Guidelines For Cultivating Cannabis For Medicinal Purposes (Voorschriften Voor de Verbouw Van Cannabis Voor Medicinale Doeleinden)
Guidelines For Cultivating Cannabis For Medicinal Purposes (Voorschriften Voor de Verbouw Van Cannabis Voor Medicinale Doeleinden)
Guidelines For Cultivating Cannabis For Medicinal Purposes (Voorschriften Voor de Verbouw Van Cannabis Voor Medicinale Doeleinden)
1. Introduction
2. General
3. Personnel and Training
4. Buildings and Facilities
5. Equipment
6. Seeds and Propagation Material
7. Cultivation
8. Harvesting
Provided courtesy of: Willem K. Scholten, MSc, Pharm, MPA, Office of Medicinal
Cannabis of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Directorate, Ministry of Health, Welfare and
Sport, P.O. Box 20350, NL-2500 EJ The Hague, Netherlands (E-mail: wk.scholten@
Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics, Vol. 3(2) 2003
10.1300/J175v03n02_05 51
9. Primary Processing
10. Packaging
11. Storage and Distribution
12. Special Provisions for the Production of Cannabis Intended for
Processing into a Standardised Herbal Drug
13. Documentation
14. Safeguarding the Material
Under certain conditions, the Dutch government permits the cultiva-
tion of cannabis for medicinal purposes. In the case of herbal drugs, the
cultivation method and primary processing of the plant determines the
ultimate properties of the active pharmaceutical ingredient. Starting
materials of herbal origin have a complex composition and can only be
characterised to a limited extent through chemical or biological analy-
sis. Therefore, an effective quality assurance system in the steps leading
up to the production of the active pharmaceutical ingredient is needed in
order to guarantee reproducible quality. These steps are cultivation,
harvesting and primary processing.
The following guidelines for cultivating, harvesting and primary pro-
cessing of cannabis constitute a quality assurance system that meets
these requirements. The Office of Medicinal Cannabis (Bureau voor
Medicinale Cannabis) will test on the basis of these requirements.
These guidelines have been derived from the general rules for Good
Agricultural Practice of the Working Group on Herbal Medicinal Prod-
ucts of the European Medicines Evaluation Agency (EMEA).
This is an authorised translation of the official version in Dutch.
lines also provide additional standards for the production and pro-
cessing of herbal starting materials insofar as they identify the
critical production steps that are needed to ensure good, reproduc-
ible quality.
2.2 The main objective of these guidelines is to increase the reliability
of the medicines prepared from cannabis by establishing an appro-
priate quality standard for the herbal medicine cannabis. In partic-
ular, it is important that the cannabis:
• is produced hygienically to keep microbiological contamina-
tion to a minimum;
• is produced such that negative effects on the plants during
cultivation, processing and storage are kept to a minimum;
• is produced under conditions that ensure that the therapeutic
properties of the end product are constant and reproducible.
3.1 Training
3.1.1 Personnel must have received adequate botanical/horticultural
training before performing the tasks given to them.
3.1.2 Production personnel must be trained in the production tech-
niques used.
3.1.3 Primary processing procedures must comply with the regula-
tions on food hygiene.
3.2 Hygiene
3.2.1 All personnel entrusted with handling the herbal material must
maintain proper personal hygiene.
3.2.2 Persons suffering from infectious diseases transmittable via
food, including diarrhoea, or carriers of these diseases must be
forbidden access to areas where they could come into contact
with the herbal material.
3.2.3 Persons with open wounds, inflammations and skin-infections
must be suspended from areas where they could come into con-
tact with herbal material, unless they wear protective clothing or
gloves until they have recovered completely.
5.4 Equipment and machinery used for harvesting must be clean and
in very good working condition. Machine parts that come into di-
rect contact with the harvested crop must be cleaned regularly and
must be free from oil and contamination, including residual plant
7.1 Soil and fertilisation
7.1.1 Cannabis for medicinal purposes must not be grown on soil con-
taminated with sludge, heavy metals, pesticide residues or other
chemicals. Any chemicals used must therefore be kept to the
minimum effective dose.
7.1.2 Manure applied should be thoroughly composted and must be
devoid of human faeces. Irrigation should be controlled and ac-
cording to the needs of the cannabis plant. Fertilisers should be
used in such a way that leaching is reduced to a minimum.
7.2 Irrigation
7.2.1 Irrigation must be controlled and only as required by the canna-
bis plant.
7.2.2 Irrigation water must contain as few as possible contaminants
like faeces, heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides and toxicologi-
cally hazardous substances.
8.1 Harvesting must be done when the plants have reached the best
quality for the intended use.
8.2 Male, damaged, and dead plants must be removed.
8.3 Harvesting must take place under the best possible conditions,
avoiding wet soil or extremely high air humidity. If harvesting oc-
curs in wet conditions, additional care needs to be taken to avoid
the adverse effects of moisture.
8.4 During harvesting, care must be taken that no other species or can-
nabis variety get mixed with the cannabis crop.
8.5 The harvested crop must not come into direct contact with the soil.
Directly after harvesting, it must be prepared for transport in clean,
dry conditions (e.g., sacks, baskets, boxes).
8.6 All containers must be clean and free from any residues from pre-
vious harvests; containers that are not in use must be kept in dry
conditions, free of pests and inaccessible to domestic animals.
8.7 Mechanical damage and compacting of the herbal drug that could
result in undesirable quality changes must be avoided. In this re-
spect, take care to avoid:
• overfilling sacks/containers;
• stacking sacks/containers too high.
8.8 Freshly harvested herbal material must be delivered to the pro-
cessing facility as quickly as possible in order to prevent thermal
8.9 The harvested crop must be protected from pests and domestic ani-
Guidelines 57
9.1 Primary processing includes washing, cutting before drying, de-
contamination from pests, freezing, distillation, drying, etc.
9.2 On arrival at the processing facility, the harvested crop must be di-
rectly unloaded and unpacked. Prior to processing, the material
must not be exposed to direct sunlight (except in cases that specifi-
cally require this) and must be protected from rain.
9.3 Drying
9.3.1 Drying crops directly on the ground or under direct sunlight
must be avoided.
9.3.2 Uniform drying speed and prevention of mold growth must be
9.3.3 In the case that plant material is dried in the open air, it must be
spread in a thin layer. To ensure good air circulation the drying
racks must be placed at sufficient distance to the floor.
9.3.4 In the case plant material is not dried in the open air optimal drying
circumstances like temperature and drying time must be chosen.
9.4 Waste bins must be available and must be emptied and cleaned daily.
10.1 Following repeated controls and removal of any sub-standard ma-
terial or undesired objects, the product must be packaged in clean,
dry and preferably new packaging. The label must be clear, firmly
fixed and made from non-toxic material.
10.2 Reusable packaging material must be well cleaned and dried prior
to use.
10.3 Packaging material must be stored in a clean, dry place that is free
of pests and inaccessible to domestic animals. The packaging ma-
terial must not contaminate the product.
12.1 Herbs
12.1.1 In these guidelines, a herbal medicine is understood to mean any
medicine that contains exclusively herbal drugs or herbal prepa-
rations as active ingredients.
12.1.2 Herbal drugs are plants or parts of plants in an unprocessed state
which are used for medicinal or pharmaceutical purposes. A
herbal drug or a preparation is regarded as one active substance
in its entirety whether or not the constituents with therapeutic ac-
tivity are known.
12.1.3 Herbal drug preparations are comminuted or powdered herbal
drugs, extracts, tinctures, fatty or essential oils, expressed juices,
processed resins or gums, etc., prepared from herbal drugs, and
preparations that are produced through fractionation, purifica-
tion or concentration.
12.1.4 In departure from the above, chemically defined isolated con-
stituents or their mixtures are not considered herbal drug prepa-
12.1.5 Herbal drug preparations may contain other components such as
solvents, diluents and preservatives.
Guidelines 59
13.1 All processes and procedures which may affect the quality of the
product must be recorded in the documentation for each batch.
The following in particular must documented: