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ETH NetworkManager User Manual

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ETH Network Manager

User Manual


Input Username and Password in LOGON interface, the default Username of

network manager: admin; Password: password. Super Username: super888, Password:
super888. Super username and password cannot be changed.

Click “Connect” in LOGON interface, enter dialog box of Serial Port Setup, you
can choose one of Serial Port COM1, COM2, COM3. Baud Rate、Byte Size、Parity
and Stop Bits are 9600、8、NONE、1. Click “OK”, after successfully setting Serial Port,
click “Enter”to enter Network Manager Setup interface.
2. Network Manager Setup

“New Password”: used for changing the default Username and Password of Network
“Disconnect”: used for disconnecting Serial Port.
“Reconnect”: used for reconnecting Serial Port.
In the interface of Network Manager Setup, click “Configure LAN&WAN Port”tag,
enter interface of ETH port configuration.
This interface is used for configuring attribute of each ETH port, including LAN
port 1, 2, 3, 4 and one WAN port. LAN port shows 4 ETH ports offered by device,
WAN port is inner port of device, which connects remote device through optical port.
Attribute configuration of each ETH port includes 802.1Q tag Insertion and Removal,
802.3 X Pause Enable and Disable, Port Forwarding Enable and Disable, Broadcast
Storm Protection Enable and Disable, Port Rate Limitation based on 32kbps (speed
range is 0~100M), Speed and Duplex configuration of each ETH port.
802.1q Tag: “Insertion”shows to insert Tag, when the data packet which is
output from this port has been with Tag, don’t make any changes; if without Tag,
insert VLAN ID which is default in input port in the data packet.
“Removal”shows to remove Tag, when the data packet which is output from this
port has been with Tag, remove this Tag; if without Tag, don’t make any changes.
802.3X: “Enable” shows to enable PAUSE of ETH port, “Disable”shows to disable
PAUSE of ETH port.
Port Forwarding:“Enable”shows to enable Port Forwarding of ETH port,
“Disable”shows to disable Port Forwarding of ETH port.
Broadcast Storm Protection:“Enable”shows to enable restrain function of ETH
Broadcast Storm, this port only allows 1% of ETH Broadcast packet to pass.
“Disable”shows to disable restrain function of ETH Broadcast Storm, this port
forwards all ETH Broadcast packet.
Port Rate Limitation: take 32kbps as step-size to adjust port rate, value rang is
Speed and Duplex:can be separately set to be AUTO, forced 100M full-duplex,
forced 100M half-duplex, force 10M full-duplex, force 10M half-duplex.
There are 4 buttons under the interface: Default, Apply, Upload, Exit.
Default: resume the default value configured by interface, at this time data
hasn’t been sent down to device, through clicking Apply button, the default data can
be sent down to device.
Apply: after data of network manager interface is configured, the configuring
data can be sent down to device through clicking Apply button. After the device
receives the newest configuring data, they are stored to FLASH memorizer, and the
working mode of device is changed according to the newest configuring data.
Upload: Upload the newest network manager data which is stored in FLASH
memorizer, and show them through network manager interface.
Exit: exit the network management system.

In the configuring interface of network manager, click “Set VLAN” tag, enter
VLAN configuring interface, as above picture.
This interface is used for setting VLAN of 4 ETH LAN & WAN Ports of device,
including Port Separate 、 VLAN Mode 、 LAN & WAN Port PVID and LAN
Port Separate: Port Separate set up,“Enable”means Port Separate is enabled, 4
LAN ports cannot communicate for each other, each LAN port only can communicate
with WAN port, but WAN port can communicate with 4 LAN ports. Under Port
Separate, “VLAN Table”and“VLAN Mode”is invalid. “Disable” means Port Separate
is disabled, under Port Separate is enabled, ETH data packet is forwarded according
to the configuration of “VLAN Table”.
VLAN Mode: configure VLAN mode, “Port-based VLAN”is VLAN setting
based on port, data packet is not forwarded according to VLAN Tag in the data packet,
but according to PVID configured by each port.
“IEEE802.1q tag VLAN”shows that data packet is forwarded according to
VLAN tag in the data packet, if there is no Tag in the data packet, then it’s forwarded
according to PVID of port.
LAN&WAN Port PVID: configure default VLAN ID value of each ETH port,
can configure to 4 LAN ports and 1 WAN port. Choose any of VLAN ID in VLAN
table as PVID value of port.
VLAN Table:VLAN table can support 16 VLAN records at most, each VLAN
record includes VLAN ID value and VLAN member, range of VLAN ID value is
1~4095, VLAN member can choose in 4 LAN ports and 1 WAN port.

Click “Add VLAN”, shows to add record in VLAN table, as above picture, set
VLAN ID value to be 345, VLAN member includes LAN Port 2 and WAN port.
If you want to delete or modify some records in VLAN table, using mouse to
click relevant records in VLAN table, as above picture, at this time, “Delete VLAN”,
“Modify VLAN”,“Set PVID” buttons are valid.

Click “Delete VLAN”, delete VLAN record.

Click “Modify VLAN”, modify VLAN record.
Click “Set PVID”, VLAN ID which is pitched on is set to be PVID of port, as
above picture, VLAN ID 345 is as PVID of LAN Port 2. Click “OK”in the dialog box
of “SetPVID”, then set PVID of LAN Port2 to be 345, as followed picture. PVID of
LAN2 in“LAN & WAN Port PVID”is 345.

After VLAN is configured, send the data down to the device through clicking

3. On-line State Monitoring

Click “State Monitoring”, enter the monitoring interface of on-line device
running state, and from this interface, user can examine “Product Name”、“Port
Separate”、“VLAN Mode”、“VLAN Table” and running state of all LAN &WAN ports.
Please click “More>>” to check more information.

4. Example of VLAN configuration

4.1 Example 1

As above picture, User 1 can communicate with User 2, and can visit Server;
User 3 can communicate with User 4, and can visit Server, but User 1, User 2 separate
from User 3 and User 4.
Then need OptiMux A to set VLAN as followed picture.
Add three records in VLAN table, set LAN 1、LAN 2 and WAN to belong to
VLAN10; set LAN 3、LAN 4 and WAN to belong to VLAN 11; set LAN 1、LAN 2、
LAN 3、LAN 4 and WAN to belong to VLAN 12. And then set PVID of LAN 1 and
LAN 2 to be 10, set PVID of LAN 3 and LAN 4 to be 11, set PVID of WAN to be 12.
Port Separate is set to be “Disable”,VLAN Mode is set to be “Port-based VLAN”。

4.2 Example 2

As above picture,
User A1 only can communicate with User B1;
User A2 only can communicate with User B2;
User A3 only can communicate with User B3;
User A4 only can communicate with User B4;
Then need OptiMux A and OptiMux B to set VLAN as followed picture.
Add 5 records in VLAN table,
Set LAN 1 and WAN to belong to VLAN 10;
Set LAN 2 and WAN to belong to VLAN 11;
Set LAN 3 and WAN to belong to VLAN 12;
Set LAN 4 and WAN to belong to VLAN 13;
Set LAN 1、LAN 2、LAN 3、LAN 4 and WAN to belong to VLAN 14;
Set PVID of LAN 1 to be 10;
Set PVID of LAN 2 to be 11;
Set PVID of LAN 3 to be 12;
Set PVID of LAN 4 to be 13;
Set PVID of WAN to be 14;

Port Separate is set to be “Disable”,VLAN Mode is set to be “IEEE 802.1q Tag

At the same time need to set “802.1q Tag”of WAN port to be VLAN Tag“Insertion”,
as followed picture.

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