In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics

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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Bachelor of Secondary Education

major in Mathematics










Statement of the Problem

The study will compare the mastery level in Pre-Calculus of the Grade-11
S.T.E.M. students using the Modular Learning and The Online Learning Modality
in Poblacion Polomolok National High School and Silway-8 National High School.

Specifically, the researcher will answer to the following sub-questions:

1. What is the Mastery Level in Pre-Calculus of the Grade-11 S.T.E.M. students

who is using online learning in Poblacion Polomolok National High School?

2. What is the Mastery Level in in Pre-Calculus of the Grade-11 S.T.E.M.

students who is using a modular learning in Silway-8 National High School?

3. Is there a significant difference on the mastery level in Pre-Calculus of the

Grade-11 S.T.E.M. students who are using modular learning modality in Silway-8
National High School and Online-Learning modality in Poblacion Polomolok
National High School?

This chapter presents a review of related literature and studies. Together

with the legal basis, conceptual framework and theoretical framework, hypothesis
and definition of terms which helped the researcher in conceptualizing the
variables to be undertaken.


Mastery Level

As per Yudkowsky et al. (2015), authority learning is an instructional

approach in which instructive advancement is based on demonstrated execution
rather than curricular time. Students train and retest until they reach a
predetermined level of dominance; the final level of achievement is the same for
everybody, however the chance of authority varies. Given the unique
characteristics of dominance learning assessments, a thoughtful approach to
constructing the presentation levels and metrics that determine whether a
student has demonstrated authority is essential. When used in authority learning
settings in medical care, standard-setting procedures must be adjusted,
particularly in terms of the use of proof-based execution information, the
guarantee of appropriate benchmark or correlation gatherings, and the
consideration of patient security outcomes. Data on student results and historical
execution information of students who were successful at the next level of
preparation can be more relevant than traditional test execution data from
previous examinees.

Rosenberg (2012) cited four distinct stages of mastery which are: Novice,
Competent, Experienced and Master or Expert.

The novice (or apprentice) is someone who is brand new to a job. Novices
know very little about the job, and certainly not enough to execute to any
reasonable quality. Before novices may be productive, they must be taught (or
shown) the fundamentals of what has to be done. Here, the learning technique is
almost entirely instructional. They ask, "Show me (teach me) how to perform my

Second, competent (or journeyman) employees are capable of doing

fundamental occupations and tasks. They've completed their basic training and
are now looking for more instruction and practice to improve their skills. Their
main request is to "assist me in doing it better."
The third category is "experienced." This is when things start to get
interesting. Experienced employees are more than just competent. They might
change their behavior depending on the occasion. They require on-demand
access to knowledge and performance resources, as well as the capacity to
explore those resources in ways that are adaptable and adjustable based on the
scenario, because they face a diverse and often unforeseen collection of work
difficulties and challenges. "Assist me in finding what I need," they say as they
sift through data from sophisticated web systems to their peers.

Finally, there's Master/Expert. New knowledge is created by masters and

specialists. They may come up with new and better methods to execute a task
and teach others how to do it as well. They are genuinely one-of-a-kind
individuals that strive to learn in unconventional and personal ways, particularly
via collaboration, research, and problem-solving. They reply, "I'll make my own

Even disregarding the fact that people may be at two or more levels at the
same time, depending on what they are doing, the distinction between these four
levels is hazy.

It will be difficult to pinpoint exactly when someone progresses from

beginner to competent, or from experienced to master/expert, but that's fine; we
can live with some uncertainty as long as we focus on job performance (how
individuals execute their jobs) rather than learning gain (how people score on a
test). The more information (even anecdotal evidence) we have, the better.

Furthermore, while not everyone will achieve mastery, we do know that

when people work their way up the corporate ladder, they improve their skills.
They demonstrate growing performance fluency, agility, and the capacity to
impart knowledge as they do so. The fluidity with which they accomplish their
tasks is referred to as fluency. As workers go up the mastery ladder, their lack of
reluctance and ease with which they do tasks increase. As people progress
through the four phases, their agility, or capacity to adapt and respond to new
situations, or "shift on the fly" depending on new knowledge, improves. According
to Rosenberg, when people gain more knowledge and experience, they grow
better at sharing it with others through cooperation, coaching, mentoring, and
teaching (2012).

Zimmerman and Dibenedetto (2008) questioned students at a Tennessee

high school after they had been or were presently being taught mastery learning
approaches in arithmetic. "A strong level of confidence or self-efficacy for" these
kids said. "A high level of self-efficacy or confidence in math, as well as a high
level of self-evaluation of their progress and high goal standards" (Zimmerman &
DiBenedetto, 2008, p. 215). Additional benefits of mastery learning teaching
include increased self-efficacy and a shift in the sorts of objectives students set,
both of which frequently carry over into other classes, even those not employing
the mastery approach.

Benjamin Bloom developed one method for mastery learning. Bloom

devised a teaching style to fulfill the demands of his students. Bloom came up
with his hypothesis in the mid-1960s after spending time in classrooms observing
instructors and pupils. He stated that instructors should vary their instruction for
pupils to learn, and that learning takes time, thus students should be given
enough time. He established his Learning For Mastery (LFM) teaching technique,
a student-paced group-based learning method, in 1968. In terms of both
instruction and evaluation, the topic gave some particular tenets for instructors to
adopt in their classrooms ( Guskey, 2007). Bloom's approach has remained in
use over the years.

Bloom's technique, according to Schunk (2000), entails four steps:

identifying mastery, preparing for mastery, teaching for mastery, and grading for
mastery. (as cited in Zimmerman & DiBenedetto, 2008, p. 208). Usually, a score
between 70% and 80% are considered a standard of mastery prior to the
implementation of the subject, and those who attained such scores (average)
have surely mastered such concept. The teacher will give a formative
assessment with feedbacks to students, and those students who weren’t able to
pass or attained the defined mastery level, they will be given specific correctives
based on the items they answered correctly.

McGuire and McDonald (2009) discovered that the mastery learning

technique has several distinct features that contribute to its effectiveness.
McGuire and McDonald (2009) highlighted that, according to mastery theory's
instructional methodologies, students who go through a cycle of studying, testing,
and feedback will learn the most. This practice is continued until the learner has
attained mastery, allowing him or her to advance to the next step. Students who
did not achieve mastery level, on the other hand, will be subjected to extra
remedial measures, while students who did achieve mastery level would
participate in enrichment activities such as doing complicated problem-solving
tasks and even peer-tutoring (Guskey, 2007). Unlike conventional teaching
approaches such as rote learning, teacher-driven time periods, and teaching to a
middling performance level, mastery learning allows for individualized training
(Eyre, 2007; Guskey, 2007; Kulik, Kulik, & Bangert-Drowns, 1990; McGuire &
McDonald, 2009).

Overall, the mastery learning, regardless of the method used to implement

it, seems to be effective in improving student academic achievement, motivation,
subject satisfaction, and academic self-concept. As long as there's enough time,
appropriate and quality instructions and materials used to help them, surely and
with no doubt they will attained mastery level or mastered a certain concept.
Moreover, it's seem to be overwhelmingly positive for the most part, and with
proper implementation, mastery learning seems to be a legitimate answer to
meeting the needs of nearly all students in the classroom effectively, especially
when combined with other cooperative learning strategies.

New Normal Education

Nearly 75% of the world's student population has been affected by school
closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic (UNESCO, 2020). Of 91.3% of the total
enrolled students in 188 countries, which is a rough total of 1,576,021,818
students (Toquero, 2020). This was similar when China first witnessed Extreme
Acute Respiratory Syndrome in 2003 (SARS). In Hong Kong, for example, 1,302
schools have closed, 1,000,000 students remain at home, and about 51,000
teachers are scrambling, all while keeping them and their families safe
throughout the outbreak (Fox, 2007; Toquero 2020).

Enrollment for elementary and high school declines by seven million in the
Philippine education system alone (DepEd, 2020; Jorge, 2020). Although out of
the 27.7 million students in public and private schools, this still leaves 74.6
percent, the remaining 25.4 percent is still a massive drop in the ocean.

Meanwhile, private higher education institutions (HEIs) and public

universities and colleges (SUCs) are expected to see a 70% decline from last
year's 3.2 million enrollees (CHED, 2020; Romero, 2020). Access to the
necessary technologies needed for remote learning, teacher preparation, and
instructional materials and online curricula for modular approach are among the
key concerns of this virtual opening of classes (Altbach and De Wit, 2020; HESB,

The Department of Education (DepEd) is addressing the challenges of

basic education for the school year 2020-2021 through its Basic education
Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) under DepEd Order No. 012, s. 2020. As the
country continues to face numerous problems caused by 2019 coronavirus
disease (COVID-19) pandemic.
The BE-LCP is consistent with the mandate laid down in Section 1, Article
XIV of the 1978 Constitution, for the State to safeguard and encourage the right
of all people to quality education at all levels and to take reasonable measures to
make it available to all. Chapter 1 of the Republic Act No. 9155, or the
Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001; pursuant to Section 6 states that,
the jurisdiction, accountability, and responsibility for ensuring access fostering
equality and enhancing the standard of basic education was entrusted to DepEd.

It aims to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of the learners,

teachers, and personnel in the time of COVID-19, while at the same time seeking
ways to continue education during the crisis. In particular, the BE-LCP has been
crafted with a “new normal” legal structure, bearing in mind the constitutional
obligation to always uphold the right to quality education for all people.

In line with this, depending on the local health conditions, the availability of
services and the background of the learners in the school or locality, the learning
delivery modalities that schools may implement could be one or a combination of
the following:

Modular Learning Modality

The module is a self-contained, self-contained unit of teaching designed to

meet educational objectives. It is usually self-directed since it contains directions
on how to conduct the various investigations as well as a list of materials and
other resources that should be used in conjunction with the module text. Self-
pacing is a term used to describe classroom education utilizing modules, in which
the learner proceeds through learning exercises at his own speed (Salandanan,
2001). According to Salandanan, modular materials (2009), are those defined as
self-contained, and the manner of presentation is such that learning tasks can be
done independently or in small groups. These materials are more effectively
used in individualized instruction programs. The Self-Training Module helps
provide remedial guidance for slow learners and enrichment content for fast
learners. Topics can better be discussed by these self-instruction content.
Through the use of one, the student is given enough time and assistance to
complete the assigned learning task at his or her own pace. The lesson and the
experience will surely be enjoyed, and the experience gained will be satisfying.

Dochy, (2020) was exploring the role of modular learning as the
cornerstone of higher learning from first implementations in American higher
education and implementation of optional training and the credit system. Modular
instruction advantages include increased student options and pace; increased
diversity and versatility for teachers and staff; and improved adaptability of
teaching materials. The downsides include increased self-discipline and self-
motivation, more preparedness and the lack of substantive incentives for
teachers and employees, and higher institutional resources for students to track
and maintain several modules. Lastly, the paper explores the value of prior
knowledge and reveals that students in the modular education environment will
require an education of a kind that is more thoroughly in line with their personal
characteristics and prior knowledge and resulting in improved and more effective
training according to the evolving ideas of contemporary society. Students may
also miss or work through a module more easily on the basis of their previous

Modular learning in many countries and other Western and asian areas is
one of the most common and understands teaching teaching techniques. The
modular approach is applied in almost all subjects such as natural science,
especially biological, medical, social and computer science education. It takes
account of the variations between the students that enable the preparation to
follow the right teaching methods to help them learn and evolve at their own
rhythms. When evaluating the modular teaching approach, we can realize that in
the modern area of education this method of teaching is more efficient, modern
and technologically based. The consent of the modular curriculum was debated
in high schools in recent years. The modular approach brings more consistency
both to learners and to distance learning (Sejpal, 2013).

Modular teaching is one of those strategies in which students would study

everything in the module at their own speed through their own efforts. This
technique varies from the conventional system by which an instructor delivers the
lecture, and the students listen to the given principles. A flexible approach can be
a good solution to address the challenges encountered by students in the
classroom situation since it is student-centric, self-paced and requires no
marking, this is according to Gonzales (2015).

Modular learning organizes knowledge in a way that intelligently

addresses points and can be adapted to the needs of learners. Traditional course
structures typically address knowledge sequentially, and the experience of the
learner is that of monotony. Traditional courses also intersperse quizzes after
any prescribed reading or reading is given. Modular courses tend to use learning
objects that are more closely connected to a holistic approach to knowledge,
often having a problem-oriented approach (Tseng, Su, Hwang, Hwang, Tsai, &
Tsai, 2008).
Khan (2011) has found success in creating and offering modular packages
to help students to become a master in multitude of subjects. Students do not
complete the learning objectives until they can demonstrate 100% mastery. In a
pilot program offered in California, teachers in elementary grades used the
Academy's resources to help children to master their math skills. In the pilot, as
well as other venues, students are able to learn specific subject matter, to get
tutoring, to see how they are doing in their objectives along the way, to
understand how their knowledge base integrates with the subject matter in a
larger picture and earn badges in areas they have mastered. The use of the
learning modules allowed students to proceed at their own pace while receiving
help at critical junctures through online or on-ground tutors who have already
mastered the knowledge areas. The Khan Academy offers modules in three
forms which are through formal programs, often involved with public schools;
through supplements to formal educational offerings; or as stand-alone, self-
paced tutorials.

Gahutu (2010) studied modular learning as it applied to a physiology

course at the National University of Rwanda. Students reported that they learned
best when the teaching was less theoretical, and they could work through
material using practical classes and demonstrations. However, to make the
problem-based approach successful, they need a greater access to outside
materials that might be available through the library and the Internet. Overall, the
Rawandan students reported greater satisfaction with the modular, self-directed
approach to learning than with the more traditional style previously used in the

Online-Learning Modality/ E-learning modality

E-learning in Tertiary Education (2014), the term e-learning came into use
in the mid-1990s along with developments in the World Wide Web and interest in
asynchronous discussion groups. The goal of e-learning described here is to
create a community of inquiry independent of time and location through the use
of information and communications technology. An educational community of
inquiry is a group of individuals who collaboratively engage in purposeful critical
discourse and reflection to construct personal meaning and confirm mutual
understanding. This perspective, of course, reflects a particular educational
approach using the possibilities of new and emerging technologies to build
collaborative constructivist learning communities. E-learning is formally
characterized as electronically facilitated asynchronous and synchronous
correspondence for the purpose of creating and verifying information. The
technical basis of e-learning is the Internet and related networking technology.
Beyond the basic definition of e-learning, the two main e-learning
implementations are online and mixed learning. Completely online learning is a
form of distance learning that has its roots away from conventional distance
learning. However, because of its immersive nature, online learning is somewhat
different from conventional distance learning, with its historical emphasis on
content delivery and individual learning. Meanwhile, computer-assisted
curriculum is transforming the pedagogical environment as a growing number of
students are pursuing online education. Colleges and universities are now
embracing the efficiency of web-based curriculum and are quickly introducing
online courses to satisfy student demands worldwide. One study found that
"increases in the number of online courses offered by universities have been
quite dramatic over the last few years" (Lundberg et al., 2008). Think tanks also
disseminate statistics on web-based teaching. "In 2010, the Sloan Consortium
found a 17 per cent increase in online students over the previous year and a 12
per cent increase over the previous year" (Keramidas, 2012).

With technological development, learners now want quality services that

they can access from anywhere and at any time. As a result of these demands,
online schooling has become a feasible, enticing choice for business
practitioners, home-parents and other related communities. In addition to
versatility and connectivity, a variety of other face value advantages, including
curriculum preference and time performance, have enhanced the appeal of
distance learning (Wladis et al., 2015).

First, prospective students want to be able to pursue quality education

without compromising work time, family time and travel expenses. Instead of
needing to be at a particular place at a specific time, online education students
can connect with teachers, address peers, study materials, and complete
assignments from any internet-accessible point (Richardson and Swan, 2003).
This form of versatility allows students much-needed agility which, in turn, helps
to make the learning experience more attractive. According to Lundberg et al.
(2008), "a student may prefer to take an online course or a complete online
degree program as online courses offer more flexible hours of study; for
example, a student with a job could attend a virtual class watching an
instructional film and streaming videos of lectures after hours of work." Through
online instruction, students who normally do not take part in class can now share
their thoughts and concerns. Since they are not in a classroom setting, quieter
students may feel more comfortable participating in class dialog without being
recognized or judged. This, in turn, may increase the average class score
(Driscoll et al., 2012).

The vast existence of the Internet and the usability of technology have
contributed to an increase in demand for web-based teaching and learning
(Chaney, 2010). Distance learning is a rapidly evolving platform that enables
users to work in a versatile manner beyond time and space constraints (Chaney,
2010). Online learning can be described as "learning that takes place partially or
entirely on the Internet" (U.S. Department of Education, 2010). Online learning
appeals to a wide variety of learners and is becoming more popular in settings
ranging from elementary to high school and post-secondary education. Online
learning appeals to diverse populations of students with ranging academic needs
that traditional education classes are deficient or incapable of meeting. The
demand for online courses is derived from a push “to provide quality education to
all students, regardless of location and time” (Chaney, 2010, p.21). The need for
flexible learning environments for potential learners who are hospitalized, have
phobias linked to school environments, are single parents, have been expelled,
are dropouts seeking to gain a diploma and many other specific cases have led
to a growth in the amount of distance learning courses and programs that are
offered (Chaney, 2010). Online learning has the potential to create educational
opportunities for individuals who may have faced unsurpassable barriers prior to
the expansion of online educational programs.

The Office of Educational Technology in the U.S. Department of Education

conducted the “Distance Education Courses for Public Elementary and
Secondary School Students” survey in 2002-03 school year to gain insight into
the prevalence of distance learning in public school districts. The study defined
distance education as “courses that are credit-granting, technology delivered,
have either the instructor in a different location than the students and/or have the
course content developed in, or delivered from, a different location than that of
the students” (Institute of Educational Sciences, 2014). The findings revealed
that approximately one-third or 5,500 out of a total of 15,040 public school
districts had at least one student enrolled in a distance learning course during the
2002-03 school year (Setzer & Lewis, 2005). In 2009-10, the number of public
school districts offering distance education courses rose to an estimated 53
percent (Institute of Educational Sciences, 2014). During 2004-05 there were
slightly over 300,000 distance learning enrollments which spiked to over 1.3
million high school enrollments in 2009-10, an increase in over 1 million
enrollments (Institute of Educational Sciences, 2014). The pervasiveness of the
Internet and technology has spurred the infiltration of distance learning into public
school districts across the United States.

It provides a radically new learning experience for students, requiring a

distinct ability set to be effective (Romiszowski, 2004). Critical thinking, analysis
and interpretation skills are becoming increasingly important, as students have
growing amounts of knowledge from a range of outlets to work through (New
Media Consortium, 2007). Often, in classes that are completely electronic,
students are far more autonomous than in the conventional environment. This
needs a high degree of dedication and dedication to teaching (Huynh et al.,
2003), and less social contact with colleagues or teachers.

Students of online classes prefer to do the same thing in schools, but

there is a greater rate of removal or missing marks (Zhang, Zhou and Briggs,
2006). It can be seen as computer-aided learning and pedagogy for student-
centered and interactive learning. Early advances in e-learning based on
computer-aided learning, where some or more of the learning material is
accessed online. More recently, the pedagogical component of e-learning has
been more popular. E-learning encompasses all aspects of computer learning
and teaching. Knowledge and networking networks, whether networked or not,
act as a basic mechanism for the execution of the learning process.

This learning modality was characterized in contrast to F2F learning (e.g.,

Ryan et al., 2016). The most influential characteristic is the lack of a physical
classroom, which is replaced using web-based technology that provide
opportunities for out-of-class learning regardless of time, location and speed
(Bernard et al., 2014; Chigeza and Halbert, 2014; Northey et al., 2015; Israel,
2015; Potte, 2015).

(Ryan et al., 2016) point out that "in higher education, the phrase "distance
learning" is often interpreted as referring to courses that are offered entirely
online; " (p. 286). Usually, online learning settings are launched by so-called
learning management systems (LMS) or interactive learning environments (VLE)
such as Moodle and Blackboard (Pellas and Kazanidis, 2015).

The advantage of versatility in online courses cannot be overstated due to

its prevalence in the reasons why students are drawn to online learning. Online
learning allows students to work at a time and location that is consistent with their
learning needs. Several teachers and students reflected on their willingness to
concentrate more attention on the content of the course and less on problems
such as parking, traffic, and other issues that may occur while attending a typical
classroom setting (Thomson, 2010). One secondary school teacher explained, "I
don't miss the gigantic vision of wasted time that will eventually become a fact in
a face-to-face school setting," and further explained, “No schedule restricts us...
We meet and stay as long as needed in the virtual space” (Thomson, 2010,).

E-learning has changed the thinking of higher education educators in the

sense of integrated learning to transformative classes and curriculum overhaul.
As has already been said, e-learning is not an industrial method of distance
learning. E-learning in higher education is largely about delivering quality learning
experience. Although e-learning has an aspect of distance learning, it has
developed from a separate field of theory and experience. Distance has been a
comparatively minor systemic limitation in delivering high-quality, highly
immersive learning experience. E-learning represents a true paradigm shift with
regard to distance education. It reflects a change from the ideal of control and
mass development of pre-packaged research materials typical of conventional
distance learning. E-learning is a separate instructional branch with its origins in
computer conferencing and interactive, constructive learning methods. This
transition of pedagogical assumptions and methods expressed in e-learning
theory and implementation is a new age in distance learning. E-learning in the
form of online learning is a post-industrial age of distance learning, characterized
by a return to a craft paradigm of context-specific shared learning environments
(Garrison & Cleveland-Innes, 2010). Online learning combines freedom
(asynchronous online communication) with connection (connectivity) that
overcomes time and space limitations in a way that emulates higher education
principles. In specific, online learning goes beyond technologies and resources
for accessing content. Focus is moved to an educational transaction in the
context of a shared learning community that is viable over time (Garrison, 2010).
At the same time, in order to completely bring e-learning into the mainstream of
higher education, the immense importance of face-to-face learning experience
must not be diminished or dismissed. E-learning should not be used as a
replacement for these interactions. However, we cannot neglect or resist the
clear benefits of e-learning technology in terms of access to information and the
preservation of educational debate. Integrating e-learning systems should not be
seen as having winners and losers. The potential of e-learning to incorporate
verbal and written dialogue, without time constraints, has driven educators to
reconsider the potential for involving campus-based students in face-to-face and
online contexts. This thoughtful blending of complementary face-to-face and
online approaches to achieving instructional objectives has been referred to as
blended learning (Garrison & Vaughan, 2010).
Modular Learning Modality

Aggabao (2002) carried out a study aimed at creating individualized self-

instruction modules on chosen subjects in basic mathematics for instructional
use at the Teachers College in Isabela State University. He concluded, after
using the experimental approach, that the teaching materials used at the Basic
Mathematics College are insufficient and not meant for self-instruction; that
instruction by self-instruction materials is as successful as the prevalent teaching
method; and that both students and teachers usually have a positive attitude
towards the use of the individual.

The research of Madriaga (2004), "Effects of Modular Instruction in

Teaching Physics," showed that the use of modules allows teachers more time to
deal with students on a one-on-one basis. She observed that the outcome was
higher for the experimental community subjected to modular teaching. In his work
"A Comparative Study of the Effects of Modular Instruction and Lecture
Discussion Method on the Achievement of Grade VI Students in Mathematics,"
Lacdao (2004) observed that the experimental group in his study, which was
taught using instructional modules, performed better than the test group, which
was taught using the conventional teaching method.

The study of Cavero – Delgado (2006), "Effects of the Use of Computers,

Integrated in an Instructional Module on the Functions of Attitudes towards
Mathematics and Function Achievement in the Pre-Calculus of College Students"
shows that, at the end of the study, the averages of students increased
significantly in the experimental group. The conventional treatment of pre-
calculus education for university students compared to that where technology is
used as an instructional module on computer-integrated functions, has shown
substantial results in the statistical research, which enable one to infer that this is
an effective method.

Cappetta (2007) in his dissertation, "Reflective Abstraction and the

Concept of Limit: A QuasiExperimental Study to Improve Student Performance at
College Calculus By Promoting Reflective Abstraction Through Individual, Peer,
Instructor and Curriculum Initiates," the pre-test scores revealed that students in
the experimental group scored substantially higher than students in the
commercial group.

Salandanan (2001) defined self-instruction materials as self-contained

materials whose manner of presentation is such that learning experiences can be
performed individually or in small groups. They are more effectively used in
individualized training. The module is one type of self-instruction content. The
module is a self-contained, individual unit of instruction prepared for the purpose
of achieving specified educational objectives. Characteristically, this is self-
directed as guidelines on how the different inquiries are to be followed are
included. Modular approach is characterized as self-pacing because the student
performs the specified learning activities at his or her own pace. The module
offers remedial guidance for late learners and enrichment content for fast
learners. As a result, he appreciates the lecture and has a satisfying experience.

The Bedaure (2012) research looked at the effect of modular teaching on

the success of freshman fishing students in biology. The pre-test post-test control
group was used to design laboratory testing. There was a substantial gap
between the pre-tested findings of the two groups in favor of the control group. A
substantial disparity between the findings of the post-test was found in favor of
the study community. Modular teaching was also greater than lecture-discussion
in the success of students in biology.

Another Valderama research (2013) described the acceptability and

usefulness of the Instructional Module (IM) and the Programmed Learning
Sequence (PLS) in Plane Geometry teaching. The counterbalance with the
accompanying quasi-experimental configuration of the party was used. One
community was taught to use IM for the first set of subjects, then PLS for the
second set. The other category was first introduced to PLS, followed by IM.
Improvements in math performance among students subjected to IM and PLS
have been observed. Yet the disparity between the two methods of teaching was
not important.

Online Learning Modality

Valderama (2012) evaluated the effectiveness of the online-modular

instruction to mathematics achievement of high and low math ability group of
students. The randomized pretest-posttest control group design using matched
group subject was utilized. It was observed that the achievement level of the low
math ability group exposed to online modular instruction declined. On the other
hand, there was neither improvement nor decline in mathematics achievement of
students in the high math ability group. As a result, the online-modular method in
teaching mathematics is not advisable for use to low math ability groups.
However, it could be adopted in teaching students with high math ability.

Modular Learning Modality

In a study done at an American Community College and a regional
university, Wenner. Burn, and Baer (2011) demonstrated that students did better
in remedial math courses when the math was taught using the context of
application to geoscience. The researchers compared two types of remedial
math courses, one that used a traditional approach, and one using the applied
math typical in a modular course. Wenner et al. found the modular approach in a
remedial math course was successful, but that the success “hinges less on
institution type, course characteristics, number of quantitative concepts covered,
or grading stakes and more on instructional methods that lead to higher levels of
student participation and completion”. Beneficial instructor participation included
appropriate introduction to the modules and instructions on how to navigate
testing sites and the learning management system. It was also shown to be
important that instructors reinforced the adequacy of the modules in helping the
students pass the post module quizzes. This positivity helped students feel better
about themselves, their performance, and their chances for success; thereby
motivating them to complete the modules. Finally, when instructors made the
connection between the math being learned and its relevancy to real problems,
students tended to complete modules more readily.

Innovations in Education and Technology st Cross (1998) strongly suggest

that emergence into the 21 century is a watershed moment in Educational
Technology that provides an abundance of predictions that offer optimism for
new directions and innovations in teaching and learning. Cross believes that, “the
power to drive education will shift back onto the campus and away from outside
sources like legislatures and accrediting agencies. People will conclude that
good, strong education is run from inside—not from outside the institution”. This
precept adds credibility and relevance to the purpose of this paper for two
reasons. The first is that current technology is highly advanced, accessible, user
friendly, and cost effective. The evidence is obvious to see when an ever-
increasing number of today's students are digital natives who intrinsically see
electronic computing devices as a desirable way to explore, discover, and learn.

Additionally, the adult learner is now accustomed to computer-based

training and the motivational advantage of learning in an asynchronous mode.
Secondly, the power in the promise that changes will be fostered and embraced
from within the educational organization. Creative thinking, collaboration, and
decision making will be conducted by the educators who will also be responsible
for the implementation and delivery of new educational platforms. This is
becoming more evident in higher education and the shift to a growing online
learning delivery system that is responsive to the needs of the learner. The mere
notion of equipping students with a laptop computer falls short of delivering a
sound approach to learning. It is the task of educators to create active learning
activities so that students can meet benchmarked outcomes, strengthen specific
competencies, and st become prepared to address the demands of the 21st
century workplace.

Educators must heed the advice from noted researchers (Shepard, 2003;
Laurillard, 2002; Powell, Wright, Newland, Creed, and Logan, 2008), who argue
that students watching a computer video presentation does not ensure that the
learner is engaged and properly interacting with the medium in order to reinforce
the learning process. Just because the technology teaching tool is used does not
mean that the student is actively learning. Innovations in educational technology
are not the singular answer. Rather a thoughtful learning approach is required
that enables learners to engage in a variety of different learning styles which
increases an individual's ability to transfer information to long term memory.
Indeed, is the intent of this paper is to demonstrate the importance of leveraging
electronic delivery of education based on sound concepts and theory on how
adults learn. The technology is present and evolving. What is missing from the
profession of teaching.

Cross (1998), technology is “the ability to advance the teaching profession

through a shared base of knowledge about human learning”. The purpose of
paper is designed to meet this challenge and develop a sound foundation based
on understanding what modular learning is and how this approach can best serve
adult learners.

Online Learning Modality (Foreign)

Online courses have been found to be conducive to students who favor

self-regulated learning (You & Kang, 2014). Self-regulated learners have a
tendency to use various “cognitive and metacognitive strategies to accomplish
their learning goal” (You & Kang, 2014). Learners who are able to home in on
their self-regulated learning skills frequently utilized time management, reviewed
material regularly, sought help from professors or peers, meet deadlines, and
had the skill of metacognition in order to reflect upon their own learning (You &
Kang, 2014). Therefore, non-self-regulated students tended to demonstrate
academic procrastination, increased disorganization, and used less cognitive and
metacognitive strategies to accomplish their learning goals (You & Kang, 2014).
A study conducted by Dana Thomson during the 2008-2009 academic
year produced qualitative findings that emphasized the significance and appeal
of flexibility and expanded opportunity for students enrolled in online courses: “I
can take classes that my school doesn’t offer, and I can work when I have free
time or a lighter homework load in my school classes” (Thomson, 2010).

A study conducted by Kirtman revealed survey responses from online

learners that “were so overwhelmingly positive that the issue of students
satisfaction cannot be ignored” (2009, p. 113). Not only are environmental factors
such as course structure important to analyze, but it is important to examine
intrinsic motivational factors as components for a successful online course and
experience for the learner. In his stidy, a student responded to online
coursework by stating, “It is more self-guided so I can spend more time on the
concepts that I need help with and less on concepts that I can pick up quickly”
(Kirtman, 2009,).

Self-regulation and motivation have been identified as two critical factors

for determining success in online courses (Matuga, 2009). Self-regulation can be
defined as the “ability of students to plan, monitor, and evaluate their own
behavior, cognition and learning strategies” (Matuga, 2009, p. 5). Self-regulation
alone is not enough for success, students must be intrinsically or extrinsically
motivated to use self-regulatory strategies effectively in order to succeed in the
academic realm of online courses (Matuga, 2009). As noted, self-regulation is a
key component to success in online courses.



Name: ___________________________Learning Modality: ______________

School: __________________________________________________________

TEST I Direction: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter that
corresponds to your answer

1. If a plane is passing horizontally and intersects the cone, then the curve of
the intersection is called a/an_____.
A. Hyperbola B. Ellipse C. Parabola D. Circle
2. All are degenerated cases of conic sections, EXCEPT.
A. 2 Parallel Lines C. 2 Intersecting Lines
B. Point D. Shape
3. What do you call the ordered list of numbers whose range is the set of real
A. Series B. Sequence C. Order D. Integers
4. It represents the sum of the terms of a sequence.
A. Series B. Total C. Summation D. Sigma Notation
5. What do you call the points equidistant from the center of hyperbola, and
are on the same axis as the vertices?
A. Center B. vertices C. Asymptotes D. Foci

TEST II Direction: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter that
corresponds to your answer

6. A Circle has its center at (-3 , 0) and its diameter is 2. What is the
equivalent in standard form?
A. ( x + 3 )2 + y2= 1 C. ( x - 3 )2 + y2= 2
B. C. ( x - 3 )2 + y2= 4 D. ( x + 3 )2 + y2= 4
7. The general equation of a circle is x 2 + y2 +4x-10y= 0. What is its standard
A. ( x + 2 )2 + ( y - 5 )2 = 29 C. ( x + 2 )2 + ( y - 5 )2 = 0
B. ( x + 5 )2 + ( y - 2 )2 = 29 D. ( x + 5 )2 + ( y - 2 )2 = 0
1 2
8. The standard equation of a circle is . ( x - ) + (y + 2) = 9. What is the
equivalent in general form?
19 19
A. x2 + y2 - x - 4y - - =0 C. x2 + y2 - x + 4y - =0
4 4
19 19
B. x2 - y2 - x - 4y - - =0 D. x2 - y2 + x - 4y - =0
4 4
9. The standard equation of a circle is given at ( x-7) 2 + ( y - 7)2 = . Find its
center and radius.
2 −2
A. C (7 , 7) r = C. C (-7,7) r =
3 3
2 −2
B. C (-7 , -7) r = D. C (-7,-7) r =
3 3

A seismological station is located at (0, -3), 3km away from a straight

shoreline where the x-axis runs through. The epicenter of an earthquake was
determined to be 5km away from the station.

1. Find the center and radius that contains the possible location of the
A. C= ( 0, -3) r=3 C. C=(-3,0) r=9
B. C. C=(0,-3) r=6 D. C=(-3,0) r=36
2. Find the equation of the curve that contains the possible location of the
A. x2 + ( y + 3 )2 = 9 C. x2 + ( y + 3 )2 = 36
B. ( x + 3 )2 + y2= 81 D. ( x + 3 )2 + y2= 81

An object thrown from a height of 2m above the ground follows a parabolic path
until the objects falls to the ground. If the object reaches a maximum height of 7m
after traveling a horizontal distance of 4m, determine the horizontal distance
between the object’s initial and final positions.

3. The vortex of the parabola can be_____.

A. ( 7 , 0 ) B. ( 0 , 7 ) C. ( 0 , 0 ) D. ( -4 , -2 )
4. The equation of the parabola is?
A. x2 = 4c ( y – 7 ) C. y2 = 4c ( x – 7 )
B. x2 = -4c ( y – 7 ) D. y2 = -4c ( x – 7 )
5. The start point of the object can be viewed at____.
A. ( -4 , 2 ) B. ( 2 , -4 ) C. ( -2 , 4 ) D. ( 4 , -2 )
6. In the parabola, if the value of c= , which of the following could be the
equation of the parabola?
−16 16
A. x2 = (y – 7 ) C. x2 = (y – 7 )
5 5
16 −16
B. C. y2 = (x– 7 ) D. y2 = (x– 7 )
5 5

TEST III Direction: Read the questions carefully. Write Your Answer only

Convert the measuring units as indicated, answer only.

1. 50 ft= _____cm 3. 16 m= _______Inch

2. 26 km = ____miles 4. 600cm=_______km

Use Pythagorean theorem (a2+b2=c2) to find the missing length.

5. a=11, b=20, c= ______ 7. a = 4, b= ___c= 5

6. a=____,b=3, c= 5 8. a= 6, b=6, c= ____

Perform the indicated operation and reduce to simplest form

3 5 3 5
9. + 11. ÷ ______
5 3 5 3

3 5 3 5
10. × 12. - ______
5 3 5 3

Solve for the indicated variable

13. (2x+y)(x-y)=4x , x = ______ 14. R= , a = ______

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