Mechanistic Modeling of Kinetics. Model Study: Compound
Mechanistic Modeling of Kinetics. Model Study: Compound
Mechanistic Modeling of Kinetics. Model Study: Compound
ABSTRACT: An investigation was carried out of the mechanism and rate of epoxy-amine reactions using
model compounds. High-performance liquid chromatography was used to generate experimental results. A
mechanistic reaction model based on the existence of different transition complexes was proposed, and the
corresponding kinetic parameters were evaluated. Excellent agreement was observed between model predictions
and experimental data.
Since Pierre Castan’s seminal work, over half a century phenomenological approach to modeling epoxy-amine
cure, which has been explored by many authors,7-13
ago,1 epoxy resins have graduated from a laboratory
curiosity to a multitude of applications, becoming an including our group,14-17 is not considered in this study
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epoxy-amine complex H ...· -
N -
O' I
(E . . . PA) 0 K / \ H
or / \ E + PA im----- c -
c -
(E . . . SA) c -
c -
I i
N -
H -
epoxy-hydroxyl complex H -
0 O'
/ X ka
(E . . . OH) 0
/ \ C -
C- + PA -
c -
c -
c -
N -
amine-hydroxyl complex H -
0 H
(PA ...
OH) -
N -
or l
N -
(SA . . .
OH) H .
Figure 2. Three types of hydrogen bond complexes in epoxy- fast I
amine systems. C -
CH2 + amine
C -
CH2 +
I ;
amine-hydroxyl complex. A schematic presentation of t
these three routes is shown in Figure 3, and a brief -
0 -
N -
ch2 -
complex and as nucleophilic groups that react with the
complex to yield secondary or tertiary amines. Arutyu- i
- -
reactions in the absence of hydroxyl groups. Nonetheless, Figure 3. Three types of intermediary transition complexes in
this mechanism is significantly only in the earliest stages epoxy-amine systems.
of reaction, where the initial concentration of hydroxyl =
groups remains low. Equations 6 and 7 describe this mech- d(TA)a/dt Wj)e2a(SA)(E-SA) =
anism in terms of the rate of consumption of primary amine W ^28·^ ···8 (8 ) 2(E) (7)
and the rate of production of tertiary amine, respectively: where is the kinetic rate constant for route a, K is the
equilibrium constant, and E—PA and E—SA are epoxy-
-d(PA)a/dt =
Wtfela(PA)(E-PA) = primary amine and epoxy-secondary amine hydrogen bond
complexes, respectively. Subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the
W1AlaKe...PA(PA)2(E) (6) primary amine reactions (eq 6) and tertiary amine reactions
982 Mijovic et al. Macromolecules, Vol. 25, No. 2, 1992
(eq 7), respectively. The weight factor W\ is 0 when the mmole Igr [PGE.Anlllne) rrmole/gi (SAJA]
consumption of epoxy groups by this mechanism is
negligible and 1 when it is not.
The second reaction route (route b, Figure 3b) involves 1.5
W2J^khli( PA)(E-XH)
= = 0.5
-d(PA)b/d t
[(PA)/(OH)]/(d(OH)/df) (19)
(PA) + (OH) —
(PA-OH); (PA-OH) =
d(TA)/dt =
W1fea2(SA)2(E) + W2(SA)(E)[fcb2 +
Keql(PA)(OH) (12)
fcb2'(OH)] + WA2(SA)(E)(OH)
(E) + (OH) *-*
(E—OH); (E—OH) = [(SA)/(OH)]/(d(OH)/di) (20)
Jfeq2(E)(OH) (13) where Aai and fca2 are equal to & * ..· and *2*Ke~sa in
*1 eqs 6 and 7, respectively. Equations 19 and 20 represent
(PA—OH) + (E—OH) -* (SA) + hydroxyl (14) the mechanistic model for epoxy-amine cure kinetics used
in this study.
From eqs 12-14 one can proceed to write an expression for B. Analysis of Results. 1. Reaction Rates. A
the rate of disappearance of amine-hydroxyl complex as typical result of an HPLC experiment is shown in Figure
follows: 4, where concentrations of aniline, PGE, secondary amine
d(PA—OH)/df = ^(OH) d(PA)/df + (SA), and tertiary amine (TA) are plotted as a function
of reaction time at 100 °C. Analogous results were
PA) d(OH)/dt = ^(PA—OH) (E—OH) (15) generated at other temperatures, and repeated runs were
Equations 12-15 can now be combined to obtain the conducted to establish a high degree of reliability and
following expression for the rate of disappearance of reproducibility of data. Mass balances were calculated
primary amine by route c: continually throughout the reaction course, and the
observed deviation never exceeded 5 %. The accuracy of
d(PA)/dt = A1Aeq2(PA)(E)(OH) -
a «
x SA (exp.) o SA (comp.) A TA (exp.) TA (comp.)
Figure5. Comparison of HPLC and titration results for the Figure 7. Comparison between model prediction and experi-
PGE/aniline system at various temperatures. mental results for PGE/aniline reactions at 110 °C.
be adequately described solely by route b, i.e., the reaction Aib' 0.00304 0.0055 0.0073 0.0085 9.5
A2b' 0.0019 0.0023 0.0026 0.0027 2.8
between an epoxy-hydroxyl complex and an amino group,
Aab7 Aib' 0.31 0.22 0.21 0.16
represented by eqs 10 and 11. The validity of that Aic' 0.0065 0.0087 0.0123 8.8
assumption can be checked by rewriting eq 11 as A2c' 0.0002 0.0050 0.0074 0.0110 12.7
^2c7 klc 0.38 0.42 0.45
d(TA)b/dt(SA)(E) kb2 + Ab/(OH) =
and plotting the reduced rate of production of tertiary activation energies, obtained from Arrhenius-type plots,
amine (left-hand side of eq 21) as a function of hydroxyl are also listed. Another entry in this table is the reactivity
concentration, as shown in Figure 6. It is clear from this ratio, defined as kn'/kn', an important kinetic parameter
figure that the assumption is correct only below the critical which influences the morphology and properties of net-
value of hydroxyl concentration, which, at the conditions works. The subscript i implies that the reaction can
of this study, is about 2 mmol/mL. Above that value, the proceed by either route b or route c, each of which is
rising importance of amine-hydroxyl complexes necessi- characterized by its own reactivity ratio. In essence, the
tates that route c be included in the model. At the reactivity ratio is a measure of the effect of consumption
conditions of this study, the critical value of hydroxyl of primary amine hydrogen atom on the reactivity of
concentration was found to be independent of tempera- secondary amine hydrogen atom on the same amino group.
ture. A comparison between model predictions and This effect is also known as the substitution effect. A
experimental results is given in Figures 7 and 8. An negative substitution effect signifies a decrease in the
excellent agreement is apparent. reactivity of the secondary amine hydrogen atom, while
2. Reaction Rate Constants. The following approach its absence (i.e., no substitution effect) implies an equal
was applied in the calculation of the kinetic rate constants reactivity of primary and secondary amine hydrogens. The
associated with various reaction routes in the overall kinetic importance of the substitution effect is perhaps best
scheme. Route a was assumed negligible and the corre- conveyed by considering its implications regarding the
sponding rate constants were omitted from the analysis. network morphology. In the absence of substitution effect,
The statistical error in calculating the rate constants for the equal reactivity of all amine hydrogens would favor
route b reactions involving the hydroxyl groups initially the formation of a randomly cross-linked network. How-
present in traces of impurities (i.e., Aib and A2b) was deemed ever, when primary amine hydrogens are much more
too high, and hence their values were considered unreliable. reactive than their secondary amine counterparts, one
The reproducibility and accuracy of the remaining con- would intuitively expect an initial predominance of linear
stants shown in Table I, which include k\b', kib, k\c' and chains followed by subsequent cross-linking, resulting in
kic, were remarkable. The corresponding values of a different network morphology and hence properties. The
984 Mijovic et al. Macromolecules, Vol. 25, No. 2, 1992
Table II
Reported Studies of the Relative Reactivity Ratio
system reacn medium/temp (K) kz/ki method of anal. ref
TGEB/DDS bulk/413-453 0.5 UV-vis 46
DGEBA/DDS bulk/413-453 0.5 UV-vis 34,46
DGEBA/jV-methylaniline bulk/373,425 0.5 GPC 41
BADGE/DDS bulk/383-473 0.4 DSC 28
TGMEDA/DGA 4,4'-DDS, 3,3'-DDS bulk/413,433 0.5 DSC 42
TGE/p-methoxyaniline ethanol/333 0.4 or 0.29 titration 37
TGE/p-nitroaniline ethanol/333 0.62 or 0.26 titration 37
TGE/p-toluidine ethanol/333 0.24 titration 37
TGE/aniline ethanol/333 0.25 titration 37
TGE/p-cyanoaniline ethanol/333 0.24 titration 37
TGE/p-chloroaniline ethanol/333 0.24 titration 37
TGE/p-bromoaniline ethanol/333 0.25 titration 37
TGE/p-iodoaniline ethanol/333 (0.1-0.4 mol/L) 0.30 titration 37
TGE/benzidine ethanol/333 (0.1-0.4 mol/L) 0.31 titration 38
TGE/phenylenediamine ethanol/333 (0.1-0.4 mol/L) 0.35 titration 38
TGE/4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane ethanol/333 (0.1-0.4 mol/L) 0.33 titraton 38
TGE/4,4'-diaminodiphenyl sulfone ethanol/333 (0.1-0.4 mol/L) 0.52 titration 38
DGEBA/TMAB bulk/373-433 0.16-0.33 FTIR 49
PGE/MPDA THF/343 1 ±0.5 GPC 32
RDGE/aniline THF/343 1 ± 0.5 GPC 32
DGEBA/Tonox bulk/297-338 0.1-0.2 FTIR 45
DGEBA/DDS bulk/450 0.1 FTIR 44
4-methylphenylglycidyl ether/benzy lamine bulk/373 0.42 NMR 47
PGE/aniline o-dichlorobenzene/363-403 0.25 titration 34
BADGE/DDM bulk/353 0.2 titration FTIR 39
TGDDM/DDS bulk/423-450 0.05-0.06 DSC, FTIR 48
DGER/2,6-diaminopyridine bulk/360 1.12 43
DGEBA/MDA excess amine, bulk/333-423 0.08-0.14 titration 36
value of the reactivity ratio, and hence the presence or of equations we were able to derive all significant kinetic
absence of the substitution effect, constitutes a major parameters. The observed agreement between the model
unresolved issue in studies of epoxy-amine kinetics. At predictions and the experimental results was superb. It
this point, it is instructive to peruse Table II, where the was unambiguously shown that the kinetic mechanism is
reported values of reactivity ratios for various epoxy- characterized by a temperature-dependent negative sub-
aromatic amine systems are summarized and seen to stitution effect.
vacillate by more than an order of magnitude. We note
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