A) Mathematical Programming Techniques: I Ntroduction
A) Mathematical Programming Techniques: I Ntroduction
A) Mathematical Programming Techniques: I Ntroduction
Methods of Operations Research can mainly be divided into three parts. This division of
course, is not unique
2. Integer Programming: The linear programming problem in which some or all the
decision variables are integer.
3. Quadratic Programming :in this the objective function is quadratic but the
constraints are linear
4 Non-linear Programming : Objective and constraints, both the functions can be non
linear, but at least one of the two (objective or constraints) must be non linear
5. Dynamic Programming: Break up the given problem in different stages and then
solve it.
7. Geometric Programming.
8. Stochastic Programming.
9. Seperable Programming:
2. Markov Process
3. Queueing theory
4.Renewal theory
5. Simulation Method.
3. Design of experiments
The main origin is during the second world war. At that time the scientist of England
were asked to study the strategic and tactical problems related to air and land defence
of the country. Due to the limited resources (military etc.), it was necessary to make the
most utilization of them.
During world-war II the military commands of U.S.A. and U.K. form a inter disciplinary
teams of scientists for scientific research into strategic and tactical military operations)
Their mission was to formulate a plan for military commands so that they can make the
best use of their scarce military resources, food/and effords and also to implement the
decision effectively. These scientists were not actually engaged in fighting the war of
military operations but their strategical initiatives of military commands and other
intellectual support helped them to win the war.
After the end of the war, because of the success of the military team in war, the
industrial managers were attracted towards this team of scientists. They wanted that
this team of scientists should help them, to find a way to minimize the cost and
maximize the profit. The first mathematical technique in this field was developed as
Simplex Method in Linear Programming in 1947. Since then a lot of new techniques and
applications have been developed in this field.
An optimization or a mathematical programming problem can be stated as follows:
Minimize f(X)
h(X) = 0 k= 1,2,…….P
where X is an n-dimensional vector (x1,x2…………. xn.)T called the decision vector, f(x) is
the objective function and gj(X) < 0 and hk(x)=0 are the inequality and equality
constraints respectively. This problem is a constrained optimization problem,
Note that m and p are not related by any relation but they are according to the
requirements of the problem.
Minimize f(X)
1.Decision Variables
These parameters which are not fixed are called the decision variables. The decision
variables are collectively represented as a decision vector X=(x 1,x2…………. xn.)T
2. Objective Function
Every problem has a criterion (tim) to be satisfied eg to produce the acceptable design
or to have a profit or cost should be less etc. These all criterions can be expressed with
the help of the decision variables called the objective function. In general function to be
optimized is called the objective function.
In some problems, there may be more than one criterion to be satisfied, cg consider a
salesman travelling different cities to collect money from his customers
In most of the problem, decision variables depend on certain conditions requirements
and can not be chosen arbitrarily. The restrictions that must be satisfied by the decision
variables are called the constraints.
Let the objective function is f(X) where X is a vector. The locus of all points satisfying
f0)-C (constant ) is a hypersurface in n-dimensional space of C gives a different
member of the family of surfaces. These surface objective function surfaces
5. Constraint Surfaces
In the optimization problem let gj(x)=0 be one of the constraints locus of all points
satisfying gi( x)=0 form a hypersurface in n-dimensional space called the constraint
surface. In the n- dimensional space the into two regions g(x)> 0 and g(x) < 0.
The points lying in the region
gi(x)>0 are infeasible and in the region gi(x)<0 are feasible (w.rt gi(x) < 0).
The points lying on the hypersurface g1(x ) = 0 satisfy the constraint critically.
Optimization can solve almost all the problems in engineering. Some of the applications
from different branches of engineering are given below:
There are many more applications of optimization in engineering and also in other fields
of studies