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NASPGHAN Senate Safe Step Act Endorsement 4. 2021

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714 N Bethlehem Pike
Suite 300
Ambler, PA 19002

April 29, 2021

Benjamin D. Gold, MD
GI Care for Kids, LLC
Children’s Center for Digestive Healthcare LLC
993-D Johnson Ferry Road, NE, Suite 440
Atlanta, GA 30342 The Honorable Lisa Murkowski The Honorable Margaret Hassan
404-257-0799 522 Hart Senate Office Building 324 Hart Senate Office Building
[email protected]
U.S. Senate U.S. Senate
PRESIDENT-ELECT Washington, D.C. 20510 Washington, D.C. 20510
Jenifer R. Lightdale, MD, MPH
UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center
Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition The Honorable Bill Cassidy The Honorable Jacky Rosen
55 Lake Avenue North 520 Hart Senate Office Building 713 Hart Senate Office Building
Worcester, MA 02467 U.S. Senate U.S. Senate
[email protected] Washington, D.C. 20510 Washington, D.C. 20510
PAST PRESIDENT Dear Senators Murkowski, Hassan, Cassidy and Rosen:
Karen F. Murray, MD
Cleveland Clinic Children’s
8850 Euclid Ave., R3 The North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
Cleveland, OH 44195
(NASPGHAN) is pleased to offer its endorsement of the Safe Step Act (S. 464) to amend
[email protected] the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to require a group health plan (or
health insurance coverage offered in connection with such a plan) to provide an exceptions
Norberto Rodriguez-Baez, MD process for any medication step therapy protocol.
Department of Pediatrics
University of Texas Southwestern Medical NASPGHAN is comprised of more than 2,500 pediatric gastroenterologists in 46 states,
Center/Children’s Health Dallas
1935 Medical District Drive the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Mexico and eight provinces in Canada. The mission
Dallas, TX 75235 of NASPGHAN is to advance understanding of normal development, physiology and
215-456-8000 pathophysiology of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (i.e., digestive disease), liver and
[email protected]
pancreas in children, improve the quality of care for these children with digestive disease
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL by fostering the dissemination of this knowledge through scientific meetings, professional
Stacy Kahn, MD
and public education, and policy development, and serve as an effective voice for
Boston, MA members and the profession.
Ericka Montijo Barrios, MD, PhD
Naucalpan, Mexico Increasingly, payors are requiring step therapy, prior authorization, and non-medical drug
switching for biologic therapies used in children with inflammatory bowel disease, often
John Pohl, MD overriding prescribing recommendations of the treating physician. Most concerning is
Salt Lake City, UT
payors requiring pediatric patients who are stable on a biologic to switch to a different
Rachel Rosen, MD, MA biologic, or typically what is called a biosimilar; requiring a limited choice of initial
Boston, MA biologic; or designating the sequence of biologic therapies.
Jonathan Teitelbaum, MD
Long Branch, NJ These decisions by payors are typically made without regard to medical necessity or
Justine Turner, MD, PhD
clinical indications and without input from the primary pediatric gastroenterologist caring
Edmonton, B for the child.

Biologics are vital therapeutic tools in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, but
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR their use is coupled with ongoing collection of clinical efficacy and safety data, and their
Margaret K. Stallings interchangeability is not well understood, with limited clinical data, especially in pediatric
[email protected]
patients who face a lifetime of disease and treatment. NASPGHAN has had limited
NASPGHAN Annual Meeting success in convincing payors to provide exceptions to non-medical switching of biologics
November 4-6-2021 in pediatric populations and is why passage of the Safe Step Act is critically needed.
Nashville, TN
We are specifically grateful your legislation would create an exception to medication step-therapy when a patient is stable on a medication
previously approved. This exception will allow pediatric patients who are stable on a specific biologic therapy to remain on that biologic
if that is the recommendation of the treating physician.

Pediatric gastroenterologists are spending entirely too much time fighting with insurance companies to ensure their patients get
recommended care. NASPGHAN stands ready to work with you achieve enactment of the Safe Step Act this year.

Should you have questions or require additional information, please contact Camille Bonta, NASPGHAN policy advisor, at (202) 320-
3658 or [email protected].


Benjamin D. Gold, MD, FAAP, FACG

North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

cc: The Honorable Cindy Hyde-Smith

The Honorable Kirsten Gillibrand
The Honorable Kyrsten Sinema
The Honorable Shelley Moore Capito
The Honorable Mazie Hirono
The Honorable Thom Tillis
The Honorable Jeanne Shaheen
The Honorable Kevin Cramer
The Honorable Jeff Merkley
The Honorable Richard Blumenthal

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