Analysis of Tajweed Errors in Quranic Recitation PDF
Analysis of Tajweed Errors in Quranic Recitation PDF
Analysis of Tajweed Errors in Quranic Recitation PDF
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 103 (2013) 136 – 145
The aim of this study is to identify the various types of tajweed errors made by students during Quran recitation. This study
was carried out on 20 students who took the Tilawah Al-Quran (Quran Recitation) level 2 course as part of their first degree
programme at the IIUM. Analysis of the errors was carried out on recordings of the respondents' recitation using a
comprehensive set of instruments to identify the type and category of errors comitted. Only errors that occurred at least 1%
percent of the time are taken into consideration in this analysis. As a result, a total of six elementary errors have been found.
It is hoped that this study will pave the way for a more effective method of teaching the subject of Quranic Recitation which
continues to focus on the practical aspects of tajweed knowledge.
© 2013 The Authors.
2013 The Authors.Published
Publishedbyby Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd.Ltd.
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection andpeer-review
Selection and peer-reviewunder
under responsibility
responsibility of The
of The Association
Association of Science,
of Science, Education
Education and Technology-TASET,
and Technology-TASET, Sakarya Sakarya
Universitesi, Turkey.
Universitesi, Turkey.
The Tilawah Division is a division under the supervision of the Centre for Languages and Pre University
Academic Development (CELPAD), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), responsible for the
Quranic Recitation programme for IIUM students. This Quranic Recitation course offered by the Tilawah
Division is a compulsory pass course to be taken by every IIUM student in order to graduate. There are three
courses being offerred by the Tilawah Division as follows: -
1877-0428 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of The Association of Science, Education and Technology-TASET, Sakarya
Universitesi, Turkey.
Surul Shahbudin Bin Hassan and Muhammad Azhar Bin Zailaini / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 103 (2013) 136 – 145 137
In this study the writer will focus on the Quranic recitation of level TQ 2000 students only. This course is
compulsory for students not majoring in Islamic studies or Arabic.
The problem of poor Quran recitation skills is often discussed by teachers and researchers in the field of
Islamic education. Saidi Mohd (2007) states that students weakness in Quran reading has already become an
issue in the field of Islamic education for some time, and is still unresolved. Despite various efforts and
innovative methods proposed by educators and researchers, this problem has yet to be overcome completely and
it is considered to be the root cause of for overall student weakness in the Islamic Education subject in schools.
The answer to this problem could conceivably be found through knowing the various errors and mistakes made
by students in Quran reading. In fact, many matters would be resolved after the various mistakes made by
students have been identified and classified.
This researcher has decided to conduct a pilot study on this particular problem on level TQ 2000 students at
IIUM. Through this study, the various errors and mistakes in Quranic recitation can be described in a more
systematic manner, thus paving the way towards overcoming the problem of poor Quran recitation skills.
1. To devise a system to evaluate accurately the level of ability of Quranic recitation, especially among
IIUM students.
2. To classify the mistakes made by the students, which are the most common mistakes, and which are the
infrequent ones.
3. To develop a Quranic tajweed teaching guide going directly to the practical aspects of recitation,
without burdening students with the theoretical elements of tajweed.
In order to obtain knowledge of the means to identify mistakes in Quranic recitation, a theory has been
formulated based on the following source literature:-
The writer has referred to the studies and writings of leading reciters throughout the ages. Among the writer's
main sources are the writings of Al-Jazari (833H) and Al-Jamzuri (1198H) and other sources.
Al-Jazari (833H), through his verses, has clarified the Rules of Tajweed in the following areas: -
Manner of correctly pronouncing the makhraj (articulation point) of a letter.
Manner of corrcetly pronouncing the sifat (characteristic) of a letter.
Errors in the implementation of al-Tarqeeq (thinning) and al-Tafkheem (thickening).
Errors in the pronunciation of the letters and during recitation.
The Mutamathilan (Analogous Pair), Mutaqariban (Proximate Pair) and Mutajanisan (Homogeneous
Pronunciation of al-Ghunnah (nasalization) and al-Izhar (without nasalization)
Degrees of Lengthening - Mad (long) or Qasr (short).
Manner of stopping (Waqaf) and restarting (Ibtida')
Readings involving certain peculiarities of al-Rasm al-Uthmani, and
Words which should be read in the manner of al-Raum or al-Ishmam.
Al-Jamzuri (1198H), through his verses, clarified the Rules of Tajweed in the following areas: -
Rules of Nun Sakinah & Tanwin,
Rules of the Doubled Nun & Mim,
Rules of Mim Sakinah,
Rules of Qamariyyah and Shamsiyyah,
Mutamathilan, Mutaqariban, Mutajanisan,
Rules of Mad Asli. (Natural Lengthening)
Rules of Mad Fari'e (Secondary Lengthening) caused by hamzah
Rules of Mad Al-Lazim (Compulsory Lengthening).
Rules of Lengthening of Isolated Letters at the beginning of certain Suras.
5.3.1. Matters which are considered in the Tajweed section (40 marks)
the rules of nun and mim sakinah and tanwin
the articulation point and characteristics of the letter
the rule of doubled nun and mim
the rules of ra and lam
the rules of saktah (breathless pause), imalah and ibdal
other rules of tajweed
recitation according to the riwayah of Hafs by the way of al-Shatibi
the rules of the mad asli (natural lengthening) and mad far'i (secondary lengthening)
Surul Shahbudin Bin Hassan and Muhammad Azhar Bin Zailaini / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 103 (2013) 136 – 145 139
5.3.2. Matters which are considered in the Fasohah section (20 marks)
lack of care in recitation
lack of fluency in the articulation of letters, words and phrases
lack of attention to vowel signs and doubling of letters
error in waqaf (pausing) and ibtida’ (starting)
not paying due attention to the arrangement of verses
lack of control of breathing during recitation
reciting according to the Arabic lahjah (accent)
careful and mindful (with tadabbur.) recitation
recitation in keeping with the meaning of the verse.
correct choice of waqaf jibril and waqaf rumus
ability to recite a long verse in one breath
The writer himself has endeavoured to learn Quranic recitation by way of Talaqqi wa Musyafahah with a
direct line of transmission or sanad from Al-Sheikh Muhammad Abdun Nabiy, a lecturer in Qiraat science from
Shubra, Egypt in 2004 andAl-Sheikh Rif‘at al-Bastayisiy an expert in Qiraat from Tanta, Egypt in 2008, when
both men were respectively resident in Malaysia.
The study was done quantitatively, involving 20 Level 2 students of the Tilawah al-Quran (Quranic Recitation)
Course at the IIUM. The design of the study is as follows: -
A. To construct an instrument to evaluate errors in Quranic recitation.
B. To obtain samples of students' recitation.
C. To analyse and evaluate the students' recitation.
D. To make a summary of the types of errors in recitation.
From the number of errors compiled, the following is the result of the analysis of the data from the study,
arranged according to the number of errors found. Please look at the table below:-
The detail review of tajweed errors analisis in the recitation of al-Quran is as follows:-
Surul Shahbudin Bin Hassan and Muhammad Azhar Bin Zailaini / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 103 (2013) 136 – 145 141
Table 2: Category of pronunciation error relating to Articulation Point and Letter Characteristic
Among the examples of Articulation Point and Letter Characteristic errors found: -
Sample Verse Explanation of Error
Error because the tongue was not extruded in pronouncing the letter .
Error on the letter because the tongue was not extruded and error on the letter because the
tongue was not pressed to the base of the upper teeth.
Two mistakes on the letter viz: error in not reproducing the characteristic of Istitolah and in
not reproducing the characteristic of Shiddah.
Error in not rendering Qalqolah Kubra when stopping on the doubled (mushaddah) letter .
Table 3: Errors in the pronunciation of Thick and Thin Letters (Tarqiq / Tafkhim)
Among the example of errors of pronouncing thick and thin letters found:
Sample Verse Explanation of Error
Error in thickening the letter which should be thin. This is due to the influence of adjacent
letters and which are thick.
Error in thinning the letter which should be thick.
Error in thinning the letter when it should be thick.
Error in thickeing the letter when it should be thin.
Among the errors found related to nasalization (or its absence) are:
Sample Verse Explanation of Error
Error of not making nasalization for doubled (mushaddah) and which must be nasalized for
the duration of 2 vowel lengths.
Error of not concealing (ikhfa') nun sakinah which must be pronounced concealed, and with
a thin nasal sound for the length of two vowels.
Error of not concealing (ikhfa') mim sakinah which must be pronounced concealed by
keeping the lips slightly apart.
Error of nasalizing mim sakinah when it is inappropriate to do so, when the rule is Izhar
Table 7: Category of Errors of Stopping and Restarting the Recitation (Waqf / Ibtida')
From the analysis of the errors in recitation, it can be concluded that students' ability to implement the rules of
tajweed is generally very low. Although they are able to read, they commit a lot of mistakes in recitation The
total number of mistakes from the 20 respondents is high, numbering 1662 mistakes in all. This means that on
average each student makes 83 mistakes during their recitation. A total of 29% of those mistakes constitute
failure to pronounce letters correctly (according to their respective points of articulation and characteristics).
Another 23% are mistakes in implementing the rule of tarqiq wa tafkhim (thick and thin) and 23% as well in
implementing the rules of Ghunnat (nasalization or without nasalization). Errors in lengthening account for 14%
of the errors of recitation. Errors in pronouncing letters and vowel signs correctly make up 8% of the total
number of errors, and waqf wa ibtida’ errors of stopping and restarting the recitation represent 3% of the tajweed
mistakes in recitation.
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Surul Shahbudin Bin Hassan and Muhammad Azhar Bin Zailaini / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 103 (2013) 136 – 145 145
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