A Study of Compressive Strength of Concrete by Using Sugarcane Baggase Ashjournal of Physics Conference Series

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A study of compressive strength of concrete by using sugarcane

baggase ash
To cite this article: Shrikant S Solanke and P Y Pawade 2021 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1913 012072

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International Conference on Research Frontiers in Sciences (ICRFS 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1913 (2021) 012072 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1913/1/012072

A study of compressive strength of concrete by using

sugarcane baggase ash

Shrikant S Solanke1 and P Y Pawade2

1 Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, G H Raisoni College of
Engineering, Nagpur
2 Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, G H Raisoni College of Engineering,


Email: [email protected]

Abstract. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is widely as a construction material in the

entire world. Since silica and lime being the basic components of the ordinary
Portland cement therefore many industrial waste materials comprising of these
elements are used as supplementary product in OPC. Sug arcane Bagasse ash is one
such material which has high silica (SiO2) content that results in formation of C -S-H
bond when operated with free lime. The basic idea behind the utilization of industrial
waste is to reduce its abundance in nature and also to mi nimize the cost of concrete.
The present study focusses on making a sustainable concrete and assessing its
performance by using sugarcane baggase ash (SCBA) as replacement of cement with
different percentages (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%). For the same M25 & M30 grade
of concrete with water cement ratio of 0.45 was prepared by using this composition
cube casted for testing purpose. The curing of these specimen was done in different
environments and the strength was analyzed at various concrete ages i.e. 7, 28 , 56,
and 90 days. The study provided the evidence that utilization of SCBA as replacement
with cement is highly advantageous up to an optimal limit without causing any
reduction in strength. In addition, it revealed that SCBA concrete performs better
when subjected to aggressive environment as compared to OPC even at later stage.

Keywords. Cement-based composites, Compressive strength, Physical properties of concrete,

Sugarcane bagasse ash, Waste utilization

1. Introduction
Till date researchers are finding a substitute material for cement by replacing it with various industrial
waste material. The reasons leading to this research are, firstly the increase in demand of cement in the
construction industry and secondly, due to the rise in industrial waste and its improper management.
Brazil is found to be the highest producer of sugarcane in the entire world while India ranks 2nd. There
are a total 571 mills which produces sugar in India. In addition to sugar, falernum, molasses, rum, soda,
cachaca and ethanol are various other products produced from sugarcane. Since the sugarcane
production is done at large scale the waste product from the mills is expelled out in the form of sugarcane
bagasse ash [1].
In India the housing costs are very high and therefore are not affordable by common people which are
below middle class. The costing is solely due to the basic material of construction i.e. concrete and other
building materials. The ultimate cost of a fully finished OPC product is very elevated when factors such
as logistics and high demand of material is taken into account. This inflated cost of material has allowed

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International Conference on Research Frontiers in Sciences (ICRFS 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1913 (2021) 012072 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1913/1/012072

several other local materials to fetch their path into the construction industry as a replacement for OPC
[3]. Sugarcane is a perennial crop which is cultivated throughout the year and as a result the production
of various products via mills is continuous therefore the production of SCBA is in large amount.
Quarterly one ton of sugarcane is cultivated in India. Therefore, SCBA is cheaply and easily available
as its demand to production ratio is fairly less than one [2].
Sugarcane bagasse ash is a byproduct generated from the sugar factories produced by burning out
sugarcane bagasse which is formed while extraction of sugar from sugarcane. In order to find the optimal
level of replacement, SCBA is assessed for developing concrete property [3]. It has high silica content
which tends to escalate the properties of concrete such as compressive strength, water tightness and
viscosity when added in an optimal quantity. The silica content in SCBA varies widely depending upon
the burning condition of the sugarcane [4]. The burning effect improvises the clinker generation and ash
formation. The finer the clinker of ash better will be the hydration reaction. The black particles present
in the SCBA consist of carbon and silica crystals [5].
Using SCBA as a pozzolanic material will reduce the dependence of construction industry on cement.
This will greatly reduce the carbon emission and thereby reducing environmental problems as 5%-8%
of global carbon emission is due to production of ordinary Portland cement [8]. SCBA is basically a
meritless by product by agricultural industry point of view but it is highly useful when replaced with
cement in optimum range. SCBA acts as a pozzolanic material in cement which alter the properties of
cement to a certain range [12].
The main purpose of the research is to determine outgrowth of SCBA under strength parameter. In this
research an investigation is performed for the use of SCBA replacing cement partially for strength
parameter [6], to verify the results for compressive strength of concrete. This investigation would lead
to the development of an environmentally sound concrete and will also be accountable for solving
problems related to disposal of SCBA. It will also be referred as the benchmark for many other
investigations for future development of bagasse ash concrete [7].
2. Materials and Methods
Concrete is nothing but a solid mass formed by the coalescence of separate particles. Which are ordinary
Portland cement, water, and aggregate including gravel and sand. The preference was given to the
natural aggregates confirm the requirement of IS 383-1970. The performance of concrete in its fresh
and hardened states is very important and it can be determined by the proper testing of raw material.
These raw material is divided in two groups & laboratory testing were used to know the properties of
raw material which influence the properties of concrete. Every concrete composition comprises of two
types of materials [18].
• Primary material
• Secondary/substitute material

2.1. Primary material

The details of primary material considered for making of concrete is shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Characteristics of Primary material.
Name Properties Tests/confirming standards
Company- Ultratech Grade- OPC 43 Consistency test, soundness
Ordinary Portland cement
Specific gravity- 3.15 test, IST, FST, fineness etc
Sand obtained from Kanhan river bank. Sand confirms to zone II of
Fine aggregates
Specific gravity- 2.68 Indian standards
Confirmed all tests as per
Obtained from locally available stone
Indian standards such as
Coarse aggregates quarry.
elongation index, flakiness
Specific gravity- 2.83, Size- 20mm
index, crushing strength etc.
Water available in research centre was Ph level confirming to Indian
utilized for making concrete standards 456-2000

International Conference on Research Frontiers in Sciences (ICRFS 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1913 (2021) 012072 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1913/1/012072

2.2. Secondary material

SCBA utilized into the work was procured from Vainganga Sugar and Power Ltd, Devhara village of
Bhandara district of Maharashtra, India. It is basically a by-product of sugar factories which is produced
by burning sugarcane bagasse. It was found that sugarcane bagasse ash improved the water tightness
and strength of the concrete when replaced in a certain amount. The main parameter responsible for this
improvement was the higher percentage of silica present in SCBA. Due to this it is highly recommended
to use SCBA a partial replacement of cement in the concrete. The chemical analysis which is shown in
table 2 was done from Indian Bureau of Mines, Hingna, Nagpur. The analysis revealed inclusion of
several other oxides in addition to silica. The following table shows the detailed chemical analysis of
Table 2. Chemical composition of the Sugarcane baggase ash.
Present Percentage Present Percentage Present Percentage
Oxides Content Oxides Content Oxides Content
SiO2 76.667 % TiO2 0.123 % MnO2 0.130 %
Na2O 0.162 % BaO 0.015 % LOI 3.15 %
MgO 2.905 % CuO 0.021 % CaO 3.496 %
Al2O3 1.097 % Rb2O 0.011 % K2O 7.521 %
P2O5 3.115 % ZrO2 0.101 % Fe2O3 1.315 %
SO3 0.118 % SrO 0.018 %
CI 0.026 % Cr2O3 0.008 %

2.3. Concrete mix preparation

For traditional concrete, concrete mix is constructed as per IS 10262:2009 standard. Where sugarcane
baggase ash used after the sieve analysis The sieves are arranged in descending order of 450 µ,300 µ,150
µ and 75 µ. The bagasse ash passing from a 150µ sieve and retained on 75µ the retained bagasse ash is
taken in the preparation of concrete and mortar as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1. sieving of sugar cane bagasse ash

This sugarcane baggase ash was added in concrete mix as per the different percentage replacement of
cement. The percentage of replacement of cement with sugarcane baggase ash (SCBA) is mentioned in
table 3. The cement replaced concrete with SCBA is mentioned as blended concrete.

Table 3. Mix specification in Weight % of Baggase ash blended with cement.

Sample designation % Replacement

Mix 1 0
Mix 2 5

International Conference on Research Frontiers in Sciences (ICRFS 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1913 (2021) 012072 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1913/1/012072

Mix 3 10
Mix 4 15
Mix 5 20

2.4. Casting of specimen

a. A total of 108 numbers of concrete specimens were casted with dimensions 150x150x150 mm
for compressive strength in the entire experimental work.
b. Using the guidelines of Indian standard, the concrete mix design was prepared for M25 & M30
grade of concrete.
c. The quantity of SCBA required by weight was estimated for 5%, 10%, 15% & 20%
d. Machine mixing was done to mix the concrete ingredients well in order to attain.
e. Greasing was done using the machine oil on the inner surfaces of the cast iron mould before
concrete was poured in the mould.
f. Compaction was done using table vibrator.
g. The top surface was finished by means of a trowel. The samples were withdrawn from the mould
after 24 hours and were placed in a curing tank.
h. The specimens were tested in simply saturated dry conditions.
i. The tests such as compressive test were conducted using 2000KN compression testing machine.
j. These tests were conducted as per the relevant Indian Standard specifications in concrete
laboratory. The flow chart of the complete experimentation is shown in figure 2

Figure 2. Experimentation of flow chart.

2.5. Compression Test

Compression test was carried out on analog compressive testing machine as shown in figure 3
subsequent to curing of 7, 28, 56 and 90 days on concrete specimens of 150x150x150 mm for all mixes
at 140 kg/cm2/min rate of loading [24]. Compression test was performed on analog based compression
testing machine. The findings recorded were an average of three samples and testing was done on a
compression measuring system with a capacity of 3000 kN.

International Conference on Research Frontiers in Sciences (ICRFS 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1913 (2021) 012072 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1913/1/012072

Figure 3. Testing of a specimen on analog based compression testing machine

3. Results & discussions

The results obtained 5% to 10% blended concrete the experimental investigations are showed in figure
4 to 7 All the values are the average of the three readings in each case in the testing work of this study
for blended concrete whereas for normal concrete 5 specimen where casted their result was discussed
in fig 4 & 5. Determination of compressive strength is the foremost parameter because it shows the
concrete quality. The strength result so obtained will be useful for confirming the optimal dose SCBA
for replacement with respect to the cement. The compression test was performed on every specimen
with normal and blended concrete according to IS: 516-1959 for various mixes at 7, 28, 56 & 90 day’s
age of concrete. The results are discussed as follows

Copmresive Strength in MPA



20 7days

Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Specimen 3 Specimen 4 Specimen 5
Trial Specimen

Figure 4. Compressive strength of Normal concrete of M25 grade with curing time.

International Conference on Research Frontiers in Sciences (ICRFS 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1913 (2021) 012072 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1913/1/012072

Copmresive Strength in MPA




Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Specimen 3 Specimen 4 Specimen 5
Trial Specimen

Figure 5. Compressive strength of Normal concrete of M30 grade with curing time.

Average compressive strength of normal concrete for M25 grade was found 23.28MPA & 29.44MPA
after 28 & 90 days of curing respectively. Average compressive strength of normal concrete for M30
grade was found 27.55MPA & 35.44MPA after 28 & 90 days of curing respectively. To check the
compressive strength effect of sugarcane baggase ash have checked with incremental sugarcane baggase
ash percentage. the percentage of sugarcane baggase ash varied cumulatively 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%
with incremental Figure 6 shows the result of the compressive strength after the curing of 7, 28 and 90
days on concrete specimens of 150x150x150 mm.

Copmresive Strength in MPA

30 MIX 2
25 MIX 3
20 MIX 4
15 MIX 5
7days 28days 56days 90days
Age of Concrete

Figure 6. Compressive strength of Blended concrete of M25 grade with curing time.

International Conference on Research Frontiers in Sciences (ICRFS 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1913 (2021) 012072 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1913/1/012072

Copmresive Strength in MPA

7days 28days 56days 90days
Age of Concrete

Figure 7. Compressive strength of Blended concrete of M30 grade with curing time.
Average compressive strength of blended concrete for M25 grade was found after 28 & 90 days of
curing 24.96MPA & 46.33MPA for 10% & 15% replacement of cement with baggase ash respectively
& for M30 grade it was found 36.89MPA for 15% replacement of cement with baggase ash after 90
days of curing

3.1. Comparative Analysis

To understand the best combination i.e. the optimum percentage of cement replacement with sugarcane
baggase ash. Their compressive strength results are compared with normal concrete & find out the
change in strength in percentage. The change in percentage of strength for M25 grade of concrete are
shows in table 4 & for M30 grade in table 5. Where (+) sign shows increase in strength & (-) shows
decrease in strength as compared to normal concrete in percentage.

Table 4. Comparative analysis of compressive strength for M25 grade of Normal & blended concrete

% % Variation in compressive strength

t 7-Days 28-Days 56-Days 90-Days
(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)
0% 16.78 - 23.28 - 24.96 - 29.44 -

5% 14.58 (-)13.23 % 19.23 (-)17.39% 26.71 (+)7.01% 32.35 (+)9.88%

10% 18.84 (+)12.27% 24.76 (+)6.35% 34.21 (+)37.05% 44.35 (+)50.64%

15% 19.14 (+)14.06% 21.12 (-)9.27% 36.43 (+)45.95% 46.33 (+)57.37%

20% 17.14 (+)2.14 % 20.53 (-)11.81% 34.39 (+)37.78% 40.93 (+)39.02%

International Conference on Research Frontiers in Sciences (ICRFS 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1913 (2021) 012072 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1913/1/012072

Table 5. Comparative analysis of compressive strength for M30 grade of Normal & blended concrete.

% % Variation in compressive strength

ement 7-Days 28-Days 56-Days 90-Days
(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)
0% 20.12 - 27.55 - 30.96 - 35.44 -

5% 15.54 (+)22.76% 28.53 (+)3.5% 29.73 (-)3.97% 32.69 (-)7.75%

10% 19.22 (-)4.47% 27.42 (-)0.47% 33.38 (+)7.81% 38.13 (+)8.35%

15% 16.30 (-)18.98% 27.57 (+)0.72% 36.67 (+)18.44% 42.97 (+)21.24%

20% 14.47 (-)28.08% 28.72 (+)4.24% 31.43 (+)1.51% 36.89 (+)4.09%

3.2. Reactions Responsible For Strength Generation

Different reactions are formed in the process of strength generation. Firstly, the hydration reaction takes
place as soon as the water is added to the cement. This is the primary reaction which takes place instantly
due to presence of bogue’s compound in the cement i.e. C2S and C3S. These compound when undergo
hydration forms CH and CSH.

Exothermic reaction
C2S/C3S + H2O C-H + C-S-H
The CSH so formed is the responsible for imparting adhesive glue-like property to the cement which
thereby allow the cement to hold onto the aggregates very tightly. Due to this CSH so formed the
concrete is able to possess strength. Secondly the reactions which gets queued is the pozzolanic reaction
which is triggered by SCBA. Since SCBA contains high amount of silica it will react with CH so formed
in the primary reaction and will result in the formation of second phase of CSH which is responsible for
providing additional strength to the concrete.

C-H + SIO2 C-S-H (extra CSH responsible for enhancing strength)

4. Conclusions
The result on the properties of partial substitution of sugarcane bagasse ash as a substitute was examined.
In a present analysis, the characteristics observed from different samples composed of diverse
compounds contribute to the below mentioned conclusions.
The SCBA used concrete develops higher compressive strength than that of normal concrete but use of
SCBA is an optimum amount. From the above results which was obtained it is evident that 7, 28, 56-
and 90-day compressive strength of concrete with 10% replacement is cement with SCBA is more than
that of control mix concrete. Similarly, for 15% replacement the strength is fairly more as compared to
the normal concrete. Comparison of all mixes also revealed that increasing the SCBA proportion after
15% causes decrease in strength but up-to 20% the strength is fairly more than that of normal control
mix concrete. Utilization of SCBA to a certain limit improves use of the industrial waste. Optimum dose
of SCBA can be taken into consideration up-to 20% replacement.

International Conference on Research Frontiers in Sciences (ICRFS 2021) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1913 (2021) 012072 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1913/1/012072

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