Sustained Release Drug Delivery System Potential: The Pharma Innovation
Sustained Release Drug Delivery System Potential: The Pharma Innovation
Sustained Release Drug Delivery System Potential: The Pharma Innovation
INTRODUCTION: Oral drug delivery has The design of oral sustain drug delivery system
been known for decades as the most widely (DDS) should be primarily aimed to achieve the
utilized route of administration among all the more predictability and reproducibility to control
routes that has been explored for the systemic the drug release, drug concentration in the target
delivery of drugs via various pharmaceutical tissue and optimization of the therapeutic effect
products of different dosage form. Nowadays of a drug by controlling its release in the body
most of the pharmaceutical scientists are involved with lower and less frequent dose. Conventional
in developing an ideal DDS. This ideal system drug therapy typically involves the periodic
should have advantage of single dose for whole dosing of a therapeutic agent that has been
duration of the treatment and it should deliver the formulated in a manner to ensure its stability,
drug directly at specific site. Scientists have activity and bioavailability. For most of the
succeeded to develop a system that can be as drugs, conventional methods of formulation are
near to an ideal system and it encourages the quite effective. However some drugs are unstable
scientists to develop controlled release system. and toxic and have a narrow therapeutic range,
exhibit extreme solubility problems, require
Corresponding Author’s Contact information: localization to a particular site in the body or
K.P. Sampath Kumar* require strict compliance or long-term use. In
Karpagam University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India such cases a method of continuous administration
E-mail: [email protected]
of drug is desirable to maintain fixed plasma drug
levels. The goal in designing sustained or existing international patents, discovery of new
sustained delivery systems is to reduce the polymeric materials suitable for prolonging the
frequency of the dosing or to increase drug release, and the improvement in therapeutic
effectiveness of the drug by localization at the efficiency and safety achieved by these delivery
site of action, reducing the dose required or systems. Now-a-days the technology of sustained
providing uniform drug delivery. So, sustained release is also being applied to veterinary
release dosage form is a dosage form that release products.
one or more drugs continuously in a
predetermined pattern for a fixed period of time, These systems also provide a slow release of drug
either systemically or to a specified target organ. over an extended period of time and also can
sustained release dosage forms provide a better provide some control, whether this be of a
control of plasma drug levels, less dosage temporal or spatial nature, or both, of drug release
frequency, less side effect, increased efficacy and in the body, or in other words, the system is
constant delivery. successful at maintaining constant drug levels in
the target tissue or cells.
1) Controlled Release:
Terminology: 1,2
These systems include any drug delivery system
Modified release delivery systems may be that achieves slow release of drug over an
divided conveniently in to four categories. extended period of time.
presence or absence of food and residence time in that have poor bioavailability because their
gastrointestinal tract is different among patients. absorption is limited to upper GI tract can be
This also gives rise to variation in clinical delivered efficiently thereby maximizing their
response among the patient. absorption and improving their absolute
Floating dosage forms with SR characteristics can
Other advantages are: also be expected to reduce the variability in
Sustained drug delivery: transit performance. In addition, it might provide
As mentioned earlier, drug absorption from oral a beneficial strategy for gastric and duodenal
controlled release (CR) dosage forms is often cancer treatment.
limited by the short GRT available for absorption. The concept of FDDS has also been utilized in
However, HBS type dosage forms can retain in the development of various anti- reflux
the stomach for several hours and therefore, formulations. Floating systems are particularly
significantly prolong the GRT of numerous useful for acid soluble drugs, drugs poorly
drugs. soluble or unstable in intestinal fluids, and those
These special dosage forms are light, relatively which may undergo abrupt changes in their pH
large in size, and do not easily pass through dependent solubility due to food, age and disease
pylorus, which has an opening of approx. 0.1– 1.9 states.
Site specific drug delivery 1. The major disadvantage of floating
A floating dosage form is a feasible approach system is requirement of a sufficient high
especially for drugs which have limited level of fluids in the stomach for the drug
absorption sites in upper small intestine. The delivery to float. However this limitation
controlled, slow delivery of drug to the stomach can be overcome by coating the dosage
provides sufficient local therapeutic levels and form with the help of Bioadhesive
limits the systemic exposure to the drug. This polymers that easily adhere to the mucosal
reduces side effects that are caused by the drug in lining of the stomach.
the blood circulation. In addition the prolonged 2. Floating system is not feasible for those
gastric availability from a site directed delivery drugs that have solubility or stability
system may also reduce the dosing frequency. problem in gastric fluids.
3. The dosage form should be administered
The eradication of Helicobacter pylori requires with a minimum of glass full of water
the administration of various medicaments (200-250 ml).
several times a day, which often results in poor 4. The drugs, which are absorbed throughout
patient compliance. More reliable therapy can be gastro-intestinal tract, which undergo first
achieved by using GRDDS. Floating alginate pass metabolism (nifedipine, propranolol
beads have been used for the sustained release of etc.), are not desirable candidate.
Amoxycillin trihydrate. Thus, it can be expected 5. Some drugs present in the floating system
that the topical delivery of antibiotic through a causes irritation to gastric mucosa.
FDDS may result in complete removal of the
organisms in the fundal area due to bactericidal
drug levels being reached in this area, and might Criteria to be met by drug proposed to be
lead to better treatment of peptic ulcer. formulated in sustained release dosage forms.
Absorption of poorly water soluble drug is often Plasma drug concentration-profiles for
dissolution rate limited. Incorporating such conventional tablet or capsule formulation, a
sustained release formulation, and a zero order c= concentration difference across the
sustained release formulation. membrane.
1] Reservoir type:
Sustained (zero-order) drug release has been
attempted to be achieved, by following classes of
sustained drug delivery system.
Figure No-1
A] Diffusion sustained system:
Schematic representation of diffusion sustained
Basically diffusion process shows the movement drug release: reservoir system.
of drug molecules from a region of a higher
concentration to one of lower concentration. The In the system, a water insoluble polymeric
flux of the drug J (in amount / area -time), across material encases a core of drug. Drug will
a membrane in the direction of decreasing partition into the membrane and exchange with
concentration is given by Fick’s law. the fluid surrounding the particle or tablet.
Additional drug will enter the polymer, diffuse to
J= - D dc/dx. the periphery and exchange with the surrounding
D = diffusion coefficient in area/ time
dc/dx = change of concentration 'c' with
distance 'x' Description:
Drug core surrounded by polymer membrane
In common form, when a water insoluble which controls release rate.
membrane encloses a core of drug, it must diffuse
through the membrane, the drug release rate dm/ Advantages:
dt is given by, Zero order delivery is possible, release rates
variable with polymer type.
dm/ dt= ADK C/L
a] Single bead– type device with Two types of osmotically sustained systems are:-
alternating drug and rate-controlling layer. Type A contains an osmotic core with drug
b] Beads containing drug with differing Type B contains the drug in flexible bag with
thickness of dissolving coats. osmotic core surrounding.
These include dose size, aqueous solubility, 1. They must be completely inert and non-
protein binding, molecular size, drug stability and reactive with the drug and additives in the
partition coefficients. tablet.
2. They must be able to form a stable and strong
2] Biological factors matrices when compressed either directly or
more often as granules prepared by the
These include absorption, distribution, addition of a binding agent.
metabolism, duration of action, margin of safety, 3. They must be non-toxic.
side effects of drug, disease state and circadian
f. Oscillating tube method sustained release drug delivery system but also
g. Dialysis method the biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics of
h. USP dissolution method. the therapeutic agent in the body after its release
from the drug delivery system and also the
2. In–Vivo Methods pharmacodynamics of therapeutic agent at the site
of drug action.
Once the satisfactory in-vitro profile is achieved,
it becomes necessary to conduct in-vivo A simple in vitro-in vitro relationship can
evaluation and establish in-vitro in-vivo be established by conducting in-vitro and in-vivo
correlation. The various in-vivo evaluation evaluations of a potential drug delivery system
methods are:- simultaneously to study and compare the
mechanism and rate profiles of sustained drug
a. Clinical response release. When the in-vivo drug release
b. Blood level data mechanism is proven to be in good agreement
c. Urinary excretion studies with that observed in the in-vitro drug release
d. Nutritional studies. studies, then in-vitro in-vivo correlation factor is
e. Toxicity studies derived. For capsule type drug delivery system
f. Radioactive tracer techniques the factor can be represented as:
3. Stability Studies : (Q/t) in-vivo
Adequate stability data of the drug and its dosage
(Q/t) in-vitro
form is essential to ensure the strength, safety,
Where Q/t = Rate of release
identity, quality, purity and in-vitro in-vivo
release rates, that they claim to have at the time ‘Q’ values are dependent profiles of drug
of use. A sustained release product should release delivery systems. upon the sites of administration
a predetermined amount of the drug at specified and environmental conditions to which the
time intervals, which should not change on animals are exposed during treatment (study).
storage. Any considerable deviation from the The above relationship can be used for
appropriate release would render the sustained optimization of sustained release Levy has
release product useless. The in-vitro and in-vivo classified in-vivo – in-vitro correlation in to:
release rates of sustained release product may be
altered by atmospheric or accelerated conditions a] Pharmacological correlations based on clinical
such as temperature & humidity. observations;
The stability programmes of a sustained release b] Semi-quantitative correlations based on blood
product include storage at both nominal and levels or urinary excretion data;
accelerated conditions such as temperature & c] Quantitative correlation arising from
humidity to ensure that the product will withstand absorption kinetics. While most of the published
these conditions. correlations are of semi-quantitative nature, the
most valuable are those based on absorption
In vitro- In vivo Correlations:4,10