Guide To Self Directed Investing - Equity Trust Company
Guide To Self Directed Investing - Equity Trust Company
Guide To Self Directed Investing - Equity Trust Company
Tax Free
Guide to Self-Directed
Retirement Investing
Table of Contents
Introduction....................................................................................................... 3
Copyright © 2009, Equity Trust Company
Take Control of Your Financial Future, Don’t Rely on Social Security
In the past, you could rely on Social Security and pensions as a solid base for retirement.
Not anymore.
The Social Security Administration’s most recent trustee report states that Social Security
will begin to run a negative cash flow by the year 2017 and by the year 2040 it will not be
able to pay full benefits. Plus, inflation continues to rise decreasing our purchasing power.
Relying solely on investing in the stock market, with its ups and downs, could be risky.
How then, can you create a secure financial future and grow lasting wealth to live
Grow Your Wealth Tax Free, While Saving for Your Future
in Assets You Know and Understand
You can make your dream of truly lasting wealth a reality with a self-directed IRA. .
What makes a self-directed IRA such a great wealth creation tool?
The answer starts with you and the ability to invest in a full range of assets .
beyond just stocks and bonds.
Why an IRA?
For example, beginning at age 25, you take the $4 you spend each day for
coffee and put it towards retirement. At that rate, you’d save $121 a month..
30 Years
$100,000 20 Years
10 Years
For example, if you were to contribute $4,000 a year to a tax-advantaged account .
(an IRA) and assume an 8% compound interest rate of return for 30 years, your self-
directed IRA would be worth $449,133 at the end of year 30. .
$250,000 Non-Taxed
$150,000 Taxed
$100,000 Investments
There are different types of IRAs and government-sponsored small business retirement
plans, and each possesses unique tax advantages to maximize your future wealth. Call .
1-888-382-4727 to determine the right plan for you, and start enjoying the benefits today.
Self-Directed IRA: Total Control
Why rely solely on the stock market, especially if you don’t have an expertise in
those assets, when it’s possible to invest in assets you know and understand?
Endless Investment Options
A self-directed IRA immediately broadens your investing possibilities, and puts you .
in control. The chart below lists just some of the many investment possibilities available .
to you with an Equity Trust self-directed IRA.
Individual Self-Directed IRAs
Your age determines how much you can contribute. Individuals that are .
50 and older may contribute more to a Traditional IRA (known as a catch-up
contribution). For contribution limits please visit .
or contact a Self-Directed Retirement Specialist at 1-888-382-4727.
You are eligible to begin making withdrawals at age 591/2, but minimum
withdrawals from a Traditional IRA must begin at age 701/2.
The Roth IRA
Would you prefer to forgo a tax deduction now, but never have to pay taxes when you
withdraw funds? If so, a Roth IRA may be your ticket to a successful financial future.
If you meet those limits you can contribute to a Roth IRA. Your age will determine .
how much you can contribute. Those individuals that are 50 and older may contribute
more to a Roth IRA (known as a catch-up contribution). For MAGI limits and contribution
limits please visit or contact a Self-Directed Retirement Specialist at
• Withdrawals are not required at any age.
• Contributions can be withdrawn at any age, tax and penalty-free.
• Earnings in the account may be withdrawn tax and penalty-free as long .
as it has been open at least 5 years and the owner is over the age of 591/2.
Any individual that has earned income can open an IRA, and a spouse does .
not need to receive separate income if you file jointly. For more information
on how your family can receive great tax benefits contact a Self-Directed
Retirement Specialist at 1-888-382-4727.
Small Business and Qualified Plans
Solo 401(k)
The Solo 401(k) is often the most attractive plan to investors, if they qualify, because
it combines elements of the SEP and SIMPLE. This plan is designed for owner-only
businesses and spouses. It can be established by both incorporated and unincorporated
businesses, sole proprietorships, and partnerships.
The 401(k) is a savings plan offered to employees that allows them to set aside tax-
deferred income for retirement. An Equity Trust 401(k) is truly self-directed, allowing
participants to invest in both traditional and non-traditional assets.
Roth 401(k)
The Roth 401(k) possesses the same benefits of the 401(k) but with the ability to designate
a portion of funds as Roth contributions. Investors don’t have to worry about income limits
and they can still receive similar tax treatment as the Roth IRA.
Reduce Health Care and Educational Costs
HSA funds are owned and controlled by you to pay first-dollar expenses as
they apply to your deductible. Unlike other medical savings accounts, they
are not “use-it-or-lose-it” accounts. Both the contributions and earnings in
an HSA carry over from year to year.
How a Self-Directed IRA Works
You Your Equity Trust Account Your Investment
from Investment
Once your IRA owns the investment all expenses and profits related .
to the investment must come from and back to the IRA.
Disqualified Individuals
Your Equity Trust account cannot sell an investment to, or otherwise be involved
with, disqualified persons (as deemed disqualified in IRS Publication 590).
“Private Bank ” Concept
Recent estimates place over $4 trillion within IRAs, 401(k)s and other
qualified programs across the country. These funds can become available .
to you through the utilization of self-directed IRAs.
The “private bank” concept is borrowing money from an individual’s IRA (not
a financial institution) for investments. For example, an investor can borrow
money from someone else’s IRA to complete an investment and pay the IRA
back an amount of interest that is agreed upon in advance. Since IRAs are
an exempt entity, interest earned on the money loaned is tax-free or tax-
deferred, depending on the type of IRA.
How to Create Your Own “Private Bank” in Three Easy Steps
The following is a real estate example of the “private bank” concept, but this concept .
can be utilized with other investments such as notes, tax liens, and private placements.
1. Find an investment property and negotiate a 75% or less loan-to-value ratio to give
your investors safety for their investment. Build in enough gross profit to pay your
investors an attractive rate of return. Remember, it’s not the cost of money, but the
availability of it, that is important. Finally, leave yourself enough time, through a
contingency clause, to find your investors.
2. Present the deal to potential investors, such as business acquaintances and local
professionals (i.e., doctors, lawyers, and business owners). It is important that you.
offer an attractive rate of return and explain the security they have in the transaction .
by offering them the first lien on the property. Remind your potential investors that, .
in addition, their returns will be able to grow in a tax-deferred or tax-free environment,
depending on which type of IRA they have.
3. Now that you have the investment and investors in mind, the final step is to open an
Equity Trust self-directed IRA for each investor. The forms to open an account can be
downloaded at or sent to you by calling 1-888-382-4727.
Once your investors have established their accounts, and the particulars of the
investment have been agreed upon, you are ready to utilize these funds for your
investing strategy.
When utilizing The Private Bank Concept, we recommend that you consult with your legal professional for any
applicable regulations.
Why Equity Trust Company?
Equity Trust is a passive custodian and does not provide tax, legal, or investment
advice. Any information communicated by Equity Trust Company is for educational
purposes only and should not be construed as tax, legal, or investment advice.
Whenever making an investment decision, please consult with legal, tax, and
accounting professionals.
Check Investment Status, Pay Bills, Complete Forms and More Online 24/7
Equity Trust’s industry-first online account management tool, eVANTAGE, provides
unlimited access to your account 24/7.
eVANTAGE is FREE! All you have to do is sign-up! To enroll, you must know your
account number and PIN (personal identification number). Call 1-888-382-4727 for
more information.
Why Equity Trust Company?
Exclusive Educational Opportunities:
Learn to Grow Wealth Tax Free From Self-Directed IRA Experts
Equity Trust’s educational products, including informational books and DVDs, tele-seminars,
webinars, and live in-person seminars, teach you how to generate tax-free profits through
self-directed IRAs, while earning significant tax deductions!
In-Person Events
Equity Trust travels the country each year
educating investors on how to create tax-free
wealth with self-directed IRAs. Events range from
one day overview courses to in-depth three-day
boot camps. Check out our upcoming schedule at
Why Equity Trust Company?
• State Regulation
• Equity Trust Company operates as a trust company under authority granted
by the state of South Dakota.
• It meets the state trust company capital requirements and complies with all
the state statutes and regulations.
• South Dakota law mandates audit of the company once every 18 months.
State auditors perform the examinations.
Insured Adequately
• Deposit Insurance
• Equity Trust deposits all uninvested cash in FDIC insured accounts.
• Up to $250,000 of all IRA deposits owned by the same person are insured .
by the FDIC.
• Commercial Insurance
• Equity Trust carries its insurance with a leading national insurance company.
Coverage includes: Errors and Omissions, Directors and Officers Liability,
Financial Institution Fidelity Bond, and Control Environment
Equity Trust Clients are Satisfied Clients
92% of Equity Trust clients are likely to refer friends and colleagues to Equity Trust. .
Read how clients believe in Equity Trust:
“Our whole family has accounts with you and I would like to thank you for all your
hard work and dedication. You are always on top of things, and contact us in a timely
manner. Plus, everyone is so friendly.”
—Valerie Hoover, Pennsylvania
225 Burns Road • Elyria, OH 44035 • 1-888-382-4727 •
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