Content Vs Process Theory of Motivation
Content Vs Process Theory of Motivation
Content Vs Process Theory of Motivation
After discussing the importance of motivation of employees in every organization to
ensure increased productivity, it is clear that every manager and leaders at every level of
the organization need to study and understand motivation factors as well as various
theories of motivation to motivate their followers effectively. It is also critical to note that
motivation does not entirely depend on offering rewards and incentives, non-financial
reward methods could also prove useful towards motivating employees and boosting their
productivity. An organization’s leadership has to develop and align themselves with the
appropriate theories capable of bringing about job satisfaction to the employees while at
the same time ensuring that the organizational goals are met. Another important thing is to
note that there exists no theory that self-reliant when it comes to motivation. There
requires the utilization of a mixture of various approaches to bring about effective balance.
In the attempt to empower an organization’s workforce, employees need a platform to
present their voice to help the leadership understand them and come up with ways to
motivate them. It is also critical that the employees understand the company’s vision and
goals so that they can align themselves with them and perform their duties diligently.
Organizations that are focused on getting results will most likely go a long way to ensure
that the employees remain motivated toward achieving the set goals.
Main Differences of Content and Process Theories of
There are significant difference among content theories of motivation and process
theories of motivation
The summery of differences are depicted here under
1 Focus of the theories
Content Theory Process Theory
States that individuals are motivated by Emphasize that individuals can be
their needs motivated through expectations
Attempts to satisfy personal needs of Attempts to understand and fulfill
employees employee expectations
Focus on job content Focus on process of motivation
Consider and treat everyone equally Acknowledge the differences among
Reasons to change the individual needs Intermediate through expectations
frequently (goals) and perceptions focusing on
psychological process of individuals
2 Factors of motivation
Content Theory Process Theory
Motivators like For example
} physiological needs, } Treat equally,
} job security, } fair opportunities,
} social recognition and } Individual goals,
} acceptance, } performance evaluation,
} achievement etc } feedbacks etc
3 Theories Advocators
Content Theory Process Theory
Hierarchy of Needs theory Reinforcement theory
Hertzberg’s theory Expectancy theory
McGregor Theory X and theory Y Equity theory
ERG Matrix Goal setting theory