselves from
does not restore lost Constitution. Returning from the dead view in the open without anything to actually hide behind.
rejoins a creature with its shadow and restores all lost Kulumars cannot hide in their own shadows.
Constitution. Shadow Jump (Su): A kulumar can travel between shad-
Shadow Slave (Su): A kulumar can detach from its body ows as if by means of a dimension door spell. Even unwilling
any shadows it has stolen as a free action. A shadow so creatures be can transported with the kulumar if they are
detached lifts off the ground and resembles a dark, transpar- restrained or grappled.
ent version of the creature it was originally connected to. The limitation is that
Treat the shadow as an unseen servant with an Armor Class of the magical transport Master of Shadows
13 that follows the kulumar’s verbal commands while within must begin and end in The kulumar is cool for its shadow rend and
120 feet. If the shadow leaves this range, or if the kulumar is an area with at least shadow slave abilities. DMs may want to
consider utilizing this creature along with
killed (which automatically detaches all the kulumar’s shad- some shadow. The the shadow stitch spell in Chapter Three.
ows), it immediately heads toward where it last saw its right- kulumar can jump up
ful owner, willingly rejoining if possible. If the shadow is to a total of 200 feet
destroyed, it cannot be rejoined with its owner. each day in this way.
Kulumars treat their shadows as slaves, sending them to This amount can be
open doors, carry their belongings, and fulfill the requests of split among many jumps, but each one, no matter how small,
guests. counts as at least a 10-foot increment.
Blindsight (Ex): A kulumar can sense all foes within 90 * Skills: Kulumars have a +8 racial bonus on Hide and
feet as a sighted creature would. Beyond that range, it is con- Move Silently checks.

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68 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Adventure Ideas
A shadowdancer asks the player characters to travel with him
underground to stop a dark elf priestess from cementing an
alliance with a kulumar. Although the shadowdancer claims
(truthfully) that this will give the priestess a dangerous
amount of power, the shadowdancer’s real goal is to have
the PCs help him find the kulumar. He hopes to convince
the kulumar to teach him its powers. When the PCs do find
the kulumar, however, it might have its own offer to make.

By Alex Freed, C.D. Bennett and Michael A. Mumich; originally published in
Denizens of Avadnu by The Inner Circle.
Medium Outsider (Evil, Native)
Hit Dice: 10d8+20 (65 hp)
Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative)
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+4 natural); touch 10; flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+10
Attack: Claw +10 melee (1d4)
Full Attack: 2 claws +10 melee (1d4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, steal spell
Special Qualities: Absorb spell, damage reduction 10/magic,
darkvision 60 ft., spell magnetism, spell resistance 25
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +9
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 18
Skills: Appraise +13, Concentration +15, Craft (alchemy)
+15, Decipher Script +18, Hide +10, Intimidate +8,
Knowledge (any two) +15, Knowledge (arcana) +18,
Listen +14, Move Silently +10, Perfect Recall +18 (see page
69), Search +17, Spellcraft +20, Spot +14, Survival +8 bodies, chalky, blue-tinted skin, and flat, androgynous faces.
Feats: Ability Focus (steal spell), Combat Casting, Improved Their eye sockets are empty, save for flickering violet flames
Initiative, Improve Spell-Like Abilities (EmpowerB, where their pupils should be, and their mouths are small
EnlargeB, ExtendB, HeightenB, MaximizeB, QuickenB, slits. Madrir usually clothe themselves in long robes tattered
WidenB)*, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (dispel magic) and faded from centuries of use, and wear necklaces with
Environment: Any crystal pendants.
Organization: Solitary or circle (3–7) The term “madrir” originally referred to members of a
Challenge Rating: 9 secret society of arcane spellcasters. Long ago, the society
Treasure: Standard was made up of humans seeking to better their skills and
Alignment: Always neutral evil expand their knowledge. Their search brought them to a
Advancement: 11–14 HD (Medium) powerful sorcerer who promised them power beyond any-
* The feats Improve Spell-Like Abilities (Empower, Enlarge, Extend, Heighten, thing they had achieved. She gave each spellcaster a crystal,
Maximize, Quicken, Widen) all work like the metamagic feats of similar names in explaining that it was through the crystals that they would
the Player’s Handbook except that instead of increasing the spell’s level, they gain their power. She then withdrew into a hidden valley,
increase the time required to use the spell-like ability by 1, 2, or 3 rounds. performing a dark ritual which warped the spellcasters’ bod-
Madrir are evil spell- ies and minds. Their crystals did grant them power, however,
Turn the Tables! casters who bend and and in return, they declared the sorcerer their god.
I guess I just like foes that mess up spell- absorb magic. Over the centuries, the madrir became little more than the
casters, and that’s all there is to it. The Madrir stand rough- sorcerer’s mindless slaves. Their only desire appears to be to
madrir’s steal spell ability is going to turn
the tables on the player characters, using ly 7 feet tall, but weigh serve her, and her motives are unknown. Madrir have been
their favorite spells against them. Spell less than 120 lbs. They encountered guarding areas of magical power, gathering arti-
magnetism is really interesting as well. have wiry humanoid facts, and murdering powerful spellcasters, but they have

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Four: Monsters
also been seen traveling roads in the wilderness, wandering madrir casts successfully, the spell functions as if it had
without obvious purpose. They are uncommunicative but pay always belonged to the madrir, but its caster level is the same
close attention to individuals who offer information that as its original owner’s. Regardless of whether or not the
intrigues them and occasionally reward assistance. madrir completes the casting, the creature whose spell was
Madrir understand Common, Draconic, Celestial, Abyssal, stolen can no longer use that spell or spell slot, as if it had
and Infernal, but virtually never speak. cast the spell itself.
Absorb Spell (Su):
New Skill: Perfect Recall
Combat A spell that targets a
For creatures who live thousands of years,
Madrir prefer to attack intelligent creatures on sight, but madrir but fails to like the kei-ehri and madrir, it is essential
often lack the energy required to fight non-spellcasters. In overcome its spell that they learn how to remember things
these situations, they use their low-level abilities such as resistance is absorbed clearly and how to sort through a lifetime
of memories.
cause fear, hold person, enervation, and vampiric touch, magically by the madrir, and
escaping if necessary. Except for when their opponents pres- adds a number of Check: A creature can make a Perfect
Recall check to remember an event from
ent a clear threat to their goals, they do not pursue fleeing charges equal to its long ago in vivid detail, with incredible
enemies. spell level to the accuracy.
If arcane spellcasters are among their opponents, madrir madrir’s total stored Remember an Event From DC
use considerably different tactics. They begin combat by charges. 1 year ago 10
4 years ago 15
using their spell magnetism to absorb as much magic as prac- Spell Magnetism 20 years ago 20
tical. During this time, they steal any particularly powerful (Su): For a total of 100 years ago 25
spells their enemies possess, either to absorb themselves or 4 rounds per day, a 500 years ago 30
2,500 years ago 35
to devastate their opponents. Only once they have exhausted madrir can use its
their opponents’ resources do they use their own spell-like spell magnetism abili- The importance of the memory can make
it easier or harder to recall.
abilities. Physically dangerous creatures are isolated with wall ty. While this ability is
Perfect Recall Importance DC
or forcecage spells, and madrir readily augment themselves in use, each creature
with protective spells. They willingly fight until almost dead, within 60 feet of the Trivial; the food at a particular +10
but uneventful breakfast.
but usually try to flee with their last opportunities. madrir with available
Minor; the name of an acquain- +5
Spell-Like Abilities: A madrir can use stored spell charges arcane spells or spell tance or coworker.
to power spell-like abilities. Each spell-like ability a madrir uses slots must, on its
Somewhat; the name of a casual +0
requires it to spend a number of charges equal to the spell’s level. turn, choose an arcane friend or the layout of a previous
0-level spells can be cast at will by the madrir. At the start of a spell that does not home.
given encounter, an average madrir has 3d4 stored spell charges. have an XP or costly Very; the name of a lover or close –5
0—detect magic, mage hand, read magic; 1st—cause fear, material component friend or the circumstances of a
life-altering battle.
charm person, mage armor, shield; 2nd—ghoul touch, invisibility, from its highest-level
mirror image, see invisibility, spectral hand; 3rd—deep slumber, available slot. Before Extreme; the exact words of a mortal –10
enemy’s dying curse, or the hiding
dispel magic, gaseous form, hold person, nondetection, vampiric the creature acts, the place of an artifact.
touch; 4th—dimension door, enervation, wall of fire, wall of ice; spell is drawn forth Action: Usually none. Like Knowledge
5th—overland flight, prying eyes, teleport, waves of fatigue; 6th— from it, and targets checks, remembering doesn’t take an
antimagic field, eyebite, greater dispel magic, true seeing; 7th— the madrir as if the action.
control undead, ethereal jaunt, forcecage, phase door, plane shift; creature had cast it Try Again: Not for one month, unless the
8th—maze; 9th—energy drain. normally (regardless creature is presented with something to
remind it of the memory.
Caster level 15th. The save DCs are Charisma based (DC of its normal casting
14 + spell level). time). A spell that
Steal Spell (Su): A madrir can attempt to cast arcane cannot target the
spells through other creatures within 60 feet. The madrir madrir (such as a spell with a short range or a spell that tar-
chooses a creature, who must make a Will save (DC 21). If gets objects) is absorbed by the madrir automatically, and
the creature succeeds, the madrir fails to access its magic that grants the madrir a number of charges equal to its spell level.
round. If it fails, the madrir chooses one arcane spell the Other spells affect the madrir normally (and can be absorbed
creature can cast (either prepared, or available through an if they fail to penetrate its spell resistance). In all cases, the
open spell slot). The save DC is Charisma based and includes spell or spell slot used ceases to be available to the affected
the madrir’s Ability Focus feat. creature, as if it had cast the spell normally.
The madrir immediately proceeds to cast the spell (draw- The madrir can begin or cease using this ability as a free
ing attacks of opportunity as normal), providing any compo- action, but each round during which the madrir uses its spell
nents, and taking the spell’s normal casting time. If the magnetism adds 1 round to the total used that day.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

70 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Adventure Ideas
An order of mages has recently claimed a relic of great
power. However, a madrir has been killing the order’s mem-
bers, apparently seeking out the item. A high-ranking mem-
ber of the order comes to the PCs for help and asks them to
go to the ruins from which the relic was recovered, and look
for clues as to what’s going on. Somewhere within the ruins
are inscriptions that detail the purpose of the madrir’s

Nightmare Collector
By Alex Freed; originally published in Denizens of Avadnu by The Inner
Huge Construct
Hit Dice: 21d10+40 (155 hp)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 40 ft. (can’t run) (8 squares)
Armor Class: 27 (–2 size, +1 Dex, +18 natural); touch 9;
flat-footed 26
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+33
Attack: Claw +23 melee (2d6+10)
Full Attack: 2 claws +23 melee (2d6+10)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Animate objects, dark duplicate, death designs attracted the nightmares of dreamers, trapping the
throes, weird nightmares inside them and ensuring peaceful sleep for any-
Special Qualities: Construct traits, courage vulnerability, one nearby. But the nightmares never disappeared, and the
damage reduction 15/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., devices became saturated in them. Combined with the devices’
dimension door, low-light vision, nightmare siphon, magic, the collected thoughts gave the constructs a semblance
resistance to cold 30, electricity 30, and fire 30 of life. Since then, evil spellcasters have created animate night-
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7 mare collectors knowingly to suit their own designs.
Abilities: Str 31, Dex 12, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 12 Nightmare collectors are mindless; the nightmares inside
Environment: Any them urge them to destroy living creatures, and their magic
Organization: Solitary attracts them to dreamers, but they have no real sentience.
Challenge Rating: 16 Left alone, most settle on the outskirts of cities, absorbing
Treasure: None nightmares and killing those who find them. More problem-
Alignment: Always neutral atic is when a nightmare collector falls into the hands of a
Advancement: 22–31 HD (Huge); 32–40 HD (Gargantuan) creature powerful enough to control it—some beings can
Originally built to siphon away nightmares and grant feed on or learn from the captured nightmares, while others
serene rest, nightmare collectors are constructs that have relish a collector’s sheer destructive force.
gained power and life from sleepers’ fears.
Nightmare collectors are huge, polished stone statues. Combat
Their designs vary, but most have several thick legs ending in Nightmare collectors, despite their violence, are poor tacti-
sharp points and attaching to a hollow cylinder of a body. cians. They readily use their supernatural abilities, but not
Both legs and body are often etched or paneled with strange always efficiently; while nightmare collectors know to use
designs or meaningless characters, and stone heads of their weird cones on groups rather than individuals, differen-
humanoids, beasts, or monsters line the cylinder’s side or tiating between spellcasters and melee combatants is more
hang from its lower edge. Above the cylinder boil over colored than they can handle. Therefore, most nightmare collectors
fumes that form images from the collector’s stored night- cycle through their abilities, occasionally striking with their
mares. Most nightmare collectors easily fill square rooms 20 claws at combatants who resist their magic, and using dimen-
feet wide and 20 feet high, and many stand in chambers sion door to chase fleeing opponents. Nightmare collectors
designed to house them, filled with ornate arches and pools. never retreat.
The first nightmare collectors were built in densely popu- A nightmare collector’s natural weapons are treated as magic
lated communities. Their magical endowments and horrific weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Four: Monsters
Animate Objects (Su): Three times per day as the spell Adventure Ideas
(caster level 10th), but animated objects return to normal if The nightmares of a madman hold secrets the player characters
the nightmare collector is destroyed. must learn, but the madman has disappeared. A night hag
Dark Duplicate (Su): A nightmare collector can create a comes to the PCs and tells them that the madman once traveled
duplicate of any living creature with fewer than 30 HD with- through a town where
in 60 feet. Only one duplicate can be created per creature per locals claim no one ever Nightmare Collector
day, and creatures that do not sleep (including elves) cannot has nightmares. The This is a creature I wish I’d created. The
be duplicated. A duplicate forms anywhere within 60 feet hag believes that a dark duplicate power is the kind of thing
that’s fun to throw against PCs. The
that the collector chooses, and ceases to exist after 2d4 nightmare collector is courage vulnerability is a nice touch, as
rounds or if the collector is destroyed. near the town, and is the nightmare siphon.
Treat a duplicate as if it were conjured by a shades spell, suggests that if the PCs
including granting Will saves (DC 21) to disbelieve. The save can find and destroy it, she can enter the freed nightmares and
DC is Charisma based. Duplicates have all the levels, abili- learn what the PCs need. The offer seems genuine, but the night
ties, equipment, and spells of the original creatures, but hag refuses to say what she wants from the collected dreams.
attacks, spells, and magical equipment used against creatures
who recognize the duplicates as illusory cause four-fifths Time Flayer
normal damage or (if an effect does not cause damage in hit By Scott Greene; originally published in The Tome of Horrors II
points) are only 80 percent likely to work. Creatures gain a by Necromancer Games.
+2 bonus on their saves to disbelieve for every 24 hours they Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)
have gone without sleep before encountering the nightmare Hit Dice: 13d8+39 (97 hp)
collector. Creatures that do not sleep automatically recognize Initiative: +6
the duplicates as illusory. Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Duplicates resemble their original counterparts, but are Armor Class: 27 (+2 Dex, +10 natural, +5 insight), touch 17,
obviously fakes. Many have glowing eyes, fangs, or other sin- flat-footed — (foresight ability, see below)
ister features. They can speak, and have all the knowledge of Base Attack/Grapple: +13/+17
their counterparts, but are obsessed with destroying all living Attack: +1 greatsword +19 melee (1d10+7, 19-20/×2)
creatures around them. Full Attack: +1 greatsword +19/+14/+9 melee (1d10+7,
Death Throes (Su): When destroyed, a nightmare collec- 19–20/×2)
tor releases its energy in a wave. Any creature within a 90- Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
foot spread must succeed at a Will save (DC 21) or be affect- Special Attacks: Temporal displacement, unmaking
ed as by a sleep spell with no Hit Dice limit, with a duration Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/cold iron, darkvision
of 1d4 hours. The save DC is Charisma based. 60 ft., foresight, outsider traits, reality bend, time
Weird (Su): A nightmare collector can affect all creatures immunity, time jaunt
in a 30-foot cone as with a weird spell (caster level 20th; save Saves: Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +13
DC 21). The save DC is Charisma based. Creatures gain a +2 Abilities: Str 19, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 18
bonus on their saves for every 24 hours they have gone with- Skills: Balance +9, Bluff +14, Climb +9, Diplomacy +18, Escape
out sleep before encountering the nightmare collector. Artist +14, Hide +18, Intimidate +20, Jump +14, Knowledge
Creatures that do not sleep are immune to the effect. (history) +21, Knowledge (the planes) +21, Listen +21,
Courage Vulnerability (Ex): A creature that is the recipi- Move Silently +18, Search +21, Sense Motive +21, Spot +21,
ent of any morale bonus applies the morale bonus to damage Survival +21 (+23 on other planes, +23 following tracks)
rolls against nightmare collectors and dark duplicates. Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes,
Creatures immune to fear gain a +6 morale bonus on damage Mobility, Weapon Focus (greatsword)
rolls against nightmare collectors and dark duplicates. As Environment: Plane of time
always, multiple morale bonuses do not stack. Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4)
Dimension Door (Su): As the spell (caster level 10th), but Challenge Rating: 12
a nightmare collector can only use this ability when unseen Treasure: Standard plus +1 greatsword
by living creatures. Alignment: Usually neutral evil
Nightmare Siphon (Su): Any creature that rests within Advancement: 14–39 HD (Medium)
1,000 feet of a nightmare collector sleeps peacefully, without Level Adjustment: —
disturbing dreams of any sort, and is immune to the spell This creature appears as a shimmering white humanoid in robes
nightmare. For every creature within range that sleeps eight of black and silver, and with eyes of sparkling fire. Its long, thin
hours or more, the nightmare collector is cured of 1 point of arms end in relatively humanoid hands. No other discernable
damage. features can be ascertained. The creature moves with elegant grace,

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72 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

almost as if it were floating a few inches from the ground.

It carries a greatsword in its hand.
Time flayers are natives to the plane of time and are most
often encountered on that plane, the astral plane, or the ethe-
real plane. Occasionally a time flayer slips into the material
plane, but most such encounters occur when a hole is torn in
the time continuum and it pulls a time flayer through,
depositing it on the material plane. Such a time flayer usually
looks for a way back to its native plane (which often consists
of a place on the material plane where the time fabric has
been weakened). Some time flayers purposefully journey to
the material plane as if they are searching for something—
sages and scholars are unsure what it is they are looking for.
Time flayers coexist on their native plane with time ele-
mentals, whom they detest. Why this animosity exists is
unknown, but neither creature likes the other and they always
attack each other on sight. Note that time flayers often gain
the upper hand in this battle as they are unaffected by the
aging attack of a time elemental (see the Tome of Horrors).

Time flayers fight with their greatswords in battle all the
while attempting to discern the most powerful foe in a
group. Once it has targeted such a foe, a time flayer uses its
temporal displacement ability to effectively remove that crea-
ture from combat for a few rounds. If faced with certain
extinction, a time flayer rips a hole in the time continuum
and slips away using its time jaunt ability.
Temporal Displacement (Su): By making a melee touch tions of the unmade creature exist anywhere in reality. Past
attack against a foe, a time flayer can send a creature into the events the creature was responsible for are now attributed to an
future if it fails a Fortitude save (DC 18). The save is unknown—even if they recently took place. For example, say a
Constitution based. On a failed save, the creature disappears great hero saved a kingdom from certain doom and then suffers
in a flash of white energy. For the next minute (10 rounds), the unmaking. The kingdom is still safe, but no one can quite
the displaced creature is recall who saved it. A creature that suffers the unmaking cannot
Time for a Challenge effectively nonexistent. No be raised, resurrected, or restored to life by any means—not
I like the time flayer’s suite of time-related form of magic, effect, or even a wish can restore an unmade creature. Only the direct
powers, but mainly I selected it for its tem- force can detect or aid such intervention of a deity can restore one who suffers this fate.
poral displacement ability. It’s the kind of
power that is going to be a real threat
a creature. A displaced crea- Foresight (Su): A time flayer can see a few seconds into
even to higher-level characters because ture can attempt a Wisdom the future. This ability prevents a time flayer from being sur-
it is so absolute, but at the same time a check (DC 22) on its turn prised, caught flat footed, or flanked. It also grants the time
character affected by it can still make
attempts to struggle back to his proper
to break the effects and end flayer an insight bonus on its Armor Class equal to its
time—the player can’t go off and play the displacement. The save Wisdom bonus. This ability can be negated, but the time
video games while everyone else finishes is Constitution based and flayer can restart it as a free action on its next turn.
the fight. Only the creature’s relatively low
hit point total and moderate offensive
includes a +4 racial bonus. Reality Bend (Su): As a free action, a time flayer can fold the
capabilities suggest that it’s appropriate After one minute, the dimensional space surrounding it, to make its true location
for its Challenge Rating. I suspect that creature reappears in the hard to discern. Attackers have a 20 percent miss chance each
even a 13th- or 14th-level group would
find a time flayer encounter to be tough.
same space it occupied time they attack with melee or ranged weapons. This is similar
before being displaced. If to the miss chance granted by a displacement spell. See invisibility
the space is occupied when does not reveal the creature’s location, but true seeing does.
the creature returns, it is Time Immunity (Ex): Time flayers are immune to all time-
shunted aside to the first open space and takes no damage. A related spells and effects (including time stop, temporal stasis,
time flayer can use this ability three times per day. and the like). Time flayers do not age and are not affected by
Unmaking (Su): A foe slain by a time flayer is unmade— any aging attack (such as that of a time elemental [see the
erased from the very fabric of time. No memories or recollec- Tome of Horrors for information on time elementals]).

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Four: Monsters
Time Jaunt (Su): As a standard action, a time flayer can Combat
slip through the time stream and appear anywhere on the Unholy choruses employ their haunting melody ability to
same plane of existence as if by greater teleport. This ability disable their opponents so they can draw near enough to use
transports the time flayer and up to four other creatures their vorpal claws.
within a 30-foot radius that the time flayer designates. Head Collection An Unholy Concept
Unwilling creatures must succeed at a Will save (DC 18) to (Su): An unholy cho- It’s the concept that sold me on the
avoid being carried away. This ability is otherwise similar to rus carries a collection unholy chorus. I also really like the
the greater teleport spell. The save DC is Constitution based. of heads that gives it dynamic of dealing with the number of
heads it has versus its ability to make
voice and purpose. claw attacks, which in turn can give it
Unholy Chorus When it decapitates a more heads to work with.
By Lysle Kapp; originally published in Strange Lands: Lost Tribes of the victim, it can add its
Scarred Lands by Sword & Sorcery. new victim’s head to its collection. Adding a head to its col-
Medium Undead lection is a standard action. For each additional head in its
Hit Dice: 30d12 (195 hp) collection, the unholy chorus deals an additional 1d6 points
Initiative: +6 of damage (maximum +3d6 per arm) when attacking with its
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) heads. Each such head also increases the effect of its haunt-
Armor Class: 24 (+2 Dex, +12 natural), touch 12, ing melody ability. An unholy chorus can hold up to three
flat-footed 22 heads in each claw. Therefore, an unholy chorus that has col-
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+19 lected more than four heads cannot make a claw attack, but
Attack: Claw +20 melee (1d6+4) or heads +20 melee (1d6+4 may make two head attacks.
to 3d6+4) These heads can be sundered (hardness 10, 2 hit points).
Full Attack: Claw +20 melee (1d6+4) and heads +17 melee If all its heads are destroyed, the unholy chorus can no
(1d6+4 to 3d6+4), or 2 heads +20 (1d6+4 to 3d6+4), or longer make head attacks or use its haunting melody ability,
two claws +20 melee (1d6+4) but may make two vorpal claw attacks.
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. Haunting Melody (Su): An unholy chorus with at least
Special Attacks: Bardic music, haunting melody, vorpal claw one head may sing a dread song that functions as the
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/magic, darkvision doomwail† spell, as cast by a 13th-level bard.
60 ft., undead traits Bardic Music (Su/Sp): An unholy chorus can produce
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +17 bardic music effects as a 13th-level bard.
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 14, Con —, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 16 Vorpal Claw (Ex): An unholy chorus claw severs the head
Skills: Decipher Script +15, Gather Information +33, Hide +17, of a Medium or smaller creature on a confirmed critical hit.
Move Silently +17, Listen +15, Perform +36*, Sense Motive +12 * Skills: The unholy chorus gains a +1 compe-
Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved tence bonus to Perform checks for each head in its
Initiative, Mobility, Multiattack, Power Attack, Skill Focus collection.
(Perform), Weapon Focus (claws), Weapon Focus (heads) † If you don’t have this Relics & Rituals spell, treat this as a
Environment: Any paralysis effect.
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 13
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 31–60 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: —
This creature appears to be a walking corpse, a near-skeletal
form clad in tattered grave-wrappings. Lacking a head of its own,
it clutches several writhing, severed heads in its bony claws.
An unholy chorus is a tormented soul that seeks to add heads
to its collection and increase its haunting musical abilities.
These creatures relentlessly hunt for victims, discarding
older decaying heads in order to make room for fresh kills.
The unholy chorus prefers individuals with some musical gift
or magical talent. Some claim unholy choruses burn with a
deep hatred of the arts. Others believe they retain some
twisted drive that inspires them to compose a final, tri-
umphant masterpiece.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

74 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Vacuous Engulfer
By Alex Freed and C.D. Bennett; originally published in Denizens of Avadnu
by The Inner Circle.
Large Aberration
Hit Dice: 5d8+15 (37 hp)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 10 ft.
Armor Class: 16 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural); touch 10,
flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+9
Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d6+3)
Full Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d6+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Vacuum pull
Special Qualities: All-around vision, darkvision 60 ft.,
pocket dimension
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +3
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 8, Cha 7
Skills: Climb +3, Listen +1, Search +2, Spot +6, Swim +10
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: Double standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6–9 HD (Large); 10–12 HD (Huge)
Vacuous engulfers are creatures created by the growth of life
around pinprick holes to pocket dimensions. These symmetri- Combat
cal, four-sided creatures stand about 8 feet tall. Four spiderlike Vacuous engulfers attack any Medium or smaller moving
legs tipped with sharp claws lead to a stalk of a torso, which in creatures that catch their attention, though creatures that
turn leads to the engulfer’s four mouths. Each mouth pro- stay perfectly still likely go unnoticed. Vacuous engulfers nor-
trudes from the torso in a mally devour opponents with their vacuum attack before
2-foot-long tube, ending they are close enough to use their claws; even then, they only
A New Adventure with a diamond-shaped use one claw at a time in order to keep their balance.
The vacuous engulfer makes for an inter- opening which is usually Vacuum Pull (Su): As a move action, a vacuous engulfer can
esting encounter. I particularly like its
use of the wind force rules and the fact tightly closed. These open any number of its mouths, creating a powerful suction
that engulfed creatures aren’t destroyed openings are incredibly that draws nearby objects and creatures inside. Each mouth
forever—in fact, their disappearances flexible, allowing the generates a 60-foot cone of suction equivalent to hurricane-
could lead to a new adventure.
engulfer to ingest crea- force winds. Any Medium or smaller creature blown far
tures far larger than enough to reach the engulfer’s space is pulled through a
would appear possible. mouth into the pocket dimension beyond. Due to the suction,
The torso-stalk ends 1 foot above the mouths, topped with a vacuous engulfer’s mouths are pulled closed as part of the
four bulging yellow eyes. The skin of a vacuous engulfer is col- action in which they open, immediately ending the winds.
ored a light green, splashed with yellow and speckled with All-Around Vision (Ex): Vacuous engulfers’ four eyes allow
black. Its texture is tough and slimy, and it tends to absorb the them to look in any direction, bestowing a +4 racial bonus on
smells of the environment around it. Spot and Search checks. Vacuous engulfers cannot be flanked.
Vacuous engulfers live out their lives wandering and Pocket Dimension: Objects and creatures pulled through a
devouring prey. They receive nourishment from the decom- vacuous engulfer’s mouths are transported to an endless black
position of their victims’ bodies inside their pocket dimen- void without air or gravity. All newly arrived creatures and
sions. They have no discernible food preferences, migratory objects appear at the same point, but there is no exit. Tele-
patterns, or relationships with other species. Equally at porting out is impossible, but plane shift and other methods of
home on land and at sea, they show no need for sleep. planar travel function normally. Creatures who need air risk
Occasionally, vacuous engulfers are captured and placed suffocation immediately. When a vacuous engulfer dies, the
as guardians over tombs and other abandoned places. contents of the pocket dimension appear inside its torso-stalk.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Four: Monsters
This does no damage to the creatures and objects appearing Warding visages are magical gatekeepers built into walls,
(they burst free), but usually destroys the engulfer’s corpse. created to protect doors and passages.
If a portable hole is brought inside a vacuous engulfer, the A typical warding visage is physically identical to a carved
hole, the engulfer, the contents of the hole and the pocket section of wall, crafted to resemble a creature’s head. The carv-
dimension, and any creatures within a 10-foot radius of the ing may be detailed, or primitive and crude, and unusual
engulfer are drawn into the astral plane, destroying the warding visages have been carved from glass, ice, and even
portable hole and vacuous engulfer in the process. paper. When alone, a warding visage is completely inanimate;
only when it notices intruders does it stir, stretching forth
Physiological Uses inches from its wall’s surface and opening its mouth to speak.
Each mouth of a vacuous engulfer can be magically altered to Built by powerful spellcasters, warding visages are pro-
act as a bag of holding (of any type) at three-quarters the normal grammed to act in certain ways when approached. A typical
base price. All other creation requirements remain the same. warding visage recites a warning, then attacks if not deacti-
vated with the magical key created during its construction. A
Adventure Ideas few, never intended to allow passage to anyone, attack imme-
If the PCs are in search of a particular item, a vacuous engulfer diately. Warding visages can fulfill complicated instructions
that has devoured it can make matters more difficult. The given verbally by their creators, but they cannot distinguish
engulfer may still be in the vicinity—or it may have wandered creatures besides their creators in any way; a spellcaster who
off, been captured and brought to guard the crypts of an under- wants his minions to have safe passage through a warding
water city, or become the subject of a wizard’s experiments. visage’s door must create a password the warding visage can
A wizard has captured a vacuous engulfer in an attempt to recognize or program the warding visage to alert the spell-
discover the secret of its alien physiology. During his experi- caster when it notices intruders.
ments, he has somehow loosed the inner energy of the crea- Warding visages speak the languages of their creators.
ture, opening a portal to a pocket dimension that has engulfed The above statistics are for a warding visage built from
not only the wizard, but his laboratory and the surrounding stone. Hit Dice, base attack and grapple bonuses, saves, and
village. In order to help, it may be necessary for the PCs to cap- Challenge Rating differ for other types.
ture a vacuous engulfer and replicate the experiment, entering
the pocket dimension themselves. Once there, they must res- Combat
cue the trapped wizard and villagers, fight off whatever forces A warding visage’s cre- Not Just Another Door
are native to the strange place, and return home. ator (always magically Doors are so ubiquitous in the game,
I really like the idea of a door monster.
recognized by the vis- Plus, the warding visage seems like the
Warding Visage age) can command the kind of guardian construct someone
By Alex Freed and C.D. Bennett; originally published in Denizens of Avadnu warding visage if the would really create. I like that its powers
depend on the material it is made from.
by The Inner Circle. visage is within 60
Medium Construct feet and can hear its
Hit Dice: 15d10+20 (102 hp) creator. Otherwise, the warding visage follows whatever tac-
Initiative: –5 (Dex) tics its creator programs into it. While some use their spell
Speed: 0 ft. storing abilities to great effect (summoning other creatures or
Armor Class: 5 (–5 Dex); touch 5; flat-footed 5 activating traps), most use straightforward attack spells. A
Base Attack/Grapple: +11/+11 warding visage will focus exclusively on a creature that seems
Attack: — about to enter the area it guards.
Full Attack: — Breath Weapon (Su): 30-foot cone of thousands of shards
Space/Reach: 5 ft./0 ft. of the warding visage’s base material, once every 1d3 rounds,
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities, spell damage 1d6 points of piercing and slashing damage per Hit
storing Die of the warding visage, Reflex DC 10 + half warding vis-
Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., age’s Hit Dice.
hardness, low-light vision, resistances Spell-Like Abilities: At will—hold portal, knock, open/close.
Saves: Fort +5, Ref —, Will +5 The caster level equals the warding visage’s Hit Dice. The save
Abilities: Str 10, Dex —, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 11 DCs are Charisma based. Additional abilities are available to
Environment: Any each common type of warding visage, all usable three times
Organization: Solitary per day.
Challenge Rating: 10 Glass: Color spray (DC 11), dancing lights, flare (DC 10).
Treasure: None Ice: Fog cloud, sleet storm, wall of ice (DC 14).
Alignment: Always neutral Stone: Spike stones (DC 14), stone shape (20-foot range),
Advancement: — transmute mud to rock (DC 15), transmute rock to mud (DC 15).

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76 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Iron: Blade barrier (DC 16), cloudkill (DC 15), scorching ray
(+17 ranged touch).
Spell Storing (Sp): A warding visage can store up to three
spells of 5th level or lower that are cast into it by its creator.
It “casts” these spells when commanded or when a predeter-
mined situation arises. Once a spell is used, it can store
another spell (or the same spell again). Each spell has a cast-
er level equal to the warding visage’s Hit Dice. The save DCs
are Charisma based.
Typical spells stored include lightning bolt, magic missile,
persistent image, ray of enfeeblement, sending, shout, stinking
cloud, summon monster I-V, and wall of force.
Hardness (Ex): A warding visage has the same hardness
as its base material.
Resistances (Ex): Warding visages take half damage from
electricity. Warding visages made of a material other than ice
take half damage from fire, and one-quarter damage from
cold. All resistances should be applied before hardness.
Cold Subtype: Ice warding visages have the cold subtype.
They have immunity to cold, and vulnerability to fire.
Hit Dice: A warding visage has 1 Hit Die per hit point per
inch of thickness of its base material.

A warding visage costs 5,000 gp per Hit Die to create. This
cost includes the warding visage’s body (30 gp per Hit Die),
but not the additional 100 gp for the key. The spellcaster or
another worker must construct the body and key; doing so
requires a successful Craft (sculpting) check (DC 15). A Craft
(blacksmithing) or Craft (stonemasonry) check can be sub- Key
stituted for iron and stone warding visages, respectively. A warding visage’s key can be of any design, but it must fit
After the body and key are fashioned, the visage must be ani- into a slot somewhere on the warding visage’s head—usually
mated through an extended magical ritual. If personally con- in the forehead or in the pupil of one eye. When the key is
structing the warding visage’s body, the creator can perform used (a move action), the warding visage is deactivated for
the building and ritual together. five minutes, or until commanded by its creator to awaken
The costs to create listed below include the cost of the phys- (whichever comes first). A deactivated warding visage takes
ical body and all the materials and spell components that are no actions and cannot react to stimuli. Destroying a warding
consumed or become a permanent part of the warding visage. visage’s key has no effect on the construct.
Caster level 10th; Craft Construct, arcane lock, fabricate, magic A creature unfamiliar with a given warding visage must
mouth, passwall, caster must be at least 10th level; Price 5,135 gp succeed at a Search check (DC 15) to find its keyhole. An
(glass), 15,135 gp (ice), 75,135 gp (stone), 150,135 gp (iron); Open Lock check (DC 30) allows a creature to deactivate the
Cost 2,650 gp + 198 XP (glass), 7,680 gp + 596 XP (ice), warding visage without the key.
37,860 gp + 2,982 XP (stone), 75,585 gp + 5,964 XP (iron).
Adventure Ideas
ATTRIBUTES BY CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL An ancient wizard has disappeared, and influential persons
Breath Breath are interested in the contents of his tower. The player char-
Material HD hp Hardness Damage Save DC CR acters are hired to go inside, where they find hundreds of
Glass 1 25 1 1d6 10 2 doors, all protected by different varieties of warding visages.
Ice 3 36 0 3d6* 11 4 One warding visage was granted true intelligence by its mas-
Stone 15 102 8 15d6 17 10 ter, and it cautiously offers to advise the PCs if they will help
Iron 30 185 10 30d6 25 14 it find the wizard.
* Half the damage from an ice warding visage’s shards is cold damage.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Five
Variant Rules
Whether your preferred character type is a burly fighter or a spellcaster, the variant rules in this
chapter provide a dash of fresh excitement to enhance your game.

I ’m sure it comes as no surprise to anyone that I’m a big

fan of the d20 System core mechanics and the way they
work. However, every campaign is different, so it’s
interesting to explore various ways to do similar things. It’s
okay to create a variant rule that’s more complex than the
Block Defense (BD): This statistic represents the charac-
ter’s shield bonus, if any. Add the shield’s armor bonus to
the character’s base attack bonus to determine the Block
Defense statistic. Block Defense may be used against one
attack per round for each attack the character may make,
core rule, but the complexity needs to be there for a reason, using the base attack bonus as applicable. For example, a
and there has to be a payoff in gameplay. Conversely, some- character with a +6/+1 base attack bonus and a heavy steel
times an alternate subsystem simplifies a rule. In these cases, shield (+2 armor bonus) could make two block attempts per
make sure that in its simplicity the subsystem does not lose round, the first at +8 and the second at +3. Block Defense
the robustness of its core rules counterpart. Lastly, an alter- attempts are separate from the character’s normal attacks
nate rule may be merely an addition to the core rule. You’ll for that round.
see examples of each of these styles in this chapter. Dodge Defense (DD): This represents the character’s
ability to avoid blows, as determined by adding the charac-
Combat Defense ter’s Dexterity bonus (less any relevant armor penalty) to
By Bruce Graw; originally published in the Advanced Player’s Guide his Reflex save and
by Sword & Sorcery. any dodge bonuses Combat Defense
In the d20 System, virtually everything that can be done provided by magic This is an interesting variant, but it’s not
to an enemy allows him some sort of defense roll. Spells are items or other for everyone. It requires an extra level of
countered by saving throws, and skill checks are contested by sources. Dodge involvement on the part of the players, for
they have to make decisions not only
opposed skill rolls. Actual combat swings, however, cannot Defense represents regarding their offensive actions, but their
be defended against. If a character rolls an attack and suc- innate natural reflex- defensive ones as well. I like it because
ceeds, the target can do nothing except take whatever dam- es and may be applied it’s really an original take on the subject.
As a warning, though, I’d say this system
age he dishes out. at will in combat, will mean a lot more work for the DM.
The combat defense system provides a means to avoid even if the character
being hit. One advantage of this system is that a character is caught flat footed.
still has a chance to damage creatures that normally have an Each DD attempt
Armor Class far too high to penetrate, if he rolls high on his after the first is at a cumulative –2 penalty, however. In
attack roll and their defense check is low enough. Similarly, addition, the character cannot add his Dexterity bonus if he
it becomes virtually impossible to build a character with an is attacked in any circumstance where such bonuses are not
Armor Class so high that he is invulnerable to attack. Even allowed.
a low-level creature could still hit him on a high roll, if his Parry Defense (PD): Parry Defense is determined by the
defense roll is sufficiently bad. character’s basic (maximum) attack bonus with a given
In the combat defense system, a character does not have weapon. A character may parry with any weapon he is wield-
a single combined defense statistic (Armor Class). Instead, ing, including off-hand weapons. If the character has the
four statistics factor into defense: Two-Weapon Fighting feat, he has no penalty to the Parry
Armor Defense (AD): This represents any armor the Defense if using an off-hand weapon; otherwise, he suffers a
character wears. Armor Defense equals the armor bonus plus –2 penalty to Parry Defense for all weapons if dual-wielding.
any natural armor or deflection bonuses, but does not Parrying takes up one of the character’s attacks with that
include shields, Dexterity bonuses, dodge bonuses, or other weapon. Typically, off-hand weapons are used for this pur-
modifications. Armor Defense may be used in combat pose, permitting a full attack with a primary weapon while
against any blow, even if one of the other defenses listed parrying with a secondary one.
hereafter is attempted and fails. Armor Defense can be sig-
nificant at low levels, but since it increases little as the char- Applying Combat Defense
acter advances in power, it tends to become little more than A character may choose any one of the four possible defens-
a last resort at high levels. es against an attack. The player rolls 1d20 and adds the

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78 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Combat Defense Example

An NPC fighter attacks a PC ranger. The ranger is 6th level,
with base attack bonus +6/+1, Reflex save +5, Strength 14
and Dexterity 18. He wields a +2 longsword in his left hand
and a +3 dagger in his right, but does not use a shield. He
wears a chain shirt +1 and has an amulet of natural armor +1.
He has the Weapon Finesse (dagger) feat. His defenses are
calculated as follows:
Armor Defense: +6 (Chain shirt +1 [+5 armor bonus] and
amulet of natural armor +1.)
Block Defense: +0 (He does not use a shield.)
Dodge Defense: +9 (Dexterity bonus +4 and Reflex
save +5.)
Parry Defense (longsword): +10 (Base attack bonus +6,
Strength bonus +2, +2 magic bonus.)
Parry Defense (dagger): +13 (Base attack bonus +6,
Dexterity +4, +3 magic bonus.)
The enemy fighter wins initiative; his first attack roll is
a 20 and the second is a 24. The ranger gives up his off-
hand attack to parry the first attack with the dagger (PD
+13) and rolls a 9, for a total +22—enough to parry the
blow. Preferring to save his two longsword attacks, the
ranger decides to dodge the second blow (DD +9) and rolls
a 15, for a total of 24—just barely dodging the fighter’s
swing. If the fighter attacks again or if another opponent
takes a swing, the ranger’s dodge is only +7 due to a cumu-
lative –2 penalty for each dodge attempt after the first.
The ranger may make two attacks with his long-sword, but
appropriate combat defense value. If the result equals or cannot attack with the dagger this round since he used it
exceeds the opponent’s attack roll, the character avoids or to parry.
deflects the attack. A failed block, dodge or parry attempt If the ranger attacked first and used his dagger to attack,
still allows an Armor Defense attempt. that weapon would not be available for a parry attempt on
When using this system, the GM must determine the that round. Also, if the ranger came under attack in a cir-
defense values for monsters and other creatures that cumstance where he could not use his Dexterity bonus for
presently use a single Armor Class. One solution is to dodging, he could not include that bonus to his Dodge
employ the standard attack system for such targets. Defense. Even if he fails to dodge, he may still rely on his
Intelligent monsters should, however, always break up their armor for a last-ditch defense.
Armor Class into the four defense values if possible. The GM
should take into account the physical structure of each crea- Incantations
ture when determining defense values. For example, a giant Designed by David Noonan and developed by Andy Collins; originally published
would not be good at dodging, but could have an impressive in Unearthed Arcana by Wizards of the Coast.
parry ability with a very large weapon. Similarly, a fast-flying Incantations are like spells, but they can be cast by charac-
creature might be exceptional with its dodge but have little ters who are not spellcasters. This variant enables characters
or no Armor Defense to speak of. who know the correct ritual gestures and phrases for an
This system permits a wider range of combat results and incantation to achieve powerful magical effects. Incantations
provides a much greater effect of randomness on the battle. don’t use spell slots, you don’t have to prepare them ahead of
It also better rewards characters who use shields and gives time, and you can use an incantation an unlimited number
another option for off-hand weapons not seen in the stan- of times per day.
dard combat system. The primary advantage of this system Incantations have drawbacks, however: They’re time-
is that characters take an active role in defending against consuming to cast, and success isn’t assured. They are often
an attack, instead of simply hoping the opponent rolls expensive, and some require additional participants to com-
poorly. plete the ritual. Some incantations work only under certain
conditions, such as during a full moon.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Five: Variant Rules
Most important among the drawbacks, an incantation a number of skill checks—often Knowledge (arcana)
rarely fades away quietly if the caster fails to perform the checks—during the incantation’s casting time.
ritual correctly. Instead it reverses itself upon the caster, Each incantation’s description tells how many successful
explodes with a cascade of magical energy, or weakens the skill checks are required to cast the incantation. Unless other-
barrier between worlds, enabling hostile outsiders to emerge wise specified, the caster makes a skill check every 10 min-
onto the material plane. utes. If checks involving more than one skill are required, the
This variant gives a measure of magical power to non- checks may be made in any order, as desired by the caster.
spellcasters, but the incantations themselves are usually too Failing one skill check means that 10 minutes have gone by,
specific in effect to increase a character’s power in the gener- and the incantation is in danger of failing. If two skill checks
al sense. Because many incantations require academic skills in a row are failed, the incantation itself fails. Each incanta-
such as Knowledge, the characters best equipped to cast tion has a consequence associated with failure. Even if the
them are often spellcasters anyway. incantation fails, the casting still consumes all the compo-
Incantations provide a useful way to introduce powerful nents (including expensive material components and experi-
magical effects in a lower-level game under controlled condi- ence points).
tions. Player characters will still use spells rather than expen- Because of the unusual outcomes possible on a failure, the
sive, risky incantations whenever they can. Incantations are DM may choose to make these skill checks in secret. Doing
also more specific than spells, so the DM can introduce them this prevents the player of the caster from knowing whether
into the game without worrying that they’ll spread beyond an incantation has succeeded or failed. If the consequence of
the immediate situation. failure is immediate and severe (such as death resulting from
If you want characters in your low-level game to take a a failed fires of Dis incantation), the effect is obvious, and
brief sojourn to Ysgard, you can introduce the incantation concealing it serves no purpose.
Hrothgar’s journey. Because it requires the construction of a Many incantations have a backlash component, which is
thatched hut in the middle of a forest and works only during an ill effect suffered by the caster at the conclusion of the
the winter solstice, you don’t have to worry about the charac- casting or upon failure of the incantation (see “Backlash” on
ters exploring the outer planes whenever they get the urge. If the next page).
you gave low-level PCs easy access to the plane shift spell, on
the other hand, they could wander the planes until they ran Saves and Spell Resistance
afoul of the first outsider more powerful than they are If an incantation allows a save, the incantation’s description
(which is almost any outsider). includes the formula to calculate the save. For checks to
overcome spell resistance, divide the incantation’s skill check
Discovering Incantations Difficulty Class in half to get the effective caster level for the
Obscure tomes and spellbooks filled with mystical ram- spell resistance check. For example, the caster of a fires of Dis
blings, descriptions of magic theory, ordinary arcane spells, incantation (DC 23) would add +11 to a d20 roll when
and utterly useless or incomprehensible magical writing attempting to overcome the spell resistance of the target.
often hide the instructions for performing incantations. In
those dusty volumes, diligent readers can find incantations Interrupting Incantations
with real power—magical recipes that provide step-by-step Incantations take a long time to cast, but they aren’t as deli-
instructions for achieving a powerful effect. cate and exacting as traditional spells. Casting an incanta-
If the characters have access to a well-stocked library of tion does not provoke an attack of opportunity, and a caster
magical information, finding a set of instructions for a par- can even pause the ritual for a short time in order to fight,
ticular incantation requires a successful Knowledge (arcana) cast a spell, or take some other action. For each round the
check with a Difficulty Class that is 10 lower than the DC for incantation is interrupted, the Difficulty Class of all subse-
casting the incantation. Just being aware of the existence of quent skill checks to complete the casting increases by 1.
a particular incantation requires a Knowledge (arcana) check Time spent during the interruption of an incantation does
with a Difficulty Class that is 15 lower than the incantation’s not count toward the incantation’s casting time.
casting DC.
Taking 10
Casting an Incantation As long as the caster of an incantation is not threatened or
At its simplest, casting an incantation is akin to preparing distracted, he may take 10. Incantations with backlash com-
and cooking something according to a recipe. You must have ponents or similarly harmful aspects count as threats that
the ingredients in hand, then use your skill in cooking to prevent the caster from taking 10. A caster may never take 20
perform each step in order. In game terms, this means hav- when attempting to complete an incantation.
ing the required incantation components, then succeeding at

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80 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Incantation Components Augment: The incantation was supposed to weaken or

Most incantations require components not unlike those of destroy its target, but it makes the target more powerful
spells, including verbal, somatic, focus, and material compo- instead. An incantation that deals damage might heal its
nents. target or cause it to grow in power, for example.
In addition, some require secondary casters (abbreviated Betrayal: The incantation seemingly succeeds, but the
as “SC” on the Components line of a description), or cause subject of the incantation (or, in rare cases, the caster)
some sort of backlash (abbreviated as “B”), or cost the caster undergoes a dramatic alignment change. Over the next 1d6
some number of experience points (abbreviated as “XP”). minutes, the subject’s alignment becomes the extreme
opposite of what it was previously (for instance, lawful
Secondary Casters good becomes chaotic evil, or chaotic neutral becomes law-
Some incantations require multiple participants to have any ful neutral; a neutral subject randomly becomes lawful
hope of succeeding. These secondary casters are indispensable good, lawful evil, chaotic good, or chaotic evil). The subject
to the success of the incantation. However, no matter how of such a betrayal generally tries to keep its new outlook a
many people are gathered into the dark room, chanting with secret.
candles, only one character—most commonly the one with Damage: Either the caster or the target takes damage as
the highest modifier in the relevant skill—is the primary the consequence of failure.
caster who makes the relevant checks. Secondary casters Death: Someone—usually the caster or the target—dies.
can’t help the primary caster succeed by means of the aid Some incantations allow a saving throw to avoid this conse-
another action, but their presence is required for certain quence of failure.
aspects of the ritual nonetheless. Delusion: The caster believes the incantation had the
Often, an incantation is hosted with more than the mini- desired effect, but in fact it had no effect or a very different
mum number of casters. If a primary caster or a secondary one.
caster is killed or disabled, one of these bystanders can step Falsehood: The incantation (typically a divination) deliv-
into a role. ers false results to the caster, but the caster believes the
If an incantation requires a check involving a skill other results are true.
than Knowledge (arcana), any secondary caster can make Hostile Spell: The caster of the incantation is targeted by
that check if he or she has a higher skill modifier than the a harmful spell. The incantation description gives the specif-
primary caster. Casters who favor the Hrothgar’s journey ic spell, save DC, and other particulars.
incantation, for example, keep bards on hand if they aren’t Mirrorcast: The incantation has the opposite effect of
highly skilled in Perform (oratory) themselves. what was intended.
Reversal: The incantation affects the caster rather than
Backlash the intended target.
Some incantations damage or drain the caster in some way
when they are cast. They have a backlash component: dam- Sample Incantations
age, negative levels, or some other effect. The caster experi- The following incantations are among the better known
ences the backlash effect regardless of the success or failure incantations in existence—which means that no more than
of the incantation. a few eldritch scholars know about them. Characters can
learn of their existence during the course of an adventure by
Failed Incantations making a Knowledge (arcana) check (see “Discovering
When two skill checks in a row result in failure (whether or Incantations,” previous page).
not they’re made by the same character), the incantation as a
whole fails. The character who failed the second check expe- Call Forth the Dweller
riences the effect indicated in the incantation’s description. Divination
In general, the consequences of failure can be divided into Effective Level: 6th
the following categories. (Many of these effects are not men- Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 20, six successes
tioned in the sample incantations that follow; they are pro- Failure: Falsehood
vided here for use in incantations that could be developed Components: V, S, M, F, XP, B
for a campaign.) Casting Time: 60 minutes
Attack: A creature is called from elsewhere to battle the Range: Personal
caster (and often any bystanders and secondary casters). The Target: You
incantation’s description tells the DM what Challenge Duration: Instantaneous
Rating the creature should have, how it behaves, and how Saving Throw: None
long it persists. Spell Resistance: No

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Five: Variant Rules
This incantation contacts the enigmatic, extradimensional Campaign Use: This incantation is an obvious solution for
being known as the Dweller on the Threshold, an entity that characters who are “stuck” by an especially impenetrable
imparts knowledge about its specific obsession: doors and door. The exhaustion backlash makes it less likely they
other entrances. immediately try the door after casting the incantation, and
To cast call forth the Dweller, the caster must inscribe 42 the XP cost ensures that they won’t try to use call forth the
mystic symbols around an open doorway, then begin the Dweller on every door they face. If you introduce this incan-
chants and supplications required for the incantation. tation in your game, you’re giving player characters occasion-
If the incantation succeeds, an image of the Dweller—an al access to a powerful divination. But because it’s rather spe-
inky mass of tentacles and mouths—appears on the other cific, it doesn’t make the characters more powerful. Typically,
side of the doorway. The Dweller on the Threshold truthfully getting through a door lands the PCs in trouble more quickly
answers any question it is asked about a particular door. For than if they were unable to pass the portal.
example, the Dweller can provide a magical password that
unlocks a door, indicate how to disarm a trap on a door, Fires of Dis
reveal the weaknesses of a door’s guardian, or describe the Conjuration (Calling)
room that lies beyond the door. Its answers are clear and Effective Level: 6th
fairly specific, if somewhat terse. The caster may well appre- Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 23, six successes;
ciate such concise answers, because one of the 42 symbols Knowledge (religion) DC 23, two successes; Knowledge
inscribed around the doorway during the casting of the (the planes) DC 23, one success
incantation fades away with each word the Dweller on the Failure: Death
Threshold speaks—and when all the symbols are gone, the Components: V, S, M, XP, SC, B
Dweller disappears. Casting Time: 90 minutes
If the caster asks the Dweller on the Threshold a question Range: Touch
that doesn’t involve doors, the Dweller responds with a cut- Effect: 80-ft.-radius burst centered on caster
ting insult, often about something the caster thought was Duration: Instantaneous
secret. Each word of the insult likewise makes a symbol dis- Saving Throw: Reflex half (DC 19 + caster’s Charisma
appear from the perimeter of the doorway. modifier)
The exact nature of the Dweller on the Threshold is Spell Resistance: Yes
shrouded in mystery. Some contend that it is somehow con- This incantation, dreamed up by insane cultists, opens a
nected to an ancient god of secrets, although no one has ever fell rift between the material plane and hell. This rift brings
found conclusive evidence that the Dweller on the Threshold about a massive conflagration that destroys almost every-
is evil. thing in the immediate area, then releases a powerful devil
Option: If the doorway used as the focus is one that the who capers over the
Dweller has been asked about in the past, the caster gains a smoldering ruins and Incantations
+4 bonus on the Knowledge (arcana) checks during the begins to rampage There’s a real fantasy feel to the idea that
incantation. For example, if a wizard uses call forth the across the country- anyone can produce certain magical
effects if they just follow the directions
Dweller to learn about the Gateway to Despair, then when side. The fires of Dis (preferably found in a musty old tome).
she reaches the Gateway, she can use the Gateway as the ignite everything they Incantations are also the perfect way to
focus and gain a +4 bonus when she uses the incantation to touch—except the define the really awful thing the powerful
lich is going to perform to summon a
ask about the Arches of Certain Doom. caster, who is trans- horde of demons or otherwise bring hell
Failure: If the caster fails two consecutive Knowledge ported to Dis as the on earth.
(arcana) checks, the Dweller on the Threshold gleefully lies, result of the incanta-
employing falsehoods that demonstrate its inclination tion’s backlash.
toward mischief and cruelty. When the incantation is complete, the fires of Dis fill an
Material Component: Forty-two mystic symbols inscribed 80-foot-radius spread around the caster’s former location,
around the perimeter of the focus doorway (requiring mate- dealing 18d6 points of fire damage (Reflex half) to all crea-
rials costing 500 gp). As described above, these symbols tures and objects. Additionally, everything flammable in that
gradually disappear during the time the incantation remains radius is now on fire (as described in “Catching on Fire,” in
in effect. the Glossary of the DMG).
Focus: An open doorway large enough to allow a Medium In the following round, a pit fiend comes through the rift,
creature to pass through it. which then closes. The creature begins to destroy everything
XP Component: 400 XP. in sight.
Backlash: After speaking with the Dweller on the Failure: Death of the character who failed the second con-
Threshold, the caster is exhausted. secutive skill check.

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82 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Material Component: Rare unguents and dark alchemical Any creature inside the hut must make a Fortitude save every
concoctions worth 5,000 gp. 10 minutes or suffer the effects of severe heat (as described
XP Component: 1,000 XP. under “Heat Dangers” in the Glossary of the DMG).
Backlash: The caster is knocked unconscious and trans- Just as the tale of Hrothgar approaches its conclusion
ported to Dis (no save). (near the end of the casting time), the bonfire’s flames light
Extra Casters: Six required; they chant choruses and sup- the hut on fire, which creates a great deal of smoke but no
plications to various dark deities throughout the incanta- additional heat or damage. If the final skill check succeeds,
tion. the flames consume the hut’s roof and walls, revealing the
Campaign Use: Obviously, the backlash component is sig- plain of Ida on the plane of Ysgard (see Chapter Five:
nificant enough that most player characters will not serious- Campaigns in the DMG).
ly consider casting this incantation. But even a low- to mid- Material Component: A windowless, thatched hut in a
level character has a decent chance of making all the skill forest.
checks without failing twice in a row, so the incantation Backlash: Severe heat.
could show up in a campaign in a number of different cir- Extra Casters: Four required; they provide the dialogue for
cumstances. For instance, the PCs may be tipped off that other characters in the epic of Hrothgar.
suicidal cultists are trying to bring the fires of Dis to their Campaign Use: Hrothgar’s journey is well within the reach
city, and they have to disrupt the incantation. The fires of Dis of mid-level player characters, especially bards. Of all the
might also have a place in a mystery adventure, where the outer planes, Ysgard is perhaps the most hospitable to PCs
player characters must discover who stole rare alchemical and the easiest to work into an ongoing campaign, so the
compounds. A routine investigation takes on new urgency incantation may be a good way to whet the players’ appetite
when the player characters find out that the missing vials for planar travel without opening up the entire cosmology. In
can be the material component for a fires of Dis incantation. the hands of NPCs, Hrothgar’s journey can be an escape route
for the barbarian raiders the characters have been chasing
Hrothgar’s Journey for months. Or a mischievous NPC bard can beckon the PCs
Conjuration (Teleportation) into a warm hut on a cold winter’s night, promising them a
Effective Level: 6th wondrous reward if they just listen to a tale….
Skill Check: Knowledge (arcana) DC 20, two successes;
Perform (oratory) DC 20, four successes Creating New Incantations
Failure: 5d6 points of fire damage to caster Making new incantations for your campaign is a tricky bal-
Components: V, S, M, SC, B ancing act. Incantations are intentionally constructed to be
Casting Time: 60 minutes much more idiosyncratic than spells are. And because
Range: Touch incantations hinge on skill checks, it’s possible for a player
Target or Targets: Caster plus 4–12 other creatures character to get access to powerful magic before she—or the
Duration: Instantaneous campaign—is ready for it. The following guidelines will
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) (DC 16 + caster’s help you balance the benefit of an incantation with its neg-
Charisma modifier) ative aspects, and also determine how difficult the incanta-
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) tion is to cast.
Hrothgar’s journey is an incantation based on the tale of 1. Determine School: When you design an incantation,
Hrothgar, a powerful barbarian hero from ages past. When first decide which school or schools the incantation would
the poetic epic of Hrothgar is recited in the stifling heat of a fit into if it were a spell. Each school has a specific Difficulty
sweat lodge during the winter solstice, the orator and his lis- Class which serves as the base skill check DC for the incan-
teners receive the same final reward that Hrothgar did: a tation you’re designing. Consult the descriptions of the
one-way trip to Ysgard’s plain of Ida, where they can drink schools of magic in Chapter Ten of the Player’s Handbook if
and make merry with the greatest warriors of myth. you aren’t sure which school an incantation should belong
To cast the incantation, the caster must construct a small, to. If you’re designing an incantation that could belong to
windowless hut in the middle of the forest, then build a bon- more than one school, choose the most important one to
fire in the hut’s center. At least four and up to 12 others provide the base Difficulty Class. Other schools add one-
accompany the caster into the hut. Then the flames are lit third their DC to the total. For example, the fires of Dis
and the telling of the tale of Hrothgar begins. incantation has conjuration as its most important school
Because the bonfire is large and the hut is small, the (because of the pit fiend it calls) and evocation as a second
atmosphere inside quickly gets stiflingly hot. This is the school (because of the fiery burst it creates). Thus, the fires of
incantation’s backlash; unlike most backlash components, it Dis incantation has a base Difficulty Class of 41 (30 + 11) for
affects the incantation’s other targets as well as the caster. all skill checks made during its casting.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Five: Variant Rules
Each summary below specifies the range, target, duration, Transmutation: DC 32; Range: Medium; Target: One crea-
and other aspects of an incantation associated with a partic- ture or 20 cubic feet of matter; Duration: Rounds; Saving
ular school. Throw: Fortitude half (often harmless); Spell Resistance: Yes.
Abjuration: DC 32; Range: Close; Target: One or more crea- 2. Modify DC: Next, determine modifications to the base
tures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart; Duration: Difficulty Class based on the specifics of your ritual; see the
Minutes; Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes. table below for a list of general factors and how they change
Conjuration: DC 30; Range: Close; Target: One creature; the skill check DC. Increasing the base range of an incanta-
Duration: Hours (Instantaneous for teleportation sub- tion, for example, is a factor that increases the DC. Reducing
school); Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless); Spell the duration of an incantation, on the other hand, is a factor
Resistance: Yes (harmless). that reduces the Difficulty Class.
Divination: DC 30; Range: Long; Target: Personal; Duration: 3. Set Level: Finally, set the effective level of the incanta-
Minutes; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No. tion. Incantations are like 6th- through 9th-level spells, so
Enchantment: DC 32; Range: Close; Target: One living crea- you can set the effective level of the incantation by compar-
ture; Duration: Minutes; Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell ing what the incantation does to what spells of that level can
Resistance: Yes. accomplish. The effective level determines a number of
Evocation: DC 34; Range: Medium; Area: 5-ft.-wide bolt or aspects of the incantation: how many total successes are
20-ft.-radius burst; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: required, the exact save DC of the incantation, and some-
Reflex half; Spell Resistance: Yes. times the incantation’s precise range and duration.
Illusion: DC 32; Range: Touch; Target: One living creature Total Successes: Equal to the incantation’s effective level.
or 20 cubic feet of matter; Duration: Minutes; Saving Throw: Save DC: 10 + incantation’s effective level + caster’s
Will disbelief; Spell Resistance: No. Charisma modifier.
Necromancy: DC 34; Range: Close; Target: One or more Duration and Range: Assume a caster level of twice the
creatures or corpses; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving incantation’s level, using the same formula a spell would. For
Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No. example, an incantation with a duration of “minutes” would


Casting Time DC Mod. Focus/Material Components DC Mod.
One hour between checks –1 Expensive material component (500 gp) –1
Casting time is restricted (only during –4 Expensive material component (5,000 gp) –2
full moon, for example) Expensive material component (25,000 gp) –4
Casting time is extremely restricted (only –8 Expensive focus (5,000 gp) –1
during lunar eclipse, for example) Expensive focus (25,000 gp) –2

Range DC Mod. XP Component DC Mod.

Touch to close/close to touch +2/–2 Per 100 XP (maximum 1,000 XP) –1
Close to medium/medium to close +2/–2
Medium to long/long to medium +2/–2 Skill Checks DC Mod.
Requires checks involving more than one skill –1
Area DC Mod. Requires a skill not on wizard class skill list –1
Doubling area/halving area +3/–3
Extra Casters DC Mod.
Target DC Mod. 10 or fewer secondary casters –2
Unwilling target must be helpless –2 11–100 secondary casters –6
Limited targets (by HD, creature type, and so on) –3 101 or more secondary casters –10
Single target to multiple targets +4
Backlash DC Mod.
Duration DC Mod. Per 2d6 points of damage –1
Rounds to minutes/minutes to rounds +2/–2 Caster is exhausted –2
Minutes to hours/hours to minutes +4/–2 Per negative level caster gains –2
Hours to days/days to hours +6/–2 Caster reduced to –1 hp –3
Days to permanent or instantaneous/permanent +10/–4 Caster infected with disease –4
or instantaneous to days Backlash affects secondary casters too –1

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84 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

last 12 minutes if it’s effectively a 6th-level spell. The same Children produced by a male fiend are always male.
incantation with a range of medium can affect a target up to Female cambions, sometimes called alu-demons, are born
220 feet away. from a female evil outsider, such as a succubus, and a human
male. Unlike other cambions, these children are rarely con-
Planetouched Ancestry ceived in violence; the demoness seduces the male to gain his
seed. As the male donor loses value after the act, like a black
Magic widow, the demoness typically destroys her lover.
By Robert J. Schwalb; originally published in Aasimar & Tiefling: For simplicity, all half-fiends henceforward are referred to
A Guidebook to the Planetouched by Green Ronin Publishing. as cambions.
As described in Chapter Two: Feats and Skills, many plane-
touched characters can draw upon their outsider ancestry to Personality
fuel very specific feats. If planetouched characters are able to All cambions hate the material plane and its inhabitants.
draw upon their own reserves to unleash aspects of their They exploit or destroy everyone they meet. Alliances are for
ancestry, by extension, these characters can also enhance their utility, to advance their own position or to achieve some
magical prowess through the same sacrifices. As an optional short-term goal. The personality traits of their outsider
rule, planetouched char- parentage surface early, such that they define their perspective
acters selecting the and social skills. Female cambions are seductive and promis-
Ancestry Magic Awaken Ancestry feat, cuous. Balor-created cambions are frighteningly destructive
This is yet another variant on the way but who have not yet forces, while the osyluth’s offspring are sneaky and manipula-
metamagic is handled (see also “Spon-
taneous Metamagic” on page 91). I like it selected an Ancestor feat, tive. Though the creatures are almost universally evil, the
mostly for the flavor of the caster burning may draw upon their out- particular motives vary, just as any other race’s does.
away his own life energy in order to sider reserves to fuel
power his spells.
metamagic spells. Physical Description
Essentially, plane- Cambions have varied appearance, often inheriting the fea-
touched characters who meet the criteria can use their bodies tures of their fiendish parent. Female cambions are comely
to cover the level increase of metamagic feats. A caster must and have small black leathery wings and small horns. Male
actually have the metamagic feat to use this option, but does cambions are large and imposing, often with scaly skin, sleek
not need to prepare it ahead of time. Characters using this hair, burning eyes, and a lingering odor of brimstone.
option suffer 2 points of Constitution damage for each level Cambions age as humans and have the same range of col-
increase they would remove from the metamagic feat. Take oration, height, and build. All cambions have bat wings.
Widen Spell, for example. A spell affected by this feat normal-
ly uses up a slot three levels higher than the spell’s normal Relations
one. A widened fireball functions as a 6th-level spell. For every Cambions view all creatures less powerful than themselves
2 points of Constitution damage the character spends, she as chattel or tools to be used. Above all, they hate other out-
reduces the slot increase by one. If the spell with a metamagic siders, even other fiends. Among the humanoids, they
feat would be higher than the character can ordinarily cast, despise elves the most, and some of the more depraved
the planetouched character may still use this option, but at a delight in collecting elf scalps or polluting their race
cost of an additional 2 points of Constitution damage. It is through rapine. They see dwarves as nuisances and the
entirely possible for characters to commit suicide with this dwarves’ commitment to honor and loyalty laughable; their
option if they are not careful. derro kin strike cambions as more acceptable, but only as
sniveling slaves. Gnomes are only irritating mosquitoes.
Race: Cambions Halflings taste good. Orcs and goblinoids make good ser-
By Robert J. Schwalb; originally published in Aasimar & Tiefling: vants, their souls suitably darkened by corruption. Of all
A Guidebook to the Planetouched by Green Ronin Publishing. the races, cambions find humans the most interesting, per-
Cambions are the fiendish offspring of a fiend and a haps due to their own human heritage, and some even seek
human. Most are born from brutal rapes, which are just as human company. Of course, cambions quickly grow frus-
likely to kill the mother as they are to conceive a child. The trated when shunned, and when frustrated, they generally
victims of such rapes generally abort or abandon their off- resort to violence.
spring; those who keep them come to revile them, for they are
reminders of great horror and suffering. Some outsider par- Alignment
ents steal the children they produce—sometimes directly from Almost all cambions are evil. In fact, only a rare few can
the mother’s womb—and bring them to their home plane, restrain their fiendish blood. Even in these unique instances,
where they train them to command their personal legions. such cambions tend towards neutrality, with virtually none

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Five: Variant Rules
being good. A cambion’s tendency toward law or chaos
depends on the fiendish parent’s heritage. Demon-
spawned cambions are often chaotic, while devil-
spawned cambions are normally lawful.

Cambions do not have lands of their own.
About half live on the plane of their outsider
parent. The rest find homes on the material
plane, where they live on the fringe of civi-
lization or use magic to hide their true
nature, thereby insinuating themselves in
urban centers to corrupt and destroy their
hated enemies from within.

Cambions, being thoroughly evil, favor evil
gods representing slaughter, death, or dark
magic. Some cambions worship devils and
demons, becoming foul leaders of subversive
cults. In these cases, they corrupt mortals and
draw them into their vile religions.

All cambions speak Common. Additionally,
devil-descended cambions speak Infernal,
while demon-descended ones speak
Abyssal. Cambions of daemon descent may
speak either Infernal or Abyssal.

If the cambion grows up around humanoids, he assumes some other sinful manifestation of the circle. (For more
a name common to that society. If raised in the lower details on the lower planes, consult the Book of the Fiends
planes, a fiend of power owns the cambion, and the cam- from Green Ronin Publishing.)
bion’s name usually reflects this ownership, as well as the
plane. The prefix, or a suffix depending on the plane, Adventurers
implies the ownership, while the name itself denotes to Base impulses such as lust, greed, and pride drive the cam-
whom the cambion calls master. For the Abyss, the name bion. Cambions plunder tombs, raze temples, and embroil
gains -aeum as a suffix, while in Hell, the cambion gains themselves in huge intrigues to fulfill their base impulses.
nef- as a prefix. For example, a cambion in service to Iblis Thus, the adventurer’s life appeals to them.
in Hell is named Nef’Iblis. Alternatively, a cambion in
service to Abaddon in the Abyss would be named Cambion Racial Traits
Abaddonaeum. +4 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +4 Intelli-
In cases where the demon or devil owns more than one gence, +2 Charisma: Cambions are powerful outsiders,
cambion, they gain a ranking prefix: Un- (first), Du- (sec- strong, fast and tough. Complementing their physical
ond), Tre- (third), Qua- (fourth), Qui- (fifth), Sex- prowess are their cunning intelligence and intense per-
(sixth), Sept- (seventh) and so on. Therefore, the second sonalities.
cambion in service to Iblis is named Du’Nef’Iblis, while Cambions start with 2d8 racial Hit Dice in addition to the
the third cambion in service to Abaddon is named Hit Dice granted by their class levels.
Tre’Abaddonaeum. In Gehenna, half-daemons take names Medium: As Medium creatures, cambions gain no special
incorporating a particular sin in the language of the mor- bonuses or penalties due to size.
tal parent. For example, a cambion of human stock born Cambion base speed is 30 feet. All cambions can fly at a
from a daemon of lust might be called Rape, Fetish, or speed of 30 feet with an average maneuverability.

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86 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Cambions can attack with their natu-

ral weapons. They receive two claw
attacks and a bite attack. The claws
are their primary natural attack.
A cambion’s claw attacks deal
1d4 points of damage, while its
bite attack deals 1d6 points of
damage. These attacks are con-
sidered magical for the purpose
of overcoming damage reduc-
Darkvision: Cambions can see
in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision
is black and white only, but it is other-
wise like normal sight, and cambions can func-
tion just fine with no light at all.
Resistances: Cambions have resistance to acid 10, cold 10,
electricity 10, and fire 10.
Damage Reduction: Cambions have damage reduction
5/magic. At 12th level, their damage reduction increases to
Cambions have spell resistance of 10 + their Hit Dice
(maximum 35).
Cambions have a +1 natural armor bonus.
All cambions are immune to poison.
Cambions inherit the versatility of their human parent,
gaining 4 extra skill points at 1st level and an additional skill
point every level thereafter.
Cambions gain a bonus feat. This is in addition to the for details on playing level-adjusted characters. For purposes
normal feats gained at 1st level, and they may select any feat of ECL, remember to count the cambion’s two racial Hit Dice.
for which they qualify.
Native Outsider: As native outsiders, cambions may be Cambion
raised, reincarnated, or resurrected as any other living creature. Level Spell-Like Ability
Smite Good (Su): Cambions may attempt a smite attack 1–2 Darkness 3/day
once per day that deals their total number of Hit Dice (maxi- 3–4 Desecrate
mum +20) in damage against a good foe. The cambion must 5–6 Unholy blight
declare the smite attack prior to the attack roll. 7–8 Poison 3/day
Cambions gain an impressive number of spell-like abili- 9–10 Contagion
ties as they advance in level. If the cambion has an Intel- 11–12 Blasphemy
ligence or Wisdom score of 8 or higher, he gains the spell- 13–14 Unholy aura 3/day, unhallow
like abilities, specified on the cambion spell-like abilities 15–16 Horrid wilting
table below, using his actual level as the caster level. Unless 17–18 Summon monster IX (fiends only)
otherwise stated in the table, the cambion may use the abili- 19+ Destruction
ty once per day.
Automatic Languages: Common and either Abyssal or Race: Nephilim
Infernal. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret lan- By Robert J. Schwalb; originally published in Aasimar & Tiefling:
guages, such as Druidic). A Guidebook to the Planetouched by Green Ronin Publishing.
Favored Class: Any. When determining whether a multi- The beautiful nephilim, descended from a celestial and a
class cambion suffers an XP penalty, his highest-level class human, are rare creatures that walk the earth seeking evil to
does not count (for details, see the multiclassing rules in the destroy. Born of perfect love, the nephilim express the best
Player’s Handbook). of both humans and celestials. As strange as it may seem, it
Level Adjustment +4: Cambions are more powerful than is entirely natural for celestials to fall in love with the mor-
the standard races. See Chapter Six: Characters in the DMG tals, just as it is natural for mortals to share those feelings.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Five: Variant Rules
Though these intimate encounters are always brief—the Alignment
celestials (angels) always return to their battles for good— All nephilim are born good with equal tendencies toward
they never truly abandon their lovers. law, neutrality, and chaos. A rare few nephilim are morally
If the mortal woman carries the child, celestial servants neutral; nearly none are evil. Those that do fall must suffer
and creatures of nature are always nearby, aiding and assist- from some mortal tragedy or be affected by foul corrupting
ing during the pregnancy. The birth is painless. If the celes- magic or some other force, for a fallen celestial is one of the
tial bears the child, she returns the half-mortal to the materi- greatest tragedies. The lords of the fiends find fallen
al plane at birth to the sire, for her celestial duties prevent nephilim highly valuable as tools for their fell plots.
her from taking caring of the child. Children from these
unions are readily viewed as blessings, but some people, Lands
especially the overzealous, may find the resulting offspring Like any other planetouched or half-outsider character,
an obscenity and shun, or even persecute, the mother and nephilim do not have cities or nations, mostly due to their
child. rarity. They commingle with other races, favoring those of
Regardless of the child’s development, upon adolescence, similar ideals and goals. Nephilim are wanderers who have
she feels the same compelling urge driving her celestial par- no climate or geographical preferences.
ent: to combat evil and defend the virtue within others.
Personality Nephilim favor good gods whose spheres of influence
Nephilim are as beautiful inside as they are outside. They include virtue, sun, nature, justice, and valor. Those uncom-
do not understand sin or corruption; they cannot compre- mon nephilim who have fallen usually are atheistic, valuing
hend avarice, jealousy, or any of the other flaws so prevalent themselves over the gods they disdain. Fallen nephilim
in other mortals. Instead, they are charitable, friendly, mer- often establish cults of humanoids who worship them as
ciful, and kind. They encompass every virtuous trait, form- gods.
ing a personality that’s more than human, without vice or
duplicity. Language
Fallen nephilim are almost unheard of, but when they do All nephilim speak Common and Celestial.
occur, they are manifestations of disillusionment, extrem-
ism, or the surfacing of human failures. Names
Nephilim take their names from their human parent and
Physical Description abide by the customs of their native land. Only in rare
All nephilim are beautiful. All nephilim have large feathery instances do nephilim grow up on the plane of their celestial
angelic wings, which are either white or rainbow colored. All parent, and then only
nephilim have attractive, chiseled features and physiques. if the mortal parent
Their very appearance steals the breath of those who behold was unable or unwill- Cambions and Nephilim
them. Nephilim age and have the same physical characteris- ing to raise them. Although they’re pretty straightforward,
these races make nice additions to the
tics as humans, with the same range of hair and eye col- Should this unlikely game. There are really three different
oration. set of circumstances aspects something like this can take: a
arise, the nephilim monster write-up, a template, or a set of
racial abilities and characteristics. The
Relations takes the name of idea of being part mortal and part out-
Nephilim get along well with other creatures. Like their aasi- their celestial parent, sider needed this application, I think.
mar children, they embrace elves, respect dwarves, and enjoy prefaced by il’, which
the company of halflings and gnomes. Nephilim are not as means “lesser” in the celestial tongue, such as in il’Mika’il or
judgmental as aasimar regarding half-orcs, believing some il’Gabriel. If the child is male, it adopts -en as a suffix as
capacity for good exists within them. Goblinoids and other well, such that a male child of Gabriel would have the name
fell races evoke pity and sorrow in the nephilim, for they il’Gabrielen.
know these dark races lack compassion and cannot be
redeemed. Adventurers
On the subject of the planetouched, the nephilim vary in The destruction of evil motivates nephilim characters. They
outlook. In some cases, they embrace them, chiefly those of scour the lands in search of those who would subvert mor-
the celestial heritage. They are universally suspicious of tals. Thus, slaying an evil dragon, defeating a mad god’s cult,
those with fiendish blood, however. or saving the maiden in the tower are things that propel
them into adventuring careers.

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88 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

Nephilim Racial Traits Favored Class: Any. When determining whether a multi-
+4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +2 Intelli- class nephilim suffers an XP penalty, her highest-level class
gence, +4 Wisdom, +4 Charisma: Nephilim have all the best does not count (for details, see the multiclassing rules in the
features of humanity, but are superior in almost every way. Player’s Handbook).
Nephilim start with 2d8 racial Hit Dice in addition to the Level Adjustment +4: Nephilim more powerful than the
Hit Dice granted by their class levels. standard Player’s Handbook races. See Chapter Six:
Medium: As Medium creatures, nephilim gain no special Characters in the DMG for details on playing level-adjusted
bonuses or penalties due to their size. characters. For purposes of ECL, remember to count the
Nephilim base speed is 30 feet. A nephilim has feathered nephilim’s two racial Hit Dice.
wings and can fly at a speed of 60 feet (good maneuver-
ability). Nephilim
Darkvision: Nephilim can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Level Spell-Like Ability
Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like 1–2 Protection from evil 3/day, bless
normal sight, and nephilim can function just fine with no 3–4 Aid, detect evil
light at all. 5–6 Cure serious wounds, neutralize poison
Nephilim have a +1 natural armor bonus. 7–8 Holy smite, remove disease
Nephilim are immune to disease. 9–10 Dispel evil
Nephilim have a +4 racial bonus to saves against poison. 11–12 Holy word
Resistances: Acid 10, cold 10, and electricity 10. 13–14 Holy aura 3/day, hallow
Damage Reduction: Nephilim have damage reduction 15–16 Mass charm monster
5/magic. At 12th level, their damage reduction increases to 17–18 Summon monster IX (celestials only)
10/magic. 19+ Resurrection
Nephilim have spell resistance of 10 + their Hit Dice (to a
maximum 35). Reserve Points
Nephilim inherit the versatility of their human parent, Designed by Jonathan Tweet and developed by Andy Collins from Unearthed
gaining 4 extra skill points at 1st level and an additional skill Arcana by Wizards of the Coast. (Originally published in Dungeon/Polyhedron
point every level thereafter. magazine.)
Nephilim gain a bonus feat at 1st level. This is in addition This variant gives each character a capacity to recover
to the normal feats gained at 1st level, and they may select quickly from injury. This capacity, measured as reserve
any feat for which they qualify. points, replenishes lost hit points quickly after a fight. Thus,
Outsider: As native outsiders, nephilim may be raised, characters may be wounded and near death by the end of a
reincarnated, or resurrected as any other living creature. fight but then recover to full strength (or nearly full
Nephilim can use daylight at will. strength) before the next fight begins.
Smite Evil (Su): Once per day, a nephilim may attempt a Reserve points work particularly well in low-magic cam-
normal attack to deal extra damage equal to her Hit Dice paigns or in any game where healing is rare, expensive, or
(maximum of +20) against an evil foe. The character must otherwise hard to get.
declare this attack prior to the roll.
Nephilim gain several Using Reserve Points
Reserve Points spell-like abilities as A character’s quantity of reserve points equals his full hit
This is probably my favorite thing in this they advance in level. point total.
book, and certainly falls into the category Provided the nephilim After a character becomes injured (by losing hit points),
of “I wish I’d done this.” Its brilliance is has an Intelligence or reserve points begin automatically converting to hit points at
that it does nothing to make the PCs
tougher in any given encounter, but it Wisdom score of 8 or a rate of 1 per minute of non-strenuous activity (such as rest-
allows them to have more encounters in a higher, she gains the ing or hiking, but not climbing, swimming, or fighting).
given day (and having encounters is fun). spell-like abilities from Thus, for each minute of non-strenuous activity, the charac-
It also makes a party without a cleric pret-
ty viable. the nephilim spell-like ter regains 1 hit point and loses 1 reserve point.
abilities table that fol- For example, say a fighter has 22 hit points, so he also
lows, using her actual has 22 reserve points. In a battle with orcs, he takes 6
level as the caster level. Unless otherwise specified in the points of damage, dropping his hit points to 16. After the
table, the nephilim may use the ability once per day. fight, the character’s reserve points begin to “convert” to hit
Automatic Languages: Common and Celestial. Bonus points. Over the course of the next six minutes, his reserve
Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as point total drops by 6 and his hit point total increases by 6,
Druidic). up to his maximum of 22. During the next fight, this fighter

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Five: Variant Rules
takes 24 points of damage, dropping him to –2, and is then The advantage of this system is its flexibility; it allows
dying for 5 rounds before stabilizing, leaving him at –7 hit spellcasters to cast a wide variety of spells rather than pre-
points. Over the next 16 minutes, his remaining 16 reserve pare their spells ahead of time. Spells are difficult to cast,
points convert to hit points. After seven minutes, he’s con- however, and spellcasting characters may need to make
scious but disabled (0 hp). After eight minutes he’s back on multiple attempts and take extra time to cast their spells
his feet (1 hp), and after all 16 minutes he’s up to 9 hit successfully.
points and 0 reserve points.
New Skill: Spellcasting
Nonlethal Damage (varies; trained only)
Reserve points can also reduce a character’s nonlethal dam- Description: Use this skill to cast spells, whether arcane
age total. For each reserve point that converts to a hit point, or divine.
a character also subtracts 1 point from his nonlethal damage. Check: Whenever a character attempts to cast a spell, she
In addition, a character can take a standard action to must make a Spellcasting check. If her check total is higher
“spend” a number of reserve points equal to or less than his than the Difficulty Class, the spell is successfully cast. The
HD to reduce his nonlethal damage an equal amount. (If a time required to make a Spellcasting check is the casting
character has the Endurance feat, the DM might choose to time required for a specific spell, as listed in the spell’s
make this a move action, to reflect the fact that such charac- description.
ters can more easily persevere through exhausting situations.) Spellcasting is actually two different skills, and ranks in
one do not count toward the other. Spellcasting (divine)
Replenishing Reserve Points is used to cast divine spells, such as those of clerics and
Characters naturally regain lost reserve points at the same rangers, and has Wisdom as its key ability. Spellcasting
rate that they naturally heal lost hit points (see “Healing” in (arcane) is used to cast arcane spells, such as those of
Chapter Eight: Combat of the Player’s Handbook). If a char-
acter receives any magical healing, that healing is applied
first to the character’s lost hit points. Any excess healing left
over after the character’s hit points are restored to full nor-
mal is applied to increase the character’s reserve point total
(up to its normal maximum).

Constitution Changes
If a character’s Constitution modifier goes up or down, his
reserve points go up or down just as his hit points do. If a
decrease in Constitution would drop a character’s reserve
points below 0, any excess reduction is deducted from his
current hit points.

By Patrick O’Duffy; originally published in
Advanced Player’s Guide by Sword & Sorcery.
The skill-based spellcasting system
does away with spell slots. Instead,
spellcasting characters use a new
skill—Spellcasting—to cast their
spells. While it possesses some spe-
cial rules, Spellcasting works much as
a normal ability; spellcasters can
attempt to cast spells many times
over the course of a day, just as
rogues can attempt to pick multiple
locks and fighters can swing their
swords over and over again.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

90 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

sorcerers and wizards. Characters who gain bonus spells a cross-class skill. They cannot actually cast spells using the
from Charisma (such as bards and sorcerers) use Charisma skill until they gain one or more levels in a spellcasting class,
as the key ability for Spellcasting checks; characters who gain however. They must also define whether the skill covers
bonus spells from Intelligence (such as wizards) use arcane or divine spellcasting.
Intelligence as the key ability for Spellcasting checks. The Spellcasting skill is available only in campaigns that
The DC of a Spellcasting check depends on the level of the use the skill-based spellcasting system.
spell being cast. Divine spells are slightly more difficult to
cast than arcane spells, but divine spellcasters have access to Core Spells
more extensive spell lists A spellcasting character can attempt to cast any spell that she
Skill-Based Spellcasting than arcane spellcasters. knows or has access to. Arcane spellcasting is demanding in a
If the Spellcasting way than mundane skills are not, however, and even the most
Although I like the standard spellcasting
system just fine, this is a good, well- check fails, the charac- skilled wizard will eventually tire. After a character casts a cer-
thought-out alternative for people who ter has not managed to tain number of spells, it becomes more difficult for her to
would rather use something different. It’s cast the spell. She still keep doing so; her control over magical forces begins to weak-
likely that this option will make spellcast-
ers more potent, and certainly provides expends any material en, and she must rest to refresh her magical abilities. Divine
opportunity for power gamers to create components required by spellcasters also have limits on their daily spellcasting; once a
characters that can cast many more spells the spell in the attempt; cleric casts a certain number of spells, her god becomes
than the core rules would provide, usually
at the cost of being good at other things. similarly, if the spell increasingly reluctant to continue granting divine favor.
Smart DMs will severely limit magic effects requires spending expe- Under the standard d20 System, each class has a number
that add to a character’s spellcasting skill rience points, she pays of spells per day a character can cast. In the Spellcasting skill
the XP cost even if the system, this number (plus any bonus spells) becomes the
check fails. number of spells a character can cast per day easily. These are
referred to as her core spells.
Spell Arcane Divine Once a spellcasting character casts her core spells for the
Level Spellcasting DC Spellcasting DC day, any Spellcasting checks to cast further spells of that
0 10 12 level suffer a cumulative increase to the Difficulty Class. The
1 15 17 Spellcasting DC increases by a cumulative +2 each time a
2 18 20 character successfully casts a spell beyond her core spell
3 20 22 amount.
4 23 25 Such modifiers to the Spellcasting DC go away after the
5 25 27 character rests, meditates, or prepares (as in the spell slot
6 28 30 system).
7 30 32 Example: As a 4th-level bard with a high Charisma, Lelia
8 33 35 Kyvinycz can cast four o-level spells, three 1st-level spells, and one
9 35 37 2nd-level spell each day without difficulty. In a battle with the
prince’s ghoulish servants, Lelia casts cure light wounds twice
Retry: Yes. If a character fails to cast a spell, she may try to and protection from evil once, using up her core 1st-level spells.
cast it again when she next has an action. If she later wants to cast hypnotism to distract a pair of sentries,
Example: Lelia Kyvinycz is a 4th-level bard. She gains bonus she must make a Spellcasting check (DC 17). If she casts hypno-
spells based on Charisma, so her Spellcasting skill is likewise based tism successfully, the next 1st-level spell she wants to cast is made
on her Charisma modifier. She has 5 ranks in Spellcasting and a at DC 19. The Difficulty Classes for casting cantrips and 2nd-level
Charisma of 16, for a total bonus of +8. Lelia tries to cast the 1st- spells are not affected, however. Once Lelia rests for eight hours
level spell hypnotism, which has a DC of 15. On her first attempt, and spends 15 minutes readying her magical abilities, she can cast
Lelia gets a total of 13 and fails to cast the spell. On the second 1st-level spells at the normal Difficulty Class again.
attempt, Lelia gets a total of 17 and successfully casts hypnotism.
A character can cast only a certain number of spells per Optional Rule: Physical Fatigue
day before her magical abilities start to wane; after that The Spellcasting skill system’s main point of game balance is
point, Spellcasting DCs steadily increase. See “Core Spells,” the increasing DC of Spellcasting checks. Characters can
below, for more details. cast a lot of spells in this system, but eventually the
Special: You may not take 10 or take 20 on Spellcasting Difficulty Class to cast a spell will reach the point where it
checks. becomes impossible to achieve. Even before that point, DCs
Characters with no knowledge of or access to magic, such can quickly become high enough that casting spells in com-
as fighters and monks, may still take ranks in Spellcasting as bat can be dangerously slow and unreliable.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Chapter Five: Variant Rules
Still, nothing in the system stops characters (and players) The two variant systems described below give more variety
from trying to cast spells over and over and over again until and options to the metamagic-using spellcaster. With either
they finally work. For low-level spells, this isn’t all that of these variants, a spellcaster doesn’t have to prepare meta-
unbalancing—but when it’s wish and meteor swarm, it can be magic versions of her spells in advance (if she normally pre-
a definite problem. To prevent this, GMs might wish to add pares spells) or spend full-round actions to cast metamagic
an extra drawback to the Spellcasting system—the problem spells (if she doesn’t prepare spells). Nor do metamagic
of characters becoming physically fatigued and drained by spells take up higher-level spell slots.
casting spells. Instead, the “cost” for using a metamagic feat is applied in
In this optional extra for the Spellcasting system, charac- one of two different manners. The first applies the cost as
ters risk suffering nonlethal damage when they cast spells. additional spell slots. The second restricts the number of
Whenever a character attempts to cast a spell and fails, he times per day the feat can be used.
suffers nonlethal damage equal to the level of the spell he For both of these variants, the prerequisites for selecting a
attempted to cast—so if a sorcerer failed his Spellcasting metamagic feat and the effects of the feat itself, remain the
check to cast fly, he’d suffer 3 points of nonlethal damage. same as given in the feat’s description (except when other-
This damage must be healed as normal, through rest or with wise noted).
magical healing.
If this sounds too punishing—and it can be, especially for Daily Uses
low-level characters—you might vary it so that a character With this variant, a character who selects a metamagic feat
only takes nonlethal damage if he fails the Spellcasting check gains three daily uses of that feat that she can opt to use “on
by 5 or more. the fly” without previous preparation, increased spell level,
or extended casting time. The character must decide when
Spontaneous Metamagic casting the spell if she wishes to apply the effect of one of
Designed and developed by Andy Collins; originally published in Unearthed her metamagic feats to the spell.
Arcana by Wizards of the Coast. The maximum level of spell to which a caster can apply a
One of the more radical concepts introduced in the d20 metamagic feat is equal to the maximum spell level she is
System is the metamagic feat. These feats allow spellcasters capable of casting (based on her level and ability scores),
to tinker with their spells’ range, area, damage, components minus the spell level adjustment of the metamagic feat. If the
required, and even casting time. While such options existed result of this calculation is less than 0, the character can’t
in previous editions of the game, they usually required the apply the metamagic feat to any of her spells.
caster to use other spells to affect his magic, rather than rely- For instance, a 5th-level wizard is normally capable of
ing upon pure talent. casting spells of up to 3rd level. If she chooses to apply her
However, this new option comes with a significant cost, Silent Spell metamagic feat (which uses a spell slot one level
particularly for those casters who prepare spells (such as higher than normal) to a spell, the maximum level of spell
clerics, druids, and wizards). Such characters must plan in that she can apply it to is equal to 3 minus 1, or 2nd. Thus,
advance which spells they wish to use their metamagic feats she may make any of
on, and prepare those spells in the appropriate higher-level her 0-, 1st-, or 2nd-
slot. This requirement forces the character to guess which level spells silent. If Spontaneous Metamagic
spells will be needed in which situations. If a caster antici- she had the Maximize Metamagic is cool, but some people
avoid it because they can’t be convinced
pates being grappled, a stilled spell would be extraordinarily Spell feat, she could that it’s worth it to cast a modified spell
valuable—but which one? If a character expects to be apply it only to 0- at a higher level (sometimes a much high-
sneaking around, she should consider using Silent Spell on level spells (since a er level). This is a good variant for those
one or more of her spells—but how many? In many cases, maximized spell is
these choices are for naught, since the caster ends up using normally cast as a
her silent magic missile in ordinary combat, or her enlarged spell three levels higher, and 3 minus 3 is 0). Quicken Spell
fireball in a space too small to take advantage of the expand- would be of no use to this wizard, since she couldn’t even
ed range. apply it to 0-level spells.
Characters who don’t prepare spells in advance (such as A caster can apply more than one metamagic feat to a
bards and sorcerers) have a distinct advantage in that they spell, or even the same metamagic effect more than once (if
can choose to use their metamagic feats “on the fly”; that is, allowed by the feat’s description). However, to determine the
at the time of casting. The cost is an extended casting time maximum level of spell that can be so affected, add together
(making Quicken Spell a useless option for such charac- all the spell adjustments given for the various feats. A 9th-
ters), but this cost is rarely balanced with that paid by other level wizard could enlarge and empower any spell of 2nd-
spellcasters. level or lower (since her maximum spell level is 5th, and the

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

92 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

total spell level adjustment for Empower Spell and Enlarge class as the spell to be modified. A 7th-level cleric/4th-level
Spell is 3). If a feat may be applied more than once to the wizard who wants to cast a maximized cure moderate wounds
same spell, each application counts as one of the caster’s can’t spend any of her wizard spell slots—they all must be
three daily uses. from her cleric spellcasting ability.
Each time a caster selects a metamagic feat, she gains A character may expend only bonus spells from school
three daily uses of that feat. Multiple selections of the same specialization on spells of that school (so an evoker could
feat are cumulative. For instance, if a caster selects Empower spend her bonus 3rd-level evocation spell to pay for a meta-
Spell twice, she may use the feat six times per day rather magic feat applied to another evocation spell, but not to a
than three. spell of any other school). She can’t expend domain spells to
In this variant system, the Heighten Spell feat functions pay for a metamagic feat’s added spell slot cost, even if the
slightly differently from other metamagic feats. You may use spell is a domain spell.
the Heighten Spell feat to increase a spell’s effective level (for In the case of the Heighten Spell feat, a caster expends
purposes of such factors as save DCs and so on) up to the one additional spell slot for each effective level she wishes to
maximum spell level you are capable of casting. For instance, add to the spell. To heighten a fireball to the equivalent of a
a 3rd-level cleric could heighten a 0- or 1st-level spell to 2nd 5th-level spell, a caster must expend two extra spell slots of
level, while a 17th-level druid could heighten a 0- through 3rd level or higher.
8th-level spell to 9th level. The spell is treated as a spell of A caster can apply more than one metamagic feat to a
that level for purposes of save DC and similar effects, but spell, or even the same metamagic effect more than once (if
doesn’t require a higher-level spell slot. allowed by the feat’s description). She must simply pay the
additional cost in spell slots. For instance, a wizard casting a
Extra Spell Slots stilled and silent invisibility spell would spend two spell slots
With this variant, a caster must expend extra spell slots in in addition to the invisibility spell: one for Still Spell and a
order to apply the effects of a metamagic feat. These spell second for Silent Spell.
slots must be of a level equal to or higher than that of the If a caster doesn’t have enough remaining spell slots to
spell being modified by the metamagic feat. In essence, the cast the metamagic spell, she can’t apply that metamagic
character pays for the metamagic effect by “using up” other effect to the spell.
spells of the same or higher level. The caster need not pre-
pare the metamagic version of the spell ahead of time, and Combining the Variants
the spell’s actual level and casting time are unchanged from You could combine the two metamagic variants presented
normal. above. Using a combined system, a metamagic-enhanced
The number of extra spell slots required is equal to the spell would cost additional slots (as noted in the second
spell level adjustment of the feat. For example, a wizard who variant), but the caster would have a maximum spell level to
wants to cast a quickened magic missile would expend the which she could apply her metamagic feats (as in the first
magic missile spell, plus four additional spells of 1st level or variant). This combined approach limits the immediate
higher. effect of metamagic feats in the game (because of the spell
If the caster has more than one spellcasting class, all extra level limit) while simultaneously assigning a very real cost to
spell slots expended must come from the same spellcasting their use (additional spell slots).

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

Congratulations to the Year’s Best!
The material in this collection of The Year’s Best d20 was selected after a thorough examination of all eligible products submit-
ted. Publishers were invited to submit works of fantasy, horror, science fiction, superheroes, modern, and other genres, as
long as they were compatible with the d20 System/Open Game License and published in 2004. Malhavoc Press gratefully
acknowledges the companies represented here for granting permission to reprint their selections. Material was selected based
on the quality of the game design (how well the material adhered to relevant established rules), playability and usability of
the material, creativity in taking the rules system in original directions, and presentation of the material (writing and editing
quality). Malhavoc Press products were excluded from consideration.
If you liked the material you’ve read here, check out the represented products in full. Ask for these excellent 2004 titles at
your local game store or look for them online at print or PDF sales venues.

Aasimar & Tiefling: Libem Liborium: Poisoncraft: The Dark Art

A Guidebook to the Complete Guide to d20 (Blue Devil Games):
Planetouched (Green Books (Silven Forbidden script and toxify-
Ronin Publishing): Publishing): Awaken tome ing weapon quality.
Cosmosopher, Dretch and summarize.
Spawn, Infernal Insight,
Ravid's Blessing, Throw-
Relics & Rituals:
back, Planar Awareness, burn out,despoil,elemental Love and War (Atlas
Excalibur (Sword &
sample, impede magic, demon hooks, cambion, Games): Counterstrike,
Sorcery): Reliquarian,
nephilim, and planetouched ancestry magic. Coward's Bane, Damaging
candle of life, and scabbard
Spell, Dying Blow, Might
of restoration.
Advanced Bestiary of Courage, Spell Cleave,
(Green Ronin Spell of Opportunity, and
Publishing): Amalgam Warrior's Path. Relics & Rituals: Olympus
template, bipedal tem- (Sword & Sorcery):
plate, and clockwork Metablades (Expanded Prophecy skill, blood
creature template. Edition, Genjitsu protectors, liquid form,
Games): Borrow limb, know thy master, mortal
Advanced Player's Guide scoundrel's guidance, shadow cloak, mortal cloak (forced),
(Sword & Sorcery): stitch, and spare hand. scapegoat, scapegoat
Arcane warrior, gemcast- (greater), and song of serenity.
er, combat defense, and
skill-based spellcasting. Modern Magic (The Strange Lands: Lost Tribes of
Game Mechanics): the Scarred Lands (Sword
Object to ink. & Sorcery): Divine
Ancient Kingdoms:
Perseverance, Belsameth's
vengeance, escape the bonds of
(Necromancer Games):
the flesh, halting the wayward
Sleep of power and death
The Pantheon and Pagan tongue, and Unholy Chorus.
Faiths (Mystic Eye
Games): Armor of thorns. The Tome of Horrors II
The Complete Guide to (Necromancer Games):
Rakshasas (Goodman Arcanoplasm, bedlam,
Games): Yogi. corpsespinner, corpsespun
Player's Guide to Monks template, crucifixion spir-
and Paladins (Sword & it, golem (furnace), hanged
Denizens of Avadnu (The Sorcery): Knight of man, and time flayer.
Inner Circle): Carcaetan, tears.
ethereal adder, goldencrest, Unearthed Arcana
inscriber, kei-ehri, kulumar, (Wizards of the Coast):
madrir, nightmare collec- Urban ranger, incanta-
tor, vacuous engulfer, and tions, reserve points, and
warding visage. spontaneous metamagic.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6

94 Monte Cook Presents: The Year’s Best d20

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You must add the title, the copyright date, and 2000–2005, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; authors
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7. USE OF PRODUCT IDENTITY: You agree not to Use material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
ing trade dress; artifacts, creatures, characters, sto-
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ries, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dia-
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logue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols,
in another, independent Agreement with the Advanced Player's Guide, Player's Guide to Monks
designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses,
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concepts, themes, and graphic, photographic, and
agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adapt- Rituals: Olympus, and Strange Lands: Lost Tribes of
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Trademark in conjunction with a work contain- Advanced Bestiary and Aasimar and Tiefling: A
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ing Open Game Content except as expressly Guidebook to the Planetouched ©2004 Green
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licensed in another, independent Agreement with Ronin Publishing, LLC.
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Game Content shall retain all rights, title, and Games.
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10. COPY OF THIS LICENSE: You MUST include a Unearthed Arcana ©2004 Wizards of the
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Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 6


Evil schemes are afoot in Cauldron, a metropolis of
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©2005 Wizards. Dungeons & Dragons, and DUNGEON, are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc., and are used by Paizo Publishing under license.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648)

Shackled City resize.indd 1 7/21/05 3:34:10 PM

What if the world’s most popular fantasy roleplaying game took place in a world
in which magic was an unstable, dangerous force that few could control? Steel and pure courage replace

magical talismans and spells. Daring action and clever tactics win battles and earn you acclaim.

Discover the Iron Heroes roleplaying product line from Malhavoc Press, the team that brought you Arcana Unearthed

and Arcana Evolved. With its all-new combat-oriented rules, Iron Heroes is high-octane action fantasy at its best!

ISBN 1-58846-796-1 WW16154 256 pages, hardcover $37.99 U.S.
Iron Heroes is an exciting new game of heroic combat action for skilled heroes who
have no need for magic swords and arcane trinkets. Armed with their cunning, talent,
and unmatched bravery, they wade sword-first into a savage world of high adventure.
Uses standard OGL rules with modifications to enhance combat in d20 games.
By Mike Mearls. Available now!


ISBN 1-58846-797-X WW16155 96 pages, softcover $19.99 U.S.
This guidebook comes packed with supplemental rules such as villain classes, a useful
tool for generating terrifying foes with minimal work, and combat zones, which show
DMs how to use the environment to create ever more memorable encounters. More
than a simple game master’s guide, it is an owner’s manual that gives both players and
DMs all the design tools you need to enjoy a successful heroic-combat campaign.
By Mike Mearls. Available October 2005.


ISBN 1-58846-949-2 WW16156 96 pages, softcover $19.99 U.S.
Great heroes need great foes! The Iron Heroes Bestiary introduces a variety of terrify-
ing monstrosities, new feats designed for monsters, and guidelines for creating your
own terrors, plus even more of the innovative new villain classes. Compatible with
any game that uses d20-based mechanics.
By Mike Mearls. Available January 2006.


BattleBox: Iron Heroes Accessory for All Levels • FDP4024 $21.95 MSRP ISBN 1-894693-90-0 November 2005
Dark Harbor Adventure for PCs of 1st to 5th Level by Adam Windsor • FDP4025 $9.00 MSRP PDF exclusive! Fall 2005


Song of the Blade Introductory Adventure by Matt Sprengeler • GMG5500 $14.99 MSRP ISBN 0-9768085-5-2 September 2005|
Iron Heroes Character Blisters
Archer, executioner, man-at-arms, thief, and weapon master • $5.99 each, September 2005
Arcanist, armiger, berserker, harrier, and hunter • $5.99 each, November 2005

FREE bonus material at

©2005 Monte J. Cook. Malhavoc is a registered trademark owned by Monte J. Cook. Sword & Sorcery
is a trademark owned by White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648) 66

Bring the Best to Your Game Table!
The sheer volume of d20 System products—especially those with small
print runs and low profiles—makes it impossible for a player to find
out about them all, let alone read them all. That’s why this collection
of The Year’s Best d20 game material is vital if you want the best of
what the industry has to offer.

Compiled and introduced by 3rd Edition codesigner Monte Cook,

The Year’s Best d20 presents a unique collection of classes, feats,
magic, monsters, and variant rules that illustrates the d20 System’s
flexibility. The contents, drawn from a thorough examination of
products released in 2004, represents a variety of authors and pub-
lishers. This invaluable reference is a treasure trove of material
suitable for any campaign.

If you buy only one game product this year, make sure it’s the best!

Malhavoc Press is game designer Monte Cook’s d20 System imprint devoted to
publishing unusual magic, monsters, and evocative game elements that go beyond
traditional fantasy. Malhavoc Press products exhibit a mastery of the d20 System rules
that only one of the 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons® designers can offer you.

Free bonus material at

ISBN 1-58846-798-8 • WW16133 • $19.99 U.S.
©2005 Monte J. Cook
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast®.
Dungeons & Dragons and Wizards of the Coast are registered trademarks and the d20 System logo and d20 System
are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. The Sword & Sorcery logo is a registered
trademark of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Malhavoc is a registered trademark of Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.

PDF Version 1
August 2005

Paul Stevens-Green (order #31648)

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