The Influence of Irrigation Facilities On Farmers' Satisfaction Level in Banyuwangi Regency

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Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Influence of Irrigation Facilities on Farmers'

Satisfaction Level in Banyuwangi Regency
Donny Arsilo Sofyan 1, Agustin H.P2, Dedy Wijaya Kusuma3
Master’s Department of Management, STIE Mandala
Jember, Indonesia

Abstract:- The implementation of programs and activities and industrial land, water availability, availability of
for the development and management of irrigation fertilizers, land quality and farmer skills.
networks is more emphasized on the
construction/rehabilitation of tanks/removal of irrigation Referring to the data on the area of productive land from
networks and normalization of rivers/irrigation channels. the Agriculture and Food Service of Banyuwangi Regency in
In this study using a multivariate determination of the 2021, the area of production land above shows that the area of
minimum number of samples calculated based on the agricultural production land is decreasing every year, due to
following formula (Ferdinand 2011): N = (25 x variables) the increasing conversion of land from agricultural land to
= 100 samples. From these calculations, 100 respondents industrial and residential land. So, to maintain the
were determined as the research sample. This research sustainability of the agricultural sector, one of the important
uses quantitative research and the data analysis used is factors that must be considered is maintaining and increasing
multiple regression analysis, t test to see the effect the availability of water by strengthening infrastructure and
together. Based on the results of the study, that of the 3 management of water resources, especially in the irrigation
irrigation facilities that became the research variables, sector. Water is the main need that must exist in the
among others (Irrigation Building, Irrigation Water, and agricultural sector. In order for water needs to be met and
Irrigation Management) were irrigation water and distributed evenly, water must be managed properly through
irrigation management which had an effect on farmer an integrated irrigation system. Integrated irrigation system is
satisfaction while irrigation buildings had no effect. This about managing water resources with the principle of “One
happens because the water tends to be uneven in coastal River, One Plan, One Management” which means one river
areas that still lack water for rice fields. Meanwhile, system/network, one planning, one management.
simultaneously, irrigation facilities have an effect on
farmer satisfaction in Banyuwangi regency. Regarding the river system which consists of 3
subsystems, collecting subsystem, transporting subsystem and
Keywords:- Irrigation Building, Irrigation Water, Irrigation dispersal subsystem, the direction of planning,
Management, and Farmer Satisfaction. implementation, operation, and maintenance must be carried
out in a unified whole. Irrigation is an important supporting
I. INTRODUCTION factor in increasing the production of agricultural products,
especially food products as a form of agricultural
One of the important sectors in economic development is intensification steps to reduce the impact of decreasing
the agricultural sector. This is because of its important agricultural productive land area. History records that dams
function and role in providing energy and food for the and irrigation networks invested by the government have been
population as well as a place of livelihood for the majority of able to increase agricultural production (Booth, 1977, (Norton,
the population in rural areas. The Agricultural Sector makes a 2004).
significant contribution to the formation of Gross Domestic
Product (GDP), increasing foreign exchange and increasing The benchmark for the irrigation system is adequate
farmer welfare, so it can be said that agricultural development infrastructure, retention time, continuity and good water
is the driving force and support for the national economy quality, and even distribution of water so that whenever
(Ministry of Agriculture, 2018). farmers need water to irrigate their crops, they can be met.
Apart from the infrastructure, the presence of irrigation
Referring to the data from the Department of Agriculture officers is also something that needs to be considered, from an
of East Java Province, Banyuwangi Regency is one of the integrated irrigation system. It is hoped that with an integrated
areas in East Java Province that has a very strategic irrigation system, the intensity and productivity of agriculture
agricultural role. The biggest potential for food crops in will increase so that the welfare of farmers will increase.
Banyuwangi Regency is the production of rice plants, in this According to research from Sukayat et al. (2019) Farmers are
case Banyuwangi Regency is included in the rice barn in East satisfied with the services in the management of irrigation
Java Province. The potential for food crops agriculture in networks, which are meant here are irrigation buildings,
Banyuwangi Regency is very large, but the development of irrigation water and irrigation management which are realized
this potential currently and in the future faces several by increasing agricultural production.
challenges, those are the conversion of land into residential

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Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
One of the successes of this irrigation can be measured category of heavily damaged. The data shows that building,
from the existing irrigation facilities on farmer satisfaction, water, and management have a positive effect on farmer
and research is needed regarding farmer satisfaction with the satisfaction.
current irrigation system in the Banyuwangi Regency area.
The hopes of farmers need to be absorbed so that in the future Previous quantitative research has been carried out by
the planning of buildings and irrigation management will be Rahma (2013), using water and irrigation management
better and satisfy farmers as objects of agricultural sector variables, with SEM analysis, it can be seen that the
development in Banyuwangi Regency so that irrigation relationship of all indicators to Farmer Satisfaction (inner
development will be on target and sustainable. model) and the relationship of all indicators to the latent
variable (outer model) gives a significant value because the T-
II. LITERATURE REVIEW Statistic value is above 1.96 so that satisfaction Farmers are
valid as second order constructs, the six latent variables are
Studies on irrigation management and its relationship to valid as first order constructs, and 33 first order parameters are
maximizing agricultural yields have been studied previously, valid as indicators. Putri (2019) from the results of the
both qualitatively and quantitatively. The view of research on calculation of irrigation management performance, with
irrigation system management in an area in a development regression analysis shows the need for efforts to improve
effort that is expected to maximize land management and irrigation management in an effort to increase farmer
farmer satisfaction is reviewed not only from one aspect. At satisfaction.
least there are social aspects such as culture in the surrounding
area and economic aspects. Overall, the equations of previous researchers that are
relevant to this research lie in the independent and dependent
Research similar to the previous qualitative research variables. The difference lies in the variables in each previous
design has been carried out by Arisanto (2019), The results of researcher. From irrigation facilities managed by the
the research on the social aspect show that social culture, government focused on irrigation buildings, water discharge
kinship and community institutional patterns in the Lebak and and quality, management in irrigation and how satisfaction
Pandeglang communities can encourage an increase in with the facilities that have been provided.
irrigated agricultural activities. The economic aspect shows
that agriculture is still a place where the community depends, In this study using multiple linear regression data
although the added value of agriculture continues to decline analysis method. Where some previous research results use
and the institutional aspect shows that there are still many qualitative methods that are in direct contact with actors or do
weaknesses in the management of irrigated agriculture and not even place a certain correlation on strategies in irrigation
institutional management that encourages agricultural facilities.
productivity. Qualitative research was also conducted by
Prasetyo (2010) The results of the study indicate that the III. DATA
successful empowerment of the Irrigation User Farmers
Association organization must be in the form of a legal entity, The research data were taken from all sub-districts in
the government as a facilitator, motivator, holding Banyuwangi regency, with a research sample of 25 sub-
management cooperation, providing assistant staff, providing districts. The data in this study are primary data taken directly
production facilities and facilitating the formation of a multi- from the research object using a questionnaire with the help of
business cooperative. While the relationship with farmer a Likert scale 1 to 5.
satisfaction, Sukayat et al. (2019) shows the results of
irrigation management provide satisfaction of 83.11%. IV. METHODOLOGY

Mustaniroh (2001) shows the findings in his qualitative This research includes descriptive research by describing
study that the conditions in the research area are not entirely certain phenomena or populations to explain relevant aspects
good but sufficient to increase water use. For the purpose of of the observed phenomena (Sudjana 2001). While the
optimizing the rice production system, the project developer approach used is a quantitative approach. This approach is
must control the irrigation system, so as to rehabilitate considered the most suitable because in this research, we want
irrigation and drainage facilities. Listyawati and Suharsono to measure the level of satisfaction of the farmer, where the
(2012) argued that farmers considered the highest performance satisfaction level is measured on a scale of 1-5. The
in irrigation management, namely the friendly attitude of the independent variables in this study were irrigation buildings,
extension workers and easy-to-find extension workers and the irrigation water, and irrigation management. While the
attribute that had the lowest level of performance was the dependent variable is the level of farmer satisfaction.
utilization of the facilities and infrastructure needed by
farmers. The instrument tests carried out include validity and
reliability tests to ensure that the data from the questionnaire
Puro (2020) developed the same research idea related to in the form of respondents' answers are valid and reliable.
irrigation. The results of the study of the main buildings Furthermore, the Classical Assumption test is carried out
assessed amounted to 26 units showing: 17 buildings in good which includes the normality test, multicollinearity test, and
category or 65%, moderate category at 0% or none, and 9 heteroscedasticity test.
buildings in damaged category or 35%, no satisfaction in the

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Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
This study examines the effect between variables using The questionnaire uses a Likert scale from numbers 1 to 5 to
multiple regression methods. Multiple regression model is a represent answers from strongly disagree to strongly agree.
model in which the dependent variable depends on two or
more independent variables. There are three hypothesis tests The validity of the data with the validity test shows that
used in this study, namely the coefficient of determination test all items r analysis results are greater (>) than r table, in this
(R2), the F test (simultaneous), and the t test (partial). The case, the minimum requirement to be considered a valid
multiple regression analysis model in this study is to instrument item is a valid index value is the validity index
determine whether the influence of the independent variables, value > 0.3 (Sugiyono 2017), so all items are declared valid.
namely irrigation buildings (X1), irrigation water (X2), and The reliability test results obtained from the Cronbach's
irrigation management (X3) on farmer satisfaction (Y) in Alpha value of each variable are more than 0.60. From this
Banyuwangi regency, the multiple linear regression equation study, the Cronbach's Alpha values of irrigation buildings,
is as following: irrigation water, irrigation management, and farmer
satisfaction were 0.784, 0.726, 0.771, 0.874. All results show
Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + e numbers above 0.60 so it can be said that this research is
Keterangan : reliable.
Y = Farmer satisfaction
X1 = Irrigation Building The normality test of the data as the first test of the
classical assumption shows a significance value of 0.813 or
X2 = Irrigation Water
above 0.05 as seen from the One-Sample Kolmogorov-
X3 = Irrigation Management Smirnov Test. Likewise with the results of other classical
a = Constant assumption tests, this study was free from the symptoms of
b1.. b3 = Regression coefficient X1, X2, X3 multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity.
e = Confounding variable Multiple linear analysis test is used to determine the
effect of two or more independent variables with one
V. RESULT AND DISCUSSION dependent variable. This test also looks at the amount of R
square to find out how many percent (%) of variance in the
Respondents in this study are farmers who are indirectly independent variable simultaneously on the dependent
found in the fields or research locations. A total of 100 variable and see whether or not the regression coefficient of
respondents from 25 sub-districts in Banyuwangi regency. each independent variable is significant.

Tabel 1 Multiple Linear Analysis Test

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 3.168 .214 2.613 .481
1 Building .215 .162 .101 0.053 .091
Water .815 .003 .521 3.215 .000
Management .742 .008 .341 2.028 .000
a dependent variable satisfaction

Multiple linear regression equation formula 1 percent, farmer satisfaction will increase by 0.215
𝑌 = 𝑎 + 𝑏1 𝑋1 + 𝑏2 𝑋2 + 𝑏3𝑋3 + 𝑒 assuming the other variables are constant.
𝑌 = 3,168 + 0,215𝑋1 + 0,815𝑋2 + 0,742𝑋3 c. Water variable (𝑋2 ) has a positive value of 0.815 which
a. The constant value is 3 which means that the satisfaction means that every increase in water (𝑋2 ) by 1 percent,
of farmers will increase by 3 if irrigation facilities include farmer satisfaction will increase by 0.815 assuming the
buildings (X1 ), water (𝑋2 ),and management (X3) equal to other variables are constant.
zero. This can be explained that farmer satisfaction will d. Management variable (X3 ) has a positive value of 0.742
decrease if there are no good irrigation facilities. which means that every increase in management (X3 ) by
b. Building variable (X1 ) has a positive value of 0.215 1 percent, the satisfaction of farmers will increase by
which means that every increase in the building (X1 ) by 0.742 with the assumption that the other variables are

Tabel 2 T-test analysis results

Item T-count T-table Significance alpha information
Building 0,053 1,66023 ,091 0,05 No effect
Water 3,215 1,66023 ,000 0,05 Take effect
Management 2,028 1,66023 ,000 0,05 Take effect

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Volume 6, Issue 7, July – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The results of the test can be seen in the table of the robustness of irrigation buildings which were damaged
results of the t-test analysis above, which means: quickly than the normal maximum age of 5 years, as well
1. The results of the multiple regression analysis of the t-test, as frequent leaks in each building.
show the t-count value of the irrigation building variable is 2. The results of data analysis show that the irrigation water
0.053 and the t-table is 1.66023. This shows that t variable has a partial effect on farmer satisfaction in
arithmetic is smaller than t table, so that the irrigation Banyuwangi Regency. This is reflected in the results of the
building variable does not partially affect farmer farmer's questionnaire that the quality of the water that is
satisfaction. flowed is good, from the sustainability of the water is
2. The irrigation water variable in the t-test shows the t-count regular even during the dry season, the water discharge
value of the irrigation building variable is 3.215 and the t- tends to be stable during the rainy and dry seasons, and
table is 1.66023. t count is greater than t table, so that the when the rainy season is flooded.
variable irrigation building has a partial effect on farmer 3. The results of data analysis show that irrigation
satisfaction. management variables have a partial effect on farmer
3. The results of the multiple regression analysis of the t-test satisfaction in Banyuwangi Regency. This is reflected in
on the irrigation building variable showed a value of 2.028 the results of the farmer's questionnaire that they are
and a t-table of 1.66023. This shows that t count is greater satisfied with the distribution of available water,
than t table, so that the irrigation building variable has a maintenance of irrigation buildings, more responsive when
partial effect on farmer satisfaction. it rains so there is no flooding.
4. The results of data analysis show that irrigation facilities
Tabel 3 F -test analysis results which include (irrigation building, irrigation water, and
Model Sum of Df Mean F Sig irrigation management) simultaneously have an effect on
Squares Square farmer satisfaction in Banyuwangi Regency. This is
1 Regression 44.563 3 15.511 23.597 ,000b reflected in the results of the questionnaire being satisfied
Residual 31.662 96 753 with the robustness of the building. established by the
Total 76.185 99 government, building capacity, equitable distribution of
a. Dependent Variable: satisfaction water, and more responsive management during the dry
b. Predictors: (Constant), building, water, management season and during the rainy season

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