Nobility Domain: Right To Rule
Nobility Domain: Right To Rule
Nobility Domain: Right To Rule
Nobility Domain
Deities of some civilizations realize that there Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom
needs to be those who rule, a noble class in society. modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric
Those who worship deities of civilization that possess cantrip.
the nobility domain can benefit from it, ensuring a
just, sometimes oppressive (depending on the
Right to Rule
alignment of the deity) rule over society.
Nobility Domain Spell At 18th level, any time you use a charm,
command, or compulsion spell against a target, they
Cleric Level Spells have disadvantage to their saving throw vs. those
Cleric Level Spells spells. They must also make a wisdom saving throw
vs, your spell DC at the end of the spells duration. If
1st Charm Person, Comprehend Languages they fail their saving throw, they forget you charmed,
3rd Detect Thoughts, Locate Object commanded, or compelled them.