Industrial Upgrading Based On Global Innovation Chains A Case Study of Huawei Technologies

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Nmfustrnga up`rgfnm` bgshf om `aobga nmmovgtnom cjgnms9G cgsh stufy ol Jugwhn thcjmoao`nhs Co., Atf. Sjhmzjhm
Zuhium Anm
, Bnm`qngm Anu
, Ingxu Jgm
, Zngm`yuh Cjhm
Nmthrmgtnomga Busnmhss Scjooa ol Inmgm Xmnvhrsnty, Yjujgn 87>;0;, @ugm`fom`, Cjnmg
Scjooa ol Vrgmsagtnom Stufnhs, Inmgm Xmnvhrsnty, Yjujgn 87>;0;, @ugm`fom`, Cjnmg
g r t n c a h n m l o
 Grtncah jnstory9
Rhchnvhf 8 Iumh 2;7:Gcchpthf 73 Gu`ust 2;7:Gvgnagbah omanmh 3 Shpthdbhr 2;7:
@aobga nmmovgtnom cjgnm@aobga vgauh cjgnmOphm nmmovgtnomNmthrmgtnomga nmmovgtnom coophrgtnom
g b s t r g c t
Gatjou`j Cjnmg ns g `aobga trgfh powhr, nt jgs aow vgauh-gffhf trgfh, wjncj anhs gt tjhbottod ol tjh `aobga vgauh cjgnm. Vjhrhlorh, tjhrh ns gm ur`hmt mhhf to cjgm`h tjh umlg-vorgbah posntnom ol tjh nmthrmgtnomga fnvnsnom ol agbor nm Cjnmg. Vjh `aobga nmmovgtnom cjgnmns g mhw fhvhaopdhmt ol nmmovgtnom tjrou`j wjncj Cjnmg cgm ndpahdhmt ophm nmmovgtnomgmf utnanzh tjh woraf's gfvgmchf emowahf`h, thcjmoao`y, nmlordgtnom, gmf otjhr rhsourchsto hmjgmch nts nmmovgtnom cgpgbnantnhs, prodoth nmfustrnga up`rgfnm`, gmf ndprovh tjhstgtus ol nts `aobga vgauh cjgnms. Vjns pgphr tgehs Jugwhn gs gm hxgdpah ol nmthrmgtnomgacoophrgtnom gmf nmmovgtnom, gsphcts tjgt jgvh gaaowhf tjh codpgmy to rgpnfay ndprovh ntsposntnom gmf prhstn`h nm tjh nmfustry. Vjh cgsh stufy ol Jugwhn su``hsts tjgt Cjnmg sjouafnmtrofuch tgahmt, nmcrhgsh nmvhstdhmt gbrogf, gttrgct lorhn`m nmvhstdhmt, hxpgmf nmtha-ahctuga prophrty trgfh, fhvhaop outsourcnm` gmf nmthrmgtnomga strgth`nc rhshgrcj gmffhvhaopdhmt gaangmchs, bunaf g `aobga nmmovgtnom cjgnm, gmf prodoth nmfustrnga up`rgfnm`to hahvgth tjh stgtus ol nts nmthrmgtnomga fnvnsnom ol agbor.
2;7: [ubansjnm` Shrvnchs by Hashvnhr B.\. om bhjgal ol EhGn Coddumncgtnoms Co., Atf. Vjnsns gm ophm gcchss grtncah umfhr tjh CC B^-MC-MF anchmsh (jttp9//crhgtnvhcoddoms.or`/anchmshs/by-mc-mf/6.;/).
7. Nmtrofuctnom
Nmmovgtnom ns gm ndportgmt lgctor frnvnm` hcomodnc `aobganzgtnom. Cgmo-Eoaadgmm, Jgmmn`gm, gmf Dufgdbn (2;70) bh-anhvhs tjgt tjhrh grh tjrhh dgior trhmfs nm tjh `aobga hcomody tofgy. Lnrst, nmthrmgtnomga trgfh ns sjnltnm` lrod
mnsjhf `oofstrgfh to nmthrdhfngth trgfh, gmf tjh `aobga vgauh cjgnm (@\C) ns bhcodnm` nmcrhgsnm`ay ndportgmt. Shcomf, tjhrh jgs bhhm gmnmcrhgsh nm nmtgm`nbah emowahf`h-nmthmsnvh gsshts gmf tjh ndportgmch ol nmmovgtnom. Vjnrf, tjh hcomodnhs ol hdhr`nm`dgrehtsgrh`rownm`gspgrtoltjh@\C.Vjhrhlorh,ntnsol`rhgtndportgmchtogmgayzhtjh@\Cgmfstufytjh`aobganmmovgtnomcjgnm (@NC) nm orfhr to prodoth nmfustrnga up`rgfnm`.Dgmy ndportgmt cjgm`hs jgvh occurrhf nm currhmt `aobga nmmovgtnom. Lnrst, tjh hdpjgsns om nmfhphmfhmt nmmovgtnom nsmow nm tjh fhvhaopdhmt ol `aobga ophm nmmovgtnom. Gdom` tjh 7;;; agr`hst codpgmnhs nm tjh woraf rh`grfnm` rhshgrcj gmffhvhaopdhmt(R 
dgfh nm hdhr`nm` coumtrnhs
nmmovgthf nm hdhr`nm` coumtrnhs.
 Sucj hmthrprnshs jgvh gaso sjnlthf lrod nmth`rgtnm`wntjnm tjh @\C to nmth`rgtnm` wntjnm tjh @NC nm orfhr to ahgf tjh woraf nm nmmovgtnom gctnvntnhs (Dg, 2;7<).
 Corrhspomfnm` gutjor.
H-dgna gffrhsshs9 (Z. Anm), nchy722;K72<.cod (B. Anu).
Comthmts ansts gvgnagbah gt ScnhmchFnrhct
Nmthrmgtnomga Iourmga ol Nmmovgtnom Stufnhs
 2;7: [ubansjnm` Shrvnchs by Hashvnhr B.\. om bhjgal ol EhGn Coddumncgtnoms Co., Atf. Vjns ns gm ophm gcchss grtncah umfhr tjh CC B^-MC-MFanchmsh (jttp9//crhgtnvhcoddoms.or`/anchmshs/by-mc-mf/6.;/).
Gatjou`jCjnmgnsgpowhrlualorchnm`aobgadgmulgcturnm`,AnugmfCgo(2;7<)bhanhvhtjgtCjnmg'snmthrdhfngthnmputgmfprofuctnom gctnvntnhs thmf to bh cjgrgcthrnzhf by aow gffhf vgauh gmf aow thcjmoao`y nmvoavhf. Lurtjhrdorh, Cjnmg jgssullhrhf lrod g sntugtnom ol aow aoce-nm. Ju gmf Anu (2;76) bhanhvh tjgt Cjnmhsh hmthrprnshs jgvh whge nmfhphmfhmt nmmo-vgtnom cgpgbnantnhs gmf tjgt tjhy rhay too ducj om bgsnc rhsourchs, sucj gs judgm rhsourchs gmf mgturga rhsourchs, gmfcomtnmuh to fhvhaop agbor-nmthmsnvh nmfustrnhs bgshf om prndgry hahdhmts (h.`., tjh agbor lorch).Xr`hmt nssuhs tjus comchrmwgys to ndprovh Cjnmg's posntnom nm tjh @\C gmf to rhsjgph tjh nmthrmgtnomga codphtntnvhmhssol Cjnmhsh nmfustry. Vjh ehyponmts nmsucj rhdofhanm` rhagthtonmth`rgtnm`tjh@NCgmf@\C,ndpahdhmtnm`ophm nmmovgtnom,gmf cjgm`nm` tjh sntugtnom ol gccuduagtnm` nmvhstdhmt gmf profuctnom gbnanty by rhaynm` soahay om tjh @\C to ndprovh hm-thrprnshs' nmmovgtnom gbnanty bgshf om tjh @NC. Nm tjns wgy, sucj gctnoms cgm lgcnantgth Cjnmhsh hmthrprnshs' gbnanty to profuchcoddofntnhs wntj codpahx trgmsgctnoms bgshf om ndpancnt emowahf`h gmf to prodoth tjh fhvhaopdhmt ol Cjnmg's nmfh-phmfhmt nmmovgtnom. Vjhrhlorh, tjns grtncah comsnfhrs tjh trgmsntnom ol Jugwhn lrod g comtrgct dgmulgcturhr to g woraf-cagsscoddumncgtnoms codpgmy glthr 3; yhgrs ol fhvhaopdhmt nm orfhr to sjow tjgt usnm` ophm nmmovgtnom, wjhrh `aobga nmmo-vgtnom rhsourchs cgm ndprovh g codpgmy's nmmovgtnom gbnanty, cgm prodoth rgpnf nmfustrnga up`rgfnm` gmf prhshmts comcrhthstrgth`nhs ol nmth`rgtnom nmto tjh @NC.
2. Anthrgturh rhvnhw ol tjh `aobga nmmovgtnom cjgnm
 2.7. @aobga nmmovgtnom cjgnm gs g mhw fhvhaopdhmt ol nmmovgtnom
Scjudphthr's Vjhory ( Ioshpj, 2;;6) ol Nmmovgtnom gmf Anst's Vjhory ol Stgth grh tjh cormhrstomhs ol tjh Mgtnomga Nmmo-vgtnom Systhd (MNS). Subshquhmtay, Mgsnhrowsen gmf Grchaus (2;;3), Ergvcjhmeo (2;77), tjh OHCF (7>>0, pp. 0
77), gmf tjhHurophgm Xmnom jgvh comfucthf hxthmsnvh rhshgrcj om MNS tjhory. Pntj tjh lurtjhr fhvhaopdhmt ol hcomodnc `aobganzgtnom,nmmovgtnom ns mot iust andnthf to mgtnomga boumfgrnhs, gmf nmthrmgtnomganzgtnom gmf mhtworenm` jgvh gaso codh nmto bhnm`.Lrodjoaf-Hnshbntj (2;;0) locushf om jow rh`noms, mgtnoms, gmf tjh nmthrmgtnomga hmvnromdhmt dutugaay commhct wntjnm tjhMNS. Mnosn gmf Bhaaom (7>>6) fnvnfhf tjh hvoautnom ol tjh nmthrmgtnomganzgtnom ol tjh MNS nmto tjrhh stg`hs9 tjh rh`nomganmmovgtnom mhtwore, tjh MNS, gmf gm ophm MNS. Rhshgrcj om tjhsh tjhornhs jgs stufnhf jow nmmovgtnom trgmsntnomhf lrod omhcoumtry to tjh woraf.Yjgm`gmfAn(2;78)gr`uhftjgttjhrgpnffhvhaopdhmtolscnhmchgmfthcjmoao`yjgscjgm`hftjhhxnsthmcholtjhlordol emowahf`h gmf sjorthmhf tjh upfgtnm` phrnof ol emowahf`h. Gs g rhsuat, tjh ur`hmcy ol trgmsmgtnomga R 
F coophrgtnomgdom` nmthrmgtnomga hmthrprnshs jgs bhhm jn`jan`jthf. Lurtjhrdorh, tjh gaa-phrvgfnm` nmthrmht, wnrhf gmf wnrhahsscoddumncgtnom, gmf comvhmnhmt gmf hl 
cnhmt `aobga trgmsportgtnom jgvh `rhgtay rhfuchf
F costs gmf sn`mn
cgmtayhmjgmchf R 
F hl 
cnhmcy. Vjns jgs dgfh nt possnbah lor R 
F nmstntutnoms, dgmulgcturhrs, gmf suppanhrs to comfuct hxthmsnvhscnhmtn
c rhshgrcj coophrgtnom, provnfnm` comvhmnhmt comfntnoms lor trgmsmgtnomga codpgmnhs to trgmsdnt tjhnr nmthrmgtnomga
F nmvhstdhmt. Dhgmwjnah, tjh hmcofnm` dofuagr prochss ol emowahf`h jgs rhsuathf nm g rhvoautnomgry trgmslordgtnom ol nmmovgtnom. R 
F fhsn`m, wjncj ushf tobhchmtrganzhf, ns mow bhnm`dofuagrnzhf gmffhchmtrganzhf. Pjgt ushf tobhfomh byomh coumtry or omh hmthrprnsh gaomh ns mow fomh tjrou`j nmthrmgtnomga coophrgtnom gmf fnvnsnom ol agbor. Pjnah sucj pro-chsshs grh nmthrfhphmfhmt, tjhy gaso fnsnmth`rgth vhrtncga nmth`rgtnom. Ophm `aobga R 
F, wjncj ns lhgturhf bycomsn`mhf R 
Fgmf R 
F outsourcnm`, jgs tgehm luaa gfvgmtg`h ol `aobga nmmovgtnom rhsourchs to gcchahrgth tjh pro`rhss ol R 
F. Vjhrhlorh, g@NC jgs bhhm lordhf. Vjh structurh ol tjh MNS jgs gaso cjgm`hf lrod tjh jousnm`ol gaa nmmovgtnom cjgnms totjh posshssnom ol chrtgnm nmmovgtnom anmes gmf subihcts. Nm gffntnom, nt jgs comstntuthf g chrtgnm mofh stgth ol tjh `aobga nmmovgtnom mhtwore. Nmtjns wgy, tjh woraf ns dovnm` lrod hcomodnc `aobganzgtnom towgrfs nmmovgtnvh `aobganzgtnom.
 2.2. Commotgtnom gmf tjh hllhct ol tjh `aobga nmmovgtnom cjgnm
Rh`grfnm` tjh nmmovgtnom cjgnm, hxphrts gmf scjoagrs gt jodh gmf gbrogf comsnfhr tjgt nt ns gm nmmovgtnom-cjgnm-dofhor`gmnzgtnom nm wjncj tjh nmmovgtnom subihcts dgeh ush ol tjhnr codpgrgtnvh gfvgmtg`hs nm gccorfgmch wntj tjh prochssol profuct nmmovgtnom gcjnhvhdhmts gmf `unfhf by tjh corh ol nmmovgtnom to ndpahdhmt tjh fnvnsnom ol agbor gmf tocoaagborgth lor succhss. Dg gmf Pu (2;77) gr`uhf tjgt tjh so-cgaahf @NC rhlhrs to gvgaugbah nmmovgtnompgtthrmwntj g jn`jayophm mhtwore nmwjncj hmthrprnshs cgm shgrcj lor gvgnagbah emowahf`h rhsourchs om g `aobga scgah gmf pgycaosh gtthmtnom totjh rn`jt ol usnm` sucj rhsourchs.Fgn,Angm`,gmfFgn(2;;>)gmgayzhftjhcgushol tjhnmmovgtnomcjgnmgmfcomsnfhrhftjgttjh@NCcgmgcchahrgthtjhsphhfol emowahf`h fnsshdnmgtnom, hsphcngaay tgcnt emowahf`h, gmf tjhy nmfncgthf tjgt nt cgm rhfuch tjh cost ol thcjmoao`ncgatrgmsgctnomsgmfhmjgmchcoddumncgtnom,trust,gmfcoaagborgtnomgdom`nmmovgtnvhhmtntnhs.Dorhndportgmtay,tjh@NCnsgmophm systhd tjgt prodoths tjh gbsorptnom gmf utnanzgtnom ol `aobga emowahf`h, thcjmoao`y, gmf otjhr nmmovgtnvh rhsourchs,gmf nt nmcrhgshs tjh gccuduagtnom ol fodhstnc emowahf`h.
 2.3. @ovhrmgmch ol tjh `aobga nmmovgtnom cjgnm
, Judpjrhy, Egpanmsey, gmf Stur`hom (2;;7) gr`uhf tjgt vgauh cjgnm `ovhrmgmch ns g mom-dgreht hcomodnc co-orfnmgtnom gctnvnty tjgt ahgfs hmthrprnshs to fnrhctay or nmfnrhctay nm
uhmch `aobga profuctnom, ao`nstncs, dgrehtnm`, gmf otjhr
 Z. Anm ht ga. / Nmthrmgtnomga Iourmga ol Nmmovgtnom Stufnhs 2 (2;7:) :7
gctnvntnhs. @\C `ovhrmgmch cgm bh fnvnfhf nmto profuchr-frnvhm cjgnms gmf buyhr-frnvhm cjgnms (@hrhl 
, 7>>6), gs whaa gshxthrmgaay frnvhm cjgnms (Egpanmsey, 2;;;).Yjgm` gmf An (2;78) su``hsthf tjgt g sndnagr `ovhrmgmch structurh gaso hxnsts nm tjh @NC. Nm tjh @NC, gs tjh or`gmnzhrs gmfgfdnmnstrgtors ol nmthrmgtnomga R 
F nmvhstdhmt hm`g`h nm trgmslhrs, fhvhaophf coumtrnhs gmf duatnmgtnomga codpgmnhs ushtjh gfvgmtg`hs ol dgsthrnm` gmf nmth`rgtnm` corh thcjmoao`nhs to pagy tjh roah ol 
cjgnm aorfs,
 wjnah fhvhaopnm` coumtrnhsrhdgnmomaygttjhaow-hmfoltjh@NCgmfgrhhm`g`hfnmphrnpjhrgaorguxnangrywore.Vjhrhlorh,probahdsolaow-hmfaoce-nmgmf hdbhffhf obstgcahs dgy grnsh nm tjh @NC.
3. Stufy ol Jugwhn's nmth`rgtnm` `aobga nmmovgtnom cjgnm gmf ophm nmmovgtnom
Loumfhf nm 7>:0 nm Sjhmzjhm, Cjnmg, glthr 3; yhgrs ol fhvhaopdhmt, Jugwhn jgs `rowm lrod bhnm` g comtrgct dgmu-lgcturhr to bhnm` g woraf-ahgfnm` provnfhr ol nmlordgtnom gmf coddumncgtnom thcjmoao`y (NCV) soautnoms. Jugwhn sphmfsdorh tjgm 7;% ol nts sgahs rhvhmuh om R 
F hvhry yhgr. Nm 2;7<, gpproxndgthay :;,;;; phopah whrh hm`g`hf nm R 
F, gc-coumtnm`lor68%ol tjhcodpgmy'stotgaworelorch.Nts
FhxphmfnturhwgsRDB0<,3>7dnaanom,gccoumtnm`lor76.<%ol totgarhvhmuh. Nm tjh pgst thm yhgrs, tjh cost ol R 
F hxchhfhf RDB 373,;;; dnaanom (Jugwhn R 
F Rhport, 2;70). Gccorfnm` toJugwhn's R 
F Rhport (2;70), umtna Fhchdbhr 37, 2;7<, Jugwhn jgs gppanhf lor 80,<32 pgthmts nm Cjnmg gmf 3>,<73 pgthmtsgbrogf, gmf nt jgs rhchnvhf <2,87> pgthmt anchmshs, ol wjncj ovhr >;% grh nmvhmtnom pgthmts. Omh ol tjh dost rhprhshmtgtnvhgcjnhvhdhmts ns tjgt Jugwhn jgs gcjnhvhf g sn`mn
cgmt brhgetjrou`j nm 8@ ehy thcjmoao`y tjrou`j caosh coophrgtnom wntjrhshgrcj nmstntutnoms. Jugwhn gaso wom tjh
rst 8@ gwgrfs, mgdhay, tjh
8@ outstgmfnm` gcjnhvhdhmt gwgrf
 gmf 2;7<
outstgmfnm` comtrnbutnom gwgrf ol 8@ nmmovgtnom,
 wjncj luaay fhdomstrgths tjgt Jugwhn jgs dovhf to tjh lorhlromt ol tjhcoddumncgtnom nmfustry gmf tjgt nts nmmovgtnom gbnanty jgs bhhm rhco`mnzhf nmthrmgtnomgaay. Jugwhn jgs hmjgmchf nts po-sntnomnmtjhvgauhcjgnmnmtjhcoddumncgtnomnmfustrygmfjgsprovhmtjhlgcttjgtnmmovgtnomnstjhcorhcodphtntnvhmhssol gm hmthrprnsh.
 3.7. Jugwhn's strgth`nc tjnmenm` ol shttnm` up `aobga R
F nmstntutnoms
Jugwhn's hllorts nm bunafnm` tjh @NC gmf nts hvoautnom nm nmthrmgtnomga R 
F coophrgtnom jgvh obvnous phrnofncga cjgrgc-thrnstncs. Jou, Anu, gmf Anu (2;77) gr`uhf tjgt Jugwhn's nmthrmgtnomganzgtnom fhvhaopdhmt ol nmfhphmfhmt nmmovgtnom jgs motbhhm pagnm sgnanm`, gmf nt cgm bh rou`jay fnvnfhf nmto tjrhh stg`hs9
rst, tjh thcjmoao`ncga ndntgtnom stg`h, wjhrh nt dgnmayndntgthfprofucts5shcomf,gstg`hlocusnm`omtjhfhvhaopdhmtolehythcjmoao`y,wjncjbh`nmtoahgfnmsodhgrhgs5tjnrf,gstg`h nm wjncj nt ehpt gbrhgst to nmthrmgtnomga fhvhaopdhmts, wjhrh nt joafs g ahgf nm sodh grhgs. Jugwhn bh`gm nts nmthr-mgtnomganzgtnom prochss nm 7>><. Snmch 7>>>, Jugwhn jgs nmvhsthf jhgvnay nm ovhrshgs rhshgrcj nmstntutnoms. Vjh phrnof ol 2;;2
2;;8 wgs tjh nmntnga stg`h ol Jugwhn's R 
F nmthrmgtnomganzgtnom, wntj lhw R 
F umnts gt jodh gmf gbrogf, gmf mo R 
Fcoophrgtnom mhtwore wgs lordhf. Pntj tjh gcchahrgtnom ol Jugwhn's R 
F nmthrmgtnomganzgtnom, tjh nmthrmgtnomga
Fcoophrgtnom mhtwore wgs `rgfugaay lordhf lrod 2;;< to 2;;>, gmf nt hxpgmfhf rgpnfay lrod 2;7; to 2;73, wntj tjh lrh-quhmcy ol mhtwore commhctnoms gmf tjh mudbhr ol mhtwore hf`hs nmcrhgsnm` rgpnfay. Lurtjhrdorh, tjh dgnm R 
F umnt wgsfhvhaopnm` comtnmuousay wntj stgbah coophrgtnom umfhrwgy. Vjh fuga-corh R 
F dofha chmthrhf nm Sjhmzjhm gmf tjh XmnthfStgths wgs lordhf furnm` tjns phrnof (Sn, Cjhm, Nm`o,
 Yhm`, 2;7<).Vo qunceaycgtcj up wntj tjh nmthrmgtnomga gfvgmchf ahvha, Jugwhn jgs gttgcjhf `rhgt ndportgmch to shttnm` up ol gm R 
Fnmstntutnom nm tjh chmthr ol `aobga nmlordgtnom thcjmoao`y R 
F nmstntutnoms. Eudgr (7>>8) gr`uhf tjgt tjhrh grh tjrhh pur-poshs lor nmthrmgtnomga hmthrprnshs tocgrryout R 
F gctnvntnhs gbrogf9 (7) tosupport tjh hmthrprnsh's ovhrshgsprofuctnom, (2)totgeh gfvgmtg`h ol cjhgp R 
F rhsourchs gbrogf, gmf (3) to gbsorb tjh ovhr
owol lorhn`m
F gctnvnty. Vjhrhlorh,to obtgnmtjh agthst lorhn`m thcjmoao`y gmf nmthrmgtnomga
rst-cagss tgahmt gmf to gbsorb tjh ovhr
ow ol lorhn`m R 
F gctnvntnhs, Jugwhnfhcnfhf to bunaf nts R 
F chmthr nm fhvhaophf coumtrnhs, wjhrh nt ns caosh to whaa-emowm nmthrmgtnomga nmstntutnoms ol jn`jhrahgrmnm` or nmfustry ahgfhrs.Jugwhncjoshtoshtup
Fchmthrsnmaocgtnomsolnmfustry`ngmts,sucjgsFgaags,tjhchmthroltjhXSthahcodcausthrwntjDOVOROAG, Vhxgs nmstrudhmts5 Stocejoad, Swhfhm, wntj Hrncssom, Moeng, gmf otjhr thahcoddumncgtnoms hqunpdhmt hm-thrprnshs5 Fusshaforl, wntj \ofglomh's jhgfqugrthrs. Agthr, lor bhtthr dgmg`hdhmt ol R 
F gctnvntnhs nm Huroph (Jugwhn jgs
F Chmthrs nm Bhranm gmf Murhdbhr`, @hrdgmy5 Npswncj, XE5 Dnagm, Ntgay5 [grns, Lrgmch5 Brusshas, Bha`nud, htc.), Jugwhndovhf tjh Hurophgm Rhshgrcj Chmthr (HRC) to Dumncj, @hrdgmy, wjncj ns caosh to tjh Vhcjmncga Xmnvhrsnty ol Dumncj(Vhcjmncga Xmnvhrsnty >), gm ndportgmt dhdbhr ol tjh @hrdgm Xmnvhrsnty ol thcjmoao`y gaangmch, gmf otjhr pgrtmhrs. Jugwhngaso spgrhf mo hllort to gttrgct nmthrmgtnomga tgahmt. Nm sjort, tjh aocgtnom shahctnom fhstnmgtnom ol Jugwhn's ovhrshgs R 
Fchmthrs ns gm hxchaahmt `aobga coddumncgtnom nmfustry chmthr or g pagch caosh to woraf-cagss umnvhrsntnhs, rhshgrcj nmstntuths,gmf hmthrprnshs. Jugwhn gttgcjhs `rhgt ndportgmch to botj gppancgtnom rhshgrcj gmf bgsnc rhshgrcj. Nm Dgy 2;7<, Jugwhnhstgbansjhf g mhw rhshgrcj chmthr nm Fubgn, gmf nm Iumh, g dgtjhdgtncga rhshgrcj chmthr wgs hstgbansjhf nm Lrgmch. Vjrou`jtjhJugwhnNmmovgtnomRhshgrcj[ro`rgd,Jugwhnjgslumfhfdorhtjgm2;;rhshgrcjproihcts,gmfbylumfnm`dgtjhdgtncs,pjysncs, cjhdnstry, gmf otjhr bgsnc tjhory rhshgrcj, nt jgs hxpaorhf tjh prodnmhmt thcjmoao`ncga nmmovgtnom fhvhaopdhmt nmtjh NCV nmfustry (Jugwhn R 
 Z. Anm ht ga. / Nmthrmgtnomga Iourmga ol Nmmovgtnom Stufnhs 2 (2;7:) :7
 3.2. Jugwhn hstgbansjhf tjh ophm-nmmovgtnom coophrgtnvh rhagtnomsjnp ol tjh
corh-coophrgtnom cnrcah
rstagyhrnstjhcorh,wjncjnsJugwhn'sjhgfqugrthrsnmSjhmzjhm.Vjhshcomf agyhr ns Jugwhn's ovhrshgs R 
F chmthr, gmf tjh tjnrf agyhr ns Jugwhn's coophrgtnvh pgrtmhrs gt jodh gmf gbrogf.
 3.2.7. Corh ol Jugwhn R
Jugwhn's nmvhmtors grh dgnmay Jugwhn's hdpaoyhhs. [gthmts gppanhf by tjhd gccoumthf lor ><% ol tjh wjoah codpgmy'spgthmts nm 2;72, >;% ol wjncj whrh nm Sjhmzjhm. Vjh jhgfqugrthrs ol Jugwhn (Sjhmzjhm) ns tjh corh ol tjh `aobga R 
Fmhtwore. Nt ns tjh dgsthr ol tjh @NC gmf pagys tjh roah ol or`gmnznm`, comtroaanm`, gmf coorfnmgtnm` `aobga R 
F gctnvntnhs.Vjh coophrgtnom ol tjh jhgfqugrthrs gmf brgmcjhs ol Jugwhn wntj umnvhrsntnhs gmf rhshgrcj nmstntuths ns olthm gcjnhvhftjrou`jtjhloaaownm`sthps9
rst,gccorfnm`totjhthcjmoao`ncgafhvhaopdhmttrhmfgmfntsowmmhhfs,Jugwhnjhgfqugrthrsproposhs to nts brgmcjhs groumf tjh woraf tjh thcjmoao`ncga
haf tjgt mhhfs to bh trgcehf gmf fhvhaophf nm tjns yhgr5 tjhm,tjh Jugwhn jhgfqugrthrs or ovhrshgs brgmcjhs nfhmtnly gmf comtgct pothmtnga thcjmncga coophrgtnom pgrtmhrs (hmthrprnshs,umnvhrsntnhs, scnhmtn
c rhshgrcj nmstntutnoms, htc.). Lnmgaay, Jugwhn's jhgfqugrthrs fhthrdnmhs tjh pgrtmhrs gmf sn`ms comtrgctswntj tjh pgrtmhrs to sphcnly tjh scjhfuah gmf tgses ol tjh R 
F gctnvntnhs.
 3.2.2. Jugwhn's ovhrshgs R
F chmthr 
By 2;7<, Jugwhn jgf hstgbansjhf 7< rhshgrcj nmstntuths groumf tjh woraf gmf 3< ionmt nmmovgtnom chmthrs aocgthf nm tjhXmnthf Stgths, Brntgnm, @hrdgmy, Lrgmch, Russng, gmf otjhr coumtrnhs. Jugwhn (Sjhmzjhm) jgs bhhm dgnmtgnmnm` caosh R 
Fcoophrgtnom wntj tjhsh rhshgrcj nmstntuths, gmf nts suborfnmgth brgmcjhs grh tjh brnf`hs tjgt anme Jugwhn to nmthrmgtnomga
F gctnvntnhs.Vo naaustrgthJugwhn's
F coophrgtnomwntjovhrshgs
F chmthrs,tjhNmthrmgtnomgaCoophrgtnom Strhm`tj(NCS)ns ushf todhgsurh tjh nmthmsnty ol nmthrmgtnomga coophrgtnom.Nmthrmgtnomga R 
F coophrgtnom ns dorh comfucnvh to tjh prodotnom ol hmthrprnsh nmmovgtnom phrlordgmch tjgm fodhstnc
 Boaan, 2;73). Hxthrmga emowahf`h gcqunsntnom bgshf om pgthmt coophrgtnom gmf pgthmt cntgtnom jgs gmndportgmt nm
uhmch om nmmovgtnom. [gthmts rhprhshmt gm ndportgmt rhsuat ol nmmovgtnom. Vjh nmfhx ol nmthrmgtnomga coophr-gtnom nmthmsnty (NCS) nm tjns grtncah ushs tjh rhshgrcj dhtjof ol  @uhaahc gmf \gm [otthasbhr`jh (2;;7) gs g rhlhrhmch. Nl pgthmtnmvhmtors fo mot anvh nm tjh sgdh coumtry, tjh pgthmt bhaom`s to tjh duatnmgtnomga R 
F coophrgtnom. Vjhrhlorh, tjns pgphrdhgsurhstjhNCSolgmhmthrprnshbytjhproportnomol tjhmudbhrolnmthrmgtnomgacoophrgtnompgthmtsol tjhtotgamudbhrol gaa tjh pgthmts. Vjgt ns, tjh NCS hqugas tjh mudbhr ol trgmsmgtnomga coophrgtnvh pgthmts/tjh `ross ol hmthrprnsh pgthmts.Gmotjhr wgy to dhgsurh tjh strhm`tj ol R 
F coaagborgtnom ns tjh Lrucjthrdgm-Rhnm`oaf ga`orntjd, wjncj rhprhshmts tjhstrhm`tj ol coaagborgtnom bgshf om tjh `rgvnty `hmhrgthf by tjh gssocngtnom bhtwhhm g codpgmy gmf nts pgrtmhrs. Vgenm` tjh
`urhsnm 2;72 lorhxgdpah,tjhtopthmnmstntutnomstjgt coophrgthfwntj Jugwhnjhgfqugrthrs grhsjowmnmVgbah7 (Sn ht ga., 2;7<).Gdom`tjhtopthmnmstntutnomstjgtcoophrgthfcaoshaywntjJugwhn,shvhmol tjhdgrhovhrshgsbrgmcjhsolJugwhn,sucjgs
F chmthrs aocgthf nm Stocejoad (Swhfhm), Sgmtg Cagrg (Snancom \gaahy), Fusshaforl (@hrdgmy), gmf Luturhwhn (Jugwhn'sX.S. subsnfngry). Vjhsh ovhrshgs R 
F chmthrs whrh hstgbansjhf hgranhr gmf jgvh dgnmtgnmhf stgbah R 
F coophrgtnom wntjjhgfqugrthrs. Vjh otjhr tjrhh coophrgtnvh nmstntutnoms grh umnvhrsntnhs gmf rhshgrcj nmstntutnoms, gaa ol wjncj grh aocgthfovhrshgs, hxchpt [henm`Xmnvhrsnty. Jugwhn's ovhrshgs R 
F chmthrs jgvh g sphcn
c fnvnsnom ol agbor nm R 
F, gs sjowm nmVgbah2, wjncjsjowsJugwhn's(Sjhmzjhm)nmthmshpgrtncnpgtnomnm`aobga
Fgctnvntnhsgmfjn`jan`jtstjhndportgmchol ovhrshgsnmmovgtnom rhsourchs to hmjgmch Jugwhn's nmmovgtnom gbnanty (Sn ht ga., 2;7<).
 3.2.3. Jugwhn's coophrgtnvh pgrtmhrs gt jodh gmf gbrogf
Fcoophrgtnomwntj ovhrshgs umnvhrsntnhs gmf rhshgrcj nmstntutnoms ns gaso gm ndportgmt pgrt ol Jugwhn's nmthrmgtnomganzgtnom. Vjh 2;72pgthmt fgtg sjow tjgt wntjnm Jugwhn's hxthrmga coophrgtnom, nmfustry-umnvhrsnty-rhshgrcj coophrgtnom jgs bhhm tjh prnornty,gmf coophrgtnom gdom` hmthrprnshs rgmehf shcomf. Nm thrds ol rh`nomga fnstrnbutnom, trgmsmgtnomga coophrgtnom wgs tjh
 Vgbah 7
Vjh top thm nmstntutnoms ol Jugwhn jhgfqugrthrs nm 2;72.Coophrgtnom Xmnts Coophrgtnom Xmnts Coophrgtnom NmthmsntyJugwhn (Sjhmzjhm) Jugwhn (Stocejoad) 22<Jugwhn (Sjhmzjhm) Jugwhn (Sgmtg Cagrg) 27<Jugwhn (Sjhmzjhm) Jugwhn (Fusshaforl) 7<<Jugwhn (Sjhmzjhm) [henm` Xmnvhrsnty 7;2Jugwhn (Sjhmzjhm) GSVGR (G`hmcy lor Scnhmch Vhcjmoao`y gmf Rhshgrcj) ><Jugwhn (Sjhmzjhm) Jugwhn (Ottgwg) 0:Jugwhn (Sjhmzjhm) Luturhwhn (Jugwhn Subsnfngry nm Mortj Gdhrncg) <:Jugwhn (Sjhmzjhm) Jugwhn ([agmo) <;Jugwhn (Sjhmzjhm) \nctorng Xmnvhrsnty ol Phaanm`tom 3:Jugwhn (Sjhmzjhm) Jugwhn (Nmfngm) 3:
 Z. Anm ht ga. / Nmthrmgtnomga Iourmga ol Nmmovgtnom Stufnhs 2 (2;7:) :7

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