Preparing For The Next Pandemic: Mobilizing and Integrating Responses Across The Government and The Private Sector

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Hoover Institution
Preparing for the Next Pandemic



By October 2020, COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, had infected
more than seven million Americans and killed more than 200,000. Unemployment
skyrocketed, and the toll that shutdowns took on physical and mental health mounted.
People in government agencies, state governors’ offices, local authorities, hospital systems,
and other health care providers worked overtime to care for the sick and fight the
disease. Obstacles to effective coordination across federal agencies; between local, state,
and federal governments; and among critical public- and private-sector organizations
hampered the speed and the effectiveness of the medical response and implementation
of measures necessary to reduce the spread and effect of the virus. The purpose of
this report is to describe those obstacles and recommend policies and actions to help
overcome them and improve our nation’s response to this pandemic as well as future
biomedical crises.

This report considers lessons learned in pandemic response under the framework that the
2017 National Security Strategy (NSS) outlined for such response. The NSS identified
three pillars of priority actions: (1) detect and contain biothreats at their source, (2)
support biomedical innovations, and (3) improve emergency response. Due to the Chinese
Communist Party’s (CCP) deliberate suppression of early novel coronavirus case reports,
the virus spread rapidly around the world and to the United States. Although the United
States stopped flights from China to the United States, the virus managed to reach US
shores by means of globalized travel through other points of entry such as major European
travel hubs. The CCP’s deceit, delayed travel restrictions, and easy airborne transmission
of a novel virus in a hyperconnected world rapidly overcame efforts to contain it at the
source, effectively rendering the United States unable to act on NSS Pillar 1. By the time
that the severity of the pandemic was known, the virus was already in the United States and
spreading. While the need to improve global surveillance to detect and contain biothreats
early is a vital lesson of the COVID-19 pandemic, this report focuses on how to improve
biomedical innovations and emergency response.

The first step is to clear away obfuscation associated with vitriolic political partisanship.
This report is grounded in facts and assumptions with which the vast majority of Americans

across the political spectrum can agree. To screen out misleading assessments and
unrealistic recommendations, the research team recognized the following realities at the
outset of its work:

• The United States has a federal system of government. Recommendations should be

consistent with that form of government.

• The United States has a free-market economic system and is a free and open society.
Recommendations must mobilize social and economic strength while adhering to
democratic principles and protecting those most vulnerable to the pandemic. For the
purposes of this report, the private sector includes health care systems, businesses,
the hospitality industry, the transportation sector, the financial services sector, and
private education entities.

• Large segments of US society are highly polarized and will remain so, regardless of
who wins the election in November. Recommendations must be grounded in facts and
reliable statistics rather than in conjecture and inference.

• Early information on the virus and data sets was incomplete and misleading in the
United States and around the world. Analysis and recommendations must allow for the
uncertainty that remains.

• Pandemics are inherently international problems; the United States can neither
defeat the virus alone nor isolate itself from the effects of other countries’ efforts.
Recommendations must consider the international dimension of the problem.

Key Findings
1. All states experienced issues in data collection and reporting—including sampling
bias, incomplete data recording, inconsistent definitions, delays, and poor reporting
infrastructure—that complicated surveillance efforts, modeling attempts, and the
development of testing strategies. Public health institutions should provide a
clearly defined protocol to identify and address errors in reported data as well as
reconcile inconsistencies between federal and state governments’ statistics.

2. Care facilities faced differing levels of medical professional availability, equipment,

and resources as they attempted to treat the sick and protect the elderly (who
experienced the highest rates of mortality from COVID-19). Many states and local
communities were quick to adapt to protect the elderly, but funding structures and
building layouts of long-term-care facilities made mitigation of spread difficult.
Governments at all levels should tailor emergency response plans to facility and
staff type; maintain a stockpile of essential medical supplies at the facility level;

H. R. McMaster et al.  •  Preparing for the Next Pandemic


maintain assured access to an infection-control expert in every nursing home;

standardize facility communication with state departments of public health
during a crisis; and emphasize local community support and involvement.

3. Military forces, such as the Army Reserve and Army Corps of Engineers, and acquisition
shops, such as the Air Force’s AFWERX, moved swiftly to surge personnel and
resources to areas where they were most needed and adapted to rapidly changing
situations as the disease spread. The federal government and states can learn from
the processes our military forces leveraged to move fast, but they must put in
place new policies, procedures, and structures to supplement the military’s rapid

4. The initial mobilization of critical medical supplies was compromised by

information asymmetry between buyers and sellers in the personal protective
equipment (PPE) market as well as by inconsistent understanding of PPE regulatory
standards, particularly at the state and private-hospital levels. With other countries’
governments fully backing PPE supply purchases, US buyers were frequently
at a disadvantage early on due to lack of public-private cooperation. Greater
collaboration between the government and private sector could help ensure
all personnel assisting with procurement are sufficiently versed in the PPE
regulatory framework. Furthermore, the federal government should help identify
trusted intermediaries and verify a marketplace focused on connecting legitimate
buyers and sellers that is conducive to bridging the information asymmetry on
both sides of the market.

5. Care facilities, government organizations, and the private sector actively bid against
each other for critical medical supplies and personnel. States should reform
government acquisition systems and contracting and manage the workforce to
surge furloughed people to areas of need and alleviate the competition.

6. Issues of scale and cultural incompatibility suggest that contact tracing’s role in
mitigating the spread of COVID-19 was initially overemphasized. Local government
should recommend that businesses and schools operate their own contact tracing
efforts where it is necessary to increase confidence in opening or to protect against
large-scale transmission in work environments that require employees to be in
close proximity to one another. When the use of contact tracing is appropriate,
contact tracers must be paid in order to create a professional workforce that is of
sufficient size and not reliant on volunteers.

7. Frontline health care workers did not receive systematic stress-management and
mental health support and treatment, which jeopardized the resilience of the skilled
workforce needed to face future waves of the pandemic. Hospitals should provide

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psychological first aid and critical incident stress-management training to

frontline health care workers; mobilize in-house medical facility resources—
social workers, psychologists, chaplains—to conduct mental health webinars on
handling stress and burnout; be available for on-site screening and counseling;
and help refer frontline health care workers to more resources if needed.

8. Regulations impeded the early development of a variety of tests. Scientific-research

exemption must be made more broadly available to private-sector organizations
under established legal boundaries.

9. There are insufficient economic incentives for US companies to produce critical

medical supplies domestically. The United States must establish and maintain
a minimum level of domestic sourcing capacity for raw materials and for
manufacturing capacity as well. Efforts to establish such capacity could be
modeled after programs designed to maintain a minimum size of the US
Merchant Marine or the annual acquisition of Tomahawk missiles for national
security purposes. In addition, it is imperative that the United States strengthen
cooperative manufacturing and distribution networks with American allies.

Sources for this report consisted of interviews with practitioners, open-source research
on reporting, and other lessons-learned efforts. As of October 1, 2020, the research team
conducted more than forty-five interviews with leaders at multiple levels of state, local,
and federal government, as well as with medical professionals and epidemiologists. The
researchers have created an archive at the Hoover Institution, where the interviews and
primary-source materials will be available for future researchers to study and learn from the
COVID-19 experience.


Successful mobilization of the medical response is key to combating the spread of a
novel biothreat. Early responses to the COVID-19 pandemic were conducted under
vast uncertainty. Our understanding of the virus and awareness about remaining
“known unknowns” has increased. Better yet, still-imperfect information has inspired
myriad opinions on which efforts and metrics compose a “successful” approach to
combating the virus. A successful approach to combating a biothreat shares the
following elements:

• Early and accurate surveillance of disease spread;

• Reliable and widespread testing for both clinical diagnosis and population

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• Containment of symptomatic cases within US borders through strategic and

widespread testing and encouragement of contagion-reducing actions by those
who may be asymptomatic; and

• Safe and effective treatment of the sick to decrease morbidity and mortality and
protect the most vulnerable.

The key to a timely and effective medical response is the ability to adapt, to have available
the requisite resources and personnel to mobilize and arrive at points of need ahead of hot
spots as they appear, to integrate government and private-sector responses such that surge
resources are unnecessary, and to sustain those efforts through multiple and unpredictable
waves. The ability to adapt depends on care providers sharing accurate data quickly with
governmental organizations to inform policy decisions aimed at mitigating the spread of
the virus. It is also important that authoritative data seamlessly transfer into models that
predict the spread so that surge medical supplies and personnel can be mobilized and
deployed to anticipated hot spots in advance of the need.

Early Data Coding, Reporting, and Modeling

Inconsistencies in data collection and reporting prevented the surveillance necessary to
mobilize the medical response rapidly and adopt a strategy for widespread testing. Data is
essential to an effective pandemic response. Fast, accurate, and complete case-surveillance
data allows authorities to:

• Identify and isolate infected individuals, preempting further spread of disease;

• Understand the epidemiology of a virus (e.g., how it spreads, who is vulnerable),

facilitating a more efficient, targeted policy response and improving assumptions in
epidemic-forecasting models;

• Identify hot spots and high-risk areas and allocate finite resources (e.g., hospital staff,
critical medical supplies) efficiently;

• Detect evolving trends in a pandemic, and shift policy responses accordingly;

• Improve public understanding of the situation and, in turn, public trust in and
engagement with government directives; and

• Aid hindsight examination of pandemic response, learning lessons to improve future

pandemic responses.

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As of the writing of this report, the United States’ patchwork of data collection is hindering
a coherent, efficient response. Each state had different processes and capabilities for
handling data at every stage of the data supply chain. States started testing at different
dates and employed different testing strategies that were largely a reflection of their varying
capacities for testing. In some states anyone who wanted a test could have one, whereas in
others a doctor’s order was required, or patients had to satisfy other specified criteria. States
also implemented different data and reporting procedures. For instance, eleven states and
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had mixed case-reporting results
from antibody tests (which can indicate previous infection) and viral tests (which can
identify current infection) in the same metric.1 This conflation potentially double counts
individuals who took both types of tests and obfuscates the data.2 Furthermore, whereas
twenty states reported over 75 percent of total deaths in a timely manner (within ten days
of patient mortality), three others took far longer to report less than 1 percent of deaths
within ten days of mortality.3 States also provided different levels of contextual information
for each case. For instance, early in the pandemic, several states only reported positive
COVID-19 test results from private labs.4 By not reporting negative results or the total
number of tests conducted, states skew the percentage-positivity rate. Moreover, many states
counted all tests as individual cases, even when the same individual took multiple tests.
Such errors have reduced the reliability and usefulness of the data reported.

The inconsistencies in protocols across states also complicated cross-state comparisons

necessary to surveil the spread of the virus and surge critical supplies and medical personnel
to areas of need. While severity varied, all states experienced some degree of challenge with
data collection, including the following:

Nonrepresentative data  Sampling bias complicated derivations of key statistics.

Generally, there was an underestimation of the number of cases (as asymptomatic
carriers often were not tested), but an overestimation of the severity of cases (as those
with severe outcomes were more likely to be reported). Initially, stringent rationing of
tests to travelers from Wuhan, China, with severe symptoms meant that cases from
community spread went undetected. Reserving tests for severe cases also contributed to
an upward bias in COVID-19 severity; there is a higher mortality rate among hospitalized
and severely symptomatic individuals. Even as the criteria for testing were expanded,
testing shortages meant that many infected individuals could still not get tested.
Meanwhile, asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic individuals did not seek health care and
testing, contributing to the undercount of cases. Such access to testing and willingness to
test also varied across demographics. Lower-income persons and individuals of color were
more likely to be infected and to experience severe symptoms (e.g., as many are frontline
workers less able to physically distance, and have higher rates of comorbidities). However,
they were less likely to get tested, due either to a dearth of stocked testing centers in their
vicinity or to distrust.5

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CFR versus IFR

The use of certain metrics, namely the Case Fatality Rate (CFR), in data models did not take into account
this sampling bias in the data-collection process. Data models, including those used by policy makers,
often used the CFR, which is the ratio of number of deaths from disease divided by number of diagnosed
cases. The CFR’s denominator—number of diagnosed cases—varies with different populations’ health-
seeking behaviors and states’ testing capacities and strategies, and excludes many with asymptomatic
or mildly symptomatic cases who do not seek health care or testing. The Infection Fatality Rate (IFR), on
the other hand, is the ratio of the number of deaths from the disease divided by the number of actual
infections in the population. The IFR is a more consistent measure of fatality; it is stable regardless of
health-seeking behavior or testing capacity, though it is unknown early in a pandemic and does not
include full or representative random-sample testing of the population. For an accurate estimate of the
fatality rate, the denominator must be representative of the population, including asymptomatic and
mildly symptomatic carriers. Testing the entire population or testing the population through robust
representative random sampling would reveal an accurate and much lower fatality rate than has been
reported at the time of this report (though this Infection Fatality Rate may differ across states depending
on factors such as the underlying health of the populations).

Incomplete data recording  Not only were certain demographics (e.g., minorities,
asymptomatic carriers) less likely to get tested, but the demographic characteristics (e.g.,
race/ethnicity) and underlying medical conditions (e.g., hypertension, diabetes) of those
tested were less uniformly or accurately recorded. This incompleteness in data records
perpetuated blind spots and inaccurate generalizations from the nonrepresentative data.6

Inconsistent definitions  Inaccurate or inconsistent labeling of measured aspects

compounded the data-collection problem. The definitions of measured figures such as
“COVID-19 hospitalizations” or “recoveries” are not only ambiguous, but they also change
across state and time. For instance, on April 14 the state of New York saw a sharp rise in its
death toll due to revised reporting that included individuals presumed to have died from
COVID-19 but who were never tested (i.e., probable COVID-19 deaths). This artifactually
altered reported figures and contributed to public distrust of the data, believed by some
Americans to be manipulated for political reasons.

Delays  The nature of the virus’s lengthy incubation period/symptomatic period meant
that those infected did not elect to get tested until days or weeks after initial infection.
Due to shortages in testing components and backlogs of patient swabs, subsequent lab
results were often delayed up to weeks. Delayed test results reduce the utility of testing;
patients with COVID-19 could not quarantine in a timely manner. States’ and labs’ initial
low testing capacity resulted in a backlog of patient swabs. By the time labs processed these
swabs, many individuals had already recovered from the disease.7 Delayed test results and
subsequent reporting practices contributed to weekly oscillations of the infection death

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rate.8 The time frames for each of these delays varied by factors such as type of test taken,
laboratory performing the test, health care provider or public-health agency reporting, and
state. Hence, case-surveillance data was not only not in “real time,” it was also inconsistent
across states and time in the degree of its untimeliness. This complicated policy decisions
based on case trends.

Poor data-reporting infrastructure  Underfunding of the American public health

infrastructure exacerbated the data lags witnessed in the COVID-19 response. Hospitals
and care centers across the country differ in their reporting mechanisms. Some centers
manually fax handwritten forms to the national data-reporting agencies—the CDC and
the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)—while others send in electronic
forms. The dissimilarities in all the forms complicate data centralization for the CDC
and HHS. The use of antiquated technologies like fax machines is not only more time-
consuming and error prone, it is also administratively burdensome; more personnel were
required to manage the inefficient data system at a time when the centers were already
facing a personnel shortage that contributed to severe data-reporting delays of one to eight
weeks. While the CDC had experience in combating less infectious diseases, COVID-19’s
rapid transmission and long incubation properties provided new challenges to which the
organization was unable to adapt. Forced to lead proper data-modeling efforts, the CDC
resorted to retroactively filling in data, and even having to write in 30 percent of missing
data in some cases.9

Provide a clearly defined protocol to identify and address errors in reported data and
reconcile inconsistencies in statistics  When adopting data-reporting changes during the
pandemic as case numbers continue to rapidly change, the federal government should
provide sufficient forewarning, stress explicitly the interim nature of the transition, and,
if possible, reduce repetitive work for hospitals, such as submitting data to both HHS and
state governments. With changes in data-receiving entities, HHS should offer clarity in
nuanced definitions for data points to explain statistical differences. In preparation for future
pandemics, institutions should clarify the responsibilities of each agency well in advance of a
crisis, to avoid midpandemic reorganization or temporary committees with vague functions.

Modernize reporting systems  Reporting systems should be updated to be electronic,

consistent (to the degree possible) across all hospital types, and streamlined so hospital staff
can easily and quickly report data.

Establish dedicated staff for data extraction  Hospitals should establish or designate
dedicated staff, or the government should provide funding for additional emergency
nonmedical personnel, to regularly centralize patient data so hospitals do not become
overwhelmed by reporting requirements in the event of a surge of patients caused by
another pandemic or COVID-19 wave.

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Application of Models
The consistency and accuracy of data modeling is crucial in combating the COVID-19
pandemic because models assist in developing sound policy decisions. Models were
misapplied early and often in this pandemic, which resulted in an inability to understand
its true scope and respond effectively. Decisions about whether to lock down, the doses
of therapeutics to be delivered to each state, and where and how to prioritize distribution
of personal protective equipment (PPE) all affect each community’s local economy,
citizens’ livelihoods, and an individual’s ability to recover from the novel coronavirus.
Unfortunately, both early and current models offer inaccurate depictions of the status of
coronavirus in the United States and continue to result in ill-informed policy outcomes.

Models aim to simplify the current public health environment for their audience but
contain limitations as a result of fewer input parameters to keep them useful. Parameters
make models more nuanced and therefore more realistic, but also complicate the model
and risk making it less relevant to specific case scenarios. Policy makers often prefer enough
input parameters to achieve a degree of accuracy, but not so many that the model remains
generalizable to the majority of scenarios. Examples of parameters include population size,
basic reproduction number, and symptomatic period length. These parameters can change
as the scientific community learns more about the target virus. The audience viewing the
models must understand the degrees of error that result from the model’s chosen input

Thresholds derived from models are helpful to trigger action, even though they are
imperfect. With all models and thresholds, “it is not a question of whether models are
flawed but in which ways are they flawed, and models can still be enormously valuable if
their shortcomings are appreciated.”10 Models should not be used in a vacuum, but rather as
a tool to inform policy decisions.

When reporting models, emphasize assumptions and uncertainties up front The
media provides necessary transparency of governmental pandemic-related policies and
COVID-19 infection cases to the public, but often fails to report key limitations of the
models it references. Emergency response best practice should be for the media and
government to clearly list the assumptions of the models they promote to better inform the
public of the reasoning behind, and limitations of, proposed policies; increase trust between
the public and the government; and encourage the open public debate foundational to
public health.

Protecting the Vulnerable

Inconsistent and uncoordinated support to, and requirements of, medical facilities left
our nation’s most vulnerable unprotected. In the initial stages of the COVID-19 outbreak,

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nursing homes and long-term-care facilities received less national attention than did
hospitals.11 In a Hoover Institution interview with an employee of a Massachusetts nursing
home, the interviewee mentioned that the elderly population, care facilities, and its staff
should not be an afterthought, and more focus should have been placed upon them, as
attention centered on hospitals and workers. In a similar fashion, a clinical professor quoted
in a BBC article noted that “nobody was paying attention to what was happening in nursing
homes, who were a much higher risk population,” as state and national officials were most
concerned about hospitals being overwhelmed.12

Since the initial outbreak, the medical community has attempted to identify which
populations are most vulnerable to COVID-19 infections. The CDC defines these “at-risk
populations” as those with a higher likelihood of requiring hospitalization, intensive
care, or a ventilator to breathe, and who are at a higher risk of dying.13 As of August 2020,
according to the CDC, older adults and people with underlying medical conditions
are the two populations that demonstrate increased risk for severe COVID-19 illness.14
These vulnerabilities are particularly evident in nursing homes, which have experienced
widespread infections and casualties due to the virus.

Other populations are also experiencing higher risk of infection, including ethnic and
racial minorities, people experiencing homelessness, incarcerated individuals, people with
disabilities, and rural communities. A higher risk of infection has led to a higher number
of cases, hospitalizations, and death rates for these groups. The causes are multifold and
overlapping, amplifying preexisting socioeconomic and health care inequalities.15 While
this section predominantly focuses on elderly populations, these communities’ experiences
warrant further attention and greater safeguards in future public health crises.

Nursing home residents represent less than 1 percent of the US population, but have
made up over one-quarter of national COVID-19 deaths.16 As of late August, nursing
homes accounted for more than 180,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 48,125 total
COVID-19 deaths, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
data sets. Over 115,000 additional suspected COVID-19 cases are excluded from that
figure, and nonfederal estimates of COVID-19 deaths stand even higher.17 The Wall
Street Journal and New York Times both attribute more than 65,000 deaths—more than
40 percent of COVID-19 deaths nationwide—to nursing homes.18 From the earliest stages
of the pandemic, it was evident that the elderly were especially vulnerable; age, weaker
immune systems, and underlying health complications as risk factors for hospitalization
were compounded by confined buildings and flows of workers between rooms and
facilities.19 These trends are just as concerning at the state level. In New Hampshire, for
example, deaths in long-term-care facilities are 81 percent of statewide totals. 20 The
long-term second-order ramifications of COVID-19 in nursing homes include physical
isolation causing physical and cognitive decline for elderly residents, and mental health
deterioration of staff and residents.

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Some challenges shared by health care facilities across the country, including nursing
homes, were the lack of PPE and testing kits, severe personnel shortages, and insufficient
funds to continue operations and cover extra costs related to transmission prevention.
However, nursing homes also faced unique challenges.

First, compared to hospitals, nursing homes are not equipped with the same level of medical
professionals, equipment, and resources, thus making the environment for in-house
treatment different from that of hospitals. Nursing homes experienced widespread staff
shortages and a lack of infectious-disease expertise when developing their initial COVID-19
response. Nevertheless, a report released by the New York State Department of Health found
that pre-COVID-19 nursing home quality ratings did not affect their number of cases.
Nursing homes’ geography and rate of local community outbreaks proved a larger factor
in the spread of COVID-19 than did the preexisting quality of their patient care.21 Some
nursing home advocates have disputed this claim, however, citing the importance of initial
staffing numbers and infection-control policies.22

Second, due to the structure and nature of some nursing homes, such as room layouts and
compliance of residents, it proved difficult for many facilities to properly isolate residents
with COVID-19 or to create an isolated section for those with COVID-19.23 The lack of initial
testing materials in nursing homes compounded this problem. Staff members were unable
to differentiate the infectious from the noninfectious as they attempted to isolate infected
groups to prevent disease spread.

States took a variety of measures to combat COVID-19 in nursing facilities, including

forming task forces, disseminating tool kits and guidelines (including on case reporting),
approving decontamination systems, and developing testing strategies.24 Furthermore,
local communities were quick to adapt by implementing special hours at stores for the
elderly and for volunteer networks delivering groceries and other essential goods directly
to the homes of the vulnerable.25 Some proposed quarantining the elderly as an early
strategy. While quarantining elderly patients minimizes their risk of contracting COVID-19,
isolation poses its own risks to the elderly and the vulnerable. In addition, the elderly often
live in multigenerational households or independently rather than in nursing homes.
Consequently, a more comprehensive approach is necessary. In July 2020, the Trump
administration announced that, beginning in mid-August, a total of $5 billion would be
distributed to nursing homes through the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund for Nursing
Homes to support testing, PPE, isolation facilities, and other COVID-19 expenses.26 In
addition, CMS has announced that nursing home staff in states with high infection rates
(5 percent or higher) will be required to take weekly tests once CMS issues a formal rule.27

Improve emergency-response plans and tailor them by facility type and staff  Prior to
COVID-19, emergency plans focused on natural and technological disaster responses, such

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as for flooding or electrical outages. Many states also had plans in place to prevent the
spread of the flu, but those plans do not adequately address COVID-19 and other infectious
diseases. Emergency plans also should include information on “continuity of operations,” in
case a facility’s leaders become unable to perform their duties. As many facility leadership
teams were widely infected, going forward, lower-ranking team members should be
educated on protocols and operations at the front end of a crisis. Federal inspections should
be improved to ensure that nursing homes have measures in place to prepare for infectious-
disease spread and to educate staff if necessary.

Optimize PPE supply in preparation for COVID-19 resurgences and other pandemics ​
Maintaining a stockpile of essential materials, such as masks, hand-hygiene supplies, and
hospital gowns will help nursing homes to take quick, preventative action against disease
spread, without depending on external suppliers of PPE.28

Ensure access to an infection-control expert, including registered nurses, in every

nursing home  While nursing homes are required to have an infection preventionist (IP)
on staff, their role and level of involvement are largely undefined.29 Oftentimes, directors of
nursing or other medical leaders will serve as their nursing home’s IP, assuming infection
prevention and control (IPC) responsibilities in addition to their full-time position. Many
smaller nursing homes have instead hired external consultants for the position. In 2019,
the CMS proposed to lessen IP work requirements from it being a “part-time” position to
one requiring “sufficient time,” which should be opposed going forward.30 IPs should be
required to work part-time, with a specific minimum of hours decided by national disease-
control experts. Given the nature of infectious diseases, more flexible options such as
remote access should also be considered. Additionally, IPs are required to complete some
specialized training in prevention and control, which is often insufficient for the demands
of the position. Increased IPC training and certification completion through the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services and other state or local programs will help IPs to be better
qualified to handle disease outbreaks. While hiring new staff may be financially infeasible
for many nursing homes, training existing staff members may be a low-cost alternative.
Regardless, nursing homes should prioritize having a well-trained IP on staff, as they will
assist in preventing and addressing infectious-disease outbreaks.31

Reform emergency staff protocols and volunteer staffing plans for nursing home staff ​
During pandemic outbreaks, staff should be interviewed and assessed for a fever or other
health problems as often as possible. This prevents staff from bringing disease into the
facilities, which was a widespread problem that many nursing homes experienced. Facilities
should plan for staff shortages during outbreaks, looking to volunteer organizations and
local nursing support. In terms of visitors, family and friends often improve the mental
health of residents, especially during times of crisis. However, given the nature of diseases
such as COVID-19, maintaining social distancing is essential, even if visitors’ tests are
negative. Alternatives, such as virtual or phone conversations, have been essential in
keeping residents connected with their loved ones.32

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Reform nursing home staff salary structures  Nursing home staff members often are paid
roughly minimum wage, and many nursing aides do not receive paid sick leave. Nearly
13 percent of nursing aides live below the poverty line, and almost 36 percent rely on public
assistance.33 Low salaries often require nursing home staff to work a second job, commonly
in another high-risk environment, leading to increased spread of infection within elderly
communities and externally. Better pay also would allow staff to take necessary precautions
during outbreaks, such as not using public transportation. Paid sick leave for nursing home
staff could be implemented by allocating emergency government funds (such as California’s
COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave), as this incentivizes nursing home staff to
quarantine when necessary, decreasing the rate of infection within the facilities.34

Provide better care and mental health support for nursing home staff  This issue will be
discussed in greater detail under “Workforce Resilience.”

Improve government communication outreach to nursing homes  Many facilities

participated in weekly informational phone conversations with departments of public
health to keep staff up to date on COVID-19 response recommendations. The conversations
allowed staff to ask any questions they had and was an effective communication
method.35 Synthesis of government announcements and pandemic information would
help with information reception. Due to the large amount of text and resources released
by government entities, some long-term-care advocacy groups such as LeadingAge and
the Massachusetts Senior Care Association are helping to simplify information for nursing
homes.36 Government groups and organizations should expand this practice, as it saves
time for nursing home staff and highlights the essential practices that nursing homes
should follow. In addition, relevant government agencies such as CMS should ensure clear
communication to nursing homes of policy updates and changes by standardizing and
solidifying communication channels among federal, state, local, and other relevant entities.
Such improved outreach and communication would facilitate better coordination and
smoother implementation of policies on both ends in the future, with government agencies
acting as a partner for nursing homes in the response efforts.

Emphasize local community support and involvement  These practices help to supply
nursing homes with needed materials, while educating the public on nursing home
vulnerabilities and improving the morale of all those involved. Many nursing homes
point to the support of local volunteers and donations as lifesaving during the COVID-19
outbreak. Local organizations, fire departments, and individuals have provided PPE,
communication methods for residents to speak with their families (iPads, etc.), and
donations to assist nursing homes during times of crisis.37

At-risk populations, including ethnic and racial minorities, people experiencing

homelessness, and rural communities, have experienced higher-than-average COVID-19
infection rates since the start of the outbreak. While these disparities are related to
preexisting circumstances such as access to health care, lack of data and research on at-risk

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populations, and socioeconomic inequality, these risks can be partially mitigated through
several proactive measures. At-risk populations may be assisted by:

• Improving data collection and reporting methods on minority populations and

COVID-19 infections;

• Expanding accessibility of testing and health care through increased funding for
telehealth services and other outreach programs;

• Financially supporting hospitals and care facilities in low-income communities;

• Setting up testing sites in high-risk communities; and

• Improving language-assistance services for both in-person and online resources

alongside broadening outreach to and communication with at-risk communities.38

Finally, developing a greater national understanding of existing inequalities and flaws in

the US health care system will lead to improved care for at-risk populations. This is only the
start to addressing the larger problem of health care inequality, which has increased with
the COVID-19 outbreak.

North Carolina Sets Up Free Testing Sites in Communities of Color

In North Carolina, the state facilitated “free testing sites in communities of color and [made] sure it [was]
free in certain ZIP codes.” Latinos make up 43 percent of the lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases in North
Carolina despite only representing just 10 percent of the state’s population. Within this community,
financial strains and fears surrounding immigration status and deportation have been obstacles to
health care access.

To tackle these issues, Dr. Viviana Martinez-Bianchi of Duke University, along with Dr. Gabriela Maradiaga
Panayotti, founded the Latinx Advocacy Teams and Interdisciplinary Network for COVID-19 (Latin-19),
which is a multidisciplinary coalition bridging health care providers, researchers, and community
members, in order “to elevate the needs of a people whose access to quality health care has not been
equal for years.” Dr. Martinez-Bianchi also has participated in the response planning by North Carolina’s
DHHS for marginalized communities of color. In that work, for the reasons mentioned above, she has
“highlighted the need to bring in trusted testing sites to Hispanic communities.”

In addition to establishing these testing sites, the state of North Carolina has started publishing some
key COVID-related information on its DHHS website in Spanish, which could improve the Hispanic
community’s access to information.*

* Anne Blythe, “Embracing Her Latinx Community, Fighting for Equality amid COVID-19,” North Carolina Health
News, July 29, 2020, https://­w ww​.­northcarolinahealthnews​.­org ​/­2020​/­07​/­29​/­embracing​-­her​-­latinx​- ­community​
-­f ighting​-­for​- ­equality​-­amid​- ­covid​-­19​/­; Sibani Ram, “Duke Professors Work to Fight COVID-19 in Local Latinx
community,” [Duke University] Chronicle, July 15, 2020, https://­w ww​.­dukechronicle​.­com​/­article​/­2020​/­07​/­duke​
-­university​-­professors​-­work​-­f ight​- ­covid​-­19 ​-­latinx​- ­community​- ­durham.

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San Mateo County Designates Three Skilled Nursing Facilities as Centers of Excellence

In late April, San Mateo County Health, Health Plan of San Mateo, and other key local health care
partners jointly announced that they will designate three skilled nursing facilities as “Centers of
Excellence” as part of their effort to “proactively coordinate care for residents during the novel
coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.” The three facilities were selected based on “their high standards of
patient care and expertise with infection control.” The three facilities are able to “treat COVID-19 positive
patients discharged from local hospitals,” as well as “patients from community settings who have
COVID-19 and require a higher level of care.”*

Among the three facilities is Pacifica Nursing & Rehab Center, which was reported to have five confirmed
cases and one death in late March—but in a month was designated as a Center of Excellence.† Its
three-story structure “allowed them to dedicate their entire top floor to treating COVID-19 patients,”
which is made up of thirty-three private rooms and a separate entrance, lunchroom, and bathroom.
Furthermore, Pacifica ensured the mitigation of transmission and protection of staff and patients within
the facility by “[splitting] their clinical and housekeeping staff into two groups—those who work on the
third floor and everyone else,” and making sure that the two groups did not intermingle.‡

Such coordinated approach at the community level may serve as a reference model for other
communities across the country.

* San Mateo County Health and Health Plan of San Mateo, “San Mateo County Health and the Health Plan of
San Mateo Announce Centers of Excellence Program for Skilled Nursing Facilities,” news release, April 21, 2020,
https://­w ww​.­smchealth​.­org ​/­sites​/­main​/­f iles​/­f ile ​-­attachments​/­san​_­mateo​_­county​_­health​_­press ​_­release​
_­centers ​_­for​_­excellence​_ ­skilled​_­nursing ​_­facilities ​_­april ​_ ­21st ​_ ­2020​_­1​.­pdf.

Joe Vazquez, “5 Residents At Pacifica Nursing Home Test Positive For COVID-19; 1 Patient Dead,” CBS SF
BayArea, March 31, 2020, https://­sanfrancisco​.­cbslocal​.­com​/­2020​/­03​/­31​/­coronavirus​-­pacifica​-­nursing​-­home​-­5​

“Pacifica Nursing Facility Gains ‘Center of Excellence’ for Handling COVID-19 Patients,” Pacifica Tribune,
August 21, 2020, https://­pacificalocalnews​.­com​/­pacifica​-­nursing​-­facility​-­gains​- ­center​- ­of​- ­excellence ​-­for​
-­handling​- ­covid​-­19 ​-­patients​/­.

Adaptability of the Military

The military was well positioned to surge personnel and supplies to hot spots. Although
limited by unknowns, they were able to adapt quickly to serve some of the worst-hit areas. The
Department of Defense response by active-duty, Reserve, and National Guard personnel helped
prevent the medical systems in hard-hit areas from exceeding capacity and provided support to
weary frontline health care providers.39 The response consisted of three primary components:
reinforcing struggling health care personnel, procuring and transporting supplies globally
and within the United States, and assisting state governments with a wide range of tasks.

The military successfully surged medical personnel into hard-hit areas early in the outbreak.
By the end of April 2020, 61,000 personnel had supported the response, 4,400 of whom

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were doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel.40 The army and navy were the primary
providers of medical personnel, with Urban Augmentation Medical Task Forces (UAMTFs)
and Expeditionary Hospitals from the army and USNS Mercy and Comfort from the navy
making up the bulk of these efforts.41 The air force also contributed personnel, with
Air Force Reserve doctors and nurses deploying cross-country.42 In some cases military
personnel were directly integrated into existing hospitals, and in other cases they set up
field hospitals in nearby locations, such as the Javits Center, which ultimately treated nearly
1,100 patients.43 The UAMTFs, which are teams of 85 Army Reserve soldiers composed of
doctors, nurses, medics, respiratory specialists, behavioral health specialists, and medical
logistics personnel, were deployed with only two weeks’ notice.44 Over a dozen were deployed,
each capable of supplying the capacity of a 250-bed hospital. These task forces had never
existed previously, yet performed extraordinarily well, which speaks to the agile adaptivity
and the pool of courageous and talented personnel the military brought to the fight.

Two issues were identified in deploying military medical personnel to fight COVID-19.
First, many personnel in the reserves were already fighting COVID-19 in their civilian
professional capacity. Identification of soldiers available for deployment was successful
but had to be done by contacting each individual soldier, which was labor and time
intensive. Second, USNS Mercy and Comfort and some field hospitals were deployed with
the expectation that they would treat non-COVID-19 patients to relieve pressure on the
traditional medical system, allowing hospitals to free up space for COVID-19 patients. For
several reasons, however, this did not occur as planned and the military was forced to adapt
and treat COVID-19-positive patients. Non-COVID-19 hospitalizations dropped significantly
as citizens were afraid to enter the medical system unless absolutely necessary. As a result,
hospitals were not strained by non-COVID-19 medical patients. This pattern has shown
up in past pandemics, such as Ebola in 2014, and is likely to occur in future pandemics.
Transferring non-COVID-19 patients from hospitals to ships and field hospitals was a
bottleneck, as it required lots of personnel to do properly. Consequently, fewer patients were
transferred than initially expected. Furthermore, some of the patients who were believed
to be COVID-free turned out to actually be COVID-positive patients whose infection had
not been detected or who contracted the disease in hospitals. Therefore, military medical
personnel ended up treating COVID-19-positive patients despite the initial plan to focus on
non-COVID-19 patients.

The logistic capabilities of the military were critical in collecting supplies from around
the globe and distributing them domestically. Indeed, the Department of Defense directly
provided 39 million N95 masks, 8,000 ventilators, and 60 decontamination systems.
Millions of swabs, hundreds of ventilators, hundreds of personnel, and tons of various
cargo have been moved by the air force during the pandemic.45 These efforts brought vital
supplies into the medical system at a time when tests, ventilators, and PPE were in short
supply. Repairing medical equipment is another way the logistics systems of the military
contributed to the response. The United States Army Medical Materiel Agency (USAMMA)

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has three maintenance facilities in the United States, which have been repairing ventilators,
oxygen generators, suction apparatus, infusion pumps, and patient monitors.46 This has
facilitated a rapid turnover of damaged equipment and has reduced the strain on frontline
medical personnel who would otherwise be working on the aforementioned equipment,
and ensures a rapid turnover of damaged equipment. It is cheaper and easier to repair this
type of equipment than to build more, so this effort cuts cost and time. At the same time,
the DoD’s logistics expertise made the department the right choice to lead the whole of
government approach to acquiring new material as well. The under secretary of defense for
acquisition and sustainment, Ellen Lord, established the COVID-19 Joint Acquisition Task
Force (JATF). Crucially, this team serves as the single entry point for industry to the DoD
acquisition enterprise for federal government requests for assistance. On July 10, the JATF
opened a Commercial Solutions Opening (CSO) to solicit concepts from industry in support
of domestic industrial capacity for the JATF and HHS COVID-19 response priorities. The
CSO was administered by AFWERX, the Air Force agile contracting entity, which has honed
its expertise in rapid acquisition through its ownership of the Air Force’s Small Business
Innovation Research program. Without help from military logistics, equipment and PPE
shortages in March and April would have been even more severe.

An issue with logistics is that the logistic capabilities of the military are only useful if they
know where to deliver supplies. The early outbreak was mainly in large cities, making
visibility a nonissue. However, if future outbreaks occur outside of major cities, supplies may
not be distributed efficiently. Lack of federal and state visibility into medical-sector needs
threatens to undermine the effectiveness of future military responses.

Other notable state-level efforts include the response of the National Guard, which has been
the workforce of choice for states seeking to fill personnel gaps in the crisis, as they were
prepared to respond to emergencies. However, the Guard have been used in widely varying
ways across states, and no best practices have emerged as yet. There also seems to be little to
no coordination between states about developing these best practices. The National Guard
has been used to create medical-care sites,47 staff testing sites,48 process unemployment
claims,49 engage in contact tracing,50 transport PPE,51 and run elections,52 among other tasks.
Some of these tasks could likely be performed by other agencies, which would free up the
Guard to handle tasks in which they have a greater comparative advantage. There also has
been tension between states and the federal government over funding, with responsibility
shifting back and forth over the course of the pandemic. This has led to political conflict
between states and the federal government at a time when close cooperation is necessary.53
Sorting out funding responsibility would be a helpful step in planning for future pandemics.

Recognize the capabilities that the military possesses  The military response to COVID-19
has been a resounding success even while other aspects of the US COVID-19 response
have encountered difficulties. Without the personnel and logistics the military provided,

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the medical systems in hard-hit areas would have experienced even more severe strain
on personnel and critical medical supplies. In a future pandemic, policy makers should
recognize the deep pool of talent and capabilities within the military and incorporate them
into response plans.

Develop mechanisms to check availability of medical personnel in the reserves  Since many
reserve medical personnel already were engaged in the fight against COVID-19 as civilians
and it would have been disruptive to pull them out of that fight and deploy them elsewhere,
mobilization was complicated. Creating a registry of medical personnel, their civilian
medical occupations, and their availability in terms of how quickly they are able to deploy
would speed mobilization efforts in a future pandemic. Personnel should be organized by
city, state, and military unit to facilitate visibility into their availability by geography. The
registry data should be housed at the brigade or command level and should be centralized
so that it is readily shareable beyond medical commands and updated regularly as agreed
upon by the leadership of the various reserve forces.

Plan to treat infectious patients  Military hospital ships and field hospitals should plan to
treat or at least be agnostic in treating patients afflicted with the disease in circulation,
rather than focusing on treating noninfected patients. Initial plans to treat primarily non-
COVID-19 patients were complicated by lack of demand and bottlenecks and had to be
adapted early on. As these patterns have shown up in other pandemics, personnel should
be deployed with the expectation that they will treat infectious patients from the outset.

Institutionalize and sustain funding for medical task forces  The Urban Augmentation
Medical Task Forces performed superbly and are a model that should be retained in military
plans for a future pandemic. Other federal entities such as HHS’s National Disaster Medical
System and the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps rapidly deployed medical
teams to augment health care systems as well. The ability to rapidly reinforce faltering
medical systems is a capability with great potential and one that also could be applied to
other types of mass-casualty events.

Ensure visibility into the medical system  Knowing where and when personnel and supplies
are needed is a necessary precondition for an effective response, and this knowledge is not
guaranteed in a future pandemic. The lack of a centralized health care system in the United
States makes visibility a challenge that must be overcome with effective data sharing and
collaboration between different levels and entities in government. States have different
systems that should engage in data sharing to allow the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) and the military to identify areas of the highest need. For example,
HHS’s National Health System Preparedness Program relies on information sharing as the
foundation for its cooperative agreement programs with state and local jurisdictions and
private sector partners. Information sharing on the number of active COVID cases, staffing
levels, and remaining intensive care unit (ICU) capacity per hospital would allow the

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military to best understand which facilities are most in need of additional personnel, and
respond accordingly.

Develop best practices and tasks for deployment of the National Guard in pandemics The
wide variety of tasks that states have assigned National Guard forces to complete has
made it difficult to develop lessons to apply to a future pandemic. The organization and
skills that the National Guard brings are better suited to sets of tasks such as constructing
medical care facilities and transporting PPE, and have less of a comparative advantage
in other tasks such as processing unemployment claims. An effort should be made to
determine which tasks fall into which category and communicate that across state lines
so the Guard can be used as effectively as possible in a future pandemic. This also would
enable the National Guard to train and prepare more effectively for future pandemics.
Clarification of mission also would clear up funding responsibilities between the national
and state governments.

Regulation and Mobilization

Misunderstandings across multiple levels of government about regulatory standards
hindered the rapid mobilization of critical medical supplies and tests. Failure to adapt
regulations to real-time needs slowed the response. The initial mobilization of critical
medical supplies was hindered by information asymmetry toward regulatory standards
for PPE, particularly at the state and private-hospital levels. As new manufacturers
of PPE entered the market with newly minted Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
registration numbers, procurement teams unfamiliar with FDA, CE, or National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) certifications struggled to react quickly to
the demand for PPE. Accordingly, in such a dynamic market, prices continued to surge
while inexperienced professionals drafted into acquisition efforts struggled to differentiate
among which certifications were valid, accepted by the FDA, or falsified. These difficulties
were further exacerbated by continual updates to FDA policies regarding acceptable masks,
with new manufacturers being added to and dropped from approved import lists daily
on its website; such information was not always readily consulted by state and private
procurement teams.

Moreover, as different countries and manufacturers label similar products differently

and use different materials in production, understanding regulatory compliance of
foreign-manufactured PPE often proved difficult. This inexperience of acquisition teams
and unfamiliarity with appropriate regulations were evidenced in conversations with
procurement teams from a major state governor’s office, which repeatedly asked if masks
were OSHA certified, though such a certification does not exist for masks. State-level
difficulties resulted from leaders’ decisions to deploy preexisting deliberate action-planning
strategies instead of the crisis action response from the federal government. While states
were delayed by bulky procurement forms, federal agencies quickly adapted to changing

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requisites for PPE import. However, limited transparency regarding evolving federal
regulations hindered a wider adoption of the crisis action response. Coordinating efforts led
by the national government’s COVID-19 response team, however, were able to get a concrete
understanding of the necessary regulatory standards for mask acquisition and transport.
Such initiatives have helped to lessen the initial supply chain crisis, yet continued attention
to COVID-19 hot spots and private care facilities remains a critical policy initiative.

Throughout the pandemic, many civilian medical workers have been willing to care for
COVID-19 patients, but have not been effectively mobilized. It is clear that the United
States’ primary issue is not a lack of adequate personnel to respond to the crisis, but
rather great difficulty in mobilizing appropriate staff for locations in need. For example,
in states such as New York, where the mayor of New York City Bill de Blasio called for
45,000 additional medical personnel in April and May,54 90,000 retired and active health
care workers volunteered to serve in New York.55 The bureaucratic process’s pace impeded
swift and appropriate mobilization, as did the confusing nature of the application process.
An updated, streamlined processing response is greatly needed across the country.
Nongovernmental organizations such as the United States Civilian Corps (USCC) played
a crucial role in mobilizing, and assisting in the vetting process of, in-demand medical
professionals. The USCC successfully mobilized five thousand surge personnel in New York
and New Jersey.56 Medical facilities also have a role to play in making use of these resources;
they need to systematize and solidify plans for integrating surge resources that do not
come from staffing agencies, so that they have the processes in place to make use of outside
resources in times of need.

Legislation to ease the mobilization of civilian personnel across state lines is less
accommodating. Because medical occupational licensing happens at a state level, it can be
difficult to confirm the necessary license in a state that is not the practitioner’s home state.
In 2018, Washington State adopted the Uniform Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioners
Act (UEVHPA), which allows volunteer physicians and health practitioners to practice
without the delay of obtaining a Washington license, as long as their home-state license
is current and in good standing. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Washington
activated the UEVHPA to ease the mobilization of needed personnel across state lines.57
Eighteen states as well as the District of Columbia have enacted UEVHPA legislation.58
Where the legislation has not been adopted, volunteers can be asked to pay hefty licensing
fees and undergo delays before being able to practice in a state with immediate needs. It is
crucial that this type of legislation be expanded to all states for preparedness in the event
medical personnel need to be mobilized across state lines.

Furthermore, to allow more health care workers into the national workforce, numerous
medical schools have expedited the graduation and licensing of medical students.
Additional nurses, doctors, and specialists joined response teams in hospitals. These
efforts generally allowed qualified-but-not-yet-licensed health care professionals to join the

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workforce faster. Initiatives to integrate retired or inactive medical professionals into the
COVID-19 medical-response workforce were also eased by waivers from thirty-nine states
to expedite renewal of licensing for these professionals.59 As of May 2020, additional efforts
included measures to waive the two-year foreign residence requirement for foreign medical
graduates in exchange for full-time work under H-1B visa classification for no less than
three years in a shortage area.60 This effort complemented the Conrad 30 waiver program,
introduced in 1994, which allows J-1 foreign medical graduates to waive their foreigner
residence requirement by working as medical providers in rural or urban areas of the United
States facing shortages in physicians.61

New and existing legislation supported civilian personnel mobilization, such as initiatives
to expedite the renewal of credentials for out-of-practice professionals and to protect
medical professionals from the potential liability that results from practicing in a variety
of evolving environments with a new virus. Moreover, legislation such as the 2020 CARES
Act, among other older regulatory and legislative acts, allowed for liability protection of
medical and nonmedical professionals and volunteers in the response to COVID-19. Many
states implemented greater protection for those fighting the virus. This provided greater
flexibility to treat an unknown virus, while additionally protecting frontline workers.

Update bureaucratic processes for vetting civilian surge resources at the state, city, and
hospital level  Updated infrastructure to support volunteer applications and processing
would ease mobilization efforts. This may be through collaboration with an organization
such as the USCC, or through the development and expansion of dedicated processing
bodies such as HHS’s Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health
Professionals (ESAR-VHP). The creation of national standards and recommendations for
states to follow when credentialing medical volunteers and professionals and mobilizing
them across state lines would facilitate greater civilian personnel mobilization in a future
public health crisis.

Enact emergency authorization for medical licensing to become valid across state
lines  Legislation such as the UEVHPA, which allows out-of-state medical professionals
with an active license from their home state to be mobilized across state lines to practice
immediately upon arrival, should be expanded. This will be a crucial step in preparing
the medical field to have adequate access to health care providers in the event of another
pandemic at this scale. In the event of hot spots developing in different parts of the country,
the ability to quickly mobilize necessary personnel across state lines would be crucial.

Invest in long-term, greater interprofessional education to better prepare the medical

workforce for a large-scale public health crisis such as a pandemic Interprofessional
education (IPE) or education opportunities that allow students from two or more professions

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to learn together, and from each other, in order to build skills allowing for higher-quality
health care and more effective collaboration, is crucial preparation for medical students
and public-policy students who may face large-scale public health crises. The University
of Washington Health Sciences Interprofessional Education Initiative is an example of
interprofessional education for health care students. Composed of the six health sciences
schools at the university—dentistry, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, public health, and social
work—this initiative supports cross-disciplinary education to support students as they
enter the field of health care.62 The University of Michigan also offers IPE in its medical
school with courses including Team-Based Clinical Decision Making and Interprofessional
Clinical Experience (ICE).63 Additionally, the University of Texas at Austin’s Center for
Health Interprofessional Practice and Education has compiled resources of interprofessional
education opportunities that focus on the response to COVID-19 in the health care field.64
Greater opportunities for health care students and public-policy students to become more
knowledgeable and flexible across disciplines will allow for a more resilient, more adaptive
health care workforce in the event of future public health crises.

Establish a nationwide reserve program for medical professionals  While many

governmental and independent institutions exist at home and abroad, a national program
for former medical professionals would be extraordinarily helpful to identify and mobilize
surge resources. HHS’s ESAR-VHP proved insufficient. In partnership with the American
Hospital Association and the American Medical Association, and in coordination with state
licensing boards, an independent third party should create a “fast track relicensing” process
for former professionals in critical specialties who are willing to deploy in times of crisis.
This could include periodic training and a limited-use license with interstate reciprocity.

Competition Hindered Coordination

Care facilities, government organizations, and the private sector actively bid against each
other for critical medical supplies and personnel. Robust and resilient supply chains are
an essential element in a successful fight against COVID-19. This pandemic has laid bare
a number of key structural weaknesses in critical US supply chains, particularly those for
personal protective equipment (PPE). Many of these issues existed well before COVID-19,
but their far-reaching and dangerous consequences have only recently come to light. Months
into the pandemic, PPE shortages continue to present major challenges for health care
providers and other frontline workers across the country. PPE acquisition teams had limited
coordination beyond the federal level, and as they entered foreign markets to compensate
for limited initial American manufacturing capacity, private health systems and state
governments actively competing for the same limited resources abroad inadvertently drove up
prices for critical medical supplies. This deadweight loss of resources for PPE and ventilators
initially proved challenging to hospital systems overwhelmed by the pandemic. Recent
efforts from HHS and the federal government to create regional dashboards have helped to
remediate this problem, yet some regions of the country still have critical demand for PPE.

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As care facilities, government, and private actors competed to get access to PPE factories
and stockpiles, once the equipment was obtained it was often delayed by weeks due to
a bottleneck in foreign customs and air freight. Reduced demand for air travel severely
impacted airlines and air freight carriers, which were forced to limit flights capable of
transporting PPE. Information asymmetry between these actors prevented the initial
creation among at least the federal acquisition teams of a central dashboard to prioritize
international and domestic PPE shipments as well as negotiate available space on flights
and transoceanic shipping routes. In order to ship commercially out of China, bottlenecks
at customs required American buyers to often use local private handlers to expedite
the process of getting packages on planes, disadvantaging underresourced procurement
teams’ efforts to acquire materials: one private health care facility had to wait three weeks
for critical materials to leave Beijing’s airport. While the federal government developed
a private dashboard for their equipment, for nongovernmental and many other actors,
chartered planes and ships have emerged as the only viable method to move large amounts
of cargo, which has caused exorbitant shipping costs: one major private aviation company
shared that it is at least holiday rates all the time now. Furthermore, the sheer volume of PPE
imported into the United States limits potential avenues for freight shipping. For example,
nitrile gloves cannot be shipped by air freight cost-effectively due to weight restrictions;
accordingly, gloves from Southeast Asia have to be shipped for nearly two weeks by boat to
reach the United States.

Domestic PPE manufacturers and distributors were similarly confronted with limiting
factors in raw materials such as plastics and rubber. These materials are largely
manufactured in China, and manufacturers encountered significant difficulties in finding
cargo space for bulk raw materials. Challenges in exporting raw materials were worsened
by severe limitations on the amount of the raw materials allowed to leave the country by
the Chinese government, which worked to protect domestic PPE manufacturers and retain
its own stockpile. The material-science industry in China is also capable of producing these
materials at a significantly lower cost than American competitors because of the low cost of
labor; labor cost inhibits the United States from possessing a similar infrastructural capacity
to produce these materials at the same scale as the Chinese.

As COVID-19 patients overwhelmed emergency rooms and long-term-care facilities across

the country, credentialed and licensed medical professionals were at a premium. Medical
facilities grappled with the lack of appropriately trained medical personnel in many parts
of the country, and staffing agencies stepped in to help fill the void. Many hospitals had
preexisting relationships with staffing agencies, which were used to operating with days or
weeks of advance notice. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, these timelines shortened;
hospitals needed people much quicker to meet demands of patient surges and sick staff.
Since COVID-19 cases often arrived in clusters, specific geographies were particularly
taxed, putting medical facilities in competition with one another for scarce resources. This
led staffing agencies to raise rates for scarce talent; in New Jersey, during the pandemic a

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Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) could cost a facility $100−$115 per hour. Although just
$60 went to the provider, this still represented a dramatic increase over the typical $25
hourly rate. Agencies have claimed that these higher compensation rates are crucial to
recruiting adequate personnel.65 In some instances, facilities would bid against one another
for the right to get the next available CNA, registered nurse, or whatever qualification
was needed. Unfortunately, the uncertainty around transmission of the virus and safety
protocols (e.g., availability of PPE, risk of exposure), among other changes in circumstances,
often led workers to opt out of employment.

Facilities with the resources to offer hazard pay were better able to mobilize surge personnel,
but even they faced hurdles. For example, in some parts of the country, staffing agencies
approached employed medical providers and repeatedly offered them higher pay to work
at another facility.66 At the same time, lockdowns forced hospitals and health care facilities
providing services deemed nonessential to furlough many nurses and medical staff, who
had difficulty finding new positions. In this sense, even with an increase in unemployed
medical professionals, it was difficult for some health care providers to locate hospitals and
health care facilities in need of extra staff, just as it was difficult for care facilities to hire
additional staff to cope with the COVID-19 crisis.

Stockpile critical medications and personal protective equipment at the hospital
level  Instituting new hospital-level stockpiles would improve domestic readiness for
future crises or a worsening of the pandemic. Central to these new stockpiles would be
operationalizing crisis responses, contrary to the present deliberate action responses that
hinder timely reactions to national crises. Looking at the success of hurricane equipment
positioning, the government should similarly target hospital locations where there would be
the most critical need for equipment.67 Moreover, the federal government should designate
medical centers in critical areas as stockpiles for vital reserves of storing raw materials to
manufacture PPE such that the raw-material supply chain (largely from East Asia) does not
hinder domestic PPE manufacturing.

Bypass competition for personnel through on-call response teams  The state of Maryland
bridged the gap from immediate need to a sustainable staffing solution by implementing
“strike teams” composed of medical personnel including “National Guard personnel,
representatives of local and state health departments, EMS and clinicians from local
hospitals.”68 The National Disaster Medical System, under HHS’s assistant secretary for
preparedness and response (ASPR), provided three federal disaster medical assistance teams
(DMATs) composed of physicians, paramedics, and safety officers. These teams are deployed
to facilities as needed. Once a request is sent to the state emergency operations center by
a local health officer and local emergency manager, a strike team is deployed if all three
parties deem it necessary. Originally the prime focus of these teams was nursing homes
and group-living facilities where COVID-19 presented, but the scope of support has since

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widened to other facilities including assisted-living facilities and group homes for children.
Once deployed, these strike teams evaluate the situation on-site to determine what supplies
or equipment may be needed. They are also capable of collecting and sending specimens
for COVID-19 testing, as well as carrying out on-site medical triage to stabilize residents of
these facilities. The United States Army Reserve has a similar structure in the form of Urban
Augmentation Medical Task Forces (UAMTFs) that also mobilize quickly and effectively
across the country for hospitals in need. These types of quick-response task forces should be
adopted at the state and county levels across the country in order to provide greater support
for hospitals and health care organizations that find themselves strained under a growing

Relocate furloughed personnel to hospitals and medical organizations in need  As of

April 2020, approximately 1.4 million health care workers had been laid off. Relocating
furloughed personnel to areas hit hardest and fatigued by the virus would allow for valuable
skills to be best utilized in whatever part of the country is in need.69 For instance, thirty-
four nurses in Colorado employed at a hospital that was not, at that point in time, strained
by a high percentage of COVID-19 cases flew to New Jersey to support hospitals struck badly
by high numbers of patients with the virus.70 A national scheme allowing for furloughed
or underutilized health care workers to be relocated to facilities in need would ease
competition for personnel that is hindering coordination.

Contact Tracing in American Society

All 50 states had instituted some system for contact tracing as of the writing of this report.
States followed one of three general models:

• In-house: State/local officials leading, hiring, or recruiting volunteers as needed.

• Contracting: State contracts with a company or organization.

• Partnering: State leads efforts but relies on partners for training/staffing.71

Contact tracing in the United States faces three main issues of scale. First is that of the size
and growth of the caseload in the early days of the pandemic. Contact tracing in the United
States has not been able to match the scale of the outbreak because of two interrelated
reasons: too many cases and too few resources. The sheer volume of cases has overwhelmed
the capacity of the public health system to engage in contact tracing.72 As of August 31, the
United States had witnessed 289,865 cases in the previous seven days.73 That exceeds the
total caseload for most European countries since the pandemic began and is dozens of times
higher than the maximum rate of weekly infections those countries saw in March and April
of 2020. Countries that have been held up as the gold standard for contact tracing, such as
South Korea,74 Iceland,75 and New Zealand,76 have a total combined caseload of less than one
day (during June, July, and August of 2020) of new infections in the United States. A contact

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Table 1. Contact tracing methodology by state

Staffing/personnel State

Hiring of outside contact tracers AK, AR, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, ME, MA, MI, MN, NV, NJ, NM, NY,

Government employees AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, FL, HI, ID, IL, IA, KS, KY, ME, MD, MI, MS, MO, MT,

Recruitment of volunteers AL, CA, CT, MA, MN, MO, MT, NV, NC, OH, PA

Engagement with students AZ, CO, FL, GA, HI, IN, KS, MD, MA, MN, MO, MT, NJ, ND, OH, RI

National Guard assistance AK, AZ, DE, IA, MT, NH, NV, OK, RI, SD, WA, WV

COVID-19 Response Corps CO, IL, NJ, PA

Funding Type

CARES Act funds AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, FL, ID, KY, MN, MO, MT, NV, NH, SC, WI

Other federal funds AL, AK, CO, IL, ME, MO, NY, OH, OR, PA, VA, WY

State funding AZ, AR, CA, CO, DC, DE, HI, IL, IN, KY, LA, MA, MI, MN, NH, NJ, NM, NC,

Funding through donation CA, NY

Private funding CA, NJ

Technology and Process

Automated technology AK, AZ, MI, NM

Statewide platforms AK, CA, CO, CT, DE, GA, IL, IN, KY, MD, MA, MO, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC,

Social media AK

Smartphone apps AL, HI, NV, NY, ND, OK, OR, RI, SC, SD, UT, VA, WY

SARA Alert System AZ, AR, ID, ME, PA, VT, VA

Note: At least forty-four states use manual phone calls first in the contact tracing process; ten states also use text or email, and a small number
of states also include in-person visits, online surveys, and traditional mail.

Source: “State Approaches to Contact Tracing during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” National Academy for State
Health Policy, August 31, 2020, https://­w ww​.­nashp​.­org ​/­state​-­approaches​-­to​-­contact​-­tracing​-­covid​-­19​/­.

tracing program has never successfully operated at the scale of new infections currently
happening in the United States. Even countries that suffered a major outbreak and then
brought it under control are witnessing their contact tracing systems falter in the face of a
second wave.77 Scaling up public health interventions is one of the most difficult challenges
governments have to overcome, and simply applying best practices from South Korea or
New Zealand that have been linearly scaled up is unlikely to achieve the desired results.

The second issue of scale is a lack of personnel and funding. Only 40,000−50,000 out
of the 100,000−270,000 contact tracers required have been hired and trained.78 Efforts

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to scale up contact tracing nationwide have been unsuccessful thus far despite the CDC
sending about $11 billion in relief funds to states to expand contact tracing. A survey of
state health departments by National Public Radio (NPR) in June revealed that there were
37,000 contact tracers in place nationwide, with an additional 31,000 in reserve when
needed. The workforce—a mix of government employees, volunteers, and contract workers
hired by outside companies or nonprofit organizations—still falls short of the 100,000 that
the CDC has recommended, and far from George Washington University’s contact tracing
workforce estimator of 271,246 required contact tracers.79 A follow-up survey by NPR one
month later in July revealed that the workforce has only barely grown to 41,122 workers,
although the actual number is likely somewhat higher.80 This inability to scale stems from
two main issues: reliance on volunteers and heterogeneous sources of funding. The federal
platforms for tracking and vetting medical volunteers to respond to this crisis, including
ESAR-VHP and Medical Reserve Corps, have largely been underutilized and ineffective.
Few states have maintained active directories through this method, and many states do not
even have an information-sharing capacity such as a website to allow volunteers to sign up
for vetting and mobilization. Overall, this has not been a consistent or successful means
by which personnel have been mobilized in response to COVID-19. Many states initially
relied on volunteers for contact tracing labor, but this did not yield adequate numbers of
trained, reliable contact tracers. Without monetary incentives, recruitment was incredibly
difficult in many cases. Training also contributed to delays in mobilizing adequate numbers
of contact tracers. Early efforts focused on recruiting volunteers, but the time commitment,
training requirements, and perceived danger of contact tracing (if done in person) led to
states missing their targets for contact tracers by wide margins. Funding for building contact
tracing teams came from a wide variety of sources and in varying amounts. Funding for
these efforts has come from the CDC, state-level health agencies, county-level health
agencies, and even private donors. In the absence of a strategy to coordinate this funding,
building nationwide contact tracing infrastructure will be very difficult.

The final issue concerns testing delays and asymptomatic spread of the virus. Protracted
delays in testing results have hampered contact tracing efforts, as speed in both is critical
to lowering the rate of infection. When testing plus contact tracing takes more than three
days total, the R value of COVID-19 will not fall below 1.81 When widespread testing was
made available in the United States, an unfortunate externality was that testing turnaround
time lengthened, reducing the effectiveness of contact tracing. Georgetown’s COVID-Local
Guide recommends that contact tracers reach 75 percent of each positive patient’s close
contacts within a day of testing.82 Contact tracers across the country struggle to meet the
recommendation: Miami-Dade’s county health department was reaching an average of
only 18 percent of positive cases in July; contact tracers in DC reached 60 percent in their
first tries; in Louisiana, contact tracers had only a 48 percent response rate in early June.83
The high rate of around 40 percent of asymptomatic cases also makes contact tracing less

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With the delay between onset of symptoms and testing, between testing and receiving a
positive result, and between receiving a positive result and tracing all contacts, it becomes
significantly more difficult to rely on the individual’s recollection for contacts’ details, since
the critical contacts from the infectious period would have been from nearly two weeks
earlier. Contact tracing would work ideally if contacts can be traced before the end of the
case’s infectious period.84

Beyond issues of scale, contact tracing also faces a number of cultural incompatibilities
in American society. Many Americans see contact tracing as a violation of their civil
rights and are unwilling to share information with contact tracers. The New York Times
revealed that the city’s Test and Trace Corps has interviewed 64 percent of the nearly
20,000 positive cases in June and July, but only 35 percent in June and 42 percent in
July have shared information about their close contacts.85 There has been difficulty not
only in reaching all potentially exposed contacts, but also in engaging these contacts
to cooperate. While in Miami contact tracers had poor outreach of only 18 percent of
the infected in the last two weeks of July, 25 percent of the contacts refused to pick up
the phone in Maryland.86 In Houston, New Jersey, and Southern California, half of the
contacts who picked up the phone refused to cooperate.87 Alternatively, in Philadelphia, half
of the patients claimed that they had no contacts.88 Even after contact tracers advise close
contacts of a confirmed exposure to self-quarantine, many refuse to follow such guidelines,
rendering the contact tracing effort futile. In Seattle, 80 percent of contacts asked to self-
quarantine did not do so.89

The majority of states conduct initial contact tracing outreach via manual calls, followed
by emails and text messages for those who fail to answer the phone. Due to suspicion
over picking up telephone calls from unknown numbers out of spam and fraud concerns,
contacts choose not to answer the phone from contact tracers.90 While the tracers need to
first ascertain the identity of the contacts before sharing more private information, direct,
personal questions up front (such as asking for the contact’s address) can exacerbate the
sense of suspicion and decrease the likelihood of cooperation.

Contact tracing apps face a number of challenges and are unlikely to be as successful
as initially desired. The major challenges in obtaining an effective contact tracing app
are to overcome data privacy concerns, achieve widespread adoption of an app, and
engineer an app’s data inputs to supplement Bluetooth and improve accuracy. Americans
are overwhelmingly wary of data privacy. According to Pew Research polls, 60 percent
of Americans think location tracking through cell phones will not make a difference in
limiting the spread of COVID-19. In addition, a 2019 survey found a large majority of
Americans believed the potential risks of data collection by companies and the federal
government outweighed the potential benefits.91 The majority of concerns stem from the
average citizen’s lack of knowledge about data, its collection, and its uses. Individuals,
especially minority populations who face discrimination, will remain skeptical unless the

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government delineates which data would be collected, how data would be used, how long it
would be kept, and with whom it would be shared.

Contact tracing apps relying on Bluetooth technology also face several technological
challenges. While Bluetooth allows rapid tracking of possible contacts, the technology
cannot differentiate between a one-foot distance between two people and a ten-foot
distance. Its inability to calculate distances between individuals within Bluetooth range
leads to a higher probability of reporting contacts that should not be of concern. For
example, a phone may connect via Bluetooth to a grocery shopper one aisle over from
where another shopper is standing. If one of them tests positive, it will notify the other app
user even when direct contact was unlikely to have occurred. In another situation, signal
strength may be disrupted by walls, pants pockets, or other factors.92 Given these issues,
one must take into account the resulting false positives and false negatives. A solution to
this problem is to combine Bluetooth technology with geolocation data collection in any
contact tracing app or use triangulation in the app to pinpoint location.

In conclusion, contact tracing apps cannot be relied on as the sole guarantor of ending an
epidemic. Their use is not worthless, as they can quickly notify users of potential contact
with COVID-19-positive individuals. However, they must serve only as a supplementary tool
to standard contact tracing.

Decentralize contact tracing  Engaging businesses and schools is necessary to scale up
contact tracing sufficiently to match hundreds of thousands of new cases per week. Instead
of states or counties hiring tracers, another model would be recommending that businesses
and schools operate their own contact tracing effort where it is necessary to increase
confidence in opening or to protect against large-scale transmission in work environments
that require employees to be in close proximity to one another (e.g., meat-packing plants).
These teams could consist of as few as one person depending on the size of the institution
and would be in charge of tracing contacts within the institution. The businesses and
schools would be responsible for training the contact tracers according to local or state
guidelines. Businesses would record which employees had overlapping shifts, and schools
would monitor students and faculty who took classes together. If an employee, student, or
faculty member tested positive, contact tracers would inform other employees, students,
and faculty members whom the sick individual had interacted with and recommend that
they quarantine themselves for two weeks. This model has several advantages over current

• Scalability. Recommending decentralized contact tracing in appropriate scenarios

allows the government to distribute responsibility for tracing to a wider group of
stakeholders, and allows institutions to adapt their contact tracing methods to the

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environment they operate in for the specific purposes they identify. As long as the
benefits institutions gain outweigh the costs they incur by hiring contact tracers,
they will have a positive incentive to participate. Several companies and schools
have already created these teams without government intervention, such as
Harvard,93 Ohio State,94 General Motors, and Tesla.95 Partnerships between public
health agencies and institutions allows the agencies to disseminate best practices and
expand the number of contact tracers while allowing businesses and schools to reopen
while keeping their employees safe. Over half of US companies are already planning
to enact contact tracing plans; partnering with them to do so will improve the final

• Speed and adaptability. Engaging businesses and schools in contact tracing will
allow faster tracing of contacts, which will slow the rate of infection. Identifying
potential contacts and getting in touch with them can take a substantial amount
of time, as tracers have to work out the patterns of life of each sick individual and
then reach out to those they were in contact with. This is especially difficult if the
initial patient is suffering from symptoms and cannot talk at length with contact
tracers. Decentralizing tracing allows each business or school to design a system best
suited to their environment. The system a school needs is not the same as the system
a restaurant needs and is not the same as the system an office environment needs.
Instead of having contact tracers with no knowledge of the environment try to figure it
out, a more decentralized model allows institutions to have data on hand about likely
contacts and act immediately on that information.

• Trust. Decentralizing contact tracing to the businesses and schools that citizens work
in or attend makes it more likely that sick individuals will divulge information about
their contacts, especially if they know that information will not leave their institution.
As discussed above, distrust of the government has hamstrung contact tracing efforts
in the United States. Americans trust their employers and schools substantially more
than they trust the government, and this is a valuable resource that is not being
utilized in the current centralized model.

However, this decentralized approach will encounter some difficulties and incur some

• Costs. Many smaller businesses and schools will struggle to pay for the costs to run
contact tracing programs, especially given the economic downturn. This may lead
to some institutions not actually implementing contact tracing, doing a poor job of
implementing contact tracing by cutting corners, or not opening because of the cost. A
grant program through the federal government, states, or counties could alleviate this
burden, but would be expensive.

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• Coverage. This model would optimally provide coverage for all employed Americans
(158 million) and all students (77 million), for a total of around 235 million people.97
However, this does not include about 100 million Americans who are too young to
be in school, are unemployed, or are retired. Different methods of contact tracing
will be needed to cover them. Advertising for contact tracing apps or local efforts at
COVID-testing sites’ waiting lines would efficiently produce higher participation and

• Blind spots. By limiting the responsibilities of in-house contact tracers to employees

and students, a few areas are missed. Businesses would not be responsible for reporting
exposure to customers (although they could if they wanted to by coordinating
with local health departments). Other problems not covered are exposure in public
areas (parks, hiking trails, etc.) and on public transportation. Tracking down family
members or friends who may have been exposed is also not included in this model,
although that is probably best handled by sick individuals anyway. Overall, this
proposed system does not cover every possible interaction between individuals but
provides a potential method to rapidly scale up contact tracing in a resource- and
compliance-constrained environment.

When the use of contact tracing is appropriate, contact tracers must be paid and
not volunteers  Tracers also need to be able to work in the languages that minority
communities in the region do. Enough resources need to be put in to support anyone
expected to self-quarantine with regard to food, necessities, and insurance, in order to gain
trust from the contacts through support instead of through surveillance.99

Quick testing turnaround is necessary for contact tracing to be effective  Speed of contact
tracing is more consequential than tracing coverage in containing outward transmissions,
and rapid testing turnaround is necessary to achieve that speed. If testing takes more than
three days, no contact tracing strategy will be able to bring the RCTS (the reproduction
number for the contact tracing strategy) below 1.100 If testing takes more than one day,
then the tracing delay must be less than one additional day, or tracing coverage has to
be more than 80 percent to keep RCTS below 1. If there is a trade-off between testing and
tracing delays, minimizing testing delays is more important than minimizing tracing delays
because the longer infected individuals are not aware of their health status, the further the
infection may spread. A tracing strategy with minimized tracing delays, such as through an
app-based technology, is significantly more effective than conventional contact tracing with
long delays, even with a coverage rate as low as only 20 percent. Rapidity of testing should
be optimized to reduce delay, and mobile-app technology can serve to reduce tracing delays
and improve tracing coverage.

States should send text messages or emails to possible contacts prior to calling This
ensures that the contacts know to expect a phone call and would be more likely to answer.

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The preliminary emails and texts can either indicate a forthcoming phone call interview
or send out an electronic contact tracing survey for the contacts to complete. Should the
contacts not complete said survey by a deadline designated by the public health agency,
contact tracers can then reach out via manual phone calls. The CDC has recommended
that all contacts be interviewed within 24 hours, and optimally be interviewed as soon
as possible, so the emails and texts should emphasize the time-sensitive nature of the
communication. Furthermore, contact tracers should try to call three times before marking
a contact as unreachable, as the repetitive outreach would alleviate suspicion over it being
one-off spam. Communications should emphasize that sharing information will save
lives and facilitate the fight against the virus, in the hope of persuading contacts to speak
immediately and honestly with tracers.

Governments at all levels should be wary of reliance on contact tracing  Given the immense
difficulties in rapidly building up contact tracing teams, governments should be wary about
relying on contact tracing to combat epidemics when caseloads grow to the hundreds of
thousands. Contact tracing is a proven method for containing outbreaks at an early stage
and helping keep them under control once the rate of growth has slowed. However, if
caseloads overwhelm the public health system, it will be difficult to scale contact tracing
to the appropriate level, especially if there are issues with testing or compliance. Contact
tracing should remain a tool to bring outbreaks under control, but it cannot be the only
tool in the toolbox. If the decentralized model we propose or another model turns out to
be scalable and effective, this recommendation should be revisited. However, the current
model of contact tracing is not capable of suppressing major outbreaks in the United States.

Workforce Resilience
The stresses of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic have taken a great toll on the
American medical workforce.101 A study carried out by Feedtrail and HOLLIBLU on the
effect of COVID-19 on nurses in April 2020 found that 74 percent of respondents were
experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety at the time of response, with 67 percent
responding that they were planning to leave either their place of work or the industry as
a whole.102 A follow-up survey in May 2020 found that 61 percent of responding nurses
still hoped to leave the industry due to their experiences responding to the pandemic,
while 46 percent were likely to leave their current position or specialty and 50 percent
of respondents reported experiencing high levels of emotional stress and anxiety.103
Furthermore, a Physicians Foundation Survey conducted in August 2020 found that
58 percent of physicians currently suffer from feelings of burnout, while only 40 percent
of physicians shared those feelings in 2018.104 The experience of being a medical worker on
the front lines of the COVID-19 response has resulted in what is known as critical incident
stress. Critical incident stress is felt by workers responding to emergency events and disasters
as a result of the things they have experienced such as witnessing death or serious injuries,
which in many cases strains their ability to function as usual. Critical incident stress usually

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lasts between two days and a month but can develop into post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD), which lasts longer than four weeks after the incident.105

Medical professionals have been through a prolonged exposure to critical incident

stress throughout the pandemic, and the stresses of operating in this field have evolved
throughout the crisis. Issues with lack of proper protective equipment for medical workers
have been a source of stress throughout the pandemic, but were more intense in the
beginning weeks and months.106 Stress was further compounded as health care workers
witnessed the deaths of their fellow clinicians, both from COVID-19 and suicide as a result
of the intense pressure of serving during the pandemic. Unlike other professions operating
in areas and incidents of crisis, such as firefighters and the military, health care professionals
were faced with leaving their families in order to protect them, and living isolated without
the support system they previously relied on and without a constant support system
that can be derived from living with colleagues in the same position. Moreover, medical
professionals generally do not have adequate psychological first aid and critical incident
stress training to respond to crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. It is crucial that this
training be implemented on a broad scale across the medical field in order to best cope with
the next crisis.

As of the writing of this report, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), an agency of the United States Department of Labor, has no standards that “apply
to the hazards associated with critical incident stress.” The agency recommends sharing
information detailing the characteristics of critical incident stress, its signs and symptoms,
and how to manage it. This information includes a recommendation for Critical Incident
Stress Debriefings (CISDs) as an early-intervention process.107 FEMA recommends that these
meetings be held within seventy-two hours of the critical incident.108 While CISDs can serve
as a tool in the context of critical incident stress management, they would be insufficient
to address critical incident stress for frontline medical workers who are serving around the
clock during a pandemic. Instead, critical incident stress management training programs
that utilize pre-incident training, psycho-education, peer support, and crisis management
briefings would be hugely beneficial to the medical community. Existing, exemplary
training and support programs are detailed in Table 2.

Countries such as the United Kingdom have implemented critical incident stress
management services in the National Health Service to provide medical staff on a broad
scale with support following traumatic or critical events. Due to the nature of US health
care, it is difficult to implement this type of service on a wide scale; however, a training
program through state health departments may be more effective and easier to implement
in the lives of American health care workers.

While the long-term effects of the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical
professionals are unknown, it is vital to learn from similar crises such as the Ebola epidemic.

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Table 2. Existing critical incident stress support and training programs

Program Organization Type of program Features

Nebraska Critical Nebraska Department State program— Designed to give volunteer peer
Incident Stress of Health and Human broad focus training to provide crisis support
Management Program Services for law-enforcement officers,
firefighters, and emergency health
care professionals.

Source: “Critical Incident

Stress Management,” Nebraska
Department of Health and Human
Services, http://­dhhs​.­ne​.­gov​/­Pages​
/­EHS​- ­Critical​-­Incident​-­Stress​

Certificate in Critical University of Private university— Designed for the public health
Incident Stress Maryland, Baltimore occupation focus workforce to cope with the stress
Management (CCISM) County of their jobs.

Source: “CCISM - Certification

in Critical Incident Stress
Management,” UMBC Emergency
Health Services, https://­ccism​- ­cert​

National Interagency US Department of Federal program— Includes components that can

Wildland Fire and the Interior occupation focus be used before, during, and
Aviation Critical Incident after a crisis, for example, Pre-
Stress Management Incident Education (PIE), which
Program provides for resiliency, planning
and preparedness, acute crisis
management, and postincident

Source: “Critical Incident

Stress Management,” National
Interagency Wildland Fire and
Aviation Critical Incident Stress
Management Program, https://­

Critical Incident Stress Federal Law Federal program— Offers four programs:
Management (CISM) and Enforcement Training occupation focus •  Employee Assistance Program
Peer Support Program Centers (FLETC), • Traumatic Incident Management
Department of Program
Homeland Security •  Peer Support Program
• Spiritual Care and Volunteer
Chaplaincy Program.

Source: “Critical Incident Stress

Management (CISM) & Peer
Support Program,” Resources,
Federal Law Enforcement
Training Centers, https://­w ww​
-­management​- ­cism​-­peer​-­support​

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Table 2 (continued)

American Red Cross American Red Cross Nonprofit Course aims for individuals to
Psychological First Aid support themselves and others
Program through basic principles of
providing psychological first
aid, “including how to recognize
and manage stress [and] how to
lend support to family members,
friends and coworkers during and
following the COVID-19 outbreak.”

Source: “Psychological First Aid:

Supporting Yourself and Others
During COVID-19,” American Red
Cross Training Services, https://­
www​.­redcross​.­org ​/­take​-­a​-­class​
/­classes​/­psychological​-­f irst​
-­and​- ­others​- ­during​- ­covid​-­19​

Public Health National Association Professional Designed for those in a health or

Preparedness − Building of County and City organization emergency-management role who
Workforce Resilience Health Officials face responding to a disaster or
through the Practice of crisis within their organization.
Psychological First Aid − A
Course for Supervisors and Source: “Building Workforce
Leaders Resilience through the Practice of
Psychological First Aid – A Course
for Supervisors and Leaders,”
Courses, National Association of
County & City Health Officials,
https://­w ww​.­pathlms​.­com​/­naccho​

Organizations charged with the response, such as the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), have seen a significant effect on the mental health of their
workforce due to the stress developed from handling crises such as those in public health.
In a 2015 report, it is detailed that the private sector and nongovernmental-organization
partners were the organizations that had developed better support mechanisms for their
workforces than USAID.109 In this sense, it will be crucial to partner with private-sector
partners to develop greater support mechanisms for the frontline medical workforce in the
United States.

Furthermore, the American public as a whole is seeing a rise in indicators of anxiety and
depressive disorders. In the first half of 2019, according to the National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS), 8.2 percent of Americans surveyed suffered from symptoms of anxiety
disorder, 6.6 percent suffered from symptoms of depression, and 11 percent reported
suffering from symptoms of anxiety and/or depressive disorders.110 In July 2020, the
proportion of Americans suffering from symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorders rose

Hoover Institution  •  Stanford University


to approximately 40 percent.111 In this sense, it is imperative that mental health support

measures are amplified to help the US population through this crisis.

Train health care providers in all roles to prepare them for a potential crisis such as a
pandemic  Due to the fact that such a wide range of health practitioners have been
involved in the treatment of the virus, it is important that these professionals at every
level be given the preparation they need to better cope with the stress of a similar crisis.
Furthermore, in the midst and aftermath of a crisis, it is important that greater mental
health support be put into place for those in the medical field. This may include more
frequent mental health screenings and greater access to mental health professionals. If
mental health screenings are put in place, it is crucial that they do not affect the licenses
of health practitioners, so as to allow them to be as honest as possible, resulting in better
support. It is crucial that the measures put in place be permanent and long lasting, as the
effects of critical incident stress are long lasting and could develop even weeks after the
incident has occurred.

Leverage public-private partnerships to develop training and support models  For example,
the University of North Carolina in collaboration with Google has created an application
that is designed to give mental health support to frontline medical workers. Entitled Heroes
Health Initiative, “the app offers mental health self-assessments each week, creating a
summary report of symptoms and analysis. It also offers links to immediate help and free
and low-cost mental health resources.”112 In crises where health care providers are mobilized
across county or state lines, mobile, technology-supported resources can target support to
providers and supplement in-house medical-facility resources.

Sustain support for nonprofit organizations who are serving American frontline workers An
example of such an organization is Energize Colorado, a nonprofit “dedicated to helping
Coloradans recover and rise” from the pandemic. One of their schemes, Energize Colorado
Therapy Connection, has mobilized volunteer mental health professionals to offer free
or low-cost therapy to anyone in need, with a response time to applicants of two to three
business days. This program is similar to that of the Therapy Aid Coalition, a volunteer-run
organization that offers free or low-fee therapy for essential workers.

Expand mobilization of in-house medical facility resources  Examples of in-house medical

facility resources include social workers, psychologists, and chaplains who can conduct
mental health webinars on handling stress and burnout, be available for on-site screening
and counseling, and help refer to more resources if needed. This type of in-house support
must be expanded to offer sufficient support for the stress caused by a pandemic. For
instance, the army has combat stress control teams that are often embedded in units
stationed in conflict zones to provide on-site support for troops who might be experiencing
operational stress. Treating critical incident stress quickly is crucial in long-term stress

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reduction and prevents the development of more serious stress disorders or responses. An
initial in-house touch point for resources will ensure workers get the support they need.


In the beginning stages of the pandemic, the US government needed to mobilize all
available resources to join the battle against COVID-19. When the demand for public health
care surged, it was critical to draw on additional resources and capacity from the national-
security innovation base, “the American network of knowledge, capabilities, and people—
including academia, National Laboratories, and the private sector—that turns ideas into
innovations, transforms discoveries into successful commercial products and companies,
and protects and enhances the American way of life.”113 In April, President Trump called
for the “greatest mobilization of our society since World War II, deploying every scientific,
governmental, medical, and military resource to defeat the virus.”114

Private-sector engagement has taken shape in government funding, public institution−

private company partnership, shift in production output, and direct donations from
companies. The majority of people had high expectations for private companies to adapt
to the crisis and address new challenges for their customers. Based on the high level of
trust between individuals and their employers, not only did the private sector have more
direct influence on people’s experience in the pandemic, there was twice as much trust in a
combined government−private sector effort as in a government-alone response (45 percent
versus 20 percent).115

Increasing Private Sector Integration

Private sector engagement in the response to COVID-19 took shape in two prominent
ways: public-private partnerships to combat the virus and the private sector’s innovation
to survive during the pandemic. Public-private partnerships during COVID-19 saw robust
private sector participation in the realm of medical countermeasures. In particular,
BARDA (the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority) is a component
within HHS that provides funding and technical support to industry partners to develop
medical countermeasures that rapidly and effectively detect, prevent, and treat the medical
consequences arising during public health medical emergencies. BARDA places a special
emphasis on innovation and, during the COVID-19 pandemic response, has coordinated
efforts through its Market Research Portal and Tech-Watch Program to bring together
industry and government stakeholders to discuss innovative products and solutions that
can serve as critical components of the federal response to the pandemic. As of September 1,
BARDA had established 97 public-private partnerships and had provided funding and
technical assistance to accelerate the research of seven vaccines, nine therapeutics, and 32
diagnostic tests for COVID-19 with 15 being granted EUA by the FDA. Those 15 developers
have shipped over 45.2 million diagnostic test kits.116 BARDA also uses a streamlined
contracting mechanism under the EZ-BAA that allows BARDA to provide funding to

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innovators to accelerate the early stage development of promising technologies addressing

the nation’s biggest health care challenges.118

Outside of BARDA, the FDA began working directly with federal health partners, academia,
and industry to advance medical countermeasures against COVID-19 through a new
program called the Coronavirus Treatment Acceleration Program (CTAP) to move new
treatments to patients as soon as possible, while at the same time finding out whether they
are helpful or harmful. By the end of July 2020, over 570 drug-development programs were
in planning stages, over 270 trials were reviewed by the FDA, and two COVID-19 treatments
were authorized for emergency use.119 Furthermore, most notably, Operation Warp Speed
was launched in May as a partnership among the federal government (HHS−Department
of Defense joint project), the scientific community, and the private sector to deliver 300
million doses of a safe, effective vaccine for COVID-19 by January 2021. Congress has
directed almost $10 billion to this effort through supplemental funding, including the
CARES Act.120

In addition, to combat the spread of COVID, the private sector’s innovation was mobilized
to help support the livelihood of their workers and local communities despite the pandemic.
Large companies such as Ford, Twitter, GM, and outdoor retailer Recreational Equipment,
Inc. (REI) in Seattle have made long-range plans for remote work, expecting employees
to continue working remotely throughout the year. Meanwhile, these companies have
taken the opportunity to reimagine the work space. Amazon has even added offices in
six cities to house thousands of workers due to a surge in its business.121 These companies
have adopted an agile mind-set, shifting their perspectives to find new opportunities with
the same expertise. Most commonly, private companies have repurposed their resources
and knowledge in innovative ways to either help combat COVID-19 or seek to maintain
their business. For instance, companies in the alcohol industry, including Pernod Ricard
and Anheuser-Busch, have shifted to producing hand sanitizers; diaper manufacturers
and apparel brands such as Under Armour have shifted to producing masks; and Amazon,
Tesla, Blue Origin, and SpaceX have repurposed their rocket enterprises into 3D printing of
face shields for essential health care workers.122 Large companies have been pivoting their
production for commercial-driven or PR reasons, but struggling small businesses have been
forced to adapt. Seventy-nine percent of US small businesses say COVID has caused them
to incorporate a change to meet their customers’ needs.123 Seven percent have pivoted to
offer new goods and services to help fight the virus.124 Additionally, some investment firms
prioritized putting capital into companies that could help mitigate the pandemic or assist
with rebuilding more robust response systems.125 Popular themes of innovative business
during COVID-19 include community care, mental health, food security, helping vulnerable
groups, exercise, cooking, and serving essential workers.

Local governments have also partnered with businesses to protect local communities. The
National League of Cities’ COVID-19 Local Response Tracker sponsored by Bloomberg

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Philanthropies, the most complete collection of municipal responses to COVID-19, has

indicated that out of the 2,796 policies tracked up to August 31 that affected over 97 million
people across 522 cities in the United States, there were 218 policies that emphasized public-
private partnerships.126 Key policy areas with private sector contributions include preventing
COVID transmissions and flattening the curve, helping local populations with basic
securities during the pandemic, and preparing businesses and schools for reopening in the

Private communication technologies pose significant legal challenges, as current US

privacy laws have ambiguity on the role of private firms in data sharing. The United
States’ primary health-privacy law, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA), includes language allowing federal officials to waive privacy rules in case of a
public health crisis, and officials have already exercised those provisions to allow for greater
sharing of patient medical records for public health purposes. The Office for Civil Rights
(OCR) at the Department of Health and Human Services has announced that it is using its
enforcement discretion and will not impose penalties for using HIPAA-noncompliant private
communications technologies to provide telehealth services during this public health
emergency.127 Nonetheless, the 1996 law was passed when health data was primarily in the
hands of hospitals, physician offices, and insurance companies—before Apple, Facebook,
Amazon, and Google became major possessors of personal information. Legitimate concerns
around the ethics, potential loss of privacy, and long-term impact on civil liberties resulting
from the use of individual mobile data to monitor COVID-19 must be addressed.128 A key
concern is that the pandemic is used to create and legitimize surveillance tools used by
government and technology companies that are likely to persist beyond the emergency.
Such tools and enhanced access to data may be used for purposes such as law enforcement
by the government or hypertargeting by the private sector.

Use technology through private firms’ participation to make data sharing more efficient
as the public system of data collection, representation, and sharing is technologically
obsolete  The US health care industry is structured on the historically necessary model
of in-person interactions between patients and their clinicians. Governments and public
authorities frequently lack a digital mind-set in processing complex health information.
Publicly available data is not detailed enough or updated frequently enough due to
its manual input in the US hospital-data system. The private sector can contribute to
digitization of data collection and automation of data representation through dashboards,
smartphone applications, or maps. These technologies include artificial intelligence, big
data, smart-city infrastructure, and geographic information system (GIS) technologies.

Leverage the private sector’s flexibility and agility to work across sectors and regions An
effective response requires multidisciplinary expertise (e.g., mixing location and health data

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with specialized modeling) and establishment of necessary interdisciplinary collaborations.

The private sector can easily collaborate with academia and the public sector to collect
expertise from public health science communities beyond the government. It can also
establish platforms for data sharing across a variety of jurisdictions, such as between
subnational jurisdictions of different countries. Furthermore, the private sector can
contribute its existing business network to facilitating connections, such as through the
venture capital network of relationships.129 Each of these capabilities may be put to use to
generate a plan to more quickly characterize the next virus than we did with COVID-19
in order to better inform policy decisions early on.

Regulation and Testing

Regulations and policies struggled to meet demand for the variety of testing options. FDA
Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) regulations delayed the use of other, potentially faster
and easier tests developed by the private sector. Though scientists at commercial labs,
major hospitals, and universities began developing their own coronavirus tests, these were
undeployed until March due to the FDA’s slow and stringent EUA approval process.130 The
stringent criteria discouraged some labs with novel tests from seeking FDA approval, and
potentially disincentivized others from developing their own tests.131 Hence, though the
United States has among the most-skilled scientists, bureaucratic regulations meant that it
lagged behind other countries in testing for the virus. The FDA was concerned that false
test results from poor-quality tests would exacerbate the public health crisis. It struggled to
achieve a balance between rapidity and reliability of tests.

This issue was addressed starting February 29, 2020, when the FDA loosened regulations.
It allowed high-complexity labs132 to develop and begin using for clinical testing their
own validated coronavirus tests “before the FDA has completed review of their [EUA]
requests.”133 The policy of retroactive FDA approval for qualified labs allowed the FDA
to expedite testing availability without lowering its standards for issuing EUAs. Starting
March 12, the FDA issued EUAs to a series of diagnostics companies, such as LabCorp and
Quest Diagnostics.134 And on March 16, the FDA updated its policy to allow state public
labs to authorize tests at other labs without the need for additional FDA approval, passing
regulatory authority for COVID-19 diagnostic testing to states.135 Furthermore, the FDA’s
February 29 policy was expanded to allow commercial manufacturers to distribute their
validated tests prior to FDA official review, under certain conditions.136 Over time, the US
innovation base of commercial labs and academic institutions produced easier and faster
tests. These include Yale’s “game-changer” saliva test, SalivaDirect, which received FDA
EUA on August 15.137 No longer was the United States dependent on a single test—the CDC
2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR—or on the few labs able to run that test. Nonetheless, the
delay in mobilizing the private sector had exacerbated the challenge of containment. By
February 27, evidence of community spread was already detected in California (see Seattle
Flu Study Anecdote).

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Anecdote: The Seattle Flu Study

The Seattle Flu Study illustrates missed opportunities to leverage the private sector’s testing capacity due
to rigid regulations.* The Seattle Flu Study found an innovative local solution to the United States’ testing
problem—repurposing their extant flu-study nasal swab samples to quickly identify infection spread in
the community. The study, directed by Dr. Helen Chu, was collecting hundreds of nasal swabs every week
from residents experiencing flu symptoms, in order to study the spread of respiratory viral illnesses in the
community. Hence, when the coronavirus pandemic struck, they already had an infrastructure in place to
rapidly test thousands of precollected samples and identify virus spread in the Puget Sound region.

However, several regulations hindered this repurposing: Chu’s lab was a research, not a clinical, lab; it had
created its own coronavirus test that was not yet FDA approved; and it did not have the explicit permission
of the flu-study subjects to repurpose their samples for coronavirus testing. Hence, the researchers could
not report their coronavirus test results to anyone outside their research team. Discussions with state,
CDC, and FDA officials for a solution were futile. A CDC official, Gayle Langley, wrote in a February 16
email, “If you want to use your test as a screening tool, you would have to check with F.D.A.” However, the
FDA could not approve their coronavirus test because their lab was not certified as a clinical lab under
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services regulations—a process that could take weeks.†

By February 25, the frustrated research team had decided to proceed with testing their samples using their
unapproved coronavirus test. On February 27, they detected their first positive COVID-19 case—a local
teenager with no recent travel history. The finding suggested that community spread was already occurring
on American soil, undetected. (As the virus’s transmission into the United States coincided with the annual
influenza season, syndromic surveillance systems tracking respiratory illness in outpatient settings and
emergency departments did not detect “unusual trends during the early part of the acceleration period.”)‡

Though technically prohibited from doing so, the research team decided to report to the local health
authority, which confirmed the test result the next morning. The teenager was located and stopped
right before he entered his school building. However, in discussions with CDC and FDA representatives
about the incident, the Seattle Flu Study was told to stop testing for COVID-19. The next day, officials
partially relented, allowing them to test and report cases, but only in future samples. They had to use a
new consent form explicitly mentioning that the coronavirus test results may be shared with local health
officials. They could not test their thousands of previously collected samples. However, on March 2,
the Seattle Flu Study’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) “determined that it would be unethical for the
researchers not to test and report the results in a public health emergency.” The study researchers found
and reported many more cases, until they were stopped again on March 9 by state officials who noted
that they had to complete their certification as a clinical lab to proceed with clinical testing.§ This back-
and-forth illustrates how bureaucratic red tape hampered innovative approaches to testing during the
public health emergency. It also reveals difficult trade-offs between privacy and security during rises.

* “Welcome to the Seattle Flu Study,” Seattle Flu Study, https://­seattleflu​.­org​/­scan.

† Sheri Fink and Mike Baker, “ ‘It’s Just Everywhere Already’: How Delays in Testing Set Back the U.S.
Coronavirus Response,” New York Times, March 10, 2020, https://­w ww​.­nytimes​.­com​/­2020​/­03​/­10​/­us​
/­coronavirus​-­testing​-­delays​.­html​.­; https://­w ww​.­propublica​.­org ​/­article​/­cdc​-­coronavirus​-­covid​-­19​-­test.

‡ “Public Health Response to the Initiation and Spread of Pandemic COVID-19 in the United States,
February 24–April 21, 2020,” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, CDC, https://­w ww​.­cdc​.­gov​/­mmwr​

§ Fink and Baker, “ ‘It’s Just Everywhere Already.’ ”

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While regulatory barriers to new testing had been lowered, many academic, commercial,
and state labs still lacked the operational capacity to handle a large volume of tests.
They were unprepared to handle surging demand for testing, particularly following
announcements of expanded testing criteria, and soon had a backlog of patient swabs.138
Meanwhile, supply shortages in testing components (e.g., swabs, virus control samples,
reagents, RT-PCR instruments) meant that other labs could not fulfill their theoretical
operational capacity.139

Public-private partnerships need to create an approach that does not force customers to
choose between privacy and safety  It is important to ensure data minimization, time
sensitivity, and anonymization, and in particular that current technologies and data will
not be repurposed in the future for commercial advantage. There needs to be more effort
spent on building trust and ensuring transparency in private-sector engagement than on
the actual solution. In the United States, since there will be no government-mandated
technology (e.g., a mandatory contact tracing application), it is important to provide
guidance through private companies’ products. In addition, educational programs on civil
liberties for the public and on privacy laws for technology companies can address concerns
around private-sector engagement in the response to COVID.

Scientific research exemption must be made more broadly available to private-sector

organizations under established legal boundaries  DPAs should confirm that data-
protection laws provide that scientific research is exempted from some of the data-protection
law requirements (refer to Article 89 of the General Data Protection Regulation).140
Private companies would be better equipped to decide between adhering to privacy laws
and public interest under complete legislation. In addition, data-protection laws require
that data be accurate, relevant, and adequate to the stated purpose for which it was
collected. Therefore, a voluntary basis for data provision can result in inaccurate and biased
results due to the insufficient amount of data collected. The government may consider
taking a stronger stance to ensure that some data is shared with public entities when

The federal government must provide purchase guarantees for private, domestic
manufacturers of PPE  While private firms had the incentive and capability to pivot
production to PPE or ramp up production in existing manufacturing facilities, the key
challenge to scaling up PPE production was the fear of having no buyer. Indeed, companies
would be far more willing to surge and sustain production capacity over the long term if the
federal government were to provide guaranteed contracts to purchase PPE for government
stockpiles. Sustained production capacity during noncrisis times will ultimately be key to
being able to successfully ramp up production during the next pandemic. While the will to
do so might be strong in the immediate term, as COVID fades into the background in the

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coming years, legislative action from Congress will likely be needed to legally mandate HHS
to purchase a minimum amount of PPE each year.

Establish routine management of private-sector engagement in the public health sector

through building long-term partnerships  These must include mixed, diverse expertise
for immediate and rapid action. These “standing” mixed teams can include collaboration
among infectious-disease modelers, epidemiologists, and researchers of mobile network−
operator laboratories, in addition to the support from public health authorities. They would
work with up-to-date technology and predefined legal prescriptions and protocols on data
access, possession, and utilization. During regular time, these standing organizations would
not require significant funding to maintain. For instance, the C19 Coalition estimates that
$1 million would be able to support its network for more than 10 years.142

Leveraging Testing Niches

The United States must develop a testing strategy for this and future pandemics. A strategic
testing response will shift at different stages of a pandemic. Comprehensive testing of
travelers early in a global pandemic helps guard against travel-related importations of a
disease. However, especially as community spread occurs, it is essential to quickly identify
the infection spread and severity, and the groups most susceptible. For COVID-19, an
expanding testing tool kit is at policy makers’ disposal. Each type of test has a specific use
and niche that could fit into a larger testing strategy. This section describes the uses and
limitations of three prevalent COVID-19 tests: RT-PCR, antigen tests, and antibody tests.

Real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) testing is the primary
method for diagnosing an individual with an active SARS-CoV-2 infection. The RT-PCR
test specifically detects viral genetic material from a collected sample (nasopharyngeal,
nasal, oral, or other sample type) and then amplifies the DNA exponentially through the
PCR amplification process until a cycle threshold (Ct) is achieved for a positive diagnosis.143
These highly sensitive and specific tests produce results in a few hours but require highly
trained personnel to operate the complex laboratory equipment for testing. While RT-PCR
results provide the most accurate results, they do not differentiate between RNA from
infectious virus particles and RNA from remnant inactive genetic material, and therefore
cannot provide information on infectiousness. Additionally, if the Ct for the RT-PCR is
set too high to increase test sensitivity, the likelihood of producing false positives also
increases. False positives can also result from cross contamination due to poor testing
quality. RT-PCR testing capacity was hampered at the start of the US epidemic due to an
internal CDC preference for an in-house diagnostic test to be distributed to the public
health labs around the country instead of implementing a commercially available foreign
diagnostic test at both public and private labs to quickly increase testing rollout and
capacity.144 Further delays occurred due to contamination issues with the CDC test kit, while
FDA regulations and lengthy review processes added to the loss of precious time to find and

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isolate early cases of infections, allowing the virus to spread throughout communities across
the country. The CDC did not tap commercial manufacturers to help develop and distribute
the RT-PCR test kit early enough, and they did not initially engage commercial laboratories
that would be doing the bulk of the diagnostic testing, rather than the public health
laboratories. It is clear that high demand for testing without enough testing infrastructure
and test kits can cause backlogs that delay test results and data sharing.

Similar to RT-PCR, rapid antigen tests can identify active SARS-CoV-2 infections by
detecting specific proteins of the virus as it is replicating.145 Antigen tests have the advantage
of being performed at a point-of-care setting, such as a doctor’s office, with results provided
in under 30 minutes, and thus do not require expensive equipment beyond a reader for
some tests or trained professionals to conduct the tests. Additionally, they are cheaper to
produce, can be made in large quantities, and do not require a cold chain for distribution.
However, they are less sensitive than PCR tests, despite manufacturers’ claims, and are
therefore more likely to produce a false result.146 Rapid antigen tests perform best when
the person is tested in the early stages of infection with SARS-CoV-2 when viral load is
generally highest, rather than in general screening that includes asymptomatic cases. Rapid
antigen tests are a type of lateral-flow assay that, due to the lack of signal amplification,
is less sensitive than RT-PCR tests. The lower sensitivity has resulted in highly varying
concordances (0−94%) to RT-PCR in a number of recent published studies. Since antigen
tests may miss true positives, it has been suggested by CDC and others that an RT-PCR
test should be used as a confirmatory test on antigen-negative samples if the patient is
symptomatic or has been exposed. New World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines
for the use of antigen tests indicate that only rapid antigen tests with demonstrated test
performance of greater than or equal to 80 percent sensitivity and greater than or equal
to 97 percent specificity compared to a reference RT-PCR assay should be used in various
scenarios, including when there is limited RT-PCR testing or the turnaround times are
unhelpful for clinical utility.147 It is key that recipients of antigen tests must understand that
a negative result is only presumptive and may require a confirmatory RT-PCR test.

Antibody tests, also known as serology tests because they use a blood sample for testing,
measure the presence of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies to determine whether an individual
has had an infection in the past. Antibodies are a sign of an immune response to an
infection. Antibody tests come in a variety of testing formats from laboratory based to
point-of-care rapid tests and their testing performance, especially their sensitivity, varies
widely. It is crucial to note that the presence of antibodies does not equate to protective
immunity. Multiple scientific articles suggest that SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels decline
over time, implying that COVID-19 immunity is not long lasting, though the research on
this very important topic is ongoing in order to learn whether other components of the
immune system contribute to any form of protection from infection.148 Instead of using
antibody tests to determine individual immunity, representative cross-sectional serosurveys

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Table 3. Testing type niches

Test type Attributes Limitations

RT-PCR Detects active SARS-CoV-2 infection Slow result turnaround if demand > lab
High sensitivity testing capacity
High throughput testing Expensive and labor intensive

CRISPR Detects active SARS-CoV-2 infection Technology still in development

Point-of-care results Requires equipment and some level of skill
Inexpensive to perform
Not widely available yet

Antigen Detects active SARS-CoV-2 infection Low sensitivity

Point-of-care testing Requires high viral load for detection
Inexpensive Requires a confirmatory test

Antibody Detects previous SARS-CoV-2 infection Performance of a single test likely to provide
High-throughput laboratory testing false positive results to individuals
Point-of-care testing Low sensitivity if tested within 0−2 weeks
Essential to determining infection after symptom onset (false negative)
fatality rate

should be conducted repeatedly to map the change in disease prevalence over time. These
serosurveys also provide important information on key demographics (age, race, etc.) of
who is most likely to be infected and where, indicators that would help target specific
groups and communities to prevent further transmission. Additionally, such efforts would
help the scientific community identify the virus’s infection fatality rate and help policy
makers determine both the seriousness of the danger and the distribution of resources
across the nation according to disease prevalence. Accuracy around the serosurveys is of
major concern, though, given the performance of current tests granted Emergency Use
Authorization by the FDA. Furthermore, sensitivity is extremely low for nearly all tests if
patients are tested within the first seven days of symptom onset when antibodies have not
developed yet. It is advised that samples be taken at least three weeks after symptom onset.
Even so, a test with low sensitivity (below 95 percent) will produce many false positives
that will result in an elevated disease prevalence unless a second confirmatory test is used
in a serial testing format. Antibody tests, when used in the right setting, can provide key
insights into the epidemic that no other type of test can provide.

As long as PCR testing personnel and resources are limited and data lags are still an
issue, there will be a trade-off. Increasing reliance on antigen tests compared to PCR tests
will provide quicker data collection, reduce lags, and allow a greater proportion of the
population to be tested, but carries the risk of a higher number of false negatives and false
positives due to antigen tests’ low sensitivity. On the other end, sidelining antigen tests in
favor of PCR tests lowers the risk of false negatives but increases false positives because of
PCR’s higher sensitivity. Under excess demand, PCR tests succumb to lab analysis backlogs,
data delays, and limited testing supply.

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In any public health emergency, point-of-care testing is a necessity to provide timely results
and to meet demand. Current technologies cannot provide highly specific and rapid point-
of-care results, but future innovative efforts could focus on achieving this objective. Two
possible avenues in improving pandemic diagnostic response reside in mass spectrometry
and more-sensitive antigen tests.149

Utilize pool testing early on in the public health emergency  Limited testing supplies,
supply chain bottlenecks, and lofty expenses are all realistic concerns in epidemics and
pandemics alike. Labs may adopt pooled testing in order to increase testing capacity.
Pooled testing is when more than one sample is combined into a “pool” and tested in one
RT-PCR test. If the pool result is negative, then each sample tested in the pool is assumed
to be negative. If the pool result is positive, then it is necessary to deconstruct the pool
and test each sample individually to determine which sample(s) is positive. Pooling allows
increased testing efficiency by using fewer testing supplies, but the trade-off is a slight
decrease in testing sensitivity. The efficiency that is gained with pooling can be obtained
only if the positivity rate in a region is relatively low, preferably under 10 percent.150 Early
in disease outbreaks, pooling is recommended because the positivity rate is still relatively
low and there is a higher probability of supply shortages to meet demand as supply chains
become functional.

Employ an antigen-first, RT-PCR-second testing algorithm  For this strategy to work, the
antigen test must have a high sensitivity, closer to that of the PCR test. The inexpensive,
point-of-care antigen test allows rapid testing of a large number of individuals. Those with
a positive result should self-quarantine and cooperate with contact tracers. Individuals
with a negative antigen test result should follow up with a highly sensitive RT-PCR test for
confirmation of the negative result.

Conduct a two-round serial antibody-testing algorithm in communities to help determine the

infection fatality rate (IFR) and allocate resources  A serosurvey would allow medical and
public health officials to understand the spread of the virus in a population by identifying
both symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals at a given point in time. It must be noted
that timing of the antibody sample matters and is a limitation of this type of testing. If the
antibody test is conducted too soon after exposure, it will not detect a significant level of
antibodies.151 If the test is conducted too late postexposure, antibodies may have declined
below detection levels. Although some of the antibody tests available now have sensitivities
and specificities greater than 90 percent, when applied to large testing populations
where the prevalence is suspected to be low, the antibody test will identify more false
positives than true positives. Given our knowledge from other diseases, such as HIV, it is
recommended that two or more tests be used in a serial-testing algorithm to determine the
presence of antibodies in a sample. This increases the overall positive predictive value and

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provides a much more accurate picture of COVID-19 prevalence. Such tests do not have
to be performed on the whole population. They may be randomized at first, then later
expanded according to clinical needs.

Therapeutics and Vaccines

SARS-CoV-2 will likely not be eradicated because of its airborne transmission, its ability
to mutate, and uncertainty over permanent immunity. Realistically, societies may expect
mitigation of the virus through a combination of vaccinations, societal immunity, and
therapeutics. A vaccine alone cannot serve as a silver bullet, but there is a potential for drugs
to reduce disease severity, decrease fatality, inhibit secondary infections, and ameliorate

Therapeutics in the COVID-19 pandemic and future pandemics may attempt to intervene
directly in the virus life cycle and should also focus on preventing secondary infections.
As the scientific community learns more about the virus’s behavior and transmission, more
medications targeting different stages of the replication cycle are being developed, which
will make the virus more manageable.

Instead of dedicating efforts solely to developing new medications that will eliminate the
SARS-CoV-2 virus, it may be advantageous to consider currently available medicines used in
previous coronavirus outbreaks as potential treatments.

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers tested orphan drug compounds, primarily
antivirals, and tested them for efficacy on SARS-CoV-2.153 This research led to the
development of experimental drugs that, although their immediate effectiveness is
impossible to determine, signal to society that therapeutics will be developed over time and
used as tools in the fight against the novel coronavirus.

Therapeutics alone, while saving lives, will not drastically reduce the number of COVID-19
cases unless there is a drug that may be taken as a prophylactic. Herd immunity is often
achieved through a combination of vaccines and natural immunity.154 Advocating solely
for natural immunity in a virus to which immunity is likely temporary may harm the
vulnerable because passing the threshold would require a vast majority of the population
to become infected within a short time period. Relying solely on vaccination for immunity
is ineffective because it uses one or a few epitopes to trigger the immune response, while
natural immunity leads to many different viral epitopes. In an analogy, a vaccine is like
blocking the virus with a single key (monoclonal) whereas natural immunity blocks the
virus with many keys (polyclonal).155 Natural and vaccine immunity in tandem can be a
successful initial viral control.

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Examine past scientific literature and focus on existing therapeutics before designing new
therapeutics  Instead of beginning from a blank slate, one should examine the literature
from past epidemics of similar diseases. In the case of SARS-CoV-2, it would be beneficial to
initially identify successful drugs from the SARS-CoV-1 epidemic and try to recycle those
drugs if they are effective. Then, the focus may shift to designing new therapeutics.

Recognize and publicize the potential benefits of therapeutics to return to “new”

normalcy  Existing and new drugs that disrupt different stages of the viral life cycle or
inhibit secondary infections are all tools that could reduce a disease’s mortality rate. If
symptoms are abated or the infectious period is reduced, there could be shortened self-
quarantine times and quicker recovery. One might assume that if there are sufficient
measures to support recovery, fears of the consequences of catching the virus would be
reduced. This knowledge may be especially useful once safe and effective vaccines are
developed and distributed to stabilize the spread of a novel virus.

Engage in community outreach for vaccine uptake  Community leaders must begin
outreach before the vaccine is distributed. It is critical that the public recognize a shared
community responsibility to be vaccinated. The government must also provide correct and
comprehensive information to the public related to any possible vaccination, including the
vaccination’s effectiveness and the possibilities and probabilities of serious side effects. Clear
communication and proactive encouragement rather than shaming is the optimal method
of increasing vaccine uptake.

Continue research partnership with the private sector to pursue and distribute a safe and
effective vaccine  The United States is a global leader in vaccine research and advancing
safe, promising clinical trials, as evidenced by Operation Warp Speed. However, a vaccine
will only be as effective as our ability to distribute it effectively.156 Operation Warp Speed,
BARDA, and similar public-private partnerships should continue.

Apply lessons from early PPE supply chain challenges to vaccine production and
distribution  Vaccine distribution is likely to be confronted by similar challenges to early
PPE distribution as actors and states from different regions compete for a finite supply.
The federal government should continue to prepare for supply chain bottlenecks of
the various components of the drug and housing that might threaten the potential for
immediate distribution of the vaccine agent. For example, estimates predict a bottleneck in
pharmaceutical-grade glass that will trigger hoarding of initial vaccine supplies potentially
ready for American citizens. Vaccine distribution efforts will also be impacted by the
number of doses required for immunization; the need for multiple injections would
place a multiplier effect on the supply chain, particularly for understockpiled materials
like pharmaceutical-grade glass. There is precedent for emergency-use authorization for

H. R. McMaster et al.  •  Preparing for the Next Pandemic


distribution of medical supplies in the distribution of antibodies for anthrax after 9/11, but
the COVID-19 vaccine distribution would be on a larger scale and would need to overcome
significant logistical challenges.

Incentivizing PPE Production

There are insufficient economic incentives for US companies to produce critical medical
supplies domestically. Additionally, there are insufficient incentives for companies
poised to innovate new solutions, especially given how they might be profiting from the
current just-in-time nature of the supply chain that takes advantage of efficiencies gained
from low inventories, supplier concentration, and economies of scale. The primacy of
single-use disposable masks in American markets allows for manufacturers to profit
without investing in more-expensive raw materials to produce multiuse masks. Physicians
treating COVID-19 patients at varying times during the pandemic were forced to reuse
masks intended for single use or that were exposed to COVID-19-positive patients.157
Further investment in the manufacturing capacity of more-expensive N95, N99, or
N100 medical masks would benefit American physicians and citizens. As the personnel
and machines that make materials for such masks are costly and would require at least
minimum-wage compensation, these masks are not profitable to make in times of limited
demand. The low margins for production extend to generic drugs and other medical
material, which poses a health risk to the nation when global supply chains cannot
procure sufficient equipment to address the pandemic. While the private sector might
have the incentives to engage in such production during a crisis, to reduce the initial
response time during the next pandemic the government must step in as a guaranteed

Without a sufficient domestic manufacturing capacity, countries like the United States
become beholden to the so-called “mask diplomacy” of other countries, such as China, in
order to procure enough PPE to meet demand.158 Geopolitical interests and tensions give rise
to the risk of adversarial states having dangerous leverage over the United States. In addition
to manufacturing capacity, the supply chains for the raw materials necessary for PPE
production must be closely examined, as a similar risk exists. While manufacturing capacity
can be increased if demand spikes, the process of increasing such capacity is complicated
and takes far too long to be able to meet immediate need, which leads to insufficient
supplies and ultimately more deaths.

The United States must establish and maintain a minimum level of domestic sourcing
capacity for raw materials and manufacturing capacity  Efforts to establish such capacity
could be modeled after programs designed to maintain a minimum size of the US Merchant
Marine or the annual acquisition of Tomahawk missiles for national security purposes. This
medical-industrial complex keeps buying lines open in preparation for a potential surge,

Hoover Institution  •  Stanford University


ultimately giving HHS a healthy medical-industrial base akin to the Department of Defense,
which also has a network of labs across the globe to deal with emerging diseases, among
other issues of force protection. Under such a system the HHS would have the required
ability to manage a US-based manufacturing base that can surge in response to future crises,
including pandemics or natural disasters such as wildfires.

Engaging the international community is essential in negotiating economic incentives for

PPE production  Cooperative manufacturing and distribution networks with American
allies would increase production of PPE and address national security concerns associated
with mask diplomacy. Government-to-government contact would benefit the United States
by targeting production in nations with greater manufacturing capacity where PPE materials
are produced and would ease the flow of PPE across borders. Determining the degree to
which the United States should rely on allies for raw material and equipment production
would require dialogue between government leaders. For example, leaders may express
different levels of comfort with sourcing masks from Honduras or Mexico rather than
from China, or they may prefer that they all be American made. Furthermore, having an
adequate supply of PPE could enable the United States to lead a future global response to the
next pandemic.

This study is meant as a starting point for those who are developing policies and practical
solutions that improve our ability to respond to a biomedical emergency or crisis. It will
have achieved its purpose if organizations across the public and private sectors use this
study to ensure a higher degree of preparedness. The issues included in the study, as well
as those beyond the scope of this report (e.g., implications of the pandemic response for
the continuation of chronic care and mental health of the population) warrant further
investigation. However, this report has captured a number of preliminary lessons to
facilitate the mobilization of the biomedical response to an emergency. The application
of these lessons must rise above the partisan vitriol and focus on areas of agreement to
produce targeted and effective policies that will save as many lives as possible, and that
will inspire unity, cooperation, and collaboration from the state house to the White
House, from the local promenade to the National Mall, and from the family room to the

The resources on which this study is based can be accessed at the Hoover Institution Library
& Archives. For more information, please call (650) 723-3563.

The research team wishes to commend the civilians, public servants, and soldiers who
have mobilized to fight the COVID-19 pandemic so far. The team is indebted to the

H. R. McMaster et al.  •  Preparing for the Next Pandemic


policy makers, public health practitioners, health care workers, and experts whom they
interviewed to make the report possible, including Scott Atlas, Stephen Austin, Jay
Bhattacharya, Beth Cole, Lori Ferrante, Howard Forman, Sydney Frankenberg, Andreas
Hieke, Fred Hockett, Tom Liebig, Brooke Lierman, Conor McClintock, Matt Meyer, Craig
Montuori, Michael O’Guinn, Tomas Philipson, Yen Pottinger, Mike Schiller, Dustin Shultz,
Kelly Tshibaka, Niki Tshibaka, Erin Velazquez, Fred Villa, Joe Wilson, and Martin Zizi.


Founded in 2018, the US Civilian Corps (USCC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to
strengthen America’s resilience by creating pathways to public service. The USCC vision is
for a country where every American is able to serve, strengthening our nation’s social fabric
and galvanizing the free will of the American people to counter authoritarian forces around
the world. The organization initially focused on part-time, remote, volunteer service to the
nation’s national security enterprise, harnessing the perspectives of Americans around the
world to inform policy makers.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, USCC partnered with executive search firm Odgers
Berndtson to form a coalition of business leaders, public health officials, academics, and
military leaders to mobilize human resources for state and local governments and health
facilities. USCC’s first product, a trusted human-capital ServicePlace, connects available
health care professionals to health facilities needing additional personnel.

USCC soon began to share lessons learned from engagements with government leaders
and health care professionals. Thanks to the vision of LTG (Ret.) H. R. McMaster, USCC
has partnered with Stanford University’s Hoover Institution to capture and contextualize
those lessons in this report. It is a testament to the courage, sacrifice, and insights of so
many patriots. Through the report and their trusted human-capital ServicePlace, USCC’s
aspiration is to make our nation better prepared and more resilient in the face of future
health crises.

1 ​Arman Azad and Renee Baharaeen, “CDC and 11 States Acknowledge Mixing Results of Viral and Antibody
Tests,” CNN, May 22, 2020, https://­w ww​.­cnn​.­com​/­2020​/­0 5​/­2 2​/­h ealth​/­cdc​-­mixing​- ­coronavirus​-­tests​/­index​

2 ​Alexis C. Madrigal and Robinson Meyer, “ ‘How Could the CDC Make That Mistake?,’ ” The Atlantic, May 21, 2020,
https://­w ww​.­theatlantic​.­com​/­health​/­archive​/­2020​/­05​/­cdc​-­and​-­states​-­are​-­misreporting​-­covid​-­19 ​-­test​-­data​

3 ​US Government Accountability Office, “Technology Assessment: COVID-19 Data Quality and Considerations for
Modeling and Analysis,” July 2020, https://­w ww​.­gao​.­gov​/­assets​/­710​/­708527​.­pdf​.­

Hoover Institution  •  Stanford University


4 ​Fred Schulte, “Some States are Reporting Incomplete COVID-19 Results, Blurring the Full Picture,” Scientific
American, March 25, 2020, https://­w ww​.­scientificamerican​.­com​/­article​/­some​-­states​-­are​-­reporting​-­incomplete​
- ­covid​-­19 ​-­results​-­blurring​-­the ​-­full​-­picture​/­​.­

5 ​For instance, Latinx feared that their health data would be used for non-health-related purposes such as
immigration, employment or insurance; African Americans also had lower trust for doctors, due in part to historic
racist policies such as the 1930s Tuskegee Study that left hundreds of African Americans with untreated syphilis.

6 ​Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “COVID-19 Case Surveillance Public Use Data,” https://­data​
.­cdc​.­gov​/­Case​-­Surveillance​/­COVID​-­19​- ­Case​-­Surveillance​-­Public​-­Use​-­Data​/­vbim​-­akqf​/­data.

7 ​Will Feuer, “Bill Gates says delays in coronavirus test results make them a ‘complete waste,’ ‘insane,’ ” CNBC,
July 28, 2020, https://­w ww​.­cnbc​.­com​/­2020​/­07​/­28​/­bill​-­gates​-­says​- ­delays​-­in​- ­coronavirus​-­test​-­results​-­make​-­them​-­a​

8 ​Aviv Bergman, Yehonatan Sella, Peter Agre, and Arturo Casadevall, “Oscillations in U.S. COVID-19 Incidence and
Mortality Data Reflect Diagnostic and Reporting Factors,” mSystems 5, no. 4 (July 2020):E00544-20, https://­doi​.­org​

9 ​Yen Pottinger (Senior Technical Advisor for Lab Surveillance, ICAP Columbia University), interview by
Carter Clelland and Ziyi Wang, August 19, 2020, audio, COVID-19 Oral History Collection, Hoover Institution,
Stanford, CA.

10 ​Ian Sample, “Coronavirus Exposes the Problems and Pitfalls of Modelling,” The Guardian, March 25, 2020,
https://­w ww​.­theguardian​.­com​/­science​/­2020​/­mar​/­25​/­coronavirus​-­exposes​-­the​-­problems​-­and​-­pitfalls​-­of​

11 ​For concision, we refer to nursing homes, elderly care facilities, and rehabilitation centers as “nursing homes”
in this section.

12 ​Ritu Prasad, “Coronavirus: How Bad Is the Crisis in U.S. Care Homes?,” BBC, July 13, 2020, https://­w ww​.­bbc​

13 ​CDC, “People at Increased Risk And Other People Who Need to Take Extra Precautions,” https://­w ww​.­cdc​.­gov​

14 ​CDC, “People at Increased Risk.”

15 ​US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), “HHS Initiatives to Address the Disparate Impact of
COVID-19 on African Americans and Other Racial and Ethnic Minorities,” July 2, 2020, https://­w ww​.­hhs​.­gov​/­sites​
/­default​/­f iles​/­hhs​-­fact​-­sheet​-­addressing​-­disparities​-­in​-­covid​-­19 ​-­impact​-­on​-­minorities​.­pdf.

16 ​Katie Engelhart, “What Happened in Room 10?,” California Sunday Magazine, August 23, 2020, https://­story​
.­californiasunday​.­com​/­covid​-­life​- ­care​- ­center​-­kirkland​-­washington.

17 ​Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), “COVID-19 Nursing Home Data,” https://­data​.­cms​.­gov​/­stories​
/­s​/­COVID ​-­19 ​-­Nursing​-­Home ​-­Data​/­bkwz​-­xpvg ​/­.

18 ​Jon Kamp, Christopher Weaver, and Anna Wilde Mathews, “Nursing Home Deaths Are Rising Again, Federal
Data Show,” Wall Street Journal, August 8, 2020, https://­w ww​.­wsj​.­com​/­articles​/­nursing​-­home​- ­deaths​-­are​-­rising​
-­again​-­federal​- ­data​-­show​-­11596899575.

19 ​“About 40% of U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Are Linked to Nursing Homes,” New York Times, https://­w ww​.­nytimes​

20 ​“About 40% of U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Are Linked to Nursing Homes.”

21 ​New York State Department of Health, “New York State Department of Health Issues Report On COVID-19 In
Nursing Homes,” news release, July 6, 2020, https://­w ww​.­health​.­ny​.­gov​/­press​/­releases​/­2020​/­2020​- ­07​- ­06​_­covid19​
_­nursing ​_­home​_­report​.­htm.

H. R. McMaster et al.  •  Preparing for the Next Pandemic


22 ​Luis Ferré-Sadurní and Amy Julia Harris, “Does Cuomo Share Blame for 6,200 Virus Deaths in N.Y. Nursing
Homes?,” New York Times, July 8, 2020, https://­w ww​.­nytimes​.­com​/­2020​/­07​/­08​/­nyregion​/­nursing​-­homes​- ­deaths​
-­coronavirus​.­html; Prasad, “Coronavirus: How Bad is the Crisis in U.S. Care Homes?”

23 ​Prasad, “Coronavirus: How Bad is the Crisis in U.S. Care Homes?”

24 ​CMS, “Toolkit on State Actions to Mitigate COVID-19 Prevalence in Nursing Homes,” https://­w ww​.­cms​.­gov​/­f iles​

25 ​Nicole Pelletiere, “Yale Student Leads 2,700 Making Prescription and Grocery Runs amid COVID-19 Crisis,”
Good Morning America, March 20, 2020, https://­w ww​.­goodmorningamerica​.­com​/­living​/­story​/­yale​-­student​-­leads​
-­2700 ​-­making​-­prescription​-­grocery​-­runs​- ­69708674.

26 ​Laura Romero, Halley Freger, Allison Pecorin, and Soo Rin Kim, “As coronavirus fatalities decline nationwide,
viral deaths persist in America’s nursing homes, data shows,” ABC News, August 10, 2020, https://­abcnews​.­go​
.­com​/­US​/­coronavirus​-­fatalities​-­decline​-­nationwide​-­viral​-­deaths​-­persist​-­americas​/­story​?­id​=­72271389; HHS,
“HHS Announces Allocations of CARES Act Provider Relief Fund for Nursing Homes,” news release, August 7, 2020,
https://­w ww​.­hhs​.­gov​/­about​/­news​/­2020​/­08​/­07​/­hhs​-­announces​-­allocations​-­of​-­cares​-­act​-­provider​-­relief​-­fund​-­for​

27 ​CMS, “Trump Administration Announces New Resources to Protect Nursing Home Residents Against COVID-19,”
news release, July 22, 2020, https://­www​.­cms​.­gov​/­newsroom​/­press​-­releases​/­trump​-­administration​-­announces​
-­new​-­resources​-­protect​-­nursing​-­home​-­residents​-­against​-­covid​-­19; Anna Wilde Mathews and Jon Kamp, “Trump
Administration to Mandate COVID-19 Tests for Nursing-Home Staff,” Wall Street Journal, July 22, 2020, https://­

28 ​CDC, “Preparing for COVID-19 in Nursing Homes,” https://­w ww​.­cdc​.­gov​/­coronavirus​/­2019​-­ncov​/­hcp​/­long​-­term​


29 ​Engelhart, “What Happened in Room 10?”

30 ​CMS, “Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Requirements for Long-Term Care Facilities: Regulatory Provisions
To Promote Efficiency, and Transparency,” Federal Registrar, proposed rule 84 FR 34737, July 18, 2019, https://­
www​.­federalregister​.­gov​/­documents​/­2019​/­07​/­18​/­2019 ​-­14946​/­medicare ​-­and​-­medicaid​-­programs​-­requirements​

31 ​CDC, “Infection Prevention Training,” Long-term Care Facilities, June 10, 2020, https://­w ww​.­cdc​.­gov​

32 ​Elderly care community administrator interview content, who highlighted that donated iPads kept residents
in touch with their families during difficult times.

33 ​Engelhart, “What Happened in Room 10?”

34 ​“Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Resources for Employers and Workers,” California Labor & Workforce
Development Agency, https://­w ww​.­labor​.­ca​.­gov​/­coronavirus2019​/­.

35 ​Interview with a nursing home worker, August 27, 2020. The interview was conducted in confidentiality, and
the name of interviewee is withheld by mutual agreement.

36 ​Interview with a nursing home worker, August 27, 2020.

37 ​Interview with a nursing home worker, August 27, 2020.

38 ​HHS, “Initiatives to Address the Disparate Impact of COVID-19 on African Americans.”

39 ​Major Erin Velazquez (Commander, Urban Augmentation Medical Task Force 332-1, Army Reserve),
interview by Chelsea Berkey, September 4, 2020, audio, COVID-19 Oral History Collection, Hoover Institution,
Stanford, CA.

Hoover Institution  •  Stanford University


40 ​Bradley Bowman and Maj. Liane Zivitski, “America’s Military Goes to War against the Coronavirus,” Military
Times, April 26, 2020, https://­w ww​.­militarytimes​.­com​/­opinion​/­commentary​/­2020​/­0 4​/­26​/­americas​-­military​-­goes​

41 ​“US Army Mobilises Medical Task Forces for Communities Hit by Covid-19,” Army Technology, April 14, 2020,
https://­w ww​.­army​-­technology​.­com​/­news​/­us​-­army​-­task​-­forces​- ­covid​-­19​/­; US Army Public Affairs, “U.S. Army
Provides Medical Facilities to Support COVID-19 Efforts,” March 24, 2020, https://­w ww​.­army​.­mil​/­article​/­233944​
/­​?­from​= ­cv; Ryan Pickrell, “Trump Says the U.S. is ‘At War’ with the Coronavirus—Here’s What the Military Is
Bringing to the Fight,” Business Insider, March 18, 2020, https://­w ww​.­businessinsider​.­com​/­how​-­us​-­military​-­is​
-­helping​-­combat​-­coronavirus​-­covid​-­19 ​-­2020 ​-­3#transporting​-­critical​-­supplies​-­8.

42 ​James Hodgman, “Mobility Airmen Transport Medics, Supplies in COVID-19 Fight,” Defense News, US
Department of Defense, April 9, 2020, https://­w ww​.­defense​.­gov​/­Explore​/­Features​/­Story​/­Article​/­2144044​/­mobility​
-­airmen​-­transport​-­medics​-­supplies​-­in​-­covid​-­19​-­f ight​/­.

43 ​Joshua Rhett Miller, “Javits Center Hospital to Close after Treating Nearly 1,100 Patients during Coronavirus,”
New York Post, May 1, 2020, https://­nypost​.­com​/­2020​/­05​/­01​/­javits​- ­center​-­hospital​-­to​- ­close​-­after​-­treating​-­1000​

44 ​Traditional deployments of this time can take up to a year. Michael O’Guinn (Major General, Deputy Chief of
Army Reserve), interview by Chelsea Berkey, Ryan Brobst, and Kate Yeager, September 8, 2020, audio, COVID-19
Oral History Collection, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA.

45 ​Bowman and Zivitski, “America’s Military Goes to War against the Coronavirus.”

46 ​C. J. Lovelace, “Army Medical Maintenance Technicians Rush Ventilators from Tobyhanna to COVID-19 Fight,”
Pocono Record, April 14, 2020, https://­w ww​.­poconorecord​.­com​/­news​/­20200414​/­army​-­medical​-­maintenance​
-­technicians​-­rush​-­ventilators​-­from​-­tobyhanna​-­to​-­covid​-­19​-­f ight.

47 ​Matthew Boyle and Nathan Clark, “NC National Guard Sets Up COVID-19 Medical Support Shelter,” Air National
Guard, May 15, 2020, https://­w ww​.­ang​.­af​.­mil​/­Media​/­Article​-­Display​/­Article​/­2188219​/­nc​-­national​-­guard​-­sets​-­up​

48 ​Cody Stagner, “Kentucky National Guard Staffs Drive-thru COVID-19 Test Sites,” Guard News, National Guard,
June 25, 2020, https://­w ww​.­nationalguard​.­mil​/­News​/­Article​/­2232590​/­kentucky​-­national​-­guard​-­staffs​- ­drive​-­thru​

49 ​Laura Berry, “Massachusetts Guard Helps Process Unemployment Claims,” Guard News, National Guard,
June 25, 2020, https://­w ww​.­nationalguard​.­mil​/­News​/­Article​/­2232364​/­massachusetts​-­guard​-­helps​-­process​

50 ​Kasey Phipps, “Oklahoma Guard Supports Statewide COVID-19 Contact Tracing,” US Army, May 28, 2020,
https://­w ww​.­army​.­mil​/­article​/­236024​/­oklahoma​_­guard​_ ­supports​_ ­statewide​_­covid​_­19​_­contact ​_­tracing.

51 ​Oregon National Guard, “Oregon National Guard Completes PPE Mission,” Guard News, National Guard, June 24,
2020, https://­www​.­nationalguard​.­mil​/­News​/­Article​/­2230285​/­oregon​-­national​-­guard​-­completes​-­ppe​-­mission​/­.

52 ​Cassandra Mullins, “Kentucky National Guard Assisting with Primary Election,” Guard News, National Guard,
June 15, 2020, https://­w ww​.­nationalguard​.­mil​/­News​/­Article​/­2219449​/­kentucky​-­national​-­guard​-­assisting​-­with​

53 ​Brett Samuels, “Trump Authorizes Reduced Funding for National Guard Coronavirus Response through
2020,” The Hill, August 3, 2020, https://­thehill​.­com​/­homenews​/­administration​/­510381​-­trump​-­authorizes​-­reduced​

54 ​“N.Y. Virus Deaths Double in Three Days to Almost 3,000,” New York Times, April 3, 2020, https://­w ww​.­nytimes​
.­com​/­2020​/­0 4​/­03​/­nyregion​/­coronavirus​-­ny​-­updates​.­html.

H. R. McMaster et al.  •  Preparing for the Next Pandemic


55 ​Nicole Hong, “Volunteers Rushed to Help New York Hospitals. They Found a Bottleneck,” New York Times,
April 8, 2020, https://­w ww​.­nytimes​.­com​/­2020​/­0 4​/­08​/­nyregion​/­coronavirus​-­new​-­york​-­volunteers​.­html.

56 ​US Civilian Corps, “COVID-19 Response and Resources,” https://­w ww​.­usciviliancorps​.­org​/­covid​-­19​/­.

57 ​Sydne Enlund and Iris Hentze, “Mitigating Health Workforce Barriers During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” National
Conference of State Legislatures Blog, March 27, 2020, https://­w ww​.­ncsl​.­org​/­blog​/­2020​/­03​/­27​/­mitigating​-­health​
-­workforce ​-­barriers​-­during​-­the​-­covid​-­19 ​-­pandemic​.­aspx.

58 ​“Uniform Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioners Act,” American College of Surgeons, https://­w ww​.­facs​.­org​

59 ​“U.S. States and Territories Expediting Licensure for Inactive/Retired Licensees in Response to COVID-19,”
Federation of State Medical Boards, https://­w ww​.­fsmb​.­org​/­siteassets​/­advocacy​/­pdf​/­states​- ­expediting​-­licensure​

60 ​US Citizenship and Immigration Services, “Policy Memorandum: Temporary Policy Changes for Certain
Foreign Medical Graduates During the COVID-19 National Emergency,” https://­w ww​.­uscis​.­gov​/­sites​/­default​/­f iles​
/­document​/­memos​/­PM​- ­602​- ­0178 ​_­​- ­COVID19MedicalGraduatesMemo​_­Final​_­CLEAN​.­pdf.

61 ​“The Conrad State 30 J1 Waiver Program,” Conrad30, http://­w ww​.­conrad30​.­com​/­basics​.­html.

62 ​“Interprofessional Education Homepage,” University of Washington Health Sciences Administration, http://­


63 ​“Interprofessional Education,” University of Michigan Medical School, https://­medicine​.­umich​.­edu​/­medschool​

/­education​/­md​-­program​/­curriculum​/­longitudinal​-­learning ​/­interprofessional​-­education.

64 ​“Adapting IPE During COVID-19,” Center for Health Interprofessional Practice and Education, University of
Texas at Austin, https://­healthipe​.­utexas​.­edu​/­adapting​-­ipe​- ­during​- ­covid​-­19.

65 ​Hong, “Volunteers Rushed to Help New York Hospitals.”

66 ​Ben Conarck, “Miami’s Jackson Health System Faces Another Threat: Headhunters Trying to Poach its Staff,”
Miami Herald, April 19, 2020, https://­w ww​.­miamiherald​.­com​/­news​/­health​- ­care​/­article242121511​.­html.

67 ​Lydia DePillis, Mike Spies, Joshua Kaplan, Kyle Edwards, and Caroline Chen, “Here’s Why Florida Got All the
Emergency Medical Supplies It Requested While Other States Did Not,” ProPublica, March 20, 2020,​​

68 ​“Coronavirus Disease 2019 Frequently Asked Questions About ‘Strike Teams,’ ” Maryland Department of
Health, June 5, 2020, https://­phpa​.­health​.­maryland​.­gov​/­Documents​/­FAQ​_­covid19​_ ­strike​_­teams​.­pdf.

69 ​US Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Employment Situation News Release,” news release, May 8, 2020, https://­
www​.­bls​.­gov​/­news​.­release​/­archives​/­empsit ​_­05082020​.­htm.

70 ​Lindsey Grewe, “34 Colorado Nurses Deploying to New Jersey for Battle Against COVID-19,” KKTV 11 News,
April 21, 2020, https://­w ww​.­kktv​.­com​/­content​/­news​/­34​- ­Colorado​-­nurses​- ­deploying​-­to​-­New​-­Jersey​-­for​-­battle​
-­against​- ­COVID ​-­19 ​-­569814231​.­html.

71 ​National Academy for State Health Policy, “State Approaches to Contact Tracing during the COVID-19
Pandemic,” August 31, 2020, https://­w ww​.­nashp​.­org​/­state​-­approaches​-­to​- ­contact​-­tracing​- ­covid​-­19​/­.

72 ​Olga Khazan, “The Most American COVID-19 Failure Yet,” The Atlantic, August 31, 2020, https://­w ww​.­theatlantic​
.­com​/­politics​/­archive​/­2020​/­08​/­contact​-­tracing​-­hr​- ­6666 ​-­working​-­us​/­615637​/­.

73 ​CDC, “CDC COVID Data Tracker,” https://­covid​.­cdc​.­gov​/­covid​- ­data​-­tracker​/­#cases.

Hoover Institution  •  Stanford University


74 ​Heesu Lee, “These Elite Contact Tracers Show the World How to Beat Covid-19,” Bloomberg, July 25, 2020,
https://­w ww​.­bloomberg​.­com​/­news​/­articles​/­2020 ​- ­07​-­25​/­these​-­elite​-­contact​-­tracers​-­show​-­the​-­world​-­how​-­to​-­beat​

75 ​Elizabeth Kolbert, “How Iceland Beat the Coronavirus,” New Yorker, June 1, 2020, https://­w ww​.­newyorker​.­com​
/­magazine​/­2020​/­06​/­08​/­how​-­iceland​-­beat​-­the​- ­coronavirus.

76 ​Katie Kenny and Steve Kilgallon, “Coronavirus Contact Tracing: Are We Seeing the Benefits of Promised
Improvements?,” Stuff, August 14, 2020, https://­w ww​.­stuff​.­co​.­nz​/­national​/­health​/­coronavirus​/­122433365​

77 ​Joseph Wilson, “Contact Tracing Falters in Barcelona amid Virus Spike,” Associated Press, July 21, 2020,

78 ​Selena Simmons-Duffin, “Coronavirus Cases Are Surging. The Contact Tracing Workforce Is Not,” NPR,
August 7, 2020, https://­w ww​.­npr​.­org​/­sections​/­health​-­shots​/­2020​/­08​/­07​/­899954832​/­coronavirus​- ­cases​-­are​
-­surging​-­the​- ­contact​-­tracing​-­workforce​-­is​-­not; “Contact Tracing Workforce Estimator,” Fitzhugh Mullan Institute
for Health Workforce Equity, George Washington University, https://­w ww​.­g whwi​.­org​/­estimator​- ­613404​.­html.

79 ​“Contact Tracing Workforce Estimator.”

80 ​Simmons-Duffin, “Coronavirus Cases Are Surging.”

81 ​Mirjam E. Kretzschmar, Ganna Rozhnova, Martin C. J. Bootsma, Michiel van Boven, Janneke H. H. M. van de
Wijgert, and Marc J. M. Bonten, “Impact of Delays on Effectiveness of Contact Tracing Strategies for COVID-19:
A Modelling Study,” Lancet Public Health 5, no. 8 (July 2020):E452-E459, https://­doi​.­org ​/­10​.­1016​/­S2468​

82 ​For local guidelines on the speed of contact tracing, see “Metrics Overview,” COVID Local, July 2020, https://­

83 ​Dan Gelber, “Miami Beach Mayor: Level of Contact Tracing ‘Obscenely Low,’ ” interview by Anderson Cooper,
360, CNN, July 28, 2020, audio, https://­w ww​.­cnn​.­com​/­videos​/­health​/­2020​/­07​/­28​/­miami​-­beach​-­mayor​-­gelber​
-­contact​-­tracing​-­ac360​-­vpx​.­cnn; For DC data, see Steve Thompson, “Contact Tracing Is a Race. But Few U.S. States
Say How Fast They’re Running,” Washington Post, July 4, 2020, https://­w ww​.­washingtonpost​.­com​/­local​/­contact​
-­tracing​-­metrics​/­2020​/­07​/­0 4​/­da7d2812​-­bae4 ​-­11ea​-­bdaf​-­a129f921026f​_ ­story​.­html.

84 ​Kretzschmar et al., “Impact of Delays on Effectiveness of Contact Tracing Strategies.”

85 ​Sarah Holder, “Contact Tracing Is Having a Trust Crisis,” Bloomberg CityLab, August 12, 2020, https://­​
www​.­bloomberg​.­com​/­news​/­articles​/­2020 ​- ­08​-­12​/­why​-­are​-­americans​-­so​-­uneasy​-­about​-­contact​-­tracing; Sharon
Otterman, “N.Y.C. Hired 3,000 Workers for Contact Tracing. It’s Off to a Slow Start,” New York Times, June 21, 2020,
https://­w ww​.­nytimes​.­com​/­2020​/­06​/­21​/­nyregion​/­nyc​-­contact​-­tracing​.­html.

86 ​On overall poor contact tracing outreach, see Benjamin Lesser, Dan Levine, Jaimi Dowdell, and Andrea
Januta, “Special Report: Local Governments ‘Overwhelmed’ in Race to Trace U.S. COVID Contacts,” Reuters,
August 4, 2020, https://­w ww​.­reuters​.­com​/­article​/­us​-­health​-­coronavirus​-­tracing​-­specialrep​/­special​-­report​-­local​
-­governments​- ­overwhelmed​-­in​-­race​-­to​-­trace​-­u​-­s​- ­covid​- ­contacts​-­idUSKCN2501GK; On Maryland, see Steinhauer
and Goodnough, “Contact Tracing Is Failing in Many States.”

87 ​On the refusal of cooperation in Texas, see Ari Shapiro and Maureen Pao, “California and Texas Health
Officials: Mistrust a Major Hurdle for Contact Tracers,” NPR, August 10, 2020, https://­w ww​.­npr​.­org ​/­sections​
/­coronavirus​-­live​-­updates​/­2020​/­08​/­10​/­9 01064505​/­california​-­and​-­texas​-­health​-­officials​-­on​-­challenges​-­they​
-­face​-­in​- ­contact​-­tracing; Jaimie Julia Winters, “COVID-19: Numbers on the Rise, Residents Not Cooperating
with Contact Tracers,” Montclair Local, August 14, 2020, https://­w ww​.­montclairlocal​.­news​/­2020​/­08​/­14​/­covid​
-­19 ​-­numbers​- ­on​-­the ​-­rise ​-­residents​-­not​- ­cooperating​-­with​- ­contact​-­tracers​/­; David Downey and Ryan Carter,
“Inland Contact Tracers Struggle to Get Cooperation from Coronavirus Patients,” Press-Enterprise, July 20,

H. R. McMaster et al.  •  Preparing for the Next Pandemic


2020, https://­w ww​.­pe​.­com​/­2020​/­07​/­20​/­inland​-­contact​-­tracers​-­s truggle​-­to​-­get​-­cooperation​-­from​-­coronavirus​


88 ​On Philadelphia, see Michael Tanenbaum, “Many COVID-19 Patients Aren’t ‘Totally Truthful’ with Philly’s
Contact Tracers, Health Commissioner Says,” PhillyVoice, August 13, 2020, https://­w ww​.­phillyvoice​.­com​/­philly​

89 ​On the Seattle quarantine failure, see “Only 1 in 5 isolating when COVID symptoms develop, King County
says,” KOMO News, June 26, 2020, https://­komonews​.­com​/­news​/­coronavirus​/­only​-­1​-­in​-­5 ​-­isolating​-­when​- ­covid​

90 ​Elise Thomas and Cooper Gatewood, “Contact Tracing Under Siege: Conspiracy Theories and Violent Threats
Seek to Undermine America’s Safe Return to Normality,” ISD Global, June 5, 2020, https://­w ww​.­isdglobal​.­org​/­wp​

91 ​Brooke Auxier, “How Americans See Digital Privacy Issues amid the COVID-19 Outbreak,” Pew Research Center,
May 4, 2020, https://­w ww​.­pewresearch​.­org​/­fact​-­tank​/­2020​/­05​/­0 4​/­how​-­americans​-­see​- ­digital​-­privacy​-­issues​
-­amid​-­the​-­covid​-­19 ​-­outbreak​/­.

92 ​Sam Biddle, “The Inventors of Bluetooth Say There Could Be Problems Using Their Tech for Coronavirus
Contact Tracing,” The Intercept, May 5, 2020, https://­theintercept​.­com​/­2020​/­05​/­05​/­coronavirus​-­bluetooth​- ­contact​

93 ​“Contact Tracing,” Harvard University, https://­w ww​.­harvard​.­edu​/­coronavirus​/­testing​-­tracing ​/­contact​


94 ​“COVID-19 update: Mask requirements, testing strategy and contact tracing,” Ohio State University, https://­

95 ​Sean O’Kane, “How Ford, GM, FCA, and Tesla Are Bringing Back Factory Workers,” The Verge, May 22, 2020,
https://­w ww​.­theverge​.­com​/­2020​/­5​/­22​/­21266240​/­ford​-­general​-­motors​-­f iat​-­tesla​-­reopen​-­playbook​-­testing​-­covid​

96 ​Caroline Humer, “Over Half of U.S. Companies Plan Virus Contact Tracing for Employees: Survey,” Reuters,
July 22, 2020, https://­w ww​.­reuters​.­com​/­article​/­us​-­health​- ­coronavirus​-­usa​- ­contacttracing​/­over​-­half​- ­of​-­u​-­s​

97 ​“Employment in the United States from 2010 to 2020,” Statista, https://­w ww​.­statista​.­com​/­statistics​/­269959​
/­employment​-­in​-­the​-­united​-­states​/­; “Back to School Statistics,” Fast Facts, National Center for Education
Statistics, https://­nces​.­ed​.­gov​/­fastfacts​/­display​.­asp​?­id​=­372.

98 ​Joe Wilson (Cofounder, C19 Coalition), interview by Ziyi Wang, September 9, 2020, audio, COVID-19 Oral
History Collection, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA.

99 ​On the responsibilities of contact tracers to offer support to contacts, see Jennifer Steinhauer and
Abby Goodnough, “Contact Tracing Is Failing in Many States. Here’s Why,” New York Times, July 31, 2020, https://­
www​.­nytimes​.­com​/­2020​/­07​/­31​/­health​/­covid​- ­contact​-­tracing​-­tests​.­html.

100 ​Kretzschmar et al., “Impact of Delays on Effectiveness of Contact Tracing Strategies.”

101 ​A study published in JAMA, a survey of HCWs in Tokyo, found that over 40% of nurses and over 30% of
radiologists and pharmacists met the criteria for burnout. Takahiro Matsuo, Daiki Kobayashi, Fumika Taki, Fumie
Sakamoto, Yuki Uehara, Nobuyoshi Mori, and Tsuguya Fukui, “Prevalence of Health Care Worker Burnout During
the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic in Japan,” JAMA Network Open 3, no. 8 (2020), https://­doi​.­org​
/­10​.­1001​/­jamanetworkopen​.­2020​.­17271; for stories from New York and Texas, American Medical Association, see
Andis Robeznieks, “How the Pandemic Casts Physician Burnout in New Light,” Physician Health, AMA, July 23,
2020, https://­w ww​.­ama​-­assn​.­org ​/­practice​-­management​/­physician​-­health​/­how​-­pandemic​-­casts​-­physician​

Hoover Institution  •  Stanford University


102 ​Gert Volmer, “Nurse Burnout in the Wake of COVID-19 Can Cost up to $137B,” Feedtrail, April 13, 2020, https://­

103 ​Gert Volmer, “Second Nationwide Survey Highlighting the Importance of Enhancing Nurse Well-being,” press
release, Feedtrail, May 20, 2020, https://­w ww​.­feedtrail​.­com​/­press​-­release​-­second​-­nationwide​-­survey​-­highlighting​
-­the​-­importance​- ­of​- ­enhancing​-­nurse​-­well​-­being​/­.

104 ​“The Physicians Foundation 2020 Physician Survey: Part 2,” Physicians Foundation, September 17,
2020, https://­physiciansfoundation​.­org ​/­research​-­insights​/­the​-­physicians​-­foundation​-­2020 ​-­physician​-­survey​

105 ​“Emergency Preparedness and Response | Safety and Health Guides - Critical Incident Stress Guide,”
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), US Department of Labor, https://­w ww​.­osha​.­gov​/­SLTC​

106 ​For example, three thousand nurses in New York filed three lawsuits against the state and two hospitals
over the lack of proper protection for hospital staff. Carl Ginsburg, “NYS Nurses Association Files Three Lawsuits
to Protect Nurses Health and Safety,” New York State Nurses Association, April 20, 2020, https://­w ww​.­nysna​.­org​
/­press​/­2020​/­nys​-­nurses​-­association​-­f iles​-­three​-­lawsuits​-­protect​-­nurses​-­health​-­and​-­safety#​.­X0FLMdNKjBX.

107 ​“Critical Incident Stress Guide,” OSHA.

108 ​“Community Emergency Response Team: Unit 7 Disaster Psychology,” FEMA Training,​

109 ​“Assessment of Stress and Resilience Issues Affecting USAID Personnel in High Operational Stress
Environments,” Greenleaf Integrative Strategies, September 2015, https://­w ww​.­greenleafintegrative​.­com​/­wp​
- ­content​/­uploads​/­2018​/­06​/­2015 ​- ­Greenleaf​-­USAID ​-­Report​-­and​-­Executive ​-­Summary​-­Report​.­pdf.

110 ​“Early Release of Selected Mental Health Estimates Based on Data from the January–June 2019 National
Health Interview Survey,” news release, National Center for Health Statistics, May 2020, https://­w ww​.­cdc​.­gov​

111 ​“Anxiety and Depression: Household Pulse Survey,” CDC, September 23, 2020, https://­w ww​.­cdc​.­gov​/­nchs​

112 ​Seth Thomas Gulledge, “Pandemic’s heavy toll on mental health highlighted in UNC study,” Triangle
Business Journal, June 29, 2020, https://­w ww​.­bizjournals​.­com​/­triangle​/­news​/­2020​/­06​/­29​/­unc​-­study​-­reveals​-­the​
-­psychological​-­toll​- ­of​-­2020​.­html.

113 ​The White House, National Security Strategy of the United States of America, December 2017, 21, https://­
www​.­whitehouse​.­gov​/­wp​-­content​/­uploads​/­2017​/­12​/­NSS​-­Final​-­12​-­18​-­2017​- ­0905​.­pdf.

114 ​“President Donald J. Trump Has Led A Historic Mobilization To Combat The Coronavirus,” Fact Sheets, White
House, April 14, 2020, https://­w ww​.­whitehouse​.­gov​/­briefings​-­statements​/­president​- ­donald​-­j​-­trump​-­led​-­historic​

115 ​“Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report on COVID-19 Demonstrates Essential Role of the Private Sector,”
Research, Edelman, https://­w ww​.­edelman​.­com​/­research​/­edelman​-­trust​-­covid​-­19​-­demonstrates​-­essential​-­role​-­of​

116 ​“Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority,” Medical Countermeasures, Biomedical

Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), https://­medicalcountermeasures​.­gov​/­barda​/­barda​

117 ​“Request a CoronaWatch Meeting,” Medical Countermeasures, https://­medicalcountermeasures​.­gov​/­Request​


H. R. McMaster et al.  •  Preparing for the Next Pandemic


118 ​“COVID-19 EZ BAA,” Division of Research, Innovation, and Ventures (DRIVe), HHS, https://­drive​.­hhs​.­gov​

119 ​“Coronavirus Treatment Acceleration Program (CTAP),” Drugs, US Food & Drug Administration, https://­w ww​
.­fda​.­gov​/­drugs​/­coronavirus​- ­covid​-­19 ​- ­drugs​/­coronavirus​-­treatment​-­acceleration​-­program​- ­ctap.

120 ​“Fact Sheet: Explaining Operation Warp Speed,” Coronavirus Home, HHS, https://­w ww​.­hhs​.­gov​/­about​/­news​
/­2020​/­06​/­16​/­fact​-­sheet​- ­explaining​- ­operation​-­warp​-­speed​.­html.

121 ​Mike Colias, “Ford Rethinks the Office, Betting That Work Will Be Partly Remote Longer-Term,” Wall
Street Journal, August 26, 2020, https://­w ww​.­wsj​.­com​/­articles​/­ford​-­gears​-­up​-­for​-­the​-­post​-­pandemic​- ­office​

122 ​On tech companies’ repurposing of resources, see Georg von Krogh, Burcu Kucukkeles, and Shiko M. Ben-
Menahem, “Lessons in Rapid Innovation From the COVID-19 Pandemic,” MIT Sloan Management Review 61, no. 4
(June 2020), https://­sloanreview​.­mit​.­edu​/­article​/­lessons​-­in​-­rapid​-­innovation​-­from​-­the​- ­covid​-­19​-­pandemic​/­; On
other companies’ shift in production, “What We’ve Learned From Reviewing 1,000+ COVID Innovations,” COVID
Innovations, https://­w ww​.­covidinnovations​.­com​/­lessons​-­learned.

123 ​Facebook & Small Business Roundtable, “State of Small Business Report,” Data for Good, Facebook,
May 2020, https://­dataforgood​.­fb​.­com//­wp​- ­content​/­uploads​/­2020​/­05​/­SMBReport​.­pdf.

124 ​Laura Wronski, “CNBC|SurveyMonkey Small Business Index Q2 2020,” Resources, SurveyMonkey, https://­

125  For example, see “Undeterred Capital,” Undeterred Capital,

126 ​“COVID-19: Local Action tracker,” Bloomberg Philanthropies Project, National League of Cities, https://­

127 ​On Telehealth discretion during COVID, “Notification of Enforcement Discretion for Telehealth Remote
Communications During the COVID-19 Nationwide Public Health Emergency,” Health Information Privacy, HHS,
https://­w ww​.­hhs​.­gov​/­hipaa​/­for​-­professionals​/­special​-­topics​/­emergency​-­preparedness​/­notification​-­enforcement​

128 ​For civil liberties and public health, see L. O. Gostin and J. G. Hodge, “U.S. Emergency Legal Responses to
Novel Coronavirus: Balancing Public Health and Civil Liberties,” JAMA 323, no. 12 (2020):1131–32, https://­doi​.­org​
/­10​.­1001​/­jama​.­2020​.­2025; David M. Studdert and Mark A. Hall, “Disease Control, Civil Liberties, and Mass Testing —
Calibrating Restrictions during the Covid-19 Pandemic,” New England Journal of Medicine 383, no. 2 (2020):102–4,
https://­doi​.­org ​/­10​.­1056​/­NEJMp2007637.

129 ​Craig Montuori (Cofounder, C19 Coalition), interview by Carter Clelland and Ziyi Wang, September 10, 2020,
audio, COVID-19 Oral History Collection, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA.

130 ​For instance, while new tests require validation, the FDA process required five. Early in the outbreak, labs
struggled to obtain the positive samples (from virus RNA copies or infected patients) necessary to provide the
validation data. Michael D. Shear, Abby Goodnough, Sheila Kaplan, Sheri Fink, Katie Thomas, and Noah Weiland,
“The Lost Month: How a Failure to Test Blinded the U.S. to COVID-19,” New York Times, March 28, 2020, https://­
www​.­nytimes​.­com​/­2020​/­03​/­28​/­us​/­testing​- ­coronavirus​-­pandemic​.­html; Sheri Fink and Mike Baker, “  ‘It’s Just
Everywhere Already’: How Delays in Testing Set Back the U.S. Coronavirus Response,” New York Times, March 10,
2020, https://­w ww​.­nytimes​.­com​/­2020​/­03​/­10​/­us​/­coronavirus​-­testing​- ­delays​.­html​­; Caroline Chen, Marshall Allen,
Lexi Churchill, and Isaac Arnsdorf, “Key Missteps at the CDC Have Set Back Its Ability to Detect the Potential
Spread of Coronavirus,” ProPublica, February 28, 2020, https://­w ww​.­propublica​.­org ​/­article​/­cdc​-­coronavirus​

Hoover Institution  •  Stanford University


131 ​For instance, though Stanford University had a working test by February, its discouraged researchers noted
that they did not even try to win FDA approval on their test. The Stanford clinical lab only began testing in early
March, after the FDA relaxed approval processes for high-complexity labs. Shear et al., “The Lost Month.”

132 ​The policy “only applies to laboratories that are certified to perform high-complexity testing consistent
with requirements under Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments.” US Food & Drug Administration (FDA),
“Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Issues New Policy to Help Expedite Availability of Diagnostics,” news
release, February 29, 2020, https://­w ww​.­fda​.­gov​/­news​- ­events​/­press​-­announcements​/­coronavirus​- ­covid​-­19​
-­update ​-­fda​-­issues​-­new​-­policy​-­help​-­expedite​-­availability​-­diagnostics.

133 ​These labs must still validate their tests and submit a completed EUA within 15 business days of notifying the
FDA of their validation completion. “If any problems are significant and cannot be addressed in a timely manner,
FDA would expect the laboratory to stop testing and issue corrected test reports indicating prior results may not
be accurate. In such circumstances, FDA intends to remove the laboratory from the website listing of notifications.”
Issued EUAs are posted on FDA’s website: FDA, “FDA Issues New Policy to Help Expedite Availability of Diagnostics.”

134 ​“Top Suppliers of Medical Testing Kits,” Thomas Industry Update, Thomas, https://­w ww​.­thomasnet​.­com​

135 ​Robert P. Baird, “Why Widespread Coronavirus Testing Isn’t Coming Anytime Soon,” New Yorker, March 24, 2020,

136 ​FDA, “Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Provides More Regulatory Relief During Outbreak, Continues to
Help Expedite Availability of Diagnostics,” news release, March 16, 2020, https://­w ww​.­fda​.­gov​/­news​- ­events​/­press​

137 ​FDA, “Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Issues Emergency Use Authorization to Yale School of Public
Health for SalivaDirect, Which Uses a New Method of Saliva Sample Processing,” news release, August 15, 2020,
https://­w ww​.­fda​.­gov​/­news​-­events​/­press​-­announcements​/­coronavirus​-­covid​-­19​-­update​-­fda​-­issues​-­emergency​

138 ​Baird, “Why Widespread Coronavirus Testing Isn’t Coming”; Katie Thomas, Sarah Kliff, and Nicholas Bogel-
Burroughs, “With Test Kits in Short Supply, Health Officials Sound Alarms,” New York Times, March 6, 2020,
https://­w ww​.­nytimes​.­com​/­2020​/­03​/­06​/­health​/­testing​- ­coronavirus​.­html.

139 ​Christopher Weaver and Rebecca Ballhaus, “Coronavirus Testing Hampered by Disarray, Shortages,
Backlogs,” Wall Street Journal, April 19, 2020, https://­w ww​.­wsj​.­com​/­articles​/­coronavirus​-­testing​-­hampered​-­by​

140 ​For a comparison with the European Union in leveraging mobile phone data during COVID, see European
Parliament, “Use of smartphone data to manage COVID-19 must respect EU data protection rules,” news release
no. 20200406IPR76604, July 4, 2020, https://­w ww​.­europarl​.­europa​.­eu​/­news​/­en​/­press​-­room​/­20200406IPR76604​

141 ​For an example of a normative framework on data sharing in COVID, see Virginia Gewin, “Six Tips for Data
Sharing in the Age of the Coronavirus,” Career Feature, Nature, May 28, 2020, https://­w ww​.­nature​.­com​/­articles​

142 ​Joe Wilson interview, September 9, 2020.

143 ​“Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Fact Sheet,” Educational Resources, National Human Genome Research
Institute, https://­w ww​.­genome​.­gov​/­about​-­genomics​/­fact​-­sheets​/­Polymerase​- ­Chain​-­Reaction​-­Fact​-­Sheet.

144 ​Yen Pottinger, interview by Carter Clelland and Ziyi Wang, September 18, 2020, audio, COVID-19 Oral History
Collection, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA; Howard Forman (Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging,
Economics, and Public Health [Health Policy], Yale School of Management), interview by Maha Al-Fahim, Carter

H. R. McMaster et al.  •  Preparing for the Next Pandemic


Clelland, and Ziyi Wang, August 19, 2020, audio, COVID-19 Oral History Collection, Hoover Institution, Stanford,
CA; Martin Zizi (Founder and CEO, Aerendir Mobile Inc, Former CSO and Former Chief of Epidemiology and
Biostats and Chair of Bioethical Committee, Belgian Department of Defense), interview by Carter Clelland and Ziyi
Wang, September 18, 2020, audio COVID-19 Oral History Collection, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA.

145 ​“Coronavirus Testing Basics,” Consumer Updates, FDA, https://­w ww​.­fda​.­gov​/­consumers​/­consumer​-­updates​


146 ​Yen Pottinger interview, September 18, 2020.

147 ​World Health Organization, “Antigen-detection in the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection using rapid
immunoassays: Interim guidance,” WHO Publications, September 11, 2020, 2, https://­w ww​.­who​.­int​/­publications​/­i​

148 ​Quan-Xin Long, Xiao-Jun Tang, Qiu-Lin Shi, Qin Li, Hai-Jun Deng, Jun Yuan, Jie-Li Hu et al., “Clinical and
Immunological A‑ssessment of Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections,” Nature Medicine 26 (August 2020):1200–
1204, https://­doi​.­org​/­10​.­1038​/­s 41591​- ­020​- ­0965​- ­6; F. Javier Ibarrondo, Jennifer A. Fulcher, David Goodman-Meza,
Julie Elliott, Christian Hofmann, Mary A. Hausner, Kathie G. Ferbas, Nicole H. Tobin, Grace M. Aldrovandi, and
Otto O. Yang, “Rapid Decay of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Persons with Mild Covid-19,” letter to the editor, New
England Journal of Medicine 383, no. 11 (September 2020):1085–87, https://­doi​.­org ​/­10​.­1056​/­NEJMc2025179.

149 ​Christian Ihling, Dirk Tänzler, Sven Hagemann, Astrid Kehlen, Stefan Hüttelmaier, Christian Arlt, and Andrea
Sinz, “Mass Spectrometric Identification of SARS-CoV-2 Proteins from Gargle Solution Samples of COVID-19
Patients,” Journal of Proteome Research (June 2020), https://­doi​.­org ​/­10​.­1021​/­acs​.­jproteome​.­0c00280.

150 ​Angela Sunjaya and Anthony P. Sunjaya, “Pooled Testing for Expanding COVID-19 Mass Surveillance,” Disaster
Medicine and Public Health Preparedness (July 2020):1–2. https://­doi​.­org​/­10​.­1017​/­dmp​.­2020​.­246; F. Regen, N.
Eren, I. Heuser, J. Hellmann-Regen, “A Simple Approach to Optimum Pool Size for Pooled SARS-CoV-2 Testing,”
International Journal of Infectious Diseases (August 2020), https://­doi​.­org​/­10​.­1016​/­j​.­ijid​.­2020​.­08​.­063.

151 ​Jonathan J. Deeks, Jacqueline Dinnes, Yemisi Takwoingi, Clare Davenport, René Spijker, Sian Taylor-Phillips,
Ada Adriano et al., “Antibody Tests for Identification of Current and Past Infection with SARS-CoV-2,” Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews no. 6 (2020), https://­doi​.­org​/­10​.­1002​/­14651858​.­CD013652.

152 ​Martin Zizi, Guiseppe Tritto, Andreas Hieke, Kaarle Parikka, and Patrick Fransen, “Coronavirus Crisis (SARS-
CoV2): COVID19 (The Disease That Is Caused by SARS-CoV2) Data Analysis, Data Assessment, Data Review,” Report
Resources, June 9, 2020,

153 ​Yen Pottinger interview, September 18, 2020.

154 ​Gypsyamber D’Souza and David Dowdy, “What Is Herd Immunity and How Can We Achieve It with COVID-19?,”
COVID-19—School of Public Health Expert Insights, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, April 10,
2020, https://­w ww​.­jhsph​.­edu​/­covid​-­19​/­articles​/­achieving​-­herd​-­immunity​-­with​-­covid19​.­html.

155 ​Martin Zizi interview, September 18, 2020.

156 ​HHS and US Department of Defense, “From the Factory to the Frontlines: The Operation Warp Speed Strategy
for Distributing a COVID-19 Vaccine,” https://­w ww​.­hhs​.­gov​/­sites​/­default​/­f iles​/­strategy​-­for​- ­distributing​- ­covid​-­19​

157 ​In multiple COVID-19 Clinical Rounds, clinicians indicated that adequate PPE was, among many factors, the
most important factor supporting their response to the pandemic. “Session Information,” Project Echo, HHS
ASPR, University of New Mexico School of Medicine,​

158 ​Brian Wong, “China’s Mask Diplomacy,” The Diplomat, March 25, 2020, https://­thediplomat​.­com​/­2020​/­03​
/­chinas​-­mask​- ­diplomacy​/­.

Hoover Institution  •  Stanford University


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About the Editors Synopsis
The medical response to COVID-19 was
hampered in speed and effectiveness by
obstacles to effective coordination across
federal agencies, between local, state, and
federal governments, and among public
and private-sector organizations. Drawing
on interviews with practitioners and open-
source research, this report describes those
obstacles and recommends policies and
H. R. McMaster is the Fouad and Noah Sheinbaum is a cofounder
actions to help overcome them and improve
Michelle Ajami Senior Fellow at of US Civilian Corps. Having led
our nation’s response to this pandemic as
the Hoover Institution. He was organizational change efforts
the twenty-sixth assistant to the across public and private sectors, he well as future biomedical crises.
president for National Security currently leads the Air and Space
Contributors: Sophia Boyer, Ryan Brobst, Kelsi
Affairs. businesses for Rebellion Defense.
Caywood, Carter Clelland, Hannah Delaney,
Maha Al-Fahim, William Healzer, Haruka Ito,
Ziyi Wang, Kate Yeager


Sammy Semwangu is a cofounder Kennon Kincaid serves on the Board
of US Civilian Corps. With over a of US Civilian Corps. After working
decade of experience in national as a US diplomat and at Rocket Lab,
security, he is the CEO of Bazze & Kincaid is now the chief operating
Company. officer at Odgers Berndtson (US).

Chelsea Berkey is chief of staff
and research coordinator to H. R.
McMaster at the Hoover Institution.
She specializes in international
security and received her master’s in
international policy from Stanford.

Hoover Institution, Stanford University Hoover Institution in Washington

434 Galvez Mall The Johnson Center
Stanford, CA 94305-6003 1399 New York Avenue NW, Suite 500
650-723-1754 Washington, DC 20005

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